Salmonella in the Caribbean

Population The research study pays attention to the population challenged by Salmonella bacteria who experienced abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and headache. In the 1980s, infectious cases increased among Caribbean locals and tourists (Stehr-Green, 2016). The emergence of Enteritidis infection was 6.8 per 100,000 annually in 1992: 48% of males and...

Diagnostics of Group Streptococcal Pharyngitis

Introduction The patient was diagnosed with group A streptococcal pharyngitis in the case study. Accordingly, the prescription of Amoxicillin antibiotics for ten days is a fairly standard solution to prevent further complications of a bacterial nature. Discussion Additionally, this course contributes to preventing the adhesion of related diseases, which is...

Aspects of the Social Media Best Practices

Introduction Social media refers to internet-based platforms that allow individual communication for information sharing, education, and advertisements. Healthcare providers must be sensitive to the patient’s information and keep it confidential. The enforcement of health insurance portability and accountability act rules is one of the activities of the regulatory bodies. This...

Investigating the Real-World Efficacy of HPV Vaccination in Adolescent Females

An appropriate research question to be used in the study is the following one: “What is the efficacy of HPV vaccination in reducing the prevalence of HPV infections in adolescent females?” In order to address this research question, it seems relevant to apply an observational design rather than an experimental...

United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda and Goals

Introduction The United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda and goals seek to address a broad range of global issues to promote a healthier and equitable society. These interconnected yet complex issues have a lasting impact on our world’s current and future state and must be tackled with insight and integrity (Newton)....

Pain Management as a Component of Modern Medicine

The quality of medical care in the modern world is regularly improved. This shows that increasing attention is being paid to the patient’s comfort and the correctness of his treatment. Modern medicine is designed to provide the patient with as painless treatment as possible, and nurses and medical personnel should...

Postnatal Depression: Prevention and Treatment

Introduction One of the most prevalent mental health issues that have significant adverse implications is postnatal depression. Community-based health promotion practices based on relevant theories, approaches, models, and methods constitute a powerful tool aimed at managing this problem. This presentation will cover the reflection on the health promotion aimed at...

Scientific Research Process Step by Step

Developing a research question and hypothesis, reviewing the relevant literature, planning and carrying out the study, analyzing and interpreting the data, sharing the findings, carrying out additional research by replicating the study, generalizing and applying the results, and assessing the study’s impact are all steps in conducting a scientific research....

Ethical Analysis of End-of-Life Decisions From a Christian Worldview

Introduction Euthanasia is a healthcare intervention that receives varied ethical opinions from a worldview and a Christian worldview. Healthcare providers come across multiple instances where a patient’s view on healthcare interventions gets influenced by their religious worldview or worldview. Patients’ religious beliefs can sometimes affect their health outcomes, given their...

The Strategic Procedure in Healthcare

Introduction It is important to note that effective organizational training strategies are critical in resolving emerging problems in a dynamic and sensitive healthcare environment. The given assessment will mainly focus on the competence of the facility’s billing and coding staff from the perspective of a director of health information at...

Health Disparities Among African Americans in the US

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze the health status of black people residing in the United States. Black people are exposed to significant health risks as a result of the disparities they experience in relation to their health. Discrimination faced by black people has been a significant...

Descriptive Epidemiology Discussion

Introduction Descriptive epidemiology is a field of study that aims to provide answers to questions concerning a particular disease, injury, as well as the occurrence of environmental hazards. The field answers five key questions that help explain the nature of a condition, its scope, the time and place of its...

Osteogenesis Imperfecta as Pathology in Anatomy

Summary Bone abnormality, known as osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), is a congenital (existing at birth) hereditary condition. It is commonly referred to as “brittle bone disease”, and the severity of the symptoms and signs can vary in different individuals. As a result of OI, a baby may have abnormally soft bones,...

Nursing Education Program Analysis

Introduction To a great extent, healthcare demands have substantially transformed, causing high demand for medical professionals to seek continued nursing education. The chief financial officer (CFO) must understand that human and other resources, including policies and tuition finances, are required for the nurses to offer exceptional patient care, including quality,...

Affordable Care Act in Metropolitan Hospital of Miami

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a part of the national strategy for quality improvement in healthcare. ACA was implemented in 2009 to address the unprecedentedly escalating prices of healthcare (McBride & Tietze, 2018). The main idea is to control the cost to a possible extent while improving the care...

Substance-Related and Psychiatric Disorders

Subjective: The patient’s history of substance use and chief complaint being her reluctance to seek treatment all point towards a substance use disorder as the primary diagnosis. It is clear that her symptoms have been present for an extended period of time and have been severe, as evidenced by her...

A Nurse-Led Rapid Response Team at a Neuromedical Center

Introduction Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a problem-solving strategy for care delivery that incorporates the most current scientific data with the patient’s preferences and principles and the clinician’s knowledge and skills. Best available research evidence, patient preferences, clinical knowledge, and awareness of clinical constraints are the four pillars of EBP. The...

Substance-Related Disorders: Opiates and Alcohol

Subjective: CC (chief complaint): Scared of going to rehab. HPI: L. T., a 33-year-old female patient admitted to a detox facility in Naples, FL, wants to discuss the possibility of going to a rehabilitation center. Past Psychiatric History: General Statement: Alert, oriented in time and space, reluctant to communicate. Caregivers...

The Preventative Mindset of Health Behavior

Introduction The Case for Incentivizing Health Outcome is to devise ideas with the preventative mindset of health to establish various strategies to transform individual health behaviors. In developing programs, decision-makers need to have better considerations. The essay presents the main consideration for those working in the preventative health environment on...

Telehealth Policy for Healthcare Effectiveness

The use of communications to deliver long-distance medical services is known as telehealth policy. The policy implemented in the UHealth Tower, Miami, Florida, has made it easier for patients to reach their healthcare providers from a distance. Nurses can assist patients and provide recommendations regarding their conditions. Thus, the paper...

The Significance of Direct Observation in Nursing

Introduction Physical therapy education is a field of education that involves training and theory regarding physical impairments and improving mobility and functioning via the application of force and mechanical pressure, manual treatment, physiotherapy, and electrotherapy. The person’s quality of life is improved via evaluation, diagnosis, forecast, treatment approaches, and patient...

Recommendations for Future Practice Change

Current and innovative practices in nursing are essential for providing high-quality patient care and ensuring that healthcare professionals are equipped with the latest knowledge and skills. In particular, monitoring the quality of education practices among diverse learners is critical for ensuring that all individuals have equal access to quality education...

Duplication of Healthcare Facilities Within Regions

Hospitals operate in a unique market, which can be entered by distinct participants. Each separate institution, whether already present in a region or recently opened, can affect the functioning of other facilities from the same sector. As a result, such an area is likely to have multiple medical organizations that...

Lack of Clear Roles as an Ineffective Working Environment

A surgical facility is a bustling environment with regular, immediate demands that require competence and practical dispute settlement skills to resolve numerous conflicts that may arise in connection with the specified features. This process should be performed under such fundamentals as confidence, the advancement of cohesion, and a high level...

Civility Guidelines in the Healthcare Workplace

Civility is formal politeness when all social agents treat each other with respect, dignity, and ethical considerations. It plays a vital role in nursing by building trustful relationships among employees, employers, and clients. In contrast, incivility includes disrespect, self-centered behavior, irresponsibility, and dishonesty of the workers. Since nurses interact with...

Physiology: Iron, Potassium, Nitrates, and Iodide

Description of Ion Various ions, such as iron, potassium, nitrates, and iodide, are essential to human survival. Potassium, with the atomic number 19, and the chemical symbol K, can be found in group 1 of the periodic table (Silbey et al., 2022). It is a malleable, shining white metal that...

COVID-19 Epidemic as a Current Security Event

Introduction The COVID-19 epidemic, which struck the world in December 2019, is considered to be the greatest pandemic of the 21st century. It is a highly contagious disease that affects individuals in numerous negative ways, either provoking pneumonia or triggering underlying diseases, leading to complications and possibly death (Chiotti et...

Nurse Leaders’ Role in Reducing Nurse Burnout

Introduction Nurse burnout is a serious issue in today’s healthcare system, and nurse leaders must take steps to mitigate its effects. The issue of nurse burnout is multifaceted, with many contributing factors and potential solutions. In the literature, there is a growing consensus that nurse leaders can take an active...

Pasteur’s Input to Knowledge of Infectious Illnesses

Role in Society One of the most influential people in medical history was the French microbiologist and chemist Louis Pasteur. He significantly contributed to the current knowledge of infectious illnesses and ushered in a new era in how people treat them. Pasteurization, which he invented to keep food from spoiling,...

Decision-Making on Medical Procedures

Introduction Incorrect decision-making among medical partners negatively affects the health of patients. It has been researched that decision-making is considered a vital element of nursing practice (Arsenault Knudsen et al., 2021). The decision-making process in the shared method also helps medical workers and patients choose the treatment option most suitable...

RUA (Radioisotope Use Authorization) Concept Map

Assessment General appearance: Mr. Jason appeared uncomfortable and was breathing shallowly and with difficulty Vitals: Blood pressure: 130/80 mmHg/HR 98 beats/minute/O2 88%/Temp 37.9 C/Resp: 20 Neuro: Alert and oriented x3/No signs of confusion or disorientation HEENT: Conjunctiva and sclera that are normal/There were no lesions or exudates found in the...

Literature Review and Database Results Credibility

A literature review critically analyzes published works on a given topic. It is an integral part of research as it enables the researcher to understand the existing knowledge on the subject, identify gaps in the literature, and build upon existing knowledge. It also helps the researcher to develop an argument...

Quality Improvement Initiative to Prevent Infection

Introduction Quality is an essential aspect of healthcare that allows for striving for excellent performance when facilitating patient outcomes. Any organization motivated to grow and develop must rely on continuous quality improvement based on the timely identified drawbacks in the current practices. In particular, the detection of frequent and repetitive...

The Coronavirus Pandemic Response in Brazil

The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on many dimensions of Brazil’s development. This is one of the most seriously affected by COVID-19 countries not only in the Latin American region, but also in the world as a whole. Nevertheless, the policy of President Zaire Bolsonaro, who downplayed the...

The Elderly Fall Prevention Research Steps

The purpose of this paper is to define the main steps in the research on “Elderly Fall Prevention.” The first step is to find relevant information on the topic. To do that, I need to select contemporary studies, which means I have to exclude research older than five years old...

Volunteering for ChristianaCare Union Hospital

Company’s Mission and Vision Statements The company’s mission is to serve the community as partners in the field of healthcare. There are two ways to fulfill this mission. The first way is to provide expert knowledge about health and self-healthcare (“Community benefit,” n.d.). The second one is to create an...

Rapid Response Nursing Teams and Patient Care Outcomes

Summary of the Study The article effect of rapid response nursing teams on the outcome of patient care by YekeFallah et al. (2018) aims to identify the importance of rapid response teams in improving patient healthcare outcomes. According to the authors, rapid response teams play a huge role, especially in...

Nightmare Experience in Bipolar I and II Disorders by Ma et al.

Title of the Article The article’s title implies that the study is focused on the relationship between bipolar disorders and nightmare experiences. Purpose and Hypothesis of the Research The study aimed to investigate the frequency and characteristics of nightmare experiences in individuals with bipolar I and II disorders and to...

The American Medical Association and Disability Justice

The American Medical Association (AMA) has recognized the need to address racial justice and health equity issues within the organization and in the medical field. As part of their efforts, the AMA has developed a strategic plan that includes “Theories of Change” and “Levers for Change” to guide their work....

Evidence-Based Care Plan for Cystic Fibrosis

Introduction Cystic fibrosis is a systemic disease characterized by extensive damage to the endocrine glands and the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and other systems. It significantly shortens life expectancy because the gene mutation results in an inability to control electrolyte transport (mainly chlorine) across epithelial cell membranes (Coverstone & Ferkol, 2021). Nevertheless,...

International Policies and Healthcare Access in France and Italy

International economic policies have a significant impact on the ability of countries like France and Italy to ensure universal coverage for healthcare services. These policies can either facilitate or hinder the provision of affordable and accessible healthcare services to all citizens. One of the ways in which international economic policies...

Global Mental Health Policy Regarding Stigma

Current Issues in Mental Health Mental health issues have always been a part of public health concerns to be addressed accordingly. However, over the past couple of years, the prevalence of mental health problems has increased dramatically in general audiences, with the issues of depression and anxiety have become upsettingly...

Electronic Health Record Implementation Analysis

Electronic Health Records (EHR) are becoming increasingly popular in the healthcare industry, as they offer numerous benefits over traditional paper-based records. The ability to access information and create streamlined medical records has the potential to raise the standard of medical care (Witry et al., 2022). By carefully considering certain factors,...

Nursing Practicum Experience in Clinical Settings

The nursing practicum experience is essential since it educates professionals in their early careers. As the roles of nurses expand to health promotion and support for patients, the urgency in adequate nursing practice increases. During my practicum experience in clinical settings with mentally unstable people, I have improved communication and...

Addressing a Gap in Quality Care of Pulmonology Patients

Introduction Describing the Gap Nowadays, the number of patients with COPD is constantly growing. COPD is one of the primary reasons for the disability and death of patients. The costs associated with the treatment of exacerbations of the disease in the US rise year by year. All these factors make...

Health Behavior, Communication, and Advocacy

The dissemination of information about certain outbreaks of various diseases is one of the most important functions of the health system. Similar precautions can be taken when epidemiologists find there is a significant risk for many people to be infected. In such cases, the system’s speed and sophistication are important...

Healthcare as a Human Right: Addressing Access Disparities

The healthcare system in the United States faces several challenges, including inequalities in access to care and health outcomes. Although the system is complex and multifaceted, many citizens struggle with receiving the medical care they need. Given the limited resources available to the American healthcare system, it is essential to...

Pre-Participation Physical Examination

Introduction Physical exercise is a pillar of a healthy lifestyle throughout the lifetime, and all healthcare practitioners advocate involvement in sports and leisure. All healthcare care experts advise physical exercise and involvement in sports due to their multiple health benefits. Physical exercise, sports, and leisure are essential for adolescents and...

Medical Tests and Preventative Measures

Introduction Increasing numbers of Americans are participating in organized sports. This boost in engagement has been accompanied by an increase in sudden deaths. Hereditary or developed cardiovascular abnormalities have been linked to the majority of unexpected deaths among athletes participating in various sports. Other explanations of unexpected death are heatstroke,...

Health Resources and Services Administration

Introduction The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is a U.S. government agency within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HRSA was created in 1982, to help improve access to health care for underserved and vulnerable populations (Health Resources and Services Administration, n.d.). The annual budget of HRSA...

Public Health: Pandemics, Epidemics, and Endemics

Introduction Infectious diseases are spread by viral or bacterial agents that are always present in society. The terms used to describe communicable infections are used interchangeably depending on the number of cases presented. The rate of spread and the new cases are classified differently. An endemic is used to label...

Assessment Tools in Recreational Therapy

Introduction Assessment in recreational therapy involves evaluating an individual’s physical, cognitive, emotional, and social functioning. The assessment seeks to determine a person’s rehabilitation needs and goals. This process typically involves several steps and methods, and recreational therapists can use several evidence-based assessment tools to evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions...

Health Electronic Records: The Impact of Electronic Health Record Systems

The use of electronic health records (EHRs) in managed care settings is a complex issue that raises many questions. One the one hand, by giving physicians quick and simple access to patient information, EHRs have the potential to increase the effectiveness and quality of healthcare. However, if EHRs encumber rather...

Paramedics: Demographic and Employment Trends in Firefighting Careers

Firefighting is a risky career and there is always a risk of death or injury. However, one of the main risks of non-scene injury or death is because of improper application of personal protective equipment (PPE). To be a firefighter may be a risky job when it concerns injury and...

Competition in the Healthcare Industry

Competition in the healthcare industry can spur innovation and cause price shifts that are favorable for customers. I live in rural South Georgia with a single hospital community of eighty beds. However, this fact does not imply that this facility does not have any competition. Telehealth is a primary way...

Aspects of the Nursing Informatics

Introduction Nursing informatics is useful in taking precautions early through the identification of patients with a high likelihood of serious conditions. Its automated alerts help in minimizing the possibility of medical errors thereby improving patient care among nursing practitioners (Role et al., 2021). Project management is needed for making the...

Micro Policy Advocacy for a Pregnant Teenager

Teenage pregnancy is an acute issue all around the world. When analyzing the topic of teenage pregnancies, one can see the detrimental impact of poor sex education and how it can result in low quality of life for parents and children. Thus, when facing the issue of teenage pregnancies, authorities...

Health Care Ethics and Reform: High Cost of Healthcare

Introduction One of the most discussed topics concerning health ethics and reforms in the US is the high cost of health care. Cost is critical as it impacts access to and, equally important, health care quality. The US has very high health care costs that pose a substantial financial burden...

Reducing the Number of Delayed and Canceled Operations in the Surgical Department

Introduction According to Al Talalwah and McIltrot (2019), treatment of more advanced illnesses, which sometimes necessitates more severe and costly treatment, is one of the medical repercussions of postponing surgery. Through features like checklists, alarms, and prediction tools; incorporated clinical guidelines that promote standardized, evidence-based procedures; and computerized prescribing and...

Advanced Practice Nurse: Discussion Board Post

Health policy initiatives usually modify the whole working process of nurses. The detailed health services provider opportunities may vary depending on the state, the medical organization, and the applied program. Advanced nursing practitioners are responsible for acting according to established clinical practice models. The health policy initiatives are translated into...

Obesity and Lack of Its Treatment Project

Introduction Currently, Body Mass Index (BMI) is the standard accepted measure to classify obesity. Obesity is a public health issue that is characterized by having an excessive amount of body fat where the BMI is above 30 (De Lorenzo et al., 2019). Unfortunately, the current healthcare environment in which primary...

Improving Health Literacy through Patient Education in a Healthcare Facility

Health literacy is the ability of individuals to access, understand, and use health information to make informed decisions about their health. It is crucial for effective navigation in healthcare, but often an issue for vulnerable populations. This proposal intends to tackle the topic of health literacy by presenting a strategy...

The 2022 Salmonella Outbreak: A Case Study

Foodborne illnesses are conditions that occur due to the consumption of contaminated products. While there are multiple illnesses categorized as such, it is important to mention one of the most common and dangerous ones, Salmonella. Salmonella is a bacteria correlating with adverse health effects that can negatively impact one’s well-being....

Sleep Deprivation Effects on Adolescents

Good sleep is a natural physiological state of relaxation, the key to the body’s normal functioning. During night sleep, the production of necessary hormones occurs, which stimulates the growth of the body of a teenager, accelerates the transport of amino acids into cells, the production of proteins, and affects lipid...

Aspects of the Health Information Training

Introduction Patients’ privacy must be respected if a trustworthy connection is to be built with them and if their comfort and happiness are to be prioritized. Patients’ right to privacy and secrecy are paramount, especially in the obstetrics and gynecology fields, where delicate clinical situations frequently arise. As a starting...

Awareness of Bioethics in Contemporary Healthcare

Introduction Bioethics is an interdisciplinary field of research and discussion, the subject of which is the moral foundations and problems of medicine and healthcare, as well as closely related modern scientific areas. Chourey et al. (2022, para. 9) state that awareness of bioethics is important for novice doctors, service providers,...

Standards of Healthcare: Quality Caring in Nursing and Health Systems

Healthcare professionals and organizations require standards of care since they describe the level of competence in the nursing process as a way of protecting and saving a life. Professional standards are vital in maintaining safety and proficiency evaluations for clinical units (Duffy, 2022). Standards of care can be used as...

Blood’s Role in Oxygen Consumption

The famous expression “Blood is the essence of life” alludes to the crucial function that blood serves in the operation of the human body. This saying is well-founded because blood flows throughout the body, supplying the cells with oxygen and nutrition and removing waste. Any living organism owes its existence...

Socioeconomics in the Delivery of Healthcare

Introduction Socioeconomic factors such as income, education, and occupation can significantly impact an individual’s ability to access and receive healthcare. Lower incomes and less education may give the person more barriers to accessing healthcare than those with higher incomes and higher levels of education (Healthcare, 2022). It should be highlighted...

Parks and Their Effects on People’s Physical and Mental Health

The well-being of people relies on good health, however, it can be hindered by disorders related to physical and mental health. Both physical and mental health are critical in the overall well-being of individuals and society as a whole. They are key factors that enable people to make sound decisions,...

The Problem of Aging in America

Introduction As the baby boomer population ages and the growing shortage of health workers, access to long-term care and palliative care aid promises to remain a significant problem in the 21st century. Today there is increasing dissatisfaction and concern about the long-term care system or even the lack of it...

Family Health Assessment: Nursing Philosophy

Family assessment is crucial as it helps address the issues affecting family members. According to Mansfield et al. (2019, p. 825), this type of assessment provides the nurse a “multidimensional view into the family’s life”. Similarly, nursing interventions for health promotion ensures the family members develops a clear understanding of...

The Antelope Valley Medical Center Marketing Initiative

Introduction Antelope Valley Medical Center (AVMC) is a community healthcare organization focusing on making high-quality medical care accessible to all community members without compromising on compassion or cost. The company’s mission is to improve the quality of life of our community by becoming the healthcare provider of choice (Antelope Valley...

Healthcare Economics and Work of Hospitals

Introduction The healthcare system is a complex mechanism of professionals, systems, and services created for the purpose of supporting the population. However, there are a number of different frameworks that can be applied in order to understand and manage healthcare settings. One prevalent method is healthcare economics, which applies economic...

Understanding the Three Levels of Prevention

Primary prevention refers to interventions that aim to prevent a disease or condition in individuals at risk but who have not yet developed the disease. Examples of primary prevention include vaccination, healthy lifestyle promotion, and environmental interventions (Kisling & Das, 2022). It plays a hugely significant role in public health,...

The Role of Nursing Management in Addressing Health Disparities

The first step in addressing healthcare disparities in acute care and outpatient is to identify and assess the specific healthcare disparities within the healthcare system and community. The nursing leaders can also implement culturally and linguistically appropriate care and develop and enforce custom-made medical interventions to deal with the specific...

“Overweight and Obesity Statistics” by the USDHHS

In the article “Overweight and Obesity Statistics” by the USDHHS, the dire situation concerning excessive weight in adults and children is discussed. It is pointed out that various causes can increase the chances of an individual becoming overweight, of which environmental and individual factors are the most prevalent. Nevertheless, in...

Medication Error Intervention: Annotated Bibliography

Cohen, M. (2016). Medication Errors (Miscellaneous). Nursing, 46(2), 72.  This article was first published in 1994 and has undergone several publications and revisions and the latest version was published in 2006. The author, Cohen, outlines guidance to healthcare providers in any area. The book can assist providers in both acute...

Standards of Practice for Culturally Competent Nursing Care

Culturally competent nursing care entails considering an individual patient’s cultural and social background. According to The Chicago School (2020), intercultural competence is based on the premise that effective healthcare must be suited to each patient’s needs, principles, beliefs, and language. Culturally competent care involves acknowledging and adjusting to the patient’s...

The Public Health Milestone in the US

The Public Health milestone is the first significant step in creating what is known today as the U.S. healthcare system. This milestone saw the development of a more organized way of handling health problems and the introduction of new systems. These systems are still used today to deal with public...

Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan

Introduction In 2017, nurse Vaught fatally administered the wrong medication and caused a patient’s death. She was charged with reckless homicide and sparked debate over a recurring issue in medical practice. The discussion will focus on why this event occurred and provide evidence-based practices organizations can employ to prevent its...

The Healthcare Pyramid Levels in St. Petersburg, Florida

Introduction Healthcare delivery systems in the United States are divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary care. Through this analysis, it will be apparent that there are significant differences in the types of care provided at each level and that each group is essential to providing comprehensive healthcare to the community....

Health Insurance and Inaccessibility in the US

The United States of America does not have compulsory health insurance for the entire population, unlike, for example, the European Union. Many unprotected social sectors of the population cannot afford insurance because of its high cost and live without it. In case of illness, this person may not have enough...

The Antelope Valley Medical Center’s Objectives

Name of Organization: The Antelope Valley Medical Center Type of Organization: Hospital Mission/Vision/Values: The organization aims to provide a broad set of healthcare services in collaboration with other local medical institutions (About Antelope Valley Medical Center, n. d.). A good reputation based on the high quality of medical services for its patients is...

The US Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission

The US Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) is responsible for ensuring the reliability of occupational safety issues related to citations contesting. In particular, when the cases of occupational safety violations ruled under the Occupational Safety and Health Act are claimed to be non-viable or faulty, they might be...

The San Diego Blood Bank’s Mission and Services

A donation has always been a manifestation of great charity and high humanism. The blood bank, in turn, is designed to ensure the desire of some people to help and others to receive help. Donating at the San Diego Blood Bank is an entirely safe, almost painless, and essential procedure....

Chronic Conditions and Public Health Crisis in America

Chronic conditions are a major public health crisis in America. It threatens the quality of life and health of communities, families, and individuals across the nation. Chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, are America’s leading causes of death. According to Gussow (2021), chronic conditions claim more than $300...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Mild Dementia

The client has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a progressive respiratory disorder characterized by difficulty breathing and inflammation of the airways. The client also has mild dementia, a decline in cognitive function that can affect memory, language, and decision-making skills. COPD can significantly impact the client’s functional ability and cognitive...

Addressing the Mental Health Crisis of Healthcare Workers Post-COVID-19

Problem area The COVID-19 pandemic put an enormous amount of pressure and stress on the healthcare workers. This resulted in the increase in mental distress and illnesses among medical professionals from burnout to prolonged severe issues. Almost half of them experience burnout with more than quarter reporting depressive and anxious...

Techniques and Tools for Strategic Management in Healthcare

Strategic quality management significantly impacts how firms develop and implement their goals. Healthcare executives bear a great deal of responsibility for locating relevant tools that make it easier to implement innovative ideas. According to this viewpoint, healthcare providers should prioritize their patients’ health above all else. One method is to...

Functional Fitness: Enhancing Daily Activities and Overall Well-Being

Functional fitness refers to exercises that train and improve the body’s ability to perform functional movements and tasks used in everyday life. It focuses on teaching multiple muscle groups at once and mimicking real-life activities, like lifting, bending, and reaching, that is important for simple functions rather than isolating specific...

The Role of Nurses in Patient Safety

Introduction Risky medical practices are the root cause of avoidable exposure to patient risk in the global healthcare system. A large portion of these risks occurs during medication administration. Consider the case of Peter, a 75-year-old male with a history of arrhythmia. The doctor of Rythmol 150 mg gives Peter...

Dysfunctions, Disabilities, and Handicaps: Implications and Analysis

The terms dysfunction, disability, and handicap are all related to the functioning of an individual, but they are distinct concepts. Understanding the differences between these terms is important in the field of healthcare, as it allows professionals to accurately assess and address the needs of their patients. It is crucial...

Analysis of Health Insurance in Texas, USA

Health insurance has a unique role in the transformation of the modern healthcare system of the United States. It provides coverage of medical services for a large part of the country’s population. However, there are still questions and concerns about the insurance of such population groups as the elderly and...

Providing Care Using Telemedicine

My video will focus on a very important topic, namely distance medicine. I have reviewed several articles and identified three main ones on which my work is based. The first is an article by Giulio Nittari and others, which is reliable because quotations from books and methodologies in the medical...

Overcoming Nursing Shortage at San Diego Blood Bank

Facility Type: This facility is needed for blood transfusion and allows to save lives and improve health. Meanwhile, the mission of San Diego Blood Bank is to unite different communities of people to save others (San Diego Blood Bank, n.d.). In addition, the value statement is to provide the best...

Evidence-Based Practice Types and Examples

Introduction Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an approach to healthcare that involves making decisions about patient care based on the best available evidence. In order to engage in EBP, healthcare professionals need access to relevant and reliable sources of information. A critical source of information is databases, which can be used...

Addressing Anxiety and PTSD: A Comprehensive Approach for Angelina

The presented case describes a woman named Angelina, a middle-aged woman living with her family. She has constantly been anxious and has had nightmares for the past six months after she had an abortion. This client’s case suggests that she has a generalized anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)....

Drug Abuse in Pregnant Women: Effective Ways to Combat

The issue of drug abuse in pregnant women has remained relevant over recent years. Indeed, several policies have been proposed to tackle the problem, namely financial support for therapy, voluntary sterilization, and criminal persecution. However, the effectiveness of the proposed measures differs in their ability to achieve the desired outcome,...

Context Specificity and Situativity Theory in Physical Therapy

The question of whether clinical reasoning expertise should be perceived as a skill, or a state is a complex issue that has reverberations on medical expert education. The phenomenon of context specificity (CS) and the situativity theory (ST) represent theoretical perspectives that oppose the viewpoint of professional expertise as a...

Nutrition and Heart Health in the Fire Service

It is important to note that the working group at the fire department is comprised of firefighters who regularly work in highly hazardous and dangerous conditions. The threats to health and safety range from fire, heat, stress, and exhaustion to physical trauma. Although these immediate threats are part of the...

Disseminating Evidence in Nursing

Introduction The dissemination of the project’s results to improve practice and keep the spirit of inquiry alive is undoubtedly one of the complex tasks for a healthcare professional. However, with a competent approach to planning this goal, achieving the best results and high achievements is possible. This paper aims to...

ACE Star Model for Studying the Falls Practice Change

Introduction Evidence-based practice models in health care serve as rules for embodying professional medical practice. Moreover, they become helpful in improving the quality of patients care and optimizing the medical matter’s process. One of the numerous models worth noting is the ACE Star Model. Discussion The ACE Star Model helps...

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture for Infertility

Introduction The current presentation is dedicated to the research conducted by Zhu, et al. (2018) and reflected in a peer-reviewed article “Acupuncture Treatment for Fertility.” In it, the authors aim to evaluate the ability of acupuncture as a well-known practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat infertility in both...

Healthcare Optimization Techniques

Optimization of work processes is a prerequisite for high-quality and efficient work performance. The use of optimization methods can significantly reduce the time spent, as well as material and human resources. Such savings are especially critical for medicine when it comes to human lives. Several medical institutions have dangerous shortcomings...

Nursing: Witnessing Death at Work

Introduction Providing psychological support to an incurable patient and his relatives is a difficult test for the medical staff who accompanies the patient at all stages of dying. Therefore, professional burnout syndrome is widespread among medical workers in this category. Although I rarely face death, given the specialty of a...

Public Health: Tuskegee Syphilis Trial

Introduction The Tuskegee Syphilis trial was a trial conducted by the United States Public Health Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with African-American volunteers. The study was conducted between 1932 and 1972 and involved 399 people infected with syphilis and 201 healthy controls (Barrett, 2019). The study...

Aspects of the Childhood Stage of Life

Introduction A fitness and wellness plan for the childhood stage of life is beneficial for several reasons. It can help promote healthy growth and development, encourage physical activity and physical literacy, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and create a foundation for healthy lifestyle habits (Powers, 2020). Additionally, physical activity...

Hypothesis Testing: Different Types in Science and Research

Hypothesis testing is a statistical investigation method that formally tests specific predictions from theories within the scientific community. These tests focus on experimenting or observing results from an educated guess or hypothesis. Hypothesis tests in nursing are utilized to test new drugs or explain the reason behind a problem and...

Social Determinants of Health and Health Equity

In addition to medical and genetic factors that affect human health, social determinants of health (SDOH) exist. They may be related to socioeconomic circumstances, the environment, the population’s education, and governmental social and medical programs. Moreover, social determinants significantly affect access to proper medical care and cause health equity issues....

Public Health: Person-Centered Therapy Practices

Introduction This paper aims to create a comprehensive care plan using the SBAR model for a client who has experienced multiple health, poverty, and social challenges. It assesses the client’s situation and also develops a plan and recommendations on how to move forward in caring for the patient. In addition,...

Diabetes Self-Management Assessment Effect on the Quality of Care

Introduction Professional nurses collect data, prepare reports and conduct monitoring. This information forms the basis of benchmark data that compares the quality of patient safety services. This paper will explore data on the issue of diabetes self-management, which I discussed earlier in other assessments. The 61-year-old female patient was diagnosed...

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation: Comprehensive Psychiatry

CC (chief complaint): The patient complains of stomachaches and headaches and will not go to school or attend the majority of other social occasions. HPI: When attending classes, the patient has been experiencing symptoms like headaches and stomachaches. Prior to this point, the patient had been receiving medical treatment from...

Nursing Advocacy Through Legislation

Problem In the state of New York, the current problem related to nursing that requires advocacy is the dysfunctionality and inaccessibility of proper healthcare coverage for all citizens. According to Scheinker et al. (2021), current healthcare costs are unrealistic and too high due to the administrative costs and the active...

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Case Study

CC (chief complaint): Ms. Connie Weidre experiences fear and lack of air in her lungs when she leaves home. HPI: Fear of the environment developed gradually after the death of the stress-causing mother. First the woman began to have a phobia and fear of flying on airplanes, and then of...

Coding and Reimbursement: Health Information Management

Introduction to Coding and Reimbursement Coding and reimbursement are two essential components of the healthcare system. Coding refers to the process of assigning specific codes to medical procedures and services, while reimbursement refers to the payment for those procedures and services. Understanding coding and reimbursement is crucial for healthcare professionals,...

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation: Berry Sullivan

CC (chief complaint): Berry Sullivan complains that he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder after the war. HPI: Sergeant’s post-traumatic syndrome occurred on his return from a military action zone. At first it manifested itself in the fact that he reacted sharply to the sounds of salutes or the smell of...

Explanation of the Salmonella Disease

Introduction I chose these two articles since they give a detailed explanation and description of the Salmonella disease. The articles give comprehensive details of the signs and symptoms of the disease. They also provide information about whether there was an outbreak of the disease and what was linked to it....

Public Health: Tobacco Use Cessation Plan

Introduction Cigarettes containing tobacco and nicotine have been used for years, but with new methods of smoking being introduced, the numbers are rising. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2022), 22.3% of the global population uses tobacco, 36.7% of all men and 7.8% of the world’s women. Office of...

Neurological Disorders and Imaging Physics

This paper described an analysis of well-being and health status. The main diagnoses based on screenings and examinations were described. The most key aspects are life stress and related stress, manifestations of PFS, and avitominosis. For each diagnosis, the most effective ways of monitoring and were described. Based on the...

Cholera: Symptoms, Diagnostics and Spread

Cholera is a dangerous infectious disease, the causative agent of cholera vibrio. The toxins they release affect the small intestine, causing watery diarrhea and vomiting. One of the most striking cholera outbreaks was an epidemic in London in 1854 on Broad Street in the Soho area (Tulchinsky, 2018). At that...

Nursing: The Importance of Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction A 52-year-old patient visited the emergency department of a hospital complaining of blurred vision and numbness in their hand. They were diagnosed by Nurse A with a transient ischemic attack and their symptoms quickly resolved (Nurse Case Study, n.d.,). However, a later examination by another nurse, B, revealed slurred...

Endoscopic Band Ligation for Watermelon Stomach Treatment

The research study is an analysis of the benefits of endoscopic band ligation over argon plasma coagulation in the treatment of gastric antral and fundal vascular ectasia. According to research, GAVE is a serious consequence of cirrhosis. Several medicinal, surgical, and endoscopic therapy approaches have been offered, with varying degrees...

Nursing: Dissemination of the Results of a Quality Project

Introduction Effective dissemination of evidence-based practices requires the right choice of audience among stakeholders. The main purpose of dissemination is to raise awareness among people involved in the healthcare system in order to change practices and improve overall public health (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). By disseminating the results of the...

Telehealth and the Impact of the Advancing Telehealth Beyond COVID-19 Act of 2022

Introduction The research focused on telehealth and the impact of the Advancing Telehealth Beyond Covid-19 Act of 2022 (ATBCA). The policy is anchored on the need to continue supporting marginalized communities through the enhancement of telehealth (Congress, 2021). Discussion The author ensured that all the information used from external sources...

Cultural and Social Influences on Alaskan Native Oral Health

Alaska Natives have the worst oral health of any racial or ethnic group in the United States. More than half of children and adults suffer from caries and other oral diseases. This paper will examine the social and cultural causes that affect the dental health of the Alaskan Native. Diet,...

Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis: Plastic Surgery

The inability of medical students and patients to precisely describe the plastic surgeon’s responsibilities leads to a significant misunderstanding of the profession. This paper discusses and analyzes eight scholarly articles about the perception of plastic surgeons’ work. The research results show that most individuals have a vague perception of plastic...

Enhancing the Healthcare System With Information Management

Data Security The HIPAA Security Rule is a federal policy covering healthcare organizations’ data security. It establishes national standards for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronically protected health information (ePHI) (Abouelmehdi et al., 2018). The rule requires organizations to perform regular risk assessments, implement physical and technical safeguards...

Diabetes Nursing Policy: Diabetes Care

Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of endocrine diseases that develop due to a relative or absolute lack of the hormone insulin or a violation of its interaction with the cells of the body. Since this is a very common disease, there are several important nursing policies regulating the management...

Efficient Human Resource Management in Nursing

Introduction It is important to discuss how to best recruit, select, and retain high caliber candidates in an area where there is a shortage of healthcare workers. There is now a severe shortage of registered nurses (RNs) in the United States. In this paper, I will provide an overview of...

Scientific Integrity in Modern Healthcare

Today’s scientific research relies on the principles and practices of scientific integrity to preserve the quality of new papers and ensure the validity of the adoption of their results by practical science. Preservation of scientific integrity depends in many ways on the researchers’ and institutions’ competence and personal and collective...

Healthcare Disparities Among the LGBTQ+ (Queer) Veterans

Introduction The LGBTQ+ community faces unique challenges concerning access to resources such as education, jobs, and health services. However, LGBTQ+ veterans are a particularly vulnerable demographic due to several reasons. On the one hand, the previously employed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy prevented publicly non-heterosexual military staff from exercising their...

Treatment Alternatives Evaluation

Policymaking requires standards – criteria against which policymakers test the anticipated outcomes of alternative treatments. According to Collins (2005), five criteria should be applied during treatment evaluation: relevance, progress, efficiency, effectiveness, and impact. These standards help in understanding if the intervention contributes to the health needs of the target population,...

The Nursing Profession and Its Historical Roots

The nursing profession has come a long way of becoming, during which there were many difficulties and challenges for nurses of the past. However, overcoming these difficult periods of the formation of the profession led to what nurses do today. Nursing is one of the oldest professions, which means that...

Medical Workers’ Role During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Strength of a Project Mental Health and Resilience The Covid-19 pandemic has become a test for everyone, regardless of social status or place of work. Life has completely changed, and I had to quickly get used to new rules and norms to protect myself and my loved ones from the...

Intensive In-Home Services for Aggression Management

Behavior U. V. is a patient that received 2 hours of intensive in-home services from a Mental Health Qualified Professional. The client’s presenting problem can be described as anger episodes that involve verbal and physical aggression. The behavior includes offending, punching, and hitting others, which are categorized as acts of...

Intensive In-Home Program for Depressive Disorder

Behaviour T. has a depression. It is evidenced by decreased inability of the mood state as well as poor ability to identify triggers and respond to them properly. T. claims to be “sad” and acting “not like me.” T. noted that she no longer engages in or performs activities that...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in an Old Lady

Introduction The patient, Tegan, a retired college professor of social studies, used to be an active and outgoing old lady before developing severe mental health issues after being involved in a train accident. This inciting event, like any crisis, happened unexpectedly and caused significant physical and emotional trauma to this...

Strategic Management Activities in Healthcare

In the system, the correct organization of the work of medical specialists is of particular importance. This is due to the fact that it can provide an increase in the quality of services provided and the level of patient satisfaction. Moreover, it significantly improves the activities of medical workers and...

Assessing the Efficacy of the CONNECT App for Cardiovascular Disease Management

The study involved patients suffering from cardiovascular disease and people at risk. Participants had access to an app with all the necessary information about the disease. Online health risk calculators, incentive emails, and monitoring of behavioral lifestyle targets were provided. The average follow-up period was about 12 months. The control...

Scotomas: Aspects of the Surgical Intervention

Introduction When a floating dark spot appears in the eye, the cause is usually vitreous destruction. Such a condition requires urgent consultation with a specialist. Dark spots, flies, or threads in front of the eyes may indicate clouding of the vitreous body, possible pathology of the nervous or cardiovascular system,...

The Health Care Planning and Learning Action Coalition

Introduction Health coalitions play an essential role in overseeing the functions and capabilities of the system. In addition, their sphere of influence includes tracking the funding of Accountable Care Organizations. These activities are essential to the operation of the health care system in the United States and must be performed...

Ethical and Legal Dilemmas in the Healthcare Case

Introduction This case study shows an example of a young woman, Janet, who survived an accident in which her husband died. Although Janet survived the accident, the doctor found that she had suffered a severe head injury, and the prognosis for the woman was poor. Moreover, the patient has been...

Substance Use Disorder During Pregnancy: Project Translation and Planning

Introduction Substance use disorder during pregnancy is a significant public health concern that puts mothers’ and infants’ lives and well-being at risk. According to Peltier et al. (2022), women with previous mental health issues are at a higher risk of experiencing substance use disorder. Therefore, healthcare professionals should implement evidence-based...

The Influence of Neuromodulators on the Human Brain

Introduction The YouTube blog “November 30 – Dopamine and Serotonin and Us” is dedicated to the topic of neurodiversity and the influence of neuromodulators on the human brain. One such neuromodulatory molecule released during a reward-giving action (for example, sex or food intake) is dopamine. Lauren Theresa McCarthy Debiak describes...

The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials

Introduction The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) basic qualifications include eight competencies. These basic competencies comprise a scientific basis for practice, systemic leadership, the use of analytics and information technology, health advocacy, prevention, and practice improvement (AACN, 2006). The current course is directly related to DNP essentials as it teaches...

Research Methods: Mixed-Methods Research in Health

Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative information is often considered to be the preferred approach because it allows for a more comprehensive understanding of a subject under study. Quantitative information provides numerical data and can be used to identify patterns and trends, while qualitative information offers insights into the...

Sweet Consumption and Diabetes

Introduction In today’s society, diabetes mellitus remains a severe public health problem, destructively affecting the patient’s metabolic activity as well as reducing the quality of life. However, it is not so much the phenomenology of diabetes as a developmental pathology of the body that is the focus of this essay,...

Psychiatric or Psychotropic Medications

Introduction The human body is designed to enjoy life and the actions performed. Our evolutionary biology ensures that everything necessary for survival makes people feel good. The balance of neurochemicals that have evolved over millennia has been disrupted by modern life, which has made people more prone to depression, anxiety,...

Benefits of Evidence-Based Practice

Evidenced Based Practice (EBP), as used in healthcare, refers to the approach employed by practitioners in health centers to determine the most current, better-quality research that can be used to inform their service delivery. Nurses make use of EBP guidelines when evaluating appropriate care choice for patients. When this happens,...