Planning at McDonald’s: Information Resources Management

The profit planning system at McDonald’s comes down to turnover and guest count planning. Planning is an estimate of future turnover and guest count based on current trends and past data, such as seasonal events and programs that have been held in the past. It is very important to plan...

Leadership Development in the US Army

Introduction As the world is changing, there is a growing need for leadership development strategies that reflect the transformations. Professionals in all spheres, from education to business to the military, strive to improve the effectiveness of their teams. Therefore, long-term investment into research is required for the efficient management of...

Deming’s 14 Principles and Baldrige’s 11 Values

Introduction Management is a complicated process that consists of various activities, including organizing, planning, directing, staffing, and supervision intended to achieve organizational goals. In this regard, diverse concepts and practices have been developed to improve the management efficacy and the overall performance of a company. This paper aims at describing...

Negative Customer Experience in Cosmetics Store

Customer experience is essential for consumers and owners of businesses. It is assumed that if people come to the place to receive service or buy a product, they will get high-quality treatment from personnel. In this case, it is not necessary whether the business is small or large; as customers,...

Operational Planning and Scheduling of Walmart Inc.

Walmart Inc. is one of the world’s largest retailers, which weekly serves 260 million people (Leggate, 2019). It is crucial for companies of this size to ensure that their operational planning and scheduling are at the highest level. Operations planning involves creating short-term goals and milestones, which are necessary for...

The Bandwagon Fallacy: Maybelline Great Lash Mascara

Maybelline is a leading skin-care, cosmetics, and personal care products company based in New York. The company sells makeup products, including mascara known as “Maybelline Great Lash Mascara.” The company advertises this product in Teen Vogue as “America’s Favorite Mascara.” This is an example of an advertisement that employs the...

Setting Up a Moto-Taxi Business in Tokyo

Introduction Tokyo is one of the biggest cities in Japan. It is a city that is dominated by numerous business activities making it densely populated. People travel from far and wide to come and settle business deals in the city. The need for people to transact businesses in the city...

Intercontinental Hotel Group and Its Industry Analysis

The hospitality business is a complex and multi-component economic environment. For the effective functioning of such an enterprise, it is necessary to consider many factors. To better understand how such a business can function, it is essential to review this area using a specific example. This paper aims to examine...

The Role of Electronic Payment in Accounting and Auditing

Introduction Digitalization and other technological advances have made people’s lives easier and more comfortable. The business world also benefits from the use of technology as diverse operations can be carried out in a shorter period of time and more effectively. Electronic payment is one of the instruments people are utilizing...

Contemporary Leadership Challenges

The concept of leadership has attracted the attention of leaders over the recent past. I believed that leaders are born, as Shapiro (2020) argues, but this perception has changed as I continue to learn more about this concept. My personal experiences and knowledge gained from books and interaction with other...

Nissan Disruption Response Evaluation

The world’s production gets severely impacted by a number of macro and microeconomic factors daily. They are essential to consider and plan the potential response to any arising issue. However, in the regions most susceptible to natural disasters, such as seismological activity in Japan, these plannings become more challenging due...

Apple, Inc. As an Electronic Companies

Introduction Apple is a multinational technology firm specializing in the design, production, and sale of consumer electronics, including smartphones, personal computers, and accessories. The American company is headquartered in Cupertino, California, and has been in operation since its 1st April 1976 founding (Levy, n.d.). In 2018, the company broke the...

Beefsteak Firm Reinforcing Culture Through Human Capital Development

Current Company Culture Beefsteak is an authentic company that believes that vegetables are not as boring as many people think. They are beautiful, fresh, and nutritious. At the moment, the company culture lacks organizational responsibility and unity which is caused by the fact that there are many individuals working on...

Important Qualities of Exceptional Employees

Employees are important components in every business since they facilitate the achievement of organizational goals. Companies hire employees who they believe can contribute significantly towards the accomplishment of their objectives. Workers tend to choose firms that offer competitive salaries and other benefits that ensure work and social life balance. While...

Zoom Video Communications During Covid-19 Pandemics

Executive Summary Zoom has emerged as one of the leading providers of video-conferencing services for various institutions around the world. The outbreak of the novel coronavirus provided this firm with a unique growth opportunity. Currently, it is considered the most preferred brand in the video-conferencing market, as shown in the...

Brand Overview and Analysis: The Heineken

Introduction Stage The Heineken brand is an example of a product that has gone through the product life cycle over the 140 years it has been on the market. Heineken was first produced and marketed in the year 1864 In Amsterdam under the brand name “Workman’s Ale”. This marked the...

Organizational Environment: Specific and General

There are two types of environmental analysis of an organization: specific and general. When one conducts a study on the specific environment, he or she focuses on examining the organization’s internal elements. It is possible to note that “internal factors include aspects of HR (owners, managers, and employees), financial aspects,...

A Case Study of Meraas Holding in Dubai

Introduction Meraas Holding was established in 2007, having its headquarters in Dubai. It has a wide range of portfolios in different sectors of the economy. For instance, the investment portfolio has been spread across various sectors such as real estate, the hospitality industry, food and beverage, retail, leisure, entertainment, and...

Sangria Restaurant: Business Proposal

Introduction Food is a necessity that cannot be shunned in human for the purpose of good health, vitality, and survival. Hence, a business that its main product is food will succeed under the right business strategy and marketing plan since eating food is inevitable. Sangria restaurant will be a food...

Tesco Plc Retail Company’s Financial Analysis

Abstract The paper carried out financial evaluation of Tesco PLC. The company is a market leader in the UK retail industry. The retail industry is in the UK is quite vibrant and it contributes significantly to the economic success of the country. Based on the analysis in the paper, it...

Quality Improvement Opportunity for a Cardiac Nurse Unit

Summary People strive to improve, but it usually comes at a price. Organizations have to consider how to boost effectiveness, whether by increasing the amount of equipment and personnel or working in the existing state. There might not be the right answer, as it depends on the financial and human...

Adidas Services Marketing Strategy

Introduction The presented service idea is strongly associated with the global pandemic, which has greatly influenced the international and domestic markets (Texel, 2020). This paper proposes a service marketing strategy based on these factors and the characteristics of the new service idea presented in the previous paper. It provides a...

Market Structures: Apple, Walmart, and Kroger

The selected companies are Apple, Walmart, and Kroger. Firstly, Apple was chosen because it one of the most successful businesses in the United States and occupies third place in the “Fortune 500” list. Apple operates in the tech industry and sells various tech products, including smartphones, computers, tablets, and accessories....

Hewlett Packard Enterprise: Business Plan

Executive Summary Vision/Mission Statement Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) is an information technology company focusing on software and networking. Its mission is to introduce modern technological solutions for the benefit of the community’s business and everyday life. The company follows the principles of overall inclusion and aims to create equal opportunities...

Business Ethics Concerns: State Farm Insurance Company

Introduction All stakeholders in business need to be insured against all the risks that may occur in the process of the transaction; moreover, ethics should be upheld in any business field. Ethical business relations should be founded on honesty, fairness, justice, integrity, and trust; and those buying should be able...

Evaluating Internal, External Pressures on Ford Motor Company

Issues that come from organizational structure, stability, management, and resources belong to internal pressures. On the contrary, external pressures are risks related to overall conditions of economy/industry, political, legal, and socio-cultural factors. Ford Motor Company, which is a well-known American automaker, already had a successful turnaround in its history under...

Innovation in Organizations: Ryan Air

Executive Summary The study has shown that innovation is a strong business weapon that can give an organization a competitive edge over others. By adopting certain characteristics that encourage innovation, an organization puts itself in a position to compete favorably and even stay afloat during economic hardships. The characteristics mentioned... Innovation Strategy

Executive Summary is a US-based multinational company specializing in technological fields, including online retailing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. The vast majority of’s projects involve inventions, research, and development, which rely on the innovation strategy inherent in the firm’s business model. The history of the company demonstrates the...

Means of Creating a Healthy Work Environment

Introduction Today, as society is changing in an attempt to make daily routines comfortable for everyone, the question of a healthy work environment draws a lot of public attention. Now, in the context of a global pandemic, it has become apparent that, in some cases, various facilities, especially medical, need...

Decathlon: Supply Chain Management

Introduction The Indian sports retail sector is growing very fast due the presence of potential customers and changing lifestyles. The existing regulation compels foreign companies to source around 30 percent of their products locally. Decathlon has the potential to succeed in this market if it starts new stores and pursues...

US and UK Corporate Governance Frameworks

Introduction Corporate governance can be defined as how companies and corporates are controlled and directed. Since corporates play an important role in the society of wealth creation, tax payment, and provision of employment, there is the need for them to be controlled, so that their operations ensure the maximum realization...

Franchising: Advantages and Disadvantages

It may not be appropriate to underestimate the challenges associated with initiating and running small business entities. As a matter of fact, there are several small-scale businesses that often fail even when the economic climate is favorable (Dant, 2008). In a nutshell, there are a number of substantial hurdles and...

Borders Group: Business Model and Planning Case Study

Introduction Borders Group was started in 1971 by Louis and Tom Borders. The company began as an independent used bookstore in Michigan together with a book wholesaling business named Book Inventory Systems. The company’s first book superstore was opened in 1985 following several years of ongoing regional expansion. Over the...

IBM’s Management Accounting & Financial Practices

Introduction International Business Machines abbreviated as IBM is considered the undisputable champion in the field of technology (Buck 1986, pp 2). It deals with both computer hardware and software. Lately; it has taken a direction that is geared towards sharpening its focus on software development. IBM is a hot company...

“Organizational Change as a Process of Death, Dying, and Rebirth” by Zell

In the article “Organizational Change as a Process of Death, Dying, and Rebirth” (2003) by Deone Zell, the author presents and discusses the results of a study on the resistance to organizational change in professional bureaucracies. The study was conducted in the physics department of a public research university, in...

Statistical Process Control (S.P.C)

Statistical Process Control as a function and tool of management aiding the best possible evaluation and implementation of programs, portfolios, and processes in organizations and enterprises by adhering to process centers consistent with outcome expectations. It is possible to engineer the best efficiency of time and product quality, thus optimum...

The Challenge of Long-Term Strategic Planning in the Modern Business

Abstract Experts and discipline intelligentsias continue to fill this field with views and ideologies some garnered from experience or newly developed or old recycled models. Unfortunately, no matter how well drafted the desired course in company operations is, it is subject to the business environment. The type of market, economic...

Business Idea vs. Opportunity Comparison

Introduction An opportunity is differentiated from an idea in terms of its marketing possibilities. All opportunities are exploitable for business growth and customer acceptance. Opportunity is profitable for business. But all business ideas are not marketable or profitable for the business firm. Among a hundred ideas only two or three...

Mobile Phones of Consumer Choice: Market Research

Introduction Market research is the process of collecting information regarding the product of a company from the market. It gathers information about the product in terms of the customers, competitors, market and future market potentiality of the product. “Various methods of market research are used to find out information about...

Poor Judgement and False Inference in the Workplace

The character serves as the borderline between personality and experiences. Though the character is usually considered stable, psychologists perceive that every individual is susceptible to being nudged by their environment (Porcelli, & Delgado, 2017). Therefore, no aspect of human life is regarded to be fully independent of poor judgment. According...

Human Resource Management and Functions: Mind Map

Mind Map About Human Resource Management Personnel are an essential component to any company’s success. A human resource (HR) manager has roles and functions within an organization that are focused on working with people. Proper human resource management is essential for any organization as it identifies the type of workforce...

Coca-Cola Company’s Strategic Analysis and Management

The development of many modern and well-known brands depends largely on how effectively the principle of managing all the areas of work is organized. In various corporations, directors pay specific attention to those spheres that they consider the most significant – interaction with consumers, building partnerships, attracting sponsors, and other...

Employee Mental Health and Workplace Wellbeing

Mental health issues are currently contributing to a high number of ailments such as stress and fatigue, all of which result in employees’ absenteeism and, consequently, poor organizational performance. Managers are bestowed with the power to create an environment that is conducive to all employees. As revealed in this paper,...

Motivation and Performance in UAE Construction Industry

Abstracts As the construction industry grows along with the economy, UAE construction companies are striving to succeed amidst steep competition to deliver projects by the required cost, meet deadlines, and provide high-quality work. The sector requires a motivated and robust workforce, effective and resilient project teams with flexible and supportive...

Strategic Management: Articles and Videos Review

Mission Statements Dan Heath, a speaker of the video, explains how to create a successful mission statement. He states that nowadays people prefer simplicity. For example, it is useful to replace some pompous or rude words with the simpler ones like present instead of serve or the word “damn” that...

Cross-Cultural Marketing and Hofstede’s Model

Introduction Marketing has taken a completely new approach from what it was some time ago. Immediately after the Second World War, The world was turned into a global village. Communication was made easy with the invention of telephone. Movement was also made easy with the invention of air transport. The...

Nestle’s Nespresso Brand’s Competitive Advantage

The competitive advantages of Nestle’s Nespresso brand? There are several competitive advantages that Nespresso has over other companies. This organization has a well-established brand that is recognizable to people living in different countries. There are other businesses that sell similar products but these companies are not as popular as Nespresso....

Baldrige Standards for Performance Excellence

Introduction In the business world, the realization of business excellence is pivotal towards fostering the success of an enterprise. In this respect, business organizations need to engage in actions that facilitate performance excellence. The areas of business operations that need a considerable extent of excellence include customer satisfaction, workforce fulfillment,...

Linear Programming and Sensitivity Analysis

Introduction Sensitivity analysis and linear programming are important statistical tools of analysis when faced with the challenge of making a decision against series of constraints in business. As referred to as linear optimization, linear programming is applied in attempting to get the best outcome from series of other outcomes with...

Supply Chain Management: Cross-Functional Factors

Abstract An effective supply chain management can be considered one of the fundamental aspects of all business companies. To a greater degree, it is preconditioned by the increased sophistication of the business environment characterized by complex relations between various agents and the existence of many barriers that should be eliminated...

Alan Sugar’s Entrepreneur Characteristics

Introduction Due to competition and changing preferences, an entrepreneur must plan any business activity and micromanage the risks involved. The main measures of entrepreneurship skills are motivation, personal attitude, and aptitude. Besides, an entrepreneur should be innovative and keen on identifying opportunities, which are turned into successful enterprises. This reflective...

Saudi Aramco Company’s Work-Life Balance & Culture

Relation to previous research Numerous studies have been conducted to demonstrate how work-life balance influences employee performance. However, little research exists to demonstrate how HR managers may use the work-life balance to develop an effective organizational culture that will bring competitive efficiencies to the organization. There is some empirical evidence...

Customer Perception towards Effectiveness of Advertisements

Executive Summary The purpose of the critical analysis was to identify a broader significance of marketing practices researched in the article “Customer Perception Towards Effectiveness of Floor Advertisements in Organized Retail,” by Shrivastava, Saini, and Pinto (2014). To achieve this goal, the evaluation commenced with a detailed description of various...

Qatar and Emirates Airlines Marketing

Introduction Ever since the introduction of ‘open skies policy’, a policy that permits unrestricted flight of airlines across continents, the overall scale of competition has intensified. Besides the enactment of the policy, the airline industry has also experienced a shift in consumer dynamics. Presently, consumers have become concerned about the...

Managing Organizational Change: Six Images of Change

Introduction Change management is the modern method of implementing innovative developments and concepts to increase the capacity of companies and enhance the productivity of employees. Depending on the type of leadership supported in a particular group, it is possible to come to both significant achievements and misunderstanding on the part...

Enron Company’s Whistleblowing Scandal

Introduction Whistleblowing is conducted in accordance with Frankena’s four basic requirements for ethics that include avoiding evil, preventing evil, eliminating evil, and doing good (Grace & Cohen, 2010). In that regard, whistleblowing is more about an individual’s moral judgment than it is about clear requirements that obligate individuals to reveal...

MAC Cosmetics Company’s Customer Service

Introduction Any services marketing strategy aims at delivering processes and experiences to customers. It is expected that a company has to focus on its customers and identifies their potential needs to provide them with the required portion of the support, understanding, and services. Services marketing is the field within the...

Amazon Company: Organization and Leadership

Since Organization and Leadership Review (OLR) has two goals – finding and preparing future leaders, and identifying the least effective employees and making them improve on their skills – it might present a good motivation for the workers. It devises a system of promotion based on assessing actual skills of...

Oil Industry in Saudi Arabia: Analysis and Strategy

Executive Summary The oil industry of Saudi Arabia forms a practical situation to which the paper analyses Porter’s Five Forces model. For any industry, the magnitude of each of the Five Forces varies with the industry structure. This paper presents the barriers of entry as a significant force that dictates...

Tata Motors in Global Ultra-Low-Cost Car Market

Introduction The modern car market could be considered a unique phenomenon that guarantees giant incomes for all actors who function in the given sphere. The fact is that the rise of technologies conditioned the increased convenience of vehicles. At the moment, they are more reliable, simple, and available to people....

Disney and Information Technology Infrastructure Library

Introduction Informational Technology Infrastructure Library or ITIL is a group of practices designed to align IT services with the goals and vision of the business. It was originally developed in the 1980s and since then received regular revisions to suit the changes in technology and business better. This approach is...

Emirates Airline – Strategic Analysis

Introduction Emirates airline is a (relatively) new full-service network carrier in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Despite being a relatively new company, the airline has become among the fastest growing companies in the Gulf region (The Emirates Group 2014). In fact, globally, the airline is the most profitable aviation company....

Jolly Ranchers Company’s Market Analysis

Executive Summary Jolly Ranchers is a confectionary firm in the United States that operates in a highly competitive industry. In this study, the researcher looked at the marketing mix elements of this company, the market penetration approach it should use, and brand analysis and recommendations. The paper looked at SWOT...

The Ford Motor Company: Supply Chain Strategy

Describe how the auto industry might work differently if it were designed by the Dell Model The Ford motor company has existed since 1903 (Dornbach, Slade & Thorpe, 2009, p.4). It has had a series of success stories-revenues of more than 144 billion, operation in over 200 countries of the...

Cement Industry Strategy in Saudi Arabia

Executive Summary This research paper seeks to explain the five forces as postulated by Michael Porter and how applicable they are in the modern industry. A case study of the cement industry in Saudi Arabia is used to shed light on the significance of Porter’s five forces. The fundamental competitive...

Emirates Airline Company Analysis

Introduction Emirates Airlines is a company based in Dubai. The corporation is owned by the government of Dubai. Since its founding in 1985, Emirates has grown to become the leading airliner in the Middle East (Taneja 2014). The reason why it tops other carriers is that it generates more revenues...

Acer Company Analysis: Marketing and Competition

Introduction Over the recent past, the global market has been characterized by a very high level of competition. This has been characterized by a very high level of competition. In particular, the market for computers and electronics, in general, has been increasing over time. This competition has increased as a...

KidZania Dubai Company’s Marketing Audit

Executive Summary Theme parks require market information to set and run successful franchises in foreign destinations. This report explores how KidZania Dubai can refine its business model and strategies to compete well in the UAE. KidZania is a leading firm in the indoor edutainment industry, but inadequate information on internal...

Microsoft Company’s Marketing Ethics

Running an ethical business requires an explicit act of giving back to the community and embracing responsible citizenship behavior. At Microsoft, that advice translates to moving beyond the development of own products and services, and actually enhancing the responsibility, commitment through a network of partners like businesses, nonprofits and governments....

Personal Selling and Sales Management

Reflecting on the success of Vivek Gupta, the IBM salesman, chapter nineteen, discusses personal selling and sales management strategies. Over the years, personal selling has become a lucrative career since salespersons often add value to a product or the selling process (Grewal & Levy, 2011). In the concept of value...

Blackberry Company’s Marketing Challenges

Introduction The contemporary world is dominated by technological innovations, which have led to introduction of sophisticated electronic goods. At present, many individuals are seeking technological solutions to their social and economic challenges. For example, there is a high demand for reliable and cheap communication systems. Indeed, many companies and individuals...

Enron Scandal: Financial Fraud and Organizational Behavior

Abstract Statement of Purpose The goal of this research paper is to identify the problems in the organizational behavior (OB) standards accepted at Enron, as well as to locate the connection between the financial fraud that led to the company’s untimely demise and the flaws in the company’s OB standards,...

Starbucks Company: Business, Culture and SWOT Analysis

Brief History The first Starbucks’ coffee store was opened in 1971, and the company has chosen the Seattle’s Pike Place Market as a historic location (Schultz & Yang, 2012). Nonetheless, the idea of the creation of the original coffee place started in 1983, when Howard Schultz (the Chairman and the...

Volkswagen in America: Managing IT Priorities

Background At a time when the business trends are increasingly becoming reliant on the global market dynamism which is driven by an ever-changing consumerism patterns, Information Technology (IT) remains the most critical aspect that can guarantee success. This is due to its ability to creatively generate an enabling environment where...

The “Do No Harm” Principle

According to De George, the “Do Not harm” principle is one of the essential elements of ethical performance within organizations (272). Certainly, it is usually implied that organizations and individual entrepreneurs should avoid any harm while pursuing their business objectives. At the same time, not all organizations and individual businessmen...

Walmart Company Performance on the Market

Executive Summary Wal-Mart Stores is a multinational company that operates retail stores in different set ups across the world. It operates more than 9667 retail units in 28 countries with an employment of 2.1 million associates. Wal-Mart is a leader in employment opportunities, corporate philanthropy as well as sustainability. Indeed,...

Problems and Policies of International Economy

Although multinational corporations bring a number of advantages to developing countries, they pose various challenges and problems. Although they provide jobs to populations, these are low-skilled and poorly paid. There is repatriation of the profits earned from the businesses they operate. Because most of the companies are concerned with more...

Cirque du Soleil: The Blue Ocean Strategy

The analysis is aimed at reviewing Cirque du Soleil’s strategic approaches to gaining its blue ocean strategy and accomplishing a sustainable competitive advantage. The history of the circus’s development is presented along with the discussion of it’s the factors influencing rivalry in the sector. Accomplishing the blue ocean strategy by...

Unemployment Rate in Leisure and Hospitality Sector

The leisure and hospitality sector is among the crucial industries for the US economy that consists of arts, entertainment, and recreation industries; food services and drinking places industries; hotels and other accommodations industries. Throughout the beginning of time, humans have engaged in leisure activities. From antiquity, musical ensembles, theatre, and...

Conflict Resolution and Its Key Approaches

Conflict management is the methodical and cooperative effort required to resolve differences between individuals or groups. Each organization contains some level of interpersonal, intrapersonal, or intergroup conflict. This is because it is unrealistic to demand unanimous agreement between multiple people at all times. Executives, directors, and workers sometimes spend 20–80%...

Adobe Inc.’s Five Forces and Leadership Analysis

Introduction Adobe Inc. is an American software company offering a variety of products employed by people all over the world. The range of products is diverse, starting from Adobe Photoshop and incorporating additional platforms such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Creative Cloud. The success of the organization depends on the...

International Business vs. Domestic Business

International business is a business activity that encompasses the transfer of resources, goods, services, and information across countries. In simple terms, it is the carrying out of trade and investment activities across countries (Cavusgil et al., 2022). The business activity entails crossing geographical boundaries, and as a result, it is...

Lincoln Electric Company: Case Study

Introduction Lincoln Electric is a high-tech manufacturing firm that produces welding and cutting equipment, consumables, and accessories. Many people in business and economists are interested in the company because of its traditional and old-fashioned approach to management. Lincoln Electric functions on three core ideas: profit sharing with employees, salaries based...

Hypothesis Testing for Regional Real Estate Company

Introduction In analyzing the real data for the Regional Real Estate Company, there is a need to conduct a descriptive statistic for the available dataset. The analysis, therefore, assists in making decisions on whether the new advertisement designed adds value to the company or not. The company has proposed to...

Apple Inc.: The Spin-Off Strategy

Splitting is a common practice in organizations that separates several interdependent entities and a subsequent profit division between them. Some organizations may decide to split the segments for the significance of gauging services and product profitability. The company can then decide if a division can stand alone by determining whether...

Effective Communication at FedEx

Introduction Employees are a critical component of the FedEx company. They send merchandise to customers depending on their addresses and email addresses. To guarantee that the firm achieves customer satisfaction, it is critical that these personnel carry out their delivery tasks with attention, care for the items, and in a...

Supply Chain Design at Crayola

Dynamic sales volumes – involves meeting the needs of volatile sales volumes that can stem from customer demand or internal promotions (Kajewski, et al., 2015). ColorWonder and WashableDeluxe are both highly popular global products that also contain products from diverse supply chains in the company. When designing the supply chains...

The Ethical Considerations of the Rana Plaza Collapse

Introduction Fast fashion creates a massive demand for clothing, putting pressure on the factory workers at the bottom of the supply chain. The owners of the factories force workers to work in rather bad conditions and sacrifice their liberties and time with their families. The cost paid for such sacrifices...

Industry 4.0 and Its Supply Chain Management

Summary The industrial landscape of the 21st century is changing under the influence of various contemporary factors. Historically, humanity’s approach to most of its activities across different sectors has aligned with the development of societal, economic, and technological aspects. Today, the third component has taken a leading position, as progress...

Intercultural Communication in Business

Businesses routinely meet cultural variations in today’s multicultural global world, which affect management practices. Diversity in attitudes, actions, customs, and values among individuals living or working together are examples of cultural differences affecting international businesses. Entrepreneurs need to incorporate different management styles depending on the cultures that make up a...

Developing an Expansion Plan for the LEGO Group in India

Introduction Expansion is the most fundamental element which constitutes growth and relativity to success. Its growth and expansionism strategy have mainly relied on innovation and creativity in its operation. As part of its expansion, it has adopted brand-related Innovation (Xiaohan, 2020). The LEGO Group has been on a soundtrack in...

The 7Ps Marketing Model Evaluation

Introduction This critical evaluation paper discusses and analyzes the 7Ps of marketing. This model allows leaders to evaluate the company’s performance and understand the significant components connected with its functioning, current state, and opportunities for subsequent growth and development. The 7Ps of the marketing model focus on discussing such elements...

Apple Inc. in the African Market

Introduction International business is a unique civilizational phenomenon due to its scale and nature. Every year the concept of domestic business becomes more challenging to separate from the global one for marketing specialists and economists (Peng and Meyer, 2016). Markets are constantly intersecting, and their players are tirelessly looking for...

Comparison of Gun Laws and Gun Culture Between USA and India

Introduction The United States and India are the world’s leading countries based on the number of gun ownerships; however, the exposure, culture, regulations, and impacts differ across the two, with the US experiencing adverse events. The American gun culture is as old as the country’s Constitution, which can be traced...

Nike Inc.’s Strategic Opportunities and Limitations

International expansion is the goal of many firms because selling goods worldwide and locating productions in multiple countries simultaneously is vital for competitive advantage in most markets. Companies that adjust their strategies need to evaluate their current conditions, place at the market niche, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats they might...

Jacobs Engineering Group: SWOT Analysis and Strategic Objectives

SWOT Factors Strengths Strength 1: Well-developed distribution network. Strength 2: High level of automation of activities (Jacobs, 2021). Strenght 3: Good capital expenditure returns (Jacobs, 2021). Strenght 4: Highly competent and skilled workforce. Strenght 5: Strong brand portfolio. Strenght 6: High level of customer satisfaction. The company has extensive experience...

Sources of Power Used in Leadership Positions

Power is defined as the ability to create transformation, have an impact on others, or possibly influence others. Leaders in organizations must utilize authority to accomplish individual, group, and corporate objectives. Leaders should be capable of persuading their subordinates to work better and make crucial decisions, as well as their...

Elon Musk’s and Jeff Bezos’ Leadership Styles

One should initially note the fundamental difference in the dynamics of development of the two space companies chosen by its leaders, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. Despite the fact that this information is in the public domain, few people know that Bezos began investing in the development of space programs...

Amazon and Uber Firms’ Target Markets and Competitive Advantage

Introduction For any company, it is essential to establish its target markets and implement effective practices to develop and maintain a competitive advantage. According to Schroeder and Goldstein (2020), businesses need to ensure that their products or services offer value to customers. This objective cannot be achieved only by ensuring...

Occupational Health and Safety Communication

It is hard to disagree that the importance and value of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) cannot be overestimated. OHS allows for improved employee productivity, reduced workplace illnesses and injuries, retained workers, and numerous other advantages. Schools are no exception because educators and students need to be aware of the...

Analytical Case Study of Rio Tinto Mining Industry

The Rio Tinto Group is an Anglo-Australian international organization that is the world’s fastest-growing metal and mining firm, and it produces iron ore, copper, precious metals, gold, and plutonium. It is second only to BHP in terms of production volume. In 1873, an international business association purchased the Rio Tinto...

The John Deere Firm’s Marketing Strategy

Introduction The changing demography of the unites states significantly affects real estate and industrialization. Besides, retirees seek more tranquil locations, away from city and town menace. The emergence of working-class women, the traditional agriculturist communities occupying the central and lower parts of the USA, provides a suitable niche for the...

Errors in Business Correspondence

Introduction At present, it is impossible to imagine the activities of an organization without business correspondence – a written form of communication. It is business correspondence that contributes to the establishment of strong partnerships and allows one to resolve various issues remotely. A well-written business letter testifies to the high...

Importance of Motivation for Employees

Motivation refers to an internally generated drive to achieve a goal or follow a particular course of action. Highly motivated employees focus their efforts on achieving specific goals. It’s the manager’s job, therefore, to motivate employees—to get them to try to do the best job they can. Motivated employees call...

Dr. Rosser-Mims’ Diversity Model and Leadership Style

At some point in the past, I volunteered at a local conference, and the organizers intended to meet the diversity quota. However, they limited their inclusive practices to primary characteristics, such as race (D. Kerry Palmer, 2020). Meanwhile, personal preferences in managing individual tasks were entirely ignored. As a result,...

PepsiCo vs. Coca-Cola in the South African Market

Strategic management of a brand and its portfolio is a complex multi-criteria process simultaneously aimed at the main goals of increasing revenue, recognition, reputation, and sustainability in business development. For this management, many different tools reflect its activities for consumers at different levels of perception (Hossain et al., 2020). PepsiCo...

Ades Cash & Carry Ltd: Corporate Strategy

Introduction Small and mid-size firms (SMEs) have sales, assets, or a particular percentage of workers below a predetermined range. Each country defines a small and medium-sized (SME) firm differently. Specific size criteria must be satisfied, and the business sector is also frequently considered. The European Union (EU) defines a small...

The Leadership Development Plan

Importance of a Leadership Development Plan A leadership development plan must be established to chart a new path to liberate society’s members. A leader is a selfless individual who strives to improve the desires of those under his or her control (Komives, Longerbeam, Owen, Mainella & Osteen, 2006). The vision...

Conflict Management in the Workplace

Conflict and stress in the workplace appear to be a fact in life. In most workplaces, there are instances where different people with varying opinions and needs enter into an argument leading to conflict (Titov et al., 2018). As shown in the situation, the two medical providers argue because of...

Ethical Leadership Virtues Questionnaire

Leadership Virtues Questionnaire focuses on several virtues when approaching ethical leadership. According to Riggio et al. (2010), LVQ evaluates leadership virtues while looking at awareness and self-discipline skills. Prudence is one of the virtues, which entails the wisdom that enables an individual to ensure a balance when handling two extreme...

United Airlines Customer Service Case Study

Introduction The way companies treat their clients predetermines the perception of the brand by the general public. It is important because the contemporary penetration of social media publicity into everyday life makes every corporate action matter to society. Ultimately, the impact of customer service outcomes is seen in the profits...

Fast-Food Expansion Strategy for Indian Market

With the increasing globalization of the world economy as a whole and the fast-food industry in particular, major fast-food chains continuously seek new markets to expand their operations. Populous and rapidly developing non-Western countries are a fairly obvious option in this respect, but due to cultural differences, operating there entails...

Ryanair Firm’s Post-Covid-19 Recovery Strategies

Executive Summary The COVID-19 pandemic had far reaching implications on the global economy. The air travel industry is arguably the most affected from the crisis as traveling was halted by the measures put in place to curb its spreading. Ryanair is a major industry player whose stability and performance were...

Total Quality Management and Six Sigma

Introduction Quality is one of the priorities modern businesses concentrate on, trying to improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs at the same time. Total quality management (TQM) has been a framework for achieving this goal for decades, but new paradigms emerge and become widely utilized. The Six Sigma approach is...

Expo 2020 Dubai Through PESTEL and Marketing Analysis

Introduction In the contemporary world, there is a variety of events intended to show different organizations’ improvements and innovations in distinct areas of activity. It is possible to state that World Expos is essentially a large exhibition for countries to display the last achievements and advancements made. This event happens...

Pepsi Co.’s Sustainability in Business

Executive Summary The notion of sustainability has been discussed extensively in the context of global business recently, mostly due to the increase in the importance of environmentalism. An array of organizations have transitioned to the sustainable use of resources, shaping their manufacturing, supply chains, and the overall approach to performance...

Amazon: The Leadership Strategies

Introduction This report focuses on leadership strategies since, throughout history, it has been vital for the proper operation of nearly every successful company. Though there are several leadership theories, transformational leadership is among the most effective in organizations (Khan, 2016). Transformational leaders assist followers in growing and developing into leaders...

The Indirect Price Discrimination

In its simple description, indirect price discrimination, also known as second-degree price discrimination, implies charging a different price for different quantities such as giving customers quantity discounts for bulk buying. In this case, prices differ depending on the number of goods bought rather than across consumers (Hanna & Dodge, 2017)....

Military Mindset: Leadership, Discipline, Resilience, and Teamwork

Introduction Military training and experience are systematically known for creating highly efficient, cohesive, and resilient organizations which is the national military and its units. In the post-9/11 era of regional conflicts and short-term deployments in global anti-terrorism efforts, veterans often find themselves entering the labor force, with the experience often...

A Business Plan for a Home Construction Company

Introduction Creating a small business requires preliminary insight into various business characteristics essential for the organization’s success. Establishing a private company can prove to be especially beneficial to an individual knowledgeable of the primary traits of such economic involvement (Burns 99). In this work, a personal business plan for a...

Saudi Aramco Company’s Innovation and Technological Performance

Company Introduction Saudi Aramco is a large international oil and gas corporation with a long history of business performance globally. The company is characterized by large volumes of production, partnership, global expansion, and investment in the continuous development of technologies that enable it to obtain a worldwide dominance and industry-specific...

“Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight Book Review

Introduction Shoe Dog is a true story about the founder of Nike, Phil Knight, and his struggle to come up with a strong shoe brand. The title shoe dog is symbolic of the struggles involved in the shoe industry’s manufacturing and distribution aspects. Phil explains how his dream of building...

Application of Leadership Theories

Good leadership is essential for every organization’s quest to achieve success. Three commonly used leadership styles of situational leadership, transformational leadership, and transactional leadership offer leadership direction in an organization. According to Buil et al. (2018), supervisory role plays a crucial role in the overall performance of frontline employees in...

A New Online Tailor Shop’s Marketing Plan

Introduction The digital business gained popularity due to its convenience and availability. For example, in 2017, approximately 40% of Internet users shopped online more than once (Ijaz & Rhee, 2018). The COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown forced the global population to transition to an online mode, increasing consumers’ preference for...

Drivers of Change in the Context of Amazon

With a comprehensive and pervasive digital revolution, as well as demographic and socio-economic transformations, the most urgent issue is the development of new business models necessary for adaptation to a new intellectual environment. The impact of current drivers of change on the development of the economic system needs to be...

Employee And Labor Relations

Introduction One of the most challenging and disconcerting decisions faced by employers and human resource (HR) managers in establishing a fair and equitable standard for promotion. Many public and private sector organizations are in a dilemma when creating union contract clauses because the HR managers may prefer merit or ability-based...

Negotiation Process Issues

The Nature of Negotiation in the World “Negotiations” is the dialogue between two or more parties that may occur at both the individual and organizational levels. The purpose of every negotiation process is to reach an agreement concerning a particular issue that should result in individual or collective benefits. According...

Amazon’s Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Introduction Amazon Incorporated is an American multinational corporation that offers services in several areas, including artificial intelligence, e-commerce, cloud computing, and digital streaming. It is among the best information technology companies in the United States, and among the largest Fortune 500 service companies in terms of market capitalization. The company...

Hull and Machinery Insurance and Protection and Indemnity Clubs

Introduction Marine Hull and Machinery (H&M) insurance covers the damages incurred in fires, explosions, collisions, or earthquakes in the marine cargo transport sector. Piracy is a significant concern in hull and machinery insurance around Asia and Africa. In addition to the natural and unavoidable disasters, the insurance also covers damages...

A Positive Organizational Behavior in Organization

Organizational behavior refers to the behavior of individuals, teams and management that forms organizational culture. It is important to note that organizational behavior highly determines efficiency and output of an organization. On the same note, due to division of labor that has become the order of the day; many people...

Coca-Cola Company: Production and Industry Analysis

Coca-Cola Company is one of the most influential beverages and soft drinks corporations with global influence and the largest market share. The major input comes from the drinks, whereas the expenses mostly consist of advertising and shipping or handling (“United States Securities and Exchange Commission,” 2015). The production costs are...

Project Management Tools

Introduction Project management today draws a lot of attention based on the benefits that accrue from its successful application. As business processes keep changing, a need for a defined process to start, plan, execute, and monitor these processes is necessary. This discipline normally presents itself through project management. The dynamic...

Vision and Mission Statement in Business

Introduction In modern conditions, the manager must think strategically, evaluate the impact of new technologies, changes in the needs and expectations of customers, efforts and costs necessary to stay ahead of competitors. Many external and internal factors that should be considered when planning the future. An important role in this...

The Analysis of Eli Lilly’s Joint Venture With Ranbaxy

The Indian pharmaceutical industry in the 1990s presented both an opportunity and a challenge for foreign companies. On the one hand, the developing country had a steadily growing market of eight hundred million people and an expanding middle-class. On the other hand, the nation had strict rules concerning the patent...

Project Planning and Management

Introduction Project planning is the foundation of any project work success. Managers need to understand all the steps in the project planning process. There are several approaches to project planning but a few are universally acceptable as vital in project planning. This essay seeks to address the topic of detailing...

AlpenChoc: Venture Decision Analysis

Introduction The client, Isaac, is planning to start a new venture that will import German chocolate into Canada and sell it. The firm AlpenChoc, which specialises in handmade artisanal chocolates, is prepared to sell him seven-year exclusive distribution rights in the country. As such, he can leverage this advantage to...

The Ford Motor Company Analysis

Introduction History. The Ford Motor Company appeared in 1863 in Michigan and was founded by Henry Ford. His purpose was to produce safe cars that would be available for the buyers from the middle-class. His idea was to make transportation from one location to another comfortable and fast (Link, 2018)....

Heineken Company’s Business Strategy

Operation of any business, especially a multinational one, requires thorough planning and strategizing. Policies picked by the company for any local market depend highly on different factors, and consideration of them all is vital for the successful outcome. In the framework of this paper, Heineken’s business strategy on multiple levels...

Can High-Brand Companies Sell Substandard Goods and Get Away With It?

Introduction The market competition of the modern era consists of various factors influencing the consumer. The success of a product’s market sales is defined not only by its quality, functionality, or uniqueness; a high-quality promotion campaign or brand’s positive reputation often overweight the characteristics of a given product. Such an...

Analysis of Management Research Methods and Strategies

Research activities aimed at improving the quality and effectiveness of management are conducted not only by researchers but also by managers at all levels of organizational structure. In the process of management research, the researcher or manager often has to conclude the unknown based on existing knowledge. In this regard,...

Universalism Versus Relativism in Corporate Social Responsibility

Universalism and relativism describe the two mutually contradicting moral perspectives that arise in connection with cultural issues. The universalist position states that the same ethical and moral codes apply globally regardless of local cultural differences. This viewpoint is enshrined in documents like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which insists...

Testing a Contingency Plan in Business

Introduction Doing business and maintaining a good and productive one is quite a wide venture that requires the input of many factors. The success of a business venture is not all about the supply of goods and the demands of the customers. It also requires that the business is ready...

Apple Inc. Work-Life Balance

Introduction The biggest challenge to human resource managers today is realizing the best approach of economically recruiting, training, and retaining workers. This has resulted in most organizations developing a culture that upholds work-life balance programs to ensure that workers maintain equilibrium both in their professional and non-occupational lives. All organizations...

Consumer Apathy as an Issue: Resolving the Problem

Introduction Among the problems that companies have to face presently, the increasing levels of consumer apathy represent the most challenging concern. According to Ross et al., the extent of apathy among buyers in regard to the promotion campaigns offered by companies has increased, which a reason for serious concerns (511)....

Corporate Social Responsibility and Response

Definition Corporate social responsibility is defined as a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model; it is aimed at motivating business entities to voluntarily involve themselves in corporate initiatives, as an alternative to additional or existing mandatory initiatives. It is a form of corporate social regulation integrated into...

High and Low Context Culture in Business

Introduction Different cultures can be classified along a continuum with two conceptual extremes. These extremes are high and low-context cultures. “High context” and “Low context” are the terms that were popularized by Hall (1976) and they are employed to describe the wide cultural differences among the societies of people. In...

Strategic Analysis of Google

An Introduction to Google Google was founded in 1998 by couple of students from Stanford University. Like many other businesses, a need of an efficient search engine was felt and there was a gap in the market which lead to the foundation of Google. Initially the company started as a...

My Career in Marketing Management

Introduction Marketing is a practice done by individuals, institutions, and managerial entrepreneurs to manufacture and correspond to buyers who might be customers or dealers. The whole process ensures organizations offer and takes commodities and services to and from their partners, clients, customers, or the whole society nationally and internationally. Marketing...

Procurement Management and Choice of Suppliers

Introduction Procurement management and selection of suppliers have a great impact on the performance and outcomes of every project. The Achieving Excellence in Construction Procurement Guide published by the Office of Government Commerce (OGC), 2007) showed that the primary consideration in the procurement of construction projects is the need to...

Du Telecommunications Ltd.: Strategic Planning

Executive summary This report was written to examine strategic planning options of Du mobile telephone service providing company operating in the UAE. It starts by giving research methodology that was used to collect data in which primary data was collected through direct interviews and secondary data through books and other...