Job Description: Analysis, Design, Mutual Respect

There is a number of essential differences between a job description, job design, and job analysis. The former is a document that outlines and summarizes the key elements of a job, such as duties, responsibilities, and tasks. In contrast, both job design and job analysis are processes where the latter...

The Concept of Universal Basic Income

With the current political and economic climate, the concept of universal basic income provides many advantages. The majority of the support it receives is directly proportional to the desire to right systematic errors such as income inequality, poverty, and the unsure future of automation in the workplace. Many of the...

Aeneas and Dido in Virgil’s “Aeneid”

Ancient epic literature tends to portray their protagonists as incomparable heroes of unparalleled strength and skills. However, Virgil’s “Aeneid” takes a different route, creating a character that matches Aeneas’ character remarkably, sharing a range of similarities in her choices. Due to the parallels in Aeneas and Dido’s fates, their willpower...

Direct and Indirect Distribution Channels

There are two types of distributions channels: indirect, which includes a chain of producer, wholesaler, retailer, and customer (sometimes without a wholesaler), and direct, which cuts of the intermediaries. Recently, I have purchased a portable fan via Amazon due to the high temperature in our house. My parents wanted the...

Perkin-Gilman’s Feminist Theory and View on Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination is an issue that has been going on for millennia, influencing all societies. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Feminist Theory suggests that historically women’s isolation limited their potential to position themselves in the world. They had drastically different issues in comparison to men who could relax and entertain themselves in...

Nurse’s Role in Health Promotion

A significant role in maintaining and forming the principles of a healthy lifestyle and motivation to preserve health is played by medical workers, particularly nurses. It is possible to form skills for maintaining health and the need to strengthen it at the preclinical stage. A nurse should give the necessary...

The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism

The issue of nuclear terrorism has been discussed by many researchers and policy-makers. Some believe that the threat is unrealistic, because building nuclear weapons is extremely difficult even for developed countries, which reduces terrorists’ chances to do it. Acquiring them would also be challenging, as there has been significant progress...

Forecasting and Time Value of Money

Time value of money (TVM) is a valuable instrument that helps comprehend the value of a currency in relation to a given period. It is a method frequently applied by investors to understand how the current worth of money compares to that of the future. The time value of money...

Mask Mandate – Abbott’s Announcement

Greg Abbott’s announcement about the mask mandate and business to total capacity exploded Twitter creating a great wave of adverse reactions. The regulation introduced by the governor on March 10 included notions on how important mask-wearing, vaccination, and business traffic control are to return to ordinary life (Morris, 2021). Lately,...

Components to the Expenditures and Income Approaches to GDP

The components of gross domestic product (GDP) include government spending, business investment, net exports of goods and services, and personal consumption expenditures. The latter is understood as one or several of the following categories: services, durable goods, and non-durable goods. As for disposable income, it is the amount of money...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Companies That Succeeded by Empowering Employees

Employee empowerment became one of the crucial approaches for companies to gain a competitive advantage. In this post, I will examine two companies that achieved the top positions in their respective industries through this method: Dell, Inc., and Google LLC. Starting with Dell’s success, it is possible to trace the...

Convergent Evolution and Analogous Structures

Convergent evolution is a situation whereby different unrelated species independently develop similar traits. In some biological cases, other organisms develop identical characteristics to solve a common problem presented by their habitat (Sackton & Clark, 2019). When two or more organisms portray similar traits not inherited from a shared ancestor, they...

Catharanthus Roseus: Description and Its Benefits

This paper will present a brief discussion of Catharanthus roseus and some of its benefits. Catharanthus roseus is a perennial plant that looks similar to a shrub that grows up to one meter tall. The plant species has a tap root system that reaches seventy centimeters deep (Rojas-Sandoval, 2019). The...

Robert Edward Lee’s Figure in Confederate Army

Robert Edward Lee was one of the most famous American military and Confederate army generals. Historically, the figure of Robert Lee should be seen in the context of the nineteenth-century Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. This general is associated with the efforts of the Southern forces...

Religion’s Impact on Mass Media

It seems reasonable to state that religion significantly impacts many spheres of life in today’s world. When it comes to mass media, this phenomenon should be taken into account. In another case, the desired outcome of a particular film, book, or TV series might not be achieved. Hence, the scholarly...

Home Training and the Issue of Dancing Outside of the Home

Dancing and ordinary training at home can be considered a state of human mind and self-expression. People might have an inner motivation to dance and show their emotions through body movements. Some individuals may find this activity as an easy way to receive money and build their future careers. However,...

Differences Between the Processes of Mitosis and Meiosis

The meiosis and mitosis modes of cell division are critical to the survival of living organisms. The two processes are slightly similar in their molecular mechanism but also exhibit significant differences in a wide range of aspects. According to Sato, Kakui, & Toya (2021), mitosis and meiosis differ in purpose,...

Alice Walker’s “We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting for”

In the times when social tension reaches its peak and racism continues to shape relationships within the U.S. community, the need for a voice of reason that could represent the plight of those oppressed is strongly needed. Alice Walker’s “We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting for” represents the...

Homelessness in California: Homelessness in California

Homelessness is defined as a lack of secure, healthy, and appropriate accommodation. California should rethink some of its property rules, provide more money to affordable homes initiatives, and streamline the application form. Housing has traditionally been regarded as one of the most fundamental human requirements. As a result, it is...

The Kingdom of Rome vs. the Roman Republic

The kingdom of Rome and the Roman Republic were entities that differed significantly from one another. The monarchical period lasted from 753 B. C. to 509 B. C (The History Guide, 2006). and was characterized by Rome’s political system and the scope of its state. A succession of 7 kings...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Positive and Negative Sides of Medical Computer Simulation

Nowadays, computer simulation training is applied in many medical spheres. They include neurosurgery, pharmacokinetics, dentistry, and many others. Live and virtual simulation technologies are getting increasingly popular in medical institutions. However, technology has both positive and negative sides. The main advantage of simulation is an opportunity to safely undertake high-risk...

The Affect of Climate Change on the Social and Environmental Determinants of Health

The problem of climate change on the planet is a popular topic for discussion at different levels. Despite its popularity, there is a lack of sufficient awareness in society about how climate change affects health. Meanwhile, for quite a long time, it significantly influences its environmental determinants. Climate change may...

The Role of Institutions on Sociology

From a range of social institutions that form different mechanisms and principles of interaction among people, one can single out the institution of the family as one of the most extensive and understandable for people. According to Kendall (2011), this institute reflects “ideologies and standardized patterns of behavior that organize...

The Effect of Meteorological Variables on Spontaneous Pneumothorax

Spontaneous pneumothorax can occur among young individuals with smoking habits. In this case study, the patient was informed to avoid high altitudes and to fly in non-pressurized aircraft. This indication is connected with the risk of developing severe breathing insufficiency, or hypoxia. Spontaneous pneumothorax is believed to happen because of...

Banking: A Balance Sheet and an Income Statement

Considering the specifics of the question conditions, I would choose a balance sheet to be conducted if only one form of the financial statement was possible. The relevant criterion mentioned concerned the potential for credit extension towards suppliers by a total of 60 days. An income statement would therefore not...

The Concept of Personal Health Records Privacy

At present, the privacy of personal health records (PHRs) is one of the prioritized objectives of the American healthcare system. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) describes a PHR as “an electronic record of an individual’s health information by which the individual controls access to the information”...

The Work “The Age of Reason” by Thomas Paine

The initial post states that Thomas Paine, as a deist, criticizes Christianity extensively. Additionally, his views are surprising in the context of the time in which he lived. Indeed, it is extremely daring of him to criticize religion using the publication of The age of reason (Paine, 2014). The post...

Medicare and Health Informatics Professionals

The impacts of Medicare on the activity of healthcare providers are multi-faceted since the program increases the complexity of professional standards. It poses the need for employees and facilities to correspond to the established criteria to render medical services (Marmor, 2017). In other words, licensing is performed concerning minimum requirements,...

Code of Business Ethics and Its Main Provisions

The Code of Ethics combines the most important values, principles, standards of behavior, and ethical norms that form the corporate image on a global level. In order for the successful international development of a corporation, I would suggest the following three provisions prior to the code of ethics. Employees of...

Lies in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant

One of the most famous defenders of the absolute prohibition of lying in the history of Western philosophy is Kant. According to the categorical imperative, he argues that falsehood is forbidden not because a lie is directly immoral but rather due to the fact that fiction cannot be universal; as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Causes to Eradicate Homophobia and Sexism

I am a woman, and women of the FMLN movement stand for social justice and equality are ought to as well. Unlike men of the FMLN, women of the movement are fighting two injustices at once, one from the dictatorship and one from within the group. We joined the group...

Developer and Software Project Manager: The Importance of Interaction

In the age of the rapid development of technology and the emergence of hundreds of new computer and telephone programs, the role of a software project manager is only growing. The project developer interacts with them quite a lot during the program creation. There are two main reasons why their...

Inside the Bruderhof Community

Members of the Bruderhof community certainly view their lifestyle as the happiest and most fulfilling. Joining this community for many of them was marked by a search for meaning and purpose in their own lives. One of the members notes that he was willing to abandon his own ambitions, career,...

The Joint Commission as a Non-Profit Organization

I enjoyed learning about the Joint Commission and its accreditation practice both in text and video formats. Moreover, I consider it extremely important to analyze the work of organizations that directly affect people’s perception of medical institutions and health care in general. The Joint Commission has many advantages and well-established...

Impact of National Labor Relations Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act

NLRA and FLSA were established to protect workers’ rights and enhance their welfare. The two Acts helped improve the Americans’ overall conditions despite the existing workplace inequalities. Child labor was outlawed, and the minimum wage increased through the FLSA (History Matters, n.d.). Overtime pay and labor protections were also provided...

Environment: There’s Something in the Water

The first topic that seems necessary to cover after watching “There’s something in the water” is the problem of environmental racism. This phrase is used by documentary filmmakers to describe Canada’s social and environmental crisis (YouTube, 2020). The problem lies in the policy under which the Canadian government will settle...

Micro Messages for Contemporary Societies

Micro messages are slowly becoming the most utilized communication aspects in contemporary societies. This approach is adopted by both organizations and individuals with the primary objective of increasing communication effectiveness. As a result, Sweet (2019) highlights that micro messaging tends to plug individuals, especially on different social media platforms, into...

Connection of Language and Identity

Each person’s language is unique, as it is a communication mechanism with many subjective determinants, including the accent. According to the public, accent spoils the language, and there are many sites where they offer services to eliminate it. However, the accent is, at the same time, a manifestation of the...

History of American Political Thought

The history of American political thought is a complicated one, compounding both of the nation’s separatist idealistic roots and the dark legacy of slavery. Its core principles of freedom, equality and opportunity, however, remain a consistent feature at least in the intentions of the US policy makers throughout the years....

Reading Diary: Knowledge Economy

The phrase knowledge economy typically refers to an economy that is built on advanced technological expertise. It also refers to knowledge economies, which are institutions in which knowledge is a key good that is transferred in some form. The first type of knowledge economy clearly necessitates the second, although the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Samsung Firm’s Leadership Failure

Samsung is one of the most reliable companies designing and distributing mobile phones and other devices. Indeed, some cases with devices’ malfunctions might occur due to various reasons involving improper design. Organizations often strive to generate innovative gadgets, forgetting about safety policies. Moreover, in the case of Samsung, the battery...

The Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

Generally, qualitative and quantitative studies are two types of research conducted in science. The first type is designed to learn as much as possible about the properties of the phenomenon or object being analyzed. There are no strict criteria for how information is collected — a free form can be...

Organizational Culture and Its Importance

Introduction Organizational culture is a set of generally accepted, official norms, values, and behaviors in an organization or enterprise. Its main task is to achieve the intended goals and focus on a positive result. In brief, this term is usually understood as an expression of a company’s individuality and the...

Dehumanization, False Generosity, and Pedagogy

Dehumanization implies injustice, exploitation, oppression, and violence of the oppressors. Dehumanization, although a concrete historical fact, is not a given but the result of an unjust order that generates violence among the oppressors, which, in turn, dehumanizes the oppressed. Practice is an acquired life experience; changes in the world are...

Depression in Hispanic Culture

There are different ways in which culture or ethnicity can impact the treatment of development of mental health disorders. One specific example is the treatment of depression in Hispanic culture. Depression is commonly defined as “a mood disorder involving a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest” (Morales-Brown, 2021,...

Bipolar Depression and Bipolar Mania

Bipolar depression and bipolar mania are both among the most widespread neuropsychiatric disorders. Although all bipolar disorders are characterized by periods of extreme mood, the main difference between them is the severity of the condition itself. According to Bulut et al. (2021), the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet/ lymphocyte ratio...

Human Body From Microbiological Perspective

Studying the human body from a microbiological perspective reveals to one that the organism is a much more structurally complex set of systems than most cutting-edge technologies. The microbiome is one of the most unusual and intriguing parts of the body due to its partial bio-autonomy in terms of existence...

Racism: How Bigotry and Hate Runs Through History

After colonizing the Americas, the race became institutionalized in North American English Colonies once the colonizers realized they were superior to the Natives. As argued by Bulhan (2015), the Europeans, on realizing the new opportunities available in North America, discovered the only way to exploit the Natives was through cultural...

Review of “Jeremy” Song by Pearl Jam

Some events are striking, which as a result, is reflected in the news, discussion, or even music. The song “Jeremy” by Pearl Jam was based on the story of a teenager, Jeremy Wade Delle, who killed himself in front of classmates in 1991 (Smith, 2018). The song’s author and front...

Immigration Policies in the United States

I chose this issue because it is interesting as it provides diverse analysis possibilities as immigration in the United States is widely debated with potent controversies. For example, observing and exploring immigration policies allows us to identify their efficiency. Comparing expenses on implementing and maintaining those policies by the government...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chopin’s “Story of an Hour”: Relevance Today

It is important to note that “The Story of an Hour,” written by Kate Chopin, is an example of classical storytelling embedded in the reflection of the societal forces, assumptions, constructs, and context. In sum, the story focuses on the Mallard family, where the husband is presumed to be dead,...

Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Activities

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to modify its structure in response to experience. Neuroplasticity is primarily sourced from the brain’s ability to develop new connections between neurons. The process is also known as the sprouting of human brain cells. The nature of neurons, which can die and be replaced,...

The Herpes Simplex Virus Antibodies Test

When explaining the results of an antibody test to a patient, I would start by defining the test’s purpose. First, I would clarify that two different herpes simplex virus (HSV) antibody tests are needed to identify the area affected by the virus. HSV-1 mostly affects the lips and involves only...

Discussion: The Blame-Passing in Genesis

When it comes to the story of Genesis, such creation should be taken seriously rather than literary. The given story illuminates the creation of the world and depicts how over the period of six nights, a divinity floating over a barren, aqueous nothingness speaks into the abyss. The spirit commands...

Writings of Sarmiento and Bolívar on Identity

Comparing the documents and writings of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento and Simón Bolívar, one of the primary findings is drawn from the examination of their thinking regarding the connections between diversity, identity, and otherness. The historical context of their work is concerned with breaking free from colonial ties, which enables considerations...

Denver’s Character in Beloved Novel by Toni Morrison

Beloved by Toni Morrison is a vividly expressed manifesto of freedom to self-identification. The book shows how slavery as an external circumstance can impact the way how one thinks and annihilate individuality. In this regard, Denver plays an important role in the novel as the site of hope for the...

Aspects of Global Economic Trends

Globalization has affected individuals, groups, and communities all over the world and has had a big impact on sustainable development. Globalization has significantly altered economies, society, and the environment over the last several decades, and it has made our globe more linked than ever before ( Eitzenet al., 2018). This...

Climate Change: Impact on Extreme Weather Events

The article selected for the discussion of environmental problems is titled “How climate change is affecting extreme weather events around the world,” which was published on the Science Daily website earlier this year. The article summarizes the scientific paper on the impact of climate change on extreme weather events worldwide...

How Healthcare Organizations Deal With COVID-19 Financial Issues

Introduction The widespread dangerous COVID-19 pandemic affected all aspects of our society. Along with the overall change in the lifestyle of the citizens, connected with social distancing, constant wearing of masks, and rise of the cases of infection, healthcare facilities were highly influenced, as well. A growing number of hospitalized...

The Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement

The Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement (CEPI) is a medical research organization dedicated to studying and reviewing healthcare delivery in institutions. This organization uses evidence-based research to understand how doctors can practice more effectively. The organization’s evidence-based practice research focuses on paying attention to all patient groups. The organization’s...

Rest Therapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

In the history of medicine, there were numerous treatments for mental illnesses that were based on various concepts of how a human body works. One such concept is the rest therapy proposed by Silas Mitchell in the nineteenth century that was used in the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)...

Pre-Eclampsia and Chronic Hypertension

It is recommended for Nancy to be seen regularly by specialists who know a pregnancy complicated by pre-eclampsia or blood pressure problems. The presence of chronic hypertension is a risk for moderate pre-eclampsia, and the presence of associated edema suggests that the patient already has increased vascular permeability (Beech &...

The Evolving Metropolis Article by Southworth & Owens

Compared to the rural and the city core areas, the suburbs have a majority of job creation and populace rate. The article by Southworth & Owens (1993) investigates the change in metropolitan cities by undertaking comparative case studies in the San Francisco Bay region development under three parameters: housing, neighborhood,...

Barriers in the Global Market for Consumer Service Organizations

The transition to the global market poses many different barriers to organizations. Among them, such limitations as a high level of competitiveness, cultural requirements, data protection, and insufficient knowledge about the market can be highlighted. Therefore, consideration and awareness of these aspects become vital for companies. This is because it...

Opinion on Alcohol Consumption

Introduction The destructiveness of alcohol has been proven by multiple studies for the past decades. The damaging effect this substance has on people is immense, and sometimes the outcomes are fatal. Not only is it a devastating impact on one’s physical health, but also mental performance and cognitive skills. Having...

Steps for Beginning an Entrepreneurial Venture

When deciding whether to start a new firm, an entrepreneur takes many steps. They must first complete research to assess the project’s feasibility, which involves investigating the market, researching industry trends, studying rivals, and evaluating any environmental changes and trends in the macroeconomic, political-legal, technical, and global settings (Liu et...

The Mirror Study of Intelligence in Animals

Numerous studies with different methods have been conducted to determine whether animals possess intelligence and what that intelligence is. Elephant mirror research was one of these studies covered in the article. Mirror study indicates elephants are pretty smart. The research is valid since the ability to recognize oneself in a...

The National Association of Social Workers’ Position

The importance of providing quality sex education for children and adolescents is recognized by public organizations, such as the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). The Oregon Department of Education (2022) publishes the Education Standards for Elementary and Secondary Schools. The standards introduce important definitions to develop understanding of gender...

Blood Transfusion: Physicians’ Decision-Making

Blood transfusion is a crucial aspect of medical care that saves millions of lives every year. Every day, people from all over the world require this procedure during surgery, after an injury, due to severe anemia or pregnancy complications (Neoh et al., 2019). It is worth noting that safe blood...

Discussion: DegreeWorks Has Been Updated

DegreeWorks, CUNY’s degree audit and counseling tool, has just been upgraded by the IT department to keep up with the latest technological advances. Taking students’ requirements into account, the updated version is a simplified and better-looking variant incorporating new helpful features. Although the basic functions of Degree Works remain largely...

Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model: Analyzing Market Competition

Michael Porter created the “five forces model” to assist businesses in analyzing the level of competition present in a given market and formulating effective tactics to compete. Using the framework, a firm can pinpoint and examine the driving factors that impact prices and profits. Although this model is generic and...

The Ethics of Abortion: Women’s Rights

Abortion Argument and the Counterargument The argument about the legitimacy of abortion has been in existence for quite a while. The proponents of prohibiting abortions as a morally bankrupt concept are nowadays labeled as the pro-life movement, whereas their opponents are defined as the pro-choice one (Kaczor, 2014). Because of...

The Justice System: Confessions and Interrogations Protection

Confession and interrogation procedures are protected by the Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments. The confession is recognized as a significant evidence having impact upon the prosecution. Taking into account the importance of preventing the cases of illegally obtained confessions and ensuring the proper interrogation procedures, the three amendments which are...

Car Dealing Problem and Contract Validity

An offer made by a car dealer, Brad Benson, to give a Florida pastor, Terry Jones, a new car if he abstains from burning a Quran can be considered a valid contract. An advertisement issued by the offeror was a demonstration of willingness to enter into a contract that included...

Nurse Staffing and Scheduling Options

Discussion There are a number of available options when it comes to staffing and scheduling of nurses. This paper will provide an overview of two vastly different options: self-scheduling and mandatory staffing ratios. Self-scheduling allows nurses to create flexible schedules based on their needs. This type of scheduling has proven...

Pressure Ulcers Project: Stakeholders and Barriers

In the project under consideration, there are two main groups of stakeholders. On the one hand, nurses are the direct executors of an intervention who have to be properly trained, and, on the other hand, patients are the participants whose health can be measured through the offered intervention (Whitty et...

Obstacles Faced by Women of Color in Obtaining Leadership Roles

In US organizations, men take leadership or management positions oftener than women, especially women of ethnicity, because female employees are believed to have less experience and knowledge than men. The problem is that, having limited opportunities for promotion, women of ethnicity face certain obstacles when they try to obtain managerial...

Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung: Religious Beliefs

By applying psychological methods and interpretive frameworks to religious studies, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung attempted to accurately describe the advantages and disadvantages of religious beliefs. According to the views expressed by Freud in his The future of an illusion, religious belief can have several positive implications for an individual...

David Jones Company: Improve the Value of Marketing

Introduction Online market retailing is the process of allowing interaction of the market products through the use of internet facilities. Modern activities are involved in these processes, which include browsing to determine the availability of on line shops, identifying the prices of different products, selling the products, branding the products,...

China’s Economics in the Article “China in Africa”

The article by Alessi and Xu (2015) concentrates on the fast development of China’s economics in the context of its relationships with Africa. The authors describe the country’s current needs and how they are satisfied, examine the criticism over the business practices, and assess the advantages of Sino-African ties. First...

Environmental Planning Models by Hostovsky

Hostovsky’s models of environmental planning include the rational comprehensive model (RCM), the advocacy model, the adaptive model, the participatory model, and the incremental model (Hostovsky, 2000). RCM is mainly used in waste planning because it is the most common model used by planners to optimize the location of facilities (Hostovsky,...

Inequality in Developing States and Its Measures

According to Nobel Prize winner Simon Kuznets, inequality in developing countries is a temporal phenomenon (qt. in Chang 387). The hypothesis proposed by the economist stated that as the economy develops, a country experiences an increase of inequality followed by its decrease. He has argued that a period of transition...

Leadership and Personality Traits of Donald Trump

Donald Trump is one of the most remarkable participants of the presidential race. His decision to run for the presidency stirred all the mass media sources and caused numerous public debates. Whatever one’s attitude towards Donald Trump’s views is, it is undoubted that this candidate possesses exceptional leadership traits that...

Homo Floresiensis and Human Evolution Models

Homo florensis were discovered recently as a new hominid species and provided some new evidence for the three models of human origins – Out-of-Africa, the Multiregional, and the Assimilation theories. According to Whitehouse (2018), Homo florensis were found on the island of Flores in Indonesia. The main characteristic that differs...

Fiction Elements in Russell’s “The Bog Girl”

The story under discussion is “The Bog Girl” by Karen Russell. It revolves around the bog girl found by a boy. She becomes the major concern of the whole text as it represents a certain kind of non-personality that can be used for various purposes. These might include the desired...

Information-Related Capabilities in the Joint Force

The information environment is becoming increasingly more important in warfare due to humanity’s rising reliance on computers and networks. As such, Army leaders should understand its nature and how to form joint forces to affect it. Intelligence is one activity that is likely to be increasingly relegated to the information...

Global Selection, Hiring, and Merging Processes

In the case under consideration, an American beverage company plans to expand to French and Indian markets, also aiming to merge with some local companies. The first question is in which country the merging process will be easier to perform? Secondly, it is also essential to identify the best suitable...

Towns and Their Roles in Feudal Europe

In Feudal Europe, towns commenced emerging at the crossroads of trade routes and became the centers of crafts and commerce. The development of trade contributed to economic growth and, as a result, the capitalist relations among urban citizens began to take shape. The city administration was the major institutional arrangement...

Team Building Strategies in Nursing

Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are expected to integrate their employees and lead them towards a common goal and vision. The first strategy that can be adopted by them is transformational leadership and continuous professional development as a way to remain competent in spite of the changing environment (Kapu& Jones,...

Use of Information Panels in Medicine

In a clinical setting, Tableau dashboards can be used to visualize the patient experience, compare various data, improve care quality, and decrease costs. Tableau dashboards are designed to make it as easy as possible for users to work with relevant data. Different options of pre-sorting and the opportunity to change...

Improving Patient Involvement in Decision-Making

Introduction Good quality care dictates that treatments, tests, and procedures should be medically appropriate. Moreover, care should be desired by informed patients. Increased patient involvement is an essential element of quality improvement as it is linked to enhanced health outcomes. Patient experience-of-care or patient satisfaction surveys are pertinent to the...

The Importance and Influence of History

The history of a family, a country, or a culture is essential for correcting the future. Everyone has a history, be it a family tradition or a significant cultural occasion, but why are these things vital for people’s lives? It creates the basis of one’s identity and plays the role...

A School Crisis Intervention Strategy

In the current days, schools all over the world are experiencing crises on an increasing level. One example can be given of the case where there was a schoolyard shooting in Stockton, a largely “Southeast Asian Community” (Silver & Klotz, 2007, p.11). At that time, the school officials encountered hardships...

Terrorism and Genocide: Impact on Populations

People experience trauma after an act of terrorism because of the dangers associated with terrorism. Terrorism is an act that is known to destroy life and property. After a terrorist attack, victims would probably develop psychological complications knowing that they might have fallen prey to terrorist acts. However, it should...

Hypertension as the “The Silent Killer”

Blood pressure is a compression that pushes against the interior walls of the arteries as the heart propels blood throughout the body. Readings of blood pressure are logged in the form of a ratio. The numerator corresponds to the systolic pressure, which characterizes the strength of the blood during a...

The Issue of Gender-Separated Sports

I argue that gender separation in sports is both useful and necessary, and there are several reasons for that. Gender-separated sports provide better opportunities for all gender involved while also respecting gender-related patterns of building social relations, and replacing gender with other criteria, such as athletic performance, would likely undermine...

Using Signal Phrases for In-Text Citations

Any theoretical science is built upon the previous findings, which need to be acknowledged to pay respect to the author and provide the reader with a possible background for understanding. The readers must understand what theory the writer is drawing upon for efficient scientific processes. More importantly, the citation approach...

Accounting Scandals. Case Analysis

Accounting and reporting issues have the power to diminish a company in a short amount of time. Enron’s case is a proof – one of the largest companies in the United States went from $90 to $0.26 per share in a matter of days (Segal, 2020). The management of the...

Minor v. Major Offenses Punishment

I rarely commit the acts of deviance, such as speeding, jaywalking, and littering. In case when I do, it is usually due to a lack of attention. For example, I have been speeding without noticing that I am doing it. I do not commit littering or jaywalking, but there were...

Descartes’ Maxim Overview and Analysis

Since ancient times, individuals have been trying to understand life and its meaning and provide humanity with answers to various philosophical questions. For instance, Rene Descartes, who is a French theorist, scientist, and mathematician, created the statement “I think, therefore I am” in order to explain the concept of human...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Management Techniques: Mechanisms of Leadership

There are different leadership styles which include: democratic, authoritative, coaching, pacesetting, autocratic, and laissez- faire. All these styles have been employed in various organizations (Alkhawaja, 2017). These qualities demonstrate both positive and negative impacts on the specific institutions in which they are applied. The management techniques affect motivation of workers...

Pro-choice vs. Pro-life: The Question of Abortion

The issue of abortions has always been a highly controversial one, where the dynamics revolve around the problem of the authority of a number of different parties. Despite the recent trend of decline in the use of the procedures, the discussion remains valid (Jones & Jerman, 2017). These might include...

Arnold Schoenberg’s Musical Style

Arnold Schoenberg establishes himself as one of the leading radical composers of the 20th century by establishing a novel approach to harmony and composition development (Schoenberg: Biography). He extended the style that was demonstrated by preceding German composers of the Romantic period: Brahms and Wagner. Notably, Wagner and Brahms worked...

Demand for Nurses in Us Healthcare Facilities

The current demand for nurses in US healthcare facilities is so considerable that it cannot be addressed within a short period of time. Therefore, even if the authorities in the United States and other developed countries focus on resolving issues associated with the nurse shortage, positive outcomes will be observed...

Mirror-Image Biology to Enhanced Therapeutic Proteins

Mirror-image forms is a topic that attracted substantial attention from scholars in the domain of biomedicine. A significant body of research literature investigating the problem exists, including the article “From Mirror-Image Biology to Enhanced Therapeutic Proteins” that presents relatively latest advances in cell chemical biology. The efforts of researchers in...

Supplements Safe and Necessary for Use by Pregnant Women

Introduction All expectant mothers need nutrition guidance as part of their prenatal care. Not only does the nutritional status of a mother affect her well-being, but also maternal outcomes and her fetus’s health. A licensed dietitian or a nutritionist can do the dietary guidelines and other essential interventions (Kubala and...

Global Warming From a Social Studies Perspective

The responsibility of people regarding global warming and its prevention is a fact underpinned by theories aimed at describing the connection between their actions and the negative outcome in terms of this problem. This situation is complicated by the lack of awareness of the scope of the potential influence of...

Sex Ed and Power in Relationships

The initiative of specialists regarding the need to address social issues by incorporating them in sex education is the latest trend. However, it has already proven to be efficient in terms of lowering rates of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases through the empowerment of students (Singh, 2015). Therefore, the outcome...

Community Development Financial Institutions

Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) are specific community-based financial institutions that aim at the promotion of the economic development of individuals by providing loans, services, and consultations to people and communities that are not able to get help from traditional financial intuitions because of the inability to meet strict demands....

Electronic Prescribing (E-Prescribing): Overview

Despite the fact that electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) cannot be currently regarded as an innovative practice, in recent years, it became widely used to accommodate the complexity and growth of the health care industry of the United States. According to Schleiden, et al. (2015), it is “the health information technology that...

The Progressive Era and World War I

The Progressive Era in the United States has brought crucial changes to its society by altering peoples’ views and promoting ideas of democracy, social equality, freedom, etc. World War I had a great impact on the development of these social, political and economic concepts. The purpose of this paper is...

Logos, Ethos and Pathos in McGonigal’s Argument

McGonigal’s presentation about stress management is well-developed. She states the thesis that people power over stress, and the main factor is the mindset about stress. She appeals to the audience’s emotions by sharing her working experience and confessing that she was wrong about her statements. Then, McGonigal shares the research...

The Story “Everything Is Far from Here” by Christina Henriquez

Separating the mother from her son is one of the most powerful techniques that Henriquez uses to demonstrate the horror of American immigration policy. The confusion and fear of the woman captured by guards are presented vividly and acutely, and the very topic of separation hurts the reader’s consciousness significantly....

Impact of Low Birth Weight Babies

When a baby is born prematurely, the situation requires special attention and a competent approach. This problem is quite acute, and growing such a child is a difficult task. Therefore, having children with low birth weight has a significant impact on the family and community. First, the family may experience...

Arteriosclerosis in the Development of Cardiovascular Diseases

Summarizing the data on the effect of arteriosclerosis on the development of cardiovascular diseases is the key goal of the research by Argyropoulou et al. (2018). The authors seek to find out what the likelihood of developing vascular problems in the case of arterial defects is, and what biomarkers need...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention by Tayyib and Coyer

The given article primarily focuses on studying the most effective hospital-acquired pressure ulcer (HAPU) prevention strategies among adult patients in intensive care units (ICU). The setting revolves around hospitals and other healthcare facilities, where patients are required to stay for prolonged periods of time. The study was conducted on other...

Protein Roles: Transport, Protective

Transport Role Proteins transport biologically important compounds in the body. In some cases, the transported compound is sorbed by a protein molecule. This protects against destruction and ensures transport with the bloodstream (for example, albumin transport of some hormones, vitamins, medicinal compounds). This type of transport is called passive. In...

Ethical and Justice Considerations of Triage of Critical Care Resources

The current public health crisis associated with the global pandemic of COVID-19 imposes significant ethical considerations related to justice and equality for the patients. The rising scale of the pandemic causes problems with resource allocation when providing health care to the continuously increasing number of patients impacted by the coronavirus....

Summary of “The Obligation To Endure” by Rachel Carson

The second chapter in Rachel Carson’s book, Silent Spring, is named “The Obligation to Endure.” It discusses the indiscriminate usage of pesticides in the United States, which Carson (1962) declares to be inefficient and dangerous as well as the result of poor planning. The writer highlights the dangers of using...

Crime, Childhood Trauma, and Health

It goes without saying that both positive and negative events in the past may have an immeasurably substantial impact on the person’s life in the future. That is why the connection between health issues, crime, such as domestic violence or abuse, and childhood trauma is assumptive and widespread. In general,...

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Human Factors in Project Management

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Balancing Social Media and Child Development

Technology is a contemporary phenomenon which has been widely implemented across the world. Undoubtedly, social and electronic media as well as television have significant impact on the population of all ages. Although the benefits associated with these innovations are commendable, it is important to explore the impacts they have on...

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Generalizing Study Results

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Mentality of Fandom in Sports Culture

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“Inequality for All”: Arguments’ Study

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The Healthcare Reform: The Wellness Initiative

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Researching of The Revolutionary War

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Free and Non-Free Actions

Stace and compatibilists say, “Acts freely done are those whose immediate causes are psychological states in the agent. Acts not freely done are those whose immediate causes are states of affairs external to the agent” (Vaughn 253). This statement is not entirely correct since it does not consider the influence...

The Role of Social Stigma in Mental Health

The stigmatization of mental health, indeed, plays a significant role in the life of a person suffering from mental disorders. First, stigmatization affects how a person identifies their psychological disorder. Second, the stigma affects whether a person eventually seeks help from specialists to receive treatment. To understand the extent to...

The History of Civil Rights Movement

While comparing Claudette Colvin’s experience in the fight for equality and civil rights with that of young activists in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, one can cite both similarities and differences. Ms. Colvin, as a young girl, did not have the same opportunities to publicize her story as people...

Artificial Intelligence and Its Usage in Modern Warfare and Healthcare

AI usage in modern warfare The question of AI usage in modern warfare is topical these days. I have never heard of the controversial Project Maven. Still, I have looked it up, and it sounds bizarre to think that regular Google employees could be involved with the Department of Defense....

“Our Blind Spot About Guns” and “Don’t Make English Official”

The writing piece of Nicholas Kristof on gun laws provides an invaluable argumentation for implementing proper legislative regulations alongside technological improvements by making the issues analogous to cars and their regulation. However, Dennis Baron’s argumentative writing focuses on banning the English language in the United States by promoting the radical...

Stanford Prison Experiment: Behind the Mask

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Apple Inc.’s Globalization Strategy and International Trade

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E-Learning: The Convenience of This Format

The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 clearly illustrates how people could benefit from e-learning. Undoubtedly, e-learning has a lot of advantages. For example, it allows a more flexible schedule, minimizes the costs related to time spent on traveling from work to a learning center, and gives access to an unlimited number...

“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Carr Critique

One of Carr’s main points is that by using the Internet as the source of knowledge, humanity might forget printed books and the importance of intellectual vibrations triggered by words in our minds (63). In other words, deep reading, a part of deep thinking, can be lost, and it is...

Math in Real Life: Critical Thinking and Number Sense

I enjoyed Critical Thinking and Number Sense since they sharpened my basic counting and number skills to solve problems. Critical Thinking and Number Sense was the most interesting topic since it is applicable in decision-making, analysis, reasoning, and communicating mathematical knowledge. After the lesson, I felt empowered in using my...

Falls Prevention: Direct Practice Improvement Project

The direct practice improvement (DPI) project is dedicated to fall prevention in hospitals among patients older than 65. In some cases, falls have serious consequences, such as a broken bone or brain concussion. Older people are especially prone to falls due to their fragility, illnesses, and side effects of prescribed...

Nursing Ethics: Reflection on the Survey

The survey has allowed focusing on ethical and legal issues that need further investigation and discussion to guarantee a nurse can make confident decisions. In most cases, it was rather difficult to be decisive and choose strongly agree or disagree answers because of lacking additional data for consideration. Therefore, most...

Early Television as Social Instruction

In the Post-WWII period, television acquired the image of the global village, which implied great marketing potential. For example, Big Ben and Eiffel Tower were used for advertising Arvin’s consoles. The view of various places was the key idea that promised an illusion for people to allow them to leave...

Formula of Incremental Cash Flow

I agree with James’ definition and formula of incremental cash flow. However, in my opinion, more information could be given on the structure of the incremental cash flow, such that it consists of three components: initial investments, operating cash flow, and terminal year cash flow. I believe that it is...

Bidens Pilosa (Blackjack): Plant Description

A biological species is a group of living things that can replicate and produce fertile offspring in existence. Species are distinguished by their genetic variation from other clusters, which implies that living things in one species are impotent of replicating with living things in another. In this case, it is...

Analysis of “A Rose for Emily” Story by William Faulkner

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Analysis of Perceptions of Long-Term Care

Long-term care is a major site for people who have severe chronic conditions and are close to death. However, most people do not enter long-term care sites willing to receive end-of-life care, and many older persons stay at home to receive their long-term care (Sussman et al., 2019). According to...

Major Stages of New Product Development

The process of new product development has eight major stages and starts from idea generation. It involves a systematic search for ideas about new products, which is carried out mainly on the basis of internal sources of the organization. Then comes the idea screening: an analysis of all the ideas...

The COVID-19 Section on the Federal Emergency Management Agency Website for Nurses

FEMA is the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and it was implemented in its current form in 1979. The official website of the organization provides a considerable amount of knowledge that might be useful for public health nurses. It includes data about emergency management, assistance during disasters, and even educational programs....

The 3rd Angle Projection Analysis

The 3rd Angle Projection refers to a technique of drawing an object or an image from differing directions; these are normally the front, side, and plan view drawn in order to make all the essential sides or faces visible. In this form of projection, every view of the diagram is...