Environmental Trends and Family

The world around a person is continuously changing due to the emergence of new technologies. Each of these changes affects a person’s life and health. For example, increased urbanization is reducing air quality, which leads to various diseases. Therefore, at the moment, there are widespread forecasts and proposals designed to...

Hospital Governing Boards and Performance

Introduction It is important for a hospital to run effectively, afford quality care, and sustain a high-quality status in the community it serves. The performance of hospitals is of great concern to societies in their quest for improving health; hence, the correlation of board performance to hospital’s performance is a...

Reproductive Rights: Plan B

In the modern civilized democratic society, human rights are of paramount importance. In all spheres of relations regulated by law, a person and a citizen acts as a subject of the corresponding rights, freedoms, and duties. The beginning of the current legislation is the recognition of people, their rights, and...

The U.S. Healthcare System Crisis

The cost of living a healthy life is a sensitive matter to talk about, but we can’t keep turning a blind eye to it. The crisis of the current US healthcare system takes its root in the organizational factors, which formed throughout the 20th century. Unlike consumer-driven health insurance in...

Newborn Screening Program – Blood Spot Collection

Taking care of newborns is always challenging since infants are especially vulnerable during the first moments of their life. Moreover, children’s health remains fragile even when they grow up and start another stage of their development. Watching the videos made me feel the responsibility that nurses and other medical specialists...

Osteoporosis: Description, Its Effect on Homeostasis

Introduction Osteoporosis refers to the reduction in bone mineral density (BMD). (Misner 1) The condition develops gradually and results in weakened bones that can fracture easily (Sugimoto, pars. 1-3). The condition is more common in the elderly and women are five times more at risk of developing the condition as...

Hospital Pharmacist Interventions: Healthcare Value Boost

The aging of the global population, the increase of chronic and contagious diseases, and technological improvements in recent years have led to an escalation of health care costs. Kovner and Jonas (2018) outline that medical providers and caregivers can create effective interventions to help sick people and lower medical costs...

Gratitude, Hope, and Forgiveness: The Wisdom of the Communities of Color

“Salsa, Soul, and Spirit: Leadership for a multicultural age” by Juana Bordas is a vigorous contribution to building a new progressive leadership model based on the principles, which have been generated by the communities of color and have been sustaining them while overcoming pressure and numerous adversities. The author represents...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Program Planning Project

Problem Statement Chronic kidney disease is one of the most burning issues of the area of health care and epidemiology nowadays. Various factors discussed below lead to the sharp increase in the rate of chronic kidney disease incidence among the population of the United States of America and other countries....

The UnitedHealth Group: Financial Analysis

Introduction Healthcare Organization financial planning and analysis is generally required for the proper budget planning and organization of the financial flow control system. Considering the aspects of the financial status analysis, it should be emphasized that the necessity to provide the financial analysis will be closely related with the realities...

US Challenges of the Supply and Demand of Physicians and Nurses

Introduction The main problems the U.S. is likely to face in the future, owing to the current shortage of physicians, are undoubted, demise in the health care sector accompanied by the emergence of epidemics and preventable deaths. Many U.S. citizens will travel long distances in search of health care workers...

Possible Answers to Question “When Does Life Begin?”

Introduction When trying to find the singular correct answer to the question “When does life begin?” there are different sources one can consult. This results in the problem of coming to vastly contrasting conclusions when examining all possible texts. There is also an array of bioethical issues that depend on...

West Nile Fever: Definition and Scientific Articles

Introduction Many of the diseases, until recently considered exotic, which were mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical endemic foci of Africa and Asia, began to dramatically expand their range, capturing countries in the temperate climatic zone. In terms of the spread of West Nile fever in many countries, it is...

The DKT Initiatives: Review

Introduction Social marketing is often regarded as an effective tool for improving the healthcare initiatives, and related aspects of demographic situation in the world. The DKT initiatives aimed at providing cheap and available contraceptives is associated with the proper combination of business initiative and observation of public healthcare values. Assessment...

Health Planning Committee Response to COVID-19

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is one of the central organizations in the state, responsible for developing a response plan for the COVID-19 pandemic. A response to such a global crisis is challenging since the HHS, or any other organization did not have a similar experience in...

Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection Prevention Using Intravenous Tubing Change

Introduction The occurrence of central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) is a high-rate and severe medical condition that endangers the health and lives of many patients across various healthcare settings. This issue occurs due to the entrance of bacteria into the patient’s central line by contaminating blood and causing general infection...

The Public Policy Process Part II

Introduction A policy refers to a rule or a strategy that can be used as a guide to achieving a specified outcome (Birkland, 2010). Policies are usually made by institutions and governments to help in achieving predetermined objectives. The policies made by the government are often referred to as public...

Improving of Breastfeed in Temple University Hospital

The process of improving the current rates of exclusive breastfeeding in postpartum women will require a well-constructed budget since the incorporation of communication tools and materials for performing role-playing and scripting for the target demographic will require taking multiple expenses (Schneider et al., 2016; Gray, Grove, & Sutherland, 2016). The...

Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Program

Introduction The focus of this paper is on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) vaccination program on seasonal influenza. The study aims at investigating the effectiveness of the program in terms of seeking long-term and viable solutions to seasonal influenza. This will be achieved by exploring various peer-reviewed literature that...

Epidemiology. Tuberculosis as Communicable Disease

Despite being known for rather a long time and thoroughly researched, tuberculosis (TB) remains a considerable danger for a number of people, especially socially vulnerable and unprotected. Unlike many diseases continually present in the history of humanity, TB cannot be viewed as vanquished or easily treated – the eradication of...

Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: Key Issues

Introduction The article “Bipolar Disorder” discusses psychological problems and unique symptoms found in children affected by bipolar disorder. The authors state that therapists who work with such children recognize that the rapid, skillful provision of crisis intervention services gives many victims the insight and tools to manage their own recoveries....

Modern Nursing: Trends and Issues

Summary of Healthy Americans Act (HAA) Health care reform in United States has taken so many years to come into effect due to the hot debate among Americans as to whether to have a universal healthcare system (single-payer system) or a multi-payer health care system. Nevertheless, with the passing and...

Health Management Assessment

Introduction In this presentation, the case is based on an incident report that is sent to a hospital administrator by one of the doctors. The employees of Suburban Medical Center witness a situation when one doctor (Dr. Singh) complains that another doctor (Dr. Shaw) hit him with a stack of...

A Critique of Research Paradigms in Medicine

Introduction This paper is a critique of research paradigms from two articles: A randomized controlled trial of a community nursing intervention: improved quality of life and healing for clients with chronic leg ulcers (written by Edwards, Courtney, Finlayson, Shuter, and Lindsay) and Shifting priorities in multi-morbidity: a longitudinal qualitative study...

Primary Health Care For Indigenous Australians

Introduction Colonization generated multiple health impacts among the indigenous aborigines. Before colonisation, the aborigines participated in tracking animals and gathering plant materials for food. The native people lived for decades separately from supplementary communities. They depended on their traditionally attained food, which availed low sugar, nutritional energy, fat, and sugar....

Grant Proposal: Cancel Cancer

Executive Summary Cancer becomes one of the key causes of death and aggressive forms of diseases in America. To ensure that patients diagnosed with cancer can effectively reduce their stress and anxiety levels, a grant is needed to use the program of emotional relief. A $100,000 grant is required to...

510(K) FDA Clearance Debate

Introduction The considerations of safety provide the most critical orientation for present-day medical facilities. However, the efficiency of their work is compromised by the policies of the government regarding the procedure of the acceptance of new devices for mass production and distribution. Since it is solely based on the principle...

Reducing the Number of Healthcare-Associated Infections

Organizational Problem Context Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a considerable bother for the US healthcare system. Eisenhower Health Center aimed at reducing the number of HAIs infections by the end of the year by 50% from the level of 2015 (California Department of Public Health, 2019). In particular, the organization has...

Total Quality Management Healthcare Organizations

Interpretation of findings This study is largely based on the premise that it is possible to apply the principles of Total Quality Management to healthcare organizations. Despite the fact that this model was initially developed for the needs of manufacturing companies, it can be of great use to medical institutions...

Health Financing: PPACA, HIPAA, MMA Comparison

Introduction The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed and approved by both the Senate and the House in 1996. The act was put in place to ensure that there was continued delivery of health care for the citizens through the provision of health insurance coverage. Emphasis was...

Nosocomial Pneumonia: Critical Appraisal of Research Article

Purpose of Study Nosocomial pneumonia is a common problem in intubated and ventilated patients. However, previous studies have not demonstrated clearly that nosocomial pneumonia results in increased mortality or prolongs hospitalization of these patients. The study sort to address these limitations of past researchers by performing a cohort study in...

Fall Prevention and Health Promotion Plan

The Selected Concern and Practices for Health Improvement Despite multiple strategies implemented to reduce them, falls and fall-related injuries continue to affect the population of the United States. In different settings, be it nursing facilities, hospitals, or a person’s own home, older adults are disproportionately impacted by the problem of...

Personality Disorders. Diagnosis and Treatment

Personality disorders such as alcohol and drug abuse, psychopathy and paraphilia are a constant source of concern for law enforcement authorities as also social organizations, especially in regard to the increasing instances of sexual assault by people suffering from the said disorders. The risk of perpetrating sexual assault by these...

Reduce the Falls in the Aged Care Facility at Amity, Campbell

Abstract This report studies the impact of falls on the elderly population, its impact and the policies and guidelines on fall prevention and provides suggestions to reduce the incidence of falls in the Aged Care Facility at Amity, Campbell Town. The incidence of falls is on the rise world wide,...

Human Dynamics in Nursing Care

Introduction Apprehension can be a great barrier to case management in nursing and this concern has to be addressed so that the autonomy of nursing practice and patient service is taken care of while the rule of law is observed. Several individual factors form a barrier and hence impede dedication...

Financial Analysis of Mountain View Hospital

The Mountain View hospital is a small rural hospital situated in Las Vegas in the United States. Just like most rural hospitals, it is facing major financial problems as a result of many shortcomings. These financial issues are reflected on the financial statements of the hospital for example the balance...

COVID 19 as a Global Health Issue

Today, the global community remains concerned about the state of healthcare as new diseases arise, and the treatment for the widespread illnesses remains undeveloped. At the time of the global COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential to study the subject thoroughly. As the pandemic enters the second wave worldwide, and millions...

The Issues of Public Health, Ethics, and Human Rights

Thesis Point The modern development of medicine and human rights system appeared to be under the power of state government that is why challenges in the ethical behavior of the population, caused by right violations, can result in epidemic brunt and high spread of dangerous viruses within the society. Public...

Medication Errors in the Operating Room

Personal Reasons Being a part of the surgical team, I am specifically concerned about patient safety in this clinical setting. I am well aware of the fact that medication errors constitute a substantial portion of medical errors that lead to adverse patient outcomes. Clearly, the surgical team has to implement...

The Merging of Departments Case

Introduction Merging hospital departments is a complex and time-consuming process as managers need to consider the needs and capabilities of each staff member to be successful. Merging also most often means building a new system and structure of interactions or changing it significantly, which requires careful analysis and a high...

Medical Coverage for Addiction Recovery Expansion Act Analysis

Introduction The current U. S. health policy is undergoing some changes. There is a great number of controversies around The Patience Protection and Affordable Care Act, which underlies the health care legislation. The policy faced opposition during Barack Obama’s presidential term which became more active after the inauguration of the...

“Sickle Cell Anemia” by Jonathan Alicea, Eneh Ihuarula

Recently, there has been a notable piece of news covering the findings of a significant study. This piece’s author – Jonathan Alicea – represents a new investigation that revealed that leg length discrepancy is predominant in early adolescence of females and late adolescence of males with sickle cell anemia. The...

Diagnosis of Aortic Dissection: D-Dimer

Abstract Acute thoracic aorta dissection can happen for many reasons and is a severe disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated very rapidly. The speed at which a diagnosis is made can make all the difference in whether a patient does or does not survive. The emergency room diagnosis...

City Planning and Pandemics: Efficient Approach

Introduction Current coronavirus crisis teaches the society to realize the essential need for a new urban planning approach. Rewriting local regulation is not enough to provide equal sustainability. It is the radical change in the political economy that embraces an adapted urban planning system. The COVID-19 pandemics has showed that...

Measuring Quality of Children’s Health Care

Healthcare needs of children and adolescents are different from that of adults, and quality of care for children is inadequately minimal, because tools to measure children’s health care quality are scarce in numerous areas and many of the available measures are not being applied regularly. With the publication of reports...

Healthcare Consumerism: Factors

Healthcare consumerism is a newly emerging trend in the modern healthcare system of the United States. It is stated that there are several definitions of the term, but the most valid one is based on providing autonomy for individuals (Latimer, Roscamp, & Papanikitas, 2017). In other words, it is a...

Fat Substitutes Possible Options

Besides fat’s association with detrimental health effects, it has vital nutritional benefits. Fat provides fat-soluble vitamins, acts as building blocks for hormones and cells, and gives vital fatty acids. It is a major determinant of how foods taste. Fat substitutes mimic the sensory and functional properties of fat (Borra par....

Personal Statement of Nursing

Nursing is a process that entails the care of patients with care and responsibility. While the basic qualities of empathy, care, and sincerity are important components of nursing practice, it is essential to develop “critical thinking skills” to become a successful nurse (Alfaro-Lefevre, 2009). It is therefore vital for prospective...

Information Age, Future, and Medical Banking

The adoption of new technologies is a vital step on the way to independence and self-sufficiency of medical systems. However, as can be seen from the case of Joe Sanford and Mid-Atlantic, the intention to integrate financing and investment functions of healthcare facilities is complicated by a number of factors....

“Sleep, Hunger, and Caloric Intake in Adolescents” by Landis

Abstract It has been noted that obesity is a major health problem that is increasing in both developed and developing countries. The review of Landis, Parker, Faan, and Dunbar (2009) study on Sleep, hunger, satiety, food cravings, and caloric intake in adolescents presented in the Journal of Nursing Scholarship was...

Law and Medical Ethics: Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Death

Introduction Euthanasia (which means “good death” in Ancient Greek) refers to bringing life to an end in a way that eliminates pain. According to the ancient Greeks the transition from life to death ought to be peaceful and noble, not an excruciating experience.1 The patient’s ‘right to die’ has sometimes...

Infant Mortality and the Role of Public Health Nurses

The discussion post by my colleague is a properly structured work offering valuable insights into the problem of infant mortality, which is a serious global health problem and a relevant topic for the course. The author is credible as the comparison of the primary causes of the issue in the...

Healthcare Insurance Development and Importance

Introduction Most people had very low medical expenditures prior to 1920, even according to a survey carried by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1918. Hospital care took only 7.6% of the average annual medical expenditure for 211 families living in Columbus, Ohio, according to the Ohio Report (qtd. in...

Concepts of Health Care in America

Introduction Primarily, anywhere in the world, people apply healthcare services to administer their health conditions. For example, in order to cure diseases and other health problems, people need health care services. Additionally, health care services acts as an additional ingredient of improving life and reducing some abnormal or consistent pains...

Somatic and Dissociative Symptoms in Adults

Abstract Somatic and dissociative symptoms are associated with the past traumatic experience. Preliminary evidence suggests that their consideration should include a variety of individual factors to provide high-quality treatment to such patients. The importance of this study is conditional upon the fact that the failure to efficiently address these symptoms...

Generally Recognized Indicators of the Health Care Effectiveness

Introduction The effectiveness of health care in any medical facility is characterized by different, generally recognized indicators. Patients’ safety and the quality of provided medical assistance are essential factors that determine the performance of a hospital. The purpose of this paper is to list the safety indicators that pertain to...

Biopsychology: Review

The work of the human body implies a significant complexity of the connections and interactions between its systems. It can be clearly seen in the endocrine and the central nervous system as they cooperate in the task of transferring hormones. However, not only the involvement of several parts can be...

The Family Health Assessment as a Basis for the Family Care

Introduction The connection between people and their families has been widely studied for a long time. The climate within the family has an undeniable effect on the health of its members (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, & Robinson, 2018). Understanding the structure, lifestyle, attitude towards health, nutrition, and other factors is essential...

Promoting Interoperability Programs for Improving Healthcare and Its Accessibility

Informational technology has created a pool of opportunities for improving healthcare and its accessibility. Innovative tools have allowed creating Medicare and Medicaid, also known as the Promoting Interoperability Programs (PMPs). With their emergence, the meaning of healthcare programs has shifted from the original one of providing citizens with health management...

Risk Management in the Healthcare

Role of Risk Management Risk management in healthcare is crucial and comprises clinical and administrative processes and tools used to detect, monitor, evaluate, and manage risks. These systems’ primary focus is safeguarding patient safety and minimizing medical errors that impact a facility’s healthcare spending and bottom line. However, as health...

Article Review Wall Street Journal

The article published in the Wall Street Journal is related to the course content and material, as it is about the stock value trends. Often, investors respond to the changes in stock value by buying or selling their shares. The article reports that Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, sold...

The Americans and COVID-19

The past year has clearly become one of the most challenging periods of the 21st century for the whole planet, as people were faced with a global pandemic expanding at an unprecedented rate. When it comes to the United States, the issue of Coronavirus has been tackling American society by...

Nursing Shortage and Impact of Foreign Staff

Nursing has emerged as the most misunderstood profession in the world over a long period of time. The number of nurses worldwide is estimated to be about 12 million. However, nursing is a very distinct scientific field of study and an independent profession whose members play a crucial role of...

The Healthcare System Changes Caused by COVID-19

In recent months, the health care system around the world has undergone significant changes. The cause of these processes is a new unknown virus, COVID-19, which is not yet treatable and causes serious health issues. Due to the speed of its spread, a huge number of people are affected, which...

Exposure to Low Levels of Alcohol During Pregnancy

While most health organizations recommend complete abstinence from alcohol during pregnancy, some people believe that occasional low-level alcohol consumption does not cause serious problems for the baby and helps the mother to cope with stress. The distinction between abstinence and light drinking is the point of tension and confusion for...

Should Vaccines Be Required for All School-Aged Children?

Immunization for children is their parents’ choice in modern society, and there are discussions about the health outcomes of giving such responsibility to them. The government of the United States recommends parents to accept immunization and offers the opportunity for the young part of the nation to receive vaccination during...

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Among Pregnant Women

Introduction Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a severe disease that has dangerous affects on the fetus and on a born child. Moreover, the abnormal features of this harmful syndrome accompany a man throughout the life span. The biological grounds of the disease are imposed in the alcoholic impacts going on...

Books Devoted to the AIDS: Key Points Summary

Hiram, C. (1994). The AIDS mirage. Wales: University of New South Wales Press Even though, present medicine originated from pathology, the greatest pathology in AIDS can be sourced in the AIDS theory itself. But the AIDS theory has been manipulated by an escapee biomedical organization perpetuating itself by basing itself...

Systematic Presentation of Data

Findings Secondary Sources This dissertation is based on both primary and secondary sources which describe the impacts of Joint Commission International (JCI) Accreditation on the work of healthcare facilities. First of all, literature review indicates that adoption of JCI standards can provide the following benefits: improved risk management such as...

The Skeletal and Immune System

The skeletal and immune system have homeostatic interrelationship, which is evident, for example, in case of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In RA, defects of the immune system were revealed in the form of a clear decrease in the expression of molecular CD3 + receptors in peripheral blood without significant changes in...

Asthma Management in a Forty-Year-Old Patient

Introduction The human body is made up of systems that help it to survive by facilitating necessary functions. These systems work together in synergy for the betterment of humans. One such system is the respiratory system. This system is used in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide from the...

Patient Care Using Medical Technology

World technological advancements are also realized in the medical field. Technology is changing the way medical personnel takes care of diseases and physique challenges. Increased technology enables personnel to effectively care for their patient’s health. Due to an influx in patient numbers, practitioners have difficulties in providing much-needed care to...

Orthorexia as an Eating Disorder in the DSM

A healthy diet is certainly important for the proper functioning of the body. In modern conditions, one can find many factors that somehow negatively affect the body and the state of human health. Adequate nutrition ensures quality of life, including the level of health and the body’s ability to cope...

Translational Science Model, the Organizational Setting and the Population

Translational Science Model The Ottawa Model of Research Use (OMRU) is a translational science model that can be very helpful for the proposed project, which is dedicated to reducing blood sugar in diabetic patients with the help of a patient engagement tool by Smith et al. (2017). Initially, it was...

Increasing Diabetes Infections Among the Hispanic Populations

Background Summary of Studies In the June 2020 Issue, BMC Medical Genetics published an article explaining how ancestry and genetics played a role in increasing diabetes infections among the Hispanic populations. The research by Chande et al. (2020) provides reasonable arguments to support the thesis that the Hispanic population is...

Registries as the Tools in Improving Disease Treatment: An Overview

Purpose and Focus To produce effective medications and treatment strategies, as well as identify previously unknown patterns in disease or disorder development, one needs a patient registry. The National Institutes of Health (2020) play a vital role in this process. Providing vital information about patients that suffer from a particular...

Dashboard Analysis and Nursing Plan

Introduction This assignment consists of a thorough analysis of the statistical information from the provided dashboard and a nursing plan to improve one of the quality indicators. The analytical part reviews each data set in conjunction with the others to find dependencies, and the nursing plan provides profound suggestions based...

“Effects of a One-Way Tracheotomy Speaking Valve…” by Leder

Introduction The clinical question touched on whether occlusion tubes in any way affect patients’ aspirations. The study intended to establish whether tracheostomy tube occlusion interferes with the patients swallowing abilities. These questions were informed by the previous hypotheses that hinted that patients’ aspirations are not impacted by one-way tracheotomy tube...

A Connection Between Chronic Degenerative Diseases

The stated purpose of this research is to establish a connection between chronic degenerative diseases. It would also look into the aspects whether these originate in humans while they are still in the womb. The report also focuses on the effects of the Dutch famine on the people affected. The...

Summaries of Three Articles About Lung Cancer

COVID-19 in patients with lung cancer The research centers around the study of 102 patients who suffered from both lung cancer and COVID-19 (Luo et al., 2020). The study sought to find the impact of cancer-directed treatments and the factors which determined severity and recovery. The study claims that COVID-19...

Nurse Use of Research Evidence: Nursing Leadership and Management Strategies Analysis

This paper examines leadership and management strategies that influence the use of research evidence by nurses. Methods that could be initiated to instigate the use of research in the course of practicing clinical nursing were also studied. As a result of existing computerized records, research was conducted by querying the...

Nature Relatedness and Well-Being during COVID-19 Pandemic

Today, society passes through hard times because of the COVID-19 pandemic that affects all spheres of human activity and preconditions the emergence of multiple changes in lifestyles. The extremely contagious nature of the disease, along with many adverse effects it has on patients, might become a challenge for a person...

An Aspect of Team Working in the Clinical Environment

Introduction In every environment or place, the need to work together as a team is essential. Whether one is working in an organization or even in a healthcare system, there is a need for teamwork, because this enables one to be able to apply what he or she knows best...

Artifacts Produced on the Images During CT Scans

Introduction The term artifacts as used in computer tomography (CT) refer to any inconsistency that occurs between the CT numbers in the rebuilt image and the actual shrinkage coefficient of the image. As images developed through Ct technology are obtained from numerous autonomous detector measurements, they are susceptible to artifacts....

Chest Pain Units: The Diagnostic Testing

Literature Review Chest Pain Units (CPUs) are the innovative systems of monitoring and treatment of patients with undifferentiated acute chest pain. Along with the opportunities of cutting the testing costs and earlier diagnosing of the cardiac diseases, the CPU approach presupposes difficulties of organization of a separate unit in the...

Should Americans Adopt a Vegan Lifestyle?

Nowadays, to become a vegan does not mean to reduce the use of meat products and demonstrate the recognition of animal rights for life. In modern society, the promotion of veganism is a trend that requires considerable changes and ethical principles. Compared to vegetarians who do not eat meat, fish,...

Radiation Dose Reduction Strategies and Their Effectiveness

Introduction The advent of computed tomography (CT) diagnostic radiology in the 1970s was a welcome milestone in the history of medical x-ray imaging. Its use in the medical field has increased dramatically. It is reported that more than 62 million CT scans per year are presently done in the United...

Social Skills for Preschoolers With Autism

Introduction Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a family of mental disorders that cause deficits of social awareness, communication skills, and stereotyped behaviors. The primary method of intervention is studies of the development of social behavior in children with identified ASD. This paper analyzes the elements of such interventions, their utilization...

Health Promotion: What Are Energy Therapies?

The body is just not a physical form that adheres to nature’s laws, but rather has an energetic structure that encompasses matter. This includes the emotional, mental, and spiritual components of the inside body which promote the inner healing of a patient. Energetic theories are thus incorporated by a nurse...

Social Media Use and the Impact on Mental Health

As a major public health concern, mental health plays an important role in the lives of all individuals regardless of their age, social status, or gender. In turn, numerous elements can negatively affect the psychological well-being of individuals, thereby, resulting in the development of psychological issues. For instance, the compulsive...

How Telemedicine Affects Human Health?

With the development of modern technologies, the world is significantly changing. They influence all aspects of people’s lives ranging from politics to culture. Without any doubt, modern technologies affect healthcare as well. For example, they considerably increase quality, make patient care more accessible, and improve disease control. Telemedicine is also...

Eggs and Salmonella as Ethical Dilemma in Community

Ethical dilemmas are integral questions in almost each sphere of life; and nursing, law, or even science are the most frequent examples where ethical dilemmas may appear. Littleton and Engebretson (2005) admit that nurses usually encounter a number of ethical dilemmas in their practice, and much attention has to be...

Organizational Values in Nursing and Work Experience

The sphere of nursing undergoes considerable changes from time to time (Osborne & Gardner, 2004). A professional nurse has to be ready to admit a variety of possible changes, improve personal understanding of the matter, and achieve good results in the chosen practice. Alignment between the values of an organization...

Global Health Problems: The Epidemic of COVID-19

In the discussion post dedicated to global health problems, my colleague clearly indicated the need for international cooperation and underlined the universal nature of health concerns, such as the recent epidemic of COVID-19. The statistics and numbers on premature infants support the author’s position, who claims that preterm birth is...

Analysis of Trends and Their Implications for HR

Abstract This paper looks at the demographics of the health care workforce. The trends in this field indicate that the health care workers who are aging are more than the younger ones. This trend seems to persist and in the next few years, the health care industry is going to...

Analysis of Coronavirus in Texas

According to the patient information provided, the 19-year-old student arrived from Chicago a few days ago. At the time of the interview, an increased body temperature in the 38-38.5 degrees Celsius region, a dry cough, and general weakness of the body were recorded. Moreover, the girl stated that she had...

Researching Wellbeing and Stressors

Health directly depends on the daily habits that each person collects during his life. On the one hand, some of them are beneficial and promote longevity and mental health. Others, on the other hand, cause stress and problems in different body systems. One of these critical issues is a heart...

Teen Pregnancy and Single Young Mothers

Teen pregnancy in Los Angeles (LA) is on the rampant increase and measures must be taken to prevent this (LA Health, 2010, p 4). Having the highest rates in the United States, the report shows that four girls of 14-years old out of four state that the first sexual intercourse...

Medical Devices Decontamination

In any health institution, the most fundamental thing is the quality health care provision to patients and safe work environment to its workers. Decontamination of medical equipments is proving to be a substantial challenge to health professionals thus makes it difficult to prevention and control of nosocomial infections. This has...

Medical Records of Every Patient

The hospital has to have medical records of every patient, administrators of which must be held responsible for them. Medical records should have participation standards in order not to get lost in all the documents. Hospital standards have several sub standards, which would also be discussed in the paper. Standard...

Strategic Therapy Monitoring Plan Development

Step 1. Plan At this stage, it is necessary to identify existing problems as deeply as possible and predict changes in management processes. Current problems are the lack of proper communication between patients, doctors, and nurses, which leads to a failure to follow critical rules for the treatment of the...

Health Policy and Quality Management in the UK

Introduction Cancer exerts a lot of pressure on family and government resources. In the United Kingdom, of the four deaths that occur, one is a cancer case. Cancer affects many parts of the body and has diverse presentations and complications. Its treatment process is also complex. These factors present major...

In-Home Monitoring for Congestive Heart Failure and Rehospitalization

I chose this question and the health promotion theory for my research. My research shows that this is an extremely relevant subject. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. (Kochanek, et al., 2019). Furthermore, heart failure constitutes a significant healthcare burden, which includes mortality, hospitalizations, and...

“Exercise Shown to Reduce Risk in 13 Cancers” Article Review

The chosen article is an overview of a study combined with the interview findings retrieved upon communicating with the author of the discussed research. As the article illustrates, a large-scale survey was conducted among 1.44 million people from the USA and Europe. The goal was to identify the association between...

Who Is to Blame for the Current Health Care Crisis?

Introduction Indeed, the United States is facing a health care crisis. Notably, the soaring costs of health care services have forced many Americans to spend more on health care than any other area. The question that remains unanswered is whether the current health care crisis is all about rising health...

COVID-19: Vaccine Statistical Testing

The development of vaccines against pathogenic infections, especially if the disease has acquired the status of a pandemic, is a challenge not only for scientific-applied laboratories but also for the department of statistical research engaged in clinical trials. It is known that the standard development of a drug antidote against...

Conduct Disorder in Children Analysis

According to the statistics provided by the National Institute of Mental Health (2019), one in five US citizens suffers from mental disorders. Besides, the common knowledge shows that rather often, problems with mental health remain unidentified and are attributed to the character of a person. The critical aim of the...

The Effect of Individually Selected Music

Directions: Complete the following required worksheet using the required article for the current session. Purpose of the Study The study aims to investigate the possible effects of music therapy in depression treatment among elderly people living in a nursing home. Psychological help assumes an integrated approach to solving a person’s...

Promoting Positive Outcomes Through Targeted Communication Within Cultural Groups

Description of the chosen Healthy People 2020 Topic Area and Specific Health Issue The chief aim of the Healthy People 2020 initiative is to provide equitable healthcare opportunities for Americans. It is believed that the program is to eliminate disparities in the provision of medical services. However, many challenges were...

Biomedical Ethics: Pfizer’s Legal Trouble in Nigeria

Biomedical ethics revolve around the Hippocratic Oath that directs the medical practitioners to ensure that, in their undertaking, they do no harm to patients. In clinical practice, ethics concerns the limit of authority of the patient and physician, the extent of confidentiality between the patient and the physician, and the...

Ethical Dilemma in Palliative Care Nursing

Introduction Medical approach to management of patients with chronic diseases has changed over time due to changes in technology, the fact that people acknowledged new rights of all human race, scientific advancement in the health sector and the use of patient advocacy. These have also influenced decision making and care...

Electronic Prescribing (E-Prescribing): Overview

Despite the fact that electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) cannot be currently regarded as an innovative practice, in recent years, it became widely used to accommodate the complexity and growth of the health care industry of the United States. According to Schleiden, et al. (2015), it is “the health information technology that...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Recent Study Findings

Alzheimer’s disease presents one of the largest health care issues in developed countries, with increasingly large amounts of money spent on patients’ care in the later stages of the disease. Alzheimer’s primarily affects the elderly, and as the age of the population increases, more and more people live old enough...

Serotonin Neurotransmitters: a Vital Body Chemical

Psychological disorders are a major health concern in contemporary society, as people with psychological problems are at a higher risk of developing various other health complications, such as hypertension. A thorough understanding of psychological disorders is necessary because it is the starting point for finding reliable solutions. Existing literature presents...

The Effect of Music Therapy on the Elderly

Purpose of the Study Improvements in medicine and technology have increased life expectancy, leading to a rise in the elderly population. However, health problems associated with advanced age continue to persist, thereby increasing the risk of mental health disorders such as depression. Pharmacological interventions for depression are available but may...

Role of Hospitals in the American Healthcare System

Hospitals in the American health care system have diverse significant roles which they play. In America, the total number of the estimated hospitals exceeds 5700 which creates a diverse hodgepodge of services in the health care structure. Hospitals are considered as the focal point of the entire health system in...

A Diverse Approach to the Healthcare Reform

The institutional context in which healthcare processes occur and the way these processes are organized in determining the efficiency and effectiveness of the healthcare system play an important role in the advent of the increase in the complexity of care teams, as well as advances in science and technology (Bohmer,...

STIs: Human Immunodeficiency Virus and AIDS

HIV diagnosis is associated with detecting particular particles in the blood called the retrovirus. These are the tiny viruses that penetrate the T cells of the blood and cause them to produce new copies of the virus: thus, the patient becomes a carrier of a potentially dangerous strain of the...

Electronic Health Record Analysis

Introduction The Electronic Medical Record is currently used in hospitals due to an overflow of increased levels of data in the healthcare institution. The record upholds the relevant data that facilitates an effective health care delivery by the nurse practitioners. This technology has the capacity of generating a complete record...

Nurses Practice: Picot Statement

Introduction A chance to practice at an appropriate medical institution helps students to understand the main principles of nurses’ work and duties. There are a number of steps which have to be taken regularly to provide patients in need with the required care and treatment. And one of the most...

Fact Sheet: 21st Century Cures Act

The recent health care regulating policies are aimed at addressing the most tentative medical issues prevailing in the USA and the compliance of day-to-day procedures with technological advancement. 21st Century Cures Act was passed and signed by President Barak Obama on December 13, 2016, to guide the nation-wide health care...

Routine Computed Tomography Scanning Protocols of the Head, Chest and Abdomen

Introduction “The computed tomography (CT) scan is a medical imaging procedure that uses x-rays and digital computer technology to create detailed two or three-dimensional images. Unlike other forms of medical imaging, the CT scan can image every type of body structure at once including bone, blood vessels and soft tissue.”...

The Impact of Medicare on Today’s Healthcare Ecosystem

Introduction Medicare is one of the government-funded health insurance programs in the United States. It offers health coverage for people older than 65 years, people of any age with specific disabilities, and people of any age with end-stage renal disease (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2019). As an effective...

Gather Support: Knowingly Exaggerating the Pros

Exaggerated benefits of plans or products are on the rise as fictitious data that mimics noteworthy media information in appearance but not concerning the organizational progression or intention. It mainly occurs when some people purposefully overstate the gains of a plan, for example, medical research as a means of attaining...

The Issues with Obesity of Children and Adolescents

One of the primary concerns of medical specialists in the United States is the increasing rates of childhood obesity. It is linked to numerous health issues that occur at the highest percentage among people with early obesity (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2017). According to the U.S. Preventive Services Task...

Healthcare Workers Knowledge of Spirituality

While healthcare workers need to remember that spiritual care exists and may assist patients who practice any form of spirituality, it is equally crucial not to impose one’s views. Knowing a patient’s needs is essential, even if they are not particularly spiritual. However, certain groups of patients, such as terminally...

The Value of Building Coalitions, Alliances and Consortiums

Introduction Building coalitions, alliances and consortiums are generally regarded from the perspective of mutual benefits and experience exchange. Moreover, the necessity to arrange cooperation is closely associated with the requirements for the further expansion of the organizations, as arranging the cooperation practices, these organizations hope for the extensive resources and...

Stem Cells: Definition and Research Articles’ Analysis

Executive summary Despite their medical ability, stem cells have become the subject of controversy. For example, the Catholic Church objects to the destruction of embryos for the sake of stem cell research. On the other hand, the Islamic perspective of the research on stem cells is flexible and friendlier. In...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Approaches and Symptoms

Why the Article was Chosen The study conducted by Müller-Engelmann et al. (2019) contains plenty of significant elements within the scope of research design. The authors seem to adhere to the best practices of the multiple baseline approach and apply it to the relevant issue. This is the primary reason...

Bipolar Disorder: The Diagnosis and Treatment

Fluctuations of mood are natural in humans as a reaction to internal and external stressors. However, recurrent mood swings that negatively affect a person’s social or professional life can be a sign of a psychological disorder. Bipolar disorder is a mental impairment characterized by abrupt changes from depressive state to...

Research Gaps in Evidence-Based Medicine

Evidence-based medicine relies on research and evidence to implement any change in practice, which includes diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention. However, research and evidence that encompass all possible cases and scenarios is impossible, or, at least, impractically costly (Dreier & Löhler, 2016). Therefore, discovering gaps in the findings when researching...

Cervical Cancer: Symptoms and Treatment

Cervical cancer is a condition that affects the cells close to the vagina that can be located in the lower section of the uterus, which is called the cervix. The majority of cases of cervical cancer are caused by the human papillomavirus (Klügel et al., 2017). Overall, cervical cancer develops...

The Dilemma of Telling the Diagnosis to Terminal ill Patients

One of the difficulties of the doctor’s work, not to mention the technical part, is telling the patients and their loved ones about the diagnosis. The matter gets even worse when the patient has a severe disorder and is terminally ill. People in Asian culture believe that it is better...

The Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide

The State of California has allowed medical doctors to assist terminally ill patients in killing themselves. Disputes about the moral and ethical side of this issue have been going on for many years (Emanuel 339). A lot of opposing opinions are expressed in terms of the law, human rights, medicine,...

Transcranial Doppler in Sickle Cell Disease

Only a few decades ago, the patterns of diseases acquired at a particular age were almost precisely established, making it easier to anticipate certain dysfunctions before reaching their risk groups. However, lately, various external factors have contributed to the rapid increase in those patterns breaking, with children struggling with health...

End of Life (EoL) Care Awareness

Objectives The objectives of this presentation are linked to the specifics of end-of-life care. Since death and dying and the perception of them are linked with the person’s culture and their life experiences, it is essential for a healthcare professional to comprehend how patients may approach death. Hence, the links...

Staffing Issues Interactive Case Study Journal for Nurses

The nurse shortage in US healthcare facilities is a critical problem that can cause such outcomes as overtime working and fatigue for nurses, and the quality of care can decrease. The case study discusses the situation when nurses from the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) were scheduled extra days each...

Organizational QI Plan for VA Hospitals

Introduction As the areas selected for improvements include reducing patients’ length of stay in the community hospital and making sure readmission rates are not increasing, it is necessary to choose the necessary tools to measure these improvements. So, the main area of research is the VA hospitals that are facing...

Major Depressive Disorder in Sex Workers

Definitions and Symptoms Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a health issue that can affect anyone given the presence of respective circumstances, yet sex workers are under a particularly high threat. Due to the constant exposure to traumatic experiences and the lack of awareness of and access to healthcare services, the...

Nutritional Quality of US Young Adults

Introduction In their study, Patetta et al. investigate changes in US young adults’ nutritional choices based on socioeconomic status and food sources. Scholars note that young adults are the main consumers of fast food, which makes the investigation of this population’s nutrition habits rather significant. The key problem with poor...

Legislative and Political Assignment: the Shortage of Nurses

The current shortage of nurses across the New York state is currently endangering our public health care centers. This has made it difficult for the few remaining ones to take care of the increasing number of patients during the day and night duties without having a good rest. The shortage...

Teens and Human Papilloma Virus

Introduction The human papilloma virus otherwise referred to as HPV is one of the most common types of viruses that affect families around the world. HPV is one the worlds most common sexually transmitted diseases. The virus is transmitted through skin to skin contact with a person suffering from the...

Organizational Systems & Quality Leadership: National Quality Initiatives

Nursing-sensitive indicators refer to the processes, outcomes, and structures that are applied in nursing in order to provide quality nursing care to patients. The nursing care structures are dependent on whether there are adequate and potential nursing staff and the level of qualification of the staff. The indicators of the...

Should Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Legal?

The practice of ending the life of a person suffering from an incurable disease and experiencing unbearable suffering as a result of that disease at their request is a subject of public debate and legal proceedings. Though many ethical and moral problems remain acute, euthanasia is now legal in many...

The Analysis of Dr. Bersamira’s Work

The topic of the opioid crisis is inherently connected with the substance abuse disorder problem overall, which is one of the main directions of Dr. Bersamira’s work. The articles written by Bersamira and colleagues do not only discuss high number of substance misuse cases in the USA but also concentrate...

Incorporation of Healing Therapies in Nursing Practice

Vision statement Our team intends to use the knowledge acquired from the coursework to incorporate healing therapies in nursing practice. Team members will collaborate to produce scholarly work on this course work by integrating alternative therapies into conventional medicine that is increasingly being implemented by many registered medical practitioners. These...

Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Syndrome

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) distresses a patient’s immune arrangement hence weakening the defence system against numerous infections encompassing some forms of cancer. With the virus destroying and impairing the operation of immune cells, an infected person progressively becomes immunodeficient. People’s immunity is characteristically gauged by the number of CD4...

Depression Treatment Variants in the US

Depression treatment in the U.S. varies based on health practitioners’ preferences. Some prefer drugs as the ultimate solution, whereas others embrace therapy. Regardless of the approach, severe ordeals of depression are treatable provided that the patients remain positive and are dedicated to adopting the different educational strategies as advised by...

Prophylaxis Breast Cancer

Introduction Breast cancer is an enormous healthcare issue and is the leading type of cancer among women. It occurs because of various complex determinants: stress tendencies, harmful habits, genetics, obesity, among others. Researching the problem is a necessary step in defining the early stages of the illness and later curing...