“In the Heights” by Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center

The given paper will review the theatrical performance of In The Heights, which was produced by Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center. It is a musical performance by an American author and composer Lin-Manuel Miranda based on a book by Chiara Alegria Hodes, which describes the life of the Washington Heights...

Musical Elements in “Over the Rainbow” by Art Tatum

Music is believed to be the art, which may tell a story, create a mood, or evoke certain thoughts and emotions in a listener. The musical elements, such as pitch, tempo, pauses, acceleration, and other characteristics of the melody, play an important role in reaching and influencing listeners. In this...

Advanced Practice Nurses’ Roles in the US

Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse According to the American Nurses Association (n.d.), the role of advanced practice nurses (APNs) includes performing care through assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. APNs provide counseling to patients and their families, conduct health examinations and diagnosis, maintain patient records, refer individuals to other medical professionals,...

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing: Review and Assessment of the Guidelines

Essentials in Nurse Practitioner Programs Nurses play an especially important role in healthcare delivery. Nowadays, the healthcare system is characterized by “explosion of knowledge, expanding technologies, increasing diversity, and global health challenges” (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2014, p. 3). Therefore, the current situation produced a necessity for high-quality...

Health Promotion by Nursing Professionals

Health promotion has been a major priority for healthcare providers for several decades, but many nursing professionals still fail to understand their role in this process. Sharma (2017) stresses that an advanced nursing professional has responsibilities in such areas as planning and evaluating health services and promotion programs, communicating health...

Why Steve Jobs’ Apple Inspires People?

There is a man who I really admire, and he inspires me a lot. He is Steve Jobs, a successful American businessperson born in 1955. He co-founded the Apple Computer Corporation together with Steve Wozniak, and he is the Chief Executive Officer. Before he attained the age of thirty, he...

Faithful Citizenship: Catholic Social Thought

Personal Reflection The Church has always played a great role in the politics of Christian states. However, while the Middle Ages were the time of its full power, the Church’s influence in the modern world is not as significant. In the times of the crisis of faith, it is extremely...

The Public Health Service Act in Florida

The groundwork of the Public Health Service Act was formed long before the act was conceptualized in 1798. After that, several Acts of Congress were passed in 1878, 1890, 1893, and 1906. These concentrated primarily on preventing epidemic diseases from entering the land from abroad, and the spread of communicable...

The Strategic Management Concepts

Vision, mission, goals, objectives, tasks, strategy, tactics, and policy are the concepts that help the company to define their work in terms of culture, values, and ambitions, and present them to the world. However, quite often, the difference between these terms is quite vague and needs clarification. This paper aims...

Public Health in the USA

Introduction At the moment, the U.S. healthcare sector is undergoing critical reforms aimed at the significant improvement of its functioning and increase of the care affordability for all populations living in the state. However, there are still numerous issues that should be addressed to achieve the final goal and ensure...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sedentary Behavior and Health Outcomes

Sedentary Behavior as an Independent Factor Physical activity plays an important role in the overall health of an individual. It has been established that physical activity is beneficial for eliminating the risk of death related to the sedentary time (Ekelund et al., 2016). However, the lifestyle of modern people involves...

Domestic Violence, Consequences and Solutions

Introduction Domestic violence is a burden of contemporary society. In the United States, there are more than ten million victims of violent actions every year (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2015). Cases of domestic violence can be found in any community. Their prevalence does not depend on age, social status,...

The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio. Work Analysis

The text under consideration is The Decameron, written by Giovanni Boccaccio in the middle of the fourteenth century when Europe was affected by one of the most devastating epidemics of the Middle Ages. The exact number of the deceased has not been estimated so far, but some researchers note that...

US Gun Laws and Homeland Security Strategies

The government of the USA has developed a range of gun policies that are meant to ensure the security of its population. They affect homeland security strategies, making it easier to prevent and investigate crimes associated with the use of firearms. The effects of these laws do not only decrease...

The Portrayal of Death in Lullabies

Lullabies and Death Lullabies constitute a significant part of such cultural phenomenon as nursery rhymes. Therefore, people rarely consider them to have any serious and substitutional sense or any sense at all. However, it should be stated that nursery rhymes, and lullabies as well, can have very disturbing underlying meanings....

Euthanasia in Public Opinion and Policy-Making

Regardless of the context or setting, the topic of euthanasia has always been a controversial one. On the one hand, its proponents argued that euthanasia could be a solution for people diagnosed with terminal diseases that want to avoid the pain and suffering associated with it. On the other hand,...

Global Health Agenda and Development Opportunities

The World Health Organization (WHO) undertakes numerous initiatives and activities to transform the medical outcomes of the greatest number of people. Its current global health agenda is aimed at addressing existing gaps in health care using innovative practices. This paper discusses available opportunities for developing interdisciplinary approaches to advance the...

The Transportation Regulatory Threat to the US Economy

Transportation is related closely to economic and social changes because territorial accessibility, mobility of freight as well as movement of people are the actual basis of such relationship (Rodrigue, Comtois & Slack, 2006, p.83). Wherever there are efficient transportation infrastructures to facilitate the accessibility of resources and markets and to...

Malnutrition in the Nursing Homes: Medical Researches Critique

Bell, C, Lee, A. Tamura, B. Malnutrition in the nursing home. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 2015, 18(1): 17-23. doi:10.1097/MCO.0000000000000130. Description of subjects in the study The review investigates the existing literature devoted to the topic and offers multiple implications for practice to improve the current situation....

Business Law Brief: Facts, Ruling, Minority Rationale

Introduction The case under analysis is between Bilski and Kappos. Kappos is being represented by the secretary of commerce for intellectual property and director. The appellant was seeking justice concerning an invention that he had presented to the patent and trade mark office for registration. His registration was denied due...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chinese Manufacturing Superpower and Industrial Growth

China is currently the largest manufacturing economy in the world. Its growth is mainly attributed to the country’s ability to position itself as a global hub for business activities. In 2010, around 19.8% of the total manufacturing output in the world came from China (Dempsey 2012). Major industries in this...

Workplace Harassment in Canada

In recent years, more attention has been paid by researchers and people from various fields to the problem of harassment. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is common in many areas of human activity. It can occur at work, in educational and sports institutions, in shops, and in other places. This issue also...

The Net Present Value Concept

Introduction The Net Present Value Rule (NPV) states that in the case of a positive NPV, an investment is to be accepted and in the case of a negative NPV, the investment should be rejected. The NPV Rule stipulates that by investing in the projects that have the NPV over...

American and European Disaster Relief Agencies

Nowadays, it is essential to introduce effective prevention strategies to avoid the negative consequences of the crisis. Nonetheless, it is impossible to control natural and manmade disasters, and incidents such as hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes tend to take place. To enhance the recovery process, different non-profit and governmental entities rapidly...

Social Stratification and Individual Mobility in the USA

Social stratification and individual mobility in the US manifest themselves through social factors, such as ethnicity, gender, race, and economic status. Social mobility refers to the movement of households, individuals, or families within their communal strata. There are three systems of stratification which include class, slavery, and estate systems. Slavery...

Health Technologies in Healthcare Policy

Public Policy The selected public policy for this discussion is the use of health technologies in healthcare. Medical technologies and informatics are currently impacting the quality of medical care available to more patients. As an Intensive Care Nurse working in a cardiology department, modern technologies have impacted my practice positively....

Nurse Leader’s Responsibility for Social Media Posts

The Legal and Ethical Issues of Social Media Social media have become a big part of our everyday life. We use them for entertainment, sharing emotions, news, pictures, events, and other purposes. However, active engagement and self-disclosure in social media raise a lot of privacy issues. Although there is a...

Moreno Medical Center from Patient’s Perspective

Selected Incident Careful monitoring of patients’ condition is an integral task of medical staff. At the same time, nurses must monitor specific cases and provide appropriate care. The tasks of the management of medical institutions are to control the junior medical personnel’s activities and to prevent potential mistakes in work....

“Effects of a One-Way Tracheotomy Speaking Valve…” by Leder

Introduction The clinical question touched on whether occlusion tubes in any way affect patients’ aspirations. The study intended to establish whether tracheostomy tube occlusion interferes with the patients swallowing abilities. These questions were informed by the previous hypotheses that hinted that patients’ aspirations are not impacted by one-way tracheotomy tube...

Google in China: Global Technology Concerns

Introduction Transcultural global ethics is a subject that raises several heated discussions in the field of business. The situation with Google quitting China contributes to that topic since it raises a conversation about how global companies should conduct their business while respecting human rights. After all, Google is a worldwide...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Personal Philosophy of Success and Strategies

Success is the individual’s ability to overcome a challenge or task in a particular situation. It is important to note that philosophically, success is a relative term meaning, it ranges from small magnitudes of achievement to considerably larger ones. Nevertheless, it is crucial to relate to certain aspects of principles...

Case Management: Patient With Chest Pain

Introduction Aimee, your suggestions about additional subjective and objective data are very detailed and include diverse information that will be helpful to provide a precise diagnosis and develop an effective treatment plan. Thorough data collection is important for successful patient care. Patient data also help to reveal comorbid conditions which...

Xenophobia in American Society

Xenophobia, racism, and gender discrimination are, unfortunately, common tendencies in the world, which hinder people’s equal rights. This inequality in American society is the most noticeable, since many people face discrimination, disrespect, and even violence because of their skin color or religion at the same time with democratic values’ proclamation....

Nature Relatedness and Well-Being during COVID-19 Pandemic

Today, society passes through hard times because of the COVID-19 pandemic that affects all spheres of human activity and preconditions the emergence of multiple changes in lifestyles. The extremely contagious nature of the disease, along with many adverse effects it has on patients, might become a challenge for a person...

Andrew Johnson’s Biography

Andrew Johnson served as the 17th U.S. president from 1865 to 1869 after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. He was born in Raleigh on December 29, 1808, and grew up without formal education. Johnson moved to Greensville, Tennessee and opened a tailoring shop. He was a skilled orator who...

Global Terrorism and Ways of Its Impact

In the 21st century, global terrorism has become a complex problem that all nations need to address from an informed perspective. For instance, attackers have changed with modern technologies since they are now able to engage in cyber-terrorism (Zimmerman 4). More terrorist groups have become more united, capable of communicating...

“Is Gender Equality the Silent Killer of Marriages?” Article Analysis

Suzanne Venker’s article “Is Equality Ruining Your Marriage?” explores the adverse effects of integrating egalitarian concepts in the marriage context. At the onset, Venker argues that couples in marital unions which conform to the traditional gender roles are happier as compared to those whose marriages integrate the modernity principle of...

Effective Staff Development and Evaluation Techniques

Staff development and evaluation is an essential leadership process that plays a vital role in an organization’s success. It is of vital importance to provide employees with high-quality professional development and then analyze the results. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the necessary elements of effective staff development...

Materialism in the Contemporary World

Introduction Materialism has a long history that began in the middle of the 19th century with the second industrial revolution and the advancement of electricity and the production of steel. Materialism implies a belief that industrially created goods, new technologies, and scientific developments underlie human happiness and are the key...

General Service Characteristics of Motor Carrier Transportation

The United States has invested heavily in the development of an interstate highway system. It has considerably made this form of transport a priority for transportation of cargo and other elements that contribute to the development of economy. The movement of labour is also important for the economy’s growth. This...

Stages in Kurt Lewin’s Change Model

Introduction Change is an essential element of any organization that seeks to continually improve and grow. Kurt Lewin developed a three-stage model that can effectively be employed by the management of organizations to address necessary reforms effectively. The three stages developed by Kurt Lewin tackle change endeavors through unfreezing, change,...

Competition in the Railway Industry

The rail industry has faced significant competition since the national highway system was built. As a result, the rail industry has steadily declined in performance, but it still plays a significant role in the transport network. The observation that there has been a decline in the percentage of all ton-miles...

Ethical Theories and Principles: Moral Dilemma Analysis

Introduction People have to make decisions every day in a variety of situations. Ethical theories exist to guide us through the depths of morality when the question of right or wrong presents itself. When the actions of a human and a professional might impact a person’s health, well-being, or even...

South Bronx Burning: What It Meant to the Development of the Borough?

When the word “Bronx” sounds, most people imagine gray depressed streets, wrecked cars, burning trash cans, graffiti, and abandoned basketball courts. A city within a city, located in one of the five counties of New York on the northern outskirts of the state, and, as the only one not lying...

The Advertisement “Followers” by Miller Lite

Today, many advertising campaigns refer to the widespread issues or trends of the modern world. The advertisement “Followers” by Miller Lite is not an exception since it covers the problem of people’s dependency on social networks (Miller Lite, 2019). A video shows people running away from their Internet followers to...

Analysis of the Short Story “A&P” by John Updike

Introduction “A&P” is a short story written by John Updike, an American novelist, poet, and literary critic. The story was initially published in 1961 in The New Yorker. Updike tells the story of Sammy, a nineteen-year-old working in a small-town grocery store. The central conflict in the plot revolves around...

Library Fundraiser’s Options and Approaches

Fundraising for any purpose can sometimes be an arduous task. People are usually not inclined to give their money, especially if the assignment requires them to take any action. However, there are many methods by which the attention of the target audience can be attracted to a particular problem. This...

Nursing Career: Achieving Goals and Objectives

Nursing is not just an occupation, but rather a noble profession, which is exceptionally dynamic. Nurses can work in rehabilitation centers, schools, hospitals, etc. This diversity significantly appealed to my interest, since the career will also enable me to give back fully to the society, that is, directly get in...

Domestic Violence Victims’ Needs Assessment

Domestic violence belongs to the number of the most urgent problems of modern society. The present situation seems to be a catastrophe as “man can earn five years in prison for abusing his dog but a maximum of just 30 days in jail for beating his wife or girlfriend on...

Canadian Political Landscape: Federal-Provincial Relations

The tensions between federal and provincial governments in Canada have varied over time and led to various types of dialogues between them. It could be a more cooperation-oriented conversation, or it could result in serious disagreements and discrepancies between the governments (Simeon, 2015). I believe that while the independent actions...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Logistic Trends: Business Challenges

Introduction Client satisfaction is the major concern for any business activity as it is the key factor of its profit. Consumer needs can be met on the condition that the product is cleverly developed, properly manufactured, and promptly delivered. As far as the main logistics’ function is to connect these...

Organizational Values in Nursing and Work Experience

The sphere of nursing undergoes considerable changes from time to time (Osborne & Gardner, 2004). A professional nurse has to be ready to admit a variety of possible changes, improve personal understanding of the matter, and achieve good results in the chosen practice. Alignment between the values of an organization...

The Problem of Cultural Appropriation Phenomenon

Cultural appropriation refers to the practice when a dominant culture or identity adopts authentic artifacts or practices of other non-dominant identities or cultures in a way that highlights uneven power relations between them. In that case, intent does not matter because appropriation is usually viewed as a negative and disrespectful...

Themes in the Movie ”The Godfather” by Francis Ford Coppola

The Godfather released in 1972 is a classic film of the crime and mafia genre, based on the novel of the same name by Mario Puzo. It is directed by the director Francis Ford Coppola and stars well-known and talented actors including Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert Duval, and many...

Musculoskeletal Examination Based on the Patient’s Age

2-Day-Old Infant History questions: Are the baby’s legs and arms symmetrical? Is there any tenderness in the abdomen? Pertinent physical exam findings: Full hip abduction, equal gluteal folds, negative Barlow’s sign is normal (Tappero & Honeyfield, 2018). Maneuvers to perform Palpation, reflex tests, congenital hip dysplasia assessment (Tappero & Honeyfield,...

Never Give Up: 15 Reasons by Osman Hameed

“Never give up” is a statement that most people use to motivate others and themselves to keep pushing to work towards achieving their objectives. Contemporarily, some support the statement, while others believe that it is prudent to cease from doing the same activity. People engage in some hectic daily jobs...

Imitation of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

How all occasions do inform against me, And spur my bitter binge! What is a man, If his chief good and passing of his time Be but to cry and feed? A wreck, no more. Sure, during this godly feast I gorged Myself to slumber, and forgot That capability and...

Researching Wellbeing and Stressors

Health directly depends on the daily habits that each person collects during his life. On the one hand, some of them are beneficial and promote longevity and mental health. Others, on the other hand, cause stress and problems in different body systems. One of these critical issues is a heart...

Life’s Greatest Miracle: Birth of a Child

The eight videos on the site depict the process of human reproduction and the scientific principles governing the reproductive process (www.pbs.org). The videos are placed in a sequential manner; one following the other with a total viewing time of one hour during which the birth of a new baby and...

Freakonomics the Movie Overview

Introduction Freakonomics, a movie released in December 3 2010 originates from the book with a similar name. The directors of the movie are Heidi Ewing and Alex Gibney among others. Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, the authors of the book Freakonomics discuss social issues like abortion, parenting and the impacts...

Review of “Dear Current Occupant” by Chelene Knight

Dear Current Occupant is a memoir by Chelene Knight, a Canadian writer, and it is a mixture of different forms. There are essays, poems, and letters, all telling the autobiographic story of her childhood. Her unique style invites the reader to get absorbed into her writing, empathizing with her experiences....

“Public Health’s Inconvenient Truth” by Majestic

Introduction In recent decades, with escalating healthcare costs and shortening resources for public health programs, the prospect of the cooperation between healthcare organizations and the business sector attracts the growing attention of healthcare professionals and officials. In this context, the journal Preventing Chronic Disease published an article titled “Public Health’s...

Public Opinion on Federal Spending

The federal budget is considered to be among the most powerful policy instruments that are used by the government. It is funded by the taxpayers and serves as governmental economic storage from which tax money is spent on accomplishing constitutional goals. Such goals include various programs that are vital to...

“The Plague” by Albert Camus Critique

The biggest problem of our life is its ending. However, this can happen either when the time comes or undesirable due to some disease. The Plague is a perfect representation of a horror that took many people’s lives. The book represents the circumstances that a town in Algeria had to...

Ethnography and Ethnographic Approach

Ethnography is a formal process of intuitive understanding something people are keen on. The ethnographers observe, record, and describe social relations in written. Their primary sources of data are questions, conversations, notes, interpretation of conventional signs, and spending time in the environment they aim to investigate. The difference between ethnographers...

Daly and Chesney-Lind: Distinctive Features of Feminism

Feminist theory in criminology assumes the difference between the social roles of men and women. Hence, it questions a masculine-driven approach to criminal investigations and justice. According to Naegler and Salman (2016), gender plays a significant role in cultural criminology, impacting the way people see crime and justice, and defining...

DuPont Analysis of the Chinese Bank of Communications

Purpose of the Report The present report aims at applying DuPont analysis to evaluate the performance of the Chinese Bank of Communications (BoCom) against its competitor, China Merchants Bank (CMB). The assessment is based on financial performance during the past three years (2017-2019) of two companies. Background Information Bank of...

In-Home Monitoring for Congestive Heart Failure and Rehospitalization

I chose this question and the health promotion theory for my research. My research shows that this is an extremely relevant subject. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. (Kochanek, et al., 2019). Furthermore, heart failure constitutes a significant healthcare burden, which includes mortality, hospitalizations, and...

Importance of the Maritime Trade

Importance of Maritime Trade to the North America and the U.S. Economies The U.S. maritime system comprise of more than three hundred sea and river ports including over three thousand seven hundred cargo and passenger terminal and over one thousand harbor channels all these spread along the coastline. Traffic is...

COVID-19 Pandemic and a Globalized Economy

I never considered the fact that globalization can have major downsides because open markets and free trade always seemed to be the only way towards prosperity and economic growth. However, the current COVID-19 pandemic exposed the biggest vulnerabilities of a globalized economy. In such unstable conditions, it would be presumptuous...

Comparative Analysis of Net Income and Cash Flows

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the differences between cash flow and net income comparing two years of functioning of the company in 2008 and 2009. The first line of the table is an illustration of the fact that net income raised by 1.3 in 2009 about the...

Miami-Dade Community Needs: Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Overview In Miami-Dade, people receive health care depending on their needs However, people with alcohol/drug addiction are underserved Many drug/alcohol-dependent persons live in Miami Campaigns to address their needs are required One campaign – discourage people from becoming addicts Another campaign – help those who are addicted Effectiveness of campaigns...

“The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien

The Things They Carried is a book that consists of fictional stories about soldiers’ experience during the war in Vietnam. The writer reflects on his participation in the military conflict by using a fictional hero – Tim O’Brien. Through storytelling, the author manages to explore his own feelings to convey...

Diversity and Inclusion in the Workforce

It is astonishing to find out that even in the 21st century, the workplace is still haunted by the issue of diversity. Working women, immigrants, people with disabilities, and parents of children under 15 years are still finding it challenging to navigate and establish themselves career-wise. Having a diverse pool...

Program Music. Bedrich Smetana and Hector Berlioz

Program music is one of the key features of the Romantic Musical Style, which brings more depth and context to the performance. It is important to note that it opens a new window of opportunities to enrich instrumental music by providing a meaningful connotation. The given analysis will primarily focus...

The Art of Africa Understanding

The understanding of a well defined cultural or ethnic style was a significant reason for the study of African art. Through the exploration of the various ethnic styles, it becomes easier to recognize the standards of value and beauty that the African artists try to achieve and by which their...

Biomedical Ethics: Pfizer’s Legal Trouble in Nigeria

Biomedical ethics revolve around the Hippocratic Oath that directs the medical practitioners to ensure that, in their undertaking, they do no harm to patients. In clinical practice, ethics concerns the limit of authority of the patient and physician, the extent of confidentiality between the patient and the physician, and the...

The Portrayal of Schizophrenia in a Beautiful Mind

Mental health is an important aspect of people’s lives that requires immediate attention and careful consideration. However, the topic of mental illnesses has been a taboo to discuss and portray for many years. Today it becomes more and more acceptable to talk about one’s health freely, especially in art. The...

AEI’s Team Acclimation in India

Sybil’s choices in managing her team in India have created negative output, which manifests itself in three distinct problems. Firstly, her approach to hiring is based on prior familiarity rather than diversity, which, as a result, is not sufficient. Secondly, Sybil leaves little autonomy to the teams, which provokes infighting....

Abigail Advice to Her Son John Quincy

To mold her son into a successful and virtuous man, Abigail Adams wrote many letters to John Quincy Adams, who was always on the road with his father. In her letters, Abigail Adams often reminds John how he has been endowed with special privileges. She explains that the easy passage...

Pride and Its Hubristic and Authentic Types

Introduction Among other feelings, one can experience, pride is particularly complex. On the one hand, it has negative connotations, even being considered one of the deadly sins in Christianity. Several sayings point out the destructive nature of pride and being called prideful is generally regarded as a reproach. On the...

Evolution of the United States Health Care System

The United States has experienced numerous changes over its long history, which has resulted in an essential impact on all spheres of life, including medicine. Before the Civil War, the American health care system was almost absent, and thousands of people suffered from different health issues. However, the gradual social,...

The Writing Poetry: Review

About Patriotism Who is a real patriot in your eyes? The one who loves his country With all his soul, Or the one who willingly arises When the anthem is playing loudly To prove his role? You can be proud of your nationality. But can you cross that thin line...

Through the Thorns to True Self

The theme of suffering for the achievement of important goals is inherent to numerous novels, movies, and fairy tales of all time. The current paper compares The Little Mermaid, written by Hans Christian Andersen, and The Devil Wear Prada, directed by David Frankel. From one point of view, these two...

“Much Ado About Nothing” by William Shakespeare

Much Ado About Nothing is a well-known comedy play by William Shakespeare dating back to the end of the sixteenth century and was first printed in 1600. It is predominantly written in the format of prose, while the substantial verse sections allow one to reach a sense of decorum during...

Role of Hospitals in the American Healthcare System

Hospitals in the American health care system have diverse significant roles which they play. In America, the total number of the estimated hospitals exceeds 5700 which creates a diverse hodgepodge of services in the health care structure. Hospitals are considered as the focal point of the entire health system in...

The World’s Focus On Plastic Pollution

Before humanity manages to clean up the ocean floor of plastic straws that kill innocent turtles, all marine biodiversity will die, and there will be no one to save. As global consumers focus on quick fixes of switching to metal straws, the planet continues to heat up to sustain the...

A Diverse Approach to the Healthcare Reform

The institutional context in which healthcare processes occur and the way these processes are organized in determining the efficiency and effectiveness of the healthcare system play an important role in the advent of the increase in the complexity of care teams, as well as advances in science and technology (Bohmer,...

STIs: Human Immunodeficiency Virus and AIDS

HIV diagnosis is associated with detecting particular particles in the blood called the retrovirus. These are the tiny viruses that penetrate the T cells of the blood and cause them to produce new copies of the virus: thus, the patient becomes a carrier of a potentially dangerous strain of the...

Electronic Health Record Analysis

Introduction The Electronic Medical Record is currently used in hospitals due to an overflow of increased levels of data in the healthcare institution. The record upholds the relevant data that facilitates an effective health care delivery by the nurse practitioners. This technology has the capacity of generating a complete record...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nurses Practice: Picot Statement

Introduction A chance to practice at an appropriate medical institution helps students to understand the main principles of nurses’ work and duties. There are a number of steps which have to be taken regularly to provide patients in need with the required care and treatment. And one of the most...

Behavioral Modification: Influence Tactics

Influence tactics can be used to affect the behavioral patterns of the subordinates, coworkers, and bosses. Pressure, ingratiation, coalition, consultation, upward appeals, exchange, and rational persuasion are among the most frequently used ones (Nelson & Campbell Quick, 2016). The efficiency of the tactics varies depending on the circumstances, personality type,...

Egyptian Funerary Practices and Its Related Imagery

Introduction Funeral rites and beliefs were significant for the ancient Egyptian society and were already practiced long before the emergence of the state, somewhere in the era of primitiveness. The concept of life in Ancient Egypt was very different from the common understanding, as they believed that life was to...

Integrity: Governing Ethic for Ensuring Company Success

With the development of media technologies and the broad implementation of socially responsible business practices, ethical issues have turned into an area of critical interest for the management of numerous companies. Although some still tend to believe that ethics depends only on the individual’s value, this is not the case....

Fear of Victims to Report Crime

Living in the society comprises not only the complex of advantages which can be considered with the government’s protection and provision of rights. The social background presupposes the evaluation of attitudinal and behavioral standards which are reckoned with the extent of morale. When the situation concerns the facts of sexual...

Three Procedures of Implementing and Using Groupware Systems Efectively

Setting up an architecture for the existing labour procedures Establishing process architecture is the preliminary phase of automation because it encompasses the description of the initial preparations such as definition of specific organization architecture or a framework that has various defined principals. The preliminary phase’s purpose is to involve establishments...

Definition of Peer-Reviewed Articles and the Process of Their Creation

Introduction Peer-reviewed journal articles are considered to be the most credible resources in different scientific topics or subjects. The information provided in such sources is always based on appropriate researches. The following paper is intended to discuss and explain what peer-reviewed articles are and how they are created. Discussion The...

Terrorist Attacks: Death and Horrifying Effects on Innocent People

The perception of terrorist attacks is highly recognized across the globe and is among the frequently cited issues of the current society. Since such attacks affect many nations internationally, they have been perceived as the main threats to peace and national security. The word ‘terrorism’ emanated from the expression ‘terror’...

Music and the Second Reconstruction Relationship

The song What About Us by the Coasters represents the idea of the absence of equality among African-American and white people in the USA. In 1959, when the composition was released, the question was extremely acute, and the lyrics appealed to most fighters for adequate human rights as it aims...

The Nature and Importance of Entrepreneurs

Introduction The prevailing literature asserts that the entrepreneurial character of a person or society is influenced by a myriad of demographic, environmental and personal factors (Hisrich, Peters and Shepherd, 2013, p. 24). The demographic factors impacting on the enterprising behaviour include gender, personal and family background, and the person’s early...

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A Musical Performance by Music From China

China is a distinctive country, and this is evident in all its spheres, including musical culture. In traditional Chinese culture, an important place is given to music that sounds like “ye” in Chinese. However, the concept “ye” means not only musical art but also art in general and everything beautiful,...

The Gulf Oil Spill of 2010 Emergency Management

An Overview of the Oil Accident There was a serious maritime oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010. This accident took place about 66 miles off the coastline of Louisiana. The Deep Horizon oil seep out was deemed the largest in the history of petroleum industry. The...

U.S. Schedules First Execution of a Woman Investigation

The U.S. is one of the modern developed countries whose justice system includes punishment through execution. Nearly 2% of inmates are on death row, and most convicts are men (Fazio, 2020). In October 2020, the court submitted a woman’s execution for the first time in more than half of a...

Divisions Between the Soviet Union and the USA at the End of the WWII

American interests after the Second World War became different from those of the Soviet Union, resulting in the cold war that contributed to the division between the United States and the Soviets. Communism was becoming a powerful force and a reason for war in various parts of the world as...

Legislative and Political Assignment: the Shortage of Nurses

The current shortage of nurses across the New York state is currently endangering our public health care centers. This has made it difficult for the few remaining ones to take care of the increasing number of patients during the day and night duties without having a good rest. The shortage...

International Relationships During Cold War

Cold War can be categorized as one of the most prominent occurrences in the international relationships of the 20th century. In the second half of the given period, a confrontation between the two strongest powers of their time, such as the USA and the USSR, unfolded in the world political...

The American System, Transportation, and Communication

In the first half of the 19th century, the predominantly agricultural economy of the USA, the usual way of life,and the mentality of the traditional society were eroded under the influence of industrial revolution. The development of the economy and social sphere was determined by its deployment, as well as...

Coenzyme Synthesis of Benzoin

This report aims to the benzoine condensation reaction for formation of new carbon compounds. These are cyanide ion and thiamine. Two processes of major significance in the biochemistry field are the sugar synthesis and sugar metabolism processes. Sugar, a carbon compound by itself is the input in these processes, the...

Warehousing Activities for an Electronics Company

These days, logistics presents an integral part of every large business, as it allows to increase the sales considerably. Therefore, the majority of companies invoke the warehousing approach, the contribution to profitability and efficiency of which cannot be underestimated. However, establishing proper warehousing systems and activities requires considering a wide...

Incorporation of Healing Therapies in Nursing Practice

Vision statement Our team intends to use the knowledge acquired from the coursework to incorporate healing therapies in nursing practice. Team members will collaborate to produce scholarly work on this course work by integrating alternative therapies into conventional medicine that is increasingly being implemented by many registered medical practitioners. These...

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Aristotle’s Concept of Virtue Ethics

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“The Life You’ve Always Wanted” by John Ortberg

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Protecting a Company’s Intellectual Property Rights

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Chronic Disease: Occupational Health Promotion Interventions for Individuals at Risk

Based on the information provided, for which chronic illnesses might you anticipate this vulnerable population to be at risk? Coal mining workers are exposed to numerous health threats due to their exposure to adverse substances at work and the lifestyle they lead associated with their occupation. Indeed, the coal mining...

Epidemiology and Demography: Key Aspects

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Core Values and Leadership

Personal values and beliefs are of immense importance to an individual since they dictate what a person judges to be of importance or worth in their lives. Pandey and Singh (2008, p.310) define personal values as “the deepest beliefs and sentiments we subscribe to” and state that values have a...

Liberal Stance on Child Care for Working Parents

The prosperity of the country in the future is inextricably linked to young generations and their personal success. When working parents do not have an opportunity to send their children to day-care centers or preschools, they are forced to limit their time at the job to spend it on children...

Transformational Leadership Impact on the Team’s Performance

The styles that a leader adopts may significantly impact the team’s performance. Those are numerous, and one can select what suits them the most and guarantees improved results. One of the recent and promising leadership styles is transformational. It appears to address the challenges set by the 21st century and...

Crises Management in Aviation Safety

Aviation security is achieved by combining information and response, the correct order of actions, and timely delegation of authority. Each air carrier is responsible for the welfare of passengers and the quality of services. Consequently, the creation of an Emergency Response Plan (ERP), which addresses customers’ security needs, is imperative...

Fundraising Plan for an Athletic Team

Fundraising Plan There are different possibilities of external fundraising for an athletic team. From these sources, one can note concerts, auctions, sales, and sports events (Mullick, 2018). After considering the key variables, hosting a field day seems to be an appropriate activity to perform and raise the funds needed. To...

CytoGainer Overview: Purpose and Results

Analyzing the food supplements, it can be stated that most if not all of them specifically indicate that they do not cure, treat, or prevent any disease (“Cytosport Cytogainer – Vanilla Shake”). Merely, they are a concentration of ingredients, which provide the organisms of different combinations of elements, usually difficult...

Ethical Dilemmas as an Integral Part of Business

Introduction Ethics has become an integral part of any business due to the prevalence of interpersonal relationships that span multiple cultures, genders, and socioeconomic strata. As the domain of interpersonal communication enlarges, ethical issues are growing in number. Therefore, it is essential to consider business ethics as the required framework...

Extinctions and Endangered Species

Introduction In recent years, the environment and nature are undergoing major changes, suffering from people’s indifference and abusiveness toward the Earth. In fact, flora and fauna are in great danger in many regions. Some animal species are threatened by extinction, the fish population is reducing every day, and even water...

Supporting the Development of an Operational Approach as an Operations NCO

Joint Publication 5-0 defines an operational approach as “a commander’s description of the broad actions the force must take to achieve the desired military end state” (as cited in Burke et al., 2018, p. 44). It requires identifying desired conditions and how they may be achieved, as well as necessary...

The Relationships Between Technology Progress and Communication

Technology has been evolving at a very fast rate in the 21st century. Previously, it took several days or weeks for the news or messages to reach people in remote places. However, technology has brought a revolution in the way people communicate and transact businesses. The medical profession has benefited...

Public Health Informatics and Its Positive Impact

Public health informatics (PHI) is a field that can be defined as a junction between those of informatics and public health. Regmi, Bendel, and Gee (2016) state that there is no unified definition of the term, but they cautiously suggest characterizing it as a field that “requires the application of...

Diabetes Among Hispanics in Miami: Risk Factors

Introduction Diabetes is one of the most serious health-related threats in the world as well as the USA. Almost 10% of Americans had diabetes in 2007, and twice more had pre-diabetes conditions (The state of diabetes, 2010). Hispanics are more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes type 2 (Tavernise, 2015)....

Ida B. Wells-Barnett’s “Mob Rules in New Orleans”

Introduction Ida B. Wells-Barnett was an African American journalist, abolitionist, and leader in a civil rights movement in the late 19th century. One of her notable publications named Mob Rules in New Orleans was issued in 1900 and paid attention to many acute problems so that many readers found it...

Return on Investment

Ergonomic programs targeting musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) as the most common workplace injuries require time, as well as human and financial resources to succeed. The improvement initiatives are more likely to receive support if they involve cost justification. Ip et al. (2016) claim that the return on investment (ROI) is a...

Social Isolation and Distancing Impact on People’s Life

Life Change Since the Start of Social Isolation and Social Distancing Humanity has already been confronted with some kinds of pandemics. However, it is the first time when outcomes touch all fields of human existence, accompanied by global panic, the global financial crisis, and a universal transition to virtual reality....

“Monstress” a Comics by Marjorie Liu

Monstress is a popular series of graphic novels by Liu (the author) and Takeda (the artist), published by Image Comics. Dealing with feminism and racism, the story is based on childhood experiences and family history. Thus a fantastic world, cruel to the main heroine Maika, is created. According to McMillan,...

The National Women’s History Museum: A Review

Women’s role in history has been overlooked for quite a while due to the presence of deeply patriarchal ideas that did not allow to center women as important agents in the development of society. However, women’s contribution to humankind’s development is still massive, and it has increased exponentially over the...

Heineken’s Competitive Advantage Assessment

Heineken defines its internal environment by following behavior principles, which are respect for people and the planet, competition, and safeguard for its assets. The company respects the rights of people who work for them and ensures a healthy environment in the workplace. Heineken encourages employees to share their concerns in...

Accountable Care Organizations to Lower Costs

Introduction Accountable care organizations (ACOs) comprise groups of providers that coordinate their effort to ensure high-quality, cost-efficient treatment under ACA. Creating ACOs promotes value-based care through financial incentives, “shifting from an emphasis on volume to an emphasis on value” (Hofler & Ortiz, 2016, p. 1). The participants of the program...