Social Media and Its Effect on Mental Health

The rapid development of technologies has led to the inability of young people to imagine life without social media. There is a whole generation of adolescents who grew up with gadgets in their hands, and this situation caused concern among their parents and teachers related to the possibility of mental...

Diffusion of Innovations Theory in Public Health

Prevention Intervention and Selected Article The selected injury prevention intervention chosen for this paper is alcohol and drug addiction education, an innovation that can combine several steps of intervention and different programs. Various programs that focused on alcohol, tobacco, and drug addiction education has been already implemented in the United...

Cystic Fibrosis: Case Study

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a disease caused by defective chloride transportation. The defect in chloride transportation is a result of metamorphosis within the cystic fibrosis gene leading to abnormalities of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Six categories of defects due to gene mutations include: total lack of gene synthesis; defective gene...

Managed Care in Behavioral Health

Introduction Managed care is a health insurance system dominating in the United States in all the spheres of medical services, including psychological therapy. Managed care has both its opponents and proponents, particularly when issues related to behavioral health are discussed. It might be, therefore, useful to consider managed care in...

Health Outcomes of African Americans With Hypertension

Introduction Hypertension or arterial hypertension is a health condition characterized by high blood pressure in the arteries. According to Hekler et al (2008), hypertension is a major health concern in the United States, and despite numerous efforts being made to deal with the problem, cases of people with controlled hypertension...

A Qualitative Study of Hand Hygiene Compliance

Sunkesula, V. C., Kundrapu, S., Knighton, S., Cadnum, J. L., & Donskey, C. J. (2017). A randomized trial to determine the impact of an educational patient hand-hygiene intervention on contamination of hospitalized patient’s hands with healthcare-associated pathogens. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 38(5), 595-597. Web. The authors conducted a quantitative...

The Practice of Nursing Research: Drug Round Tabards

The article by Verweij et al. (2014) is devoted to the research of the effectiveness of drug round tabards with respect to reducing the cases of nurse interruptions and medication administration errors. Here, the results of the study will be considered in the light of the limitations, and possible conclusions...

Caregiver Burden for Adult Children Whose Parent Has Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction For many years, immediate family members and other informal caregivers have acted as the primary source of care for persons with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). As primary caregivers, families of patients with AD experience enormous stress because the disorder requires intensive supervision of patient behavior and support of daily living,...

The Health Belief Model (HBM)

The Health Belief Model (HBM) was developed in the early 1950s by health service psychologists who were looking for an explanation as to why so few people were involved in disease detection and prevention programs. Interestingly, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, (2012) “HBM was one...

Implementation of the Roy Adaptation Model in Nursing Practice

Introduction This paper focuses on Roy Adaptation Model (RAM). Callista Roy is the founder of this nursing theory. She came up with this model in 1964 in the course of her graduate studies at the University of California. Sister Callista Roy studied together with Professor Johnson who was the founder...

Reduce Emergency Room Wait Times

Introduction An emergency-room is special medical treatment care that normally specializes in providing acute care to a number of patients who visit the hospital without any appointment, either through ambulances or by their own means. The emergency department is a department that is found in all hospitals and also in...

Day Care Program of Child

My viewing experience has been productive, and I have learned different aspects of mealtime and daycare practices, in general. After eating, children need to rest for some time for digestion to happen effectively as Tai and the others do (Taispot, 2009, 00:08:26 – 00:09:59). I have also noted that children...

The Health Education Needs of Incarcerated Women

Article Summary The second article evaluated the health education needs of incarcerated women. The main research problem was the absence of adequate programs to offer health education for women behind bars despite their growing numbers. Consequently, the purpose of the research was to assess the existing need for healthcare education...

Social Determinants of Health

Introduction The question that often comes into the minds of researchers when examining the issue of health revolves around the ability to create social structures that can prevent the emergence of diseases. This is what translates into a healthy society. This paper presents an analysis of social determinants of health...

Implementing Effective Management in Healthcare

Summary of the Study This study explores the importance of implementing effective management processes within healthcare systems. It reviews the California health care system. Effective administration of health services is critical. Administration entails allocation of resources, coordination of staff and enhancement of operations. These operations are evaluated within the California...

Reflective Account Using Gibb’s Reflective Cycle

Description When I was working in the ophthalmic ward during the daytime shift, I encountered an 86-year-old British woman. The lady (will be referred to as Mrs. B for privacy reasons) came to the hospital in the company of her daughter. The patient was scheduled for cataract surgery in the...

Practicum Project on Developing and Strengthening Leadership and Management Skills of Nurses

Brief Project Description The focus of the Practicum Project is made on developing and strengthening leadership and management skills. To sophisticate leadership skills and handle managerial procedures, such fields as knowledge management, technology innovation, training programs will be implemented (Chinn & Kramer, 2008). The practicum will involve direct interaction with...

Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary

This paper focuses on the Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA). Specifically, the paper covers benefits of EFDA, laws and regulations in Ohio for EFDA, and it presents a single case scenario in which EFDA was particularly useful. An EFDA personnel are highly trained and competent dental hygienists or dental assistants...

Analysis of Nursing Theory Concept

Nursing Theorist and Background I am currently working as a dialysis nurse (DN). I possess the best competencies and skills as a caregiver. I always provide adequate care and support to patients with End-stage Renal Disease. Many theorists have presented the best skills and concepts towards providing quality care to...

Globalization and Health Systems in India

Abstract This research paper examines the effects of globalization on India’s healthcare system. It explores various areas such as healthcare delivery, acquisition, financing, and ethics. Globalization has significantly revolutionized healthcare systems worldwide. Evolution of healthcare systems has eased service delivery. Notably, globalization has brought about many improvements in India’s healthcare...

Leadership Within a Global Context

Introduction Public health leadership undergoes many challenges that have to be solved to achieve the best outcomes in practices (Hofstede, 2010). Global health leadership development cannot be stopped, and sufficient competencies are necessary (MacPhee, Chang, Lee, & Spiri, 2013). Among the problems in the chosen sphere, the challenge of bringing...

Tuberculosis, Its Causes and Symptoms

Regardless of extra efforts made to avoid TB, the disease has remained a primary public health concern across the world. Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne disease and is caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium. This disease is infectious and mainly affects the human lungs. The bacterium causing TB spreads from...

Quality Management Observation in a Hospital

Main post The concept of quality management embraces a bulk of aspects and perspectives that are not always presented on data collection agenda. In particular, there are services and daily responsibilities that nurses should undertake and that are not specified in the officially compiled codes and policies. It is obvious...

Advantages and Disadvantages or Becoming a Registered Nurse

Introduction All careers have certain advantages and disadvantages. Becoming a Registered Nurse (RN) is one of the potential avenues of developing a nursing career. RNs are the most common type of nurses (Temple 10). The other well-known group of nursing professionals is Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) (Temple 10). The choice...

Case-Control Study in the Field of Health

A case-control study compares the infected individuals to healthy persons. It helps determine the frequency of exposure to a risk factor for the two categories and distinguishes the relationship between the disease and the main cause. It is strictly observational because there is no attempt by an investigator to influence...

Ethical Dilemmas in Public Health

It is critical for administrators in the public health sector to acquaint themselves with the ethical principles that govern the public sector as well as the complexities that surround them. Interest in the legal, ethical, and social aspects of public health is contemporarily at its highest point and is likely...

The US and Singapore Health Systems Comparison

Introduction The country selected for the comparison with the United States in terms of health care systems in Singapore. This country was chosen because Singapore is one of the fast-developing economies. The comparison between the US and Singapore will demonstrate the level of development this country is at now and...

Seizures: Types, Manifestations and Treatment

Introduction Epilepsy is the malformation of the neurological character that may cause unprovoked seizures and changes in the behavior, cognitive perception and motor functions of people of all ages. It is the neurological disease from which people worldwide suffer because of epilepsy being a chronic disorder that anyone may have....

Quantitative Studies of Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries

Background The problem of hospital-acquired pressure injuries is one of the major topics for the modern healthcare sector. For this reason, the selected quantitative studies are designed with the primary goal to improve the understanding of the chosen issue and offer possible interventions to achieve improved outcomes. These are articles...

Emotional Intelligence Reflection About the Patient

Client (first initial only) D Client’s age __ 52_____ Client diagnosis bipolar disorder characterized by manic state and disorganized thoughts. Setting/context (describe) My interaction with the client took place in the psychiatric clinic. During my first day in the psychiatric clinic, the client approached me and I welcomed her to...

Medical Technology and Its Impact on Patients

Patient safety is a basic standard of health care. It is a new medical care discipline, which stresses on giving of the right information, examination, prevention and control of medical mistakes. Medical mistakes mostly lead to detrimental healthcare events. After realizing that health care mistakes affect one out of ten...

Vanguard Healthcare Services, LLC: Health Organization Case Study

Introduction Vanguard Healthcare is a United States non-profit medical organization that operates in four states. It was established in 1997 with a view of offering superior medical services in Arizona, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Texas. The facility offers diverse health care products and services such as behavioral health, critical, cancer, emergency,...

Healthcare in Haiti: No Map, No Plan, No System

Introduction: Haiti Haiti is one of those places that every tourist wishes to visit for the sake of exotic impressions, yet not a single soul wishes to live in because of the dreadful state of economy, an upsetting political situation and deplorable healthcare services. Though Haiti is primarily known for...

The Pharmacokinetics of Pulmonary-Delivered Insulin

Reference to this topic of inhaled insulin versus injectable insulin, pre-clinical studies are animal-based, and they have been carried out with the aim of understanding the pharmacology and disposition of inhaled insulin (Heise et al. 2005, p. 92). These pre-clinical animal-based studies investigate the effectiveness and safety of inhaled insulin...

Public Health and Health Care

Introduction The local government performs numerous public health functions. These functions cover pollution, sewage and sanitation, cigarette sales and smoking in public, fluoridation of drinking water, firearm licensure and prohibition, and drug paraphernalia sales. Moreover, local governments’ functions entail rodents and infestations, sanitary and food and beverage, housing codes, garbage...

Impaired Nurses in Nursing Practice

In healthcare settings, impaired nurses are not praised because impairment is usually observed due to substance or alcohol abuse. In nursing practice, the definition of an impaired nurse is typically associated with a person who consumes alcohol and different types of drugs, and this behavior affects his or her performance...

Electronic Resources in Healthcare

Introduction In the modern world, medical personnel’s awareness of the latest technologies is one of the significant points in the development of healthcare. Electronic resources are increasingly used instead of physical libraries, due to high availability, access to data anytime and anywhere, and mobility, meaning the ability to store a...

ADL: Comprehensive Activity Analysis

The activity of daily living (ADL) analyzed in this paper is the dressing, namely, fastening the buttons on a shirt. A typical performance of the activity is the subject of the analysis. The critical physical goal of the action is to grasp small objects and maintain control of hands and...

Ethical Considerations in Medical Imaging

Summary Modern civilization has witnessed a myriad of changes, especially in the healthcare sector. For instance, changes in modern medication and technology in healthcare delivery have resulted in opportunities and challenges for healthcare professionals. Besides, emerging changes in medicine and healthcare delivery have also been associated with debate on ethical...

Ringworm Infection: Description

Introduction Fungi are both plant and animal pathogens that can be harmful or beneficial to both organisms. Although fungi may be very few in type and number, they cause a spectrum of many infections and diseases. These infections and diseases have been found to be very difficult to treat as...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Symptoms, Treatment

COPD pathophysiology The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has a rather varied pathophysiology, which provides for the need of numerous assessment data while diagnosing and assessing the needs of the COPD patients. Thus, according to McIvor (2004), the development of COPD is characterized by the increased levels of circulation of...

The Effectiveness of the Diagnostic Testing at a CPU

Proposed Solution The diagnostic limitations of the electrocardiographic testing and serum markers make the traditional examination of patients with undifferentiated acute chest pain inconclusive. The proposed solution for this problem is the organization of a specialized unit with all the necessary measurement and laboratory equipment and qualified personnel for the...

Beneficiaries of Palliative Care

Introduction Palliative care entails satisfying the bodily, rational, and social demands of patients or caregivers. It improves patients’ livelihood and ability to recover. This care applies to persons experiencing challenges related to life-threatening conditions. The objective is to prevent or reduce suffering through prompt recognition, perfect examination and management of...

Regulatory and Accrediting Influences on Curriculum

Introduction The need for regulatory and accreditation in certain fields was occasioned by the desire to protect life and health by ensuring that required standards are upheld by all concerned stakeholders. About the dangers and harm, it becomes imperative to lockout incompetent and overly unqualified personnel. In essence, regulation in...

Implementation of the Health Information System (HIS)

The rapid development of advanced technologies has a tremendous impact on all fields of human activity, especially in the healthcare industry, because it enables new attainments and discoveries, facilitates workflow, and promotes reducing errors. Nevertheless, the introduction of contemporary technologies can appear to be a challenging process since it requires...

Overcoming Communication Barriers in Nursing

Despite the fact that lumbar puncture is a regular procedure in a clinical setting, many patients can have fears and negative preconceptions about it. For this reason, a nurse practitioner can face several communication challenges, for instance, a lack of patients’ understanding of the puncture. A pessimistic perception and a...

Nurse Turnover Quantitative & Qualitative Research

Introduction It should be noted that evidence-based care practices are fundamental to effective care. Qualitative and quantitative research is a tool for obtaining new medical data and results. In the context of this study, an analysis of nursing turnover associated with dissatisfaction with work processes due to stress is provided....

Ethical Dilemma: Consenting to Chemotherapy

Abstract Cassandra, a 17-year-old girl, is not legally permitted to make her own medical decisions because of her age. Her mother sides with her decision not to undertake a chemotherapy treatment. The DCF gains custody of Cassandra and decides to compel her to undergo chemotherapy treatment, posing an ethical dilemma...

Dentistry Job Application Form: Overview

Dental health professionals have considerably increased dental care in the UK. During the course of their work, they experience or come across many obstacles that may hinder them to carry out their functions effectively. These risks may be exposed to blood-borne viruses which are often carried in the blood of...

Information Technology Applications in Healthcare

When seeking for the methods of improving the coordination ealthcare, one should look specifically for the presence of options for improving communication. As innovative communication and information-management-related technologies emerged, the opportunities for improving healthcare increased significantly. Currently, health IT applications as the most advanced tool that can potentially be used...

Ethical Concerns Related to Nursing Informatics

The active computerization of health care services has made some nurses believe that certain ethical issues are associated with their practice and nursing informatics. The necessity to use electronic health records and other databases in medical settings that include private data regarding patients creates certain challenges (Huston, 2019). Furthermore, nurses’...

Health Promotion Concepts and Factors

Health promotion is a complex process that involves different aspects of human life and relations with the environment. The healthcare model involves social, economic, and personal development issues important for every individual. Participation in healthcare promotion is intended not only to lead to a more efficient and effective delivery system...

Evidence-Based Practice, Paradigms, and Theories in Nursing

Introduction Like any science, nursing is based on a set of paradigms and theories that validate and guide the research efforts undertaken within the nursing field and practice implications for better patient outcomes. Scientific Paradigms of Nursing Science Nursing is an emerging science that evolves according to the theoretical and...

Nutrition Impact in Developing Type II Diabetes Mellitus

Abstract Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a serious metabolic condition that is affecting large portions of the population and growing at an increased rate. The disease affects virtually all demographics but is associated with overweight and obesity as risk factors. Individuals with type 2 diabetes typically have issues with dietary...

Alcohol Negative Effects on Vital Parts of Human Body

Alcohol abuse is an urgent problem for many modern people, as it is the most affordable way of intoxication. Statistics informs that excessive use of the substance is the reason for “95,000 deaths and 2.8 million years of potential life lost each year in the United States” (Alcohol facts and...

Decreased Appetite and Breathlessness: A Care Plan

Palliative care focuses on reducing pain and other related health problems due to life limiting diseases. For example, take the case of a cancer patient. The patient might have severe and unbearable physical pain and other symptoms. Here, palliative care takes care of the patient by helping to reduce the...

Animal-Assisted Therapy: Definition and Benefits

Introduction Pet owners know that interactions with animals can have positive effects on a person’s psychological condition and well-being. Despite the limited number of forms of communication accessible to animals, they easily become good companions for vulnerable individuals. This paper explores the topic of animal-assisted therapy (AAT), which is among...

Solving the Problem With a Pareto Chart

Pareto Chart is an excellent tool that can help to understand the importance of factors affecting the outcome. Pareto analysis is considered one of the seven basic quality tools are often used by quality managers (Ross, 2014). The method is helpful when quality managers want to prioritize the problems or...

Writing Goals Technique: Dental Hygiene Specialist

Writing goals is a popular technique used in psychology, human resource management, and career planning. Its efficiency has been proved by examples of successful specialists in different fields. Simple as it may seem, writing goals though has certain peculiarities and requires appropriate skills. If to represent goals as destinations, and...

Health Information Technology and Nursing Practice

The development of health information (HI) technology and its adoption in health care settings have led to certain changes in the practice of nurses, as well as other healthcare providers. Firstly, it is important to accentuate key alterations in the documentation and the flow of files in medical environments. It...

PICO(T) Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach

It is of utmost importance to develop new patient care practices or implement changes to the existing ones, thus making them reflective of the recent trends in the field. The so-called PICO(T) method is used to guide the process of data collection since it allows practitioners to formulate specific questions....

Postpartum Teaching Plan Assignment

The discharge with a newborn leads women and their families to significant changes in their daily lives, and it is crucial to teach them the basics to maintain well-being. Firstly, the mother must be educated about possible body reactions, such as bowel and urine difficulties, swelling, and mood switches. Secondly,...

Nurses in an Interdisciplinary Team

The article on the topic of the role of nurses in an interdisciplinary team that will be summarized is “Teaching nurses teamwork: Integrative review of competency-based team training in nursing education” by Barton et al. It concerns the measures that are taken by the educational facilities to prepare future nursing...

Benefits of Water Birth Overview

Introduction The issue of improving the process of labor and mitigating the post-labor consequences is a significant healthcare concern. Waterbirth remains to be a controversial approach, mainly because not many studies were conducted to examine this method. Some evidence suggests that waterbirth has many benefits both for women and neonates,...

Stage-Of-Life and Healthcare Experiences

While the healthcare sector has to treat every patient in the same manner, the reality is far from these statements. Factors like race, gender, sexuality, and age have a determining effect on the quality and overall process of medical care. Thus, it can be argued that every person experiences healthcare...

Nurses Liability Issues in the Emergency Room

Introduction The importance of nurses in the health care system cannot be overstated and it is almost impossible to envision an operational health care facility that is devoid of nurses. Chitty (2005) hails nurses as the backbone of any hospital area and highlights the progress the field has made from...

Key Elements in Motivating Clients to Improve Health Behaviors

One of the most important goals of nurses is to contribute to positive changes in patients’ lifestyles, as well as to the improvement of their health behaviors. Much attention should be paid to motivating individuals to follow a healthy lifestyle or make necessary adjustments because of certain conditions (Carr, 2017)....

Motivation Methods to Quit Smoking

Clinical interventions for patients unwilling to quit cigarette smoking Not all patients are willing to stop smoking cigarettes, and this issue needs to be adequately addressed. According to the recommendations for treating tobacco use published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the interventions for such patients should...

Health Information Technology Service Management

Healthcare is one of the most important services provided to people, as the need to be healthy is shared by all humans. It is crucial that healthcare management keeps improving with the introduction of new technology. The implementation of IT in health services has been a work in progress for...

Healthcare Management: Past, Present, and Future

The Health Information System (HIS) is a relatively interesting invention in the field of healthcare. It refers to a framework for handling health records. Researchers note that it is a “hardware, software, integrated technologies or related licenses, intellectual property, upgrades, or packaged solutions sold as services that are designed for...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Preventive Measures

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a long-term condition that is characterized by the impairment of the kidney function and may lead to a complete kidney failure in case it is not managed. Patients with end-stage renal disease, i.e., those whose kidneys are no more able to perform their function, have...

System-Wide Support for Person-Centered Care

Introduction It seems reasonable to state that person-centered care has become a crucial element within the scope of high-quality and developed healthcare systems. It involves adapting the services of a healthcare organization to patients’ unique needs and requirements. Such an approach indicates respect to their individual views regarding which therapy...

Type 1 Diabetes in Children

Introduction Type 1 diabetes is a major problem among young members of the population because they become infringed from their earliest years. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a large group of complex metabolic diseases characterized by chronic hyperglycemia caused by impaired insulin secretion or action, or a combination of these disorders....

Administrative and Financial System in Healthcare

Hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities are complex systems because their successful work requires high qualifications in clinical practice and administrative tasks. Moreover, the management task is even more complicated than in most industrial enterprises, since the primary interaction occurs between people, which requires constant monitoring and reporting. For this...

Applying Research Skills in the Healthcare Area

Introduction Medication administration errors are a serious healthcare issue due to dangerous patient implications. The problem is the incorrect prescription of drugs, and the nursing staff is usually responsible for this violation. My interest in researching this topic lies in an opportunity to assess the prerequisites for medication errors, determine...

Cervical Cancer: Case Study

Cancer is the second frequent non-communicable disease in many regions of the world after cardiovascular diseases (Global health, 2016). To prevent and combat cancer, it is vital to unite efforts of international and local health organizations. This paper examines the key determinants of cervical cancer, factors to ensure access to...

Rising Health Care Costs: Analyzing Issues

Introduction American health care is, on the one hand, an ordinary branch of the capitalist economy with all its characteristic features. On the other hand, it is a special socially oriented sphere of the modern economy. Substantial elements of state regulation are embedded in the mechanisms of market relations, which...

Financial Management of Healthcare Organizations

Introduction Healthcare is one of the salient aspects of human beings since it determines their ability to do their daily activities. Sick people cannot perform their roles as expected due to physical or mental disabilities. Even though, people do not fall sick often whenever they do they require immediate and...

Nurse Planning Policy Making Visit

Introduction Professionals voicing their opinion to raise awareness of local legislators about healthcare issues may bring substantial improvement in health outcomes. For example, there is a good healthcare policy initiative that consists of the promotion of immunization among students in public education institutions. This policy priority issue could be presented...

Model Characteristics and Their Application to Nursing Roles

Promoting health and preventing disease are two of the core objectives of the nursing practice. To attain them, adequate approaches to the organization and performance of care practices should be implemented, and it is possible to say that Pender’s health promotion model (HPM) can successfully guide practitioners in selecting the...

Treatment of Eating Disorders

Introduction An eating disorder is becoming a major problem in the country. The obesity epidemic is thought to be responsible for increased incidences of an eating disorders. National wide concern with reducing weight to avoid obesity has significantly affected the eating habits of many people. In some cases, some individuals...

Nursing Philosophy and Personal Worldview

Some people may believe that nursing is concerned with certain clinical procedures and communication with different stakeholders. Nursing theories, models, and frameworks are sometimes regarded as superfluous and irrelevant. However, nurses understand the relevance of the theoretical component and often have their own philosophies that guide practitioners and mainly define...

The Capella University Mental Health Counseling Program

Rarely do people stop to think of mental health unless they are forced by circumstances. In my case mental institution is a topic that always fascinates me because I have been around people who happen to have mental problems, I find them very interesting, and I would love to help...

Biological Changes in Late Adulthood

Introduction Gerontologists concur that there is a myriad of changes that take place in our bodies as we age. The changes range from those that are biological in nature to those that are physical, social and psychological. Various factors have been identified as affecting the nature and the direction of...

Outsourcing in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Introduction Our world is living differently than about a decade ago. Some say we are living in a global village. We mean proximity when we talk of village. So, it is just so near, or a short distance. This is the twenty-first century where everything and everyone are interconnected. Communications...

Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia

Introduction Panic disorder is a chronic a psychiatric condition that can be treated. This condition is normally found in young adults, and it has been estimated that about sixty percent of patients who suffer from panic disorder also have agoraphobia. Agoraphobia often coincides with Panic Disorder. Agoraphobia is defined as...

Nurses in Handover Communication Analysis

Abstract The study represents the evaluation of communication between nurses in handover reports in ward setting. This present the guide and design to improve and develop of flow nursing communication. The information takes place between the nurses is to be said complex. Furthermore, it is not yet known how the...

Nurse-Family Relationship and Barriers to It

Introduction Nurses are trained to provide timely and personalized health services to patients depending on their needs. They should work with families, identify the challenges affecting them, and offer appropriate medical support. The purpose of the description of the hypothetical family below is to identify key barriers to forming effective...

Parental Refusal of Medical Treatment for Children

Parents refusing medical treatment for children the tendency towards the increased level of refusals deterioration of the healthcare sector image poor quality of suggested services the unreasonably high price of treatment nurses inability to meet diverse demands cultural and religious issues Today, we could observe the tendency towards the increased...

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring Its Application in Nursing Practice

Nursing theories provide conceptual frameworks for studying phenomena and developing knowledge in healthcare. Different models can be applied to different domains of nursing and used at all levels of abstraction, which allows formalizing the process of research in the field. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the theory...

Women’s Health: Nursing Care for Lesbians

The scenario presents several significant challenges for a healthcare provider. The patient’s biophysical environment is critical to consider, as it provides a framework for further explorations of her well-being. The fact that Betty, the patient, lives alone indicates a potential challenge of coordinating the support for her health care. However,...

Sleep Disorders Analysis: Reasons and Effects

Introduction Poor sleep is a health issue that affects children, adolescents, and adults, with insufficient rest contributing to various physical and emotional health issues. Due to this, increasing public knowledge of how sleep improvement can improve health, wellness, productivity, and life quality is among the Healthy People 2020 goals. Sleep...

Effects of Meta-Synthesis and Meta-Analysis on Research Translation

The efficiency of research translation heavily depends on the reliability and validity of the conducted studies. Practices of meta-synthesis and meta-analysis allow combining data from multiple resources for the improved statistical analysis, providing the highest quality evidence on a research topic. By reducing bias and presenting consistent findings within the...

Nurse Leader’s Interview on Workplace Duties

Introduction Delivery of care services to patients requires nurses to work as teams, which should be led by managers for the effective running of duties. Therefore, nurse leaders play an important role in the day-to-day execution of duties in different healthcare set-ups. In addition, such individuals are tasked with change...

Understanding Ebola: Epidemiology of Virus Disease

Epidemiology is a key pillar of any public healthcare system. It ensures optimal health for human populations through surveillance, data-driven health promotion, and prevention. Epidemiological tools are used to screen for disease-causing agents, their natural hosts, and means of transmission for effective interventions. This paper applies the concepts of epidemiology...

Global Health Crisis and Initiatives to Tackle It

The World Health Organization (WHO) is continuously tracking global health shifts and challenges that arise around the world. One of the health crises that appeared recently is a novel coronavirus. The World Health Organization has recently declared a coronavirus to be “a global health emergency” (“Coronavirus declared global health emergency,”...

Nurse Understaffing and Change Proposal

Nursing Theory Utilized In order to address the problem of nursing staff shortage, one will need to consider the use of the transitions theory (TT) since it allows embracing change in the selected setting and encourage its active promotion for the sake of patients’ well-being. Designed by Meleis, the specified...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Community Teaching Plan

Introduction One of the objectives of Healthy People 2020 is to improve the availability and effectiveness of community education programs that are focused on the prevention of disease and improvement of population health. As a health educator, it is my goal to help people in the community through the promotion...

New Sustainable Development Goals in Healthcare

Sustainable development goals (SDGs) are “a new, universal set of goals, targets, and indicators” that the countries-members of the United Nations are expected to apply as a pattern for planning their activities and developing political policies during the following 15 years (Ford, 2015, para. 1). These goals apply to diverse...

Nursing Care Issue: Medication Error

Nursing Care Issue and Outcome Medication errors constitute one of the most common nursing care issues that can lead to negative health outcomes for patients. Since nurses’ most crucial professional aim is reducing the possibilities of adverse events for patients, it is necessary to avoid such errors and work hard...

Patient Safety: Practice Change Project

Introduction The concept of patient safety is a vital part of nursing that is, however, sometimes excluded from the staff’s discussions about organizational culture. In the example of Hospital Hope, the differences between the actual and hypothetical scenarios are apparent in the responses of the nurses and hospital leaders to...

Professional Nursing Accountability and Ownership

Introduction The issue of accountability remains critical in the field of nursing since it supports the provision of exemplary patient services. Practitioners who own their decisions and actions find it easier to empower more individuals and join care delivery teams. This paper gives a detailed summary and analysis of the...

Nurse’s Role in Disaster Planning and Preparedness

Introduction Public health officials play an important role in disaster planning and emergency preparedness. Specifically, nurses are involved in disaster planning and preparedness together with response and recovery. This section addresses the role of nurses in executing the different aspects of disaster management. Planning The planning phase starts with understanding...

Steps in the Process of Risk Management in Healthcare

Introduction Risk management is essential for any enterprise, but for healthcare organizations, it has even greater significance because, frequently, people’s lives are at stake. Risk is defined as “a probability or threat of damage, injury, liability loss that is caused by vulnerabilities and that may be avoided through pre-emptive actions”...

Comparison of Healthcare Systems: The United States and Switzerland

Introduction The comparison of two separate healthcare systems of different countries can provide an opportunity to find similar and distinctive features in the delivery of medical care to the population. As the objects of analysis, two countries will be considered – the USA and Switzerland, and integrated assessment will help...

Workplace Interpersonal Conflicts Among the Healthcare Workers

The work in a healthcare setting is rather demanding and may sometimes require much more than a thorough preparation and the knowledge of one’s job. Since medical workers and patients communicate on a daily basis and since different people have various opinions and approaches to situations, conflicts are inevitable. Disagreements...

Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution in Nursing

In any environment involving collaboration and communication between individuals, there is a likelihood of conflicts happening. Be it poor working conditions, a low level of someone’s responsibility, or personal misunderstandings, disputes occur rather frequently in all kinds of professions. In the healthcare environment, conflicts are not a rare occasion due...

Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum

During the past decades, researchers have been questioning the regularities of human illness patterns in order to establish the main factors of disease development in the human body. At first, scientists had a tendency to compare human health conditions on the basis of the health state of other people. It...

What Is a Philosophy of Nursing?

Introduction As a nurse, I believe since the time of Florence Nightingale, the goal of nursing has always remained the same, namely to provide a safe and caring environment that promotes patient health and well-being (Selanders & Crane, 2012). This goal forms the foundation of the nursing philosophy. In other...

Leininger’s Culture Care Theory in Nursing Practice

Leininger’s Culture Care Diversity Theory or the Culture Care Theory (CCT) is a concept that defines transcultural features of different natures. By applying this model, nurses can gain a better understanding of their patient’s perception of medical care, allowing a medical professional to be more sensible regarding patient needs. This...

Community Health Nursing and Occupational Safety

Occupational Health Nurses (OHNs) are involved in ensuring workplace safety in different work environments, as the key primary care providers in such environments. In a bid to contextualize the roles of OHNs in the workplace, a car manufacturing company is selected as the community setting for this task. In the...

The Concept of Johnson’s Nursing Care Theory

Introduction In order to provide comprehensive care, junior medical personnel uses various nursing models aimed at meeting specific patient needs and differing in the nature of interventions. For personnel working in intensive conditions, it is essential to have appropriate approaches that allow responding to any changes in the behavior of...

The Legacy of Florence Nightingale

Introduction Florence Nightingale is considered the mother of modern medicine. She was the first person to endorse a scientific and practice-based approach and developed the first medical framework that established some of the basic notions of medicine still used today (Alligood, 2017). Her influence effectively changed medicine from the art...

Roy’s Adaptation Model of Nursing

Different methodologies used in medicine allow impacting on patients differently and help them to restore both physical and mental health. Among the variety of nursing practices and approaches used to care for people, one of the most well-known is considered to be the Roy adaptation model. It is a theoretical...

Technology for Patient Safety: Change Proposal

Introduction Patient safety is the core concept of healthcare, and the rising use of technology can be explained by healthcare establishments’ need to provide patients with a more comfortable and safe environment (Carayon et al., 2014). Such innovations as the Electronic Health Record (EHR) already make some hospitals’ information systems...

Nurse Practitioner’s Strategic Analysis

Advanced practice role in nursing is associated with many responsibilities that affect the quality of patient care. According to Sincy (2016), SWOT is “is a tool that can provide prompts to the managers, clinical leads, nurse tutors, nurse mentors and staff” (p. 34). The method can help me analyze my...

Critical Analysis of “Nursing Pain Management”

Article Title and Abstract The title of this article is straightforward in the sense that it captures the topic of interest and the direction of the research. For example, the reader is made aware of the study’s hypothesis and research methodologies through the title. The article’s abstract is also successful...

“How Do We Heal Medicine?” by Atul Gawande

According to Gawande, modern health systems are becoming more and more complex as technology and specializations develop. People are seeking out the best treatments and specialists, but that does not always result in the best overall healthcare (TED, 2012). High-reliability organizations (HROs) are becoming a central concept in healthcare as...

Oncology Pain Qualitative and Quantitative Studies

Introduction Quantitative or qualitative approaches can be used to attain research objectives. Quantitative research appraises data to allow the generalization of the outcomes of a sample to a large population (Polit & Beck, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to compare information regarding the management of oncology pain as...

Guidance and Coaching in Nursing Care

Guidance and coaching are essential components of work for an advanced practice nurse (APN). Dossey and Hess (2013) state that the purpose of coaching in nursing is “to advocate, identify, and focus on factors that promote health, healthy people, and healthy communities” (p. 10). Thus, a nurse engaged in coaching...

Patient-Centered Care, Quality and Safe Practice

Dimensions of Patient-Centered Care It is known that the Picker Institute currently identifies eight dimensions of care: respecting patients’ needs; communication, information, and education; integration and coordination of services; providing emotional support; physical comfort; making family members involved; continuity and transition; services’ accessibility. Eventually, each of the named dimensions contributes...

The Use of Self-Transcendence Theory in Nursing

Pamela Reed’s Self-Transcendence Theory views people as individuals who develop throughout their life with the help of interactions with others, and within changing environments that either positively or negatively influence people’s overall well-being (including both mental and physical health). The story of Mrs. Richards, a patient who presented to the...

Patient with Chest Pain: Physical Examination

Introduction A comprehensive history and physical examination is a tool developed by and for health care providers for an integrated and evidence-based approach towards evaluating a patient’s health and determining what factors contribute to his or her condition (Benner, Hughes, & Sutphen, 2008). This paper will include a comprehensive history...

Nursing Definition and Personal Philosophy

The Definition of Nursing On a bigger scale, nursing is a concept that includes the protection of human life and the promotion of healthy lifestyles. Nurses serve as a mediator of healing facilitation and are keen on preventing injuries and illnesses (Potter, Perry, & Stockert, 2015). The key objective of...

Outcomes Research and Patient-Centered Care

Outcomes research is an area of public health research that focuses on studying the results of the impact healthcare processes and structures have on the health outcomes of individual patients or populations. Since health outcomes can vary from complete recovery to mortality, studying these tangible events concerning the processes that...

Master’s Prepared Nurse and Leading Change

Introduction Advanced practice nurses are believed to play a crucial part in the current process of healthcare system transformation. At present, medical organizations tend to invest in improving patient care and developing the culture of nursing practice. To improve the quality of medical services, nurses should advocate for evidence-based and...

Patient with Constipation: Diagnostic Study

History Identifying Data Female, 23 years old. Chief Complaint (CC) Patient reports being constipated and having hard and lumpy stools, which are less frequent than before – 2-3 times a week. There is no blood visible, but the patient complains about having to strain during defecation. History of Present Illness...

Learning Theories of Nursing Practice and Training

Introduction Nursing practice is a combination of complex tasks the goal of which is to investigate what a person can do, how working plans should be developed, and when a theory has to be applied practically. During this week, the core of practice is to understand the importance of learning...

Patient’s Diagnosis and Treatment Plan

Summary This case study examines a 15-year-old female, who suffers from dyspnoea and non-productive nocturnal cough. The patient denies pains in her chest and other symptoms. Three differential diagnoses identified for the given patient are as follows: asthma, COPD, and pneumonia. Taking into account that COPD is more attributable to...

Community Needs and Health Screening Initiative

Health screening is known as one of the best ways of identifying and preventing diseases at early stages. Childhood obesity is one of the most serious health problems nowadays. Thus, it is crucial to perform screening for this dangerous condition. The suggested initiative complies with the U.S. Preventive Services Task...

Patients Post Cardiac Arrest Syndrome: Theory of Comfort

Abstract This paper is focused on Kolcaba’s theory of comfort and practice. Its purpose is to consider how it can be applied in practice when working with patients who have the post-cardiac arrest syndrome. The paper is based on five articles that discuss related topics. It gathers trustworthy and reliable...

Telehealth, Its Impact and Challenges

Introduction In the light of recent reforms of health care aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of health care services, the application of patient care information technology, or e-medicine, can be seen as a viable solution to overcoming current health care issues. E-medicine is defined as the integration of...

Nurse’s Overconfidence in Self-Judgment

Description of Overconfidence in Self-Judgement Reasons for Overconfidence in Self-Judgement: Long practice period in nursing. Premature evaluation of certain situations. Ambition and the desire to show capabilities. Insufficient level of vocational training. Excessive praise from colleagues and superiors. Inability to assess taken decisions adequately. Negative Consequences of Overconfidence in Self-Judgement:...

Faith Healing in Bioethics, Its Pros and Cons

Bioethics: Its Impact and Controversy Bioethics: studies controversial issues related to recent advances in medicine and biology from the ethical perspective; helps revisiting and revising ethical standards; affects ways of treatment and the research practice; increases our awareness of ethics in medicine; brings about new questions, dilemmas, and controversies that...

Surgical Nurse’s Roles and Requirements

Abstract The roles of a surgical nurse in a healthcare setting have not been extensively studied despite that surgical nurses are crucial players in surgical procedures. This library research is targeted at searching for literature relevant to the topic. In the course of the research, the core competencies of a...

Maternal Role-Attainment and Nursing Meta-Paradigm

Maternal Role-Attainment Theory and Parent-Child Interaction Model The Maternal Role-Attainment theory identifies the meta-paradigm of nursing as interactional and developmental procedures, attaching a mother to her infant (Masters, 2015). The key purpose of this theory is to ensure that a mother acquired the necessary skills and competence of caring for...

Language Acquisition and Brain Development in Children

Introduction The connection between brain development and the acquisition of language is the subject of numerous debates throughout the history of scientific thought. Particularly, since the beginning of the 20th century, the discussion about this connection became more profound and diverse because significant discoveries have been made in this period....

Nursing Knowledge and Skills Development

Introduction All nurses must develop their knowledge and skills on a regular basis to experience and practice new professional methodologies and approaches to the treatment of their patients. This factor is essential for people who strive to become better at what they do and make all their clients benefit from...

King’s Theory of Goal Attainment in Care Delivery

Introduction In healthcare, issues and problems should be addressed in the most effective manners to obtain optimal outcomes, satisfaction, and positive patient perception of the quality of care. Various techniques, especially on nurse practice, are employed to optimize performance in health care systems and facilities. For instance, King’s Theory of...

United Healthcare Group and Its Strategic Plan

United Healthcare Group is a for-profit managed organization with headquarters located in Minnesota. It offers insurance services and health care products to individuals, small and medium businesses, and international companies. It is one of the largest health care companies in the United States, which provides a wide range of services...

Nurse Staffing Ratios in the Emergency Department

Abstract The study investigates the relationship between nurse staffing ratios to patient outcomes in Emergency Departments. I will approach 54 registered nurses who are employed in different health care organizations and educational facilities. The study will adopt the descriptive correlation, grounded theory based on Delphi approach. The correlation is expected...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Learners: Description Educational lessons targeted at teaching how to overcome the burden of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) will include three types of learners, such as patients, family members, and the healthcare staff. The three-fold approach towards addressing this issue will result in more cohesive efforts for tackling the complications...

Nutritional Support During Pregnancy

Introduction There is a variety of changes that transform a woman’s body during pregnancy. The nutritional pattern followed by the mother will affect both her and her baby’s health. Eating healthy is an essential requirement during pregnancy. It is also important to stick to a balanced diet so as to...

The AACN Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing

Introduction The present paper discusses the plan for a literature review project on the topic of the role of the Essentials of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2011) in the elimination of the barriers that exist in the US for the advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) roles (Altman,...

Nursing: Family Interview and Cultural Assessment

Evaluating well-being within a family represents a unique challenge since a nurse has to address the needs of every family member. Therefore, the choice of an assessment tool defines the success rate of the process to a vast extent. The difficulty of the task intensifies in case an ethnically diverse...

Healthy People 2010 vs. 2020 in the United States

Update of Table 15.1 State Specific Median Proportion Range Objectives 1992/1993 1996/1997 2002 2010 2020 Current Cigarette smoking by adults 23% (15.7%-30.7%) 23.2% (13.8%-30.7%) 23.1% (16.4%-32.6%) 20.6% (20.8% – 15.3%) <12% Adults (aged 18years) who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 27.4% (17.1%-48.1%) 27.8% (17.1%-51.4%) 24.4% (15.0%-33.6%) 20.4% (16.3%-34.1%) <20.1...

Music Therapy and Its Positive Psychological Impact

Introduction Music is known to have healing power and is widely utilized as a therapeutic tool to manage chronic pain and neurological disorders. Music therapy is defined as an evidence-based and clinical use of interventions related to the musical experience. It is generally recognized that music greatly assists in managing...

Direct and Indirect Nursing Care Providers

Introduction: Significance of Learning the Core Competencies It is crucial for a nurse to be able to identify the area of practice and isolate the goals that need to be accomplished. Thus, the needs of the target audiences will be met in a manner as efficient and expeditious as possible....