“Night” by Elie Wiesel: Eliezer’s Struggle to Keep Faith in God

Introduction The manner in which Eliezer struggles with his faith in God is portrayed throughout the novel. In the beginning, the faith he has in God is strong. This is evident when he asks himself, “Why did I live? Why did I breathe?” (Wiesel). This shows how absolute his faith...

Forming and Managing Labor Force for Adventure Island

Forming and managing the labor force for Adventure Island requires using adequate recruitment and performance monitoring techniques. Due to various activities on the territory of Amusement Park, particularly both entertainment rides and games and retail trade of drinks and food products, specialists of different profiles are needed. As hiring tools,...

Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista and Civil War in Spain

The Spanish Civil War began in 1936 in Morocco, when nationalists set out to overthrow the republican government. Subsequently, the nationalists led by Franco were supported by the Italian fascist regime of Mussolini, and by Germany (Krieger and Crahan 2001). The most famous episode of the war is Guernica –...

Ethical Egoism as a Valid Framework for Moral Action

In the study of ethics, egoism is highly relevant since people are often faced with moral choices that require them to prioritize either their own needs or someone else’s. Most ethical theories do not consider the interests of the moral agent when offering frameworks for ethical decision-making. Instead, people are...

Employee Motivation: Monetary and Non-monetary Motivators

Motivation is a significant factor in business, as well as life in general. It is necessary for any endeavor to succeed, from one’s day-to-day plans to major business undertakings. Furthermore, motivation has a major beneficial effect on the company, firm, or unit in general (Lorincová, 2019). Thus, maintaining motivation in...

Magic and Witchcraft in the Wizarding World

Introduction In the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, magic is described as a supernatural force that defies nature’s laws. These books are popular because they contradict the norms and beliefs that people have been raised to know. Rowling has formed a narrative logic to make these stories believable to...

Eliezer’s Struggle to Keep His Faith in “Night” by Wiesel

Introduction In the novel “Night” the protagonist, Eliezer, is a Jew, who lives in Sighet. He is a devoted believer who studies Holy Scriptures such as Torah and Cabbala. Unfortunately, the Nazi militants terminate his religious studies when they deport his instructor, Moshe. The story is set during the infamous...

Medical Workers Errors: Case Study

In the case study, a patient was misidentified with another patient with a similar name. As a result of a series of small errors, a costly and dangerous procedure was performed on a wrong patient. In order to identify the reason for the matter root cause analysis can be applied....

Monsanto Company Profile Data & Environmental Performance

Monsanto Company, was among the leading producers of agrichemical and biochemical products globally. Its expansion during the First World War (WW1) was facilitated by the federal government’s trade policy tariffs, which favored its market dynamics (“History of Monsanto,” 2020). During the WW1, Monsanto produced styrene, a highly valuable substance in...

“I Stand Here Writing” by Nancy Sommers

The essay by Nancy Sommers explores the concept of writing which can vary strongly based on the context, ideas, and purpose. Writing is both a skill and an art, never set in stone or adhering to some rigid structures, which is what makes the process uniquely charming and personal. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

History of Graffiti in Pompeii

After the eruption of Vesuvius on August 24, 79 AD, the entire city of Pompeii in the Gulf of Naples was buried under a layer of volcanic ash and forgotten until the middle of the XVIII century. Today, the city of Pompeii is one of the most significant archaeological sites,...

The Importance of Family in “Mi Familia” by Gregory Nava

“Mi Familia” is a drama written and directed by Gregory Nava, which may make you wish that you were a part of Jose and Maria’s family. All three generations described by Nava are ready to put up with physical and emotional suffering for the family. Even though every family has...

The History of Slavery: Its Formation and Development

Historically, slavery was spread across the world, taking many forms. These days it is seen as a quintessence of injustice, which brought suffering to many people, and is forbidden by international and national laws. However, there are still reminiscences of slavery present in the modern world, particularly in America. That...

The Rational Choice in Violating the Law

Introduction The rational choice concept implies that man makes decisions using reasoning and logic. Criminology sees a rational criminal as someone who commits a felony to get a reward. An award can be in the form of money, pleasure, or satisfaction. The person chooses to violate a law if the...

Developing a Self-Starting Microcontroller System

Preliminary The suitable memory available in the MC68HC12B32 system is 32 kbs of read-only memory (ROM). The ROM array is arranged in a 16-bit configuration and may read as bytes, aligned words or uneven words. A bus cycle represents access time for byte and aligned word access whereas, for uneven...

Heineken Company’s Business Strategy

Operation of any business, especially a multinational one, requires thorough planning and strategizing. Policies picked by the company for any local market depend highly on different factors, and consideration of them all is vital for the successful outcome. In the framework of this paper, Heineken’s business strategy on multiple levels...

A Website Comparison: The National Library of Medicine and Webmd

The two websites selected for review are the National Library of Medicine and WebMD . Although both websites cover health-related topics, the first website is aimed primarily at healthcare practitioners, such as doctors and nurses. Members of this audience are typically aged 26 to 60 and have a degree in...

Quality Performance of Healthcare Providers

The orientation of the present-day hospitals on maintaining the quality of services provided by healthcare specialists is conditional upon the need to ensure a positive outcome of treatment for all patients. However, such a complex task seems to be challenging for most facilities, and this fact defines their unequal successes....

The Game Theory: Application in Everyday Interactions

Game theory is a mathematical tool that theorizes hypothetical models of conflicts between participants and demonstrates that confrontation does not have to be negative. The study of game theory allows to expand the scope of worldview and gives a qualitatively new perspective on the structure of human relations. It is...

The History of the Idea of Race

The fields of sociology and anthropology have been investigating human differences in relation to their biological and cultural characteristics. Race as a concept has been tackled from various perspectives to explain the reasons for a distinctive appearance and behavioral differences between groups of people inhabiting different geographic locations. With the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sociological Observation in a Shopping Mall

There seems to be no action more common than going to a shopping mall. All of the visitors come there with one and only purpose: to shop. However, each person’s perception of the visit can differ drastically. Some suffer from the pangs of choice, while others, on the contrary, improve...

Raising Employee Cybersecurity Awareness

Cybersecurity, or the protection of computer systems and networks from malicious actions, is an essential concern for any modern organization. Data theft and other disruptive activities can cause extensive financial and reputational damage, sometimes forcing businesses to shut down completely. Employers can implement a variety of countermeasures to stop such...

Negative Media Effects Mitigation: Parents’ Role

Considering the new media, this, on top of giving guidance to the relationships that are set up with the children with new media, “parents share and learn new information since they are also in a constantly changing atmosphere that deeply impacts the family” (Schofield, 2011, p.323). The impact does not...

New York Times v. United States

New York Times Co. v. the United States is a famous case held in the US Supreme Court that brought up the question of limitations of freedom of speech. In 1971, the Nixon Administration attempted to prevent publishing the classified papers of the Defense Department that revealed sensitive information about...

The Importance of Resilience and Community

Introduction Resilience is a virtue that allows people to confront difficulties with courage. Resilience plays a particularly significant role in battling inequalities and achieving justice. Mental strength is the driving force behind the current human rights movement that aims at eliminating racial oppression. Through examining the themes and characters in...

The Adam Style: Approach to Interior Elements

Introduction Architecture aside, Adam was also famous for his interior designs. His approach to interior spaces had several characteristic features. He used all interior elements in conjuncture instead of relying on several specific ones and stressed adaptability over uniformity. Main body Careful arrangement of all the elements of interior design...

Enlightenment Ways of Thinking

Classical liberalism views human nature from a skeptical perspective. This perception is similar to that of conservative liberalism. For instance, one of the most predominant classical liberal philosophers John Locke wrote in the late 17th century that reason rarely controls human emotions. Therefore, the conservative thinker Burke and the liberal...

Diagnostic of Mental Disorders: Somatic Symptoms Disorder

The patient is a female who reports ongoing chronic pain in various body parts such as the stomach, chest, arms, legs, and throat. Her visit to the medical professional revealed no injuries or diseases that could be the cause of her pain. According to the symptoms, the patient could be...

How COVID-19 Impacted Business

Introduction Globalization has prompted immense growth in trade and international business. Over the last decade, the world’s economy experienced a sufficient rise, which came to a grinding halt with the COVID-19 outbreak. The pandemic has influenced international business to the point of many companies being heavily damaged and even shut...

Spot Fiat 500x Advert Analisys

Although automobile manufacturers ran some of the engaging and exciting commercials, The Fiat 500X has overtaken other carmakers with its humorous advertisement. The short clip shows an aged couple preparing for some intimate moments, and the man reaches for a bottle of blue pills. Unfortunately, the male actor tosses the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Business Structure for Pilates Studio Franchise

Starting a new business is a complicated process covering identification of the most appropriate legal structure; selection of the necessary business form requires balancing all strengths and weaknesses from a legal point of view in order to simplify further company activities. The idea to open a Pilates Studio franchise needs...

“The Break Up” Movie: Family Conflict Theme

Lemons and Pool Tables The movie The Break Up introduces the viewers to the couple Gary and Brooke and their ugly break up, hence making the audience comprehend how they can come to good terms with their partners after disagreements. The argument concerning lemons and pool tables is an illusion...

Transformational Leadership Style as the Most Effective One

Introduction In the sphere of leadership research, the styles of leadership occupy a key place. Style is defined as a set of attitudes and behaviors of a leader. Such a set influences the whole run of a company and, to a large extent, predetermines its success or failure. The number...

How “Recommendation 7” Can Influence Future Health Policies

Introduction The Institute of Medicine (IOM) released the Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report in 2010, coincident with the passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The report is a comprehensive document that explores the future of the nursing profession in a continually developing scenario, where...

A Modest Proposal: Jonathan Swift’s Political Satire

Introduction Jonathan Swift’s political satire, A Modest Proposal, introduces an extreme and appalling plan for reducing the financial burden Irish children had upon their poor families and society as a whole. There is much criticism in this political satire that is directed toward the landlords, government, and wealthy citizens of...

Collaboration and Leadership Reflection in Nursing

Interprofessional collaboration implies the engagement of several healthcare experts with different backgrounds and specializations to work with patients and their families to enhance the quality of their treatment. The current video describes my experience of such collaboration. Apart from that, the video presents suggestions on how to improve the quality...

The Influence of Social Media on Democracy

Democracy entails the protection of human rights among individuals facing social, economic, and political challenges. Authorities are expected to protect their citizens’ natural rights as a means of enhancing the motivation required for economic growth. Traditionally, individuals depend on written materials for learning their democratic rights. Other people rely on...

Family Ties and Business Ethics Analysis: A Case Study

Major Ethical Issue and Secondary Ethical Issues The author of this work believes that the central ethical problem of Lucy and her father’s case is that to finally get the desired appreciation and love of her harsh father, she would have to betray those who value her as a person....

Analyzing Ethical Scenarios: Recognizing and Avoiding Bias

Introduction Various ethical issues arise during the research process and researchers need to be able to handle them in the right manner to ensure that they manage to carry out their studies for their benefit and the benefit of the society at large (Pain, 2008). Also, when referring to a...

National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) and Clinical Laboratory Support

With the development of clinical pharmacy clinical staff started specializing in different clinical areas. (Stephens 2003) The course in Clinical Laboratory Support is aimed at people who work in pathology laboratories. It has been designed to “allow staff in these posts to learn underlying theory and gain credit for their...

P.I.L.E.S Development Stages for Curriculum Planning

During development, children undergo developmental stages from birth to adulthood to become mature people (Casper, 2009). Children who successfully complete these stages show talent and outstanding capabilities. Physical development is the most important aspect among the major domains of early childhood development. It is determined by the ability for children...

Part-Time Benefits: How It Works in Starbucks

Introduction Starbucks is a conglomeration of firms that specialize in the production of hot and cold beverages and a variety of snacks. It faces stiff competition from both fast-food restaurants and drinks companies like McDonald’s’ and PepsiCo respectively (Burks 20). Starbucks offers part-time benefits to its employees despite the reluctance...

Crane’s “The Open Boat”: The Central Idea and Language

Central Idea The narration centers around the correspondent, the captain, the cook, and the oiler, who are lost in a boat in the middle of the sea after a shipwreck. The central idea of the story is to show the place of a man in the world and to demonstrate...

The Struggle From Faith To Faith In Night By Elie Wiesel

Introduction The essay analyses the novel Night by Elie Wiesel and examines the story of Eliezer’s struggle with his faith. It exposes Eliezer’s great faith and how it eventually weakens due to his experience. Eliezer’s Struggle to Keep His Faith in God In the novel Night by Elie Wiesel, great...

Influence of Modern Superheroes on Culture

Culture is an extremely vague notion, but overall, it can be understood as the human heritage of all times. It may include art, technologies, or, for instance, social habits, or, for instance, political traditions. In this piece, culture is perceived as a poll of ideas and movements present in the...

Protestants and Catholics Conversion in the New World

During the colonization of the New World, many conflicts emerged between the newcomers and the Native Americans. Among apparent differences that arose between them, the cultural and, more importantly, religious discrepancies were one of the most prominent ones. Shortly before the conquest of the New World, Europe survived one of...

Long-Term Care Regulation and Governmental Control

The identified federal and state regulations for long-term care can be found in part 483 of Standard and Certifications, which is Requirements for States and Long Term Care Facilities. The identified specific points are 42 CFR § 483.15, 42 CFR § 483.25, 42 CFR § 483.20, and 42 CFR §...

Hidden Costs of Integrating Computers in the School Settings

Current technological advances cover a broad spectrum of facets of life, including the educational system in the United States. Such progress in technology promotes faster adjustment to the rapid changes and innovations produced by modern high-tech society. More specifically, there is one controversial issue regarding the present approach to education,...

Civil War Prevention: Learning from History

Introduction The two most pressing problems for the US, which appeared long before the start of the war, were the abolition of slavery and the bourgeois-democratic solution to the land question. However, before the outbreak of hostilities, a political split of the country took place, so the reunion of the...

The Phenomenon of “Defunding the Police”

It is safe to say that 2020 is the year of social unrest, part of which the “defund the police” movement. The reason why this movement emerged was the police brutality towards people of color. The death of George Floyd became the trigger that prompted many people to protest and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Worth of Love and Human Relationships” by Oscar Wilde

Human relationships, either comic or dramatic, turn out to be a common topic for many works of literature. Oscar Wilde used a variety of literary devices to enhance sensory experiences among readers. The Importance of Being Earnest is his play about the significance of social institutions like family and marriage....

A Frequency Response Function (FRF)

The word implies a set of interconnected events and phenomena. It means that nothing emerges, develops, and disappears without introducing some changes to an external environment. That is why it is possible to mention that the world consists of dynamic systems, and it is necessary to find appropriate tools and...

“Blood in the Mobile” by Frank Poulsen

“Blood in the Mobile” is a documentary that reveals how smartphone production impacted the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Filmed in 2010 by the Danish director Frank Poulsen, it studied and discussed the illegal mining of minerals involved in the mobile phone productions of companies like Nokia....

The Most Critical Nursing Tenets

Any work must obey specific rules and principles established for a particular profession. This allows people to see the primary goals they are pursuing through their everyday activities. In addition, such tenets are usually associated with universal human values, common for everyone. Therefore, their observance is ethically essential for the...

The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory

There are different approaches to defining a leadership style, depending on the defining characteristics. The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory examines the context, competence, and motivation of followers that are critical for a leader to adapt and adjust his management style (Fuller, 2019). In this paper, I will analyze my example...

Chinese English. “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan

The article under consideration, “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan, sets the context for exploring the variations of the English language and its correctness from the point of view of the literary version. The author thereby claims that the English of Chinese immigrants is no worse than its any other form...

Involuntary Discharged Military Personnel Transitioning into Civilian Workforce

Introduction Military personnel play an important role in defending countries against external aggression. Their training curriculum is usually detailed and socially demanding (Clemens & Milsom, 2008). The nature of their work also forces them to work in extreme conditions that isolate them from the civilian population (Military Family Network, 2007)....

Perception and Expectation in Literature

Word logic – clear message which is delivered by grammatically correct words and sentences. The reading-writing connection – mutual influence between a person’s ability to write well-structured texts and the amount of the read books. Comparison and contrast – the ability to discuss similar and different elements in a writing....

Black Lives Matter: Social Movement Reflection

Introduction Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a highly centralized political and social movement that supports non-violent civil disobedience in protest of police brutality and all racially based oppression against blacks. The wider movement typically advocates against police brutality towards black people as well as multiple other issues such as policy...

Managerial Economics: Supply and Demand Market

Introduction The demand and supply equilibrium is the basis of all commercial interactions between consumers and producers. It helps determine the price of products and the quantity available to the market. As a rule, market forces tend to serve as regulators for the fairness of established prices. If the quantity...

The Logic of Cold War: American Cold War Policies

As World War II (WW II) was coming to a close, it became clear that German policies were likely to be replaced by other emerging powers. This essay explains how the Cold War ideology that crystallized after WWII changed wartime alliances that had existed during the war and how American...

Bidpai’s “The Camel and His Friends” Story Analysis

Lying at the crossroads between a children’s story and a part of the folklore-related legacy of a specific ethnicity, fables have a very special place in literature. With recurring characters and basic yet important life lessons to offer to their readers, fables serve as a shorthand for conveying important messages...

Wiesel Elie “Night”: Eliezer’s Lost Childhood

Introduction ‘Night’ is an autobiographical story written by Wiesel Elie. The short story details the plight of a Jewish family during the holocaust. In the course of World War 2, the Nazi regime under Adolf Hitler unleashed unimaginable and horrifying atrocities against members of the Jewish community living in Germany...

Bibliography: Logistics, Retail and HR Management

Wood, Geoffrey, et al. “Special Issue on: International Human Resource Management in Contexts of High Uncertainties.” International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM), vol. 29, no. 7, 2018, pp. 1365–1373. Journal Article. The article examines issues in human resource management in difficult conditions. There is no doubt that high uncertainties...

Understanding Christianity in Secular Humanism

The secular worldview revolves around science and the lived experience. The identified friend appears to have some unique problems with the validity and nature of Christianity because it appears judgmental and intolerant. The individual is also pessimistic about the “suppressive sexual ethic” associated with religion. The inside-out approach seeks to...

Moral Intuitions: A Heuristic Model

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze a heuristic model of moral intuitions as described in the book, The Moral Psychology Handbook, by John M. Doris. To present the model, it is first necessary to identify it and explain its working principles. Models of heuristics can improve on...

Applying for Georgia Institute of Technology

In my educational path, I have already managed to gather a number of different accomplishments. They include getting Math, Science and Engineering (MSE) Study High School Diploma, participating in the National Student Leadership Conference and many others. However, I wish to go further since I want to upgrade my qualifications...

In What Ways Were the Populists Responding to What They Perceived as “Corruption”?

The Populists created the party as a necessary reaction to the sameness in the political situation in the 1880s. It was apparent that the country was in need of drastic changes. However, the actions of Democratic and the Republican parties were unpromising for ordinary citizens. For these reasons, the Populists...

Professionalism and Social Media

The Internet revolution of the 21st century has changed the way people interact with one another. Additionally, it has influenced how nurses could communicate, especially through social media. The different platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, among other related communication channels, provide nurses with options to express their views...

Social and Natural Sciences Issues

Response to Erwina’s Post Erwinia chose the lenses of social sciences and natural sciences and sufficient details are to support this choice. I agree that social sciences lenses will play a central role in gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information from a socio-economic perspective for educational services. I also chose the...

The Operations Process and Types of Training Management in the Army

Types of Training Training is a significant aspect of improving the skills of soldiers and preparing them for upcoming or potential operations. Through training, readiness develops as an integral quality that allows responding to any situation timely and using the acquired skills in a real combat or tactical environment. There...

The President’s and Congress’s Powers Regarding Using Military Forces

Currently, the issue of when and why the Presidents of the US should use military forces abroad has become widely discussed and utterly controversial among scholars, lawmakers, and political representatives. Moreover, the Trump administration’s actions seem to be aimed at the beginning of a war with Iran, which has dramatically...

Political Candidates: Voting for Executives

Introduction Many various factors might affect the voters. The political views of a candidate play a significant role in an election campaign, but people make decisions according to their preferences based on personal likes and dislikes. While a particular range of characteristics seems to be universal and should be adopted...

Trait Approach and Skills Approach to Leadership

Leadership is an influential process that enhances performance and allows an individual to execute fundamental processes within organizations. Leadership provides groups with incentives and guidelines that empower groups to attain set goals. Trait and skills approaches are crucial in the quest for improved leadership. Comparison Trait and skills approach proffer...

The Definition of Art and Visual Art

I do not consider a beautifully made tool a work of art because the intention for its creation is dissimilar from producing an art object. In my view, art serves the purpose of communicating the author’s thoughts through the objects that he or she creates. I do not think that...

Public Play: Organization Guidelines

Introduction Playing is a non-compulsory activity, for which an individual is usually intrinsically motivated. It is not only appropriate for children but also for teenagers and adults, for each occurrence has the potential to deepen the players’ skills, reinforce social bonds and, of course, entertain the participants. The activity may...

NCU`s Degree Is a Driver of Positive Changes: Personal Experiences

Northcentral University is known as an educational institution that, for more than twenty years, trains professional workers in many spheres from economic and political to technological ones. In other words, the University contributes to the education of people who can make positive changes in the world around them. I do...

Pathogenic and Salutogenic Concepts of Health

Pathogenic and Salutogenic health concepts The salutogenic concept of health was developed by a medical sociologist known as Aaron Antonovsky. The concept was to provide a new perspective to health promotion and needs assessment (Antonovysk, 1979). It majorly focuses on the aspects that maintain health and well-being. The salutogenic model...

Forms of Sex Abuse and Its Causes

Introduction Any action leading to sexual contact without the consent of one partner can be referred to as sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is therefore any act of non-consensual sexual intercourse. In the recent past, this kind of harassment has been more often reported than it was a few years ago....

Neurotransmitters and Behaviour Relationship

There is a widespread belief among people that self-awareness and control are responsible for all actions taken. However, in reality, some behavioral patterns and motives are controlled not by consciousness at all, but by the work of neurotransmitters. In other words, not all actions and decisions are controlled by a...

Multifactorial Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment

Multifactorial or complex diseases can stem from several factors as it becomes clear from the title. It may be a genetic impairment or unhealthy lifestyle habits, inheritance, or a combination of them. For example, heart disease can be called multifactorial because there can be many issues that cause the heart...

Gender Stigmas: From the Past to the Present

In the context of the 21st century, gender has become a construct, bringing together various elements of the puzzle that creates one’s identity. However, decades ago, the history of gender roles and their social perception underwent the phase of set rules predetermined for each gender, the violation of which caused...

Agile Software Development Process

Agile software development involves an iterative process of creating software where different developers and designers work with the client to ensure that business goals and vision are met. It provides an early and continuous development of software, allowing teams to gather feedback and make changes to suit the dynamic requirements....

Political Policy of First Empires and in “300” Movie

The focal point of this paper is to compare the Zack Snyder-directed movie ‘300’ (2007) with the political policy of the First Empires and Common Cultures in Afro-Eurasia during the 1200-350 BCE. This was a classic case of clash relating to political and cultural differences between King Leonidas against the...

Gender as a Role, Cultural and Not Biological

Introduction Gender identity is not defined by biological sex but rather by the social role with which an individual is identified or identifies himself. Not only is the gender identity distinct from biological sex, but it is also distinct from general sexual orientation. In normal circumstances the gender identity of...

Texas Secession: Major Problems in Texas History

The Texas secession from the United States in 1861 was not an unforeseen political move as discontent among Texans with the Union’s direction had been continuously growing. This decision resulted in joining the group of six other states that left the Union earlier before the inauguration of Lincoln. Then Texas...

Social Media as a Type of Addiction

Using the social network as a means of communication has become popular nowadays. According to statistics, more than half of the Earth’s population uses the Internet daily, and the majority of them also spend a lot of time on social media (Clement, 2020). The video posted by TMW Media informs...

Case Review: Marbury v. Madison

There are many landmark cases in the United States that are still being referred to by courts today. One of those cases is the Marbury v. Madison court case. The case established that the judicial department has absolute power to review any laws passed in the country and determine whether...

A Change in the Way You Deal With Other People

Introduction Since no man is an island, it is convenient to learn how to handle other people in our lives. Before handling other people, it is worth noting that people are different. Some people are difficult to handle or impossible, while others are easygoing. An efficient way of dealing with...

Metabolism Aspects for Optimal Athletic Performance

Metabolism is the chemical processes of the body that are aimed at maintaining life in it. Metabolism is usually divided into two stages: catabolism and anabolism. During catabolism, complex organic substances degrade to simpler ones, releasing energy. In the processes of anabolism, more complex substances are synthesized from simpler ones,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Early Education Professionals Preparation

The Standard Overview and Importance The standard reviewed is “Building Family and Community Relations”. That part of the early educator’s job is extremely important. As the research indicates, family support can help prevent such severe problems as chronic delinquency (Yoshikawa 1994, p. 28). Helping to bring families together can prevent...

Relationship Between Men and the Environment

This reflection paper starts with the discussion of the complicated relationship between men and the environment, as this is believed to be a key to understanding the shape of modern environmental law. Even though the historical perspective to grasp this relationship’s nature is essential, the values that the societies at...

The Namesake: Comparison of Ashima and Gogol

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri is a novel that demonstrates all the difficulties of adapting a person to a new cultural environment, as well as the search for his or her identity. The older generation has its problems because they need to accustom to the differences of the new culture...

Ethical Issues in Hiring Process

In various circumstances, it is often necessary to consider issues from a moral point of view; hiring is one of the situations when stakeholders sometimes need to make ethical decisions. The task of the HR department is to evaluate which candidate can be considered for a particular position. At the...

Analysis of Macroeconomic Variables

Macroeconomic Variables Affecting the Amusement Park Industry Products and services offered by the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Worldwide, Inc. include theme parks, hotel lodging, cruises, and tours. Therefore, the company belongs to the amusement park industry, which is a subcategory of the travel and leisure industry. Consequently, macroeconomic variables...

Competitive Advantage and Competitive Differentiation

When it comes to business management, the aspect of competitive advantage always appears in the discussion. According to Kotler and Keller (2015), competitive advantage (CA) is a “company’s ability to perform in one or more ways that competitors cannot or will not match” (p. 304). In other words, it is...

Heart Disease: Post-interventional Practice and Monitoring

Chest pain can be caused by a variety of physical conditions, including heart disease or nervous disorders. A 52-year-old male patient has several physiological abnormalities that are triggered by hyperlipidemia and first-degree obesity. In addition to necessary laboratory tests, the man needs additional blood and urine tests, such as creatinine...

“Becoming Good: Building Moral Character” by David W. Gill

“Becoming good: building moral character” is a book that has received a warm welcome among the Christians. Written by David W. Gill, the book lays fundamental principles on how a Christian can find satisfaction in the ways of GOD as opposed to the current love for money which has become...

American Promise Ideals Overview

The American Promise is primarily the ideals of freedom, democracy, and liberalism. The founding fathers first formed this position; this is the attitude towards the development of constitutional liberties, the independence of the American nation, and the glorification of the ideals of liberalism. In the US, human rights are considered...

Aspects of Writing the Recipe of the Snack

Recipe of the Snack The recipe for cheese wheatmeal cookies is quite simple and healthy, so we cook them today. First of all, you need to prepare all the ingredients. Sift 100 g wholemeal flour and 50 g self-raising flour, get 100 g butter and 100 g cheese, one egg,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

What Should Expect Auditors to Do Within the Examination?

Audits serve as the basis for a financial and economic activity analysis which allows identifying the strengths and weaknesses of a business. Furthermore, the work of auditors allows making informed decisions and preventing administrative penalties. An audit can be compared to a medical examination or technical diagnostics of a car....

Measuring National Committee Performance

The National Committee for Quality Assurance has developed a widely implemented tool for measuring performance in healthcare facilities called Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS). To increase the productivity of the healthcare system, it is mandatory to properly address and optimize every aspect of it, and HEDIS excels in...

Social Norm Violation: Subverting Conversational Norms

Social norms are prescribed behaviors in a given social group that serve to achieve and maintain the desired status quo. These rules inform group members about how they should initiate a certain situation, how to act or react to it, and how to feel about it (Reese et al., 2019)....

Wachovia Bank Financial Report

Introduction Wachovia bank, which is now a part of Wells Fargo bank, was regarded as the fourth-largest bank holding company in the USA, the financial system of which was based on total assets. The merger with Wells Fargo Bank was stimulated by loan crisis events of the years 2007-2009. Therefore,...

Expenditures in South Carolina’s Budget

Expenditures on education The place of America as a superpower has its roots in its education system. Therefore, every state has a responsibility of providing quality education to maintain this position. The value that South Carolina attaches to education shows in its expenditure on education. This expenditure item historically accounts...

Beethoven and the City of Bonn

There were a lot of people who were called geniuses in different spheres of human activity. When music is concerned, probably, the first name that leaps into one’s mind is Ludwig Van Beethoven, a composer, and pianist whose works and memory have been living for many centuries already. Such prominent...

Workplace Conflict Resolution by a Human Resource Manager

Over the past few weeks, I have received a large amount of feedback from our employees who report a conflict situation in the workplace. According to numerous observations, the psychological climate and corporate morale in our company have recently been the primary concern of a considerable number of employees. The...

Revenue Sources for Hope for New Life Ministries

Funding for Hope for New Life Funding for non-profit church ministries has remained a challenging concern for most church ministries. The Hope for New Life ministries has come a long way in their course for improved finance status of the ministry (New Hope Ministries, 2003). Although the ministry has made...

Maintaining Standards in Electronic Prescribing

Doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals are using modern technologies, which significantly assist them in their work. Electronic prescribing and telemedicine is coming in place of papers and hand-written notes for patients. It is a computer-based generation, processing, and filling of a medical prescription used by both hospitals and...

Bill of Rights: Content and Purpose

Introduction As the Constitution of the United States of America is being formed, it is important to consider it as a document that will guide the country for hundreds of years forward, the “law of the land.” The Constitution is meant to outline the fundamental principles of our government and...

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Sociology of Sport: The Bulls vs. the Nets on April 22, 2013

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Mifepristone Drug: To Approve or to Disapprove?

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Can Pollution Free Corporations Exist?

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Zoroastrianism as a Minor Religion

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Overpopulation Problems of Urban Areas: Articles’ Study

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The Vietnam War From 1955 to 1975

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Health IT: Lupus Research Alliance Website

The evaluation of consumer healthcare websites is an important step in assessing the overall appropriateness of the patient education information provided online. The evaluation should be conducted according to such criteria like accuracy, design, authors (sponsors), currency, and authority (Bastable, Gramet, Jacobs, & Sopczyk, 2011). The purpose of this paper...

Ancient Greece at the Met: Bronze Man and Centaur

Example The culture of Ancient Egypt represents one of the earliest attempts at identifying a man’s place in the grand scheme of the universe and compartmentalizing the phenomena and objects comprising the environment. The “Bronze Man and Centaur” statuette as a piece of art representing the specified era is a...

Ancient Greece at the Met: Marble Column From the Temple of Artemis at Sardis

Description of the Selected Example The selected example is one of the central objects in Ancient Greece exposition that can be found at the Metropolitan Museum. It is a marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis, which dates back to ca. 300 BC (“Marble column,” 2018). It is...

Coke and Subaru Case Studies

Coke’s Case Coke introduced a new taste to the audience in 1985; however, the company received negative feedback from the customers. Coke decided to alter an old taste after Pepsi presented the “Pepsi challenge” advertisement that had success, and Coke started losing its popularity. Hence, they decided to develop a...

Critical Reasoning and Patterns of Change in Mindset

Introduction To think critically does not mean just being critical. The most complete definition of critical thinking which I go along with, states that critical thinking is the process involving mind discipline and used for active and masterful conceptualization, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of information generated by, or acquired...

Analysis of “We Are the Animals” by Justin Torres

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Article Critique about Alcohol & Society

The research efforts of recent years aimed to shed light on the interconnection between alcohol outcomes and socioeconomic factors. In terms of homelessness, the literature on alcohol outcomes and housing status reflects a clinically significant and unequivocal association. Nevertheless, there is a strong need for further studies to adequately address...

English Language Learners Programmes for Schools

English language learners or ELL’s are students who do not have the English language as a first language. The term may also be used to refer to a course taught to improve the language skills of students. English is taught not only to pass the English language but also to...

The Communication Styles of Men and Women

There is no doubt that distinctions between men and women exist on different levels. They root back to human nature and physiology and can result in a dramatic difference in behavior and perception of the world. In particular, some research indicates the dissimilarity in the communication strategies of men and...

Middle School Physical Development Program

Physical activity programs have the potential to play a crucial role in children’s development. They are indispensable for combatting obesity, improving overall health, supporting the formation of exercise habits, and cultivating a positive self-image. In addition to assisting physical development, such programs can indirectly contribute to linguistic, cognitive, social, and...

“Fleabag”: A British Novel by Phoebe Waller-Bridge

Fleabag is a British novel that was written by Phoebe Waller-Bridge in 2013. Subsequently, the book was screened in the film of the same name, in which the writer played the primary role. The plot describes Fleabag’s daily life, whose non-trivial behavioral pattern leads to dramatic and comic episodes. A...

Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” and the Importance of Decision-Making

Many people do not even imagine how they are dependent on decisions they make, either it is a necessity to wear a new suit or an intention to get married. Decision-making may be a serious topic for discussion at a different age, and Robert Frost was one of the American...

National Archives: Digital Field Trip Reflection

Introduction National Archives is a unique source providing an insight into the history of the United States genesis by presenting the founding documents, known as the Charters of Freedom. They include the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights (America’s founding documents, 2017). For the research, we...

Ageism in Greeting Cards and on Television

Ageism is a term that was coined in 1969 after the passage of the Federal Discrimination in Employment Act. It is a broad term that generally isolates and discriminates the older population. Ageism can vary by addressing older people in a condescending manner by using simple words and loud voices...

African American Women’s Education and Barriers

Site Selected According to the official statistics, the lack of African Americans receiving higher education contributes greatly to the overall increase in their unemployment rates throughout the U.S. (African American employment, 2014). The issue is especially topical for African American women since, without proper education, they have extremely restricted employment...

Test Preparation Resources Online

When you face a major standardized test, the sort of test that could determine whether you get into a good high school, college, or graduate school, or obtain professional certification, you need all the help you can get. Of course, you are going to have to invest personal effort and...

Educational Institutions Offering Useful Courses

With the price of education rising to ridiculous heights, making sure that the student realizes a return on this huge investment is becoming more and more critical. In an earlier article, we talked about finding practical courses in a liberal arts institution where vocationally oriented courses are scarce. In this...

Study Courses for Developing Practical Skills

College tuition, ludicrously high, and rising fast, makes it vital that our expenditures pay off. While it is lovely to be able to study something interesting but impractical, it may not be feasible in today’s economy. Almost any subject in the computer field is likely to increase your employability, such...

American Institutions for Practical Education

Getting a college degree is a major investment of both time and money, and it would reassure hard-pressed families and students to have some assurance that their education was going to prove useful. Another direction to take in terms of instantly practical skills is the foodservice industry. The Culinary Institute...

PICC-Related Complications Reduction: Negotiations

The plan for minimization of PICC-related complications and the reduction of catheter reinsertion rates at KRMC involves negotiations with several stakeholders. Patients or their families permit the PICC line insertion procedure. If they are not willing to provide their consent, it is important to overcome non-acceptance with the use of...

The Bill of Rights, Its Historical and Modern Role

Description of the Document The document we are talking about could be considered fundamental for the appearance and development of the USA. It is the Bill of Rights which includes the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. The example presented in web archives is the photo of the...

Racism Causes and Impacts in America

Introduction This paper will discuss the impacts of racism on American both the native and the immigrants. In the paper, the historic accounts of the African-American populations as well as other minority immigrants will be revisited. As will be pointed out in this paper, racism and ethnic discrimination is a...

Business Questions: Ethical Conduct

Good morals are very crucial to the success of any organization. No individual, society or organization will attain its goals and objective if they do not adopt good behaviors. Most organizations have their code of conduct that defines ethical and unethical behaviors. However, it is important to note that there...

Chinese Confucianism: Piety, Loyalty, Behavior

Introduction In Chinese society, Confucianism and governance are intertwined such that the two are dependent on each other. We cannot discuss governance without involving some principles that are associated with the Confucian system in China. While the Chinese people are extremely religious, they are also known to be politically clued-up....

Balance Between Customization and Standardization

How Technology has changed the Balance between Customization and Standardization The ever-changing technological landscape has significantly affected the balance between customization and standardization in various aspects. At the outset, organizations have not only been forced to change their patterns of work but also the structure of workgroups, authority, and managerial...

Systems Theory Definition and Analysis

Systems theory is a concept in biology and cybernetics that can be used in several diverse disciplines. It serves to explain relationships between separate components of one unity (a system, organization, or group of people). As it is known, a system is regulated by the structure and relationship patterns of...

Reflection on PBS’s Documentary “Latino Americans”

America is a multinational and multi-ethnic country due to its history and political ideas of the past. Latino Americans have also become an integral part of American culture due to the expansion of the United States as well as its migration policy. However, Latino Americans have a long history of...

Worldview and Christian Beliefs

What is a worldview? A worldview is usually described as an individual’s view of other people, the world around them, and their place in it. Outlooks differ greatly among humans, so it is almost impossible to find 2 people with the same one. Worldviews are usually supported by a specific...

An Issue of Maternal Mortality

Maternal mortality had been an essential issue for various independent researchers and organizations. The 2019 report by WHO has addressed the global maternal mortality problem. The organization argues that most women that die during childbirth live in developing counties. Moreover, they die from preventable causes; therefore, the world needs to...

Why Choose All-Natural Bath and Body Products?

In the context of the 21st century, people have become increasingly interested in the goods and services that do not harm their health and body as well as the environment. To keep up with the world’s pace, manufacturers from all over the world were urged to shift their production towards...