Technology and Future Trends in Healthcare

At the beginning of the 21st century, healthcare system has changed dramatically because of new technologies and new treatment methods available for millions of patients. The latest trend in healthcare field is nanotechnology. This innovative approach proposes great changes in treatment and support of patients in different fields of medicine....

Environmental Sustainability: Protection of the Surroundings

Introduction Sustainability is the avoidance of natural resource depletion to maintain biodiversity and ecological balance. It factors how people can protect the natural world surrounding them from destruction and damages. Over the years, civilization has been detrimental to the environment. This is because it utilizes plenty of resources, which are...

The Freedom of Expression

Free speech is one of the fundamental rights existing in democracies, including the United States. The Constitution guarantees one’s unabridged right to express oneself freely, and people often appeal to the First Amendment when accused of crossing the boundaries. However, the concept tends to be misunderstood and abused, leading to...

The Benefits and Negative Effects of Technological Advances

Technological progress has created numerous benefits, improving the quality of human life. What is known for a fact is that technological progress is unstoppable and inevitable as humanity has been using the results of technology for so long that it is hard to imagine the life without it. However, the...

“Crack” by David Farber Analysis

This review dwells upon David Farber’s Crack: Rock Cocaine, Street Capitalism, and the Decade of Greed. The book sheds light on diverse aspects of the war on drugs and the crack market in the USA in the twentieth century. The author attempts to identify the major causes of the problem...

The Book “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley’s novel about Frankenstein and his Creature reveals many human vices and cruelty. There is also a place in the story for love and remorse, which opens in both characters in its strange way. However, the complex interweaving of feelings, actions, and the conditions, in which they were committed,...

“Autism: Insight From Inside” Movie Reflection

All the people worldwide are united as one species Homo Sapiens but are still exceptional in their ways. An Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) presents one possibility of people’s exceptionality as differently-abled individuals. It is a spectrum from high functioning to severe autism that varies in the degree of needed support...

“The Clock” by Christian Marclay

Introduction Christian Marclay’s famous The Clock (2010) is a 24-hour video that can be discussed as looped in its structure. The video consists of a variety of clips that represent clocks, and the time a viewer can notice in the film is synchronized with the real time. From this perspective,...

Capitalism vs. Socialism: Comparing and Contrasting

Debates around the economic model of the social structure have not stopped since the XIX century when Karl Marx introduced his leftist paradigm. On the one hand, some individuals believe that capitalism is the form that guarantees freedom and progress that they value the most. On the other hand, some...

How Society Views Beauty and Women: Articles by Turner and Bean

The concept of beauty might appear to be simple, yet it contains hidden layers of complexity. Peeling these layers down, one will find underlying stereotypes concerning social roles traditionally associated with either men or women, as well as deep-seated prejudices against each. Although the traditional narrative, where roles are rigid...

Medicine: Organizational Problems

Healthcare organizations face various problems that affect the quality of care. In my workplace, two problems appear to be crucial for patient outcomes and the success of our organization. First, there is a significant shortage of nurses in or our hospital. According to Haddad and Toney-Butler (2019), the shortage is...

The Causes of Tension Before the American Civil War

The Civil War is considered to be one of the central events in the history of the United States. This war has started as a result of uncompromising differences in the views of the North and the South on the issue of slavery. Primarily, the government tended to search compromises...

Replication and Its Importance in Healthcare Research

Replication is a crucial step in scientific research which is commonly a repetition of the same experiment to determine whether the results are consistent. The regularity in the results in turn determines if the efficiency and reliability of the test under question (Resnick, 2018 par.1). Some experiments in the medical...

Determining the Credibility of Evidence and Resources

When selecting evidence and interventions for addressing certain healthcare issues, much attention should be paid to the quality of sources of information. Scholarly articles are more preferable in this case in comparison to articles located on websites. The purpose of this paper is to discuss credible evidence that is selected...

Threats and Challenges to US National Security

Nowadays, the issue of national security has become one of the most controversial in terms of its perception around the globe. On the one hand, the 21st century was not marked by any explicit world-scale armed conflicts, whereas governmental bodies spend millions of dollars on the enhancement of national security....

The Role of the Financial Manager in the Company

Recently, most companies have adopted a way of promoting the CFO to the CEO. They consider this as a way of offering the best services to their shareholders. This trend of promotions has been discovered to have both advantages and disadvantages, but the final decision depends on the company policies....

The Role of the American Citizens and the Ideology of the Revolution

Nowadays, no one can imagine a slaveholding society, a monopoly, and life in daily dependence on rich people. However, this “nowadays” itself would not have been possible without the achievements of the American Revolution. It tore the fetters that bound the economic development of the colonies, linking their trade and...

Job Opportunities for Women in the 1800s: Lowell Mill Girls

In the 1800s, many young girls had completed early schooling by ten years. Many would take up domestic duties for some families since they needed to work and help either with the financial situation at home or get the opportunity to earn their own money. Unlike typical young women of...

True Consensus: Decision-Making Process

The decision-making process, in terms of the managerial paradigm, has become one of the major concerns for research in the past years. In order to remain relevant for each unit involved in the issue, managers are known to estimate the ultimate decision that would be of maximum benefit for everyone,...

Express Advertising Agency Managing Creative Project and Design

Introduction The profitability of a project is the major objective that propagates a project manager to maintain a strong and a focused team. In the creative field the roles of project managers varies from one firm to another. This is based on the fact that different firms have variety of...

Globalization and Competition: The USA, Western Europe, Japan

The leading tendency of globalization is its presence even in those countries where other trends of the current world economy are weakly and hardly noticeable. According to Martin et al. (2018), “it is a complex admixture of different, though interrelated, historically evolving developments and transformations—economic, technological, cultural and social” (p....

Aspects of Culture in Criminal Justice

Criminal justice professionals should take into account race, class and national origin of defendants and victims. Various national factors are recognized by criminologists as contributing to and prompting the decision to commit a crime. Some suggest that the choice is influenced by the behavior, opinions, and attitudes of people who...

What Is More Important: Our Privacy or National Security?

Introduction In the last several decades, technology has advanced rapidly, and personal privacy has become a major public concern. New technological developments allow the government to enhance national security, keeping track of all suspicious activity, both online and offline. The constantly occurring data breaches and information leaks bring to public...

Coca-Cola Company’s Departments and Performance

The selected organization for this analysis is the Coca-Cola Company and the identified competitor is Pepsi. From the completed analysis, it is evident that the two companies have several departments working synergistically to ensure that the intended carbonated drinks are delivered to more customers in a timely manner. The departments...

“Leadership and the New Science” by M. Wheatley

Introduction Today, research on the phenomenon of leadership is becoming more and more critical. This topic is particularly relevant for the development of effective methods of administration. Modern approaches to leadership are diverse and reflect advancements in the development of new concepts. This paper will discuss leadership theories presented by...

“One Vision, One Voice: Transforming Caregiving in Nursing” by Zagger and Walker: The Article Review

In their paper ‘One vision, one voice: Transforming caregiving in nursing’, Zagger and Walker (2005) propose the use of a “clear” “vision statement” to guide and “empower” the future transformation of the nursing fraternity. It proposes the wide adoption of a common vision that is “widely shared by all specialties...

Legality, Punishment, and Presumption of Innocence

The Principle of Legality The principle of legality is one of the fundamental principles in modern criminal law. Its primary purpose is to protect a person from being wrongly charged with any crime. It means that nobody can be convicted of a crime without a trial or accused of a...

Organizational Behavior and Motivation in Hurricane Response

Introduction Organizational behavior is majorly a study of the way people act in their workplace. Public administrators and managers usually learn organizational behavior to help them understand employee motivation from different perspectives, such as engaging the staff members, managing bosses, and working with the public behind the scenes. Many theories...

A Night at the Opera: Similarities and Differences

  Opera “E Lucevan le stelle” (Puccini) “Habanera” (Bizet) “News has a kind of mystery” (Adams) Discuss Similarities and Differences Tempo (slow, medium, fast, dance-like?) The tempo is slow and changing to medium. The tempo is medium. The tempo is medium and changing to fast. In these three songs, the...

The Perception of Heritage in “Everyday Use”

The story “Everyday Use,” written by Alice Walker, is a complex narrative covering a variety of psychological and cultural issues. One of the most prominent aspects of it is the attitude of the main characters, Maggie and Dee, to their family heritage. The sisters are different in their views regarding...

Democracy in the American Government

The political system of the United States can be defined as a representative democracy. In such an arrangement, the residents do not rule the country directly, as they choose various government representatives to adopt laws and make decisions on behalf of the entire population. Therefore, people can choose Congress members,...

Social Engineering and Cybercriminals

Social engineering refers to a wide range of psychological maneuvering of misleading people to reveal confidential information and imperil its security. There are numerous forms of manipulations, which hackers use to make their victims disclose personal details. Moreover, cybercriminals follow a set of specific social norms within their subculture. This...

The Visionary Leadership

The article by Burt Nanus (1992) discusses visionary leadership and how organization leaders can re-vision for a sustainable and competitive future. The author acknowledges that every business manager needs an idea on which they can focus all their attention to implementing it and emphasizes on prudence in the process. Indeed,...

“Paradigms of Conquest: History, Historiography, and Politics” by Stern

In “Paradigms of Conquest: History, Historiography, and Politics,” Stern (1992) focuses on discussing the conquest of the Latin American territories starting since 1492 from the perspectives of politics, history, and historiography. Stern (1992) claims that the year of 1492 became associated with “a powerful symbolism” related to colonization in Latin...

Financial Crisis: Mortgage Lender’s Perspective

The role that I have chosen to examine is that of a mortgage lender employee– the representative of a firm that gives out loans for property purchases. In this particular case, my title is a mid-level executive at a financial corporation, and I am responsible for leading the department related...

“Act Without Words I” by Beckett: Response to the Movie

“Act Without Words I” by Samuel Beckett is an example of the Theater of the Absurd, a designation of the particular type of plays written by different playwrights in the mid-twentieth century. The central idea, characteristic for the genre of the absurdist drama, is a concept of the meaninglessness of...

Music as an Accelerator of a Learning Process

Throughout the ages, music has been an imprescriptible part of humans life. The music of ancient people could tell the researches a lot about their historical events and lifestyle. Currently, people also use music for various purposes: to celebrate a festival, to relax and meditate, or to going for sport....

Renaissance. Man with a Red Turban by Jan van Eyck

Introduction This is an oil painting purportedly, a self-portrait drawn by Jan van Eyck in 1433. It is evident through the inscriptions which have been translated to English and mean “Jan van Eyck Made Me on October 21, 1433″. Jan van Eyck was one of the pioneers of the early...

Analysis of Nutrition and Food Studies

The impact of the commercial sector on the politics of the government in the 21st century cannot be underestimated. The rules of production and distribution, ethical standards, and consumption policy are often dictated by multinational, worldwide organizations, which have a significant influence on the global market. Nestle (2013), in her...

Ideological Tendencies of Victimology Discipline

Introduction Victimology is a comparatively new field of study that includes the emotional or physical assaults of the victim. At present, there are three distinct forms of study or Ideological tendencies of Victimology in the discipline. They are conservative tendency, liberal tendency, and radical tendency. This paper would evaluate each...

Improving Teaching through Reflection

Introduction Teachers’ responsibilities involve making multiple decisions while attempting to promote student learning. The choices belong to three broader categories: implementing, planning, and assessing (Hidayati, 2018). In the adult coaching mechanisms, significant learning experiences involve reassessing, critical self-reflection, and an individual’s self-orientation to action. When the above issues are given...

WorldCom as Example of Ethics

Introduction WorldCom was an American telecommunications company that highlighted the dangers of engaging in unethical conduct. WorldCom’s growth strategy was through acquisition of other companies. Rapid acquisition made WorldCom one of the largest telecommunications in the US. However, the company was secretly engaging in a massive accounting fraud, which created...

Mona Lisa: What’s Special for Advancing Portraying Techniques

Mona Lisa is a portrait of a young woman, one of the most famous works of art in the world, which refers to the Renaissance and is exhibited in the Louvre (Paris, France). Full name of the painting is the Portrait of Madonna Lisa del Gioconda. The author of Mona...

Economic Factors Which Affect Senior Citizens

The older people are individuals whose age almost reaches the average lifespan of humans. Traditionally, they have always been the custodians of the authority and dignity of the family. Today, however, they are becoming economically, physically, and mentally inactive, making them more dependent on their children. They are commonly faced...

Role of Police Agencies in Law Enforcement

For many years law enforcement agencies from different countries put little effort in controlling white color crimes. There were few laws enacted to deal with these crimes. Other factors that contributed to this were the lack of knowledge on how to identify white color crimes among the public as well...

Killing Demons in “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Poe

Edgar Allan Poe is famous for his striking stories that shed light on the darkest aspects of the human mind and soul. “The Tell-Tale Heart” is one of such works that make the reader think of important topics such as the good and the bad, sanity and insanity, crime and...

The Benefits of Taking Online Classes

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted the majority of public and private sectors, including the education system. As the quarantine restrictions tightened, most universities switched to online delivery methods. The development of online education platforms over the past decade made this transition possible. Before the pandemic, many colleges already provided...

Single Children Caregivers vs. Married Couple Caregivers: Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction The purpose of this topic is to expand research on Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease from the standpoint of the caregiver perspective. The disease was named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a doctor and an academic, who wrote his first paper on clinical dementia. His first study was on a woman by the...

Application of Recycling to Waste From Refinery Industry

Recycling is the process of making waste materials from industries useful through re-using. Recycling in the refinery industry; helps to conserve the environment as these industries produce wastes like gases which if not properly managed, pollute the environment and human existence in particular. The wastes from refinery industries form a...

The Confessions of Saint Augustine

The Confessions is the general title for thirteen autobiographic stories of Saint Augustine, dated 397-398 A.D. They contain the narrative about Saint Augustine’s life and his way of conversion to Christianity. Being the first detailed autobiographic in European literature, the book has served as a literary example for Christian writers...

Media and Crime: Shaping of Public Opinion

Critics admit a false and negative portrayal of victims of crime popularized by mass media. Crime, particularly violent and predatory crime, is not as common as often portrayed by journalists. Crime is uniquely debilitating because it destroys feelings of security and the sense of interpersonal trust that binds a community...

Strategic Management and Business Policy: SWOT Analysis

Introduction SWOT analysis refers to the analysis of the strategic environment that impact on the activities of an organization. Under SWOT analysis, the internal factors that originate from the firm are categorized into strengths denoted by S or weaknesses denoted by W, while those factors that are external to the...

Theory of Control in the Healthcare

Introduction The control process is applicable in various disciplines like manufacturing, healthcare, financial consulting, processing among others. In hospitals, control theory is useful in managing cases and monitoring the healing process of patients. One such application of control theory is performance appraisal in the hospital to achieve dependable, reliable, and...

Fully Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Competition

Robosub is incredible international competition for mainly student teams seeking to demonstrate their technical success in developing fully autonomous submersibles that showcase the skills of modern devices. It should be recognized that the unique feature of the competition entirely affects the final design, which should have an unmanned device: according...

The Flower Fairy Tale: Flower Shop Automation

The Flower Fairy Tale focuses on supplying custom and designer bouquets, which means that there is additional stress on the importance of the product being assembled by hand. This eliminates the option which would imply using robots or any other form of mechanical assistance in the production process. However, business...

Descibing Texas as a One-Party State

Texas has been a one-party state for a long period, ruled by the Democrats for decades after Reconstruction until the 1990s when the Republican party took over. Therefore, while Democrats dominated the state for over a hundred years, Republicans had a limited role in the politics of the state. The...

Criminal Investigation: Offense Issues

Prosecuting a crime is a process, which is not limited by the processes related to the investigation. In that regard, it will be an understatement to say that the work is finished with merely collecting evidences, interviewing witnesses, and catching the offender. Bringing the case to the court is another...

Aramex Company: Strategic CSR and Sustainability Approach

The main lessons learnt from the Aramex approach to sustainability and strategic CSR are related to the Aramex’s success proving the fact that efficient investment in sustainable CSR gives numerous benefits to the business (“About Aramex” par. 10). The significant role of innovative CSR and sustainability initiatives can be determined...

The Impact of the Industrial Age and the Rise of Capitalism

Project Proposal The topic of this course project is “the impact of the Industrial Age and the rise of capitalism.” This topic was chosen because of the strong belief that the reflections about the past and continuous paralleling of the previous experiences with the modern ones are the way to...

Oura: Company Analysis

Oura is a company that sets accomplishing healthy sleep as its goal. Thus, all its products are designed to help customers with quality rest at night. The company’s flagman is Oura ring, which has gathered massive media and consumer attention throughout 2020. It is an electronic device that combines the...

What Does a Career in Aviation Mean to You?

Aviation offers many different career paths and opportunities for each individual. Flying has always been something that sparked my interest. When joining the military, my first career option was to become an Air Traffic Control Operator, and now I am pursuing a career as a Helicopter Air Ambulance Pilot. Working...

Continuity Planning: The University of Virginia

Introduction The University of Virginia often abbreviated as UVa or sometimes UVA is by now the only UNESCO Heritage Site University in all of the United States of America. Located in Virginia at Charlottesville, the Public University is known for public research. It was founded by Jefferson Thomas and by...

Journal Entry: “How Hate Took Hold of Me” by T. Parrish

This article made a deep impression on me as it showed that, in some cases, racism is not a fault of an individual, but the fault of the society that embed racist views in its members mindset. Besides, I strongly agree with the author’s conclusion that though it is possible...

The Abolitionist Movement: Reformers or Agitators

The Abolitionist Movement was an organized, radical, and abrupt campaign for terminating slavery in the 19th century. Numerous individuals perceived bondage as an abomination and made it their goal to eradicate the vicious and depraved act. Numerous petitions were sent to the Congress in vain, eliciting opposition from the people...

Concept of Interpretation in Art on Basis of Culture

The museum that attracted my particular attention is The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (Google Arts and Culture, n.d.). The three pieces of art that I like and chose for the analysis are “Study of a Young Woman,” “Study of a Young Woman” may be called “Girl with...

Faith and Science: Did Darwin Kill God?

Did Darwin Kill God?, a documentary movie by Dr. Conor Cunningham, professor of the University of Nottingham, reflects my beliefs most fully. I think that God is a supernatural being that exists outside of time and space, its basis, and the driving force. Cunningham’s movie correlates with the classic definition...

A Right to Experimental Drugs

The field of medicine is not restricted to patients’ direct treatment and involves the constant expansion of medical research. Compassionate use programs provide critically ill patients with no other treatment options with an access to experimental new drugs (Munson, 2014). The issue of whether they have a right to use...

Why Hunting Is Environmentally Beneficial

Despite the mixed feelings about hunting, the practice has been recognized as environmentally beneficial. Many animal and environmental advocates view hunting as a barbaric and morally wrong endeavor, regardless of the practical considerations. However, a substantial proportion of the public espouses hunting and its practices as a fundamental wildlife management...

Comparing Behaviorist Versus Christian Points of View

The question of whether people can influence their fate has always been of significance for many philosophers and religious figures. Some of them argue that a person is responsible for their current and future life, while others stipulate that supreme forces determine these issues, and individuals witness what is predetermined....

On the Role of Morphine in the Modern World

Morphine is a drug made from opium and used by millions of people worldwide to stop their pain and feel calmer. However, it plays a critical role in the modern world, affecting politics, economy, international relations, the environment, and, of course, health care. Devereaux et al. note that it is...

The Profiling of Crime Victims

The crime theory suggests that crime victims resemble crime perpetrators and theirs main social and personal characteristics. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that it is easy to cheat and robber a person “like you” being aware of all personal features and habits of that very person. While analyzing...

What is a Feeling of Pride?

Introduction Pride is the feeling of satisfaction resulting from one’s actions or possessions, or the connection to something or someone. The person experiencing pride believes the action, possession, or connection in question to be desirable and values their being related to it. The word “pride” may be fairly neutral, although...

Bush Administration’s Response to the 9/11 Attacks

The terrorist attacks on American territory on September 11, 2001, on the one hand, were a continuation of the previous practice of anti-American terrorism, and on the other, they had unprecedented consequences for the United States and its policy in the world. Despite the fact that the threat of terrorism...

Reasons for High Divorce Rates

Family is the basic institution of society that impacts its functioning and contributes to further evolution. For centuries, it has been associated with marriage as the only possible way to create a family and promote the development of communities. However, today, one can observe the decline in the importance of...

Stage-Of-Life and Healthcare Experiences

While the healthcare sector has to treat every patient in the same manner, the reality is far from these statements. Factors like race, gender, sexuality, and age have a determining effect on the quality and overall process of medical care. Thus, it can be argued that every person experiences healthcare...

Social Structures: Family Roles and Responsibilities

Family is the most important social institution; it is a kinship part of society, which includes almost all kinds of relations: legal, social, economic, cultural, and spiritual. Therefore, a family might be characterized as an institution that allows sociologists to conduct a deep and full-fledged analysis of the distribution and...

Who or What Is Responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s Deaths?

Romantic love stories typically end with a blissful moment, but it is not the case in Romeo and Juliet, the author of which preferred a tragedy rather than a happy ending. William Shakespeare puts a different vision of a love story by writing his most famous play Romeo and Juliet....

Enterprise Resource Planning and Its Effect on Supply Chain Management

The high demands of customers and in the modern world raises the competitiveness of businesses. Big firms with thousands of workers and several affiliated branches need an automated system for productive results. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implies the administration of business processes by relying on the software that gathers and...

Education: Personal Statement

Dear Admission Committee of the Global Technology and Development Program, I want to present my statement of purpose for the application for an MSc in Global Technology and Development, Concentration in Applied International Development (GTD-AID) at Arizona State University. I have profoundly researched many degrees offered by several universities. However,...

Leadership vs. Management: Discussing Key Attributes

The roles of a leader and a manager are central to most organizations, with both a manager and a leader performing critical functions that will allow for the future effectiveness and often the very existence of an organization. Therefore, assessing and comparing the roles that a leader and a manager...

Case Study Research: Design and Methods

Although existing literature demonstrates that the analysis of case study evidence is one of the least developed and most challenging facets of doing case studies, the proposed study will employ four techniques named in Yin (1994), namely pattern matching, explanation building, time-series analysis, and logic models. These analytic techniques are...

Re-Districting and Re-Mapping Processes: Gerrymandering

A re-districting process before the decennial census can be considered as a highly controversial act, such as the case of 2003 Texas redistricting. Based on the constitutional and statutory law, the given procedure is not a direct violation of the regulatory points. In other words, the pre-decennial census is not...

History of Surgical Technologists

Surgical technologists arose historically from assistants whose primary role was restraining patients undergoing procedures. With the lack of anesthesia, the overwhelming pain required several assistants to do so as the process continued (Rouse, 2018). Apart from that, the role of box men rose, requiring staff who mainly only carried the...

Marijuana Legalization in Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota

On November 4th, 2020, Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota joined the list of states where marijuana is legalized and could be used for recreation. Besides, according to the survey conducted by Yu et al. (2020), marijuana is the most commonly used drug among the drugs that are illicit...

“Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo

Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam is a renaissance era work depicting the Judeo-Christion God creating the first human. It is a part of a larger composition of paintings on the same ceiling. Unlike many conventional oil paintings on canvas, the Creation of Adam was developed directly on the plaster ceiling of...

“The Boarder” Short Story by Isaac Bashevis Singer

The exposition begins when the characters and the setting are introduced to the reader. The dialogues between the characters filled with their constant disagreement serve as the rising action. The story reaches its climax when Moris Melnik decides to let the spoon of salt define the state of things in...

Best Business Practices Overview

The report produced by the Defense Business Board (2012) describes the best practices of private business that could be applied for the management of the Department of Defense (DoD). The observation identified that the strategies are chosen by private sector companies and DoD are completely different. The practices of the...

Lipitor: Business Model and Planning

Introduction Lipitor is a drug that reduces cholesterol levels and is produced by the Warner-Lambert company. This company has evolved significantly since its inception in the early 1850s and has become one of the top pharmaceutical companies in the globe. The three components that stand out the most from the...

Federal Poverty, Welfare, and Unemployment Policies

Introduction To some extent, government policies with regard to poverty, welfare, and unemployment are not living up to the expectations of the majority of the American people. Today the number of Americans living in poverty has significantly increased. With such exaggerated levels of poverty, the welfare of the people becomes...

“What We Have to Lose” by Theodore Dalrymple

The purpose of this paper is to summarise the arguments presented by Theodore Dalrymple in his rather lengthy philosophical article and reflect on them, providing my own opinion. The author begins by mentioning how insignificant he feels in comparison to the shocking and devastating events that transpire regardless of his...

Toxoplasma Gondii: Protozoan Parasite

Introduction A parasite’s location is a fundamental factor which determines the behavioral changes in hosts such as rodents, which are infected with Toxoplasma gondii. Brain is the common part of the body attacked by the parasite. Toxoplasma gondii is a single-celled protozoan parasite which causes toxoplasmosis and is associated with...

The Problem of Evil in Relation to Philosophy and Religion

The existence of God is a difficult question since there seems to be no way to provide hard evidence of whether He exists. Therefore, people are divided into theists who believe in God’s existence and atheists who are confident of the contrary. The strongest argument of atheists against the existence...

Perception and Cognitive Schemata

Occasionally, individuals tend to make conclusions about people they communicate with based on their nonverbal signs, body language, clothes, and particular preferences. Cognitive schemata imply structures, which do not include information on events and entities. Instead, it provides general knowledge about a person, omitting some details (Cherry, 2019; Groome &...

The Sun as an Ultimate Source of Energy

The sun is known to be a very big ball of hydrogen gas atoms compressed together by the force of gravity to cause fusion. This fusion results in two hydrogen atoms forming a helium atom and in this process, photon light is produced. The helium particle is seven percent less...

Gender Gaps in Student Academic Achievement

Sociology, being one of the central discussion subjects in terms of investigating the patterns of human development in cultural, ethnic, and gender aspects, has become extremely relevant for the modern world. Hence, the vast majority of researches conducted in the field is now closely related to the issues tackling the...

Overcrowded Computer Lab as a School Problem

Introduction Florida National University is one of the most popular in the region. It provides gripping programs to study and fascinating facilities to use on the campus. In spite of being an alluring place to attend, the school has some problems which are not critical but might cause trouble, with...

Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”: A Feminist Look

“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a short story set in seventeenth-century Puritan New England. It follows the protagonist’s journey into self-criticism and self-doubt in the context of the Puritan belief that all human beings exist in a state of depravity and that God is the one who can...

Marxism and Jucheism in North Korea

Introduction In the principles of Marxism, North Korea should be a society that should not have classes like the bourgeois and proletariat which are characteristic of a capitalist system. Marxism holds the socioeconomic ideology that everyone in a Marxist society should enjoy the benefits of labor (Kim 6). Patient modification...

Biography of Johann Sebastian Bach

The magnificent German composer who wrote his works during the Baroque era, Johann Sebastian Bach, has been respected for centuries for his stylistic innovations and musical complexities. He had an impressive musical pedigree and served as organist in the early 18th century, producing such famous compositions as “Toccata and Fugue...

Respect in the Army: Values and Standards

Introduction Effective communication is essential in every sphere of human performance and every kind of activity, including the most trivial and routine one. However, its significance is particularly pronounced in the army where mutual understanding can define the outcome of a military mission. It can be argued that respect towards...

“District 9” by Neill Blomkamp – Movie Review

District 9 is a science fiction film directed by Neill Blomkamp and written by Neill Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell. Three countries collaborated on directing and shooting the film: New Zealand, the United States, and South Africa. Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, and David James are starring as main characters. The film’s...

Golsby-Smith’s “Hold Conversations, Not Meetings”

It is hard to imagine the work of a company without business meetings. This type of interaction allows providing employees with the information necessary for work, quickly solve current project tasks, motivate personnel to achieve results, and form a developing environment in the team (Golsby-Smith, 2011). However, how true is...

“Boom” in Latin American Countries

The Latin American “boom” may be defined as a movement closely associated with the works of the Argentinean Julio Cortazar, the Mexican Carlos Fuentes, the Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa, and the Colombian Gabriel Garcia Marquez. On the other hand, one of the two main influences of this trend were European...

Chronic Renal Disease: Treatment and Management

Diabetes, Chronic Renal Disease, and End-Stage Renal Disease Diabetes can result in mesangial expansion, structural glomerular changes (for instance, the thickening of glomerular membranes), and expansion of the afferent renal artery. The renal structural changes interfere with the kidney’s normal functioning, which can lead to the leakage of albumin from...

American Dream in Fitzgeralds’s “The Great Gatsby”

Among the many concepts explored in Fitzgeralds’s The Great Gatsby, American Dream is one of the most notable ones. The titular character, with his extravagant lifestyle, acts like its embodiment and manifestation in the hedonistic, consumerist atmosphere of the Roaring Twenties. Yet the author questions this interpretation of the American...

Strategic Management in a Healthcare Facility

Improving a healthcare facility can be a question of applying the right strategic management model. These models have been shown to work if implemented well, but they might need some readjustment to be applied in a healthcare context. The first model to consider is Management by Objectives, which has been...

Middle County Hospital: Quality Management Intern

In the case study, Katie Bent, CEO of Middle County Hospital (MCH), invited a new management intern to participate in the morning meeting. During the meeting, Katie announced that the Hospital Board had asked her to prepare a presentation on the status of continuous quality improvement (CQI). The program is...

The Theory Deviance and Crime

The patterns of universal sociology have always been replete with various discrepancies in terms of people’s attitudes to the social norms and adherence to them. As a result, scholars have developed a full-scale theory of deviance, which accounted for some people neglecting the already established behavioral patterns by direct law...

An Institutional Review Board: Research Ethics

The central concept of scientific ethics is the concept of responsibility. The goal of developing scientific ethics in research organizations should be to raise the awareness of scientists about all aspects of responsibility. Moreover, one should take into account the criteria for the proper conduct of the scientific activity, which...

The History of Women in the United States Military

The historical distribution of the gender roles in society explains the fact that warfare has a strongly marked male character. The gender characteristics of the military on the whole and the US Military in particular change according to the internal and external factors. The first one is the structure of...

Crohn’s Disease: A Patient Education Plan

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory disease that affects different parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Crohn’s disease ruins the small intestines, but it can occur anywhere from the larynx to the anus. It is considered an immune disease and produces inflammation of the tract. The usual age of patients is 20-30...

The Development of New Technologies: Wireless Hacking Techniques

With the rapid development of new technologies, the safety of personal data is expected to increase. However, no matter how secure a wireless network is, there are some special tools and methods that allow certain people to crack it. Despite the fact that there is a great number of solutions...

Development of a Class Tardiness Policy

Introduction Having faced the problem of class tardiness, every teacher would agree with the famous proverb, “Better an hour too soon than a minute too late”. Class tardiness is one of the serious violations of the class disciplines which strongly affects the learning process. While the negative effect of class...

The Link Between Pop Culture and Stereotypes

For a culture to become popular, it has to be perceived by the audiences with ease. Complex topics are detached from internal intricacies and sophistication when delivered through popular cultural means. When all details are included, the culture is no longer popular but instead is specialized. Therefore, popular culture cannot...

Kohl’s Department Store Case Study

Introduction The story of firing three employees at Kohl’s Department Store for violating its coupon policy resulted in public outrage. To understand whether the company could have handled the situation better, one should consider the process and legal reasons for terminating employees. As Ma (2020) states, relational and political behavior...

US and UK Corporate Governance Frameworks

Introduction Corporate governance can be defined as how companies and corporates are controlled and directed. Since corporates play an important role in the society of wealth creation, tax payment, and provision of employment, there is the need for them to be controlled, so that their operations ensure the maximum realization...

Overcrowding in Jails and Prisons

In a case of a crime, the offender is either incarcerated, placed on probation or required to make restitution to the victim, usually in the form of monetary compensation. A significant part of all state and federal prisoners in the US are confined for nonviolent offenses, such as property crimes...

Materialism and Dualism Theories and Reasoning

Why Materialism Makes More Sense The purview of existence in the world has had several illustrations on the constitution of life as well as the state. Even then, the notions of soul and body tend to attract massive concerns from different fragments, drawing battle lines on which aspect is more...

“The Iliad” by Homer: Using of Suppliancy

Introduction Suppliancy refers to the act of imploring someone in authority or power to have mercy over an individual or another person. It may also refer to the act of beseeching a higher authority as an attempt of seeking redemption, exemption or inclusion in an issue. Usually, subjects beseech their...

Rhetorical Appeals as a Means of Convincing the Audience

Rhetorical appeals are persuasion methods that are often used by speakers to convince their audience. A person can use any appeals depending on the context or people he or she is addressing. In his court ruling, Judge Pauley used logical appeal to guide his final verdict in the case of...

Nursing: The Five Stages of Grief

Who is the nurse theorist we associate with the five stages of grief? Elisabeth KĂŒbler-Ross is the nurse scholar identified with the five stages of grief. She intended to learn what the patients were contemplating while they were dying. With her first-hand study, she developed the famous five-stage theory popularly...

Stress, Adaptation, Coping Methods & Strategies

Introduction If a patient has no relevant information but is constantly asked to take tests, confusion and concerns start developing. A physical examination of the Nguyens provokes a number of additional diagnostic steps, and one of them is to have a mammogram for Yen (Trease et al., 2018). She does...

Workplace Conflict: Case Study and Solutions

In the present day, conflict within a company may be defined as a process that generally involves people disagreeing at work and may range from insignificant minor disagreements to considerable workplace violence. The eruption of conflict is a widespread phenomenon in the modern working environment. The analysis case implies the...

“The History of Development” by Gilbert Rist

Chapter 11 of the book The history of development: from western origins to global faith by Gilbert Rist provides a scope of the author’s opinions on the development of the South since the very beginning of the 1990s. The whole discussion in the chapter is dedicated to the development of...

Soul Food: An Original American Art Form

Food is associated with one of the basic needs of a person, so many people do not pay specific or any attention to the matter. However, food has always been an important part of people’s lives, and one of the mirrors reflects some national, cultural, and regional peculiarities. There is...

Caribbean Slave Rebellions Overview

The history of Caribbean slave rebellions is extensive, encompassing several centuries to the point that it can be said that they started after the region’s population became enslaved. However, the movement was not homogeneous, as some parts were more successful at emancipation than others, which also depended on the country...

The Gold Coast Desalination Plant

Introduction It is the Gold Coast Desalination Plant at Tugun that amazes with modern technologies and is the focus of this research paper. It is the most energy-efficient plant in the world that makes the process of desalination possible and useful for thousands of people. The plant is taking the...

The Technology of Heat Transfer Through Walls

Heat is defined as the measure of the amount of thermal or kinetic energy in a body. Heat transfer is therefore the movement of the kinetic energy from one part of the body to another. This movement is usually due to a temperature gradient brought about by a difference in...

The Cost of the Affordable Care Act

Healthcare policies aim to promote public health and quality of care through cost-effective measures that impact various aspects of clinical practice. The integral part of any healthcare policy is adequate financing supported by cost-containment or cost-control strategies. The following paper will discuss the cost of the Affordable Care Act, analyze...

American Football as a Popular Kind of Sport in the US

American football is a popular kind of sport in the United States, but it does not mean that it is free from any disadvantages. A severe issue refers to the fact that professional players are often subject to health problems, which deteriorates the quality of their lives. These adverse consequences...

Remote Education and Associated Hazards

Distant education has become remarkably prevalent in the 21st century. Due to the COVID pandemic, it became essential to reduce all social interactions between students to minimize the potential damage. Even though children and young adults are less susceptible to the virus, social communication limitation prevents the further spread of...

Mont Blanc: Lines Written in the Vale of Chamouni

Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote this first-person poem inspired by the Chamonix Valley landscapes near Geneva. The Romantic style of William Wordsworth significantly influenced Shelley’s poetry. The former applied a similar writing style by describing feelings and emotions with physical objects. The young Englishman visited the Arve Valley by Mont Blanc,...

Analysis of “Aphasia Syndrome” Article by Carl Wernicke

Carl Wernicke was the first scientist to describe conducting aphasia. It is manifested in the disruption of verbatim repetition with the relative preservation of expressive speech and understanding of it. Previously, this type of aphasia was associated with white matter pathways and left temporoparietal zones. The authors of the study...

“Reaction to Hernando Washington” by Lisa J. McIntyre

The piece on Hernando Washington’s case, written by Lisa J. McIntyre (2013), is an analysis of criminal behavior from the sociological perspective, yet, on the individual level. The text leaves mixed emotions on that, and it is the task of sociologists to deconstruct the case. Nevertheless, it is fair to...

Multinational Corporations and Trade Unions

Multinational corporations are the main subject of globalization in the modern world. These are enterprises that own or control production, distribution, service, or funds outside the home country. Trade unions were the first in world practice to be concerned about the uncontrolled actions of multinational corporations. They were worried that...

Black Wall Street Analysis

In the early 20th century, Tulsa, Oklahoma, was famous for having one of the most prosperous African American communities in Greenwood, commonly known as Black Wall Street. The community was founded by O.W. Gurley, who moved to the area in 1906 (Huddleston, 2020). Gurley helped African American entrepreneurs to escape...

District Growers and Metropolitan Wellness Center Situation Analysis

Analysis of the Situation The subject of this analysis is the case of Corey Barnette. It can be said that there are two major reasons why Barnette’s business is experiencing underperformance. It is worth mentioning that underperformance here means that Barnette could not become a leader in the cannabusiness market...

Houston: Individualistic or Traditionalistic?

Introduction The federal government in the United States gives individual states important powers, such as building roads, funding schools, and organizing police work. Given the differences in approaches to lawmaking, the American states are rightly called “laboratories for democracy” (Elazar, 1984). However, no less important is a rather noticeable difference...

Newman’s Religious Opinions

Commonly known as Saint John Henry Newman or simply cardinal, Newman was an English poet and theology expert throughout his life. His priesthood began in the Anglican Church, and later on, he became a Catholic priest. After several years of service, he was appointed a cardinal. In 2019, years after...

Great Recession of 2008 and Financial Markets in US

The effects of the Great Recession of 2008 were experienced all across debt and equity markets as businesses’ earnings fell and investors became cautious and demanded higher expected returns because they regarded stocks to be riskier relative to cash. It is indicated that the value of the Wilshire Index fell...

The Educative Process of Modern Research Students

Introduction Science has always been an integral part of human life as it influences the further development of society and promotes its evolution. It is also obvious that research work is the aspect that guarantees reception of new information and data which is vital for the development of science. That...

The CFTR Gene: Review

The CFTR gene has multiple alterations, which means that the delta-F08 mutation is not the only known one. By the research, and resting on the information provided in the table, there are many other mutations of the CFTR gene that might cause the appearance and development of the disease (Freeman...

Social Workers’ Advocacy for Queer Population

Today, people use a number of reasons for discrimination, but, at the same time, they want to live in a free and democratic society. Alone with racial, gender, and social inequalities, the question of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) rights remains open. Social workers, as well as some...

Analysis of “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor

“A Good Man Is Hard to Find,” written by Flannery O’Connor, quickly became one of the author’s most prominent pieces due to its many definitions and perceptions. First published in 1953, the writing is centered around the themes of good and evil, portraying the writer’s typical style. The following essay...

“Acculturation and Attitudes Towards Disability for Arab Americans” by Zidan and Chan

Exploring and promoting diversity is one of the foundational tasks that lie ahead of the contemporary global community. Moreover, one needs to ensure that people from vulnerable groups and people representing minorities are provided with sufficient voice and a proper platform for contributing to the sociocultural dialogue. In their article...

What Is Marriage?

Being one of the most ancient social formations, the notion of marriage has attracted the attention of many thinkers and researchers throughout human history. This interest is associated with the desire to understand the place and role of marriage in society. It is also conditioned by the need for a...

The Interdisciplinary Health Care Delivery Model

With the development of various healthcare modalities, including community care, numerous care delivery models have emerged and adapted to these new approaches. The interdisciplinary method is among the most prominent because of its broad applicability and the potential to improve outcomes through effective collaboration. As such, it is increasingly becoming...

Edgar Degas: Ballerinas and Complex Portraits

About the Artist It was planned that he would become a history painter, but before he became famous, Edgar Degas changed his mind and decided to work in another style. Today, the artist is well-known for his depictions of ballerinas and psychologically complex portraits (Edgar Degas: The Complete Works). Degas...

Crime Causation Theories

Introduction Although different types of crime have distinct causes, biological theories explain the foundation of most antisocial behaviors. Criminalities constitute deviant behaviors that violate the prevailing standards or norms and are punishable by the state or other authorities. Criminologists have identified various antecedents to crime and classified them into biological,...