Importance of Relationships and Family in Frankenstein

Theme of Family in Frankenstein: Introduction The family relationship is the most important intimate relationship that involves humankind. If there is absence of this intimacy relationship, human beings would not transform to what they are expected to act, and this deforms the essence of human nature. The feelings are always...

Alzheimer’s Disease: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a neurological disorder caused by many factors, which usually affects older members of the population. AD is a form of dementia that includes cognitive impairment, behavioral changes, and impairment of daily activities (Waldemar & Burns, 2016). The disorder is not new to medical science. Nevertheless,...

The American Association of Health Disability

Introduction People with developmental disabilities require constant and timely medical, emotional, and psychological support to achieve their full potential. The affected individuals face numerous challenges that can make it impossible to lead high-quality lives. Those taking care of them will also have to sacrifice their time and resources. Fortunately, several...

Diabetes Management for Older Adults in Long-Term Care

Diabetes mellitus maintains a high prevalence in long-term care facilities and creates a consequential disease burden which results in higher costs. It is common in older adults who are a substantial portion of long-term care patients and can have significant health risks due to the heterogeneity of comorbidities in this...

Elvis Presley’s Legacy in Las Vegas

Introduction Las Vegas, which translates from Spanish as «fertile valleys», is a world center of entertainment for every taste. Since the second half of the twentieth century, Las Vegas seems to be «the city of a thousand lights», and one of the greatest centers of show business development. Elvis Presley...

“My Sister’s Keeper” Ethics Essay

My Sister’s Keeper Ethical Issues: Introduction My Sister’s Keeper is a 2009 film that focuses on the story of a family where a daughter has a severe illness. Running out of options, the family agrees to create a so-called savior sibling who will donate blood, organs, and tissues to support...

Articles Using Descriptive Designs: Key Design Points

Introduction While research is frequently employed to determine relationships between phenomena, it can also be used for descriptive purposes. Descriptive designs are defined by their aim of describing rather than inferring, and while they are often qualitative, quantitative studies can also qualify (Houser, 2016; Polit & Beck, 2017). Quantitative descriptive...

Research Investment in South Africa

While it is true that Black South Africans were undergoing through immense suffering as a result of the Apartheid rule, it was important for Chevron and Caltex not only to consider the position of South African market as a lucrative venture but also the humanitarian cost of doing business in...

Immanuel Kant’s Political Thoughts

Humans should have the courage to use their own Reason Evaluating the above notion have many dimensions to understand, but in the light of political philosophy it suggests that every man perceives a particular opinion about attaining or retaining freedom. Since no person on earth likes to get involved into...

My Career in Marketing Management

Introduction Marketing is a practice done by individuals, institutions, and managerial entrepreneurs to manufacture and correspond to buyers who might be customers or dealers. The whole process ensures organizations offer and takes commodities and services to and from their partners, clients, customers, or the whole society nationally and internationally. Marketing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Military Conflict and Involvement Consequences

The modern world is characterized by the ever-increasing understanding of the value of the human life. The humanistic ideas are proclaimed to be the motto of our age and people should do anything to avoid the further development of violence, manslaughter and wars. Having accepted this ideas, the humanity entered...

“The Phantom of the Opera” by Webber

Introduction The phantom of the opera (2004) is one of the most successful artworks in the history of musical films. It is a British-American musical drama that was released in 2004, based on Andrew Lloyd Webber’s earlier musical with the same name. The reason for the film’s success is the...

Friendship at Different Points in a Lifespan

Goal of the research This research seeks to find the role of friendship in people’s development. The research is informed by the notion that human beings thrive well in good relationships established in the society. Such relationships serve to affirm, encourage, advice and promote one’s self esteem. While childhood friendship...

Trade Issues and Patterns of Mexico

Introduction Trade is one of the most important elements of a country’s overall economic success. It can significantly influence the federal budget and ensure the financial stability of a state’s regions. Moreover, developed trading relations and a sustained economic situation make a country powerful in different spheres of international collaboration...

Identifying and Gathering Relevant Data

Stotzer, R. L. (2008). Gender identity and hate crimes: Violence against transgender people in Los Angeles County. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 5(1), 43-52. In this study, the hate crime is an act of vehemence against transgender subjects who have changed from being male to female. The study identifies the...

Mortality Rates in Mozambique – Worst Health Indicators in the World

Mozambique is a third world country located in Southern Africa. The country is a former Portuguese colony and has been independent since 1975. The health indicators for the country are very worrying as is common with many countries in South Saharan Africa. This paper analyses the current state of the...

Athens, Sparta, and Macedonia

Introduction The history of ancient Greece is an interesting confrontation of polies with different political and social structures. Athens built its democracy, overturning long-standing oligarchy, whereas Sparta maintained its oligarchic and highly militarized structure. Their differences and priorities led to the Peloponnesian War, where Sparta was victorious, but both became...

Causes of the Nursing Shortage: Literature Evaluation

Change Topic: The nursing shortage is caused by the increase in the demand for nurses that the available supply cannot meet. Some of its major causes are aging and the rise in the number of patients requiring treatment. Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4 Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed),...

Theme of Sexuality from Both Fiction and Non-Fiction Context

Sexuality is a significant aspect of a person. It is never about who he or she has sex with or how frequently they have it. It is basically about one’s sexual feelings, ideas, interests, and behaviors towards other people. Both fiction and non-fiction contexts depict differences in matters of sexuality....

Physical Space: Losing the Connection

Digitalization has introduced a range of undeniably useful options and opportunities for people worldwide, enhanced communication and global connectivity being the key advantages. However, with the rapid development and integration of innovative technology into people’s lives, the connection to the physical space and the physical perception of self have become...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Indigenous Food Sovereignty Concept

Though there is no accepted description, the food sovereignty concept can be regarded as the latest and most inventive method to achieve the overall objectives of long-term food availability. Indigenous food sovereignty is a policy strategy that addresses the fundamental challenges affecting Indigenous populations and their capacity to meet their...

Adam Smith and the Invisible Hand

Introduction Adam Smith was a pioneering economist who used the metaphor of ‘the invisible hand’ to describe how unrelated human actions can benefit the overall social and economic welfare. The invisible hand, as defined by Adam Smith, is a guiding principle that has an immense impact on the concept of...

Whole Foods Market’s Strategic Position and Goals

Introduction Whole Foods Market is an American company specialized in foods without artificial hydrogenated fats, colors, flavors, and sweeteners (Harbin & Humprey, 2014). The corporation embraces the best business practices to create a sustainable future. The firm has outlined specific quality standards that must be met by its suppliers. In...

Lower Canada Rebellion: The Patriots War of 1837-38

Introduction This war is also known as the Lower Canada Rebellion that took place in 1837 to 1838. This war resulted from girded conflict and rebellion from rebels in Lower Canada who opposed British colonial rulers in this part of Canada. According to history, this war broke primarily when some...

Disciple-Making Activity in the Local Church

Introduction The Great Commission sent out the apostles to make disciples, but not to build organizations1. This is a fact that the modern church needs to keep in mind in the course of its activities. Making disciples is an activity that has changed greatly since the time of the Great...

Diversity in Indian Workforce: Laws and Policies

Introduction Diversity in business refers to the recruitment of workers from all backgrounds irrespective of race, religion, disability, gender, or status. The law governing the provision of equal employment to all is clear. However, most organizations have not adopted diversity, and thus discrimination of the minority groups is a common...

The Caliphate, Its Foundation and Justification

Introduction Prophet Muhammad is rightfully regarded as the central figure in the history of Islam. He is the person who introduced this religion to the Arabs in the 7th century and starting working to create a united Arab empire. Since founding Islam, Muhammad took on the role of principal leader...

Human Rights Violation in the World

Introduction Over the past several years, various parts of the world have seen the infringement of human rights through humanitarian crises. Human rights violation has become commonplace in some societies in the world, especially the nations that have been torn by the war for the past several years. As the...

Irony, Sarcasm and Anecdotes in Tina Fey’ “Bossypants”

Tina Fey’s book “Bossypants” is a book that presents common themes in an unusual manner. The author is able to elicit a discussion about issues that beleaguer modern working women in an easy and sneaky manner. The book heavily relies on sarcasm, personal anecdotes, and irony in an attempt to...

Orem’s Self-Care Model in the Modern Healthcare Setting

Introduction Nursing is one of the most important spheres of human activity which contributes to the improved outcomes of any recovery process and guarantees that a patient will be provided with the most appropriate care. The unique importance of the given sphere resulted in the appearance of a specific theoretic...

Female Speech Community in the University

Examples of group terms used by a speech community in the university Parallel Program- The term is pronounced as the English words meaning degree program designed to transfer a qualified student to universities although not selected by the university. LM; a female student at the university. “The exam was difficult...

Best Practice Companies: Netflix

The companies that operate in the context of technological advancement and the active inclusion of millennials into the workforce need to adjust to the new requirements within all the spheres of performance. One of the most crucial elements in the work of any company is the sphere of HR management,...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diagnosis and Treatment

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common chronic disorder that affects the large intestine. It has a prevalence of 10-20% in the western population with 12–14% of primary care visits being associated with IBS (El-Salhy, Hatlebakk, Gilja, & Hausken, 2014). In other words, the disorder is more common than diabetes,...

Campbell’s Intelligent Quisine- Difference Between Theory and Practice

Introduction Campbell Soup Company is one the leading soup companies today but back in January 1997, the company decided to come up with a product line of healthy meals that aim to reduce health risks such as heart disease and diabetes. This product line was called Intelligent Quisine (IQ) and...

Researches on the Housing Prices

Literature Review The topic of house pricing is very well researched. The housing market is often associated with large cash flows which make sellers and advertisers research the reasons and factors that affect the price of houses and apartments. Beijing as a capital city with a huge market for real...

Love, Simon’ by Greg Berlanti: Movie Analysis

Introduction Love, Simon is an excellent example of a movie that expresses the difficulties of people who are afraid to open their sexual orientation to others. Doubt, insecurity, fear of seeming ridiculous or wrong are the main feelings for a person who is going through a transition period between understanding...

Implanon Failure Resulting in Ectopic Pregnancy

Introduction In recent years the rapid increase in global population and turn it has come to be a global issue. There have therefore been several devised ways to curb this problem of overpopulation through various method which has proved of great help although they have their shortcomings in the body...

Marriage Problems: Non-reciprocal Love

Many fiction works and films are built on the same plot: the heroes love each other but cannot show it. Based on misunderstanding, many stories unfold: sometimes funny, sometimes sad and tragic. Often, a couple’s life is full of misunderstandings and difficulties in developing a meaningful dialogue. Gary Chapman, the...

Analysis of the Ad “Perrier Prints: Melting”

Central Message With the help of the advertising agency Ogilvy, Perrier got an opportunity to present one of the best ads of the year (“Perrier Prints: Melting” par. 1). They created a range of different prints that are united by the idea of extreme heat. The people look so that...

Juvenile Delinquency and Situational Action Theory

Abstract This paper focuses on crime among minors; there a number of social challenges that they face, which lead them to juvenile courts for justice and case determination. A situational action theory elaborates on delinquent behaviors among adolescents. This theory explains that criminal actions are a result of a perceptional...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Three Waves of Feminism in Cunningham’s “The Hours” Novel

Introduction The Hours by Michael Cunningham is a novel, which follows and describes a day from three women’s lives. The main characters are Virginia Woolf, Laura Brown, and Clarissa Vaughn. The actions of these women take place during different timelines and locations. Virginia Woolf is an author who is writing...

Google’s Compensation and Benefits System

Companies have developed various ways of attracting and retaining skilled workers. Competition in business is inevitable, and companies have to create multiple approaches to increase their sales. Employee satisfaction is one of the strategies that improve productivity in companies. The majority of workers regard this as an essential aspect of...

Formation of Gender Identity in “Fun Home” by Alison Bechdel

Throughout Alison Bechdel’s tragicomic Fun Home, the author demonstrates her and her father Bruce’s opposing views on the concept of sexuality. Their different definitions of the significance of gender roles cause tension in their formation of sexual orientations in the presence of each other. The distinct ways in which they...

Ontario Public Service Employees Union v. Art Gallery of Ontario

Case Name Ontario Public Service Employees Union v. Art Gallery of Ontario, 2011 CanLII 25215 (ON LRB) Date of Decision May 05, 2011. Adjudicator(s) Patrick Kelly, Vice-Chair, and Board Members P. LeMay and S. McManus. Facts [1] The Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) is an influential art and education center...

“99 Francs” by Jan Kounen as an Immortal Film

In modern culture, there are works of art that have passed the test of time, and for many centuries, people have been turning to them. Literary works, which can be called timeless, are rather few in number, but they form the basis of human culture and civilization. In the modern...

“The Silence of the Lambs”: Characters, Storyline, and Themes

Introduction Psychology often interests people who are not scholars or students of the corresponding faculty. As such, movie directors and screenwriters find phenomena that this scientific field describes as inspirational. Obviously, mental disorders receive special attention from film creators due to the fact that people like to observe the unusual...

American Pandemics From Columbus to Coronavirus

Introduction: How Have Epidemics Shaped American History? There were many episodes in history when humanity met with epidemics of various deadly infections. However, since Christopher Columbus first encountered indigenous people in North America in 1492, viruses have opened up a new perspective for the development of society. Often, various diseases...

“I Am” by Gospel: Religious Writing Review

Gospel is one of the most famous religious writings that shows the life of Jesus Christ and his death. According to Carson, John, who was the writer of the masterpiece, believed that people should follow Bible studies and consider the importance of their beliefs1. The clear flow of text makes...

Antisocial Personality Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction Mental illness is an issue that has a detrimental impact on an individual’s life. It includes symptoms that affect a person’s thinking, perception, mood, or behavior (Weiner & Greene, 2017). Dexter Morgan came for a therapy because he believes he has mental issues. Based on this, I carried out...

The Role of Social Workers to Meet Client Needs

Social workers in psychiatric facilities have several important responsibilities, including completing patient intake and evaluation procedures. The client will first have a meeting with the social worker who has been assigned to them, during which an intake process is done. This will involve gathering general identifying information regarding medical coverage,...

“Gender Disparity in Students’ Choices…” by Zhang et al.

Introduction The article Gender Disparity in Students’ Choices of Information Technology Majors: Business Systems Research is written by Yu Zhang, Tristen Gros, and Mao Nicholls. The authors seek to address gender disparities among students taking Information Technology (IT) as a major subject in Higher education. The researchers address the problem...

Legalization of Marijuana as Controversial Topic

Introduction The legalization of marijuana is debated worldwide today, with advocates arguing that it eliminates black-market drug sales, increases tax revenue, and reduces crime. Proponents of legalization further argue that marijuana is less addictive than other drugs like alcohol and tobacco and that regulating it may deter use by minors...

Psychotherapy: The “Anxious China” Book by Li Zhang

Introduction In “Anxious China: Inner Revolution and Politics of Psychotherapy,” Li Zhang explores the intricate relationships between social systems and mental health in modern-day China. The purpose of the book is to shed light on the effects that the current sociological and economic changes are having on the mental health...

The Nature of Volcanoes: Types and Effects

Abstract For centuries, people across different civilizations had been terrified by the display of power that volcanic eruptions present, and they interpreted them as a sign of wrath and vengeance of gods. Clearly, with the progress of the modern science, volcanoes have been demystified; particularly, the development of the plate...

Eastman Kodak Company Rise and Fall

Key Objectives for Eastman Kodak Develop the company into a viable business in the field of photography Focus on lean operations wherein fewer people are needed to perform operational tasks Penetrate new markets where there are fewer competitors Expand the company’s product line to encompass new trends in technology development...

Chickenpox: Disease Control and Prevention

Introduction Chickenpox is one of the more common communicable diseases in the world. It is also known as varicella, and it is highly contagious. It includes a variety of easily identifiable symptoms, and complications could happen in certain cases. This paper will present a list of epidemiologic information about the...

Communist Revolutions and Cold War in East Asia

Introduction Also referred to as the proletarian struggle, the communist revolution was a platform used to replace capitalism with socialism in East Asia. It is important to review the events that catalyse revolution and social composition of each ideology. This analytical treatise attempts to explicitly review the historical significance of...

Early Literacy and Academic Performance in English Learners

History of Bilingualism in the US Despite the fact that a lot of Americans see bilingualism as a modern trend reflecting the present-day diversity of the nation, the historical perspective of the issue reveals that it has always been present in the country. The earliest settlers were not exclusively English...

Progressive Education Reform in American Schooling

Introduction The most ideal system of education is an illusion. Many educational philosophers have grappled with finding an ideal system of schooling to no avail. Progressive education movement was a movement that set out to promote the philosophy of reforms in the school system. During the 20th Century, there were...

Change Management Simulation and Lessons Learnt

Organizational changes are the type of alterations in the companies’ functioning that may be driven by a variety of factors. It is not easy to achieve a change (Anderson, 2017). There are many issues to take into consideration prior to planning and implementing such adjustments. No one can guarantee that...

Musical Culture and Internet Influence

Introduction The role of music in the structure of the spiritual life of a modern person is quite large, and musical culture as a whole becomes a significant factor in the formation of universal human values ​​among people. Music can be represented as a certain symbolic system, musical culture as...

Poverty from Functionalist and Rational Choice Perspectives

Within several contemporary perspectives and modern social topics, functionalism and rational choice theory were chosen together with their sociological approach to analyze the issue of poverty. The discussion is supported by Gans’ (1972) research on the positive functions of poverty and Luebker’s (2014) analysis of redistribution and poverty in terms...

Social Impact of Population Growth

Introduction Over the past centuries, the number of people inhabiting the planet has rapidly increased. Growing population consumes more energy, food, and water, thus exhausting the environment. The loss of resources emerges as a severe threat on the social, economic, and political levels due to the influence of climate change....

The Importance of Nurse Delegation Policies

Introduction The practice problem selected for this project is that insufficient nurse staffing leads to medication errors. A medication error is a preventable occurrence in the hands of a healthcare provider leading to or causing inappropriate medication use, potentially resulting in patient harm. Medication errors in healthcare environments may occur...

Small Business Administration Loan Guarantee

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is a principal federal agency involved in import and export promotion. The four primary activities are undertaken by the organization that aims to promote small business exports consist of outreach, counseling, and training, trade leads, and financing. However, this paper seeks to evaluate the small...

Exploring Popular Culture in Architecture

Introduction Popular culture which is also referred to as pop culture is one of the common components in the society that can be defined as an element of culture and even identity of a nation or locality. It is a complex combination of the different elements wherein the society is...

Vietnam War and Iraq War: US Involvement in the War

Introduction The Vietnam War (1959-1973) was a physically, economically and emotionally draining experience for the United States. It began with the entry of the United States and this was due to a number of reasons that evolved and shifted over time. It can be said that the United States entered...

Character Analysis in Mark Twain’s Works

Introduction By portraying the relationship between a young white boy {Huck} and a black slave {Jim} – a relationship that sees the racially prejudiced suspicion of the former dissolve and replaced by a warm friendship with the black slave – Mark Twain does well to depict the gross injustice of...

User Browsing Data Collection and Sale Ethical Issue

Matrix Ethical issue: Collection and sale of browsing data and other sensitive information on users by internet service providers. Stakeholders Confidentiality Publicity Veracity 1) Consumers Internet users desire and expect their personal data to be safe and secure when using service providers. Consumers expect internet service providers to adhere to...

Should Casinos Be Legal in Texas?

Introduction Casinos are heavily regulated in the United States and Texas, in particular. The state prohibits the opening of such businesses and regularly challenges Native American casinos, which tend to operate at the edge of the law, legally. However, there is substantial pressure from the state’s population as well as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Joyas Voladoras” by Brian Doyle: How to Achieve Life Goals

Introduction Writers and artists employ different tools, techniques, and literary devices to pass the intended message to the readers. Individuals should follow such works in an effort to acquire additional insights and relate them to some of the challenges they might encounter in their lives. While analysts and scholars will...

Evolution of Healthcare Information Systems

Introduction A hospital information system is a management system which includes electronic financial data reporting, administration of hospitals, health care, patient data, staff billing as well as maintenance of the infrastructure and the equipments for smooth operation and auditing. Early information management systems were applied in maintaining data for patients,...

Marketing Methodology of Nike

Introduction Nike is the sports retailer brand chosen to be examined. Presently, Nike is one of the world’s largest sportswear manufacturers. In the last few decades, it has become one of the symbols of the athlete world. The sneakers of the company have become the subject of daily wardrobe of...

Competition in Islamic Banking Systems

Introduction The Islamic banking system has experienced exponential growth across the world. The system has transcended from its existence as a niche to a widespread financial system (Chong & Liu 2009). As the Islamic banks increase, change in the operations dynamism has been witnessed, which has ushered in competition. The...

Strengths and Limitations of Research Designs

Abstract Quantitative research designs utilize standardized mathematical approaches to affirm or disprove theories or explanations. They are characterized by the collection and analysis of numerical data to draw conclusions on a phenomenon. The strengths and weaknesses of each design determine its suitability for a particular research. The correlational research design...

Clinical Supervision: Ms. L. Pedagogical Case

The given clinical supervision will primarily focus on supervisor and teacher interactions within three essential phases of observational measures. The educator, Ms. L, is a proactive user of integrated lessons, where she puts a major emphasis on engagement and comprehension. In the pre-observation phase, the teacher accentuated her approach to...

The Novel “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker

There are many books which tell about the struggles of protagonists and how they manage to overcome them, attaining a better life for themselves or the people around them. Yet, not many of them show how the personal problems of the main character reflect the overall historical context of the...

Domestic Violence in the Military

Introduction Until August 31st, the United States had been in a constant state of war for twenty years. Currently, there are nineteen million veterans and 1.1 million military members on active duty. Roughly twenty million citizens are most likely suffering from extreme post-traumatic stress disorder, self-medicating with alcohol, and abusing...

The Problem of Maternal Mortality: Research Descriptions and Findings

Introduction Maternal mortality is caused by pregnancy, independent of its duration and location, the death of a woman, which arises during pregnancy or within 42 days of its termination. According to the World Health Organization, the United States has the highest maternal mortality rate of any developed country. The rise...

Perspectives on the Consumption Event Decision

Introduction The modern market economy prioritizes the field of consumption over that of production, and the relationship between the consumer and the retailer is of great importance to society. Consumer behavior, or the actions of a person who is considered a consumer, can be characterized in different ways, depending on...

The Political Parties in Germany in the 1920s

Introduction The political situation in Germany in the 1920s was rapidly evolving as new parties emerged due to the presence of contradictory standpoints among the activists. In other words, a fragile balance between the attempts of revolution and the restoration of the country on the basis of previously existing institutions...

Home Depot: The Company Analysis

From a personal perspective, Home Depot is a company that epitomizes almost all elements of learning and value creation to the high extent. In particular, it has the highest level of motivating and inspiring people, developing leaders, and empowering employees at all levels. First of all, Home Depot defines the...

Unveiling the Dynamics of Group Cohesion

Background Cohesion in physics refers to “the force that holds the molecules of a liquid or solid together” (Goyal et al., 2021). As a result, researchers’ conceptualizations of group cohesion influence the definitions of group cohesion. However, most researchers define cohesiveness as an interpersonal attraction to a group and dedication...

TOMS Shoes: The Ethical Work Standards

Introduction There is continuous debate about whether businesses must consider the interests of their stakeholders, which include employees, consumers, retailers, and suppliers, or if they should just be concerned with producing profits. When a corporation evaluates the impact of its decisions/operations on the environment, workers, local community, and society, it...

‘Good Faith’ by Jane Smiley Literature Analysis

Introduction The book ‘Good Faith’ by Jane Smiley is a master piece that brings out ethics in real estate using fiction in a way that not only entertains, but also very educative. According to Roulac (41), real estate ethics is one of the things that have been ignored by many...

Delta Company’ Wireless and Mobile Technologies

Technology has changed the way people do things in a lot of ways. Businesses across the world have been on the forefront in promoting the growth of technology by integrating various innovations within their operations (Smyth, 2008). Some of the notable developments that have had a lot of influence on...

“Vitruvian Man” and “Salvator Mundi” by Da Vinci

Introduction In Vitruvian Man, Leonardo Da Vinci presents a carefully studied illustration of human anatomy. Leonardo studied human anatomy as an artist as well as a scientist and philosopher. His treatment of art was not restricted to aesthetics and beauty, but it represented medium to search for a higher truth....

The Hmong Community’s Health Program Development

Overview The Hmong community is one that has strongly followed its cultural practice until today. The medical domain is one of the major instances where cultural values and practices are highly held. Conflict exists between the Hmong community and the healthcare providers, and in a recent tragedy, conflict emanated after...

Slavery’s Impact on Contemporary Society

Introduction The history of slavery continues to have a significant influence on contemporary society in diverse ways. According to Crane (2013), societies are not blends of distinct people fashioning themselves anew from various generations. Rather, “a complex web of social connections and a long train of historical influences interact to...

Teacher’s Reflection, Liberal Arts and Social Justice

Reflection Research indicates that when we reflect on our individual actions and thoughts, this often enable us to internalize and process information in a more efficient manner. Through reflection, an individual is not only able to take into account the elements of an experience(s), but also how such an experience...

Bioethics and Human Gene Manipulation

Topic Description The proposed research will be strongly focused on the problems of bioethics. In particular, the major element of the research will be the exploration of the issues in genetic analysis and manipulations that are practiced by contemporary scientists. The research will aim at the discovery of the ethical...

Passion, Persecution, and Epiphany in Early Jewish Literature

The Jew in the Modern World: A Documentary History (My Soul Desired Yiddish) The short story, “My Soul Desires Yiddish”, talks about how the Jewish society rejected its language, Yiddish. It is important to discuss the author’s relationship to his subject matter. The writer is a member of the community...

Ethical Theories and Principles

Sometimes, it is difficult to tell unambiguously whether a deed is right or wrong. Moral principles do not always find their place in legislation, and people should decide how to act in a challenging situation based on their feeling of rightness and wrongness, as well as common sense. In such...

Fruits of the Holy Spirit and Its Nine Attributes

Introduction Holy Spirit can be considered as one fruit with nine parts as developing all the nine attributes makes the soul holistic and establishes a connection with God. The fruit of the Spirit is “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Howard). Letting the listed attributes into life...

Social Policy and Welfare – Poverty and Deprivation

Introduction If a family has a house, car, television, DVD player, fridge, cooker and other gadgets… then to call them “poor” makes a mockery of the English language (Mckinstry 2007). Nowadays, the definition for poverty had been differently interpreted by people depending on the culture. Poverty is a kind of...

Supply Chain Management and Partnership

Introduction Product comes through long way from its final stage of production to the customer, and this way is usually called supply chain. Managing this supply chain, people not just take product and put it into the markets, but a complicated decisions and considerations should take place before the product...

“How to Read the Bible for What It’s Worth” by D. Stewart and G. Fee

Summary “How to read the Bible for what it’s worth”1 written by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stewart is a modern-day revolutionary text that goes into depth describing various aspects of the Holy Bible including the text, its meaning and application in the modern age. The book covers the different chapters...

Beauchamp Company Case Analysis

The Description of the Situation The overall situation is about the Beauchamp acquisition by the company called Synergon. Considering the active acquisitive position of Synergon, which is the company that is famous by its numerous merging actions, the company called Beauchamp fully suits the Synergon’s range of business interests. Beauchamp...

Integrated Pest Management

Effective management of pests in the agricultural sector is critical in improving yields and eliminating unnecessary destruction of crops. The concept of integrated pest management has gained popularity over the recent past as agricultural experts embrace technology and new methods of managing pests. It emphasizes the need to manage pests...

The Disease of Breast Cancer: Definition and Treatment

Definition Breast cancer is a serious disease during which the breast cells experience abnormal growth. The illness is a form of cancer, a widespread disease that is primarily characterized by facilitated uncontrollable cell multiplication in various parts of the body. The cell growth has the potential to form tumors, destroy...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Epidemiology Simulation Paper

Introduction Epidemiology is the science that allows human beings to forecast the spreading of this or that illness over a certain territory and at a certain period. Pearce (1996) defines epidemiology as “the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations, and the application...

“Good Will Hunting” Movie: Abandonment, Love, and Attachment

Fear of abandonment, inability to deeply connect, hardship in love, abusive childhood, and management of challenging relationship creation are some of the prevalent and relatable movie tropes explored in the modern media. The movie Good Will Hunting is a prime example of how cinema can provide the audience with a...

Rittel and Webber: Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning

Introduction Contemporary socio-political state involves continuous problem identification and solution debate, in which there is no one universal right or correct approach. Rittel and Webber (1973) in their paper, explore the roots of such debates and examine strategies people use to tackle social, political and economic dilemmas. Problems that once...

Genomics, Vaccines, and Weaponization

Three former bioweaponers, Sergio Popov, Ken Alibeck, and Bill Patrick had different motivations for engaging in the development of biological weapons. Bill Patrick had much desire in the development of biological weapons for warfare because he believed that biological weapons are humane ways of dealing with the enemy. He also...

Smartphone Application and Diabetes Reminder Management

The proposed intervention implies the implementation of smartphone applications aimed at managing diabetes. One suggests that the following practice is likely to be mutually beneficial for a patient and a practitioner. The intervention has a lot of advantages, including its wide availability, low cost, and innovative character. Nowadays, the fact...

Aspects of Communicating With Technology

Communication is essential to most human activities, including business, and, as a result, the available means of communication can either facilitate or undermine the performance of a given company. Thanks to the advances in information and communication technology (ICT), today’s companies have a wider range of communication tools available to...

Tesla Inc.’s Workplace Safety Conflict

Tesla Inc. was founded by Elon Musk in 2003 and has become one of the most innovative companies on the market. The organization is engaged in the “design, development, manufacture, and sale of fully electric vehicles, energy generation and storage systems” (“Tesla Inc,” n. d.). Tesla provides service and charging...

Parable of the Sower Novel by Octavia Butler

The dystopian novel, Parable of the Sower, written by Octavia Butler, starts in 2024, which instantly affirmed the attitude for the setting of it. Presently, we live in 2020, which places this novel ahead of our current time. Promptly, the readers are introduced into an unruly society in which the...

Global Poverty and Education

Introduction It is impossible to address issues related to global poverty without discussing the importance of education. At the same time, it is impossible to talk about global poverty and education without discussing gender issues. Global leaders may focus their resources on fighting poverty and improving education but if they...

“An Ofrenda for Dolores Del Rio” Artwork Analysis

The Chicano Movement gave rise to a Chicano cultural identity with which many Mexican Americans associate themselves to this date. It constitutes a unique mixture of both American and Mexican cultural aspects which shape its basis. The Chicano culture is the result of the American Mexicans’ experiences and their ability...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Design Activism: Critique and Examples

Design surrounds people daily – in signs, posters, book covers, the layout of buildings and parks, and other details, and design experts understand the scale of their influence. Designers have mainly accepted responsibility for what happens around them and assumed the role of interfering in political and social events through...

US Administrative Procedures Act and Its Challenges

Summary The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) regulates governmental agencies’ operational processes, and how they communicate with the citizens. The APA is formalized in 5 U.S.C. §§ 551-559, and it includes the Privacy Act and the Right to Information. The APA describes “agency” narrowly and does not specifically preclude the Office...

National Student Leadership Conference Program Evaluation

The program is a medical professional orientation program offered by the National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC). It is intended for middle school students enrolled in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades and lasts for six days (NSLC, 2021). The used location is Crystal Gateway Marriott in Washington, D.C. As per the...

The Dawn of Artificial Intelligence: Robots

Introduction Certainly, the beauty of being intelligent lies in the ability to have a creative perception of the world and the power to adjust it to one’s needs. The gift of changing reality made people vain enough to step in for God and produce creatures of metal to reflect mankind...

International Relations Theories of Russia-Ukraine War

Introduction The international relations theory is a discipline in which international relations are considered from a theoretical point of view. This discipline traces and analyzes the general patterns of international relations in concepts. The three most popular international relations theories are realism, liberalism, and constructivism. It is noteworthy that theories...

Sibling Birth Order Personality Stereotypes and Structure

This study is about the connection between the position of birth and the personality traits of siblings. The study focuses on family designs to establish relationships as per the research done by other scholars. According to the existing literature, there is a significant association between birth order and structural traits...

The Man Ideal and Women Image in “The Odyssey” by Homer

Introduction The Odyssey is an epic poem written between the 8th and 6th century BCE, narrating a long journey home of Odysseus, a Greek hero. Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, sails from the Trojan war back to his homeland but has to overcome various misadventures and delays because of battling...

Tudor Potato Chips: Unveiling Consumer Preferences for New Flavors and Packaging

Research Overview Sound judgments and intuition are unquestionably vital in all businesses across the globe. However, more than knowing consumers’ wants and preferences demands proper market research. Equally, reliable and objective data reduces risk and increases the chances of success in business endeavors. Data collected in the market provides business...

“Where the Conflict Really Lies?” – Philosophy

Introduction The book, Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism by Alvin Plantinga, explores various questions on the three broad areas of life. The author borrows heavily from previous works to bring up a provocative argument that atheism conflicts with science while theism does not. The book is...

Public Administration and Concepts of Procedural Fairness

Introduction Government decisions have a direct impact on the lives of its citizens. Hence, citizens are allowed to seek legal action whenever they feel that the decision-making process is not fair and democratic. Democracy refers to active participation of citizens in the decision-making process, while fairness is about how fair...

HIV/AIDS Epidemiology and Nursing

Communicable diseases are contagious because they are transferrable from one person to another. Clinicians and doctors use specific concepts of epidemiology to study these diseases. Some of the major concepts of epidemiology include “risk factors, mortality, and incidence of disease” (Rogers, Mijch, & Brotherton, 2013, p. 65). Such concepts are...

Osteoarthritis, Its Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Osteoarthritis is a “common disorder of the human joints that is characterized by degeneration of the entire joint or the articular cartilage”.2(1445) The affected parts of the joint include the ligaments, the synovium, and the articular cartilage, and the subchondral bone.2 This discussion gives a detailed analysis of the...

Conflict Resolution in Hospital Setting Miami

Introduction There is no doubt that those specialists working in the spheres that involve constant communication with clients should pay increased attention to conflicts that may occur at work. Speaking about the consequences of conflicts at work and the quality of customer service, it is especially important to focus on...

Current Union and Labor Relations Issue

Abstract The paper explains the concept of labor relations, labor contracts, and how the employer and the employee cooperate when negotiating. The paper dwells on one of the current issues of the union/ labor relations and explains the phenomenon of today’s labor movement. During the research, a court case connected...

Pharmacotherapy for Childhood Obesity

Introduction Overweight in children and adolescents is a problem that requires its further discussion at all social levels in order to prevent increases in obesity rates with the help of combining community and family efforts (Janicke et al., 2014). The current literature related to the problem of pediatric obesity is...

Health Disparity in Latin America

Introduction Health in Latin America can be broken into two sections, viz. healthcare for the indigenous people and for the immigrants. The indigenous are prone to diseases due to poverty and poor living standards. Latin America is one of the regions in the world where plants are used for medicinal...

King’s Theory of Goal Attainment in Nursing

Introduction Nursing theories have emerged as an attempt to systematize the nursing practices and the knowledge relevant to the field. Since then, many of them were modified to include other healthcare fields or focus on certain aspects of nursing. King’s Theory of Goal Attainment is one example of such frameworks,...

Fitness Tracker Product Feasibility Study

Executive Summary This feasibility study provides a review of the key components that need to be considered before launching a new product and entering the wearables market. Executive management should approve the project based on a comparison with the convenience, intuitive use, credibility, and price offered by other similar devices....

Software Testing: Manual and Automated Web-Application Testing Tools

Introduction The purpose of the software testing process is to distinguish all the imperfections existing in software design (Bahl, 2015, p. 316). It is the way toward practicing and assessing a framework or framework segments by manual or programmed technique to confirm that it fulfills determined necessities or to recognize...

Against an Immediate Troop-Withdrawal Plan

Belief of U.S Founding Fathers to Avoid Excess Involvement in Foreign Affairs Foreign policy of a country is shaped by its image of the world, its self-perception and some primary inarticulate premises, specifically formed over years. The foreign policy of Britain was based on the fundamental principle of balance of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cryptography for Electronic Voting System

Executive Summary There have been several concerns pertaining to the implementation of the electronic voting system, making it necessary to address those concerns effectively by ensuring a secure mechanism. To achieve this, it becomes necessary to focus on various security mechanisms in relation to cryptography. A review of these mechanisms...

Phenomenon of Cinderella Tales

Cinderella is one of the most popular characters in the history of the world’s fairy tales. This character could be modified in some ways by certain national cultures and in other ways by other cultures but the very essence of the story about Cinderella has always remained unchanged. It depicted...

Sea Shore Hospital’s Marketing Strategy

Name, Location and Nature The name of the newly commenced business is “Sea Shore” hospital. The product was selected on the basis of the increased trend and better serving opportunity in the market. The location of the company is in the urban areas and in the software area. As a...

Women. “The Beauty Myth” by Naomi Wolf

In contradiction to the theory that feministic movement was successful and, therefore, is not needed anymore, the Third Wave of feminism appeared at the beginning of the 1990s, in the era of post-industrialism (Ampofo et al. 907). Naomi Wolf is an American writer, journalist, and representative of third-wave feminism. She...

Disability: Alien That Solves Every Problems

Introduction The social life of humankind is undoubtedly the most saturated, diverse, and conscious in comparison with other creatures living on the planet Earth. Unlike plants and animals, humans have a self-consciousness that allows them to manage their own lives and think critically. This superb acquisition gives the individual the...

Clinical Practice Summary: Efficacy of Safety Helmets

Haider, A., Saleem, T., Bilaniuk J., & Barraco, R. (2011). Efficacy of safety helmets in reduction of head injuries in recreational skiers and snowboarders. Chicago (IL): Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST). National Guideline Clearinghouse. Web. Scope and Purpose of the Clinical Practice Guideline The scope of the...

Practice in the Field of Healthcare: Literature Review

Introduction The topic that will be focused on in the literature review will be the way evidence supports practice in the field of health care. The review will involve determining how evidence supports health care practices as well as the problems that exist with this approach. The research will also...

Evolving Nursing Practice

Nursing is a profession that has continued to undergo a rapid evolution. Nursing as a vocation touches on both social and economic factors in relation to humanity. Consequently, the current form of nursing practice is a product of changes that have sought to align the profession in relation to local...

Sarah Kay’s Poetry as a Valuable Lesson for All Girls

Introduction Raising a child in the turbulent modern world is not an easy matter, especially if it is a girl. Being more sensitive and vulnerable, girls often find it more difficult to accommodate to the realities of the environment and circumstances in which they find themselves. In her poem “B...

Child Abuse and Ways for Its Elimination

Introduction In the twenty-first century, terrifying customs, cultural norms, and social problems that degrade human dignity, health, and life still exist in the world. Although these issues are all consequences of a person’s personal choice, many of them are also supported by law or cultural and religious characteristics of the...

“21 Lessons for the 21st Century”: Book Review

Introduction Living in the age of rapid technological progress is challenging from various perspectives. This claim is explained by the fact that the ongoing process of creating new solutions intended to make life easier occasionally leads to the emergence of problems. They are related to numerous spheres, such as politics,...

You Can Become Anyone You Want to in Next Five Years

In general, a five-year plan may be regarded as one of the best strategies to create a framework for actions in order to achieve some life objectives. Individuals are usually motivated by goals, therefore, having them is a crucial aspect of living a purposeful life. The person’s aims act as...

Aspects of the Individual Mandate Policy

Introduction The contemporary economy-driven political sphere is influenced by multiple factors that trigger policy-making related to essential domains of the population’s life, health care being one of the critical ones. Health care insurance has long been a debatable issue with views ranging from single-payer systems to governmental coverage to minimum...

International Climate Change Law and National Acts

Bargués-Pedreny, Pol, and Jessica Schmidt. “Learning to be Postmodern in an All Too Modern World: “Whatever Action” in International Climate Change Imaginaries.” Global Society 33, no. 1 (2019): 45-65. The article by Bargués-Pedreny and Schmidt aims to identify the existing contradictions in climate regulation issues. In particular, the study is...

Technological Improvement and Its Effects on Human Beings

The advancement of technology has come with many effects on human beings in terms of productivity, social matters, economic transition, and the application of intelligence in various fields. Many people have gained information and expertise power from the use of computerized programs to perform tasks in the workplace. The recent...

The Impact of Unemployment on Crime Rates

Introduction Criminal records have a tendency to grow even during pandemics when most humans changed work locations for home. People try to develop a modern system of law enforcement, increase trust between policies and the public, and build a stronger society; however, most countries keep struggling with crime. At the...

Plato and Aristotle’s Philosophy on Common Interest

The political ruling aims primarily to govern citizens and give a listening ear to their concerns. The governance of states is founded on law and regulations whose primary goal is to enable citizens to live a quality life. All citizens in a state aspire to live safely and peacefully while...

US Athletes in Foreign Sports Teams

Introduction Globalization and multiculturalism are changing people’s perceptions of national boundaries, which is especially relevant for less structured phenomena. In particular, in recent times, many athletes have competed at international sports events under the flag of foreign countries, despite their citizenship. This practice is especially common in large developed countries,...

Airbus A380: PESTLE and SWOT Project Analysis

Introduction The Airbus A380 was an ambitious completed project for the largest passenger airliner in the world. The aircraft was designed to serve intercontinental airlines connecting the most major hub airports in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America. Commercial operation of the Airbus A380 began in autumn 2007 (Airbus, n.d.)....

Hindrances to Postcolonial Administration in Some African Countries

Since the achievement of independence from European colonialists, many African states continue to experience social, economic, and political challenges that derailed development in those countries. During the colonial period, European forces subjected African states to extreme brutality, including slavery and forced labor. Additionally, the creation of artificial boundaries to mark...