Introduction Life is a beautiful thing. However, the beauty of life is usually analyzed in a few basic physical factors without the incorporation of our basic human form. Socially, the beauty of life is analyzed from a general point of view like human relationships, love, generosity, material enjoyment, magnificent landmarks,...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1788
Pages: 6
Summary Modern sales technologies are flexible and dynamic as they develop and exist in a market with rapidly changing conditions. Sales are influenced by a variety of factors: politics, transport, logistics, and the international environment. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on commerce and business. Recently, there has...
Topic: Business
Words: 1788
Pages: 6
Summary McDonald’s is a global fast-food restaurant with over 38,000 retail outlets serving over 70 million customers daily in over 120 countries. McDonald’s is a leader in the fast-food industry and upholds business-level and corporate-level strategies to achieve success. Vertical integration, single product lines, and franchising are the corporate-level strategies...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 1788
Pages: 6
Robinson’s Involvement in the Women’s Political Council As the first member in her household to finish college, Robinson accomplished her aspiration to become a teaching assistant. She tutored for five years in Macon, Georgia, while receiving her master’s degree from Atlanta University. She also studied English at New York’s Columbia...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1788
Pages: 6
Introduction Aldi is a German-based discount supermarket chain that operates in several countries across the globe. Theo and Karl founded the organization after the Second World War (Gebel & Askinasi, 2019). Before they took over, their mother was running the grocery and transformed it into a supermarket offering goods at...
Topic: Business
Words: 1788
Pages: 6
Introduction Urban health problems bother the citizens of different countries a lot. People try to develop appropriate living conditions to decrease the level of harm. At the same time, some people demonstrate their careless attitudes to everything that is happening around. The citizens of London try to take active steps...
Topic: Childhood Obesity
Words: 1789
Pages: 7
Introduction to Fractions Lesson Plan The selected diversity theme for this lesson is racial diversity in the classroom and how it benefits everyone. In recent years, the U.S. Census Bureau highlighted that more than half of children in preschool and early grades are racial/ethnic minorities. However, diversity in educational programs...
Topic: Lesson Plan
Words: 1789
Pages: 7
Introduction The expression of emotions and moods, as well as a call to the feelings of the viewer, are one of the essential tasks of visual art. A competent artist uses not only the plot of a picture but also drawing techniques as a medium of expression. Vivid examples of...
Topic: Modern Art
Words: 1789
Pages: 6
Introduction The Civil War (1861-1865) was one of the most significant events in American history that paved the way for future generations to live in ways that were unimaginable a few years later. It preserved the unity of the nation, gave a much-needed boost to the American economy, and turned...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 1789
Pages: 7
Introduction Depression can have various forms of manifestation, each of which has a certain level of influence on a person. Clinical depression is a complex and severe disease that negatively affects the daily lives of individuals who develop it. Treatment of this mental deviation requires the development of programs and...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1789
Pages: 7
Introduction Since time memorial, human beings have always struggled to improve their general lifestyle; hence, the nature of metamorphosis that the world has undergone today. The general lifestyle of human beings has evolved from the simple ways that the ancient caveman used to live to a very sophisticated life that...
Topic: Technology
Words: 1790
Pages: 7
Introduction Notable statistics indicate that the average British family endeavor to cut down on their daily average expenditures. This trend is particularly notable within the post recession period. Basically, they are trying to contain their expenses within the bracket of their incomes. This is unique relative to other families across...
Topic: Family
Words: 1790
Pages: 6
Construct Development and Scale Creation Construct Emotional Intelligence. Operational Definition Emotional intelligence forms a very important foundation through which researchers examine various aspects of social intelligence involving human relations relative to the criterion of assessment. Furthermore, it is certain that various personality attributes including perceiving emotions, facilitating thought, understanding emotions,...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1790
Pages: 7
Introduction/Thesis When it comes to writing a novel, authors must first make sure that the would-be produced literary work will have what it takes to prove discursively relevant. This, in turn, can only be accomplished if the novel’s themes and motifs are consistent with the prevailing socio-cultural climate, on the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1790
Pages: 7
Social Media Campaign Objective Since children’s health is a great concern of their parents, the campaign will be designed in a way that will attract both parents and children’s attention. The rates of childhood obesity in the US are alarmingly high: the prevalence of childhood obesity has grown by over...
Topic: Obesity
Words: 1790
Pages: 6
The national and civil wars have a pervasive effect on the common life of Somali people, which tormented them to an extent. The majority of people are migrated to America, Middle East, and European countries. Civil war leads to their dreadful situation. Under the warlords, the Somali people lead a...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 1790
Pages: 6
Introduction Personal or professional, decision-making is always tough and requires step by step approach. Before making a decision, different alternatives are considered and they depend on the importance of the decision to take. After finding different alternative solutions, they are analyzed to choose the best alternative (Mellers, Schwartz, & Cooke,...
Topic: Business
Words: 1790
Pages: 7
Introduction The issue of parents refusing to vaccinate themselves and their children is a highly relevant healthcare issue that consists of philosophical and ethical components. It frequently occurs due to parents being skeptical of vaccines and not wanting to harm their children; however, this approach might be dangerous for the...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1790
Pages: 6
Introduction As fast-paced times brought in numerous technological innovations in the modern world, crime, drugs, violence, terrorism and other types of social malaise still remains to be a problem like in the past. Worse, new and modern types of misdemeanors have sprouted like cybercrime, organized crime and many more that...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 1791
Pages: 6
Introduction The last half of twenty-first century witnessed tremendous advancements in technology that ushered in new inventions at the beginning of this millennium. Chip technology led to introduction of multiple user computers customized to suit specific demands. Similarly, the diversity of computer technology field meant creation of various professions to...
Topic: Profession
Words: 1791
Pages: 6
Addressing mental health problems in people of different ages is a priority for medical staff operating in the field of psychiatry. However, when taking into account current social trends, working with adolescents is one of the most important areas. According to the World Health Organization, young people aged 10-19 make...
Topic: Depression
Words: 1791
Pages: 7
The Major Stakeholders Affected by the Mobilization Plan The major stakeholders: nursing professionals and leaders organizational management staff and leaders investors Doctors pharmacists Patients Why the hospital is suitable for the mission highly qualified staff reputable healthcare organization experience in the treatment of contagious diseases Short-term medical missions are known...
Topic: Healthcare
Words: 1791
Pages: 7
Introduction Companies’ corporate and competitive strategies determine how well they will operate their respective markets and compete with other players. Tesla Inc. is an automobile manufacturer that competes with other large firms that have been in the market for decades, such as General Motors Company and Bavarian Motor Works (BMW)....
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 1791
Pages: 6
Introduction The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man is the work written by an African-American writer James Weldon Johnson in the early 20th century when racism was considered the norm in the New World. Despite the title, the author admitted that this novel was not autobiographical and mostly fictional. Nevertheless, the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1792
Pages: 7
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in application to the public agency Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Abraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy of needs model back in the 1940s, but still, it has remained relevant to date. This model is widely used in studying human motivation. The model is also highly relevant in...
Topic: Business
Words: 1792
Pages: 6
Purpose of the Study There has been a long drawn battle line between the White Americans and the African Americans in the United States. This prejudice has existed and many steps have been taken to eradicate this and provide equality. Today, it manifests itself in various forms in schools and...
Topic: Prejudice
Words: 1792
Pages: 7
Introduction The selection interview is heavily criticized and currently seen as a contributing factor to poor job performance. The controversial aspect is that, a big number of people with high job performances have been employed using this criterion being questioned. Altogether, the blame cannot be placed on the critics or...
Topic: Recruitment
Words: 1792
Pages: 7
Even before the revolutionary breakthroughs in the field of genetics had taken place during the course of last fifty years, which point out to one’s personality as having largely biological subtleties, people used to suspect that individual’s behavior does not solely account for particularities of his of her upbringing. In...
Topic: Genetics
Words: 1793
Pages: 6
Introduction From the ancient days of antiquity to the present days of technological advancement crime has been part of the major social ill. It is through the development of this ill that experts have been brought on board to combat the increasing trend as well as ensure that the perpetrators...
Topic: Law
Words: 1793
Pages: 6
It is difficult to disagree with the suggested quotation because, in my understanding, it turns out to be absolutely correct. In order to justify my agreement with this opinion, it is necessary first of all to understand what exactly flowering plants, or, as they are often called, Angiospermae, are. Angiospermae...
Topic: Biology
Words: 1793
Pages: 6
Betts, A. and Loescher, G. (Eds.), (2011). Refugees in international relations. Global Economic Governance Program. Oxford University Press. The main question posed in the article is how critical institutional and strategic thinking is instrumental in understanding the fundamental cause of forced migration. Issues influencing and affecting refugees are inherently political...
Topic: International Relations
Words: 1793
Pages: 6
Introduction Fiction writing is one of the most intriguing pieces of art in literature. Characterization is one of the integral parts of fiction writing. Characterization uses description to create characters that stick in mind. Therefore, when developing a character, the author needs to describe in detail his characters to a...
Topic: The Necklace
Words: 1794
Pages: 7
Case Study Robert and Roy, emergency medical technician paramedics (EMT-P) were back on the streets after a slow afternoon of handling administrative tasks in the office. Neither paramedic had checked the divert status board before heading out, so they were unaware that numerous hospitals in the city were on Emergency...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1794
Pages: 7
Climate change is one of the major concerns of the modern age. The high level of globalisation, industrialisation, and rise of global corporations promoted the increased topicality of the topic and its transformation into a shared problem that should be addressed by governments, organisations, and companies. It means that business...
Topic: Climate
Words: 1794
Pages: 7
Introduction Globalization has dramatically changed the way multinational companies view incentive as a means of increasing competitiveness in different industries. Multinational companies have now chosen to implement best practices in order to gain competitive advantage over their main competitors in the industry. A comprehensive best practice must take into account...
Topic: Success
Words: 1795
Pages: 7
Introduction This strategy was developed in response to the SAFE Act which called for the development of strategic plans in order to promote the security of the international supply chain. This was to improve the level of security by curbing the transportation of mass destruction weapons and any other materials...
Topic: Terrorism
Words: 1795
Pages: 7
Introduction The profession of a nurse requires constant growth and development. The completion of a master’s degree in nursing implicates that a specialist may choose an advanced practice nursing role for the further development of his or her career. Currently, there are four roles in advanced practice – the Certified...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 1795
Pages: 6
Introduction Alcoholism in women is a widespread issue; that is why the topic is important for previous, current, and future generations. Since ancient times, it has been known that a female’s addiction to alcoholic beverages is dangerous not only to her well-being but also to the health of her future...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 1795
Pages: 6
Executive Summary Red Clay Renovations is an organization that deals with the rehabilitation and renovation of residential houses. Most of their operations depend on information technology solutions to maximize convenience and operations efficiency. However, they are exposed to several issues associated with information management that impact their credibility and customer...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 1795
Pages: 6
Abstract It seems reasonable to say that the issue that SC is aspiring to resolve is related to the improvements of the technological aspect of its performance, which will advance its incomes and brand. The possible solution might be the development of a specific mobile app for learning English that...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 1795
Pages: 6
Introduction Many caregivers rely on various technological advances for wellness diagnoses and prevention, and medical technologies are rapidly becoming a core aspect of care propagation. Preventive care among many healthcare entities, such as community programs, is critical for improving medical outcomes. Obesity is a complicated condition characterized by an overabundance...
Topic: Health
Words: 1795
Pages: 7
Introduction The changing spectrum of competition requires companies to monitor the outcome of their strategies on a regular basis. They also need to make changes when required to maintain their business position. Many variables are involved in estimating the product’s success. Clipboard Tablet Company has been in existence for many...
Topic: Management
Words: 1796
Pages: 6
Introduction Employers use different pay and reward schemes to attract, retain and motivate employees towards the attainment of organizational goals. All pay systems are intended to elicit the cooperation of employees and eliminate tensions in employment relations, but some pay systems have been found to actually contradict the basic goals...
Topic: Performance
Words: 1796
Pages: 6
Like in other countries, workers in Canada formed unions that would enable them to have a uniform voice when addressing issues relating to conditions of their places of work or other issues concerning their rights. When globalization was introduced in the country, it had positive as well as negative impacts...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 1796
Pages: 6
There are many precedents in world history when religious leaders openly fought against injustice, backed by state laws, and sided with the oppressed. Martin Luther King Jr., who fought against racial inequality in America, considered social activity the only legal opportunity to counteract cynicism, indifference, and despair. The theology of...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 1796
Pages: 6
Introduction Disney’s Encanto is full of minute details that give the story of the characters a lot more depth. One such feature that appears in several locations throughout Encanto is butterflies, which have unique significance. Disney has experimented with many different genres and techniques, but the company is still best...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1796
Pages: 6
Background of the Study about Effects of Cyberbullying The advancement in technology has led to the evolvement of various human practices, which have improved the living standards of people nowadays. In spite of this, modern technology has led to the growth of various social problems that have enormous consequences in...
Topic: Academic Performance
Words: 1797
Pages: 7
Abstract Cyberbullying is a relatively new concept that emerged in the light of progress associated with the development of the Internet and various online communication tools. Researchers investigated the impact of cyberbullying on children and teenagers and compared its effects with the influence of traditional bullying. It was found that...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1797
Pages: 7
The Christian message of salvation can only be made clear if the one doing the preaching or the gospel presentation has come to understand the meaning of sin and the individual’s need for a savior. Needless to say, the one doing the presentation must also be able to explain why...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1797
Pages: 7
Introduction Poems at most always appear enigmatic for ordinary readers. They remain just a puzzle of words that at most must have been written by madmen and women who had nothing better to do. But for the many who have come to understand and appreciate the importance of poems for...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1797
Pages: 6
Introduction and overview Non profit organizations are often started to address various challenges faced by the society. In most cases the organizations are usually at grass roots level and with no formal structures. However, such small groups at times develop into large organizations responsive to the needs of thousands of...
Topic: AIDS
Words: 1797
Pages: 7
Alcohol and substance abuse is an endemic problem in modern society that affects both the addict and their immediate family and friends. Apart from arresting the addict’s physiological and emotional growth, chemical dependency on illicit drugs is an expensive behavior that is hard to kick. Thereby, the patient and his/her...
Topic: Family
Words: 1797
Pages: 6
Friedrich Nietzsche’s (1844-1900) works had a tremendous impact on the development of the entire philosophical current of the XX century. Nietzsche was a harsh critic of religion; in particular, he viewed Christianity as a disease of the entire Western civilization. In his opinion, Christian moral in its exaltation of eternal...
Topic: Moral Values
Words: 1797
Pages: 6
Introduction Criminal justice practitioners and organizations face various ethical issues in the contemporary world. Police officers experience challenges when dealing with violent criminals. For instance, offenders have attacked authorities during policing activities. Excessive force is one of the ethical issues in the modern world that can be analyzed when focusing...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 1797
Pages: 6
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is a subject of ongoing debate among both ecologists and economists. The supporters of this law claim that it is extremely beneficial for preserving animals which are on the verge of extinction. Furthermore, in their opinion, this act should be strengthened otherwise America may run...
Topic: Endangered Species
Words: 1798
Pages: 7
Abstract The study proposes a research on the impact of group dynamics on the efficiency of employees. Survey will be used as the method of study, where a convenience sample will be selected and the units of analysis arrived at using the stratified sampling method. The sample size will be...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1798
Pages: 7
The formation and perception of one’s self are greatly affected by society and societal context due to the role they play in psychological development and achievement of personhood. There are numerous works on the influence of societal content and context on individual development, and most of them center on the...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1798
Pages: 8
Introduction The Holy Spirit is an inherent part of Christian theology representing an integral element of the Holy Trinity and a means by which people are both empowered and become messengers of God. In Scriptures, the Holy Spirit takes on numerous forms and has appeared to influence major events in...
Topic: Holy Spirit
Words: 1798
Pages: 6
The indispensable issue to be investigated is the analyses and comparison of “love”. Writing on this topic Henry Finck stated that: “Anything said about love that pleases is always correct, love also lives in an infinite mixture of forms and shades which however makes it a tissue of paradoxes. (p1)...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 1798
Pages: 6
Introduction The Gilded Age was a time in American history characterized by dynamic economic growth, technological progress, widening income gap, and social and political turbulence. Despite the period’s association with economic expansion, it also saw considerable financial instability and multiple recessions that exacerbated the turmoil in other areas of society....
Topic: History
Words: 1798
Pages: 6
G.E. Lessing created a powerful poem that talks about a father’s love for his sons. The father’s love for his three sons was illustrated through the importance of the ring of power. He will bequeath the ring to his favorite child (Lessing 1). However, he realized that he equally loved...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1799
Pages: 7
What Is Strategy? Strategy according to this article is a way of planning on how a business venture will realize its projected growth in terms of profits. This according to the article includes maximizing service delivery to the customers at the minimum costs possible, reducing both production and operational costs...
Topic: Business
Words: 1799
Pages: 7
Watching movies based on Jane Austen’s novels is always exciting for many people. In addition to a properly developed plot with interesting characters and lines, the director and the rest of the film crew make their contributions and choose beautiful landscapes and views. The role of the cast cannot be...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1799
Pages: 8
Abstract This term paper showcases the Application of Quantitative Methods for the exploration and analysis of a transshipment problem through a linear programming model for Lij Systems. An electronic company would like to determine an optimal transshipment plan that minimizes total transportation cost while meeting demands in each retail outlet...
Topic: Problem Solving
Words: 1799
Pages: 10
Introduction William Faulkner is a master craftsman in the history of novel tradition who spins the masterful artistic pieces by conjoining very similar parts of the whole tied together to form the strong webs in the form of novels that attract the readers to rule their fictional world with the...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 1799
Pages: 7
Introduction Employee motivation has been given considerable importance in contemporary organizations in order to keep high productivity. Employee’s remuneration package affects the employee motivation and subsequently job satisfaction. Job designing determines the mechanism of the flow of tasks in consideration of employee skills and ability. Specialized jobs require extensive research...
Topic: Employee Motivation
Words: 1799
Pages: 6
Intellectual property law is a legitimate concept that deals with legal property rights such as copyrights, industrial design rights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks and any other creations of the mind whether artistic or commercial and their related rights. Under this law, anybody who holds either of these rights is entitled...
Topic: Intellectual Property
Words: 1799
Pages: 7
Gender roles in families have often been regarded as the most important aspect in ensuring harmonious relationships. It is the foundation that holds a family together in the same manner, pillars are imperative in preventing the building from collapsing. In the Parisian society at the end of the nineteenth century,...
Topic: The Necklace
Words: 1799
Pages: 7
Introduction and Rationale Teenage pregnancy is a global health concern that impacts the population of adolescent girls in many countries with different prevalence rates with similar persistence. Teenage pregnancy has been a pivotal public health issue for several decades due to the risks associated with bearing a child in adolescence...
Topic: Pregnancy
Words: 1799
Pages: 6
Background of the Organization The Torch Doha, also called the Aspire Tower, is among the most recognized hotels in Doha, Qatar. It was founded in 2012 and is a haven for discerning travelers such as sports enthusiasts, business leaders, as well as health and wellness seekers (Hospitality ON, 2022). The...
Topic: Tourism
Words: 1799
Pages: 9