Ethical Responsibility and Dilemma in Current Nursing

Ethics is vital for the healthcare profession because it is the basis of the whole nursing practice. Nurses are expected to treat all patients equally and to provide unbiased services, which presupposes adherence to ethical standards (Mallari & Tariman, 2017). It is their ethical responsibility to follow the policies of...

Watson’s Theory in the Health Assessment Process

The core principles of Jean Watson’s Theory of Human (Transpersonal) Caring are concerned with the values of kindness, equality, amiability, and spiritual care about the patients (Watson, 2013). To cultivate the understanding of Watson’s theory, the principle of mindfulness is suggested (Sitzman & Watson, 2014). Applying this theory to the...

Advanced Practice Nursing Decisions and Moral Distress

Introduction Nurse practitioners (NPs) encounter ethical dilemmas whenever providing medical services to their patients. Such challenges occur since many individuals tend to have diverse needs and expectations. Some occurrences or events might be beyond a practitioner’s control. This paper describes my future leadership roles as a family nurse practitioner (FNP)....

Shortage-Related Stress in Nursing Workforce

The problem of shortages in nursing and among nurse practitioners has been discussed by the public, the media, policymakers, and nurse practitioners for more than ten years now. Although particular solutions were suggested, it does not seem that they have influenced the issue positively or brought improvements into it. Therefore,...

Third-Party Payments in Healthcare Field

Third-party payments are arguably the most important factor that determines the cost of medical treatment in the United States. They are responsible for increasing the price of treatment and thus rendering health care services inaccessible to many Americans. Calls for the reduction of treatment expenses primarily major on government policies...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Readmission

Introduction Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a very common lung disease often caused by smoking, fumes, and a polluted environment. Sometimes, genetics can determine a predisposition towards COPD. Although the disease can be treated in many hospitals and the mechanisms for its diagnosis and treatment are well-known, the readmission rate...

The Issue of Nurse Understaffing in Contemporary Hospitals

Introduction Nurses play a pivotal role in the sphere of medical care nowadays. They perform a wide range of functions both inside the hospital setting and outside of it, providing patients with care and helping them overcome their diseases. However, it is often a problem that there are not enough...

Intelligent Hospital Pavilion: Risks and Benefits

Introduction Intensive care units (ICU) treat patients that are in serious or critical condition. Therefore, rapid response and a proper environment for healing are crucial for improving the patient’s health. Advances in information technology have contributed to the development of smart ICU rooms aimed at optimizing the standards of care...

Patients’ Well-Being as the Top Nursing Priority

Purpose of the Paper: Delineating a Personal Nursing Philosophy Although there are a plethora of nursing theoretical frameworks that help build an efficient strategy for managing patients’ needs, it is crucial to design a personal nursing philosophy to develop an in-depth understanding of critical nursing issues. Therefore, the goal of...

Self-Care in Older Adults

Introduction Nowhere self-care education is as important as it is for older adults because they are associated with high readmission rates and a lack of behaviors necessary to support positive health outcomes. Self-care refers to the ability of an individual to engage in regulatory activities aimed at the promotion of...

Practice Models Applied to Advanced Nurse Roles

The contemporary advanced practice nursing is vastly shaped by various theoretical frameworks, which are designed to improve the quality of caregiving by producing new knowledge (Butts & Rich, 2015). However, it should be mentioned that in the majority of cases theories are developed from the models of practice (Chism, 2017)....

Human Tissue Ownership: Legal and Ethical Issues

Tissue Rights It is not a secret that we, people living in the 21st century, are becoming the witnesses of the most amazing discoveries and breakthroughs in all areas of human life. This statement is also true about science, medicine, and the treatment of different diseases. Together with a great...

Health Information Systems and Information Technology

Domains of health information systems There are three main domains of health information systems – financial/ administrative, clinical (patient management), and data analytics. The first relates to the issues of registering patients and scheduling initial and follow-up visits. More importantly, the administrators can review the billing information (Joshi & Nash,...

Case Management: Patient With Chest Pain

Introduction Aimee, your suggestions about additional subjective and objective data are very detailed and include diverse information that will be helpful to provide a precise diagnosis and develop an effective treatment plan. Thorough data collection is important for successful patient care. Patient data also help to reveal comorbid conditions which...

Ginger as a Herbal Supplement in Medicine

Introduction Today, many people are involved in alternative medicine that is usually based on the use of natural supplements. Herbs and non-pharmacological approaches have already gained popularity around the whole world. However, not many people are actually aware of the origins and the mechanisms of action of the chosen product....

Epidemiological Studies and Public Health

Introduction The wellbeing of humans is a state of health that is subject to various determinants of health and diseases. Often, most epidemiological studies present risk factors as individual non-independent elements due to complex interactions and synergistic associations in practice (Fletcher & Fletcher, 2012). These health-associated conditions naturally fall into...

Mentally Disordered People and Social Danger Myths

Importance of the Topic Even with numerous and extensive studies having been carried out on the topic, a range of aspects of mental disorders remain a mystery for psychiatrists (McGinty, Webster, Jarlenski, & Barry, 2014). The presence of unexplained symptoms and individual reactions to a particular change in one’s mental...

Obesity in Miami as a Policy-Priority Issue

Introduction In Miami, obesity continues to affect the health outcomes of many adults. Similarly, adulthood obesity remains a critical health issue in Florida. Statistics show that many adults in Miami have obesity. The adult obesity rate in the county exceeded the 35 percent mark in 2010 (The obesity epidemic and...

The Nursing Practice: Art and Science

Introduction In this paper, I will discuss the art and science nature of the nursing practice. Because it is impossible to have only one approach to the nursing practice, it can be said that nursing combines both science and art in its everyday tasks and goals. Nursing as Science It...

Hispanic Population’s Health at Miami-Dade County

My county is Miami-Dade that ranks 23 out of 67 counties in the state of Florida. 67.3 percent of the population is Hispanic and encounters several chronic diseases, among which obesity may be noted as one of the most critical health problems. The recent report shows that 35.8 percent of...

Elderly Patient Education and Health Status

It should be stressed that chronic health conditions are critical for the contemporary health care setting, patients’ statuses, and the population well-being in general. It is of particular importance in terms of the elderly people due to the fact that many of them are health illiterate, which often times results...

Patient Relations Department Redesign

In view of the existing structural congestions in the hospital, this proposal would be timely in expanding our patient relations department. The proposal would redistribute our existing space to accommodate some few adjustments, which are stated below. The main objective of this proposal is to maximize the level of staff...

Chronic Venous Insufficiency vs. Deep Venous Thrombosis

The Pathophysiology of Chronic Venous Insufficiency According to Santler and Goerge (2017), chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a well-known disorder associated with a variety of symptoms in later disease stages, which is reported to be considered common within the population of the U. S. Most notably, varicose veins with or...

Caring Concept Analysis to Improve the Nature of Caring in Nursing

Artistic Representation: Shorty Story Jimmy has been providing evidence-based nursing care to his patients. He believes strongly that the role of a nurse is to maximize the health outcomes of more people. One day he was supposed to provide medical care to a deaf patient. Some of his colleagues were...

Evidence-Based Practice Star Model in Nursing

Introduction Among the chosen population of patients aged 50 or older, one of the most widespread problems is the high amount of readmissions due to insufficient risk assessment before discharge. In the previous paper, the issue was identified as follows: how can patient outcomes be improved with the employment of...

Diabetes Self-Management Education in Elderly

Aging people often develop various chronic disorders including diabetes due to the changes that take place in their bodies. Glucose metabolism becomes impaired, and the health conditions often deteriorate due to older people’s sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy diets (Biensø et al., 2015). The disorder has become a global health concern...

Honesty and Withholding Information in Nursing

The work of an advanced nurse practitioner presents a complex system of rules and priorities to be followed for the delivery of high-quality services. Healthcare in its historical advancement is such a social institution in which many bioethical ideas were incepted and developed. To solve the problems that confront the...

Religious Perspective of Death and Dying: George’s Case

Introduction Nurse practitioners use their skills and philosophies to offer high-quality support and care to their patients. Concepts such as evidence-based practice and cultural competence are critical for caregivers providing support to individuals from different religious, social, and racial backgrounds. Such attributes make it easier for them to offer timely...

Nursing Care for the Elderly

Nowadays, nursing science is a rapidly developing area, and its achievements touch upon numerous aspects from specific medical issues to everyday life. As the term implies, nursing science is the type of science that integrates theory, actual nursing practice, and research. Just like any field, it is characterized by a...

Teamwork and Collaboration in Nursing

Introduction In the healthcare setting collaboration and teamwork entails collective planning, decision-making, problem-solving, coordinating efforts, and establishing effective communication. The main goal of the collaboration is to enhance the holistic and safe delivery of care to patients. Studies in disciplines such as aviation and military have demonstrated that teamwork is...

Nursing as a Distinct Profession

It is hard to imagine this world and health care, in particular, without nurses. Nurses aim at promoting health, preventing diseases, and assisting patients and their families in their intentions to cope with their health problems. Nursing had become one of the main research topics since the mid-1800s when Florence...

Evidence-Based Fall Prevention in the Elderly

Fall prevention is a critical topic in the framework of healthcare because it is a considerable challenge that exists in this sphere and often leads to nonfatal injuries among the elderly population over 65 years old (Preventing falls in hospitals, 2014). This issue becomes more critical when paying attention to...

Transition’s Impact for Patients With Diabetes

In the contemporary health care setting, patients are cared for by different practitioners at home and in hospital. This is a reasonable division; however, it also means that the specialists treating a patient in hospital and the home health care nurses need to engage in effectual communication if high-quality care...

Polypharmacy Risks and Effects in Older Adults

Discuss the Challenges of Polypharmacy in Terms of Risk Factors, Potential Drug-Drug Interactions, and Adverse Effects in Older Adults Due to the increased life expectancy, the number of older adults living with several comorbidities has grown in the past decades. To control several comorbidities at once, patients often have to...

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing: The Compilation of Comprehensive Principles, Tenets, and Domains

Abstract The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing suggested by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing is the collection of core principles, tenets, and domains, which educational facilities need to comply with when furnishing educational services for future nurses. The framework promotes such practices that will allow nurses to...

Nursing Theory and Practice

Both the theoretical framework and practical issues are significant in nursing. Newly employed nurses may have difficulties while applying their knowledge to real-life situations due to the gap between theory and practice. This challenge is thoroughly described in the present-day academic literature, but the problem remains. It is not uncommon...

Nursing Development During Education and Practice

Nowadays, many factors drive healthcare improvements at different levels. It is not enough to promote change in nursing education. Nurses, as well as other medical staff, should be aware of how to solve current problems, accept and support innovations, and deal with sustainable and unsustainable costs and disparities (Salmond &...

Nursing Malpractice: Legal and Ethical Implications

Working in the nursing environment means complying with a range of legal and ethical standards that allow increasing the quality of care and meeting the needs of the target population efficiently. The decisions made by nurses may have massive legal implications unless the existing standards of ethics are met. Although...

Healthcare Organization: Finance and Accounting

The success of a health care organization depends primarily on the extensive understanding of accounting and financial management by its executive and managers. Finance and accounting are both used to monitor and manage the financial resources of an organization. Finance and accounting are important aspects of an organization’s long-term attainment...

Levine’s Conservation Theory in Healthcare Research

The theoretical framework is used as a basis for many modern research studies. It provides structure and theoretical backing for a study and allows tying in facts and theories gathered from supporting sources and literature into a cohesive system (Green, 2014). Although not explicitly stated in every research, most of...

Ranitidine Medication’s Pharmaceutical Analysis

Abstract Ranitidine belongs to the category of H2-receptor blocker drugs. Its mechanism of action entails blocking histamine-2 receptors to prevent histamine from binding, effectively acid release by gastric parietal cells. Oral ranitidine tablets (150 mg) are indicated in the treatment of GERD, gastric and duodenal ulcers (GUs and DUs), hypersecretory...

Learning Styles Analysis in Nursing

Introduction Arguably, the efficacy of teaching and learning in nursing considerably depends on learning methods and learning styles (Boström & Hallin, 2013; Peyman, et al., 2014; Tsingos, Bosnic-Anticevich, & Smith, 2015). As such, different learners adopt different learning styles depending on how effective the learning styles are in meeting learning...

Central Vision Loss: Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

Assessment Subjective The patient is a 32-year-old female, who suffers from a sudden decrease in vision in the left eye. Traumas, injuries, tearing, redness, or exposure to any chemicals are defined. The case of blurring of vision was observed one month ago, but it was explained as the outcome of...

Public Health Project Creation and Management

The development of any project gives rise to several various concerns. These are related to such issues as the success of the whole process, constant improvement of the performance, and the ability to meet the main participants expectations. The last one is crucial for the further evolution of any project...

Professional Development of Nursing

Introduction The Institute of Medicine report concerns various issues and problems in nursing, e.g. nursing education and practice, right leadership skills, and the Government’s role in the transformation of the medical system. Nursing Education The IOM report draws the reader’s attention to the importance of education for nurses and reviews...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research in Nursing

Introduction Nurses need the expertise to analyze both qualitative and quantitative types of research. Since qualitative and quantitative research use different approaches to accomplish their mission, there is need to analyze them. The following discussion engages in critiquing qualitative and quantitative research in helping nursing understand the concepts relating to...

Breast Cancer and Effective Medical Treatment

Introduction The evolution of mankind and changes in the social and ecological factors provoke the spreading of different diseases. Cancer is one of the most life-threatening ones nowadays. The modern healthcare does not have the medicines and methods of medical treatment of many types of cancer guaranteeing the 100% recovery...

Clinical Teaching Strategies in Nursing

Newly graduated nurse educators such as Aminah Rachedi face myriad challenges in focusing on what nursing students need to know and connecting to them in ways that enhance individual learning needs (Sorrell & Cangelosi, 2015). It is clear from the interactive case study that Rachedi’s volunteer students have diverse learning...

Trends in Healthcare Human Resource Management

Introduction It is imperative to mention that healthcare industry has to go through numerous changes because of the introduction of new policies and other factors. The understanding of current and future trends is incredibly important for specialists in this area because it will be possible to develop a set of...

Health Data Management: Sharing and Saving Patient Data

Consider the idealized cycle of health information in evidence-based medicine where database systems offer information sharing service for doctors, medical researchers, medical institutions, and patients. In this scenario, doctors and researchers can easily query and analyze medical information with much greater speed, security, and ease. What would facilitate achieving this...

Nurse’s Workplace Change and Challenges

Introduction This paper is aimed to consider the situation of a 45-year-old nurse practitioner who has changer her workplace after 10 years of work. She has been experiencing certain problems. This paper will advise how these problems might be solved. Consideration of R.T.’s Situation To start with, R.T. should try...

Nightingale’s Nursing Theory and Millennium Goals

Introduction By far, one of the most famous people in the history of Nursing, Florence Nightingale, inspired a countless number of people, contributing to the fast-paced progress of nursing and the development of new strategies. Helping nurses build their experience and use it successfully to address patients’ problems, Florence Nightingale...

Cultural Variations in Environment and Biology: AIDS

Introduction Cultural variations in environment and biology influence prevalence rates of diseases and disorders among diverse ethnic groups. Moreover, culture has a significant impact on attitudes to traditional medicine on the whole and treatment in particular. For example, some cultural groups prefer folk medicine and do not believe in the...

Electronic Health Records and Nurses’ Participation

Introduction Nowadays, electronic document flow is a rather common practice that helps to save both time and money. However, despite the popularity of such a method, there is still some controversy associated with it. Therefore, the use of electronic health records (EHRs) in clinical settings needs to be investigated from...

Social Cognitive Theory in Advanced Nursing Practice

One of the behavior change theories that have been employed in advanced nursing practice is the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). SCT considers the complexities of human behavior, suggesting that multiple internal and external factors are at play when a person learns something new (Middleton, Hall, & Raeside, 2018; Spear, 2016)....

Emergency Room Wait Time: Literature Review

Khankeh’s Study Citation Khankeh, H., Khorasani-Zavareh, D., Azizi-Naghdloo, F., & Hoseini, M. (2013). Triage effect on the wait time of receiving treatment services and patients satisfaction in the emergency department: Example from Iran. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 18(1), 79-83. Type of Study, Design Type, Framework/Theory Type of Study:...

Diet and Lifestyle vs Surgery in Obesity Treatment

Obtaining Approval The key stakeholders involved in the process are the patients who will form a focus group, the nursing personnel, and the institution’s administration. To obtain approval and commitment from the patients, the issue needs to be described comprehensively but in a simple and approachable way to make sure...

Advanced Nurse Practitioner Competencies

Who is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner An advanced nurse practitioner (ANP) is a professional that has a full capacity to work as an advanced generalist as well as offer help and care to patients whose social needs and healthcare needs span across a variety of types and levels. In the...

Cost-Effectiveness Methodology in the Health Care

Introduction Cost-effectiveness analysis is applied in the healthcare system to determine the ways of redirecting the reserves in order to attain better results. This analysis shows the advantage of designating the resources from inefficient to efficient programs, and it also demonstrates the benefit of designating the resources from cheaper to...

Teamwork and Collaboration in Future Nursing

Introduction Working in groups is an essential and integral part of nurses’ jobs. Teamwork and collaboration are the primary requirements of the contemporary health care setting because various issues can be resolved faster due to joint decision-making and shared responsibility. Thus, it is necessary to determine the benefits such cooperation...

New Technologies in Nursing and Ethical Issues

The modern healthcare sector is impacted by the development of technologies greatly. The appearance of the new approaches and practices resulted in the significant improvement of the efficiency of all healthcare professionals and introduced numerous possibilities for their personal and professional growth. Additionally, the adherence to the new practices helps...

Student Assessment in Nursing Education

Articles Discussion According to Campbell (2012), numerous nurse scholars that conducted studies at the time that the article was created very often utilized a set of traditional methods in order to conduct research; however, the author stresses that these nurses were unaware of a wide range of new analytical tools...

Tenet Healthcare Corporation: Training and Development

Abstract The paper provides the discussion of how the global training plan was developed for Tenet Healthcare Corporation in order to improve the intercultural competence of employees and enhance their communication. The analysis of the organization, as well as global issues and contexts that influence the development of Tenet, is...

Universal Care: Advantages over Disadvantages

Introduction: Universal Health Care as the Global, All-Embracing Concept Healthcare is one of the services that are vital for any member of the global population. However, at present, not all members of the U.S. society, let alone the global one, are capable of using the options provided by the corresponding...

Therapy and Culture in the Nurse-Patient Relationship

The nurse-patient relationship can be discussed as specific interactions between a person who takes a role of a caregiver, a provider of services, or a supporter and a client who needs to improve the health and cope with diseases. As a result, nurses should pay much attention to the impact...

Technologies and Expenditures in Healthcare

Introduction As the development of healthcare and medical technology becomes faster, the cost of treatment also grows, demanding higher expenditures from patients who are not always able to provide payment for the services. Although technology has been helpful and has decreased the number of fatal outcomes in hospitals, it still...

Nurses’ Work-Life Balance and Patient Safety

Background of Study The clinical problem of the study can be introduced with the help of the PICOT question. For the study by Estryn-Behar, Van der Heijden, and the NEXT Study Group (2012), it will be as follows. In healthcare employees, do 12-hour shifts compared to 8-hour shifts have an...

Ways to Improve the US Healthcare System

Introduction The healthcare system in the United States is one of the main areas that need to be improved. There are various ways how to change the system. Medical specialists can influence health care through state and federal policy formation (Rambur, 2015). They also need to constantly improve their professional...

Nursing Leadership and Conflict Resolution

Introduction Nursing is one of the important constituents of the medical sphere, as it ensures sufficient collaboration and interaction between service providers and patients. Thus, the concepts of nursing continued to expand its boundaries while covering more and more duties, tasks, and responsibilities. Nowadays, being a nurse is associated with...

Nursing Concept of Pain

Introduction Concept analysis has been gaining popularity in medical research during recent years as it acts as a perfect tool that allows achieving conceptual clarity about various issues related to health care. It can be attributed to the fact that it has been recognized by a number of prominent researchers...

Master of Science in Nursing Program

The aim of this reflection paper is to give an overall picture of my accomplishments and experiences during my Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program. It includes an integrated reflection of my achievements, MSN opportunities that have impacted immensely on my professional practice as a nurse leader and my...

Assisted Suicide in Utilitarian Ethics

Introduction Humanitarian and ethical concerns of euthanasia (assisted suicide) are some of the most discussed points in the medical ethics of the 21st century. The societies around the world are divided on the subject, as it concerns many aspects of the existing legal, governmental, medical, economic, and religious systems in...

Effective Nursing Leadership Skills and Approaches

Continuous Quality Improvement and Patient Satisfaction Nowadays rapidly changing world sets new opportunities and challenges in the field of nursing. Nevertheless, proposed by Florence Nightingale as the top priority, permanent improvement and patient satisfaction remain important. McFadden, Stock, and Gowen (2015) define quality improvement as a combination of knowledge, skills,...

Coconut Grove: Vulnerable Population Assessment

Coconut Grove is a neighborhood in the southern part of Miami Florida roughly constituted of twenty thousand people. There is a calm and relaxing atmosphere characterized by lush green lawns with tall, green trees. The well-marked and sufficiently maintained infrastructure is indicative of good living standards. It is a multicultural...

Elderly Care Issues and Policy Implementation

Introduction The paper at hand will be devoted to an issue of elderly care. This is accounted for by the fact that over several decades, there has been a considerable increase in the number of illnesses among elderly patients. For instance: melanoma: APC = 6.18%, 94% CI = 4.32, 8.03%;...

PICOT Statement: Problems and Questions

Clinical Area and Problems It is worth noting that, at present, the issue of medical personnel shortage is acute for the majority of medical organizations across the country. The availability of the health care workforce is well below the planned indicator despite the fact that institutions are actively working in...

Nursing Related Scientific Resources

Rosa Nursing Models Nursing care can be achieved through several organizational methods. The types of nursing care models applied to a particular health situation can vary from one facility to another or amongst patients. Several factors including leadership beliefs, economic issues, and the ability to recruit and retain staff determine...

Team-Based Healthcare in Nursing Practice

Introduction Team-based health care is supported by the current U.S. health care system, although it is not implemented in every institution. As Babiker et al. (2014) point out, nowadays patients are rarely cared for by only one physician or nurse. Usually, it is a team of professionals who ensure that...

Heart Block and Cardiac Conduction System

The human heart is exposed to many health problems related to impairments in the cardiac conduction system. The heart contracts under the control of the electrical signals or impulses. The normal cardiac conduction system involves the sinoatrial (SA) node, the atrioventricular (AV) node, and the bundle of His (Brown, Brywczynski,...

Falls Prevention in Patients With Dementia in Nursing Homes

Introduction Older adults with dementia especially those in the ages of 65 years and above have been identified as a vulnerable population to falling cases in nursing homes. Falls often lead to serious injuries causing the patient’s disability. According to Miake-Lye, Hempel, Ganz, & Shekelle (2013), “the reported rate of...

Virginia Henderson as a Nursing Theorist

Virginia Henderson, the architect of nursing, made a huge contribution to the theory, practice, education, and research in the field of nursing. This theorist provided one of the most accurate definitions of nursing profession and, most importantly, a scientifically grounded theory of nursing that is based on a holistic approach...

Rosacea, Its Diagnosis and Treatment

Rosacea is a specific chronic skin condition that is classified as an inflammatory dermatosis, and it is typically observed on persons’ faces. In order to focus on the most effective treatment therapies, it is important to discuss characteristic features of this disorder and its etiology. The signs of rosacea include...

Windshield Survey: Miami, Florida

Miami, Florida, is one of the most populated cities in the state and one of the major tourist destinations in the USA. The city is constantly growing and evolving, although there are still numerous issues yet to be solved. On the one hand, the city has various parks and recreation...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases in High School Students

Study Design This study of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among adolescents will entail the use of a quasi-experimental design. This type of research design was chosen because the objective of the study is to identify the causal implications of the proposed intervention. It may be recalled that the purpose of...

Circumcision Is an Issue?

Introduction Circumcision became a topic of heated debate decades ago. In Western society, some believe that circumcision is a necessary procedure that can be beneficial for all while others note that it should be a decision of every person who undergoes the procedure at the very least (Earp, 2013). Many...

Prevalence of Skin Tears in a Long-Term Care Facility

LeBlanc, Christensen, Cook, Culhane, and Gutierrez (2013) authored the article the “Prevalence of skin tears in a long-term care facility”. The research was quantitatively conducted to investigate the prevalence rate of skin tears among patients in a long-term care facility setting. The study seeks to answer the question of the...

The Authentic Leadership and Nurses Experiences

Why the research article selected is a quantitative study The selected research article is a quantitative study because questionnaires were used to collect data and statistical methods [Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)] were used in data analysis. These attributes underline a quantitative study. Introduction Professor Heather K. S....

Older Adults Needs and Nursing Care: Learning Plan

Introduction To provide patients with care that would meet the most important needs that they have, a specialist in nursing is supposed to consider a range of factors that may have an impact on patients’ expectations. During the work, any specialist working in a community faces problems that occur due...

Abortion and Its Moral Status

Assignment Title During our life, we constantly have to encounter challenging circumstances that create dilemmas and demand difficult choices. Sometimes, our decisions inevitably affect other people’s lives and therefore involve a wide range of moral issues. This is the case with abortion. Modern medical equipment makes it possible to detect...

Biomedical Data in Probabilistic Decision-Making

Nowadays, clinical decisions are often correlated with uncertainty, mainly because of the characteristics of the data used. This data tends to be imperfect, which makes it challenging to manage (Owens and Sox, 2014), and it is typically diverse and produced by multiple loosely connected units, which makes it challenging to...

Nurses’ Liability vs. Employer’s Liability

Nowadays, many nurses are obliged to work in teams and follow their liabilities, as they remain members of the hospital health maintenance organization (HMO). Their employers, such as physicians or hospital entities, have various legal commitments as well. The following paper will discuss the responsibilities and liabilities of both nurses...

The Privatization of Health Care System in Saudi Arabia

Almalki, Fitzgerald & Clark (2011) stated that the policymakers and researchers are working with the healthcare industry of Saudi Arabia and they suggest to introducing gradual privatization of the health care services at public sector hospital; however, the government has already passed relevant law to put into practice of the...

Peplau’s Theory in Patient-Nurse Interaction

Since in this research the interaction between a nurse and patients with obesity is the key element, Hildegard Peplau’s theory of Interpersonal Relations in nursing is taken. Originating from psychiatry, this theory was reconstructed for nursing by Peplau in 1952 (Jones, 2014). Her theory suggested that interpersonal relations with patients...

Betty Neuman and Her Systems Model

Introduction Betty Neuman is one of the prominent American nursing theorists. Neuman’s System Model (NSM) was first presented in 1972 (Alligood, 2014). It was created by Betty Neuman for education purposes, “to provide unity, or a focal point, for student learning” (as cited in Smith & Parker, 2015, p. 182)....

Mental Health: Strategic Action Plan

People affected by mental illness are underserved, face stigma, and often lack advocacy (Hernandez, 2011). The case of mental health is complicated because even the international health community has constantly ignored mental health conditions, specifically persons who display symptoms associated with psychosis, such as social withdrawal, delusions, incoherence, hallucinations, and/or...

Telemedicine and Telehealth: Gerontological Application

The development of technologies has provided nurses and healthcare practitioners with more opportunities to deliver care to patients from remote areas or older adults. In this context, telehealth is the term used to identify all technologies which are utilized by healthcare providers to access patients from remote or isolated regions...

Laboratory Analysis of Urine

The laboratory test selected for the discussion is a urine analysis (urinalysis). This analysis includes a series of laboratory screening tests to detect specific cells and substances (crystals and casts) in a patient’s urine. The reason for urinalysis is a necessity to support a diagnosis regarding urinary tract infections, kidney...

Nursing Education Comparison: Ireland and Poland

Introduction In this paper, the author compares the nursing education in Ireland and Poland. The particular interest of these two European countries was caused by the certainties that are inherent in these countries. Before reading about the history and current educational system, the expectations of the nursing education systems in...

Intensive Care Unit Quality Improvement Checklist

Explain the process that was used to develop the Quality Program To develop the quality program, Simpson, Peterson, and O’Brien-Ladner (2007) utilized “Shewhart and Deming’s plan-do-study-act methodology” (p. 185) to create an initial checklist for screening. The study was given to different doctors and nurses to gain feedback. After the...

Evaluation and Dissemination of Outcomes in Nursing

Evaluation There will be several aspects of assessing the change plan. First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the planned activities comply with the theoretical framework of the addressed issue. For this, data from relevant academic literature needs to be collected; this data will help confirm that additional...

The Role of Family in Childhood Obesity

Abstract Childhood obesity is a public health problem that has been increased during the last decades. Families and healthcare providers develop numerous interventions in order to provide their children with a chance to avoid obesity complications. This research proposal aims at discussing the steps of future research in terms of...

Elder Functional Assessment in Nursing

Introduction Numerous elder people are facing various issues in their everyday life on account of chronic illnesses or their disabilities that are related to health. Often, those issues minimize their ability to care for themselves (Caplan, 2014). The latter is one of the most prevalent motives why older people search...

Diagnosing Adults with Autism

Prevailing Theories on the Origin of Autism First and foremost, it must be stated that at the present there is no single theory which any researcher or expert in the study of autism has found to be 100% convincing in that it thoroughly and accurately explains the origin and behavioral...

Patients Safety and Needs in Healthcare Environment

In the contemporary nursing environment, patients are exposed to a number of risks form the possibility of their personal information being disclosed to a third party due to imperfections in the security system to the threat of developing a nosocomial infection as a result of inappropriate nursing strategy chosen by...

Healthy Community Design and Policy Implementation

Introduction Community design is one of the issues in a broader topic of environmental health. According to American Public Health Association (APHA, 2017), “the built environment is the human-made features of our communities” (including sidewalks, public transportation, housing, etc.), and it affects both physical and mental health of community members...

Challenges of Transgender Patients

Nowadays, people are free to make their own choices and follow the ways they find appropriate and interesting to them. Many choices and styles of life are easy to recognize and accept. Still, even regarding the progress a modern society has already achieved, not all people are ready to accept...

Genetic Counseling and Hypertension Risks

Counseling is one of the most important parts of the nursing practice. It has been acknowledged that patients benefit from effective training and counseling since they manage to develop healthy lifestyles and habits that are the most appropriate in their health conditions (Madlensky et al., 2017). For instance, patients learn...

Meso Level Leadership and Friendliness at the Clinic

The concept of patient experience that is usually compared to satisfaction has been already studied by several researchers to prove its complexity and importance in health care. The investigations show that some organizations face the same mistake in their intentions to rate the level of satisfaction instead of rating the...

Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing

Introduction The master of nursing curriculum prepares many practitioners to take up different roles in healthcare. Each of these roles is critical towards supporting the diverse needs of different patients. A proper understanding of the roles and responsibilities associated with the major nursing careers can help more individuals get quality...

Clinical-Driven Innovation in Nursing Practice

Introduction The paper at hand is going to analyze a relevant Health IT topic in order to make it clear how the issue under discussion will affect nursing practice. The given introduction of the study is meant to provide a brief overview of the parts of the paper. The first...

Obesity Interventions and Nursing Contributions

Abstract Detecting health problems that may affect children later in their adulthood is significantly worthwhile. Obesity is one such disease that begins during childhood and prevails all through to adulthood. This research paper reviews the literature on early childhood obesity interventions that can prevent the wide-spreading nature of the disease...

Factors of Powerlessness Feelings Among Nurses

Speculations on High Turnover Rates The feeling of powerlessness is a common condition among nurses. There are numerous factors, which might foster its emergence. However, the outcome is always the same: nurses fail to provide the patients with high-quality medical treatment and care and ensure their safety, the level of...

Professional Nurse Transition and Development Plan

Introduction Nursing is as a profession is a calling that requires one to be committed to serving people. Some of the core responsibilities of nurses are very challenging, and in some cases, one may be called upon to work for long hours to save the lives of patients. As such,...

Aetna Healthcare Corporation: Performance and Stability

Overview of the company Aetna Inc. is a differentiated healthcare aids corporation. The company proposes a variety of classic, voluntary, and patient-oriented health insurance goods and associated facilities, as well as therapeutic help, dispensary, social health, communal life and ill health strategies, health organization capabilities, Medicaid healthcare supervision, Medicare benefits...

Liberal Education Background and Nursing Practice

Abstract Baccalaureate education makes nurses ready to become a part of a complicated healthcare system. The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing shows the steps necessary to achieve this. Today, nurses need not only the knowledge of life sciences but the knowledge of social sciences as well. Having direct contact...

Nursing: A Science or Art?

Introduction The debate over whether the nursing profession is a science or art has been ongoing, and the proponents of each point of view put forward contrasting arguments to support their opinions. As debates proceeded, it became evident that nursing has more apparent characteristics attributed to the scientific side of...

Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy

Introduction Orthopedic manual physical therapy (OMPT) is defined as any “hands-on” treatment that a physical therapist provides to a patient (“Manual therapy”, n.d.). Such treatments can include the moving of joints in at certain speeds and directions with an aim to regain their movement, stretch muscles, encourage a patient to...

Autistic Children’s Behavior Problems

Introduction The term “autism” originated at the beginning of the twentieth century and was coined by a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler (Feinstein 5). Bleuler identified autism as a mode of thinking, opposing it to another mode: logical and realistic (Feinstein 6). Thus, the historical definition of autistic thinking,...

Maternal Health Nursing

Definition of Nursing In the Maternal Role-Attainment Theory, Ramona Mercer fails to give a clear definition of the nursing meta-paradigm. However, the theory goes further to argue that nursing is “a science that emerges from the turbulent transition from adolescence to adulthood” (Thomas & Zimmer-Gembeck, 2012, p. 256). The scientific...

Anemia Case: Types and Diagnosis

Introduction This case describes the medical condition of a 26-year-old woman. She has recently begun to suffer breathlessness, the lack of energy, and depressing thoughts. The symptoms got much worse during menstruation. While the patient was playing golf in a mountainous area, she felt slightly faint. She was taken to...

Home Falls Prevention, Visits and Education

Introduction Home falls are one of the most complex health care issues, and researchers have looked into the most efficient ways of reducing home falls. There are many ways of reducing the reported cases of home falls such as the development of home visit programs, home renovation and modification, and...

Conflict Resolution Between Nurse and Patient

Introduction It would be great if the treatment process could be addressed with a few difficult psychological situations as possible. Unfortunately, conflicts among patients and health care personnel are not a rare thing. It is important for nursing staff, as well as for other participants of the process, to understand...

Distance Learning for Addressing Nurse Shortage

Critique of a Research Article: Introduction The article “Is Distance Education the Answer to the Nursing Shortage” raises an interesting issue that should be analyzed by stakeholders in the healthcare sector. The author examines how the increased demand for nurses and nursing education has led to the promotion of diverse...

Technological Advancements in the Health Sector

Introduction Social media platforms have affected different aspects of health care service provision, data management, and patient-nurse relationships (Aathi, 2014). Consequently, many researchers have written extensive articles about its impact on the sector to provide more insight about how health practitioners could adopt it in their practice (Gunson & Chawngthu,...

Developing a Teaching Plan for Immunizations

Introduction The question of getting children immunized has always produced a lot of concern among parents. Many of them consider vaccination a dangerous practice that may put their child’s life under threat. Therefore, it is a duty of a healthcare provider to supply parents with necessary information about immunization and...

Miami Beach Windshield Survey

Introduction Miami Beach is a city which is separated from Miami by a bay and has its government, infrastructure, and community. Even though the life of the community is closely connected to Miami, all required facilities and services are represented on islands. The windshield survey provides an opportunity to estimate...

Healing by Faith Ethics and Organ Transplantation

Introduction When discussing the Christian perspective on healthcare, it is important to discuss the issue of balance between physical and spiritual lives, which often intertwine and create barriers for one another. Therefore, Christians are presented with the task of not only being responsible for following and trusting the word of...

Sanitation Issues, Public Unawareness, and Health

Abstract Environmental changes that have led to a rise in sea levels, increase in temperature, destruction of numerous habitats, and extinction of hundreds of species have affected the public health greatly. Because of the identified changes, the well-being of people all over the world is jeopardized. However, the lack of...

Bordetella Pertussis Bacteria: Signs and Symptoms

Definition Bordetella Pertussis is classified as a Gram-negative anaerobic bacterium. It is defined as an encapsulated coccobacillus and belongs to the Bordetella genus (Finger and Koenig par. 1-2). Signs and Symptoms The bacterium causes the development of Pertussis in people. The disease manifests itself in mild cough, frequent sneezing, rhinorrhea,...

Population-Focused Nurse Practitioner Competencies

The attention to task diversification can be listed among the most important principles that characterize the majority of institutions and companies. In fact, clear task distribution is extremely important in each sphere of human activity as it ensures proper coordination between team members and helps to achieve best possible results...

Patient and Nurse Outcomes of Bedside Nursing

Introduction The research article under review is entitled “A Quantitative Assessment of Patient and Nurse Outcomes of Bedside Nursing Report Implementation” by Sand-Jecklin & Sherman (2014). The purpose of the research article is to quantify the impact of a mixed type of bedside report on nurse and patient outcomes in...

Alcohol and Wellness: How Alcohol Affects Human Wellness

Introduction Wellness refers to deliberate actions to live a healthy life by eating or drinking recommended foods and drinks respectively. In addition, it refers to other activities that are associated with healthy living and this includes avoiding all substances or activities that may risk human health like, alcoholism, overworking, drug...

An Interview about Continuing Education in Nursing

Introduction The present paper is devoted to an interview that I carried out with a master’s prepared nurse (MPN) who is currently working as a nurse educator. I chose this MPN since her scope of practice is very similar to my personal interests: I am specializing in nursing education as...

Conflict in Nurse Work and Its Resolution

Introduction Analyzing the main challenges which a nurse might face it is impossible not to mention conflicts. The fact is that conflict is an inevitable part of nurse-patient relationships. Since the success of nursing practices and the provision of high-quality healthcare is deeply related to the quality of the relationship...

Financial Management Role in Healthcare

Financial management implies handling some day-to-day financial operations, for example, payroll monitoring or keeping unexpected expenses under control. Therefore, the modern business environment in any professional sphere calls for a cohesive financial management strategy. Furthermore, with the introduction of the Affordable Care Act, electronic health records, and the Medicare billing...

Nurses Role in Conflicts

Nursing has always been one of the main occupations that contributed to societys further rise and development. Having appeared at the dawn of civilization as the first attempt to help people in need, this kind of activity moved along with humanity and passed through numerous stages of its evolution. At...

Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Theory and Research Plan

Theory and Knowledge for Researching the Target POI Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is one of the most typical forms of cancer in adults, according to a recent study provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Tsai et al., 2014). To gain a deeper insight into the problem, one...

High Blood Pressure Treatment in Diabetic Patient

The given case study presents a sixty-year-old African American male patient who has been diagnosed with hypertension and types 2 diabetes for the last twelve years. His body index is 32, and he is currently taking no other medication except 37.5/25 mg every morning. The information about the patient’s age,...

Environmental Theory by Florence Nightingale

Introduction Florence Nightingale was deemed the initiator of learned and scientific nursing and is broadly identified as “The lady with the lamp” (Murray & O’Neil, 2016). Her efforts act as the foundation of nursing research and practice. She is recognized as the first nursing theorist with one of her theories...

Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment in Nursing

Introduction Imogene King was a professional nurse who developed a popular theory of goal attainment. Its concepts might be helpful for people who want to be involved in the clinic sphere of nursing after they graduate from an educational institution. The following paper is intended to discuss how the theory...

Conflict Management in Healthcare Facilities

Introduction Conflict can be defined as a process where one party observes that its welfare is negatively impacted by another. Handling conflict in the workstation consumes time but is an important task for health care leaders. Conflict may take place amid doctors and other members of staff, and amidst the...

HIV and AIDS Prevention: Teaching Plan

Summary of Teaching The proposed teaching plan targets to get the students acquainted with the Disease Prevention and Health Promotion activity. In order to ensure that the teaching is of a practical character, it is proposed to narrow the scope of the material to the HIV/AIDS prevention problem. The proposed...

Community-Based Services for Family Health

As a rule, nursing professionals who work in the community utilize family approaches. It is significant to differentiate them because of the possibility to maintain the wrong operations. The family-focused approach presupposed that a family is a whole with its specific health responsibilities. Thus, nursing is to ensure that family...

Pedagogical Approaches in Nursing Education

Diversity in the Classroom Multicultural diversity induces multiple challenges in the current education system. It indicates that more individualized approaches to instruction and learning are required and that curricula must be revised in a way that would allow meeting the interests of all students. It is possible to say that...

Obesity, Its Contributing Factors and Consequences

Introduction Obesity is one of the issues that are often discussed by medical workers and researchers. This topic has been chosen for several reasons. First of all, this problem affects a great number of people. For example, one can mention that there are between approximately 112 000 deaths that can...

Gonorrhea, Syphilis, AIDS and Healthy People 2020

Introduction Communicable diseases are defined as ones spread from one individual to another through such ways as breathing, bodily fluids or blood contact, as well as an insect’s bite. It is crucial to report inflectional diseases to prevent their outspread among the community. The strategies of preventing communicable illnesses are...

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse and Leadership

Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing The sphere of healthcare is rather complex, and professionals who are employed in it are required to perform various roles to make their services productive and benefit patients. As the number of the medical staff reduced while a significant rise in patients was observed, an...

Organizational Values and Nurse Engagement

Organizational Values all organizations have their values. culture of an organization. beliefs of an organization. support in nursing. respect in nursing. Every organization has its own set of values. They help an organization to define its beliefs and culture. In terms of nursing, the best organizational culture for it is...

Nurse Robaczynski’s Case: Crime or Mercy Killing?

According to the case, Ms. Robaczynski had to disconnect her patient’s respirator because Mr. Gessner had no chance to survive. The nurse explains that there was a need for the mercy killing, but the opinions of experts in the field on this case tend to vary. Realizing that the actions...