“The Deserted Village” by Oliver Goldsmith

Introduction During the course of the last two centuries, the semantic meaning of Oliver Goldsmith’s poem “The Deserted Village” has been assessed from a variety of different perspectives. Whereas, some literary critics used to suggest that it was namely Goldsmith’s “pastoral idealism”, which served him as an inspiration, while he...

Civil War Memoirs of Southern Women

Introduction Civil War of 1861-1865 was known as the deadliest war in the history of the United States. After the War had ended, the slavery was abolished in the price of more than half million people. The country restored the significant role of the federal government but still the consequences...

Security for Internet E-Commerce Transactions

Introduction E-commerce is becoming an important focus to many businesses across the globe because of the accompanying benefits and also because of the need to advance towards modern systems. Internet in this way holds a greater potential of business opportunity. In addition, individuals are increasingly appreciating and using the internet...

Violence: Dialogue Between Sigmund Freud and Michel Foucault

The following is what would have accounted for a hypothetical dialogue between Sigmund Freud and Michel Foucault on the subject of violence’s intrinsic subtleties. Both thinkers were presented with the statement that “Violence is a mundane, everyday part of our lives. So much so we are largely immune to its...

Wrights Brothers: Orville and Wilbur

Introduction The two Americans who are credited with discovering and building the world’s first airplane are the Wright Brothers (Orville and Wilbur) from Ohio, United States of America. This was on a very cold and windy day, the December 17th 1903 that the brothers finally managed to lift the aircraft...

Context and Regulatory Framework of Business

Introduction With the growth of globalization and multinational organizations, there has been an increased need for executives to effectively manage in multi-cultural settings with least possible difficulty. Increasingly expatriate managers are struggling to manage a group of people who are completely unlike the group he managed back in his country....

Marx’s Criticism of Capitalism and Sociological Theory

Introduction Sociology involves the study of how groups of people behave towards each other (Bratton, Denham &Deutschmann 2009, P.14) A theory is a set of frameworks or concepts that, if taken together, attempt to show how a given occurrence happens the way it does. Sociological theory determines actions of human...

Contemporary Globalization Since 1914

Today’s world economies have been transformed to a more global outlook through the liberalization of markets and technological shifts, making the world more or less a global village. According to Thai, Rahm and Coggburn (2007, p.2) globalization involves progressive economic growth that goes beyond geographical boundaries fueled by liberalization of...

Bionade´s Internationalization Process Challenges

Internationalization of one entrepreneurial venture from a small-town level could be daunting and quite far-fetched when one family only aimed at maintaining a business that will sustain income generation. But this became a reality for one family-run enterprise after making a hit with the local market at a national level....

Nike’s Example of Business Ethics

Business ethics is the business way of doing things within its environs and when interacting with the world as a whole, or with a single customer. Good and admirable business ethics should be observed in every business, some businesses have been fined for not following their intended business ethics (Brennan...

Popular Research Paper Topics

News in this Modern World

Introduction The word “news” is defined literally in a variety of ways as “information about important or interesting recent events especially when published or broadcasted” or “broadcast report or news” or “newly received or noteworthy information.” (Thompson 2000, p.598). It is clear that the news is something which appears attractive...

“Cartesian Meditations” by Edmund Husserl

Introduction In the book, Cartesian Meditations, Edmund Husserl speaks about the main problems of phenomenology including such topics as static and genetic phenomenology, reduction and intersubjectivity. The central thesis of Husserl’s mature work is that of the life-world, a term that refers to the concrete reality of an individual’s lived...

Enron’s Example of Corporate Social Responsibility

A lot of discussions have been put forward concerning whether business corporations have a mandate for social responsibility or not. It is however agreeable that no business thrives in isolation. Businesses require the market and employees, thus any organization must have some interaction with the surrounding community. The term corporate...

Asian Film Industry Globalization

Before 1997, most of the East Asian film industry was purely based within the region and marred with little success. Two political and economic events that year marked a turning point for this industry. These events included the repossession of Hong Kong by China and the economic downturn in the...

Success Measured in American and Other Cultures

Introduction In contemporary society, many people have a vague picture of what success could be and for most of them, success normally refers to looking like another person, other than who they are. Yet it defeats logic to imagine that one can be ten other people, besides the fact that...

A Website for Selling Furniture

In a highly competitive global business environment, it is no longer enough to rely on traditional methods of manufacturing and marketing products. This is the Information Age where information regarding a particular company, whether true or not, can easily drive up or drive down sales. This means that the business...

Human Trafficking: Term Definition

Introduction In January 2009, a raid by Brazil police led to the rescue of more than 4,500 slaves who had been entrapped in ranches and plantations in remote areas of the country. In a total of 133 raids, the organizers visited an approximated 255 farms where people from poverty-stricken North...

Feminist Theory and International Relations

Introduction The incorporation of feminism in such grounds as philosophical and theoretical grounds is what is referred to as the feminist theory. Feminist theory has been incorporated in various works and also a variety of disciplines which include all approaches to the females’ role and the lives of the feminist...

Wal-Mart Stores as Sam Walton’s Enterprise

Sam Walton incorporated his business as Wal-Mart Stores in 1969 and more than thirty years later it has become a global retailing juggernaut with an unprecedented revenue that will exceed $400 billion in fiscal 2009 (Thompson, Strickland, & Gamble, 2008, p.374). It is the largest retailer in the United States,...

Bill Gates and Carlo Slim Helu Compare and Contrast

Introduction Pursuit of entrepreneurship is a decision people attempt to achieve. However, ability to achieve ones aims as a successful entrepreneur depends on several factors. The attributes of a successful entrepreneur depend on the personal traits, motivation, behaviours, needs, and decision process and entrepreneurship essence. Stanworth, at al (1989) argued...

Counseling and the Problem of Battered Women

Violence against women in society causes trauma, depression, stress and other psychological-related disorders. So as to alleviate the symptoms related to the trauma, buttered women have to seek counseling services where they are given support and life skills. This paper explores the literature that has been done so far concerning...

Personal Professional Development for the Workplace

Executive Summary This personal development plan is an important and very helpful tool that is in the disposal of someone who recently finished her studies. Even if there is so much learning in the theoretical aspect of managing a business there is nothing like working in a real-world setting. The...

Problem Solution: Best Snacks INC.

Best Snacks is part of a giant industry in the modern world. The fast food industry is a rapidly changing industry. As we will see in the pages to come, Best Snacks is finding itself in a difficult position lately. It is one of the oldest operating companies in the...

Gun Politics in the State of New Jersey

The United States is the place where democracy has come to the issue overgrowing protection. By this one should understand that the American nation is the most armed place in the world. In New Jersey this reading is growing every now and then. The Obama’s new gun policy is not...

IT Goals for Supply Chain Management

Executive summary This paper will base its discussion on the importance and role played by the information technology sector using system integration in supply management to achieve its goal when supplying. This paper will look at the demerits and merits that are to be faced by a manufacturer as he...

“Globalization, Poverty and Inequality” by Kaplinsky

Professor Raphael Malcolm Kaplinsky is a member of the Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology at The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes. Born on 31 December 1946, he is the author of a number of books and research papers on the subject of technology, industrialization, and globalization. These incorporate...

The Relations Between Cross-Cultural and Human Resource

Culture cuts across diverse issues in a given society and what may be right with one society may be wrong in another. Different cultures value and uphold different tenets and beliefs thus bringing diversity amongst societies. Whether values and beliefs of an individual count or do not count in workplace,...

Analysis of Aesthetics Applied to the Theme of Love

Art is one of the unique forms which reflect the personal, social, and cultural values of society. Art, in different forms and genres, can be seen as a philosophy of life reflecting the values, traditions, and feelings of people. The philosophy of art can be seen as individual opinion buttressed...

Media Convergence in Online Gaming Sphere

An overview of globalization and culture Globalization is a process that has been observed to influence many dimensions of the life of humans. It is also a compulsory process that transforms the contemporary human future. Sine the beginning of the 90s, humans created a new world whose most significant characteristic...

Public Administration: Formal and Informal Organizations

McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y had been the cornerstone of organizational theories at one time. Theory X believes that the workforce is innately lazy and unwilling to do work. Therefore, management needs to goad, persuade, discipline and even, coerce them to work – the carrot and stick policy needs...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Restoration of the Slains Castle

Introduction Slains castle is at least the historical memorial of Medieval Scotland. Originally, this castle is the notable place for tourists, for historians and for the archeologists. The castle stands on a windswept cliff and faces the Cruden Bay in the North-East of Scotland. It was the family castle of...

Marijuana Should Be Legalized in the United States

Introduction Marijuana is perhaps one of the most misunderstood drugs in today’s society. Unlike other hard drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamines, marijuana is grown naturally. It is a greenish gray mixture of dried and broken leaves, stems, seeds and flowers from the Cannabis Sativa plant. It has been illegal...

Geomorphology: Weathering Processes

Outline This paper mainly discusses what is weathering and the three processes involved in it. The paper explains the processes involved under each type and the features formed as the result of the processes. In doing so the paper has been broken down onto various sections namely; Introduction Railsback describes...

Baseball as a Voice for American Patriotism

Since ancient times, patriotism was one of the main features of American society reflected in its bravery and courage. Americans support and keep their unique beliefs and values as the main element of cultural identity and unique traditions. Since the beginning of the 20th century, baseball became extremely popular in...

Procter and Gamble (P&G): Strategic Management

Introduction Procter and Gamble (P&G) is a global company, which operates in 160 countries around the world. Most products of P&G became universally recognized brands such as itsHead & Shoulders, Pantene, Tide, Ariel, etc. Today, P&G is dynamically evolving corporation operating within a rapidly evolving global environment. Marketing around the...

The Power of Art in Society

Art can be considered as one of the forms of public consciousness. At the heart of art, lays a creative reflection of reality. Art cognizes and evaluates the world, forms a spiritual shape of people, their feelings and thoughts, their outlook, and awakens their creative abilities. In its essence art...

Comparing Marxist vs Weberian in Terms of Class

Abstract Marx and Weber both give us insight into the stratification of class in society. Marx builds upon a theory where there are two classes, a ruling class, and a subject class. He believes the proletariat will overthrow the capitalists because conflict is bound to rise due to unbalanced power....

The History and Current Usage of Greenwich Park

A brief description of the history and current usage of Greenwich Park and the current plans for use of the Park in the Olympics According to the Royal Parks (2009), the 73 hectare Greenwich Park is the oldest enclosed Royal Park located on a hilltop that provides a scenic view...

Criminal Justice Ethics Analysis

The public expects their police department to enforce the rules, not break them. When they do, it breaks down the trust of the public as well as tearing down the very fabric of society. The following paper presents evidence that corruption within the nation’s police forces does exist, especially where...

Malaysian and Thai Tourism: Promotion of Cultures

Abstract Tourism the abstract thing now a day is the best service to earn a lot of tourism currency. The importance of this sector is growing rapidly due to geographical, political traditional, social and economic concerns. Now, tourism is going to be for the Asian countries for the rent few...

Sex Offender Treatment

Interviews yielded information on how the controversy has always dogged the treatment of sexual offenders. Most interviewees felt that the correctional facilities needed to offer treatment to sex offenders who were willing to reform. This they suggested because they felt that the long periods of incarceration do not help them...

Effective Leadership Skills in Practice

It is a common belief that leadership is important for organizations and societies to function. Leadership is an overall activity that is visible in people and even animals. Whereas it is easy to identify leadership in a situation, it is difficult to define it precisely (Avery, p.4). There is no...

Prisons in “The Shawshank Redemption” by Frank Darabont

It is a reality that prison populations in the United States are rising. The reasons are many, including economic factors, the changing cultural environment, problems in education, lack of enough infrastructure to prevent crime, and too many more to list. Even the media has been blamed. The rising crime rate...

Riots in Oaxaca, Mexico, and Their Outcome

Introduction The Oaxaca Riots started in the year 2006 when teachers mobilized protesters so that they could demand for better pay since they were amongst the lowest paid civil servants. They evicted the teachers’ union which enhanced them to mobilize more protesters. Those who supported the strike were led by...

Equal Rights: Struggling Toward Fairness

Introduction The debate on rights has been raging for some time, and is still a topic of discussion in many social forums. Every country now seems to be moving towards establishing a society ruled by justice and fairness, and for those who find it difficult to instill justice in their...

Rococo, Interior Decorative Art

Such cultural and artistic phenomenon as rococo takes its origin in the eighteenth century France. The very word “rococo” is the blending of two words rocaille (which can be translated into English as “shell”) and Baroque (Kalnein, 44). Overall, this style can be characterized by elaborate ornamentation and asymmetry. Rococo...

Crime Prevention Programme in Australia

Introduction Crime among young people is a social problem and it hampers the proper development of a society. Crime is a global evil and most of the world countries are facing the same problem of increased rate of crimes. The change in social relationship is one of the reasons for...

A Management Accounting Analysis of the Organisation

Introduction Business management is a systematic process of four combined activities such formulating strategies, communicating these strategies throughout the organization, developing and carrying out tactics to implement the strategies and developing and implementing controls to monitor the success of the strategy in terms of achieving strategic objectives of the organization....

Enteral Feeding in Paediatric Intensive Care

Nutrition is important in childhood, as a child has a lower energy reserve and a higher demand for calories due to its growth. However, if a child protracts from an illness, this could result in an onset of malnutrition. Results of several studies have shown that acute and chronic malnutrition...

American Women’s History: Suffrage Movement

It was 3rd March 1913, the day when Woodrow Wilson arrived at Washington to paradoxically find very little crowd for his welcome. It was the occasion of his inauguration as the President of the United States. Later he found that people instead had assembled to witness the greatest ever history...

Employment Relations and Human Resource Management

During the last 30 years, there have been significant shifts in employment relations and the HR management field of study. In today’s competitive workplace employers must remain attuned to the needs of their workforce. Those who do will have a distinct advantage. One of the tools being used by global...

The Caravan Incident: Migrants from Central America

Introduction Immigration is a frequently discussed issue in the United States. One might say that America is a nation of immigrants that opens its doors to everyone. But many citizens consider immigration a serious threat to the country, with a number of economic, political, and environmental complications. Because of the...

The US’ Organizations: Creating and Protecting Jobs

Introduction Organizations in all industries are interested in maintaining their levels of competitiveness for continued delivery of value to their owners (shareholders). In fact, “any organization in today’s fast moving environment that is looking for the pace of change to slow is likely to be sorely disappointed” (Bertscherk and Kaiser...

How Can American Cities Raise More Money?

Abstract Most urban governments in the United States face revenue problems for various reasons. Increased population size is one of the reasons why some governments experience revenue challenges. Governments have to adapt and evolve in the types of services they offer to the resident populations usually without increasing taxes to...

Evidence-Based Practice and Types of Research

Types of research Quantitative Research is based on numeric figures or numbers. Quantitative research aims to measure the quantity or amount and compares it with past records and tries to project for a future period. In social sciences, “quantitative research refers to the systematic empirical investigation of quantitative properties and...

Holocaust and Genocide Analysis

Introduction Holocaust was one of the most terrible events in history if the world marked by extreme violence and hostility. The ideology provided by Nazi underlined the descent of the German people from the Aryan race and rejected all other nations. Jews were seen as enemies of the Nazi Germany...

Cognitive Behavioural and Existential Counseling Modalities

Due to the availability of numerous counseling modalities, those specialists, who engage with this practice, often face the necessity of adjusting the general concept and ideology underlying the sessions to the patient’s needs and become extremely selective in applying the approaches to specific cases. The present paper is designed to...

Immigration’s Economic Input in the United Kingdom

Immigration is one of the most important debated topics in the United Kingdom today. Britain has always been a destination of the migrants. However, the recent influx is almost unprecedented. Relative to population, the scale of immigration is now so much greater than during any period since the Anglo-Saxon and...

Death Penalty from a Prison Officer’s Perspective

One of the most important issues in the criminal justice system is in relation to capital punishment. There are certain concerns when it comes to the aim to understand the said issue. These can include the question of the effectiveness of capital punishment and even the issues related to morality...

Masculinity in Shakespeare’s “Antony and Cleopatra” Play

Introduction “Antony and Cleopatra” is one of Shakespeare’s most dramatic plays; however, it has not been staged nearly as many as plays such as Hamlet or Macbeth because it is such a hard play to produce due to its enormous variety of content. However, the mere strength of the characters...

Recruitment as a Human Resource Management Function

Recruitment, as a human resource management function, is one of the activities that impact most critically on the performance of an organization. Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment to form a pool of job seekers from whom the right people for the right job...

Delectability of Foods Within the Context of Children

All types of living beings that subscribe to sexual mode of production excessively give in before the two most fundamental natural impulses. They are sex and taste. These are the two very forces or the stimulus, which are responsible for keeping them alive from times immemorial. Theories of evolution are...

King Asoka Spreading Buddhism Along the Silk Road

Nowadays, Buddhism is one of the major religions in the world and is practiced by diverse communities across countries and continents. The active spread of Buddhism from India, where it originated, to other countries, happened primarily through the network of Silk Roads. These trade routes played a significant role in...

Civil Science Implementation in Schools

Abstract Civil science remains instrumental in bridging the gap in the acquisition and development of adequate competencies in science education. This learning process allows learners to have first-hand experiences and observations on scientific issues and developments. In this paper, a detailed research study is proposed that can guide schools and...

Behaviour Change in Overweight and Obese Adults

Samdal et al. (2016) conduct the systematic review and meta-regression of 48 studies, focusing on behavior change techniques (BCTs) in the overweight and obese adult population. The authors consider the change in eating habits and healthy lifestyle as the key factors, leading to weight loss. The purpose of the article...

Hobbes’ vs. Locke’s Account on the State of Nature

Hobbes and Locke are among the most influential political philosophers to ever write in English. The state of nature, which precedes the organization of the complex societies, is the common premise that both Hobbes and Locke share but interpret in different ways. The former views humans in their natural state...

History of World Cinema. “A Tale of Two Cities” Film

Abstract Whereas Hollywood is now recognized as the biggest film industry in the world, initially, other countries had equally large and influential cinemas. Films from France, Japan and even Germany have secured a spot in some of the very first and most influential movies of all time. During World War...

The HASS Curriculum and the Integration of Diverse Perspectives

Introduction The Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) encompass a broad range of aspects pertinent to social, civic, and citizenship education. In the latest iteration of the Australian Curriculum, HASS includes studies of History, Geography, Civics, and Citizenship, as well as Economics and Business, with the primary teaching document being called...

Crime Theories. “Can’t Catch a Break” by Sered & Norton-Hawk

The present paper is dedicated to the book Can’t Catch a Break by Sered and Norton-Hawk (2014). Both authors are Professors of Sociology at Suffolk University in Boston. Susan Starr Sered focuses on women’s rights, and Maureen Norton-Hawk has a special interest in criminology (University of California 2014). Their fields...

ABC Corporation: Analysis, Overcoming Identified Challenges, Satisfying Business Needs

Introduction The task of any IT manager working in a company is to select and propose the most efficient information system solution to address organizational needs. The problem is that, despite an important role of information systems in business operations, it is rather difficult to choose a cost-efficient technology. When...

Three Fears About Screen Time for Children

Introduction Technology on the whole and various gadgets, in particular, are integral to the life, work, and education of nearly every individual. Nevertheless, while adults and even adolescents are using devices such as phones or tablets excessively, people hesitate when it comes to the use of gadgets by preschoolers. A...

Rape Shield Laws and Women’s Rights in Canada

Rape is a type of sexual assault when a person is forced to have sex against their will. “Rape shield” is a concept in the legislation of countries such as Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and others. The concept refers to the limitations imposed by the law to use the victim’s...

A Statement and Defense of Faith in Literature

Everyone has faith – from the irrational religious zealot to the fervent philosopher and the meticulous scientist. We all believe in something and thus we behave in line with these beliefs. Therefore, the underlying question, in this case, is not whether we have faith, but the truth behind the things...

Environmental Issues: Plastics in the Ocean

Introduction In the twenty-first century, planet earth’s environment is in danger of being over-polluted due to the unprecedented large-scale production of plastics and the associated poor disposal practices. Plastics are non-biodegradable, which means when poorly disposed of, they lead to widespread pollution causing harm to human health and the environment...

Food in Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest”

Introduction When it comes to discussing the discursive significance of Oscar Wilde’s 1895 comedy The Importance of Being Earnest, critics commonly refer to the fact that, despite having been written at the end of the 19th century, the concerned dramaturgic masterpiece continues to enjoy popularity with contemporary audiences. The reason...

ASOS Online Retail Company’s Customer Loyalty

Introduction Customer loyalty, as a rule, actually highlights the extent to which a consumer can devote himself or herself towards the company products and services just because of the high level of satisfaction. This refers to the consumers’ tendency to like and choose any one particular brand over the available...

Canadian Housing: Housing Affordability and Core Housing Need

Housing affordability in Canada remains an acute problem for many areas of the country. This report provides a detailed analysis of the issue, its background, and its reasons. It discusses trends in Canadian housing affordability, presents statistical data for all provinces, and addresses core housing needs. The paper concludes that...

British in Hong Kong and the French in Vietnam: Empire and Imperialism

Introduction From a nationalistic perspective, imperialism did not have any positive impacts on the colonized nations. Even in cases where it appears that such countries benefited from their colonial masters, nationalists would term it an accidental occurrence – a by-product of the imperialists’ pursuit of their self-centered interests. However, colonialists...

Ecofeminism and Fight for Animal Rights

Feminists are known to be some of the most progressive fighters for equality in the world. However, their endeavors do not only comprise human relationships. There is a branch of feminism that deals with defending the rights of animals. This ideology is called ecofeminism, and its supporters argue that animals...

Civil Conflict and Economic Policy in El Salvador

Introduction The Republic of El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America with its population hardly exceeding six million people. Once being a financially stable state with properly arranged coffee export, El Salvador endured political instability in the mid-20th century. Social inequality and growing civil discontent led to the...

Community Outreach and Counterterrorism

Abstract This paper explores community outreach and counterterrorism in the context of how they relate to weaknesses in the operation of transnational terrorist organizations. Discussions are centered on three issues. The first one is the importance of forging trust between law enforcers and community agents, while the second one is...

Changes in United States Immigration Policies

Introduction Immigration is one of the most hotly debated and controversial issues in American politics. This can be attributed to the significant role that it has played in shaping the history of the United States. The US is one of the countries that have flexible immigration policies in the world....

Amazon: Local and Global Markets

Executive Summary Based on sales, revenues, and global market share, Amazon has become one of the hallmarks of e-commerce in the United States. The advancements in information technology have contributed immensely to the growth and development of Amazon as a market leader in e-commerce, machine intelligence, and cloud computing industries....

Intellectual Property and Its Abuse

Introduction Intellectual property has been a valuable commodity and a generator of wealth for people and companies throughout modern history. It is an umbrella term that encapsulates all results of intellectual and creative processes. A great number of things fall under its categories, from company names and slogans, to design...

Iron Man and The Avengers: Films Comparison

Introduction The Marvel Cinematic Universe has undergone significant changes over the last decade, since the release of Iron Man in 2008, which gave a start to the series of films about the Avengers. The movie introduced Tony Stark as the first official member of the group as well as established...

Organized and Transnational Crime in Southeast Asia

Organized and transnational crimes have become a significant concern in Southeast Asia in the past several decades. The region shows high levels of Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) and other offenders’ activities; moreover, the measures to reduce human and drug trafficking along with money laundering have been ineffective, too. This report...

Saudi Arabia State Formation in the Middle East

State formation in Saudi Arabia centered on two main aspects – a traditional tribal society based in Najd and drastic socio-economic and political changes that occurred in the twentieth century. The process of the Saudi state formation is traced back to the period between 1744 and 1822, whereby tribes would...

Intermodal Transportation

Introduction Intermodal shipping is an approach of transferring cargo from the shipper to the consignee using multiple modes of transport. The commonly used modes of transport in intermodal shipping include rails and trucks. Particularly, the intermodal shipment of goods and services relies on special containers that can fit in well-designed...

Single African American Mothers: Research Methods

When planning for a research project, one of the most important factors that must be considered is the appropriate research method that should be used. The methodology articulates the steps that should be taken, from the initial stage of data collection to analysis, and finally, the presentation in the most...

The Future of Pilots Training

Introduction A careful assessment of the current pilot’s profession establishes that most of the offered training satisfies the requirements of safety. After all, deadly accidents are comparatively uncommon in all sectors of aviation (Čokorilo, De Luca & Dell’Acqua 2014). Nevertheless, judging by the recent airplane and business aviation fatalities, it...

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Service Quality Factors in the Airline Industry

Executive Summary This study was done to determine how a business can survive and thrive in the wake of increased business environmental challenges by developing suggestions and recommendations. The study would mainly focus on analysing the application of the customers’ expectation management of the service quality towards the e-commerce and...

Child Adoption, Its Pros and Cons

Introduction In our modern-day society, it is considered the right of every child to grow up in a protected family environment surrounded by loving parents and in some cases other siblings. However, this is not always the case and there are numerous incidents where a child may need “new parents”....

The Exhibition of the Contemporary Craft

Introduction The aim of the submitting this proposal is to demonstrate the significance of the exhibition subject matter, in particular, the ‘concept’ of the contemporary craft. In my opinion, the contemporary craft theme is of great importance nowadays as it reflects the socio-cultural concerns of the modern society and makes...

Power, Politics and Conflict in an Organization

Overview In the first video clip of the Corporation, the Office Manager, Barbara Mitchell, is reluctant to invest in the automated system of the company due to its high costs. It is estimated that the project will cost around 5Million. The Universal Systems Manager, Rod Jevons, asks the manager how...

Management Accounting for Financially Struggling Service Organizations

Abstract Any service-providing organization experiences myriads of challenges especially during recessions. Indeed, during recessions, organizations normally struggle with challenges of increased costs of production, reduced consumer spending and high costs of accessing credit. This means that, during recessions, finance is undutiful a mega challenge to service sector organizations. It is...

Technology in Education from a Taoist Perspective

Education is meant to prepare students to solve problems within their environments. The concerns of education are different from the traditional approaches to education and learning since students approach their projects from problem definition as opposed to the project’s idea (Flowers, 1998, p.20). According to the author, a problem is...

Behaviorism, Existentialism and Education

In chapter 6, Ozmon and Craver (2013) discuss the evolution of the behaviorist philosophical school of thought and its influence on education. According to the author, behaviorists’ central tenets are that people need to concern themselves with animal and people’s behaviors, which are observable as opposed to unobservable events, which...

David Hume’s Perception of Education

David Hume who is a philosopher believes that nature has a noble role in aiding people to gain some things, which cannot be gained through reason. He does this by deploying empirical philosophical approaches that are enshrined within the scientific methodological rigor in his philosophical approach of reasoning. He argues,...

Reconstructionism, Marxism, and Education

Reconstructionism philosophy holds that society encounters change continuously. The purpose of education is to ensure that this state is maintained (Ozmon & Craver, 2013, p.1 58). From this philosophical paradigm, people who drive change within a society resort to the deployment of education as the most efficient tool for fostering...

Armenian and International Human Resource Practices

Introduction With the dismantling of communism in Eastern Europe, former socialist countries have undergone. They will continue to undergo rapid and radical changes to virtually all aspects of their societal economy with the specific objective of modernizing their countries to catch up with those of the industrialized West. While these...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aviation Sector: The Approaching Shortage

Introduction The shortage of highly experienced experts is a major issue in the aviation sector. According to Kaplan and Collier (2014), the new aviation policy that requires pilots to clock 1500 hours in the air to be considered qualified to fly large commercial planes has worsened the already bad situation....

Learning Style: How to Choose and How to Use?

Introduction Learning is a dynamic psychological process that entails getting information into the mind of an individual. The learner concentrates on his proficiencies, memorizes, and finally articulates his thoughts and perceptions. It makes the individual make sense about his environment hence enabling him to acclimatize to new conditions. Learning style...

American Prison Systems and Areas of Improvement

Nowadays, it becomes increasingly clearer to more and more people across the US that there are many controversial aspects to the functioning of the penal system in this country. The reason for this is that, as time goes on, the current situation with it appears to raise new concerns of...

Black Theology and Its Impact on Drug Addiction

Introduction I have chosen the topic of Black Theology and its impact on drug addiction because I have experienced the impact of opioid addiction on my family. My mother has been addicted to prescription opioids for approximately eight years, and it has been a highly traumatic experience for the family....

Forecasting and Risk Assessment

Risk management is a process of identifying risks, evaluating the consequences as well as defining effectual methods of controlling risks and responding to them (Miller 2003). Risk management is a major task for the managers in any organization. So as to manage risks appropriately, the risks associated with each service...

Employee Motivation and Retention in Microsoft Corporation

Executive Summary Microsoft is a large international corporation that holds one of the leading positions in the global technological market along with a substantial market share. However, ever since the 1990s and well into the mid-2000s, it has been experiencing a problem with retaining its key employees and motivating the...

Human Interactions in “The Green Mile” by S. King

Summary At the heart of the novel “The green mile” by King is the narration of the interaction between the key characters playing the role of either the jail guards or death row inmates, in a state penitentiary located at Cold Mountain. Although the story was recounted from a single...

Lean Process and Operation Management

Introduction The modern business environment presupposes the use and utilization of practices that guarantee the best possible outcomes and minimize the input. In other words, there is a high need for the optimization of all processes to generate a competitive advantage and ensure that a company can achieve all existing...

Memorandum: John Frost Ltd. and Honest Traders Ltd.

Statement of Facts CLAIMANT, John Frost Ltd., a company specializing in the business of supplying and transporting livestock. It is located in Melbourne, Australia. RESPONDENT, Honest Traders Ltd., a company that specializes in the selling of livestock to various markets in China. The company headquarters are located in Hong Kong,...

Child Poverty Assessment in Canada

Introduction Child poverty is not only the problem of children but also a threat to the development of a country (Albanese, 2015). In Canada today, every fifth child is estimated to be affected by poverty. It presents considerable risks for the children’s health, education, development, and future well-being. It is...

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Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory

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Leadership During Transformational Change

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James Hardie Industries Managing Under Uncertainty

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University of Utah Health Care’s Customer Feedback

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International Business Strategy: Problems and Operations

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Political Risks for Business in Fiji

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Environmental Impacts of Events

Introduction The definition of each environmental variation is paramount to the schedules and plans devised to create a successful and sustainable, as well as an all-inclusive event. Essentially, event managers control and identify the shortcomings of such events and pave a way through determining the possible resolutions that can solve...

Organisational Communication in the UK’s Restaurant Industry

Introduction The main purpose of this study is to analyse the degree to which different management styles influence the quality of organisational communication in the UK’s restaurant industry. This chapter discusses and develops the research methodology of the underlying study, including the research philosophy, research approach, research strategy, population and...

Fastbikes Incorporated’s Managerial Accounting

Introduction FastBikesInc is a company that specializes in the assembling and repair of motorcycles. The company is located in Portland, Oregon. The company is currently facing financial challenges. Managing cash flows at FastBikesInc is paramount to ensure the company does not fall into too little money to sustain the business...

Self-Transcendence Theory by Pamela G. Reed

Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to describe, evaluate, and discuss the application of a nursing mid-range theory of nursing. This analytical essay also provides an opportunity to connect theory and research to nursing phenomena. The nursing theory chosen for this analysis is the Self-Transcendence Theory by Pamela G....

Staples Inc. in the American Retail Market

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Treatment

Research Synthesis Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is understood as a progressive life-threatening illness characterized by an inflammatory component, a violation of bronchial patency at the level of the distal bronchi, and some structural changes in lung tissue and vessels. Modern scientists define COPD as an independent disease of lungs...

Online Shopping App Effects on Impulsive Buying Behaviour

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Caifu Company’s Investment in Topshop and Matalan

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Self-Esteem and Depression in Quantitative Research

It is paramount to choose an appropriate research topic which features a high degree of scientific merit and a good research methodology. This paper discusses two possible studies (the quantitative and the qualitative ones) which have been previously proposed by the author, and evaluate the components of their scientific merit....

Managing Human Capital and Entrepreneurship

Introduction Small and medium-sized enterprises are important components in the economic growth of both developed and developing economies. Longernecker (2006) argues that SMEs contribute to the growth of diverse economic sectors. The growth in SMEs has arisen from the high rate at which individuals appreciate the concept of entrepreneurship as...

Hydrocarbon Resources Estimation and Forecast

Introduction Estimation of oil reserves is important to the oil industry. It allows for future planning for fields, companies and countries. All these levels require a basis for assessing the value of a production through development of standards for determining volumes of reserves. By using probable, possible and proved reserve...