Prevention of Breast Cancer

The Introduction of Study The present proposal offers a study that will examine the possible effectiveness of consultations performed by advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs) in promoting the use of mammography in high-risk populations. The problem of the study is a major one because it is connected to one of...

Multimorbidity at Hospital Discharge Transition

Introduction The article under analysis is written by Doos et al. (2014) and entitled “Heart Failure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Multimorbidity at Hospital Discharge Transition: A Study of Patient and Carer Experience.” The article focuses on hospital discharge transition as seen by older patients. This study unveils the value...

Socioeconomic Health Determinants in a Concept Map

Figure 1 demonstrates an example of a concept map for the socioeconomic determinants of health (SEDH), which is based on the information from the Healthy People 2020 project (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion [ODPHP], 2014). The map attempts to demonstrate the fact that there are complex interrelations between...

The Website of United States Department of Labor

Website Search The article related to the employment law on the HG website is extremely useful for employees and their employers. It provides summarized information regarding the labor law. One can find much information about the meaning of this concept and its history, which is likely to create a decent...

Theory of Nursing as Caring in Master’s Education

The Concept of Caring The concept of caring is one of the main concepts in nursing. Many theories describe caring and what it must be, and all of them have approximately the same idea regarding this process. In general, caring is considered an ethical obligation and the primary responsibility of...

Adverse Effects of Stringent Information Security Controls

Abstract Security and usability need not be mutually exclusive. Yet research indicates user acceptance of security systems is not a given and has become a major issue in terms of efficiency versus security. We will be analyzing how enhanced information security controls affect users and the usability of systems. The...

Logic Models in Human and Social Services Programs

Logic models can be a helpful tool for formulating and assessing a wide array of programs. In particular, they may be of use for both creating and evaluating human and social services programs. In this discussion, some of how logic models can help with assessing such problems are considered. Also,...

Federal Offshore Wind Plan and Capacity Expansion by 2020

Federal Offshore Wind Plan The federal offshore wind plan will cost the United States government up to $50.5 million in research and development of the potential production sites (Tiffany). This amount will be incurred in over five years during which time the project will be undergoing implementation. Most of the...

Child Advocacy Preventing Mistreatment

Child advocacy supports children in vulnerable situations within society by speaking and standing up for them. It assures the protection of children’s rights and freedom and is vital since children are not responsible for their self-sufficiency. Different child advocacy groups are guided by the need to serve the best interest...

Analysis of “The Damned Human Race” Essay

The Damned Human Race is an essay written by an American writer, Mark Twain. In this satirical paper, the author reveals a very original and peculiar theory, according to which humankind is not the highest point of evolution, but the lowest. Mark Twain provides very convincing arguments to defend his...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Supply Chain Management Game: Opportunities Given

Market Analysis and Estimations The supply chain game provided our team with a wonderful opportunity to analyze markets and make production and distribution decisions based on the analysis. Before the initial decisions in the game, several analyses were made. The present slide demonstrated crucial information in tables, including market summary,...

Hand Sanitizers in COVID-19 Pandemic: Pros and Cons

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for hand sanitizers has grown substantially over the past couple of years. Moreover, most places of mass gathering of people have been equipped with these means of protection to create all possible conditions for improving the epidemiological situation. Hand sanitizing is aimed at combating...

English Language Learning in Special Education

In this analysis of a language learning process, a 20-year-old female, Carry, was invited to participate in an interview. She is a friend of mine, and it was not difficult to organize a meeting and ask several questions to study her decision and the peculiarities of bilingualism. According to Thompson,...

Servant Leadership: Organization Development

Changes in the global management paradigm have affected one of the most important components of management – the leadership process. A great example of a modern model of ethical leadership is the concept of servant leadership. According to Kumar (2018, p. 44), “servant leadership is about finding satisfaction and motivation...

Nutrition and Diets: Impact on the Blood Pressure Reduction

It may seem that the effect of dietary regulation on arterial pressure has already been thoroughly investigated. Hypertension is a factor of risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke. In order to lower blood pressure, scientists recommend some changes, which include not only drugs and exercises but also following a balanced...

Doctor of Nursing Practice as Educator

PICOT: in nursing staff at VEGA Medical Center, how does the implementation of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016) guidelines affect the accuracy of diagnosing and management of depression in the geriatric population within 8 weeks? The role of an educator for a Doctor of Nursing Practice can...

Privacy in New York and Columbia Health Facilities

The present paper considers the case of the New York Presbyterian Hospital (NYP) and Columbia University Medical Center (CU), which involves a major HIPAA Privacy Rule violation. The event is described, and the possible solutions are proposed. It is suggested that the violation was rather complex, which is why multiple...

Integrity’s Extended Definition

Introduction Integrity is one of the most complex terms among those used to describe a human character and ability to cooperate with others. It belongs to such notions that encourage to think of righteousness and community spirit. A person who realizes the need for integrity is the one who is...

Artemisia Gentileschi’s Works in the Feminist Context

Introduction Some centuries ago, the world of art was traditionally dominated by men. Few women could make a successful career in art until 19th century. Still, there is one female artist who achieved excellent results already in the 17th century. Artemisia Gentileschi, an Italian artist, was not considered a significant...

Popular Research Paper Topics

HIV Prevention and Education Among Population

The presence of high HIV rates among the population is a concern that might lead to severe consequences. The problem of HIV can be viewed from multiple angles. First of all, one should consider biomedical interventions that deal with testing, implementing safety measures, and providing treatment (AVERT, 2017). Secondly, behavioral...

Nursing: Sustainability of the Innovation

PICOT: in nursing staff at VEGA Medical Center (Miami, FL), how does the implementation of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016) guidelines affect the accuracy of diagnosing and management of depression in the geriatric population within 8 weeks? During the final week of the project, it was determined...

Concept of the Intercultural Incompetence

In contrast to the intercultural competence, the intercultural incompetence can be defined as managers and employees’ prejudiced behaviors, negative attitudes to representatives of different cultures, and stereotyping (Deardorff, 2009). If the intercultural competence is important to guarantee the mutual understanding, cooperation, and openness in the organization, the intercultural incompetence can...

Lenovo Opening Direct-Sales Stores

Executive Summary Lenovo was able to build a major foundation for offering every customer with high-quality products that meet their expectations and standards1. With a wide selection of products, the company should look into the establishment of stores in all parts of the world where there is a demand for...

Primary Nursing Care in Affordable Care Act

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010), which has been implemented for seven years now, is an important legal step in improving nursing and patient care in the United States. According to this Act, nursing facilities have been functioning with greater transparency in recent years due to a standardized...

Merger & Acquisition vs. Other Growth Strategies

Considerations for a Merger and Acquisition strategy Software developing companies requiring high levels of internal structure integrity. Companies who want to defend their assets from external influence (retain full control). Management of intellectual property data requires clarity of a business structure and subordination. Opportunities for expansion and growth as opposed...

Financial Statements and Their Significance

What is Financial Statement Analysis? Many companies and individuals rely on financial statement analysis in their work. It is the procedure of using analytical and financial tools for examination and comparison of financial statements (What is Financial Statement Analysis?). Financial statements are a requirement by law, and interpreting them gives...

Nursing Medication Errors: Causes and Reporting

The journal chosen for submitting a publication is the Journal of Clinical Nursing, which is an international peer-reviewed source aimed at promoting high standards of nursing practice through evidence-based scientific inquiry. The publication incorporates knowledge and experience from different cultures to ensure the international exchange of ideas. The journal emphasizes...

Bartleby, the Scrivener by Herman Melville

Bartleby, the scrivener, gives an idea into the broken life of Bartleby, which depicts changes in his career affected and ultimately influenced his emotional stand. The author clearly uses symbolism to reflect the mental state that burdens Bartleby in the Lawyer’s office. Bartleby holds signs of depression at work, which...

Determining Health Care Costs

Introduction Scholarly writers often strive to be objective by eliminating personal bias in their publications. However, some of them fail in this regard. To demonstrate this fact, this paper analyzes the work of White, Reschovsky, and Bond (2014) in their peer-reviewed article titled, Understanding Differences between High- and Low-Price Hospitals:...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Donating Restaurant Food to Poor People in Peru

Food Waste Reduction Referring to the current situation in Peru concerning the high rate of food waste, the best solution is to distribute the restaurant’s remaining food to people from disadvantaged and broken families. It is the best option and initiative that has multiple directions. The first one is that...

Marketing Plan Strategy: Semisweet Chocolate Baking Chips

Product Selection – semisweet chocolate baking chips. Persona Key Factors: 29-39; male and female; work connected with brain activity; 85 % with a diploma; annual outcome: $ 50,000; married; two-three children (7-15 years old) Persona: Young family with children. The family consists of a married couple (34 years old both)...

The Spread of Islam With Trade and Geography

Translated from Arabic, the word “Islam” means “surrender to the One God” or “submission.” Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam is a theistic religion; this means that he proceeds from the understanding of the one God. This is the youngest religion in the history of humanity, which ranks second in the...

Cell Phone Ban While Driving

Today, many spend in the car most of the day. This is where important calls are made and plan considered. A mobile phone is an integral part of any modern driver. When learning how to drive, we hear hundreds of times that you can’t talk on the phone while driving,...

Digestion of Foodstuffs as Process

Digestion of foodstuffs is a vital process for the organism’s proper functioning and an irreplaceable part of the metabolism. Metabolism, in turn, provides the bodies of living organisms with energy and valuable substances, which ensures activity and health. Digestion is a process that is designed to help the body absorb...

The US Policy Towards Vietnam: International Influence

Introduction The Vietnam War is considered to be one of the longest wars that America has ever been involved in. The war that began in 1948 and ended in 1963 cost the country close to 60,000 soldiers and more than 350,000 were wounded. On top of this, close to 2...

Management of Automotive Design and Development

Problem Definition The occurrence of variation in bore-diameter of B.G collar components is a recurrent multi-response optimization issue. In a boring operation, the B.G collar-component dimension of a roller-bearing superseded tolerance. Objective It is hoped to reduce to minimal the bore-diameter variation of the B.G collar component. The collar component...

Luhrmann’s “The Great Gatsby” as a Deconstruction of the American Dream

The American Dream – the idea that every person can prosper in America, provided he or she works hard, never gives up, and cultivates virtue – is one of the central notions of American culture. Many pieces of art have discussed this idea, and one among them is Baz Luhrmann’s...

Case Communication in Social Media Networks

Communication through social media has become an essential part of human lives. Social media allowed us to contact each other even in different countries, made the business advertisements more overarching, and became the virtual platform where people work, rest, communicate, buy, sell, and basically spend most of their days. The...

Policy Brief on Shortage of Physicians and Nurses

Executive Summary The country’s population’s average age is increasing, which means that the number of older patients in need of constant medical care is rising, chronic diseases appear and spread. At the same time, a significant number of doctors also resign due to age, and the number of qualified students...

Medical Terminologies: The Practical Significance

Medical terminologies invented thousands of years ago are still applied in the current healthcare practice by professionals. The use of these terms is appropriate due to a myriad of concrete rationales. Firstly, those medical terms provide a standard mode of communication between the interdisciplinary team members involved in patient care....

Epistemology and Research Methodology Meet in Theory

Introduction The essence of theoretical thought is based on the complex process of theorizing, aiming at explaining a particular scientific phenomenon through the correlation of epistemology and research. In terms of family studies, the process of theorizing reflects “three basic orientations toward theory” (Bengtson, Acock, Allen, Dilworth-Anderson, and Klein, 2004,...

Ethics in Winkler County Nurse Whistleblower Case

Ethics in Professional Nursing Organization Nowadays, ethics and advocacy are highly important components of nursing and any kind of medical practice, and there is a variety of nursing organizations that tend to focus on the active development and constant improvement of the healthcare system. One of them is National League...

Drugs Comparison: Montelukast, Flovent and Albuterol

Although Flovent is considered an effective drug to treat asthma, it is rather expensive, as it is a brand name and does not have a generic alternative. However, there are other drugs used to treat asthma that are cheaper and often sell at discounts. The first alternative for Flovent and...

State Strategies: Massachusetts’ Health Reforms

Rationale “In 2006, Massachusetts passed comprehensive health care reform designed to provide near-universal health insurance coverage for state residents” (Keiser Family Foundation, 2012, p. 1). Such a step was needed to promote shared responsibility and react to existing issues of rising costs. The existing Medicaid program that operated at that...

Cultural Sensitivity in the County of Santa Clara

Introduction The targeted social services agency for this exercise is the Social Services Agency of County of Santa Clara. This is a culturally sensitive organization that provides professional, protective, and financial services to the people of Santa Clara. The workers in the organization focus on the needs of adults, elderly...

Nursing Care Advanced Practices and Aspects

Relationship-Based and Patient-Centered Nursing Care Patient-centered care refers to the approach to care which empowers the patient and engages them the process. This perspective on care is driven by the improved understanding of patients’ agency and respect towards them (Tak, Ruhnke & Shih, 2014). Some of the attributes of this...

Apple Company’s Innovations and Marketing Mix

Introduction Apple Inc. is a leading and most valuable technology-based corporation, a trendsetter within a modern innovation market. The company is known for building its prominent history and fortune on the grounds of innovation that significantly transformed humans’ digital experience of their daily lives, starting from the personal computer revolution...

Autobiography of an Alternative Life in China

If I had an opportunity to be reborn as a person who lived in East Asia, I would choose China of the Qing Dynasty as the place of birth. Since boys have always been valued in traditional China, I would also choose the male sex for birth. This will allow...

Oil Painting: Creating the Most Authentic Images

It is worth starting with the fact that the author notes the importance of the matter that oil painting is not just a technique, but in a broader sense – an art form. This must be understood in order to indicate the unique role that such paintings played for people....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Personality Traits and Leadership Style

I am well-organized, and I work by rules, which can help me stay focused on the task. I am also grounded, and as a leader, it may help me orient the employees on the results. I am not contentious as I try to conflict with other individuals. However, scoring low...

The Coca-Cola Company Unifying Culture

Global Company Overview The Coca-Cola Company specializes in producing and selling non-alcoholic beverages. The signature drink originated from Atlanta in the late 19th century, and an organization was established to sell it (The Coca-Cola Company, 1). In addition to Coca-Cola and its variations, the company distributed approximately 200 brands, including...

Sociolinguistics and Its Fundamental Concepts

Performance is the use of knowledge, skills, and abilities to accomplish any work. The performance also shows how a question of ethnic identity can be linked to humor. It also helps in a proper understanding of the building of “white” as an ethnicity. Performance also helps in an essential part...

Memorial of the Cherokee Council and the Declaration of Independence Comparison

The Declaration of Independence of the United States is a document that Congress unanimously adopted in 1776. This document highlights that the British colonies in North America declared themselves independent from Great Britain. The Cherokee Memorial is a letter sent in 1829 to the US legislature. This letter was written...

Examples of Recent Events That Are Indicators of Groupthink

The Case of Dominic Cummings, a Government Official, Breaking Covid-19 Lockdown Restrictions In recent days, a top government adviser, Dominic Cummings, was said to have broken lockdown restrictions to travel across the UK. To maintain public confidence, many prominent leaders have approved these acts. Several government members have criticized Cummings’...

Role of the Financial Market

Introduction It is the role of the financial market to ensure that funds are channeled from the government to those who have a shortage of funds and may wish to spend more than they earn. The book, The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets by Frederic Mishkin, illustrates how...

The Ways Friends and Family Make an Individual’s Level of Happiness Higher

The level of happiness is a significant indicator of an individual’s mental health state that is a primary compound of adequate wellbeing. There are a variety of factors, which influence a person, contribute to his or her moral status, and can help in defining an individual as a “happy” one....

Conflict Management in Business

There are various reasons why conflicts occur in organizations. Moreover, conflicts take place on different levels based on the core of the problem that needs to be addressed. One source may be a lack of proper communication where two or more parties cannot adequately discuss and engage in effective dialogue....

Native American Music of the Cherokee Indian Tribe

Summary The musical traditions of the Cherokee tribe in the foothills and mountain tops of North Carolina have been the longest in existence. In this tribe, songs were performed on specific occasions and accompanied by instruments and dances. For instance, the Eagle Dance Song was performed by the tribe’s traditional...

Critical Thinking and Critical Response in Human Studies

Critical Thinking Nietzsche’s Apollonian and Dionysian have some differences which individuals can analyze. One of the differences is that factors that are explored in Apollonian include stillness and thinking, while movement and distinct and shared trance are involved in Dionysian. Additionally, dancing is another aspect of Dionysian, which makes it...

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow: Multi-Media Report

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow is a series consisting of four episodes discussing segregation, racial hatred, and the civil rights movement. The second episode, Fighting Back, particularly describes the beginning of the 20th century, marked by the rise of the black middle class. However, the success of the...

DuBois’ and Tocqueville’s Perspective on Legacy of Slavery

The plight for equal rights for racial and ethnic minorities has been one of the most long-standing issue in the world history, with the history of slavery in the U.S. being one of the most atrocious crimes against humanity. Multiple scholars have contemplated the specified issue, voicing the opinions that...

Imogene King – Goal Attainment Theory

Imogene King Imogene King was born on January 30, 1923 and she was a pioneer of nursing theory development. After earning a diploma in nursing, she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in nursing degree from St. Louis University. King later earned a Master of Science in nursing degree from...

Product Development Categories in the Real World

The development or improvement of any product starts with an idea and estimation of how this product will be able to benefit consumers and satisfy their needs. Traditionally, new ideas are introduced by small businesses and entrepreneurs – they aim to take their niche in the market focusing on growth...

Online Marketing and Buying Behavior of Consumers

Online retail channels became one of the core practices in marketing. It is essential to understand that online buying behavior significantly differs from traditional retail stores, as there are many new factors that affect buyers’ decisions (Lim et al., 2017). Online stores must assess these differences in consumers’ perceptions in...

Mathematics and Space Travel

Although outer space begins at the height of 100 km from sea level, going there means one is working against gravity, and precise mathematical calculations are needed (Siddiqi, 2018). The problem with traveling to space is that it involves going up the whole way, meaning one must fight gravity throughout...

Bacterial Meningitis: Diagnosis and Care

Emergency Situation: Bacterial Meningitis Bacterial meningitis (BM) is an infectious disease that can be caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Group B Streptococcus, Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae, and Listeria monocytogenes. The incubation period of the disease is around several hours, which makes it very hard for epidemiologists to encourage the right behavior...

Transformation of America by Europeans

Nowadays, America is one of the most developed continents in the world, and the quality of life there is getting better every year. Spaniards and Portuguese were the first and the major contributors to the creation of American history. They began the transformation of such areas as politics, economics, and...

Coca-Cola Firm’s Development of Healthier Products

Coca-Cola benefits from its strong brand value and successfully expands by developing new healthier products, following its mission to improve people’s lives worldwide. Coca-Cola is a well-known beverage company, and its product line goes far beyond coke. Indeed, the opportunity to develop new drinks became a winning strategy for expansion...

Amazon Company’s Macro Environment Audit

The macro environment audit examines external forces that affect the performance of the online shopping industry in general and the Amazon Company in particular. Amazon Company is the global leader in the online shopping industry. This analytical treatise presents a macro environment audit of the Amazon Company from the findings...

Social Web Engagement and Online Emotional Expression

Essentially, the topic is the Correlation between social media and online emotional expression; the primary research question is How do personal characteristics of web users influence their emotional expression on the web? Thus, the article written by Beneito-Montagut (2017) was chosen because it focuses on how different variables, such as...

Feminist Connotations in Shelley’s “Frankenstein”

The subject of feminism is among one of the subtle and underlying themes of Frankenstein. Mary Shelley, the author of the story, primarily emphasizes the issues of male oppression and patriarchy through the use of subordinate women imagery. In addition, the fear of femininity and the power of womanhood can...

The Missing Gene in Sickle Cell Anemia

Introduction Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is a single gene condition that results from a homozygotic mutation at the beta-globulin locus of a single gene. Thus, it is a single genetic disease, but the phenotypic characteristics are complex due to a diverse range of clinical manifestations that might start early in...

Aspects of Environmentally Effective Buildings

LEED is a practical assessment system that allows analyzing the environmental safety of a building from several perspectives. For example, in the context of this certification program, the resource efficiency of water, solar energy, and electricity is considered (Nassos and Avlonas 191). Despite a certain number of vulnerabilities, by the...

The Importance of Information System Security

Introduction Information systems security remains a significant concern to many organizations since new risks arise as technology changes. To achieve security, organizations need to use proactive methods of identifying and managing these threats to information. Samimi (2020) states that “The concept of risk management also defines a codified process for...

Personal Freedom of Thought Concept

Freedom is defined in different ways; however, the most common meaning is the ability to act without the interference of other people. Several philosophers have tried to have varied opinions on the aspect of freedom, but they usually agree that external forces influence the freedom of people. Over the past...

Knowledge: The Philosophical Concept

Knowledge is one of the most basic categories that people use to perceive the world around them. It forms the basis of how people act and which decisions they make at every point of their life. However, the philosophical concept of knowledge is anything but simple because there is always...

Essentials of Water in Supporting Biological Systems

Introduction Water is a colorless and odorless liquid that forms the main component of the Earth’s streams, lakes, and oceans. It forms about 71% of the Earth’s total mass; thus, it is an essential commodity in the biosphere. Being a solvent, it can assist in supporting life in both plants...

Impostor Syndrome Podcast Discussion Ideas

In the context of discussing impostor syndrome, there can be a deeper discussion of exactly how to deal with it. Several effective ways can be suggested to the audience. For example, it is possible to advise not to compare oneself with other people. It makes sense to compare oneself only...

Causes of Climate Change and Ways to Reduce It

Currently, the topic of climate change has dominated media platforms, international conferences, and research institutions. Although the subject is contagious owing to the associated interests, the world has experienced changes in climatic conditions that can be linked to the alteration of the natural composition of the environment in the recent...

Message of “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood

The symbolism of Margaret Atwood’s book The Handmaid’s Tale is strong: the role of women is reduced to their reproductive functions, and the author emphasizes that it is not a dystopia since some things characteristic of Gilead are already happening in American society. This paper analyses the changes that happened...

Quantitative Research of the Impact at the Workplace

The need to inquire about the relationships among variables in a population, results into the formulation of quantitative research questions. Investigators use these research questions to get information that they are looking for (Creswell, 2003). Flick (2009) acknowledges that research questions determine the appropriateness of the areas selected for investigation....

Hypothesis Testing Procedures in Inferential Statistics

The two major types of statistical inference are hypothesis testing and confidential intervals. We use these two methods to make inferences. The difference between the use of the confidence intervals and hypothesis testing in inferential statistics is that the two have different goals. In hypothesis testing, we make some claim...

Mediation and Its Role in the Divorce Process

As one of the methods of ADL (alternative dispute resolution), mediation allows people to resolve the issue without litigation, so they have more power over the process. Although mediation is often used in disputes in business, such as in the relationship between business and customer or between employee and employer,...

Japan’s Long-Term Recovery After the 2011 Tsunami

Japan was hit by a devastating earthquake in 2011 in its eastern region. A few minutes later, there followed a massive tsunami which was approximately 100-foot waves. The earthquake claimed over 100 lives, but the severity of the matter was when the tsunami spiked where over 20,000 people were reported...

Research Questions in the Clinical Study

Abstract Clinical studies require the adoption of well-stated research questions, which are utilized to guide the outcomes of a clinical project. A summary of two research articles in this paper reveals that a study that does not focus on answering a question or a set of questions does not yield...

Hypothesis Writing: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Introduction The conflict between Israel and Palestine can be seen as one of the characteristic attributes of politics in the Middle East. While the tones of such conflict shift continuously, switching from an overall Arab-Israeli conflict into a state of peace negotiations, the initial causes of the conflict are still...

Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections

Problem Cather-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) are the main causes of secondary infection in the blood stream, making up around 76% of all UTIs, due to the wrong use of urinary catheter (Kuriyama et al., 2017). There are three types of catheters, as indicated by the World Health Organization [WHO]:...

The 1619 Project Podcast on American History

Since the arrival of the first Africans in America, the blacks have fought for democracy and recognition as equal Americans. The government recruited and forced black Americans to join the military for the defense of the country. According to the New York Times, the first Africans arrived through a ship...

Epidemiologic Methods in the Study of Infectious Diseases

Introduction Epidemiologic methods refer to various concepts applicable in finding the causes of illnesses and other health issues in a population. An infectious disease can be transmitted to other organisms upon their exposure to the host. Movement from one host to another relies on the theory that organisms are within...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Investing in Stocks and Risk-Return Relationship

Introduction The market is designed in such a way that any financial investment is accompanied by a number of risks influenced by various factors. Usually, there is a direct relationship; the more investments — the greater the potential profit and risks. The most profitable and balanced decision always requires a...

Diabetes: Etiology and Expected Treatment Options

Case study A 21-year old female (A.M.) presents to the urgent care clinic with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a fever for 3 days. She states that she has Type I diabetes and has not been managing her blood sugars since she’s been ill and unable to keep any...

Medical Ethics: A Do-Not-Resuscitate Order

Introduction In the given scenario, the nurse is faced with the choice of whether she should provide relief from choking because the patient has a DNR. A DNR order means that healthcare professionals cannot apply “chest compressions, defibrillation, endotracheal intubation, assisted ventilation, or cardiotonic drugs” to the patient (EMSA, 2018,...

Ethical Issues in Nursing Practice

Nurses are the first line of defense in the healthcare sector, patients’ advocates, and also a source of information on medical diagnosis and the course of care for relatives and the families of the sick. In some situations, decision-making requires principled considerations, and this requires nurses to know about delivering...

Health Policy Analysis – Economic and Budgetary Feedback Questions

The proposed policy requires incorporating chronic and complex migraines as essential health conditions to the Texas Compassionate-Use Act so that low-THC cannabis prescriptions could be offered to patients based on the respective diagnosis and condition. What Are the Costs and Benefits Associated with the Policy, from a Budgetary Perspective? Implementing...

HR Metrics: Assessing the HR Performance Within the Health Care Institution

Introduction The HR Metrics is a tool that enables assessing the performance of the Human Resources within the health care institution. It assists in measuring and analyzing the organization’s productivity and efficiency by defining meaningful gauges. Most importantly, it boosts decision-making and empowers the institution to find the most effective...

Traumatic Impacts of Community Violence, COVID-19, and Civil Unrest in Immigrant Families

The presentation is dedicated to the impact of community violence, structural racism, COVID-19, and community violence on immigrant and marginalized mixed-status families. Changes in federal immigration policies have led to increasing enforcement, reducing access to public benefits for immigrants, and removing their legal protection and their qualification for a different...

Impact of Information Literacy on Safety

In the digital age, information is pervasive, varied, and easily available, often being just a click away. However, the very fact that it is so ubiquitous and varied at the same time means that one needs skills to find relevant sources of information and evaluate their credibility and usefulness. This...

Education Level and HIV Transmission Among Alcoholics in California

Approach of the Study The proposed study will adopt a quantitative approach. This approach would highlight the objective elements and statistical or numerical information regarding the relationship between education level and HIV transmission among alcoholics in California. The quantitative approach is instrumental to the study because the SPSS data analysis...

Henry Clay’s American System, Economy and Market

Henry Clay’s American system The American system of Henry Clay could be described in various ways. The best characterization one could provide is that this was anticipated as a set of tariffs and other barriers regulations, based somewhat on the establishment of a national financial institution controlled equally by private...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Discriminant Analysis and the Logistic Regression

Introduction The discriminant analysis and the logistic regression are similar in that both these types of analysis attempt to predict the membership of a case to one of the groups into which the sample is classified by a categorical dependent variable (Warner, 2013). Both of these analyses allow for creating...

Change and Its Driving Forces in Healthcare

The significance of change cannot be possibly underrated when it comes to addressing healthcare issues. The change should be viewed as a crucial step toward consistent quality improvement. Therefore, healthcare organizations must strive toward changing so that they could meet the needs of an increasingly diverse population, as the examples...

Biomedical Data in Probabilistic Decision-Making

Nowadays, clinical decisions are often correlated with uncertainty, mainly because of the characteristics of the data used. This data tends to be imperfect, which makes it challenging to manage (Owens and Sox, 2014), and it is typically diverse and produced by multiple loosely connected units, which makes it challenging to...

Jair Bolsonaro and Hillary Clinton in Social Media

Abstract Social media use by political leaders during presidential campaigns is a widespread phenomenon in the present-day world. However, this aspect of their activity seems to be controversial due to the possibility of neglect of the ethical part of the matter. From this perspective, such leaders as Jair Bolsonaro can...

Research in Creativity Applied to Design

Research is an essential part of any creative process, as it can enhance individual or team efficiency and performance. Conducting well-balanced research of a problem allows designers to develop new products or improve the features of the existing ones instead of copying outdated ideas or technologies. The following essay will...

How to Structure a Good Research Paper

A research title persuades readers to study the research paper. Titles in academic research must thoroughly inform the readers of the goal of the research to entice them to look at it (Brancati, 2018). For this reason, neatly encapsulate the fundamental subject that the research covers. Moreover, list important terms...

John Rhodes Community Center Pool Case Solution

Introduction Promoting a new program or implementing a new course of action can be a daunting marketing challenge. Although there are many marketing strategies designed to facilitate such projects management, not all of them are applicable in specific conditions. For example, the situation can be significantly complicated by an enterprise’s...

Cardinal Ratzinger’s “The Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament”

In “The Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament,” Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger analyses how Eucharistic theology led to the emergence of the tabernacle in the second millennium. The chapter reveals how spiritual development in the understanding of the Eucharist manifested through changes in language structure and forms of thought. The chapter, divisible...

Cross-Cultural Management: A Case Study Analysis

The 21st century has introduced an evolution of the business environment, in which managers face new challenges. This age is characterized by the intense globalization that renders different parts of the world closer together, thus promoting the diversity of the entrepreneurial landscape. As such, companies and entire industries often become...

Type A vs. Type B Personalities

The initial result of the test presents Type A personalities as ambitious, organized, caring, truthful, supportive, and proactive individuals. The results imply that Type A people are deeply fused with their work and could be described as ‘workaholics.’ The test comments on Type A’s tendency to overload themselves with work...

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Climate Change: Changing Patterns of Malaria Disease

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Elderly People Challenges in American Indian Population

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Diagnostic Assessment of Children and Adolescents With ADHD

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Type II Diabetes: Patient Case Study

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Health Care Settings for Older Adults

Feelings of guilt and worry among family members of patients in need of long-term care are a natural reaction. As a charge nurse, I would thus start from addressing the emotional part of the issue by explaining to Suzanne that the reason behind her mother’s condition is not in any...

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Balancing Stakeholder Needs in an Organization

Introduction A stakeholder is any individual interested in the operations of a business or who influences its operation. Large organizations have various stakeholder groups, whereby some are external, while others are internal such as the government and the employees, respectively (Brandt et al., 2018). An organization needs to consider and...

Discussion of Career Development Stages

In recent years, the autonomous career development of each individual has been attracting attention in the United States, but this was not the case before. American companies used to manage employee careers uniformly according to age and year of employment, assuming they all have similar needs. However, according to Super...

Telemedicine in the Health Care System: Article Review

Introduction The development of technology has enabled the introduction of telemedicine in the health care system. One of the recent implementations of this field is real-time remote monitoring in triage and priority-based sensor technology. To assess its credibility, evaluate outcomes, indicate challenges, and provide recommendations for the improvement, an extensive...

Healthy Lifestyle and Its Key Benefits

Everyone, without exception, must take care of their health. It is helpful for those who want to achieve success in all areas of life: love, study, work, sports, family creation, and others. In addition, it will allow people to maintain strength and a sober mind in old age and live...

The Study of Communications: Influence

The issue of credibility is crucial when it comes to considering the importance of the information presented by the media. Even though it affects all the aspects of the life of present-day people, not all of the messages are equally detrimental to one’s wellbeing. From this point of view, the...

Legal Issues of Employment Terms and Conditions

The various legal issues involved in an employment contract usually entail an enforceable contract and negotiating a more favorable contract term. However, some juridical issues arise due to contractual breaches or actions by the employer that are invalid or contrary to the provisions of the contract clause. Among the legal...

Monsanto Company: Stakeholders Analysis

Monsanto is an agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology company that is American based. The company was founded by John Francis Queeny on 26th September 1901 in St. Louis, Missouri, in the united states of America (“Monsanto Company and Monsanto Technology LLC v. Loren David (2007-1104),” 2008). The company was famous to...

Neighborhood Problems and Perceptions

There is no doubt that a neighborhood consists of pleasant and bad neighbors. Some neighbors may cause issues in the neighborhood by being disruptive. Besides, other neighbors might have to either tolerate them or report them to the management so they would take action against them. Although some people think...

The Common Law and the Contract Signing

Indeed, under the chapter 11 definition, a contract is a promise or set of promises between two agreeing parties. The contract needs to be agreed by both parties, with an exchangeable trade, services, or money as the central focus. In short, a contract needs to have something of value to...

President Reagan’s Address to the National Association of Evangelicals

The speech’s topic The topic of President Reagan’s speech was “change that brings hope and stability.” He addressed the Evangelicals in a variety of matters concerning how they would promote religion and morality in the United States. The speech’s thesis and main point The speech’s main point was to promote...

Critical Reasoning and Professional Ethics

The ACM code of ethics is regarded as a collection of the principles, rules, laws, and even guidelines shaped to assist the computing professionals in making ethically responsible decisions while in professional practice. It also plays a key role in translating broad ethical ideas into more concrete statements regarding professional...

The Effects of Globalization on the Environment

The far-reaching consequences of globalization can sometimes be very obscure. Just like preeminent technological developments, globalization contributes to civilization as a whole but also inconveniences others. In terms of global trade, helps in reducing the isolation of poor countries by increasing specialization, it expands access to information through trade, increases...

Erasmus and Machiavelli on a Renaissance Prince

The revitalization of political thought during the Renaissance concerned many questions, including the one of what constitutes a good government. Both Erasmus and Machiavelli discuss this question in their respective writings, trying to synthesize the image of an ideal ruler. While they agree that the government should demonstrate at least...

Economic Development: Analysis of Portland, Oregon

Portland, Oregon will be examined to determine the current status of economic development. The resources for this study initially will come from public administrator generated information. The data will be assessed using S.W.O. T. Analysis. “Smart” Action Research will then be conducted to determine what specific economic development strategies may...

Defining Terms and Providing Significance

Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire was one of the most saddening accidents in American history during the twentieth century. The incident occurred on March 25, 1911, at the Triangle Factory, a cloth factory owned by Isaac Harris and Max Blank. The factory was situated at Asch Building...

Overview of Aging Concepts and Controversies

Introduction The American society is concerned with the growing population of elderly individuals and how to help them practice successful aging. Moreover, modern society especially the American society views aging as something that should be either denied or concealed. However, according to Moody (2010), society should put in place models...

Scaffolding and Collaboration as a Basis of Instruction

Introduction Scaffolding can form a strong basis for instruction and enhance students’ understanding of classroom concepts. When introducing new concepts to students, teachers are concerned with the level of comprehension developed by the students. As a result, teachers endeavor to divide the lesson into multiple sections and provide instructions for...

Nightingale’s Philosophy and Millennium Goals

Contemporary globalization processes eliminate the boundaries used to restrict the spread of many diseases and make health preservation a global concern. Together with national and international organizations, nurses in cooperation with other healthcare practitioners can contribute to mobilizing “new approaches to education, healthcare delivery, and disease prevention” (Beck, Dossey, &...

Why Authenticity Is Irrelevant?

In his TED (2004) Talk ‘What Consumers Want’ Joseph Pine questioned a common premise that modern technology will be able to provide an effective shift from mass to unique authentic experiences between the customer and the brand. Pine does not agree with the supposition that such experiences can be inauthentic,...

Keds Company’s Pricing and Marketing Strategies

Introduction Business rivalry is inevitable in any business environment because profit maximization is the enterprise’s ultimate goal. Therefore, market competition is a revenue expansion strategy through which vendors improve their product and service offering to increase their customer base. Commercial activities involve expenses for stocking merchandise or services and recurrent...

Stigmatization Levels of Muslim Women

Self-stigmatization is defined as the doubts that arise mainly because of an individual’s competence, continuous selection of a less demanding task, adverse impact, and a decreased interest in the position in question (Eijberts & Roggeband, 2016). Over the recent past, Muslim women have faced challenges associated with stigma, abuse, and...

Coffee Machines Under Product Comparison

Literature Review Among the industries, the household appliances sector was chosen, which is represented by a large number of home items. Coffee makers are the focus of this presentation because the demand for automatic coffee machines has been actively growing in recent years. From 2020 to 2026, the average annual...

Organelle Contents of a Typical Eukaryotic Cell

Abstract Animal and plant cells contain specialized components that perform specific functions necessary for cell growth and development. These components are known as organelles and vary in size, composition, and location. The nucleus is the central organelle that carries genetic material. In addition, it powers most of the cell’s activities...