Ethical and Legal Implications of Disclosing Prescription Errors for Advanced Practice Nurses

Introduction Errors in health care are now drawing considerable attention, although they are not a new occurrence. Nurses are taught techniques to reduce their likelihood of making errors, yet they do make mistakes. An advanced practice nurse (APN) has a significant obligation and responsibility. With the passage of the Affordable...

Impact of Genetics, Age, and Allergies on Streptococcal Pharyngitis in Adolescents

Introduction Genetics, age, gender, and other characteristics can impact one’s response to common infections and diseases. In the presented case study, a 16-year-old boy comes into the office with a sore throat. The combination of symptoms and the results of a rapid strep test reveal an infection developed due to...

Applying Servant Leadership in Advanced (MSN) Nursing Practice

Personal Leadership Philosophy: Selected Theory and Its Application in MSN Role Servant leadership is a theory of particular value to me and most closely corresponds to my personal philosophy and leadership stance. I believe that, especially in the profession of a nurse, it is essential to have an idea of...

Opioid Addiction, Treatment Options and Efficacy: A PICOT (Nursing) Study

Patient, Population or Problem Lately, the number of people who take opiates has considerably grown. Of particular concern is the use of drugs by young people aged 16-25, which is becoming one of the most acute social problems of modern American society. Young people start using opiates because of deep...

Hand Hygiene Practices: Effectiveness of Agents in Reducing Microbial Contamination

Introduction Hands are directly involved in the transmission of germs that cause sickness. They can spread germs through touch to the nose, ears, eyes, and mouth that enter the body and cause avoidable infections and conditions. Hands also play an important role in a clinical setting as they provide the...

Raising Dementia Awareness: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Dementia: Definition and Prevalence Diseases associated with a person’s mental state should be of particular importance for the health care system since the mental state of the population affects public health. Dementia is a neurocognitive intellectual disability that can impair a person’s cognitive abilities (Livingston et al., 2002). Thus, it...

Impact of COVID-19: Pandemic Overview, Economic Effects, and Lessons Learned

Why COVID-19 Is Classified as a Pandemic, Not an Epidemic COVID-19, or SARS-CoV-2, is a novel coronavirus that was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Since then, the virus has spread to over 200 countries and territories, leading to the World Health Organization declaring it a pandemic in...

Trichomoniasis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Women and Men

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. It is a common infection that affects both men and women but is most commonly found in women. According to Muzny and Van Gerwen (2022), the incubation period is between 4 and 28 days, but for...

Addressing Patient Dumping: Ethical and Legal Challenges in Hospitals

Introduction Working with patients involves several challenges, which highlights the need for ethics. Hospitals are incredibly busy providing medical services, often with limited resources to ensure the necessary care to people. At the same time, some segments of the population do not have sufficient rights protection to get help –...

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea: Symptoms, Screening, and Treatment

Both Chlamydia Trachomatis and Neisseria Gonorrhea are bacterially-based sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). The primary way that Chlamydia trachomatis is transmitted is through sexual interaction. It is one of the most prevalent STIs and can affect both men and women. Chlamydia can cause several symptoms. They include discomfort or burning when...

Government Strategies to Combat Pandemics and Protect Public Health

Microbes are essential for human health and vital to various bodily functions. One example illustrating the benefits of microbes is their role in the human gut. The gut microbiota consists of trillions of microorganisms that help in digestion, produce essential vitamins, and contribute to the development of the immune system...

Enhancing Patient Compliance: Key Strategies for Healthcare Success

Introduction Patient compliance refers to the measure in which a patient correctly follows the medical prescription, such as self-care, medical device usage, and therapy. In long-term care, such as nursing homes, patient compliance improves the quality of health, which means healthcare outcome is sustainable (Cook, 2020). Additionally, it reduces the...

Nurse Legislator Karines Reyes’s Advocacy and Leadership

Among the many roles nurses play in the healthcare system, there are policy-making and change advocacy for patients and practice. One of the nurses who perform a legislator’s role in the state of New York is Karines Reyes. She is an experienced nurse who started her career as an oncology...

Gerontological Nursing Care: Clara Plante’s Case

Clara Plante represents a person who requires comprehensive nursing care based on various attributes. The crucial factors are Clara’s biography, cultural needs, and health status. An appropriate assessment of these factors and gerontological nursing standards will create a culturally responsive environment. In Clara’s case, it is essential to approach care...

Stress Management Health Campaign Development

Topic The primary focus of this health campaign is the pervasive issue of stress, a problem that affects a significant portion of the population. This health campaign’s target market comprises people from various industries who are dealing with work-related pressures. Professionals in complicated corporate environments, healthcare personnel facing enormous obstacles...

Advancing Healthcare: Safeguards for MAID Advance Directives

Permitting Advance Directives for MAID Allowing advance directives for MAID might be considered a rational and humanitarian step forward in healthcare from the standpoint of patient autonomy and respect for individual rights. Allowing MAID advance directives is a humanitarian and reasonable move ahead in healthcare, recognizing human rights and personal...

Understanding and Preventing Prenatal Alcohol Exposure

Introduction Pregnancy is associated with a multitude of restrictions and limitations on substances that can harm a fetus and burden it with life-long health issues. One such source of harm is alcohol, which is not only widespread but also can pass through the placenta with ease (Popova et al., 2023)....

The Role of Statistical Application in Mental Health Care at HonorHealth Hospital

Introduction Statistical application and data interpretation are vital in healthcare, providing valuable insights contributing to quality, safety, health promotion, and leadership. This nursing paper will explore the significance of statistical application in healthcare, specifically focusing on its relevance to the mental health specialty at HonorHealth Hospital. It will also discuss...

HIV Prevention by Beaufort Jasper Comprehensive Health Services

Introduction Although the United States medical system spent a long time concentrating on combating COVID-19, paying attention to chronic and fatal diseases is necessary. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a severe public health issue, primarily for underprivileged and marginalized groups of people. A Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), Beaufort...

Public Health: Limitations on Autonomy

In many countries, the sale and distribution of cigarettes are subject to severe restrictions. Laws strictly regulate cigarette advertising and limit the minimum age and places for smoking. A significant part of the population accepts such restrictions as a given and does not consider this issue’s moral aspect. In fact,...

Childhood Obesity: Causes and Implications

Childhood obesity is an enormous health problem in the contemporary age, and its incidence has steadily increased for several decades. According to a study conducted by Smith, Fu, and Kobayashi, childhood obesity can be caused by various factors such as genetics, the environment within the family, and the lifestyle choices...

Nurses’ Role in Fullfillment of Patients’ Wishes

A significant problem in healthcare is preventing the death of patients. The preventable mortality rate among hospitalized patients is high enough to cause problems in the medical system (Rodwin et al., 2020). In this regard, it is necessary to investigate the factors that may influence the decision-making contrary to the...

Healthcare Manager’s Responsibilities in the Management of Human Resources

The position of health manager is one of utmost importance in human resources management. Ensure that employees and their families remain healthy and that their well-being is taken care of, which are the responsibilities of a health manager. The health manager has to ensure that the organization’s healthcare system is...

Peculiarities of Telehealth in Healthcare

Introduction. Telehealth and Its Preculiarities This presentation will describe the features of a new healthcare approach called telehealth, which has dramatically advanced the development of healthcare informatics and approaches used to treat patients. Have you ever thought that modern technologies can significantly simplify the work of healthcare providers and, at...

Ensuring Safety for Health Facility Personnel

Introduction Ensuring safety for health facility personnel is critical as they are at the forefront of disease control. In the context of epidemics and pandemics, the number of threats is growing, and administrations must take additional security measures. Nurse managers play a significant role in safety, as their responsibilities include...

Childhood Sexual Abuse: Impact on Psychiatric Diseases

Introduction Childhood sexual abuse is an increasing problem in modern society, and the victims of it often develop various mental and physical health issues later in life. Any childhood maltreatment was found to be a significant risk factor for the early onset of various psychiatric diseases and resistance to treatment...

Bacterial and Non-Bacterial Diseases: Chlamydia and HIV

Sexually transmitted diseases seriously threaten the world’s healthcare system because they affect many individuals. While some Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are treatable, others can have serious health consequences if unaddressed. STDs such as Chlamydia and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can be prevented. General health outcomes are improved through education, awareness,...

Biological Factors Influencing Sexual Response and Arousal

Biological factors that influence sexual response and arousal include age, general health, hormonal and chromosomal statuses, and nutritional states. These factors are significant in regard to sexual desire but may not always contribute to the explanation of sexual responses. As such, it is vital to consider further biological factors that...

Nursing Education: Theories and Approaches

Research Studies The first study based on the theory of Jean Watson is described in the article “Watson’s Theory of Caring in nursing education” by Devi et al. (2022). In it, the author first analyzes in detail the features of the theory of Watson, highlights the characteristics, and sets the...

Confronting Homophobia in Addiction Treatment for Sexual Minorities

Introduction The issue of homophobia has a significant impact on the effective treatment of sexual minorities struggling with addiction problems. Homophobia, which involves fear, hatred, or intolerance of people who identify as LGBTQ, may result in discriminatory practices in the healthcare system. It can cause people who identify as sexual...

Organ Sales: Analysis of the Problem

Introduction Organ sale refers to the exchange of human body parts for money. In 2013, a young girl from Somalia had been brought into Britain a year before to harvest her organs and sell them illegally (Ambagtsheer, 2021). Studies indicate that she is not alone in the case. Millions of...

Nursing Informatics Specialists

Introduction Nursing informatics is crucial in facilitating effective medical processes and information sharing. Technological advancement in healthcare enables health practitioners and all stakeholders to enhance successful project “go-live.” According to Garcia-Dia (2019), project managers must verify that all crucial elements are in order before initiating a “go-live.” Data migration and...

Healthcare Rationing: Articles Review

Chen, B., & McNamara, D. M. (2020). Disability discrimination, medical rationing and COVID-19. Asian Bioethics Review, 12(4), 511-518. Web. This article talks about social equality and justice for vulnerable populations worldwide. The writers discuss how the public health crisis has exposed the inhumane actions that discriminate against people with disabilities....

Medication: The Costs Minimization

After the diagnosis, most patients are required tp purchase different types of drugs to facilitate treatment. This results from the problem of insufficient funds available for the government to offer free drugs to the sick. Due to economic and social factors, some patients may find it difficult to purchase those...

Discussion: Cell and Molecular Biology

Abstract Bacterial fermentation of dietary fiber produces short-chain fatty acids in the colon. Entry of Short Chain Fatty Acid (SCFA) in its anionic form into the colonic epithelium is mediated mostly through carrier-mediated processes; however, protonated diffusion is also a key pathway. SCFA are taken up by cells through several...

The Innovation Diffusion in Healthcare

Choice of the Model The selected model for implementing a practice change in a healthcare system is the theory of diffusion of innovation proposed by Everett Rogers. According to the author, this framework categorizes all relevant stakeholders into innovators, early adopters, early and late majorities, and laggards, each of which...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Case Study

A lady discovers her husband, who is 68 years old, dead in bed. He had spent his final year sleeping on a bed in the downstairs living area since he could not get upstairs due to acute and deteriorating dyspnea. The general practitioner discusses the situation with the local coroner...

Unraveling Metabolic Alkalosis: A Case Study of Acid-Base Imbalance

The person inspected in this case study has purchased juice from a street vendor and developed abdominal cramping and diarrhea several hours later. By the end of the attack, she felt fatigued and had a headache, though her fever had disappeared. The most likely cause for the condition is an...

Mental Health Disparities in Society

Introduction Mental illness prevents most people from performing their daily tasks by altering their lifestyles. This issue can take several forms, affecting the person’s personality, character, and social interactions. Mental health issues can cause physical, emotional, or psychological symptoms (Henriksen et al., 2020). Biochemical imbalances can lead to mental health...

Advancements in Sickle Cell Disease Treatment

Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering shows impeccable promise as a future modality of curing various diseases from their root. Genetic therapies have been studied for the last few years by researchers within the medical field and the results are promising to revolutionize the healthcare sector. Attempts have been made over the...

Medicaid Expansion: Addressing Financial Barriers

Introduction Financial barriers to healthcare are a significant public issue that limits access to quality and efficient healthcare services. This social determinant of health significantly affects populations living below the poverty line (Bindman, 2020). The healthcare quality provided to marginalized groups in the United States varies widely. Racial and ethnic...

Improving Stroke Care for Indigenous Patients

Introduction Researchers have raised concerns over the prevalence of stroke in Indigenous populations across the globe. Existing literature indicates a 14-fold prevalence of stroke in the Aboriginal population in 2019-2020 (Nedkoff et al., 2020). Even when scholars have recommended evidence-based therapies in emergency departments, incidents of preventable mortality rates are...

Patient Health Information Record Retention

Policy Factors influencing retention periods include legal issues and compliance with federal and state laws. Further, bodies associated with health care, such as The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), provide recommendations for retention standards. Record retention entails ensuring patient health information is available for care and specifying what data...

Outbreak of Influenza in Community of Maryland

Outbreaks of communicable diseases happen in diverse areas, and one consequential infection is the respiratory syndrome coronavirus. The national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2020) recognizes several types of human coronavirus. However, the most recent one that affects respiration is severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which...

Best Interventions for Obesity

Best Interventions for Obesity in the Elderly The best interventions for obesity in elderly individuals can be categorized into dietary and physical exercise approaches. Dietary interventions include calorie consumption restriction, use of calcium and vitamin D supplementation, and protein intake. Jiang and Villareal (2019) indicate that intake of low-caloric diets...

Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange: Case Study

Introduction Hypoxaemia and hypercapnia show pathogenesis and lung inability to generate enough gas exchange, while normal lungs readily exchange breathing gases. To effectively care for individuals with lung disorders, it is essential to comprehend how gases are moved and why gas exchange is inadequate. This essay studies the case of...

Exercise and Its Influence on Echocardiology

Introduction Exercise is commonly associated with decreased risks of cardiovascular diseases and higher quality of life. It is often recommended for patients with specific heart problems, such as stable heart failure. Through echocardiography, doctors may uncover various data on their patients’ heart conditions and problems. With the help of five...

Nursing Issue Identification: Prices for Medicines

Overview of the Issue One of the primary issues in healthcare that requires attention is the increase in prices for medicines. The seriousness of this trend is due to the fact that with rising prices, many individuals lose access to medical services. This may cause a lack of insurance or...

Human Needs Theory Journal

With the development of science, humankind has gained access to technological advancements, which influence methods of education. In medicine, the modeling of situations has long been in use, with dolls and simulators being introduced to avoid training beginners on living people. Taking the collection of the anamnesis (a scrupulous task...

How I Plan to Implement the Public Health Campaign

The proposed public health campaign would consist of three main steps. The first step involves evaluating the logistical requirements for the campaign and outlining their roles in the public health campaign. This process would only take one month. The second step involves identifying partners to support the public health campaign...

Impact of the Nurse Shortage on Hospital Patient Care: Comparative Perspectives

Introduction Nurse shortage is one of the major challenges that face the health care system today. The nursing shortage has severe consequences that affect the well-being of nurses and their ability to provide quality care. In addition, it affects hospital capacity, health care processes, the efficiency of health care systems,...

Rural Health and Wellbeing in America

Underlying Economic Principles Their access to medical treatment profoundly impacts a person’s health. One-quarter of Americans do not have access to a primary care specialist or a healthcare institution. To this day, despite the passage and administration of the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA), one in five Americans under the age...

Discussion: Reimbursement in Healthcare

Reimbursement and the Revenue Cycle Reimbursement Definition The identified medical organization for this analysis is Maximum Care Hospital (MCH). Medical professionals at MCH perform a wide range of tests, provide personalized care, offer drugs, and avail adequate resources to support the healing process. The process of receiving payments for such...

The Advanced Practice Nurse Consensus Model

The Impact of the APRN Consensus Model on APRN Practice The professional training of medical personnel is carried out in many areas, among which nursing is diverse. Different staff qualifications allow hospitals to allocate workloads and shape work processes adequately. Nurses at different levels study for different years, their programs...

Developing a New Clinical Decision Support Tool

Introduction Building a proposed information technology solution, for example, developing a new follow-up clinical decision support (CDS) tool for integration into a general hospital’s current EHR system to provide reminders, facilitate nurse-led follow-up calls, and prevent readmissions, requires testing processes. In this case, the testing process could be used by...

Comparison of Influenza, Pneumonia, and COVID-19

Influenza Influenza is one of the serious diseases that might affect a patient and promote severe complications. The symptoms include fever, chills, headache, sore throat, weakness, and muscle pain. The virus is extremely virulent and can be transmitted from individual to individual during contact by respiratory fomites. It replicates in...

How Diabetes Is Epidemic in New York

Introduction The intervention study majorly reflects on how diabetes is epidemic in New York, especially in minority communities which are the blacks and Latinos in the south Bronx. Recent studies from New York City Health suggest that about half a million adults have been diagnosed with diabetes in the past...

Medicaid Rule Improving Access for Children

Situation Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS published 09/07/2022 A Proposed Rule. According to the applicants, the proposed rule organizes the application, eligibility determination, enrollment, and Medicaid renewal processes. The applicants believe there is a lack of support for children who need health insurance, and the new regulation...

Public Health Plan: The Main Elements

Introduction Public health and healthcare is an integral theoretical and applied science that studies the patterns of influence of socio-economic factors and environmental conditions on the population’s health and substantiates the state’s system and public and medical measures to protect the health of citizens. Public health is the science and...

Practical Training of New Employees in Geriatric Care Facilities

Introduction The onboarding process is orienting and acclimating new employees to their jobs and workplaces. It typically includes orientation activities, such as introducing new employees to company culture and values, and providing them with the necessary training and resources to succeed in their roles (Jeske & Olson, 2021). This essay...

Healthcare System in America vs. England

The healthcare systems in the United States and the United Kingdom are close to being at opposite ends of the spectrum. The former has one of the largest private sector systems, while the latter provides coverage to all. In terms of financing and quality, the U.S. healthcare system is typically...

Discussion: Alcohol in Pregnancy

It is significant to emphasize that the safe level of alcohol that a woman can drink during pregnancy has not been confirmed. If females drink alcohol during pregnancy, some alcohol will transfer through the placenta to the baby. Accordingly, not drinking alcohol during pregnancy is the only safe option for...

Healing Touch in Clinical Practice

Health is one of the important factors that influence all aspects of people’s lives. Every individual desires to lead a healthy life; however, availability and accessibility to care and treatment services determine the levels at which they meet this necessity. Healthcare professionals use varying techniques to manage and treat diverse...

The Childhood Obesity Problem Significance

Problem Background Childhood obesity is one of the most severe issues that affects children and teenagers. It involves various risks for their health. According to statistics, this problem affected approximately 14.7 youths in the years 2017-2020. Its prevalence was 12.7% among toddlers, 20.7% among children aged 6-11 and 22.2% among...

The Billing Managers in Healthcare

Patient Care The billing manager is in charge of the billing department and its employees. They must establish norms and practices to guarantee prompt and accurate patient billing. This paper discusses the role of bill managers in improving patient care and cost efficiency. There are several ways in which health...

Inflammation, Tissue Repair, and Wound Healing

Introduction In many cases, inflammation response includes redness, loss of function, swelling, heat, and pain. Inflammation refers to the immune response of the body resulting from tissue injury, attack by pathogens, and effects from chemicals and radiation (Abdulkhaleq et al., 2018). In the provided case study, the physiological mechanism causing...

CVS Health Corporation’s Analysis

CVS Health Corp is one of Americas largest multinational organizations, with subsidiaries in multiple countries around the world. The company has consistently appeared on the Fortune 500 list due to its annual sales and profits amounting to tens of billions. The company is a supplier of diversified health solutions serving...

How the Affordable Care Act and Medicare Address Health Disparities

Health disparity is a significant setback in providing accessible, efficient, affordable healthcare. Some social determinants of health, including poverty, illiteracy levels, language barriers, and discrimination, are issues resulting in the dominance of health inequality (Clary, 2018). The Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Medicare provide health equity guidelines that fight health...

Early Chronic Kidney Disease Screening Advocacy

CKD remains a global problem, and early screening may help reduce comorbidities associated with this condition. As a future nurse practitioner, I advocate for more people to be screened early for CKD. It is possible to delay or prevent the development of ESKD and lessen cardiovascular consequences by identifying and...

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Detailed Overview

The pathophysiology of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) involves a systemic immune response that triggers the release of inflammatory mediators called cytokines. This causes the pulmonary vasculature to become more permeable, and fluid infiltrates the lungs. This presents a ventilation-perfusion mismatch that causes blood to bypass the alveoli without gaseous...

Parental Education to Overcome Childhood Obesity

The issue of obesity among children is a major concern for public health organizations nationwide. Obesity and overweight are significant risk factors for a variety of chronic illnesses in mature individuals and children, and they can have negative effects on the quality of life and longevity. In this sense, the...

Lifestyle Diseases: Causes and Treatment

Some illnesses are caused by how people live; hence, such infections are known as lifestyle diseases. For instance, cigarette smoking increases the risk of acquiring diabetes. The more a person smokes, the greater their risk of developing diabetes. Quitting smoking and taking the medication increases the chances of lowering diabetes....

Blood Transfusion: Physicians’ Decision-Making

Blood transfusion is a crucial aspect of medical care that saves millions of lives every year. Every day, people from all over the world require this procedure during surgery, after an injury, due to severe anemia or pregnancy complications (Neoh et al., 2019). It is worth noting that safe blood...

Skin Conditions: Differential Diagnosis

Chief Complaint The fifth patient is a Caucasian guy in his middle years who complains of several red, oval-shaped lumps on his chest that bleed when rubbed or sliced open. History of the Illness The patient has red moles that first appeared in their early 30s and have grown in...

Exploring ADHD: Genetics, Environment, and Brain Changes

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral disorder caused by the immaturity of the HMF and expressed by the syndromic triad: excessive mobility, impulsivity, and difficulty concentrating. Children with ADHD may also battle with low self-esteem, problematic relationships, and poor academic achievement. The diagnosis is made when the clinical...

Cardiovascular Pathologies: Causes and Prevention

Diseases of the cardiovascular system should be understood as any pathological functions of the heart or blood vessels arising as a result of numerous factors. It is known that heart disease is one of the main threats to the modern health care system, which causes global damage to public health....

Lung Cancer and Colorectal Cancer

Lung Cancer I agree that the rate of lung cancer is indeed lower in China when compared to Canada. Despite the pollution effects witnessed in China more than in Canada, it does not reflect a similar rate of incidences and mortalities from the disease. Lung cancer accounts for 25% of...

Challenging Healthcare Executives’ Responsibilities

The healthcare service will experience severe hardships within the next ten years. Section III of the ACHE Code of Ethics outlines major executives’ responsibilities, and it is possible to assume that point B will be the most challenging. It states to “provide healthcare services consistent with available resources, and when...

Chronic Bronchitis in Children

As an expert in the treatment of cough problems, I would try to receive more detailed information about the issue of the seven years old patient. It is unclear what could be the initial cause of the problem as the child could catch SARS from school or catch a cold...

Florence Nightingale’s Advocacy

Florence Nightingale had strong religious convictions and a profound vision of the potential of nursing, which helped her to alter the status of nursing from that of a domestic service to a profession. Nightingale utilized available opportunities, personal motivation, and the strength of her persona. One of the most effective...

Sinusitis: Clinical Practice Guidelines

Introduction Rhinosinusitis is among the most concerning conditions in the healthcare field. The average annual number of diagnoses exceeds 30 million, which results in $11 billion in costs for the respective treatment (Rosenfeld et al., 2015). The economic costs are further increased by personal consequences of quality of life, productivity,...

Analysis of Lifeline Homecare Kentucky

Introduction Lifeline Homecare aims to provide personalized service and assistance to preserve autonomy and quality of life. Since 1989, Lifeline Homecare has assisted Kentucky families in managing aging, rehabilitation from accidents or sickness, chronic health issues, and end-of-life scenarios (Lifeline Homecare, 2022). Lifeline Homecare is a privately owned and operated...

Analysis of Geriatric Cardiology Services in Australia

Introduction Cardiovascular disorders (CVD), which include myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, and cardiogenic shock, are the primary causes of death among Australia’s aging population. This factor indicates that the need for reliable, efficient, and accessible Cardiology service is critical in enhancing care. However, there is a problem in the health system...

Plan for Transitioning to a New Electronic Health Record System

Introduction The testing of the implementation of the new electronic health record system by the staff of the hospital should be based on the proposed testing scenario. In particular, it is essential to track the performance of the IV pumps in the course of transitioning to the electronic health record...

The Treatment of Type II Diabetes

Introduction The patient under consideration presents with diabetes mellitus and a body mass index (BMI) of 35. He uses basal and rapid-acting insulin, metformin, and statins for glucose and cholesterol control, as well as Lisinopril and steroid cream for hypertension and intermittent eczema. Considering the patient’s BMI, it can be...

Comparison of Healthcare Between the U.S. and Other Developed Nations

Introduction The Affordable Care Act is an all-inclusive healthcare reform that became law in March 2010. Before 2010, it was called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, while many Americans refer to it as Obamacare. The law consists of a list of healthcare guidelines targeted to expand access to...

Health and Medicine: The Safety of Patients and Staff

Introduction In the practice setting, there are several best practices that are in place that promote patient, community, and provider safety. It is important for management boards in healthcare facilities to focus on the safety of patients and staff. It can be done through the use of evidence-based management and...

The Use of Embryonic Research in Medicine

The embryo dispute is one of the fundamental provisions of bioethics. The main point of contention is the ethics of using embryonic research to advance medicine. The debate is a consequence of reasoning about the value of human life, the rights of the unborn, and the impact of the development...

Implementation Plan for Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal

Introduction The research setting assumes inpatient working conditions, in which the study subjects, RNs, are operating for at least half a year. Inpatient nursing is medical care delivered to patients who need to be observed by RNs. Inpatient nurses frequently treat acute illnesses, severe diseases, or life-threatening injuries, which cause...

Vegetable Group Nutrient: Folate

Vegetables provide a wide selection of various nutrients essential for a healthy diet. In particular, dark green vegetables, beans, peas, and lentils serve as a valuable source of folate (U.S. Department of Agriculture [USDA], 2020). Folate, also known as folic acid, is the natural form of vitamin B9 (Harvard T.H....

National Early Warning Score and Protocol for Sepsis

The body’s severe response to an infection is sepsis – a potentially fatal condition that must be identified quickly and treated immediately. Research revealed that the global mortality rates of around 60% were lower than those for sepsis and septic shock (Myrstad et al., 2020). Moreover, its incidence and severity...

Reimagine Yoga and Wellness in the Workplace

The possibilities of implementing yoga and wellness programs in the workplace and their effectiveness are influenced by various factors. In particular, the involvement of people in such programs and their interest in participating depends on their personal opinions and perceptions of the proposed measures. Despite the increasing popularity of yoga...

Blood Pressure Screening as the Major Preventive Measure in Adult Primary Care

High blood pressure may be one of the most common chronic diseases in the adult population. Nurses and doctors need to conduct screenings to catch the disease early and change the patient’s lifestyle to prevent worsening the condition. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is the most accurate method. An alternative to...

Surveillance for Coccidioidomycosis, Histoplasmosis, and Blastomycosis

Outbreak There are endemic areas in the United States for coccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, and blastomycosis, so the disease pattern varies. Endemic cases are predominantly in males, attributed to outdoor work and low protective equipment. In addition, hospitalization often occurs in the late stages of disease progression, and patients with early symptoms...

Psychotherapy: The “Anxious China” Book by Li Zhang

Introduction In “Anxious China: Inner Revolution and Politics of Psychotherapy,” Li Zhang explores the intricate relationships between social systems and mental health in modern-day China. The purpose of the book is to shed light on the effects that the current sociological and economic changes are having on the mental health...

Wellness-Illness Sequence’s Impact on Patient Care

Introduction A person’s health condition is not constant and continually transforming. People alternate between being healthy and ill, then returning to being healthy. The five phases of the health-disease continuum are high levels of well-being, excellent health, average well-being, ailment, and mortality. The continuum assumes that a person’s health will...

Healthcare Informatics Discussion

Introduction Healthcare informatics is a field that specializes in developing and studying information systems involved in the healthcare delivery process. With the rising importance of technology and the ongoing digitization of medicine, informatics has started to occupy a central role in discussing how to safely and effectively integrate technological solutions...

Adderall Drug’s Impact on Cognitive Performance

Introduction Adderall, a prescription stimulant commonly used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), has also become increasingly popular among individuals looking to improve their cognitive performance. One aspect of cognitive performance that Adderall is believed to enhance is choice reaction time, which measures the speed and accuracy of an...

Healthcare Restructuring Initiatives

Comparative Analysis The efforts of Hawaii and Massachusetts to restructure their healthcare systems are similar in terms of creating conditions for reducing overall medical costs, implementing high-quality and professional medical care, and meeting the needs of patients in the prevention and treatment of diseases. Nevertheless, Hawaii primarily focuses on promoting...

Leading Cause of Morbidity and Mortality in Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio

A search was undertaken in Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio, which found COVID-19 was the main cause of morbidity and mortality in 2020. According to Ohio Department of Health data, there were 2,832 COVID-19-related fatalities in Franklin County in 2020, accounting for 6.89% of all the COVID-19 fatalities in Ohio that...

Advanced Practice Nurses and Their Benefits

In order to communicate seamlessly between nurse and a patient, there must be no cultural gaps, which is a long-standing health problem. This can negatively affect patients’ health and their satisfaction with treatment. In recent years, the role of advanced practice nurses (APNs) in overcoming such gaps has been increasing....

Compliance and Reimbursement in Healthcare Organizations

Healthcare organizations must manage costs, maximize revenue, and maintain legal and regulatory compliance, among other financial challenges. Two essential aspects of financial management in healthcare enterprises are compliance and reimbursement. While reimbursement refers to the money that healthcare companies get paid for giving people medical care, compliance refers to following...

Health Disparities Among Hispanic Patients

The healthcare system in the United States is marred by disparities affecting racial minorities. Such inequalities have become a major topic of interest among researchers and commentators. Ethnic minorities face health disparities caused by a lack of social support, lower socioeconomic status, lower health literacy, disempowerment, and greater incidences of...

Implementing Cultural Competence Strategies Among Medical Workers

Introduction The post by Darly emphasizes the importance of implementing cultural competence strategies among medical workers. I liked the idea of implementing training programs for staff, including analysis. However, I did not understand what kinds of stereotypes influence these strategies. Discussion I find the idea of providing medical personnel with...

Cognitive, Physical, and Psychological Aspects of Adult Health

Introduction Each age period is characterized by changes that occur due to physical and psychological processes and environmental influences. At the same time, adulthood is not considered enough because of the misbelief that the least significant transformations characterize this period. However, it is vital to note that adulthood is a...

Nursing Informatics’ Impact on Patient Outcome

Introduction Healthcare has been experiencing a considerable change involving applications in providing patient care. The application of information technology in nursing is meant to improve the quality of treatment given to patients and increase the efficiency of the processes involved (Hussey, 2021). It involves several things, such as developing, designing,...

Healthy Sleeping Habits from Biopsychosocial Perspective

Antecedents that led me to sleep were an active day filled with study and various events. Some specific and intrinsic behaviors include bedtime rituals, which in my case consisted of phone scrolling for an hour or an hour and a half. The consequences of sleeping are the restoration of strength...

Health Promotion and Patient Empowerment

Health promotion implies measures that focus not just on the patients’ health but also consider the social and environmental factors that influence them. Actions in this direction help individuals receive control over their health and improve it (World Health Organization, n.d.). Health promotion is essential in achieving better patient outcomes...

Spinal Manipulation Therapy and Practice Concerns

As a non-invasive alternative to conventional therapies for treating chronic low back pain, spinal manipulation therapy has grown in popularity. To guarantee a safe and efficient course of treatment, there are a number of practice difficulties with the use of spinal manipulation therapy that need to be addressed. The five...

Quality and Risk Coordinator Position at Hospital

The Quality and Risk Coordinator in a hospital is responsible for coordinating, developing, and implementing a quality and risk management system under the direction of the Unit’s Director. The coordinator must work with the hospital administration, other hospital departments, healthcare providers and nurses to conduct risk analysis and quality assurance....

Tetanus: Diagnostics and Treatment

Introduction Tetanus is a rare but fatal disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS). It is common among neonates and children in nations without immunization programs and in tropical regions, particularly among men (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Control [CDC], 2023). Research shows that out of the 73,000...

Borderline and Paranoid Personality Disorders

Paranoid personality disorder and borderline personality disorder are mental conditions that require specialist intervention and a specific approach to treatment in combination with therapy and medication. Those disorders are characterized by difficulties in daily life and cause discomfort to the patient. To address these two conditions, it is necessary to...

Dissemination of Evidence Regarding Nursing Rates

The quality of care provided to patients in healthcare facilities depends on various factors, including the nurse-patient ratio. The PICOT question of this essay, “Does lowering nurse staffing ratios lower the possibility of poor patient outcomes?” was investigated in a journal article “The effect of nurse-to-patient ratios on nurse-sensitive patient...

Socioeconomic Factors’ Influence on Black Women in Houston

Nowadays, the healthcare system develops and enhances approaches in treatment and diagnostics in terms of patient care in order to reduce mortality and morbidity. However, despite breakthroughs and innovations, social justice issues continue to exist. Young black women are especially at risk of experiencing maternal mortality and morbidity due to...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder’s Impact on Children

Introduction Prevalence rates for post-traumatic stress disorder in the US vary widely depending on the demographic under investigation. Every year, a sizable percentage of the world’s population suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. In addition to traumatic events, there is no established cause for post-traumatic stress disorder. It is common for...

Data Quality in the Healthcare Sector

Introduction One of the potential issues that emerge from poor data quality in healthcare is ineffective decision-making. In other words, policymakers might choose inappropriate strategies to meet the facility’s needs due to inaccurate information, privacy breaches, unreliable diagnoses, and other types of incorrect data. In turn, this approach leads to...

The Caritas Process and Nursing Principles

In nursing, the role of care in the promotion of health and well-being, as well as in the prevention of disease in the theory of health care, is fundamental. It should be a foreground for any nurse to care for the person and form transpersonal relationships with patients. The professional...

Yoga and Wellness in the Workplace

The work can be tedious and stressful, negatively affecting wellness. Therefore, searching for methods to reduce stress and support well-being is necessary. Yoga is a well-known practice that positively affects physical and mental health. When considering the issue of yoga and wellness at work, it is essential to note that...

Nursing Profession’s Origins and Modern Issues

In the Middle Ages, the Christian church was concerned with health issues. Temples welcomed the sick and infirm within their walls, and deacons cared for them. They were assisted by women who were called deaconesses. In the eleventh century, in the European states, for example, in the Netherlands and Germany,...

Staphylococci and Streptococcus Infections

In the human environment, microbes are among the numerous living organisms. With the stimulus of the settings and surroundings, bacteria, a vital component of such creatures, may occasionally turn into an exceptionally fierce adversary of humans. Among the most predominant infectious pathogens among human beings, Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) can...

AIDs as It Affects the Respiratory System

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, commonly referred to as AIDs, is a health condition that damages the immune system, rendering it incapable of defending the body against pathogens and disease-causing germs. Since AIDs syndrome is an advanced version of HIV infection, the two terms are frequently used interchangeably (Hosek & Pettifor, 2019)....

Salmonella Outbreaks in the Recent Decade

Introduction For the purposes of this assignment, two articles on the topic of salmonella were chosen from the CDC website – “Reports of Selected Salmonella Outbreak Investigations” and “Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Infections Linked to Raw Turkey Products — United States, 2017–2019”. These sources are considered as important in understanding...

How Hand Washing Affects Public Health

Introduction The Ted Talk video I selected, “The Simple Power of Handwashing,” by Myriam Sidibe, explains how we would get sick less frequently if we washed our hands more often. Sidible likens the number of sick kids from not washing their hands to a kid-heavy plane disaster. Around 600,000 kids...

Regulations and Facility Design

Introduction The United States has a complex and intricate system of federal, state, and local regulations that have a profound influence on facility design. All three levels of government are responsible for enacting and enforcing regulations that dictate how a facility must be designed and constructed, as well as the...

Anorexia Nervosa: Treatment of Eating Disorders

Introduction Eating disorders present highly prevalent diseases in modern patients, especially among adolescents and young adults. The most common forms of eating disorders include anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), and binge eating disorder (BED). Eating disorders are sourced from social and psychological factors; therefore, psychotherapy is prioritized in treating...

Rotor Cuff Rehabilitation for a Throwing Athlete

Introduction Rotator cuff injuries are common among throwing athletes, and rotator cuff surgery is a procedure that is often necessary to help these athletes regain their strength and mobility. After surgery, it is crucial to gradually strengthen and stretch the shoulder over several months to avoid re-injury and ensure a...

Medical Staff Data Privacy

Introduction Medical professionals’ confidentiality and privacy are among the most important aspects of the medical service industry. Such comfortable conditions and the right working conditions must be ensured as they can directly affect the productivity of clinics. Thus, maintaining confidentiality under all conditions and scenarios, even in emergencies, like with...

The Importance of Robust HIV Strategies

A patient problem, such as HIV in this case, significantly affects all aspects of medical care in the clinic. First, this may affect the resources spent and the skills of medical personnel since the degree of success of the assistance provided directly depends on these aspects. In the event of...

Using Technology to Treat Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HIV is a common problem today despite many medical efforts to curb its spread. However, health policies and standards significantly impact the care of HIV-infected patients. Advances in medical technology have had a significant impact on HIV patients as well as their families and people at risk. At the same...

Student Nurses’ Experiences of Developing Professional Identity

Introduction Owing to the various aspects associated with professional identity formation, the nursing profession must comprehend how nursing students construct a professional identity and connect with universities and institutions that offer nursing education. Education has been deemed essential for nursing students to develop their professional identities. Creating a professional identity...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Work: Key Advantage

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the acute vulnerability of businesses and their workers worldwide. Millions of workers have been engaged in remote work many of them lost their positions, besides, companies could not hire new employees. Consequently, many people who could not find a new job and were forced...

How Cannabis Works in the Human Body

Introduction The use of cannabis has to be properly understood and discussed by nurses and other healthcare providers. This substance has many advantages and disadvantages, and people should recognize when this choice is the only appropriate way of treatment or alleviating symptoms. Cannabidiol (CBD), one of the major compounds of...

Changes to Reform the US Healthcare Delivery System

Introduction The Healthcare Restructures Act is centered on health prevention and promotion. In 2010, US President Barrack Obama signed into law the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Cleveland et al., 2019). The act paved the way for health insurance coverage for millions of Americans. Having an influx of citizens receiving medical...

Mid-Semester Project Implementation Process Paper

This project aims to develop nurses’ knowledge, skill, and confidence in treating patients using continuous bladder irrigation (CBI) as a therapy modality to maximize treatment. Bedside nurse education is framed within the framework of the professional advancement model (Benner, 2019). To reform nursing practice, the project relies on three essential...

Disease Control and Education Plan

Fighting HIV/AIDS has taken the U.S. and other nations worldwide more than three decades to find the right strategies for controlling its spread. The government has invested a significant amount of money in HIV prevention plans. So far, the techniques have helped reduce the disease’s effects by ensuring dramatic reductions...

Discussion on the “Tragic Choice Offered” by Arras

Patients and medical professionals may be roughly characterized as the potential victims on either side of the physician-assisted suicide (PAS) legalization debate. On the one hand, patients may experience coercion, abuse, and insufficient safeguards if PAS is made legal (Arras, 1995). Concerns may also exist on how the availability of...

Stroke and Its Repercussions: Humanities and Educational Research

Norma Lauderback, the subject of this case study, is 80. She shares a home with Floyd Lauderback, to whom she has been married for 50 years and they are locals of Riverbend City. Norma once dropped a dish while cleaning the dishes because she had a strange feeling. Her spouse...

Knowledge and Perception of Registered Nurses: Annotated Bibliography

Alhamidi, S., Alshahwan, M., & Tumala, R. (2021). Knowledge and perception of registered nurses regarding the scope of practice of speech-language pathologists. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19), 1–11. Web. The purpose of the study was to ascertain what registered nurses (RNs) knew and believed about speech-language...

Standardized Terminology: Nursing Terminologies

Electronic health records (EHRs) have recently gained popularity, allowing healthcare providers to manage and safeguard patient details digitally. One of the key components of EHRs is standardized terminology, which involves using a common language to describe clinical conditions, diagnoses, and treatments. As an outcome, data collection is more consistent, and...

Healthcare Fraud Solutions: Healthcare Fraud and Abuse

Healthcare fraud, waste, and abuse are significant issues in the US and cost billions of dollars annually. Waste and abuse refer to the unwarranted or excessive use of resources as well as intentional deception or misrepresentation of another person or institution for financial advantage. These problems have an adverse effect...

Assessing the Problem of Human Immunodeficiency Virus

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV for short) primarily affects the body’s immune system. One of the features of HIV infection, which has turned into an epidemic in recent years, is the presence of the so-called seronegative or latent period. Its essence is that for 2-3 months from the moment of...

TI and Serodiagnosis: Evaluation of Hematogenous Spread

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by the invasion of microorganisms into the urinary tract, which can include the kidneys, bladder, and urethra. There are three ways in which UTIs can be acquired, and the first one is ascending infection. The latter is the most common route of infection, where...

The COVID-19 Patients Stigmatization

Chen, X., Liao, Z., Huang, S., Huang, Q., Lin, S., Li, Y., Shao, T., Tang, Y., Hao, J., Qi, J., Cai, Y., Wang, M., & Shen, H. (2022). Stigmatizing attitudes toward COVID-19 among patients, their relatives, and healthy residents in Zhangjiajie. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. Web. COVID-19 physical manifestations...

Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children

Introduction Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological disorder marked by the onset of social interaction and communication impairment at a young age. Although autism is not recognized as a learning disability, autistic children may face some learning difficulties. It affects a person’s social interaction, behavior, communication, and learning ability....

Health Insurance and Medicare for All

Medicare for All, introduced by a wing of the Democratic party, accounts for one national health insurance program for all Americans with a fundamental right to healthcare. Past events, including the COVID-19 pandemic, justify that the country needs immediate intervention in its healthcare system. Medicare for All is an incentive...

Technology in Healthcare: Perspectives of Both Employees and Organizations

In today’s digital age, using personal devices for professional communication has become increasingly common, particularly in healthcare settings where nurses and other healthcare professionals need to communicate with physicians, hospitals, and agencies. However, while personal devices offer convenience, there are significant disadvantages to using them for professional communication, particularly regarding...