Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 116” Review

A sonnet is a special kind of poetry expression dedicated to the inner workings of the heart and mind. They explore what it implies to give love using a wide range of emotions and various tools. To define true love, William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116 first explains what it is not...

Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator Data

Introduction: Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators is a resource database that was established in 1998 by the American Nurses Association. It aimed to add to the existing information gathered from previous studies that linked nurse staffing and patient outcomes. The purpose of this addition was...

Sex Offenses: Rape and Sexual Assault

The article “The Riddle of Rape-by-Deception and the Myth of Sexual Autonomy” by Jed Rubenfeld, a Law Professor at Yale University, argues that if we are serious about protecting people’s right to make their own decisions about their sexual autonomy, we will make all types of sexual activities by deception...

Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan

Introduction In 2017, nurse Vaught fatally administered the wrong medication and caused a patient’s death. She was charged with reckless homicide and sparked debate over a recurring issue in medical practice. The discussion will focus on why this event occurred and provide evidence-based practices organizations can employ to prevent its...

Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Every organization has a need to formally coordinate the pattern of interaction between the organizational members. Thus organizational structure can be defined as the process of allocating tasks, coordinating between organizational members, and formalizing the ‘who reports to whom’ concept. Strategy is the long term goal and the objectives of...

Criminology Discipline and Theories

Introduction The discipline of criminology helps to understand why individuals commit particular crimes as well as the factors that lure them into offenses. Understanding the reasons why people engage in crimes can go a long way towards developing strategies to mitigate felonies. Besides, it can help law enforcers to preempt...

What Is a Venturi and the Vena Contracta Zone?

Abstract This essay discusses the venturi and vena contracta zone. The vena contracta is explained as the narrowest central flow region in a jet found in the orifice of a regurgitant valve. It determines the fluid flow velocity. The vena contracta occupies less area as compared to the orifice owing...

Henry David Thoreau and Virginia Woolf’s Essay Comparison

Introduction Henry David Thoreau, an essay writer, social critic and editor, has been considered as the father of the American nature literature. In his book ‘Walden’, Thoreau, a naturalist, provides several short stories that relate to the natural aspects surrounding him. In particular, he uses natural things such as animals...

The US Constitution’s Foundation History

Introduction In the years following American independence, the country had to undergo a complex process of forming a republic. The inherent nature of democracy, as it is known today, was challenged as the Founding Fathers explored various possibilities for creating ‘the law of the land.’ Eventually, these substantial differences led...

The Arts and Craft Movement and Influential Issues

Arts and Craft Movement is one of the most famous and influential interest groups that were created between 1880 and 1910. Its traits can be observed in numerous works of modern designers. Certain political, economic, and social issues were taken into account while the introduction of that new style to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Communication and Media Ethics

Apparently, communication is a decisive factor in the prevailing society where information technology has become prevalent and highly accessible to the people. In this regard, malicious as well as unpleasant information is shared through the internet of such social services accepted in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) like Facebook. It,...

Organizational Communication: Forms and Barriers

Every organization operates within set goals and objectives that guarantee its success in a competitive environment. Effective communication is responsible for ensuring an organization’s objectives and goals are met. Consequently, a functional organization seeks to ensure that the channels of communication among its staff are clear and well defined. Organizational...

Children and Adolescents With Obesity: Physical Examination

Introduction The article, Physical Examination Findings Among Children and Adolescents With Obesity: An Evidence-Based Review, by Armstrong, S. et al. seeks to address the issue of physical examination of children who suffer from obesity, a harmful condition which affects a third of US children (Armstrong, et al., 2016, p. 1)....

Chronic Illness Care and Evidence-Based Practices

Introduction Nations work hard to ensure the lives of their citizens are protected and promoted. Some diseases cannot be cured easily while others are associated with old age; therefore, medical practitioners must work hard to ensure they offer proper care to victims of these conditions (Chang 2008). This discussion examines...

Marketing Communication: “The Selling Game” Video

What are the main messages and themes in the video “The Selling Game”? The video deals with a number of topics. One of them is the subject of communication and the numerous themes connected to it. The different views of communication are presented; two main models of perceiving communication are...

Role of Electronic Portfolio in Education

Abstract Child education is considered a very fundamental part of the growth process. It has now been proven that early exposure to intellectual development programs is an important investment for any country desiring to industrialize. In this e-portfolio, I have attempted to amplify this fact considering that I have been...

Careers in Development and Personality Psychology

Abstract This paper focuses on development and personality psychology. It identifies the type of education needed to become a professional, describes a range of duties as well as works settings and income. Attention is paid to the most interesting things related to the areas. Two real-world human experiences are discussed...

Gender Norm Violation Study: Evaluating Impact on the Society

Introduction The concept of gender roles is a particularly stereotyped and sexualized issue to examine that plays a fundamental role in shaping modern society. The notion of gender is connected with social, cultural, and psychological characteristics, which relate to both genders in terms of social backgrounds. According to Hillard, gender...

Human Resource Management and Functions: Mind Map

Mind Map About Human Resource Management Personnel are an essential component to any company’s success. A human resource (HR) manager has roles and functions within an organization that are focused on working with people. Proper human resource management is essential for any organization as it identifies the type of workforce...

Perception in Behavior, Learning, Decision-Making

Understanding employees’ perception of the workplace and evaluating changes in it is another step toward enhancing performance quality and changing the workplace atmosphere toward a better one. It is important to motivate staff members to excel in their workplace performance. With a change in the staff members’ perception of their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Attribution Bias in the Intergroup Conflict

Introduction Intergroup conflict is a common occurrence in any environment and it requires a thorough approach that would allow illuminating bias and coming up with a coherent solution. However, in many cases, an attribution bias obstructs individuals from seeing the actual information and making fair judgements. This issue is illustrated...

Classism and Class Welfare in the United States

Introduction Classism is considered to be promoted in the form of oppression or prejudice against people through their social class on the basis of higher or lower socioeconomic status; nowadays the notion ‘classism’ is a real issue being widely spread not only in the American society but throughout the world....

The World War I and the October Revolution

Why did war break out in Europe in 1914?? Ans. After Napoleon was defeated in 1814, the death and destruction caused by the Napoleonic war created a lot of instability and disorder in Europe. To restore stability and to build peace among European nations, representatives of European countries gathered together...

Commercial Fishing: Environmental Ethics Case Study

This case study takes up the matter of commercial fishing. It is believed that: Over-indulgence in fishing has destroyed fish stocks in rivers and coastal areas and has lowered yields dramatically. The use of trawlers has damaged the river beds beyond repair and has caused discomfort to marine life. Perhaps,...

History of the Internet

Before the internet came into place, communication (voice and data transfer) was limited to areas between stations covered by a small radius network. That was in the 1950s and the early 1960s. The term internet is used to mean a global link via the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). The...

Purpose of Coaching in Management

Introduction According to Northouse (2007), a number of theories and strategies have been developed to enhance the performance of individuals within an organization and the organization at large (Peltier, 2009). Most of these theories and strategies focus on the managerial organ of an organization. The management plays a critical role...

Government Power Evolution and Interpretation

Introduction Political voting in America has declined today, for the reason that the level of articulate elite and mass political behavior has changed. However, this was not always the case in American politics. For most voters, the physical sense of casting a ballot was the juncture of an extended period...

William Shakespeare’s Henry ΙV: The Moral Ambiguity of the Characters

A complex plot with a sophisticated system of characters. Shakespeare’s work Henry ΙV part Ι is considered to be the greatest historical play. A complex plot with a sophisticated system of characters has become the subject of the research of many scholars. Two worlds come into collision in the play...

Yogurtland and Micromax: Marketing Strategy

Yogurtland strategy Yogurtland is a chain of cafes and restaurants where people can buy frozen yogurt. Yogurtland operates in the United States of America mostly; however, it has several international branches which are a part of global franchise. The major features of the brand are self-service and a big number...

Traffic Jam in Auckland

Traffic jam occurs when motorists’ capacity creates route demand that is higher than a present road capacity. Traffic jams can result from a number of circumstances whose end result lead to increased volume of vehicle and reduced road capacity. Auckland is most famous for its traffic jam that normally stretches...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Research the Travel Literature

Introduction Travel literature is a comprehensive genre that includes various categories, and one of the most popular is travel memoirs. Such works have been widely disseminated among readers who are interested in traveling to exotic countries. Two striking examples of this genre are presented in this work. They both describe...

Consumer Behavior: Person’s Age or Generation

Introduction Consumer behavior can be “defined as the study of when, why, how and where people do or do not buy a product” (Torocsik, 2003, p. 2). The study tries to comprehend what drives buyers to decide on what to or what not to purchase (Murray, 2002). Several studies conducted...

Declaration of Independence and American Colonies

Introduction America was colonized by the British Empire for a long time; therefore, it experienced the challenges that other nations went through before attaining independence. The American Congress assigned Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingstone the role of drafting a document to be presented to...

Styles in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

In an attempt to promote figures of reflection and analysis that will call for more attention to American education issues, Huber, in this chapter, reflects on the Carnegie academy for the scholarships of teaching and learning thinking in relation to disciplinary styles in the scholarship of teaching and learning. She...

Crisis of Masculinity in Hamlet

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is among the most famous works of William Shakespeare. Written between 1599 and 1601, it focuses on the story of Prince Hamlet, who struggles after losing his father, King Hamlet. The work has been heavily studied by literary critics and scholars because it...

New York City History Final Exam

New York City (NYC) was a primary gateway for Europeans, Russians, and Asians, especially in the early 20th century. Nowadays, people of European ancestry constitute around one-third of the population, as well as Hispanic communities, whereas African Americans account for one-fourth. However, by the early 1900s, the black community made...

Trump: Elections and Presidency

From the beginning of his political actions, Donald Trump made a considerable impression on the audience. People were interested in him, although many were also wary. This politician tried to stand by his opinion, even though it was often unusual and revolutionary. This allowed him to win over audiences and...

Roiphe’s Confessions of a Female Chauvinist Sow: Rhetorical Analysis

Author In this work, I am going to analyze Confessions of a Female Chauvinist Sow, written by Anne Roiphe. Anne Roiphe is an American feminist author, and her work is noteworthy for its examination of the conflict between the desire for family and relationships and that for career and self-determination....

Classical Political Thought Through the Prism of Greek Philosophy

Gorgias’ argument in The Encomium of Helen for why Helen of Troy is not responsible for the Trojan War Among the few complete sophistic texts that have survived until these days, one stands out for its complexity, logical beauty, and neatness of argument. The Encomium of Helen by the greatest...

The Energy of Future in New Jersey

Currently, energy saving is an elusive quest for the urban population in developed cities. Energy is needed in any aspect of running a household, being an earmark of convenience and modern life. The essential performance of any daily routine, both at home and in-office, requires energy. There are several ways...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Housing: An Annotated Bibliography

Anacker, K. B. (2019). Introduction: housing affordability and affordable housing.  The author in this article discusses chosen aspects of the inexpensiveness of houses in respect to domestic expenses and domestic earnings and the selected aspects of inexpensive housing. This is an excellent source because it offers appropriate foundations for considering...

Judith Thurman’s “A Loss for Words” Analysis

Overview Judith Thurman’s “A Loss for Words” is a detailed lament for languages that die out every day since the Western civilization spread into Northern America. In contrast with renowned dead languages like Latin and Ancient Greek, the mother tongues of the indigenous population have never undergone a stage of...

The Comprehension of the American Dream in “Death of a Salesman”

Introduction The phenomenon of the American Dream appears vague and indeterminate in the American literature. In a broad sense, this term indicates both material and spiritual values of the American citizens. It is a complex of various ideals, inherent for the Americans since their childhood. The American Dream is a...

Importance of Poetry Aspects in Learning

Wilt Whitman was a prominent American poet from 1819 to 1892. He played a vital role in promoting vision and reality when incorporating views into his work. Whitman was an influential poet in America because of his creativity when composing his poems. In his poetic profession, he became famous because...

Why All Forms of Child Labour Should Be Banned

Introduction Child labor is among the many challenges that the world continually experiences. It is where children are forced to work from a young age. Currently, there are millions of children between the ages of 5 and 17 who are working in various sectors to earn an income (Sámano-Ríos et...

Discussion of Motherhood in Sociology

Introduction In modern sociology, motherhood refers to the social structures, experiences, and expectations associated with childbearing and being a mother. At the same time, this term differentiates becoming a mother as a biological fact and mothering as practices involved in childcare from cultural and public norms linked to these processes....

Massachusetts General Hospital’s Growth in Boston

In the United States, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston is one of the renowned and old healthcare facilities that have offered different services to patients for over a century. The organization is well known following its extensive involvement in medical research activities aimed at improving the quality of healthcare...

Nutrients: The Distribution in the Food Groups

Macronutrients and micronutrients play an important role in the human body, which include but are not limited to supporting the healthy functioning of vital organs, promoting wound recovery, growth, and maintaining metabolic activities. These nutrients are distributed in different food groups in varying amounts. Additionally, the nature of the nutrients...

Role of Case Management in Care Delivery

Case management Case management plays a highly important role in care delivery as it aims to assist in the achievement of the most appropriate patient results. The responsibilities of a case manager include “assessment, intervention, coordination and monitoring of services, advocacy, outreach, and referral” (Campinha-Bacote & Munoz, 2001, p. 48)....

Army Principles of Mission Command

Introduction Army principles of mission command are essential components of a successful military operation. It is possible to see the application of these principles during Operation Anaconda. Operation Anaconda was part of the war against terrorism in Afghanistan, and the US Army fought against the United Taliban and al-Qaeda forces....

Naomi vs. Aunt Emily in Kogawa’s Obasan

Joy Kogawa’s Obasan covers the ways of coping with trauma by detailing different Japanese-Canadian characters’ responses to the years of internment and prejudice. In the early 1940s, thousands of Japanese Canadians were forced to move from British Columbia to Alberta to work on farms, providing labor for more than 60%...

World History in Digital Varients

“Reviews in History” Reviews in History is a website dedicated to covering historical books and digital media. The source provides a unique method of acquiring insight into history-related material. The reviews are generally 2000-3000 words long, free to access, and available to print and download (“Reviews in History”). They are...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

This work provides the research of the patient’s case who needs urgent psychotherapeutic treatment. The most efficient technique applied for the described below case is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) which analyzes the unconscious processes influencing the normal functioning of the human body, causing different pathologies (Andrews et al., 2018). The current...

Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman” Speech Analysis

Sojourner Truth addresses the discrimination black women endured in the 1800s in her lecture Ain’t I a Woman. The speech became iconic because it influenced the movement for women’s suffrage at the time. This analysis of the speech will determine the literacy she employs. By incorporating literary devices such as...

The Social Dilemma by Jeff Orlowski Review

With the advent of modern technology and social media networks, communication has become much easier. However, as Sophocles, a Greek tragedian, once said: “Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse” (The Social Dilemma 00:00:17). The Social Dilemma, a documentary released in 2020 by Netflix, examines the expansion...

The Climate Change Issue in the Political Agenda

Nature with its resources is a necessary condition for people’s lives. Throughout the centuries-old history, the environment has ensured the vital activity of mankind and provided opportunities for further sustainable development, which implies meeting the needs of the population living at the present time, without harming subsequent generations. Difficulties appeared...

Drugs and Prison Overcrowding

Introduction Following the official initiation of the “war on drugs” campaign during the late 1980s, by former United States president George H. W. Bush, along with compulsory laws of sentencing offenders, this has resulting in the United States turning into the number one jailer, on a global scale (Fellner, 2000)....

Cultural Beliefs, Norms and Practices

Cultural Beliefs in Sweden: Cooperation There is hardly a single thing that is just as important to people as the sense of belonging and the search for the ideas that can help them in the process of self0identifiction. Luckily enough, when being a part of a certain culture, one is...

Conflict Management in Nursing Practice

Introduction Nursing practice is associated with a high level of collaboration among professionals working closely together to provide safe and efficient health care services. Interdependent work roles of nurses significantly contribute to the development of a conflict. A conflict is a dynamic process that occurs because of differences between peoples’...

Social Media Hindrance on Interpersonal Relationships

Social media has made communication between people in different regions very easy; however, it has altered offline interactions as many people are enveloped in social internet sites. The result has been a hindrance to good interpersonal relations as many users of social media lack the necessary skills for offline interactions....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Ideas of Life in Henry Thoreau and Virginia Woolf’ Works

Philosophical ideas about the meaning of life, the role of death, and causes of war are discussed by many writers and thinkers in their works because of the importance of the mentioned issues. However, writers often use different effective approaches in order to attract the readers’ attention to the discussion...

The Fire Danger: Buildings and Materials

Introduction On November 22, 2012, “a fire in a two and one-half story residential structure” that was attended by a Chicago Fire Department crew resulted in the death of a Captain (National Institute of Standards and Technology [NIST], 2014a). The main reason for this outcome consisted in the “thermal degradation...

Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance

Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be defined as a sum of organizational activities aimed at the assessment of the organizational impact on a wider societal good and the subsequent measured and deliberate responsibility-taking process. The global economic crisis of 2007-2008 brought to the fore the importance of CSR as...

Nature Foods Ltd.’s Business and Consumer Needs

Executive Summary This report lists recommendations as to how Nature Foods Ltd. might shift its business model to take advantage of consumers’ growing concern not only with the state of the environment and their ecological footprint but also consumers’ desire to buy locally produced products. In recent years consumers have...

Courtelaney Pass Police Department: Potential Problem Solutions

There is a great variety of research that focuses on various issues evident in law enforcement. As part of the previous work on this project, four essential problems in the Courtelaney Pass police department were discovered: racial tensions, questionable investigative and enforcement practices, poor community reporting, and the lack of...

Cardiometabolic Response to Obesity Treatment

Article Analysis The authors of the article delve into the topical problem of childhood obesity and how the given health issue impacts adolescents. The main point of the selected research is that extreme overweight results in the emergence of cardiometabolic problems and the further deterioration of the health status (Valle,...

Negotiation Plan Development: Elements & Tactics

Introduction Negotiations are an important business instrument that helps companies make good deals, thus increasing profits and extending the scope of their activities. Negotiating is a skill that can be learned, so procurement specialists should be trained to do their best at the bargaining table. This training guide will explore...

How the Environment Plays a Role in Learning

Introduction Learning basically refers to a process of acquiring knowledge and information through interactions with people. This process is supplemented by the environment which is a key factor in any process where information is being shared especially in a class room. Environment refers to all our external surroundings and for...

Speech of Persuasion. Pursuit of One’s Goal

Speech If in my quest to achieve my goals I stumble or crumble and lose my soul Those that knew me would easily co-sign There was never a life as hard as mine No father, no money, no chance, and no guide, I only follow my voice inside I fit...

Plagiarism and the Ways to Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism has been given different definitions by many institutions. According to Merriam (2009), plagiarism can be defined as stealing another person’s ideas and passing them as one’s own without crediting the original source. Plagiarism is committing a literary theft where one may derive an idea from another author and present...

The Development of High-Tech Shopping Centers: View of Gardner

Introduction To a large extent, Gardner does not think that the development of high-tech shopping centers is a bad thing. However, he is quick to acknowledge that certain problems have been brought by the phenomenon although these can be tolerated by the consuming public. Gardner believes that a large number...

The Role of Religious Beliefs and Spirituality in Health Care

Spirituality and faith diversity are some of the important factors health care providers should keep in mind when caring for their patients (Young, 2006). Each religion has a varying knowledge-based perspective concerning health maintenance, adversity, and the certainty of death. The practical aspect of faith diversity may affect both the...

The Egyptian Cultural Values and Traditions

Cultural Awareness Egypt is one of the oldest countries in the world. This populous Arab nation is located in North Africa bordering the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, and, thus, is a gateway to the Middle East. It is famous for its ancient cultural heritage. Contemporary Egyptian culture draws...

Female Condom Skills Training for HIV Risk Reduction

Introduction The number of women who are victims of the HIV virus amounts to almost half the total number of victims who live with the virus. Since its discovery, the virus has been the cause of numerous deaths across the globe. Among women, it is the greatest cause of death...

Aspects of Non-verbal Communication: Kinesics and Paralanguage

Why is it relevant? The meaning of any communication is determined not only by the words that are pronounced. In most cases, it depends on what non-verbal signs and messages are sent at the same time. The topic is relevant because non-verbal communication is the most ancient form of human...

Dependence on Computers in the Modern Era

Introduction The focal point of paper is to present a discussion on over dependence on computers in the modern era. For the purpose the paper would summarize and compare the studies. The first one is Shelley B. Wepner’s Technology Run Amok: The Top Ten TechnoBlunders published by International Reading Association,...

Recycling: Finding the Solution

We should recycle garbage using biogas technology because it has tremendous economic and environmental benefits and also wins out over peers in terms of performance. Introduction The modern appearance of large cities seems to have become closely associated with the problem of trash recycling. While in central areas and historic...

Postapartheid South Africa: Understanding Inequality

Introduction The abolition of the apartheid policy took place in harsh conditions, sometimes bordering on a civil war. This event was preceded by the radicalization of the black population (permission to carry personal firearms, separatist sentiments in Bantustans). After the 1994 elections and the victory of the ANC, led by...

“Exploring the Moderating Effects of Operational Intellectual Capital” by Onofrei

Introduction and Background Companies worldwide have adopted lean practices, and there has been a significant focus on the connection between lean manufacturing practice and organizational success. The goal of Lean manufacturing is to maximize consumer value while reducing waste. The ultimate aim of introducing lean production in a business is...

Criminological Theories on Community-Based Rehabilitation

Theory Social control is a multifaceted phenomenon that entails community structures and institutions that influence human behavior. Over the decades, different scholars carried out research studies to establish the various elements that compose the phenomenon. Other scholars focused on the ways that the components influence character. Hirschi (2017) argues that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Critique of the Movie “Contagion”

Introduction The film Contagion, directed by Steven Soderbergh, first appeared in movie theaters on September 9, 2011. It attracted the viewers’ and critics’ attention not only due to the realistic display of possible pandemic outbreaks but also due to its impressive cast that included many famous actors and actresses. As...

Causes of Violence as Depicted in Literature

Violence is the intentional use of physical power to threaten or cause harm to oneself or another. The essay features How to Read Literature like a Professor by Foster Thomas, The Things They Carried by O’Brien Tim, The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, and Mallam Sile’s works to illustrate the theme...

American History: Reconstruction Era, Slavery, Indian Wars

Economic Changes During the Reconstruction Era The reconstruction era is the period between 1865 and 1877 in American history, subsequent to the American civil war, which happened from 1861 to 1865. Within the 12 years, many changes occurred: economic, political and social aspects were affected positively (Suryanarayan, 2021). This period...

Cryptocurrency and Its Effects on the Global Economy

Introduction Cryptocurrency refers to a virtual or digital currency protected by cryptoanalysis hence making it impossible to counterfeit or to spend multiple times. In many cases, cryptocurrency is decentralized in technology-centric networks and distributed by separate systems of computer programs. The important note about cryptocurrency is that any authority does...

Health & Wellness Profession: Me as a Health Coach

Introduction A health coach serves as a partner and a guide in the wellness journey. Most health coaches work on corporate programs, with health organizations, or serve direct clients. While they help in many areas, the major ones include nutrition, time management, stress, activity, sleep, and smoking problems. Health coaches...

Problems With the Business Brand

Introduction The brand represents one of the most important aspects of a business, which is developed through the purposeful activity of managers and teams. A holistic image is a set of associations transferred to a product or service (Wu et al. 734). Companies decide to expand their brand as technology,...

Python and R Languages in Financial Data Analytics

Introduction Determining investment decisions in the stocks of a company, as well as analyzing cash flow statements, are the concepts of using technology, programs with complex algorithms, and mathematical calculations to collect, process, and analyze data. Because of the collected data, it is possible to predict future trends, make decisions...

The United States Border Closure Justification

Introduction Borders for countries exist for multiple reasons, but the most important of all is the protection of the nation’s sovereignty. Nevertheless, the borders remain open for travel and immigration, and residents of different nations usually pass through with differing levels of freedom of entry. Migrants typically must meet specific...

The “Laocoon and His Sons” Sculpture

Recovered in 1506 through excavation in Rome, the ancient Greek sculpture “Laocoon and His Sons” depicts three individuals in agony as they fight off serpents attacking them. It is attributed to the works of the Ancient Greeks sometimes between 200BC and 68 AD. The subject of the matter depicts the...

Customer-Centric Approach to Retail Space Management

Introduction Today, traditional shopping is becoming less popular since fewer people want to attend built environments to purchase food products and other items. The development of technology makes it possible to buy everything that people need in a few clicks. The COVID-19 pandemic and associated prevention measures contributed to the...

Domestic Violence in Prince Edward County

Introduction The news article identified from the web that focuses on violence is from The article is titled “Domestic violence reports on the rise in Prince Edward County: OPP, advocacy group” by Fawwaz Muhammad-Yusuf. Muhammad-Yusuf (2022) focuses on the issue of domestic violence which in this case is the...

Space Exploration: UAE and INDIA Space Cooperation

The space sector is one of the most critical and prospective branches of any economic development. Nowadays, world governments perform significant contributions to the development of innovative programs in the relevant sphere. One would hardly argue with the fact that the successful performance within the space industry might assist considerably...

The Insurance Regulator in the State of New York

Insurance has a long history, which stretches back to the 3rd millennium BC. In its early history, insurance was nothing other than rudimentary risk spreading mechanisms employed by Chinese traders. They distributed their wares into many vessels so that if one or a few vessels capsized, the loss was evenly...

Influenza A, HIV/AIDS, Giardiasis in Miami, Florida

Influenza A Influenza A is a highly contagious communicable disease that severely affects the population of the US and the state of Florida in particular. An estimated 36,000 people die from the disease each year, and more than 100,000 are admitted to the hospitals. The Florida Flu Review shows a...

Flybe Airline: Transforming Business Performance

Introduction In the modern society, the environment of business operation is characterised by stiff competition. As a result, transforming business performance has become an integral part of gaining the competitive edge for many organisations (Hughes 2010). According to Carnall (2007), organisations devise innovative strategies in order to differentiate their business...

American Dream, Religions and Sikhism

The USA represent a unique cultural phenomenon. On the one hand, it is a country of many cultures, nationalities, and religions co-existing in the same area. On the other hand, any culture that comes from outside the United States falls into the melting pot where it is assimilated and becomes...

An Album “Lemonade” by Beyonce

Lemonade, an album by Beyonce, is arguably among her most multi-layered works. While primarily associated with black women empowerment, it also takes on the celebration of the black culture and the awe of femininity to the new level. The album is most strongly associated with the song “Formation” and an...

The USA Patriot Act in Fight with Terrorism

Introduction The USA Patriot Act refers to an Act of Congress that was enacted into law in 2001 to fight terrorism and prevent terrorist attacks (“Highlights of the USA PATRIOT Act,” n.d). It was signed into law by President W. Bush following the September 11, 2001 attacks that devastated America....

Yahoo! Inc.’s Acquisition of Tumblr

Abstract The paper has discussed the acquisition of Tumblr by Yahoo. Both companies are social networking platforms. The paper has embraced the circumstances that led to the acquisition of Tumblr by yahoo and the significance of the acquisition. The paper has also discussed the organizational structure of the two companies...

International Expansion and Decision-Making

Expansion for a U.S. firm is an excellent opportunity to increase the brand’s strength as well as develop its potential for increasing profitability. However, there are a plethora of factors that could undermine the success of an American firm abroad if it does not take into account certain crucial aspects...

Womanhood in Austen’s and Inchbald’s Novels

Jane Austen and Elizabeth Inchbald, two female novelists of the nineteenth and the late eighteenth century respectively, belonged to two generations, twenty years apart. This gap of twenty years had created a huge difference in the conception of the main female characters in their novel. This essay is an exploration...

General Motors Operation Analysis: Project Management

GM’s portfolio of projects with project type matrix and project life cycles Project portfolio is also referred to as the company’s aggregate project plan. Its primary purpose is to define whether the organization succeeds in managing all the projects it has. It is made to see whether the company is...

Natural Selection and Evolution Impact on Health

Introduction: Natural Selection Natural selection has helped humans identify the most crucial areas that impact genetic adjustment to the environment (Vasseur and Quintana-Murci 596). With the assistance of evolution, it is possible to forecast the engagement of different genes in human illnesses. Much progress has been made in genetic investigations...

How Does Learning Happen?

Developmental Summary The information obtained through observing the child allows creating a summary of her skills. The following domains of development have been analyzed: cognitive, social and emotional, speech and language, fine motor skills, and gross motor skills. Data gathered during informal observations, which are reflected in brief reports and...

Program Logic Model: The New Beginnings Program

Introduction The previous steps of project planning, the review of literature and needs assessment, helped to delve into the nature of challenges that young adults with ASD face after graduating from school. The identified tendencies are extremely important when it comes to the stage of logic model development. This paper...

Social and Economic Problems After World War II

The American People in 1945 Having borne the brunt of the Great Depression and World War II, the American people experienced serious social and economic problems. In 1945 the economic situation was such that there were just too many industrial workers who were unemployed and very few people could claim...

1983 Invasion of Grenada: Reasons and Aftermath

Introduction Grenada is one of the southern Caribbean islands and the invasion of Grenada took place during the Cold war between the United States of America and the Soviet Union. During the Cold War period, the US was determined to control the spread of communism around the world. Tension between...

Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Biography

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was known as one of the most dangerous women in America because she was the only brave one who dared to ask for something unreal and unbelievable. It was the right to vote. She was a woman who demanded equal rights for men and women and who...

Paris: Beautiful and Breathtaking

Introducing Paris The French capital city, Paris, by the river Seine, is one of the most seductive and celebrated cities in the world. With beauty and romance in each and every part of it, it is not an exaggeration to tell that it is the most beautiful city in the...

Finding Individuality in “Barn Burning” by William Faulkner

Discovering one’s identity is much more difficult than just understanding what society expects of you because it also involves understanding how you feel about yourself and what you feel is right. Although it is very rare that we really understand all the various elements of our life and understanding that...

Corporate “Moral Responsibilities” – Myth or Reality?

In recent years, it became a “statement of good fashion”, on the part of many economists and political observers, to suggest that Western companies, operating in Third World countries, should adjust their business strategy to the illusive notion of “moral responsibleness”, the actual subtleties of which cannot be defined even...

“Seven Samurai” and “The Magnificent Seven” Movies

Introduction The art of movie-making is versatile and wonderful in the way of thematic and ideological coloring due to the genre peculiarities and the manner of representation. The world of movie is rich in the outstanding characters and persons who made and are still making movie art more magnificent, vivid...

Public and Private Schools: Comparing

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. – Albert Einstein. Are private schools more effective than public schools to educate children? The first couple of United States sent their children to the élites private school in Washington and so did the grandchildren of...

The Perfume Pens: Marketing Mix

Logistics and Distribution Freight charges will be levied for the cargo delivery of packed cartons of perfume pens according to the existing rates, which would depend on the mode of transportation: sea or air, the weight, the volume, and whether shipped as a single container or by sharing with other...

Anouilh and Levi: Dehumanization and Degradation

Introduction Literature is one of the types of art which charm everybody. Literature may entertain and give some food for thoughts, especially if we take into consideration some serious pieces of writing. Every work of any writer is called to deliver some important information to the reader, any writer inserts...

Student Survival Guide and Learning Approaches

Throughout the study period, I intend to initiate methods and ways on fostering reading comprehension and retention of what is taught. In order to foster my comprehension I have to identify the reason for my reading and I have to monitor my comprehension while reading and reflect on the reading...

Political Theories: A Perspective on Human Nature, Order, Freedom and Equality

Concept of Human Nature Considered by the State The concept of the human nature is an important part of the political theory because concepts, suchlike state, liberty, freedom, and others are discussed with a view to relations of human beings and a state. Sometimes a living organism is even presented...

“American Patients First“ by Trump

Introduction Healthcare policy has a significant impact on access to high-quality care among diverse populations. Policymakers can develop bills and legislation that improves or hinder access to care by affecting out-of-pocket costs, insurance prices, and care providers’ work. One example of a recent healthcare policy impacting access to high-quality, cost-effective...

Reducing BMI Measures in School-Aged Children: PICOT

Introduction The childhood obesity has become a serious issue in the past decade. Due to an unhealthy lifestyle, a lack of physical activity, and harmful dieting more children have become overweight and even obese. Nearly 19% of children aged 2-19 struggle with obesity (Coimbra et al., 2017). The Body Mass...

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The Feminist Ideas in ”A Doll’s House” Movie by Patrick Garland

A Doll’s House is a British film that was directed by Patrick Garland in 1973. Actors Claire Bloom and Anthony Hopkins starred in this film. It is originally based on the play of the same name by Henrik Ibsen, which was written in 1879. The story is devoted to the...

Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management: Addressing Nurse Turnover

Employee turnover remains one of the biggest challenges to many organizations’ success, and it is more calamitous in the healthcare sector. The quality of care and patient safety are affected, both directly and indirectly, by nurses entering and quitting their jobs at a high rate. Nurse leaders and managers have...

A Well-Prepared Criminal Profiling

Outline This essay discusses criminal profiling. Here the discussion is based on the given profile of a killer. It analyzes the important advantages and limitations of the given profile from an investigator’s point of view, concerns of the investigator about a profile and value given to a profile as an...

Esophageal Cancer and Its Treatment

Introduction Esophageal cancer is cancer of the trachea (esophagus) (Chabner, 2010, p. 41). The trachea is an elongated, void muscular tube that is about ten meters in length. It connects the throat and the stomach. This condition can also be referred to as malignancy of the esophagus. This esophageal cancer...

Elon Musk: Factors Impacting Successful Entrepreneurship

The quest to crystallize qualities pertinent to renowned entrepreneurs resulted in an extensive body of popular and even scientific literature listing a number of requirements that potentially increase the likelihood of business to succeed. Yet, launching a new business is always risky, while different factors and approaches, including lean start-up,...

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The Irish Immigrants’ Effect on the Market Revolution in New York of the 1840-1860s

Immigration remains crucial for American society and has always taken part in the nation’s history. It is a significant event because people keep moving from one country to another, and many technological innovations, companies, or industries could not exist without immigrants who left their homes searching for a better life....

Effective Management Communication at Work

Introduction Communication serves as the foundation of every facet of an organization. Effective communication means transferring information from one party to another to deliver, receive, and understand messages successfully. Due to the nature of the competitive environment in the financial world, organizations should consider emphasizing effective communication as a model...

Crocs Marketing Campaigns and Business Strategies

Crocs is an American company that sells footwear and apparel of its own. The company operates in many countries with a wide range of all-season casual shoes, clothing, and accessories, while the main product of the company is molded shoes made of synthetic material. It has won the recognition and...

Religion in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry

Emily Dickinson was a famous American 19th-century poet born on December 10, 1830, in New England to a Puritan family that had lived in Massachusetts since the 17th century. Emily’s father, Edward Dickinson, was a lawyer and politician, who for a long time resided in the House of Representatives and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Artificial Intelligence in Machinery

Introduction The advancement and growth of computer technology have increased the intensity of worldwide competitiveness. With Artificial Intelligence (AI), many firms predict that the future of manufacturing operations will alter radically, from planning, scheduling, and optimization. Today, AI has effectively addressed fundamental manufacturing problems such as predicting and avoiding machine-related...

“The Bear Came Over the Mountain”: True Love and Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction Severe illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s disease, often appear in various literary works, movies, and other art forms. An example of such a work is the short story “The bear came over the mountain” written by Alice Munro and published in The New Yorker journal. The story is about a...

Creating Value in Healthcare Settings

Introduction Medical companies are faced with delivering value, while the latter is defined as the ratio of quality, quality to cost. For this mission to be achieved, it is necessary to reduce the cost of treatment, improve its quality and ensure wider access of the population to it (Burns et...

American and Indian Cultural Awareness

Introduction Culture entails a people’s way of life, including their beliefs, norms and values handed down from one generation to another. It involves ethics, language, spirituality, festivals, and artwork. It has been described as an entire society’s way of existence. People develop heritage through the active learning of enculturation and...

Drug Addiction and Best Treatment Practices

Drug addiction Drug addiction becomes a serious obstacle to leading a healthy and happy lifestyle. It is characterized by an irresistible and uncontrollable craving for drug use, which subsequently affects the brain’s functioning and impairs memory, motivation, and control over behavior (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2018). Patients need long...

Getting Down to Business in China

Introduction Nowadays, China is one of the most prosperous countries for business. It has rapidly established itself as one of the most influential world leaders in international trade. Businesspeople often prefer Chinese business platforms to start entrepreneurship, as there are numerous advantages. Moreover, China is one of the most attractive...

Marriage: Types and Characteristics

Marriage comes in different dimensions and forms this day, unlike in the past when it was legally the union of two people. Past generations had a standard marriage style which is no longer experienced by the modern generations. The new generation offers a variety of marriage styles and marriages that...

Governance and Corruption in Developing Countries

Introduction When forming a theoretical foundation for research, it is important to carefully explore all of the existing studies and articles on the relevant topic. The literature review is one of the vital elements of all research articles, and therefore they need to be analyzed most thoroughly to ensure that...

Healthcare Research Designs and Sampling Methods

Introduction A research design represents a set of techniques that can be utilized to shape the research process. The practical constraints of the given location, resources, and availability of staff ultimately define it. By choosing an appropriate research design, investigators can acquire better financial and timeline outcomes for their efforts...

Carl Rogers’ and Gordon Allport’s Concepts of Personality

Introduction Based on Carl Rogers, fully functioning individuals are connected with their personal and profound wishes and feelings. Schultz and Schultz (2008) show that owing to the link between an individual and the self, Rogers expresses that one recognizes their feelings and places profound trust in their character. Consequently, unrestricted...

Plastic Crises in the Ocean and Effects on Marine Ecosystems

Introduction The problem of plastic pollution in the oceans has been well-documented in recent years. Plastic debris has been known to cause severe disruption to marine ecosystems, with catastrophic consequences for wildlife and the environment. The accumulation of plastic waste in the oceans causes physical damage to marine species and...

Alzheimer and Dementia Patients Nursing Care

Nurses working with, and caring for patients suffering from dementia will oftentimes realize the difficulty of the task. It can be an exhausting and frustrating work. One of the reasons why it is extremely challenging to work with patients suffering from Alzheimer is that they do not retain explanations or...

L’Oreal and Procter & Gamble Companies Financial Analysis

Introduction Procter and Gamble (PG) is a manufacturer of cosmetic products. Its products are mainly sold to wholesalers, retail stores, and grocery stores. PG’s floods ship brands include an assortment of beauty, health, and household care products. PG operates in the personal and household products industry. L’Oreal (LRCLY ) is...

“A Passage to India” by Edward Morgan Forster

Topic One of the most obvious and frequently discussed features of the novel by E. M. Forster called “A Passage to India” is the issues of racism, judgments, and generalization based on nationality. Right after the novel first saw the world in 1924, it became the cause of passionate arguments...

Holistic Nursing Care’ Principles and Essentials

Principles and Essentials of Holistic Nursing Care Holistic nursing care refers to a patient as a whole. According to the principles of holistic nursing care, a nurse integrates self-care, responsibility, and spirituality based on such concepts as mind, spirit, body, emotion, and environment (Dossey & Keegan, 2016). A range of...

Advanced Practice Nurse’s Master Program and Skills

Every nurse practitioner must possess certain attributes of a leader to be able to exercise self-control and assess one’s personal experience. Master level nurses should have a clear vision of the future of their practice to be able to deliver the message to the team. In addition, leadership qualities include:...

Fulmer SPICES Tool in Patient Health Assessment

Introduction It is worth noting that holistic health assessment is a comprehensive approach towards evaluating the patient’s condition. In particular, individual health is viewed as a complex system, which includes not only the physical component but also the psychological and mental state of a person and the interaction of these...

Delivery Models in Public Project Management

Abstract Delivery models in the business context contribute to increased productivity and success of an organization. Models play an important role in building the skills and competencies of the employees. The models are designed to achieve customer satisfaction and increased competitiveness in the industry. An organization’s ability to outmatch its...

Obesity, Its Definition, Treatment and Prevention

Introduction Health care in the United States is provided by a variety of governmental and business organizations (Himmelstein & Woolhandler, 2016). However, the government funds the bulk of the health care expenditures. According to the estimation of the Centers for Medicare and Medical Services, the government covers 64.3% of total...

Opioid Epidemic: Health Policy Analysis

Identification of a Health Policy Issue/Concern The ever-growing rapid lifestyle of Americans causes migraines and various pain symptoms, while people with oncologic and chronic diseases also need painkillers. To address pain, people visit doctors who, in turn, prescribe painkillers containing opiates and other addictive drugs. When drugs no longer work,...