S.W.O.T. Analysis on Sainsbury

Introduction Sainsbury’s began in 1869 as a small diary shop by John James and his wife Mary Ann Sainsbury. Today, after Tesco and ASDA, Sainsbury’s is the third-largest name amongst the supermarket chains in the United Kingdom with its headquarter at Holborn (Wright, McCrea, and Sainsbury’s, 2007). This S.W.O.T. analysis...

Tesco Business Strategy

Business strategy According to welcome to Tesco plc: our strategy (Anon., 2009), Tesco has adopted a comprehensive business strategy which entails attaining consistent growth and increasing the scale of operation into the international market. The business strategy also entails attaining a competitive edge in terms of human resources. This strategy...

Pearl Oriental Innovations Ltd.: Marketing Plan

Terms of Reference The objective of the plan is to maximize the potential of current services on offer and to indicate the potential of the firm given its current budget constraints. Executive Summary The report realizes that Pearl Oriental Innovations Limited is faced with tough competition and tougher economic times...

McDonald Corporation: Company Marketing Strategy

Terms of reference McDonald’s has started its journey in 1940 and they formed the McDonald Corporation in 1955 in California, USA with tremendous customers and worldwide goodwill (McDonald Corporation, 3). This paper has focused on Strategic Marketing Plan for McDonald Corporation’s brand the Burger King Corporation. Amongst scores of product...

Sustainable Development and Its Role in Organization

Sustainable development in business environment helps modern companies to improve their performance and increase profitability. Marketing companies are usually described and discussed under steady-state conditions. Their structural forms and processes are determined, including such concepts as line and staff relationships, the division of responsibilities and authority, and group charts. Equally...

Staffing and Organizational Success of Company

Introduction Organizational success is depending on acquisition and retention of talented human resources for specific position. In 21st century, the job markets are growing with competitive rates and availability of skilled recruiters are being large and selective, as the organization has to build up long term effects with them, like...

Organization Behavior Within a Criminal Justice Setting

Workers’ behavior, performance and attitude otherwise organization behavior highly determines the efficiency and the effectiveness of an organization. This therefore, points out that factors that influence organizational behavior are the influences and inherent values that make up the work environment. Among these factors are leadership, culture, systems, and several other...

Branding as a Negative Social Phenomenon

Background – Branding has been a significant tool for promoting products, but it is recently becoming a point of attack. Identification of problem – Several companies have come under intense criticism over their brands being negatively so powerful that they mislead the consumers, and this has sparked debate over their...

Organizational Management and Performance: Inter-Organizational Relationships

Organization An organization is formed when a group of people joins together intentionally, to accomplish a common goal or goals (McNamara, 2007). People composition in an organization ranges from two to thousands of people. In every organization, a policy must be put in place to define its conducts and relationship...

The Ajax Company: Case Study

Outline This White paper analyzes the case study about the “Automated Production Control System Case” of the Ajax Company. The paper identifies and describes the associated risks pertaining to the two alternatives under consideration. The report has been prepared in the form of a White Paper. Description of Problem and/or...

Ethical Issue in Global and Local Marketing

According to Armstrong (12) ethics can be defined as a branch of philosophy that describes morals and values. It is therefore seen as a branch of philosophy that differentiate between what is right and wrong hence ethics can be seen as norms of conduct which distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable...

What Is Meant by ‘Glass’ and ‘Concrete’ Ceilings? How Are These Barriers Constructed and Manifest in Organizations?”

Introduction This paper is about managing diversity in an organization, this paper will critically examine the challenges that are faced by the HR managers in regard to managing diversity in an organization for example, barriers like ‘glass’ and ‘concrete’ ceilings are constructed and they manifest within the organization. Diversity can...

Ethics in Business Leadership

Nowadays the role of ethics in the sphere of business running is especially centralized through its influence on productiveness and quality of performed work. Leadership is considered to be one of the basic features to be developed in the process of working experience obtaining; it is necessary to underline the...

Information Systems at Boeing Corporation

Managers and business organizations invest in information technology and systems because such strategies provide real economic value to the business. The decision to implement or sustain an information system presumes that the profits on this investment will be higher than that of other assets. These higher profits can be expressed...

Lufthansa Group: International Growth Strategy

Introduction Background to the study Lufthansa is one of the largest firms in the European airline industry. The firm operates from two main hubs which include Munich and Frankfurt. In its operation, the firm serves approximately 242 destinations which are located in 87 different countries (Lufthansa, 2008, ¶ 3). Apart...

Toyota and Southwest Airlines Success Stories

Introduction Some companies prevail over their competitors. Businesses are aware it is not a matter of luck, but success in business organizations is a product of many factors, the most important of which is careful and honest planning and implementation of company strategies. Strategic management is the work of the...

The Risks of Outsourcing

Outsourcing is a process through which a company or an organization may ask other firms to handle some of its functions. These functions usually consist of marketing, human resource, finance, selling, retailing, etc. Since there are other firms in the market which specialize in these fields, it becomes easier for...

Motivational Problems at Workplace

Managers have the responsibility to make workers motivated since lack of it can be a source of many problems in the workplace. Motivation is the reason why people want to work. There is a gap that exists between an individual’s desired state and the actual state. Motivation, therefore, is a...

Virgin Company: Organizational Leadership

Abstract In business, leadership is of vital importance because the financial success of every company depends upon the abilities of its leader to structure the work, motivate employees and customers, promote the goods produced, and facilitate the increase of the company’s market share. Richard Bronson, the founder of the Virgin...

Assessment of Leadership Capabilities

Leadership skills are the skills demanded in any kind of position from any employee: “These skills include the knowledge of how to control the performance of one’s subordinates or partners, participate in decision making, and bear responsibility for them” (Northhouse, 2004). Accordingly, a leader is to be a person with...

Compensation/Management: Job Analysis, Employee Reaction

Job Analysis support in pay decisions Job analysis involves collecting information that describes the characteristics and requirements of a certain kind of job. This information may include the required skills, experience, personal behavior and specific duties to be performed among others. It is through the data collected during job analysis...

Sullivan Ford Auto World Company’s Management

Introduction This article deals with the issue of service marketing. The subject of the article is in a case study format. Sullivan Ford Auto World has been selected as the particular case whose operations will be scrutinized and the issues it faces would be analyzed. Additionally, subsequent to the analysis...

The Roles of Organization Design in Proper Business Management

Organization design is a process of creating roles and designing reporting relationships in an organization. It is a guided process that integrates people and technology within the organization management and is aimed at improving the collective responsibility in the handling of duties thus ensuring success in achieving set objectives (Roberts,...

Professionalism in Planning and Code of Conduct

Introduction According to the November 2002 issue of Academy for emerging medicine on professionalism and code of conduct for physicians, professionalism is viewed as “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.” (p. 1). This definition enlightens us on the existence of a...

Management Structure and Organizational Behaviour

Abstract The organizational structure affects how people and groups behave in an organization. It endows with a framework that shapes the attitudes, behaviors, and performance of the employees. Organizations need to develop a structure that allows them to manage individuals and inter group relations effectively. Differentiation and integration are the...

McDonalds’ Veggie Burger’s Marketing

The new product, Veggie Burger, is a special proposition to all consumers who value healthy life style and follow dietary patterns. Rational for a product development is a new approach to cooking and new vision of customer’s needs and demands. In general, the proposed marketing strategy will deal with pricing,...

Microsoft Corporation: The Future Development Strategy

Clear Focus and Competitors Information Technology (IT) Industry is one of the fastest developing areas of human activity at the present time. The overall proliferation of technology and innovations in society have brought the IT sphere to the spotlight of social relations. Computers are used at every single job and...

Business Communication in Egypt

In the modern world globalization is exerting immense influence on the development of business situation. The market is expanding at an unprecedented rate, thus requiring proficiency at making business contacts and establishing international bonds. Consequently, a profound knowledge of mentality and cultural peculiarities is of vital importance for a successful...

Business Strategy: Applying Critical Analysis

Introduction This paper develops at least one strategic objective from each of the following Balance Scorecard areas: Financial, Customer, Process, and Learning and Growth based on an evaluation of a number of potential alternatives to the issues identified with SWOTT Analysis paper. A great part of the paper will explain...

Pamperzhou Day Spa Business Plan and SWOT Analysis

Summary Pamperzhou Day Spa is a newly opened spa service provider located in Freeway County, CA. The services it offers include the whole range of day spa experience including the “seven ultra-chic, ultra-comfortable treatment rooms with the finest spa linens and equipment,.. massage in a variety of styles,.. facial and...

The Perfume Pens: Marketing Mix

Logistics and Distribution Freight charges will be levied for the cargo delivery of packed cartons of perfume pens according to the existing rates, which would depend on the mode of transportation: sea or air, the weight, the volume, and whether shipped as a single container or by sharing with other...

Going International With Malaysian Made PROTON Cars

Introduction With the advent of technological advances in the field of communications and transportation the processes of carrying out business over a vast geographic spread has been made possible. This has led to businesses going international with their products and offerings. This trend intensified to such an extent during the...

Spotless Cleaning Services Company’s Strategic Analysis

Introduction The company chosen for the SWOT analysis is Spotless Cleaning Services and the four factors that are selected are listed below. For each of the factor, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are analyzed. The overall objective is to ensure that an analysis is done of the company’s competencies...

Strategic Management of Human Resources

Introduction The world has evolved dramatically with automobiles, steel, tire and various other industries had erupted during the industrial revolution. A number of countries came into the limelight like Japan, Germany, and Taiwan against the European Union. Organizations make up a nation because they provide jobs, earnings, standard of living;...

General Motors Structure Company

Introduction The recent global economic conditions have caused a lot of controversy in the business world and affected the global industry leaders in different ways. General Motors Corporation is one of the examples of the negative influence of both improper government policies and global economic recession upon a business company...

Organizational Behavior Trends and Decision-Making

Introduction Decision making in modern organizations should be based on moral and ethical principles followed by employees and management staff. The ethics itself is based on the principle of “the standard of care”. It means that all decisions and problem-solving approaches should be based on detailed analysis of consequences and...

Personal Introspective Journal on Leadership

In this era of globalization and tight competition the role of a good leader is inevitable for the development of any nation. This is a journal project which integrates the ideas of the journal projects of all the weeks. That is the journal project from week 1 to week 7....

Fashion Industry Analysis: Interview With J. Jamshed

The fashion industry is as dynamic and changing as a business could ever be. Just when one gets a firm hold on the existing trends, the fashion industry takes an unpredictable turn. To be able to evolve as an entrepreneur in this industry, one requires more than just talent for...

Marks & Spencer: Detailed Equity Report

Marks & Spencer (M&S) is one of the major UK retailers, that have a great chain of over 840 stores in 30 regions around the globe and they have over 600 domestic and 285 international stores. Marks & Spencer is commonly renowned as the major clothing retailer of the United...

Franchising and Service Delivery Systems

This week has been very rewarding for me in the sense that I have been able to learn about something which I have always been interested about. This is the concept of franchising and the importance of service delivery systems in franchising. I know that franchising is an extremely powerful...

The IASB and the FASB and Their Role in the Accounting

FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) is the U.S.-based organization that issues Financial Accounting Statements (FAS) and other accounting pronouncements that constitute U.S. GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) was formed in 2001 as the successor to the IASC (International Accounting Standards Committee). IASB issues its series...

Product Branding in Online Shop

Introduction Branding products in online shops is an essential part of the online shop success; it requires development of sound and effective strategic marketing of the products under consideration and it includes product, the website that is used to sell the product and the marketing strategies employed. Currently not much...

Human Resource Stategy: BHP Billiton Case

Introduction Background of the study Strategy has gone from being the hot management buzzword of the 1980s and 1990s to the care of how organizations think as we enter the 21st country. Today, everything is supposed to be strategic. This includes business in general, management, human resource etc (Mintzberg, 1998)...

Non-Executive Director: Definition and Responsibilities

Introduction A company whether it is a big or a small company, it will derive advantage from the exposure and experience that a good non-executive Director can transform. Non-executive Directors can offer a priceless involvement in the corporate decision-making practice, in influencing corporate strategy and in the distribution of resources...

Boeing Company’s Project, Cost & Value Management

This paper would analyze certain vital elements of these paper-including elements such as project uncertainty, risk management quality management, forecasting, budgeting, appraisal of the model, value analysis amongst some. Besides reviewing the project itself, this paper would also seek present a cross comparisons of the above elements between the Boeing...

What Is the Psychological Contract?

Introduction Kotter (1973) defines the psychological contract as “an implicit contract between an individual and his organization which specifies what each expects to give and receive from each other in their relationship”. Schein (1980) described it as “a set of unwritten reciprocal expectations between an individual employee and the organization”....

Godrej Interior and Haworth Firms’ Product Strategies

Introduction Modern-day business environment is ever more challenging and complex. Dramatic shifts are constantly altering the business landscape. In today’s fast-paced markets, business organizations are required to constantly revitalize themselves for long-lasting success. Unlike the conventional business environment, modern firms’ focal point is on the construction of successful strategies that...

Coca-Cola Company’s Strategy & Globalization Issues

Introduction As trade barriers are minimized and information is being de-regularized the world is becoming a ‘global village’. Elements like outsourcing, environmental stability, globalization; sustainability etc has changed the working patterns of organizations. Multinational corporations are increasing day by day and they are usually criticized because of issues like environmental...

Balanced Scorecards for Performance Measurement Systems

Introduction The use of balanced score cards as an approach in the strategic planning process of management has developed over time among other statistical approaches. It particularly fuses financial and non-financial measure s of performance in a single scorecard yielding a holistic snapshot view of business performance entailing business processes,...

American Express. Customer Service Operations and Excellence

The need for strategy change for American express From the case study, American express had previously concentrated on getting as many clients as possible, and then having little regard for the onwards. This is fatal for any customer oriented business, and had severe consequences, as shown by the drop in...

Starbucks Corporation’s Entry into China

Company Background The Starbucks Company is a popular brand operating in over 40 countries around the world. The company was initiated in 1971 in Seattle, on the concept of the Italian roadside café’s and bistros which served snacks, small meals along with freshly brewed espresso coffee. The business process of...

Performance Appraisal and Human Resource Management

Introduction Human resource management is a very crucial function in any modern organization that seeks to achieve its objectives including the task of ensuring that employees are motivated by use of effective performance appraisal techniques such as reward schemes. This is because people are the most important asset an organization...

Application of Technological Success in Toyota Motor Corporation

Introduction This case study that is being currently examined relates to the success story of Toyota Motors in handling people, and more contextually, use of technology with greater degree of effectiveness and success in the global competitive automobile market. The main aspects that need to be considered that Japan has...

The Field of Employee Relations

Introduction The employee relations have been changed last 30 years for many reasons for developing for information dissemination, employee feedback and employee assistance program. These are a most important factor which provides significant change. By virtue of the European Communities Act 1972, UK incorporated all EU law in domestic law....

Group Dynamics, Managing Conflict, and Managing Stress and Employee Job Satisfaction

“High cohesiveness in a group leads to higher group productivity.” Do you agree or disagree? I agree that high cohesiveness in a group leads to higher group productivity because productivity is also defined as the ratio of resources used to produce the output. The quality of decision-making within the group...

Causes and Consequences of the Enron Scandal

Among the many financial scandals that rocked the world before 2001, the worst was the Enron Disaster. U.S Company Enron, which began as a small Midwestern gas pipeline company in 1985, spiraled into the world’s biggest energy trader by May 2001. Its dramatic collapse began in July 2001 and ended...

Studying Organisations: The Hawthorne Experiments

Introduction The Hawthorn experiments marked a new direction in research of motivation and productivity. More than half a century has passed, and productivity remains a concern of management. Labor conflict continues wherever bosses are not fair or considerate of worker’s needs. Design of work tasks continues to be studied, systems...

Organizational Culture and Employee Engagement

Introduction Organizational culture represents what an organisation is and not necessarily what an organisation should have or what it has. It is more sublime and differs from the hype created by terms such as corporate social responsibility. It is made up of the experiences, values, attitudes and beliefs and is...

Contemporary Management Skills: Development Plan

The intention of this three year action plan is to craft a spotlight on developing management skills. My strengths and weaknesses as well as the challenges and needs to overcome my weaknesses and improving upon some areas will form the backbone of this three year plan. This plan avows that...

Business Plan Critique: Live-e-Care

Evaluation of marketing plan & operation’s strategy Live-e-Care is a web based customer service supports venture that have planned to enter into a market of e-business by providing quality and cost-effective online customer management operation for various companies. According to the reports released by Boston Consulting group, the online sales...

The Details of a Venue Suitable for a Corporate Meeting

Executive Summary Details A meeting with about 50 delegates is being considered. The venue should be able to accommodate a one day meeting for 50 delegates with “break –out” facilities for the delegates to 2 smaller seminar rooms each seating 25 delegates. An 8-hour delegate rate will be calculated. In...

Exxon Mobil: The Major Reasons for the Success

Introduction The main idea of the paper is to identify the major reasons for the success of Exxon Mobil in then world market and trace the major processes that took place in the company’s finance over the past years (Exxon Corporation, 2007). To start with, Exxon Mobil is the largest...

Playboy Models: Unnatural Beauty

Introduction In the present day, beauty has become an object of commerce and production, as the modern canons and requirements cannot be met by an average woman without physical interventions into her body. In the last centuries, beauty was amongst the major virtues of woman as well as the major...

Employment and Working Conditions: Youth Exploitation

Introduction Young workers are more vulnerable to exploitation as compared to old workers. This exploitation is base on payment and working conditions among other workplace issues. Many employees intentionally abuse the young worker’s rights, and subsequently expose them to brutal exploitation. Main text Employers have power over their employees, whether...

Nine West Company Competitors Overview

Introduction The main competitors of Nine West are Etienne Aigner, Inc. Brown Shoe Company, Inc.; Kenneth Cole Productions, Inc.; Candies, Inc.; Maxwell Shoe Company Inc. Thus, the paper will be centered only on three of them which have an impact on the company’s sales and market position. Brown Shoe Company...

Business Data Analysis: The Ryanair LTD

The overall market position Ryanair LTD is one of the most competitive companies, offering the cheapest flights within Europe. Offering more than 500 destinations, the company’s strong side is providing the possibility to travel freely for the middle-class population, and people below the middle-class level. In the confirmation of these...

Examination of Logistics Employed by Dell Computers Ltd

Abstract The dissertation is aimed at examining different logistics employed by the Dell from time to time. In this regard the paper looks at the role and importance of logistics for the companies and also studies the trends of logistics in the business community. The study is conducted by employing...

Cadbury Schweppes Company’s Cost Evaluation

Introduction This is a management essay based on Cadbury Schweppes where we shall evaluate operational cost control, product costing, pricing policy, planning, and decision making, monitoring business performance, building and maintaining competitive advantage, and capital budgeting decisions. Cadbury Schweppes was incorporated in 1969 and is listed in London and New...

Absenteeism and Lateness in the Healthcare Field

Introduction Absenteeism and lateness are wide-spread and yet significant issues in any professional sphere. However, such problems acquire more importance when they occur in the healthcare field, where the value of time is determined by the urgency of patients’ needs. In general, poor discipline in a medical department might be...

Cultural Difference in Leadership and Communication

The structure of the workplace is changing rapidly due to globalization. For example, Office for National Statistics reports that the workforce in the United Kingdom is presented by various groups of the population, including those coming from British, Indian, Chinese, and Pakistani backgrounds. The employment rate of individuals coming from...

Mike Bike Advanced Firm’s Business Plan

Mike bike advanced (MB-A) is a stimulating system business that entirely deals with computers. It can also act as an interactive tool that can be used in learning business subjects. Its practical decisions are based on real-world modeling. MB-A is a bicycle-making industry in Evehwon which manufactures real cool and...

Sky Clear Airline: Company Analysis

Introduction Sky Clear Airline is a company specialising in commercial aviation. The organisation operates in local and international markets. This essay will present the analysis of Sky Clear Airline using the Balanced Scorecard tool, McKinsey 7, SWOT analysis and PESTLE analysis. In addition, the paper will address the issues of...

Veronica Vargas: Career Counseling

Introduction Career counseling, as a broad sphere of theoretical and practical frameworks aimed at helping clients make the right professional choices at different stages of their life span, deals with a variety of specific cases. In order to develop an effective intervention plan and solve the client’s problem, a counselor...

McClelland’s Theory: Organizational Relationships

Introduction Employee motivation is an essential aspect of managing relationships in the organization and enabling better efficiency of daily work. Human capital management techniques allow employing different strategies for improving motivation. While Abraham Maslow’s theory outlines the basic needs and motivation factors, other researchers further developed this theory to gain...

Goodwill Industries: Job Training, Thrift Stores & Sustainability

Introduction Goodwill Industries International Inc. often referred to as Goodwill, is a US-based nonprofit 501 organization. Goodwill helps individuals who struggle with obtaining a job and handling employment by providing job training and employment placement services. Goodwill frequently launches community-based programs and initiatives and hire veterans and job seekers with...

Lululemon’s Supply Chain Scandal in Bangladesh

Introduction The supply chain is an essential component of every business that represents a link between a company and its suppliers to make a final product and distribute it to a customer. Often, various companies, including international corporations, face supply chain issues, and Canada-based Lululemon is not an exception. The...

Changes in Google’s Employee Selection System

Introduce the case briefly by providing an overview/summary of what is happening in this situation Google is one of the largest digital corporations, and today, the company occupies a leading position as an information search engine service. In addition to this activity, the company is involved in a number of...

Negotiation Plan Development: Elements & Tactics

Introduction Negotiations are an important business instrument that helps companies make good deals, thus increasing profits and extending the scope of their activities. Negotiating is a skill that can be learned, so procurement specialists should be trained to do their best at the bargaining table. This training guide will explore...

Thriving in a Competitive Global Context: The Case of Sanofi

Macroenvironmental factors affect the performance of every business and require companies to alter their strategies in a way that allows overcoming external and internal risks and capture opportunities more effectively. It is valid to say that international pharmaceutical enterprises must strive even harder to adjust to environmental influences because the...

Marina Bay Sands Singapore Hotel’s Marketing

Introduction Marina Bay Sands Singapore Hotel is a luxury hotel and casino on the shores of Marina Bay in Singapore. It is famous for its rooftop Infinity Pool and panoramic views of the whole of Singapore (“Singapore Luxury Hotel”, n. d.). The complex has everything for recreation and entertainment, including...

Leveraging Social Media in the Luxury Industry: Recommendation for Dior

Introduction Across the world, luxury fashion is a dominant sector in the luxury industry since it registers consistent growth in sales and profits. According to D’Arpizio et al. (2019), over decades, the growth of sales in the luxury fashion has increased by about 6% from 76 billion euros in 1996...

Hopworks Urban Brewery: Case Study Analysis

Executive Summary The case study focuses on Hopworks Urban Brewery (HUB), a small craft brewing company producing and selling organic beer in Oregon. The company currently has a good position in the local market and considers future development opportunities to increase market share and profit. The paper provides a thorough...

Minimization the Negative Implications of the B737 MAX Crashes

Executive Summary The paper focuses on the analysis of Boeing as the aircraft industry player. An overview of the industry and its players, as well as the company’s profile, are suggested. Porter’s Forces analysis allows identifying potential threats to the organization’s activity. The final recommendation is to suspend the use...

Simmons Case Study: Leading Change and Order

Abstract Organizational change remains a powerful process for transforming performance and addressing existing change. The appointment of Charlie Eitel as Simmons’ new CEO resulted in various changes that were aimed at making this company more profitable. The implemented strategy presented several strengths, such as completing a detailed survey and using...

Skip’s Research of Loan-shark ‘Syndicated Lending’

Introduction Nowadays, it is expected of students to continue their education path after graduating from school. To get through college, students have to put in a lot of financial investments, which cover tutoring, textbooks, etc. Sadly, after getting a degree, a lot of graduates are left with crippling debt, which...

Operation Jawbreaker: Literature Review

Introduction The history of American military operations includes dozens of armed interventions that had different objectives and were aimed both at liberation goals and suppressing the aggression of opponents. In the history of the 21st century, the largest number of US force interventions has been recorded in the Middle East,...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Ethical Communication Plan

As the communication analysis of Coca-Cola has demonstrated, the company has often been subject to criticism and has yet to tackle its ethical controversies. One way to go about the issues with brand reputation and communication is to devise a comprehensive ethical framework. This is a necessity for a corporation...

Hennes & Mauritz Clothing Retail Company’s Analysis

Introduction Hennes and Mauritz’s (H&M’s) stock prices dropped dramatically when the company entered 2019 despite its stable performance before (Figure 1). However, it began recovering steadily almost immediately and was back to its prior stock values by April, a tendency that held through most of May. H&M experienced another significant...

Operational Plan of a Toy Shop Baby Kingdom

Introduction The operational plan is a highly essential element of any business planning. It formulates the main objectives of a company within a defined period of time and describes physical necessities for their achievement. It includes the description of the organizational structure, the employees’ responsibilities, location, equipment, products or services,...

Training and Implementing Change in an Organization: Google Case

Introduction Any organizational changes in firms of various sizes require preparation and appropriate planning aimed at analyzing the progress and potential outcomes of interventions. In order to implement the necessary programs, leaders, as a rule, resort to relevant strategic decisions associated with the phased reorganization of specific areas of activity....

Strategic Marketing and Operational Insights in Generational Health and Fitness

Strategic Position and Risk Assessment The strategic position of Generational Health and Fitness (GHF) is a low-cost fitness program offering cycling classes to residents of the local community. The long-term goal of the enterprise is to create an environment where community residents could learn to love exercise, improve their health,...

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: Stages and Strategies

Whatever sphere one chooses to work in, it is impossible to avoid the emergence of dilemmas. Problematic cases may occur when a person decides to move house, to change a department, or to relocate to an entirely new company. Whether it is a spontaneous or a long-planned decision, it is...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Communication Plan

Communication Strategy So far, the Coca-Cola Company has been pretty efficient with its verbal and written communication. The communication analysis has shown its strong suits that should be capitalized upon and make part of subsequent strategies. Firstly, the Coca-Cola Company might want to develop the ideas of diversity further, demonstrating...

Staffing for the Strategic Success of the Organization

Introduction The significance of staffing might not seem as high in the environment of an average company. Yet, the specified process has an evident effect on the delivery of performance and the overall quality of work. Furthermore, staffing is linked directly to creating premises for the further success of a...

Walmart Inc.: Cash Conversion Cycle Analysis

Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) is a key performance indicator that measures the amount of time taken by a company to convert its investment in inventory into sales. It determines the number of days that the company has to hold its cash in inventory or other assets before realizing cash for...

Amazon’s Innovations and Sustainability Strategies in the Global Market

Introduction The current concept of Amazon is linked with growing its business through electronic commerce operations. It possesses a significant number of storages, covering the U.S. and other countries, providing a possibility of prompt two-day delivery. Nonetheless, the number of direct sales does not show sufficient growth. The paper is...

Ethics and Social Responsibility in Organizations

Introduction Social responsibility and ethics are the integral components of organizational performance; they play a relevant part in developing a company’s strategic plan. The researchers define the mentioned plan as the scope of measures aimed at achieving long-term objectives and strengthening the firm’s position in the market (Setó-Pamies & Papaoikonomou,...

Why We Buy a Product

Promotion of a certain product and its sales to consumers is one of the main activities of modern companies as they are interested in the constant increase in the revenue and generation of stable income. For this reason, the 4P’s of marketing become an effective paradigm that is utilized by...

FedEx Corporation’s Leadership Experience Interview

About the Interviewee Claude R. who is among the key financial officers of FedEx was born in Jackson. Almost eighteen years ago, he graduated from the University of Mississippi and started his career in goods delivery (FedEx, n.d.). During that period, FedEx was a young and promising company providing freight...

Amazon’s Competitive Issues: Data Collection & Improvement Plan

The existing problem that significantly affects Amazon is the emergence of multiple rivals because of the growing popularity of online services, their convenience, and, at the same time, poor management of the Internet market. The majority of strategies implemented and utilized by Amazon demonstrated limited efficiency and were unable to...

US Corporate Executive’s Cultural Shock in China

The case under consideration investigates the situation in which Rick, an American corporate executive, experiences culture shock when he finds himself assigned to the company’s China branch. The problem is that Rick is unfamiliar with the country’s cultural norms and traditions. Thus, this case study aims to investigate how the...

Authentic Leadership in the Construction Industry

Introduction Leadership remains a critical practice or strategy in every field, organization, and institution. Within the construction industry, there is a need for managers to promote and portray desirable attributes that can empower followers and make it possible for them to deliver positive results. Many projects are usually complex, demanding,...

Leadership Theories and Examples

Trait Leadership Definition/Characteristics The timeframe in which the theory was popular is between the 1880s and the middle of the 1940s. According to it, one can be born a leader; thus, no further efforts would contribute to the development of the needed skills (Nahavandi, 2015). Trait leadership theory takes into...

Smith Photo Incorporation’s Business Plan

Statement of Purpose and Mission Purpose Smith Photo Incorporation is a business that specializes in photography. The business idea is informed by the need to provide flexible and affordable digital photography services to clients. The proposed Smith Photo Incorporation is projected to be successful since there is no business at...

Pret a Manger Company’s Foreign Entry Mode Selection

Introduction It is argued that a company should employ comprehensive and efficient expansion strategies if it strives to maintain a sustainable growth in the future. In the case under consideration, Pret A Manger, a British fast food restaurant chain, is the subject of the discussion of an appropriate foreign market...

ING Direct Case Study: Arkadi Kuhlmann’s Strategy

Executive Summary This paper analyzes the case study of ING Direct, an online banking-company founded by Arkadi Kuhlmann. The data on the organization’s income suggests that the business became profitable within a short period. The aim of the paper is to understand the strategy the banker used to lead his...

Fitbit Company’s Marketing, Consumer, and Product

Fitbit is a company that produces and sells fitness trackers, smart watches, and accessories and develops apps aimed at improving the health and fitness of their users. The company offers a narrow selection of products targeting people interested in maintaining an active lifestyle. The present paper will introduce the three...

Leadership Effectiveness and Its Factors

In the past, the study of leadership has mostly been focused on the attributes of people who have the authority to make critical decisions. However, modern researchers argue that much attention should also be paid to the characteristics of followers and various situational factors (Dugan, 2017). This paper will discuss...

SWOT Analysis of Axon Enterprise: Strengths and Challenges

Axon Enterprise, Inc. specializes in technology and weapon items for law enforcement and is one of the leading companies in its industry. A necessary activity of such a corporation is performing a SWOT analysis in order to be aware of the company’s situation. SWOT analysis is a general tool examining...

Axon Enterprise: Mission, Vision, and Strategic Alignment

Mission and vision of a company are one of the essential concepts that define the reason for its existence. Without specifying the purpose, all decisions in an organization would be made only based on the individual values of managers. The mission and vision determine the status of the company and...

Effective Negotiations in Business

Introduction Negotiations are one of the ways to resolve existing disputes that arise across different subject areas of business. For the most part, the concept of negotiation is closely linked to the notions of collaboration, settlement, and bargaining. Not only negotiations are a common element of business actions, but also...

Promotion of Tolerance at the Workplace

One of the most significant benefits of the friendly organizational environment and the positive relationships with colleagues is that they foster employee motivation and allow multiculturally diverse individuals to fulfill their potentials in the work context. In turn, the lack of tolerance culture in the company creates barriers to diversification...

Authentic Leaders: Personal and Critical Reflection

According to Starratt (2004), an authentic leader brings himself or herself and everything he or she believes in his or her work. It is common to find definitions of authentic leadership to also include descriptions such as transparent, consistent, and accountable. Evans (2000) argues that trust is key in any...

United Parcel Service: Information Technology Management Plan

Introduction Background of the Study Founded in 1907, the United Parcel Service (UPS) is an American-based logistics company. The company relies on its information management systems to undertake most of its operations. This report provides an information management plan for the year 2019. How to use this Report The data...

Personal Success Factors in the Business World

The fast development of the business sphere preconditioned the appearance of multiple opportunities for individuals to engage in various activities and generate income. However, the popularity of the given field also fosters the increase in the level of rivalry that becomes a severe challenge to both companies and people. Under...

How to Start a Startup

Entrepreneurial Mindset It is true that every business starts with an idea. However, the most important prerequisite that a person seeking success in the business world should gain way before even considering to open his or her own business is the entrepreneurial mindset. An idea precedes action in the same...

Spa and Salon: Business and Management

Introduction In today’s economic environment, enterprises need some effort to survive. The necessary conditions for the survival of the company are flexibility, adaptability to rapidly changing market conditions, increased labor productivity, and the ability to develop creatively. The team method of work is more effective in managing an organization in...

Gardner’s Five Minds: Assessing Leadership Skills & Growth

Introduction Honing personal leadership skills should be accompanied by an objective assessment of individual capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Such an analysis may help determine certain key areas for professional growth and identify the most optimal ways of self-development. As an evaluation tool, the algorithm called Gardner’s Five Minds can be...

HCA Healthcare Corporation’s Strategic Analysis

Introduction HCA is a corporation that offers a broad scope of healthcare services in areas that encompass surgery, oncology, orthopedics, and cardiology to mention a few (Conte, Vitale, Vollero, & Siano, 2018). It majorly operates in the US and the UK. Its headquarters are in Nashville, the United States. HCA...

Third-Party Mobile Apps: Enhancing Chick-fil-A’s Reach

Introduction According to the provided data and analysis, Chick-fil-A is in an excellent position to expand and to improve, becoming a major fast-food franchise. As such, it is in need to adapt a new marketing strategy. It should provide access to the broader audience, as it would improve upon the...

Ineffective Employee Behavior and Keys to Effectiveness

For the team to work effectively, it is important that each member has certain characteristics that ensure coherency. First, each individual should be focused on achieving the concrete result. For example, every person should set corporate goals prior to individual ones. Second, all workers should have an active position. It...

Apple Inc.’s Organizational Behavior Management

Describe the company and what it does A company may run a great risk mostly when involved in outsourcing its business activities to the outside business world unless the person(s) involved have some knowledge in the game. Employees, whether the subordinates or management team are prone to making mistakes, and...

Effective Logistics Network Design

Introduction Designing an effective logistics network is critical for the success of a firm. Crandall, Crandall, and Chen (2015) define logistics as “the management of the flow of items from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet requirements of customers or corporations” (p. 68)....

Employee Retention Committee’s Meeting Failure

Omissions and Occurrences The presented case study describes a situation where an Employee Retention Committee is attempting to have a meeting, but it fails for a variety of reasons. The committee consists of only four people but the organization was mishandled almost completely, and no results were achieved at all....

Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management

CRM – Provide an example using the CSR (Corporate social responsibility ) Model Customer relationship management is a concept that, when applied properly, creates value for all stakeholders, including both suppliers and customers. However, it also harbors certain ethical issues that may complicate the outcome. The easiest way to illustrate...

General Motors Company’s Reputation Management

Introduction General Motors (GM) is an American-based company that manufactures motor-vehicles, as the name suggests. It is an international company, meaning it has manufacturing plants in various global regions and offices in a majority of the countries (General Motors). According to O’Callaghan, the company was ranked the leading carmaker in...

Walmart Company’s Value Chain and Industry Analysis

Introduction Walmart’s current approach toward its value chain management can be regarded as directed at international expansion. Specifically, the inbound and outbound logistics of the company have reached the global level, the company having thousands of suppliers all over the world (Nguyen, 2017). In order to enhance its performance rates,...

Amazon and eBay: E-Business Applications Development

Despite the fact that the majority of the online stores were created at the end of the twentieth century, only a few of them possessed the continuing supremacy of Amazon and eBay. These two e-Commerce websites retail a wide variety of goods, from the products of personal hygiene to large...

Virginia Tech Massacre: Addressing Mental Health in Universities

Introduction On April 16, 2007, the tragedy at Virginia Tech University remained a big sear for the hearts of those who were directly involved as well as those affected, such as the victim’s families or friends. On that terrible day, the struggling loss of lives due to one disturbed young...

Heidi Roizen: Personal Life and Professional Career

Heidi Roizen is a full-fletched venture capitalist, currently working for Apple. Initially, she worked as an operator in the Silicon Valley and used her connections to become a rather successful venture investor. The personal characteristics that lead her on the way to success are associated with communication and networking. In...

Wal-Mart Stores and Its Key Stakeholders

How does Walmart Stores organization involve its stakeholders in decisions? Unlike other organizations, which tend to focus on a single type of stakeholders and make important decisions based solely on the profitability of the company, Wal-Mart invites all stakeholders to participate in decision making. According to the company’s policy, it...

Country-Club Leadership Style in Teaching Profession

One of the effective leaders I know is one of my school teachers. Moreover, he is a role model for many. Bodell (2014) claims that the use of a creative approach is the central characteristic feature of an efficient leader in the modern world. Mr. Good, I will use this...

Tinto Wine Bar’s Business Plan and Marketing Project

Executive Summary Tinto, the Story of a Flying Pig, or, How the Dream Began: A dream is something you aspire to…something that seems so easy, yet intangible. A dream is something that combines all elements that you christen the perfect blend of wonderful things that will make your world and...

Integration and Alignment of the Current HR Strategy

Introduction Background Information The Abu Dhabi government established the Masdar Institute as an independent and non-profit research-driven graduate university in 2007. The entity is dedicated to the provision of higher education and research in advanced energy and sustainable technologies. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), through partnership initiatives, plays an...

Corporate Governance in the UK of the 1990s

The Maxwell Scandal The Maxwell Scandal occurred in the early 1990s after Ian Robert Maxwell was found dead in the Atlantic Ocean. After the death of the owner of the huge publishing empire, the banks called in the loans, and the fraud made by Maxwell was discovered by a wide...

Business Analysis of Granite City Food and Brewery Company’s Success

Introduction to the firm Granite City Food & Brewery has a comfort food menu, which includes homemade food and craft beer. The company aims to provide customers only with fresh products, and thus, has private brewers at every restaurant. External environment As a matter of fact, the United States have...

Sephora Direct’ Company’s Marketing Issues

The paper answers case questions that could help Julie Bornstein, Sephora Direct’s vice president, double the budget required for digital marketing and other social media initiatives. Budget allocation and Cutting Costs Assuming that Julie Bornstein obtains the additional funding, the allocation of funds should be based on priorities. For example,...

The Consultant Role in Providing Services to the Client

How do the roles of consultant, consultee, and client differ? Give two examples of how these roles can change depending on the job. Consultation is a helping relationship in which mental professionals either work with individuals or groups in various settings to help them work more effectively or face a...

Pestle Company’s Corporate-Level Strategy and Management

Pestle Management The PESTLE analytical tool is important for managers because it helps them to examine the external factors that face the organization and in the process, the managers can be able to think about the potential impacts of these individual factors on the business (Renewal Associates 2003). A PESTLE...

Paul Entrepreneur’s Four Shortcomings

Does Paul need to be an inventor? Paul does not need to be an inventor in order to be an effective entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs do not have to invent new ideas in order to be successful. A successful entrepreneur does not have to come up with original products or services for...

Demand and Supply of Healthcare Workforce in Oman

Abstract There has been continued indication of the shortages of physicians and nurses in hospitals across Oman and this is often seen in the media on regular basis. As a consequence, there has also been increased debate on the policy circles among scholars, stakeholders and researchers. Most of these debates...

Competitive Rivalry: Google vs. Microsoft and Uber

Google and Microsoft are two major American companies that compete in a number of fields, some of which include online search engines and online advertising. In this paper, the question of whether Microsoft should continue competing with Google, which enjoys more success in these markets, will be discussed. Using the...

Critical Thinking in Decision-Making: Avoiding Workplace Fallacies

Everyday we are dared to make proper decisions, normally with limited ideas under serious time restrictions; this requires critical thinking. Critical thinking is a type of thinking that occurs as a result of correct estimation of the arguments and evidence and thus coming into conclusions that are optimal by the...

Conflict Resolution in Business

Introduction Conflicts prove to be an inevitable element of one’s social life. In many cases, disagreements between individuals and their groups are not destructive; moreover, they can actually contribute to the development and prosperity of the whole community. The function of a conflict is drawing attention to the problems that...

Tesla Motors Company’s Competitive and Financial Analysis

Introduction Tesla Motors is an American-based company that manufactures electric trains and cars at affordable prices in the American, European and Asian markets. Its name was adopted from an electrical engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla. This paper will discuss the competitive and financial analysis of Tesla Motors. Financial analysis In...

Prioritizing Risks in Project Management: Essential Risk Management Strategies

Compare and contrast quantitative versus qualitative analysis and discuss two situations that warrant only the use of qualitative analysis. Defining the severity of a risk is essential for enhancing the project viability and addressing the possible issues in a timely and efficient fashion. Consequently, the application of the appropriate risk...

Greggs Company’s Communication Theory

Introduction Annual reports are written with the purpose to inform the shareholders about the situation in the company, about its achievements and the future purposes. Clatworthy and Jones (2003) state that it is highly important to provide both good and bad news in the report, focusing more on bad news...

Business Development Initiative for Success

Assuming that a business productivity project was done for a company, it would be first presented to the consulting company for approval before sending it to the prospective client for review. This project focused on a business development initiative that established the stages, which a prospective business person or entity...

Effective Business Strategy & Management Insights

What Is Strategy? Strategy according to this article is a way of planning on how a business venture will realize its projected growth in terms of profits. This according to the article includes maximizing service delivery to the customers at the minimum costs possible, reducing both production and operational costs...