Diverse Families, Immigrants and Low Income on Early Childhood Education

Diverse families and their impact on early childhood education How does parent involvement affect early childhood education? A parent’s involvement is the dedication of available resources to their children in a certain domain. The dedication may include participating in school activities, child’s effective environment, and exposing the child to cognitively...

The Global Water Crisis: Issues and Solutions

Global warming and the water crisis is the title of a paper written by Kanae Shinjiro addressing the main issues that affect the earth resultant of global warming including the water crisis (860-864). For a long time, people often thought that water security was an issue revolving around drinking water....

Animal Rights: Kantian vs. Utilitarian Views

Animal rights refer to the fact that; considerations should be given to animals as it is, to human beings. Regan rejected what was said by Emanuel Kant that animals are a means to human’s ends, stating that animals should not be used as a means to an end. He argued...

Merton McLaurin’s “Celia, A Slave” Book Analysis

In the book Celia, A Slave by Merton McLaurin the question of slavery and oppression of women is raised. The laws of the land do not protect the women against atrocities committed against them in this patriarchal society. The book is set during the slavery era in America. Therefore, McLaurin...

How Liberal Arts Apply to Special Education

Education is very important in the present life. People all over the world start their education from their very childhood. We should have a good education to find a prestigious job, and to find ourselves in present society. Children understand the importance of knowledge from nursery and continue to reach...

The Phenomenon of Indian Art and History

There exists a certain measure of sensuousness in portraying the human figure in Indian art which can be often described as art which actually borders on erotic and even a sort of pornography. This phenomenon can be observed throughout centuries from Indus Valley civilization to Rajput painting period. The artisans...

Public Funding of Professional Sports Stadiums: Public Choice or Civic Pride?

Before 1950, most sports teams played in the private stadiums and arenas in the United States. The emergence of public stadiums and arenas after 1950s has compelled the state and local governments to fund entire sports projects or subsidize their construction in various cities. A number of studies have indicated...

Improvement and Implementation Methods in Statistics

Quality audits Quality Audits can be very useful tools in monitoring process variability by ensuring that all records concerning the product information are up-to-date are have the correct figures corresponding to the correct dates of purchase. Inconsistency in the audit records can clearly indicate that something went wrong somewhere. Audit...

Power and Authority in Professional Sports

Professional leagues emerged after sports clubs found it wise to centralize the organization of their games. Clubs saw it fit to organize themselves into leagues to increase the benefits that would accrue from combining their operations such as better operating profits (Rosner & Shropshire, 2011). In this sense, professional leagues...

Save The Children: Organization Analysis

Save The Children is an organization based on assisting the less fortunate children in society. In the recent past, there have been a lot of challenges facing the world at large, for example, civil wars in politically unstable countries, election violence, hunger caused by drought and poor economic levels in...

The Great Awakening That Refers to the Spiritual Revitalization

The Great Awakening refers to the spiritual revitalization that swept across New England colonies in the 18th century, which sparked renewed religious activity in America. Many preachers participated in the dynamic transformation of the faithful and followers of the traditional Protestantism like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. This radical religious...

Instructional Methods in Teaching Practice

This paper will focus on instructional methods which are also referred to as teaching methods. Instruction methods describe activities that relate to learning objectives and the transmission of educational information between the instructors and their students (Bates, 2003). There are many methods of instruction and this paper will focus on...

Health Education Program: Perceptions, Enablers And Nurtures, Cultural Empowerment

Health education is a vital part of learning because of the rising health hazards that need to be addressed to ensure that human health standards are improved. The best approach to deal with a health education program is by identifying the behaviours and lifestyles of the members of the neighbourhood...

2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup Stadia Development in Cape Town: Resident Perceptions

Research performed by Bob and Swart (2009) assessed the ideas and suggestions of the people surrounding the venues of the 2014 FIFA in South Africa. This study was conducted after overlooking the residents’ ideas even though they were to be affected by the sports. It was performed before commencing the...

Military Leadership Characteristics in U.S.A

Effective military leadership depends on multiple performance capabilities of a person. One of the major characteristics that a military officer in the United States has is the ability to influence various people in various contexts (Ang & Chan, 2008). In the U.S. military, leaders in various categories influence others to...

Operational and Tactical Dashboards

Dashboards allow organizations to monitor and manage their business processes by processing information and data from multiple systems and departments in a central point. However there are specific characteristics, depending on the manner of use and development, that differentiate dashboards. This essay examines operational and tactical dashboard differences and similarities....

Registry Issues for Implementation

Implementing an Electronic Health Record system is not an easy task to accomplish. During the implementation phase, risk issues include the consequences of the adjustment period, the need to acquire new information, the need to adopt new practices, the need to figure out flaws in the system, and the need...

“This Is the Voice of Algeria” by McLuhan

In the article, the writer expresses his dedicated glee of the revolutionary battles in many instances. Algeria was in a bad state and had in fact called off an election fearing that the Muslims would take over the highly sought office of the president, consequently running the Government affairs. The...

Sports Tourism and Events in Barbados

Elcock (2005) evaluated the connection between the developments of sports in relation to tourism prowess. The researcher performed this analysis through assessing the trends of tourism where affected by the sporting activities held within and outside Barbados. Primarily, this country was located within the tropics where the weather conditions favor...

Feminism Concepts in “Cinderella” Fairy Tale

Modern culture is still very much affected by folk tales even though nowadays standards of morality undergo significant changes. It is no wonder as the sources of eternal wisdom can be found in fairy-tails. People have always been in a search for entertaining, interesting, creative, easy and engaging ways of...

Hard Rock Café: Operations Management and Productivity

Operation management is a business area whereby a business is concerned with the production of goods and services. It makes sure that business processes are very efficient i.e. using fewer resources as required and effective in regards to meeting customers’ requirements. The ten decisions of operation management are very crucial...

“Gender Roles and Infant/Toddler Care: Male and Female Professors on the Tenure Track” by Steven Rhoads Article Review

The article “Gender roles and infant/toddler care: Male and female professors on the tenure track” by Steven Rhoads and Christine Rhoads relates important information with regards to the differences in child care strategies between male and female professors during their post-birth parental leave. Generally, the article argues that females are...

Human Trafficking as Violation of Human Rights

Human trafficking is a heinous issue that is very serious and dangerous for our society. When we think of slaves and slavery, we believe that the topic refers to the past centuries. However, this hideous and frightening crime is still present in our times. It is widely known that human...

Project and Study Design of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Teeneagers

The clinical issue for the current project is sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases, commonly known as STDs, are acquired through sexual contact with an infected person. STDs are caused by viruses, bacteria, yeast, or parasites, and some of the most well-known STDs are herpes, HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia....

Animal Exploitation and Utilitarianism

Unlike the non-human animals, we live in a society that does not believe the laws of nature to be the sole possessor of ultimate truth. Long years of human development have shaped another law that may be violated by some individuals but has a significant influence on our decision-making process....

The Awakening of Central Asian Islam

Introduction Most Soviet Muslims lived in Central Asia; they were the first to adopt Islam from the chronological point of view (7-9th centuries). There are two things that characterized Central Asian Islam: The unofficial clergy in the region has always been very influential, having emerged from Sufistic orders; it opposed...

Love vs Fear: The Song of Roland and Hamlet

In the substantial space, there are only two emotions that exist, love and fear, and all the other sentiments are just distinctions of the above mentioned. Such sentiments are like high opinion, conformity, and being acquiescent. To set in motion with love is a sentiment based on knowing that everything...

“The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation” by Jane Straus

The author of the book The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation, Jane Straus, dedicated her book to the main rules connected with parts of speech and punctuations usage. Jane Straus highlights the necessity to develop knowledge in this sphere as the basic one for further linguistic education. The whole...

Legal Age of Drinking and Debates Worldwide

The legal age of drinking is the minimum legally allowed age that a person is permitted to get access to or purchase an alcoholic beverage (a drink containing ethanol). These beverages include beers, wines, and spirits. It however differs from that age that one may be allowed to drink alcohol....

Competitive and Monopolistic Markets

Characteristics of a competitive market According to Tucker (2008), a competitive market has unlimited buyers and sellers of goods and services. In other words, the demand for goods and services by consumers is infinite and at the same time, producers have the liberty to supply goods and services to the...

Comparative Child of Russia and Kazakhstan

Russia: Maslenitsa Masha grew up in the north of Russia but has been living outside of her homeland for the last six years. She says that she had never realized what a great variety of rites and superstitions Russian people have until she moved to a different country. For example,...

“Night” by Elie Wiesel: Eliezer’s Lost Childhood and the Image in the Mirror

Sad circumstances in life… always leave deep wounds on people’s hearts and may change the entire personality of any individual. This is the very situation that has happened to Eliezer, the main protagonist of “Night” book by Elie Wiesel which represents the author himself. In the final scene, we learn...

New Technologies and Impact on Sports

The establishment and diverse application of technology is not only profound within the sporting sector, but also incorporated within the process of enhancing training and education. Essentially, the earlier strategies of disseminating information, collecting fans, conducting businesses, and teaching students are ineffective as perceived nowadays. It has been argued broadly...

Human Resource Management Aligned With Business Strategies

Introduction Ensuring the HR strategy is in alignment with the business strategy When formulating a strategic plan for businesses, managers or business owners sometimes leave out an essential aspect of these plans. Human resources are often not included during consultation in the planning process, but aligning HR with the business...

Mathematics in Liberal Arts and Sciences Education

It can be argued that when speaking about mathematics, the general conception of the public is that it is a discipline of numbers. With such belief being true, to an extent, it can be stated that the significance of such field in the digital age, being related to digits as...

Information Ethics in Business Enterprises

The use of an information code of conduct in a company is becoming more and more necessary at present. Rapid technological advances in the area cause the increase in the importance of ethics in information technology. In response, many businesses are instituting policies to regulate employees’ use of company-owned technology...

Soft Skills Definition and Description

A skill of effective communication may come naturally for some people, or it can be developed through practice. Considering that is usually ranked at the top of the list for prospective employees, it is important to learn how to communicate more clearly and effectively. During my mentorship, I learned and...

Baseball Stadiums’ Impact on Game Attendance

The study conducted by Roy (2008) was based on the previous literature claiming that over one hundred new minor league baseball stadiums had been established in a span of 10 years since 1990 but their economic relevance was unyielding in the long run. Moreover, it was evident that many researches...

Sexual Discrimination in Olympic Speed Skating

Introduction Eradicating old and unfair eligibility procedures and phrases that unjustly distinguish male’s participant capabilities from female’s capabilities contribute to attaining sexual equality during skating. The social construct that people should not be given prevalence by being members of the pampered gender needs to be applied in sports (Sarah, 2011)....

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

Summary of chapter Segmentation, targeting and positioning are all marketing strategies that can be used by manufacturers of a product to survive in the marketplace and stay above its competitors. As the market tightens up and consumer tastes change, manufacturers use these techniques to make profits. Segmentation refers to the...

Correlational Design in Forensic Psychology

Strengths and Limitations of Correlational Design Correlational designs are actively used in forensic psychology research in order to determine the meaningful relations between different types of variables. Researchers choose the correlational design when it is necessary to find out the presence of relationship between certain factors and persons’ behaviors, but...

“On the Sidewalk Bleeding” by Evan Hunter

There is an awful accident that happened recently in NYC with a sixteen-year-old boy Andy. It was 11:03 when he was stabbed by a stranger and was left on the sidewalk by himself with a knife in his chest. There is evidence that he was attacked because he belonged to...

Behavior-Based Safety in the Food Industry: DO IT Method

Behavior-based safety management is an important part of any company because it helps eliminate risks in the production process. The food production industry is one sector that requires especially close attention to safety issues. The so-called DO IT method is useful when applied to jobs in the restaurant industry, leading...

Performance Management in Business

The Measurement System used by my Employer and Suggestions for Improvement My employer uses a balanced scorecard system as a guide for each staff and team to understand the company’s strategies; in the form of objectives, metrics, initiatives and tasks. Using the performance dashboard alerts, the employer is aware of...

“Mother to Son” Poem by Langston Hughes

Published in 1922, “Mother to Son” was one of Langston Hughes’ early poems. Simple language and a powerful message created by the author make it accessible and meaningful to all readers. While Hughes captures the inspiring persistence of an aging mother, he also represents the struggle of African-Americans inherent in...

Interview Report on the Presidential Debate

The first face-to-face presidential debate took place on September 26, 2016. Hillary Clinton kept her cool, while Donald Trump was impassioned and engaging. The meaningful part of it was dedicated to economic issues. Teresa Garcia, a 20-year-old civil engineering student, carefully followed the presidential campaign and the debate as well....

Gregor is a Symbol in the Metamorphosis by Kafka

“One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in bed hr had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug” (Kafka 1). This is nonsensical! Kafka uses this ‘metamorphosis’ scene symbolically to achieve some assorted themes of the story. To understand why Kafka uses Gregor...

Retention Rate for African American Women Aged 40-50 in Obtaining Higher Education

Abstract The significance of higher education seems to have grown exponentially over the past few decades. Most jobs demand that the applicant should have a diploma. As a result, a number of people who failed at attaining the certificate of a graduate student rush to complete their courses. Among the...

Intercultural Communication: Problems and Benefits

Culture is a notion, which has a huge amount of meanings in different spheres of human activity. It is the object of study of such sciences as philosophy, history, linguistics, pedagogics, and others. In general, culture means human activity in all of its aspects, including all means of a persons...

Training Methods in Employee Management

Training is a prudent attribute facilitating the development of ideas and sharing of the existing knowledge across the globe. It is a reason why people retain a tradition of sharing information and create new discoveries to cover gaps in knowledge. Training is adopted by many sporting organizations where coaches assist...

Limited Government and Individual Liberty

A fast-growing government of the United States launched a bureaucratic mechanism empowered with unlawful methods of controlling and administering the state. The unlimited power granted to the government deprives citizens of the right of ownership and allows them to ignore the rules and premises established by the Constitution. Therefore, one...

Shakespeare’s Othello’s and O. J. Simpson’s Tragedies

Shakespeare provides very many examples that can be used for comparing O.J and Othello: the juice and the fish. They are all stars in different ways, champions, combatants, and gladiators. Therefore, having all these ideas in place it is possible to get down to comparing and contrasting the two. Othello...

Realism From a 21st Century Perspective

What does a person feel before death? Fear, panic, calm, hope, or maybe relief? First of all, pre-death feelings depend on a large number of factors: the emotional condition of a person, the circumstances of his or her life, the circumstances of death, and more. However, the range of thoughts...

Persuasion in Business Communication

Communication is a process by which information is passed from a source to a receiver. This means that for communication to take place there has to be an expression of thoughts, opinions or transfer of information. This can take place through written or spoken word or through symbols and actions....

Epidemiology: Waterborne Diseases Development

Research Question The development of waterborne illnesses is a serious global dilemma because of millions of cases related to infecting people by contaminated fresh water. This is of particular concern to such widespread diseases as botulism caused by the bacteria living in contaminated water. Because water is considered the main...

Sports Facilities Development and Building

Greenberg and Hughes (2011) argued that the cost of constructing and maintaining stadiums to hold major leagues had been increasing within the USA. Therefore, the researchers conducted a study hypothesizing that the citizens paying tax would use a higher amount of money to sustain these requirements in the future. The...

Relating Students to Social Studies

During decades teachers around the whole country are trying to understand the imperatives behind students’ attitude to social studies. Despite numerous efforts by teachers to provide a basis for fruitful lessons of the above mentioned course the students still express common opinion that social studies are boring and useless in...

Native American Women and Parenting

To each parent, upbringing a child is a daunting task and even a harder undertaking to parents belonging to minority communities such as Native American women due to derailing issues such as stereotyping, discrimination, and limited opportunities provided by the society. The purpose of this research study is to review...

Public Consultation and Stadium Developments

A research conducted by Scherer and Sam (2008) was motivated by lack of empirical research on the development of stadiums. It is also triggered by the involvement of the public in the decision-making process, especially in regard to use of government funding. Their research sought to evaluate the gaps in...

Limitations of EC Analysis

This paper deals with a critical aspect of limitations of EC and how it could impinge upon business progression and development. It is seen that there are fundamentally two types of limitations, non-technological and technological. Non-technological could be more easily remedied, since it could be in terms of market focus,...

Online Courses at Florida National University

On the homepage of Florida National University (FNU), the tab “online learning” offers a wide range of different programs for students. The question is: Are online courses better and more effective than studying on-campus? Is it easier for students to use these modern methods instead of those that are more...

History of Social Welfare and the Political Arena

Immigrants are seen invading United States of America through free scholarship and green cards. Immigrants affect the country financially. This is where the number of consumers increases hence fluctuating the budget. Communities which receive immigrants get support from social workers who are seen to be very generous, supportive and welcoming....

M17X Laptop: Product Evaluation Report

A product evaluation report is a tool that is used in the analysis of the performance features of a product, for the purposes of providing the customers with detailed information on the safety; quality, and performance standards of the given product. Consumer product reviews are very helpful to the customers...

School Effectiveness and School Improvement Movement

It is relatively agreeable that SESI is a Tayloristic model and thus its management has to take a hierarchical approach in any education system. The latter approach is essential since management elements need to countercheck how systems and structures with school settings are run to draw new ideas or better...

Business Ethics – Libertarian View

The Libertarians have acknowledged that employers have some moral obligations to protect the welfare of the employees. Employers must disclose the safety risks during the employment process so that their employees will have to make an informed judgment about where they want to work. They view that provided the business...

Islam in America: Movie Reflection

Today, Islam is one of the largest religions in America. More than 400,000 Muslims live in Chicago alone (Islam in America, 2015). Still, many people are ignorant about the main Muslim traditions, and Islamophobia is widespread. The movie Islam in America introduces Islam to the audience and carries the message...

“Schoolsville” by Billy Collins Review

“Schoolsville” is one of the most popular Billy Collin’s poems. This poem touches upon the theme of the boundaries between reality and unreality. Reading this poem firstly I had thought that it presents the memories of old teacher about his pupils but the last two verses confused me and made...

Nursing Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, Education

Licensure, accreditation, certification, and education (LACE) are essential in the healthcare sector since they ensure that nurses possess the required knowledge and skills. Every state has specific demands and policies regarding LACE and licensure. This means that all nursing programs have to be approved. These measures support the monitoring and...

Gender and Cultural Factors in Risky Behavior Among Adolescents in the US and Asia

Intrinsic pressures together with socially acceptable gender norms play part in the differences that males and females differ in risky behaviors. This is also affected by the culture and one’s background (Park and Kim, 2010). When it comes to making decisions on risk behaviors, individuals from both America and Asia...

“Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughes

I have never read anything more touching than Thank You, M’am by Langston Hughes. There are just two main characters in this story: an old woman Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, and a young boy, Roger, who appeared to be a pickpocket. The last tried to still Mrs. Luella’s purse...

Argument of Definition: Hate Speech

The law defines hate speech as any speech, gesture, writing, display, or conduct that is prohibited because it may incite some actions of violence or prejudiced action against a protected person or group or because it belittles or intimidates a protected person or group (O’Connor and Aaron 12). Outside law,...

The “Night” Novel by Wiesel Review

Wiesel’s intention in writing the novel ‘Night’ was to give a testimony of the horrors that took place during the Holocaust; consequently, the themes from the book reflect these intentions. Themes in the night When Elie was a young boy, he grew up in a sheltered environment where he assumed...

Social Order Perspective and a Conflict Perspective

Surprisingly, various human societies populating the Earth have one similar trait: they argue to reach mutual understanding. This is not stipulated by the cultural heritage and values; it is rather caused by the human need to attain truth, and this necessity is perfectly framed with the socio-cultural aspects. As such,...

Defamiliarization in Tristram Shandy

As it is well-known nowadays, a special artistic technique is meant under the term “defamiliarization”. Its main meaning is that the audience is forced to perceive the suggested things and actions from a distance, in an unfamiliar way, as if they were strangers there. The technique is aimed at the...

General Motors – Outsourcing and Success Metrics

Outsourcing a business function is common these days. It involves contracting out to an external provider a business function previously performed in-house. More and more businesses are increasingly outsourcing to suppliers outside their nation. Over the years General Motors has been pushing into multi-sourcing (contracting out to multiple companies), according...

Studies in Guatemala and Tuskegee: Syphilis

It should be noted that syphilis studies in Tuskegee and Guatemala are some of the most inhumane studies that have ever been held in the world. On the one hand, these experiments, which lasted for several decades, brought suffering and deaths of many innocent people, but, on the other hand,...

Drunken Driving as a Problem in Many Countries

Alcohol is a drink that is made from natural products like fruits and vegetables that are fermented by the use of yeast. Alcohol comes in different forms and can be used as an antiseptic or a sedative. When people drink alcohol, it gets absorbed in the bloodstream thus affecting the...

The Life of Married Woman: The Elements of Social Life

Life is made up of a number of events. Some bring happiness while others are a source of pain and misery. This essay is a focus on the events in the life of a female interviewee. Going by the name Grace, which is not her real name, this humble lady...

Stadiums as Solution Sets for Detroit Downtown

The investigation made by Lynn Bachelor (1998) centers around the problem of finding some solution sets for the development of Detroit Downtown. The author starts the article by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the mentioned solution sets with proper examples of putting the theory into practice. These cogitations are...

The Experience of Visiting the Energy Medicine Florida

Within the current project, I contacted a CAM practitioner in Miami, Florida Dr. Wu Dhi of the Energy Medicine Florida alternative cure center. The issue which I reported was a continuous spinal pain of unknown origins. The decision of addressing to Dr. Wu Dhi was well-thought, as his organization has...

Economics of Sports Facilities & Communities

Siegfried and Zimbalist (2012) evaluated the renovations and constructions of 46 major league stadiums as well as arenas within the United States from the year 1990 to 1998. In addition, there were forty-nine sporting facilities preparing for or undergoing construction. This increasing number of sporting facilities was coherent with the...

Theatre in the Age of Shakespeare

William Shakespeare’s plays have the outstanding status of being in the midst of the greatest in English language and literature. Historians have often regarded the fact that the fame of Shakespeare basically rests on his understanding of his human nature. Shakespearean theatre (Elizabethan theatre) plays a vital role in Western...

Third World Culture and Global Citizenship With Regard to Bilingualism

Third world culture The world is constantly becoming more and more intertwined. Countries and people are becoming more dynamic and interdependent. A couple who changes their original environment, move to a new country, and have a child there will be forced to rise up to the challenge of raising the...

Two Passages From ‘The Devil on the Cross’ by Ngugi

First passage In this passage Wariinga who is the main protagonist in this play talks about her material and emotional problems. In this case, it can be argued that Wariinga had been abandoned by her lover, which resulted in her emotional problems. From the passage, it can be argued that...

Russian Immigrants’ Oral History

Russia has always been interesting to me. Being the largest country in the world, it has its own unique and interesting history, which is full of the outstanding men, great achievements and mysteries. Their culture is just opposite to ours and it is very interesting to get to know about...

Fur No More: Los Angeles Bans Fur Products

The heart of the American fashion and design business, Los Angeles, is setting a new trend. The production and sales of fur clothing and accessories are going to be forbidden. The latest events show the increased interest of the fashion world in defending and promoting animal rights. The city of...

Sugar Cane Plantation and Slave Trade in South America

Sugar was introduced in South America in 1494. By 1500, the region was biggest the world’s sugar cane growing belt in the world. The introduction of cocoa and tea in Europe increased the demand for sugar. Further processing led to the production of chocolate. This made the popularity of sugarcane...

Company Keyence: HR Training Program

Training Medium To begin with, it is necessary to emphasize, that each variant has both merits and demerits. The selection of any particular variant should be base on the individual approach to a trainee. The selection of the training process and medium should be based upon the human resources principles,...

Responsibility as an Ethical Concept

I have always considered myself a person of high self-reflection abilities. I tend to analyze every single aspect of my life that I can control such, as my actions, decisions, emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Too often people look for someone to blame when they should be more conscious of themselves....

The Causes of Congestive Heart Failure

A literature review is a description of a publication on a certain subject attributed by researchers. In the selection of the topic of study by the researchers, there are some procedures that are usually followed. For instance: appraisal of the allied literature. This furthermore entails the methodical recognition of the...

Environmental Policy and Sustainability

Environmental sustainability and policy formulation are two main branches of the environment which are concerned with finding solutions to the problems that are affecting the environment. There are so many environmental problems that are facing the globe today due to a number of reasons including the rapid process of urbanization...

Analysis of Excerpts by Smith and Marx on Economic Development

Adam Smith is known as the patriarch of economics because his ideas have been widely used and adapted over the centuries. His concepts introduce a philosophical vision of economic functioning and regulations, including the division of labor. Meanwhile, Marx supplements Smith’s view on labor but considers it as estranged, which...

Sports City Zones Development for Urban Tourism

The study conducted by Smith (2010) assessed the new development of coding urban centers as sports’ destinations. It related the economic benefits arising from the activities of tourists to these regions. The researcher aimed to assess the prevailing indication and plan for regional cities of sports. He compared the existing...

“The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot

Introduction Majority of the modern poets are tend to express things with a negative tint, just differ from the traditional style of writing poetry. The modern poet T.S Eliot is notable for using the same and his great epic, ‘The Waste Land’ exemplifies it. The very opening line of the...

Beowulf, a Never Forgotten Hero

Early English literature flourished after the Anglo-Saxons had settled in England between the 5th and the 12th centuries, a long period of migration, and conflicts over the supremacy, where kings could only rely on the loyalty of their men. Almost ineluctably, first literary compositions exalted the figure of the hero,...

Reflections on Chaucer’s “The Prologue”

Chaucer’s goal in “The Prologue” of his famous work The Canterbury Tales was to demonstrate, with some humor, the common figures of the day, and how they mix and intermingle when thrown together. As Dryden stated: “it is sufficient to say, according to the proverb that here is God’s plenty.”...

Impact of World War II on Balkan Nationalism, States and Societies

World-War II spanned the period of six years (from 1939 to 1945) and marked a major turn in human history through massive human slaughter, an unprecedented level of property destruction, power tussle, as well as a significant level of scientific and technological advancement which ushered in the nuclear age, and...

Readings on Slavery and Racial Segregation in the US

There are certain themes expressed in the readings that are too surprising to be true. Many years after slavery was abandoned, the black generation is still suffering its consequences. Despite the fact that some of the black parents have succeeded and are involved in high-profile jobs in the United States,...

Knowles’, Barr, and Keating’s Educational Program Planning Models

The success of any educational process depends on its planning. It is the plan that provides a framework for the educational process. Educators use various models when planning for educational programs. Most popular program planning models in use are Knowles’ and Barr and Keating’s models of planning. Though they may...

Workers and Immigrants During the World War I and II

The expectations of labor workers, arising out of propaganda from the first World War, were too high to be fulfilled. The revolution in the Soviet Union inspired American workers to strike, resulting in the steel strike in 1919 when thousands of workers (some of them immigrants) demanded higher wages and...

Self-Quiz on Eating Habits

Introduction A Healthy life involves various combinations of what is stored in the body and how it is managed. For one to lead a healthy life it is important to manage what you eat and the quantity of the food eaten, furthermore, exercises are also important for a healthy life....

Corporate Social Responsibility for Development Through Sport

Levermore (2011) presented an empirical study depicting the association between CSR and sports as aspects fueling economic and social development. The research was conducted to address the paucity and dilemma apparent in relation to the evaluation of CSR. The results had the capability to avail vital information on how development...

“Leaves from a Slave’s Journal of Life” by Lewis Clarke

Type Although the story is narrated from the third-person perspective, the primary source chosen for the analysis can be defined as an autobiography since the events described in it occurred in the authors’ life as well. Title The autobiography was published under the title of Leaves from a Slave’s Journal...

The World of War in Human History

In world history, war has always been prevalent in all cultures. But the manner of fighting and the types of war has also been changing with times. The twentieth-century war differs from the colonial wars. In my essay, I will illustrate the difference in the manners of the two wars....

Human Jumping and Bobbing Forces on Flexible Structures

Summary and Purpose The purpose of this article was to explore the impacts of human jumping and bobbing forces on slender and flexible structures. The study relies on previous test to evaluate the impacts of damping and structural mass on slender and flexible stadia. The article argues that dynamic forces...

An Inconvenient Truth by Davis Guggenheim

It is a documentary film aimed at creating awareness about global warming. It was released in 2006. One of the most interesting things about the film was the involvement of Al Gore the former US vice president who was responsible for the idea of the film. It became an instant...

“The Theatre of the Absurd” Term Definition

The term, “The Theatre of the Absurd” originates from Martin Esslin. The meaning of the term can be traced back in 1920 and 1930s to explain the events that were taking place to ascertain the impermanency of man and all his valuables. Esslin who is a theater critic got the...

A Mistake of Arguing from Contradictory Premises

First of all, we need to get a clear meaning of what an argument means. Arguments are connected to a number of statements which most of them have the intentions of offering reasoning, sustainment, and confirmation of certainty of any of the statements being considered. Arguments are also known as...

The Black Death Description and Analysis

The Black Death was a devastating epidemic that swept across the European continent between 1346 and 1353 killing more than one-third of its population. The disease was transferred to humans through fleas from dying rodents. Before arriving in Europe, it depopulated vast areas of Tartary, India, Mesopotamia, and Syria. The...

The Story ‘A Rose for Emily’ by Faulkner

The story A Rose for Emily by Faulkner is being told in several time periods not following one after another linearly. This is called nonlinear narrative. The author first describes Miss Emily’s funerals and then the events that took place before her death and led her to such a miserable...

Balanced Scorecard: Performance Management Tool

Assessment This essay presents an assessment of a balanced scorecard used by an organization in a real estate business environment. A balanced scorecard serves as a performance management tool (Eckerson, 2011). When a company optimizes the implementation of a balanced score card, then the company assumes a capacity for managing...

Crimes Among Children: “Kids Who Kill Are Still Kids” by R. Cohen

“Kids who kill are still kids” is such an interesting statement Richard Cohen has proposed. And I must admit, that the author uses logos, pathos, and ethos to prove his statement to the audience. Such a statement is very urgent because a lot of examples of murders, fights, violations, and...

The Simpsons vs. Family Guy

Both The Simpsons and Family Guy satirize the current problems of the contemporary family. Those animated television sitcoms are also aimed at revealing the major shortcomings and merits of the American lifestyle. Hence, the first show is more concerned with revealing humor imposed on cultural biases and a wide range...

Columbus Day Overview and Analysis

Columbus Day is a holiday celebrated throughout North and South America. It is also celebrated in some European countries, such as Italy and Spain. The day of the celebration is October 12. The day is meant to commemorate the discovery of the American continent by Christopher Columbus. This discovery changed...

Social Phobia or Anxiety as Epidemiological Phenomenon

The main purpose of this report is to discuss social phobia or anxiety as an epidemiological phenomenon. First, it is of crucial importance to define this mental disorder. In Richard Heimbergs opinion, it can be interpreted as apprehension, fear, or discomfort, arising in connection with social activities or interactions with...

Personality Disorders: Psychopaths and Sociopaths

Personality disorders are “ingrained patterns of relating to other people, situations, and events with a rigid and maladaptive pattern of inner experience and behavior, dating back to adolescence or early adulthood” (Halgin, & Whitbourne, 2007). Among described types of disorders, I would like to concentrate on antisocial behavior. People of...

Focus Child: Improving Children’s Language, Print and Phonological Awareness

The main concern of Pascal Lefebvre and Natacha Trudeau article is the influence and the effectiveness of shared storybook reading on the preschoolers. The purpose of article is to demonstrate such influence on the preschoolers from the poor families comparing to the children from the middle classes with the help...

Horror as a Genre of Art

The Problem of Identity in Contemporary Japanese Horror Films Discussing the question of horror attractiveness, described in Timothy Iles’ article The Problem of Identity in Contemporary Japanese Horror Films we may distinct a notable point, which makes author’s opinion unique and differ Japanese horror films from Western horror movies especially...

Fathers in Faulkner’s Barn Burning and Barreca’s Nighttime Fires Comparison

In the story Barn Burning by William Faulkner and in the poem Nighttime Fires By Regina Barreca we encounter fathers who react to their situation using fires. Their need for revenge against society affects their families as they become involved. The fathers are disappointed by society and fire helps them...

Chivalric Code in Sir Gawain and the Green Knights

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a Middle-English alliterative romance that outlines the adventures of Sir Gawain. He and other characters are being guided by the code of chivalry which shapes the values described in the poem. All of the most important human virtues are depicted in the poem,...

“The Odyssey” Analysis by Richard P. Martin

Odyssey is a Greek poem attributed to Homer; and is an essential aspect within the contemporary western principle. In this epic Odysseus had traveled to fight the Trojan War and due to his return, suitors tried to convince his wife Penelope that he had died in the war so that...

The Canterbury Tales: Chaucer’s Views on Social Mores

In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer constructs a rich portrayal of medieval society and social mores. Chaucer’s world is vibrant and populated with archetypes that seem to fit neatly in social and moral categories. The knight is of high moral stature and chivalry, the prioress is “gentle” and “piteous.” The characters...

Global Trends Affecting a Local Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers

Drug abuse is one of the greatest problems affecting the world today. Many countries have had to deal with so many problems that come with the use of harmful drugs. Some of the commonly abused drugs include alcohol, cocaine, bhang, and hero (Higgins, 2007). Apart from these, pharmaceutical drugs have...

Islamophobia in Europe: Switzerland, Geneva

The term Islamophobia is a word that has often been used to describe the discrimination that the Muslims face in Western Europe. The term emerged as a result of lack of a common understanding between the native Europeans and the Muslims politically, socially and legally. The term has in most...

The Department of Homeland Security

The present world is full of different dangers, as those which are made by nature, and also those which can be a result of people’s actions. We are talking about terrorism, technical disasters and nature phenomenon which may appear in the modern world, and that there must be the structure...

Debt Regime: Rich and Poor Nations

While studying various instruments of decolonization of the global South, I have learned about the debt regime which occurred in the Third World countries, described in Philip McMichael’s Development and Social Change. Many countries suffered from debt crisis in 1980s. It happened when they realized that they are not able...

Strong Central Government: Public Administration

Introduction A strong central government is a political system whereby, all the laws that are supposed to govern a country are made by the central government. Some people argue that it is the most appropriate system of governance because it does away with the variations that would affect the approach...

The Relationship Between C-Commerce and Corporate Portal

C-commerce or collaborative commerce is a new development in e-commerce which means the application and use of electronic technology in almost all aspects of the business. C-commerce can be defined as “The methods, in which enterprises interact electronically to plan, design, build, buy, sell, distribute, and support goods and services.”...

Widespread Obesity in Low-Income Societies

The United States is home to many companies and individuals that promote the worldwide standards of attractiveness. Hollywood stars, famous athletes, and popular musicians set the hallmark for both female and male appearances, and the corporations controlling those celebrities use them to promote their views of femininity and masculinity. In...

Writing and Revising Papers – A Personal Experience

It is hard to find a person who had never written a paper in their life. After elementary school, tasks that involve writing one become increasingly frequent. In university, the ability becomes second nature, like breathing. A meticulous process of planning out your paper, editing, and reviewing it is required,...

Human Relations: “Mending Wall” and “A Fance an Onion”

The problem of human relations to each other has been reinforced in literature from the beginning of the twentieth century. More and more literary works manifest the idea of the “raising wall” among the people. The conception of separatism has gained force within the last 100 years. Sociologists believe that...

Causes of the Haiti Earthquake

An earthquake also referred to as an earth tremor is a phenomenon that takes place as a result of the abrupt discharge of energy within the Earth’s outer layer that leads to the formation of seismic waves. The apparatus used for the detection and registration of earthquakes is referred to...

Social-Behavioral Skills of Elementary Students with Physical Disabilities

The article “Social–behavioral skills of elementary students with physical disabilities included in general education classrooms” written by Coster, W. J. and Haltiwanger J. T. in 2004 discusses the problem of teaching the children with physical disabilities. It is the main idea and the purpose of the research related to this...

Christian Social Concern in Pentecostal Perspective

Pentecostalism has turned out to be a strong basis in terms of renewal and spreading of the gospel. The Pentecostal mission has grown and now has many followers who believe in God, and they just keep growing in number. The Pentecostal community teaches according to what is prophesied in the...

In His Steps: How Did Maxwell, Norman, and the Shabby Stranger View the City of Raymond?

In the novel In His Steps, Charles M. Sheldon explores the problems in society by observing the city of Raymond through the eyes of different characters. Sheldon’s goal was to “urge Christians to join forces to ameliorate social ills” (Smith 114). This essay examines the characters’ thoughts on Raymond. The...

Nokia Company Strategic Management

Segmentation strategy has been successful for Nokia because it introduced low cost products available for large target market. Nokia is a company that differentiates products and is faced with the need to instill an image in the minds of customers that distinguishes their products from others and causes the customer...

Management Skill: Personal and Professional Development

Management skills in the context of personal and professional development are a very important issue in the modern corporate world. Alchian & Demsetz (2007) indicate that management skills like personal and professional development in the Management System of an organization are one of the most significant facets of the working...

Free Will According to Susan Wolf

According to Susan Wolf, free will involves conducting oneself in a manner that is consistent with reason guided by what is good and what is true. This means that people are free when they do the correct things and slaves to their own flesh when they act in the wrong...

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke Comparison

Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes was a famous philosopher from England whereby he dwelt much on philosophical ideas in politics. He was born on the 5th day of April 1588. Hobbes was very instrumental in developing some political theories which were mainly geared towards protecting the sovereignty and rights of citizens....

Religious Philosophy: Term Definition

There is indeed an infinite amount of variation in terms of what meaning is given by people to God. There are several common connotations which are often considered in this regard, especially amongst the people who come from more of a westernized culture of philosophy and religion. Since this category...

Most Typical Problems Parents Face

There are many problems that parents face today. It is sometimes difficult to deal with children who forget very fast. What a parent has instructed the children to do is sometimes not done. On the other hand, a parent may instruct a child not to do certain things but the...

Connection Between Summum Bonum and Moral Right Action

According to Mills, any action has to be considered either as being morally upright or being morally incorrect. He explains that this is actually a property of every action. An action is considered to be morally upright according to the extent which it causes, a given individual or the society...

Galileo’s Telescope for Astronomy and Cosmology

Galileo went to Florence in search of more opportunities to satisfy his genius, ignoring all the pleasures of Padua. In 1609, the telescope arrived in Italy. There is no documentation about the invention of the telescope. Galileo had heard about this invention and was really interested in it. The news...

Modern Issues in “The Myth of Sisyphus” by Camus

The article by Camus titled “The Myth of Sisyphus” is dedicated to the account of mythology and its reflection on the modern situation of the middle of the 20th century – the author ties the myth telling about eternal tortures of Sisyphus and the human sufferings that he sees at...

Proletariat and Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

Marx puts to question the victory claimed by the Bourgeoisie in the midst of a struggle of classes (Marx 72). The emergence of a new class of industrial workers (proletariat) emerges as a threat to the members of the bourgeoisie. He further predicts a possible overthrow of the bourgeoisie masters...

Theme in Thomas’ Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night

Dylan Thomas was a master of the form, and the poem Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night is a wonderfully powerful villanelle. Each line builds upon the previous and the power grows like successive waves upon a lake. The rhyme scheme and the metaphors create an image that...

Business and Economics: Business Description

The human resource department is a very important section in an organization as it enables the organizations top management to conduct its functions perfectly with little amount of shortcomings being reported, this is because the top management uses these department to recruit qualified professionals who will perform their tasks without...

Voice-Activated Brake System Pricing Strategies in the UK

Pricing strategies are defined by companies according to their development cost. Changing focus from the domestic market to international requires innovation in all the settings such as technology. Most companies are faced with the challenge to maintain a competitive edge to survive and be prosperous. Strategies are therefore planned to...