Hospitality Management: Food and Beverage Management

A person is preparing for their last high school exam and looking forward to a career in hospitality management, which is currently one of the best in the field since it provides with prosperous opportunities. The one who gets a hospitality management degree is given the necessary skills for the...

The Overarching Theme of Miller’s “The Crucible”

The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller in 1953 when America was still affected by the McCarthy regime. During this era, communism was regarded as a serious threat, and many people were under suspicion of being or sympathizing with communists. Therefore, in order to avert suspicion from themselves,...

Health Industry System’s Performance Improvement

Evolving information platform enables clinicians to gather data and information from practically all points of care, enhance treatment benefit, and interact with patients in ways never previously possible, all of which are fundamental drivers of managed care organizations and inhabitants’ health services. The ability of data to flow readily and...

Stroke: Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Stroke Analysis and Best Practices for Improved Health Stroke is a medical emergency disease that happens when part of a brain collapses after losing blood supply. The part of the body controlled by the affected section of the brain also stops functioning (Alqwaifly et al., 2020). Stroke is also known...

“Parable of the Sower” as a Signal for Humanity

Introduction It is anxiously to analyze how close Octavia Butler was in her prophecies, which were described in the novels Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents. In these novels, the gap between rich and poor, inequality, limited resources, and drug influence made life on Earth a survival...

Swan Lake: How Matthew Bourne Made Love Absolute

Introduction Swan Lake is a work that has become a world classic. It has resonated in the hearts of many people and has become a benchmark for them among ballets. The ballet’s musical accompaniment is striking: the composer was the Russian classical composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. He gave each note...

Heritage and Tradition in ”Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

Are heritage and tradition different for people who belong to the same culture? The story Everyday Use, written by Alice Walker, portrays two different overviews of one’s heritage under the circumstances that the two polar viewpoints belong to people within the same family. On the one hand, Mama is a...

The Issues of the Culture Wars: Political Impact on Americans

Introduction In a country as diverse and vast as the United States, it is no surprise that some distinct but neighboring cultural traditions and values result in clashes. The Culture Wars refers to the conflict between different communities and groups based on the beliefs of the superiority of each culture...

Revolutionary Aspects of Scientific Revolution

A revolution in any area of human activity is characterized by profound, qualitative changes in the current system. While this word is most often associated with political change, more critical turning points can be found in human history. Events such as the French Revolution can leave behind a documentary legacy,...

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Immunization

Autism is a more frequently diagnosed ailment than formerly acknowledged, and much is now being written in the mainstream media about the disease’s catastrophic and permanent characteristics. Alleged connections among vaccination and neurological delays, most notably autistic disorders, have sparked significant controversy and anxiety among parents seeking to make the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Gemeinhart

Summary Future and self-imagination go hand in hand. Whether or not to take a step to the next level is a personal decision that requires a cognitive evaluation. For instance, Coyote’s journey is the book that indicates the outcome of the next step, which is often uncertain in the real...

Catholic Church’s Contributions in Medieval Europe

In the Medieval era, the Catholic Church was the main dominant force in religion across Europe. The church was more than just a religion as it played a significant role in determining the lives of the people who lived in this time. Its leaders ruled over many elements of the...

Experiential Learning of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Introduction Studying entrepreneurship in higher education is both practical and theoretical research shows that one must employ experiential knowledge and go through the process called “learning by doing”. To many, it is a new phenomenon in a large field of inquiry that has enhanced new skills and knowledge in innovation...

Achilles’ Pride and Hubris in Homer’s “The Iliad”

The Iliad is probably one of the most popular and influential Homer’s works around the globe. This epic poem provides the reader with a variety of images related to Ancient Greece, characters, both heroes and villains, and values that define human qualities. Pride is one of the strongest themes in...

Clinics or Hospitals: Evidence-based Practice in Action

With the development of medical services, many different institutions have appeared that provide medical services to people. Hence, the two main types of such organizations are clinics and hospitals. The main conditions, in addition to the work schedule and funding sources, are conditions and methods of treatment due to differences...

The Problem of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

Introduction Commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is a topical issue related to children and youth in the US. CSEC represents acts of child abuse, which involve such actions as prostitution, trafficking for sexual purposes, early marriage, stripping, pornography, and other criminal activities related to children’s and adolescents’ engagement in...

Online Methods of Launching Books

A Grant Proposal for Book Launching Event Every nonprofit organization wishes to have an event for launching or promoting products and services. Such events can be of massive benefit to the firm in improving its profile, raising funds to be used, and engaging its stakeholders, such as the community and...

Social Capital and COVID-19 Relationship

Bartscher, Alina Kristin, Danmarks Nationalbank, Sebastian Seitz, Sebastian Siegloch, Michaela Slotwinski, and Nils Wehrhöfer. “Social capital and the spread of Covid-19: Insights from European countries.” Journal of Health Economics (2021): 102531. Keywords: COVID-19, social capital, health, and Europe. The article investigates the relationship between social capital and the COVID-19. Contrary...

Employee Displacement with New Technology

The idea of replacing humans with quality operating machines and destroying today’s globally perceived patterns of social hierarchy has now become one of the most widely used within the industry of popular culture. Thus, when being constantly triggered by near-apocalyptic predictions for the future of civilization, people unquestionably become terrified...

Legalizing Medical Marijuana

Legalizing marijuana is a controversial question because people have different views regarding the safety of this drug. However, the fact that a significant number of states have legalized the use of marijuana in healthcare displays that this substance receives its support among policymakers due to its beneficial effect and safety....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Importance and Methods Motivating Employees

Motivation is the process through which goal-oriented activities are initiated, guided, and maintained. It has been researched for years, and business executives have utilized numerous surveys to establish their employees’ personality types to predict their behaviours and inclinations better. Furthermore, motivational books are often used to encourage staff to improve...

Statistics in Healthcare: Sun Rays Exposure

Introduction Statistics that keep track of mortality, fertility, and many other life indicators in a region or country include many more hands than it might seem at first glance. A considerable number of different relationships, including mainly the causes of death and the proportional mortality rate, show the ratio of...

Christopher Columbus: Wikipedia Revisions

The last couple of decades has been exceptionally productive in terms of the people’s involvement in the social life of the US. Moreover, the issues that are often being discussed are related to new historical findings and the understanding of certain factors that have not been accurately covered before. One...

Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs

Introduction When a patient visits the healthcare system, there are high chances of prescribing medication. Some of the essential factors to consider before prescribing a drug to a patient are health history and physical examination of the patient (Rosenthal & Burchum, 2018). A nurse or physician should prescribe based on...

A Beautiful Mind: A Film About an Outstanding Man

Introduction A Beautiful Mind is a film in which Russell Crowe superbly played a brilliant schizophrenic mathematician. The film is based on the book by Sylvia Nazar, the story of the thorny path of one genius, his ups, downs, love, and suffering. An excerpt from it was published in the...

Gilgamesh’s Lesson in Search for Immortality

The story of Gilgamesh mainly deals with matters affecting human life. Gilgamesh is celebrated for his successes as a human, such as protecting the city and learning to accept mortality and not his dimity. Initially, he did not fear anything because he had powers bestowed by the gods to rule...

Devices to Improve Healthcare Service Delivery

Introduction Healthcare providers are facing challenges while delivering quality care following the COVID-19 pandemic. The medical staff and affiliated workers experience physical and psychological pressure in diagnosing, assessing, providing treatment, and tracing patients’ recovery processes. Therefore, the report provides a proposal and development of IoT-based devices to improve practices in...

The North and the South Differences by 1860

By the eve of the Civil War, the American economy was still transitioning. In the 1800s, what was considered a purely agricultural economy was still in its initial stages, courtesy of the industrial revolution. With the industrial revolution, the United States quickly became one of the forces to be reckoned...

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson: A Story Analysis

In Marxist criticism, the rich exploit the poor to become more powerful and wealthy. In The Lottery story by Jackson, Mr. Summer is seen to entice the poor to play the lottery to gain more wealth. In a capitalist world, the rich protect their family from exploitation by the capitalist....

Gross Domestic Product Uses and Limitations

Uses Gross domestic product (GDP) is the sum worth of goods and services created in a country over a given period. It is calculated by summing the value of goods and services produced for sale and includes given nonmarket production, for instance, health or education services provided by the government....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Terrorism: Radicalization and the Internet

Terrorism actively uses the Internet to inform, motivate and attract lone extremists to its side. The self-radicalization of people on the Internet as a path to violence is a growing threat that is very difficult to combat: the authorities often propose to deal with it in their usual ways –...

Regulation, Accreditation, and Ethics in Health Care

Introduction Healthcare regulatory compliance is the compliance of a health care organization with laws, rules, guidelines, and specifications. It is a continuous process of meeting or exceeding the legal, ethical, and professional standards applicable to a particular healthcare organization. Health care organizations need to develop effective processes, policies, and procedures...

Solid-Liquid Equilibrium in a Binary System

The cooling curves of the pure compounds and various mixtures were used to construct a solid-liquid phase diagram of the biphenyl and naphthalene systems. A phase diagram shows melting, freezing, vaporization, and sublimation. These graphs represent the temperature, pressure, and composition relationships. One of the easiest ways is to use...

Weimar Republic and Rise of National Socialist Party

Every school teacher needs to prepare materials for lessons properly. What is interesting in this process is that different teachers prefer various approaches to the preparation. The lesson discussed here is the part of the world history course of the 8th or 9th level in school. It will be dedicated...

Researching the Concept of Groupthink

Summary Groupthink refers to a psychological phenomenon where someone strives for agreement within a group. In most scenarios, people sideline their own beliefs and opinions and adopt the views of the group (Valine, 2018). People who disagree with the prevailing opinions of the group prefer to be quiet instead of...

Hotel Rwanda and the Misrepresentation of African Culture

Introduction The portrayal of Africa and African peoples in western culture has always been influenced by the concept of “Heart of Darkness.” Ever since the first colonizers came to Africa to establish the dominance of the West, the view of the local nations has always been that of underdeveloped, barbaric,...

Decision Models for Management Course Exercises

Abstract Self-assessments allowed students to understand what strengths and weaknesses they have. This is necessary in order to get to know themselves more deeply, as well as to assess how effective they will be in their work. Specifically, me, the exercises helped to pay more focused attention to how significant...

Mayo Clinic Website’s Effectiveness Analysis

Mayo Clinic Website Mayo Clinic is one of the world-class clinics in the health sector with various departments that help intervene in various health conditions. The healthcare facility boasts highly qualified healthcare practitioners who have enabled them to acquire a good global reputation in the healthcare domain. Their main objective...

Robert Kane’s Visions of Free Will and Responsibility

Robert Kane, a famous philosopher, formulated the concept of free will, which is a relevant topic for discussion even nowadays. Free will is one of the most debatable problems of philosophy; many people still examine human will as an object of freedom. This topic is highly relevant to philosophers and...

Tony Stark: Trait Theory

Introduction This paper represents a detailed analysis of Tony Stark’s personality that is performed in accordance with the trait theory. The author is going to link unique behaviors and personality traits from Avengers: Age of Ultron to Tony Stark’s character in the movie. The first section of the paper is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Male Dominant Healthcare Field and Women’s Health

Introduction In recent years, much attention has been paid to gender relations. Indeed, interpersonal relationships of people largely determine their activities. Over the years of humanity’s existence, people have formed particular attitudes toward the roles and characteristics of men and women in society. For this reason, misunderstandings and even discrimination...

Frida Kahlo: Master Drawing in Art History

Frida Kahlo was a stunning woman who expressed her tragedies in the form of paintings. She was a Mexican native-born on 16th July in 1907. Her father was from Germany, while her mother was a descent of Spanish and India. Moreover, she had three siblings named Adriana, Christine, and Matilde....

How the Bible Portrays a Unified Story

Considering its diversity and rich storyline, the Bible can be converted into billions of classic books of different genres. The foundation of all the stories created is to glorify God’s supreme authority since everything on the earth was created through him. Therefore, the Bible tells the same story based on...

Social Worker Challenges Today and the Future of the Planet

Abstract The paper examines the possible positions taken by social workers in the United States and the United Nations. The demography and characteristics of social workers are considered. The work compares ambitious projects to improve the public future and finds similarities between them. The personal ambitions of the employee and...

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Review

Shirley Jackson gained a reputation as a literary witch, which later novels brought the author. However, already in the “Lottery,” the talent for the anatomically accurate depiction of the human soul was revealed. The author has stories that can excite the reader’s emotions on the fine line between the real...

Amazon’s Social Media Services

I was asked to write an informal informational memorandum about how Amazon utilizes social media while communicating with its customers. I investigated related data and facts in order to assess the interrelation between social media usage and goodwill maintenance. Moreover, I was asked to identify if there are any opportunities...

“Desiree’s Baby” by Chopin and “Young Goodman Brown” by Hawthorne

Introduction Desiree Aubigny and Faith Brown are characters in the short stories “Desiree’s Baby” by Kate Chopin and “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The heroines of these stories are young women who faced several trials in their family life. However, it would be wrong to decide that the women...

Harm From Social Networks and Internet Usage

Introduction In my opinion, the Internet communications, such as social media, emails, Google, Instagram, or WhatsApp, cause people to drift farther apart instead of being closed. It can be illustrated by the picture everyone can see: people on their cell phones all day and sometimes even all night. Sometimes, people...

Aromatic and Carbonyl Compounds and Interactions

A detailed study of the regularities of chemical molecule interactions at both the molecular and electronic levels allows summarizing the available knowledge and identify key trends qualitatively. Among others, it is of research value not only to generalize but also to identify the potential of reaction pathways and bias effects...

Transforming Biomedical Informatics and Literacy

The Internet continues to change how patients and health care professionals interact today. The Internet provides health-related information, including generally understandable symptoms, treatment options, and expected outcomes. An example of a medical website that provides patient safety information is MedlinePlus, providing general education for health consumers or a broad audience....

The Texas Border Security: Impact of Immigration

Abstract The Texas border security is widely discussed in the press, and multiple politicians are willing to address the issue or deny its existence. However, it is evident that the Texas border is illegally crossed daily, which leads to an increase of unregistered individuals on the territory of the US....

Misrepresentation by the Media and Government Regulations

Public Perception of women is misrepresented, disempowering them in politics and social life featured in the “Miss Representation” documentary. The analysis development starts with identifying how media influence individual beliefs and norms. Then how our beliefs about ourselves and others are shaped by what we see. Monitoring media influence through...

Utilitarianism Applications and Criticism

Introduction Decision-making in various situations depends on the paradigm a person uses to analyze the results of their actions and choices. Under these conditions, there are numerous theories that might be applicable to various situations to determine their nature and outcomes. For instance, consequentialism is a paradigm implying that the...

Censorship in Digital Technology

Introduction The Internet is one of the greatest results of the human mind’s application of digital technology. However, what it later became was not as great as the original idea. For a long time, the Internet remained an unregulated space where any type of content, even immoral and harmful, could...

Endometriosis: Symptoms and Possible Treatments

Diagnosis The medical terminology for the disease is centered around the term of endometriosis, but the emphasis is put on the differential symptoms. The examples include infertility, generalized pelvic pain, dyspareunia, and dysmenorrhea (Mounsey et al., 2006). In the case of the former, there are symptoms such as tubal disease...

Grey Squirrels: Fieldwork Observations

The grey squirrel is a mammal that is native to the United States and some provinces of Canada. Due to its grey fur, the squirrel frequently occurs in city environments since the color increases the species’ survival rate in urban conditions. As a consequence, these animals and their behavior are...

Similarities and Character Differences of Hamlet and Laertes

Hamlet and Laertes received the same types of education and were taught to follow the same ideals and morals. This made both of them exhibit comparable aspects of respect, love, and revenge. Although Hamlet and Laertes display similar qualities, they vary in that Hamlet is indecisive, rational, wise, and motivated...

Immigration Effects on the United Kingdom

Introduction As globalization progresses, the world economy has developed significantly through the exchange of people across national borders. Through the expansion of people exchanges and their accumulation in cities, various kinds of knowledge have been collected, and by exerting synergistic effects, benefits such as the creation of innovation and improvement...

Canadians’ Reaction to Alcohol as a Newly-Invented Illicit Drug

Introduction The possible reaction of Canadians to alcohol, if it was a newly-invented illicit drug, will differ depending on their personal characteristics and essential external circumstances. The former is mainly presented by age, severe mental health conditions, and the overall attitudes towards substance use (Canadian Center of Substance Use and...

Healthcare Research: Body Comp Lab

The central purpose of the present experiment is to investigate the ability to measure student body parameters, particularly adipose tissue, using a variety of techniques. The more specific objectives of the study include the use of BOD POD, HW, and BIA as techniques for physically quantifying adipose tissue, and BMI,...

Collaborative Organizational Changes in Police

Any organizations come to the point when change is necessary. However, to discern the exact nature of change, to gain propositions about it from different perspectives, and to implement it correctly, various approaches are used. On the way of introducing changes, an organization might face different obstacles: resistance of employees,...

The Repeal of Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Act

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act Among the reasons for the GFC, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act plays a significant role. The law repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, which had regulated the relationship of commercial banks regarding investment activities since 1933 (Carpenter, Murphy, E., Murphy, M., 2016). The law greatly...

Normative Ethics and Medical Care

Introduction In the discussion presented, Jo Ellen is admitted to the hospital after an incident involving a medical drug overdose. Judging by the attitudes of the patient, along with the information provided on the Notarized Advance Directive, it becomes clear that the 53-year-old has attempted to decisively end her life....

Communication Competence Analysis

Introduction Over the last two decades, educational leaders and advocates have emphasized the importance of communication ability in higher education. Writing, critical thinking, and problem-solving are all included as crucial learning goals for undergraduates. Communication competency is probably not a phrase that academics or university officials have used. Because its...

Budget and Finances of Brevard County, Florida

Budgets are pivotal when it comes to controlling and managing the government’s finances and achieving financial reporting objectives. In particular, the connection between budget preparation and financial planning highlights the crucial role of specific documentation in various governmental organizations. According to Miller (2017), when a financial plan is adopted by...

The Mexican Drug War and “Queen of the South”

Introduction It is common for artists to use real-world experiences to make their artworks more influential, close to the audience, and meaningful. Some events from the past or modern issues and circumstances may inspire creators and later be used in their movies, books, paintings, or music. One example of an...

Providing Quality Care in Healthcare Setting

Reducing the Harm Caused in the Delivery of Care The reduction of harm caused in the delivery of care entails the reduction of adverse effects of medical behaviors. However, the problematic undertaking does not necessarily get to be reduced. A good example of that is the reduction of the exchange...

Sociology of False Consciousness

Introduction False consciousness refers to how ideological, material, and institutional processes are perceived to mislead the proletariat in societies. It conceals the rampant and inhumane exploitation by the bourgeoisie in a capitalistic setting. The term explain explains the case where the lower-class individuals willingly embodied the oppression of the wealthy....

United Airlines Customer Service Case Study

Introduction The way companies treat their clients predetermines the perception of the brand by the general public. It is important because the contemporary penetration of social media publicity into everyday life makes every corporate action matter to society. Ultimately, the impact of customer service outcomes is seen in the profits...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Gender Roles in Married at First Sight and Other Media Sources

Summary Gender roles refer to the behaviors and attitudes that individuals learn as acceptable to their biological sex due to the prevailing cultural norms. Every society and culture has different gender role expectations, which are likely to change over a given period. Gender role definition occurs under various aspects such...

The Old Testament and Ancient Near East

Introduction The expansion of our knowledge of the culture of the Ancient Near East, which became possible as a result of archaeological discoveries, has opened up new perspectives for the study of the Old Testament. In these discoveries, humanity was able to touch the already lost literary heritage of the...

Automation of Insurance Industry: Personal Reflection

With the sudden outbreak of Covid-19, different industrial companies have invested in advancing digital platforms and technologies to guarantee the sustainability of their operations. As technological developments accelerate, customer expectations are constantly changing. Through a variety of innovative solutions, an essential change in the insurance industry is, therefore, being encouraged....

Analysis of the Superman Character in a Comic Book

Superman is a monumental character in the DC Comics universe. He may or may not like it, but it is impossible to deny his contribution to world culture and influence on generations of readers and viewers alike. Superman has had a significant impact on popular culture and is a role...

The Core of the Philosophy of Liberalism

Introduction Ideologies of various levels and degrees of influence on people exist and compete with each other in it. One of their leading ideologies at the moment is liberalism. In connection with the frequently arising issues related to the rights and freedoms of citizens, various points of view have been...

The Analysis of Issues of Cosmopolitan Magazines

Societies’ cultures are constantly evolving, and people of different generations tend to embrace new values and beliefs. Publications such as magazines and newspapers always reflect the current state of the culture. Moreover, practically all elements contained in a magazine are defined by the current times and created to be relevant...

Aspects of Food Insecurity

Introduction As the most significant sociological and economic problem, food security is becoming a regulated process within the framework of international political and economic cooperation. Europe is considered one of the developed regions globally; however, the sociological issue of food insecurity is still present in several countries. Therefore, it is...

The Importance of Physical Spaces

Indeed, connections to physical places are critical to humans; lack of contact with physical space threatens people to feel overwhelmed and lose some of their identity. A person’s attitude to a place as something familiar, understandable, meaningful, and the sense of belonging caused by this attitude is defined as a...

“The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven” by Sherman Alexie

Introduction “The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven” is a collection of interconnected short stories by Sherman Alexie, who published it in 1993 and added two new levels in 2003. It contains 22 short stories with the same characters, Native Americans living on the Spokane Indian Reservation. The book’s...

Solar Power as a Solution to Environmental Problems

Introduction Unfortunately, humans have not been rather rational when using numerous resources on this planet, and now people face many challenging environmental problems. One of them is climate change, and it is believed that this process has already had and will have adverse effects. Thankfully, scientists are doing their best...

Different Views on Multicultural Identity: Aurora Levins Morales and Gloria Anzaldua

The idea of identity and culture has always been topical in the literature. Numerous authors have been cogitating about their culture and place in a particular country or community. For America, this issue acquired critical importance because of the history of the state and its multicultural nature. The diversity of...

The Security Concept in the Post-Cold War Era

Security issues have always been critical for human societies. People have always wanted to feel protected and benefit from the absence or minimal risks threatening their well-being. However, over time, the notion of security and the concept altered because of the growing demands and new challenges emerging due to technological...

The Ways to Start Saving and Investing

Saving and investing will always attract people who are interested in making money via financial operations. Savings are not spent income or postponed consumption that can be achieved through various ways. Some individuals still adhere to conservative savings methods such as piggy banks, participating in sou-sous; some create savings accounts...

Who Is a Progressive According to Roosevelt?

Characteristics of a Progressive According to Roosevelt, a progressive believes in doing what is right and just for a better community. The political coalition had the agenda to reverse the ills in the economic, political, and social sectors. Although it was meant to achieve several positive goals for the political...

Sociological Imagination as a Concept

Introduction When perceiving the world in which a person lives and learning about their personality, people intertwine the external environment and the internal psychological processes. According to Mills, the process of contextualizing everyday life situations conforming to larger social events and circumstances is the concept of sociological imagination (4-5). People...

Organizational Leadership Styles and Workplace Diversity

Every individual is unique; therefore, I believe that each leader’s method of directing a team is distinct. In my opinion, an individual’s personality is what determines their leadership approaches. Some managers are lenient, while others are strict, some are hesitant, and others are sympathetic. From my learning experience, the classification...

Communication in the Era of Technology

The development of information technology has had a substantial impact on all aspects of people’s lives. Modernization has improved the work of many organizations and social institutions, but this factor also has its negative consequences. Technology has affected the deterioration of individuals’ communication abilities. The research of this problem is...

“Fortunate Son” by Lewis B. Puller

Introduction Lewis B. Puller (1945-1994) – a veteran of the Vietnam War who skillfully described the drama of his generation in the book “Fortunate Son.” Raised on the example of his legendary father, Lewis Puller Sr., known as Chesty, Puller Jr. was desperately afraid not to live up to the...

Supporting Innovative Technology Solutions’ Growth

Introduction Evaluating the financial success and overall profitability of an organization is especially valuable for its future development. Of special concern are the financial metrics that provide an extensive overview of the current funds, allowing the company to mitigate unnecessary risks and avoid excessive debt or bankruptcy. This report presents...

Traditional American Apple Pie

Cultural works differ in shapes, colors, and tastes and represent anything meaningful to a nation. Many cultures are associated with a specific food that has become conventional long ago. Food is interesting to view from a cultural standpoint because it usually reflects historical events. Traditional American apple pie was chosen...

AHS: Course of Actions for Strategic Planning

For a healthcare organization catering specifically to the needs of a specific and rather vulnerable demographic, remaining competitive in the health sector and ensuring that all stakeholders are listened to and recognized as important in the healthcare system. As the case of AHS shows, the need for sustainable innovation should...

The Gaming Community: How Video Game Players Are Viewed Today

The variety of subcultures in contemporary society is exceptionally large, creating an opportunity for various individuals to relate to a specific community. The popularity of the gaming group has been rising steadily for the past years, as it began to obtain more specific characteristics. The general attitude towards the gaming...

Violent Crimes in the United States

Introduction A violent crime is anything that is done to endanger or hurt another person’s life. For example, murder, rape, armed robbery, and assault are all crimes that fall under this category. Due to a rise in the reportage of violent crimes by both survivors and media sources, it appears...

Registered Nurse Career: Analysis of Required Traits

Upon selecting a profession that will most likely be a part of one’s life for quite a long time, it is critical to learn about its detail and determine whether it is suitable for a personality. Based on these reasons, the following career research paper will examine an occupation of...

Protecting Inhabitants From Gentrification

Introduction Recently, the pace and scale of gentrification have greatly affected the locals in an area marked for development. As shown in the case scenario, the inhabitants of Downtown Brooklyn were displaced when the Albee Square Mall was replaced with City Point (Newman, 2007). In my view, I think the...

Substance Abuse Counseling Practices

Giordano, A. L., Prosek, E. A., Stamman, J., Callahan, M. M., Loseu, S., Bevly, C. M., Cross, K., Woehler, E. S., Calzada, R. R., & Chadwell, K. (2016). Addressing trauma in substance abuse treatment. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 60(2), 55-71. This article discusses the influence of trauma on...

The Significance of Active Listening Skills

Introduction To begin with, I have always struggled with listening to other people since sometimes it seems highly challenging for me to concentrate on the flow of their speech. As a result, after rating my social behaviors based on Hoppe’s (2007, p. 10-11) test, it became clear to me that...

Style of Sam Shepard’s “Buried Child” Play

Introduction Sam Shepard wrote the play Buried Child in the year 1978. The play is an extraordinary piece of work, and it received the Pulitzer award in 1979. Buried child is part of a family trilogy by Shepard, and it gives us a clear glance into a broken American family....

Organizational Culture in Starbucks

Introduction The organization of immense concern is Starbucks. This organization is an American multinational chain of roaster reserves and coffee houses. Its headquarters are located in Seattle, Washington. The time of observation was in 2019 when I was working there on a part-time basis. I worked with Starbucks between May...

Public Fears of a Technological Apocalypse for Humanity

Introduction An in-depth rhetorical analysis of texts is a valid academic strategy for mastering principled theoretical concepts and summarizing existing knowledge. Only through writing a critical reflection on the material read can the student structure his or her own learning and realize the practical skills of a student-researcher. Much of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

What Qualities Should a Leader Have?

Outline This journal project discusses about different qualities of a leader like creativity, credibility, and the ability to handle conflicts in an organization. For the success of any organization it needs a good leadership. A good leader should have the ability to communicate with his followers and understand their feelings...

Transitional Care Preventing Rehospitalization: Study Design

Introduction Transitional care is of interest to many researchers and healthcare professionals. There have been numerous attempts to improve current practices in follow-up care. For instance, the Transitional Care Model (TCM) was developed to prevent the rehospitalization of patients with chronic illnesses by ensuring adequate supervision after hospital discharge (Hirschman...

Time Value of Money and Interest Rate Risk

Time Value of Money Time value of money (TVM) is a financial concept, which implies that money available to an individual or a company at the present time is much more valuable. The same amount of money is worth more in the present than it will be worth in the...

The Warrant for GPS Tracking and Civil Rights in the USA

According to the article in the USA Today by Joan Biskupic, the Supreme Court ruled that the police is required to have a warrant in order to attach a GPS device on an individual’s car for tracking. When the case was discussed in court, there were a set of parallels...

The Nestle Company: Communication Process

Identify the Web Site, the Sender, and Perceived Receiver The website I have chosen is a website of Nestle, which is an international food and beverage association from Switzerland. The sender is the Nestle Company; the perceived receiver is any user that decided to visit the company’s website and is...

The Moral Status of a Fetus with Abnormalities

When considering the ethical applications of abortions, one should consider the moral status of a fetus. Moral status refers to the degree of value and rights of each individual and the corresponding moral and ethical treatment (Stahl & Kilner, 2019). Several ideas of moral status exist that ascribe value based...

The Microbial Abundance of Agricultures

Introduction An essential part of agricultural science is the study of the microbial diversity of soil samples near the growth zone of cultivated plants. Three plant lines, Pepper, Blueberry, and Turf, grown in different locations, were used in the present study. A time-difference longitudinal analysis assessed how much the soil...

The Legislative Changes Promotion

Introduction Current policies on vaccination in Florida need to be improved so that it is ensured that people are not widely deprived of this specific aspect of access to proper health care. The legislation suggests that individuals may refuse to be vaccinated based on their personal beliefs (e.g., religious), and...

Themes Raised in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Frankenstein is a novel written by British author Mary Shelley in 1818. The novel describes the story of a young gifted scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who created a living creature as an unorthodox experiment. Frankensteins creation occurred to be hideous and, therefore, rejected by the scientist and humanity (Shelley 28). This...

The Labor Union Membership Decline

The second half of the 20th century brought about significant changes to the economy of the whole world. The process of globalization and the introduction of new technologies meant that factories could produce more goods for less money. Therefore, the overall decline in union membership was observed as a common...

The Factors Which Determine Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is an emerging issue that deteriorates the population’s health and increases the crime rate. It is often a chronic condition that results in the cardiovascular, lung, mental diseases, and the death of the abuser. Some time ago, people argued that addiction is only a mental state but not...

“Four Horsemen”: A Fractional Reserve Banking System

Introduction Four Horsemen is a 2012 documentary that was written and produced by Ross Ashcroft. The movie revolves around a fractional reserve banking system, an economy that is based on debts and politicization of major issues in regard to the culture and formulas that are evident in the western world....

The Riley v. California Supreme Court Case Brief

Introduction The case Riley v. California investigated by the Supreme Court in 2014 is an excellent example of the unacceptable actions of police officers in investigating crimes. They were related to receiving access to private information, which is one of the most controversial provisions in terms of suitable measures. Therefore,...

Software Development and Evaluation

Developing Software for an Organization In the software engineering field, experts define software development methodologies as those processes that divide the work of software development into sequential, parallel, or smaller sub-processes or steps to enhance project management, product management, and design (Al-Zewairi et al., 2017). The methodologies may involve the...

Symbolism and Character Motivation in Glaspell’s “Trifles”

Introduction Trifles is a short play composed by Susan Glaspell and revolves around the killing of John Wright and the murder apprehension of his wife, Mrs. Minnie Wright. Despite being written more than a hundred years ago, its primary subject, the difference in the perspective between males and females, is...

Strategic Foundation for the Sports Ministry

Introduction The sports ministry can be an essential part of church community engagement. Involving parishioners in active pastimes can unite people, create interesting forms of leisure for them, and expand the circle of communication. Today, due to access to social media and other online platforms, the organization of such programs...

Camus and the Meaning of Life

The meaning of life, if there is any, is one of the oldest and most profound questions in the history of human civilization. The sheer number of philosophical traditions that attempted to answer it in one way or another suggests there is no easy and evident solution to it. However,...

Why Antigone Cannot Be the Tragic Hero

A great tragedian, Sophocles, gave Greek tragedies their conventional form. Specifically, he started the tradition of including a tragic hero with four distinctive characteristics: the presence of a rank, a tragic flaw, a downfall, and a recognition of mistakes. In Sophocle’s “Antigone,” the eponymous character initially seems like the story’s...

The Privacy of the Medical Information

It is essential to consider the influence of regulations that affect the control and confidentiality of medical information while examining medical confidentiality concerns. The most considerable attention was paid to the Patriot Act of 2001 and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 2003. Technically, the government has...

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Myocardial Infarction, Obesity and Hypertension

Differential Diagnoses The most probable differential diagnoses for this visit are hypertension, subendocardial ischemia, and ischemic stroke. Primary Diagnosis Myocardial infarction of unspecified site, ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code I21.3 (ICD-10-CM Codes, n.d.). Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests Necessary tests ECG (applicable for all differential diagnoses): is aimed to measure electrical activity of the heart...

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Medical Care Provision: Opportunities and Threats

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Still, I Rise by M. Angelou: An Analytical Essay

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Meat Consumption and Related Ethical Issues

Davis, C. G., & Lin, B. H. (2005). Factors affecting US beef consumption. US Department of Agriculture. This source provides a significant extent of statistical evidence regarding beef consumption in the United States. Despite the fact that this particular publication can be considered outdated, it may serve as an essential...

Managerial Economics. Elasticity Characteristics

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Malpractice and State Nursing Boards

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Law That Aims to Protect School Safety Acts of Kindness in Society

Introduction In 2018, after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the state authorities decided to introduce new requirements stated in a law that aims to protect school safety (Ochoa, 2018). Some schools, referring to the new law accepted by the state, decided to ask for...

Dyslexia in Young Females Ages 5-9

The chosen peer-reviewed article is by Alonzo et al. (2020). The article discovers the extent to which kindergarten letter identification and phonological awareness predict 2nd-grade word reading and dyslexia in children with developmental language disorder (DLD). It also examines children’s age- and grade-matched peers with typical language (TL). For their...