Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Research

Introduction It is hard to disagree that academic research plays a significant role in people’s lives. While not everyone realizes it, precisely credible research papers can test hypotheses that affect healthcare, find new ways to eliminate social issues and explore the negative and positive effects of technologies. In order for...

The Affordable Care Act Advances

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA) had a tremendous effect on the U.S. healthcare system. There are several key changes to the principles on which one’s eligibility for Medicaid coverage is established. The focus shifted toward covering vulnerable portions of the U.S. population, allowing low-income adults without children to receive...

Lipids: Types, Structures, and Functions

Lipids are fats, oils, and waxes containing large portions of carbon and hydrogen bonds. They form an essential part of the cell membrane composition in the body. When broken down, lipids release energy that helps the cell carry on its functions. One gram of fat stores twice as much energy...

Mental Health Issues in Adolescents After COVID-19

Early intervention, prevention, and mental health promotion significantly affect an individual’s well-being. However, it is no longer the responsibility of health professionals alone, especially during a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Most adolescents were trapped at home and isolated from friends, resulting in an elevated level of mental health...

Examples of Organisms: Categories of Microbes

Introduction When it comes to the main nutritional categories of microbes, there are four that involve photoautotrophs, photoheterotrophs, chemoautotrophs, and chemoheterotrophs. An example of photoautotrophs is cyanobacteria, which obtains its essential nutrients from sunlight (Wessner et al., 2020). An example of photoheterotrophs is purple bacteria, and its primary method of...

Bharti Airtel: The Cross-Border Acquisition

The greatest cross-border acquisition in the developing world occurred in Bharti Airtel. It was in June 2010 when Bharti Airtel, the largest mobile communications provider in India, spent $10.7 billion on the African assets of Bahrain-based Zain Telecom (Palepu & Bijlani, 2012). Bharti senior management aimed to provide the same...

Discovery in Law and Its Four Types

From a legal perspective, discovery can be defined as the procedure that allows obtaining crucial evidence from other parties involved in a legal process by means of interrogation and other techniques (Bergman and Moore 183). As a rule, four types of discovery are identified. These include deposition, interrogatories, production of...

Leadership in Health Information Technology

What are the key drivers within the healthcare industry today for which HIT leaders must align their mission, vision, and strategy? Nowadays, the healthcare industry finds itself in a rather turbulent environment, which shapes the decision-making process for HIT leaders. Some of the key industry-level drivers that should be taken...

The Legend of La Llorona and Its Versions

Legends play a significant role in the culture of every country. Historically, such stories were used to transmit certain moral values to the younger generation and served both for educational and entertaining purposes. Therefore, it is believed to be interesting to get familiar with some legends that still affect the...

Preventing Readmissions with Discharge Education

Although the problem of readmissions has been addressed by numerous policies and programs, there is still a persisting need in finding a universal solution. Even after the Hospital, Readmission Reduction program was introduced to penalize health care units with excessive readmissions, no considerable reduction in rehospitalization rates was achieved (Hunter...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Project Management Cycle from Initiation to Ending

There is no single approach to project management (Ahimbisibwe, Cavana, & Daellenbach, 2015), but a relatively constant model of a project management cycle has been referred to by multiple authors. In particular, the stages of “initiating, planning, execution, and closing” can be singled out as stable and distinct but interrelated...

Message in “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King

“I Have a Dream” is one of the most famous and frequently cited public speeches of modern times. It was conveyed by a remarkable orator and activist, Martin Luther King, who became an icon and a prominent leader in the struggle against discrimination in the United States and across the...

Race and Gender in Public Relations

Introduction The practice of public relations gains recognition in today’s business world as it determines the way of how companies and people have to communicate and share information in public and via media. Compared to advertising where exposure, visual representation, and creativity matter, public relations focus on trust, correct language,...

Action Research in Treating Depression With Physical Exercise

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States. Without timely treatment, this condition can have a devastating effect on an individual, impairing his or her abilities to carry out their usual life activities. The latest statistics showed that depression does not discriminate against age....

Virtue Ethics in the Wrong-Operation Doctor Case

In the case of a doctor operating on a patient and making a crucial mistake of not checking the details of the operation, the question of professional integrity can be raised. It can be argued that failures are inevitable and occur from time to time. However, for a medical professional,...

Terrorist Groups’ Social and Psychological Origins

Terrorism is a complex social issue that requires multiple levels of analysis from interdisciplinary fields of psychology, political science, and cultural and historical studies. For the theoretical framework used for this paper, the model of radicalization proposed by Webber and Kruglanski (2018) was applied, which lists the following factors: “(1)...

Al Sheheen Organization’s Action Plan Outline

Al Sheheen is an organization that is known for providing principal training as well as consultancy services to organizations in the region. The organization has adequate resources to support the programs and help bring out more motivation to trigger students to become active in their own learning. The resources need...

Review of the Essay “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan

Introduction Each paragraph of The Critical Review of the Essay “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan begins with a clear thematic sentence, which summarizes the main idea of the following statements. The first paragraph summarizes the concept of people using language at different levels to express themselves, which is precisely reflected...

Sustainable Business Model Innovation

Sustainable Business Model Innovation Sustainable business model innovation comprises new business units, diversification to other business versions, and the purchase of new investments. Based on this definition, sustainable business innovation targets features such as sustainable value production, active shareholder management, and long-term outlook. Based on this analysis, this paper proposes...

Music Listening Journal Blog: Song Review

Life So Right “Life So Right” is a song written and performed by a talented young woman from Holland, Mariska Baars. She has been singing since 2002 under the pseudonym “Soccer Committee.” Almost all of her songs, including “Life So Right” belong to the genre of lowercase. This music genre...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Elements of Poetic Form in “Go Down, Moses”

“Go Down, Moses” is a poem that became a folk song, calling for the freedom of slaves in the US back in the nineteenth century. It links the story from the Bible with the situation happening in South America before the Civil War. The work constitutes of several poetic form...

HIV & AIDS Prevention by International Non-Governmental Organizations

HIV/AIDS is a sexually-transmitted with significant negative consequences that extend beyond physical health. Poverty is a significant factor accelerating its spread, and is also increased by the effects of AIDS (Mapp, 2014). Poverty is also linked to decreased education in children, which increases their likelihood of having sexual intercourse before...

Insider Activity and Corporate Malfeasance

Insider activity and corporate malfeasance are dangerous practices that threaten company assets and resource security for numerous reasons. According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Martha Stewart and Peter Bacanovic (2003), any securities fraud carries severe liability and real criminal penalties. However, the example of Martha Stewart and...

Police Brutality Against African Americans

The issue being examined refers to the problem of police brutality on African Americans. The question concerning this issue could be formulated as follows: what are the causes of police brutality on African Americans? The mentioned problem is a burning one and is vividly expressed in modern society. Besides, the...

The Basics of Reproductive Health and Hygiene

It is vital to teaching Mohana about the basics of her reproductive health and hygiene. She and her classmates should be explained that menstruation is a natural process demonstrating the appropriate functioning of the female body. They should not be ashamed of it and should use specific procedures to avoid...

Human Embryo Cloning in the United States

Embryonic stem cell research is a highly controversial topic, especially in developed nations around the world. The debate primarily focuses on the morality of destroying human embryos. In the United States, federal agencies are prohibited from funding human cloning. In 2001, the House of Representatives enacted The Human Cloning Prohibition...

Child Labor’s Negative Impact on Human Development

Child labor refers to forced work that deprives children of their dignity, potential, and childhood. Ancient America is characterized by decades of abusive child labor that has surpassed several reforms to impact society up to the 21st century. This paper argues that child labor is by far the worst form...

Leadership in Registered Nursing

Communication is a Personal Attribute and a Learned Skill Personal communication style reflects an individual’s character and level of professional education. In general, I try to communicate with people respectfully and expect the same attitude from myself. My communication style may often vary depending on my confidence, which fluctuates depending...

Theories of Crime and Juvenile Rights

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (n.d.), all people are equal and free from the very first day of their birth. The most important rights of children enable them to grow up as harmonious personalities, regardless of the social and financial status of their parents, race, and place...

Standpoint Theory and Sociological Perspectives

Standpoint theory is regarded as a feminist theoretical perspective which argues that social position is the source of knowledge. The theory denies the idea that traditional science is objective, suggesting that theory and research have marginalized women and thinking among feminists. The standpoint theory is a critical concept considering that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aspects of Organizational Structure

Organizational structure refers to the system encompassing fundamental activities within a particular enterprise that define its operating procedures and routine rests, as well as the general hierarchy and authority within the organization. Within a broad range of organizational structures and collaboration types, it is crucial to adopt an adequate design...

“A Theory of Fields” by Neil Fligstein and Doug McAdam: Chapter 4 Summary

The “Change and Stability in Strategic Action Fields” in A Theory of Fields by Neil Fligstein and Doug McAdam discusses the current debates on social movements, political sociology, and organizations’ theories depending on strategic actions’ nature. The author emphasizes the need for continuous learning for stability in transition through social...

Conformity in Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery”

Introduction The works of Shirley Jackson are well-known in literary society. Even though the issues addressed by the author appear to be diverse, special attention is drawn to the subject of conformity. In “The Lottery,” the writer delivers her unique understanding of the dangers of excessive conservatism. In this essay,...

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson’s Role in the Liberation Movement

On the one hand, the activities of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are directly related to the liberation movement in America. On the other hand, the Founding Fathers were notorious for holding their slaves without freeing them when the opportunity was presented (Chervinsky, 2020). It cannot be considered hypocrisy because...

“The Man Who Planted Trees” by Jean Giono

The story “The Man Who Planted Trees” was written by the French writer Jean Giono in 1953. It tells the story of an old man who spent thirty years of his life planting trees in a valley in France, transforming the once barren land into a blooming garden. The story...

Canada Calls on Pope to Apologize after Indigenous Children’s Remains Found

The history of colonialism has left a tremendous mark on the history and lives of multiple indigenous people, causing them tremendous harm. The specified destructive nature of the colonialist approach appeals to the Christian Church as well due to the aggressive promotion of Christian faith and the lack of concern...

Quality of Service in the Voice Over Internet Protocol

The Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a diverse group of technologies used to allow people to talk over the Internet in real-time. Although there is no unified protocol to implement these technologies, they have similar limitations and factors that affect their quality of service (QoS). QoS refers to the...

Childhood Factors in Becoming an Addict in Adult Life

Childhood lays the foundation for any person’s life, and, unfortunately, sometimes this foundation leads to sad events, and a person becomes a drug addict. This paper lists various programs and scientific approaches aimed at eliminating the factors of childhood that lead to drug addiction and alcoholism in adulthood. First, a...

Aging and Death in Literature: Larkin and Shakespeare

Aging and death are inevitable parts of life and, as such, have a significant representation in culture. Different societies place different meaning on those things, some viewing death as the ultimate end to one’s existence, while others believing that it is only a transition to a different state of being....

Universal Responsibility: Meaning and Implications

Introduction Universal responsibility is the responsibility of humans to behave with integrity and do good to others for them to benefit eventually. Various writers over time have researched the topic and concluded that every person should practice universal responsibility to achieve global peace and harmony. Dai Lama and Mbiti are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Zara’s Digital Strategy for Growth: Capabilities and Limitations

Zara’s capabilities to increase digital sales include robust supply chains, effective online store design, and brand reputation, but accessing emerging markets can become a challenge. There are several capabilities that can help Zara achieve 25% of revenue from its digital channel. These are mainly physical – i.e., relater to the...

The New Religion: Basic Ideas

Nowadays, religion is an integral part of people’s life and includes its many kinds. One can distinguish three main areas, such as Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Although differing, they have some general principles that form their basis (Cohen, 2020). A new religion could be based on the principle of treating...

Verbal Processes in Intercultural Communication

The two topics I found most interesting were “Multilingualism” and “High and Low Context Communication Styles.” In the first topic, I discovered that there are numerous ways to learn a new language. For some people, proficiency in more than one language is necessary because of where they live. For instance,...

Researching of Health Communication

Health communication is the study and practice focused on spreading promotional health information to improve the population’s health by influencing personal health choices. The efficiency of health communication is one of the most important points for the healthcare system because it determines the overall state of the healthcare system and...

Pillar of Classical Religion: Scientific Support

Civilization is the process by which a human society or location attain an efficient form of development and prosperity and structure. While human civilization is vast, fundamentally every society is sustained by the fundamental “foundations” of classical religion, learning, and the family. Classical theology is one of the most significant...

Review of “Fire in the Ashes” Story

In chapter 13, Kozol writes about the story of Martha, a determinist woman leading a church, and Benjamin, a boy with difficult family circumstances. This story is about the difficulty of growing up and tells us that it is possible to overcome difficulties with determination and help from those close...

An Intellectual Property Theft in Marketing

This situation is unfair, and in this case, the one who originally came up with the project is right. The fact is that it was a speech in front of a professor, respectively, a public performance with the initials of the author. This, in turn, means that this object is...

Chronic Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Rural America

The article, Health care disparities across the urban-rural divide: A national study of individuals with COPD, first published on October, 2020, primarily explores the high burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in rural America. The authors highlight the marked disparities in access to health care between rural and urban...

The Worst Power Outage in North American History

The United States and Canada had the worst power outage in North American history on August 14, 2003. A large power outage struck sections of the northeastern United States and eastern Canada, affecting around 50 million people. The outage was caused by a breakdown of monitoring and diagnostic systems of...

Challenging for Engineers: Roundabouts Case

The Creative Middle Ground Approach In this case, there is a discussion of roundabouts as challenging for engineers and an arguable method to lower the number of accidents on roads. Although it is the elegant solution to the issues of traffic congestion frequently present, emissions of gases from automobiles, and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Death of “Billy Budd” by Herman Melville

Melville’s story “Billy Budde” culminates in the death of the main character – an innocent, inexperienced sailor, who through no fault of his, was hanged. While the captain’s Vere decision about the fate of the young sailor can be justified – he did it to avert a mutiny on his...

Impact of Emerging Technology on the Economy of Mexico

Economic inequality is an especially large problem in Mexico, which has been further exacerbated by the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. The youth, people with low income, and those in marginalized communities are affected by this problem most severely (Vieitez & Larrea, 2021). Differences in income affect the entirety of...

Pornography: “Cheap Thrills” Article by Power

In this article, Nicholas Power tries to prove that pornography is not as harmful and dangerous as his opponents, primarily radical feminists, claim. On the contrary, the scholar is certain that pornography also has positive effects, and if people change their biased attitude towards it, they will see its value....

Environmentalism Among People of Color

The article is organized following the manifestations of environmental problems of minorities detrimental to their health. It describes the barriers, such as the quality of air, complications stemming from economic inequality, and the lack of support for movements in corresponding sections. In this way, these parts fit together by presenting...

Researching of American Sign Language

American Sign Language (ASL) is a unique and structured way of communicating. ASL has developed as a combination of Old French Sign Language and Old American Sign Language (Moore and Levitan 37). The former was brought by Laurent Clerc, whereas the latter is an indigenous sign language used on Martha’s...

“The Last Emperor”: Plot, Scenes, and Historical Accuracy

The Last Emperor is a movie based in ancient China, directed by Bernardo Bertoculli, and the main actor was Pu Yi. Other important actors in the movie include the governor, Wan Jun, Pi Yu’s wife, Reginald Johnstone, Amakasu, Eastern Jewel, and Empress Dowager (Bertolucci, 1987). Released in 1987, the movie...

Business Driven Technology: Respective Areas of Expertise

Each company has several leaders who are responsible for their respective areas of expertise. For instance, a chief information officer is tasked with managing IT staff, developing department goals, overseeing the IT budget, maintaining IT systems, and managing the organization’s software development needs. A chief privacy officer is responsible for...

Benefits of Using EHR Systems

The most obvious and essential benefit of using the electronic health records is keeping every medical history piece in one place. This is a plus for a patient, as they will receive a more distinguished diagnosis based on their previous deceases and treatments. It is also a benefit for the...

Developing Healthy Team Cultures

Nowadays, with the tempo of life constantly increasing, many people tend to feel frustration and disappointment at a workplace if the goals they envisaged cannot be fulfilled in a short time. People increasingly feel as if they are owned something and the inability to get this breeds envy and resentment...

Environmental Studies: Importance of Environmental Studies

It is important to note that environmental studies are different from environmental sciences. The former is an interdisciplinary field that analyzes and builds knowledge on the current understanding of the environment, natural ecosystems, human societies, and cultures (“Environmental Studies” par. 1). In other words, it is a complex field with...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Self-Determination Right and Euthanasia

In the current euthanasia-related discussion, identifying the moral rightness to kill or let a person die for the good plays an important role. On the one hand, doctors and nurses are obliged to preserve human life and relieve suffering at any cost (Vaughn, 2019). On the other hand, they need...

Team-Building Games Improving Productivity

Informal activities such as team-building games can serve as a valuable instrument for improving morale and productivity by enhancing the group’s cohesiveness. Various games can be successfully used to achieve this goal, depending on the group development stage. For example, a simple “Trading Cards” game would be beneficial during the...

Advertisement Persuasion Strategies

As digital technology develops, many fields of human life undergo significant changes including business. Large corporations and small companies need to overthink their approach to social media in order to stay competitive. Modern digital technologies offer numerous opportunities for businesses and create a number of ethical and moral issues. Media...

The Police in the Modern World

The police in the modern world is a body endowed with certain powers and responsibilities. Its mission is to enforce the law, prevent crime, and ensure public safety with community support (United States Police, 2022). Such goals always accompany the actions of the police in advertising statements and official events....

Health Benefits of Juice Consumption

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a field of study with many controversial issues and is based mainly on people’s personal experiences. In this regard, the most effective way to understand the principles of such functional medicine can be an independent experiment on lifestyle changes. As part of a similar...

Aspects of Lesson Approaches

During the previous assignments, investigations were made mainly based on the video material and information from the text readings. They required analyzing and critical thinking skills to answer the questions and share personal ideas. However, to make the lesson more suitable for K-5 students, it would be beneficial to include...

Role of Nutrition in Human Health

Nutrition is determined as a physiological and biological systematic process a living organism regularly uses to sustain its life by consuming food and nutrients. A nutrient is defined as a chemical that an organism demands to exist, develop, and reproduce. In fact, animals, vegetation, fungi, and protists all have to...

Challenges to American Democracy Principles

In my opinion, the surveillance of U.S. citizens and residents by intelligence agencies is a fundamental departure from the principles of freedom and a serious blow to liberal principles. It is evidenced by the fact that respected human rights organizations, such as Human Right Watch, are releasing new internal documents...

Technological Advancements in the Restaurant Industry

The restaurant industry is a subset of the catering industry where consumers can order food and dine on the property (Susskind et al. 199). Even though the restaurant sector has historically been sluggish in implementing new technologies and digital approaches, the COVID-19 pandemic altered that in recent years forcing restaurant...

The Place of Religion in the Colonies’ Daily Life

Religion is a fundamental factor defining individuals and giving them a sense of belonging. One can associate the origin of different religions and their culture in the United States with the spreading of Christianity during the colonial period. Religion, regardless of the denomination, impacted the daily life of inhabitants of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chapter 4 of “Christianity as a World Religion” by Kim & Kim

In chapter 4 of Christianity as a World Religion, the author writes about the history of the development of Christianity in Europe. At the beginning of the chapter, the author references history, talking about Christianity’s birth and the Roman Empire’s period. In the chapter, the author also describes the history...

Aspects of the Epidemics of Norovirus

In the news article by Erica Edwards, published on April 2, 2022, for NBC News, “Covid cases are down. Unfortunately, stomach flu outbreaks are up.” she claims that since the number of people infected with coronavirus significantly decreased and this led to the loosening of the pandemic restrictions, the number...

Speech of Gubernatorial Candidate of Minnesota

Hello. First of all, I would like to thank everyone in this room for allowing me to express my thoughts here today. I am running for the gubernatorial candidate of Minnesota because I want to make the lives of our citizens better. It is not a secret that our state...

Pancreatitis: Causes and Symptoms

Pancreatitis is a common recurrent pathology of the pancreas. In the initial stages, pancreatic pancreatitis is asymptomatic or with very mild, subtle symptoms. This complicates early diagnosis and contributes to the development of complications that can lead to disability up to death. The main symptom of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis...

Counseling: Theory and Practice

The relationship between the client and counselor presents an important factor for therapeutic outcomes. Therefore, counselors must use the theoretical foundation to guide their practice and focus on the combination of thinking, feeling, and behaving dimensions (Corey & Corey, 2022). Furthermore, while counselors can experience trouble understanding the way of...

A Person-Centered Case Conceptualization

Chad presents with the symptoms of depression and generalized anxiety. The parents’ frequent fighting and discussion of separation align with the son’s onset of changes in his mood and activity. Chad expresses hopelessness about the future; he does not have a good sleeping schedule and experiences both insomnia and excessive...

The Importance of Social Classes

The term “social class” refers to societal distinctions based on economic and social standing. People from the same socioeconomic class often have comparable levels of wealth, educational attainment, job type, and income. Members of social classes are exposed to diverse subcultures that prepare them for specialized roles in society. It...

Feeding Patients With Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease

Nutrition continues to be a problem for people with advanced dementia or Alzheimer’s. Patients are less able to eat independently, so they need help. In particular, the problem of the effectiveness of nasogastric tubes for feeding arises. It has been established that they can be highly effective, but they also...

Evidence-Based Practice and Biblical Worldview

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is to increase patient safety and demonstrate strategies and tools that aim to improve the quality of care. Thus, evidence-based practice represents the judicious application of current evidence along with clinical experience to health care decision making. EBP enables healthcare professionals to draw conclusions from existing research...

Learning Disabilities in Middle Childhood

Learning disability refers to a specific disorder of academic learning that affects a particular task at school and lowers the child’s educational performance. Teachers and parents should be aware of children learning disabilities. A child with a learning disability may be delayed in either reading, writing, speaking, or solving mathematics....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Comparing Artificial Intelligence to Human Intelligence

Intelligence is essential for humanity, as it can isolate important information from the environment and systematize it into knowledge used to solve specific problems. In the modern world, firms and businesses often use not only human intelligence but also artificial intelligence (AI). AI performs many tasks of processing large amounts...

Transtheoretical Model: Medication Adherence

It is important to note that the transtheoretical model is an all-encompassing multifactorial concept of changing human behavior. The framework proposes six stages, which were based on the concepts of decisional balance and self-efficacy in order to ensure that all introduced alterations are solidified with no relapse. The three core...

Gram Staining Laboratory Technique

Gram staining is a laboratory technique to differentiate bacterial species into two groups: gram-positive and gram-negative. The procedure was developed by Danish bacteriologist Hans Christian Gram in 1884 (Tripathi, 2020). The significance of Gram staining lies in the fact that the two groups of bacteria have distinct cell wall structures,...

Esther Ngumbi’s Speech Analysis

As a speaker, Esther Ngumbi does numerous things well when telling her story. First, throughout the speech, Ngumbi chooses the right intonation patterns and body language to emphasize her key points. For instance, she implements pausation, speaks considerably louder, and nods to accentuate the fact that her parents invested everything...

Group Work and Team Management

When it comes to teamwork and group work, both have their unique advantages and disadvantages. I would rather work with a team. A team is a group of individuals who work together towards a common goal, but each member brings a unique skill set to the table (Buchanan, 2015). In...

TI and Serodiagnosis: Evaluation of Hematogenous Spread

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by the invasion of microorganisms into the urinary tract, which can include the kidneys, bladder, and urethra. There are three ways in which UTIs can be acquired, and the first one is ascending infection. The latter is the most common route of infection, where...

Cuba’s International Policies and Relationships

Nations formulate policies to enable a positive relationship with other countries. The formation of international policies may be guided by other nations’ actions, which affect a country directly. The following essay analyzes Cuba’s foreign policies to determine how they affect and are influenced by other nations. The U.S. and Cuba’s...

Political Parties in Canada: Ideological Analysis

Analysis The abundance of issues discussed during the election can be overwhelming for an average voter. Some believe that there is no significant difference between the stands of the major federal political parties. Canadian government encounters this problem as well. The choice between the three major Canadian political forces: the...

The Primary Care Units

The primary care units, as well as any health care institution, face multiple challenges in the modern competitive professional world. A significant number of stakeholders involved in primary care services provision encourage the organizations to enhance the quality of their performance. Moreover, a lot of fatal accidents in hospitals could...

Holmes & Rahe Stress Inventory and Management

The Holmes and Rahe rating scale was developed to measure the amount of (long-term and short-term) stress in an individual’s life. My results are as follows: 38 – major change in financial state; 36 – changing to a different line of work; 29 – major change in responsibilities at work;...

Cognitive Bias in Robin Adams’ Murder Case

Cognitive bias could be highly detrimental to the criminal investigation process. One of the first steps to avoid different kinds of bias is to have knowledge of them (Ditrich, 2015). It is equally vital to be able to identify them. In this essay, Robin Adams’ murder case will be examined...

The Reliable Narrator in Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart”

In the story The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, the narrator tries to convince the reader that he is sane. However, he is also a murderer that killed a person with no tangible motive. He claims that the reason why he has killed his beloved benefactor because one of...

Mammogram Screening: Evidence-Based Care Outcomes

PICOT Question: In the primary care setting, for women aged 40-55 (P), how effective is provider-initiated conversation regarding recommended screening guidelines and there benefits to detect breast cancer (I) verses not initiating conversation (C) in increasing patient participation in mammogram screenings for breast cancer (O) over a 6- month time...

Patient Education Technology: MySugr Diabetes Logbook

Scenario Mrs. Sanders is a 45-year-old female recently diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. She has a family history of diabetes and worries that she will not be able to manage the disease. Mrs. Sanders has a college degree and has proficiency using technological devices due to her profession as a manager...

Literary Analysis Methods: Feminist Criticism

Overall, any work of literature should be analyzed from various standpoints such as for instance, cultural, social, historic etc, certainly if it is possible. It seems that only one approach cannot reflect all the complexity of art. Thus, it is difficult to single out only one method of criticism. However,...

Memory Drum Theory’s Projection

The Goal of the Research The goal of the study was to look into memory drum theory’s projection that the increase in simple reaction time (SRT) was proportional to the complexity of the response to be instigated (Anson, 1982). How the Goal Relates to My Research The author hypothesized that...

Delegation and Professional Development for Everyday Leadership

Delegation It is truly possible to prove one’s sufficient level of professionalism and to improve delegation skills in the sphere of nursing, and there are a few certain principles of work to be followed which probably will be correct. Firstly, according to American Nurses Association, and the National Council of...

Labeling Theory and Critical Criminology: Sociological Research

Theories that define why some members of society break laws and others never move in such direction are spread among multiple disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, and criminology. All of these theories seek for understanding of the motivational factors of crime and claim that deviance significantly impacts it. Giddens et...

The “Union Organizing Case Study”

The “Union Organizing Case Study” presents a situation where non-employees committed several attempts to agitate World Tea & Coffee employees to join The United Food and Commercial Workers Union. The incident took place in the parking lot of Westown Shopping Plaza owned by World Tea & Coffee, Inc. (World Tea...

“Job or Health?” by J. Tankersley

Coronavirus is one of the most pressing issues affecting the world today, and the coverage of the pandemic in the news is extensive. In particular, articles concerning the social effects of the outbreak are widely published and read. In their article “Job or Health? Restarting the Economy Threatens to Worsen...

Nursing Code of Ethics in the Human Trafficking Victim Treatment

The paradigm of nursing responsibilities has already gone far beyond providing medical assistance to the patients and dealing with documentation related to the treatment. Nowadays, the notion of nursing encompasses direct care provision, allocation of the treatment resources, communication with patients, and collaboration with public health resources in terms of...

The Importance of Diet Monitoring

Adequate nutrition at an early age is one of the most important conditions that ensure harmonious growth, timely maturation of bone structures, and proper functions of various organs and tissues. It also influences optimal parameters of psychomotor and intellectual development, the body’s resistance to infections, and other adverse external factors...

College Readiness in High-School Graduates in Houston-Area Public Schools

Texas public school system has been facing many challenges in recent years, including low college readiness levels. Only 50% of graduates meet the university admission criteria, “with larger shares of Asian and white students college-ready, while black, Hispanic, and economically disadvantaged students remain behind their peers” (Greater Houston Community Foundation,...

Wedding Planning Factors: A Bride-Centric Holiday

A wedding celebration is the end of long preparation, and in order to avoid unpleasant surprises and the discontent of both guests and newlyweds, it is essential to approach the planning process as carefully as possible. First, the budget to spend on the holiday should be determined. All the details...

Getting Your Information: Google Search Features

The search formulated as Stress site: Nature.com provides links to numerous publications about stress on the website of the scholarly journal Nature. These publications mainly focus on either high levels of stress found in contemporary society or the neural mechanisms involved (“Stress,” 2020). The search reveals that stress occupies a...

An Evaluation of Paris 2024 Summer Olympics’ Bidding Process

The International Olympic Committee (I.O.C.) approved France to host the next summer event in 2024. Paris was chosen as a strategic city of welcoming professional sportspersons in international sports, including athletics, football, basketball, and volleyball, among others. The decision of awarding the bid was based on significant social factors relevant...

Market Leaders and Market Followers Strategies

Introduction A market is a system facilitating the exchange of goods, services, and information between its participants. This system is strongly influenced by market leaders, which can be a product, a brand, or a company with the highest percentage of total sales revenue. When there are market leaders, there are...

Drug Addiction: Elimination of Incarcerations

A TED talk, focusing on addiction, by Johann Hari, introduces the concept in a way that people do not often expect to see. The man offers his own educated perspective on the matter and poses addiction not as a problem of physical inability or a moral failing of character, but...

Rethinking OSHA Approach

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) develops workplace safety regulations that are designed to prevent workplace fatalities, work-related injuries, and occupational illnesses. OSHA staff go for inspections to ensure that standards are being met and inflict a fine occur they are not. The present-day OSHA approach is generally agreed to...

Supply Chains: The Influence of External Factors

Well-established supply chains are an essential part of private and global trade, since they ensure that goods and services reach customers and make a profit for companies. However, various political, economic, technological, environmental, and other world changes affect supply chains and force companies to be flexible in their design. For...

Martin Luther King Speech Reflection

Introduction King revealed his talent for public speaking as early as in high school, where he was a successful member of a debate team (Fleming, 2008). His academic path, which resulted in acquiring a bachelor’s degree in social sciences and divinity, and Ph.D. in systematic theology, certainly contributed to his...

Artistic Works: Genres and Examples

The division of artistic works into genres is a widespread classification applicable to any piece, and it covers all the possible forms of portraying reality. Its use facilitates the assessment of cultural products and the transmittance of the intended message through the means inherent in it. Hence, the analysis of...

Hamlet and Oedipus: Resilience Compared

According to Aristotle’s definition of tragedy, every tragic character has to face an unexpected reveal. When encountering it, Hamlet demonstrates greater resilience than Oedipus. Hamlet does not break down under the new knowledge, he does not relent even as the situation worsens, and he does not allow his attachments to...

Should Football Be Banned for Being Too Violent and Dangerous?

American football is one of the recreational games professionally and casually played in the country that attracts fans who enjoy watching players as they compete to score against each other. American football has been closely associated with Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) as players hit each other, which in turn causes...

Concept of Self-Compassion in Gestalt and Existential Methods

Counseling can offer numerous strategies to deal with traumatic events in one’s life effectively. The concept of self-compassion can be utilized in different therapeutic approaches and provide people with tools to address their issues or transition from one stage in their life to another. This post will examine self-compassion in...

Managing a Remote Team in the Covid-19 Crisis

COVID-19 struck the world, and companies all over the continent had to send their employees to work from home. It was a bit hectic for the employers since they had to make sure all employees get the tools needed to work with from home. Remote communication technology instantly became a...

Nature and Nurture Approach in the Light of Effect of Violence on Children

The responsiveness of a child to violence and the reproducing mechanism that follows is deeply connected to their innate ability to absorb the information that surrounds this young human being. This innately human ability to learn fits well both to the worldview of Nativism and the Behaviorist approach. Due to...

Resilience Theory Overview

During my field experience at Vatsalya Adult Medical Daycare Center, I worked as an intern social worker student. Then, I faced a divorced woman, 55 years old, whose mother had unexpectedly died from a heart attack; it could be beneficial to employ the resilience theory in this case. The presenting...

Epatient, Social Networking, Personal Health Record

Caring for health is a lifelong and complicated process that has become diversified with the development of technology. Patients become active participants in treatment, which means balancing the efforts of the provider and the audience. Personal Health Record (PHR) is a promising technology because it combines EHR data and information...

Problem of Diabetes in the Elderly

I have chosen diabetes in the elderly as a topic for my community teaching project mainly because it is a very important and urgent problem in the health care systems of most countries. Its prevalence rates double every 10-15 years, and in 2015 more than 5 million deaths were attributed...

Impact of Government-Created Price Ceiling on the Market

In a number of cases, the government, proceeding from certain political, economic, or social interests, establishes restrictions on the market to exert a stimulating or restraining effect on it. However, the government’s actions disrupt the mechanism of market forces, and as a result, such situations may arise in which the...

The Pixar Company’s Culture of Creativity

Organizational culture is an essential part of human resource management and business development. Comprehensive knowledge in the field of corporate culture may be significantly beneficial in terms of decision-making and leadership. Pixar’s culture of creativity may serve as a prime example of agile human resource management. As technology develops and...

Health Teaching Plan Elements for Adolescents

Adolescence is a pivotal period of a person’s development, occurring between 10 and 24 years of age. During this period, adolescents experience many changes in their physical, cognitive, moral, spiritual, and emotional states. Given the significance of this developmental stage to the overall well-being of a person in adulthood, healthcare...

Variance Analysis in Criminal Justice and Criminology

Chapter 12 of Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice examines a hypothesis-testing technique called “analysis of variance” (ANOVA) that can be used when the independent variable (IV) is categorical with three or more classes and the dependent variable is continuous. It tests statistics called “F statistics” due to its F...

Thera Ltd: Opportunities for Expansion

The intended expansion of Thera Ltd and its entry to the UK and EU horticultural markets should be approached from the perspective of possible challenges. They are explicitly seen when applying a PESTEL analysis, which allows predicting the chances for the project’s success. Thus, the political factors present the main...

A Sole Proprietorship as the Most Appropriate Business Structure: ABC Company

The ABC company I am establishing is a sole proprietor, which is the most common and arguably the most universally fitting business structure among American companies. In this case, I, the head of the company, would be solely legally responsible for the decisions taken within it, as well as its...

A Report on the Budgeting Problem

The current budget system of the company is accounted for poor decisions of the managers. Namely, a significant amount of money is being spent on activities, services, and products that are unnecessary for the company or even contradict its policy. This report aims to provide a general analysis of the...

A Revaluation of the Criticality of the Project Manager to the Project’s Success

The article “A revaluation of the criticality of the project manager to the project’s success” by Alvarenga et al. (2018) presents a thorough investigation of the project manager’s role in the organization’s success. The authors first provide details of a quantitative study that proves the significance of project managers in...

Resistance to Civil Government

Henry’s statement was correct, and I think about it when I see any injustice happening. I agree with his view on the collective duty to defy unjust laws when they happen or are enacted (Thoreau, 2016). For instance, institutional racism has impacted minority groups in the United States, leading to...

Women Minority Groups in the 19th Century

Women had no lawful individuality aside from their spouses before the twentieth century. Females’ biological role, ‘to give birth to and maintain for progeny,’ was thought to be their sole and primary responsibility (Corbett et al., 2017). Because women were considered physically weak, they were not permitted to do labor-intensive...

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Evaluation and Management of Medical Decisions

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