Nursing Philosophy and Personal Worldview

Some people may believe that nursing is concerned with certain clinical procedures and communication with different stakeholders. Nursing theories, models, and frameworks are sometimes regarded as superfluous and irrelevant. However, nurses understand the relevance of the theoretical component and often have their own philosophies that guide practitioners and mainly define...

The Role of Health Care Administrator

Introduction Health Care management is a very essential tool in the overall successful running of the institutions which offer health care services to patients. The Health Care administrators have a major role in the operation of the hospital facilities as they participate in coordinating and organizing the financing and delivery...

Spirituality and Holistic Care

Introduction “Holistic nursing practice is about healing the whole person, explicitly recognizing and addressing the interconnectedness of body, mind, emotion, spirit, society/culture, relationships, context, and environment” (American Holistic Nurses Association 2008).This type of practice does assist people to find the much needed well being. It looks at an individual as...

Namibia’s Mobile Clinics & Nurse Training Program

Introduction This training program is meant to facilitate in the training of native Namibians who wishes to become paid workers of one of the three mobile clinics that shall operate across the country. The idea is to enable the creation of multifunctional clinics that shall seek to attend to the...

Anterior Spacing in Dentistry Female Patients: Causes and Solutions.

Introduction A smile is one of the most universally recognisable facial expressions. Besides, a smile may also help convey healthy teeth and gums and research evidence claims that gum disease may negatively affect an individual’s smiling pattern and deter someone from displaying positive emotions through a smile. (Turn that Frown...

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Causes and Treatment

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is more than just arthritis. Indeed, many doctors call it “rheumatoid disease” to emphasize the widespread nature of this process. The term rheumatoid arthritis is trying awkwardly to say the same thing; rheumat refers to the stiffness, body aching, and fatigue that are often termed “rheumatism.” “Rheumatoid”...

Professionalism and Accountability in the Nursing

The delivery of nursing care and service is essentially guided by principles of nursing professionalism. An essential role in the nursing profession relates to the autonomous practices that relate to self-direction in nursing care with emphasis on a system of professional functioning. Nurses need to imbibe leadership skills in view...

Nightingale’s Environmental Nursing Theory

Introduction The study of nursing theory has always been a key aspect of nursing education. The evolution of theory over time-based on the available knowledge and technologies allows us to determine its practicality and usability in nursing practice. Nightingale’s environmental theory is a vital nursing theory that discusses the impact...

Parental Refusal of Medical Treatment for Children

Parents refusing medical treatment for children the tendency towards the increased level of refusals deterioration of the healthcare sector image poor quality of suggested services the unreasonably high price of treatment nurses inability to meet diverse demands cultural and religious issues Today, we could observe the tendency towards the increased...

Reducing CAUTI: The Quality Improvement Project for Nurses

Abstract Because of their negative outcomes, catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) are a significant and rather widespread problem in long-term care. One of the potential interventions is daily bathing with 2% chlorhexidine gluconate washcloths. This intervention was used in a 100-bed long-term care facility unit with the intent of reducing...

Science-Based Theories and Advanced Practice Nursing

Advanced practice nurses have to move beyond the essential competencies of their profession and incorporate advanced science-based theories into their work. Zaccagnini and Pechacek (2019) discuss Neumann’s system model, which depicts people and groups as systems that have to remain stable and healthy. The theory analyzes wellness from several perspectives...

Obesity Issue: Application of Nursing Theory

Introduction and Problem Statement Obesity has been a growing concern for health professionals for the past few decades. Its prevention and management are difficult, especially because of the specifics of the lifestyles that are prevalent nowadays. In this paper, a specific case of chronic obesity will be considered. As an...

Betty Neuman’s Systems Model in Nursing Practice

Introduction Nursing as a science is largely determined by specific approaches used in the care of patients. Various models developed by theorists suggest different types of behavior and assistance. A vivid representative of the theory of systems is the model by Betty Neuman where nursing is defined as an action...

The Harm of High Sugar Intake to Human Health

Introduction Sugar is essential for energy balance and can be found practically in all plants and animal products. However, in modern supermarkets, people buy dozens of varieties of goods with added sugar and consume large quantities of them, which causes various diseases associated with metabolic disorders, cardiovascular problems, and caries....

High Blood Pressure: Causes, Symptoms, Medication

Hypertension is a health condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is continuously increased. Also known as high blood pressure, this phenomenon is crucial in the modern world. According to Baker et al. (2018), approximately 874 million people worldwide had hypertension in 2015 (p. 1). At the same...

Giltinane’s “Leadership Styles and Theories” Article

Introduction Numerous theories try to explain why leaders deploy different strategies for managing healthcare institutions. Leadership styles are classified based on qualities that managers exhibit. The objective of this paper is to provide a summary of a study by Charlotte Louise Giltinane titled “Leadership Styles and Theories.” The goal entails...

Leadership Styles and Theories in Nursing

Introduction The aim of the paper is the review the article “Leadership Styles and Theories” by Giltinane (2013). Firstly, the scholar’s main observations regarding leadership qualities and their possible effects on employee performance in clinical settings will be summarized. In addition, considering the evidence provided by Giltinane (2013), it will...

The Role of a Nurse in Mental Health

When building a career, a nurse might want to consider the option of specialization. It means the process of becoming an expert in a chosen subject by expanding the scope of knowledge and practice. Nowadays, there is an immense need for nurses in mental health care – a field that...

Nurse Understaffing and Change Proposal

Nursing Theory Utilized In order to address the problem of nursing staff shortage, one will need to consider the use of the transitions theory (TT) since it allows embracing change in the selected setting and encourage its active promotion for the sake of patients’ well-being. Designed by Meleis, the specified...

Ethical Case Study on Childhood Vaccination: Key Issues and Debates

The nursing practice in the USA is a demanding profession that consists of daily care about the patients. Given the responsibility for human health and lives, nurses have to perform within the strictly defined rules in different dimensions, including organizational, professional, and ethical. The problem of moral behavior of nurses...

Computerized Provider Order Entry

Introduction Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) is a terminology used to describe the process through which providers enter and send treatment instructions, especially with hospitalized patients. The commonly inputted treatment instructions include medications, admission, referral, laboratory, procedure, and radiology orders. The system is computer-based, and thus it replaces the traditional...

Euthanasia and Morality Debate

Definition of Euthanasia and a Brief Introduction to the Debate Euthanasia may be defined as the assistance provided to people who deliberately want to die due to suffering too much pain because of being terminally ill. There are two major issues people usually dispute over when speaking of the morality...

Nurses’ Commitment to Respect Patient Dignity

Introduction The first selected tenet is that a nurse must practice with compassion with respect for human dignity and worth with each person. Under this aspect, the concepts of building a rapport with patients and colleagues, respecting their right to dignity and self-determination, understanding the nature of health are included....

Pros and Cons of Abortion: Ethical and Practical Considerations

Abortion should be illegal because unborn babies are considered human beings by the US Government, making abortion murder. Many religions believe that life begins at conception. By terminating the pregnancy, one defies the word of God. From the very second, an embryo has its unique genetic identity, so if nothing...

Improving Healthcare Quality With Bar-Coded Medication Administration

The problem of medication errors is one of the cutest in the healthcare system. Therefore, it is highly crucial to come up with solutions to eliminate such inaccuracies that can lead to serious negative effects on patients. The topic of the paper is bar code medication administration (BCMA), and it...

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Pros & Cons

Introduction Rapidly advancing artificial intelligence technologies are gradually changing health care practices and bring a paradigm shift to the medical system. While increasing the availability of data and enhancing analytics techniques, they facilitate practices that were previously considered to be an area only for human experts. Although there are several...

Nursing Understaffing and Evidence-Based Solution

The overall quality of healthcare in the United States continues to deteriorate over time due to the significant shortage of nurses. According to Glette, Aase, and Wiig (2017), with the lower than average patient-practitioner ratio, healthcare professionals are forced to have increased workloads, experiencing chronic fatigue, sleep deprivation, and anxiety....

Healthcare Disparities and Potential Solutions

Introduction Healthcare disparities present a significant problem surrounding the delivery of medical services. Inter-group differences related to access to care or the quality of treatment run counter to the principle of equality. Considering this problem’s significance and impact, the purpose of the paper is to expand on disparities, contributing factors,...

Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory in Nursing

Virginia Henderson Theory: Introduction The use of nursing theories in the clinical nursing environment varies significantly depending on the context. However, all such theories are targeted at achieving high levels of care for patients regardless of who they are and what is their background. For the purpose of the current...

Nurse’s Role in Disaster Planning and Preparedness

Introduction Public health officials play an important role in disaster planning and emergency preparedness. Specifically, nurses are involved in disaster planning and preparedness together with response and recovery. This section addresses the role of nurses in executing the different aspects of disaster management. Planning The planning phase starts with understanding...

Addressing Workplace Violence Against US Nurses: Strategies and Solutions

Proper job climate is among the key factors that make healthcare providers’ work more effective and patient-oriented. Speaking about nurses, it is necessary to mention that being a nursing professional always involves being dedicated to patients and performing the work with regard to high standards. Even though every nurse understands...

The Concept of Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations

Fostering dynamic relationships between nurses and patients’ families is a matter of communication improvement as well as approaching nursing as a profession that goes far beyond treatment, prevention, and diagnosis. The specific issue that should be addressed pertains to the lack of awareness of the communicational needs of patients. The...

Nursing Research and Its Components

Introduction Nursing research is an important aspect of nurses’ professional practice since the possibility of studying a specific topic or problem in detail makes it possible to improve individual qualifications. For employees of this profile, it is essential to be aware of the key principles of work in this direction...

Team Nursing and Synergy Models in Primary Care Unit

The model of nursing care In this instance, I observed a group of nurses working in the primary care department. In this particular case, there was a team consisting of three nurses, one of whom was the leader. Upon talking to these nurses, I found out that they decided to...

Change Management in Healthcare

Thesis Statement Changes in the healthcare field are always associated with difficulties since they affect the ways care is delivered, as well as medical professionals’ and clients’ experiences. For my research paper, I have chosen the topic of change management in healthcare. More specifically, I am planning to examine innovation...

Symptom Management Theory and Interventions

Introduction Among the most critical middle range models is the symptom management theory (SMT). Its importance is based on the fact that the majority of people visit health providers because of symptoms. Initially introduced in 1994, the SMT passed through several updates (Smith & Liehr, 2018). It describes the multidimensional...

Marlaine Smith’s Theory of Unitary Caring

Introduction The provision of high-quality health care is an integral part of contemporary society, and it is essential to observe that nurses are directly responsible for this task (Dyess, Prestia, & Smith, 2015). One of the primary contributors to the development of the modern healthcare system is Marlaine Smith, who...

Patient Fall Prevention Study: Literature Review

The purpose of the literature review is to provide a synthesis of recent scholarly studies focused on the identified research problem. Since the research question is concerned with the potential of various educational programs to reduce the incidence of patient falls, the review of literature will revolve around this topic....

Chinese Cultural Beliefs: Healthcare Assessment

Introduction of Individual Being Assessed and Purpose of Assessment The respondent is a Chinese. The purpose of this assessment is to support the importance of transcultural knowledge among health practitioners. Individual States Willingness for Assessment The respondent is willing to be part of the assessment. The respondent is aware of...

The Future of Nursing: Evolution, Challenges, and Emerging Perspectives

Introduction As a relatively young discipline, nursing is in the process of constant change and improvement, both within the United States and worldwide. New disciplines and qualifications emerge, legislation changes and new knowledge alters the nature of care. Over time, different career paths for nurses have emerged that do not...

Breathe: Stress Management for Nurses Program

Background Patient safety is typically viewed as the number one priority in nursing, aside from the focus on patients’ recovery. Therefore, addressing the factors that define the degree of threat to which patients are exposed in the clinical setting is especially important to discuss. Among the essential factors upon which...

Nursing Art, Science, and Philosophy

Introduction The gap between theory and practice in nursing may be quite tangible, yet the effects that a solid theoretical foundation has on the efficacy of interventions are undeniable. Therefore, for a nurse, it is an absolutely imperative step to create a system of values, beliefs, and ethical principles that...

Violence Issue in the Nursing: Causes and Solutions

Nursing Care Issue The selected nursing care issue is violence in the workplace. This type of violence can be present in several forms, including sexual and racial harassment, as well as physical and verbal abuse. Workplace violence directed towards care providers is associated with several factors, including gender, race, age,...

Nursing Professional Practice in Florida

Role Description and the Organization Sarah Kessler is a Family Nurse Practitioner working in a community clinic in Miami, Florida. The job of an FNP involves providing care to patients of all ages, from infants to elderly persons. The responsibilities of an FNP are to perform patient exams, order tests,...

The Importance of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Introduction The nursing profession and practice have undergone an evolution since become a vital part of care delivery in the late 19th century. Theories have helped shape nursing practice into a discipline that is flexible and adaptable to serve any role within the healthcare system. Nurses serve numerous roles and...

Nursing Care Models: Team Nursing vs. Nursing-Managed Care

Introduction In acute care wards, there is a continuous need for specialists that want and able to work together as a team, because coordinated interventions save lives. In that setting, a team nursing care delivery model was observed. Developed as a substitute for a fragmented and poor-performing functional approach, team...

Nursing: “Building Your Resiliency” by Sherman

Article Summary Resilience is a crucial life skill that allows one to overcome both personal and professional challenges. A positive response to failure is known as resilience, a characteristic that allows people to recover from any adverse event and regain emotional stability and confidence. Sherman (2018) states that “personal resiliency...

Childhood Obesity: Methods and Data Collection

Extraneous Variables There are four main extraneous variables in the proposed study. First of all, parent’s health literacy might affect the success of education on lifestyle changes. Secondly, differences in medications used to manage childhood obesity could also influence the outcomes of the intervention. Lastly, the children’s lifestyle, such as...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Katie Eriksson’s Theory

Introduction The nursing profession is a responsible occupation that requires commitment and hard work. Despite the fact that this area is entirely related to medicine, it has some philosophical concepts that can be applied in order to analyze the essence of this field and its key aspects. Moreover, in addition...

Self-Care Deficit Theory and Nursing Philosophy

Introduction Developing personal nursing philosophy is an essential step towards understanding the goals, processes, and perceptions leading to proper patient care. The factors that affect the development of a personal nursing philosophy are intrinsic beliefs, experiences with patients, their families, and other medical professionals, and nursing education (MAS Medical Staffing,...

Contemporary Nursing Practice in the US and World

Introduction The nursing profession is among the most significant ones both in the US and in the world. This medical personnel provides care for the patients in hospitals and other healthcare settings while assisting doctors with treatments. However, it is evident that the nature of practice for nurses has evolved...

Roy’s Adaptation Model of Nursing

Different methodologies used in medicine allow impacting on patients differently and help them to restore both physical and mental health. Among the variety of nursing practices and approaches used to care for people, one of the most well-known is considered to be the Roy adaptation model. It is a theoretical...

Nurse Practitioner’s Strategic Analysis

Advanced practice role in nursing is associated with many responsibilities that affect the quality of patient care. According to Sincy (2016), SWOT is “is a tool that can provide prompts to the managers, clinical leads, nurse tutors, nurse mentors and staff” (p. 34). The method can help me analyze my...

Team Nursing Care Delivery Model’s Pros and Cons

The model that perfectly fits the objectives is team nursing. Within the framework of this model, healthcare professionals are divided into groups so as to provide care on a number of different levels at the same time (for example, acute care, nurse practitioners, inpatient setting professionals, and many others). Even...

Patient Assessment, Health Patterns and Family Characteristics

How should you use Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns to assess individual health? What health screening interventions do you regularly participate in? Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns present a valuable framework for evaluating a patient by a nurse. An individual’s health assessment may begin with the identification of living conditions, background, and...

Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Nursing Capstone Project

The Description of the Capstone Population of Interest The POI under consideration is people with acute myeloid leukemia. As the American Cancer Society (2016) estimates, 19950 new cases of acute myeloid leukemia will be registered in 2016, and the mortality rates associated with acute myeloid leukemia are high: 10430 deaths...

Personal Philosophy of an Advanced Practice Nurse

The provision of nursing care is a complex and multifaceted process that involves a multitude of elements and tasks. In particular, there exists a nursing metaparadigm that is comprised of four concepts such as a person, nursing, health, and environment. These components represent critical dimensions in the nursing philosophy of...

Conflict Theory in Nursing Practice

Introduction In this reflective journal entry, I would like to elaborate on some issues that nurses face in their daily practice (specifically in the case of Natalie) as well as what theories can support them when resolving the arising problems. The Conflict Theory will be given some consideration with regards...

Leadership and Organizational Success at Roche Diagnostics Oman

Introduction Roche Diagnostics Oman is one of the leading medical institutions in Oman. It offers a wide range of diagnostic services. The company has made impressive progress in penetrating the local market by offering a wide range of services to its clients (Beck & Cowan, 2014). Despite the high quality...

Children Obesity Prevention Proposals

Introduction A plethora of scholarly studies proves that obesity in children may be treated using healthy nutrition, adequate physical activity, and a stable psychological condition. At the same time, little attention paid to the formulation of evidence-based practices, and many nurses encounter problems with stimulating children to practice healthy lifestyles...

Resolving a Recurring Conflict Between Two Nurses

Introduction Conflict resolution refers to the method whereby two or more warring factions find a diplomatic and harmonious solution to their disagreements. Conflicts may occur between physicians, the healthcare team, the patient’s family, the patient, or between physicians and the staff members. The majority of health amenities may be exposed...

Euthanasia in Public Opinion and Policy-Making

Regardless of the context or setting, the topic of euthanasia has always been a controversial one. On the one hand, its proponents argued that euthanasia could be a solution for people diagnosed with terminal diseases that want to avoid the pain and suffering associated with it. On the other hand,...

Self-Care Health Promotion Plan

Health promotion is one of the key elements of nursing care that necessitates the identification of illness prevention opportunities during the course of care provision (Miller, 2013). The development health promotion programs by nurses can substantially improve the ability of patients to manage their conditions, thereby reducing the financial burden...

Nursing Barriers and Overcoming Strategies

Carrier and Barriers Although the barriers are often the cause of why a nurse decides to continue his or her practice, they can nevertheless complicate the working process and even have an impact on a nurse’s self-esteem and motivation. I have come across different barriers during my practice, but I...

Patient’s Diagnosis and Treatment Plan

Summary This case study examines a 15-year-old female, who suffers from dyspnoea and non-productive nocturnal cough. The patient denies pains in her chest and other symptoms. Three differential diagnoses identified for the given patient are as follows: asthma, COPD, and pneumonia. Taking into account that COPD is more attributable to...

Pain Management Following Surgery

It is observed that over 230 million patients undergo surgical procedures every year globally, and this number is expected to increase (Pogatzki-Zahn, Segelcke, & Schug, 2017). Surgery is generally responsible for postoperative pain, which should be mitigated immediately and effectively to minimize suffering, improve healing processes, patient satisfaction and to...

Chickenpox: Disease Control and Prevention

Introduction Chickenpox is one of the more common communicable diseases in the world. It is also known as varicella, and it is highly contagious. It includes a variety of easily identifiable symptoms, and complications could happen in certain cases. This paper will present a list of epidemiologic information about the...

Healthcare Workforce and Human Resource Management

Human resource management is an essential part of the healthcare industry due to the increased demand for qualified medical professionals. The case study of the CEO’s report of General City Hospital demonstrates important shifts and obstacles of the current healthcare system. CEO’s statement was mainly focused on describing relevant key...

The Nursing Practice: Art and Science

Introduction In this paper, I will discuss the art and science nature of the nursing practice. Because it is impossible to have only one approach to the nursing practice, it can be said that nursing combines both science and art in its everyday tasks and goals. Nursing as Science It...

Johnson’s Behavioral System Model in Nursing

In nursing, theories are used as systematic explanations of a certain event and concepts which may be identified in terms of their relations and possible impact on people. Each nursing theory is the possibility to structure and organize nursing knowledge in a proper way (McEwen & Wills, 2014). It is...

Transformational Leadership and Patient-Centered Care

Nursing leadership is marked by a range of theories, models, and frameworks that are beneficial in planning, designing, and implementing changes. Based on my current nursing practice, it seems that the transformational leadership theory and patient-centered care as an organizational behavior theory should be discussed. In particular, I work for...

Work-Life Balance of Nurses

Topic Research question Do nurses have work-life balance in their careers, and how does the potential lack of balance influence their well-being and professional career? Working thesis Modern nurses are under the great pressure considering the rapidly changing work environment due to the technological advancements implemented in the healthcare industry,...

CVI vs. DVT: Pathophysiology and Key Differences

The Pathophysiology of Chronic Venous Insufficiency According to Santler and Goerge (2017), chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a well-known disorder associated with a variety of symptoms in later disease stages, which is reported to be considered common within the population of the U. S. Most notably, varicose veins with or...

Honesty and Withholding Information in Nursing

The work of an advanced nurse practitioner presents a complex system of rules and priorities to be followed for the delivery of high-quality services. Healthcare in its historical advancement is such a social institution in which many bioethical ideas were incepted and developed. To solve the problems that confront the...

QSEN, NLN, and AONE Competencies in Nursing

Introduction Nursing plays a crucial role in the treatment of patients. In 2005, an educational project for nurses about healthcare quality and safety was created to build a bridge between education and practice. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded the project. The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) was...

Adolescent Pregnancy and Nursing Role in Prevention

Adolescent pregnancy is a pressing issue in the United States that poses significant economic concerns, as well as risks to the health and wellbeing of the younger generation. Despite the national efforts to address this problem, in 2010, there were 614, 000 registered teen pregnancies in the U.S., with 26%...

Ethical Considerations in Nancy Cruzan’s End-of-Life Decision Case

When considering a challenging situation of terminating life support, the ethical analysis is applied by both medical personnel and family members to determine the best outcome. Most people feel that such cases require all possible interventions. Morally, it is considered that life-sustaining treatment should be terminated if the chances of...

Water Quality Improvement for Global Health

Executive Summary This proposal aims to determine the necessity of water quality from the perspective of global health. For this refugee camp with 5,000 inhabitants, it is necessary to set up a safe water source that will enable access to 19,000 gallons per day through 50 community taps. The funding...

Importance of Leadership and Accountability in Nursing

Introduction Professionalism in the activities of nurses-leaders is the key to success not only in the work of nursing services but also in the entire health care system. The examples of successful practice in this area indicate a high ability of employees to take a leadership position both regarding everyday...

PMHNP Conflict Resolution Skills in Interprofessional Settings

The present paper is devoted to a case study of the Psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) involvement in conflict resolution. As a leader, a PMHNP possesses many competencies that can help to resolve a conflict. Some of these competencies include decision-making and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to...

Health Data Management: Sharing and Saving Patient Data

Consider the idealized cycle of health information in evidence-based medicine where database systems offer information sharing service for doctors, medical researchers, medical institutions, and patients. In this scenario, doctors and researchers can easily query and analyze medical information with much greater speed, security, and ease. What would facilitate achieving this...

Madeleine Leininger’s Contributions to Transcultural Nursing Theory and Practice

Summary “Provision of culturally competent health care: An interim status review and report” is an article written by Carol Lynn Esposito for the Journal of the New York State Nurses Association in 2013. This article aims at reviewing the current nursing literature that relates to the recent progress of the...

Ethics in Nursing Organizations: Advocacy & Legal Challenges

Ethics in Professional Nursing Organization Nowadays, ethics and advocacy are highly important components of nursing and any kind of medical practice, and there is a variety of nursing organizations that tend to focus on the active development and constant improvement of the healthcare system. One of them is National League...

Professional Portfolio in Nursing

There are numerous ways to implement professional portfolios in professional nursing practice. For instance, they can be used for professional development and effective job applications. Also, portfolios can be used to conduct performance appraisals and track employee performance. Nurses can make the best use of portfolios when applying to educational...

QSEN Competencies in Nursing Education: Enhancing Patient Care

How would you prioritize the competencies in Hunt’s (2012) article? In her article, Hunt (2012) discusses the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies. She emphasizes that those nurses who are taught these six competencies can improve care delivered to clients and improve their health outcomes in this way....

Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory in Nursing

Introduction In the variety of nursing theories, Orem’s theory of self-care deficit occupies a significant place. With its clear-cut objectives and definitions, the theory is easy to understand and implement. In her work, the theorist explains the importance of self-care for patients during and after an illness. The core concepts...

Direct and Indirect Nursing Care Providers

Introduction: Significance of Learning the Core Competencies It is crucial for a nurse to be able to identify the area of practice and isolate the goals that need to be accomplished. Thus, the needs of the target audiences will be met in a manner as efficient and expeditious as possible....

Universal Care: Advantages over Disadvantages

Introduction: Universal Health Care as the Global, All-Embracing Concept Healthcare is one of the services that are vital for any member of the global population. However, at present, not all members of the U.S. society, let alone the global one, are capable of using the options provided by the corresponding...

Therapy and Culture in the Nurse-Patient Relationship

The nurse-patient relationship can be discussed as specific interactions between a person who takes a role of a caregiver, a provider of services, or a supporter and a client who needs to improve the health and cope with diseases. As a result, nurses should pay much attention to the impact...

Exploring Organizational Values and Priorities in Healthcare Settings

Organizational Values A set of beliefs every organization has Typically written down Strong inherent corporate culture Serve to guide administrative and employee’s actions Respect, integrity, excellence, trust, and caring May have significant differences Organizational values summarize the goals of a company and the means of obtaining them. Healthcare organizational values...

Meditech System: Patient Confidentiality and Security

Description Meditech is an electronic health record system with a wide range of options that facilitate the provision of high-quality healthcare services, ensure patient safety and confidentiality (McMurtrey, 2013). This is an efficient platform for storing and sharing data concerning lab test results, patient vital signs, images, and graphs, medication...

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms and Treatment

Abstract This paper is about rheumatoid arthritis, its symptoms and signs, and the existing methods of treatment. This library thesis is based on documentary analysis as the main method of investigation. The evaluation of the literature from different sources helps to get a clear picture of what researchers, journalists, and...

Falls in Elderly Hospital Patients: Evidence-Based Project

Identification of a nursing issue and the application of a nursing theory Introduction Falls among elderly hospital patients is a significant issue that has been widely addressed in research and practice. According to AHRQ (2013), “a patient fall is defined as an unplanned descent to the floor with or without...

Teaching Plan: Immunizations and Vaccinations

Introduction In an immunization schedule, provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, eighteen diseases are marked as possible to prevent with the help of appropriate vaccinations. Vaccinations for children (birth – six years) and teenagers/young adults (seven years – eighteen years) are scheduled differently, according to their age....

Effective Nursing Leadership Skills and Approaches

Continuous Quality Improvement and Patient Satisfaction Nowadays rapidly changing world sets new opportunities and challenges in the field of nursing. Nevertheless, proposed by Florence Nightingale as the top priority, permanent improvement and patient satisfaction remain important. McFadden, Stock, and Gowen (2015) define quality improvement as a combination of knowledge, skills,...

Heart Block and Cardiac Conduction System

The human heart is exposed to many health problems related to impairments in the cardiac conduction system. The heart contracts under the control of the electrical signals or impulses. The normal cardiac conduction system involves the sinoatrial (SA) node, the atrioventricular (AV) node, and the bundle of His (Brown, Brywczynski,...

Conflict Resolution Strategies for Healthcare Establishments

Introduction Conflicts are not uncommon among nursing personnel due to the challenging working conditions and the dynamic nature of the field (Kleinpell et al., 2014). However, their occurrence can be prevented or even turned into an advantage by applying proper leadership skills and techniques after the conflict is properly identified,...

Florence Nightingale’s Conceptual Nursing Model

Contribution of Florence Nightingale to Nursing Practice Improvement Establishment of the nursing profession significance Raise of nursing standards through education (Pirani, 2016). Sanitary improvements for safer hospitals Establishment of effective nursing education Publishing of the first nursing textbook Introduction of patient records and statistics Separation of nursing and medicine. Note:...

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Introduction Nurse training and specialization are vital in addressing various health care issues. Apparently, there are numerous issues associated with health care, including global nurse shortages, the need to provide quality care, and the necessity to reduce the cost of care while augmenting patients’ outcomes. Advanced training of nurses is...

Leadership at Healthcare Organization in Miami-Dade and Monroe

Description of the Organization A not-for-profit health care organization was critical for this analysis, an organization with seven hospitals and 23 outpatient and urgent care centers in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties. The largest hospital of this organization was selected, which is a 680-bed facility founded in 1960, located in the...

Peplau’s Theory in Patient-Nurse Interaction

Since in this research the interaction between a nurse and patients with obesity is the key element, Hildegard Peplau’s theory of Interpersonal Relations in nursing is taken. Originating from psychiatry, this theory was reconstructed for nursing by Peplau in 1952 (Jones, 2014). Her theory suggested that interpersonal relations with patients...

Comparing Employee Compensation in Three Healthcare Centers

Providing benefits to employees is a necessity for all companies. However, standards may vary depending on the institution (Gitman, Joehnk, & Billingsley, 2013). Although Iroquois Healthcare, Albany Medical Center, and Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital as nursing organizations share vision and missions, the employee benefit and compensation packages provided by different...

Neuman Systems Model and Evidence-Based Support

Introduction There are many theories in nursing that allow practitioners to develop versatile approaches to different problems and solve them creatively by means of targeting elements and aspects deemed the most important for the problems. The purpose of this paper is to overview one selected nursing theory and then to...

The Role of Lifelong Learning and Continuous Education in Enhancing Nursing Practice

Introduction Nursing is a field in which constant professional development is essential. Numerous researches reveal new facts in the sphere of nursing. Consequently, a nurse should improve the knowledge to meet professional demands. It may be a good idea to go back to school for a certificate or another degree....

Advancing Nursing Careers: Importance of Further Education and Development

Introduction The nursing area presents plenty of professional opportunities. Nowadays nursing environment focuses on continuous development to ensure that a nurse possesses appropriate skills and knowledge related to his or her work. The participation in various programs and projects is likely to keep a nurse interested in and aware of...

Childhood Obesity in Southwark: Causes, Trends, and Preventative Measures

Introduction Obesity has become a serious problem in the modern society. Gradually more evidence surfaces regarding the social nature of the issue. Some researchers argue that in modern society, urbanisation plays a major role in the increase of obese people. This view, known as the sick city hypothesis, highlights a...

Doctors’ Ethics of ‘Cherry-Picking’ Patients

Introduction The ethical issues in medicine are among the most complicated and most frequently discussed. One of the problems that recently appeared is the cherry-picking of patients by doctors. Another topic with ethical roots is an old one and is related to keeping patients alive and doctor’s decisions. The opponents...

Obesity Interventions and Nursing Contributions

Abstract Detecting health problems that may affect children later in their adulthood is significantly worthwhile. Obesity is one such disease that begins during childhood and prevails all through to adulthood. This research paper reviews the literature on early childhood obesity interventions that can prevent the wide-spreading nature of the disease...

Factors of Powerlessness Feelings Among Nurses

Speculations on High Turnover Rates The feeling of powerlessness is a common condition among nurses. There are numerous factors, which might foster its emergence. However, the outcome is always the same: nurses fail to provide the patients with high-quality medical treatment and care and ensure their safety, the level of...

Performance and Stability Analysis of Aetna Healthcare Corporation

Overview of the company Aetna Inc. is a differentiated healthcare aids corporation. The company proposes a variety of classic, voluntary, and patient-oriented health insurance goods and associated facilities, as well as therapeutic help, dispensary, social health, communal life and ill health strategies, health organization capabilities, Medicaid healthcare supervision, Medicare benefits...

Liberal Education Background and Nursing Practice

Abstract Baccalaureate education makes nurses ready to become a part of a complicated healthcare system. The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing shows the steps necessary to achieve this. Today, nurses need not only the knowledge of life sciences but the knowledge of social sciences as well. Having direct contact...

Nursing: A Science or Art?

Introduction The debate over whether the nursing profession is a science or art has been ongoing, and the proponents of each point of view put forward contrasting arguments to support their opinions. As debates proceeded, it became evident that nursing has more apparent characteristics attributed to the scientific side of...

Comparing Pender’s Health Model and Parse’s Theory: Applications in Nursing Practice

This discussion explains the influence of Pender’s model of health and Parse’s theoretical framework on the advanced practice nurse. It also explains how Pender’s model guides the implementation of AACN Essential VIII by nurses in their daily practice. How Pender’s Model and View of Health Influenced the Practice of the...

Nursing Definition: A Science, an Art, or Both?

Introduction Today, it is not a secret that nursing can be considered as a science, an art, or even both. Some people find it normal to treat this profession as a science with a number of standards, rules, and requirements to be followed. There are also the groups of people...

Comparing Core Competencies of Nurse Practitioners in Delivering Quality Healthcare

In order to be a qualified specialist, a nurse is required to possess certain knowledge base, experience, and specific skills. When all of the above combines, the outcome is a competent expert in nursing, able to provide quality service to the patients. In order to be a knowledgeable specialist, the...

Betty Neuman’s System Model for Adult Obesity

Because of the fact that the problem of adult obesity is rapidly gaining popularity in many countries, it is essential to find the best approach to treating this illness competently. As a possible technique that can beneficially influence the physical and emotional state of the person who is experiencing difficulties...

Health Promotion and Ethical Considerations

Introduction Health is an important factor to achieve the appropriate quality of life, equal opportunities, and happiness. Health promotion strategies include many approaches such as behavior change and empowerment. Still, a nurse practitioner often meets challenges when using these strategies. Sometimes, a patient is not willing to change one’s life...

Community Health Nursing: Chikungunya Threat

History of the Condition Though not quite well-known among the general audience, Chikungunya has recently become the scourge of humanity, as it is one of the diseases that no treatment can be provided so far and that triggers the eruption of vast epidemics. The disorder manifests itself in a fever....

Tuberculosis, Health Determinants and Nurse’s Role

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that affects the lungs and that is caused by a strain of bacterium knows as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Primarily, it affects the lungs even though it can spread to other parts of the body including the brain, lungs, and the liver. There are two types...

Monopoly Drugs Versus Generic Drugs

Pharmaceutical Monopolies The importance of medical science innovation can hardly be overestimated and is reasonably appreciated by the government of most countries. As a result, when a pharmaceutical company creates a new drug it may apply for and be granted a patent that is a “legal protection that shelters an...

Nurse Robaczynski’s Case: Crime or Mercy Killing?

According to the case, Ms. Robaczynski had to disconnect her patient’s respirator because Mr. Gessner had no chance to survive. The nurse explains that there was a need for the mercy killing, but the opinions of experts in the field on this case tend to vary. Realizing that the actions...

Nursing Legal and Ethical Principles

There are many principles according to which nurses and patients can develop their relations. Each principle is a unique combination of ethical and legal aspects. They help to define the way for nurses to react to different patients’ behaviors and choose the most appropriate solutions to the possible problems and...

Need Theory vs. Transcultural Nursing Theory

Introduction Nursing theories form a crucial foundation for nursing practice and education as they review the key nursing concepts and provide tools to improve patient care. Today, there are many nursing theories available to practitioners, so that each person can practice by a nursing theory that suits his or her...

Nurses’ Role in Environmental Health and Pollution Control

Abstract In this paper, the topic of environmental health and its connection to different environmental changes is discussed using the report offered by Healthy People 2020 in 2017. In addition to such environmental factors as air pollution, water contamination, indoor environment, climate change, surveillance, and infrastructure, the role of nurses...

Essential Core Competencies for Nursing Professionals Explained

The nursing job requires a lot of different competencies depending on the work specifics. For instance, nurse administrators and nurse informaticists usually do not interfere with patients directly. However, all of them are required to be proficient in matters regarding the direct providing of health care. The paper analyses the...

American Association of Nurse Practitioners’ Goals

The function of the organization, its mission, and vision American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) is the chief full-service nationwide specialized membership association for nursing practitioners of all spheres (American Academy of Nursing Practitioners, n.d.). The mission of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners is to allow all NPs to...

Nurses’ Intergroup Conflict and Its Stages

Introduction Conflicts can occur in various settings, but in the workplace, their impact can extend to one’s performance and relationship with clients. In hospitals, disputes between members of the personnel can also affect patients, whose level of satisfaction significantly depends on the quality of care (Moreland & Apker, 2016). Therefore,...

Non-traditional Healthcare Practices: Can It Replace the Actual Medicine?

Introduction: Describing Three Non-traditional Healthcare Practices The three cultures that will be examined in this study will consist of the Filipino, Chinese and Finnish cultures. These were chosen based on how their nontraditional health practices significantly diverged from one another and how their cultures also had considerable differences as well....

Clinical Activity: Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is a complicated process that involves both objective and a subjective evaluation of a person or the staff in general. Despite the time-consuming nature and difficulty associated with it, successful performance appraisal translates into improved job performance (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, & O’Grady, 2014). As the conversation with a...

Healthcare Regulatory Agencies in the US

Introduction In the USA, there are plenty of healthcare regulatory agencies to go around – they monitor and regulate every sphere of public and private healthcare, on various levels ranging from state to federal. These organizations work with nurses, hospital personnel, and legislative bodies, in order to make sure that...

Child Nasal Congestion: Case Study, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Summary of Case Study 8-year-old Heddy Ramiro presents to your clinic with her mother who is wondering if anything can be done about Heddy’s nasal congestion and cough. Symptom Analysis Questions In order to identify the possible causes of illness, the doctor has to ask the child and her caretaker...

Falls Prevention: Hopkins’ Evidence-Based Nursing

Introduction The paper at hand is aimed at elucidating the problem of falls prevention. It is assumed that this problem is particularly acute with elderly patients – it leads to negative health complications and impedes the treatment process. Therefore, a thorough analysis of the relevant scientific literature has been carried...

Nursing Care Theory by Jean Watson: Empirical Insights

Summary of an Article Related to the Theory The research conducted by Ranheim, Kärner, and Berterö (2012) was aimed at bringing together the theory of nursing care created by Jean Watson, on the one hand, and the empirical discoveries made in three studies pertaining to the nurses’ caring intentions and...

Osteoporosis: Diagnosis, Pathology, and Medication

Introduction Osteoporosis is defined as a condition that causes the structure of bone to weaken and leads to fragile bones that have higher risks of fractures. The condition has been classified into several types based on their etiology; localized and generalized osteoporosis are the two initial classifications, which are further...

Patient-Nurse Interpersonal Relations Theory

The interaction between the patient and the nurse is a key determiner of the quality of care process. The partnership between the patient and the healthcare provider is paramount as it helps in the development of effective therapeutic interventions. It is based on this concept that Hildegard Peplau developed Interpersonal...

Animal Assistance Therapy in Palliative Care

Animal-Assisted Therapy Animal-assisted therapy is a type of therapy that employs animals for motivational and educational purposes, to facilitate treatment and improve social, emotional, or cognitive state of patients. However, there is also a number of scientific works pointing out the gaps in research concerning animal-assisted literature, which are made...

Pathophysiology and Clinical Manifestations of HIV and AIDS

Pathophysiology of HIV and AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a blood-borne infection. It is transmitted through various ways. The modes of transmission include unprotected sexual intercourse, transfusion with infected blood, and sharing of syringes among substance users. It can also be transmitted from mother to her child either during...

Electronic Medical Records: Life Cycle Phases

The Broad Category of HIT Chosen The type of health information technology (HIT) chosen for this paper is the electronic health records (EHR), also known by the name of electronic medical records (EMR), an innovative type of software for health care institutions. EMR is a software system that allows for...

Conflict Resolution in a Healthcare Setting

Introduction Despite the fact that there is no one universal definition of a conflict, Kreitner and Kinicki (2010) defined it as a “process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party” (p. 373). In a professional setting, conflicts can arise from...

Vanguard Health: Excellence in Long-Term Care and Strategic Growth

Introduction Vanguard Health is a long-term care provider in the United States of America which was founded in 1997. The healthcare system is headquartered in Brentwood, Tennessee. The system has many facilities that provide rehabilitation and excellent nursing services to patients who are recovering from illness, injury, or surgery. Currently,...

Understanding Ethics and How We Approach Ethical Decisions

Chapter I of the book Health Care Ethics is entitled “Understanding Ethics and How We Approach Ethical Decisions.” It comprises of three sub-parts. The part that should be summarized is “How We Approach Ethical Decisions.” In the following chapter, the authors discuss aspects that influence the making of moral decisions....

Organizational Behavior in the Nursing Settings

Introduction Leadership belongs to one of the phenomena that have been in existence for ages yet are very difficult to define due to the increasingly large number of concepts, notions, and ideas that they embrace with the introduction of innovations into the realm of the target area, nursing being no...

Omeprazole Medication’s Pharmaceutical Analysis

Abstract Omeprazole is available in the market under the brand name Prilosec and Losec. It is a medication that is used for the treatment of reducing acid levels in the body. It was discovered in the year 1979. It was later introduced in the marketed in the United States in...

Patient Confidentiality – Medical Ethics

Moral dilemmas are ones of the most problematic and complicated aspects in the careers of medical workers. Obligations and confidentiality have started their existence in ancient times. Over the generations, these rules were developed and changed, yet the initial concept remained the same. Medical workers are obliged to keep the...

Nurse Manager Position: Recruitment Process

The paper overviews the recruitment experience, which concerned the application for the position of a nurse manager. Primarily, it is critical to assess the essential duties of the corresponding specialist as well as the fundamental skills and competences that refer to the job type. The position of a nurse manager...

Falls Prevention Program: Purposes and Proposed Improvements

Purpose The main purpose of this program is to reduce the number of inpatients falls in the clinic. One should note that this problem is one of the main concerns for many hospitals since such events can adversely affect a great number of people (Duque & Kiel, 2009, p. 131)....

Manual Therapy Techniques: Cases and Examples

Manual Therapy: Definition The phenomenon of manual therapy is typically defined as a method of affecting damaged tissues in a direct way (i.e., manually) so that their functions could be restored after an injury or trauma had affected them negatively and contributed to a partial loss of the functions mentioned...

Compassion Fatigue in Nursing: Strategies for Effective Management and Support

Introduction: The Phenomenon of Compassion Fatigue Responsiveness and empathy are, perhaps, among the most important qualities of a professional nurse. However, because of stressful environment and the necessity to empathize with every single patient, whose needs the nurse is supposed to tend to, healthcare specialist often find themselves in a...

American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics: Overview and Analysis

The main objective of nursing is to have one group of human beings care for another group of vulnerable-human beings. Therefore, patients consider nurses as skilled counterparts who can take care of their (patients) needs professionally. The American Nurses Association (ANA) provides nursing practitioners with a code of ethics that...