“Economics in One Lesson” by Henry Hazlitt in the Context of Microeconomics

Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt provides essential information about microeconomics that non-economics professionals need to know. The author provides examples of major economic misconceptions, public misinterpretations, and public policy failures. Mostly, the author talks about economic policies and their consequences. Hence, the basic rule of economics “consists in...

Investment in Facebook Financial Statements

Introduction The methods of analyzing the investment attractiveness of companies have been influenced by factors such as the specifics of the companies’ activities, a small material component, and high profitability. The rise in the value of Facebook’s securities is due more to investors’ optimism than the development of the main...

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Benefits

In the present day, regional trading agreements may be defined as a treaty signed by several countries in order to encourage trade and the movement of products and services across its members’ borders. In general, international tariffs, quotas, and other trade barriers limit the transportation of goods and services across...

Milton Friedman’s Political and Economic Freedom

Much of Milton Friedman’s argument or doctrine is built around the desire for free trade, a smaller government, and a steady increase of money supply within a growing economy. His emphasis on monetary policy is also reflected in his approach to the social responsibility of companies or their executives. Friedman...

Globalization: Impact on International Business

The global environment and its challenges present a substantial risk zone for businesses. Furthermore, the development trend of the business focuses on the direction of globalization, implying that in order to expand more, businesses need to adapt to the global environment. Globalization, in general, stands for processes of interaction and...

Balancing Customer Willingness to Pay and Production Costs

Any price should combine the willingness of the buyer to pay and the company’s production costs, creating a balance between the two sides. Generally, different pricing approaches can be used for various products, and the complementary approach to the goods will change as the market develops. Nevertheless, only by combining...

Corruption in Africa’s Developing States

Introduction Corruption is one of the most topical social problems that have always been topical. However, for areas characterized by a weak government, low social development, absence of infrastructure, poverty, and military conflicts, it becomes critical as bribery slows down evolution, deteriorates the situation in the state, and undermines the...

Gender, Labor, and Power in the Global Apparel Industry by Jane L. Collins

Jane Schneider’s interpretation of the fairy tale in which the demon offers to help a young woman spin straw to gold is the depiction of how industries have thrived at the expense of social welfare. The argument can be supported further by Jane Collins’ statement that the corporations subcontracting garment...

Analysis of the 2008 Financial Crisis

Introducton The financial crisis of 2008 now seems a distant event, especially given the developments surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the mistakes made in 2008, experts say, could have been easily avoided, and it already seems evident that the economy has changed so much that it will not allow...

The Malthusian Theory: A Critical Overview

Introduction The topic of population growth has gained traction from scholars in different disciplines. An increase in the number of people means that the economy should be large enough to sustain the housing, consumption needs, institutions, and resources such as land required for infrastructural purposes. Developed and developing economies are...

The Complexities of Liberalism and CSR in Modern Economics

Liberalism as an economic thought has a relatively new history compared to other schools. Even though the financial crisis of 2007 was what brought a new wave of attention to liberalism, it can be traced back as far as Victorian times (Davies, 2014). However, neoliberalism differs from the original liberalism...

Aspects of the Trading Conditions of Online Brokers

Introduction One of the strategies for increasing equity capital is financial investment, which in the classical sense implies investing funds with a return on their value. As a rule, private investors do not have direct access to the assets of a public company and have to use the services of...

Key Learnings for Banking Sector During COVID-19

The changing nature of the modern business environment requires considering organizational development (OD) practices. To mitigate potential complications, corporations must address the issues in the surrounding business climate. The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic Due to the pandemic, the necessity to transfer most banking operations to digital platforms has contributed...

Unemployment and Its Macroeconomic Implications

In the process of learning about macroeconomic trends, one obtains an opportunity to expand their knowledge not only about the particular factors and their outcomes for the economy but also integrate that knowledge with decision making. In particular, one of the most interesting topics encountered in Greenlaw and Taylor’s (2014)...

Analysis of Investment Decision

Generally, the dilemma of whether to make investments or finance pending debts is a challenge. There are several factors that an individual must consider before opting to invest or pay current obligations. Based on the given situation, I bear three key personal liabilities which include a loan for the vehicle,...

Response to Globalization Pressure

Globalization was the term introduced in the epoch after capitalism, when the world economy started unification and when the majority of the states began cooperating and supporting each other in various situations. Now trade is an ongoing process, occurring all over the world because miscellaneous countries conclude cooperation agreements and...

Information Gain in the Banking Sphere

The decrease in entropy or surprise achieved by modifying a dataset is known as information gain, and it is frequently employed in decision tree development. In order to estimate information gain, the entropy of a data sample before and after a modification is used (Kurniabudi et al., 2020). This phenomenon...

The Global Nature of Modern Economics

In his “The False Promise of International Institutions,” Mearsheimer presents a critique of institutionalism theories and the policies that ensue from them. He claims that these theories do not reflect the realities of the world and are disproved by the world’s history. According to him, the alternative, namely realism, is...

Choosing Stock Investment Company

Stock investment and trading are some of the most profitable yet volatile ventures in the history of economics. As a result, several factors determine what type of investments should be made in the stock market and when they should be executed. In a nutshell, the potential perforce of a company...

Customer Analysis via Entropy and Information Gain in Banking

The introduction of big data analytics in the financial sector has provided bankers with countless opportunities to improve the quality of their services, enhance consumer segmentation, and modernize e-banking. In my experience in the banking sector, I have utilized data mining techniques to improve the quality of customer segmentation. This...

Demand and Elasticity Concepts and Their Application

The Demand Concept Demand is a common economic subject and principle that refers to the desire, willingness, and ability to purchase and pay the price for a specific good or/and service. In most cases, the demand for goods and services decreases as the price increases. Similarly, when the price decreases,...

The History of Economic Migration in Canada

Introduction Immigrant recruitment is critical to Canada’s current and future economy. Newcomers fill labor shortages in the country, start or expand enterprises, and invest in the local economy. Employees and employers are both economic immigrants that contribute to the prosperity of Canada. When they immigrate to the state, the majority...

The Role of the Federal Reserve

Introduction Federal Reserve, otherwise known as the Federal Reserve System, is the United States central bank. It was created under Federal Reserve Act signed by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913. The act dictates its roles and responsibilities in the financial sector. The Federal Reserve is headed by a Board of...

The Basel III Agreement in Banking

Introduction Basel III necessitates banks to maintain specific leverage percentages and reserve capital levels to keep risk within international financial standards. The deadline for adopting the new standards has been continually shelved to its current date of 2023 (BIS, n.d.a). The United Kingdom delayed the adoption of the remaining Basel...

Globalization and its Impact on the World

A phenomenon that gathered speed after World War II, globalization has tremendously impacted the international economy, society, and culture by enabling greater interconnectedness and cross-border exchange of people and ideas. Globalization is a complex phenomenon that has benefited developed countries economically while unfairly distributing wealth to underdeveloped nations and disenfranchising...

Communism Economic System in China

Communism is an economic system that promotes a classless society where the public or community controls and owns the primary means of production. Globally, only a few countries, including China, Laos, Cuba, and North Korea, adopt this economic ideology. China is the most famous country due to its economic and...

Big Stock-Picking Hedge Funds Suffer Brutal Reversal in 2022’s Market Tumult

Article Summary Bloomberg’s article Big Stock-Picking Hedge Funds Suffer Brutal Reversal in 2022’s Market Tumult comments on the unusual trends in the 2022 stock market. I believe this information is important because it provides a nuanced and comprehensive outlook into the world of modern money and how easily it can...

Trade Advantages within the Global Economy

Kenya is an Eastern African country that is bordered by Ethiopia, South Sudan, Uganda, Somalia, Tanzania, and the Indian Ocean. According to GlobalEDGE (n.d.), its economic system is a mixed one; that is, it includes various forms of private freedom alongside government regulation and centralized economic planning. While Kenya has...

The US Government Pandemic Initiatives

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic became a major factor which affected numerous spheres and especially businesses. In order to address the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments worldwide, including in the United States, designed special initiatives to help companies. The support offered by the U.S. government in the form of...

The Yields and Maturity of US Treasuries and Bonds

Based on the current long-term interest rates, expectations theory aims to forecast how the short-term interest rates will change or behave in the future. According to the hypothesis, an investor would make the same amount of interest by purchasing two consecutive one-year bonds as opposed to one two-year bond today...

Visor Ltd’s Cash Budget Analysis

January February March £ £ £ Income Cash Sales 2,200 5,200 5,500 Payments from previous months sales 30,750 19,800 46,800 Total cash inflow 32,950 25,000 52,300 Expenditure Purchases 10,000 11,000 13,000 Salaries 8,000 9,000 10,000 General overheads 14,200 16,200 17,200 Other expenses 43,000 0 0 Total Cash Outflow 75,200 36,200...

How We Were Ruined & What We Can Do: Summary

Many professionals and analysts in the industry have talked about the events that led to a massive financial crisis in the United States in 2008. In his review, Madrick looks at several publications about the mortgage implosion. The author argues that, although the system initially had some potential value for...

Crypto Exchange Control Analysis

The Internal Revenue Service is tasked with collecting taxes in the United States and monitors transactions made by those in real and cryptocurrency businesses. The IRS requires crypto to provide taxpayer information for taxpayers with over $20000 in proceeds or more than 200 transactions in any given year. The provision...

Decent Work in Western Australia

Introduction The world as a whole should benefit from economic prosperity. According to the UN (n.d.), SDG8’s aim is to “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all” (para. 1). This is why the government must ensure that economic growth produces honest...

Political Economy: Sweden vs. Italy

While Sweden and Italy share multiple characteristics, such as political democracy, relative territorial proximity, and similar traits, the political economies contrast on various levels. It can be attributed to the fact that Sweden is an example of classic corporatism. Thus, different corporate groups form associations that can then advocate and...

Basic Concepts of Macroeconomics

Introduction In this essay, I want to highlight the main concepts from Chapter 4 of macroeconomic principles and tell you what they mean. I believe the basic concepts are supply and demand, market equilibrium, monopoly, oligopoly, and competition. I can say that the whole economy is built on these concepts,...

Stocks vs. Bonds: Similarities and Differences

According to Brigham & Houston (2021), an ownership stake in a company is represented by common stock, each of which entitles the owner to dividends and the ability to vote on the company’s directors and policies. On the other hand, a bond is a long-term agreement between the borrower and...

Economics Principles in Thomas Sowell’s Quotes

Human development is closely related to the many spheres of life, like economics, medicine, and education. Thomas Sowell has proposed various ideas which approve the fact that people and economics support the existence of each other. The leader talks about fairness regarding people’s achievements in the first quote. The economic...

Free Trade and Prosperity

Based on the Ricardian Trade model, it is worth having free trade even if some people are losing. Free trade promotes access to lower-priced goods with higher quality. Although some people in the home country will experience losses, imports from countries like Mexico and China are cheap, and this helps...

Analyzing Industrial Policy Using the Opportunity Cost Concept

Governments in different countries have specific industries considered critical in realization of developmental goals in the economy. The industrial policy supports the allocation of resources to sectors thought to be most essential by a certain administration. The opportunity cost concepts in economics can clearly explain the shift of resources from...

A Career in Economics: Understanding Human Behavior and Tackling Social Issues

Economics, a diverse discipline that extends beyond fiscal matters and quantitative proficiency, presents a dynamic and gratifying career trajectory. Fundamentally, it delves into human conduct and the distribution of resources within societal frameworks. This complex field encompasses micro and macroeconomics, examining the forces that drive individual decision-making and the larger...

“Stand-up Economists Play Off Finances for Laughs” Video Summary

The video “Stand-up Economists Play Off Finances for Laughs” by PBS NewsHour begins with a presentation of Yoram Bauman, an American economist. He rejects the general idea of the economy being considered a dismal and boring discipline. Bauman proclaims himself “the world’s first stand-up economist” and entertains the public with...

Paul Romer’s Nobel Prize

Economics is a complex subject that contains numerous problems affecting humanity. Paul Romer, who received the Nobel Prize award for his explanation of the continuous growth of markets, provided people with an understanding of a critical concept of how markets behave (Cowen). The writer’s praise for Paul Romer is well-deserved,...

Economist Valentines

Love can be expressed in multiple unusual and genius ways. One of these means is demonstrated in the page “14 Ways an Economist Says I Love You” (Fosslien). The images and their captions illustrate that pleasure experienced from Valentine’s Day and love can be viewed by economists as perfect economic...

The Most Popular Stand-up Economist

The writings in the article are a representation of the economist comedian himself. Yoram Bauman argues that he is the only stand-up economist in the world who is also gaining considerable popularity. His most popular video gained over one million views (The world’s first). Bauman has a Ph.D. in economics,...

Can We Afford a Welfare State

In the USA Biden aims to address social problems by expanding the scope and size of the government social spending. However, such idea is highly debatable and can lead to negative economic consequences. In the article “Can We Afford a Welfare State?” by N. Gregory Mankiw, the author discusses the...

Using Supply & Demand Tool for Analysis

Venezuela Half a century ago, Venezuela was the world’s second oil-producing country. Its production began in the country back in the 20s by large American companies (“Death by Socialism”). Oil provided 90% of exports and 60% of budget revenues (“Death by Socialism”). The country quickly became the leader in Latin...

The Unemployment and Inflation Causes in Australia

The change in the Australian 2021 indicator of unemployment is the representation of cyclical unemployment since it lasted less than a year. While growing by 42.3% from 2019 to 2020, the unemployment rate decreased in the following year to 33.8% from 2020 to 2021 as seen in table 1 (University...

Moroccan Central Bank’s Ethics and Systems

Introduction The banking sector in the last two years has been impacted greatly by the COVID-19 pandemic. The situation led to emergence of various innovations and a new way of thinking in terms of the approach towards work. For instance, the Moroccan Central Bank adopted the idea of working at...

Aspects of Monetary and Fiscal Policy

To assist the economy in achieving its objectives of expansion, level of employment, and price stability, the government is taking several measures. It exploits its power of taxing and spending through fiscal policy and exercises its authority to control the money supply and the level of interest rates through monetary...

The Yield to Maturity of the Bond and Its Duration

Background of the Case Bonds are loans between investors and corporations. Companies issue bonds in order to raise money for ensuring interest payments in exchange (Bond Issuers). The maturity date is the day when a company is obligated to repay its investor the bond (Bond Issuers) fully. In this case,...

Tax Policy on Cryptocurrencies

The cryptocurrency market is expanding at an alarming rate, and it is estimated that it will surpass the $5 billion mark by 2030. Although investors and big business organizations have tried to evade the influence of cryptocurrency in the market, their evasion might not be sustainable for long. However, the...

Canadian Housing and Mortgage Rules Changes Analysis

Overview of Rule Changes Change No.1 The Liberal Government has recently introduced 4 essential changes in current Canadian housing and mortgage rules. It is difficult to state that Canadian homebuyers were in a vulnerable position but announced adjustments intended to ensure additional protection of citizens from mortgages they cannot afford....

Getting Down to Business in China

Introduction Nowadays, China is one of the most prosperous countries for business. It has rapidly established itself as one of the most influential world leaders in international trade. Businesspeople often prefer Chinese business platforms to start entrepreneurship, as there are numerous advantages. Moreover, China is one of the most attractive...

The US Economy’s Effects of the Aging Population

Changes in vital macroeconomic variables demonstrate how demographic shifts significantly impact the United States economy. Many factors, including saving habits, productivity, and investment opportunities, all contribute to long- and short-term macroeconomic conditions. Older people are slowing down economic growth, which has an adverse effect on actual returns and increases inflationary...

International Sales, Contracts, and Payment Methods

Contracts, a tool for regulating and managing commercial operations in a distinct world economic market, play an increasingly significant part in international traffic. A network of increasingly varied international agreements in this area has to be developed and expanded due to the growth of international economic interactions, including those between...

Important Changes in the American Economy

America has one of the greatest national economies, serving as a capitalist and democratic benchmark for many countries worldwide. Its financial markets, growth, and innovation have always helped the government to retain its impeccable reputation. However, the history of the U.S. economy is long and not without failures. The system...

European Economic Integration and Divide in Zones

Introduction Economic integration offers numerous benefits to states of the Eurozone. These include multiple market opportunities, stable economies, mutual support, and specific monetary union with a single currency. Thus, the creation of the second one can add unnecessary complexity to the functioning of this organization. It means that there can...

The Effect of Economic Situation on People

Difficult economic periods in the country have a significant impact on people and their habits and behavior. One of the most critical periods in the United States of America was the crisis of 2008, which greatly affected the life of society. The main economic consequences of this period were an...

Investments: Dealing with Risks

Investing in any market or venture carries the risk that the expected return on investment will not be realized or the initial investment will not be recovered. These risks may be ignored when the amount involved is negligible and if the loss cannot affect the financial health of the individual...

The Issues of Collusion and Discrimination

The vision of a free market with an invisible hand taking care of social benefits and public well-being serves as one of the dimensions of capitalism as an ideology. For its achievement, the market should adhere to specific conditions and be competition-based and economically unbiased. However, there are numerous barriers...

Globalization Challenges in Developing Countries and Japan

Introduction A developing country is a nation whose economy is in the process of development. This means that these countries are working to improve the living standards of their citizens and expand their economic base. In general, developing countries are characterized by low levels of income (Saner et al., 2019)....

Pensions: Understand and Mitigate Risk

Introduction Numerous people have stopped taking care of their retirement security in old age, becoming accustomed to having the state accomplish it. At the same time, the state system of pensions and various social benefits has become hostage to what has brought it privileges in the past. Therefore, understanding the...

Credit History and House Purchase

Introduction Credit history determines a person’s ability to manage debt in the future. It demonstrates the time, place, and organization of the owed credit and affects a person’s opportunities and chances for applying for the credits or loans. A person with a low credit history is less likely to rent...

The United States Fashion Industry’s Future Performance

Industry Goods and Services As a commodity of the contemporary era, the fashion industry is the third-largest global enterprise after automobiles and technology (Pelikánová et al., 2021). Fashion is dedicated to the trade of manufacturing and making clothes sales, and it incorporates manufacturing, design, distribution, retailing, marketing, and promotion. Further,...

Investigating the Nexus Between Human Trafficking and National Security

Executive Summary This research paper investigates the nexus between human trafficking and national security from an economics perspective. The main research variables investigated in the inquiry relate to the global sociopolitical issues, economic interests underpinning the trade, and health factors affecting national security. The secondary research method was used to...

Aspects of Price Elasticity of Demand

Introduction The work of any company critically depends on its ability to analyze the market and its target audience. The fact is that the modern business environment is a complex phenomenon impacted by numerous factors. It also means that companies have to work in a highly changeable environment as altering...

The Gasoline Demand and Its Economic Impact

For many products, demand is more elastic from the price for a long rather than a short period. One of the reasons is that it takes time for people to change their consumer habits. For example, even if coffee prices rise sharply, the required amount will decrease only gradually since...

Economic Evaluation: Prevention of Suicide and Drug Overdose

Introduction This economic evaluation concerns the program developed to help prevent suicide and drug overdose in Racoon City. Suicide and drug overdose present severe problems for young people who represent approximately 35% of the total Racoon city population (Program Evaluation Scenario). This age category presents the experimental group in the...

Capital Budgeting Techniques and Financial Performance Evaluation

Capital Budgeting Techniques Capital budgeting is a significant part of a project, and the corresponding techniques allow business owners to improve the wealth of investors and stockholders. The primary purpose of capital budgeting techniques (CBT) is to recover the invested capital and further increase the overall profit of all parties...

Tracking the Air Cargo Industry’s Response to Russia’s War on Ukraine

Russia’s war in Ukraine is one of the most devastating events in the XXI century. Besides causing thousands of human tragedies and destroying local infrastructure, it is changing the global economy forever. The global supply chain of goods is one of the spheres deeply affected by the war. Due to...

A Black Tax Phenomenon: Economic and Social Perspectives

Tension / problem / practical The topic of black tax has particular disturbing importance for me. My story starts in my motherland, Zimbabwe, in Matare. In my childhood, I realized that proper education and well-paid jobs should be available for all people, regardless of their status, blood ties, and opportunities....

America’s Banking Industry: Past, Present, and Future

Introduction Banking has evolved in several ways throughout the decades. Compared to previous years, banks now provide a wider variety of goods and services, and they do it more quickly and effectively. However, banking’s core role continues to be the same as it has historically been. Banking institutions utilize a...

Dynamic Complexity and 2008 Financial Crisis

Introduction Complexity refers to a topic that many individuals intuitively comprehend. If more requirements or components are added, a system automatically becomes more complex. In the digital era, as internationalization and technology advances establish an ever-evolving world at a rapid pace, it is difficult not to see the effects of...

Microeconomics: Scarcity and Social Provisioning

Introduction At its core, economics deals with people’s decisions to sustain the scarce amenities available to them. Microeconomics is the subdivision of economics that relates to the choices made at a personal point. The choices made may include clients and companies that a person makes after analyzing resources, costs, and...

Ann Arundel’s Fiscal Policy Analysis

The county government of Ann Arundel spends close to trillions of US dollars on its annual budget expenditure. The money is funded from the local taxes and finances all state departments’ needs in providing necessary services to the community. As such, analyzing the expenditure of Ann Arundel’s county departments and...

Baby Boomers and the US Economy

In 1946, the year after World War II, there were 3.4 million births, a 20 percent increase over 1945; the so-called “baby boom” officially started at this point (Hayes, 2022). There were an extra 3.8 million births in 1947, 3.9 million in 1952, and over 4 million births each year...

The Harm the Oil Sector Imposes on the World

Introduction The oil sector has brought more substantial harm than benefits to the world. Since oil was first produced commercially in the mid-19th century in the USA, the global oil rush has left more damage to humanity than benefits. For decades, oil has been fundamental in fuelling our motor vehicles...

Mitigation Programs: Case of Emergencies

Mitigation programs have a critical preventive function in case of emergencies. As a rule, these programs are undertaken at the state level, but the support of the business sector and community members is equally important. With their help, local support of resources, distribution of management coordination, and assistance in monitoring...

Tax Issues Relating to Multinational Corporations in America

Introduction Tax issues always depend on various external factors affecting the level of politics and economics. The strongest of these is the pandemic, which has required an immediate response from governments around the world. The pandemic has made adjustments to the global economy, consumer behavior styles, and company opportunities and...

Price Inelasticity of Demand in Economics

Summary In economics, price inelasticity of demand refers to the fact that a price change has little or no effect on the quantity demanded of a good or service. Consumers do not respond much to changes in price; they pay more for the same amount of goods (Bhandari 2018). Understanding...

Future Fuel Price Rise and Its Impact on Population

For this discussion, I found an article discussing future fuel price rises. Given world events and the instability of the global economy, this news should be put into the context of possible prospects. Changes in logistics routes for raw materials and the revision of investment currencies are also strongly influencing...

The Wage System in the Restaurant Industry

The wage system in the restaurant industry differs from the rest of the business segments. Black (2021) writes that waiters in cafés and restaurants have a particular type of minimum wage for tipped employees, which is significantly lower than the standard federal minimum wage. As a result, waiters rely on...

Price and Behavioral Discrimination

Discrimination in various kinds is always harmful and destructive action, whether it considers more narrow or broader aspects. There is a specific type of discrimination in the business industry, specifically the sales field. Marketers and managers can speculate prices based on customers’ characteristics or buying opportunities. Thus, this paper aims...

Innovations Disrupting the Existing Market

Every year the number of innovations that humanity masters worldwide is becoming more and more. The main task of any invention is to improve or simplify a person’s daily life. Despite this, controversial innovations are emerging in the world that were created to improve lives but at the same time,...

Inflation, Oil Prices, and How the President May Influence Them

Introduction Inflation and oil prices are actual modern themes, as they are directly connected with the incomes and wealth of most people. Various factors influence them, and only some of them may be regulated by the government. In addition, every governmental regulation leads to drawbacks: for example, it may reduce...

“What If Riding the Bus Were Free?” by Bennett

The article What If Riding the Bus Were Free by Andrea Bennett offers a perspective on the benefits of society’s transition to free transportation service. The paper contains nine headings under which it discusses various issues of free travel – current programs, social conditions (invalidity, race, gender), experiments, and tax...

Learning Investment Philosophy from the Masters

Quite possibly, Benjamin Graham would have called my philosophy and train of thought an attempt at speculation due to insufficient analysis of McDonald’s and Coca-Cola. The valuation could have been based on a broader time frame and many other external factors that affect the price. It is worth taking into...

Childhood Obesity in the US from Economic Perspective

Childhood obesity is a complex issue that requires consideration from the perspective of several areas, including economics. Looking at the problem of childhood obesity from an economic point of view offers an understanding of a wider range of causes and consequences and the definition of government intervention in solving this...

Japan: The Rapid Economic Development

Introduction Japan is among the most developed countries in the Asian continent. It has an unregulated trade and is a member of the two major global governance clubs, namely the G7 and G20. The country’s main industries are manufacturing, agriculture, fishing, and tourism. It lies off the eastern coast of...

International Finance: Purchasing Power Parity Theory

Introduction It is important to note that international finance is a complex and multifaceted subject. An individual seeking to understand the field and its dynamics needs to be able to explore the methods used to conduct international business in the multinational financial environment. He or she needs to have knowledge...

One Belt, One Road: China’s Global Emergence

Introduction China bids on foreign infrastructure development due to its potential to advance Chinese diplomacy and economy and enhance security. The Belt and Road (BR) project was announced by President Xi Jinping in 2013 (Ye, 2020). The first reason, foreign “infrastructure diplomacy,” was to enhance “mutual connectivity” throughout the Asian...

Natural Gas and LNG Market Prices

Introduction Natural gas and LNG are natural resources traded as commodities and widely used worldwide for various purposes: primarily for energy production. Those are heat generation in cold regions of Earth in winter and natural gas usage at power plants for electricity generation. Natural gas is, basically, methane, a gaseous...

Affordable Homes in Tampa City

The fantastic weather is one of the most prominent reasons why people relocate to Tampa. Many of Tampa’s neighborhoods are peaceful and secure, with abundant natural vegetation and animals. The coastline, watercraft, and other fantastic parks are among the many attractions in Tampa that are suitable for families. The City...

Hyperinflation and Its Causes and Examples

Hyperinflation can be referred to as a situation where there is an excessive, rapid, and uncontrollable increase in the price of commodities in an economy (Simonson, 2021). Other economists define hyperinflation as accelerating inflation or very rapid inflation, often with more than 50% per month. It is a sporadic event,...

Globalization and Democratic Peace Theory

The modern world is characterized by the emphasis of many states on the policy of globalization. Under this strategy is understood the establishment of cooperation between nations and governments, as well as the unification of mankind in the face of common problems of both androgenic and natural nature. Based on...

Gasoline Consumption and Tax Effects

Gasoline taxes are an important policy tool for reducing reliance on oil imports, curbing externalities associated with car use, and increasing government revenues. Externalities associated with car use are local air pollution, CO2 emissions, traffic accidents, and traffic congestion (Andersson, 2019). Concerns about climate change, air pollution, national budget imbalances,...

Why the Unemployment Rate Needs Fixing in the US

The Unemployment Rate In the context of present-day developments, the unemployment rate appears to be a crucial indicator for evaluating the economic situation in different countries. It reflects the general living standards of the population and the level of poverty. However, the question about which categories of workers should be...

Should the Federal Minimum Wage Be Increased?

Introduction Former Californian governor, Jerry Brown, is famous for this quote: “The minimum wage has not kept pace with rising costs”. Within the past two decades, the United States has witnessed an increasing population. Most of the country’s citizens continue to encounter numerous challenges, including rising costs for primary goods,...

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the US Economy

Introduction The study’s main objectives include identifying the role of SMEs in the U.S. economy. The research will consider the number of SMEs in a specific city, identify their primary activities, find the number of employees working in a specific SME, and estimate these changes. The project will also aim...

Stocks Evaluation: What Is a Market Maker?

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq) are the largest stock exchanges in the United States. The fundamental similarity between them lies in the trade organization model — both NYSE and Nasdaq use market makers to maintain a fair and orderly market (Hayes, 2022). A...

Banks’ Roles in Averting or Resolving Financial Crises

Banks are the main financial intermediaries not only in the national but also in the global economy. Accordingly, the progressive development of the international economic system with all its connections and interdependencies depends on how stably and efficiently their activities are organized. To prevent financial crises and create conditions for...

Fiscal and Economic Constraints in South Africa

Introduction Since the end of Apartheid system in the early 1990s, South Africa has continued to prosper economically. The policies set by the South African government to ensure the redistribution of wealth have been second to none. Nonetheless, the issue of inequality, particularly financial disparity, remains rampant in South Africa....

Postwar Economic Prosperity of Ordinary Americans

After the Second World War, the postwar economic boom was a period of international commercial expansion characterized by considerable economic growth and high productivity. The US experienced a lot of success after the war, which changed the lives of regular Americans, making them more comfortable than they were before. The...

The Impact of the Ukraine War on Moldova

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia threatens to have far-reaching consequences for many of Ukraine’s neighbors. Moldova stands as an example of Ukraine’s neighbors that has experienced effects of the war. It is the smallest country in Eastern Europe, with a populace of fewer than three million people and now...

Investment Portfolio: McDonald’s and Coca-Cola

For this work, it is assumed that shares were bought from two companies: McDonald’s and Coca-Cola, on February 23, 2022. The current count is taken from the available date of June 1, which is 98 days between dates. The total and annual percentage returns are shown in Table 2, which...

Experiments in High-Frequency Trading

Introduction With the evolving technology the nature of trading is also changing drastically. High-frequency trading (HFT) is one example that enables firms, private businesses, and other institutions to execute a trade within fractions of seconds using certain algorithms and different computer programs. This method of trading has become very popular...

How to Cure Inflation: Summary

In the introduction, the video introduces the history of paper money, talking about gold and tobacco. Then, it moves to discuss inflation in the United States. Between 1972 and 1978, wages grew, but the increase in income tax lowered the buying power of people – this is called “taxation without...

Globalization: Climate Crisis and Capitalist Ideology

One of the main features of the development of the world community in recent decades has been globalization as part of the profound integration processes that are changing the world structure. Since globalization has become a real agenda for the geopolitical arena, critical transformations have taken place in the world....

Target Corporation as an Investment Opportunity

Investment decisions should be made after a thorough analysis of the company’s previous and current financial experiences to be successful and have a high chance of generating profits. Therefore, as a potential investor, I would avoid investing in the company I have investigated for only one term, even if this...

Financial Intermediation and Instability Studies

Review of Financial Articles This paper is a presentation of a review of articles that talk about financial theories. The first article is titled Theory and Policy in response to “leaden age” financial instability: Comment on Felix written by Pollin (1997). The second article is named Measuring the Impact of...

Economic and Social Landscape in Australia

Introduction The Australian economy has shown flexibility in tough times like the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) stated that the Australian economic growth rate remains at 4.2 percent as of March 2022 (The Australian Economy, 2022). It is projected that the Australian gross domestic product (GDP) will be...

Economic History and Long-Term Challenges of China

China’s economy has been the world’s fastest expanding, Since the 1980s. It took over four decades for China to begin economic reforms and trade liberalization. The “fastest sustained expansion by a large economy ever,” the World Bank said. Since 1979, when it opened its doors to foreign commerce and investment,...

Microeconomic Analysis of Australian Oil Market

Introduction The rise in the price of gasoline is a widely discussed topic in Australia. This market affects and significantly affects the lives of both end consumers and at larger and larger levels of the economy. Since the Morrisson government significantly promoted the idea of reducing the pressure on the...

The Implications of the European Union and the Pacific Alliance 2013

Introduction A trading bloc refers to an agreement between different countries that reduces barriers among member states. They can be in the form of stand-alone treaties amongst some nations or part of a regional organization. These institutions result in trade liberalization and creation between states as they are treated favorably...

Economic Issues of Housing Crisis in New York

There are many microeconomic issues which affect American cities, and one of the most prominent of them is the housing crisis. In New York, the problem with the rising rent and a growing homeless population is particularly notable and attracts considerable attention of local media. In the article, “Eric Adams...

Sound Money and Sound Financial Policy by Bordo

Bordo (2000) mainly expounds on Anna Schwartz’s sound finances and stable monetary policies. His work presents American historical evidence that shows the interrelationship between measures of financial movement and aggregate price stability. Therefore, the primary purpose of this article is to examine the application and effect of Anna’s policies. Bordo...

Canada’s Economy: CUSTFA and NAFTA

Introduction Reform strategies, including abolishing price restrictions, deregulation of capital markets, reduction of trade-based barriers, and commercialization and austerity, are examples of neoliberalism today. Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. came into agreement with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994. The free-based trade agreement went into effect on...

The Impacts of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Mitigating Economic Recession

Introduction The United States has encountered many incidences of recession since the end of World War II. However, the Great Recession, which suppressed the country’s economy, occurred throughout 2008 until June 2009. The financial crisis severely traumatized employees in industries, household livelihood, and routine production activities (Gertler & Gilchrist, 2018)....

Unemployment and Political Regime

Introduction The political stability of any country depends on numerous factors and is vital for its further evolution. First of all, the economic factors are critical determinants of how the nation evolves and the health of the whole system. At the same time, the level of citizens’ trust in their...

Anne Arundel County: Public Finance and Management

Introduction Analysis of revenue sources is extremely important to understand how the financial health of the county can be improved. According to Aikins (2011), the majority of local governments struggle with meeting the growing needs of US citizens in government services. The primary reasons for the matter are decreasing financial...

Do Financial Policymakers Use Financial Theory?

Burgess and Larsen (1995) conducted an investigative study to find possible ways to reduce financial risks using the market merger. In pursuit of these, they purposed to utilize the active depository institutions between 1980 and 1970. Their focus was mainly on depository institutions like Bank Holding Companies (BHCs) and Loans...

The Hispanic Unemployment Issue in the US

The demographic under focus is the Hispanic population of the United States. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2022a), the unemployment rate for this population was 4.3% in May 2022. Meanwhile, the national average for the same period was moderately lower and stated to be 3.6% (U.S. Bureau...

The Coinbase NFT Marketplace Analysis

Introduction Coinbase nonfungible token (NFT) is separate from the cryptocurrency business, and research and development create new products to improve existing offerings. NFTs are different from cryptocurrencies because they are unique and not interchangeable. Coinbase NFT saw increased operating costs and research and development, although they would not see a...

Monetary Policy Study by Mizen & Yalcin

Mizen & Yalcin (2006) conducted a study to find out the relationship between a company’s financial composition and its monetary rules and regulations. In particular, they suspected that these factors had a close relationship with the kind of responses employees have in their workplace. To achieve this, the authors sought...

The Logic of a Systematic Approach

Any organizational process is based on the logic of a systematic approach (Teece, 2018). Systems theory assumes that a system consists of interdependent and interconnected parts that interact during the workflow (Gordon, 2022). Contributing to each other, the elements stimulate the well-coordinated work of the organization without failures and weak...

Finance and Development by Arestis et al

Arestis, Nissanke, and Stein (2005) conduct an investigative and informative piece where they focus on financial liberalization policy. They suggest that financial crises are unavoidable since they are caused by policies with little utilization of economic development and finance. In their view, the authors believe that flawed theories lead to...

Categories of Price Discrimination

A monopoly can take advantage of its market power by using price discrimination. In terms of this statement, list and discuss the various categories of price discrimination. For each category, substantiate your answer with the aid of examples. A monopoly is a market situation in which a single company holds...

Changes in American Society, Economics, and Politics

Economic factors frequently influence the reforms that governments choose to implement. National policies, especially in the United States, have always had a significant impact on economic power, the emergence of new company organizations, and the performance of financial institutions. In fact, an economic process in a country demonstrates what individuals,...

People Analytics of the Qatar National Bank

One of the biggest challenges in conducting people analytics research of the Qatar National Bank is working with unstructured data. With the growing number of operations, unsorted data is one of the main types of data that analysts work with. The majority of information is unstructured because it cannot be...

Developing the Islamic Banking Cluster in the UAE

Introduction Islamic banking is a model for offering financial services in addition to the conventional banking system. It entails service delivery guided by the Sharia law requirements as opposed to the usual banking system that is guided mainly by non-religious regulations. Maghfuriyah et al. (2017) state that “Islamic banking as...

Financial Geographies of Housing

Investment is the act of putting money in a business to make it grow and receive more profits. Examples of investor characteristics include goal setting, knowledge of the market, and effective decision-making skills. It is also important to consider project objectives and policies, such as those guiding financial decisions, savings,...

Aspects of Functions of Money

Money is one of the vital tools in society; this invention helped to develop trade and exchange. Many people refer to money as a physical entity; indeed, in economics, money plays a significant role in electronic exchange. Money has several functions; for example, it serves as a medium of exchange,...

Beef Export Benefits for Australia

The traditions of animal husbandry and the culture of meat consumption in Australia have become the main reason that the country is a world exporter of beef. When the first settlers arrived on the mainland, there were no suitable animals for domestication in Australia. In 1788, several cows and a...

The Monetary System and Principles of Economics

If a bank does not have enough own reserves, it can borrow excessive reserves from another bank as a temporary short-term loan. The federal funds rate is the price of this loan, represented by the short-term interest rate. However, in economics, all processes are interconnected, and such federal funds rates...

Postwar Economic Miracle and Consumer Society

Introduction Movies are resourceful works of art that can help viewers analyze historical events and appreciate how they impacted on citizens’ lives. Following the end of the Second World War, various economic and social developments emerged that transformed people’s experiences and pursuits forever. This discussion uses the films, The Marriage...

Fair Trade and Its Benefits for Local Farmers

Most of the world’s cocoa supplies are carried out from small family farms, which are located in different countries of West Africa. The process of growing cocoa is quite time-consuming, and currently, consumers and human rights activists are concerned that children are used in this work. The cost of buying...

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Changing the Economy

COVID-19 has become a global pandemic that has impacted every aspect of our lives. World Health Organization characterized the illness as a pandemic on 11th March 2020, resulting in 3 million cases and the demise of 207,973 people (Bharati et al., 2022). The illness is characterized by flu-like symptoms and...

Demand and Supply in Labor Markets

Among the topics that were covered in chapters 4, 5, and 6, one of the most relevant ones was demand and supply in labor markets. The laws of demand and supply are essential for the functioning of the financial markets. The financial dimension of supply and demand correlation is much...

The United States’ Import and Export

Vehicles and automobiles are one of the most fundamental imports of the USA. The number of cars transferred to the country from abroad has increased in the past decades (Samuels, 2019). The USA is one of the leading net importers in the world of goods and has become the world’s...

Integrated Public Service and Public and Private Partnership

Public/Private Partnership Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are attracting interest in various industries and sectors across the world. PPPs are seen as instruments for more and better infrastructure. In many cases, PPPs offer fiscal advantages in various projects. For example, the public organization could save significant amount of money by outsourcing a...

Massive Rise and Fall of Lumber Market Prices

The negative change in market conditions last year was influenced by several events. The main problem is that the raw material market has been subjected to a rush of demand. The latter has mainly appeared in countries such as the U.S. and China, as well as in Australia. The reason...

How the Pearl Industry Causes Microeconomic Shifts

Introduction Research Question: How does the pearl industry cause shifts in demand and supply, demand elasticity, and externality in Australia? Pearls are found in mollusks or oysters, and they are grown in limited areas of the ocean. They exist in different colors and shapes, and their prices are dependent on...

Primary, Secondary and Stock Markets

Financial Markets Financial markets perform different functions, including fund mobilization, information provision, and risk sharing, which allow different investors to buy or sell their respective financial instruments at fair market value. Investing in the stock market is one of the best ways to grow your money (Shu, 2019). The stock...

Researching of Basics of Budget

The budget in any field of activity or business is an essential part of its functioning. Thanks to the funding, it is possible to calculate all income and expenses, plan any costs, and implement any plan for the modernization of production, its functioning, and improvement. Any company or organization must...

Greenhouse Gas Emission and Externalities

Market failure occurs when there is a misallocation of scarce resources through underproduction or overproduction leading to a less optimal result. In the case of externalities, there is a side effect that is generated from economic activities and yet fails to be reflected in the pricing of commodities. Resultantly, there...

Investing in Ethereum: Advantages and Disadvantages

The rise of technologies provided individuals with new ways to pay for goods and services without using cash. Thus, Ethereum (eth) is one of the cryptocurrencies available to individuals today. It is a specific form of virtual money used in the form of tokens or coins (Bhattacharya, 2021). Today, there...

Recommendations Improving Bitcoin’s Capabilities

Introduction In the digital economy of the new age, there is a noticeable trend toward the use of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies should be understood as virtual alternatives to currencies distributed using blockchain technology; one of the most popular and early cryptocurrencies is Bitcoin. Bitcoin has unique characteristics that give the currency...

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and Its Impact on International Trade

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused enormous human misery, but it has also harmed international trade, which will disproportionately affect low-income nations. Higher costs for commodities such as food and energy resources, raw materials, for instance, will actually increase inflation further, diminishing the value of earnings and putting downward...

Raising Federal Minimum Wage by 2025: Pros & Cons

Introduction There are different opinions regarding the idea of raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025. Currently, the federal minimum wage is $7.25, and supporters and opponents of the increase mandated by the 2021 Wage Increase Act are divided (Cooper et al., 2022). Supporters believe that the...