Apple, Inc. As an Electronic Companies

Introduction Apple is a multinational technology firm specializing in the design, production, and sale of consumer electronics, including smartphones, personal computers, and accessories. The American company is headquartered in Cupertino, California, and has been in operation since its 1st April 1976 founding (Levy, n.d.). In 2018, the company broke the...

Charles Manson and the Family as a Destructive Cult

Introduction There is freedom of worship in the US and one can join any religion she/he feels like. Everyone has control of his/her life and is responsible for the actions he takes. One can do everything that pleases him as long as his actions do not hurt another person. However,...

DramaProx Productions Company Business Plan

Executive Summary This business plan is about DramaProx Productions, which is a startup company dealing in the production of drama programs for the UK entertainment industry. Research studies show a significant market share and penetration capabilities with innovative political episode programs in demand in the UK entertainment market that present...

SABMiller on the South African Beer Market

SABMiller has saturated the South African beer market. It has to find a way to increase their revenue in the global market and so decided to raise capital through the London Stock Exchange. When they did not succeed in attracting investors, the company made the mistake of acquiring the second...

Kelly Services Company’s Analysis

Executive Summary This business report presents a PESTEL analysis for Kingdom of Bahrain to determine external factors that influence the business environment and make recommendations for Kelly Services. The overall recommendation is to open an office in Bahrain. However, the company will have to mitigate the current political risks noted....

Mercedes Benz Company’s Marketing Plan for the UAE

Abstract This is a marketing plan for Mercedes Benz. The main objective is to increase the market share of Mercedes Benz in the UAE. Mercedes Benz is a pioneer in the automotive industry with a wide variety of automotives like trucks, vans, passenger cars, etc. Mercedes Benz’s industrial operations in...

Intensive Care Units: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Applications

Introduction The use of methodology is very central to research in any field. In medical practice, qualitative and quantitative approaches are used in the analysis of statistical and analytical data to inform research findings. The two commonly used research methodologies are quantitative and qualitative methods, both of which have got...

Woolworths and Coles Supermarkets Marketing Analysis

Introduction The two selected supermarkets are Woolworths and Coles, which are two of the largest retail chains in the market. The latter can be considered a local supermarket due to the fact that it is headquartered in Melbourne. On the other hand, Woolworths is a multinational chain that is originally...

HIV, AIDS Prevention: Sonagachi Project

Introduction Any complete program on health ought to educate people on the need to take proper care of it by living a healthy lifestyle. An effective health program aspires to manage the health of people by ensuring quick access to affordable health care. Until recently, the concept of HIV prevention...

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Introduction The acute injury of the lung is referred to as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In this condition, the amount of oxygen diffusing from the air sacs to the bloodstream is usually very low, thus the disease is highly life-threatening. Direct or indirect insults are the two broad mechanisms...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Causes the Murder and Homicide

Introduction Murder as well as homicide is one of the most serious violent crimes that often has detrimental effects for all stakeholders involved. Clearly, it is essential to understand what causes the crime to be able to prevent it. Numerous theories explaining the nature and causes of different crimes exist....

Community Health and Its Impact on Maternal Child Health

Introduction Community health is a public health section that focuses on societal wellbeing, including economic and social interaction. It is an essential public health subsection that ensures health maintenance and improvement among the community members while preventing infectious illness spread and disaster management preparation. Additionally, it impacts crucial aspects of...

Nursing Philosophy: Meta-Paradigms and Concepts

Introduction Nursing is one of the most important careers in human healthcare. The profession has led to the employment of thousands of qualified nurses. This line of work complements other professions in healthcare to ensure that patients get the best care. Just like most other professions, theories have been developed...

Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”: The Theme of the Small Man in the Play

Arthur Miller’s plays are characterized by the significance of the moral and ethical issues and the application of references to his heroes’ past, where roots of the present behavior lie. The desire to find profound implication in the ordinary, to create an emotional atmosphere from as if insignificant words and...

What Contributions Have Feminists Made to Our Understanding of World Politics?

Feminist activists have given society an alternate attitude toward what we characterize as governmental issues. It tends to the fundamental suspicions that make governmental issues a male-ruled control and looks to advance the situation of women inside it. Feminist activists have questioned the norms of human society, exposing the patriarchal...

Spinoza and Lessing Confronting Religious Intolerance

Introduction The complications related to religious dogmatism are often portrayed in the literature written in the 18th century. The lack of acceptance of other beliefs and the confrontations between the representatives of different religions were commonly discussed by writers of that time. The author’s Benedict Spinoza and Gotthold Ephraim Lessing...

System Implementation: The Health Information Management Systems

Introduction The health information system is a system made to manage data in healthcare. It includes collection, storage, management, and transmission systems that deal with electronic records related to medicine. Healthcare facilities, rather than hospitals that are operational and support the health information system, are always overlooking and managing systems...

Why the Common Core Should Not Be Adopted by the State of Missouri

Broadly, there has been much controversy over the involvement of the federal government in the public education system since the institution of the Department of Education in the U.S. This problem arises from the establishment of the Common Core standards. By definition, Common Core refers to a public education initiative...

Investment Opportunity Analysis: British Banking Sector

Introduction Purpose Statement The present report was commissioned by the chief financial analyst of the Euroland Company. The primary task was to identify three investment opportunities for the client in the banking sector and assess their financial performance during the past five years using appropriate ratios. The purpose of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Influence of Popular Culture on Society

Introduction Many processes occurring in modern society are primarily influenced by the dissemination of popular culture. Over the past years, television and the Internet have become popular with people of different ages and backgrounds. Reality shows, TV series, and YouTube channels transmit values that affect people’s behavior. However, it is...

Crystallization of L-alanine Crystals

Abstract Crystallization of L-alanine crystals can be achieved through the use of Meta-assisted and Microwave Accelerated Evaporative Crystallization (MA-MAEC) process. This is a common industrial technique that has the capacity to produce crystals with different polymorphs within a very short time, unlike other preparation methods. MA-MAEC crystallization technique poses myriads...

Advanced Pharmacology: Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis is a medical condition that affects the joints, causing inflammation and, to some extent, tenderness. In the U.S., close to 54.4 million individuals have been diagnosed with at least one form of arthritis, of which approximately 23.7 million persons have low work productivity as a result of the condition...

Hilton Hotel’s Manager and Constructor Facing Wire Fraud Charges

Introduction Unlike the ordinary employees, executives tend to have the freedom to act in accordance with their wishes. Oftentimes, they misuse their authority, make poor decisions, or even engage in outright fraud. Adan Roldan and Geoffrey Palermo, the owner of a construction firm and a manager at a San Francisco...

A Perspective Into the Sources of Funds for Businesses

Introduction Companies in stages of start-up phase and existing ones that are planning to grow both needs to find ways of financing their operations. Most businesses are started with an individual or individuals providing a small amount of equity capital from their private funds/savings and then may be a bank...

Parental Stress and Its Effects on Children

Introduction Children are highly susceptible to the influence of external factors, such as the situation in the family and the emotional state of their parents. Stress is contraindicated in pregnant women because it could affect the development of an embryo and even lead to a miscarriage. The research question is...

Work Like the Midwives

Description of the Study The entire study is well organized and concise. The author uses various headings and subheadings to guide the reader. As such it is easy to skim through the article and evaluate if it has the information that the reader intends to acquire. The article is also...

Elon Musk’s Leadership Style and Related Theories

Introduction Elon Musk is one of the most outstanding business leaders and a strategist in innovations for the last few decades. His career as a business leader is likely to excel in the future. Elon grew to understand that the most challenging aspect is to come up with the correct...

BRCA Gene Mutation and Breast Cancer

Abstract Cancer remains one of the major threats to human health. It occurs as a result of gene mutation. Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer among women. Additionally, breast cancer affects men, though in rare cases. The disease occurs as a result of mutations in breast cancer susceptibility genes...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pharmacology: Uses of Albuterol and β2-Adrenergic Agonist

Introduction Albuterol is generally used for treating reactive airway deceases. This remedy is also known as salbutamol, and its main predestination is the relief of bronchospasm in the case of such diseases like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The optimal frequency of albuterol usage is generally subjected to numerous...

Caloric Sweeteners on Bone Health

Introduction The peer-reviewed article ‘Effect of consuming different caloric sweeteners on bone health and possible mechanisms’ by Embedzayi Tsanzi, Cindy W Fitch, and Janet C Tou, 2008, published in Nutrition Reviews Vol. 66, no. 6, pp.301–309, were retrieved from the PubMed database after using the search term “effect of caloric...

PPACA: Healthcare Policy Analysis

Abstract The U.S congress broadly debated the healthcare plan under the umbrella of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and has now been signed into law. The new legislation aims at reducing the cost of basic healthcare to all citizens while at the same time alleviating the various...

Electric Cars and Trade Paradigm

Global businesses and working environments are complex and require an in-depth assessment of issues for proper management. One such international business is manufacturing electric vehicles (EVs) that are likely to disrupt the original market structure. The commitment to the Paris emission agreement has pushed and will continue driving the growth...

Sociological Analysis of Health and Illness

Sociology refers to the study of the origin, development, and structure of human societies and the behavior of individual people within the society. On the other hand, health is defined by the World Health Organization as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence...

Puck in a “Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Shakespeare

Introduction A Midsummer Night’s Dream, written by William Shakespeare, is comprised of interwoven storylines and characters from European folklore. The presence of several distinct plots makes it challenging for readers and viewers to identify the protagonist of the play. The importance of roles is distributed evenly, which complicates the task...

Regulations in the Transport Industry

Introduction Transportation refers to the transfer of people and commodities from one geographical location to another. Transportation system involves the objects being transported, vessels used to transport the objects and mode for movement of the vessels. The objects being transported can either be people or goods, the transportation vessels are...

The Hispanic Community in Homestead Florida

The Hispanics live in the suburbs of Miami. The Hispanics are successful farmers and business people in the City of Homestead. There are also elected and nominated leaders to offer city services to the people. Overview The United States government describes the Hispanic people as people who owe their origins...

Balanced Scorecard in Service and Production Organizations

Introduction The success of organisations that operate in today’s highly competitive environment requires the deployment of strategic management concepts. Such concepts yield success when there exists of a means of measuring performance so that an organisation can set certain performance perimeters to achieve the desired future goals. Before the development...

Law: Human Service Ethics

Introduction Since the human service segment is a large field, it is at times tricky to describe. In the broad sense, human service institutions have the purpose of satisfying people’s wants by incorporating knowledge of various professionals. They function in two ways; they put a stop to any situations that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Antebellum Period Southerners and Slavery

Introduction The Antebellum Period is an era in American history that was characterized by slavery and the slave trade. The period was witnessed just before the civil war of 1812, although historians believe that it extended in the years after the war. [1]It was the time when American society was...

The Fifth and Sixth Amendment Definitions and Applications

Introduction In the United States of America constitution, the 5th amendment provides for the rights of a person charged with a capital offense or an infamous crime. This provides for the right to a trial by a grand jury except in cases of land and naval forces when in service...

How Technology Is Destroying Education

Technology is widely used in Britain and other parts of the world. There is high access, knowledge, and use of technology especially among the young people. It has been observed that in London people spend a lot of time on the Internet. This has affected many sectors in the country...

Should Parents Have the Right to Choose Their Children Based on Genetics?

Introduction There has been a remarkable breakthrough in molecular biology over the last ten years. Already today, it is possible to read the genetic code of a person and to predict what diseases it will inherit. With the help of gene technology, scientists clone animals, attempt to create children “on...

Health Care Quality: Health Information System

Introduction Health information technology is understood to mean the use of several electronic methods of managing information on health and medical care of individuals and groups (George Woods Foundation, 2006). The changes being experienced in the healthcare sector have enhanced the need for a process that can save money. To...

The Walt Disney Company: A Financial Ratio Analysis

The Walt Disney Company is one of the most popular companies that offers entertainment in the form of theme parks, shows, series, merchandise, and movies to its customers of different ages.1 The company was founded in the 1920s as a cartoon and animation studio, and, after that, it experienced an...

Can It Be Argued That Pre-1829 Britain Had No Policing?

Introduction The British police force has a long history, a history that is marked by many milestones that make it distinct from other institutions in society. However, the British police force as is known to many today can trace its roots back to the year 1829. This is the year...

Improving Dubai Hospital’s Quality to Compete Globally

Introduction An organization’s success comes from different management aspects, including decent working culture, excellent management, employee satisfaction, quality products and services, and customer satisfaction. The quality of products determines client contentment, and the enhancement of the quality of products and services improves customer satisfaction (TQM Fundamentals, Week 1). There are...

FedEx: International Logistics Operations

Abstract International logistics is undergoing certain transformations due to technological advancements and other trends related to customers’ needs and preferences. Delivery companies now offer a wide range of services and try to satisfy their customers’ needs. FedEx, being one of the leaders in the market, provides numerous services and is...

Public Health Nursing: Alzheimer’s Disease

Spencer County Community Spencer County had a completely rural population of 20,039 as estimated in 2009. Houses with occupants numbered 6316 while rented houses numbered 1253 (Spencer County, Renters formed 17 % of the population. The land area was 399 sq. mi. while the water area occupied 2.5 sq....

The Agile Approach in Terms of Encouraging Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration

Introduction The senior leadership decision, after three months of a waterfall approach, to now pivot the entire program and wider organization that it sits within to an Agile methodology of design and delivery is driven by three specific issues, namely: the need for the newly formed organization, resourced with a...

Human Learning and Performance: Typing Speed and Accuracy

Abstract The experiment investigated the impact of the touch and hunt-and-peck typing methods on speed and accuracy aspects. A Black/African American female senior UNF undergraduate student was considered for the experiment. The entire activity ran from Monday, February 22nd, 2021 to April 16, 2021, starting from 6:00 p.m. to 6:10...

Is There a Paradox of the Common Law?

Introduction The origin of the common law in UK can be said to be from the 11th century when William I established Royal Courts to apply a common or uniform system of law in UK. Earlier, there was a deviation or variance in law or there had been a different...

Criminal Justice System: Fairness and Reforms

Current Situation in the USA Most prisons in the United States are overcrowded at the moment, sometimes unconstitutionally. The statistics of incarcerated people in the U.S. are higher than in any other country in the world, both per capita and in absolute terms. The state “has less than 5% of...

Reviewing a Request for Proposal: Organization’s Needs

Introduction The healthcare organization has requested vendors’ information on the products and services. This follows the fact-finding part of the system’s implementation and intends to help select the potential vendors. The request for proposal has been issued after the organization has screened potential vendors and gathered information. This paper examines...

Patent System in Sustaining R&D in the Private Sector

Patents play a vital role in innovation and economic performance. Between 1992 and 2002, the average number of patent submissions filed in Europe, Japan, and the United States increased by close to 41% (Arora et al. 147). The escalating use of patents to protect inventions by private research organizations is...

Copyright Infringement in Music and Film Industry

Introduction Copyrights are legal frameworks that allow access to exclusive control and ownership of work in music and film industry. Such statutory provisions seek to govern commercial aspects such as sharing, distribution, reproduction, and sale of artworks (Levitt 2). Under this legal framework, artists and custodians of artwork get an...

Health Care Strategical Marketing Proposal

Introduction The selected company is Hospital for Special Surgery, which is located in New York. The hospital was founded in 1863 and is one of the most recognized orthopedic hospitals in the country. It is critical to mention that the hospital is known for its expertise in orthopedic trauma, spine...

Child and Youth Work Trouble Youth

Child and youth care (CYC) domain of social awareness is the significant sphere for today’s youth. In this respect the paper is dedicated to the role of the CYC practitioner. The thing is that in so multiple varieties of opportunities for children most of them are of bad side. This...

Postpartum Depression Screening Program Evaluation

Introduction Recent researches have confirmed that postpartum depression is one of the most common psychological complications after birth. According to Yonkers (2009), about 15% of women undergo postpartum depression, and this not only affects them but also their children and their families. Several women always develop some form of depression...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Financial Management During the Recession

Introduction and thesis In the past decades, various economies across the globe have come face to face with the implications that arise due to poor management and regulation of financial resources. The effects of the same have been felt by all individuals socially and economically making financial management a force...

Information Has Always Been Important in Warfare and Commerce

Introduction Different times in history has seen Information playing an important role in the lives of millions across the globe to either facilitate or complicate their daily activities, which are now demanding in nature. Such occurrences are perceptible in the contemporary Information warfare, and also as a way of doing...

Physical Activity Impact on Psychological Health During COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction Pandemics and health management strategies may have significant effects on daily living. The recent wave of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has resulted in significant disruptions in the way of life of individuals (Lesser and Nienhuis, 2020). For instance, most...

Johnson & Johnson: Company Overview

Introduction Johnson & Johnson is a multinational corporation with dozens of brands producing mainly pharmaceutical and consumer health goods. The company was founded in 1886 by pharmacist Robert Wood Johnson and his two brothers (Reed, 2020). Eight years after its foundation, Johnson and his brother started the first line of...

Effects of Technology on Policing In England and Wales

In the last 15 years, the police force has seen a great transformation in the way they carry out their duties. Detecting and apprehending law offenders has become easier with the development in technology and computing in law enforcement agencies. Since the introduction of technology in the police force, levels...

Rebuilding Public Confidence in Financial Reporting

Introduction Historically, financial statements have been the mirror reflecting the financial activities of a company. It is based on this information that shareholders, investors and the company’s board of directors themselves make financial decision regarding the company. The reported information mainly by the auditors allows investors for example to make...

Prostitution as a Social Behavior

Criminology and theories of crime help law enforcement professionals to explain and understand the causes of criminal behavior and develop effective strategies to reduce crime rates and prevent criminal behavior. Prostitution is a social behavior identified as illegal sexual services for money. The problem of prostitution can be explained using...

The Department of Veteran’s Affairs

Introduction The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is a government agency that serves the needs of veterans and their families. It is a key department of the federal government whose primary responsibility is the provision of life-long health care services to veterans in its centers and clinics across...

Teaching Plan Proposal on Heart Failure

Preface Medical professionals attribute the problem of balance in the human body to heart failure. This condition of the heart is usually chronic or long-term. However, in other cases, it can develop suddenly. The heart is prone to many problems including the left and right side effects of the heart....

Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun” and Racial Discrimination

Introduction Lorraine Hansberry’s acclaimed play A Raisin in the Sun narrates the struggles and prejudices suffered by black families in the America of the 1950s as they endeavor to improve their financial wellbeing. The piercing drama draws its title from Langston Hughes’ poem Montage of a Dream Deferred and follows...

Black Death Impact on the Direction of Western Civilization

Introduction “The Black Death” is regarded in European history as one of the worst natural disasters, which occurred from 1346-1352 and spread across Europe. Many of those who survived lived in constant fear of the resurgence of the plague, but it did not end until the 1600s. The consequences of...

Racial Profiling in the Airports

Introduction The period after September 11 was a delicate period. The American airlines flight 11 and the united airlines flight 175 had been hijacked and crashed into the twin towers of the World trade centre in New York. The hijackers had been of Middle Eastern descent, members of the terrorist...

The Drug Courts: The Question of Drug Abuse

Introduction Drug abuse is one of the most prevalent crimes in the world. It is a concern for both local governments and international organizations. In fact, many countries around the world have understood that they cannot win the ‘war on drugs’ without a proper international cooperation. This came after the...

Behavior Intervention Plan for Tantrums

Abstract E.J. is an 8-year-old boy who was diagnosed with autism and referred to the Functional Behavior Analysis that revealed tantrums as interfering behavior. It is suggested that his tantrums occur when he fails to obtain peers’ attention to satisfy the need for sameness. This paper presents the behavior intervention...

Bilateral Investment Treaties Analysis

Introduction Globalization has turned the world into a small village where movement and communication are easily done irrespective of the location of an individual. Technological improvement in the field of communication has meant that it is now possible for a business unit to communicate with its customers all over the...

Data Mining for Predictive Social Network Analysis

Introduction Efficient data mining requires the use of sources corresponding to the spirit of the times. In the present-day world, such sources are related to the ones that appear due to technological progress. For this paper, Twitter is appraised as a mine of information that reflects the opinions of people...

Psychosocial Keys to African American Achievement

The scholarly work answers the problem by using quantitative methods for assessing if psychological variables affect the achievement of high-performing African American students. The researchers utilized rigorous methods for data collection and Pearson’s correlation analysis, explanatory factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis to assess the correlations between the variables. Additionally,...

Herpes Simplex Keratitis: Case Study

Abstract Herpetic keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea caused by the herpes simplex virus, which is a neurodermotropic virus that has been present in the human body since childhood. Herpes simplex virus is the most common infectious cause of blindness in developing countries, and a high titer of specific...

Toyota Motor Corporation’s Financial Performance

Introduction The current report examines the financial performance of a top carmaker in the motor industry. The company to be analysed is Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan. A number of financial ratios will be analysed with a view of understanding the company’s profitability, earnings, risks, and cash flow in the last...

Mental Disorder and Criminogenic Behavior Association

Introduction There are quite a number of research studies that have explored the association between mental illness on the one hand, and violence, on the other hand (for example, Paterson et al 2004; Friedman, 2006; Sirotich 2008). Even then, there those amongst the scholars who are of the opinion that...

John von Neumann and the von Neumann Architecture

John von Neumann was a great mathematician, known by his really significant contributions to the fields of economics, numerical analysis, and computer science. This person played a very important role in developing the study of computation and understanding of how effective and practical computers had to be and how the...

Discussion of E-commerce Market

Abstract The market analysis allows firms to comprehend the possible opportunities and limitations, which further define the correct strategies to adopt. The e-commerce market has grown over the past years following the amplified use of the internet and contemporary technologies. Amazon uses an online presence to sell its products and...

Promotion and Advertising Strategies Used by Apple and Samsung

Welcome to our sample essay about Apple and Samsung advertising strategy! How does Samsung promote their products? What is Apple’s marketing mix? Find out here! Introduction One of the major objectives of the firm is to create and sustain the competitiveness of its products and services in the market (Cole,...

Organizational Behavior in the “Up in the Air” Film

Welcome to our Up in the Air organizational behavior sample analysis. Learn more about management, negotiation, and ethical issues in the movie. Get some ideas on how to write your organizational behavior movie analysis! Organizational Behavior Movie Analysis Introduction There are a lot of books and movies showing the stories...

Irony in Everything That Rises Must Converge and A Rose for Emily

Irony in Everything That Rises Must Converge is one of the most prominent literary devices. Another example is irony in A Rose for Emily, which is connected to its theme. Read this sample to learn more about the use of irony in these short stories. Introduction Irony is a common...

Concept of Lifelong Learning

Welcome to our lifelong learning essay sample! Here, you’ll find a lifelong learning example from personal experience. Get some inspiration for your lifelong learning essay with the help of our essay sample. Lifelong Learning Essay Introduction Teenagers share many things in common in their learning experiences as they grow up....

Animal Transplantation and Commerce in Organs

Introduction The medical field has made significant advances over the years which have resulted in the development of cures for hundreds of diseases leading to lower mortality rate and higher chances of recovery from ailments for people. This has undoubtedly improved the quality and/or prolonged the lives of many people....

Colonization From European and Native Perspectives

Introduction The history of the colonization of America has many impressive milestones. One of the most mysterious periods is Columbus’s arrival to the shores of a new continent and the subsequent settlement of North America by colonialists. During these historical events, the civilizations of Europeans and Native Americans clashed. This...

Vitamins E and C in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Men

Abstract The present description is concerned with highlighting two papers by comparing and contrasting the research and analysis. The first paper was focused on the survey program to determine the utility of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) in Australia. The second paper was focused to determine if supplementation of vitamin...

Floods: Stages, Types, Effects, and Prevention

If you’re writing a paper on floods, make sure to check out our “how to prevent flood” essay sample! Here, you’ll find information on types, effects, prevention, and stages of floods. Keep reading to get inspiration for your essay on flood and flood prevention essay! How to Prevent Flood Essay...

Implementing Research Findings Into Practice Among Graduate Nurses

Breimaier, H. E., Halfens, R. J. G., & Lohrmann, C. (2010). Nurses’ wishes, knowledge, attitudes and perceived barriers on implementing research findings into practice among graduate nurses in Austria. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20, 1744-1756. This article represents a study that was carried out by Helga Breimaier, Ruud Halfens and...

Addiction to Online Gaming

Introduction The rapid development of technologies has led not only to numerous breakthroughs in various spheres of people’s lives but also to significant issues related to the inability of some individuals to limit their time spent on gadget use. Whereas the Internet has presented an opportunity for communication and research,...

Improving Literacy in the Seattle School District

Introduction Program planning and evaluation are critical steps in determining the success and anticipated effectiveness of the program, which ultimately influences the support of the program by its stakeholders and sponsors. To illustrate the general components of the program for Improving Literacy in the Seattle School District, the logic model...

Russian Organized Crime: History & Personalities

Introduction Developed and developing countries have not only experienced economic and social stability but they also have to deal with a well-organized gang of criminals who are out to exploit every opportunity in the world to benefit in monetary terms using systematic criminal means. Organized crime has always had several...

Practice Guidance of Medical Devices Decontamination

Introduction Effective decontamination of dental instruments is very critical for the safety of patients as well as management of infections within the premises of dental clinics. The decontamination is essential to ensure that all dental instruments reflect the highest quality for usage as well as reflecting modern day standard for...

Post-Translational Modification of Proteins

Introduction Post-translational modification is the process by which a protein (polypeptide) is modified chemically after it has gone through the third stage of protein biosynthesis. This third stage is referred to as translation. It is part of the whole process of gene expression. Basically, a protein is made up of...

Epidemiology. Tuberculosis as Communicable Disease

Despite being known for rather a long time and thoroughly researched, tuberculosis (TB) remains a considerable danger for a number of people, especially socially vulnerable and unprotected. Unlike many diseases continually present in the history of humanity, TB cannot be viewed as vanquished or easily treated – the eradication of...

The Process of Negotiations

Any negotiating process, regardless of its participants, context, or goals, involves an interaction between the negotiators, which is manifested through communication. The statement “there can be no negotiation without communication” is particularly true due to the essential role of the communicational process in negotiations. Indeed, negotiating involves exchanging opinions, interests,...

Adolescent Adjustment to Parental Divorce

Abstract There is an adjustment that occurs in adolescents as they experience parental separation and divorce. The adjustment is observed psychologically and in most cases affects their social-emotional skills. Changes could have a long-term or short-term effect, but generally, they are seen to take place. Consideration is done according to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Denver International Airport’s Project Management

Introduction In the eighties approximately, aviation began to expand its role in international and intercountry transportation, and the need to build new airports was crystallized. As Stapleton Airport’s capacity levels became insufficient to meet the needs of Denver’s growing economy during the period, the idea to build a new airport...

Concepts of Health Care in America

Introduction Primarily, anywhere in the world, people apply healthcare services to administer their health conditions. For example, in order to cure diseases and other health problems, people need health care services. Additionally, health care services acts as an additional ingredient of improving life and reducing some abnormal or consistent pains...

Labor Laws and Regulations: Violations and Compliance

Law 1: Fair Labor Standards Act The Fair Labor Standards Act gives direction on how much employers should pay employees as per the number of hours they have worked. It is important to note that there are different pay rates for different jobs due to the requirements needed (Pozgar, 2019)....

Data Flow Diagram: Components and Guiding Rules

Introduction With information technology taking the centre stage of most organizations and companies alike, system analysis and design is a task that has become a necessary requirement for the 21st century businesses. Companies are now more than ever interested in understanding how information is flowing through their systems. To be...

High Performance Flash Memory Solid State Disk

Performance evaluation of i/o workloads Flash-based solid state disks (SSD) is a performance based data storage technology that optimizes the use of flash-based technology to implement its data storage capabilities compared with mechanically available data storage technologies (Park & Shen, 1). Technically, the promise for better performance of the SSD...

Information System Design Analysis

Introduction In order to have a good information system (IS) its design should be carefully planned. In that regard, it can be stated that planning an information system starts with several important stages, among which is the identification of the IS mission and purpose, the identification of the users and...

HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Russia Overview

Abstract An epidemic, also known as a pandemic refers to a situation where new victims of a disease or infection occur in a specific human population at a given time. This is always devastating and is above the expected rate as indicated by statistics of the previous cases witnessed. A...

Mobile Computing: The Future of Business

Introduction The changes in technology force companies to reevaluate business models to remain profitable and competitive in a market. Mobile technologies use has become part of daily life for most people around the world as a way of sharing information. A study conducted by Pew Research Center (2019) revealed that...

Aspects of Corporation Tax

Introduction Taxes normally decrease the amount of wage the employees take home. In most situations the taxation effects are evident, for instance payroll and income taxes are deducted from employees’ pay checks (Ziliak, 2005). Sales tax or Value Added Tax (VAT) affects the employee’s income indirectly compared with payroll and...

Effects of Divorce on Children

Divorce refers to the dissolution of marriage through legal means (Theu 2). In any divorce case, there are various duties that the divorcing parties must undertake so as to have the divorce process completed. These responsibilities include taking care of the children as well as sharing property. In most cases,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Computer-Based Communication Technologies and Their Influence on Business Communication

Executive Summary Computer-based communication technologies became widely used with Internet connection getting easily accessible. Using these technologies requires only basic computer skills this is why they are popular among people of all possible ages. Computer-based technologies led to the emerging of social media, as well as social networking, instant messaging,...

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission: Case Brief Summary and Analysis

Citizens United (plaintiff) released the documentary about Hillary Clinton, which portrayed her from the negative perspective (Halbert & Ingulli, 2012). Furthermore, the plaintiff wanted to increase the law availability in the video-on-demand, but it will violate the principles, which are established by the Federal Election Commission (defendant). The principles imply...

Discussion of the Nutrition Analysis Results

Introduction Good nutrition is necessary for optimal nutrition status. The main purpose of this paper is to discuss nutrition analysis results of nutrition assessment conducted on a volunteer that involved dietary and anthropometric assessment to identify gaps and provide nutrition support. State whether volunteer’s weight is stable Volunteer’s weight is...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Overview: Diagnosis, Treatment, Care, and Condition

Introduction Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a lung condition that mostly affects people who are older than 40 years (Garvey, 2011). Albeit contentious, some researchers argue that COPD is not a disease, but rather, a description of changes in lung functions (Hall, 2012). Nonetheless, COPD often combines chronic bronchitis...

Hull and Machinery Insurance and Protection and Indemnity Clubs

Introduction Marine Hull and Machinery (H&M) insurance covers the damages incurred in fires, explosions, collisions, or earthquakes in the marine cargo transport sector. Piracy is a significant concern in hull and machinery insurance around Asia and Africa. In addition to the natural and unavoidable disasters, the insurance also covers damages...

Law of Contracts: Everything You Need to Know

Introduction Contract law is a collection of legitimate directions which oversee the legitimacy, affiliation, and content of any treaty that exists among corporations, entities, and various other organizations. The agreement concerns the exchange of ownership, interests, the provision of services, and the sale of goods. The law of contract always...

Sampling-Based Metadata Management for Flash Storage

Abstract The garbage collection mechanism for the YAFFS file system incorporates a search strategy defined by the YAFFS garbage collection algorithm, O (K) space [1]. The total number of blocks targeted for sampling to identify the dirtiest block to be erased is algorithmically achieved based on the size of the...

Workers’ Compensation Program in the US

Introduction Workers’ compensation is a program that provides benefits such as treatment, rehabilitation and other benefits to employees who encounter work-related injuries. This compensation saves the employers from being sued by their employees who experience injuries or diseases – some of the injuries may lead to permanent disabilities. The provisions...

United Kingdom-Ghana Economic Growth Disparities

Introduction The economy of a given country will influence the experiences and lifestyles of its citizens and how they address emerging challenges. Nations will have diverse rates of growth that are determined by various factors, including productivity factor and the rate of growth in the available triggers of development. With...

Portal Frame Building Management Studies

Introduction The construction industry is one of the major dangerous industries in the UK. Between 1999 and 2000, the industry had recorded the death of 105 people due to the various collapses that have occurred. The reason for the collapse has been related to the inability of some building designers...

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Marketing Audit for Qatar Airways Company

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“Holiday” Play by Philip Barry

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Implementation of the Roy Adaptation Model in Nursing Practice

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Disease Management and Its Relevance to the Managed Care System

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Housing Issue in New York City

An overview of New York City New York City is one of the most populated cities in the United States of America. It is a city composed of many different types of people. As such, the population of New York City comprises the original inhabitants of the city in addition...