Chlamydia Transmission, Examination, Treatment

The pathophysiologic instruments of chlamydial contagion are not implicit comprehensively. Chlamydia contaminates columnar epithelial cells that put the pubescent woman at actual danger due to the occurrence of the squamocolumnar intersection on the ectocervix waiting for the premature maturity. The original reaction of epithelial cells to the contagion is a...

Anemia Diagnosis Case: Symptoms and Laboratory Tests

Introduction: Description of the case and diagnosis According to the case study, Ms. A, who is 26 years old, experiences shortness of breath and dizziness and lacks energy. During one of the golf games, she had to go to the hospital due to the increasing intensity of the symptoms described...

Value-Based Reimbursement Policy in Healthcare

Introduction Modern healthcare administration might be requiring some serious reforms due to its occasional inefficiency and ineffectiveness. One of the critical issues to reconsider appears to be a reimbursement approach. Being relatively innovative for the healthcare, value-based reimbursement policy imposed by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare is aimed to...

Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment in Nursing

Introduction The role of nurses in the current institutions of healthcare is changing very rapidly and they need to adapt to these changes. Nurses are currently expected to make critical decisions when it comes to managing patients. This requires that they have proper clinical judgment skills that will ensure that...

Qualitative vs Quantitative Research in Humanities

The choice of the research approach depends on the goals set and the questions to be answered. The two approaches are based on two quite different philosophical paradigms. In terms of the qualitative philosophical view, it is believed that there are multiple realities, which creates various contexts that should be...

Lupus: Presumptive Nursing Diagnosis and Care

Introduction The patient is Mary, a 35-year old female who works as an electrical engineer. She arrived with the rash that has been on her face and the bridge of her nose for one week. According to Mary, her rash first became noticeable during the hiking trip in the Appalachians....

Divorce Impact on Child-Rearing Styles

The impact of divorce or separation on child-rearing styles can be different, depending on various factors such as sex, age, education level, relationships with the child, and social background. For example, more highly educated fathers who are divorced are more likely to have an authoritative parenting style (Bastaits, Ponnet, Van...

“The Edges of the Civilized Word” by A. Deming

Brief summary of the chapter In the chapter, The Edges of the Civilized World, the narrator is a disturbed journalist who is concerned by the harmful interaction between mankind and wild animals. The narrator is not amused by the supposed fun that mankind enjoys at the expense of comfort and...

Postpartum Depression: Methods for the Prevention

Introduction Postpartum depression is a pressing clinical problem that affects new mothers, infants, and other family members. According to O’Hara and McCabe (2013), the estimated prevalence of postpartum depression ranges between 13 and 19 percent. There is a variety of risk factors that can affect the development of postpartum depression...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Talent Development Programs and Levels of Service

The Executive Summary Mike has designed a graphic that will aid in illustrating the level of services approach. According to Mike, different levels of service should be used to address individual needs of students in grades k-12. The levels of service are designed in such as way the individual needs...

Cataract: Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

Assessment Subjective The subjective assessment of the patient does not provide much food for thought since the customer denies being under the impact of any harmful factors outside of occasional smoking. Objective The assessment of the factors that may have affected the patient’s health and triggered the development of the...

Ethic-of-Care and Ethic-of-Justice in Healthcare

Ethics-of-care and ethic-of-justice are the two approaches that are applied by health care providers in their practice, especially in ethical dilemmas. Among the non-interprofessional behaviors that may affect the mentioned approaches, one may note a lack of collaboration, disintegrated care, and negligence to colleagues’ actions and inquiries. While some nurses...

Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory and Learning

Social Learning Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory claims that the acquisition of knowledge is directly related to the observation of others within the context of experiences, social interactions, and other outside influences. Basically, the theory highlights the significance of observational learning, modeling, and imitation. Thus, when people observe the performance and...

Employee Performance Evaluation Challenges

Introduction Employee evaluation is one of the most important functions of human resource management in an organization. The activity has a myriad range of benefits to an organization which are deemed important for success. For instance, the evaluation of employees not only enables an organization to enhance labor productivity but...

Feminism, Equality and Contemporary Interpretation

Southerners and the Ideology of Domesticity Despite the fact that the issues associated with women’s rights, as well as the prerequisites for the development of a gender equality concept, were on the agenda of the social life of the 19th-century America, the ideology of domesticity slackened the path of the...

Cultural Values in Working with Diverse Groups

Human service professionals and social workers are required to offer quality support to people from diverse backgrounds. Failure to focus on the cultural differences of the targeted people can result in injustice and ineffectiveness (Murcia & Lopez, 2016). Cultural competence has, therefore, emerged as a powerful concept that can empower...

Knee Pain: Diagnostics and Treatment

The prioritization of issues (from the least urgent to the most urgent) is as follows: skin rash, knee pain, hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. All of the identified problems are related to the patient’s weight. According to Dunphy, Winland-Brown, Porter, and Thomas (2015), joint pain, rashes, and hypertension, as well as...

United States Constitution Ratification in 1787

Friedrich A. Hayek, The US Constitution, and institutional design (2016) The history of the composition and ratification of the Constitution gives abundant material for a deep understanding of institutional and social establishments created on its basis. The author argues that a lawmaker cannot design a constitution because the final result...

Supply Chain Management as a Business Improvement

Supply chain is a necessary part of any kind of business. It is of high importance for the business and carries a number of benefits if it is properly managed. Supply chain management is capable to providing a business with competitive advantage is a number of aspects such as time,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

US Financial and Banking Reforms History

Summary The article analyzed the challenges of the US financial institution in 1832. Proponents of the recharter bill believed that the president’s objections could have been reviewed. As a result, the bill was floored at the senate house on moral grounds. 1 The president rejected the decisions of the senate...

“The Originator” by LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs

Introduction The poem “the originator” by LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs is an example of free-verse and a worthy representative of the modern American popular culture. It is a part of her book “TwERK,” printed in 2013. The author’s origin from Harlem has probably influenced her literary style, introducing the signs...

“Ordinary” Sexual Violence in Media and Society

Introduction Carter1 argues that the news reporting of sexualized violence is contributing to the ‘normalization’ of assumptions about male violent behavior and female likelihoods of victimization. It is easy to outline how this process occurs if to consider some specific examples. Using Carter’s statement as a theoretical issue, a particular...

Masters Prepared Nurses: Translating Research Into Practice

Student 1 The scope of practice of nurse practitioners is taking care of the customers in a hospital environment. Nurse educators are responsible for instructing their students about the best application methods of their knowledge. Nurse leaders’ duties involve careful management of a hospital or any other health care institution...

AndFound Start-Up Strategies

Problems Facing AndFound The given case focuses on discussing AndFound start-up, the paramount aim of which is to connect investors with new and ambitious projects. Initially, the mentioned website offered its services for free, while its founders plan to introduce some charges for investors and other interested businesspersons (Nanda and...

Teenage Pregnancies Reduction in Local Community

Introduction The primary research question that the study will address is, “What is the preferred intervention to reduce the rate of teen pregnancies in the local community?” This question can be answered using a qualitative methodology to review both primary and secondary data. For instance, secondary data would include previous...

Holocaust in “Night” Novel by Elie Wiesel

Thesis statement What causes the historical legacy of the Holocaust particularly disturbing is that, while exterminating Jews, the Nazis were also trying to humiliate/dehumanize the ‘chosen people’ in just about every way possible. The book Night by Elie Wiesel illustrates the validity of this suggestion. Body of the paper One...

Third-Party Logistics and Its Development

What are the different types of 3PL firms? Give examples Nowadays, the development of industry and economy leads to the blistering evolution of different means of transport. Moreover, a great number of different companies have the demand for various logistic services in order to guaranty their efficient functioning. With this...

Financial Structure in Post-Crisis Developed Countries

Abstract The paper investigates the importance of distinguishing between the two types of financial structure (bank-based and market-based). Its major goal is to examine the effect of financial structure on developed countries during the period following the 2008-2009 financial crisis. For achieving this aim, a substantial bulk of literature was...

Third-Party Contract and Legal Rights

Introduction The aim of this paper is to analyze a case study on a third-party contract. The paper’s analytical focus will be on an intended beneficiary and their legal rights. Discussion Under contract law, a third-party beneficiary is a person who benefits when two parties to a contract fulfill their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Master Status and Poor Persons

Hypothesis: Those persons who previously had the Master status are less likely to experience the role exit or become an ‘ex’ Independent variable: The current absence of the Master status. To state the absence of the Master status currently and the presence of the status previously, it is necessary to...

Realism and Idealism in the Education System

Realism and idealism are two different schools of thought in terms of their impacts on the purpose of school and education systems. The two schools also advocate for the necessity of embracing different issues in learning processes. Idealism is rooted in the work of Plato, although Socrates (his student) later...

“A Tale of Two Schools”: Educational Differences

According to Dynarski (2016), “education is deeply unequal in the United States, with students in poor districts performing at levels several grades below those of children in richer areas” (para. 1). It means that economic disadvantages often translate into academic achievement gaps in students. The video “A Tale of Two...

Teacher’s Impact on Student’s Career Choice

It could be stated with certainty that teachers have an immense influence on the development of various outcomes of their students. Moreover, it is possible to observe that a good teacher does not only serve educational purposes, but he or she also shapes their students’ attitude toward career choices and...

Media Productions and Conglomerates

Favorite TV Show One of the most popular television shows in recent years is Game of Thrones based on a series of novels with the same name. The show is shown on the channel HBO, a premium pay-television network. The HBO network is owned by Home Box Office Inc. Meanwhile,...

The Impact of Government on Business in the US

The choices made by the government and its representatives, including the related bodies of authority, are supposed to reinforce the principles of democracy and create the economic, social, political, and legal environment in which the citizens of the state are able to advance successfully (International Trade Administration, 2016). Having a...

American University Library Long-Awaited Opening

Washington, DC. – A new, long-awaited library will be opening at American University next month. The facility, made possible with a multimillion gift from the Shane Family Foundation, is meant to be a community space featuring several computer labs, 2,500 Internet plugins, and 125 works of art. The American University...

The Cemex Way Company’s Success Story

A significant portion of the success of CEMEX Way can be attributed to its three main strengths, which are integration, innovation, and global trading. The post-merger integration (PMI) process enabled CEMEX to integrate its acquisitions successfully by making use of the best-standardized practices. After the company moved to Spain, it...

Mash-Up Technique in Art

A mash-up technique as an approach to art creation provides a lot of opportunities for an artist to use existing materials and rearrange their parts, thus reinterpreting reality. The advancement of technology and popular culture, as well as the development in media editing software, “have enabled a paradigmatic shift in...

Hot Topic: Case Study

Introduction Hot Topic has been in operation for the last two decades. Within this period, this retailer has managed to grow from less than 20 to around 800 stores. This means that it has become one of the leading players in its sector today. The discussion presented below describes the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Community Nursing Roles in Occupational Health Settings

In the modern healthcare environment, nurses are critically important actors who guarantee the delivery of care to patients and their recovery. For instance, in the occupational health setting, these specialists also play a cruical role in achieving positive outcomes. The given environment can be determined as a field of nursing...

Asthma Management in Children: Research Critique

The article “Does participation in the community outreach for asthma care and healthy lifestyles (COACH) program alter subsequent use of hospital services for children discharged with asthma?” appeared in the Journal of Asthma. It was written by Pinto, Navallo, and Petrova (2019). The purpose of the study was to define...

Intelligent Hospital Pavilion ICU: Video Analysis

Introduction Innovative technologies create a plethora of opportunities for improving the quality of healthcare services and meeting the needs of diverse patients. Therefore, encouraging innovation as the essential component of healthcare philosophy is crucial to the management of patients’ needs. In light of the specified concern, the idea of the...

Nurse Understaffing and Change Proposal

Nursing Theory Utilized In order to address the problem of nursing staff shortage, one will need to consider the use of the transitions theory (TT) since it allows embracing change in the selected setting and encourage its active promotion for the sake of patients’ well-being. Designed by Meleis, the specified...

Adolescent Depression: Modern Issues and Resources

Introduction Today, teenagers encounter many challenging health-related issues; mental health conditions are one of them. This report presents the aspects of depression in adolescents, addressing the external stressors associated with it. The paper also discusses the assessment strategies a medical professional can utilize along with the related ethical parameters. The...

The Song of Roland as a Folk Epic

Introduction Epic is a significant combination of the style and the theme in the poem reproduction reflecting the flow of historical or legendary events. The world literature contains a lot of examples of famous epics covering the main features of this genre and highlighting the major moments of history. The...

Shomei Cards Company’s Strategy Statement

‘Shomei Cards’ was established by a young couple back in 1980, and enjoys the third position of greeting card companies in the USA. Since the past two years, the company’s position has been shrinking, and its major competitors, Hercules and Atlas Cards are ranking highest with the top two positions...

Cheating in College and Its Forms

Introduction College cheating is as old as organized learning. Since organized learning was introduced, students started cheating in order to acquire their grades for what they have learned. This tradition has been on the increase over the years and currently, it has taken a higher level due to the use...

Political Science: Tax Cuts in America: Are They Good?

Introduction Americans can and do always argue about the increases to taxes, even if those taxes do not affect the people complaining. Some believe that tax cuts to all income brackets help to stimulate economic growth. However, other feels tax cuts maintain the socioeconomic imbalance in America today. Two such...

Fiat and General Motors’ Corporate-Level Strategy

Introduction The strategic problem discussed in the case of Fiat & General Motors Corporation refers to the considerations of the corporate-level strategy. The problem is such concerns the controversy surrounding the fulfillment of contractual obligations and rights of both sides to a large corporate alliance between Fiat and General Motors...

Cameron Balloons Company’s Inventory Issues

Introduction The world of business can be characterized by the great complexity of relations involved. The possibility for one concept to mean different things for a business entity also adds to this complexity. Inventory, as an integral part of business, can also be considered dually, i. e. as asset or...

Ethical Issues in Business: Professional Code of Ethics

Similar to other employees, Moira is faced with moral and ethical dilemma. The best solution for Moira is to report the problem to the supervisor over the manager’s head. This behavior will not be considered as unethical because Moira had already reported the problem to her direct manager but received...

“Blood Diamond” Movie’s Critical Review

This paper is a critical evaluation of the movie “Blood Diamond”. The movie is about how the global trade in diamonds from the African continent is fuelling wars and genocide among the local populace of the countries where the diamonds are found. The quest for diamonds is vicious and bloody...

Surveys on Students’ and Teachers’ Motivation

The questions of motivation and belief in the positive results are very important in all kinds of activities. Using quantitative methods of educational research, and survey research in particular, is to increase the evidence of a significant relationship between the level of inner and outer motivation and the results achieved....

Life in the US and in the Soviet Union in the 60s

Introduction In the 1960s, there were sharp contrasts in the way people in the United States and the Soviet Union led their lives. These differences were as a result both the political circumstances of the time as well as the prevailing economic ideologies in these two sides. The conditions the...

Discrimination in Prison Problem

Introduction Though affirmative actions were intended to stop social injustice and compensate for differences in sex, gender, race, etc., the main functions of these measures were a temporal phenomenon. They had to keep our society from criminal acts committed and protect vulnerable social groups, including females, from oppression. Though, even...

Conflict Management Definition and Problem-Solving Approaches

Modern management practice emphasizes the need for effective conflict resolution practices and conflict management. The task for managers is therefore not just to resolve or suppress all conflict, but to manage it so as to reduce its harmful effects and benefit from its good effects. Problem-solving skills are a conflict...

Bonny George Campbell Ballade Review

Bonnie George Campbell is a very good child ballade that you actually do not understand when at childhood so deeply and thoroughly as you do when being a grown-up. Partially, because there are those words you do not understand and partially because adults apply more personal life experience. Overall, it...

Colonial Division of Labor: Rich and Poor Nations

The problem of social inequality is deeply historically rooted. People’s being divided into poor and rich is primarily connected with the appearance of propriety and labor division. Labor division from the very beginning includes the division of working conditions – of the instruments of labor and materials, and therefore, breaking...

CPA Firm: Outsourcing the Basic Tax Revenues

As the Managing Director of the CPA firm, I would choose the option of outsourcing the basic tax revenues from India, just like the other firms in the community. The basic tax return will improve the firm, in that it would be easier to access the services at a reduced...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Formation of the Alcoholics Anonymous Association

Alcoholic Anonymous is an association of different people recuperating from alcoholism who come together to contribute their experiences about alcoholism and its effects. The organization aims to encourage more people to stop taking alcohol and help alcoholic addicts to overcome their situation. Alcoholic Anonymous is an international organization formed in...

How Liberal Arts Apply to Special Education

Education is very important in the present life. People all over the world start their education from their very childhood. We should have a good education to find a prestigious job, and to find ourselves in present society. Children understand the importance of knowledge from nursery and continue to reach...

The Fall of the Grand Alliance Against the Axis Powers Before the End of WWII

War is political. International politics have an influence on global wars. The Second War was a war of actions, words, and fierce battles between the UK, US, former Soviet Union and the Nazi rule. During this time of 1939-1945, the UK, United States and the Soviet Union competed against each...

Conducting Nursing Education: Nursing Studying Approaches

Substantive Response 1 It is the right point of view that training materials should be communicated to the staff nurses using clear and simple language. It will ensure that they will absorb information as quickly as possible and will be able to implement it in practice. Combining various styles of...

A Modest Proposal: Jonathan Swift’s Political Satire

Introduction Jonathan Swift’s political satire, A Modest Proposal, introduces an extreme and appalling plan for reducing the financial burden Irish children had upon their poor families and society as a whole. There is much criticism in this political satire that is directed toward the landlords, government, and wealthy citizens of...

Symbolism and Social Issues in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”

“The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne is an excellent piece of literature enabling to examine the way symbolism may be applied in order to reveal the most appealing ideas and address the most complicated issues of human life. This romantic work discusses a row of important problems existing within the...

Teleological Theory of Organizational Changes

The demand for change occurs when an organization faces the need to adapt to the shift of the external environment. A change is required in other cases as well, such as if the current structure of an organization prevents it from achieving a specific goal. There are different types of...

Philosophical Method and Main Branches of Philosophy

All scientific disciplines require sets of rules and laws, called methods, which are based on critical thinking and are essential for any research. Philosophy is not an exception here; the only difference is that while such sciences as mathematics and physics deal with specific fields of study, philosophy seeks to...

Evolution of Organizational Performance Metrics

Historical Performance Measures Profit The metric of profit has likely not changed much throughout the 20th century. It remains one of the most important measures of success to businesses because it often determines whether it can continue operating in the long term. How it is measured, such as gross, operating,...

The Concept of Respect as the Foundation of the Social System

Respect is one of the basic concepts that serve as the foundation of our world’s social framework. It is an essential element of personal and professional relationships because it builds mutual trust and affection. There are different ways in which it is possible to express respect, such as being attentive...

The Roles of Governmental Accounting

Introduction Governmental accounting entails the accounting procedures and principles for state, local, and even federal government units, whereby the National Council on Governmental accounting establishes specific rules. Their fundamental differences from the normal profit-oriented businesses are what necessitate their different financial and accounting standards for reporting. This is meant to...

Importance of Snow in “The Guest” by Camus

At least once in their life – and, in all likelihood, far more frequently – everyone has the reason to think that the universe is unfair. While despicable and immoral actions may yield rewards and recognition, doing the right thing not only does not guarantee those but may even bring...

The Main Problems in the United States

Three major problems in the United States are racism, unwise food consumption, and lack of empathy, given the domination of capitalistic views. First, discrimination by the factor of race is one of the most urgent issues of American society as it significantly reduces the opportunities for the development of the...

“Race/Ethnicity and the 2000 Census” by Sondik

Public Health is connected to the study of disease prevention and health promotion through the efforts of the society, the characteristics of such society are of major importance. In that regard, the article “Race/Ethnicity and the 2000 Census” (2000) by Sondik, Lucas, Madans, and Smith emphasizes the fact that the...

White Supremacy and the Terrorism Threats

The major terrorism threat in the US currently is the one emanating from the political divide, abundant weaponry, and radicalization. Moreover, other aspects have merged with the strength of online platforms and social networks to create an intricate and distinct terrorism threat that surpasses existing ideologies and is highly detached...

The Business Process – Reengineering

Introduction In a fast-paced business environment, it has become a necessity for organizations to come up with strategies to improve service delivery while reducing operational costs. Business process reengineering has to do with identifying, analyzing, and redesigning an organization’s major business procedures with the key aim of increasing or improving...

Internet Addiction as a Teenage Issue

Internet addiction (IA) is one of the leading contemporary issues affecting teenagers in modern settings despite heightened assessment, screening, and testing to solve it. The Internet is continuously evolving to enhance life, and it is gradually becoming an aspect of human progress. However, teenagers suffer the adverse effects of spending...

Therapeutic Massage and the Reduction of Overall Stress and Anxiety

Numerous investigations prove the idea that the vast majority of medical writings and studies are biased (Leavitt, 2003), and even more, it is very difficult to eliminate all biases in a study. This is why it is better to take some other steps to solve the problem and guard the...

Public Opinion on Federal Spending

The federal budget is considered to be among the most powerful policy instruments that are used by the government. It is funded by the taxpayers and serves as governmental economic storage from which tax money is spent on accomplishing constitutional goals. Such goals include various programs that are vital to...

Importance of Remembering Serial Numbers of Equipment

Both consumers and manufacturers have opportunities to trace the stages of production of a particular product and determine relevant production features due to a unique identification mark on goods, which is called a serial number. Remembering this number allows obtaining the necessary data that may be needed when clarifying the...

Information Age, Future, and Medical Banking

The adoption of new technologies is a vital step on the way to independence and self-sufficiency of medical systems. However, as can be seen from the case of Joe Sanford and Mid-Atlantic, the intention to integrate financing and investment functions of healthcare facilities is complicated by a number of factors....

Competitive Dynamics of Vipshop Holdings Limited

Introduction The present-day business world presents a challenge for companies requiring them to continuously realign their policies to remain competitive on the market. Vipshop Holdings Limited is no exception to the rule, and its management’s actions should correspond to the principles of competitive dynamics. In order to analyze them, it...

Applications of the Models of Justice: Utilitarian Theory

Utilitarianism is one of the most significant moral theories that aim to assess actions based on their morality. As a form of consequentialism, the utilitarian approach promotes the necessity to evaluate the effects and results of decisions that can be either morally right or wrong (Duignan & West, 2020). Utilitarianism...

Sargent’s “Miss Evers’ Boys” in the Context of the Duty-Based Ethics

Abstract One of the most powerful movies of the 20th century, Miss Evers’ Boys can be viewed from both the artistic perspective and the nursing one. More to the point, the movie can be interpreted from the viewpoint of several theories of ethics. Viewing the film through the lens of...

Doctorate of Nursing Program

Being related to one of the most humane professions in the world it is vital for me to prove the hopes of people concerned with effective and in-time help when it is needed anywhere, at home, at hospital, even in the street. In this respect I try to do my...

Public Health Leadership: Dealing With Epidemic

Abstract The use of participative leadership guided many public health workers to deal with Ebola in West Africa. New resources, ideas, and disease management practices were embraced by all participants. Local teams were also empowered to support every affected community. This discussion examines how servant leadership was effective in dealing...

The Tale of Three Kings Book by Gene Edwards

The Tale of Three Kings written by Gene Edwards is a story about how two principles, obedience, and power, are combined in the kingdom of God. This book is intended for Christians who have been wounded by an authoritarian movement, are heartbroken by divisions in the Church, or have clashed...

Diabetes Insipidus: Causes, Treatment, Pathophysiology

Causes of Diabetes Insipidus The lack of sufficient antidiuretic hormone (ADH)in the body results in diabetes insipidus. Genetic inheritance, brain tumors, head injuries, meningitis, blood vessel complications, and stroke are some of the factors associated with the development of diabetes insipidus. The hormone acts as a regulator of water absorption...

Epidemiology: Definition, Objectives, Subspecialties

Definition of Epidemiology Epidemiology is a medical terminology that is used to refer to the process of studying the causal factors as well as the spread of diseases (Last, 2000). From a careful review of literature, it is certain that the concept is very wide since it tends to answer...

Financial Analysis in Healthcare Organizations

Introduction Financial analysis relies on accurate data This information is too complex to be useful It is organized into simpler financial statements They can be analyzed to judge business performance Principal Financial Statements Statement of operations Balance sheet Statement of cash flows Statement of changes in net assets Statement of...

Comparative Analysis: The Affordable Care Act and the Massachusetts Healthcare Reform

In the US, there are the federal laws and the state laws. The federal laws preside over the legislations approved by the upper house, the administrative commands of the president, and the verdicts of the federal courts. On the other hand, the state laws preside over legislations approved by governors....

Homeless Youth in Colorado: The Urge to Act

Body Copy Home is where people gather together to share their emotional state, have dinner with a family, and, simply, it is a place where anybody feels safe and happy. The problem is that not many are lucky to have a home where they can feel protected. In a time...

Nursing Work Overload: The Neuman Systems Model

Theory Description and the Rationale for Selecting the Theory There are many different nursing theories that aim at explaining the peculiarities of the health care system and the conditions under which people are able to get the required portion of help and assistance from nurses. Unfortunately, the cases of nurses’...

Seventeenth Day of October and Peron’s Leadership

It is profound to note that Juan Perón was a popular political figure during his era in Argentina. Although there are other public holidays that are commemorated in Argentina, seventeenth of October was considered by Argentines as the Loyalty Day for the country and the leadership of Peron.1 When Peron...

President Bush’s Judicial Nominations

The presidential judicial nominations made by President Bush earned him a long-lasting legacy in American law history. The appointments were said to have far-reaching effects on individual rights over a long period of time, preferring conservatists. President George Bush’s judicial appointments during his tenure in office brought about mixed reactions...

Global Financial Crisis and Market Efficiency

Ray Ball proposes several lessons about market efficiency that people can learn from the global financial crisis. Among the lessons are the limitations to the efficient market hypothesis, which, according to Ball (2009), is silent on the supply side of the information market. This argument means that the theory of...

Significance and Changes of Communities in Modern Society

Abstract This paper dwells upon the way communities change and the way individual can affect the change. Such communities as church, work, soccer game are considered. The change involving implementation (or rather support of) of the program aimed at informing young people on STD is provided as an example. Introduction...

The Houston Riot of 1917: Human Equality

Over a hundred years ago, on August 23, 1917, Houston, Texas, witnessed one of the first steps towards the elimination of racial segregation and discrimination within the state. On this day, a mutiny held by a total of 156 African-American soldiers was performed in Camp Logan as a result of...

Recruitment and Selection in “The New Public Personnel Administration”

The chapter discusses the process of recruitment and selection in the public sector as well as the common challenges associated with this process over the past years. Notably, most government jobs are influenced by political patronage; therefore, a centralized oversight is required to ensure uniformity and fairness in the screening...

Disaster Preparedness Experience

I volunteer at a local library during my free time. Several pitfalls might be encountered in disaster planning for such an organization. First, the planners assume that only those who work in the library can take action in case of an emergency and fail to involve the local community. This...

Male Health Drugs:Overview and Effects

Mechanism of Action There are several pharmacological effects of male drugs that could be discussed. First, androgens promote the normal growth stimulation and the development of primary (male sex organs) and secondary sex characteristics. Besides, male drugs could stimulate RNA at the cellular level and slowdown the decay of amino...

Amazon Company’s Macro Environment Audit

The macro environment audit examines external forces that affect the performance of the online shopping industry in general and the Amazon Company in particular. Amazon Company is the global leader in the online shopping industry. This analytical treatise presents a macro environment audit of the Amazon Company from the findings...

The Analysis of Healthcare Organization

Master Organizational Chart The chart includes the senior executive leadership tasked with providing healthcare governance and giving priorities to initiatives. The Guidance team performs the role of providing a steady-state domain while the clinical team refines the output of workgroups and general implementation. The workgroup is responsible for providing the...

The Affordable Care Act and Its Impact on Fiscal Operations

The Affordable Care Act enacted more than ten years ago is among the key healthcare-related decisions of the past decade. The law’s key aspects include the promotion of health coverage expansion, new requirements concerning insurance regulations, and an emphasis on disease prevention and low-income populations’ improved access to services (Gruber...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Recovery Plan

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) alludes to two lung sicknesses, constant bronchitis and emphysema, that make it difficult to relax. Smoking is the most well-known reason for COPD, yet breathing used smoke, dust at work, or vapor from ovens, radiators, or synthetic compounds can likewise cause it (Howcroft et al.,...

Social Changes Caused by World War II

A tragedy of a massive scale that was World War II pushed human civilization into a new era that was marked by several shifts in societal norms. It has changed the way of life for numerous countries as they were left in a chaotic, exhausted state. However, World War II...

“Women’s Assessments of Gender Equality Critique” by Kurzman

Introduction Gender equality occurs when people from all genders have equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities. Everyone is affected by gender equality, starting from families, children, transgender people, men, and women (Kurzman). In this article, “Women Assessments of Gender Equality,” Kurzman juxtaposes various approaches comprising subjective-equality and gender equality and uses...

Firearms Types and Usage in Law Enforcement

Everyone knows that the most serious and grave crimes are committed mainly with the help of firearms. With their high power, hand-held firearms pose a considerable danger to human life and health. This aspect creates an undoubted public danger of incidents involving the use of handguns. That is why it...

Spiral of Silence Theory

Introduction One of the primary people’s needs for a successful life is unity. It means that everyone has to receive support from peers regarding their opinions in order to feel comfortable in communication. This motivation helps them agree on essential matters while preventing them from expressing themselves authentically. This mechanism...

Osmosis, Diffusion, and Active Transport of Molecules: Key Differences

Introduction The concepts of osmosis, diffusion, and active transport concern the movement of molecules and are some of the foundational terminologies of the biology curriculum. Nevertheless, the terms are frequently confused and misunderstood. According to the research by Reinke, Kynn, and Parkinson (2019), most first-year biology students have a large...

Economic Problems of Modern Latin America

In Latin America, there are now three vectors of economic development. Some countries show high rates of economic growth, while others show an apparent slowdown, but there are also some states that are in deep crisis. Despite the countries’ success in the so-called “golden decade,” many of them are experiencing...

“Glittering Vices” Book by Rebecca DeYoung

“Spiritual disciplines” are a combination of a particular set of methods to develop and strengthen spiritual growth among believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. According to Rebecca DeYoung, spiritual disciplines open the way to mature Christian spirituality and freedom (DeYoung, 2020). By practicing these “concepts,” a believer creates an...

Gang Violence and Its Control Strategies

Gang violence is one of the most common types of crime, as well as one of the most difficult ones to handle. Due to the institutionalization of gangs in a range of countries, as well as the well-developed infrastructure within said gangs, addressing the problem of gang violence becomes especially...

The Persistence of White Racism in the United States

The chapter’s content is based on the history of slavery, the end of segregation, and acceptance of Native American citizenship. In the present day, white Americans consider White racism a thing of the past that is no longer in existence. On the contrary, the population of color America comprising of...

“Effectiveness of Hand Hygiene Interventions in Reducing Illness Absence”: Article Analysis

The research was conducted by 6 researchers from different medical specialties. The researchers were; Willmott, Nicholson, Busse, MacArthur, Brookes, and Campbell. All the researchers have a background in social and community medicine. Specifically, they are from the University of Bristol, School of Social and Community Medicine; thus indicating that they...

Discussion: African-Americans and Islam

There is a long history of African Americans practicing Islam in the United States. Scholars suggest that the roots of Islam within the Black community can be found within the slave populations. Approximately 40% of enslaved people within the Atlantic slave trade were Muslims (Mohaiemen). However, most of their belief...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Cross-Cultural Management in the UAE

Assessment The Arab model of business management is molded by their national culture. For this reason, the Hofstede five-dimensional model is the most feasible cultural framework to use in evaluating a Coca-Cola company in the UAE. In Middle East countries, family is the basis of their social structure (Browaeys and...

The Study of Communications: Influence

The issue of credibility is crucial when it comes to considering the importance of the information presented by the media. Even though it affects all the aspects of the life of present-day people, not all of the messages are equally detrimental to one’s wellbeing. From this point of view, the...

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The Idea of Aging and the Inevitable Death

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Summary: Introduction and the Suffering of Self

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The Role of Coffeehouses in the Ottoman Empire

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Holocaust: Jewish Women’s Experiences

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“Ghetto Kids Gone Good”: Urban Debate League’s Missions

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Development of Nationalism During the First World War

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Budgeting for Lucky Me Animal Rescue Adoption Event

Introduction It would be right to begin the discussion about the budget for the Lucky Me animal rescue adoption event by establishing the total amount of money required. Experts state that the initial costs range from “$5,000 to $10,000” (Rescue group best practices, n.d., para. 1). Taking the average of...

The Cultural Formulation Interview Diagnostic Tool

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Working With Victims of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is nowadays a talk of the day; new cases emerge daily. Families have issues that most can amicably resolve while others cannot and can advance to violence. It is very important to treat this issue with the seriousness it deserves to save lives and suffering at the hands...

Human Dignity as the Basis of Rights

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Earthquakes Preventions in USA and Japan

The article clarifies the issue of earthquakes in the United States, investigate the weaknesses of the American system, and explore the benefits of the Japanese technique that the government should implement. An earthquake is perhaps one of the most extreme natural disasters that may cause tremendous damage to the infrastructure...

Baby Boomers and the US Economy

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A Biological Explanation of the Mind

One of the models of considering consciousness in relation to the body perceives the mind as non-material information and a way of organizing it. A brain is a material object representing its own computer, which allows you to connect blocks of information with each other, which are the main content...

Opportunities and Challenges at School: Reflection

The high school aims to prepare adolescents for father education and lays the basis of knowledge that will later be deepened and wholeheartedly embraced. However, the high school also provides numerous opportunities for self-development and offers challenges one must be ready to face. This maze of chances and difficulties significantly...

Discussion of the Podcast Series Alibi

Introduction In the first episode of the first season of the podcast series Alibi, Sarah Koenig talks about how she conducted questioning of students one day. Sarah needed to find out what the teenagers were doing on January 13, 1999. On that day, Hae Min Lee disappeared, and a month...