Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy’s Impact on Memory

Azizi, A., Drikvand, F. M., & Sepahvandi, M. A. (2020). Effect of cognitive-behavioral play therapy on working memory, short-term memory and sustained attention among school-aged children with specific learning disorder: A preliminary randomized controlled clinical trial. Current Psychology, 39(6), 2306-2313. The study attempted to evaluate the impact of cognitive-behavioral play...

The Intragroup Discrimination Theory Development

Each person in this world is unique and unrepeatable because they were raised by different people with different views on certain things. It can be as simple moral foundations as more profound philosophical questions about life and death. Unfortunately, it is impossible to precisely say whose views on life are...

Depression in Adolescence: Causes and Treatment

Depression in Adolescents Depression is described as a collection of unique symptoms associated with impairment. However, depression is best characterized as a medical condition that manifests symptoms through an individual’s functionality and mood. Depression between adults and adolescents has similar clinical and diagnostic features. It is a common mental health...

Theory of Mind in Autistic People

Theory of mind (ToM) is an integral social-cognitive skill encompassing a person’s ability to attribute mental states. It is the ability to determine what others are thinking. The theory was coined by Premack and Woodruff in 1978, triggering various issues in human development (Meunier, 2017). It is one of the...

Hyperthymesia in Borges’ “Funes the Memorious”

Introduction Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM) or Hyperthymesia is a syndrome in which a person remembers a high amount of information about their own life with amazing accuracy. With this personality syndrome, it is common to focus on constant reflections on one’s past and recall detailed descriptions of any moment...

Child Development: Simulated Field Experience

Introduction After reviewing the third and fourth chapters of the attached book, I chose the four most attractive concepts. Next, I will reveal each of them and justify my choice based on specific preferences. The main criteria by which I chose these concepts are efficiency in practice, versatility, and depth....

Aspects of the Developmental Psychology

Introduction Cognitive learning theorists developed the idea of information processing to understand better how people learn and remember new information. The theory of information processing is often credited as the brainchild of George Miller who found that the average human being’s working memory has room for seven objects (Vuong et...

The Helping People Change Book by Boyatzis et al.

The topic of coaching and training in today’s information-overloaded world is very much in demand. Nothing contributes to success like a clear, sweeping vision of the future and choosing the best path and strategy for development. Emotional intelligence expert Richard Boyatzis and Weatherhead School of Management colleagues Melvin Smith and...

Biopsychosocial Description of Anna from The Woman in the House

Current Complaint The main character in the movie is called Anna, who suffers from abuse. The current complaint with Anna is the murder case she claims she witnessed, but everyone, including the authorities, is turning down her claims. Anna claims to have witnessed Neil killing his girlfriend, Lisa. Despite involving...

Poker Players’ Behaviour at the Table

At the poker table, manners are just as crucial as correct formal etiquette in determining a personality. It requires more than just possessing the correct cards and being able to rank the various poker hands to understand how to play poker. Before the person sits down at the table, there...

Why Good People Do Bad Things by James Hollis

In his book Why Good People Do Bad Things? James Hollis attempted to explain why good intentions frequently lead to exact opposite outcomes. One can argue that this problem results from human nature, which leads us to judge the book by its cover, while the truth may differ drastically from...

Self-Control in Early Childhood

The self-control concept in children is the ability to express and cope with deep emotions correctly. The concept mentioned above also entails children having to tell apart the impulses they have to act on, which influences the development of thinking skills in childhood. The ability to sustain the concept of...

“Your Child’s Brain Development: Age One” by Gross

In Your Child’s Brain Development: Age One, Gross touches on several topics related to the upbringing of babies. For example, she explains concisely and straightforwardly to future and new parents how infants’ brains work in terms of biology, neurology, and behavior (Gross, 2015). Gross (2015) also reveals to them and...

The Theory of Mind From Behavioral Perspective

The behavior under study is the Theory of the mind. This term is used in psychology to describe the ability to understand others by attributing mental states to them (Ho et al. 1). Previous research has revealed a lot concerning the Theory of the mind from which further research has...

Why Women Experience Stress Throughout Life

Introduction Women frequently undergo much stress to the point that they neglect their well-being. Whereas it may appear that the condition would get better as ladies age, the reality is quite the contrary. Females may experience more significant difficulties and anxiety as they age than individuals previously believed. Women’s worries...

The Stanford Prison Experiment’s Historical Record

Introduction The Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE) was one of the most prominent studies ever undertaken in psychology. The researchers of this experiment were interested in examining how people would behave when placed in situations where they had no choice over their actions or where their behavior was strictly controlled by...

Discussion: The Importance of Coaching

Coaching is critical in personal and organizational development. The process enables individuals to undergo critical transformations in their personal development, with the majority of individuals reporting that coaching had positive outcomes in their careers and personal lives. At an individual level, coaching enables individuals to develop positive attitudes toward their...

The Therapeutic Couple: Non-Working Relationships

Going to a Lunch with a Client All psychotherapists’ codes of ethics contain clauses excluding non-working relationships in the therapeutic couple. The relationship between the client and the psychotherapist is extraordinary. They are different from anything one encounters in ordinary life. This relationship is not symmetrical: it is wholly focused...

When Distance Offers Pain and Hope

After failing the first time in any area of life, it is always encouraged that someone tries a second time. Quitting can protect a person from potential failure and possible victory or happiness. On October 22nd, 2015, a freshman, Annie Danielson, meets a 6’5” sophomore basketball college athlete at the...

The Concept of ‘One at the Beginning, One at the End”

The concept of ‘one at the beginning, one at the end” involves making a resolution or an aspiration at the start of the day and acknowledging the achievement or the reason for failure. For instance, an individual can state that they will not sleep at work on a particular day...

A Counsellor’s Practice in a Rural Context

Introduction The economic status of an individual, family, or community significantly influences their social and mental well-being. There is a relationship between an individual’s financial stability and mental health (Gilroy et al., 2021). Most people with low economic status are likely to have low health status. With rising gas and...

Power of the Subconscious Mind in Managing Nic Sheff’s Psychological Distress

Humans have levels of awareness that profoundly determine our perspective on the nature of reality. The conscious and subconscious minds determine the decisions and actions in response to stimuli. However, there is little focus on the power of the subconscious mind in managing situations of psychological distress, which often leads...

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Higher Education

Concerns about how to guarantee that students learn effectively in class and attain academic excellence in their academic pursuits have emerged all over the world in the field of education. This has been related to issues including bad study habits, laziness, inefficient instructional teaching, insufficient course content, and a lack...

Bias in The Lucifer Effect Book by Philip Zimbardo

In the preface of his book, Zimbardo reveals a number of justifications for why he carried out the Stanford Prison Experiment. A significant portion of his motivation for writing this work came from the Abu Ghraib Prison Trial when he served as an independent expert for Sergeant Ivan “Chip” Frederick...

Why Anxiety Is Not Related to Personal Weakness

Anxiety as a concept may be further broken down into the intolerance of uncertainty and the cognitive avoidance aimed to prevent thinking about the uncertainty. It is common to think about anxiety as a response to specific triggers; for example, it is common to hear from people that flying gives...

Response to Suicidal Student Threat

The effective response to the suicidal student includes various assessment procedures. One of the main is the Columbia suicide severity rating scale (C-SSRS). The C-SSRS is a rating scale for suicidal thoughts and behaviors created by academics to assess the risk of suicide. The scale measures a person’s level of...

Multicultural Competency in Psychology

Multicultural competency is the quality considered reliable and effective in diverse contexts within the modern world. Essentially, it is justified by the rapid globalization that occurred because of the major establishment of online platforms and the opportunity to interconnect globally. As people reach new aspects of multicultural communication and understanding,...

Learning Experiences and Environment

Early experiences, parental and peer interactions, and other perceptions guided my behavioral practices regarding individual differences. Specific sensory inputs (such as sight, contact, and smell) stimulate and strengthen neural connections, while others hinder them from disuse (Heino et al., 2021). My upbringing and traumatic experiences caused and taught me how...

Dealing With People With Mental Disorders in the Justice System

This reflection will focus on SLO 2, which is concerned with identifying approaches to dealing with people with mental illnesses in the system of justice. Mental illnesses are prevalent among the US population; for example, multiple substance use disorders (SUDs) among US adults taking prescription drugs increased from 1990 to...

Sternberg’s Approach to Intelligence Definition

A completely definitive and accurate summary of intelligence is nearly impossible to achieve. However, it is vital to note that any effective definition of intelligence recognizes the diversity and various functionalities of the concept. As such, this report’s selected definition of intelligence is related to Robert Sternberg’s research (Sternberg, 2020)....

The Scope of Practice for a Personal Trainer

A personal trainer is a licensed individual working one-on-one with a client to assist them in reaching their fitness objectives by providing a fitness schedule that is specially adapted to their requirements. These sessions can be done at home with an online personal trainer, but they often occur in a...

Behaviorism and Behavioral Psychology

Critique A few viewpoints are fundamental to psychology and have persisted in relevance even in contemporary psychological theory, although psychological perspectives have evolved as the psychological field has advanced. This essay will give a background on the ideas of psychological theorists like Watson, Skinner, and Tolman. Their views continue to...

The Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy, Traditional Education, and NLP Knowledge in Patient Care

Abstract Natural language processing (NLP) technologies have been widely acknowledged in clinical informatics research and have led to transformational improvements in recent years. Annotations at the different morphological levels require model-specific attributes and features, such as document content regarding patient status and report type. Document types include medical histories, named...

Family Systems Therapy by Virginia Satir

For a long time, the approach to the treatment of psychological problems has focused on consideration of the characteristics of the behavior, emotions and feelings of the individual. However, in the middle of the twentieth century, this view began to change and more attention was paid to family therapy. Virginia...

Social Work in Groups: The Key Challenges

Counseling multiple people simultaneously is a difficult task for a specialist who lacks the necessary knowledge regarding team dynamics. This diary explores Lawrence Shulman’s strategies and advice regarding social work in groups. The primary subject of the reading is the challenges and stages of group work that must be continuously...

Video Game Addiction: History and Future Implications

Introduction Video games are arguably the most popular form of entertainment among the youth today. Generally, males play more than females, although this trend has been shifting in the last decade (Lopez-Fernandez et al., 2019). The video game industry is an interesting topic to study since it is filled with...

Aspects of Psychological Counseling

Introduction Psychological counseling is one of the most popular services today. Humanity is currently experiencing one crisis after another, and many need psychological help to cope with it. Discussion The article “Privilege and Oppression in Counselor Education: An Intersectionality Framework” made a strong impression on me. It talks about how...

Eating Disorders and Therapeutic Support

Eating disorders are significant mental and physical diseases that entail complicated and harmful interactions with food, feeding, exercising, and self-image or form, resulting in an unhealthy concern with somebody’s existence. In the United States, these illnesses affect roughly twenty million females and ten million males regardless of age, race, socioeconomic...

Social Influence on Beliefs and Behavior

Introduction Social influence refers to how people adjust their behavior to meet specific requirements in a social environment. It involves a person’s unintentional and intentional effort to change another individual’s behavior, attitude, or even beliefs. Unlike persuasion, which is often intentional and has an extent to which the target is...

Psychological Assessments and Intervention Strategies for Depression

Mr. J. was admitted with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder, severe with melancholic features, and MMPI-3 computer test results. Indicators L, K, F are generally expected; however, F has relatively high values, which may be associated with reduced performance due to overwork, a painful condition, or a desire to...

Phobias: Triggers and Treatment

Weaving the (Neuronal) Web: Fear Learning in Spider Phobia The article by Schweckendiek et al., “Weaving the (Neuronal) Web: Fear Learning in Spider Phobia,” explores the neurobiological difference between the standard mechanism of fear manifestation and the formation of dysfunctional brain response, that is, a spider phobia. The research includes...

Biopsychosocial Model for Understanding Behavior

Bill is a 19-year-old male with an 8-year-old history of heavy drinking, whose alcohol abuse requires specific treatment and professional counseling. Sue et al. (2016) recommend the biopsychosocial model as a good approach to understanding the patient’s behavior, covering the existing biological, psychological, and social factors. The chosen model helps...

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to a Group of Bereaved Patients

Introduction When individuals lose someone close to them, either spouse, friend, or family member, they tend to experience grief. When facing a loss, people manage this traumatic experience in different ways. Some enter into depression, especially children who have not experienced such events. There are two approaches that a therapist...

A Critical Review of Psychological and Behavioral Responses to Coronavirus Disease 2019

Hypothesis The research utilizes seven hypotheses from the big five personality traits and the behavior that people have been portraying since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. The concerns have been made regarding contracting the deadly respiratory virus, regulations enacted to prevent the spread of the...

Theoretical Explanation of Personality

Introduction It is important to note that personality is a term referring to differences between individuals when it comes to their behaviors, emotions, and thoughts. The given assessment is concerned with my personality viewed under the lenses of Freudian and Adlerian psychodynamic frameworks, the social learning theory, and Maslow’s personality...

Diagnostics and Cognitive Science: Critique Analysis

For an accurate diagnosis, the practitioner must have extensive background information. Theoretical and methodological developments can considerably aid curriculum and teaching in biomedicine and education programs in biomedical informatics in the learning and cognition sciences. This is achieved through discussing topics like the methods used to understand medical data and...

Integrating Machine Learning Into the Behavioral Sciences

The first article is about integrating machine learning into the behavioral sciences. The biological, biomedical, and behavioral sciences are currently gathering more data than ever before, driven by ground-breaking technological advancements. To improve human health, it is imperative to develop time- and money-effective ways for analyzing and interpreting these data....

Perception of Random Nature of iPod Shuffle Feature

Music plays an essential role in many people’s lives. Plenty of people enjoy listening to music while doing chores, going on walks, and exercising. Some of them do not want the predictability of knowing what song comes next, which is why the iPod’s shuffle feature is such a convenience. It...

The History of Psychology: Theorists

Psychology as an independent scientific discipline arose relatively recently, approximately in the nineteenth century. Before psychology’s separation, it was considered within the framework of philosophy as a particular form of knowledge of the world. As a scientific discipline, psychology must use experimental methods to test hypotheses. The ability to experimentally...

Biological, Social, and Psychological Variables of Mental Health

Biological Biological variables include the gender of the patient, namely female, the age of the patient, which is forty years old, as well as the absence of children. Previously, the girl was successful, led a healthy lifestyle, contacted people, and had a boyfriend. After the breakup, she began to feel...

The Job of a Marriage and Family Therapist

Introduction The job of a marriage and family therapist presupposes consulting people who are in close and intimate relationships, partners who are thinking about parting, or couples who want to strengthen and deepen the feeling of intimacy. Such therapy allows partners to better understand each other and figure out exactly...

Agenda-Setting Process in a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Session

Creating an agenda is a collective approach in which the psychotherapist and the customer select how the meeting time will be allocated. The patient and therapist make a list of topics they would like to address and then decide on the order in which they will discuss them and how...

Impact of the Personality Tests Results

Personality tests are psychological tools to understand personal traits and draw a stable pattern from his thoughts, feelings, and behavior. A person who completes the personality tests can evaluate their behavior more critically to work on them so that his personality benefits him in particular environments and conditions. Many personality...

The Impact of Postpartum Maternal Depression on Postnatal Attachment

Postpartum Maternal Depression and its Influence on Postnatal Infant Attachment During the early periods of life, infants are particularly dependent on their mothers. The attachment of a vulnerable newborn to the protective caregiver is manifested through physical, physiological, and emotional contact that is required for a baby to survive (Carlson...

Subjective Predictors of Personality Behavior in Situations of Cognitive Dissonance

In modern conditions, the flows of contradictory information are significantly increasing. As a result, a person finds himself in a problematic cognitive situation when it is necessary to adequately assess and respond to messages coming from different social groups, including authorities. Personality increasingly finds itself in situations of cognitive dissonance...

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in Psychotherapy

Rational-Emotional Behaviour Therapy (REBT) is a psychotherapeutic direction based on the sensitivity to the fact that a person experiencing psychological discomfort relies on irrational judgments in his thoughts and actions. The elimination of these judgments is predominantly portable in psychological intervention. The main task of REBT is to change emotions...

The Effectiveness of Psychodrama in Reducing Irrational Behavior

Introduction Psychodrama is a form of therapy that helps people control their activities through dynamic actions. This approach incorporates group dynamics and role-playing to help people who do not understand their emotions like anger, happiness, and fear. Individuals who undergo this form of therapy want to clearly understand their roles...

“The Emotional Intelligence” Book by Daniel Goleman

The reading’s main idea states that emotional intelligence, or one’s capacity to maintain her feeling and acknowledge that of others and communicate with them accordingly, is a valuable competence in all facets of life. Emotional intelligence is the most beneficial, as it creates secure, pleasant personal connections in family, community,...

Change in Marriage: The Family Therapy

My friend John once had a difficult period in his marriage. He and his wife Kate became estranged towards each other, as the feelings of disappointment and fleeting romantic attraction overwhelmed them. They no longer could see each other as a partner in life, since irritation brought about hidden conflicts....

Trauma-Induced Total Knee Arthroplasty: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Introduction Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) is among the most affordable and generally successful procedures done in orthopaedics. Patient-reported results indicate a significant improvement in pain alleviation, functional restoration, and overall quality of life. The rationale for choosing Trauma-induced TKA as the clinical issue is its wide prevalence and a major...

Five Factors of Personality Differences and Similarities

The five-factor theory of personality is one of the dominating personality theories in psychology that attempt to categorize personality types depending on the manifestation of one of the five primary factors. According to Boyle (2008), the five-factor model, which is also referred to as the Big Five, is comprised of...

Theoretically Informed Planned Change in Work with the Disenfranchised

The word disenfranchised refers to an individual or group of people who have been deprived of their rights and privileges, for instant, substance abuse. Gay men with depression and people living with disability and substance abuse. Human rights are fundamental privileges that all people have regardless of race, language, ethnicity,...

Person-Centered Approach to Family-Centered Pressure

Introduction The following paper evaluates a particular case in which an individual is experiencing physical symptoms of distress and anxiety as a result of family-centered pressure. The therapeutic method selected to address the patient’s needs includes the person centered approach. Due to the client’s diverse background and conflicting perceptions of...

Psychosocial Theories of Toddler Development

Introduction Childhood development has a remarkable impact on further personal development. Of course, no strict rules and dependencies, like in biology or chemistry. But still, based on the social and psychological theories, scholars, childcare, healthcare, and educational service providers can predict the future problems or benefits the particular child will...

Hypnotherapy as an Effective Method for Treating Depression

Depressive disorders are a significant problem that affects many people in the United States and worldwide. The emergence of practice guidelines and evidence-based therapies implies that satisfactory treatments for the condition exist, and not all of them are traditional. Currently, a lot of attention is drawn to the method of...

Behavior Management: Relapse Management

Introduction As already mentioned, framing may be a crucial tool for changing negative thoughts or goals into positive ones. Kennerley & Westbrook (2017) are right to note that reframing may be used to turn the negative ‘dead man’s solution’ goals into more positive targets, but there is more to that....

Human Development in Early Adulthood

During their life, a person goes through many development stages, each associated with specific activities. At the moment, like many of my acquaintances, I am in my early adulthood. This period is significantly different from the previous stage, adolescence, primarily due to the many opportunities that open up (Huffman et...

Aspects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The medical field of psychiatry has several methods of treating difficult and debilitating disorders in people. One is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which encompasses many treatment activities and procedures – cognitive reappraisal behavioral and motivation strategies, emotional regulation, and psychoeducation. CBT has been proven effective when treating mental illnesses such...

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy in School Counseling

Solution-focused brief therapy is highly valued in school counseling settings because it prioritizes finding the solution to the problem. Thus, instead of discussing minor details in the student’s problem, the therapy targets finding a solution to the issue in a limited amount of time. The growing concern about child and...

Counseling Session With Client With Anxiety Disorder

Client Information The subject of the case presentation is Suzana, a Portuguese-speaking middle-aged woman who may be perceived as a middle-aged Latina. The client’s occupational status is in the hairdressing industry and house cleaning for her income declaration. The patient has two children and currently lives with the children’s father...

Psychology: Zimbardo Prison Experiment

Introduction The Stanford prison experiment is a classic example of a psychological study deifying the principles of ethics. The experiments should have been stopped when the participants started to be aggressive with each other under the impact of prison conditions. The violent behavior reported during that experiment is a direct...

Critical Thinking and Its Components

Critical thinking is defined as the ability of people to find cause-and-effect connections between different phenomena and build a rational strategy based on verifying the authenticity and practicality of ideas. In other words, to reason critically means to subject phenomena of the surrounding reality to a thorough analysis. This type...

Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Personal Practice

Counseling is one of the most comprehensive therapeutic techniques to save many lives. I have found counseling particularly fulfilling in my line of study, considering that it provides room for extensive research into what may be troubling a person. The application of counseling theories on various platforms must be carefully...

Critical Thinking Process and Its Importance

Critical thinking is one of the most important processes that have many functions and benefits for a person. First of all, it helps individuals analyze and interpret the information they constantly receive. Moreover, critical thinking is a tool through which people perceive the world around them and evaluate the events...

Relevance of Counseling Theories to Specific Interventions

The foundations of psychoanalytic therapy theories argue that psychological difficulties result from unconscious psychological urges or motivations that result from previous interpersonal connections and experiences. The clients’ past harmful thought and behavior patterns have matured into “cosmological models” that direct them toward continued unhealthy thought and behavior in the present...

The Postmodern Techniques of Family Therapy

In the article “A Both-And Approach: An Application of Narrative Interventions from a Modern Perspective” (2021), Hoss and Hynes study the changes in the field of Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT). The research is motivated by the fact that therapists have to adjust their treatment accordingly on the verge of...

Projective Personality Assessment

Projective methods of personality research have been of particular interest to both professionals in the field of psychology and ordinary people for more than a decade. The term “projection”, literally translated from Latin as “throwing forward”, is used to denote the conscious or unconscious transfer of the subject’s own experiences,...

The Lucifer Effect Book by Philip Zimbardo

In his book, Zimbardo identifies three psychological truths that emerge from Escher’s Image. The first truth is that the world always has and will always be filled with good and evil people. Zimbardo states that the barrier between good and evil is permeable and nebulous in the second truth (3)....

Mental Status Examination and Counseling Services

In the process of providing counseling services, it is essential to use the most effective tools. Among them, a mental status examination or MSE can be distinguished. This method helps get information about the patient’s mental state and is widely used in both non-neurological and psychiatric practice by many specialists....

Positive Reinforcement, Classical Conditioning Learning, and Semantic Memory

Introduction Semantic memory, positive reinforcement, and classical conditioning learning are the three concepts I learned in psychology class. Each of these concepts plays an important role in psychology for a variety of reasons. Classical conditioning is important because it assists people in understanding how they learn and remember certain occurrences....

Subjectivity of Perceiving People and Behaviour

Introduction People see and perceive things differently depending on their cultural background and language. People’s perceptions are often based on experiences and activities they are accustomed. Having lived in Andalusia, Spain, I have observed that the way of life is almost entirely different from that in countries. The eating habits,...

Operant Conditioning in Learning and Parenting

Learning is a never-ending process to which all beings with at least a hint of intelligence are subjected. It can occur in various ways, for instance, depending on the stimulus from the external environment. In this case, the learning process is called conditioning (Blackman, 2017). It can be divided into...

Cognitive Therapy for a Client with a Physical Disability

A main goal of cognitive therapy is to modify an individual’s cognitive processing to change how that person evaluates and interacts with the world, and constitute a method of personality change. Therapy is time sensitive and based on a unique cognitive conceptualization of each patient. The therapy requires an active...

Human Memory: Faults and Fixes

Human memory processes are not as straightforward as technological processes, which sometimes makes them distorted. I have experienced this phenomenon myself, as I cannot always recall the events as they were or even remember certain situations in the first place. This misunderstanding causes not only psychological issues for abuse victims...

Mental Health Crisis and Stigma

Mental health is no less important than physical health. In some cases, it plays a significant role and can only worsen the condition of individuals in the absence of proper treatment. In modern society, mental awareness and the emergence of more specialists who work in this field are gaining a...

Modern Usefulness of the Emotional Stroop Test

Recent decades have seen large advances in scientific understanding of human emotions and reactions. One of the most popular instruments used for evaluating personal responsiveness to emotional information is the emotional Stroop test. The key approach to the Stroop test involves assessing one’s ability to process emotions, which has been...

New Directions in Psycho-Analysis

The most interesting sociological topic for me is group dynamics. The interactions that affect people’s behavior and attitudes when they are in groups are known as group dynamics. In the fields of sociology, psychology, and communication studies, this is crucial. Numerous studies and experiments with a focus on group behavior...

Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory

The Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory, also referred to as the SASSI, was created by Dr. Glenn A. Miller in 1985, revised in 1994 and is now in its third edition. The instrument is a screening questionnaire used on people who depend on substances. It is a brief self-report, easily...

The Change Process in Psychological Counseling

Regressions and other types of effective research must be supplemented by change process research, which examines the mechanisms through which change happens in psychotherapy. The many sorts of psychological therapies that are now being used have long dominated the area of psychotherapy. An explanation of the continuous improvement idea is...

Children’s Behavior and Extinction Procedure

Introduction ABA therapy is a practice based on the principles of psychology to identify adverse conduct. The therapy process is conducted by specially trained professionals and aims to eradicate negative conduct. ABA therapy focuses on behavioral changes that are related to social skills, communication, and learning. The extinction procedure is...

Cognitive & Emotional Development in Children

In their study, Frick et al. (2018) empirically determine that maternal sensitivity and sustained attention are important predictors of emotional development in newborns. Along with the infant’s temperament, the care environment is a significant aspect that determines the strengthening of cognitive skills at the initial stage of life. This suggests...

Lifespan Development Knowledge in Human Services

Introduction Human development is the continuous change in humans over their lifespan from birth to death in psychological, cognitive, and physical aspects. The psychological part of human development comprises social relationships, personality, and emotions. Physical development entails growth and changes in the brain and body, health and wellness, the senses,...

Complex Cultural Backgrounds and Identities

Psychologists are gauged based on their ability to embrace cultural differences in improving people’s lives. In service delivery, an organization must learn ways of serving people from different cultures (Tanriverdi, 2017). About 7 billion people are living globally, and none of them is a replica of the other. Individual differences...

The Two Major Approaches to Personality: Key Principles

Evaluation of the main approaches to personalities is essential in the context of understanding human nature and psychology. It includes reviewing existing theories and creating a personality profile that includes key behavioral and psychological traits. In addition, one should consider the chosen approaches from the perspective of a theoretical basis,...

Fromm’s Humanistic Psychoanalysis and Attachment Theories

Eric Fromm was significantly impacted by Sigmund Freud and his ideas of conflict, defense, and the critical role unconscious play in people’s lives (Bacciagaluppi, 2014). At the same time, he had other visions of the role of culture in the evolution of individuals. He believed that society and its customs...

Factors Affecting Perception of Attractiveness in Faces

Introduction Modern cognitive neuroscience theory divides attractive and unattractive faces into regular, symmetrical, and pronounced sexual features. The averageness of the face indicates how heterozygous the organism is. It illustrates how the organism is adapted and susceptible to the fight against the surrounding danger. Facial symmetry is associated with how...

Deductive vs. Inductive Thinking Methods

Introduction Human thinking has always been one of the most challenging and confusing topics to study. Each person is unique, with their unique qualities, socially, biologically, and psychologically. It is difficult to estimate how educated a person is by referring to his thinking style only. This is a very abstract...

Christianity and Psychology: Article Analysis

The article “How should Christians interact with psychology” does not reject the compatibility of psychology and region outright but does relay that the interplay of both fields is complex. It explains that both contradictions and agreements are shared between the two practices. In fact, because “We are from God, and...

The Image in Cognitive Psychology

In the psychology of perception, the development of psychological thought proceeded from the study of individual sensations to the understanding of perception as an integral process. Subsequently, the connection between perception and thinking was discovered to a great extent. A natural question of what comes first – perception or thinking...

Integrative Group Intervention for the Enhancement of Emotional Intelligence

In general, empathy may be regarded as a person’s ability to feel and understand another individual’s experience, reality, and perspective from within his frame of reference. At the same time, according to Teófilo et al. (2018), there are multiple perspectives on the concept of empathy that exist in modern scientific...

Parental Divorce’s Negative Impact on Children

Introduction This study analyze the developmental trend of a child in a family divorce. The primary research methodology will be a survey of existing cases, and an analysis of experiments that have been carried out earlier to confirm specific theories. The main limitation in the course of research is the...

Stress and Cognitive Appraisal

I have recently had a stressful experience related to my essay, which had to contain three thousand words and was due in three days. Even though I was familiar with the topic of the essay, I had much work to do, including reading many scholarly articles and analyzing and summarizing...

Traumatic Influences on Family Systems

Introduction Child upbringing in any society and context is a collective effort, with the immediate social environment playing a pivotal role in the child’s development. This connection and interdependence between parents, immediate caregivers and remote environments like schools is brought out even more clearly in the case of traumatic experiences....

Awareness and Trauma: The Counseling Program

Introduction Traumatic experiences are a topical issue in the mental health field that affects many young people. Experiencing traumatic events leaves an imprint on a person’s psyche, resulting in emotional or behavioral failures. Trauma is a reaction to an event that left a significant mark and led to symptoms. Often,...

Mental Health of Children of Incarcerated Parents

Introduction Incarceration has a significant impact on a person, but what about his or her children? The key subject of the assessment is the mental health of children with incarcerated parents. The importance and substantiality of parental influence on children cannot be overstated. Not only an incarcerated parent is absent...

Nature vs. Nurture Parenting Styles in Psychology

Parenting is a holistic process that determines the future of children. Numerous activities are involved in the process of bringing up a child. Activities such as interaction, cooperation, motivation, care and creating an enabling environment are critical determinants of a child’s future (Caplan et al., 2019). It is imperative that...

Sensation and Perception Skills in Early Infancy

The early years of children’s lives are associated with intense brain development and acquisition of new skills, with perception maturity being one of the essential tasks. Although infants’ study is related to certain theoretical, practical, and methodological difficulties, there is a significant body of knowledge that attempts to explain which...

Graduate Debt in Psychology: A Qualitative Analysis

Introduction The article by Doran et al. studies the subject of student loans in psychology education. Student loan debts are identified as a major issue that has long-term negative impacts on the citizens and the economy of the country in general. The paper uses a consensual qualitative research methodology to...

Concepts of Critical Thinking

Self-regulation is a personal skill that refers to an individual’s ability to assess and manage his reactions to feelings, strong emotions, such as excitement, frustration, embarrassment, or anger, and environmental factors for behavior control. System-1 refers to quick, reactive, instinctive, and holistic thinking that relies on salient memories and situational...

Video Games’ Harm: Argumentative Analysis

Introduction Video games are one of the most modern ways of storytelling and a channel for media communication. Given this fact, several discourses on young people’s harms and benefits from immersion in these virtual spaces exist. Moreover, some studies cite factors such as uncontrolled aggression, loss of interest in life,...

“Metacognitive Processes” Article by Marulis and Nelson

Purpose of The Research The aim of the study was to explore early metacognition through two developmental measures – declarative and procedural. Another goal of the study was to explore associations between executive function and motivation. Research Methods Used Metacognition was estimated using a metacognitive knowledge interview and a metacognitive...

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders

Group therapy is an evidence-based psychotherapy method that helps solve many problems, including relationship issues and personal difficulties. People come to the group to cope with grief, trauma, chemical addiction, anxiety, and depression. One of the most well-known and influential types of group therapy is the cognitive-behavioral therapy group. Compared...

Psychological Attachment to Ideological In-Groups

The issues of understanding the structure of society, its drivers, and attempts to predict its behavior occupy many researchers. To explain complex phenomena, scientists propose theories based on their observations and research. This paper studies and compares two papers discussing different theories and ideas. Devine (2015) considers the concept of...

Resistance in Psychotherapy by Beutler et al.

While it is assumed that people strive to be healthy, some tend to be reluctant to receive practitioners’ advice on treatment. In their article, Beutler et al. (2002) discuss people who express resistant behavior and describe its conceptual issues, measurement, and effects on treatment outcomes. The report by Beutler et...

New Developments and Current Challenges in Psychology

Introduction It is important to note that the given literature review will utilize an integrative conceptual framework, which not only reviews the relevant literature but additionally critiques and synthesizes the acquired knowledge as well as insights. The review will be organized in accordance with the sections below, which include discussion,...

Emotional Processing and Social Cognition

Stefan is a 33-year-old man experiencing a difficult period: his own business does not improve, he has little time to relax, receives no support from his wife, and struggles to find a connection with his toddler son. He deals with this pressure by having at least one beer daily and...

Confirmation Bias and Cognitive Psychology

Introduction Confirmation bias is a common behavioral tendency, which pertains to every person on some level. In its most basic form, it is the habit of overlooking contradictory evidence in favor of the facts that support one’s existing viewpoint (CrashCourse, 2014). It transpires unconsciously and requires high emotional awareness or...

Psychology of Children with Incarcerated Parents

Introduction Incarceration significantly impacts a person, but their children suffer even more due to the emotional vulnerability of their age. The critical subject of the assessment is the mental health of children with incarcerated parents. The importance and substantiality of parental influence on children cannot be overstated. Not only an...

Each of the Twelve Cranial Nerves Is Unique

Did you know that the sensations received through the sensory organs must be processed and analyzed, and the cranial nerves are responsible for these processes? The structures are unique because they connect organs and muscle fibers to the cortical layer, bypassing the spinal cord. For them, there are even special...

Attachment Theory and Personality Development

Insecure attachment styles develop in childhood due to dysfunctional relationships between caregivers and children. Secure attachment develops when a child receives proper attention from parents, causing the formation of a healthy personality type that is not afraid of rejection or intimacy (Fuchshuber et al., 2019). Infants with a secure attachment...

Postmodern Model Description and Case Analysis

Introduction Compared to other approaches to therapy, solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) is centered on an individual’s current and future situations and objectives instead of previous experiences. Since the therapy is goal-oriented, the target is not the issues or symptoms bringing the person to the therapy but rather the potential outcome(s)....

School Refusal as a Psychological Problem

School refusal is a common psychological problem that causes a lot of stress for a child. At the same time, the entire environment, including family, friends and school staff, is under a certain pressure. Reduced attendance and refusal to return to school can cause both short and long-term effects on...

Methodology of a Collective Psychological Inquiry

The task set in the script for the experiment is to establish the attitude of students toward the survey they have completed. It is required to choose a design that goes beyond the survey and comparison of the control and experimental groups. By comparing various innovative methods of psychological investigation,...

Biopsychosocial Factors of Workplace Absenteeism

Introduction This paper aims to analyze a case study involving Francesca, a 50-year-old woman who presented to counseling upon the request of her employer, who believes that her frequent absences from work are concerned with alcohol or substance use. The client reveals that she has been taking Mersyndol Forte for...

Stimulating Development in Children through Toys

Children learn by discovering and exploring their daily surroundings. Toys foster development in children by creating a natural teaching environment that promotes cognitive, motor, social, and emotional skills. Different toys are designed to help various age groups; therefore, identifying the right one is essential. This paper will explore Pattern Play...

Correctional Officer Stress: A Phenomenological Study

Abstract Stress at work is a significant problem and a prerequisite for worsening personal well-being and working performance. The responsibilities of correctional officers monitoring offenders involve substantial stress, and the consequences include a deterioration in mental and physical health to a decrease in life expectancy. The researchers’ attention to the...

Managing Conflict: Understanding Interpersonal Communication

Conflicts are something that all people encounter in their life, that is why understanding different ways of handling them is important to ensure successful and effective conflict resolution. Bevan (2020) defines conflict as a disagreement or argument, providing certain criteria that should be met for a situation to be considered...

Professional Issues in Group Work Counselling

Alignment With the Literature from the Unit and Wider Reading Group work counseling a psychological assistance when a client discusses his life difficulties not only alone with a psychologist, but also with other people (Schönberger, 2019). Resorting to wider reading, it can be revealed that the group itself is the...

Impact of Different Population Group on Children Development

Modern society is increasingly paying attention to different people, remarkably other population groups. Now more and more classes are starting to be not just ordinary, but those that accept people with various disabilities or social statuses. This kind of change has an excellent effect on society because the active involvement...

Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Activities

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to modify its structure in response to experience. Neuroplasticity is primarily sourced from the brain’s ability to develop new connections between neurons. The process is also known as the sprouting of human brain cells. The nature of neurons, which can die and be replaced,...

The Impact of COVID-19 on Sibling Violence

Literature Overview Various studies indicate that sibling violence manifests in different types: for example, games or regular dialogue. This leads to consequences for children in socialization and later life (Perkins et al., 2017). Children’s self-esteem and mental health suffer, and crime rates increase. The family violence problem is covered enough,...

Meditation and Mindfulness Reducing Recidivism Rates

Introduction Reducing recidivism rates in prisons can be achieved by adopting alternative rehabilitation and treatment methods, such as yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. However, the effectiveness of these approaches remains dubious without thorough consideration. At present, it is clear that the specified solutions correspond to the definition of evidence-based correctional practices....

Cultural Values and Perspectives in a Family

Family Members and Their Roles Felipe Reyes and Emily Reyes are a married couple with two children, Sam and Cass. Sam is the eldest at 15 years, and Cass is 12 years old. Emily is a divorcee and had Sam and Cass with her first husband, Ken Wolter. Felipe and...

How Human Behavior in the World Is Evolving

Background Researchers theorize that human behavior is changing as the world evolves. These changes in behavior have been notable, with short differences in age (Brett, 2019; Ravignani et al., 2017). Further, the world is expected to evolve fast to reach its millennial targets. However, there are concerns about how evolution...

A Mental Model of Occam’s Razor Nowadays

Unfortunately, a mental model like Occam’s razor has stopped working for me lately. According to this approach, one should choose the simplest available option as it is often the right one (Senge, 2006). Bates agrees that the simplest explanation is often the best option (2019). Occam’s razor, for many people,...

Emerging Adulthood: Challenges and Opportunities

In history, rites of passage, rituals, or social practices that signified the transition from adolescence to adulthood, marked this transition exceptionally clearly. Unfortunately, many of these initiation rites are no longer practiced or are not as significant in modern-day and age as they previously were. Additionally, adolescents must navigate emerging...

Martin Luther King Jr: Conviction of Self-Respect

Self-respect, a source of confidence and mental strength, can be described as a person’s ability, which often originates from internal reasons, to accept their needs and value. To be able to respect themselves, humans need to appreciate their unique personality traits and the impact they have on the community and...

Exploring the Process of Individuation

Individuation is a necessary process in psychological development and involves a human being taking steps to achieve a form of individuality. The person deems themselves a separate entity with a varying identity from others and starts consciously existing as an independent human in the world (Galipeau, 2013). Nonetheless, some people...

Past Prediction on Future Psychology Profession: Annotated Bibliography

Innes, J. M. & Morrison, B. W. (2021). Machines can do most of a psychologist’s job. The industry must prepare for disruption. The Conversation.  Innes and Morrison examine that machines can perform most of the work of psychologists and the industry should prepare for disruption. Psychology, social work, and counseling...

Rupture of Psychiatrist-Patient Alliance

The rupture of the alliance between the attending psychiatrist and the patient in psychiatry is a complex of different problems that gradually appear between people. There are many factors for this phenomenon, and this is a reasonably typical case among practicing psychiatrists (Safran & Kraus, 2014). Moreover, common treating alienists...

Profile of Psychologist Sigmund Freud

Introduction Sigmund Freud was a psychologist born on 6 May 1856 in Moravia in the Czech Republic. Freud died on 23 September 1939 in London, the United Kingdom (Hollitscher, 2017). When Freud died, he was 83 and was a renowned Austrian neurologist and one of the pioneer founders of psychoanalysis....

Critical Thinking in the Modern World

Naturally, critical thinking is one of the essential elements of people’s lives, as it is part of interpersonal communication. Critical thinking is the concentration and discipline of the mind, attention, and the ability to manage one’s cognitive processes (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, n.d.). In professional and everyday life, critical thinking...

Parental Alcohol Abuse as a Family Issue

Introduction Alcohol addiction impacts the human perception of the world and one of the most significant social units – a family institute. Oftentimes, parents cannot assess the effect of the addiction on their relatives and children. They tend to believe that their relationships with alcohol and relationships with family members...

Psychopathology and Adlerian Theories

The psychoanalytic and Adlerian theories are valuable components of psychoanalytical methods. Unlike the psychoanalytic model, the Adlerian value meaning, actions with a certain goal, and significant existence. Therefore, the latter theory studies adult or childhood behavior in cases of full conscience (Corey, 2017). On the other hand, psychoanalytic focus on...

Aspects of Pursuit of Happiness

Introduction The pursuit of happiness can be considered a natural aspect of human life because any effort applied both at work and in social interactions is inherently linked to the aspiration for well-being and personal comfort. From a psychological perspective, people subconsciously want to fulfill their individual ambitions and satisfy...

Observing Behavior in a Local Shopping Center

The location of the psychological experiment is a local shopping center; the evening time; the date is 11 July 2022, Sunday. There were several ethnic subgroups, and individuals behaved in a number of different ways. There were a lot of people in groups on the monitoring day. People often just...

Effects of Distraction on Driver Attention

Driven to Distraction: Dual-task Studies of Simulated Driving and Conversing on a Cellular Telephone The article explored dual-task studies concerning driving and conversing using a cellular telephone. Specifically, the research question was to determine “The extent to which cell-phone conversations might interfere with the driving and, if they do interfere...

Validity and Reliability of Tests on Personality

Introduction Psychological examinations cover various aspects of a character and are helpful for specialists whose employment requires immediate interactions with people. I have selected tests from the Personality category for Assignment 1 and discussed the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–Adolescent–Restructured Form (MMPI-A-RF), the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R), and the Million Clinical...

Clinical Supervision in Mental Health Counseling

The article focuses on clinical supervision for MHC students, including recommendations for the supervisors and students. For example, it is advised that MHC students rate themselves based on their progress (Pearson, 2004). This type of reflection is conceptually useful due to the content revision it comprises and because it allows...

Dealing with Trauma: Implications for Professionals

Introduction When working as a counselor with clients who have suffered traumatic episodes, it is essential to provide integrative care that is based on evidence and best practice. The process of working with traumatized populations involves an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon, an accurate selection of approaches, and the mitigation...