Introduction to Total Rewards Meanings

It is important to note that total rewards are a set of both non-monetary and monetary rewards, which serve the purpose of retaining, motivating, and attracting employees (GreggU, 2018). The first key takeaway is to design the reward system in such a way, where workers are encouraged to exhibit the...

Culture and Communication in Business

The process of organizing and successfully running a business in a culturally diverse setting – especially carrying out serious projects – is quite complex in terms of cross-cultural management. According to Drucker and Maciariello (2015), managing leads must create an entrepreneurial culture in the organization if it does not exist...

Internet Recruiting: Stages and Benefits

With the increase in the role of IT and ICT tools in people’s personal and professional lives, opportunities for remote work and, respectively, remote recruiting have emerged. Internet recruiting is a comparatively new addition to tan HR manager’s inventory, yet it already conceals a plethora of inspiring opportunities for streamlining...

Eli Lilly Company – Domestic Operations

Introduction Eli Lilly can be described as a global pharmaceutical company with worldwide operations. The company has its headquarters in Indianapolis United States (Price, 1997, p. 12). It is named after Eli Lilly who started it in 1876 as a pharmaceutical chemist. Currently, it should be known that the company...

Job and Worker Turnover in German Establishments

The system model of change focuses on bringing together different organizational components to achieve usefulness and proficiency. Change entails implementing an innovative and meaningful idea in line with the latest context of the industry an individual is working with. For instance, being a manager who is working with a processing...

Business Model of a New Games Venture

Competition The proposed game localization venture does not have much in terms of competition in the Middle East due to the fact that large game companies did not indulge in localization efforts all too much, opting for porting an English version of their games to the region. The largest company...

How to Be Able to Compete With Amazon Company

Amazon opened a 4-star store (‘Amazon to open,’ 2018). There is a need to analyze what features a company should have to compete with Amazon. To be able to compete with Amazon company, the company should know how to manage its resources and create an exceptional ideas. Resources and capabilities...

Tesla: Financial Key Points, Revenue Growth

The annual revenue growth of the company has seen a stable increase for the last three years. Excluding the profits from 2021, the revenue additions for 2018, 2019, and 2020 years were $21 461, $24 578, and $31 536 billion, respectively (Tesla, Inc., 2021). The revenue growth is illustrated by...

An Analysis of Panera’s $8.99 Coffee Subscription

It is not unusual to see marketing strategies and distinct marketing ploys that are extremely provocative to the consumer, to the point of when they consider declining the order to be nearly impossible. The case of Panera’s coffee subscription offer is similar. Although, what the consumer must always keep in...

CVS and Walgreens Organizations

Introduction CVS Health operates in four segments, namely corporate, health care benefits, pharmacy, and retail. It deals with cosmetics, drugs, seasonal merchandise, and convenience foods. The company received the best employer award for promoting a healthy lifestyle in 2015 from the National Business Group on innovation. As noted in image...

Regulations of Small and Medium Enterprises

According to Drucker and Maciariello (2015), the economy of the United States recently experienced a significant shift in approach: from “managerial” one to “entrepreneurial”. Moreover, Mitra (2020) suggests that technology-based ventures and technological innovations play an increasingly big role in today’s market. Hisrich and Kearney (2014) confirm that the changing...

Marketing Plan and Industry Analysis

Introduction The bike rack market is growing and more relevant than ever – bicycles have always been one of the most common means of transportation or used for leisure purposes – but a renewed interest in fitness and outdoor adventure drives increased consumer demand worldwide. The major players in the...

Researching of Flat Organizations

In recent years, the changes in the business landscape instilled the evolution of companies’ organizational structures. Traditionally, most firms relied on hierarchical frameworks that prevailed in most industries. Within this format, an organization resembles a pyramid with front-line employees at its foundation and the CEO on top. Between them, there...

The Written Communication in the Field of Organizational Management

The basic features of oral and written communication are often regarded as primary knowledge for the employees involved in corporate management. Of essential importance are the writing skills that allow managers to convey specific information to their subordinates in an efficient and understandable manner. Creating a written piece of data...

Arrid: Brand Management Analysis

Arrid is the brand that was created and owned by Carter-Wallace Inc. Arrid is a brand of deodorant and body wash, and it was prevalent several years ago. However, recently, people from the United States started to report failing to find the production of Arrid in supermarkets. It might have...

Why Is Leadership Style Important for a Company?

In the present paper, the author argues that leadership style matters because it heavily affects the overall performance of a company. To begin with, the claim that a leadership style does not matter is groundless and is not supported in the academic and expert community. The primary reason for this...

We Are Hiring: A Financial Advisor Job Description

Summary Many organizations and business enterprises are driven by the focus on profits arising from sales of goods and services. Our company has been experiencing rapid growth and advancements for the last few years. The management structure has undergone frequent changes as new tasks and obligations arise from expanded business...

Learning Entrepreneurship in Examples

Even though the possibility to effectively teach or learn entrepreneurship remains a highly debatable question, I strongly agree with Drucker’s assumption that entrepreneurship is a discipline that can be learned. Possible Reasons Results and conclusions may vary from one research to another, and hence, there is a significant number of...

Aspects of Relational Leadership

Leadership is an essential concept for all teams because it allows them to organize and distribute tasks and ensure their successful completion. The article by Horila and Siitonen (2020) states that most research on leadership was conducted without considering time because experimental settings allow for evaluating groups for a short...

Nike’s Marketing in the United States

Nike’s marketing strategies are the key component of its successful management system. One strategic fit applied by the company is its tendency to use professional athletes’ experience to develop products for nonprofessionals. This strategy is based on Nike’s mission to provide people who are not professional athletes with high-quality products...

Researching of Reasoning and Decision-Making

Deductive logic is the process of reasoning where the specific information is concluded from general premises. It normally has a form of a syllogism, which in turn can be divided into categorical, conditional, and disjunctive syllogisms. The former implies two or sometimes more categorical statements that indicate the existing relationship...

Customer Satisfaction Strategy

Summary Modern sales technologies are flexible and dynamic as they develop and exist in a market with rapidly changing conditions. Sales are influenced by a variety of factors: politics, transport, logistics, and the international environment. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on commerce and business. Recently, there has...

The Treatment of Internal and External Stakeholders

Since any organization is a social institution, it tightly interacts with society, which usually results in mutual influence. In particular, by affecting each other, a business company can contribute to the prosperity of the public, and, simultaneously, its success significantly depends on the population’s well-being. In this context, the management...

Business Disruptions for Information Technology Services

The most frequently occurring natural disasters in the US include flooding, hurricanes, and storms. Natural disasters are dangerous for the well-being of people and could severely harm even the performance of companies. In addition to natural disasters, another threat to the business activity of any company is a cyber attack....

Starbucks Marketing Case Study

Background Analysis Starbucks Coffee Corporation was founded in 1971 in Seattle, the USA. The company is a brand premier coffee retailer and roaster. Nowadays Starbucks operates in more than 62 countries and has approximately 200 000 employees. The company’s feature is that they use only high-quality coffee and tea sorts...

Ethics in Employee Performance Evaluation

Evaluation of employee characteristics and performance is complex because it requires an unbiased approach to every candidate. Indeed, the HR management area involves various hidden ethical and legal issues. Therefore, managers should use universal criteria to assess potential and current workers to avoid giving an unfair advantage to less qualified...

Supporting Innovative Technology Solutions’ Growth

Introduction Evaluating the financial success and overall profitability of an organization is especially valuable for its future development. Of special concern are the financial metrics that provide an extensive overview of the current funds, allowing the company to mitigate unnecessary risks and avoid excessive debt or bankruptcy. This report presents...

Strategic Business Steering Committee for Projects

Abstract Given the lengthy nature of a business project, there is always a need to find the best way of ensuring the project is undertaken in the most systematic way with no or rather less errors. Therefore, this paper has laid out some of the important issues that should be...

Consuming Technology: Why Marketers Sometimes Get It Wrong

Technology is a force that civilization forward and enables societies to improve their quality of life, making communication, transportation, and other spheres easier. Marketing is a powerful tool that is used extensively by businesses to promote products and new technological solutions. The article “Consuming Technology: Why Marketers Sometimes Get It...

Strategic Management Plan: GrowthDC

Introduction Strategic Management Strategic management is a widely discussed topic in modern-day literature. Strategic management is a continuous process that includes planning, monitoring, and analyzing all the company’s needs to meet the strategic goals (Carter, 2013). The purpose of strategic management is to develop and implement a formula that defines...

Teamwork Performance and Effective Collaboration

Diverse and large teams of professions and specialists are significant when handling a significant and critical initiative such as acquiring the IT of big companies and states. These teams are convened to provide an urgent solution or come up with a solution. My review of both ‘Case study material and...

FlipHarp Company’s Conflict Resolution

Conflicts within organizations are inevitable due to interdependent parties pursuing dissimilar goals and objectives using scarce resources. Even though skirmishes cannot be avoided, the approaches to resolve conflicts determine how well individuals and companies accomplish the desired goals (Shetach, 2012). The conflict I witnessed at FlipHarp Company involved team members...

Striving for Leadership and How To Be Successful in It

Introduction Striving for leadership is a sign of a socially prosperous, mentally full-fledged person. This is an attempt to take a worthy place in the group, team, and society as a whole. To my mind, being a leader is an expression of a person’s inner strength and self-confidence. Therefore, it...

American Multi-Cinema, Inc. Analysis

Introduction American Multi-Cinema, Inc. (AMC) is the US-based movie theatre chain that was founded in 1920. With time, AMC acquired different other cinema theatres and became the largest organization in this industry. Today, AMC involves more than 2800 screens in more than 350 theatres in Europe, while these numbers are...

Amazon: Strategy as Simple Rules

Modern companies must take into account the speed trends’ shifts and respond to changing circumstances. Guided by the simple rules strategy, organizations use the current opportunities of markets, act unpredictably, conduct experiments, and their main goal is growth (Eisenhardt & Sull, 2001). This strategy is driven by the economics of...

Two Vietnamese Cuisine Restaurants: A College Student’s View

There is a variety of options to choose from for travelers in Berlin when it comes to Asian restaurants. Every Asian cuisine enthusiast would certainly find something that suits any budget, dietary preference, and aesthetic demands and expectations. Two of the Vietnamese restaurants we visited were Quy Nguyen (QN) Vegan...

The Possibility of Bankruptcy in Entrepreneurship

In the present-day world, businesses face numerous risks, and their ability to overcome them positively correlates with their chances for survival in the future. The possibility of bankruptcy evokes significant concerns in entrepreneurs regardless of their experience in the field and position on the market (“The primary reasons why businesses...

Companies That Succeeded by Empowering Employees

Employee empowerment became one of the crucial approaches for companies to gain a competitive advantage. In this post, I will examine two companies that achieved the top positions in their respective industries through this method: Dell, Inc., and Google LLC. Starting with Dell’s success, it is possible to trace the...

CEMEX and Its Acquisition-Based Growth Strategy

CEMEX and Its Mergers and Acquisitions Mergers and acquisitions refer to transactions in which operating units, organizational resources, or ownership are transferred or consolidated with other entities. However, the top three reasons why about 50-60% of organizations fail to achieve shareholder value from these growth strategies include; integration difficulties, inability...

Analysis of CNA Financial Ransomware Case

Introduction Attacks against insurance companies demonstrate how the criminals choose the financial services company to get large amounts of money. CNA Financial, an insurance organization, became a victim of a malware crime in 2021 (Mehrotra & Turton, 2021). The perpetrators were not identified because they had used the malware, which...

Stress Management on the Job

The symptoms of stress are known to everyone: muscle tension, constant fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, palpitations, and obsessive thoughts. Life gives a lot of reasons for stress: a quarrel with a loved one, a sharp remark from a boss, a mockery from a colleague, rudeness of fellow travelers...

Workplace Conflicts: Jan and Mike Case

Workplace conflicts are common occurrences due to the combination of factors, such as needing a team effort in order to achieve organizational objectives and being properly recognized and credited for one’s individual input. Therefore, in most cases, it is difficult to pinpoint and appraise a single employee for outstanding performance...

Special Features of the Zara Company’s Business Model

Zara has been dominating the apparel industry due to its unique business strategy incorporating the principles of sustainability ad cost-efficient production. In the apparel industry, developing a sustainable business model is extraordinarily difficult due to high competition. However, Zara somehow managed to create a functioning business model that not only...

The Significance of Emotional Intelligence

Introduction Emotional intelligence has recently become a popular topic for discussion among people, especially students and office workers. There are even enthusiastic supporters of EI who consider it to be of more value for t achieving personal goals and zest for life than intellectual faculties. Indeed, the so-called IQ seems...

Corporate Governance and Voluntary Disclosure Relationship

The present study addresses the potential benefits and costs of the fire districts and municipal fire departments consolidation in Lee County. In particular, it examines how the proposed legislation to create the Lee County Fire Control and Rescue District is potentially effective in improving efficiency and reducing the cost of...

Business Social Responsibility Examples: The Body Shop and Others

Practice shows that a business that takes on various social obligations always shows better results in its work. By investing in the social sphere, business organizations ensure their successful promotion. The development and improvement of the social environment correspond to the long-term interests of businesses and organizations. In the long...

The Internet of Things in Transportation Management

Summary In the course LGMT 636 Transportation Management, the final activity is the Research paper which describes the importance and peculiarities of the IoT as an emerging technology impacting transportation and logistics. I researched the current area of ​​knowledge regarding the IoT in transportation and logistics. The objective of this...

Cyber and Public Relations in an Organization

Cyber and Public Relations Public relations professionals play a critical role in promoting an organization’s activities to the public. The advancement of technology in the modern era has introduced various digital media that have shifted the dynamics of traditional forms of public relations, thus creating a new form of PR...

American Marketing Association’s Values

A professional code of ethics in marketing The American Marketing Association (AMA) has the mandate of promoting the highest professional, ethical values and norms standards for its members, constituting students, academics, and practitioners. The values committed to by the AMA represent collective conceptions considered morally proper, necessary, and desirable by...

BOK Matrix Summary for Emerging Technology on Logistics

In the course, LGMT 685 Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, the assigned exercise, Module 8.5 Research Paper, was aimed at studying the contribution of the new and emerging technology on logistics and supply chain management. Technologies are crucial in creating strategic opportunities, and it was important to research how...

Onshoring of a Company’s Production Operations

Outsourcing is the practice of contracting with a third party to provide services or produce goods that would otherwise be performed in-house by the company’s employees. Considering the five fundamental reasons organizations outsource, it is possible to indicate the access to expertise and technologies, cost reduction, client company’s concentration on...

Amazon Inc.’s Global Supply Chain & Other Operations

Amazon has an extensive network of manufacturers who are partnered with the company and supply it with a significant portion of order volume. Procurement’s input resources consist of purchased goods from other vendors and manufacturers. Its processes consist of managing contacts with numerous sellers, seeking new partners, purchasing goods, and...

A Receptionist Job Vacancy at Fairfax Medical Facilities

As an example of a vacancy, I found a job as a Receptionist at Fairfax Medical Facilities, IN. The company works in the field of medicine and is looking for a person who will work directly with patients visiting the organization. Human resources employees clearly describe what the company does...

Ethics in Project Management: Principles of Management

The definition of ethics can be broad and vague because of the variety of elements it includes. However, according to the Project Management Institute (2017), ethics contains the values of honesty, fairness, responsibility, and respect, which promotes ethical decisions for professionals. These values are beneficial to the company, clients, and...

Super Bowl Inc.’s Disaggregated Revenue Analytics

Purpose The primary objective of this memo is to document the revenue data trends while predicting future sales to identify the specific dates and locations that distinguish them from others. Data The data used in the analysis was collected from the firm’s finance department. It was tested for accuracy and...

Home Depot Firm’s Statement of Cash Flows & Debt Repayment Problems

While examining the statement of cash flows from Home Depot for the past two years, one can note some unique features that reflect the financial strength of the organization. As a significant criterion, net earnings should be considered, which, compared to 2019, increased by $1.5 billion. Based on such parameters...

Importance of Communication in the Workplace

Communication is an exceptional tool in every person’s daily life. Nonetheless, it is essential that “both the transfer and the understanding of the meaning” (Robbins & Judge, p.427) are included in this process for fruitful outcomes. We use this tool to contact other people by transmitting and receiving information. We...

Mobile Technologies and Business Communication

Mobile technologies change the quality of not only personal communication but also of a business one. Employees of different companies can communicate with each other from different places of the world. Moreover, communication with consumers is also affected, which gives businesses new opportunities. The most relevant example of a business...

The $699 Cold Press Juicer: Failure in Terms of Design

In the current reality, I feel that the importance of creativity is largely understated or, more accurately, misplaced. The use of various creative methods for making a product is important, but many may substitute needless innovation for truly considering what a project might need. While many organizations and individuals understand...

Disruption of Supply Chain in the Aviation & Defense Industry

Supply chain management (SCM) is the core of the Aviation and Defense (A&D) industry. Though it comprises a complex ecosystem, an effective and efficient SCM supports its efforts to meet its strategic and financial goals. According to the data compiled by the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), it is evident how...

Major Stages of New Product Development

The process of new product development has eight major stages and starts from idea generation. It involves a systematic search for ideas about new products, which is carried out mainly on the basis of internal sources of the organization. Then comes the idea screening: an analysis of all the ideas...

The Sphere of Leadership: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction For the past two years, the world has faced a severe challenge that influenced all the spheres and changed many people’s life. The COVID-19 pandemic still impacts all spheres of life in all countries around the world. It repeatedly causes crises that negatively affect not only the public health...

How is Lying Affecting Business Communications Today?

Deception is a phenomenon that is generally negatively perceived in societies and cultures worldwide, and everyone who indulges in it may face punishment. In the business context, lying is also viewed as unacceptable and leads to reputational as well as legal ramifications. Nevertheless, every year, new corporate scandals emerge involving...

Effective Management: Basic Rules and Skills Required

Management, like many other career paths, is constantly evolving with practices in the industry and technological improvements. However, there are a number of rules of management and skills a manager should possess in order to observe efficient operations at their workplace. These include consistency, which can be observed as a...

Big Data Opportunities in Green Supply Chain Management

Introduction & Problem Motivation According to academic research in the field of supply chain management (SCM), the industry is quickly changing because of the advent of digital instruments that are utilized to speed up supply chain processes and reduce the involvement of human workers. According to Hartley and Sawaya (2019),...

Assessing Diversity in the Workplace

Globalization processes determine the need to assess diversity in the workplace. Ferdman and Sajiv’s (2012) research indicates that science continues to seek additional opportunities to use variety in human potential management processes. In heterogeneous teams, creativity and productivity increase as decisions are made based on people’s opinions from different backgrounds...

Massive Internet Outage Hits Websites Including Amazon, gov.UK and Guardian

Complexity The unexpected failure of the content delivery network (CDN) called Fastly severely affected the work of numerous websites in Western Europe and North America. These websites are the Guardian, New York Times, Amazon, Twitter, Reddit, and the website of the British government, to name but a few. CDNs are...

Servant Leadership: Organization Development

Changes in the global management paradigm have affected one of the most important components of management – the leadership process. A great example of a modern model of ethical leadership is the concept of servant leadership. According to Kumar (2018, p. 44), “servant leadership is about finding satisfaction and motivation...

Multinational Agricultural Manufacturing Companies’ Standardization & Adaptation

Summary Standardization is an approach to marketing that lies in developing certain samples of products, pricing, placement & distribution, or communication to apply to all cases. By contrast, adaptation presupposes modifying any of those in accordance with the peculiarities of a particular market. The biggest multinational companies that perform in...

Accounting Transactions’ Effect on Financial Statements

Financial statements reflect the financial impact of transactions and other events by combining them into large classes according to their economic characteristics. These large classes are called financial statement elements. Elements directly related to the measurement of financial statements in the balance sheet are assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity. Only...

Supply Chain Management: Big Data Analytics

Supply chain management is the organization, planning, control, and regulation of the flow of goods. It starts with the receipt of orders and purchasing raw materials to ensure the production of goods, including the optimal cost of resources for the final consumer. This strategy aims to obtain a measurable aggregate...

Adidas, Reebok, and Patagonia Brands’ Transparency

I have examined the websites of Adidas, Reebok, and Patagonia – the three leading companies in the transparency index. Their contribution is undoubtedly admirable; however, in my view, the most remarkable report was made by Patagonia. Since Hart (2019) mentions that this brand was included in the index for the...

Donating Restaurant Food to Poor People in Peru

Food Waste Reduction Referring to the current situation in Peru concerning the high rate of food waste, the best solution is to distribute the restaurant’s remaining food to people from disadvantaged and broken families. It is the best option and initiative that has multiple directions. The first one is that...

5% Shareholding Rule: Case Study

Introduction My stand A 5% shareholder rule will work against the independence of the board of directors who should own the shares of Alibaba. Agency theory This law is applied to explain and resolve conflict in the relationship between the agents and their principals. It is essential to base on...

Dudebox: A Business Project Analysis

Mission Statement We esteem our clients and therefore treat everyone who contacts the company as though they are our only customers by giving them swift responses to demonstrate how important they are to Dudebox. Vision Statement To become a global leader at connecting men to quality and unique products that...

Conflict Management in Business

There are various reasons why conflicts occur in organizations. Moreover, conflicts take place on different levels based on the core of the problem that needs to be addressed. One source may be a lack of proper communication where two or more parties cannot adequately discuss and engage in effective dialogue....

Product Development Categories in the Real World

The development or improvement of any product starts with an idea and estimation of how this product will be able to benefit consumers and satisfy their needs. Traditionally, new ideas are introduced by small businesses and entrepreneurs – they aim to take their niche in the market focusing on growth...

Online Marketing and Buying Behavior of Consumers

Online retail channels became one of the core practices in marketing. It is essential to understand that online buying behavior significantly differs from traditional retail stores, as there are many new factors that affect buyers’ decisions (Lim et al., 2017). Online stores must assess these differences in consumers’ perceptions in...

Coca-Cola Firm’s Development of Healthier Products

Coca-Cola benefits from its strong brand value and successfully expands by developing new healthier products, following its mission to improve people’s lives worldwide. Coca-Cola is a well-known beverage company, and its product line goes far beyond coke. Indeed, the opportunity to develop new drinks became a winning strategy for expansion...

The Overall Wage Survey in the Healthcare Industry

The Industry and Geographic Area One of the most profitable and rapidly growing sectors of the United States’ economy is the healthcare industry, which provides a wide range of services in preventative, critical, curative, and other types of medical care. Despite that, it is apparent that the industry faces a...

Walmart Annual Report: Financial Records

Walmart is a multinational corporation that incurs significant profit due to the wholesale and retail business. It is a major American employer and a competitive brand across the region. In this case, the company incurs high amounts of revenue from the transactions both in stores and through online platforms. In...

Arab Organizational and Business Culture

Introduction The culture, beliefs, and practices of people in a given demographic or geographic description significantly impact various fundamental aspects of their organizational and business culture. People of different cultures exhibit specific protocols and perspectives dictated by their beliefs. Religion and tradition constitute most of the determinants of the laws,...

The Borders Company’s Strategic Management Mistakes

Despite the fact that the company Borders was one of the leading companies in the book business, it collapsed because of strategic management mistakes. Analyzing the company’s annual report, we can conclude that the main failure was poor adaptation to the online business. Borders was unable to compete with companies...

Dealing With Uncertainty: Estee Lauder Company

Summary Given that recent pandemics and responses shape humanity’s future, there is an urgent need for more critical insights than ever before. Before the outbreak, progress toward Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) had been enshrined for well sustainable development. From the above, a conclusion was arrived at and published in 2019...

Technical vs. People Skills: What’s the Difference?

Hard (technical) competencies are characteristics that enable people to carry out job-specific tasks and duties. Seminars, vocational education, and on-the-job training and instruction are all options for acquiring hard skills. These abilities are frequently centered on particular activities and procedures, for instance, equipment, devices, or software utilization. Soft (people) competencies...

Legal Issues of Employment Terms and Conditions

The various legal issues involved in an employment contract usually entail an enforceable contract and negotiating a more favorable contract term. However, some juridical issues arise due to contractual breaches or actions by the employer that are invalid or contrary to the provisions of the contract clause. Among the legal...

Lean Tools in Solutions of Vachon

The implementation of the proposed solutions will be possible through the use of specific lean tools that will help Vachon optimize its supply chain with maximum efficiency at the current stage. First of all, the use of the 5S system will address the improvements from a comprehensive perspective. It will...

An Organizer Mug for Traveling and Hiking

Organizer for cosmetics + Mug = Travel mug Smaller weight – more expensive product Organizer mug for traveling + hiking = three full-fledged travel cups Necessary skills: designer skills knowledge of ecology External expertise: marketing advertising pricing search for sales channels development of product positioning Market gap: Multifunctional tourist tableware...

“Takings-Private Property Rights” by Rajagopal & Oesterberg

The article “Takings/Private Property Rights,” by Rajagopal and Oesterberg (2021), highlights those exclusive rights to a resource’s services and exclusive rights to choose how a resource is utilized are two of the most important characteristics of private property. The article argues that the right to exchange the item at a...

Eli Lily and Ranbaxy Laboratories Joint Venture

A joint venture involves a business partnership between two businesses that intend to benefit from the partnership but also deal with the risks of cooperating. The venture is guided by law that defines the nature of attachment. The following analysis involves a joint venture between Eli Lilly and Company from...

Financial Literacy and Self-Awareness in Entrepreneurship

Financial principles are one of the most valuable knowledge entrepreneurs and investors should have to succeed in business. The two essential concepts that can be beneficial for people in this field are financial self-awareness and literacy (Chowdhry & Dholakia, 2020). Financial self-awareness allows a person to accurately assess one’s current...

Coffee Machines Under Product Comparison

Literature Review Among the industries, the household appliances sector was chosen, which is represented by a large number of home items. Coffee makers are the focus of this presentation because the demand for automatic coffee machines has been actively growing in recent years. From 2020 to 2026, the average annual...

The Effects of Complacency on Business

Many organizations have failed because they are unable to keep up with the needs of the market and adapt to the changes of the rapidly evolving market. The tendency to be too complacent leads to less innovation, especially if the company dominates the market. This leads to laxity, which in...

Rub-A-Dub Washing Machine Company Finding Overseas Supplier

Charlie Harris is facing a tough challenge; he needs to find 50,000 major tub assemblies for $ 160 per unit. Otherwise, the new product will fail, and supply management of the Rub-A-Dub Washing Machine Company will end. One way to do it is to convince old Rub-A-Dub’s suppliers to agree...

The Corporate Cultures of Global Companies

The corporate culture is a significant element of any major company. It determines how the company builds relationships between the leaders and the members of the organization and the general interpersonal communication within the company. In many respects, the corporate culture directly impacts the desire of a potential applicant to...

Advertisement for an Administrative Assistant

Job Description Administrative assistants offer administrative and clerical tasks to managers, workplace employees, and visitors. The administrative assistants handle all the tasks to ensure productivity and positivity of the organizations. The prospective candidates must be able to help managers, other employees, and company visitors. The candidates should provide polite and...

Information Systems and Technologies Careers

The job searching website Indeed Jobs offers a very wide array of work options within the area of information technology including specializations such as IT support, information technology specialist, desktop support analyst, and customer service within the area of information systems (Indeed, n.d.). The skill sets that are the most...

Integrated Digital Plan for TBK company

The Company Purpose The strategic purpose of TBK company is to provide quality services in the fields of web design and digital marketing. They chose it to ensure assistance for the promotion, sale of goods and services of their clients. STP Market segmentation is determined by the desired benefits of...

Historical Exchange Rates in Accounting Practices

In accounting, many transactions are carried out, and one must be keen to ensure that the correct information has been obtained. The failure to balance the sheets will lead to wrong decisions, and this will affect the organization since there will be errors in calculations leading to the organization incurring...

The Strategic Business Plan for the Product Tamazon 4

In my opinion, the strategic business plan for the product Tamazon 4 is developed very clearly and concisely. To optimize strategic business planning, a company must properly define its goals and conduct extensive research to properly understand industry trends, and in case of Tamazon 4, it had been done perfectly...

Strategic Management Consultation for Business

Strategic management is the main tool for maintaining the competitive advantage of companies in a complex contemporary environment. Currently, organizations need to constantly transform their strategy in accordance with the changing external conditions. Strategic management focuses on analyzing a variety of factors and developing the most relevant business strategy in...

Situational Analysis on Opportunities and Threats

Introduction A situational analysis should explain and examine the internal and external environment that affect an organization’s development. It is a means by which it can identify its weaknesses and strengths and relate them to threats and external opportunities. The cleaning organization created by Abu faced many drawbacks and found...

Disruptive Technology: Big Data Analytics

Executive Summary Information collected and stored by companies is usually used to optimize its production and service delivery procedures to attain desired outcomes. The generation of significant data amounts poses considerable challenges; it adversely impacts the proper management and meaningful use of this information. Big data surpasses the conventionally used...

The Persona Method and Its Use in Working with an Audience

The Persona method is a way to “humanize” the product’s audience to work most effectively with its needs. The process consists of the fact that several vital personas are consistently created for the product. Each person or character represents a specific collective image of a particular segment of the product’s...

Strategic Communication Plan: The Data Center Move Project

A global pharmaceutical company intends to relocate its Information Technology data centers to many locations in different parts of the globe. Therefore, the company has decided to task its project management team with the duty of ensuring a successful relocation of the data centers. The project management team needs a...

Personal Brand Management and Social Media

Introduction Personal branding has existed for decades, but it is more prominent than ever with social media. It can be defined as the process of using one’s information to provide a comprehensive narrative to entice others for various purposes (Jacobson, 2020). For instance, traditional celebrities may use social media to...

Role of Diversities in a Company’s Policies

Introduction Diversity in a company means the differences between each individual. It encompasses gender, age, religion, race, ethnic group, mental and physical conditions, sexual orientation, citizenship status, military service, and other distinctive characteristics between individuals (DesJardins, 2014). These differences play a role in a company’s policies to meet equality concerning...

The Type of Ethics That Is Better for Businesses

Major ethical systems in philosophy include deontological and consequentialist ethics: the example of the latter is utilitarianism. Deontology is also called duty-based ethics: it states that ethical decisions should follow the set of rules connected with the situation. An example of such an ethics is the Kantian categorical imperative, which...

Types of Business Communication

Email Email is a means or system for transmitting messages electronically, as between computers on a network (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Email is appropriate to provide large amounts of information through attachments that do not need to be explained in detail, to provide timely information and status updates in the body of...

A Leadership Position Regarding Ethical Standards

NAEYC Ethical Standards are the set of rules and instructions offering guidelines for responsible behavioral patterns for resolving ethical dilemmas and conflicts arriving in a micro-environment working space. To resort to these standards, a leader has to identify their roles to efficiently administer a company’s performance. Getting promoted to a...

Whistleblower Protection Program

The topic of this informative essay may seem controversial, and it is evident that not all people have the same opinion on it. Nevertheless, it is incredibly important to raise employees’ awareness and talk about their rights, safety, and protection if they are in a situation that will be discussed...

Project Manager Position and Requirements

The title of this position (or role) can sound different: project manager, project leader, delivery manager, and other variations. The tasks of a project manager include the following: draw up and agree on technical specifications, set tasks for the team, distribute the workload and motivate, ensure the achievement of quality...

New Product and Customer Expectations

It goes without saying that ideas for new products and services appear every day, however, without proper market research, the majority of them will never be introduced to the market successfully. In general, the main goal of this research is to ensure that a new product or service will meet...

Animal Foodland Company’s Marketing and Mission

Introduction The Animal Foodland is a premier food company that seeks to meet the needs of dog keepers in Austin, Texas, and its environment. The firm specializes in organic foods to meet the needs of clients who seek an alternative to animal products. The location of the business is preferred...

Computer and Smartphone Manufacturers’ Short Product Lifespan Strategy

The issue of products being intentionally manufactured in a way to break down or wear out is becoming more and more relevant. Such production principle may influence all kinds of products and affect every field of human life and particularly product consumption. Many people argue that a decade ago, products...

Workplace Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity is a topic that has received increased attention in recent years. The impact of equal employment opportunity programs on the nation’s workforce is undeniable. In the workplace, the diversity advantages have been studied and extensively documented. However, practice shows that there are still problems with diversity in the workplace...

Leadership Styles: The Leader Who Listens

Regardless of the position held, every employee wants to be heard as well as their ideas and suggestions to be treated with respect. Trust and mutual understanding must be established in any work team, which is the supervisor’s responsibility. The ability to listen attentively, actively and analytically to the ideas...

Analysis of the DIY Company Organizations

The DIY company had a threat from the gaining popularity of the online tips and instructions so people would not have to go to the shop. It could lead to the reduction of consumers, and therefore sales would fall. In that essay will be a discussion of measures that the...

Diversity and Intercultural Communication in Business

Introduction Diversity is synonymous with modern organizations and management as both global economy and technology contribute to the erosion of borders. However, within organizations, diversity and intercultural communication and inclusion is difficult to achieve a truly deep level, not the superficial HR perspective. This paper explores some literature regarding the...

COVID-19 Effects on the Pret Company’s Strategic Management

Structure and Strategic Choices for Pret’s Success Before COVID-19 Business success is often determined primarily by a company’s financial performance and revenue growth. Businesses outline objectives to be accomplished and formulate, implement, evaluate and control strategies for successfully achieving such goals (Wheelen, 2017). Before the global COVID-19 pandemic hit, Pret...

“What COVID Means to Compensation”: Changes in Compensation Structures

COVID-19 has become an essential threat to all industries, and the field of human resource management has not been spared. In fact, due to the imposition of severe restrictions on the possibility of social contact and distancing, workers across the board have been forced to switch to a remote format...

Internship at Raith Company’s IT Department

Introduction Working for a company can easily change one’s perceptions of the processes behind a product or a service. Raith Nanofabrication provided me with an excellent opportunity to put my skills to practice and work in their IT department. The firm is a world leader in precision technology manufacturing. Raith...

Product Marketing: Application for Online Startups

Rationale for the new product or service The impact that the coronavirus has been producing on a global scale does not seem to subside, causing multiple businesses and organizations to manage severe disruptions in their performance and general efficacy. The outlined impact has been especially negative for entrepreneurs and those...

Business Plan Presentation and Its Specifics

A business plan is not successful until it is not presented to an audience. During the presentation of a business plan, demonstration of passion is crucial because audiences need to see your engagement and interest in the business idea. Without affection, it is impossible to attract investments and people to...

Incorrect Assumptions in Mill’s Audit Case

Certified accountant Baker, despite his prestigious status and professional skills, made several inaccuracies and mistakes during the audit of the financial statements of Mill Company. In assessing the risk of controls, the auditor can use audit data from previous years. However, this time Baker changed his approach to a statistical...

Maximizing Retirement Savings

Everybody will encounter retirement at some point, and, therefore, it is vital to make the most out of one’s retirement savings. Saving for retirement is a wise financial decision regardless of age or economic status; these funds determine how comfortable a person will live in old age and if their...

Global Logistics. Using Lean Principles to Drive Operational Improvements

Operating in global environments poses before managers a number of challenges that can be overcome using lean principles. First of all, there is the issue of waste reduction in order to add value from the customer perspective. Eliminate variation in intermodal terminal operations is another challenge for managers, which has...

Workplace Conflicts’ Impact on Employee Well-Being

Workplace conflict is a substantial danger to employee well-being, according to numerous researches. However, such conclusions are based on a broad measure of conflict or its specific type. When looking at the different sorts of workplace conflicts, the existing literature divides them into three categories. Firstly, task conflict, then process...

Discussion of Pricing in Sports

Variable Pricing (VP) and Dynamic Pricing (DP) Similarities Both VP and DP are pricing strategies that are used in sporting ticketing on a game-based, rather than season-based approach. The pricing strategies deviate from the traditional sports ticketing approach where ticket prices were set based on the location of the seats...

Arctic Mining Consultants

Determination and evaluation of alternatives The problem highlighted in the paper about the company’s work is the lack of employees’ motivation and involvement. This is a significant disadvantage because employees passionate about their work are of great value to any company. A good organization strives to maximize the potential of...

Costs Evaluation and Business Decision Making

Comparative Advantage This simulation illustrates how an individual considers all options available and their consequences, demonstrating how opportunity costs are evaluated to make informed business decisions. In particular, the opportunity’s value needs to be assessed on the basis of benefits and costs associated. Furthermore, a comparative advantage simulation implies the...

Ways of Influencing Employees’ Behaviors

The delicate and important role that the senior-ranking leader must balance within the organization to achieve success is to be the one who influences the behavior of employees. The senior-ranking leader influences the employees in various ways. The first way through which the senior-ranking leader can affect employee’s behavior is...

Job Satisfaction and the Ideal Job Design

Maintaining job satisfaction in the workplace is well known to be one of the main factors in keeping a company running. Specifically, once employees are content, they tend to develop loyalty toward the company and perform with greater diligence (Siruri & Cheche, 2021). In turn, the environment in which staff...

Benchmarking Against Competitors: Problems and Their Solutions

Companies mainly opt for implementing benchmarking to improve and optimize the existing operational processes. Benchmarking is defined as a replication strategy focused on investigating, collecting, and adapting the techniques from the different organizations to advance performance and strategy (Ramírez Canales, 2021). In other words, benchmarking is designed to solve the...

Employee Survey the CF&F Tech

Employee Survey This report aims to address the current situation of the company by generating an employee survey to judge the level of employee engagement in the CF&F Tech division. The information will include the purpose and a sample layout of the survey, administration procedures, and interpretation of results. Survey...

Is Leadership in the Eye of the Beholder?

Christian Jacobsen and Lotte Andersen, in their article “Is leadership in the eye of the beholder? A study of intended and perceived leadership practices and organizational performance,” published in the Public Administration Review, studied differences in perceptions of leadership between leaders and their employees. In their paper, Jacobsen and Andersen...

“Wish You Wood”: The Company Analysis

For small and medium entrepreneurships (SMEs), surviving in the environment of global competition, where organizations of a much larger caliber utilize all available strategies in order to retain their influence and power, is a massive challenge. For “Wish You Wood,” the decision to partner with Amazon seemed like a stroke...

Effective Management Communication at Work

Introduction Communication serves as the foundation of every facet of an organization. Effective communication means transferring information from one party to another to deliver, receive, and understand messages successfully. Due to the nature of the competitive environment in the financial world, organizations should consider emphasizing effective communication as a model...

Earthwear Clothiers Audit: Employee Stock Ownership

Earthwear Clothiers has a solid corporate structure, with founders Williams and Rogers still at the executive roles. The distribution structure consists of a range of customer offerings. The increase in revenue from 2014 to 2015 demonstrates the firm’s positive business control. The sales volume has undoubtedly risen due to overseas...

The Analysis of American Airlines

Introduction Airlines around the world were the first to face the difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic confronting closing borders, banning flights, and a total drop in passenger traffic. This can be explained by the volatility in the transport industry, which is 1.5–2 times higher than in other services and...

Analysis of ABB Motors and Mechanical Inc.

Introduction As technological and economic systems develop around the globe, many manufacturers, producers, and suppliers have entered the market. In other instances, large companies have taken up the smaller companies, making the market more competitive. ABB Motors and Mechanical Inc. is one of the companies that have a significant share...

American Express Co: Working Capital

Calculating an organization’s working capital is an essential step toward understanding its financial performance and resilience. In general, this metric reflects the available liquidity of an entity or the ability to fulfill its obligations. In a way, working capital shows how many times an organization can pay for its obligations...

Contract for Service Overview

Introduction A contract for service is different from a contract of service in many ways including the employer-employee relationship. A contract for service is an agreement used to hire a self-employed, freelancer, or an independent contractor for some services. In this case, there is no relationship between the employer and...

Strategic Goals of Habitat for Humanity

Strategic planning has a significant role to play in non-profit organizations. It helps to anticipate and skillfully manage changes and effectively address problems that may arise (Poister, 2010). Bryson (2018) defines it as a set of concepts, processes, and tools for determining what an organization does and why it engages...

The Sustainable Logistics Delivery Practices

Abstract This study examines what facets of green logistics delivery practices have been studied to highlight the sustainable logistics practices reviewed, their efficacy, and the challenges that have been encountered. The paper was segmented into five parts to achieve its goals. For instance, the paper begins with an introduction that...

The Volvo Company’s Marketing Communications

The Volvo commercials outlined in the chapter achieve the Attention, Interest, and Desire steps of the marketing tool AIDA process. According to the AIDA framework, after seeing the advertisement, the customer will first pay attention to the product, then spark interest in it, followed by a desire to buy the...

Macropoland, a Natural Gas Country

Macropoland is a natural gas country, and it imports oil. It is experiencing an economic recession that has negatively affected the financial operations of the country. This paper will focus on addressing the issue the country is currently experiencing by recommending the fiscal and monetary policies needed. The report will...

Stages of Team Development and How to Build Trust Among a Team

Team building refers to the activities aimed at improving the efficiency of workers within an organization. It is aimed at instilling a better understanding between members of the team and the management. It also improves teamwork among team members and the customers, thus translating to consumer satisfaction and accomplishment of...

The Fresh Direct Firm’s Entry into the Chinese Market

Introduction For modern entrepreneurship, economic growth means expansion and exploration of other markets, as well as other types of customers and their preferences. Thus, an organization continues to evolve and strengthen its grasp on its industry, accumulating the potential for gaining more weight in it (Zhang et al., 2018). The...

Internal Analysis: Powerbeats Pro Wireless Earbuds by Beats by Dre

Introduction PowerBeats pro wireless earbuds are aesthetic products that are highly comprehensive. Their usage is reserved in silence, although they do not come cheaply. Moreover, they are enclosed in cases associated with gigantism as they appear in an indulgently chucky box. PowerBeats are designed for new generations and are subtly...