Inside Ayurvedic Medicine with T. R. Reid

Introduction Ayurveda is defined as a part of Indian medicine that has been practiced for more than five thousand years. It includes such methods of treatment as diet, yoga, herbal medicine, massage, and others. It is a general opinion that Ayurvedic medicine has gained special attention nowadays as the number...

Chinese Settlement Patterns in America

Synopsis Wei Li develops a geographical outlook of Chinese American people on community formation in time and space in chapter 10. The writer paints a picture of the geographical characteristics in terms of settlements, socioeconomic activities, and traditions of the first American Chinese immigrants in relation to the latest geographical...

Transportation Role in a Value Chain

How Does Transportation Add Value in a Supply Chain? The significance of the transportation processes in the supply chain management setting can hardly be overrated. Being an essential part of SCM (Wang, 2012), transportation affects the way, in which the products and services of a company are perceived by the...

Homeless Community’s Health and Social Determinants

Introduction Social determinants of health are a set of factors that form a framework for the investigation of different social groups’ conditions of living (“Social determinants of health,” 2018). For this paper, the homeless population is chosen for the investigation as the problem is highly significant: as of the end...

Pressure Ulcers in Critically Ill Patients

Introduction The article “Pressure ulcers in critically ill patients: Incidence and associated factors” is written by Borghardt, Prado, Bicudo, Castro, and Bringuente (2016, p. 460). It appeared in the Brazilian journal of nursing just several months ago. The work is focused on the issue that is faced by many patients...

Nurse Practitioner as a Health Educator

Introduction Despite the fact that nurse practitioners are obliged to inform their patients, provide medical services, and make various records, they also have to be competent in the sphere of health promotion and education. Nurses are expected to explain basic standards of a healthy lifestyle to people who might not...

Institutional Review Board Review and Its Types

What is IRB? The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is the committee charged with the responsibility of approving federal-funded studies involving human subjects. The institution was created as a solution for the rising cases involving the violation of participants’ rights by various research teams in the course of conducting biomedical studies...

Professional Portfolio in Nursing

There are numerous ways to implement professional portfolios in professional nursing practice. For instance, they can be used for professional development and effective job applications. Also, portfolios can be used to conduct performance appraisals and track employee performance. Nurses can make the best use of portfolios when applying to educational...

Barrett’s Power Theory and Change in Nursing

There are many ways of how to use power in the field of nursing. Barrett offers to determine it as a possibility to participate in organizational change knowingly. According to her theory of power as knowing participation, awareness, choices, freedom to act intentionally, and the involvement in creating change are...

Leadership in Cross-Cultural Context

Introduction The evolvement of the global market has ignited a stiff competition among all players in the market as more organizations seek to operate internationally to maximize profitability. However, such endeavors are limited by diversity in cultures as evident in the international market. Therefore, global leaders have to adopt leadership...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Per Capita Income: Quantitative and Qualitative Data

Real per capita income is among the values that indicate financial position of countries and people who contribute to their success. As it follows from the information presented in the report of the World Bank, twenty richest countries in the world (based on incomes per capita) include European countries, Asian...

Erie Canal’s Role in Albany’s Commercial Life

The construction of 363 miles long Erie Canal was a turning point in a commercial life of Albany (Roark et al. 285). It was one of the biggest government-sponsored enterprises at the time. The canal connected the New York City region with the area of Great Lakes (Roark et al....

Aging Workforce: Discrimination and Diversity Effects

Introduction Following the global tendencies, it is possible to state that the average age of the workforce in companies tends to increase, and today, there are many employees whose age is over than 55 years (Robbins & Judge, 2014, p. 63). This tendency is correlated with the development of a...

US Soldier’s Ethics and Deontology

The perspectives of deontology, deriving from the root meaning duty, and associated with Immanuel Kant and William David Ross, suggest the ethical complexities facing a US soldier. Both thinkers focus on not depending on what one wants to do, but on what one has to do. Although the connection to...

Computer Zone Company’s Human Resources Management

Human resources management is one of the core aspects that can affect the development of organizations. Human resources are often referred to as key assets of companies, which is largely true, especially in companies operating in industries that require innovative approaches and creative vision (Mathis, Jackson, & Valentine, 2015). Some...

Assessment Tools in a Language Arts Classroom

Introduction Performance assessment is gaining popularity among educators throughout the world. Therefore, teachers ought to be updated on the most recent and most effective assessment tools. They must learn how to utilize the tools efficiently in assessing student understanding and performance on certain objectives. This paper compares some of the...

Legislative Matrix in the United States

Each of the US states has a unique system of legislation and represents a separate unit with its governing structures and authorities, which, in their turn, are subordinate to the central administrative apparatus. In Florida, one of the southernmost regions of the country, the government is also concentrated in the...

Iron Deficiency Anemia Diagnosis and Symptoms

Based on the description of Ms. A’s condition, the patient has the most common type of anemia – iron deficiency anemia, “particularly microcytic anemia, which is characterized by the small number of red blood cells” (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2016, para. 2). It is important to mention that microcytic anemia can...

Worldwide Chemical Company’s Operations Management

The current “fix it” approach maintained by the Worldwide Chemical Company is ultimately faulty. As described in the case study, it leads to the decreased first-quality product yields and on-time deliveries, compromising the production cycle and hampering profits. Thus, the best way to maintain the company’s TQM effort is to...

Interpolation and Extrapolation Definition and Differences

Definition As a rule, the phenomenon of interpolation is referred to as the process of selecting the data that can be located within a particular range of information (Groebner, Shannon, & Fry, 2014). The identified definition can be applied to a variety of domains, including business, technology, science, education, etc....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Concept of the Fiction in Writing

What Is Fiction? In writing, fiction is a type of story that can be characterized by a specific set of features. To be more precise, fiction commonly refers to the kind of setting or a scenario that was made up by the author (“How the language really works,” 2000). Such...

Managerial Role in the Workplace and Organization

The modern environment gives rise to numerous challenges in the sphere of business. The increased number of opportunities also means a great rivalry. In such a way, there is a need for an efficient management system that will be able to maintain the functioning of a certain organization at the...

Hospital Infections and Rogers’ Evidence-Based Change

Background The modern healthcare sector faces numerous challenges that result from the complexity of the environment and living conditions. Therefore, there are multiple attempts to align the gradual improvement of the state of the health and eliminate factors that could be found in hospitals, and that might result in the...

Chinese Immigrants’ Socio-Cultural Group

A Brief History of the Cultural/Socio-Cultural Group Chinese immigrants were first introduced as railroad builders in the American West. Due to an increased influx of Chinese immigrants, the Chinese Exclusion Act was issued in 1882 (Chinese Immigration and the Chinese Exclusion Acts, n.d.). It suspended the immigration of Chinese laborers...

Gastric Cancer Treatment: Research Instrument

Selecting an Existing Instrument for a Study When a researcher selects an existing instrument for application in a study, several major factors must be taken into account. In the first place, preference should be given to instruments that ensure the validity and reliability of the collected data. Furthermore, the results...

Childhood Obesity in the USA

Topic Childhood obesity in the USA: What are the possible causes of obesity in children? What are the associated problems? How does childhood obesity affect USA as a whole? How can we reduce childhood obesity in the USA? What has the USA government done to reduce childhood obesity? Topic Importance...

Benefits of Using Ashford University’s Library

While conducting research or looking for some information, undergraduates can turn to various sources such as the Internet, databases, books, and so on. However, not all the sources should be considered trustworthy or relevant and can be used in academic research. To ensure that students have access to reliable data,...

Colonialism in Barbara Fuchs’ “Conquering Islands”

The Tempest is believed to be the last play William Shakespeare wrote alone. It was written at the times when a big part of our world was still unknown and European people were fascinated to discover what is hidden in these mysterious faraway lands and islands. Many different ideas and...

Meaning and the Process of Achieving Success

Introduction There are different perspectives of success. The term success has diverse meanings for different individuals. For instance, certain people attribute the level of monetary reward to success. However, one basic fact is that everyone yearns to attain success. People have associated various achievements to success. Several people fail because...

Vaccines and Autism Relationship and Debates

The link between vaccination and autism is hotly debated in the media despite the fact that the alleged evidence is definitively disproven by the scientific community. The following paper contains the analysis of two articles, both of which deal with the matter from different perspectives. The first is an anti-vaccine...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Prescription Drug Use in the United States

Introduction Prescription drugs are a critical life-saving option for many patients. According to Kantor, Rehm, Haas, Chan, and Giovannucci (2015), the use of prescription drugs in the United States has risen since 2000, and 59% of American adults used one or more prescription drugs in 2012. Moreover, about 15% of...

“Utilitarianism” Essay by John Stuart Mill

Introduction The greatest thinkers living in different periods of human history have always tried to understand the real nature of appropriate and inappropriate things that a person can do. Therefore, there is a range of theories that are devoted only to the ethical norms of modern society or make attempts...

Adaptation in Modeling and Role-Modeling Theory

The Concept of Adaptation The modeling and role-modeling (MRM) and the transitions theories have contributed a lot to the development of the nursing profession. These patient-centered models focus on the best approaches that can be used to manage health concerns. One of the outstanding concepts in the modeling and role-modeling...

Student Misconceptions Regarding Reproduction and Heredity

Strategies to elicit student misconceptions Students often have misconceptions regarding the principles of reproduction and heredity. To elicit these misconceptions and develop strategies to overcome them, it is necessary to encourage the students’ participation in discussions. Furthermore, a teacher can receive important information regarding possible mistakes and wrong ideas while...

Magical Realism of Julio Cortazar Literature

Julio Cortazar together with Borges, Garcia-Marques and Asturias began something that became a great boom or El Boom in Latin American literature. The generation of talented writers and the appearance of magical realism made Latin American literature popular all over the world. In his works Cortazar goes beyond sharply detailed...

Standard 4 Using Developmentally Effective Approaches

Early childhood education requires additional attention today as this is the base of the further effective education. National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Initial and Advanced Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs are important to be explored by the relevant professionals to improve professional and personal...

Kohl’s Corporation Information Systems Strategy

The current wave of information systems (IS) has transformed how retailers serve their customers. Giant companies such as Starbucks Incorporation are using powerful loyalty programs to offer convenient retail processes to their clients (Turban, Volonino, & Wood, 2015). Kohl’s Corporation has also implemented a similar IS program to empower its...

Unification in Europe and the World in the 1960s

Peoples of Europe and the world experienced multiple changes and reformations in the 1960s. It is difficult to determine precisely whether that time was characterized by fragmentation or unification since both processes took place, and each country faced this time differently. Nevertheless, the purpose of this paper is to discuss...

Chief Nursing Officer and Nurse-Sensitive Indicators

Introduction A role of a Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) as an agent of change has been long recognized by influential healthcare organizations such as the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the American Nurses Association (ANA), and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) (Clavelle, Drenkard, Tullai-McGuiness, & Fitzpatrick, 2012). By empowering staff...

Heart Disease Patients’ Education

Key Ethical Concerns Promoting the active acquisition of knowledge and skills that are necessary for managing health-related issues is a crucial step toward meeting the needs of patients with heart disease (HDPs). HDPs need to be able to recognize essential risk factors to which they may be exposed and, therefore,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

HIV/AIDS, Respiratory Syndrome, Unhealthy Lifestyle

HIV/AIDS Only several decades ago, HIV was regarded as a disease that could only strike minority or marginalized groups of the population (which concerned mostly homosexuals and drug addicts). This partially accounts for the fact that there was not enough research done on the topic. Very little attention was paid...

King Company’s Expansion and Quincy Labor Market

The expansion of The King Company in the United States depends on building new facilities in appropriate communities where the percentage of the skilled workers is rather high. If managers of The King Company are oriented to decreasing the costs associated with training of employees and focused on increasing the...

Data Presentation and Method Variance in Research

Use of Tables and Figures in Research Research is an essential aspect that enables people to make appropriate use of the available information to handle issues that affect their lives. Data collecting, recording, and analyzing are critical aspects of any research process. Data collected by researchers forms the basis for...

Lewy Body Dementia, Its Symptoms and Treatment

Definition Lewy body dementia (LBD) is ranked as the second most frequently observed type of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease. LBD occurs as the so-called Lewi bodies, i.e. alpha-synuclein aggregates of protein, start developing in nerve cells in the substantia nigra or cortex of the brain (Walker et al. 519). As...

Lesbian and Gay Patients’ Medical Care and Education

Medical Care for a Lesbian Woman A biophysical factor that is described in the situation with a 45-year-old woman determines her sexual relationship with women over the past few years, and she denies the need to get a pap smear. What concerns psychology, such a change in Betty’s sexual orientation...

Palpitations, Atrial Fibrillation, and Tachycardia

Initial Differential Diagnoses On the whole, the patient’s heart “skipping a beat” may be associated with the following conditions: heart palpitations, atrial fibrillation (AF; a type of supraventricular tachycardia, SVT), and paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT, another type of SVT; Chopra, Chandra, Wander, & Kumar, 2017; Peritz, Howard, Ciocca, & Chung,...

Pressure Ulcer Management Elements

Introduction The present paper is devoted to a literature review on the following PICOT question; the references used in the paper are summarized in Appendix A. The majority of the articles are systematic reviews, which makes them a good source of synthesized information (Katapodi & Northouse, 2011). PICOT: In long-term...

Metformin for Type 2 Diabetes Patients

Metformin is an oral biguanide antihyperglycemic agent prescribed to patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus (non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus), which rates among the first-line medications across the globe and can be used both as a monotherapy or combined with several other drugs used for treating diabetes. The medication can also...

Eco-City Development and Associated Problems

The concept of the eco-city becomes rather significant in nowadays world, where traditional cities with their powerful socio-economic and engineering infrastructures act as the key causes of environmental degradation. However, the eco-city development encounters various problems that are associated with financial, political, technological, and other aspects. In particular, political instability,...

Future Public Sector in North’s Institutional Theory

Introduction New institutional economics which emerged in the 1970s, became a basis for the economic reform and the development of the contemporary economy. It gave birth to diverse theories that outlined the reforms and conditioned the future of the economy. The current paper reviews one of the famous institutional theories,...

Anxiety and Depression Among Females with Cancer

The article by Burgess, Cornelius, Love, Graham, Richards, and Ramirez (2005) reports the results of a study which investigated the prevalence of and the potential factors of risk for anxiety and depression among females who have the early breast cancer during the first five years after the disease had been...

Immigrant Community Change: Action Plan

Problem Overview Due to a considerable influx of immigrants, the community has to meet a number of challenges in order to satisfy health care needs of the group and ensure their access to all necessary services. For this purpose, an action plan has to be developed. It will allow setting...

Nursing Shared Governance and Ethics

Ethics in Shared Governance Shared governance is a system that allows nurses to participate in operations and activities connected not only to individual patients’ well-being but also to the hospital’s structure. In this type of governing structure, nurses have a chance to obtain more information to care for their patients,...

Gestalt: Hebb’s and Tolman’s Theories

Gestalt Perception is a cornerstone of Gestalt. It establishes the process responsible for the processing of the information (Lefrancois, 2016). As such, it is likely that it had a profound effect on the development of cognitivism. The primary reason for that is the core component of the approach that requires...

American Gun Control Laws: Reasons to Implement

Introduction Gun control laws are a subject of heated debate among legislators and policy-makers in many countries. The main question is whether this policy can bring tangible improvements to the society. It has been argued that the right to bear arms should of the civic right to which a person...

Targeting Consumer Segments Based on Sexual Orientation

Oakenfull’s article “Targeting Consumer Segments Based on Sexual Orientation: Can Advertisers Swing Both Ways” (2004) explores the reality of gay-oriented advertising. For most marketers, the gay and lesbian segment is a ‘dream market.’ Findings from several scientific studies indicate that gays and lesbians have higher disposable incomes compared with heterosexual...

Change in Nursing: Costello’s and Mitchell’s Articles

Changing Handoffs: The Shift is On The article by Costello (2010) describes the importance of listening to reports of previous nursing shifts, as this factor’s disregard might have an adverse impact on various healing processes in a hospital. Moreover, unlicensed specialists must adhere to the instructions provided by their team...

The Revolutionary Meaning of Che Guevara Posters

Introduction In her poignant article “Posters: Advertisement, Art, Political Artifact, Commodity”, Susan Sontag takes issue with a forceful push for consumption that transforms a seemingly benign pictorial medium—poster—into the driver of capitalism. The author deliberates on the nature of the art-commodity dichotomy while focusing her analytical lenses on mass-produced images...

Adverse Drug Events and Nurses’ Awareness

Introduction Adverse drug events (ADE) are associated with unplanned hospital admissions, patient dissatisfaction, a financial burden on the US healthcare system, and even high mortality rate. Jordan, Vaismoradi, and Griffiths (2016) note that even events regarded as non-life-threatening tend to have adverse effects on patients’ health and wellbeing as well...

Pressure Ulcers Incidence and the Braden Scale

Why did the author access the PubMed system and then what for? An online literature search based on the PubMed system was used to gather available evidence about the possibility to reduce pressure ulcer incidence with the help of the Braden Scale risk assessment. In this article, it was necessary...

Real-Time Locating Systems in Nursing

Introduction Currently, the new technologies are developing rapidly, and their implementation may prove effective in a variety of fields, including nursing. There exist several technologies that have not yet been widely introduced, but the use of which may significantly advance the quality of nursing care. In this paper, some of...

Breast Cancer Screening Promotion

Introduction To effectively implement community health promotion programs, social workers have to acquire some practical skills that are necessary to get people’s attention. What is more, they are to be aware of several theoretical constructs. In the article, Promoting Breast Cancer Screening in Rural, African American Communities: The “Science and...

Patient Care in Quality and Safety Education for Nurses

Patient Center Care as a Competency of Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Although nurses are usually viewed as well-educated and high-skilled professionals, specific quality standards for their practice were reformulated in the context of the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) project in 2007. The focus was on...

Classroom Tools and Materials Management

The unit plan in question contains several helpful strategies to employ in the classroom. Notably, students write in their journals and they have an opportunity to contemplate their progress or problems. The teacher can also learn more about issues students may have through reading the journals. It is an interesting...

Evidenced-Based Nursing and the Meaningful Use

Why do not we do evidenced-based nursing? Recent researches prove that evidence-based practice significantly improves client outcomes. However, the results of the survey point out that nurses fail to implement evidence-based practices because nursing leaders are considered to have some barriers or show resistance. The fundamental reason for the leaders...

Teams and Their Roles in Organizations

Teams are becoming integral constituents of organizations. Teams are ready to conduct a variety of functions, face challenges, and improve their mutual abilities. Though teamwork is advantageous for organizations’ performance, it can be rather a challenge to establish a successful leadership strategy. The article under consideration examines the issue of...

Elderly Patient Education Intervention

Clinical Question The clinical question in the current project proposal is “Is the patient education intervention for elderly patients with chronic diseases able to increase the patients’ health knowledge and improve their health statuses?” The Proposed Intervention The intervention will consist of three phases: pre-experimental, experimental, and post-experimental. The participants...

Cancer Risk Factors: Biology Concepts

The development of cancer cells is associated with the halting of the process of cell generation and decay that may be considered one of the basic aspects of the physical health. On the contrary, the cancer cell division is the characteristic feature of the irregularity of the cyclicality within the...

“The Edges of the Civilized Word” by A. Deming

Brief summary of the chapter In the chapter, The Edges of the Civilized World, the narrator is a disturbed journalist who is concerned by the harmful interaction between mankind and wild animals. The narrator is not amused by the supposed fun that mankind enjoys at the expense of comfort and...

The Quality Assurance Process at Sikorsky Aircraft

Introduction Working at the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation as the Quality Assurance Representative, one has to make sure that the customers’ needs are addressed exactly and that every demand is met. The requirements are based not only on the necessity to maintain customer satisfaction rates high but also to facilitate the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Personal Isolation and Technology in Communication

Introduction Certainly, advanced technology has brought enhanced power and strength to communicate effectively and faster and has provided an instant and easier way to contact and interact with families and friends. Web application or Internet has become the most significant tool for our day-to-day activities since it serves as a...

Family Heritage Assessment and Health Traditions

Heritage Assessment Tool Health traditions can be regarded as an integral part of any family. Defining its members’ health behaviors and standards, these traditions are supposed to reducing health threats to which family members are exposed to a minimum. Even though family traditions for maintaining health standards may not align...

Work Breakdown Structure in Project Management

Introduction A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a representation of the various levels of tasks associated with a given project. It is designed in a hierarchical order, whereby each level is associated with milestones that enable project managers to supervise the associated tasks. For instance, in a construction project, the...

Divorce Impact on Child-Rearing Styles

The impact of divorce or separation on child-rearing styles can be different, depending on various factors such as sex, age, education level, relationships with the child, and social background. For example, more highly educated fathers who are divorced are more likely to have an authoritative parenting style (Bastaits, Ponnet, Van...

Healthcare Insurances in Florida

Health Care Insurances in Florida Access to health insurance is one of the most critical issues of concern in the modern US health care system. Another interrelated problem is the availability of information regarding health insurance programs. However, it is easy to cope with due to launching the website offering...

Pressure Ulcer Occurrence Prevention: Stakeholders

The paper identifies stakeholders related to the project “Prevention of Pressure Ulcer Occurrence at Intermedia Care Patients in Kendall Regional Medical Center”. Organizational hierarchy Patients Patients are the center of care (and research). CDS Team Data management and networking. Physicians Communication and counseling. Pharmacists Prescriptions and administration. Nurses Test assistance,...

Dietary Laws and Food Products for Health

Dietary Laws Eating habits determine people’s way of life. It is difficult to perceive to what extent regular life is affected by changing the eating style. Waking up one morning and finding oneself keeping kosher dietary laws is a challenge. Although researchers note that “Kosher, Christian, and halal food laws...

Religion in Indonesia: History and Tolerance

Introduction Indonesia’s religions include Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam, and traditional practices (Arli & Tjiptono 2014). Many existing religious groups in Indonesia adopted Islam and blended it with their practices in their localities (Chalmers 2006). Therefore, this paper agrees that the Islam of Indonesia ended up growing more tolerant as it...

General Education Curriculum for Children with Disabilities

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to give a summary on the article “Access, participation, and progress in the general education curriculum in the least Restrictive environment for students with significant cognitive disabilities” written by Ann Smith. The article addresses the right of education to children irrespective of their...

Valero Refinery Disaster and Confined Space Entry

Summary of the events On November 5, 2010, a disaster occurred at the Valero Delaware City, Delaware. Two workers succumbed to suffocation within a process vessel. According to the report, the victims were unaware of the presence of too much nitrogen, as a result of the gas being odorless in...

Obesity in Miami-Dade Children and Adults

Introduction One of the most threatening health issues which have an impact on the Miami-Dade county community is obesity (“Community profile,” 2013). This serious condition affects various populations. The current paper is dedicated to the problem of obesity in children and adults in Miami-Dade county. Obesity in Children The problem...

Terrorism Definitions in the US Legislation System

Introduction Today, terrorism is a topic that bothers many people globally. Though the word “terrorism” was on all lips, its definitions and impact remain unclear from different perspectives (Whittaker, 2013). In this paper, special attention to the statutory definitions of international and domestic terrorism, criminal penalties, and the essence of...

Age and Gender in Childhood Obesity Prevention

Introduction Obesity among children has become a matter of concern in present-day society. This research aims to consider some probable improvements in the situation. This paper considers the extraneous variables, instruments, description of the intervention, and data collection procedure. Extraneous Variables It is important to note that, apart from dependent...

Racial Tensions in the “Crash” Movie

Brief Synopsis The crash is a 2004 movie that underscores racial and social tensions in Los Angeles by interweaving the stories of several characters without separating them into victims and offenders. Starring Don Cheadle, Sandra Bullock, and Thandie Newton, the movie shows how the lives of a black detective, a...

The Miami Hospital’s Issues

Introduction Miami Hospital is currently facing a financial management issue that deals with failure to meet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention standards on infections. Even though the majority of healthcare facilities in South Florida reveal good performance, a lot of them still require improvement so that they receive...

Mental Health Illness: Affordable Care Act 2010

Introduction The Affordable Care Act 2010 is one of the most comprehensive healthcare insurance covers that the United States has ever had in its history. This Act was meant to ensure that all Americans, including those who are financially challenged, have access to affordable healthcare services. According to Angel and...

Data Sufficiency in Organizational Diagnostics

The Parameters for Evaluating the Sufficiency of Different Types of Data There are two major types of errors that can occur due to the insufficient evaluation of data – false negative and false positive; the former error happens when the null hypothesis that was actually disproved by the data is...

The Article “I Don’t Want to Work at Walmart”

“I don’t want to work at Walmart” (DeParle). Insightful as it is, this phrase can be perceived as a motto of all three girls told about in the article under consideration. Even though only one of them mentioned Walmart, it is the abstract idea, which is related to all three...

Supercomputer Technologies in Nursing Science

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that the development of new technologies vastly influences nearly every aspect of contemporary life. It is possible to say that this technological impact is evidently present in the sphere of public health and nursing. Since science has always contributed to the development and improvement...

Marginal Concepts for Forests and Oil Preservation

Circumstances that may Lead to the Opening up of Businesses to Exploit Europe’s Coal Mines Resources Europe still has an abundance of coal reserves that can be mined. The process should be economically viable. The coal mining industry improved productivity in the past. Today, oil and gas prices are increasing...

American and British Healthcare Systems Comparison

The aim of the paper is to analyze the peculiarities of the US and UK healthcare sectors and compare the way they function. Discussion First of all, it is considered that healthcare is a right but not a privilege in the UK, which means that the access healthcare services provided...

Children’s Literature by Carl Tomlinson and Nancy Anderson

In this paper, two children’s books will be analyzed and reflected on: Essentials of Young Adult Literature, presented by Carl M. Tomlinson, and Entering the World of Children’s Literature, written by Nancy Anderson. As a kindergarten teacher, I find these two readings very helpful and really captivating. It is not...

Authoritarian States and Party Systems

The world’s history describes numerous authoritarian states that existed at different times and had varied features. Nevertheless, the majority of them suffered from frequent wars initially, which made them implement radical changes to be able to rebuff. One more reason for states to become authoritarian is a constant political pressure...

Leadership Mentoring and Nurses’ Motivation

Abstract This paper discovers submission criteria for the International Journal of Nursing Studies and proposes the article The Effect of Leadership Mentoring on Motivation of Nurses: A Mixed Study Approach. It reviews its content according to the publication guidelines and finds that leadership mentoring has an immense impact on motivation....

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Nursing Care Plan

Presumptive Nursing Diagnosis Although the information provided by the patient is rather brief, it can be supposed that Mary suffers from a case of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). SLE is typically defined as an autoimmune disease that causes adverse effects to most organ systems. The pathology implies the release of...

Noncompete Clauses in Employment Contracts

Introduction The proliferation of non-compete agreements has markedly changed the landscape of the labor market in the US, thereby providing employers with control over their workers’ skills and experiences. This paper aims to explore the advantages and disadvantages of noncompete clauses. The paper will also discuss whether workers should be...

Authoritarian, Laissez-Faire, Democratic Leadership

There is no use denying the fact that the world dictates its own conditions for people. Coherent society appreciates strong willed people, who are able to respond to changing environment and become successful. Moreover, it should also be said that the skills of team work are also needed for a...

Tax Incentives and Their Benefits to Communities

Incentives are benefits offered to people to encourage them to engage in a particular activity. In particular, tax incentives entail lowering taxes for companies and individuals in exchange for specific acts from them. Additionally, tax incentives are used to encourage citizens to undertake socially responsible behaviors that benefit the community...

Business Valuation Techniques Selection

Every enterprise requires good record keeping. Valuing a business is critical to its success. It is prudent to establish the valuation techniques that suit one’s business. Adjusted Present Value and Net Present Value are some of the valuation techniques to examine. Adjusted Present Value It is the Net Present Value...

Fatigue-Related Disorder, Symptoms and Therapy

Possible Problem The symptoms displayed by the patient indicate that the woman suffers from adrenalin fatigue (AF). By definition, the identified disorder occurs when the hypothalamus and the adrenalin glands fail to function properly. The signs and symptoms such as the inability to get up early in the morning, as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Kansas City Zephyrs Club’s Accounting Problems

The case study at hand presents several accounting problems faced by the Kansas City Zephyrs baseball club. The disputes arise because of the disagreement between the baseball team and the club owners on the benefits provided to players. Both parties are involved in bargaining negotiations, the ultimate purpose of which...

Devil’s Den Organization’s Ethical Dilemma

The case study, Dilemma at Devil’s Den, presents us with numerous organizational challenges. The foundation of the case is on ethics, morality, and individual’s system and the manner in which it impacts on his/her perceptions and behaviors. The structure of the case study looks at the impacts of rewards and...

Problem of Relationships in “Night” by Elie Wiesel

Introduction The essay will explore the relationship between Eliezer and his father. An extensive study of the relationship right from the beginning to how they later change in the novel will be examined. It is notable that, during the Holocaust, Eliezer and others who were ready to face the executions...

Telehealth Implementation: Benefits and Challenges

Officially well-defined, telemedicine is the use of medicinal data traded from one place to another through electronic infrastructures to recover a patient’s medical well-being status. Telemedicine comprises an increasing assortment of apps and services using email, smartphones, wireless connection, and other types of broadcasting technology (Lustig, 2012). Telemedicine is not...

Affordable Care Act and Related Ethical Conflicts

Every major reform has its strengths and weaknesses, particularly when it comes to health care. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare or Trumpcare, was first initiated in 2012. Even though the Act was aimed at improving access to health care for underprivileged populations, it raised several ethical...

Research Internal Validity and Variables Control

The issue of validity applies to any research or study and requires the researchers to develop methods and designs that would help to control the variables and achieve internal validity. Internal validity is “the extent to which [the experiment’s] design and the data it yields allow the researcher to draw...

Childhood Obesity and Public Health Interventions

Introduction There is no doubt that obesity at an early age causes a variety of health complications. Worse still, it is known that high body mass in children leads to a greater risk of chronic disease comorbidity. Its etiology relates to the consumption of junk food and decreased physical activity...

Therapy and Culture in the Nurse-Patient Relationship

The nurse-patient relationship can be discussed as specific interactions between a person who takes a role of a caregiver, a provider of services, or a supporter and a client who needs to improve the health and cope with diseases. As a result, nurses should pay much attention to the impact...

Policies and Social Programs in Nursing Practice

The medical sphere continues to develop constantly, and, nowadays, the actions of a nurse are defined not only by the evidence-based practice and educational background but also they are controlled by a diverse range of policies and social programs (Milstead, 2013). Consequently, the primary goal of the paper is to...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Patient Education

Clinical Question Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) affect the world’s population greatly nowadays. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about a million of them are acquired every day (WHO, 2016). Rather often, people are not even aware of their condition until the moment they experience adverse effects. Thus, it is...

Pinnacle West Capital Corp.’s Process-Oriented Culture

Process-Oriented Organization: Challenges Addressing issues associated with information management implies handling numerous challenges in an organizational environment, and the case of Pinnacle West is a clear example of the specified phenomenon. For instance, with the shift of the focus from people to processes, the threat of mismanaging human resources will...

Gender Equality and Women’s Rights

The issue of gender equality in society has gained popularity in the precedent century with the rise of the feminist movement and women’s struggle for rights equal to those of men. The reason for the shift towards recognizing women’s rights in societal interactions is the changing ratio of males and...

Special Education and Autists’ Social Interactions

Early childhood practitioners meet with a daily challenge of ensuring that all children, including those with special needs, acquire the necessary skills for development. Helping a child with a particular requirement is never easy; one needs unique skills, creativity, and perseverance. In the direction of offering some options to special...

Unilever Company’s Process and Location Strategy

A complete integration of the four business and location strategies by Unilever, a giant global corporation has seen it uniquely maintain a lead in the share of the market and a strong position against its competitors in the field of consumer goods and household favorites for many years. These strategies...

American History of the Revolution

Causes of the American Revolution The American Revolution had specific characteristics that distinguished it from many other people’s uprisings occurring in the world before and after it. First, the revolution of 1775-1783 took place on the territory that, in fact, did not experience feudalism as a socio-economic formation (Bailyn, 2017)....

Demographic Discriminations at Work

Demographic characteristics affect employee performance and satisfaction both positively and negatively. They create the first impression of an employee to his or her colleagues. Being a victim of demographic discrimination is not a good feeling. I happened to have colleagues who were way too younger than me, hence got discriminated...

Artemisia Gentileschi’s Self-Portraits and Recognition

The Topic The influence of Artemisia Gentileschi’s self-portraits on her recognition and early feminist history. The importance of the topic Speaking about art, the representatives of the general public tend to associate it with the Renaissance because a lot of artists were rather active during this very period. They created...

Jehovah Witnesses and Kingdom Hall

Material Dimension The designated sacred space for the Jehovah’s Witnesses is the Kingdom Hall which they believe to be a representation of God’s Kingdom (Heyns, 2002). Simple design, lack of the altars, no sitting pews and images, are the main characteristics of the Kingdom Hall, the sacred places of Jehovah’s...

Confidence Intervals Differences and Similarities

Identifying population parameters is essential to the success of a research or the production process (Sharpe, DeVeaux, & Velleman, 2015). Herein the significance of the tools known as confidence intervals lies. Allowing estimating the key parameters of the target population, continence intervals serve as a means of reducing the chances...

Healthcare Organizational Values and Priorities

Organizational Values A set of beliefs every organization has Typically written down Strong inherent corporate culture Serve to guide administrative and employee’s actions Respect, integrity, excellence, trust, and caring May have significant differences Organizational values summarize the goals of a company and the means of obtaining them. Healthcare organizational values...

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Apis Mellifica as a Homeopathic Drug for Headaches

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Obesity in Afro-Americans: Ethics of Intervention

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Public Administration: Planning and Economics

Gentrification Policy Issues Gentrification is a process which has started 60 years ago, however, its real extent and influence it obtains only nowadays. The main idea of this process is to rebuild or renew some districts of a city which were at a low ebb. Rebuilding and reconstructing old buildings...

Change Models in Nursing Administration

Transcultural Nursing Theory Developer: Madeleine Leininger. Description of the theoretical perspectives The theory emphasizes the importance of examining such factors as culture-related values, beliefs, and other relevant characteristics of individuals for providing effective healthcare. The author of this theory believes that a deep understanding of the patient’s cultural roots is...