Expenditures in South Carolina’s Budget

Expenditures on education The place of America as a superpower has its roots in its education system. Therefore, every state has a responsibility of providing quality education to maintain this position. The value that South Carolina attaches to education shows in its expenditure on education. This expenditure item historically accounts...

Praying for Sheetrock: Civil Rights Movement

Introduction In her 1992 book, which full title is Praying for Sheetrock: A Work of Nonfiction, Melissa Fay Greene considers the problem of the Civil Rights Movement in the American South. Although the issue of racial inequality and struggle for civil rights is represented abundantly in American literature, Melissa Fay...

The Power of Meditation

In most cases, it happens that we may not realize who we are. This results from the over-involvement with too much activity in work or studies, which denies us the time to reflect on whom we are or discover our inner self. As Holecek explained, the experience whenever we over-utilize...

The Parthenon Marbles: The Greece Art

The return of the Parthenon Marbles to the place of origin has probably been the most well-known heated dispute in the museum art world for the last decades. Though those treasures of the ancient cultural heritage by their essence are of universal significance, they remain the inalienable part of Greece...

Southwest Airlines’ Services and Customers’ Satisfaction

Southwest Airlines is a company with a short history that began its operations approximately in the second half of the last century. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Southwest Airlines’ fleet grew from a couple of Boeings in Texas to a dozen planes that circulate between a thousand destinations....

Analysis of Lee Friedlander’s Photographs

Friedlander is famous primarily for his street photography – raw, real, brazen. Lee Friedlander’s photos are like music, and that music is jazz. Through a few notes, previously nonexistent space is built up, beginning to live its own closed and self-sufficient life. In the free improvisation of light spots, the...

The Initial Stage of Groups and Explanation on How to Manage the Situation

Sociology being the study of human society looks keenly at the human being as an individual entity that lives within some particular society. Human beings are always associated with other individuals. Niebuhr (1932) asserts that “ Man is endowed by nature with organic relations to his fellow-men, and natural impulse...

Egyptian Funerary Practices and Its Related Imagery

Introduction Funeral rites and beliefs were significant for the ancient Egyptian society and were already practiced long before the emergence of the state, somewhere in the era of primitiveness. The concept of life in Ancient Egypt was very different from the common understanding, as they believed that life was to...

Southern Whites Defending Slavery Analysis

Slavery was a significant part of the American social and economic system from the beginning of the nation until the 19th century when the Thirteenth Amendment was approved. It deprived Africans and African Americans of freedom and basic human rights. Slavery was legal and endorsed by the government, church, and...

Performance by the Frost Concert Jazz Band

Jazz is a musical genre that originated in the early 20th century and takes its roots in New Orleans. Since its popularization, there have been many subgenres of it that were defined by their historical eras. However, the standard components of jazz include specific musical instruments, syncopation, and the element...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Cost of the Affordable Care Act

Healthcare policies aim to promote public health and quality of care through cost-effective measures that impact various aspects of clinical practice. The integral part of any healthcare policy is adequate financing supported by cost-containment or cost-control strategies. The following paper will discuss the cost of the Affordable Care Act, analyze...

Overcrowding in Jails and Prisons

In a case of a crime, the offender is either incarcerated, placed on probation or required to make restitution to the victim, usually in the form of monetary compensation. A significant part of all state and federal prisoners in the US are confined for nonviolent offenses, such as property crimes...

Criminal Investigation: Offense Issues

Prosecuting a crime is a process, which is not limited by the processes related to the investigation. In that regard, it will be an understatement to say that the work is finished with merely collecting evidences, interviewing witnesses, and catching the offender. Bringing the case to the court is another...

Benefits of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act can restructure the health care systems by increasing the accessibility of health cover. The Act also controls coverage and streamlines the delivery mechanisms to the population. This also includes payment of these services. The Act seeks to cut down the number of...

Victimization Prevention is an Effective Tool Against Crime

Introduction The focus on victimization prevention will help the criminal justice system and the crime victims to reduce the number of abuses and crimes that take place in the local community. Victimization prevention is an effective tool against crime as it helps potential crime victims to adapt their behavior patterns...

Article Review: “The Philosopher Stoned” by Adam Kirsch

Introduction In his article The Philosopher Stoned, Adam Kirsch describes Walter Benjamin, his way of life, views, ambitions, and the influence of drugs on his mentality. The author explores certain life periods of Benjamin, observes the progression of his character, and also tries to emphasize his book On Hashish. Kirsch...

Health Information Technology

Introduction Information technology has gained increased attention among scientists as it has become widely used in the healthcare sector. It possesses the capacity to change nursing practice (Jones, Rudin, Perry, & Shekelle, 2014). IT is discussed in the paper from the standpoint of its relevance, negative and positive impact on...

Incarcerated People’s Work in the USA

There are over 2 million incarcerated people in prisons of the United States, and approximately half of them work. Many prisons have job-training programs, which allow putting the incarcerated people to labor. This system has existed in the United States since the end of the 19th century. Today, there are...

Should Preventive Care Be Restricted From High-Risk Patients

Introduction The paper is aimed at a constructive argumentation of whether preventive care should be restricted for high-risk patients or patients nearly to be ill or not. In this respect, the research deals with the authoritative opinions of therapists and observers of the issue in a nationwide scope. Due to...

The Definition of Public Health Leadership

Introduction Public health leadership, just like leadership in any other field is based on such concepts as an influence, the situation, and the followers, and is based on the correlations between these factors (Vroom & Jago, 2007; Nahavandi, 2014). At the same time, Koh (2009) defines the leader in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Victim Blame Opinions: the Scientific Method

Introduction High rates of victimization are one of the main problems that affected the criminal justice system. The scientific method will help to test the assumptions of blame and determine the degree of victimization and psychological abuse. The issues chosen for the scientific method are those which promoted strategy to...

Nurse Understaffing: Identifying a Financial Issue

Summary of the Articles The most common problem faced in hospitals today, and that has been occurring for a long time, is the issue of nurse understaffing (Davis, Mehrotra, Holl, & Daskin, 2014). Nurse understaffing is simply the inadequate number of nurses accorded to patients in a hospital. Several factors...

Synthesis of 5,5-Dimethylcyclohexane-1,3-Dione

Dimedone is a well known organic chemistry compound that is yellow and solid in appearance, stable but sensitive to light un-compared to other oxidizing agents. Dimedone has a molecular weight of 140.1797g/mol and has a melting point of between 147–150oC (420-423oK). Dimedone molecular formula is (CH3)2C6H6(=O)2. This yellow crystalline substance...

Judicial Decision-Making Analysis in John Peter Zenger’s Case

The account of the trial of John Peter Zenger depicts how freedom of expression in the United States was in the period of 1735. The trial made a landmark to the freedom of the press ever since the German immigrant printer was sued for publishing the seditious libels. In this...

Parkinson’s Disease and Toxoplasma Gondii Correlation

Introduction Pathogens including viruses and parasites manipulate the host’s system to enhance their ability to be infectious. One such parasite, T. gondii, a protozoan, is often associated with neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) in its host (Xiao et al. 2010). Though it is known that T. gondii affects...

Veganism Diet: Pros and Cons

Nutrition is a critically important part of human lives as it guarantees that a person will acquire nutrients and elements such as vitamins and minerals. They are needed for the preservation of the desired level of health and high quality of lifestyles. Unfortunately, literacy in this sphere remains low, and...

“Wild Nights!” by Emily Dickinson

Who is the Speaker? Wild Nights is known as one of the most thought-provoking poems written by Emily Dickinson in 1891. This verse has captured readers’ attention and imagination due to its ambiguous nature. It narrates about passion, desire, rapture, and ecstasy; yet, it also describes the powerful natural phenomenon....

Alternative Spaces of Intimacy

The Digital revolution caused modern ‘romance’ to change significantly because people now have the means to connect via the internet without the need to physically approach another person in the streets. As a consequence, there are more and more people who started dating online or met via social media. Among...

Effective Strategies for Linguistically Diverse Classrooms

Introduction Societal trends contribute to the emergence of the diversity of American students. This fact explains the need for an instrument allowing them to assess their knowledge based on various factors. The failure to do so would indicate the allegedly poor student performance, which would be biased due to the...

Cold War, Truman’s Foreign Policy

Why was the United States unable to avoid entering a Cold War with the Soviet Union? After World War II, the world has divided into two opposite parts with two contrasting belief systems. Ahead of the one was the Soviet Union, while the United States led the other. Therefore, the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Persuasive Techniques in Advertisement

The first type of persuasive technique used is Pathos, which entails emotional appeal. Essentially, using this type of advertisement will require provoking an emotional response from the customer. Occasionally, they are positive emotions that include excitement and enthusiasm to create a good reputation and convince the customer to consume the...

Inferential Statistics Article by Florin et al.

The paper summarizes a current nursing research article in terms of its aim, methods, results and conclusion, before examining how the authors have used the ANOVA statistical tool to inform its conclusions and recommendations. The aim of the study by Florin et al (2012) “was to investigate Swedish university students’...

Criminology: The Peace-Making Model

There are diverse approaches towards the alleviation of crime, depending on the levels to which the community can choose to cooperate and the effectiveness of the law enforcement agencies. One of such approaches is the peacemaking model in criminology. The peacemaking approach towards crime alleviation contrasts itself with the conventional...

Codes of Conduct: Conflicts in Organization

Organizations suffer from several limitations, including conflicts among employees, which limit effective operations. As employees interact at the workplace, they are bound to disagree on several matters. Although disagreements are the main cause of workplace conflicts, the struggle for power and influence is a significant impediment to organizational progress. Relationship...

Three Branches of the Federal Government

Introduction The separation of powers within the federal government presents an effective system allowing the authorities to distribute and perform essential tasks successfully. However, despite the seeming equality, their capabilities differ depending on duties. Thus, for example, the interrelated nature of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches does not prevent...

Schizophrenia Depicted in “A Beautiful Mind” Film

Schizophrenia is a mental illness in which the boundary between imagination and reality is blurred. Most schizophrenics suffer from hallucinations and persistent delusions. Although patients are distinguished by strange behavior, they are not aggressive and do not suffer from a split personality. This disorder affects millions of people worldwide, and...

Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Postpartum Women

The exploration of the effects that role-playing and scripting have on the efficacy of encouraging postpartum women to adopt exclusive breastfeeding is essential since it will allow the target audience to understand the importance of exclusive breastfeeding and the role that it plays in child’s development. Therefore, it is essential...

Europe Between 1788 and 1848: Change and Continuity

In the period between 1788 and 1848, Europe was torn between the two conflicting forces: those of change and of continuity. After the French Revolution, the monarchy in many European countries witnessed a crisis that gave rise to revolutionary movements all across the continent. Political and economic liberalism strived to...

The Merger Between Three and O2 and Its Influence on the UK Telecommunications Industry

Although previously, the merger between Three and O2 was seen as hindering competition, currently, the merger product should not be deemed an omnipotent competitive force. However, further analysis of the implications of this merger in the context of the present competition rates within the UK telecommunications industry indicates that There/O2...

Greenpeace Canada Overview

Introduction The organization, which will be the focus of this report, is Greenpeace Canada. It is a subsidiary of the largest non-governmental environmental organization in the world. It can be accessed online by following this address. The main purpose of Greenpeace Canada is to ensure the ability of nature to...

Healthcare Programs in Wyandotte County

Health Inputs Highlighted in the Case The key inputs to health highlighted in this case study include the different programs that Wyandotte County has implemented to prevent or reduce untimely death. One of these projects is the County’s 20-20-20 challenge, aiming to lengthen sidewalks, bikeways, and trails by 20 miles...

Visual Effects in the “1917” Movie

1917 follows the story of two British soldiers as they rush in trying to stop the British attack from falling into an ambush. The film received numerous awards and positive reviews and is credited as an incredible achievement in planning, camera work, and editing. The final result looks as if...

Acts 17 in the Book of Acts

Acts 17 in the Book of Acts describes Paul the Apostle’s second missionary journey. This chapter calls people to study the word of God to avoid being deceived by the rulers who proclaim their power by misrepresentation of the Bible. For example, citizens became terrified when Paul started to spread...

Takeaways From the Budget Development Exercise

Introduction To achieve financial stability and minimize risks linked with unexpected expenses, skills in developing a personal budget are important. Basic budgeting-related competencies can promote healthier spending patterns and increase personal saving rates regardless of a person’s initial financial knowledge. This paper summarizes takeaways from the budget development exercise, including...

Abnormal Behavior in the Historical Context

Abnormal behaviors and mental disorders can be considered social factors of influence that can impact an individual’s living conditions. In defining abnormalities, it is important to consult a highly qualified specialist who will apply criteria assessment methodologies to determine potential issues. Even though society observes abnormal behavior as an issue,...

The Early Republic and the American Nation’s Prosperity

Americans’ successes in overcoming the impediments during the Early Republic to become a prosperous and unified nation were linked to the settlers’ perseverance, confirmed by primary documents as evidence of real-life conditions. According to these pieces, they viewed themselves as invincible despite poor conditions, and “hard duty to perform” and...

Importance of Parity of Esteem

The parity of esteem signifies the importance of placing equal value on mental and physical health. While the concept employs several purposes, its primary function is to promote equal access to healthcare services for individuals with complex mental health needs that reflect those that are provided for individuals with physical...

Mass Media and Its Importance for Society

The 2000s significantly affected most information and social information professions. The reason for this was the communication revolution, provided by new types of communication, data transmission, and content. The combination of technologies that people today call “digital” has made it possible to distribute any media content in real time at...

Human Papillomavirus: Structure and Transmission

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a viral infection passed from one person to the other through contact with the skin. More than 100 varieties of HPV exist, with about 40 being transmitted through sexual contact. HPV passed through sexual intercourse can affect the mouth, throat, and genitals (Chaturvedi et al. 265)....

Why Has Social Media Affected Political Campaigns?

Political advertising is a type of marketing that allows candidates to directly communicate their message to the public and sway the overall opinion of themselves. Candidates can reach audiences who might not otherwise be paying attention to the election and create name recognition, highlight crucial issues, and bring awareness to...

Discussion of Ethical Issues in Research

Ethics in research refers to the acceptable conduct principles that need to be followed. Considering the importance of ethical consideration particularly in research, experts in the field have developed policies and codes which must be adhere to by all researchers for common benefit. Professionals need to understand that they are...

Robert Browning’s “Porphyria’s Lover”: Gender and Power Dynamics

The interaction of partners in a relationship is connected with the construction of specific power dynamics. Recently, gender roles have shifted, and a somewhat unusual dynamic may be built between two people based on a woman’s dominance or mutual assistance and approximately equal roles. However, such a variety of force...

Marburg Virus and Ebola Virus: Epidemiology, Etiology and Symptoms

Introduction Ebola virus, also called Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is a fatal and rare disease caused by the Ebola virus. The virus affects humans and non-human primates such as gorillas, chimpanzees, and monkeys. Marburg disease is a hemorrhagic fever that is caused by the Marburg virus. This fever affects non-human primates...

The Causes of Depression and How to Overcome It

Introduction It has been more than two years since the novel coronavirus has killed millions of people and infected even more people, regardless of the country or continent, which experienced unprecedented disruptions in their lifestyles. The government’s policies to combat the virus included the closure of schools, which intended to...

The Best Tax System in Personal Opinion

Introduction Taxation primarily imposes mandatory levies on entities and individuals through countries’ governments globally. While there are many varying tax systems, the majority of the United States citizens recognize the essential part played by taxes paid to local, state, and federal governments in the provision of public utilities. For a...

Diagnosing Abnormal Psychology in Media: “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a famous psychological comedy film that revolves around the behavioral traits of Randle McMurphy, the main character. Initially imprisoned due to the statutory rape of a 15-year-old girl, McMurphy decided to be transferred to a mental health hospital to escape hard labor in...

Mathematics in Ancient Greek Architecture

The emergence of the mathematical sciences was a breakthrough discovery for all of human civilization. Laws, orders, equations, and identities gradually took on a material meaning as man learned to transfer numbers and letters from papyrus to life. Ancient Greek architecture was not the least area that underwent significant metamorphosis...

Grey Fathers Church From Sociological Perspective

Religion is a complex and integral phenomenon within the humanity’s history which can be defined in a plethora of different ways. According to Tylor, the key element of any religion is a belief in spiritual beings (59). Different creatures fall under the category of spiritual beings in different religions, be...

The Current Trends of Patients With Diabetes

Introduction All forms of diabetes affect numerous individuals across the nation and remain the most prevalent non-infective disease among patients. The following study would focus on the age group that is predominantly affected by life-changing diabetes, individuals aged sixty-five or older (LeRoith et al., 2019). Information can be primarily gathered...

Money to Charity: Moral Differences

Today, many families across the globe continue living below the poverty line and cannot meet their basic needs like food, health, or even sleep. At the same time, millions of people may be defined as rich. They spend money on luxuries and do not find it necessary to share or...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A SWOT Analysis of the Nokia Company

Introduction One of the world’s most well-known manufacturers and sellers of mobile phones is Nokia. The organization employs more than 102,000 people across its sub-stations in 130 countries. In addition to producing mobile phones, Nokia also provides a comprehensive selection of other telecommunication services. The Fortune Global 500 ranks Nokia...

Critical Thinking, Modern Society, and Argumentation

Introduction Critical thinking is a process of balanced reflection on external phenomena. Critical thinking requires a high level of awareness, attentiveness, and concentration. I believe increased emotional intelligence will also be a big plus for critical thinking since people participate in all social processes subjected to critical reflection. My description...

Meteorological Hazards in Aviation

Introduction Meteorological hazards, such as floods, storms, earthquakes, and rising seas, can endanger lives and have a negative impact on economies. Such events as wind, shear, turbulence, and severe thunderstorms are particularly harmful to aviation. For example, according to Goodman (2019, p. 479), “weather was responsible for 32.6% of the...

A Persuasive Speech: The Importance of Eating Healthy

In the modern world, the vast majority of the population is negligent about their health. In this case, the role is played by complete incompetence in matters of the culture of proper nutrition and the constant lack of time to compile a balanced menu, purchase necessary products and prepare nutritious...

Theme of Mutual Change in Epic of Gilgamesh

All nations have their heroes, and King Gilgamesh was a prominent idol in ancient Mesopotamia. The theme that permeates the Epic is that the finite, intelligent beings of the universe, driven by desire, afraid of pain, and longing for joy, are condemned to much suffering. People are left to themselves...

Baskin-Robbins Cultural Insights

An essential quality of ice cream and other sugary items is their flavor. For this reason, if I were the manager of Baskin-Robbins, I would ensure that there are enough sugar resources to manufacture the flavor and would not import items that would negatively affect sales. I would also determine...

Corporate Management and Change Process

Introduction The article by Michael Beer and Nitin Nohria covers the complexities of the change process in businesses experiencing a downfall. Analyzing different types of corporate change, they identified two distinctive pure forms: theory E (economic) and theory O (organizational). Although the overwhelming majority of corporate change combines elements of...

Trends in Children’s Memory Processes

Introduction Lawson, Chae, Noriega, and Valentino (2021) explore child-parent attachment in preschool children’s memory accuracy. In this study, over seventy children recollected autobiographical events associated with fear, anger, happiness, and sadness with their parents’ assistance. Then, parents assessed their relationships’ attachment security (AS), and all children underwent independent interviews with...

Hate Speech: The Negative Implications

Usually, hate speech is viewed as a binary decision. Attempting to detect and sanction it requires precise differentiation to justify whether a communication is hate speech. Hate speech is any expression of discrimination that involves hate toward other people. A wide range of expressions is captured under this statement, and...

Aspects of the Home Warranties

Introduction The maintenance, repair, and replacement of household devices that may break down over time are covered by a home warranty, a contract between a homeowner and a private business. An assurance can lessen the stress and unforeseen costs that frequently accompany home purchases. The repair or replacement of kitchen...

Advisory on Improving Self-Concept

Summary Self-concept is, in general words, is how a person perceives himself. It often answers the question, “who am I”? Therefore, self-concept is the perception of our identity, including physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and other characteristics. Shavelson et al.’s (1976) model divides self-concept into academic, social, emotional, and physical self-concepts,...

Stalking: Statutory Approaches to Criminal Intent

Introduction Stalking is a criminal act centered on watching or following another individual’s everyday life. The purpose of such actions is unimportant, as the act of following another person for one’s personal goals is considered criminal. However, it is necessary to discuss other elements of stalking’s classification in criminology. In...

Business Flexibility and Teleworking Issues

Employers and workers alike put a high emphasis on flexibility in the workplace. Work-life balance is the most critical issue that top candidates think about when choosing where to work, and flexibility is the priority that job seekers place the most emphasis. Allowing personnel flexibility displays confidence in their decision-making...

‘Finding Gene-Environment Interaction for Phobias’: Article Critique

Introduction Phobias could be termed as morbid fear or dread of something. It could be the expression of repressed dread of unpleasant childhood experiences which surface when a similar situation occurs, although the original fear itself may have been forgotten. For instance, a child which has been bitten by a...

Understanding and Explaining the Canadian Identity

Creating a national identity for Canada is the central theme of the documentary Shameless Propaganda by Robert Lower. This film is an overview of Canadian documentaries made in the period during World War II. It helps in understanding the main ideas the Canadian government used in the past to build...

Public Key Infrastructure

The modern business environment is competitive, and organizations are required to ensure that they have the necessary tools for coping with this competition. In the technological environment, different products and services require the use of digital signatures to enhance security. Currently, public-key technology provides a viable means of securing services...

Music Album Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action

The band called Franz Ferdinand was first formed in 2002, it is an indie rock group, all of its members are of Scottish origin, and the band initially was based in Glasgow. The four musicians playing in Franz Ferdinand are over thirty years old, yet the music they play is...

Singapore Globalization: Criterias and Ranks

With the development of technology and the growth of international relationships, globalization has become an (ironically) global tendency. But what exactly does it mean for a country – to be globalized? And what challenges a modern developed country would face if it wanted to become more globalized? The article on...

The Rise and Fall of Eastman Kodak

Central Problems of the Case The major problems facing Eastman Kodak Co. can be traced back to the early 1970s. They emanate from the rapid changes in the market and industry conditions (Jones 464). Other issues are associated with the company’s management and organizational structures. Failure of Eastman Kodak Co....

Anxiety Disorders Psychology: Managing Panic Attack

Is Alex having heart attack or panic attack? How would you distinguish the differences? The symptoms that Alex shows indicate that he is suffering from panic attack. For instance, he has pain localized in the chest area. In heart attack, the pain spreads to the back, arms and the neck....

Dominance and Cooperation as Classroom Management Strategies

Introduction The importance of applying classroom management strategies is discussed by many educators because effective classroom management contributes to developing an appropriate atmosphere for teaching and learning. However, management of students’ behaviors in a classroom can be viewed as a challenging process, and it is important to determine approaches that...

The Impact of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Nursing professionals strive for the provision of comprehensive and high-quality health care services. Research and evidence-based practice (EBP) are key factors for achieving the goals mentioned. Nurses should be equipped with certain knowledge and skills to be able to complete various tasks associated with the nursing practice. Some think that...

Harrah’s Entertainment Company Database Strategy

Importance of Integrating Databases Located at Each Casino Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. has integrated its databases in various locations to help it conduct business and customer-relationship-management activities more efficiently. For instance, the integration of the databases has allowed Harrah’s to carry out its Total RewardsTM effectively, by allowing it to track...

Visual Perception: Challenges in Healthcare Settings

Introduction The concept of visual perception has been the focus of researchers interested in understanding how individuals handle composite visual processing and pattern recognition tasks and activities. In nursing and healthcare specialties, the concept of visual perception has found wide usage in areas charged with the responsibility of helping patients...

Psychosexual Development and Psychoanalytic Theory

Introduction The development of a person right from birth to adulthood goes through various stages. Some of the characters that a person adapts to are natural, while others come from those who affect the individual’s life. Both natural and nurture behaviors shape a person’s future attitudes. Psychosexual Development Freud’s Theory...

Pay Systems in American Private Organizations

Abstract Employees’ compensation is an important factor that management of firms must take into consideration when coming up with strategic plans. Cornerstone Café’s compensation system is poor and will need to be reviewed to match that of other similar firms within the region. Introduction Employee compensation is one of the...

Elder Functional Assessment in Nursing

Introduction Numerous elder people are facing various issues in their everyday life on account of chronic illnesses or their disabilities that are related to health. Often, those issues minimize their ability to care for themselves (Caplan, 2014). The latter is one of the most prevalent motives why older people search...

Magnet Status and Shared Governance in Healthcare

Introduction What I learned from the recent seminar is that becoming a Magnet status hospital is a challenging experience, but it has numerous benefits both for the hospitals and their patients. However, it requires a lot of hard work and imposes significant requirements on hospitals, nurses, and their qualifications. The...

Islamic Culture and American Muslims

Islamic Culture Islam is the third largest religion in the United States and has more than 3 million followers. This accounts for approximately 1% of the American population (GhaneaBassiri, 2010). Since the 9/11 attacks, the controversy regarding the compatibility between American and Islamic cultures and values has dominated political and...

Gastric Cancer Treatment: Research Instrument

Selecting an Existing Instrument for a Study When a researcher selects an existing instrument for application in a study, several major factors must be taken into account. In the first place, preference should be given to instruments that ensure the validity and reliability of the collected data. Furthermore, the results...

“Management of Obesity” by Dietz et al.

Introduction Obesity is a serious problem in many countries around the globe. People with high BMI index are more vulnerable to such non-commutable diseases as heart disease and diabetes. As the number of patients with severe obesity rises daily, health management organizations need new methods and techniques for treatment and...

Functions of the National Labor Relations Board

What I have learned The National Labor Relations Board is a federal agency that is tasked with the protection of the rights of employees to organize to collectively bargain for their rights (National Labor Relations Board, 2016a). This board not only oversees the actions of the public sector, but it...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction: Dissemination Strategies

Introduction In healthcare, a major consideration in research justification is the applicability of findings to the actual practice of healthcare provision. Any study should be conducted with the purpose to utilize its results for better care. In order to ensure the positive effect of applying findings, it is necessary to...

Technology in Pre-School Education Facility

Memorandum Education is a growing industry that is becoming more open to the private sector. The concept of life-long learning becomes a necessity to secure and maintain a stable income. At the same time, many parents realize the importance of pre-school education as a pre-requisite for academic success in school....

Thomas Aquinas: Philosopher and Theologian

Introduction Thomas Aquinas was one of the most influential philosophers and theologians of the Middle Ages. His most important work, Summa Theologiae, combined the theories of scholasticism and Aristotle to explore the concepts of God, ethics, and Christ (Davies & Stump, 2012, p. 3). To this day, Aquinas is widely...

Employer’s Responsibility for Healthcare Coverage

Why employer should not be responsible for healthcare coverage According to managed care organizations criteria, post-stabilization services that are offered to a patient with a medical condition are covered services (Medicaid, 2015, p. 7). Furthermore, the health care provider is forbidden to discriminate against those individuals with a serious medical...

The Complexity of Human Communication

What communication behaviors were most revealing or important? Aggressive behavior was demonstrated in the party by Sam’s mother. She overlooked other people’s feelings in the party by her dressing, choice of words and denying her husband the freedom of interacting with Sam’s professor. From this behavior it can be asserted...

Andrew’s Choice in Brien’s “The Things They Carried”

A war is something that may change human life considerably: it is not an army, where young people just learn to serve and complete certain duties; it is not a game, where everything is according to the already established rules; and it is not a movie, where a director may...

Hewlett-Packard and Disney’s Strategic Alliance

Introduction The increasingly rapid pace of globalization and the focus on disruptive innovations as the driving force behind expansion into the global market has made the competition levels in the latter incredibly high. To maintain a strong presence in the designated environment, companies need to seek new ways of enhancing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Formal Writing Process and Research

In this age of electronic communications such as cell phones, text messaging, and e-mail, what is the role of formal writing? How do you think these digital communication methods influence the writing process? Effective communication is crucial in the business world, and technological advancements have made it simpler and easier....

MG Rover Group’s Car Production and Business Ethics

MG Rover’s car production and loss reduction MG Rover business was a very important economic pillar in the motor industry in Britain, contributing greatly to employment opportunities, governments’ revenue, and the company’s continuity. It is unfortunate therefore that despite all the efforts the company and the government put to safeguard...

Literacy Difficulties and Development

Emergent literacy and the necessity to enhance students’ abilities are considered in this chapter. The key points are based on the fact that literacy development consists of several stages, and each stage should be passed successfully to achieve the best results. Students have to understand a number of concepts before...

Progressive Era 1890-1920: Positive and Negative Impact

Introduction The progressive era was a period of change experienced in America between the years 1890 and 1920. The industrial revolution that had preceded this period brought with it some negative impacts on the American population, such that leaders found it necessary to change the bad conditions that the Americans...

Ethical Issues: Privacy, Confidentiality and Human Protection

Abstract This paper dwells upon ways to mitigate human protection, confidentiality, and privacy issues. The evaluator has to obtain written consent, code personal information and can resort to the assistance of other professionals if necessary. This is the way ethical issues can be addressed. Introduction Any research has to be...

Black Southerners’ Migration to the North in 1940-70

Introduction The population of black southern Americans working in the automotive business increased from 600 to more than 25000 between 1910 and 1929 (Alexander et al. 2249). Therefore, most industries could not accommodate more blacks, thus forcing them to look for employment in highly industrialized North American cities. However, this...

Plato’s “Euthyphro”: The Meaning of Piety as a Virtue

Plato’s “Euthyphro” is a written dialogue between Socrates and Euthyphro that discusses the meaning of piety as a virtue. Generally, piety is considered to be the fulfillment of duty to a higher power and humanity. Euthyphro is regarded as a highly pious man who chose to legally prosecute his own...

Plagiarism and Proposed Strategy for Improvement

Introduction Plagiarism can be defined as the act of representing another person’s intellectual property as belonging to oneself (Walden University, n.d.a). Avoiding plagiarism is mandatory for academic integrity (Laureate Education, 2012), but it may be difficult because plagiarism is not always done on purpose. The present paper will consider the...

Dry Eye Prevention in Critically Ill Patients

Purpose of the Study The study offers the background that patients in the ICU often have conditions that compromise eye protection mechanisms resulting in dry eye and other ocular surface disorders. This can lead to discomfort or even damage to the patient’s eye. Nursing interventions can be effective in preventing...

Training Presentation Methods: Lecture vs. PowerPoint

Introduction There is no shortage of debate on which training presentation method is the most effective. In my opinion, the majority of them can be successfully delivered if thoughtfully used and planned ahead. Thus, the method of training I chose is a lecture with a PowerPoint. This essay aims to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

History Of The Monopoly Board Game

Although Charles B. Darrow of Germantown, Pennsylvania is the officially recognized father of the Monopoly game, having developed and played the inventor’s version of the game back in 1929, advocates of the game believe that the true game creator is a woman named Elizabeth Magie who created what is thought...

Humanities. “Of Cannibals” by Michel de Montaigne

In the essay, “Of Cannibals” Michel de Montaigne proposes a unique perception and understanding of barbarians and their lifestyle, development of civilization, and relations with other cultures. Montaigne does not see natives as barbarians stating that European culture occupies an inferior position in contrast to native people. Montaigne depicts that...

“Mysterium Paschale” by H. U. von Balthasar

Introduction The book Mysterium Paschale: The Mystery of Easter is historical research aimed to unveil a mystery of the Christ resurrection and origins of Easter. The value of the research is that it is based on deep historical analysis of documents and the Bible, and proposes readers a unique interpretation...

The Role of Parents Within the Education System

Author’s argument From the article ‘How African American parents understand their teachers role in children’s schooling and what this means for pre-service teachers,’ the author tries to illustrate the importance of parent involvement in the transition of their children into early childhood education. This means that the education of the...

Nick Carraway in “The Great Gatsby” by Scott Fitzgerald

In contrast to other characters in The Great Gatsby, Nick goes through a number of changes from the beginning to the end of the novel. The entire novel depicts flashbacks made by Nick in revealing a detailed account of the mysteries surrounding Gatsby. Nick is the character who puts together...

Cultural Differences in Management

Introduction Today, the working world is changing and becoming more demanding, especially where the environmental factors have contributed to globalization, intense competition, and speed. (Cameron 2005) As firms expand globally, professionals who operate internationally should understand how cultural differences affect management style. The understanding of the impact of IHRM on...

The Impact of Modern Technologies on Communication

Modern technologies have changed our life. People have constant access to the internet where they spend a lot of time working, studying and communicating with each other. Technologies make communication easier and let people communicate at long distances. There has been a movement away from face-to-face meetings to virtual communication....

“Schoolsville” by Billy Collins Review

“Schoolsville” is one of the most popular Billy Collin’s poems. This poem touches upon the theme of the boundaries between reality and unreality. Reading this poem firstly I had thought that it presents the memories of old teacher about his pupils but the last two verses confused me and made...

Sony’s Projector Manufacturing Market in 1989

The competitive situation on the projector market considering Electrohome production in 1989 and the strategy applied by Sony will be discussed in the present essay. Electrohome was a Canadian company, a relatively small batch manufacturer, by 1989 mostly specializing in projector production. The company proclaimed key advantages of its products...

Revenue Sources for Hope for New Life Ministries

Funding for Hope for New Life Funding for non-profit church ministries has remained a challenging concern for most church ministries. The Hope for New Life ministries has come a long way in their course for improved finance status of the ministry (New Hope Ministries, 2003). Although the ministry has made...

Northern and Southern States of America Defferences

Differences between the Northern and Southern States had existed since America was only a colony of Great Britain. In order to understand the essence of the conflict that took place between the North and South in 1861-1865, it is necessary to analyze an earlier period. The basis for the division...

The Issue of Power Division in America

Introduction The issue of power division in America has been significant for over two centuries. Its importance is not decreased now. American federalism is a well-known phenomenon. However, the ways of implementing it seem to be rather controversial. The current issue of marijuana legalization has aggravated contradictions between federal and...

Case Brief on State of California versus O. J. Simpson

Introduction American litigation is known for several landmark proceedings, which were widely covered in newspapers, television, and social networks. In the late 20th century, the People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson case thundered in Los Angeles, California, which became one of the most protracted trials in...

The Major Abrahamic Religions: Christianity and Islam

Introduction Both Christianity and Islam are the major Abrahamic religions that share several key similarities in regards to monotheistic values. The debate is primarily focused on Jesus Christ, who is a manifestation of God in the former and a mere human prophet in the latter. The significant difference between James...

Confucius: The Five Great Relationships

Introduction Among the many ancient philosophers is a man by the name of Confucius born in 550 B.C. Confucius is the greatest philosopher from the East. He was the founder of an ethical and moral system based on the family, as well as the five grand relationships (Zukeran, p. 1)....

Binge Eating Disorder: Information for Patients

Introduction If you have been diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder BED, it means that your eating behaviors are complicated by the presence of rather frequent episodes of uncontrolled overeating. BED is more widespread compared to other eating disorders. You should know that it may cause susceptible weight gains if not...

The Notion of Euthanasia and Its Execution Prerequisites

One of the major issues in terms of ethical policy adherence is the notion of euthanasia and its execution prerequisites. The major challenges faced by the healthcare providers is the patient’s inability to express his or her will, leaving the final decision to the guardians. However, quite often, people happen...

Contemporary Health Information Systems

Medicine and biomedical sciences are influenced by technological advances and digitalization of information in recent years. Biomedicine is concerned explicitly with building the data about diseases through the help of new technologies, medical applications. According to Highfill (2020), new medical analysis techniques provide opportunities to analyze medical statistics more thoroughly...

Portfolio of Accounting in the News

The period of financial crisis made specialists of all spheres to deepen into the most problematic issues and develop all possible ways out. The aspects of ethical issues in the accounting field is closely interacted with financial changes in the banking system. Such issue as ethical standards in accounting has...

Chronic Disease: Occupational Health Promotion Interventions for Individuals at Risk

Based on the information provided, for which chronic illnesses might you anticipate this vulnerable population to be at risk? Coal mining workers are exposed to numerous health threats due to their exposure to adverse substances at work and the lifestyle they lead associated with their occupation. Indeed, the coal mining...

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Guide: Weight Loss Steps

Losing weight is a primal requirement for the modern urban population who generally suffer from the risk of obesity. However, there are some fundamental steps to avoiding obesity and losing extra weight. Make sleep a priority ─ The quantity of sleep we get is very important since it helps in...

Recognition of Visual Patterns Using Hierarchical Neurons

Introduction The recognition of patterns has erstwhile been considered simple and straightforward for human beings. This is however not the case while dealing with machines and it can be quite taxing to train or program a computer to recognize such patterns. In this realm, the best way to try and...

Healthcare Policy: Quality vs. Restrained Costs

“The dilemma faced by the United States is how to balance its impressive ability to deliver an overabundance of health care with the need to restrain costs, all the while living up to the perceived moral need to provide each US health care consumer with the ‘best’ health care available.”...

St. Benedict’s Guidelines of a Monastic Way of Life

St. Benedict is a Christian saint who is responsible for the creation of the Rule of Benedict, which is a set of rules and guidelines for Christian monks to follow. It is regarded as one of the most influential texts that helped establish the basic rules of monasticism in medieval...

Professionalism and Professional Values of Nursing

Introduction Professionalism can be understood as the concept that demands special knowledge, as well as an elaborate academic experience in carrying out certain duties. In nursing, professionalism may entail the ability to have considerable skills in caring, diagnosing, treating, counselling, and imparting health education to individuals who require medical assistance....

Influence of Poor Health Literacy on Public Health Leaders

Abstract The following article is devoted to investigation of such issue as health literacy and different possible ways to raise its level. Having analyzed media connected with this issue, it is possible to come to conclusion that it is very important question for public health leaders to call their attention...

Recognizing and Avoiding Bias in Scientific Works

Abstract The APA and BPS guidelines indicate that there exists sufficient evidence that justifies the effort in an unbiased style. When certain words are used in research work, they reflect conventions and reinforce stereotypes. Researchers when writing findings regarding an issue should avoid using language in a manner that highlights...

Type II Diabetes: Pathophysiology, Initial Signs, Symptoms,

Pathophysiology associated with Type 2 Diabetes Type II Diabetes results from insufficient insulin in the blood (Nolan, Damm & Prentki, 2011). In the pathophysiology of the disease, there are two conditions related to it. For example, patients suffer from increased resistance to insulin and impaired insulin secretion (Nolan et al....

Blood Circulation: Veins, Arteries and Arterioles

Blood circulation in a double circulatory system is divided into the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit (Starr, 126). The pulmonary circuit creates a link between the heart and the lungs. It is through the pulmonary circuit that blood absorbs oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuses from blood in the lungs...

The Ballpoint Pen: A Chemistry’s Review

My item of choice is a ballpoint pen. This item is of interest to me because for decades, we have come to rely on it as a writing material. Although we are now living in the computer age, the ballpoint pen is still popular. The ballpoint pen is a simple...

“Freedom From Want” by Rockwell

Any famous painting is a combination of both artistic talent and deep connotations invoked in it. Therefore, looking at an artwork merely as a picture without going deeply into the origins and subtle meanings of various scenes, and characters leaves many details unrevealed. A perfect example of a painting requiring...

Globalization of Nursing: Infant Mortality Rate in the US and Other States

Modern day society is confronted with several issues where health care problem occupies a significant proportion. Among the health care issues, infant birth and death indices are of considerable importance. They reflect the impact of underlying abnormalities associated with a network of complications which lead to adverse outcomes. In such...

Health Sector: Health Policy

Introduction It is impractical for any player in the health sector to imagine that a working and substantive health policy can only be drawn by technocrats in the health sector without the input of the political class as many health policies are political declarations made in public especially in developing...

Gentrification: Zone of Influence

Gentrification is a complex process that involves wealthy people occupying low-income communities, transforming them in many ways. While the general definition of the word is positive, its sociopolitical manifestation has ambiguous consequences. As the two sides are involved, the rich and the poor, some will benefit from the process, and...

Chronicles of Bullying: An Editorial Article

Bullies are people with the prevailing antisocial behavior of getting under others skin and converting them to be their helpers (Besag, 2009). How and why on earth would one child bully another? Well, someone can be wondering what they gain by making others their subjects. Bullying can exist in different...

Ebola Campaign Message

Ebola is a non-discriminatory disease. For instance, it has affected health professionals and their patients alike. Its severity and non-discriminatory nature explain why, globally, people fear the disease (World Health Organization, 2015). The lack of a cure, or vaccine, has further compounded this problem. These factors explain why communities have...

Dollar Shave Club’s Value Proposition and Business Model

Dollar Shave Club’s value proposition and how does it differ from Gillette’s One of the major factors explaining DSC’s success is the unique approach to working with clients and the company’s value proposition. It presupposes a fair price and a client-centric service focused on the increased level of satisfaction among...

Andrew Brown and Deborah Frye: Case Study

Case Review The case presents a number of issues regarding the development of a web-based training course on mission analysis by the U.S. military’s Office of Online Learning (OOL). The program has been developed within a tight time frame, which is why converting lectures and practice tasks into an online...

Legalization of Marijuana in Canada

Introduction In 2018, Canada became “the first industrialized nation to legalize marijuana,” which resulted in both positive and negative consequences (Austen, 2021, para. 10). Despite the fact that some people believe that the legalization of cannabis is a mistake, practice shows that this step allows to improve the economy of...

Sustainability: Consumption of Natural Resources

Sustainability is the preservation of wellbeing and is involved with economical, environmental, and social scope. It entails the component of stewardship, which involves proper use, and maintenance of resources. The main aim of sustainability is to enable humans in the whole world to get their basic needs and have a...