Work Performance Training Methods

Introduction Organizations benefit immensely from training employees because well-trained workers have higher productivity and output. Studies have shown that companies that invest in employees’ professional development report lower rates of absenteeism and staff turnover, as well as increases in innovation and customer satisfaction. It is important to educate new employees...

Tada Ride-Hailing Company: Business Environment Review

Porter’s Five Forces framework is used for evaluation of the competition in the industry, considering various factors that influence it. When applied to a particular company, this analytical method provides an understanding of the firm’s potential, as well as challenges and possible strategies for achieving the best outcomes. In this...

Workers’ Compensation Exceptions to the Governing Classification Rules

Abstract The four exceptions to the governing classification rules are crucial for a successful business operation. Hence, the rejection of these exceptions may lead to numerous negative consequences and cause a considerable number of obstacles to the business owner. The paper proves the importance of the Standard Exception classifications, the...

Effective Leadership Styles and Its Roles

Introduction The world is always changing, and so do the principles and approaches to management. New Science offers a range of methods that help managers to run organizations more effectively. According to Wheatley (2006), the world evolves when people interact with it. She states that it is more important to...

The Nature and Importance of Entrepreneurs

Introduction The prevailing literature asserts that the entrepreneurial character of a person or society is influenced by a myriad of demographic, environmental and personal factors (Hisrich, Peters and Shepherd, 2013, p. 24). The demographic factors impacting on the enterprising behaviour include gender, personal and family background, and the person’s early...

Marketing Research of Competitors on the Market

Research Question There is no doubt that the development of business enterprises in conditions of the modern market is becoming challenging, caused by a number of political and economic factors, including the abundance of competitive core companies. This means that modern business cannot develop without hindrance, as when entering the...

Roles of NCOs in Panama Analysis

The case study at hand indicates that the successful completion of project management goals hinges on several critical factors, such as the identification of its scope and the integration of an effective infrastructure based on a meticulously built information management system. The latter is, in fact, at the top of...

Sigmund’s Gourmet Pasta Restaurant Marketing Plan

Introduction Sigmund’s Gourmet Pasta is developing a popular consumer brand and expanding its customer base. The restaurant has created a signature line characterized by innovative pasta dishes, such as fresh mussels and clams in a marinara sauce and pesto with smoked salmon. It also serves distinctive salads, desserts, drinks. Sigmund’s...

Supply Chain Management of the Sandwich Manufacturing Company

Push and Pull management philosophies The origin of the term push and pull can be traced back to supply chain and logistics management (Hugos 214). However, according to Nigel, the term is also used in marketing (76). The term describes the flow of information or products from one subject to...

Heineken’s Organization and Strategy: Case Study

The organizational structure of a company is significant, as it may influence the implementation of business solutions. In this study, the example of the Heineken Company will be considered in terms of its structure, corporate culture, and the role of leaders. This corporation has shown outstanding results in its market...

Angela Merkel’s Leadership Style – Article Evaluation

Analysis Main Conclusions Stefan Kornelius analyzes the leadership style of Angela Merkel – the Chancellor of Germany. The country’s citizens go to election in a few days and in spite of her successful eight-year leadership, the Chancellor might lose the elections according to Stefan Kornelius (2013). The editor of Germany’s...

Soft Drinks S.A. Project

Research Proposal The proposed research is focused on the investigation of the company Soft Drinks S.A and its failure to capture the expected market share by its new product. The need for the given research is justified by several factors. First of all, the inability of soft drinks to attract...

Harvey Industries: Key and Underlying Issues

Introduction A competent approach to workload planning and allocation of resources can have a significant role in the functioning of a particular company and its competitiveness in the market. The problems of Harvey Industries are caused mostly by the unreasonable allocation of resources and insufficiently rational measures used to determine...

Leadership in Different Spheres of Life

Leadership is that aspect of the personality of individuals which enables them to lead and manage teams and groups of people. Leadership traits are visible even in childhood when children play and interact with their friends and display the ability to lead and enable their teams to perform and win....

Power Abuse and the Means to Avoid It

Abstract Despite numerous attempts to control the actions of those beholding power, power abuse remains one of the notorious elements of everyday reality. On the one hand, corruption is an inevitable stage of evolution of a regular person who suddenly gained too much power to be able to refrain from...

Hard Rock Café: Operations Management and Productivity

Operation management is a business area whereby a business is concerned with the production of goods and services. It makes sure that business processes are very efficient i.e. using fewer resources as required and effective in regards to meeting customers’ requirements. The ten decisions of operation management are very crucial...

Figgie International: Managing Organizational Change

Management initiative is the key determinant of any organization’s performance. It is important to note that the success of any company is directly proportional to its leaders’ focus and the commitment of its employees. This paper is a management consultancy report that analyzes the circumstances that led to the difficulties...

The Importance of Organizational Learning

Introduction Most people in an organization fail to understand the concept behind organizational learning and what it entails. This has seen many organizations become less competitive in the growing world market. Learning hence becomes an important factor for growth and should therefore be incorporated in all organizations. A good example...

Behavior-Based Safety in the Food Industry: DO IT Method

Behavior-based safety management is an important part of any company because it helps eliminate risks in the production process. The food production industry is one sector that requires especially close attention to safety issues. The so-called DO IT method is useful when applied to jobs in the restaurant industry, leading...

Discrimination and Affirmative Action in Wal-Mart

Introduction There is a certain amount of irony in the fact that while the US society, in general, has been clamoring for gender equality, gender discrimination in the form of unequal promotions and pay still haunt the American workplace. The level of discrimination has indeed come down to a large...

Applications of Skills Gapping in Organisations

Introduction The greatest challenge for organizations is to identify the workforce which will meet its needs in terms of service provision. Many organizations find it difficult to match the job opportunities they have and the workforce to employ. Each area of the organization requires different skills and expertise to ensure...

Team Dynamics and Their Analysis

Introduction Team work is one of the most difficult types of work as absolutely different people with various preferences should collaborate and work together placing the interests of the group above personal ones. The main purpose of the paper is to identify the group dynamics that occur when working collaboratively...

Management Process Functions: Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling

“Management is the art and science of getting things done through others (The Meaning of Management, Para. 3)”. Management is all about planning, organizing, leading and controlling to achieve the set goals of any organization to be competitive. This is one of the most practiced human activities. Management is essential...

Boeing Company’s Management Planning

Discussion Planning is the foremost function of the management process. It determines the success or failure of a company. Job analysis is a micro-level of planning whereby job specifications and specifications are developed. When looking at the company’s goals are part of macro-planning which is based on economic requirements of...

Comprehensive Strategic Plan for GM Company

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to prepare a comprehensive strategic plan for ‘new’ GM Company. However, this report will discuss the vision, mission, objectives of GM, Porter’s 5 Forces, the position of GM in the BCG matrix, the grand strategy matrix, generic strategies, and so on. Background of...

Organizational Change in Companies

Introduction In this era of globalization and cut-throat competition in which companies face it difficult to ensure their survival, change has a significant role to play. If the companies change when the situation demands change, then only they can ensure survival and maximum returns. The main barriers to change are...

Recruitment and Selection Process: Team Leader

Introduction Selection and recruitment processes in many organizations take different forms. This includes interviews, activities and tasks, internal selection and direct appointments without any vetting. During the selection of a team leader responsible for overseeing the rest of the team, different methods may be employed. Interviews and task assignment in...

Lakota Hill: Strategy Analysis

The case shows the introduction of an entrepreneurship venture in the specialty food industry. The new venture hatched by Laura Ryan was to set up a venture to sell fry bread powder in a sack. She sold the age old recipe to the locally and then to the supermarkets to...

Analysis and Strategy in Global Marketing

Abstract The paper examines the various strategies used in global marketing. The paper starts with introduction then outlines the Porter’s five forces model in industry competition and the effects of the barriers in global marketing. Then the paper examines the differences that exist among local, national, international and global product...

General Motors Company: Inventory Systems Summary

Supply Chain Management Supply chain management is the control of all the processes involved in the production of goods and services to ensure that the end consumers meet their expectation. It starts from the raw material, work in progress, storage, and finally the delivery of the finished products. It is...

Global Strategic Planning: The Case of Ford

A company which is global in nature will need to employ a global competitive strategy. Initially, the competitive strategy of Ford during the time of introduction of Model T by Henry Ford revolved around mass production and mass marketing. Low-cost end user vehicles were possible through the reduction of the...

Emirates Telecommunications Corporation’s Design

Introduction Company Background Emirates Telecommunications Corporation (Etisalat) is one of the largest companies in UAE which started offering its services in 1976. The UAE federal government controls a 60% share in the company that is now offering its services in the UAE market and beyond, through its subsidiaries and partners...

Leadership Styles: Buffet and Ghosn

Introduction One of the most prominent names amongst leaders of the modern business arena is that of Warren Edward Buffet, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. Another such important leader is Carlos Ghosn, current CEO of Renault S.A. France. Their approaches towards businesses and leadership styles prove that theoretical expertise single-handedly is...

The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur

Introduction An entrepreneur process is the process by which an entrepreneur identifies an opportunity, evaluates, and develops it to produce a new product that can help him or her make some profit. The entrepreneur faces many forces in the process and must be ready to overcome all of them to...

Revenue Management: Strategy and Policy

Introduction Revenue management is the function of regimented tactics that predict consumer behavior. It has become a branch of the conventional business hypothesis and practices over the last few years. Revenue management has been widely also known as yield management. It largely deals with the progression of indulgence, speculation, and...

The Reverse Logistics in E-Commerce

Outline This essay describes the reverse logistics in e-commerce. The study deals with how reverse logistic and e-commerce relate and the importance of reverse logistic in the e-commerce sector. It also studies what type of industries will suffer more because of the reverse logistic. Because every industry is producing different...

Measurable Factors of Success of Ceo Jim Cantalupo

Leadership is an important factor that is essential to successful organizations. This is a case study of the turnaround of McDonald’s Corporation after Jim Cantalupo took charge as CEO. It will also provide a competency model for an ideal CEO candidate for the corporation. It will also look at the...

Business Markets and Consumer Markets

The business market consists of all the companies that purchase goods and services to reproduce them or generate other products or services that are sold, rented, or distributed to others. On the other hand, consumer markets are directed towards individuals and households. In light of this, business markets require separate...

Risk and Safety Management in Project Development

Introduction The work of any business or non-profit organization in the world is set up in order to achieve the established goals (Wang, 2000). Some organizations and enterprises are aimed at making profit of their activities that include sales, promotion, distribution, etc (Wang, 2000). Others, like for instance the governmental...

Corporate-Level Strategy Management and Responsibilities

Introduction The major corporate-level strategy formulation responsibilities include the following. Direction setting Direction setting involves various activities which the management needs to do in order to define and put clarification on the objectives of the organization and they will include identifying and acting upon the major goals of the organization...

Strategic Human Resource Management in Iran

Introduction Human Resource Management can be stated as the managerial task that involves the matters associated to populace such as recompense, appointing, presentation, administration, association, expansion, security, well being, remuneration, worker incentive, communiqué, supervision and teaching. “Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment...

Information Management in Different Organizations

Introduction Information Management has become a commonly used word in modern management enterprises systems and has gained lots of advantages over its usage in selected firms. Information management is defined as “the acquisition, recording, organizing, storage, dissemination, and retrieval of information. Good information management has been described as getting the...

Market Analysis of Allstate Insurance Company

Introduction Allstate Insurance Company began its operations in 1931 as an Illinois Corporation which is currently licensed in over forty states to write property and casualty business. It became a public company in the year 1993 after enlisting in the New York Stock Exchange. It is the largest publicly held...

Case Write Up, Enron and WorldCom

Introduction Recent years, companies pay more and more attention to business ethics and problems caused by violation of ethical and moral rules. The law is a guarantor of social stability. The law provides for collective safety and security. The ethics is a crucial element of every profession because it reflects...

Customer Service at Boeing

Introduction Boeing, like many other aerospace companies, needs to ensure that its clients are fully satisfied with their services or that their consumer expectations have been fully met. The paper shall look at how Boeing does this and analysis carried out on its effectiveness. Customer service at Boeing There are...

Business-to-Business Marketing Plan: Cleaning Products

Mission statement To work towards a clean environment by developing products that work and are friendly to the environment. Marketing objectives To increase awareness by 35% of the market on the need for a clean working environment To increase the demand for the new cleaning products by 50 percent in...

Business Development Stages: Start-up Phase, Growth Phase, Maturity Phase, and Decline Phase

Introduction There are four major phases of business development namely the start-up phase, growth phase, maturity phase, and decline phase. These stages are characterized by the need for effective business support systems capable of facilitating progression from one stage to another. The start-up phase The stage in which the business...

Mind of the Entrepreneur: Zuckerberg

Executive Summary Zuckerberg is one of the young millionaires as a result of this innovation and entrepreneurship that enabled him to create Facebook. Being the youngest billionaire Zuckerberg, has managed to supply the old businessmen who have toiled for many years but have not reached his levels. Zuckerberg has used...

Stakeholders and CSR (Stakeholder Theory)

Stakeholders have a great impact on product markets as they determine the main trends and product requirements for a future period of time. To decide what a customer means by more colorful, more durable, or stronger, and to build these characteristics into a product, can easily involve misinterpretations. Moreover, needs...

Decision-Making Process: Stages and Basic Principles

Introduction Personal or professional, decision-making is always tough and requires step by step approach. Before making a decision, different alternatives are considered and they depend on the importance of the decision to take. After finding different alternative solutions, they are analyzed to choose the best alternative (Mellers, Schwartz, & Cooke,...

Service Sector Marketing Planning

Abstract Good service businesses pay attention to clientele and workforce mutually. They realize how service earnings link proceeds from a service provider with human resource and consumer contentment. Service sector marketing entitles not only for outside marketing but for in-house marketing as well in order to encourage workers and interactive...

Audi Car Company: The Advertising Strategy

Audi Car Company can trace its roots back to the early 1900s. August Horch produced the first car in a partnership but went solo afterwards due to partnership problems. He chose the name Audi which means audible in Latin and from the look of things people really want to own...

Wal-Mart Business Strategy and Marketing Mix

Introduction A successful business organization will always invest heavily in marketing strategy in order to develop a marketing mix that yields the best results as well as making the organization earn a competitive advantage over its competitors. Marketing competition in the current business climate has advanced significantly such that a...

Key Elements of Supply Chain Design

Abstract “The key challenge is to integrate supply chain capabilities to provide a seamless solution from potential design through to end delivery. End users are looking for a complete supply chain where there is single accountability and responsibility for delivery,” said O’Brien. Introduction To begin with, it should be stated...

IKEA Supply Chain Analysis

The performance of every business company that deals with the production of goods from raw materials is greatly dependant upon the supply chain, i. e. the cycle of getting the raw materials, their processing, and production of goods, storage, and distribution of the latter. IKEA, as one of the world’s...

Supervalu Retail Chain of Stores’ Market Analysis

Introduction SuperValue retail chain of groceries has been in operation for 135 years offering a wide range of products that include grocery, Pharmacy and supply chain operations across the country. It operates approximately 2500 stores and about 2500 affiliated retail shops through the company’s supply chain operations. Currently the chain...

General Motors Structure Company

Introduction The recent global economic conditions have caused a lot of controversy in the business world and affected the global industry leaders in different ways. General Motors Corporation is one of the examples of the negative influence of both improper government policies and global economic recession upon a business company...

Organizational Behavior Trends and Decision-Making

Introduction Decision making in modern organizations should be based on moral and ethical principles followed by employees and management staff. The ethics itself is based on the principle of “the standard of care”. It means that all decisions and problem-solving approaches should be based on detailed analysis of consequences and...

Fashion Industry Analysis: Interview With J. Jamshed

The fashion industry is as dynamic and changing as a business could ever be. Just when one gets a firm hold on the existing trends, the fashion industry takes an unpredictable turn. To be able to evolve as an entrepreneur in this industry, one requires more than just talent for...

Cultural Influences and Managing Organization Change and Development

Introduction Current essay deals with analysis of the process of organizational change in the context of its individual experience. The basic problems and issues which are posed in this context are what actions were realized by organizational management, whether their scope and effectiveness were sufficient and what alternative steps could...

Contemporary Marketing: Marketing Management

Introduction One of the most popular marketing models is tactical marketing. Tactical marketing is concerned with both the conceptual and operational levels, but programming mainly involves only the operational level. Programming encompasses accountability and the direction of particular activities, standards, budgets, and time schedules. The distinction, then, is one between...

Toledo Specialty Glass Problems: Solar Sandwich Project

Abstract This paper examines the problems of Toledo Specialty Glass concerning the Solar Sandwich Project. It analyzes the problem, then proposes solutions supported by business management and innovation theory. The major problems looked at include team making, synergy, motivation, and behavior modification. Introduction Kiernan cites James Brian Quinn in his...

Bradford Bingley Company: Case Study

About Company It is a company that offers a wide range of products to its customers. The products are saving products, financial planning service, insurance products, mortgage products and loans. The company was formed in 1964 after the merger of the Bingley Equitable and Bingley that was formed in 1851....

Royal Caribbean Cruises Company’s Strategic Policy

Introduction This is the analytical evaluation of the strategies of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. The main purpose of this study is to highlight the company’s arrears of strengths and weakness as well opportunities and serious threats for the company. This paper has mainly focused the related years of the case...

Hawthorne Experiments – Elton Mayo With Roethlisberger and Dickson

This paper discusses the Hawthorne experiments; a brief description of the background of these studies is also given. It describes the social and environmental effects of the time that were observed on these theories. The relevance of these theories to the present time is also discussed. The various drawbacks and...

Benefits of Time Compression in Supply Chain

This paper is going to focus on the creation of a customer-driven supply chain. It will look at the benefits of the supply chain time compression in the Tesco Company. According to Daniel T Jones and Philip Clarke (2002) putting up supply chains that pay attention to the customer requires...

Fundamentals of Management Accounting

Introduction It is vital to realize that the accountant has so far been using the full costing traditional method that has been in use for a long time. To ensure that my friend understands what full costing means, it is all costs involved with achieving some objectives. More precisely in...

The Accounting Profession and Ethics: Analysis

Ethics in an organization is observed when the rules and regulations that govern the operations of the organization are effectively followed. The accounting profession should adhere to ethics because people rely on that information to make decisions on whether to invest in the company or not and therefore reports should...

Strategic Management: Importance of Leadership

Introduction The importance of leadership in manager’s communication and the areas of manager’s participation in developing skills of employees etc are discussed here. This study is intended on change aspect of company and explains the generic strategic direction formulated by management and actually implemented by leaders. Communication and learning Communication...

Application of Technological Success in Toyota Motor Corporation

Introduction This case study that is being currently examined relates to the success story of Toyota Motors in handling people, and more contextually, use of technology with greater degree of effectiveness and success in the global competitive automobile market. The main aspects that need to be considered that Japan has...

Integrated Supply Chain Management Strategy Ford

Introduction A big issue before the Ford Motor Company is to frame an integrated supply chain management strategy that is in keeping with the changing trends enabled by the emerging information technologies and other high tech industries in altering the way they interacted with its suppliers. Of the different possibilities...

Service Marketing in Restaurant Business

Introduction Service sector is different from manufacturing sector. Service sector involves a wide variety of services including restaurant services. This study focuses on the factors to be considered while opening a new restaurant. Service is main aspect of business transaction to meet the satisfaction of customers. Service industry should evaluate...

Organizational Culture and Employee Engagement

Introduction Organizational culture represents what an organisation is and not necessarily what an organisation should have or what it has. It is more sublime and differs from the hype created by terms such as corporate social responsibility. It is made up of the experiences, values, attitudes and beliefs and is...

Employment Relations and Human Resource Management

During the last 30 years, there have been significant shifts in employment relations and the HR management field of study. In today’s competitive workplace employers must remain attuned to the needs of their workforce. Those who do will have a distinct advantage. One of the tools being used by global...

Exxon Mobil Corporation’s Sales Strategy

The Exxon Mobil Corporation is an Oil and Gas Industry based company. The company became the largest company in the world, in terms of its revenue, after the merger between the two companies Exxon and Mobil. The company is also the largest publicly owned company with a market capitalization worth...

Business Plan Critique: Live-e-Care

Evaluation of marketing plan & operation’s strategy Live-e-Care is a web based customer service supports venture that have planned to enter into a market of e-business by providing quality and cost-effective online customer management operation for various companies. According to the reports released by Boston Consulting group, the online sales...

A Paradox: Standard Account of Whistleblower by Michael Davis

This research paper would present the paradox of whist blowing that is investigated by Michael Davis and according to the author himself; the paradox is used to suggest an inconsistency- between theory and the facts. The theory about the standard whilst blowing and the paradox I just not about whist...

Organizational Position in Marketing Plan

Introduction Marketing Plan is the broad roadmap to bring the product or service of a firm to the market place. Market analysis precedes the making of the marketing plan. The market analysis provides information on the market size, growth characteristics, buying trends of consumers and trends for the future. (Doug...

Human Resources Management and Organizational Culture

Introduction Organizational Theory and studies focus on the systematic explorations of and analysis of how people as individual and as groups function within organizational operational frameworks. Robbins, Stephen P. adds that, “In this view Human resource management is thus viewed as a strategic and coherent approach to the management of...

Employee Motivation in Secondary and Tertiary Sectors

Introduction Employee motivation in business and industries is vital for best performance and achieving objectives. However, it is an aspect often overlooked or reliant upon outdated and traditional methods of motivation which have little consideration for social psychology, or the type of work performed. Different industries and sectors require different...

Poland and Thailand Fdi-Automotive Companies Analysis

Executive Summary FDI investment in the automobile industry is a looming trend due to the increasing cost of production in developed countries. So, we target emerging economies that provide new markets of opportunity as well as incredibly lower production costs. For the research of our car company, we chose two...

Project Management Change for Successful Projects

Project management change is the comprehensive policy that helps in planning capabilities that speed up the implementation of changes in business in order to reduce risks and disruptions ( The process maintains the views of all associated requests and service requirements showing the full business context of change operations...

Authority and Leadership: Rising From the Ranks

The case study in question provides an example of a situation in which a person is promoted to a supervisory position and put in charge of a group of colleagues. Julie has been working as a nurse for eight years, and now the woman is appointed nurse manager. The woman...

Entering a Foreign Market: How to Remain Small?

Introduction Entering a foreign market provides several advantages for a business, such as mitigating the impact of volatility in the home state and increasing the demand for products. One path of growth for a company is entering new markets, which provides access to more consumer opportunities in regards to sales...

Smoking in Movies: Tobacco Industry Tactics

One may not always pause and pay attention to the way in which smoking has been and is being portrayed. Tobacco advertisements are hidden in plain sight, which may create an illusion that no promotions are occurring at all, with tobacco use integrated into a storyline as a valuable plot...

Lululemon’s Supply Chain Scandal in Bangladesh

Introduction The supply chain is an essential component of every business that represents a link between a company and its suppliers to make a final product and distribute it to a customer. Often, various companies, including international corporations, face supply chain issues, and Canada-based Lululemon is not an exception. The...

Healthcare Professional Training and Development

Introduction The articles that will be discovered in this paper mainly cover the topic of training and development of staff in healthcare establishments. Each material has its methods of research, objectives, focus, and peculiarities. Nevertheless, given the fact that the scholar works deal with a similar topic and provide interdependent...

Sustainable Marketing Application in IKEA

Abstract This paper explores the marketing tools and techniques used by IKEA, a global retail company that has an excellent reputation and is favoured by many customers. The analysis is based on a wide range of marketing concepts, which allow painting a comprehensive picture of all IKEA’s activities related to...

In the Name of Jesus: Critical Review

Nouwen’s (1989) In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian’s Leadership is a notable work by the famous Dutch writer and theologian. As the name suggests, the book covers the author’s perspective on Christian leadership and, although first published in 1989, aims to envisage what a Christian leader should aspire...

Learning from Mistakes in the Workplace

For centuries, a human mistake is regarded as an engine of progress. At some point in one’s life, an error led them to some impressive breakthroughs. The phenomenon of human error can be as well applied to trainee preparation. According to Noe (2010), this process is called “error management training”...

Business Decision Model Analysis

The Business Decision Model represents a framework of perceiving, organizing, and managing the logic of businesses and the intentions behind making a particular decision. In general, the logic of the model is a set of business rules that are represented as separate elements that lead to conclusions (Anderson et al....

Concept of Strategic Decision

Summary In the context of strategic planning, organizations are expected to make decisions targeted at achieving profitability and maximizing their operations. Thus, by making clear the long-term goals and visions of a company, the management has the opportunity to align the short-term tasks and responsibilities with a broader mission. This...

Economic Costs of Waiting Lines

To perform an economic analysis of waiting lines and define their economic costs, it is necessary to consider several variables. These include the waiting cost per period for each unit, the average number of units in the system, the service cost per period for each server, the number of servers,...

Omani Oil and Petroleum Company: The Decision About Which Markets to Enter

Introduction Globalisation is one of the forces in the external market environment that a firm cannot control. The emerging technologies in the field of communication and transport have made it possible for companies to explore foreign markets as a means of achieving growth. In Oman, various foreign firms have set...

Group Communication in Organizations

I believe that insufficient development of communication is the main obstacle to achieving the effectiveness of the activities of the organizations. The exchange of information is an essential link in all the activities of the organization. Therefore, if communication links, both internal and external, do not exist or operate, this...

ASOS Online Retail Company’s Customer Loyalty

Introduction Customer loyalty, as a rule, actually highlights the extent to which a consumer can devote himself or herself towards the company products and services just because of the high level of satisfaction. This refers to the consumers’ tendency to like and choose any one particular brand over the available...

Lala Coffee Shop’s Business Plan

Introduction Lala Coffee Shop imports both coffee Arabica and Robusta beans to specialty roasters in the U.S. The company’s main office is located in San Francisco, California, while other warehouses are in Colombia and several other states in America. Lala Coffee Shop’s products are differentiated from those provided by the...

Authentic Leadership in the Construction Industry

Introduction Leadership remains a critical practice or strategy in every field, organization, and institution. Within the construction industry, there is a need for managers to promote and portray desirable attributes that can empower followers and make it possible for them to deliver positive results. Many projects are usually complex, demanding,...

“Beware the Pitfalls of Global Marketing” by Kashani

Summary Kashani addresses some of the problems that he believes to be characteristic of the global marketing environment. Five propositions, including the issue of expansion into a wider market, the transfer of promotion activities from local to global levels, the need to adopt a different branding technique, the use of...

Environmental Balanced Scorecard for the Everest Retail Company

Introduction Over the last decade, the environmental attributes of the business organization have been outlined as significant in affecting the outcome and general sustainability. The environmental concerns are propelled by the rise in legislation, pollution, and stakeholder pressure. This means that evaluation of environmental performance for a business is an...

SWOT for Little League

Introduction SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) is one of the most common methods, which allows assessing the internal and external factors affecting the performance of a company (Henry 96). This evaluation method may be regarded as a preliminary research tool used in the preparation of strategic plans and...

Cross-Cultural Management for Virtual Teams: Context, Theories and Critical Cultural Influences

Executive Summary The influence of globalization is evident in all aspects of the business environment. By facilitating business collaborations and agreements between different countries, this phenomenon created opportunities for companies to enter new markets and multiply their profits as a result. Similarly, the advancement of information technology enhanced the global...

Sales Management in the Hair and Beauty Sector

The retail strategies of the market for consumers of services and products of the beauty industry in different regions are largely dependent on the characteristics of each particular area. It is highly determined by the structure of consumer demand and behavior. The given hypothesis to a large extent determines the...

Cost Markup Pricing and Analysis Techniques

Cost markup pricing is a widespread pricing technique that organizations use. It implies the approach in which a price of a product is directly associated with the costs necessary for its production. First, a company calculates the average production costs. Second, the predetermined percentage of a markup (profit margin) is...

Skills Approach: Personal Leadership Reflection

Introduction Leadership is not a singular term as it contains within itself a variety of approaches and types of leadership. Each of them holds its own strengths and weaknesses and applies to different types of people. This paper will provide a reflection on my personal leadership approach, and how it...

Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace

Executive Summary It should be emphasized that all the course assignments and theories have improved or expanded my understanding of managing people and reinforcing collaboration strategies. Nonetheless, certain assignments have been of particular importance for me such as the discussions in “How Do Great Managers Give Constructive Feedback?” (in Week...

Employee Motivation and Minimum Wage

Critically discuss which theories of motivation may explain the establishment of a performance reward system with employing organizations Employee motivation is one of the hardest things for employing organizations to do right. Lack of motivation, stagnation, disillusionment, apathy, and laziness is probably the major banes of most businesses, which rely...

Country-Club Leadership Style in Teaching Profession

One of the effective leaders I know is one of my school teachers. Moreover, he is a role model for many. Bodell (2014) claims that the use of a creative approach is the central characteristic feature of an efficient leader in the modern world. Mr. Good, I will use this...

Leadership, Management Style and Organizational Performance

Abstract The focus on globalization and multiculturalism has emphasised the importance of understanding Organizational productivity and team effectiveness. However, Organizational productivity and team effectiveness largely depend on the effectiveness of leadership styles and their effect on Organizational success. Leadership styles are however subject to different personal, Organizational, and cultural factors...

Employees’ Satisfaction in Saudi Arabia

Abstract This topic of study is concerned with deducing the role of performance and rewards in influencing the organisational performance and overall job fulfilment among employees in Saudi Research and Publishing Company. Using a quantitative approach, the study delves into understanding the various aspects of motivation in relation to overall...

Innovative Technologies in the Modern Business World

Abstract There has been increased use and application of innovative technologies across many workplaces forcing companies to keep an eye on current technological changes to keep at the breast with their competitors. Its application in the modern business world is inevitable and may be considered to have both positive and...

Marketing Communication: “The Selling Game” Video

What are the main messages and themes in the video “The Selling Game”? The video deals with a number of topics. One of them is the subject of communication and the numerous themes connected to it. The different views of communication are presented; two main models of perceiving communication are...

Bombardier Inc.’s Performance Analysis

Company Background Bombardier Inc. (Bombardier) was incorporated in June 1902 and today leads the global market in manufacturing planes and trains. The company is headquartered in Montreal, Canada and has recently gone organizational restructuring which has resulted in dividing the company into two segments; Bombardier Aerospace (BA) which encompasses Bombardier...

Corporate Governance Scandals and Regulations

The Maxwell Scandal was related to the discovery of the fraud made by the owner of the publishing empire. Ian Robert Maxwell stole big sums of money from the pension funds of the Mirror Corporation. The scandal surrounding Maxwell occurred after his death when thousands of scheme members discovered they...

International Marketing: Personal View

Introduction When I was enrolled to pursue a course in international marketing, I thought the knowledge would not be usable until I am employed. However, that has not been the case as I have found the course applicable in my daily life. Unlike earlier days, when I could ignore matters...

Human Resource Management Seminars

In the field of Human Resource Management, seminars are often perceived as effective tools of communicating organizational ideas or introducing new thought systems and technologies to selected audience (Naik 2009, para. 1). Their effectiveness is dependent on a multiplicity of factors that will be discussed in this paper. It is...

Chrysler Company’s Organizational Behavior

Abstract Organizational culture is defined as the behavior of individuals at work, which determines the success of the organization. It entails all the major values that an organization drafts, the mission and vision statements, and the systems. In this paper, the organizational culture of Chrysler will be analyzed in various...

Pearson Plc’s Business Strategy Options

Introduction Pearson PLC is a multinational media and education company. It has its headquarters in London. It is the world’s leading book publisher. In addition, it has over 40,000 employees in more than 70 countries around the world (Grant 2008). The company delivers its content through a wide range of...

Cathay Pacific Airways: Business Management

Introduction Background Information Cathay Pacific Airways is a world-leading airline carrier and is the flag carrier of Hong Kong. Although the airline’s main hub is at the Hong Kong International Airport, their head office is located on the 33rd Floor, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong (Cathay Pacific, 2011)....

Services Marketing: Service Encounter Diary

Encounter I had to use the services of this website because I needed to buy an airline ticket online. This organization appeared to me quite reliable and efficient. They helped me to make this reservation; however, a week later, they sent me an email and said that the airline company...

The Soft Drink Industry: the Coke and PepsiCo

Question 1: The high profitability of the soft drink industry is as a result of combined factors of high products’ demand and regional market monopolies. There are limited soft drink operators in the market, while the products themselves are complements of other foods and beverages. Low competitions and high market...

Persuasion and Manipulation in Business Communication

What different persuasive approaches would you use on the following audiences: a boss, a peer, a challenging person, or an open-minded person? Why would your approach differ? Different audiences require different approaches to persuading them because they can express various attitudes to you, and they can assess your reliability in...

Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation’s Communication

Introduction The present communication plan is intended for use by the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation. In view of the proposed nuclear power plant to be constructed in the Western Region of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, a comprehensive analysis of the context, stakeholders and communication strategies available has been undertaken....

McDonald’s Fast-Food Restaurant’s Analysis

The following is a SWOT analysis of McDonald’s Fast-Food Restaurant. Strengths All fast-food chains based globally are profitable There is a decentralized system of operating which is connected Rigorous food safety standards and procedures Information with regards to nutrition is available on the food packaging Food products are of high...

Employability and Professional Development

Introduction A thorough understanding of the level we are in our career development, and an analysis of the capacities we have allows us to construct a professional development path that will catapult us to the desired position of our career goal. In our assessment, we recognize what we have already...

IBM Company’s Leadership and Innovation Management

Why do large established companies, like IBM, find it difficult to build successful and sustainable new businesses? Large companies like IBM find it difficult to build successful new businesses since they become skeptical concerning the idea of building and defining their strategic goals together with boundaries. This is because they...

Laundromat Laundry’s Small Business Accounting

Introduction Laura’s Laundromat is a registered laundry business that is located at Czech Road, Yukon Oklahoma. The business has been in operation for the last 3 years. Due to its location, the business is able to serve its target market that includes low-income tenants and busy career home owners due...

Apple Inc. – Analyzing Company Fundamentals

Identify three major countries with which your chosen company operates. Preferably, the three countries are on different continents. Apple operates in many countries but mainly in the US, UK, and Canada. They are located in Europe and the continent of North America (Annual Report 2009, 2009). Are these three countries...

Walt Disney Company’s International Services and Strategies

Describe Disney’s international products or services. What locations and countries do they operate in? Walt Disney Company is an international corporation focusing on entertainment and media businesses. Walt Disney and Roy Disney founded the corporation in the early 1920s. During its inception, the corporation was registered as Disney Brothers Cartoon...

“Learning at Work” Article by Stephen Billet

The Main Issue in the Article “Learning at Work: Organizational Readiness and Individual Engagement” by Billet Fundamentally, the article discussed the relevant facts about guided learning strategies, which are applicable in the workplace. Since the objective of workplace learning is to make sure that the learners develop practical skills and...

Pacific Grove Spice Company’s Investment Decisions

What is the possible reason for the current pressure from the bank to reduce the debt level in 2011? While it is notable that Pacific Grove has made substantial growth in sales as evidenced by the financial statements, clearly, the increased costs of financing long -term financing has served to...

Purchasing Extra Equipment for Business Expansion

Scenario The owner of a small printing company is considering the purchase of additional printing equipment to expand her business. If the owner expands the business and sales are high, projected profits (minus the cost of the equipment) should be $90,000; if sales are low, projected profits should be $40,000....

Fast-Food Restaurant’s Capacity Increasing Options

A fast food restaurant is a service firm that produces food products and serves them to its customers. In this scenario, the fast food restaurant which is experiencing a booming business, is looking for ways to increase its capacity to serve more customers. The management and the day supervisors have...

Globalization Effect on Small and Medium Size Business

Introduction This section will introduce the paper based on the concept that globalization and development of SMEs may not be separated from each other. The two aforementioned variables will form the core conceptual frameworks that will be deliberated through the paper. However, other sub-variables such as those related to socio-economic...

Empowerment and Delegation as Management Tools

Empowerment and delegation are management tools that are widely used by top managers in order to achieve specific goals of an institute or an organization. Although both empowerment and delegation deal with employee management, they differ from each other. Empowerment is a tool that managers use to transfer the power...

The Lego Serious Play Methodology

Introduction The Lego serious play methodology is a problem solving and insight building approach or strategy whose aim is to enhance creative thinking among all participants in organizations (Gauntlett, 2007.p.131).Through the methodology, organizations are able to have the employees and shareholders think and express or speak their true feelings without...

Workplace Conflict Resolution and Team Building

Introduction In the modern world of business, companies have to engage in strict competition to survive in the market. For this purpose, the effective use of human resources is pivotal. Therefore, it is crucial to properly manage employees and organize effective teamwork. This paper provides several recommendations for resolving some...

Managerial Work, Functions and Challenges

Typical activity patterns in managerial work It has been revealed that managers usually do not have definite patterns of their activities in their managerial work. Sometimes, managers may spend their free time alone in their offices, interact with their juniors/ subordinates, or attend scheduled and unscheduled meetings. Importantly, some consistency...

Turkish Airlines: Financial and Market Position

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to examine, evaluate, and underline the financial and market position of Turkish Airlines, which is a major service sector company in the relevant industry. This research has highlighted the financial conditions of the company by using the most recent data available from the...

Leader-Member Exchange Model and Its Effects

Unarguably, the contemporary business environment is extremely challenging due to the rapid changes in technology, consumer preferences, and other external factors. Multiple qualitative and quantitative studies emprise the need to use different models and styles for organizational leadership (OL), although most of the contemporary businesses use transformational and transactional methods....

Rasasi Brand’s Entry into the French Perfume Market

Analysis of the French Perfume Market The French perfume industry is one of the most difficult places to penetrate, establish a presence, and expect to get a share of the market from the point of view of new entrants like the Rasasi Perfume brand. French perfume makers had been mastering...

Autonomous Drone Delivery: Business Model

Business Opportunities Commercial transportation and logistics companies are in search of new delivery solutions that would be more cost-efficient, environmentally-friendly, and able to meet customer interests more efficiently − drones can be an elegant solution to these needs (Wang, 2016). Advantage of Opportunity The project provides an opportunity to expand...

Fitness Tracker Product Feasibility Study

Executive Summary This feasibility study provides a review of the key components that need to be considered before launching a new product and entering the wearables market. Executive management should approve the project based on a comparison with the convenience, intuitive use, credibility, and price offered by other similar devices....

McDonald’s Strategic Change Initiatives

Introduction The strategic change initiative is an important part of the strategic change as the aspect that influences the whole organization and all employees. The first step in implementing strategic change is usually called ‘strategic change initiative’ (Anderson, 2003, p. 89). As it is impossible to start without knowing what...

Adidas Corporation’s Organizational Justice

Introduction Organisations are entities whose functionality depends on their constituents such as individual employees, departments, units and policies. There is a need to develop policies in a system that ensures harmony and a fair interaction of the constituents. The manner, in which the organisational resources are shared in the departments...

Ann Fudge’s Success in Y&R Company’s Management

The personality of Ann Fudge can be analyzed by using the Five-Factor Model (FFM) that is often used to describe the behavior of an individual. First of all, one can say that she is open to new experiences and ideas. This is one of the reasons why she pays attention...

Motivational Strategies for Employee Productivity

Introduction Today, the environment in which public organizations exist is rather competitive, but each company is willing to achieve success. Trying to enhance organizational effectiveness, they recruit talented personnel that should be directed towards task fulfillment. This aim can be reached only if an organization has strong and positive relations...

Construction Company’s Operational Risk Management

Scenario Description For this scenario, I will assume the role of a manager for a stone masonry contractor. With the assistance of worker representatives, my task is to carry out a general risk assessment connected to standard masonry techniques and procedures. The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate the...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Diversity Information

The Coca-Cola Company is one of the brightest examples of cultural diversity, as this corporation works, operates, and signs contracts with people of various ethnic backgrounds. Perhaps, this factor remains one of the most important reasons for their success in the global market. Moreover, Coca-Cola always develops and supports the...