School Bullying and Student’s Development

Bullying Bullying is one of the major social challenges facing youth in our schools today. Ann and Aidan (2004) observe that there are two main types of bullying namely indirect and direct bullying. Students directly bully each other by fighting, kicking, pushing, and attacking using any available weapon. Indirect bullying... Company’s Missions and Environments

Introduction is an organization that is based in the United States of America. The company was launched in 1999. conducts its business online. This article evaluates the mission and vision statement of The paper will also focus on the major stakeholders of the company and how it...

Staples Incorporation’s Multichannel Strategy

Assess the extent to which Staples has developed a successful multichannel strategy? Staples Incorporation has succeeded because of its multichannel strategy. The company’s superstore concept makes it easier to provide different stock keeping units (SKUs). The company uses many retail stores, direct communications, e-mails, catalogs, and the internet to serve...

Rising vs. Declining Powers in International Arena

How small powers have managed to survive and conduct foreign policy Small powers have limited economic and military strengthens. On the other hand, middle and superpowers have significant economic and military strengthens such as the US. Small powers have been able to survive and conduct foreign policy successfully by employing...

Religion and State Separation History in America

Introduction The Capitol Hill building features one of the greatest monuments of art, which is the fresco of Apotheosis of George Washington. It was created by Constantino Brumidi in 1865, to commemorate the end of the Civil War and the foundation of the USA as a free and independent state...

Assessing Development in School-Aged Children

Introduction The appropriate development of individuals throughout all stages of their lives is critical as it guarantees their effective functioning in the future and the ability to live in society, communicate with its members, and engage in collaborative or successful relations. For this reason, much effort is devoted to the...

Symbolism in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

Symbolism in The Story of an Hour: Introduction The action in Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour takes place in the Mallards’ house, were learning about her husband’s death, Mrs. Mallard experiences freedom and dies when she sees him alive within an hour. The setting of this story is...

Iron Deficiency Anemia: Basic Principles and Practice

While the symptoms of all anemia types are similar, it is possible to differentiate some for them and find the right diagnosis. Multiple kinds of anemia are described by an individual feeling fatigued. Thus, it can be hard to find a diagnosis in many situations. However, the case of Ms....

Impact of Inadequate Nurse Staffing on Patients’ Health Risks

Patients’ Health Risks Poor patient outcomes can be a result of not only errors in diagnosis or the carelessness of doctors. In today’s rapidly-paced society, healthcare professionals are required to perform multiple tasks and manage several patients at the same time. This ultimately leads to burnouts and the turnover of...

BCG and GE Models in Strategic Management.

Introduction This paper to offer a strategic recommendation based on findings from a case involving two divisions as viewed using a BCG matrix where the electric division can be located at the upper right quadrant of the matrix while the appliance division is on the lower left hand of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hotel Management. The Gumshoe Hotel.

The Gumshoe Hotel situated near the Kensington Gardens in the city of London, Great Britain welcomes its new visitors for its long-awaited re-opening which is to take place in 4 weeks. Our 50-room hotel offers wide opportunities for life and rest such as a spa, a pool, a gum, a...

Conflict Theory in the Society

Antisocial behavior can be found regardless of culture. Delinquency is a normal response by youth to the social conditions created by capitalist society (Siegel & Welsh, 2008). Social conflict theory asserts, that individual behavior is connected to conflicts within the group and between the groups. It is common in contemporary...

Athenian Democracy: A History of Rise and Fall

Athenian democracy developed around 500 BC. In the early Dark Age, from 1150 to 900 BC, Greece suffered encroachment and movements of people. Sources of information are Iliad and Odyssey. Before the 11th century BC economic and political organization was lost, the only memory of legendary warriors-chiefs left (Pomeroy and...

Franciscan and Dominican Orders

The history of Christianity cannot be complete without mentioning such aspect as religious orders. The religious orders throughout history had a great impact on the major historical events in general, and the flow of Christianity in particular. In terms of influence and longevity, two orders should be mentioned, the Franciscan...

Energy Saving Light Bulb Manufactures Ethical Issue

Introduction Owing to the negative effects that global warming is having on our planets, debates have raged on as to the best way to alleviate the degradation of the environment. One of the ways that have been proposed and to some extent embraced in some countries is the use of...

Anger Management: Myth or Sterotype

Thesis statement Most people believe that anger could be eliminated by giving expression to one’s feelings and emotions, but the truth is that seeking diversions is a better way of anger management. Introduction Giving vent to one’s angry feelings only serves to exasperate the tense and high voltage situation. Research...

“Everything That Rises Must Converge” by Flannery O’Connor

Introduction A short story collection “Everything that Rises Must Converge” is written by Flannery O’Connor, an outstanding and well known writer. The book is considered to be a special one and combines philosophical and social issues; it is necessary to underline the fact that it was written during the author’s...

The Acceptance of Santeria in Modern Day Society

Freedom of religion and spiritual practices is one of the main issues granted by the Constitution. Santoria is a unique authentic form of religion that causes criticism and controversies because of its cruel practices and animal killing. Thus, the Constitution grants rights and freedoms to all citizens in spite of...

Statistical Information in the News: Use and Importance

Introduction Learning statistics can help in making everyday decisions based on data analysis. You do not have to make thorough studies of statistical reports; it is enough to switch on a TV or grab a newspaper. Nearly every piece of news contains some statistical data. With the news, there is...

Electronic Media and its Effect on Children

Bullied and Battered; Minister’s verdict on devastating effect of social media on children Jim Daly, a Government minister, is concerned about the adverse impact of electronic media on children. Unfortunately, they are not carefully regulated; thus, numerous children suffer from pressure. Therefore, the government takes action to eliminate the issue...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Schlitz Brewing Company Advertisement: Visual Arguments Analysis

Idea and Political Argument The idea that is being put forth by this advertisement of the Schlitz Brewing Company is that their beer is the only thing that can brighten the family life of a working man. It argues that wives are helpless in their everyday duties like cooking, which...

Myasthenia Gravis: An Autoimmune Disease

Introduction Myasthenia Gravis (MG), a neuromuscular autoimmune disease that causes varying degrees of muscle weakness. The disease usually affects the patient’s face and eye muscles, causing problems with talking, breathing, and vision. Research has been made to develop multiple treatments and diagnosis methods, with various levels of success. This paper...

South Korea: History, Facts and Culture

South Korea is a developed country in East Asia with a population of 51 million people. It is located on the Korean Peninsula with a capital in Seoul, the 5th largest megapolis in the world. Having a rich history that has started in the 7th century, along with rapid modernization...

Aspects of Writing the Recipe of the Snack

Recipe of the Snack The recipe for cheese wheatmeal cookies is quite simple and healthy, so we cook them today. First of all, you need to prepare all the ingredients. Sift 100 g wholemeal flour and 50 g self-raising flour, get 100 g butter and 100 g cheese, one egg,...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Assumptions

Introduction Motivation is a process that influences and directs behavior to satisfy a need. Maslow developed a theory based on the idea that human behavior is determined by limited fundamental needs that emerge in sequential order. He called his model a hierarchy of needs theory that comprises five dimensions of...

“28 Days” by Betty Thomas: Abnormal Character Behavior

Introduction Directors often turn to rather common psychological problems in their films in search of increased interest among the audience. Betty Thomas, in the movie 28 Days, shows the viewer the life through the eyes of an addicted woman being treated in a rehabilitation center. 28 Days is full of...

WeWork Company’s Postponement of Initial Public Offering

WeWork is among the leading share-workspace company in the world. It has been showing a positive rate of growth since its inception. However, in recent years, poor governance and financial performance have been a major concern, which led to the postponing of its IPO. The investors realized that the organization’s...

Odyssey, the Man and Myth

Homer’s work The Odyssey has a vast number of features, which are studied from the literature point to this day. This epic poem tells about the return of Odyssey to Ithaca after the Trojan War. The analysis of Odysseus’ books allows readers to recognize the temper and change the perceptions...

Attention and Consumer Behavior

The phenomenon of attention might seem as a fairly simple concept to define, yet a closer analysis will prove that attention is a rather difficult notion to approach. It appears that attention can be described as the ability to notice details that will inform one’s future choices and decisions. In...

The Importance of Medical Ethics

The US government, in collaboration with different medical organizations, has formulated rules and regulations that govern how healthcare is provided and accessed. These policies are referred to as medical ethics and dictate the roles and responsibilities of different stake holders to each other. For patients, medical ethics are important because...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Concepts of Brandt Company: Canada

Introduction Brandt Company is a group of industries primarily dealing with manufacture of engineering products. In the past the company was called Brandt electric, but to due to innovations and expansion of its manufacturing sector, it has gradually adopted the new logo “Brandt industries limited.” The company’s headquarter is in...

Nervous System: Body Sensory System

Introduction Our body is a complex made up of systems that aid in its functions; these systems are coordinated by an overall system known as the nervous system. Using sense, the nervous system sends reaction messages to organs for necessary action. The human body has built-in senses that are used...

Social Determinants of Health

Introduction The question that often comes into the minds of researchers when examining the issue of health revolves around the ability to create social structures that can prevent the emergence of diseases. This is what translates into a healthy society. This paper presents an analysis of social determinants of health...

Biological Processes and Population Health

Population health includes health outcomes, health determinant patterns, and the policies of intervention that link them. In order to promote population health, one must ensure that the population understands the biological processes that are determinant to one’s health. This is essential because the public must realize the processes involving scientific...

Life Stories of Older Adults With Sickle Cell Disease

The article explores life stories of adults with sickle cell disease (SCD) to ascertain how they explain their longevity. While there are improvements in the management of SCD, individuals with the disease still commonly get insufficient medical support. Jenerette, Leak, and Sandelowski (2011) purposed to identify what else may account...

Environmental Issues: Problems of Climate Change

Unquestionably, global transformation is becoming a challenge encompassing a broad scope of human life, including its economic and social features. Conducted investigations indicate that climate change will continuously affect the globe so long as necessary precautions are not taken to preserve the environment. Therefore, I believe in all the hype...

Construction Materials and Building Codes

During the construction of buildings for instance the story buildings, different building techniques are used. One of the techniques is the framing system technique. The framing system is placed on other structural components/ members or studs, which helps to provide a framework that is stable and also on to which...

Sobriety Tests by National Highway Transportation Safety Administration

Currently, the USA transport sector is marred with drunk driving, which usually leads to deaths, property destruction, and permanent injury. Despite numerous campaigns to curb the menace, many drivers still use alcohol or other drugs while driving their vehicles. Therefore, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) devised three sobriety...

Bacterial Meningitis: Diagnosis and Care

Emergency Situation: Bacterial Meningitis Bacterial meningitis (BM) is an infectious disease that can be caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Group B Streptococcus, Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae, and Listeria monocytogenes. The incubation period of the disease is around several hours, which makes it very hard for epidemiologists to encourage the right behavior...

The Duke House Analysis

In the turn of the twentieth century, American architects were trying out new and innovative architectural designs. They were both wealthy and daring with the work they did such that they came up with the beautiful works that adorn American landscapes and especially some landmark city scape. The James B....

Themes of “The Catcher in the Rye” by J. D. Salinger

J.D. Salinger is one of the most intriguing figures in 20th century US literature. His only novel, The Catcher in the Rye, is a worldwide bestseller. It is easy to read and understand, so readers can learn something useful from this literature even at a young age. The book covers...

Uffizi Gallery: Art Museum Installation Styles Evolvement

The concepts of museums and museum installations have changed significantly over the past several hundred years. The first well-known museums and galleries, such as the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, were predominantly collections of rare and precious objects intended for pure admiration (Paul, 2012). An example of a later context for...

Human Nature Definition in Social Theory

Human beings were trying to answer the simple from the first glimpse throughout the whole history, but enormously broad from the other perspective question: “What human nature is like?” The biggest problem with this question is that too many possible answers eliminate the one “right” answer. This is because of...

“The Enormous Radio” Story by John Cheever

Jim and Irene Westcott seem to be ordinary people with no peculiarities. Their lives resemble the lives of their neighbors in many aspects. For example, all of them are married, have two children, go to the theater, and hope to live in a better place (Cheever 1). Westcotts appearance could...

Cross-Cultural Management: A Case Study Analysis

The 21st century has introduced an evolution of the business environment, in which managers face new challenges. This age is characterized by the intense globalization that renders different parts of the world closer together, thus promoting the diversity of the entrepreneurial landscape. As such, companies and entire industries often become...

Traditional and Contemporary Music in Africa

Traditional West African music displays intricate rhythmic and metric patterns through singing, dance, and instrumental music. Classical West African music neither separates music as a distinct art form of sound, nor rhythms as a distinct art form of time, as is common in the West and the Caribean. Conversely, the...

Minority Representation in the United States Congress

In the modern world, changes are taking place aimed at the review of traditional norms and values, which, in particular, is reflected in the tolerant attitude towards representatives of various small groups. The level of discrimination against representatives of nationalities who immigrated to the country in the course of history...

“Frida”: Background Information, Plot, Criticism, and Personal Response

Background Information and a Star Rating Julie Taymor’s Frida is a biographical drama based on Frida Kahlo’s life story. The movie premiered in 2002, producing box sales revenues exceeding its initial budget by more than four times (“Frida: 2002, Biography/Drama, 2h 3m”). As per the movie’s aggregated rating, Frida’s average...

Stowe and Douglass’s Depiction of Slavery

Introduction Slavery narratives are a large part of America’s history and cultural heritage. As the inevitable component of the country’s collective past, it has left a significant impact on art, literature, public discourse, and other areas of society. In this work, the messages of “Narrative of the Life of Frederick...

“Has COVID Made Us Too Clean?” by Miller

The coronavirus epidemic has introduced new regulations to the usual way of life and changed the attitude towards many essential things. One of them is the maintenance of personal hygiene and cleanliness of the surrounding space. It is undoubtedly a vital aspect affecting all areas of life, and hardly anyone...

Alexander the Great and His Achievements

Alexander the Great lived only thirty-two years, but his dizzying career as a commander still amazes historians. The greatness of Alexander lies not only in his achievements but also in the symbolic meaning that they left for further history. Alexander is a magnetic historical figure, which was later followed by...

Contemporary Racial Capitalism in Flint

Introduction The racism and neglect of human rights witnessed in areas inhabited by a nonwhite population are alarming. Research by Pulido (2016) traces severe cases of inequality and imbalance in the city of Flint, whose major inhabitants are blacks. The research shows the poor living standards in Flint, which the...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care

Introduction The contemporary health care field entails various legal and ethical dilemmas, owing to its existence at least partly to the rapid development of technologies and the digitalization of science and medicine. The content and shape of ongoing improvements in health care require careful ethical and legislative attention. This paper...

The Feminism Theory in Modern Society

Women perform significant social, work, and parenting functions on an equal basis with men. However, in some cases, they barely have the same rights and freedoms as men do (Feminism is for everybody). I believe that even in the 21st century, we can note a tremendous gap between men and...

Anxiety Disorder as a Mental Health Challenge

Cognitive or Mental Health Challenge Anxiety is common in stressful events, such as delivering a speech or passing an exam. When sensations become overwhelming and all-consuming and conflict with everyday life, anxiety is just a symptom of the underlying sickness. There are various risk factors for anxiety that raise the...

Branding Effect on Consumer Buying Behaviour

The concept of purchasing behavior has evolved over the years and is paramount in forming marketing strategies. Day by day, human needs are growing, and this trend is invincible. The consumer behavior analysis is complex, especially in the luxury car-buying industry, which concerns a high social and psychological involvement. Its...

Abortion: A Pro-Choice Rally in Charlotte

On July the 3rd, 2022, women rallied through the streets, demanding to be right to commit murder. Such rallies and protests have been happening in Charlotte, NC quite often recently (Roat, 2022). On the uptown walk of July the 3rd’s rally, a Christian priest attempted to reason with the protestors...

Capital Punishment in Cases of Guy Paul Morin and Ted Bundy

Introduction There is an extended number of complicated and controversial social issues that will probably never be solved completely. The question of the necessity and morality of capital punishment is among such topics. It is well-known that many countries and American states introduced, abolished, and reintroduced the death penalty because...

The Paintings of Mary Cassatt, Paula Modersohn-Becker, and Frida Kahlo

A unique feature of Mary Cassatt’s art is the unadorned, accurate representation of women who play the most crucial role of mothers. Cassatt’s paintings depicted the daily lives of mothers and wives as if showing that outstanding actions are performed not only on the battlefield (Pollock, 2018). Thus, the artist,...

The Problem of Euthanasia Moral Acceptance

The concept of euthanasia became a topic of ethical discussion regarding the acceptance of specific procedures directly affecting the personal right to live. Scholars explore many issues concerning not only the medical and legal aspects but also the moral approach to understanding the necessity of the way to ease the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aspects of the History of Management

Introduction Nowadays, it is challenging to name a more essential and multifaceted sphere of activity than management, on which both the efficiency of production and the quality of services to the population largely depend. Society is undertaking an extremely difficult, essentially contradictory, historically inevitable, and irreversible restructuring. It is transitioning...

Resource Allocation: Factors, Strategies and Mistakes

Significant Factor in Resource Allocation and Business objectives The success of a project or any initiative relies significantly on the steps and strategies in place to allocate the available resources. Resource allocation is the responsibility of leaders in a setup; it entails assigning competent people some specific tasks necessary to...

The Twitter Company’s Analysis in 2020-2022

Introduction Twitter’s main asset is its software platform, which unites more than 313 million monthly active users (Sweney, 2020). It depends on the technical staff who will support the platform, the sales department to promote it, and the support staff who will provide support. Some of Twitter’s more direct activities...

Q.I. Program for Vaccination Among Healthcare Workers

Introduction Quality improvement (QI) initiative in healthcare is an effective method of gradually increasing the quality of the provided services. A wide variety of instruments, such as research, organizational changes, and innovative therapies, help achieve this objective (Gilbert et al., 2020). Moreover, the process generally involves various stakeholders, including clinicians,...

Fall Prevention and Stop Elderly Accidents Tool

Introduction As people age, their bodies become frailer and they gradually lose stability. This process leads to a high number of fall-related injuries and deaths among adults 65 years and older, costing over $30 bill. annually for U.S. citizens alone (Stevens, 2013). The two articles by Stevens and Phelan propose...

Important Information to Understand When Starting an Event Planning Business

Starting an event planning business can be an exciting and rewarding venture. However, laypeople should understand several vital pieces of information before venturing into this line of work. Ignoring this information while starting a business would cause implications for the business. The five most vital pieces of information to understand...

Hamlet, a World-Renowned Literary Classic by William Shakespeare

Introduction Hamlet, a world-renowned literary classic by William Shakespeare, depicts an acute vision of a man struggling with his indecisiveness in the face of constant external pressure and inner unrest. The hero, the young prince of Denmark, undergoes severe changes throughout the play, overcoming his weaknesses and learning to exercise...

Embracing the Meaningfulness of Subcultures

A cultural identity represents a crucial component of one’s personality, defining one’s life and choices. Though subcultures are typically seen as the elements of culture that have a lesser meaning than full-fledged cultures, the role that subculture play in the shaping of one’s identity is still undeniably large. Due to...

Description of Rational Choice Theory

It is essential to note that rational choice theory is a concept that explains the rational behavior and choices of individuals in pursuing the opportunities available to them in society. Individuals rank these opportunities according to the degree to which they serve their goals (Blossfeld & Prein, 2019). They follow...

Social Exchange Theory in Case of Adolescent

Introduction Adolescence is one of the most problematic in terms of character and behavior. The person begins to know himself, and the depth of their self-consciousness increases. However, at the same time, it is the first period they face the outside world with a responsibility to make essential decisions independently....

Aramco: Factors Influencing Organizational Success

Organizational performance and success are some of the most critical concerns for an organization’s management. Investors and stakeholders expect that their investments will yield profit resulting from the success of various business activities. During business operations, consideration of barriers and opportunities is crucial in shaping business activities and performance expectations....

Oracle Saudi Arabia-Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Introduction The internal environment of a company includes factors that are within its control and can significantly impact its success. Some of the key components of the internal environment of Oracle Saudi Arabia-Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) include organizational structure, human resources, and policies and procedures (Bateman & Snell, 2013). Discussion...

Gender Roles in Dual-Income Families

The typical gender roles in families have been debated for decades. With the rise of dual-income families, the roles of men and women within the family have changed. Historically, males have been seen as the household breadwinners. Men were expected to pay financially for their families, while women cared for...

Salmonella Outbreaks in the Recent Decade

Introduction For the purposes of this assignment, two articles on the topic of salmonella were chosen from the CDC website – “Reports of Selected Salmonella Outbreak Investigations” and “Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Infections Linked to Raw Turkey Products — United States, 2017–2019”. These sources are considered as important in understanding...

The Art of Writing and Storytelling

Introduction Composition writing is an integral part of learning the art of writing and storytelling in different aspects. Also, apart from enabling students to move from one academic level to another, composition writing is important for students because it allows them to learn how to present ideas and real-life events...

Oceans and Their Systems

An ocean gyre can be defined as a system of ocean currents, which exist in a constant rotating movement. As far as the cause of the ocean gyre is concerned, wind movements are traditionally mentioned as the key factors causing the phenomenon (Lutgens and Tarbuck 312). Though the phenomenon of...

The Advantage of the ‘Islamofascism’ Notion

The terms ‘Islamic fascism’ or ‘Islamofascism’ are applied not only by political figures (together with the president of the United States) but advertisers as well; thus creating an inconsequential storm and leading to an examination of the roots of the word in numerous countries. Walter Laqueur has been exploring the...

Winston Churchill’s Speech and Cold War

The Sinews of Peace known as The Iron Curtain is the speech of Winston Churchill to the United States and Great Britain in particular that laid the accent on the challenges of the Western World. The speech of the British statesman outlined the onset of the Cold War. As the...

The Cold War in Realism Theory

The definition of the Cold War refers to the conflict between the Western countries (the United States) against the Eastern Bloc (the USSR) and is also known as the conflict between capitalism and communism. It denotes the historic opposition of ideologies and drastically differs from the traditional forms of war...

The Whole Foods Market Concept

The concept of Whole Foods Market appeared in the 1980s. It became the major movement across the United States and the key provider of healthy and natural food (Baldwin 169). Whole Foods Market stores can be located in 41 states, and their follower base on Twitter is around 4 million....

Climate Change and Its Evidence

Climate change has been one of the central topics in mass media for more than four decades. Still, the opinion of scientists traditionally varies and remains skeptical when it comes to evaluating the real consequences of global warming. On the other side, some small changes known as the greenhouse effect...

Jean Watson’s Theory of Nursing Care

Summary of an Article Related to the Theory The research conducted by Ranheim, Kärner, and Berterö (2012) was aimed at bringing together the theory of nursing care created by Jean Watson, on the one hand, and the empirical discoveries made in three studies pertaining to the nurses’ caring intentions and...

Content Enhancement Strategies and Tools in Teaching

Introduction When teachers work with people who have special needs, they should adapt instructions and provide students with appropriate resources. The focus is usually on adjusting some information and offering certain content enhancements. The problem is in the fact that such enhancements should be of high quality to guarantee that...

Transgender Discrimination in Health Care

Introduction It is a rather known fact that transgender individuals are faced with harsh discrimination in a wide array of settings, including the health care setting. It appears highly likely that such discrimination may have a profoundly negative impact on the life of transgender people. This paper investigates the discrimination...

Venezuela and Colombia Relationships

The relationship between Venezuela and Colombia was initially hinged on the fact they both got their independence under Simon Bolivar although they later separated into two states in the 19th century which led to the strains in their relationship. The strain has been witnessed in various incidences. For example in...

PICC-Related Complications Reduction: Obstacles

The paper identifies obstacles to change project aimed to minimize PICC-related complications and reduce catheter reinsertion rates in Kendall Regional Medical Center. Obstacle Analysis The implementation of change required by the practicum project will likely be complicated and slowed down by a range of obstacles. While the human factor is...

Negligence of the Medical Personnel

Negligence of the medical personnel is among the best-known causes of breach of safety culture. It ranges from the minor violations of the rules to the severe mistakes that sometimes bear irreversible consequence, known as “never events.” Several ways of overcoming the issue have been suggested, most often the educational...

Value of Vision and Mission Statements in Marketing’s latest article by Colm Hebblethwaite, titled “Can Your Employees Recite Your Organization’s Vision and Mission Values?” reports that half of the marketing professionals in Rungway – a highly successful social and working communications platform, cannot recite the company’s V&M statements. The author states that Runway is not alone in...

Genocide and Mass Killing in “Becoming Evil” by Waller

Introduction Waller’s work in ‘Becoming Evil’ is a reminder of the numerous accounts of genocides that have occurred in the past century. Waller unmasks the ordinary excuses for psychopathology, and genocide-group think, unusual cultures and puts up a comprehensive perception of humans’ capability to participate in transgression. He highlights the...

Bloom’s Taxonomy as a Learning Tool

In 1956, Benjamin Bloom created a framework that would help educators focus on the intellectual comprehension of their students. The taxonomy provides a hierarchy of perception levels and is used for creating performance assignments and ensuring feedback from students (Churches, 2009). The taxonomy features three domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor,...

Guide to Healthcare Regulatory Agencies

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality This is a federal agency that is in charge of the improvements that can be made to the healthcare system of the United States, its safety, and quality (Murphy, 2015). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is designed to help American citizens to...

Impulsive and Compulsive Buying Behaviour

The methodology chosen for this research is the case study that is associated with the focus on a particular problem (Creswell, 2012). The problem under analysis is the compulsive buying disorder in women in their late 30s, and the focus is on the way these females see their conditions, its...

Nursing Assessment and Patient Interview

Data Gathered The patient analyzed in the case study at hand is a 21-year old female, whose major complaint is that she has been feeling weak and unwell for rather a long period of time. First and foremost, it can be concluded from the information provided by the woman that...

Loudness War in Sound Engineering

Introduction One of the most controversial trends in sound engineering is the so-called “loudness war.” This name describes the practice of parallel compression that makes the record louder, but at the expense of the dynamic range. This practice results in the loss of sound detail and does not utilize the...

Cuban and African-American Health Culture

Introduction Cultural background and heritage are essential aspects when discussing familial health traditions. Every culture has an array of beliefs and values that influence healthcare perception and behavior. To understand the view of health in a particular culture, it is necessary to examine several aspects that constitute a particular cultural...

Pattern Recognition in Machine Learning

With the development of new technology, it becomes possible to widen a range of tasks that can be fulfilled by computers. The tasks that modern researchers and programmers focus on are different in nature, but all of them must have practical significance and be helpful for users. This literature review...

The Just-in-Time Management System Installation

Identify the attributes you would expect the claims processing Department at MICI to have once the new JIT system is in place With the implementation of JIT system at the MICI, customer claim processing is expected to be processed in a faster way. As indicated in the case study, the...

The Market of Cloud Computing

On the whole, the author of the article states that three giants dominate the world of cloud computing – Microsoft, Amazon, and Google. However, new technologies are developed every day. These technologies can either preserve the oligopoly or destroy it. It is stressed that cloud computing is a popular target...

America’s Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists

H.B. 70 Summary: General Provisions recognition of the importance of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) effective results within 150 years 43 million anesthetics annually extensive employment of CRNAs at all levels rural anesthetic care provided by nurse anesthetists CRNAs’ activities in all medical areas anesthesia in rural surgery and obstetrics...

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Big Data for Public Administration and Government

Abstract In this research paper, the idea of big data and personal privacy are discussed through the prism of the work of the public sector and the government. In many countries, artificial intelligence systems have already been successfully implemented to control unlawful activities and improve operations. More attention should be...

The Concepts of Utopia and Dystopia

Introduction The concepts of utopia and dystopia characterize political and economic system of a state and its ideology. Utopia means “an ideal state where all is ordered for the best for humanity as a whole and where the evils of society, such as poverty and misery, have been eliminated” (The...

Nine West Company Competitors Overview

Introduction The main competitors of Nine West are Etienne Aigner, Inc. Brown Shoe Company, Inc.; Kenneth Cole Productions, Inc.; Candies, Inc.; Maxwell Shoe Company Inc. Thus, the paper will be centered only on three of them which have an impact on the company’s sales and market position. Brown Shoe Company...

Exxon Mobil Payroll and Foreseeable Changes

Abstract This short paper will examine the payroll size of Exxon Mobil Corporation and present figures for groups expenditure in lieu of its payroll. Furthermore, it will also discuss certain issues which have been made headlines as the company plans to save up from changes in its payroll. Main Body...

The Historical Significance of the Civil War in England

The Civil War in England is a range of conflicts between the adherents of Carl I and the adherents of the Parliament. These events took place from 1642 to 1652. The Civil War in England started in August of 1642. The primary cause of the war was the crisis, which...

Solutions for Dysfunctional Companies

A dysfunctional company is a fast-growing company but its existence into the future is not guaranteed. It often develops bad politics internally, breakdown of communication, bad management, lack of commitment, and also there is no collaboration when working. There is low productivity and the company is often in crisis. What...

E-Commerce in Computer Science Area: Business Idea

Description of the business This proposal will discuss the setting up of an E-Commerce business that will essentially deal with the sale of electronic devices over the internet; such electronic devices include watches, cameras, phone and phone accessories and computer accessories. The site will thus be about the sale of...

Current Role of U.N. in World Affairs

Introduction The United Nations has a great role to play in current world affairs despite the few perspectives of its failure. The role of the United Nations goes beyond political and security matters. At the same time, the organization has been successful in a number of ways. It can thus...

The Experience of Visiting the Energy Medicine Florida

Within the current project, I contacted a CAM practitioner in Miami, Florida Dr. Wu Dhi of the Energy Medicine Florida alternative cure center. The issue which I reported was a continuous spinal pain of unknown origins. The decision of addressing to Dr. Wu Dhi was well-thought, as his organization has...

Gender and Cultural Factors in Risky Behavior Among Adolescents in the US and Asia

Intrinsic pressures together with socially acceptable gender norms play part in the differences that males and females differ in risky behaviors. This is also affected by the culture and one’s background (Park and Kim, 2010). When it comes to making decisions on risk behaviors, individuals from both America and Asia...

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Adult Day Care for the Elderly

Effective leadership entails self-awareness, passion, and having a strong conviction in what one believes in. These convictions should be conveyed to the leader’s subjects. However, the leader needs to be tolerant and accepting of other people’s convictions (Reid, 2019). This paper discusses the organizational and personal vision for an adult...

Mirabeau Lamar Nationalist Idea

On December 10, 1838, Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar became the second president of the Republic of Texas. He was an individual of high culture and, simultaneously, rather an idealist dreamer than a successful politician. His primary envision was a Texas empire expanding to the Pacific Ocean. During his political career, Lamar...

“Salon de la Rue Des Moulins” by by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

  Introduction In the current essay, a painting “Salon de la rue des Moulins” by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec will be analyzed in-depth, considering the context in which it was created. A brief overview of the painting, the artistic movement, the artist’s style, different influences, and personal reflection on learning will...

The Women’s Rights: The Movement for Equal Society

Women’s Rights are repeatedly detected to be at the center of attention, as they are frequently infringed upon. However, if looked back on history just 200 years ago, women did not have nearly as much freedom and abilities as modern females do today. The path to equal society is yet...

Analysis of Operating Systems

Operating system is a master program that controls the functioning of the computer hardware. It is an interface linking the user and the hardware. The main functions of an operating system include coordinating input and output devices, controlling the use of the backing storage, integrating the user and computer communication,...

Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care

Introduction Culture care theory derives its principles from the dispositions of Leininger on nursing and cultural orientations. According to Leininger, transcultural nursing precepts involve an analysis of different cultures with a view to understanding cultural practices across various human groups. This comparative approach to studying cultures of human constructs is...

Thomistic Approach to St. Augustine’s and St. Anselm’s Views

Summa Theologiae is considered one of the most influential books in the field of medieval philosophy and theology. It encompasses various topics connected with Christianity, such as the existence of God, faith and reason, and the goal of human life. This compendium provides reasoning for almost every controversial theme that...

Nursing Education Analysis

Nursing is known as one of the most stressful career fields, and so is nursing education. To keep the earners motivated but not to turn them away from this career field an educator needs to distinguish the main challenges they face and to avoid the students’ intimidation. Nursing education is...

Medicaid Expansion: The Florida Medicaid Expansion

Introduction Medicaid is a government social healthcare program meant to give insurance cover to low-income individuals, families and special categories of people who are deemed vulnerable or disadvantaged—it is a public policy initiative. Public policy is a tough balancing act of competing interests. It is no easy task because it...

Global Health Ethics and State Development

Nowadays, being ethical is highly important in the multicultural environment, as people tend to have different opinions regarding similar issues. At the same time, the countries are interested in cooperation, and international trade is gaining its popularity. The phenomenon of globalization has driven the need to develop a universal approach...

Forest Management as One of Geoengineering Strategies

It has been acknowledged that climate change is one of the major challenges humanity faces, which has led to certain changes in people’s attitudes towards the issue. At present, individuals, institutions, and countries develop numerous approaches and strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of the human society on the environment....

Organizational Culture and Diversity: United States Army Veteran Rank

Each person has a set of cultural identifiers that indicate his position in society. However, some qualities are more critical for the individual since they are more closely related to their character and history. For me, the most significant cultural identifiers are the United States Army Veteran rank, Texas as...

Epidemiological Research Study: The Random Errors

Introduction Epidemiologists carry out research studies and compile clinical results for various health issues affecting people in different communities. During analysis of these research findings, confounding and random errors occur. This makes epidemiologists cautious when developing research studies to minimize their occurrences (Loewenson, 2004). The role of P-values and Confidence...

Real-Life Story of Post-traumatic Stress Disease

P.K Phillips begins her story by describing PTSD as a life-long challenge since it has affected most of her life. At her young age, Phillip started experiencing undiagnosed mental disorders which were not visible to others. Although Phillip was battling a serious condition, people perceived Phillips to be living a...

Chapter Highpoints Journal

Introduction Healthcare providers must be in a position to describe the healthcare system and available healthcare organizational structures in order to develop an adequate understanding of how to integrate all the elements and dynamics in meeting the needs of target populations. This paper uses the first two chapters of Longest...

Amazon 2016 Annual Report Assessment

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Effects of Oscillating-Rotating Electric Toothbrushes

An increasing variety of toothbrush types is available in the market today. Aside from traditional manual tools implementing different bristle design solutions, popular options for consumers include oscillating-rotating (OR) electric toothbrushes and tools that generate ultrasound to improve plaque removal. Dental care recommendations related to toothbrush selection may need to...

How Planning Plays a Role in Whirlpool’s Manufacturing Process

Whirlpool Corporation is one of the leading companies in the manufacturing of kitchenware and laundry products. The company has focused on improving the quality of its goods to attract more customers. Whirlpool is headquartered in Benton Charter Township, Michigan, United States, and ships its products to various countries. Thus, it...

Strawberry Business: Software Project Management

Multiple tools are available and essential to use when making business management decisions. With the advancement of informational technologies, more and more industries and businesses benefit from using software for analysis and better-informed decision-making. The strawberry industry in general and the Labedo Berries company, in particular, also use business management...

Employee Training and Development

Effective Training Needs Analysis Training needs analysis refers to the identification process of employees’ development and training needs to enable them to carry out their tasks more efficiently to realize personal and organizational goals. Based on the scenario, the components of an effective training needs analysis include information regarding the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Child Care and the Difference Between Two Modes of Preschool

Child care is a supervision of a child or multiple children by an institution or people other than the parents or parental guardians of the child. While addressing the question, it is essential to analyze how the distance between a parent and a child affects the latter. However, childcare is...

Biodiversity on the Earth: Why Is It Crucial for the Environment?

Introduction There are numerous global problems that pose dangers to humanity and the Earth. Some people claim that it has always been like this, and the planet has been facing some threats to its environment throughout its existence. However, people still have the responsibility to do their utmost to preserve...

Draft for the Research Paper of Best Buy

Introduction In today’s marketplace, every company strives to achieve maximum competitive advantage. The famous American economist Michael Porter, using five structural units characteristic of each industry, described the ways of creating a competitive advantage and long-term profitability of a product. Best Buy, one of the largest consumer electronics retailers in...

Health Disparities in Rural Versus Urban Areas

In the United States, diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death after cardiovascular disease. The primary triggers of this health issue are the social determinants of health (SDOH). Some of the examples of SDOH include education, income, occupation, access to healthcare, and social support (Lenzi, 2018). These factors directly...

Special Features of the Oprah Winfrey’s Speech During Harvard Commencement

Public speeches can be pretty challenging tasks since the speakers should attract attention and convey the message understandably. They need to understand the audience, determine the theme for the address, choose the appropriate style, and make other preparatory efforts. This paper examines the features of Oprah Winfrey’s speech during Harvard...

Sea Level Rise: Major Causes and Effects

The rise of sea levels has been discussed for decades. Although fluctuations in water levels are natural, such an increase is alarming as it is likely to have a considerable impact on ecosystems and people’s lives. This rapid increase is associated with various natural disasters such as storms and floods....

“A Vindication of the Rights of Woman” by Wollstonecraft

The equality of social status of men and women has always been a question of great interest for many sociologists. One of the authors addressing this issue is Mary Wollstonecraft. She is famous for her work A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, in which she argues that women are...

The Culture of an Open Attitude in Healthcare

Open attitude and cultural competence Apart from promoting the culture of learning and enhancing patient-nurse understanding, an open attitude plays a crucial role in the efficiency of care delivery. Being able to relate well with patients and colleagues of diverse backgrounds without being judgmental provides a respectful work environment with...

Researching of Talon Investment

Introduction A succession plan is critical for the survival of companies in case of unforeseen situations. The consideration helps avert company shutdowns and job losses and ensures continuity of supply chain and corporate strategies. It is also vital to reassure stakeholders to continue trusting the company. Companies whose identities cannot...

A Financial Plan of a Middle-Aged Adult

Introduction People always have a mental image of what they expect their future life to look like. Ideally, a major number of people set minimum standards to provide better conditions than they are in their families for surviving, but they usually have a desire to have a higher life quality....

The Rise and Fall of Rome: History of the Roman Empire

Rome is a historic city and capital of Roma Province and is situated in the central region of the Italian Peninsula. For a long time, Rome controlled the destiny of all evolution known to Europe before it fell into despair and dissolution. Even with many challenges, Rome was able to...

The Necessity of Cultural Sensitivity in International Business

Doing business with an individual from the USA differs significantly from an Asian customer. The varying nature of countries and regions propagates diverse cultural norms. Businesspeople should consider these aspects when conducting intercultural commerce. The world is getting increasingly connected with individuals exhibiting cultural differences. Our response to cultural variations...

Data, Technology, Gender, and Society

Introduction Generally, Anabel Quan-Haase’s text is sensitive to the shifting societal expectations and connected possibilities brought about by the convergence of society and technology. Quan-Haase animates the questions necessary to our continually developing connection with technology by combining historical approaches that are research-based and theoretical to examine the relationship of...

Aspects of Event Venue Investment

The two main factors to consider in determining investment in event management services are cost/logistics and usability/operability. Cost is a major factor, depending on a range of other influences. Constructing a dedicated event management facility from the bottom up will be more costly as it includes elements of planning and...

Social Media Companies: The Main Functions

Prompt 1 Social media companies have revolutionized communication, and their increasing popularity presents an ever-growing wealth of data leveraged by businesses for strategic insights and marketing purposes. The platforms collect enormous volumes of customer information, which are subsequently used for such activities as targeted advertising, opinion mining, and customer relations....

Violence Against Women Act and Removal Risks for Self-Petitioners

Introduction VAWA stands for Violence Against Women Act, which was adopted by the US government in 1994. The purpose of the Act was to provide blanket protection for women against violence, including not only US citizens but also legal and illegal migrants as well (GAO, 2019). One of the provisions...

Human Trafficking and Forced Prostitution

Introduction Human trafficking can be defined as the forced relocation of a person with the intent to exploit this individual for a variety of purposes, be it household work or, as this paper will delve further into, forced sexual labor. Linebach et al. (2016) identify violence or suggestions of violence...

Media Misrepresentations of Nurses

Mass media, such as movies and TV shows, constantly focus on sensational fantasies rather than reality, brainwashing society. Medical films, for instance, are notorious for dramatic, fast-paced scenes, which sometimes inaccurately portray the inner hospital workings. Nurses particularly get degrading roles, and the reality about the career is skimmed over,...

The Vans Resilient Brand’s Analysis

Introduction Vans was founded in 1966 by Paul Van Doren and his brother James. Initially, the company aimed to make long-lasting, washable, and cost-effective shoes in south California (Moon & Kiron, 2002). The firm made sales directly to clients and operated retail stores. Vans product promotion was through giving out...

A Nursing Intervention Delivered via Telehealth

Nursing interventions are any actions registered nurses conduct to support their patients in recovering from any illness. Utilizing innovative technology, the introduction of telehealth has made it possible for nurses to care for their patients even when they are not physically present in the same room. Some of the devices...