Electromagnetic Assisted Impact collision (MAIC)

The process of electromagnetic assist impact collision (MAIC) is used to combine reactive nanoparticles with activated carbon bead to produce a multi-functional particulate. A reactive-adsorptive multi-functional protective particulate contains both chemically and biologically protective capabilities in a form whose handling during use and manufacture does not pause difficulties. The nanoparticles...

Election in the United States in the Context of Democratic Values

Democracy and its corresponding values form the very foundation, which upholds contemporary society. Traditionally, this principle of the ruling is expected to reflect the core principle coded in its name – rule of the people and for the people. Accordingly, its mechanisms are to provide the nation’s population with sufficient...

Money as a Means Rather Than a Result of Achieving Happiness

Introduction Studying the relationship between financial well-being and personal happiness is an essential aspect that can reveal people’s preferences and views on whether a large income directly correlates with a positive attitude or not. Selected articles address this topic and offer relevant findings and reasoning. In her research Do We...

Analyzing a Creative Print Advertisement of Jbl

Introduction Creating a prosperous print ad in the incredibly competitive marketing and advertising industry takes more than drawing a picture of the product. The market and customers are much more demanding and intelligent than a few decades ago, considering the growing popularity of social media and digital resources in general....

Health Crisis: Chemical Leakage

Introduction Healthcare professionals and leaders must be ready to deal with the issues affecting their people. The selected leadership role is that of a Director of the Public Health Department. This leadership role is critical because it determines the health outcomes of every targeted community. This paper identifies the best...

African American Experience During the Harlem Renaissance

Prejudice and discrimination against people based on the color of their skin or belonging to a particular ethnic, cultural, or religious group continue to be a critical issue in the United States. As with any societal issues, racism and bigotry are often reflected in contemporary art, including music, photography, cinematography,...

“The Baker and the Beauty”: A Failed Television Show

The TV show The Baker and the Beauty aired in April 2020 and included nine 40-minute episodes. The TV show presents a story of a baker, Daniel Garcia working for the family business, who meets a famous model Noa Hamilton (IMDb, 2020). The two try to develop a romantic relationship,...

Marketing to Generation Y: Targeting Generation Y Strategy

Targeting Generation Y is not the right but rather necessary marketing strategy for banks because now it makes up the major part of their customer base. On the one hand, Generation Y people are the so-called digital natives – the first generation that grew up with easy access to electronic...

Christian Foundations and Worldview

Christianity is one of the most important and popular world religions. It was founded approximately near 33 AD in Palestine, and it is centered on the personality of Jesus Christ, the life and deeds of whom were described in the Gospels (Köstenberger, 2020). For Christians, Jesus was a messiah, a...

Breast Cancer: Etiology, Signs and Symptoms

Introduction Breast cancer has become one of the most popular diseases among women all over the world. This form of cancer is characterized by the growth of abnormal cells in the breast tissues. Breast cancer is believed to have claimed many human lives in the last four decades, but its...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Self-Regulation and Risk Evaluation

In this video, McKenna, the audit consultant, and independent journalist focuses on two myths. The first myth refers to the assumption that shareholders damage corporations and the public. McKenna mentions professor Stoute and her book, where she states that there is no legal duty in corporate law for corporations to...

Thermo-Chemical Disinfection Using Vegetative Bacteria

Overview of thermal-chemical disinfection process Disinfection is a process of reducing microorganisms to a level that is not harmful to health (Fraise, Lambert, & Maillard, 2003). The disinfection process can be a single step where the disinfectant is the sole means of controlling microbial growth such as contact lens solution...

MAC Cosmetics Company’s Models and Social Media

Co-creation appears to be a modern marketing strategy, which implies designing a product or a service cooperating with customers. This approach is considered to be beneficial in a great number of ways. It contributes to avoiding the lack of ideas regarding product improvement and makes the relationships between a company...

Employee Training and Development

Effective Training Needs Analysis Training needs analysis refers to the identification process of employees’ development and training needs to enable them to carry out their tasks more efficiently to realize personal and organizational goals. Based on the scenario, the components of an effective training needs analysis include information regarding the...

Ethical Health Promotion-Related Issue

In HIV treatment and prevention, confidentiality raises an ethical health promotion-related issue by creating the dilemma between safeguarding the privacy of the patient and protecting people who could be at high risk, for example, spouses. Upholding patients’ confidentiality signifies that their positive status should remain secret without being discussed by...

The Capital Structure Theories Article by Brendea

Introduction The review of issues concerning capital structure is defined by the perceptions expressed by various authors. In the article capital structures theories, a critical approach (2011), Brendea defines capital structure as the financial structure of a firm coupled with the long term financing used by the firm. She observes...

Types of Fire Arms and Gun Ownership in the US

For many years, gun ownership in the United States has been on the increase leading to violence in various states. Although there are inadequate studies on the correlation between the prevalence of arms to violent crimes, guns used during these incidents have been identified and described. On the contrary, weaponry...

Tooth Decay Problem in the United States

Selection of topic The topic selected is tooth decay in the US. Selection of the topic is based on the fact that it resonates with my field of study. Besides, it is an area of public concern because over the years, there has been growth in cases of untreated tooth...

Alcohol Oxidation to Aldehydes and Ketones

Background Alcohol oxidation to aldehydes and ketones is vital during the synthesis of organic compounds. However, bleach can only directly oxidate some alcohols to carboxylic acids, ketones, or aldehydes. The shortcoming emerges because oxidation requires displacement of OH using NaOCl during substitution reaction (Chem 242: Lab Section, 2014). Most organic...

“The Bite of the Mango” by Mariatu and McClelland

Mariatu calls Santigie (her half-brother) her “Spirit Watching Over Me.” Who is the “Spirit Watching Over You”? Describe the person you believe or would like to believe is your guardian angel. In every person’s life, there are special people who are of great value to them. These people can be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Management Innovation: Netflix Case Study

The essence of competition is to improve or maintain the company’s position in the market, which is achieved through differentiation and innovation. Over the past decades, innovation has become a must for a successful organization. This was facilitated by increased competition, which forced companies to constantly increase the efficiency of...

Experimental Studies Discussion

Experimental studies, also called interventional studies, are studies where the researcher arranges the conditions in which the participants are placed, or conducts an intervention on them to assess its impact and consequences and test a hypothesis. In experimental studies, the researcher has control over the specifics of an intervention, who...

Harm Reduction Initiative: Treatment of Addicts

Significance to Nursing Practice and Nursing Research Considering the necessity of helping people addicted to drugs to either fight this addiction or live with it healthier, it is likely to suggest that the qualitative proposed research findings on the phenomenon under study will contribute meaningful evidence in clinical settings and...

Discriminating Various Minorities and Indispensable Workers

Introduction Various minorities and indispensable workers are being undermined and discriminated against each day, despite their utmost importance to the history and community of the country. Sujatha Gilda’s “We Are Not Essential. We Are Sacrificial,” and Caroline Randall Williams’ “You Want A Confederate Monument? My Body is A confederate Monument”...

Influenza Pandemic Outbreak Overview

Abstract This present paper has discussed how the systems approach can be utilized by the Director of CDC to establish an immediate response to influenza outbreak. Although the approach is effective in dealing with the pandemic, efforts need to be made to deal with arising leadership challenges Introduction Public health...

Pride: Parents Who Teach Their Kids About Self-Worth

A good parent is a combination of many different qualities. The most important lesson any mother or father can teach is to give the child a great example of how to deal with difficulties, how to interact with the rest of society, and how to be a decent human being....

High-Level Decision Making Process in Society

In high-level decision-making, coming up with practice-oriented options requires thorough analysis and knowledge transfer skills. Based on what I have learned, to be viable, a potential solution should be able to produce tangible financial, resource-related, or reputational benefits without disproportionately high risks. Next, when it comes to knowledge transfer, studying...

Educational Activities Plan for Diabetic Ketoacidosis Patient

The education plan described in this essay details the proposed educational activities that a diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) patient will undergo over a period of 3 days. The patient should attend two sessions every day for the first two days and one session on the last day. Objectives of the Education...

Why Resecurity Has Added ipv6 Data

IPv6, or Internet Protocol version 6, refers to the latest international communications standard used to facilitate interactions between Internet-connected devices. It was developed to supplement and eventually supplant the previous standard, IPv4, which could not provide sufficient new IP addresses to support the Internet’s growth. In addition to expanded address...

Performance of Tesla Shares

Tesla, an American electric car manufacturer, hit record highs. According to Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) (2021), in 2020, the value of Tesla shares has grown almost tenfold – from $ 88.6 in early 2020 to $ 864.2 on January 27, 2021. Shead (2021) notes that much of this growth was driven...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Servant Leadership and Followership: Comparison

In a work setting, there is a hierarchy that is built on servant leadership and followership. First and foremost, servant leadership is based on one’s desire or even an instinct to lead. A servant leader’s “highest priority is service to others, including stakeholders inside and outside the organization” (Williams, Brandon,...

Experimental Report: Newton’s Law of Cooling

Objectives To show that the time dependence of temperature is exponential To verify Newton’s law of cooling using a simple water cooling experiment To employ Newton’s law of cooling to determine temperature of water at any given time Theory Newton’s law of cooling according Shealy that states that the hotter...

Film Memento: Essential Issues

Memento is an American psychological thriller directed by Christopher Nolan in 2000 based on his brother’s verbal presentation of the film’s idea. It addresses the story of Leonard Shelby, a former representative of an insurance company, who wants to find a man who raped and killed his wife. However, his...

Planning and Budgeting in Global Health Care

The article “Priorities and challenges for health leadership and workforce management globally: a rapid review” begins by noting the complex and dynamic nature of health systems. According to the article, such challenges arise from the divergence of healthcare contexts and service levels. In this regard, the researchers argue that the...

Factors That Justify the Use of Deadly Force by Police

Police shootings and killings of unarmed civilians arguably qualify as violations of the use-of-force standards that warrant the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators. However, American experience reveals that those involved seldom face any repercussions as the concerned authorities often deem such cases as justifiable. Nonetheless, circumstances under which some...

Conditions That Led to Emergence of Authoritarian State in 20th Century

An authoritarian state is a form of governance featured with the rejection of political plurality and application of executive power to maintain the political status. Mostly, authoritarianism is exercised with a strong reduction in the rule of law while separating the powers and denying democracy to prevail. The authoritarian state...

Glycolysis as a Biological Process

Glycolysis is a biological term used to describe reactions that extract energy from glucose by dividing it into two three-carbon molecules named pyruvates. It is an old metabolic pathway found in most living organisms (Chandel, 2021). The term glycolysis is derived from the root of two words, namely glycol, which...

Comparative Summary: Hitch and Wepner

Introduction The focal point of the paper is to summarize and compare the two studies. The first one is Shelley B. Wepner’s Technology Run Amok: The Top Ten TechnoBlunders published by International Reading Association, Inc in 2004 and the second article is Leslie P. Hitch’s Being prepared for Technology Snow...

Merchant’s Perspective of Babylon

As a merchant and representative of the Vaishya varna, I came from Varanasi to the western cities to trade and discover something new. The land I have seen, called Mesopotamia, is not in the best condition, being attacked by warriors who call themselves Persians. The city I’m heading to has...

“What We Lost in the Great War” Essay by John Steele Gordon

The essay by John Steele Gordon, titled “What We Lost in the Great War” and published in the American Heritage in 1992 is lauded by some to be provocative, insightful, and challenging when it is anything but. It preaches the same old cliches that have been dominating the Western society...

Interrelationships Reflection in Art

Description In ancient times, art was even used as mental therapy; it was believed that under its influence, a person’s character, feelings are formed, psychological problems are healed. People get the opportunity to improve, develop spiritually, and find spiritual balance, harmony due to art. Some artists are inspired by the...

Mathematicians: Contributions to the Mathematics of Volume and Surface Area

Introduction Mathematics has been in existence since antiquity and has experienced immense development in scope and changes. Notable contributions in diverse areas of mathematics date back to the pre-historic times. Some of these works, owing to their proven soundness and credibility, continue to be used to date. This paper explores...

Acute and Chronic Abdominal Pains

Introduction Age has been a critical aspect of human health as it determines the occurrence and severity of particular diseases. Causes, symptoms, and damage of some common diseases in human beings sometimes differ depending on age factors (Panagoulias, Tentolouris, & Ladas, 2008). Acute and chronic abdominal pain disorders have recently...

Ethical Issue in the Workplace: Case Study

The article “Bullying Bystander Reactions: A Case Study in the Taiwanese Workplace” examines an ethical issue of bullying, as well as the responses of colleagues and the organization on it in one of the Taiwanese offices. Various factors influence the occurrence of bullying and the way others perceive this issue...

Ethical Backgrounds of Euthanasia

Introduction The controversial topic of euthanasia is enveloped with much of ethical debates. Euthanasia advocates state that every person has a complete right to decide whether to die in order to relieve the pain and suffering connected with a terminal illness. These views are opposed by those who state that...

The Nature Conservancy in Hawaii: Program Fundraising

The Nature Conservancy, Hawaii Program: Background Information The Nature Conservancy is an organization working across the US since the 1950s to “conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends” (Aloha United Way, 2020, para. 1). The organization is operating worldwide and has protected 119 million acres of land...

Sexual Assaults Number Increases Throughout Army

Sexual violence within the United States Army undermines its credibility for potential recruits and still affects thousands of victims, despite measures taken to eliminate it. According to Kime (2019), the number of sexual assaults in 2016-2018 increased by almost 40 percent, and in 2018 alone affected 20,500 employees. An important...

Dentistry, Insurance, and Children With Special Healthcare Needs

America has a large population of children with special healthcare needs. According to the census of 2009, nearly 14% of all children in the USA aged between 3 to 17 have some sort of disability (“Statistics of children,” 2013). Since the medical system in the country is largely insurance-based, it...

Proving the Act of Robbery and Defense Arguments

Issue’s summary Defendant went to the victim’s house supposedly to look at and buy a rifle owned by the victim. When the victim gave the rifle to the defendant to inspect, he turned the rifle on the victim and refused to give the rifle back. Introduction Under the US criminal...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Professional Health Care Therapeutic Communication: Elaine’s Pregnancy

Elaine’s case describes the situation when a young woman chooses adoption as an appropriate option to provide her child with two loving parents. The problem is in the fact that Elaine could not guarantee the proper care for herself and her baby (Tamparo & Lindh, 2016). In addition, the young...

Nurses and Patient Safety Culture

Nurses are responsible for promoting quality in healthcare organizations by proposing improvement initiatives and accessing patient safety culture. Examples of patient-centered care initiatives include Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) and Team STEPPS, focusing on safety issues (Yoder-Wise, 2019). Furthermore, the organizational culture of a high-performing healthcare facility requires...

Color in The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

American writer Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s novella The Yellow Wallpaper details the deteriorating mental health of a woman experiencing postpartum depression. The room’s ugly, dirty yellow wallpaper forms the centerpiece of the novel. Her obsession with the yellow wallpaper marks her fall into psychosis throughout history. Thus, in the composition The...

The Pathophysiology of Amenorrhea

Introduction From a clinical viewpoint, amenorrhea can be defined as a health condition that is exemplified by the absence of menstruation. Nevertheless, a patient can only be diagnosed with amenorrhea if she misses more than two menstrual periods in a consecutive manner (Gould, 2002). Clinically, there is a difference between...

Developmental Concepts in Human Life Span

Human beings undergo various developmental stages in their life span. In each stage of growth, various developmental concepts show how and why human beings change throughout their life. The first stage of development begins at the moment of conception. During this period, the sperm merges with the egg, after which...

Social Changes After the Coronavirus Pandemic

The global coronavirus pandemic is rapidly changing the economic, behavioural, and social aspects of people’s lives. Even before it ends, people feel the impact the coronavirus has had on the world. Nevertheless, in addition to the global impact, the virus has also significantly affected each individual. With the appearance of...

Aspects of Regulating Cultural Borders

Introduction Identity refers to the social categories and the sources where an individual derives self-respect and dignity. The regulation involves personal attributes that cannot be conveyed naturally in terms of social class, ethnicity, color, and gender (Hogg, 2016). In various contexts, some categories are described as identities and are not...

Analysis of Environmental Racism in America

Introduction Despite the decades-long struggle against racism, its effects are still tragically visible in present-day American society. Moreover, racism seeps into every area, from social interactions to business to environmental concerns. Affecting the well-being of African American people on a tremendous scale, the latter represents a particularly egregious instance of...

Chapters 1-5 of “Soar!” Book by T. D. Jakes

In the first chapter, T.D. Jakes describes what drives his vision and the ability to do so much. He credits much to his upbringing and the example set by his father, maintaining an attitude of a ‘hustler’ and work ethic. At the same time, Jakes believes that hard work is...

Hernando Washington Case. Criminology

The history of humanity has seen multiple cases of extreme violence, and such instances can hardly ever be justified by any factors. However, despite evident similarities in terms of form, a more profound examination of violent crimes may reveal certain underlying issues on both individual and global levels. The case...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Virtual Team Case Study. Communication Issue

In this case, a proposal for client approval needs to be developed. While the details are important, it’s imperative that a written proposal is available. A written proposal is important because it will provide an overview of what the company is going to develop. It will also act as the...

The Essence of Human Sexuality

Human sexuality is a term that is defined differently depending on the sphere of the definition. It encompasses biological, physiological, cultural, legal and philosophical dimensions. Biologically, it is the human’s reproductive system which includes emotions responsible for social bonds and sexual attraction. This involves knowledge of physiological working of one’s...

Should All or Certain Drugs Be Legalized?

The potential legalization of drugs raises several ethical issues, particularly the question of harm and addiction. While drugs can hurt the individual who takes them, people have free will and the right to choose for themselves. As long as there are no negative externalities and the freedom and rights of...

Necessary Changes in the Family Model

The socio-cultural changes taking place around the world in 2040 are associated with an increase in individual freedom and the expansion of the choice of professions. In addition, the importance of education will increase; all of the above will lead to an increase in the social differentiation of the entire...

Moral Rightness in “Outlaws of the Marsh” by Shi Nai’an

Outlaws of the Marsh or Water Margin is a classic 14th-century Chinese novel written by Shi Nai’an. The plot of the story, which has four volumes and from 100 to 120 chapters, tells about the adventures of 108 demons that incarnated in the form of people and became noble robbers...

HIV Among Adolescents: Nurse Practitioners Intervention

Statistics on HIV among adolescents According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), people who are aged between 13 and 24, account for approximately 26 percent of newly-acquired HIV infections in America (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). Yet, one should mention that teenagers make only 17...

Associate Degree Nurses’ Work Possibilities

Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study was to identify the factors which prevent associate degree-prepared nurses from pursuing further education in a quest for a higher-level degree or baccalaureate. The research question was about the factors in health care institutions that dissuade nurses who are associate degree...

The Pixar Company’s Culture of Creativity

Organizational culture is an essential part of human resource management and business development. Comprehensive knowledge in the field of corporate culture may be significantly beneficial in terms of decision-making and leadership. Pixar’s culture of creativity may serve as a prime example of agile human resource management. As technology develops and...

A Single-Story Perception – “The Danger of a Single Story”

Today, many people consume information online, which leads to a distortion of their understanding of certain events because social media tend to channel one-sided perspectives. In her speech “The Danger of a Single Story,” Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie contends that being familiar only with one aspect of complex phenomena entails negative...

Emergency Management Role in Law Enforcement Career

The course of emergency management is highly important in the careers of the field of law enforcement. Emergency management and law enforcement are integrated, as skills used in one area of knowledge are helpful in the other. This essay will describe how the course of emergency management and the skill...

Decision-Making: Euthanasia in Switzerland

With just the mention of death, it is a real shock to the world. Then, it is surprising how one can comfortably walk into a medical center and demand to die. Michele’s case could not be the only one in the world but watching her die is flabbergasting (Bueller, 2012)....

Measure for Measure by Shakespeare. Documentary Critique

Measure for Measure is one of Shakespeare’s most controversial plays, as it raises politically sensitive topics such as justice, morality, and corruption. The collision of power, religion, and sex can be perceived utterly differently over the course of time. Even though many literary critics have tried to find the pitfalls...

The Virtual “Anti-Corona” Concert Review

The Concert Environment The virtual “anti-corona” concert with Albrecht Mayer (oboe) and Kimiko Imani (piano) was performed as a response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. It consists of four prominent works by Johann Sebastian Bach arranged for the aforementioned instruments (“Albrecht Mayer Plays Bach’s Air”). The concert takes place at...

Proper Medication Administration by EMS Importance

Introduction Patients seeking medical interventions are subjected to different risks and potential harm due to increased dependence on medication therapy. The risks associated with medication therapy may occur as a result of accidental errors from the nurse and practitioners when administering medication. The purpose of this report is to review...

Evaluating a Presentation at Walmart

Developing a convincing presentation that delivers the key points of an argument cohesively and concisely is an important skill that plays a vital role in promoting innovation in organizations. The specified task plays a particularly vital role in large organizations that require a perfectly thought-out and well-designed pitch that will...

“Kelo v. New London”: Court Case Analysis

The case of Kelo v. New London was originally filed in the Supreme Court of Connecticut where a number of Constitutional issues were raised regarding the eminent domain power of the city and the individual freedom of ownership. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution govern the...

Using of Statistics in Healthcare

Introduction Many students who plan to apply for medical studies suggest that they are not going to need mathematics and any mathematics-related sciences in the future and successfully forget anything they learned in school or college. However, mathematics and statistics are an essential part of healthcare research. This essay will...

Role of Tribes in the Construction of Identity

The sense of belonging is a critical part of an individual’s identity. Therefore, while longing for individualism, people still need to be a part of a broader community. The participation opportunity in question allows them to share knowledge and information, while also comparing their social status to that on of...

Holding By-Laws Versus Interim Control By-Laws

Holding and interim control by-laws are among the specialized laws introduced by the 1983 amendment of the planning Act to control how land is utilized. The rules are enforceable, provided that they are specified for use in the municipality’s implementation plan. Therefore, the holdings by-laws are being used in defining...

The Patriotic Act – Is It Worth It?

The Patriot Act is a law that allows federal services and law enforcement agencies to exert greater authority when tracking and intercepting suspecting agents of hostile intelligence services, criminals, and potential terrorists (Etzioni, 2015). It also allows the Secretary of Treasury to affect operations regarding foreign money to prevent terrorism...

New Marketing Realities and HTC

The Most Significant Prevailing Market Forces Currently, the most important market forces that may have a considerable effect on the company’s development are technology and globalization. According to Kotler and Keller (2016), these are two of the three major market forces that occupy the most prominent position in the modern...

Electronic Exchange of Information

Introduction Innovative technologies have altered the landscape of healthcare significantly, leading to alterations in the management of patients’ data and needs. The creation of the Health Information Exchange (HIE) has affected the healthcare environment especially strongly since it has allowed storing patients’ data so that it could be shared and...

Franco Dictatorship: Censorship Peculiarities

Writers and artists aspire to express themselves freely – with only the inner ethical boundaries of this expression. Censorship has always been considered as a primary obstacle for and burden on art. During the period of the Franco dictatorship, a Spanish writer had to bear this censorship burden and adapt...

Great Depression and the New Deal

The Great Depression in the world had started in 1929 and lasted up to 1939. It originated from the United States, and it has been termed the most severe depression in history. The depression caused colossal unemployment, loss of output, and a high deflation rate. The depression’s cultural and social...

Black Mirror’s “White Bear” and Cancel Culture

Introduction Short Summary of the Episode Black Mirror is a dystopian Netflix anthology with strong social messages, mostly related to technology. “White Bear,” an episode from season two of the series, is arguably one of the most disturbing episodes of the series. Victoria, who wakes up with no memory of...

Three Causes of Edema That Result From Increased Capillary Pressure

According to Dehler, Zessin, Bartsch, and Mairbaurl (2006), cardiac pulmonary edema also known as congestive cardiac failure (CCF) or congestive heart failure (CHF) occurs in alveolar hypoxia pathological because of an increase in pulmonary capillary pressure. Cardiac pulmonary edema is directly linked to high capillary pressure by alveolar fluid reabsorption,...

Epidemiology: Definition, Objectives, Subspecialties

Definition of Epidemiology Epidemiology is a medical terminology that is used to refer to the process of studying the causal factors as well as the spread of diseases (Last, 2000). From a careful review of literature, it is certain that the concept is very wide since it tends to answer...

Organizational Stress Management: Why It Is Important

Stress is a frequent phenomenon, not only in life but also at work. The sheer number of cases and tasks, plans and reports, associated problems, and turmoil are a part of the array of stress factors that can affect employees, and it cannot help but be worrying. At the same...

How the Intervention Is Addressed During Field Education Experience

The purpose of this blog is to explain how the intervention might be addressed during field education experience. Vulnerable and diverse elderly clients of an adult day care center may need short-term crisis interventions or long-term counseling services provided by the agency. In social work practice, interventions are developed to...

Pepsi Co’s Diversification Strategy in 2008

Introduction Strategic management is considered to be one of the basic elements that allow a business company to achieve success in its operations in both domestic and international markets (Thompson, 2001, p. 24; Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2009, p. 37). However, even such giants of the global business as Pepsi Co....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Birch Point Lodge Firm’s Information System

Introduction A major step necessary for the initiation of IS development is in identifying the current needs of Birch Point Lodge (BPL). In that regard, a strategic problem analysis might be required, in which the needs and the objectives for the system will be established. The initiation of the project...

Redhook’s Market Expansion: Analysis and Strategies

SWOT Analysis Strengths Advanced technology and new equipment Popularity in the market Strong brand presence Weaknesses Relatively high prices Focus on freshness complicates large-scale distribution. Refusal to accept contract brewing makes expansion more difficult Opportunities Large geographic areas for expansion Younger populations discovering craft beer Large general growth in the...

Hurricane: How Human Actions Affect It

Throughout history, the United States has had many catastrophic and costly natural disasters, some of which have caused billions of dollars in damage, and the number of dangerous phenomena is only increasing. Hurricanes are one of the most potent forces of the elements, which cause significant destruction, great damage to...

Diabetes Insipidus: Causes, Treatment, Pathophysiology

Causes of Diabetes Insipidus The lack of sufficient antidiuretic hormone (ADH)in the body results in diabetes insipidus. Genetic inheritance, brain tumors, head injuries, meningitis, blood vessel complications, and stroke are some of the factors associated with the development of diabetes insipidus. The hormone acts as a regulator of water absorption...

Implementing Evidence-Based Care in Nursing

Implementing Evidence-Based Care Evidence-based practices (EBP) refer to the strategies that have been shown by clinical research to improve patient outcomes. They are medical or clinical interventions proven to have a positive effect on the health of patients. EBP is a patient-centered approach that can significantly improve nursing care delivery....

Tesla Motors Company’s Competitive and Financial Analysis

Introduction Tesla Motors is an American-based company that manufactures electric trains and cars at affordable prices in the American, European and Asian markets. Its name was adopted from an electrical engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla. This paper will discuss the competitive and financial analysis of Tesla Motors. Financial analysis In...

Finances and Budget of Cosmetic Center

Main Post Being the Director of nursing, I must be in charge of all financial and budgeting processes of our medical center. I am aware of the fact that central functioning can be sustained through effective analysis of revenues, expenditures, and reimbursements. Due to the fact that my center specializes...

Unilever Company’s Progress Analysis

Background of the Company Unilever is one of the most influential multinational corporations in the world that specialises in producing personal care products and cleaning products as well as food and beverages. The company was founded after the merger of Lever Brothers and Margarine Unie in 1929, and it operates...

Good Books for Children: “The Hobbit”

Quality literature is an integral component of a child’s upbringing for a range of reasons. First of all, reading develops vital skills, such as literacy, logic, and imagination. Children with an early affection for good books are likely to demonstrate better school preparedness and learning outcomes. At the same time,...

Team Collaboration for Smoking Cessation

Introduction Tobacco use is a chronic, relapsing habit that has been proven to have adverse health effects. The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (2018) show that smoking harms almost every single organ in the human body, causes various diseases and conditions, and worsens smokers’ health in general. In the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Compensation Structure in Healthcare

Introduction The compensation structure is a necessary element that deserves exploration in every successful company. There are various other essential factors, yet the overall firm’s success depends directly on employee performance. The wage structure is a strategy that assists with evaluating the amount of financial gain an employee receives, according...

Nutrition Plan for an African American Woman for High Cholesterol

Overview and recommendations Persons with health conditions that require close monitoring should adopt strict lifestyles that would promote good health. In the management of high cholesterol, nutritional plans must be carefully designed with a concise understanding of how excess fats lead to weight gain. It is also important for the...

The DHL Company’s Environmental Audit

DHL is a universally known company that specializes in urgent international shipping of letters, parcels, and documents. As such, its environmental impact has the potential to be very damaging due to the organizational difficulties associated with long-distance high-speed transportation. Therefore, environmental audit of the DHL is one of the most...

HEB Grocery Company’s Remuneration System

When HR directors define the company’s goal, they conduct an analysis according to the required parameters and make a management decision. One of the important elements of the analysis is the assessment of the applicants for a vacancy, and their professional and personal qualities, which will allow solving problems for...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing: Difficulties in Decision Making

Discussion of the Ethical Decisions Many critically sick patients are in uncontrollable pain and encounter an unbearably deprived quality of life (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2008). Many of them would choose to terminate their lives instead of continuing till their bodies at last give up. Is it ethical for anyone to...

Decentralization, Linkages, Patronage and Clientelism

Due to its creation of closer ties between private enterprise and the government, patronage politics has been broadly recognized as a potential impediment to decentralization1. Fundamentally, it consists of people receiving financial benefits from their association with a particular political movement, which could be expressed in the forms of preferential...

What Can America Learn from Japan?

Health Outcomes in Japan Are Significantly Better Than Those in the US, Even Though the US Spends Much More on Health Care After the devastating consequences of the World War II the population of Japan was suffering from very poor level of health. Today this country turns out to have...

Canto XIX of The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

Canto XIX is one of the most significant and meaningful chapters in Paradiso and the entire Divine Comedy. Here Dante Alighieri analyzes such concepts of Christian philosophy as Eternal Justice, Eternal Judgment, and Divine Design. He criticizes historical figures of the past and his time and reviews the political state...

Crisis Intervention of an Effective Social Worker

A crisis is an incident that causes an emotional distress that is very difficult to handle. Examples of crises include misunderstanding in relationships, passing on of loved ones, and unplanned pregnancy. A crisis has diverse characteristics, and among them includes existence of danger and opportunity, portrayal of complexity, and anxiety....

One Cent Apparel Company’s Strategic Resources

List of The Three Strategic Resources One Cent Apparel possesses strategic resources that will provide quality products at affordable prices to all customer segments. These resources fall under three major categories, including the following: Land: One Cent Apparel owns land in a strategic location, a few kilometers from the city...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Composition of a Good Scare

Starting off, modern horror films and media rely on the element of surprise to scare the audience. Horror media, especially film, has developed considerably, both as a sphere of culture and an avenue of art in the past few decades. With the improvement of modern technology, filmmaking, and understanding of...

Elon Musk’s Neuralink Analysis

Recently, Elon Musk unveiled a coin-sized computer chip which is to be implanted in the human brain to create a brain-to-machine interface. The plan was demonstrated on a pig named Gertrude as a demo of the technology’s expected workability. The gadget resembles a Fitbit inserted within the skull with tiny...

The Correlational Statistic: Pearson’s Coefficient

Introduction The Pearson’s correlation coefficient r is a statistic that shows the degree to which the values of two variables x and y are in the linear correlation; r takes values from -1 to 1, with r = 1 when the correlation can be described with the linear function (y...

Inferential Statistics Article by Florin et al.

The paper summarizes a current nursing research article in terms of its aim, methods, results and conclusion, before examining how the authors have used the ANOVA statistical tool to inform its conclusions and recommendations. The aim of the study by Florin et al (2012) “was to investigate Swedish university students’...

Giving Birth Assisted Methods: Implications and Concerns

Assisted Methods of Giving Birth: Implications and Concerns The fundament of every family is a creation of a new life. However, sometimes nature goes against the rewarding desire to have children and inflicts specific conditions on human health, which preclude women from experiencing maternity. Still, the contemporary medicine offers a...

Nursing Image Petition: A Letter to the Editor

Positive portraying of nursing The nursing profession is a reputable field that offers services to humanity. The Johnson and Johnson campaign for the future of nursing is one of the few positive adverts that portray nursing in an admirable way (Truthaboutnursing.org, 2014). The ads show how nurses give healthcare to...

The Book of Revelation and Second Coming of Christ

In Revelation 20, a major event is described known as The Millennium. It is a highly controversial passage and there is much debate on whether the Second Coming of Christ will occur prior and lead to this prolonged period of holiness and salvation on Earth, or will the Second Coming...

Portico Quartet Jazz Concert Review

Music is often seen as a more expressive art form that may unlock once emotions become too vast for words. Portico Quartet takes the idea of music expressing nuanced emotions even further, transporting the audience to the realm of lucid dreams with their masterfully designed sound and carefully thought-out harmonies....

Bioinformatics of Plant Therapeutics

Gamma Gliadin will bind to the APC receptor and initiate an inflammatory response. Antisense protein can either make a cluster of Gamma gliadin hence not making them available to initiate the reaction. The other possible method is that it interrupts with tTG enzyme that mediates this reaction and modifies Gliadin....

The Problem of Shortage of Nurses

The context Patients pay part of the cost of treatment, while governments pay the rest in public hospital settings, which is a common outcome of many social health policies. I recently worked in a clinical environment with this characteristic. There was a nursing shortage at the hospital facility that catered...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Return on Investment of HIV Treatment Among African-American Women

Abstract This paper is a brief analysis of the Minnesota African-American Women with HIV (MAAH) program. The program aims to improve compliance and support among African-American women suffering from HIV and AIDS in Minnesota. Its new nature and the lack of skilled personnel emerge as the main challenges of quantifying...

IT Project Management Proposal BPM in KSA

The title of my research proposal is Increasing security in e-government through BPM in KSA. Background BPM is a strategy used in organizations and business operations to improve business processes. For example, it can be used to identify missing items that should not be missing or assist an employee in...

Islam in Afro-Eurasia

Islam was quickly perceived by a wide variety of social groups and strata. The origin of Islam is based on the scriptures. Due to the simplicity and accessibility of its dogmas and rituals, no preparation was required for their assimilation, in addition, the norms of Sharia coincided in many respects...

Paul David Tripp’s Book “A Shelter in the Time of Storm”

Paul David Tripp’s book “A Shelter in the Time of Storm” explains the various hardships and troubles in life and how to get past them. Tripp introduces the main topics covered in the book by explaining that we live in a broken world that subjects us to lots of suffering,...

Impacts of Environmental Justice on Health

Environmental justice entailsequal distribution of environmental harm and benefits to all beneficiaries (Pavlich, 2010). It revolves around environmental health by trying to ensure that there is access to a good environment for habitable living. Impacts on health will look at how environmental justice affect health of individuals (Freudenberg, Freudenberg, Klitzman...

Functional Currency: Case Study

The fund custodian, Shady Rest, prepared the fund’s books in Euros, since it was a country fund that invested solely in securities listed on the Madrid Stock Exchange. However, this decision is very detrimental because of several reasons. The custodians could have chosen an appropriate functional currency that could have...

Discussion of Gun Violence in American Society

The Definition And History Of Gun Violence Gun misuse is one of the most frequent forms of violence that is prevalent in American society. All incidences of violence will the involvement of shooting can be gathered under the term of “gun violence” – from mass homicide to shooting individual victims,...

Measuring Current Opioid Misuse

A literature review revealed no studies that utilized past opioids as a variable in their studies. However, there are many instruments that measure present opioid misuse. The first part will review three validated instruments. First, the Current Opioid Misuse Measure (COMM) is a commonly used instrument to measure opioid misuse...

“The Plague Year” From the New Yorker Source Analysis

It is important to note that sources and their credibility plays an essential role in ensuring that the writing is evidential and persuasive because the lack of high-quality and reliable sources is indicative of the questionability of the presented statements. The New Yorker article is not as credible as it...

Applying Technology in the Classroom

The past decades have depicted an incredible change in the landscape of education that was more rapid and extensive than ever before. The factor that was and is the strongest driver for this change, is the involvement of technology in the classroom. In current classrooms, such implementations range from hardware...

Bulimia Nervosa Diagnosis and Procedural Plan

Diagnosis Bulimia nervosa The patient has been showing the tendency to vomit after every instance of food intake, which is the primary sign of bulimia (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). According to the existing definition, the diagnosis of bulimia aligns with the observed symptoms fully (Miller et al., 2021). Therefore, the...

NIH Stroke Scale: Application and Effectiveness

NIH Stroke Scale is a tool that is primarily used internationally to assess the cognitive effects of stroke. It can scientifically be described as the quantitative measure of stroke-associated neurologic deficit. Before this scale, other scales were in use, but with the help of videos available on how to efficiently...

May-Can-Should Model for Education Policies

Physical disabilities constitute a fundamental element of diversity in modern communities. Individuals living with physiological challenges encounter difficulties accessing public social services, including healthcare, security, and transport services. Specifically, the May-Can-Should model presents a helpful framework for assessing recently passed legislation concerning physical disabilities (Caimotto, 2020). In essence, the Individuals...

Guidelines Protecting Nursing Research Participants

Introduction Protection of research participants has evidently emerged as one of those potential areas that require close monitoring and control. In doing this, there has been a recent development and establishment of several legal and scientific agencies that operate to enhance the ethical standards of research initiatives (Ferderman, Hanna, &...

Research Proposal on Justice in Health Care

Abstract Justice is a very vital component in healthcare as it is in other forms of business. There are disputes that can occur in health care that needs to be handled through the law. This is despite the presence a set code of conducts that the health care professions needs...

Green Chemistry: Saving the World Through Chemistry

Summary This article was posted by Sue White in 2013 to the ABC Environment (Australia) Website (White, 2013). The main topic of the article is the need for chemists across the world to enhance the adoption of green chemistry as a viable countermeasure toward eliminating chemical disasters in the world....

Reddy Attipalli and Rong Zhou on Photosynthesis

The topic of photosynthesis has widely been researched by scientists as it is significant for green plants and other organisms to form chemical energy from light energy. The conversion of light energy involves carbon dioxide (CO2), water, and minerals to organic compounds rich in energy and oxygen. Therefore, this suggests...

The Oracle-Bone Inscriptions of the Late Shang Dynasty

Chinese writing is considered one of the oldest in the world, and research into hieroglyphs’ origin continues to this day. The Oracle bone script, which belongs to the Shang dynasty, is a scientifically proven example of a modern Chinese writing prototype. It predicted the future, weather, or actions in society,...

The Search for Truth in Philosophy

Rorty sees his task in radically deconstructing and overcoming the traditional view of philosophy as a discipline that provides an accurate representation of being. The philosopher proposes a post-positivist concept of coherence as the correspondence of an affirmation to the principles and requirements of a particular language game operating in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Review of “Spare Change” Story by Teresa Zsuffa

“Spare Change” by Teresa Zsuffa is a story that tells about a short episode from the lives of two women, but it reveals several important themes and motives. The main thesis of the story is the idea that people should not give in to their bias but be kind to...

A Form of Discrimination and Human Rights Violations

This filer describes the models of care that have evolved in caring for victims of intentional violence. You can also discover the impact of substance abuse and addiction on individual people and their families, communities, and nations. Domestic violence is a cycle that is repeated with increasing frequency which involves...

Albinism: Types, Diagnostic Methods and Treatments

Albinism is a group of inherited diseases in which melanin deficiency occurs. Melanin levels determine the color of the skin, hair, and eyes. Melanin is also involved in developing the optic nerves, which is why people with albinism encounter serious vision issues. Unfortunately, in some cases, the nurses are not...

U.S. Health Care From a Global Perspective

Introduction The article “U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective” by the Commonwealth Fund provides the reader with the information on the research of cross-national comparison in the health care system including such countries as Australia, France, Germany, New Zealand, United Kingdom, the United States, and some others. A Statement...

History of Childbearing – Trends in the Cesarean Section

Tina Cassidy provides a historical account on the issue of childbearing. The author offers lively, informative, and well-researched cultural history of childbearing. While the childbearing practice is present in every culture, each culture has adopted unique ideas on the best way to give birth. Central issues present in her discussion...

Medication Research Case Study: Mathematics for Practical Nurses

Mrs. Schwartz is an 89-year-old lady who has come to your long term care facility. She has Type II diabetes. She has also recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. So far, she has exhibited mild cognitive impairment, as she is oriented to person, but not place or time. She is...

Health Indicators and Residential Proximity to Coal Mining in West Virginia

Introduction This is a review of an article, Relations Between Health Indicators and Residential Proximity to Coal Mining in West Virginia by Hendryx and Ahern (2008). The review focuses on the purpose of the study, methodology, strengths, weaknesses, presentation of the findings and implications. Purpose Hendryx and Ahern (2008) identified...

Suicide Barriers on the Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is one of the most famous attractions in the world that has been notorious for its suicidal history. People intentionally jump from this bridge to end their lives every two weeks, choosing this method of suicide as the quickest and most available. Despite...

Consideration of Creativity: Perfection, Diversity, Profusion, and Inventiveness

Although society attributes art to secularity, there is immense evidence that God and humanity are the primary sources of creativity. In “Echoes of Eden,” Jerram Barrs explores this notion and encourages evangelicals to embrace art instead of shunning it. Barrs bases his arguments on Daniel Loizeaux’s four key ideas –...

Osnos’ Article “Survival of the Richest” Analysis

Introduction It is natural for civilizations to experience periods of prosperity and decline since it is a complex social structure where people are the mechanisms. Through experience, science, and surviving sources, people learned to identify some of the impending decline patterns to prevent or avoid the upcoming crises. One of...