LEED Certification and Rooftop Gardens

Introduction Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) refers to a rating system created by the United States Building Council (USGBC) to provide certification to green buildings. The certification enhances human and environmental health in five key areas. On the other hand, a rooftop garden is an artificial garden created...

Graphic Design in Postmodern Art

Introduction Starting from the 1970-s, Postmodernism dominated over various spheres of culture. It was spreading around the world through newspapers, television, and magazines. The traditions and norms of the society were revised, some of them completely pushed away. This was the time of common skepticism toward modern values. Among the...

When Modernism in Built Environments Began

Introduction The roots of modern architecture have long been disputed in academic and professional circles due to the ambiguity of the precise definition of the concept. On the one hand, experts claim that modernist architectural features started to evolve as a theory in the nineteenth century. On the other hand,...

The Evolving Metropolis Article by Southworth & Owens

Compared to the rural and the city core areas, the suburbs have a majority of job creation and populace rate. The article by Southworth & Owens (1993) investigates the change in metropolitan cities by undertaking comparative case studies in the San Francisco Bay region development under three parameters: housing, neighborhood,...

Bemis and Neufert’s Architectural Standardization

Alfred Farwell Bemis was an American architect and educator best known for pioneering work in developing modular systems to standardize building elements. Ernst Neufert was a German architect and educator best known for his work on architectural standardization. This essay analyses the theories suggested by the two architects, the response...

Analysis of Bolivia Urban Infrastructure

Project Background After his ascension to power, the new Bolivia president Evo Morales aimed at addressing the most dominant social problems in the country which were primarily based on poverty. To address the issues, the government targeted to invest in urban areas where there was a rising number of urbanizations,...

Clothing Creation and Ethical Issues

Clothes creation relies heavily on technology. Hence, technological evolution provides an impetus for the emergence of new products and trends. It is the first measurement that allowed the mass-market ready-made clothes to occur. Due to the growth of demand, ways to increase supply were found, and as a result, the...

Architecture of the Taj Mahal and the Qaaba

Throughout history, architecture has served as a symbol of culture, reflecting civilizations’ beliefs, successes, and eventual demise. From colossal monuments to the dwellings and structures that make up a city’s core, one may discover a lot about the people who lived there centuries before the modern-day. Historians are learning about...

Gestalt Theory and Its Application in Design

The Gestalt theory states that the human brain tends to unconsciously organize separate elements, as well as to simplify complex pictures for better perception. There are several Gestalt principles that are widely applied in design. Figure 1 illustrates the figure-groud principle, which describes how the brain perceives images in the...

Historical and Modern White House

Introduction Buildings and houses are a result of artwork and architecture since they are constructed in resemblance to what is drawn in books or in the minds of an architect. The size of the building and its purpose are among significant determinants of shape and construction process. In the 21st...

History of African Indigenous Costumes and Textiles

Introduction The Maasai community located in central and south Kenya and Northern Tanzania is globally recognized. Their persistence in upholding traditional practices and proximity to the vast global game reserves make them an exciting community to study. This paper shall analyze the Maasai community and its culture and traditions. In...

Grand Central Terminal: Grand Path Through History

The invention of railroads was one of the most important breakthroughs in the history of travel. Suddenly, an average resident had an opportunity to travel long distances for a comparatively small fee, and cities could connect to one another easier and faster. While many consider trains to be an antique,...

Futuristic and Innovative Fabrics

Fashion is regarded as the most polluting industry in the world. As humanity has faced the environmental threat, it is essential to rethink the way people consume and produce items. The innovations concern fabrics as the latter are the indispensable part of the culture, the object of satisfying human needs...

Work Council for Art: Under the Wing of a Great Architecture

In the Work Council for Art manifesto, Walter Gropius draws a programmatic document that re-discussed the role of art in society. The manifesto stemmed from a social perspective where art and people should converge to create a whole. For this reason, art should be made available to the masses, not...

Cinderella Syndrome’s Impact on Sustainable Fashion

In the article, Dana Thomas mentions Cinderella syndrome – a disastrous phenomenon promoted by social media that contributes to fast fashion and its negative impact on the economy and environment (Chua, 2019). In general, it implies a whole culture that forces people to get rid of clothes after a few...

Apple Company’s Logo and Its Graphic Design

Every time I see an apple logo, Apple Computers Company is the only company that immediately rings in my mind. The reason why apple computer company rings in my mind is simply because of its fame in the world of computing, both hardware and software technologies, some of the most...

Eroticized Clothing: “Why Are We Dressing Our Daughters Like This?”

Introduction It is important to note that fashion and the way people dress are a major element of a society’s perception of acceptable norms and beliefs in regards to representing certain groups. The given article provides an in-depth analysis and discussion on the topic of excessive sexualization of clothing and...

The Interrelationship Between Fashion and Architecture

This work is concerned with the interrelationship between fashion and architecture. By starting with a description of the fashion system, the work focuses on answering the three criteria set questions, namely, how fashion and architecture interrelate, how architecture can be explained to exploit the fashion system and to what extent...

Pigeon Creek Residence – a Dream Home

Introduction As a nature-lover, I have always dreamed about a modern house with a large garden located very close to a forested area. Pigeon Creek Residence is a medium-sized cozy house designed and built by Lucid Architecture in western Michigan that brings this dream into reality. This paper is aimed...

Change in the Content and Layout of the Architectural Review Magazine Since Inception

Introduction The Architectural Review magazine has undergone tremendous changes over the years due to shifts in architectural phenomena such as modernism, as well as the evolution of the various technologies and materials used in the production of the publication. These changes have affected both the content and layout of the...

Deconstructivist Architecture Aesthetics

Introduction Deconstructive in architecture, also known as deconstruction is a type of postmodern architecture that started in the 1980s. It is characterized by ideas of fragmentation, an interest in manipulating ideas of a structure’s surface, non-linear processes of design, and use of non-Euclidean geometry or so called non-rectilinear shapes, which...

Data Visualization and Dashboards

The tabular form of data presentation is suitable for storing and processing substantial sets of information. During the analysis phase, companies tend to use graphical representations of data, such as scatter diagrams, graphs, histograms, and bar charts. Graphic form facilitates the perception of information as a whole and demonstrates its...

Three Procedures of Implementing and Using Groupware Systems Efectively

Setting up an architecture for the existing labour procedures Establishing process architecture is the preliminary phase of automation because it encompasses the description of the initial preparations such as definition of specific organization architecture or a framework that has various defined principals. The preliminary phase’s purpose is to involve establishments...

Romanesque and Gothic Architecture: Lincoln and Durham Cathedrals

Introduction The development of European architecture in the medieval times was characterized by continuous shifts in perceptions. They can be seen in the change from the Romanesque to the Gothic style that included the replacement of specific elements allowing to make the structures look lighter and more spacious (Seeley, 2017)....

Evaluating a Website

Looking at website, it is easy to note that it is a fake site. It mimics the appearance of the actual newspaper’s site – for example, it uses its distinctive logo (“New York Times”). It may even hold up to fact-checking since some it borrows the news titles from the...

The Building of Affordable Housing

The Opportunity The issue of homelessness is a complicated yet urgent concern for both the national government and the global community. There are numerous issues that have led to the increase of the number of people who do not have a roof over their head over the last two or...

Egyptian Architecture Overview: Egyptian Pyramids, Columns, and Capitals

Introduction There are many wonders of modern architecture that maze with the stylistic and structural decisions implemented in them. Nowadays, to help erect those buildings, people typically resort to using current technology. However, those innovations did not exist when Egyptians assembled their pyramids and other wonders of construction. Despite that,...

Building Designs Using Contractors, Subcontractors, and Documents for a Successful Build

Introduction The architectural, engineering, and construction industry is a continually evolving one. With the growth of construction sites, the number of contractors and subcontractors increases correspondingly – this change is not only of quantitative but also qualitative nature. Over the last decades, it has faced new challenges, including the need...

The Analytical Framework Design

Introduction The debate of achievement by race among Americans is still a divisive issue of concern, just as it was in the 1960s. Some people think that low personal achievement among some American communities is essentially a product of long standing historical injustices. On the other hand, some people have...

The Push-Button House Design

Introduction The broad idea of the food and beverage outlet emerging from a shipping container as part of an avant-garde festival is not new. The idea was developed by architect Adam Kelkin and first displayed at the Art Basel Miami in 2005. The idea gained popularity when Illy, an international...

Teaching Intelligent Design at Schools

Intelligent Design or ID has emerged as a controversial issue in recent years in the United States of America. The question of whether Intelligent Design can be introduced in schools has invited numerous reactions, some very vitriolic, from diverse quarters like the church, school boards, parents of school-going children, the...

Correcting the Form of Eyebrows: Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattooing

Introduction These days more than 45 million people in America have tattoos, which is 15% of the total population. Tattoo as a form of body art is almost as old as the civilization. Tattoo is claimed to have been existed since 12,000 BC and its purpose could depend on culture...

Fashion in the Clothes Industry

Introduction Fashion refers to the dynamic trends in the preference of the use of a certain good or service. The term fashion is however heavily used in the clothing industry and it is sometimes taken to be synonymous with its trends. Normally, different fashionable trends exist in a given culture...

Is Imitation the Sincerest Form of Fashion?

Introduction In design circles, it is often said that imitation is the sincerest form of fashion but I feel that emulating someone else’s design amounts to infringement of intellectual property rights. However copyright and trademark laws especially in United States of America have failed to protect the intellectual property rights...

Architecture and Technology: The Essential Role of Sustainable Architecture

Introduction Such concept as sustainable architecture is relative new; it emerged approximately two decades ago, yet, since that time it has achieved immense popularity. This approach is intended to address the environmental and economic problems, faced by modern community. In recent years it has become evident that people tend to...

American Institute of Architects’ Code of Ethics

Every institution lays down rules by which its recognized members work by. These rules help to create a sense of order within the institution or organization. Rules also serve the purpose of giving guidelines to the members between what is right and wrong so that if punishment has to be...

Fashion in Architecture: Museum of Architectural Fashion

Introduction Fashion is the motor of our life. Everyone tries to follow it and imitate. People got used to the thought that fashion can be observed only in clothes. Fashion and clothes are two inseparable notions which are analyzed together. But it should be noted that the world of building,...

Chloé Company’s Sustainable Menswear Line

Executive Summary To launch its first menswear line, a descriptive analysis of the fashion field, including brand identity, competitors, and target market, will be developed based on primary and secondary research. The world of fashion continues developing and offering new standards and opportunities for people, and therefore, the creation of...

New Urbanism and Negative Criticism

New Urbanism refers to the architectural philosophy that was adopted after the end of the Second World War. It sought to implement a paradigm shift in traditional town planning (Gordon, 150). The main aim of the new type of city planning was to reduce overreliance on automobiles by planning city...

Pbworks.com: Wiki Website for Knowledge Sharing

Structure and Purpose Pbworks.com is a wiki site, which enables users to create their wikis. Wikis refer to sites that allow for collaborative development of web content where a user can edit the site at will (Ebersbach, Glaser, Heigl, & Warta, 2008). This promotes knowledge sharing. Its structures allow for...

Design: Times Square as a Main Street USA

Introduction: Strolling down the New York Streets Of all places to visit in New York, Times Square is easily the best choice for a tourist. It incorporates every single American stereotype and allows one to plunge into the delightful world of flashy lights and public entertainment. Though the place still...

Nanotechnology and Its Application in Civil Engineering

Introduction Unlike the situation where conventional technologies are used to manipulate construction materials at the millimeter scale to achieve certain properties, similar properties can be achieved at the nanoscale by using nanotechnology (Srivastava & Singh, 2011). Nanotechnology has proved to be very useful in biological, physical, and chemical disciplines to...

The Sydney Opera House: Architectural Project

Introduction The Sydney Opera House is not only a symbol of Australia but also one of the most recognizable architectural buildings. The shape of the roofs was designed by the Danish architect Jørn Utzon (ABC Innovation and Sydney Opera House Trust, 2020). Due to its worldwide success and recognition, the...

The Criteria of Ann Thorpe’s Design Activism

Nowadays, designers have a considerable advantage in the field of sociology. They can illustrate and convey critical social problems faced by society (Girard et al., 2022). There are particular criteria that designers must follow to correctly and ethically convey a message to society through their products. In general, this movement...

The Pantheon in Rome: A Structural Analysis

Built in 1018 AD, the Pantheon in Rome is considered to be one of the most important architectural wonders from ancient history, which still makes a strong impression on architects and viewers from all over the world. Its unique design demonstrates the proficiency and genius of Roman architects, serving as...

Panama Canal as Marvel of Human Engineering

Introduction Panama Canal was constructed in 1904 – 1914 on the territory of the Latin American republic, Panama, on the resources of the U.S. government. Before that, at the end of the 19th century, France was intended to build it, but it was unsuccessful; then, the United States purchased their...

Types of Creativity in Design

Creativity is a unique phenomenon and a highly elusive notion. It can be broadly defined as a process of producing new ideas, concepts, and theories or innovative reimagining of the existing ones. In design, ingenuity is necessary to promote qualitative innovation and support the invention of groundbreaking products that can...

The Importance of Art of Fractals in Design

Fractal Art is a part of the design, with the help of which designers create works that are incredible in their form, volume, and richness of visual information. The secret of fractals is that they are made thanks to algorithmic Art. They are created not in the material world but...

“The Best Kindergarten You’ve Ever Seen” by Tezuka

In the video, “The best kindergarten you’ve ever seen”, the architect Takaharu Tezuka showcases the kindergarten environment that he has designed. The environment is different from a regular kindergarten because it is primarily in a large circular outdoors open space. It has no boundaries between the indoors and outdoors space,...

Misleading Graphs. The Nature of the Problem

Graphs are usually a representation of data that are given in pictorial forms. As a result, people expect the representation to correspond to the figures that are provided. However, this rarely happens as the graphs often illustrate more misleading information. This usually occurs when the designer of the graphs wants...

Septimius Severus Arch at Leptis Magna

Summary Two of these were done in his home back in Rome, while this famous arch was erected at Leptis Magna in Libya, where he was emperor. The arch does not have an exact day of erection; however, historians believe it was done during Severus’s tour of Africa in 203...

Building the American Way: Public Subsidy, Private Space

Redlining was an approach that divided areas with nonwhite residents from others by highlighting them with signs or red lines on maps. The establishment of Home Owners Load Corporation (HOLC) improved real estate and made it more affordable, however, the practice of “redlining” to rate neighborhoods caused issues in the...

Construction Materials and Building Codes

During the construction of buildings for instance the story buildings, different building techniques are used. One of the techniques is the framing system technique. The framing system is placed on other structural components/ members or studs, which helps to provide a framework that is stable and also on to which...

Burberry Case: Burning of Unrealized Stock

The fashion industry is almost always associated with various scandals involving specific products, advertising campaigns, or corporations’ actions in general. Unfortunately, such companies often produce expensive branded items and resort to wholly insane and illogical measures in their policies. It is what Burberry did, sending a massive amount of its...

Town Hall House Lighting Analysis

Location on Level 1 The café, library, and lobby are combined into one room on level 1 of the Town Hall House. Its modern design does not provoke its visitors to take some irrational steps but use rationality as the main arguments for the actions. Though there are many purposes...

Postmodern Buildings: Combining New Ideas With Traditional Forms

Introduction This paper is aimed at discussing the main features of postmodern architecture and its distinctions from its predecessors, especially modernist style. This discussion will be based on the analysis of such an example as AT&T or Sony Building designed by Phillip Johnson and John Burgee. Overall, it is possible...

Athens Concert Hall and Stockholm Concert Hall

Introduction The world of architecture is magnificent and incredible. The buildings people got used to and consider common are unique and specific as there were people who put their hearts and souls into the creating of the masterpiece. Looking at the pieces of art created many years ago, many people...

The Analysis of the Website Myplate

Website Name: The name of the website is USDA ChooseMyPlate U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The address is Web. Date of Last Update: There was no accessible information about the date when the webpage was last modified/updated. Authors: The author of the website is the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and...

Artificial Ecologies: The Work of MVRDV

The question of the relationship between creativity and engineering is a highly debated issue in philosophical practice. There are many studies on the subject, including Artificial Ecologies: The Work of MVRDV. The subject matter of this work is closely related to the possibility of integration into artistic and logical types...

Why the Pantheon Should Be Preserved

The Pantheon is a former Roman temple, which is now a Catholic church, Basilica of St. Mary and the Martyrs, located in Rome, Italy. Completed by emperor Hadrian, the date of the temple’s construction is uncertain because the inscription on it belongs to the earlier temple constructed during Augustus’ reign....

Charles Rennie Mackintosh Hillhouse Chair

The furniture design is something we view every day though not always pay attention to. It has to be said that the furniture fashion has probably emerged once people started needing the chair to sit on and the bed to sleep in, though constructed shelters from prehistory have survived only...

Paul Rand: American Graphic Designer Biography

Introduction Born on August 15, 1914, Paul Rand is a famous corporate logo designer known for his modernistic view towards graphic design. By the time he died on November 26, 1996, he had created thousands of logos, written several books, and passed his knowledge to the next generations by teaching...

Visual Communication. Natural Food Packaging Colors

Color is one of the key attributes that help people associate with the product that a package contains. Applying the right color scheme is often the key determinant of a product’s success since using the wrong coloring deters consumers from purchasing the product. The modern market environment is the result...

Accessibility of Sports Facilities for People with Disabilities

Problem Statement Maria et al. (2003) indicated that people with low mobility are affected in terms of how they access the sporting facilities. In essence, the lack of profound mobility is a crucial hindrance to the social inclusion of the disabled people especially when it comes to sports. As such,...

Sports Facilities Development and Building

Greenberg and Hughes (2011) argued that the cost of constructing and maintaining stadiums to hold major leagues had been increasing within the USA. Therefore, the researchers conducted a study hypothesizing that the citizens paying tax would use a higher amount of money to sustain these requirements in the future. The...

Research Through Design in Architecture

Author – The natural environment inevitably acts upon the buildings surfaces, destroying the materials. The impact of the natural forces and weathering is not always negative. It is possible to take advantages from the visual effects using staining, the aesthetic deterioration to make the buildings sightly. The theory is that...

Project or Program Failure and Organisation Reputation

Projects are an important part of the development of organizations as they are designed to meet the needs of their businesses. Construction projects often fail to meet the expected outcomes in terms of quality, cost, and desired needs. This damages the reputations of organizations as customers and suppliers are inconvenienced...

How Creativity Can Make the World a Better Place and How the Course Will Help Achieve This

We live in the age of technological marvel. Where product design and creativity are limited only by the developer’s imagination. Why are these things so important to product design and development these days? Consider the following; cellphones have successfully bridged the communication gap between people. It can take pictures, videos,...

The Building of the Panama Canal

Introduction Panama Canal is a waterway connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans across the Isthmus of Panama. This Canal was finally constructed in the early twentieth century but, the idea was conceived way back in the early 16th century. It was in 1524 when the advisers of Charles V suggested...

Urban Policy and Town Planning

Introduction Decisions on policies and procedures to ensure that the policies are implemented should take the social, economic and environmental implications of such decisions on the society. The economic globalization and service-based economy have resulted in major readjustments in the areas of employment structure and urban economies, which has increased...

Dressing Constructs Identity with Fashion Materials

Introduction The history of fashion is interconnected with the history of humanity. Ever since ancient men and women started wearing furs to cover their bodies, the concept of fashion was born. The choice of appearances for men and women had been changing from one century to another, as new trends,...

“The Eichler Home: Intention and Experience in Postwar Suburbia” by Adams

The article under consideration is entitled “The Eichler Home: Intention and Experience in Postwar Suburbia.” It was written by Annmarie Adams and published in the journal called Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture in 1995. In the article, the author compares the architecture’s vision of Eichler houses’ functioning and the actual use...

“Design with Nature” by Ian McHarg & Lewis Mumford

The book Design with Nature has a laconic name, which can summarize the idea of the whole book in just three words. It should be noted at once that a crucial moment in the work of a Scottish architect and writer Ian McHarg and an American historian Lewis Mumford is...

The Impact of Greek Architecture on Modern Constructors

The architecture of Ancient Greece possesses immense value for the contemporary world. Not only is it praised from the artistic standpoint but also is recognized for depicting the state of social affairs of that time. For this reflection, it was chosen to take a closer look at the marble column...

Gentrification and Urban Change: Brooklyn’s Story

The question of gentrification has been raised for decades and continues to bother many people who live in such neighborhoods as Brooklyn. The conundrum of gentrification and the role of demand in modern society serve as the reason why I want to share my position on this issue. Though zoning...

Construction Industry Disputes in the UAE

Acknowledgments I wish to thank my supervisor…………..for his encouragement and useful suggestions thought out my project. I also wish to thank various construction industry professionals and insiders who graciously shared their experiences and opinions with me on this study. Finally, I wish to acknowledge the support of my colleagues and...

Risk Management of Construction Megaprojects

Introduction Long-term projects can be considered an integral part of the modern world. Multiple constructions and gigantic buildings change the image of areas and result in the creation of a new environment. At the same time, the management of projects belonging to this cohort is a complex task because of...

Eco-Friendly Packaging and Sustainability Issues

Deliverable A: Process Introduction The concept of sustainability has become the central focus of many entities because of the need to protect the environment. Global warming and climate change were considered theories that meant very little to the business society about five decades ago. Developed countries were keen on promoting...

Functionalism: Simple Lights and Decorative Chandelier

Introduction Functionalism reflects the desire of people to use something simpler though more functional. Changes brought into design with the Art Nouveau and Arts and Crafts movements can be still found in the dwellings of ordinary people, while individuals who value comfort and style select functionalist objects opposed to decorated...

American Clothing Evolution and Its Factors

Introduction Clothing is a social phenomenon, the key purposes of which traditionally were to satisfy aesthetic needs, protect from weather conditions, and signal the social status. In the 20th century, as the class polarization was obliterated, clothes still serve to emphasize different social groups, focusing on self-expression, and individuality as...

Medina Azahara and Aljaferia Palace

Medina Azahara and the Aljaferia Palace are two outstanding architectural landmarks in the history of Islamic architecture. The later was constructed in Cordoba in Spain in 936 AD. It served as a de facto capital of the al Andalus (Muslim Spain) in mediaeval times. Medina Azahara was a palace-city comprising...

Technology’s Influence on Design Evolution

The introduction and adoption of the new technology in the contemporary world has significantly intertwined graphic design practices and other reproduction techniques. The so rapid growing use of the modern digital media makes the expectation of the design practices more difficult to meet. Today, graphic designers must learn both the...

Construction Project Implementation

The investment and construction process is a complex chain of different stages of investment and payback of finances in the creation of architectural commissions. With all the variety of needs and demands in this field, directors usually have a few basic steps in their decision-making process. The main one is...

Social Responsibility and Architecture

Architecture develops a sense of social responsibility through awareness of the nuances of how much a society needs certain things. Buildings are determined by many factors and their outcome depends on the philosophy of social development. At this stage, we can say that globalization affects the architectural language of urban...

Art and Design in the Modern World

Art and design are ways in which humans show a declaration of creativity and how to succeed in a more advanced method to influence performance, experiences, and objects. Art and design are learned in several ways, including critical thinking, artistic techniques, design principle, and color theory. Art and design have...

Traffic Problem in Visual Representation

People spend a lot of time in traffic, but not all understand that this process takes a significant part of life. Morris showed many developed countries and tied in his graphic to make the comparison visible and clear. The communicative purpose of the picture is to make people aware of...

Construction Safety and Its Importance

The article entitled “Why Construction Safety is Important” discusses construction safety and its impact on overall costs of the construction project. The article states that safety is essential for the owner and for the contractor as well and these are their collaborative efforts that finally determine how safe and cost-effective...

Role Played by Fashion Media in Shaping Public Opinion on Identity

Introduction Fashion media has played an important role in shaping public opinion on identity. For instance, fashion magazines and websites often feature stories of people who do not conform to traditional gender roles and showcase them in a positive light. This has helped to raise awareness and acceptance of identities...

Fashion in the USSR: Soviet Clothing

Introduction Fashion in the USSR became a recognized part of the Soviet way of life. The clothing directly reflected the social processes of creating a unique fashion tradition, which was not affected by the other countries’ views on clothing. As a result, the process of the Iron Curtain and social...

Sustainable Fashion Design Strategies: Product Strategy Concept

A company’s product strategy is a plan for how it will create and introduce new products to the market. It encompasses decisions about what types of products to develop, what features to include, what price to charge, and how to promote them. A well-executed product strategy can help a company...

The Infographics Creation: Key Aspects

The proposed infographic shows three main pictures, some text, and color background. Some aspects interfere with the typical perception of this infographic and require changes. Thus, for example, the color background consists of two alternating colors, as well as some blurry images on the background. To make the essential information...

Architectural Designs and Styles

Introduction Architectural designs have advanced gradually in various regions over a long period. It has incorporated art to transform it into widely available designs in cities and towns. In the world today, buildings are curved with exemplary styles that are unique. Most of these buildings have unique designs developed hundreds...

The “Hearst Castle” Art Project by Julia Morgan

Introduction Julia Morgan was one of the most influential architects of the 20th century. She was the first woman who graduated from l’École Nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, the leading university in arts and design, significantly advancing women’s rights in education. After receiving the license, she created hundreds of notable projects...

The Impacts of Gentrification: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts America

The main point in each chapter is gentrification and how the United Nations (UN) has been documenting its impact on global cities since 1985. These impacts are focused on the poor who have to move out of urban places due to gentrification. This is a problem because they can no...

Urban Industry and Reconstruction

Introduction The Smart City system is a beneficial solution to problems with industrial zones that negatively affect the environment and their residents. The Industrial Revolution has an impact on the industrialization of cities and Steam engines. Even though many cities tried to replicate the industrialization system, the urban development was...

Researching of Gothic Design Style

Few architectural creations are as recognizable as cathedrals built in the Gothic style. Originating in the Middle Ages, Gothic architecture is extremely popular in Europe, even though it was temporarily replaced by architectural designs of the Renaissance. Nevertheless, multiple modern cathedrals built in the Gothic tradition still exist. In order...

Architecture: Special Features of Sankt Petersburg

Despite the current attitudes toward Russians and their history, it is hard to deny that this country has several remarkable places for fascination. St. Petersburg is one of the largest and greatest Russian cities, characterized by glorious buildings, landscapes, and other special features. After watching the offered YouTube clips picturing...

Planning Physical Security in a Hospital

Exterior The location of the lighting A lighting system is one of the most viable security components that should be installed in a facility to achieve set safety goals. From the exterior plan of the building, lights have been placed in both visitors’ and staff parking garages and other dark...

Infographic and Chartjunk in Information Design

While an infographic is the visual representation of data, ideas, or knowledge to convey information fast and effectively, chartjunk is the visual representation in graphs and charts that adds no significant value to the presented information. In order to enable effective data presentation, it is important to make them stand...

Palma Cathedral in the Mallorca Island

Palma Cathedral, also referred to as La Seu, belongs among the most influential religious building on the Mallorca island. It has a rectangular form and is divided into three naves, each having eight aisles. These aisles connect the buttresses and serve as entrances to chapels. The Cathedral’s roof, made of...

Chinese Architectural Principles

Summary Chinese architecture stands out with eccentric features stemming from its conventional culture and civilization. Most traceable principles are Confucian teachings that guide the architectural designs and art in China. Despite the impacts of globalization and cultural; disruptions by modern civilizations, Chinese architectural features are still traceable. Most Chinese architectural...

Real Estate: Impact of New Building Trends and Technologies

Introduction The future of real estate is looking very promising with the emerging building technologies and trends. People see more innovative and green technologies developed and used in the construction industry. There are also some trends toward more sustainable and energy-efficient buildings, for instance, LEED-certified buildings. These buildings are designed...

The Monumental Architecture in Ancient Greek

One of the most significant cultures of the ancient world was the ancient Greek and the ancient Roman. Their territories were close to each other; they existed almost in the same period, which is why it is not unusual for them to be directly related to each other. These civilizations...

Architecture of Amazonian Monuments

Introduction The urban landscape in the Amazonian Americas is significantly different from the non-urban architecture. Modern Brazilian architecture represents an important element of cultural heritage that cannot be eradicated from the discussion on designs. Speaking of unique architectural elements that can be witnessed in Amazonian monuments, the key features that...

Technologies and Trends in the Real Estate Industry in the USA

The USA as a Global Driver of new Building Technologies and Trends Technology has played a significant role in advancing the building and construction industry as it has mapped the United States among the countries with the most advanced structures. The country has invested greatly in research and technology over...

Impact of Interior Design on Corporate Strategy

Introduction The restaurant design and atmosphere are among the most important aspects influencing the restaurant’s productivity and profitability. This research focuses on two contemporary spaces, Kitty Burns and Aesop Pitt Street Store, with a retail theme. The Kitty Burns is a contemporary restaurant space occupying an area of 360 m²...

Designing a T-Shirt in Five Steps

Creating a pattern on a t-shirt with your own hands is a wonderful skill that will surely come in handy for everyone at least once. This activity will help everyone find entertainment in the summer, as well as make a special gift for a friend. There are several ways to...

The New York Times Website: User Experience Accessibility

Technology nowadays is rapidly growing, as modern society is gradually immersing into the internet world. Its content has numerous forms and shapes which can be accessed from various devices. The options are vast, ranging from web pages containing different information for PC or mobile browsers to specialized interactive applications available...

Design of Auction Rooms and Terror Twilight Cafés

Introduction An interior design that captures a particular atmosphere is a challenging task for those who do not understand the intricate aspects of a beautifully furnished room. Modern establishments often strive to achieve a genuinely unique look that will serve as a selling point for their potential customers, yet not...

Gentrification as Another Form of Discrimination

Gentrification is the process of renewal and revitalization of urban neighborhoods that bring in new, wealthier residents while displacing low-income residents and businesses. In many cases, this process is contributed to by an influx of immigrants or upwardly mobile young professionals. These are the experts who gentrify an area seeking...

Use of Ethos, Logos, and Pathos on Chattahoochee Riverkeeper’s Website

The right use of Ethos, Logos, and Pathos in text effectively captures the reader’s attention regardless of the form of the text. Moreover, it allows the text to communicate information understandable for potentially interested persons, such as customers or visitors. Thus, even the information provided on the organization’s website should...

Sunshine Coast Design Review: Reinforced Concrete

Sunshine Coast Design provides a critical look at the urban and landscape design strategies applicable to the community of the Sunshine Coast in Australia. Specifically, it empathizes the significance of gradual integration of various design decisions to match the aesthetic value of the area and highlight the natural benefits of...

Urban Sprawl and Its Mass Transit System

Urban sprawl is the quick expansion of towns on undeveloped land close to cities. These extensions have distinctive features such as single house zoning and heavy reliance on vehicles for transportation. Urban sprawling has been associated with traffic as the only way people access the city is through public or...

Graphic Design as Advertising Tool

Abstract Graphic design is one of the fast-evolving spheres focused on creating visual content for various purposes. In the modern business world, it can be viewed as a potent tool to interact with the audience and convey specific messages. The given paper is devoted to analyzing how graphic design is...

Affordable and Low-Income Housing Designs

Stilgoe’s Philosophy and Principles of Landscape Design To understand the cultural context and livability of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, it is necessary to first familiarize yourself with the philosophies and fundamental principles of Stilgoe’s landscaping designs. According to Stilgoe (103), the practical design of a productive landscape happens with the...

Improving the Layout of the University of South Florida Website With UX Redesign

An Executive Summary Problem Statement Review of the University of South Florida website, conducted as a part of this research, has allowed to identify several aspects of the website that could benefit from redesign. These include the size of the video player and some features of the virtual tour guide,...

The Galveston City’s Site Planning

Introduction Galveston is a city in the United States, located in southeastern Texas, on Galveston Island on the Gulf of Mexico. It is a seaside resort with a variety of coastal entertainment areas that bring income to the owners. For tourists, the city may offer a range of entertainment facilities,...

Construction: Characteristics and Reliability of Piles and Props

The secant pile of the wall consists of two parts: primary and secondary piles. Primary piles should be drilled first and built using ‘soft’ cement-bentonite mix or ‘firm’ weak concrete. Such materials help create a temporary water seal system and give some time for constructing a future system for waterproofing...

How to Style Your Living Room Like a Designer

Modern people have quite a hectic life, especially those living in urban areas, and seem to be working 24/7, giving to the world the best of their selves. Of course, it is vital to keep something for oneself, and creating a cozy space for your body and soul is a...

Planning for the Redevelopment of Providence, RI

Introduction Redevelopment, redesign, and renovation are key elements of municipal centers’ transformation, enabling responsible authorities to facilitate public welfare. Providence, Rhode Island, underwent physical renovation between 1960 and 2000, transforming its center through several designs and implementation programs. Although the different plans were tailored to different needs within the center,...

New York Times Website: The User Interface

User Interface (UI) of a website refers to the features that a website visitor sees and interacts with on a website when navigating for services or information. Website users always judge a site by its interface instead of how it functions. A well-designed user interface gives users an amazing user...

The Advantages of Visual Content for Presenting a Message

The experience gained during the work on my creative project has allowed me to learn a variety of new skills and information. I have chosen to create an infographic about the development of money and other concepts related to it, such as banking. As a result, I have acknowledged the...

Romanesque Church: Religious Imagery

The Stylistic Development of the Romanesque Church Between 600 and 1100 AD, the Romanesque architectural style flourished in Europe. Barrel vaults and arches were typical of Byzantine architecture. Stone was used instead of wood to endure fires and support the heavy roofs. Religious enthusiasm, battles, and pilgrimages were characteristic. Charlamagne...

Casa De Vidro Interior Design: Abercrombie Theory

Introduction Interior design is a creative craft used to create beautiful environments to make life more enjoyable. Beauty is an integral part of life, and interior designers use it to make restaurants, hotels, events, and living rooms refreshing, healing, and inspiring. According to Abercrombie’s theory, the configuration of windows, doors,...

7 Principles for Building Better Cities Speech by Calthorpe

The analysis of speeches is a valuable contribution to understanding how information should be presented and how to express the ideas effectively. The video about the principles for organizing space in cities and designing the streets is one of the speeches that might help the learners to define the main...

Flexibility in Design Instructions

While processes and models can be useful, it is still significant to maintain flexibility in design instructions for a specific reason. In particular, it is necessary to remember that these instructions are not only a set of discrete steps that should be taken in any event (Dousay par. 17). The...

Majora Carter: Greening the Ghetto of South Bronx

Majora Carter appeared on TED in February 2006 with her speech “Greening the Ghetto” were she was describing her project of renovating South Bronx. By the time, that neighborhood had gained a reputation of a problem area that was strongly associated with crime, drugs, and diseases. However, the focus of...

Why Tokyo Is Synonymous With Innovation

Innovative solutions and the search for continuous improvement are vital for keeping the city infrastructure functional and its residents’ content, which is why the approach to urbanization in Tokyo must be considered closely. Due to the focus on innovation and the application of technological advances for the betterment of people’s...

The World Wide Fund for Nature Website’s Structure

Type of business It is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1961 by committed people seeking to secure the funding needed to preserve places and species threatened by human expansion. The Fund has garnered the support of more than 5 million people worldwide, and the actions taken in support of...

Visual Artifacts: Methods for Analyzing

There is a variety of useful methods for analyzing and discussing visual artifacts, but gender and type analysis alongside numerous instruments encompassed by semiotics seem the most interesting options. The first tool is beneficial for classifying objects according to their characteristics and, more specifically, complies with the principles of multidimensional...

Design Process, Metrics and Requirements

It is quite an accepted view that any creative work needs complete freedom, and no limits can be set. Although the design process encompasses creative effort, it is different from the creative process of many artists. Designers create products that serve specific purposes, so they are bound to have certain...

Urban Planning of Thanks-Giving Square

Introduction: Olmsted’s Philosophy and Principles of Landscape Design Before starting the virtual tour of Thanks-Giving Square and the evaluation of its architectural design, it is necessary to give the outline of design principles formulated by outstanding landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted Sr. Initially, he was not a professional landscape designer...

Adaptability as a Driver for Architecture Development

Modern architecture is developing due to such drivers as adaptability, multitasking, cost-efficiency, and environmental friendliness. Projects designed by Bjarke Ingels (2021) include all these features. The buildings adapt to the environment and society’s needs. For example, a skyscraper built in Vancouver is located in a small area, so its first...

The Historic New Orleans Collection Website

The Historic New Orleans Collection (THNOC) website contains content that is organized adequately for rapid consumption. In their book, Oliu et al. (2020) initially highlighted the inverted-pyramid method, which implies stating the “most important point before providing the detailed background information” (p. 205). Most of the THNOC site’s pages are...

Contemporary Visual Culture

Visual culture, like any other aspect of culture, is in the hands of people at large. Anyone can produce a visual artifact that will attract the attention of others and enter the visual culture. Furthermore, experiencing visual culture in one’s life will impart at least some intuitive understanding of the...

Jaime Lerner’s Contributions to Urban Architecture

Introduction Despite technological progress in many industries over the past few decades, in the modern world, much attention is paid to digital technologies as a guarantee of the growth of human capabilities in future generations. In the fields of art and culture, much attention is paid to the introduction of...

Fashion and Interior Design: From the XX Century to Current Times

Introduction Throughout history, the interior and fashion have constantly changed. With the change of epochs, the main fashion trends also changed. At the moment, many well-known designers, for example, Armani, Versace, and Trussardi produce both clothes and interior furniture at the same time, which in style and even texture echoes...

The Construction Management Position Observation

Summary I have a vital interest and career plans in the civil engineering sphere. It is a particular engineering discipline that deals with the configuration, building, and maintenance of the surroundings. The field of work may include various public places such as roads, bridges, canals, dams, airports, sewers, pipelines, installation...

Towards Green Construction: Timber as Material

Introduction Today, there is a variety of options allowing to construct buildings in accordance with the population’s needs and modern tendencies, and a range of materials are available for realizing designers’ ideas. Timber is a resource, which has been used since early ages, and it is possible to construct with...

The Role of Constructed Wetlands as Green Infrastructure

Sustainable resource management strategies The agenda of attaining sustainability gained momentum in recent times, following concerns over climate change and depletion, or otherwise scarcity of resources to support the ever-increasing human population and that of other living organisms. As such, the world is shifting towards green technologies to provide solutions...

Fashion in the United States: Revision of History

I am going to assess and analyze how the ‘Fashion in the United States Wikipedia article’s revision history has changed over time (Wikipedia, 2021). In the latest version, this page consists of four blocks which are history, fashion industry, regional and cultural variation, and references. It is available in English,...

The Difference in Architecture of House Museums

Introduction A house museum is one of the many types of museums around the world. These museums are unique since they are people’s homes converted to museums over the years. It has some differences in architecture from a typical history museum, for it was once a person’s home (History of...

The Aircraft Runways Construction

The construction of runways is similar to that of roads, only that the materials used are strong in holding heavyweight. Airport constructions necessitate careful use of instructions during the construction of runways and taxiways. Many airports rely on manufactured materials, including concrete or a mixture of aggregates and binders. Furthermore,...

Creative and Design Processes and Their Characteristics

Introduction Design and creative processes are interconnected, with the former being a dedicated part of the latter. The creative process stands for the evolution of an idea from a concept to its final form through the progression of thoughts and actions (De Miranda, Aranha, J., & Zardo, 2009). The design...

Food Facility Design: Sustainable Kitchen for Delight Restaurant

Introduction A sustainable kitchen should be eco-friendly that means the design should be developed to ensure there is not wastage of resources such as electricity, water, food and time when working. There should be high advocacy on recycling the ingredients and creation of stunning design all meant to save the...

Transit-Oriented Development for UTA

Introduction The transit-oriented development approach means that the urban environment is designed based on the places of actions where people realize themselves: work, play, study, eat, or rest. Physical parameters of the building – building height, the number of rooms, street orientation, passage planning – are developed depending on those...

The Fast Fashion and Related Ethical Problems

In the article “The Truth About Fast Fashion: Can You Tell How Ethical Your Clothing is by Its Price?”, Marriott discusses the ethical problems related to fast fashion and the clothing industry in general. In this regard, the three main issues may be identified from this piece of writing. Firstly,...

Religious Architecture of Filippo Brunelleschi

Introduction Renaissance architecture is where Filippo Brunelleschi’s name is most often associated. European countries had an influx of renaissance-style architecture during this period. The occurrence was indicative of some growth in the Roman and Greek cultures of antiquity. Classical civilizations were also evident in the architecture, which signified a revival...

Importance of Fractals in Design

Fractals are patterns that repeat infinitely, retaining their shape while becoming smaller or larger in scale. These patterns are common in many natural processes, such as plant growth or landscape formation. Moreover, fractals have found a use in a variety of cultural contexts, often appearing in decorative and religious imagery....