Kohl’s Corporation Information Systems Strategy

The current wave of information systems (IS) has transformed how retailers serve their customers. Giant companies such as Starbucks Incorporation are using powerful loyalty programs to offer convenient retail processes to their clients (Turban, Volonino, & Wood, 2015). Kohl’s Corporation has also implemented a similar IS program to empower its...

Obesity, Diet Modification and Physical Exercises

The Connection of PICOT Question, Research Articles, and Nursing Practice Problem Lifestyle interventions are among the components of overweight or obesity therapy. Adult populations can find these interventions complicated or unnecessary because adults accept changes less eagerly. Nevertheless, changes in diet and activity are possible interventions to deal with overweight...

Teaching Methods and Philosophies

A personal philosophy of teaching is essential since it guides educators to analyze their students’ needs to address them using the most appropriate methods. Such a model outlines the best initiatives and practices that can deliver the intended goals. This paper adds to my philosophy by justifying my preferable teaching...

The League of Nations’ Activity After World War I

Adolf Hitler successful establishing of the Nazi regime was possible due to the penalties Germany had to face after it was defeated in the World War I; the economy of Germany was weakened so severe because France occupied the Saar Basin and Rhineland that supplied Germany with iron and coal...

Health Care for Immigrants: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Eligible immigrants who start living in the USA often face issues connected with culture. Still, even more, crucial can be those boundaries and limitations that deal with access to healthcare and health insurance because they determine people’s opportunity to receive decent help and be healthy. Two years ago the Patient...

People’s Fates and Relationships in Elie Wiesel’s “Night”

People can experience a lot of difficulties on the paths to building strong relationships with their relatives. Eliezer and his father Shlomo, the characters of Elie Wiesel’s novel Night, had overcome the horrors of the concentration camp before they found their own vision of relations with God and with each...

The Advocacy Model in the Diseases Problem Addressing

Addressing the problem of communicable diseases (CD) within a community requires the use of an efficient leadership technique that allows for a fast dissemination of data among community members and the promotion of a rapid behavior change. Because of the ubiquitous nature of CD, it is critical to build awareness...

The Public Health Service Act in Florida

The groundwork of the Public Health Service Act was formed long before the act was conceptualized in 1798. After that, several Acts of Congress were passed in 1878, 1890, 1893, and 1906. These concentrated primarily on preventing epidemic diseases from entering the land from abroad, and the spread of communicable...

Media Tools Effects on the Education System

Educational institutions constantly look for new ways to enrich their programs and improve students’ accomplishments. The role of media in education has drastically increased during the last decade. There are different types of media such as the Internet, television, radio, and some others. These mass media tools significantly affect the...

Barack Obama’s Speech on State of the Union

There is a tradition on State of the Union night that the President of the USA gives a speech in which he outlines his main thoughts about his country, current state of affairs, condition of the economy, and his ideas about the future of his country. The speech is usually...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Implementation of Multicultural Education in Schools

Multicultural education has been implemented in my school in a number of ways. It all began with a rigorous policy change of the institution. This was necessary because multicultural education cannot do well when conventional learning ideals are fully preserved (Wasonga, 2005). The implementation of multicultural education demands a thorough...

Domestic Violence as a Pressing Issue

Selected Topic I selected the topic of domestic violence because it is a pressing issue on which the public cannot agree. The controversial depiction of abuse as an attempt to educate a child does not allow this problem to be eliminated. Thus, it was important for me to address this...

Same-Sex Marriages and Their Moral Basis

Introduction Statistical findings depict a substantial increase in the number of American adults who support the idea of same-sex marriage. According to Yen and Zampelli, this figure grew from 35% to 55% during the period of 2001-2015 (196). This claim leads to the question of the legitimacy and moral standing...

Christianity and Feminism: Differences in Beliefs

Although nowadays, the role of religion in the world is lowering, Christianity remains one of the dominant and most influential systems of beliefs. It is not only a religious conception but also a philosophy that impacts the minds of many, though some of them may not even know about this....

Car Wash Company’s Employee Management

Introduction The situation in the Car Wash may lead to its eventual collapse. When employees are not satisfied with their work environment, they will not work to their full potential. In addition, they may reveal the secrets of the business to competitors. When a competitor learns about its rival’s weaknesses,...

Mental Health Theories: Behaviorism Versus Cognitivism

Theories that focus on the aspect of mental health are intended to help clients understand their issues and deal with them. Mental health specialists can use one and more theories to guide patients towards recovery. Behaviorism, psychodynamic theory, cognitive theory, and humanistic theory are the most common approaches for understanding...

Causes and Effects of Pollution

The environment people live in is affecting them, including health and lifestyle, and the nature around them, like plants, animals, water bodies, and the atmosphere. Environmental issues caused by humans using natural resources and treating nature with no respect have resulted in some negative changes. One of the most significant...

Fitbit Firm’s Marketing, Consumer, and Product

Fitbit’s position in the tech market is influenced by three key marketing environmental factors: the competitive landscape, the popularity of social media, and trends in lifestyle and health. Each of these factors can have a positive or negative influence on the company’s success depending on Fitbit’s approach to managing it....

Prostitution from the Moral System Perspective

Introduction Moral and ethical principles have become powerful models for guiding societies to achieve their potential and address their challenges. Unfortunately, some issues have remained divisive since they attract both support and objection from community members. A good example of such concerns is that of prostitution. The consequential moral system...

Honeypots in Organizational Network Systems

Introduction With the advent and evolution of information technology (IT), there is an increase in the rate of cybercrimes, which have forced organizations to identify and implement effective network security strategies. The present reactive measures are sometimes insufficient in protecting information infrastructures in organizations. Therefore, there is a need to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ancient Greece at the Met: Bronze Man and Centaur

Example The culture of Ancient Egypt represents one of the earliest attempts at identifying a man’s place in the grand scheme of the universe and compartmentalizing the phenomena and objects comprising the environment. The “Bronze Man and Centaur” statuette as a piece of art representing the specified era is a...

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Analysis

Nursing is one of the most essential, stressful, and indispensable professions in the modern world. Nursing is not only protecting and taking care of a patient’s health, but also moral support, compassion, and empathy. It is possible to work as an RN with an associate’s degree, but BNS gives excellent...

Mandatory Overtime for Nurses Should Be Eliminated

Nurses are consistently faced with mandatory overtime, which leads to high levels of distress and exhaustion. The realities of the healthcare sector require nurses to work long hours and dedicate extensive time to the profession. Mandatory overtime should be eliminated, as it affects nursing performance, creates dangers for patients and...

Nurses’ Practice Environment and Satisfaction

All courses that students take during their academic life are essential, but the one that this paper is focused on was particularly helpful for me. Learning how to write and revise a research paper has given many insights into the future profession, and the skills obtained during the work on...

Miami Dade Hospital: Risk Management Officer Interview

Introduction The meeting was conducted with a Risk Management Officer at Miami Dade Hospital. The responsibilities of a Risk Manager include the identification of hospital risks, the making of recommendations regarding the identified issues, the introduction of a management program, as well as other responsibilities such as employee training or...

The ACTHIV 2019 in Miami, Florida

The chosen scholarly activity for this course is the ACTHIV 2019 in Miami, Florida, on 11-13 April. The conference will be focused on the existing approaches to treating HIV and its prevention in different population groups across the USA; additionally, speakers will present the newest methods used in the sphere...

What Is Healthcare Informatics

The application of information engineering in the field of health is making it possible for practitioners and physicians to improve patient outcomes. Such systems reduce medication errors, transform care delivery, and minimize costs. This discussion gives a detailed analysis of health information technologies (HITs) and their importance in medical practice....

City Hospital’s Reorganization and Strategic Planning

Introduction Communicating to a few key employees working in City Hospital, I managed to become familiar with the most important problems in each department and the proposed methods that could help to ameliorate the situation. There were a few strategies presented by the specialists and it is possible to regard...

Career Exploration Into Policing

Steps in the department’s recruitment process The department of the Ohio state police has immense and significant aspects that are usually put into consideration during the recruitment process of potential police officers. Great consideration is taken into serious account where everyone in the recruitment process is considered the same as...

Environmental vs. Epigenetic Theories

The existence of the human society is based on the process of learning and putting the knowledge and skills learnt into practice. This process facilitates the technological progress of mankind and is one of the reasons for the emergence of human rights movements, feminism, movements for equal rights for all...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Problems Which Ruin Relationships

Relationships begin to form at birth when a child builds a relationship with the mother and father, or the caretaker, and humans continue to engage in building relationships all through their life. These relationships are of different kinds and are emotional, romantic, friendly, marital, or with colleagues, peers, or co-workers....

Differences Between Anaerobic and Aerobic Adaptations in Training

Introduction People respond differently in each training program. Ultimately, an individualized training program is needed to address the specific needs and responses of the trainee. However, the extent of performance depends on the size of a trainee adaptation window referred to as genetic ceiling for change. The effectiveness of various...

“The Ghost Map” by Steven Johnson

Introduction The main idea of the book “The ghost map” (2006) by Steven Johnson, although focusing on the worst cholera outbreak in Victorian London, was in that science develops in accordance to the problems that it has to face. Accordingly, the book traces the way the knowledge is born in...

Obesity Action Coalition Website Promoting Health

The use of technology is essential for tailoring effective health promotion messages and tackling health inequalities that unthread the social fabric of American society. By exploring interactive and engaging Internet platforms and communication channels, it is possible to achieve meaningful health behavior changes in a wide range of populations (Pender,...

Pakistan: The Migration Profile

Immigrants in Pakistan Based on the World Population Policies 2005 report given by the United Nations, the total number of immigrants in Pakistan were approximately three million, two hundred and fifty four thousand people. This figure represented 2.1 percent of the total number of people present in the country and...

Immigration Rights Problem Analysis

On July 6, 2010, the U. S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a lawsuit to challenge the move by the state of Arizona enacted recently. The racial profiling law (SB 1070) threatened to legally perpetuate a racial stereotyping culture of certain social groups thereby contravening the federal immigration policies. According...

Conflict Between Augustine and Pelagius

This conflict is based on the place of grace in the salvation of man as well as the doctrine of the ‘original sin’. Augustine believed that grace played a vital and central role in keeping man from sinning. Pelagius believed that man’s free will was adequate to keep him from...

Why Canadians Cycle More Than Americans

Introduction Why Canadians cycle more than Americans: a comparative analysis of bicycling trends and policies studies the cycling habits of Americans and compares them to a much more active cycling community of Canada. The paper’s main focus is the evident difference between the popularity of cycling in two counties despite...

Ethical Conduct and Religion

In ancient and medieval times religion was practically the only moral beacon for people. Different beliefs provided moral guidance systems various in depth and complexity. However, in present-day society religion ceased to play that role. In the theoretical situation where no gods and celestial beings are taken into account, nothing...

Forms of Sex Abuse and Its Causes

Introduction Any action leading to sexual contact without the consent of one partner can be referred to as sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is therefore any act of non-consensual sexual intercourse. In the recent past, this kind of harassment has been more often reported than it was a few years ago....

Popular Research Paper Topics

How COVID-19 Impacted Business

Introduction Globalization has prompted immense growth in trade and international business. Over the last decade, the world’s economy experienced a sufficient rise, which came to a grinding halt with the COVID-19 outbreak. The pandemic has influenced international business to the point of many companies being heavily damaged and even shut...

Culture and Special Education Relations

In this essay, I will explain procedures and options which help students with disabilities undergo a transition from high school to adult life. Much like students from multicultural backgrounds who face discrimination due to their race, students with disabilities also represent a special attention group whose educational needs are not...

Sports Coaching: Virtue Ethics and Emulation

A research performed by Alun Hardman, Carwyn Jones, and Robyn Jones was based on 2 linked grounds. The first ground argued that the moral aspects of sport were intrinsic rather than reliant on the rules applied in it. It upholds the attributes of playing that do not hurt the opponents...

Does Lean Management Improve Patient Safety Culture

The principles of lean management and especially lean safety can be implemented in various industries and businesses. However, the branch where safety culture plays the most significant role is the field of health care. Including the principles of lean management into the safety of the patients is the main research...

Evidence Based Practice and Marriage and Family Therapy

It is not a secret that many universally recognized methods in medicine did not receive yet scientific study. It means that many approaches were not scientifically proved, although they were quite effective. In order to change the situation in the medical sphere the evidence based practice was introduced into the...

A Business Profile for Personal Trainer

The Personal Trainer is a supercenter located in the Toronto area which offers basic services such as exercise equipment, a swimming pool, sporting goods shop, health food store, teen center, and snack bar, and special services that include child fitness programs and a computer café. The aforementioned functions will require...

How People Change in “Mother Tongue” and “A Death in Texas”

Introduction Human life is not something permanent and stable: it is continually undergoing multiple changes. People acquire new traits, characteristics, attitudes, and principles. Sometimes these changes are positive, and sometimes they can hurt. They are caused by events occurring around each person and are always associated with other people. This...

The Relationship With Colleagues

One of the direct reports, N, has a strained relationship with colleagues. He has been working in the position for more than two years, and his attitude towards new employees has changed in the last few months. His duties include mentoring several new hires during their introduction to the profession,...

Gender Stigmas: From the Past to the Present

In the context of the 21st century, gender has become a construct, bringing together various elements of the puzzle that creates one’s identity. However, decades ago, the history of gender roles and their social perception underwent the phase of set rules predetermined for each gender, the violation of which caused...

“I Stand Here Writing” by Nancy Sommers

The essay by Nancy Sommers explores the concept of writing which can vary strongly based on the context, ideas, and purpose. Writing is both a skill and an art, never set in stone or adhering to some rigid structures, which is what makes the process uniquely charming and personal. The...

Skills Helpful in Specific Organizations: Bechtel Example

Modern society requires people to master and apply multiple skills to succeed in the workplace or get a well-paid job. Human resource planning, job specialization, extraversion, and dealing with ethical dilemmas are examples of efficiencies that can improve a worker’s performance. Organizations that provide various careers prefer to hire experienced...

Political Cartoon by Patrick Chappatte in The New York Times

Introduction Comic strips and political cartoons represent a powerful piece of literature that is posted in magazines to deliver relevant social, economics, or political messages to the audience. Artists play a critical role in creating the most striking, realistic, and comprehensible graphics that are easily interpreted by the readers. The...

The Gas Business: Sources of Funding

Gas trades are defined as the utilities available in the public which provide gas related services. They may include gas exploration business or distribution and fuelling stations. Funding is the process of providing money, especially by an organization or the government, to be used for specific purposes. Similar to other...

What Is Your Culture?

Culture is a multi-format concept that includes any elements of a person’s daily life. It is intertwined with personality traits that shape values and worldviews. Cultural stereotypes cover the assessment of ethnic and religious characteristics as the only markers that form a particular group’s vision. However, this essay will promote...

Human Behavior and Social Environment Relationship

The relationship between human behavior and the social environment (HBSE) is usually complex. Social workers should be able to apply various theories and knowledge and use conceptual frameworks and models. The HBSE idea is that people’s actions are more predetermined and defined by external factors than internal changes, and attention...

Talent Turnover and Ethics: Case Study

The company’s problem in this particular scenario is twofold, as it combines business and ethical aspects simultaneously. From a business perspective, the company suffers from a high turnover rate, as its employees usually leave after six months to a year of employment. The main reason behind this tendency seems to...

“The Fine Art of Baloney Detection” Essay by Carl Sagan

The chapter revolves around the idea of deception and its different types. The author starts his congratulations with a strong example, mentioning his parents’ death, which was shocking for him. Although much time has passed, he is still sometimes “seized by the overpowering realization that they didn’t really die” (Sagan,...

Franciscan Approach to Monasticism

Saint Francis of Assisi is one of the most significant and authoritative friars in Christianity. He was the founder of a new Catholic order, which emphasized the uselessness of material possessions in the clergy and attempted to emulate the lifestyle of Jesus Christ. This essay aims at examining the personality...

The Problem of Different Perspectives of Supervisors on the Same Issue

A management problem I have encountered during the experience in my work place in the Respiratory Department consists of different perspectives of Respiratory supervisors on the same issue. Respiratory supervisors in this department include a supervisor, a lead Therapist, a charge, and the seniority Therapist. As a consequence, I have...

Tyson Foods Company and Internship

The present-day companies strive to hire entry-level professionals with consideration of their future contributions to the business, and Tyson Foods is no exception to the rule. This challenging task is addressed through their orientation on the internship provided for prospective young staff. However, in order to reveal the mechanism of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Business Intelligence and Data Mining

Electronic commerce (e-commerce) has made numerous innovative changes to the functional and structural frameworks of businesses by adopting advanced technologies in the age of global digitalization. In particular, customer-centered companies focus on aspects such as personalization, communication, and added value, which become ineffective without the implementation of business intelligence (BI)....

Analysis of Litigation Between Dan Black and Columbia Pictures

The case under analysis is a complex one as far as the causes for action, the parties, and the jurisdictions of the litigation might be different depending on the laws and their interpretation by court in a certain way. On the one hand, the parties involved in the litigation are...

Help Our Planet Become More Beautiful: Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Estimate Time Teaching Will Last: One hour. Location of Teaching: Elementary School Classroom. Supplies, Materials, Equipment Needed: Litter bins signed “Metal”, “Paper”, “Plastic”, a pile of empty plastic bottles, juice containers, food wrappers, cans, batteries, newspapers, pictures of littered locations. Target: Elementary school students. Topic: “Help our planet become more...

Nine Transportation Issues and Priorities

This is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. It involves distance coverage and the use of time. There are various modes of transport depending on the means of transport being used which include water, air, road, space, pipeline, and rail (Bardi, Coyle and Novack, 2006)....

Legal Aspects in Health Care of Texas and Florida

Statutes of Limitations In the healthcare system, a statute of limitation is normally described as the legally recognized timeframe, when a legal proceeding can be initiated after a certain health event has occurred (Mccullough & Lane, 2007, p. 1). For instance, in the case of professional negligence in healthcare, a...

Clayton County Library System: Enhance Financial Sustainability

Problem Statement Given that public libraries are increasingly becoming important institutions in the 21st century, they are facing challenges in keeping abreast with the ever-increasing needs of millions of library users. One of the major challenges that public libraries experience is the insufficiency of funds, which makes the provision of...

Nursing: Rafael Emancipatory Knowledge Development

Introduction The study reflects the central ideas of the nursing manifesto that became an illustration of healthcare reforms. According to Kagan, Smith, and Chinn (2009), the concepts that were described by the authors did not evolve sporadically, but they were based on the theories of consciousness-raising, diversity and inclusivity, and...

The Issue of Critical Reflection in Baccalaureate Nursing Education by Butler

There is no use denying the fact that nursing is a very important aspect of the health service and society on the whole. Being an integral part of human life, this issue develops along with our society and technologies, obtaining new peculiarities. With this in mind, it is possible to...

The Concept of Personalized Medicine

Personalized Medicine Personalized medicine is a health care field, which dwells on the uniqueness of an individual’s clinical, genetic, genomic and environmental information (Ginsburg & Willard, 2010). Since two thousand years ago, personalization has been a major aim of medicine. Now, the composition of the genome and blood proteins is...

Status Crime: White Collar Crime in Organizations

Detail of the crime In the recent past, several cases have been reported of employees using the complex nature of the financial statements and the weaknesses in the accounting standards to manipulate the financial records. White-collar crime is characterized by inflating the asset values, overstating the reported income and cash...

Abdullah AlOthaim Markets’ Organizational Overview

Abdullah Al Othaim Markets is one of the leading Saudi food and non-food retailers. The company is famous for meeting the clients’ needs, participating in social responsibility programs, and others (Abdullah Al Othaim Markets, n.d.). That is why it is not a surprise that the business impresses with a significant...

Managed Care and Organizational Downsizing in Healthcare

Managed Care Patient safety has become a priority in many hospitals globally. There has been general awareness among health care providers and policymakers, to strengthen the management of healthcare provision. Many hospitals have adopted appropriate centralized adverse event reporting systems, although most of them still differ. There is still evidence...

SEC Fines KPMG 50 Million Dollars

Executives and professionals are expected to behave in a way that elicits public trust. CEOs, doctors, and accountants are careers that require high ethical standards in the course of duty to maintain general confidence. For instance, accountants depend on impeccable public image to paint a picture of skillfulness to potential...

Strategy: Advocating Healthy Public Practices

Introduction This paper presents the basis of health promotion policy and practices. It gives a background of the wider determinants of health that are addressed through promotion of healthy public policies, the challenges to incorporating the determinants of health in adoption of the strategy, action areas of the Ottawa Charter...

Drought as an Extremely Dangerous Natural Disaster

Destructive natural phenomena are extremely difficult to predict. They can occur at any time, proceed on a different scale, and they are all unique in their own way. Drought is one of such dangerous natural phenomena that can lead to the death of people and the destruction of conditions for...

Flaws in Epidemiology

Different spheres in the healthcare industry can face flaws and challenges due to different influencing factors. The consequences of the defects can impact various fields of the operations, and it is crucial to act to improve the situation. One of the areas that experience weaknesses is epidemiology, which requires careful...

New Belgium Brewing: Case Study

New Belgium Brewing (NBB) made significant improvements in the development of sustainability as a major part of corporate social responsibility (CSR). However, there rumors that Belgium Beer wants to sell the company to willing buyers, which will potentially lead to the loss of independence and shift from its environmentally friendly...

Epidemiology and Prevention Policy for Non-Communicable Diseases

Among numerous non-communicable diseases, diabetes is a burden on contemporary society. It has both social and economic impact, but the unawareness of this fact limits the efficiency of prevention strategies. Diabetes is a chronic disease conditioned by the lack or ineffectiveness of insulin. There are three main types of diabetes:...

Magdelis Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy Manual therapy is the application of hand movements to control body tissues to reinstate movement, lessen pain, raise general health or bring relaxation. It also implies a course of procedures recommended by a medical therapist and is aimed at quick restoration of soft tissue or joints as well...

Interest Groups and Political Parties in the US

Interest Groups Dark Money Dark money refers to money that fuels and sustains election campaigns but whose sources remain anonymous. It is common knowledge that political campaigns require substantial investments and those candidates who cannot sponsor their efforts independently rely on the contributions and support of political groups and parties....

Followership Leadership vs. Servant Leadership

It is important to note the fact that leadership plays a major role in society. The main reason is that it is a core element of any organization, including private, public, for-profit, or non-profit. However, a leader can utilize a different range of approaches in order to lead his or...

History of Latinos in the Latino Americans Documentary

Latino Americans’ history is no less exciting than the history of African Americans or the formation of the modern United States. This course once again showed me that a society fighting for its rights is an irresistible force. Episodes of Latino Americans Documentary clarified for me many moments of history...

History of Protestantism in North America

Protestantism in North America begins with its early European roots and a German friar and lecturer, Martin Luther. His first step of the protestant reformation started when he led a charge against indulgences that benefitted the pope. His critiques gained popularity in Germany and with passing decades the protestant ideologies...

“Sense and Sensibility” by Jane Austen

The lives of people in the past and, more specifically, their relationships were primarily guided by material considerations. This world is portrayed in the novel “Sense and Sensibility,” written by Jane Austen, which demonstrates the rigid social hierarchy of the time leading to human greed. It is especially applicable to...

Troubles in the Intensive Care Unit

The four core principles of biomedical ethics are non-maleficence, justice, beneficence, and patient autonomy. Respect for autonomy means that doctor has to make decisions based on the patient’s moral and ethical values because the one is legally competent to make individual health choices. This principle involves a range of practices,...

Organizational Development and Change: Personal Practice

Appreciative inquiry is one of the organizational development approaches and change that emphasizes focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses. It deals with a team or, basically, the organization’s workforce by a comprehensive search of the best in an individual and the relevant skills and training they have in its line...

Conflict With Juvenile Offenders

Demographics of the Juvenile Offenders A person who has not attained 18 years is referred to by the law as a juvenile. An immature offender is an adolescent who participates in unlawful behavior before reaching the constitutional stage of the common. The statistics showed that the number of juvenile males...

The Best Presentation Software

Almost every person in their life comes across the need to make a presentation. Although when the matter concerns the presentation software, PowerPoint is the first thing that comes to mind for most users, there are many available and free analogs. To date, such applications as Google Slides, Canva, and...

Memorial of the Cherokee Council and the Declaration of Independence Comparison

The Declaration of Independence of the United States is a document that Congress unanimously adopted in 1776. This document highlights that the British colonies in North America declared themselves independent from Great Britain. The Cherokee Memorial is a letter sent in 1829 to the US legislature. This letter was written...

Upper and Lower Classes in the American Revolution

Social groups, regardless of their similarities in either cultural, ethnic, religious, or economic backgrounds, were often divisive on the topic of the American Revolution. Despite this, distinct loyalties to and against the revolution were noticeable within socio-economic levels of the U.S. at the time. Though the revolution was opposed and...

McDonald’s: Entering the East Asian Market

When people think of globally successful business endeavors, the McDonald’s company is likely to be the first one to cross one’s mind. Indeed, the rapid dissemination of McDonald’s franchises all over the world may be reasonably perceived as a manifestation of globalization because people from the polarly opposite socio-cultural background...

Why the People Crave Horror Movies

Introduction According to Stephen King, everyone is insane to some degree though the level of insanity differs from one individual to another. Stephen King’s ethos in horror films is the key reason why many people like movies. “Why we crave horror movies” forms an outstanding argument written in his essay...

Significance of Forgiveness and Its Importance

Introduction All people at least once in their lives faced the choice of forgiving or not forgiving someone who made a mistake or offended them. It can often be very difficult to overcome oneself and forgive, but in fact, there are several reasons why this act is necessary. First, mental...

“Miss Brill” Short Story by Katherine Mansfield

Katherine Mansfield’s “Miss Brill” portrays humble attempts of a lonely English teacher to aggrandize herself and her surroundings and demonstrates the pitfalls of daydreaming. It reveals the inner workings of an ordinary person’s soul showing that everybody has their passions and dramas. The plot and narrative techniques chosen serve the...

The ReDefine Firm’s Marketing Proposal Analysis

Summary ReDefine is a company that seeks to provide unique tourist experiences in well-known and not-very-familiar destinations around the world. It is based on the idea that travel can bring more happiness, satisfaction, and joy than it usually does. To achieve that, the firm offers several unique services for its...

Analysis of Elie Wiesel’s “Night”

Elie Wiesel wrote the novel entitled Night as a memoir telling the story of the author’s life as a Jewish boy during the time of the Holocaust. In his book, the author vividly creates a detailed account of his memories of the events surrounding the Holocaust and especially the tragic...

The Christian Church and Its Organization

Introduction Christian church developed a government system by the fourth century, based on a territorial plan borrowed from the Roman administration. A bishop was the head of the Christian community in each city, and the area of jurisdiction was known as diocese or bishopric. The diocese of every Roman province...

Gender Roles in Advertisements

Gender roles were a vital tenet, more so in the conformity era of the 1950s. For men, their roles as the breadwinners dictated their responsibility as the sole providers and heads of the household. Meanwhile, women were supposed to be stay-at-home mothers busy tending to the family’s needs and shopping,...

Conflict Between Inward Traits and Outward Circumstances in “Paul’s Case”

Introduction It is hard to disagree that many teenagers and young people are desperate dreamers and believers. They are rarely satisfied with their parents’ destiny and life choices, which makes these young persons try to achieve more, seek other opportunities, and rebel against the will of their mothers or fathers....

Ethical Rules in Large Business Companies

Most large business companies have a Code of Conduct, which describes the ethical rules for their work. Such documents most often cover the legal aspects of doing business and ensure that new trends that do not yet have legal regulation cannot harm society (Abdul Rahman et al., 2020, p.1192). These...

Aspects of the Hellenistic Period

Hellenism’s era is a time of intense synthesis of civilizations, when culture, religion, and many other aspects were mixed. This era lasted for about three centuries, starting with Alexander the Great’s death in 323 BC. After the king’s death, his empire broke up into many different kingdoms, which formed the...

The Ponzi Scheme in Investigative Accounting

Introduction The Ponzi Scheme is an investment method that pays dividends from newly came investors to those who invested earlier. The Ponzi Scheme appeared in the 1920s and became widespread among mass media channels. It refers to the financial pyramid, which attracts as many people as possible to the system....

The United States Fashion Industry’s Overview

As a commodity of the contemporary era, the fashion industry is the third largest global enterprise after automobiles and technology (Pelikánová, 2021). Fashion is dedicated to the trade of manufacturing and making sales of clothes, and it incorporates manufacturing, design, distribution, retailing, marketing, and promotion. Further, the fashion industry encompasses...

Claes Oldenburg and His Artworks

Why I chose Claes Oldenburg Claes Oldenburg is a modern sculptor who is famous for his public installations reminiscent of large everyday objects. Another direction of his sculptural art is the creation of soft versions of familiar objects. Many of his works were created in collaboration with his wife, who...

Therapeutic Models: The Common Features

Specific factors support an individual approach to every patient and define specialized therapeutic models as a crucial component in the outcome of a treatment. In contrast, common factors refer to the assumption that all therapy methods share similar features that affect the effectiveness of medical treatment. I believe that the...

Impact of Various Types of Communication on Adolescents’ Behavior

There have been numerous debates concerning the influence that various types of communication with peers may have on adolescents’ behavior and development. For instance, Laghi et al. (2019) claim that adolescents with impaired social skills could be more vulnerable to binge drinking. Some conservatives point to the fact that teenagers...

Clothing Creation and Ethical Issues

Clothes creation relies heavily on technology. Hence, technological evolution provides an impetus for the emergence of new products and trends. It is the first measurement that allowed the mass-market ready-made clothes to occur. Due to the growth of demand, ways to increase supply were found, and as a result, the...

Solving Ethical Dilemma of Discrimination

When it comes to frequent ethical dilemmas in workplaces, one of them is discrimination, whether it is based on religion, gender, ethnicity, or nationality. One of the situations I witnessed was the prejudice of one employee toward another based on skin color. While any form of discrimination at the workplace...

Servant Leader Vs Follower

Followership and servant leadership are the key styles that are commonly used in the military industry, and they base a strong control on people to ensure honesty and devotion. Both aspects promote respect, a positive attitude to surrounding people, and self-discipline. However, some requirements can differ in these two types...

The Theory of Social Stratification

The key meaning behind the concept of social stratification is the classification of people to the different social classes that possess or lack certain privileges. There is an evident pattern that displays that each society organizes their resources unequally, which leads to the unavoidable stratification (Tumin, 1953). The level of...

Stimulating Development in Children through Toys

Children learn by discovering and exploring their daily surroundings. Toys foster development in children by creating a natural teaching environment that promotes cognitive, motor, social, and emotional skills. Different toys are designed to help various age groups; therefore, identifying the right one is essential. This paper will explore Pattern Play...

Next Generation Air Transportation System

The constant development and evolution of the civil aviation sector are one of the major priorities of the US government. The emergence of new technologies in aviation creates the basis for implementing innovative technologies that might help to improve flight safety, reliability, and comfort. For this reason, Public Law 108...

Consequentialist Approaches to Ethics

Introduction Consequentialism is a theory of ethics in which people should choose actions based on the expected outcomes of those behaviors. Consequentialism does not specify which virtues should be maximized, but people can choose values in a way that corresponds to what is important to them (Ivlampie, 2017). Thus, this...

Appearance and Reality in Good Country People

Her statements are so vague and evident that they are almost meaningless, except for expressing a general philosophy of resignation. The fact that she cannot recognize them as cliches show how little time she spends thinking about her beliefs. Just as Mrs. Hopewell seems to want to change the image...

The “Diana of the Hunt” Sculpture by Huntington

Introduction Statues are rather magnificent and indescribably mesmerizing works of art. While it may not seem that way at first, they can depict personality, portray beauty and specific concepts. In some cases, these works can represent qualities that contradict each other, however, in a way that makes the two features...

“America Burning” Report by National Commission

The problem of fire as an obvious hazard to people’s well-being and lives must be avoided with the help of an effective and well-functioning plan. However, as the report produced by The National Commission on fire Prevention and Control, the problem of preventing and addressing fires has represented a major...

Organizational Citizenship at ARC Organization

The importance of organizational citizenship has grown in hospitals and other medical facilities in recent years because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The ARC organization is not an exception because the company strives to improve the lives of people with developmental disabilities. This post will discuss activities supporting internal and more...

Food Processing: Principles and Controversies

Overview of the Principles of Food Processing Food processing is a currently applied trend to turn fresh food into different food products through such methods as washing, pasteurizing, freezing, cooking, or packaging. The purposes of this decision vary, but the major outcome is to extend the shelf-life of food and...

The Nurse Burnout Problem Overview

Overview The advancement of the nursing profession presupposes broadening the scope of evidence pertaining to problem-solving. The past two decades have witnessed a widening body of research on nurses’ burnout, its causes, as well as outcomes for both the profession in general and patients in particular. Initially, the term burnout...

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Customer Focus in Healthcare Project Management

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Nursing Theories in Adolescents Issues Treatment

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Patient Safety Culture and Its Elements

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Pressure Ulcer Occurrence Prevention: Stakeholders

The paper identifies stakeholders related to the project “Prevention of Pressure Ulcer Occurrence at Intermedia Care Patients in Kendall Regional Medical Center”. Organizational hierarchy Patients Patients are the center of care (and research). CDS Team Data management and networking. Physicians Communication and counseling. Pharmacists Prescriptions and administration. Nurses Test assistance,...

HIV/AIDS, Respiratory Syndrome, Unhealthy Lifestyle

HIV/AIDS Only several decades ago, HIV was regarded as a disease that could only strike minority or marginalized groups of the population (which concerned mostly homosexuals and drug addicts). This partially accounts for the fact that there was not enough research done on the topic. Very little attention was paid...

Liberalism as a Political Ideology and Its Future

Politics play a pivotal role in the life of every individual, for governments make decisions that influence people’s everyday lives. However, not everyone clearly understands what political ideology they support. In this paper, I elaborate what ideology I adhere to, explain its origins, and try to understand its future prospects....