111 Financial Management Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Financial Management

✍️ Financial Management Essay Topics for College

  1. Financial Management in Nokia
    Nokia is part of the mobile communications industry which is now one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world.
  2. JD Sports and Sports Direct Companies Financial Management
    This paper focuses on the financial analysis of two companies, JD Sports Fashion PLC and Sports Direct International PLC. Both are based in the UK but have a presence in other parts of the world.
  3. Coca-Cola Company’s International Financial Management
    Coca-Cola is interested in the concept of international financial management (IFM) to manage international finances and maximize shareholder wealth.
  4. Southwest Airlines’ Financial Management
    This paper analyzes the financial and trend ratios of Southwest Airlines, predicts future financial performance, and determines the return on equity.
  5. Public Budgeting Leadership and Financial Management
    To control the field of public budgeting correctly, one should have ideas about the practical methods of work and the theoretical aspects of this practice.
  6. Financial Institutions Management and Sources of Finance
    Finance is important to any business as it serves different functions which allow the business to run effectively. A company may need additional funds to expand its business operations or expenses.
  7. Personal Financial Management and Financial Literacy
    By understanding the basic principles and minor aspects of money management such as the compound interest method, people can avoid bankruptcy and enhance their chances for the side income.
  8. British Airways Group: Financial Management
    In this report, a critical analysis is made of the financial statements of the British Airways Group for the period February 28, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
  9. Global Financial Management and Ethics in Governance
    The paper discusses aspects that help to distinguish financial management in companies, obstacles to entry to a new country, and methods of financial administration.
  10. The Neqi Firm’s Financial Management
    Due to the face mask sales during COVID-19, the Neqi firm, which creates and markets face masks, rose to the top of the list of profitable businesses.
  11. ABC Manufacturing: Financial Management
    In this research paper, it is required to evaluate the effectiveness of the financial management of ABC Manufacturing.
  12. Ramsay Health Care: Financial Management
    The results of this analysis reveal that Ramsay Health Care is engaging in desirable efforts and strategies that have led to considerable financial gains.
  13. Capital Investment and Financial Management
    A company’s capital investment is the money it spends on fixed assets like land, machinery, and buildings. Cash, assets, or loans may be used to fund the project.
  14. Expo2020 Dubai’s Accounting and Financial Management
    This paper compares costs and revenues at two levels: state and organizational. Moreover, a comparison with other exhibitions that have been held in the last decade is presented.
  15. Rules of Financial Accounting: Economics and Management
    It is vital to describe control methods to show how an organization works to stop and curtail dishonest behavior and needless mistakes in its accounting records and data.
  16. Data Management and Financial Strategies
    By adopting comprehensive supply chain management, businesses can maximize the three main streams in the supply chain— information flow, product flow, and money flow.
  17. Possum Inc.’s Multinational Financial Management
    While Possum Inc. wants to become a multinational corporation, it is expected to know the nature of the local currency of the host currency and its conversion rates.
  18. Alibaba Corporation’s Financial Management
    This report offers an examination of Alibaba’s major financial ratios and performance indicators, assessing the firm’s cash flow, liquidity, solvency, and profitability ratios.
  19. Anne Arundel County: Public Finance and Management
    Analysis of revenue sources is extremely important to understand how the financial health of the county can be improved.
  20. Children’s Programs: Financing and Management
    This research paper will examine the domains specific to the financial management and planning of children’s programs.
  21. Accounting and Financial Management for Expo 2020 Dubai
    The use of technology is a fundamental aspect of the organizational development adopted in every aspect of the innovation exhibitions hosted by the association in Dubai.
  22. Financial Management: Growth Financing
    Growth financing is an important topic of consideration for managers to continue the development of a business.
  23. Financial Planning. Money Management Skill
    Financial literacy can be defined as knowledge about financial planning and management that allows making reasonable choices about money spending and saving.
  24. Financial Management: Where Does the Money Go
    It is increasingly possible to hear about the importance of financial literacy in the modern world, which largely boils down to thoughtful money management.
  25. International Finance and Responsible Financial Management
    COVID-19 has a variety of ramifications for businesses in the future. Due diligence processes should focus on the target industry and the risks.
  26. Jim’s Auto Body: Financial Management
    This paper examines the financial management of Jim’s Auto Body. Profitability is among the core elements considered in evaluating financial performance.
  27. Importance of Financial Management
    The implementation of non-monetary policies is proven to be useful as governments were able to overcome the financial recession.

đź‘Ť Good Financial Management Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Valero Energy and Chevron Corporations’ Financial Management
    Valero Energy and Chevron Corporations faced a drastic decline in total revenues in 2020, mainly due to economic upheaval and uncertainty caused by COVID-19.
  2. Financial Management During the Recession
    This paper shall set out to establish whether the recent financial crisis was in any way affected by global financial management or by other economic factors.
  3. Financial Management and Quality of Healthcare
    It is important for managers to understand how these facts are used to improve the financial position of the organisation.
  4. Financial Management: Annual Savings for Retirement
    The paper will focus on estimating the annual savings that the client needs to make in order to achieve the retirement plan.
  5. Financial Management Competencies Discussion
    This article is about financial management: the author considers the most important competencies of a financial manager, liquidity risk, risk, and return scenarios.
  6. Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA)
    Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) provides learning, analysis, and direction to its affiliates on the subjects relating to healthcare finance.
  7. Medical Centers Financial Management
    Factors that affect the financial performance of these hospitals include the indigent care load, case mix, payer mix, which also includes different levels of self-pay.
  8. Cyberchamp Inc.’s Ethics and Financial Management
    This paper aims at discussing the factors to consider while resolving ethical issues and making recommendations for the assistant finance manager in the Cyberchamp Inc. scenario.
  9. Financial Management of Healthcare Organizations
    Healthcare is one of the salient aspects of human beings since it determines their ability to do their daily activities. Sick people cannot perform their roles.
  10. IBM’s Management Accounting & Financial Practices
    The financial tradition at IBM is that those who are charged with the responsibility to handle finances do that. Accounting is an important part of IBM as a corporation.
  11. Strategic Financial Management: Diageo plc and SAB Miller plc
    Both Diageo and SAB Miller have strategic financial management that helps make complex decisions that increase their competitive advantages and eventually increase revenue.
  12. Financial Management and the Secondary Market for Common Stocks
    This paper will focus on the changes that the secondary market for common stocks in the USA has faced since the 1960s as the reflections of the financial situation in the country.
  13. Financial Management and Investment Banking
    This paper will focus on the primary markets, analyze the functions that investment bankers perform in the traditional process for issuing new securities.
  14. Nokia Company’s Financial Analysis and Management
    Nokia is part of the mobile communications industry which is now one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world. The industry includes multinational companies.
  15. Euroland Foods S.A. Strategic Financial Management
    In the Euroland Foods S.A. company, there are many constraints, among them is capital rationing where the budget for all projects is Euro 120 million.
  16. Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd.’s Financial Management
    There are several methods that will help managers make capital investment decisions. These will be discussed here with reference to the Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd.
  17. Financial Management of Aldar Properties UAE
    UAE has seen a massive growth in all business sectors and promises more to the investors, but recent financial scam has cast many things under doubts.
  18. Carnival Corporation’s Financial Management
    This paper details an account of the cost behavior of Carnival Corporation Inc. – a large multi-vessel cruise operator.
  19. Financial Management: Data for Effective Analysis in Healthcare
    In this essay, the author focuses on the significance of financial management and the most crucial data for overall management.
  20. Comparing Financial Ratios for Investing: Coca-Cola vs. PepsiCo
    A high price to earnings ratio suggests that the investors are expecting an enhanced earnings growth in the future as compared to other companies having a lower price to earnings ratio.
  21. Management in Organizations: Financial Issues
    Creating the environment in which the staff delivers the performance of the finest quality is a necessity for managers in the contemporary business environment.
  22. Healthcare Finance Components and Decision-Making Factors
    The suggested paper describes the central components of the healthcare finance and lists phenomena that might impact decision-making regarding particular scenarios.
  23. Financial Operation Exposure Management Principles
    There are many principles that a company can implement to counter financial operation exposure. The definition of operating exposure affirms that it involves unexpected changes.
  24. Project Cost and Finance Management Challenges
    The cost management functions are complex as projects come with different complexities. Many emerging projects pose different challenges in terms of their characteristics.
  25. Financial Management Role in Healthcare
    With the introduction of the Affordable Care Act, electronic health records, and the Medicare billing system, the financial aspect of healthcare requires extra attention.
  26. Public Budgeting Leaders: Roles, Skills, and Decision-Making
    The public budgeting leaders have the responsibility of fulfilling various roles including planning, reforming, and budgeting.
  27. Management Focus on Strengths for Financial Stability
    In this paper are discussed seven components of financial statements that are very crucial for the running of any business entity.

🎓 Most Interesting Financial Management Research Titles

  1. What Is Financial Management and How to Do It Effectively
  2. The Role of Financial Management in Elaborating and Implementing Organization’s Strategies
  3. Effective and Ineffective Financial Management Practices in Health Care
  4. Innovation in Financial Management: The Impact of Technology
  5. Building Financial Management Capacity in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States
  6. Debt Elimination Through Financial Management
  7. How Financial Management and Corporate Strategy Affect a Firm’s Performance
  8. Profit vs. Wealth Maximization: A Financial Management Perspective
  9. Financial Statement and Ratio Analysis: Key Tools to Successful Financial Management
  10. Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms and Data Security in Financial Management
  11. Public Financial Management Intervention and Its Impact on Corruption
  12. Financial Management and Forecasting Using Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics
  13. Economic Performance and Corporate Financial Management of Shipping Firms
  14. Microsoft’s International Financial Management: An Analysis
  15. Financial Management Practices and Their Impact on Organizational Performance
  16. Computer Applications for Financial Management
  17. Antecedent Factors of Financial Management Behavior Among Young Adults
  18. Financial Management Information Systems and Open Budget Data
  19. Household Financial Management: The Connection Between Knowledge and Behavior
  20. Modern System of International Financial Management in Multinational Corporations
  21. International Financial Management: Exchange Rate Exposure
  22. Fiscal Decentralization and Public Subnational Financial Management
  23. Best Practices for Non-Profit Financial Management
  24. Public Financial Management, Health Financing, and Under-Five Mortality: A Comparative Empirical Analysis
  25. Entrepreneurial Finance: Fundamentals of Financial Planning and Management for Small Business

đź’ˇ Simple Financial Management Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. How Technological Evolution in Financial Management Implies a Company’s Success
  2. Challenges Facing Financial Management in Schools
  3. Time to Reboot: Rethinking Public Financial Management and Budgeting in Greece
  4. Financial Management of a Non- vs. For-Profit: Which Is Harder?
  5. Examining Financial Management in Promoting Sustainable Business Practices & Development
  6. Banking, Finance, and Financial Management: What’s the Difference
  7. Improving Public Financial Management in India: Opportunities to Move Forward
  8. Essential Instruments in the Financial Management of the Companies
  9. Short-Term Financial and Working Capital Management
  10. Examining Financial Management Practices in the Context of Smart ICT Use
  11. Family Financial Management: A Real-World Perspective
  12. Reforming Public Financial Management Systems in Developing Countries as a Contribution to the Improvement of Governance
  13. Accounting Use & Abuse in the Australian Public Sector Financial Management Reform Program
  14. Financial Management Explained: Scope, Objectives, and Importance
  15. Regional Financial Management Strategies to Improve the Community Welfare
  16. Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit Organizations
  17. Technical Efficiency and Financial Management in the Agriculture Industry
  18. Poor Financial Management Behavior as a Factor Why Students Are Facing Financial Difficulties
  19. Strengthening Public Financial Management: Exploring Drivers & Effects
  20. Balancing Long- and Short-Term Financial Management
  21. Financial Management and Control Procedures for the EU Structural Funds Programs
  22. The Environment of Public Financial Management: An Economic Perspective
  23. Introducing Financial Management Information Systems in Developing Countries
  24. Managing Post-Disaster Reconstruction Finance: International Experience in Public Financial Management
  25. Lessons From Australian and British Reforms in Results-Oriented Financial Management

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "111 Financial Management Essay Topics." May 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/financial-management-essay-topics/.

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