Biotechnology: Desired Properties of Vectors

In biotechnology, vectors are used as tools to transfer genes of interest into a living cell in order to force cells to produce uncharacteristic recombinant proteins. Thus, vector engineering is an up-and-coming technique that solves essential economic, applied, and scientific issues. Traditionally, circular bacterial DNA molecules called plasmids are used...

Skin: Anatomy, Physiology, Functions

The skin may be regarded as one of the most important organ of the human body due to its multiple indispensable functions. It protects a person from all challenges that may come from the environment and assists in the regulation of inner processes as well. This paper is dedicated to...

Transcription and DNA Replication

The central dogma of molecular biology postulates the formation of polypeptides and proteins from DNA by two processes called transcription and translation. The biological meaning of these processes, united by the name of protein biosynthesis, is the creation of protein structures in the body. These proteins are used from different...

Statistical Analysis in Business

Statistical analysis is an integral part of the business, allowing to analyze the current situation and make decisions based on the collected data. However, as the amount of information generated and processed grows, it is necessary to use specialized techniques that make it easier to interact with data (Cote, 2021)....

Hypothesis Testing in Daily Life

Hypotheses testing in daily life can promote a better understanding of various events and people that an individual deals with daily. For instance, hypothesis testing may reveal how people around the individual treat them. This paper aims to describe the testing of a hypothesis stating that only close people, including...

Salmonella Enterica Infection Symptoms and Prevention

Salmonella was discovered in the XIX century and was named after an American veterinarian Daniel Elmer Salmon who discovered it. Salmonella is divided into six subspecies, and salmonella enterica is one of them. Salmonella enterica is a bacterium of the genus Salmonella. As a rule, it is contained in raw...

Merychippus as Example of Horses

General Information Much later than Mesohippus lived the horse species Merychippus, which inhabited the territory of modern North America about 17 million years ago. Despite the teeth modification, the diet of Merychippus is still herbaceous. Remarkably, Merychippus was the species of ancient horses that gave rise to parallel subspecies: apparently...

Scientific Report Draft on Osmosis Egg Experiment

Introduction to Osmosis Osmosis is one of the important ways that plants and animals achieve homeostasis (Djelti 48). It is the process of moving water through a semipermeable membrane from an area of low osmolarity to an area of high osmolarity. Osmosis plays a vital role in the body of...

Witless Bay Seabird Ecological Reserve Management

Introduction Witless Bay Seabird Ecological Reserve is a seabird habitat located in the coastal waters of Newfoundland and Labrador. The reserve contains four seabird colonies located on Green Island, Gull Island, Pee Pee Island, and Great Island. The four islands make the reserve for thousands of seabird species, such as...

Methods of Interviewing: Critique of the Articles

Serial Interviews: When and Why to Talk to Someone More Than Once The article “Serial Interviews: When and Why to Talk to Someone More Than Once” by Benjamin Read was published in 2018 in the International Journal of Qualitative Methods. The paper is devoted to the description of the method...

Transition From ANOVA to LMM

As science progresses, methods used to obtain knowledge are improving and becoming more complicated. Boisgontier & Cheval (2016) note that there is a transition to using mixed models for statistical analysis in various areas of science. They offer a better basis for analyzing variables than other more familiar tools. In...

The Use of Statistics in Evaluating Social Problems

Statistics are an important tool for researchers and policymakers when analyzing particular social-related issues. The types of statistics that can be accumulated in relation to the area can be either objective or subjective (Rahman, 2020). Objective statistics are grounded in physical realities and numbers. Subjective statistics are typically related to...

Cognitive Revolution in Homo Sapiens

Cognitive Revolution refers to the period (70,000 years ago) when Homo sapiens developed cognitive abilities that surpassed other animals during that era. The cognitive mutation enabled them to acquire better linguistic skills, making it possible to ingest, store and share information about the surrounding environment (Harari, 2015). The change in...

Urban Sprawl in Portland: Advantages, Disadvantages, Net Effect

Introduction Urban sprawl refers to the loss of a land’s rural characteristics due to the geographic expansion of cities and towns or spatial footprint. Urban sprawling is caused by the need to accommodate an increasing urban population and fulfill residents’ desire for increased living space and residential amenities. The European...

Melting Point of Substances: A Laboratory Work

Introduction Accurate identification of an unknown substance’s composition is one of the cornerstone tasks of chemical analysis, therefore the range of potential techniques used for this purpose varies greatly. One useful qualitative determination practice is to measure the melting point for a substance since this characteristic is considered unique. Thus,...

Missing Data and Skip Patterns in Statistics

Introduction: Importance of Handling Missing Data and Skip Patterns In statistics, missing data occur when there is no value of data stored for a specific variable in observation, which means that no information is provided for a subject (quantitative research). Skipping patterns refer to one or several questions linked to...

Boyle’s Law: Pressure-Volume Relationship in Gases

Experimental Objectives To establish the relationship between the volume and pressure of a confined gas To determine mathematical relationship between gas pressure and volume of a gas in a confined system To use established mathematical relationship to determine pressure or volume gas when of one of the variable is changes...

Human Bones: Rib Cage and Pelvic Bone

The rib cage may also be called a thoracic cage. It has twenty-four bones known as the ribs. The ribs are curved around the chest. A human rib cage has twelve thoracics. The top seven pairs attach themselves to the sternum by cartilage; they are the true ribs (Starr, Beverly...

Climatology: An Introduction to the Theory of Climate

By definition, climatology denotes the study of climate. Climate for its part refers to a set of weather conditions that characterize a given location (Monin, 1986). With these definitions in mind, theories of climatology refer to the ideas that attempt to explain some climatic phenomena. There are two well known...

The Reaction of the Salicylic Acid With Acetic Anhydride

Objective and Overview The goal of this lab is to produce a sample of pure aspirin crystals. Towards achieving this, the experiment utilizes the reaction of the salicylic acid with acetic anhydride, which yields aspirin and acetic acid. The word and chemical equation for the reaction can be illustrated as...

Iron as Fundamental Element in Human Life

In group 8 and period 4 of the periodic table lies a chemical element by the name iron with 24 as its atomic number and Fe as its chemical symbol. It is classified under first transition series metals and is silvery in color with an atomic mass of 55.847.iron is...

DNA Analysis in Forensic Science

Introduction In the context of present-day developments, DNA analysis appears to be an essential tool for numerous fields. Modern biology and biochemistry intensively use methods, which are based on recombinant DNA. In addition, it is applied in bioinformatics, which implies data mining, which is contained in the DNA sequence. It...

Various Variables That Impact on Education

Introduction Statistics has been applied in major attributes of human life Thus it has been deemed of paramount significance for students especially in major areas that impact on human existence to have a strong statistical and analytic background. The essay thus is a close statistical examination of education based on...

Data Collection Tools, Methods, and Challenges in Research

Data Collection Tools Used in Qualitative Research Qualitative researches are “useful towards revealing the perceptions and behaviours of different populations” (Garbarino & Holland, 2009, p. 7). Such studies are critical because they make it easier for researchers to construct their hypotheses. This research approach produces descriptive results. Researchers can use...

The Concept of Deterministic and Probabilistic Methods

In various industries, calculation and forecasting techniques are applied to identify the relevant outcomes and consequences of decisions or interventions. In particular, the two most common approaches are utilized – deterministic and probabilistic. According to Muriana and Vizzini (2017), one of the main values ​​of deterministic models is an opportunity...

Relationships Between Reproduction, Heredity, and DNA

Genetic information in DNA is transcribed to RNA and then translated into the amino acid sequence of a Protein. Transcription During the process of transcription, the information in the DNA codons of a gene is transcribed into RNA. Suppose that gene X has the DNA base sequence 3’-TACCCTTTAGTAGCCACT-5’. The resultant...

The Four Lenses of Liberal Arts

Introduction The four lenses of liberal arts are used to examine topics from different points of view. They allow one to understand not only what a topic entails, but how its came into existence and why different opinions of it can form. They also help one to form a more...

Antibiotic Resistance: Effects of Antibiotic Resistance

Abstract Antibiotic resistance has become a public issue that is both costly and horrifying. The diverse studies undertaken have established this phenomenon is becoming hard to control due to what scientists define as mutation. Therefore, antibiotic resistance should be taken seriously. Also more appropriate measures should be put in place...

Critical Appraisal Tool of Research Work

Introduction The application of critical appraisal tools to evaluate the validity of research conclusions has gained acceptance in modern research settings. Appraisal tools are mainly used in medicine and allied professions. In these fields, evidence-based practice is of utmost importance to patients. Critical appraisal guidelines often appear as a checklist...

Metabolomics: Biomarkers

Metabolomics is the study of molecules whose molecular weight is very low and is located in the cells. Metabolites are found in different species of animals and help in extrapolation after research is done in the laboratory. There are different technologies used to measure metabolome, which include spectrometry of mass...

Descriptive Statistics Using SPSS Software Suite

Statistics has found its way into various disciplines of healthcare not being an exception. Data collected has been used to help employees and management to make a rational decisions regarding the wellbeing of clients or patients. Ideally, data collected from samples of populations are used to either describe or infer...

Independent-Samples T-Test with SPSS

Abstract The number of hours worked by male and female respondents does exhibit apparent differences. The study then performed independent-samples t-test to determine if the apparent differences are statistically significant. Evidently, independent samples t-test indicate that the mean number of hours worked by male respondents is statistically significantly higher (32.61±...

Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion

Introduction and assumptions The paper will analyze the relationship between the highest level of education, labor force status and the number of hours worked in a week. The paper will concentrate on estimating the measures of central tendency and dispersion (Arnold, 2011). The data will be collected from NORC at...

Combating Arsenic Contamination in Water

Introduction As the surface of the earth is covered with 70 % of water, it looks like a blue ball from far above. The well known fact is that water is the most valuable natural resource that exists and without which survival of life is impossible. About 97 % of...

Sexual Reproduction: Advantages and Disadvantages

The main advantage of sexual reproduction is the fact that it introduces genetic variation. Giving new organisms half the genome of each parent means that they will be unique living beings rather than clones of their parents (Miller, n.d.). This random variation gives the species a chance to gain new...

A Report on Earthquakes Using Scientific Terms

The current essay is a report on earthquakes using scientific terms from the course. First of all, moment magnitude or moment magnitude scale refers to the relative size of an earthquake. This term was introduced by seismologists Kanamori and Hanks in the 1970s (Rafferty, n. d.). Moment magnitude of an...

Franz Boas: Fieldwork for Business Anthropology

Introduction The understanding of life in different societies is the primary task set by anthropologists, and its importance is defined by the necessity to address issues related to human existence as a whole. Such a complicated matter requires the use of specific approaches, and fieldwork is the most beneficial method...

Research and Writing: Validation and Reliability Tests

Research findings must pass validation and reliability tests before they are accepted. Researchers use qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods to carry out their studies. In all the methods, researchers will collect data, analyze it and interpret it. For a research interpretation to be credible, it must be transferrable to other...

Geographical Research: Country Selection

Introduction The use of theoretical foundations, which have become the central milestones in the course’s study, is necessary to consolidate and generalize the knowledge obtained. Application of the studied statistical information allows translating theoretical bases into a practical activity that stimulates a student’s professional and creative development as a specialist....

Ethical Issues and Research Participation

A number of ethical concerns exist in the research literature. One such is the fact that people should not participate in research by force. This is the principle of voluntary participation (Trochim, 2006). Allowing participants to choose to participate in a research study or not has some benefits including offering...

Bis(imino)pyridine Ligands Overview

Introduction BIP with imino-C and imino-N substituents Bis(imino)pyridine (BIP) with imino-C (SC) and imino-N (SN) substituents. Bis(imino)pyridine ligands are an important class of ligands that are currently being investigated around the globe for their properties in numerous fields of industry. Their tridentate nitrogen donor complexes, with different transition metals, give...

Sociological Research Process. Research Stages

Sociologists use the scientific method of research to answer questions related to society and social behavior. The scientific method is “a procedure for acquiring knowledge that emphasizes collecting concrete data through observation and experimentation” (Ferris & Stein, 2018, p. 41). Thus, the method might be characterized as systematic, unbiased, and...

Coenzyme Synthesis of Benzoin

This report aims to the benzoine condensation reaction for formation of new carbon compounds. These are cyanide ion and thiamine. Two processes of major significance in the biochemistry field are the sugar synthesis and sugar metabolism processes. Sugar, a carbon compound by itself is the input in these processes, the...

Measuring Bubble Size in Two Phase Separator

Introduction General idea Erdal, 2003, states that this project seeks to provide fundamental information on the size of gas bubbles produced in oil from a cyclonic inlet to a gas/oil separator. FRAMES Separation BV support the work, and will consist of three phases: Phase 1 “Gas Carry under” – will...

The Relevance of the Polynomial

Contrary to popular belief, mathematics plays an essential role in human life. It should even be said that without knowledge of mathematical formulas, regularities, and concepts, we would not be able to progress and develop. People mistakenly consider that mathematics is limited to the textbook and the school board, but...

The Application of Bioremediation

Introduction Bioremediation is an essential biological process that entails the application of microorganism or their products in the decontamination of the environment. Microorganisms can degrade pollutants in their environment by using them as substrate materials for their enzymes in the generation of metabolic energy (Perpetuo et al., 2011). Increasing levels...

Simulating the Natural Selection and Genetic Drift

Introduction Theoretically, the evolution of behaviors amongst organisms’ populations gets necessitated by diverse forces such as genetic drift and natural selection, which alter the rate of occurrence of the alleles in populaces. The change in population over time occurs in reaction to preference to or against a population subclass difference....

Modern Physics III: Gravitational Waves

Introduction The concept of gravitational waves is a longstanding idea. Albert Einstein briefly covered it when he explained that ripples of space-time known as gravitational waves occur when large bodies orbit each other. He made these predictions in the development of the general theory of relativity in 1916. The calculations...

DNA and RNA Transcription

The process of DNA transcription takes place in several stages, during which RNA is first recorded, information from which organizes amino acids into proteins. As a result, the same sequences are transmitted in the cells, preserving certain traits. DNA must be copied and transferred to daughter cells with a vast...

A Frequency Response Function (FRF)

The word implies a set of interconnected events and phenomena. It means that nothing emerges, develops, and disappears without introducing some changes to an external environment. That is why it is possible to mention that the world consists of dynamic systems, and it is necessary to find appropriate tools and...

Embryonic Development – Anatomy & Physiology

Introduction Embryos have different stages depending on organisms for instance, in humans, it is a newly developing being up to the ninth week of development. In organisms with multiple cells, the term ’embryo’ broadly describes the life cycle or early stage of development before hatching or birth. The embryonic development...

Anthropology: Melbourne Graffiti Culture Comparing to New York

Introduction Graffiti consists of writings, slogans, depictions, squiggle or painted walls or private and public surfaces. The term “graffiti” is derived from the Latin word “graphium” with the meaning of to write. “Graffiti” is a term which was originally used by archeologists in describing pictures and inscriptions found on the...

Data Collection and Management Techniques of a Qualitative Research Plan

Introduction Data collection is an integral step in research because it determines the reliability and validity of data. The methods of performing data collection in both qualitative and quantitative research are similar, but the nature of the data is different. In this view, the validity and reliability of data are...

Marketing Research Brief: Research Design, Sample, Questionnaire

Research Design The main goal of the research brief is to set clear objectives in the form of questions and design appropriate research. The key objectives are to understand consumers’ intentions towards the category of food provided by the company and estimate market penetration in the given category of products....

The Objectivity of Science: Can Science Be Fully Objective

Introduction The question of objectivity in the practice of science is problematic for various reasons. First, scientific theories are based on objectivity claim that they have unique access to truth. This assertion is premised on the argument that empirical science, or what is commonly known as measurable science, can validate...

Participant Observations: Definition, Preconceptions, Characteristics

Abstract Participant observation is the most widespread of all forms of the investigative, elaborate and systematic observable plan. Introduction Observation is either the action of a human being which comprises of obtaining information of the outside world by means of the senses or the recording of information using technical equipment....

The Concept of Ways of Knowing

‘Ways of knowing’ generally refer to the deductive way of questioning what it implies or means to recognize; or know something. From the pursuit to address this area of dispute; science has deduced through discovery ways of multigenerational and empirically obtaining confirmable knowledge and information under a limited ‘domain of...

The Global Water Crisis: Issues and Solutions

Global warming and the water crisis is the title of a paper written by Kanae Shinjiro addressing the main issues that affect the earth resultant of global warming including the water crisis (860-864). For a long time, people often thought that water security was an issue revolving around drinking water....

Tin Cup Hogback Ridge: A Geological Field Trip

Introduction The class traveled west about a half-hour from Denver. The route cut through Lakewood City on US-6 W. On turning southwest on the I-70 W at West Pleasant View and heading towards Grand Junction and Jefferson County, we knew we were almost there because the urban sprawl that is...

Observational Research Types & Application Methods

Research Methods. Brief Description Observation research is a specific research method that can be involved in other observational methods. Each particular research method, such as group analysis, experimental and naturalistic methods, interview, and clinical case studies requires the presence of observational information. Observational research is presented in four major dimensions,...

Research Design Differences – Qualitative and Quantitative

The following paper is an insight into researching which is crucial in the field of social sciences. It seeks to define the two main methods used: qualitative and quantitative and their key characteristics. Finally, it will give comparisons of these two methodologies and how each is important and applicable in...

Chemical Experiment on Enzyme Amylase

The Aim of the Experiment This paper presents an experiment that was conducted to determine the activity of amylase on starch at various pH levels. The main aim of this experiment was to determine the optimum pH level for action of enzyme amylase on starch. Introduction An enzyme is a...

Business Research: Data Analysis and Interpretation

Introduction This paper will start by looking at data analysis strategies and techniques of analyzing qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative and qualitative data must be clearly linked to each other in order to allow easier interpretation of data. This article has information about data analysis and interpretation in business research...

Geographical Statistics and Statistical Tests in Research

Research of any kind can be successful only if it is structured and carried out properly. The proper structure of the research includes the focused methodology and the outlined practical tools to use the theoretical framework of the research. In the methodology, sampling strategies, sample size, and statistical tests prove...

Application, Framework and Problem of Game Theory

Introduction Game theory involves rational behavior in making decisions. It is similar to a game. A game could be interdependent and involve agents or players who try to get the best possible results from the action they choose to take. The players use a sociological or psychological viewpoint to make...

Embalming: The Control of Microorganisms

Abstract Embalming is the process of cleaning, preserving and presenting a deceased patient. Embalmers are at a risk of contracting diseases especially when dealing with deceased patients who have died out of contagious diseases such as Anthrax, mad cow, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS etc due to the presences of micro-organisms including bacterial...

Human Impact on Evolution and Environment

Abstract Evolution refers to the change of properties of a living organism from one generation to the next over a period of time. Human has impacted both negatively and positively during the evolution period, a time when man was also undergoing evolution. Such positive changes include the preservation of some...

Medical Anthropology: Culture and Medicine

Introduction Anthropologists have demonstrated that all human cultures embrace a system of beliefs relating to the maintenance of health and illness causation, and concomitant therapeutic and preventive practices relating to these beliefs. In fact, most cultures have numerous and diverse therapeutic options. In this medical plurality, which option or options...

Anthropology: Cultural Ecology Among Maasai People

Introduction Ecology refers to the study of habitat or surroundings, and the way of life of all the living things in an environment. A people’s ‘Culture’ is their way of life, attitude, creed, ethics, and morals which is passed from one generation to the other. Cultural Ecology, therefore, refers to...

Description of Boolean Algebra

Introduction Boolean algebra was formulated by George Boole who was a self-educated English mathematician between the periods 1815 to 1864. It basically involves the triumphant application of algebraic techniques to logic. The algebraic laws developed by Boole are fundamentally similar to those of binary arithmetic where essential symbols are inferred...

Case Study Method of the Research Design

One of the approaches to research design is called the case study method. It consists of describing a case, which may be of interest, for instance, because it is very common or highly atypical, and extensively analyzing it to explore, explain, or describing it in detail (Holly, 2014; Polit &...

Leonardo da Vinci and Scientific Anatomy in Renaissance

Introduction Anatomy is the foundation of medicine, the basis of its theory and practice. With this science, the process of knowledge of medical disciplines begins. Its comprehension forms the beginning of clinical thinking in medical students. This was perfectly understood by outstanding scientists at the dawn of the formation of...

Fieldwork and Research Methods in Anthropology

Introduction Anthropology represents a summation of the most diverse theoretical points of view and efficient technologies for studying human beings. This scientific field balances between such strict disciplines as biology and the humanities like sociology and ethnography. This feature made it possible to develop universal approaches to the successful study...

Haitian Culture, Religion, Language, and Economics

Introduction Culture can be defined as knowledge and behaviors peculiar to people who are united territorially. As the representatives of the Caribbean region, Haitians are drastically different from the U. S. citizens in terms of habits and philosophy, which has implications to military operations. This paper reviews facts about the...

Chapters 4-6 of “Damned Lies and Statistics” by Best

Chapter 4 The article “Damned lies and statistics” by Joel Best analyzed the impact and implications of statistical figures on the cultural orientation of the society. The author analyzed various factors or statistical accounting and errors. His account dominated the views of statistical errors rather than conflict reporting. The articles...

Tensile Testing of Metallic Materials

Introduction Tensile testing is vital a test synonymous with material scientists who subject a material sample to a controlled tension force until the yield point where the material fails. The essence of performing this test is that it aids in quality control, selection of a material meant for a specific...

Ethnography: Employee Behavior at Cafeteria

Introduction Ethnography is a systemic analysis of people and their cultures (Richardson, 2013; Fine, 2013; Kottak, 2005). For our ethnography assignment, we decided to study life at the cafeteria cited three blocks from our resident building. To ensure anonymity, this paper refers to the cafeteria as “The Point” and assigns...

Three Types of Human Knowledge

I agree with the conclusion of the essay by Wolf. Mathematical knowledge and philosophical knowledge go hand in hand. One effect can in no way unmistakably proceed from a particular cause than in the case where a quantity of an effect is equivalent to the power created by the cause....

Validity and Reliability of Psychological Tests

Introduction Validity is the effectiveness of a scale score giving a sound and meaningful reflection of what it is intended to measure while reliability is validity is the correctness of a scale score in measuring what it claims to measure. Explain the types of reliability and validity are used Test...

States’ Territorial Morphology and Division

Territorial morphology The notion of state territorial morphology reflects how the territory of a state is located. There are such types of territorial morphology: compact states, protruded states, elongated states, fragmented states, perforated states (355). Cambodia is a compact state: its shape is almost round; Thailand is a protruded state:...

Use of Theory in Research

What is the theory? The theory is a set of basic principles (that are accepted as given), and of research methods that allow to derive new conclusions from these principles and/or to explain existing phenomena by employing them. The most telltale definitions and examples of theories can be provided by...

Primate Behavior: Observing and Comparing

Introduction The present paper will seek to report on the observations of primate behavior in the Los Angeles Zoo and highlight behavioral similarities between primates and humans. This technique is often used in biological anthropology, which seeks to explain how humans appeared on Earth. Observing and comparing primate behavior to...

Galaxies Nature and Frequency

It should be noted that galaxies are the main structural components of the universe, which contain almost all of its substance that radiates in the visible area of the spectrum. Stars are born and die in galaxies, and planetary systems are formed around them. The purpose of this paper is...

The Factor Analysis: Definition and Logic

Factor Analysis The logic behind the factor analysis is grouping variables into factors, each of which represents several variables that correlate highly with one another (Field, 2013). Factors, therefore, attempt to explain the maximal quantity of common variance between the original variables by using a lower number of dimensions (Field,...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs

Introduction Both qualitative and quantitative research designs are regularly used by professional nurses and scholars who conduct different studies. The context and findings of every project require analyzing it to decide on the most appropriate research method that must be used in a particular case. The following paper is intended...

Medical and Psychological Genetic Counseling

Introduction Genetic counseling is defined as “the process of helping people understand and adapt to the medical, psychological, and familial implications of genetic contributions to disease” (Ormond, 2013, p. 189). It can be used to predict and prevent multiple heritable conditions, including diabetes. In the given paper, the focus will...

Stem Cell Research Justification and Benefits

Introduction Stem cell research is one of the most controversial issues in the fields of medicine and religion. The controversy involves the ethics of the use, development, and destruction of human embryos for purposes of scientific research. In particular, it focuses on the use of embryonic stem cells in research....

Cocoa Production and Its Social Impact on West Africa

Abstract Cocoa is a necessary cash crop both for producing and consuming countries (Bales, 2004). The cocoa beans go through a rigorous and delicate process. Some of the challenges that farmers face in cocoa production include the weather patterns, insects and a number of diseases. Cocoa production is not an...

Educational Research Methods and Data Collection

Different research projects are completed by means of various methods and techniques. However, comparing and contrasting those it is possible to find similarities in the methodology if the main idea of the research projects coincides. This paper aims to compare and contrast five research projects conducted in the sphere of...

Two-Factor Data Analysis: Definition and Examples

Introduction The process of setting an experiment implies that every single factor affecting the dependent variable should be identified and that the crucial one should be selected carefully. In a range of scenarios, the key variable is going to be affected by not one, but two or more factors (Groebner,...

Interpolation and Extrapolation Definition and Differences

Definition As a rule, the phenomenon of interpolation is referred to as the process of selecting the data that can be located within a particular range of information (Groebner, Shannon, & Fry, 2014). The identified definition can be applied to a variety of domains, including business, technology, science, education, etc....

Science and the Truth

Introduction The pursuit of knowledge or truth is an integral part of human existence. Science, as a body of knowledge that seeks to realize the truth through systematic approaches, is one of the commonly embraced reality approaches today. However, several instances show that science could either converge towards the truth...

West Kendall: Environment and Community

Description of the Community Overview West Kendall is home to hundreds of people that have both been born here or have migrated from different countries through the years. As of today, Hispanics make up a big percentage of the population in Kendall. We have immigrants from all over the world...

Karen Swift’s Action Research Design

Abstract Those investigators who choose to use the action research to find effective solutions in such social and educational spheres as teaching are oriented to investigating the problem while involving participants in the research and to developing the collaborative interaction of researchers and participants. Researchers focus on finding ways to...

Meteorological Principles and Concepts

A Scientific theory provides a vivid explanation of various aspects of the natural world (Suppe 32). It uses substantial facts that have undergone confirmation through numerous experimentation and observations. The hypothesis of the natural world, on the other hand, argues that the explanation of the world lies not in science...

Should Apartments Ban Dogs Based on Breed?

Background For over half a century now, governments around the globe have legislated against specific dog breeds for various reasons, particularly based on the vicious attacks on human beings and other domesticated animals. The increasing dog population up to about 68 million in the United States has escalated the fear...

Is Cloning “Playing God”?

Cloning is the “manufacture” of an organism identical to one that already exists. Several types of cloning are practiced among human beings: these are reproductive cloning, therapeutic cloning, and replacement cloning (Playing God?, par 2). Although Cloning has given rise to several social-ethical implications, especially in the matters concerning family,...

Can We Use Behaviour to Differentiate Species?

Species classification is a fundamental aspect of biology and is essential for comprehending the range of life on our planet. However, species identification can be difficult, especially when physical characteristics alone do not provide sufficient differentiation. Many researchers have raised the question of whether behavior can be used as a...

Molecular Interaction in Ethanol and Dichloromethane

Introduction The study of the physicochemical properties of substances in the context of the intermolecular forces that are realized for each of the compounds is an essential part of the analytical study. In general, intermolecular interactions depend on the nature of the substance, namely the presence of a hydroxyl group...

The Number E, Its History, and Its Uses

Introduction Euler’s number, or the well-known constant, is one of the most relevant and important irrational numbers in mathematics and algebra. A natural number cannot represent a base number in an exponential function. This number is widely used in the world of mathematics. It is an irrational number, and scientists...

Global Nitrogen Cycle: New Developments and Global Change

Introduction Nitrogen (N2) is the most abundant though crucial to living things element that can be found in the water, air, and soil. To a great extent, the nitrogen cycle is a systematic biochemical process under which nitrogen is converted into several usable forms, including nitrates and nitrites. Such nitrogen...

Space Studies: Why Should People Enter Space?

Introduction The world may benefit from space exploration by receiving new resources and technology. This exploration should go on because it might help both people and the ecology on Earth. There have already been numerous positive effects of space exploration on the economy, the environment, and public health. Even though...

Why to Divide a Country Like Canada into Regions

The world is made up of different continents with which numerous countries lie. The earth has different settings that link human nature and existence in it. The physical geographical situation of various parts and regions brings a human understanding. Lands like Canada and United States contribute the natural science learning...

Ontario: Analysis of Canada’s Region

Introduction Canada is the second largest country in the world, constituting approximately 10 million square kilometers. The country covers the Atlantic, Arctic, and Pacific seas and is located in the northern portion of North America. The landscape of Canada is varied, including rough mountains, plateaus, lakes, and seas. Ontario, Quebec,...

Egypt’s Population, Languages, Religion & Culture

Introduction Egypt is a transcontinental nation that extends to the southwest corner of Asia and the northeast corner of Africa. Moreover, the country is bordered in the north by the Mediterranean Sea, east by the Red Sea, south by Sudan, and west by Libya. Its capital city is Cairo, with...

The Use of the Biostatistics Course

Introduction A correct understanding and interpretation of the concepts of mathematical statistics used in the analysis of the obtained data are essential for accurate decision-making. Statistical methods enable one to narrow the interval of uncertainty in their decision-making. Incorrect application of statistical tools leads to false conclusions and interpretations of...

The Painted Lady Butterfly: History and Life Cycle

Introduction Painted Ladies, scientifically known as Vanessa cardui, are among the butterfly species with the greatest geographic distribution. These insects can be observed on most continents, excluding the Arctica continent. The Painted Lady has a broad range to encompass all of North America, from Alaska to Panama, and has been...

Aspects of Statistical Estimation

Introduction The process of estimating a population parameter, unknown and fixed, from a sample statistic, known and random, is called statistical estimation. This process involves forming either a point estimate or an interval estimate. The former is a single numeric value, often referred to as the “best guess” at estimating...

Biogeochemical Cycles: Carbon, Nitrogen, and Water

Biogeochemical cycles are the transportations and transformations of chemicals in ecosystems (UCAR, n.d.). Some chemicals can be a part of a plant or an animal one day and then be a part of a river the next day. Biogeochemical cycles are of extreme importance for the planet, as they help...

The Enzymatic Activity of Alkaline Phosphatase

Introduction This entire laboratory project consisted of four parts, in each of which the enzymatic activity of Alkaline Phosphatase was sequentially prepared or studied. Table 1 shows the absorbance data for each of the six test tubes: as can be seen, the difference between them was the concentration of the...

Medial Forebrain Bundle in Reward System

The reward systems in the brain are a group of structures that are activated whenever we experience something that rewards us, such as eating delicious food, having sex, or using addictive drugs. The medial forebrain bundle is defined as a projection pathway for axons that are both ascending from the...

Logistic Regression, Its Purpose and Calculations

Why is logistic regression needed? Predicting the likelihood of an event is useful when using logistic regression analysis. It aids in calculating the odds between any two classes. Logistic regression aims to find the most accurate model to explain the association between the dichotomous features of interest and a collection...

“Why Evolution Is True” Book by Jerry A. Coyne

My reflection and detailed evaluation of Why Evolution is True by Jerry A. Coyne demonstrates the significance of biological processes and transmutation of living organisms. The book features the characteristics of evolution that brace wildlife’s existence and tries to champion its ideas to be taught in schools. Jerry A. Coyne...

NASA’s Efforts of Space Colonization: Pros and Cons

Introduction It is vital to note that with the recent advancements in astrophysics, aerospace engineering, and astronomy, the topic of human space colonization is no longer considered far-fetched but rather a realistic goal. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is actively working on the project of Mars colonization. However,...

Importance of Research Interest for Future Development

One of the fundamental questions that every researcher should determine is to define their research interest. This point is above even the specific definition of a research topic since it represents the whole direction in which one will develop in the future. Since this choice can affect one’s entire career,...

Cloning Discussion: Pros and Cons

Genetic cloning is a biotechnological manipulation whose result is to create a genome-identical clone for a given species. Cloning any species, from E. coli to humans, is a matter of time and technical sophistication, so it is highly likely that after the relatively successful experiments to create a somatic clone...

Differences Between Human and Chimpanzee DNA

When it is necessary to learn some physiological characteristics of human health conditions, scientists and researchers address genetic studies and focus on the peculiarities of the human genome. A number of nucleic acid sequences are encoded as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to store the hereditary material. Almost every cell in the...

Childhood Development from Biological Perspective

Teratogens are chemicals that can cause physical or functional abnormalities in a human embryo or fetus is exposed to a pregnant mother. Examples of such drugs include alcohol and cocaine. The duration of exposure, the amount of teratogenic chemical present, and the stage of development in which the embryo or...

Impact of Nodulation on Plant Growth and Health

Introduction In the contemporary world driven by progress in science and technologies, the strive toward sustainable and ecological agricultural methods prevails. Vastly utilized chemical fertilization provides a significant yield increase as it acts as a growth stimulant for plants. However, agricultural companies tend to use chemicals in excess, which has...

The Andromeda-Milky Way Collision

Humanity tends to think about hypothetical events that could happen in space in billions of years. One of these is the possibility of a collision of two galaxies – Andromeda and the Milky Way – in 5 billion years (PBS Space Time, 2018). This question was raised even centuries ago...

The Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

Generally, qualitative and quantitative studies are two types of research conducted in science. The first type is designed to learn as much as possible about the properties of the phenomenon or object being analyzed. There are no strict criteria for how information is collected — a free form can be...

Discussion of Mixed Method Approach

Qualitative and quantitative components of mixed methods research are combined to reinforce and broaden a study’s conclusions so that they can be published. Research issues can be answered using a variety of methodologies, including mixed methods, in all investigations (Anguera et al., 2018). Purpose statements in mixed methods studies comprise...

Aspects of Scientific Responsibility

Science as the method to understand the development of human life is a valuable achievement of humanity. The understanding of this concept and its role in people’s life requires the analysis of Berk’s (2018) textbook, Dobbs’ (2009) article, and videos presented by Gawande (2016) and Oliver (2016). The observation of...

Fire Service Safety: Sample Plan

Introduction For each scientific research, clear and planned actions are necessary to achieve the best result. Previous work on the safety of fire services considered literary sources that can help the progress of the work. This paper explores such an aspect of the experiment as the definition of the sample...

“Interrogating Racism: Toward an Antiracist Anthropology” and “Economics”

In the article Interrogating racism: Toward antiracist anthropology (2005), the author Leith Mullings discusses the issue of racism in anthropological studies. In the introductory part of the research, Mullings explains the historical connection between anthropology, racism, and antiracist movements. She states that anthropology has a contradicting history when it comes...

Symmetry in Sciences and Technology Studies

It takes a lot of effort, attempts, and time to make a significant scientific discovery. All research workers have their own points of view on a particular phenomenon, which causes the inevitability of lengthy disputes and debates. However, as everybody knows, truth is always born in an argument. That is...

Characteristics of the Phototrophs and Chemotrophs Organisms

Phototrophs Organisms are usually classified based on their nutritional need, and according to this criterion, there are two distinct groups, the phototrophs and the chemotrophs. Phototrophs rely on energy from the sun to manufacture their food in the form of ATP (Parker et al., 2017). The sunlight oxidizes organic molecules...

Analysis of the Respiratory System

The respiratory system is a set of organs that provide external respiration in the body and several critical non-respiratory functions. Systema respiratorium serves to deliver inhaled air through the lungs oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide. In addition to the lungs, namely: the nasal cavity and pharynx, then...

The High Heat Capacity of Water

Although the formula of H2O is relatively simple, this compound is still not fully understood. A large number of types and uses of water greatly expands the range of possible investigations. Water has a number of unique and animating properties, one of which is its high heat capacity. It is...

Objectives, Questions, and Hypotheses in Qualitative and Quantitative Research

The purpose of qualitative research is to evaluate a phenomenon and identify the factors that influence it significantly. It often begins with a limited understanding of the situation and the expected outcomes, discovering them through analysis of information collected over the course of the study. As such, qualitative research objectives...

Human Esophagus and Types of Its Muscles

From the perspective of histological descriptions, the human esophagus is divided into three sections, each of which is unique in terms of muscle type. To remember the histological “floor plan” of the esophagus, the organ’s function, including the details of how the organ carries food through the thoracic cavity, must...

Statistical Reasoning and Thinking

The Four Dimensions of Statistical Reasoning The four dimensions are an interrogative cycle, types of thinking, investigative cycle, as well as dispositions. They contain specific and generic statistical thinking habits that operate simultaneously within the thinker. Five thinking types that are marked fundamental are consideration of variation, transnumeration, need for...

The “Magic of the State” Book by Michael Taussig

The book “Magic of the State”, written by Michael Taussig, is a combination of creative fiction and ethnographic writing. It is a book discussing many of the real world’s problems and trends, while presenting them in the form of a fictional state (Taussig, 2013). It is difficult to pinpoint what...

What Happens if the Bats Extinct: The Role of Bats in the Ecosystem

Introduction There are a lot of myths and stereotypes about the minor role of bats on our planet. It is commonly argued by many people that bats are pests, the existence of which does not make any sense. However, such kind of assumptions are inherently wrong and downplay the importance...

“Space Mining & Exploration” Article by Skauge

The most manageable steps of reading a long article are to overview what the authors communicate in the papers. The reader may not get the significant meanings of what the writer speaks about in the report but develops a clue of what he is to expect. The first step is...

Human Development Theories: The Science of Learning and Development

There are many theories on how human development through different stages of life affects an individual’s life and mental health. From the moment the first human development theory occurred, society took multiple attempts to define the exact stages of progression in human development, enhancing the previous ideas. This essay will...

Gene Editing as Humanity’s Possible Doom

Gene editing is a promising new developing biotechnology that can significantly expand our power to modify human beings. Although, questions have been raised about the potential use of genetic information in ethics, religion, law, and society since completing the Human Genome Project. Concerns about the disastrous consequences of this technology’s...

History of Atomic Structure: Dalton’s Atomic Theory

Dalton’s Atomic Theory (DAT) was a major contribution to the field of chemistry. DAT is based on five assumptions regarding the nature of the world’s smallest molecules. The first hypothesis of this theory suggests that all matter consists of atoms, invisible particles that cannot be observed due to their minuscule...

The Movement of Molecules Through Cells: Role of Diffusion

A cell is the smallest unit of an organism. Molecules within a cell move through the cell membrane by the use of diffusion. Diffusion refers to the process molecules move from a high concentration gradient to a place of the low concentration gradient across a semipermeable membrane(Burini & Chouhad, 2019)....

Receptive Vocabulary Size and Proficiency in English as a Foreign Language

Introduction The use of scatter plot is one of the strategies that studies employ to visualize and present information to readers. Data visualization has numerous advantages, including enhancing the understanding of a phenomenon, highlighting trends and patterns, and summarizing complex information (Li, 2018). Scatterplot aids in data visualization by depicting...

Marine Organisms an Adaptations

One of the important aspects of marine biology is the study of how marine organisms exhibit a variety of physiologic adaptation that makes them suitable for the marine environment and particularly successful in a particular ecological niche within the overall marine environment. Phylum Porifera Phylum Porifera or Sponges are aquatic...

The Science Behind Dreaming: Medical Issues

The article “The Science behind Dreaming” was authored by Sander Van der Linden and was published on July 26, 2011 on the Scientific American website. This article explores on the science behind dreaming, strength and weaknesses. A large percentage of human beings have dreamt at some point in their lives....

Biogenesis vs. Spontaneous Generation

Biogenesis is a term that was coined by British biologist Thomas Henry Huxley in 1870, describing the principle that all living organisms derive from organisms similar to themselves. The principle has been introduced in contradiction with the concept of spontaneous generation. Spontaneous generation, abiogenesis, refers to the idea that living...

Oxygen Consumption by the Body

The human body is a complex and multilevel system whose components are combined into a coherent and balanced mechanism. The need for molecular oxygen defines the body as an open system, which needs the resources of the environment to maintain effective activity. More specifically, at the macro level, oxygen is...

Fibrinogen: Structure, Function, and Importance

Structure Fibrinogens are molecules that are usually found in the blood plasma. It is a 340-kDa glycoprotein composed of two sets of disulfide-bridged Alpha-, Beta-, and gamma-chains (Weisel & Litvinov, 2017). Fibrinogen is formed after FGA, FGB, and FGG links. These genes are clustered around the human chromosome 4, which...

Phytoremediation Lab With Hyacinth Plants

Introduction Phytoremediation is when green plants are used to treat and control hazardous chemicals and contaminants from groundwater and soil by uptaking the pollutants into the plant tissue or leaves. Examples of these contaminants are metal and metalloids, sludge, convectional wastes, and xenobiotic pollutants. The process is eco-friendly, which can...

Isolation Streak Plate Technique

Purpose of the Experiment The purpose of this experiment is to isolate two cultures. To isolate the two cultures, an isolation streak plate technique was used (Carolina Distance Learning 3). In a microbiology experiment, the isolation streak plate technique helps to isolate a pure culture from a mixed culture. The...

Math in Real Life: Critical Thinking and Number Sense

I enjoyed Critical Thinking and Number Sense since they sharpened my basic counting and number skills to solve problems. Critical Thinking and Number Sense was the most interesting topic since it is applicable in decision-making, analysis, reasoning, and communicating mathematical knowledge. After the lesson, I felt empowered in using my...

Comparison and Contrast of Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Introduction to Professional Research Research is very important in the modern world as having created a lot of theories people want to have the confirmation of what they have predicted. The scientific approach to the research is very important as only in this way one may consider the theory in...

Research Misconduct: Reasons and Possible Solutions

Research misconduct is a serious offense that occurs quite frequently in the academic community. It is heart-breaking when some researchers violate authorship rights and pocketing years of somebody’s hard work. Thus, it is crucial to monitor plagiarism and unfair practices in scientific research carefully. This paper aims to consider why...