Gender Identity in Life-Span Development

Gender identity is an issue that affects an individual’s lifespan development. Today the question of gender identity is acute for people who struggle to find themselves in a world full of stereotypes and misunderstandings. It is vital for a social worker to develop strategies to help such individuals and their...

Sexuality in Bechdel’s Fun Home and Aciman’s Call Me by Your Name

Discovering one’s sexuality includes a number of different struggles, especially during the adolescent period. Such issues include reflecting on the attraction to the opposite and the same sex, making peace with who you are, and, of course, coming out of the closet to family and friends. Fun Home and Call...

Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common condition that occurs more often in women than in men. Symptoms include painful urination, lower abdominal pain, nausea, and fever however, they can differ depending on the type of infection.UTI is treated with antibiotics that fight bacteria and reduce inflammation in the bladder....

The Analysis of “The Tale of the Three Brothers” by J. K. Rowling

“The Tale of the Three Brothers” by J. K. Rowling explores the topic of humans’ desires that always have negative consequences. It tells a story of three brothers that encounter Death, who offers them prizes for safely crossing the river. Two gullible brothers do not spot the trap imposed on...

New IT System for Use in Nursing Home and Assisted Living

The increase of aged people in nursing homes and assisted living has been alarming due to change in living standards. Most families would rather pay for their aged members of the family’s nursing care than be taking care of them at home. The overwhelming activities of tracing them and providing...

The Impact of the Resistance Protests and Crimes Against the South African Apartheid

Friedman, S. (2017). The Sounds of Silence: Structural Change and Collective Action in the Fight against Apartheid. South African Historical Journal, 69(2), 236-250.  An academic article about the collective actions in the fight against Apartheid reveals why the resistance became stronger 1970s and shows what historical events affected the spread...

Medication Reconciliation Overview

The Importance of Medication Reconciliation Medication reconciliation refers to a formal procedure for developing the most accurate and complete listing possible of a patient’s recent medicines and comparing it to those included in the drug orders or patient records. The aforementioned process is done to avert medication errors such as...

Privacy, Ownership, and Surveillance in Social Media

As an individual using social media, I consider that hacking my data is a more dangerous issue than surveillance and sale of my online activities. I am impressed by Google’s and Facebook’s data collection activity described by Dylan Curran (Curran, 2018). However, I am more afraid of being hacked because...

James Joyce’s “Dubliners”. Personal Thoughts on Araby

James Joyce is a brilliant writer who utilizes homeland politics to criticize the current state of Dublin effectively. He uses one of his short stories, Araby, in his book Dubliners to explain the idea of coming of age. Joyce’s book focuses on the problems a boy undergoes when transforming childhood...

Aspects of Relational Leadership

Leadership is an essential concept for all teams because it allows them to organize and distribute tasks and ensure their successful completion. The article by Horila and Siitonen (2020) states that most research on leadership was conducted without considering time because experimental settings allow for evaluating groups for a short...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Images of the Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty Signing

Two images depict the same occasion, which is the Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty signing. The first image demonstrates the USA government and the tribe leaders meeting at the special place. This place is considered as a traditional place for Native Americans. In the second image, there are colorful traditional clothes...

Macronutrient Intake for a Day and Its Effect

Eating During the Day A light sandwich with ham and cheese was eaten for breakfast, and one glass of milk was also drunk. One banana was eaten in the morning before lunch. One plate of rice with chicken was eaten for lunch itself, then an orange and a bottle of...

Two Main Phases of Sleep, and Results of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep is regulated by homeostasis – the balance of chemical reactions in the body – and circadian rhythms, which depend on the time and season. Homeostatic regulation occurs due to the fact that certain neurotransmitters accumulate in the central nervous system, which subsequently activates the process of falling asleep. Meanwhile,...

Forks Over Knives and Health Improvement

Forks over Knives is a 2011 American advocacy film and documentary that promotes a low-fat, whole-food, plant-based diet to avoid or prevent several chronic diseases. The documentary also focuses on the distribution of the US healthcare budget and other global issues of the nation. However, the film’s actual value lies...

Globalization in Modern Business

Along with the development of technology, communication, and transportation, it becomes easier for companies to expand the scope of their operations and enter new markets. Furthermore, these markets on their own are merging, forming a united business and economic space that transcends national and regional borders. Under such circumstances, global...

Entrepreneurship in Third-World Countries

In the market economy, innovative entrepreneurship acts as the main sector that determines the rate of economic growth of the Gross National Product. According to Prieger et al. (2016), when the level of entrepreneurial activity in the country deviates in any direction, it impacts economic growth negatively, lowering national potential....

We Often Learn More From Failures Than Successes, but Not Always

Introduction Failures can teach people to think differently or break down completely, depending on the type of it. Successes may lead to over-relaxation when a person stops working actively in order to take pleasure in them. In contrast, causing pain and failures can stimulate work more actively and more productively,...

Fournier’s Gangrene Case Study

The diagnosis shows that JC is suffering from Fournier’s gangrene. This is based on the patient’s systemic symptoms and physical examination, which indicates a rapid heartbeat, high fever, and blood pressure, as well as intense pain and swelling in the genital regions (Joury et al., 2019). Conversely, the differential diagnosis...

Practicing Nurses in Emergency Departments

Advanced practicing nurses (APNs) play a significant role in medical care in all hospital units. Indeed, they participate in treating patients with a wide range of conditions, including traumas, falls, and advanced-degree pressure ulcers. Falls and concussions are among the most common causes of visiting emergency departments (ED) among the...

Electronic Computing Machines Comparison

Electronic computing machines are diverse, driven by the need to solve specific applications. Among them, it should be distinguished programmable logic controllers (PLCs), distributed control centers (DCSs), and computer numerical control (CNC). The most crucial common criterion of all three systems is that they are used to control and automate...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Jainism and Its Similarities with Other Religions

Jainism is an ancient Indian religion that has approximately 6 million followers worldwide nowadays. It was founded by Vardhamana Mahavira around 600 BCE but is considered to trace back its traditions to twenty-three Tirthankaras (finders) that lived before, making Mahavira twenty-fourth and the last of them. Like Hinduism and Buddhism,...

“The Lost City”: Plot, Settings, and Characters

Introduction Andy Garcia’s “The Lost City” is a 2005 film produced by Frank Mancuso and written by Cabrera Infante. The drama film stars Andy Gracia, Ines Sastre, Dustin Hoffman, Tomas Milian, and Bill Murray. This screenplay revolves around the life and family of Fico Fellove (Garcia), a successful entertainer in...

The Book “Changes in the Land” by William Cronon

Changes in the land by William Cronon (2011) provides comprehensive information on the changes that have occurred in the nature and ecology of New England with the arrival of the colonists. In general, the book presents a comprehensive look at the relationship between the activities of Europeans and the formation...

Comparison of Periodized and Non-Periodized Resistance Training on Maximal Strength

The article that was assigned for the task is called “Comparison of periodized and non-periodized resistance training on maximal strength: a meta-analysis.” The paper is considered to be an assessment of information that is related to sports medicine. The text represents a study that possesses both findings and limitations on...

The Environment in the South Caucasus

The Causes of Deforestation in the South Caucasus Deforestation is one of the most tentative environmental problems since the decrease of forests leads to ecosystem imbalance and species extinction. The policies and the exhaustive economic routes employed during the Soviet rule in the South Caucasus had a long-term impact on...

Telemedicine as a Healthcare Provision Technique

The first step is to conduct a competitive analysis as well as an evaluation of the facility’s capacity for offering service to the public. The second stage is to link the telemedicine program’s aims with the clinic’s objectives. The third step is to plan the adoption of a telehealth system...

Plato’s Work “Allegory of the Cave” vs. Kant’s “What Is Enlightenment?”

The two philosophical works, namely Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” (1962) and Immanuel Kant’s “What is enlightenment?” (1784), present their authors’ views concerning a better state and society. Although they were written almost 2000 years apart from each other, the ideas that the philosophers developed share many common aspects. First...

Communication Accommodation Theory

Based on convergence, divergence, and maintenance, the theory explains how, when and why people adjust their way of communication, knowingly or unknowingly, to include or exclude others in a conversation. This enables the speaker to know their audience well and communicate appropriately. In a way, they can understand despite differences...

Conducting Retreats: a Business Approach

A successful retreat must not only be educational, but also entertaining and well-planned. The most effective kind of retreat is one that combines work and leisure instead of focusing on just one of the two aspects (Malvicini & Serrat, 2017). It is difficult to evaluate how effective a team-building exercise...

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo for the United States

The United States is one of the largest countries on the planet in terms of territory size, yet many of its current regions had been acquired during wars. The Mexican–American War, which occurred between 1846 and 1848, became one of the most notable events in the history of the two...

The Greatest Achievements of Humankind

Humanity does not stand still and gradually develops, achieving more powerful and significant discoveries. These or other discoveries are vital as they indicate the progress of human society and, therefore, its development. Over the past 50 decades, man has reached unprecedented heights and made many discoveries in science. This work...

Issue of Communicative Technologies Development

First of all, it is worth emphasizing that the rapid development of information technology does not affect modern society unambiguously. Different researchers see different consequences from each other, so it makes sense to consider several conclusions. One of the positive results is that it becomes easier for people to get...

Healthy People 2030: Addressing Cardiovascular Diseases

Specific Objective & Current Data Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) stand among the leading death causes in the U.S. and the world. According to Pescatello et al. (2019), it accounts for approximately every third death in both cases (30.8% in the U.S. and 31% globally). Hypertension is the most common CVD risk...

Nutrition Goals, Types and Steps

Goal setting is an approach used to establish what a person wishes to attain at a specific time. A nutrition coach designs an actual and suitable program for nutritional clients after the customer’s goal identification (Stoppe et al., 2019). Planned goals improve the client’s health and help prepare the customer’s...

Total Liberation: What Is It and Is It Achievable?

Liberation in Jainism and Buddhism Comparing the notions of liberation in Buddhism and Jainism reveals structural similarities and differences between the two ideas. Regarding the common points, tirtha in Jainism and bodhi in Buddhism treat liberation as something achieved by exceptional beings, making the believer play an active rather than...

Social Influence on Beliefs and Behavior

Introduction Social influence refers to how people adjust their behavior to meet specific requirements in a social environment. It involves a person’s unintentional and intentional effort to change another individual’s behavior, attitude, or even beliefs. Unlike persuasion, which is often intentional and has an extent to which the target is...

Philosophy and Models of Practice in the Community

Main Idea of the Reading Chapter sixteen of the book explores the role of a social worker in the community. Social work works at different levels, from the individual to the community. The community level is the most demanding because of the several roles and duties that social workers must...

Designing an Inclusive Teaching Philosophy

The word inclusive teaching means designing a mode of learning for students that meets an equally comfortable environment catering to all needs of learners depending on their skills, talents, and capabilities. TASC standards require teaching to be student-centered and collaborate simultaneously with students and teachers (Gargiulo & Metcalf, 2017). First,...

Euthanasia as an Ethical Issue

An intentional action committed to ending someone’s pain or suffering is euthanasia. This term is known as ‘mercy killing’ or ‘physician suicide.’ It is possible to divide it into two categories: voluntary euthanasia and involuntary euthanasia. Euthanasia is classified as either voluntary or involuntary, depending on whether or not the...

Eliminating Health Disparities in Rural Areas

Advanced practice nurses (APNs) occupy a prominent position in addressing health disparities in underserved rural areas. These areas often lack access to healthcare resources and providers, leading to poorer health outcomes for residents. However, there are several steps that APNs can take to begin to eliminate these disparities. Firstly, APNs...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Social Responsibility of Companies

The social responsibility of companies in the modern world is an important criterion for a responsible and respected business. There are many ways to take care of different aspects of social life, and each company can prioritize according to its idea of ​​what is essential. TOMS Shoes is an international...

“The Power of Art” Documentary by Simon Schama

The documentary “The Power of Art”, produced by Simon Schama, tells the story of remarkable artists and how they transformed the world of art. Caravaggio’s unique usage of lighting was a significant visual piece, and his works marked a conversion to realism, making Caravaggio one of the most prominent and...

English Settler Colonies: Great Migration Colonists

The Chesapeake and New England colonies differ in the structure and method of building an economy, although they appeared at about the same time connected by similar circumstances. The New England colonies, located in North America, were much more religiously focused than the merchants from the Chesapeake Bay, who settled...

Leading Cause of Morbidity and Mortality in Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio

A search was undertaken in Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio, which found COVID-19 was the main cause of morbidity and mortality in 2020. According to Ohio Department of Health data, there were 2,832 COVID-19-related fatalities in Franklin County in 2020, accounting for 6.89% of all the COVID-19 fatalities in Ohio that...

Market Indicators for Entry Decision-Making

Companies refer to several market potential indicators in making market entry decisions. Michigan State University’s School of Business has developed eight indicators to help companies to make such decisions when considering entry into emerging markets. Emerging markets are quite critical as they form majority of the world’s population and account...

O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” Short Story

The short story written by Flannery O’Connor in 1955 is a striking and emotional representation of the goodness in the life of people. As the title implies, the plot of the story emerges around the idea of what it means to be good and if it is at all possible....

Childhood Obesity Interventions: Data Analysis

Data Analysis Plan for Demographic Variables Demographic characteristics of the sample are critical for research, and they need to be described as the first step of data analysis. Demographic variables for this study include children’s age, gender, and race. Additionally, taking into consideration the fact that the proposed research is...

Database Elements for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Patients

Adult patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) require the inclusion of particular elements into a database. It is assumed that certain key data that are not connected to ARDS are already incorporated into relevant database tables. For instance, it is routine to consider gender and age, as well as...

Description and History of the People the Hittites

Introduction The Hittites were urbane Anatolian people, a bronze age civilization that played a crucial role in establishing a hugely powerful empire in the deep mountains of Anatolia around 1600 BC, and that existed for over 800 years. The power and strength of this empire reached their height during the...

Social and Cross-Cultural Integration: Esperanza’s Case

Due to the intensifying process of globalization, many communities observe active immigration. As a result, local schools with homogeneous language environments face the necessity to provide education to children speaking other languages. It is vital for both their academic potential and socialization. Esperanza’s case demonstrates how a teacher may manage...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Followership and Servant Leadership

Introduction As a relatively new concept, servant leadership poses numerous challenges for modern leaders seeking the best management approach. This style is often critiqued for being too similar to followership. While it has some identical core characteristics, understanding what is different is essential in shaping one’s approach to an organization....

The Influence of Parents in the Development of the Baby

Introduction Each of the people and children who inhabit our planet is a unique person. One can draw several parallels between infants around the world and find many similar points. However, despite this, numerous differences make each child different from the other. Each person, except identical twins, has a unique...

Unmanned Systems Frequency Spectrum Allocation

The main advantage of an unmanned aircraft has its downside: as a rule, the area where the device is located is out of the operator’s sight. This makes it imperative to create an encrypted security system that can eliminate natural noise and interference and be safe from simulated attacks. As...

Counseling Services in US Education System

Education policy consists of many components, the totality of which ensures the effectiveness of the whole process. This area includes many solutions, for example, the provision of medical services of various profiles to ensure the health of students. The purpose of this essay is to study the problems associated with...

Health Literacy and the Role of Healthcare Providers in Its Promotion

Introduction Health literacy is a well-recognized asset across the globe as an effective evidence-based strategy for improving health outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. Low levels of health literacy can adversely affect a person’s state of health, personal development, and quality of life in general. The purpose of this essay is...

The Skeletal and Immune System

The skeletal and immune system have homeostatic interrelationship, which is evident, for example, in case of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In RA, defects of the immune system were revealed in the form of a clear decrease in the expression of molecular CD3 + receptors in peripheral blood without significant changes in...

American Revolution and Republic

When America became independent from the British Empire, it formed a nation that was supposed to be a remedy for all the evils that the founders saw in their former imperial masters. The founders’ ideas found their reflection in the First Principles and the resulting Articles of Confederation and Constitution....

Collecting Consumer Data as a Way of Improving Businesses

For developing and keeping businesses afloat, one cannot ignore market intelligence. It concerns information about the market where the company in question operates, including its customers, trends, and competitors. A comprehensive analysis of these elements defines internal goals and has a significant impact on the business’ prosperity and success. Yet,...

“A Raisin in the Sun” Drama by Lorraine Hansberry

The play opened on Broadway in 1959 was a success. Despite the mixed reviews it had received before the opening, the primarily white audiences enjoyed it. “A Raisin in the Sun” was the first play by a black female author performed on Broadway and also the first one there directed...

Myths Pertaining to Clinical Care

Myths can be defined as false beliefs or misconceptions that stem from personal experience or misinformation and diverge from the established evidence base. There are several myths pertaining to clinical care, part of which are associated with misconceptions about cultural diversity and cultural competence in health care. One such myth...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Affordable Care Act’s Effects and Marketing

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is considered one of the most significant federal statutes in the American healthcare system. The reform was aimed to protect customers, lower the costs of healthcare, and improve its quality (Duggan et al., 2019). The main cause of this decision was a significant number of...

Soil Pollution: Causes and Effects

Human activity has a negative impact on all aspects of nature, including the soil. The problem of soil contamination is relevant for all continents of the Earth, even for the least developed regions. The amount of land affected by degradation currently reaches one-third of the total surface. While pollution can...

Drugs in the Modern Sports

I would not condone this behavior because I am the Commissioner of the National Football League (NFL), a system that has already been affected by players testing positive for banned substances. Anti-doping agency is mainly concerned with sportsmanship and the notion that competitiveness should be derived from natural merit and...

Aspects of Effective Collaboration and Teamwork

Effective collaboration is a balanced system, which can be compared to a body that functions correctly and independently to some extent. As a human organism, the external processes of any company reflect its internal well-being and a group is what represents it (Daft and Marcic). It is important to remember...

The Film “Citizen Kane”: Scenes Analysis

The film “Citizen Kane” opens with somber chords, and, on a misty hill, we see the jagged silhouette of a castle. The scene is reminiscent of a gothic film, in which such a castle belonged to a mysterious creature. The next scene transports the viewer into the castle when a...

Egyptian vs. Greek Human Sculptures

Introduction Greek and Egyptian sculptures were made at different periods, yet there are some resemblances between them. Many of their creative choices in the depiction of human figures are surprisingly similar. Nevertheless, there are major distinguishing characteristics of the design of human figure sculptures that set Ancient Greece from Ancient...

Analysis of Accessibility of Medicine

One of the most pressing issues in modern realities, in which people are forced to choose one side depending on their interests, is medicine. Americans face incredibly high treatment prices in all areas of health care, from family therapists to optometrists. However, high prices are the reason for allocating most...

Marketing Risks Description

Marketing refers to an organization’s activities to promote the selling or buying of its services or products. It includes delivering, selling, and advertising commodities to customers or other organizations (Sorger, 2011). As one creates their marketing plan, they should identify the action plans, strategies, objectives, and potential threats or hurdles...

The Meaning of Fairy Tales in Adult Life

Children love fairy tales, which is not surprising as books contain worldly wisdom, allowing them to find a way out of many life situations and in an accessible form explaining the structure of this world. Many of the world-famous fairy tales were initially written for adult readers. Only transformed and...

Importance of Leadership Interaction

When a group or an individual worker faces any unexpected issue or fomenting conflict, the leadership intervention comes into play to restore cooperation and improve performance. Leaders’ main task is to increase group cohesiveness, efficacy, conformity, and productivity (van Thiel, 2020). I worked as Purchasing Manager having two Assistants under...

Narrative Therapy: Managing Grief of Losing a Partner

Katherine is a thirty-year-old licensed nurse from New York who has been a passionate and altruistic woman driven by the constant desire to help others and make the world a better place to live. Her decision to choose a medical occupation at the age of sixteen was motivated by her...

Epic and Romance in Medieval Art

Medieval art is characterized by the appearance of new genres such as epic and romance. The Bayeux Tapestry and the Song of Roland are masterpieces of medieval art. These works represented historical episodes from the wars that were fought in the early Middle Ages. In contrast to the epic, the...

Physics. Friction: Ways of Increasing and Reducing

As a fundamental physical process, friction is an essential characteristic of the mechanical interaction between contacting bodies and their surfaces. Indeed, it is only theoretically possible to assume perfectly smooth surfaces that do not experience friction, since in practice achieving such a condition seems impossible or extremely difficult. Friction between...

Slavery and the Civil War: Reasons and Outcomes

The nineteenth century was an important period in American history, which underlined the demand for the reconsideration of its economic, social, and political systems. The key statement of the paper is that slavery emphasized the issue of freedom in America and led to effective national changes in its legislation, economy,...

Classless Society: A Critical View

Demand for social justice and equality has recently arisen with a new strength. Achieving the American Dream manifested itself in upward mobility that has linked to the opportunity with education and employment (Kendall, 2017). However, the idea of creating a more just and fair system without inequality and oppression is...

Outdoor Arts Festivals in the United States

Outdoor art festivals have been part of the community involvement for many decades. People usually value the practices and displays from the activities offered seasonally by the respective artists in the country. According to the survey conducted by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), most Americans and non-Americans always...

The Science of Love with Dr. John Gottman

Having a happy and meaningful relationship with other people is something that almost all individuals pursue in their everyday lives. Especially it concerns those who are the closest to us – our partners. However, although everybody wants to be loved and cared for and loved and cared for back, only...

Importance of Lifespan Development

Lifespan development is the complete process of the human being’s development from conception until the time of death. It is also referred to as a holistic approach to better understand all the physiological, emotional, cognitive, and fundamental social changes that normal human beings undergo. Therefore, this discussion will extensively look...

Cultural Artifacts and Their Theme

Cultural Artifacts The first selected cultural artifact is the poem “The Colonel” by Carolyn Forché. It was written in El Salvador in 1978 in the middle of a civil war between the US-backed military and government on the one side and the Foarabundo Martí National Liberation Front on the other...

Black Sports Activism: Olympic Project for Human Rights

Harry Edwards created the Olympic Project for Human Rights (OPHR) in 1967. This group was founded to oppose racial inequality in sporting activities and the general society. During the 1960s, many institutions used sports to portray racial balance by sponsoring black students with good track or field records. However, the...

Researching of Kuhn’s Scientific Change

Kuhn considers science to be a social institution in which social groups and organizations operate. The main unifying principle of the society of scientists is a unified style of thinking, recognition by this society of specific fundamental theories and methods (Sismondo 12). Kuhn calls these provisions uniting the community of...

Monolithic and Decomposed Gateways in Technology

In the fast-growing world, many entrepreneurs search for modern technology for the fast growth of their businesses. The switch from the common PSTN to business VoIP is increasing as the days go. An estimation of about 61% of companies globally has made the switch. However, the switch to business VoIP...

Violent Media and Subsequent Aggressive Behavior

In the modern world, people are increasingly faced with the aggressive behavior of young people, which is caused by the demonstration of aggression in the media. Video games, TV series, movies, and news are all modern sources of information for both adults and their children. Unfortunately, for some people, it...

Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Skills

There are two main types of contact such as verbal and non-verbal means. Verbal communication for a person is the primary and universal way of connection and it is carried out with the help of words, and human speech belongs to its means of transmission. The primary nonverbal means of...

Social Learning and Gender Schema Theories

Social learning and gender schema theories study the origins of differences related to gender. They present various theoretical constructions, explaining how sex-related cognitive development and social behavior influence people’s understandings of gender roles and apply different terminology. However, social learning theory and gender schema theory also share similar features showing...

Women Exclusion from Labor Market

Boydston’s thesis is that excluding women from market labor created a space for men to monopolize production and define it as work, which legitimized their dominance in society. Prior to the industrial revolution, women were engaged in a wide range of market activities such as producing and selling food, textiles,...

The World War II Recruitment Poster Analysis

The target market for the poster was all able-bodied American men and women back in 1943, during World War II. Right before the United States of America joined the allies in 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on their naval base at Pearl Harbor (Locke & Wright, 2020). The...

A Strategic Plan for a Healthcare Organization

Steps in Building a Strategic Plan The first step in formulating a strategic plan for a healthcare organization is the identification of objectives. Objectives are necessary for an organization to keep track of its performance and progress in plan implementation. Even though objectives are laid out by the governing body,...

The Importance of the Dalai Lama in Buddhism

The Dalai Lama is the ultimate authority figure for every Buddhist on the planet, the one who unites the Tibetan people around him. Historically, Dalai Lamas were the rulers of Tibet – both in religious and official ways. Thus, one can imagine that, if the Dalai Lama XIV is not...

Bipolar vs. Borderline Disorder in a Female Patient

This case is characterized by the fact that the girl has non-standard behavior. She is prone to excessive activity, delusional thoughts and actions, and promiscuous sexual relations. In this case, there is one specific diagnosis and two differential ones, that is, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and personality, respectively. All three diseases...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Improving Implementation of Classroom Instruction

Area the study is related to The article is an illustrative case study that depicts a behavioral consultation with a public school teacher to improve the ways she instructs her students. Dependent Variable The parameter to measure in the given case is the frequency of various teaching activities in the...

The Customs of Americans and Norwegians: Comparison

Comparing the customs of Americans and Norwegians, it is necessary to note a fashionable similarity feature, which consists of respectful addresses. In both countries, prefixes to the person’s surname are used, helping to address more formally. However, it is worth noting another fact related to the fact that Norwegians most...

Inclusive Education for Disabled People

Inclusion is attracting people with specific disabilities to the general environment. Inclusion in school is essential today, used very actively, and many programs are being developed for this. This type of education is necessary for people with physical or mental disabilities, as this is how they can participate in society....

Alcohol in the Drugs and Behavior Context

Introduction It is no secret that alcohol and human health are incompatible things. The most significant influence of alcohol falls on the cerebral cortex. The higher nervous system suffers from this. A drunk person thinks hard and makes decisions difficult. The body of a person who drinks alcoholic beverages wears...

Walmart’s Failing Expansion in China

Walmart is among the largest retail companies in the world. Having conquered the market in the United States, the company has embarked on expanding into foreign environments. As a part of its expansion, Walmart joined the Chinese market in 1996. Existing business and human resource management practices were insufficient to...

Musical Instruments: Chordophones and Idiophones

Introduction There are two basic types of musical instruments: chordophones and idiophones. Chordophones are instruments that produce sound from vibrations of strings, like a guitar, Chinese zeng, violin, banjo, Chinese pipa, and hammered dulcimer. Idiophones are musical instruments that create sound by vibrating when struck. Some common idiophones are gongs,...

Federalism: A System of Government Organization

Federalism is one of the many types of government organization. This method of organization combines the presence of a central, federal government, which works alongside smaller, regional governments. The governance at a local level can be further divided into provinces, states, specific territories, among others. There are other types of...

Fundraising: Campaign Marketing Plan

Introduction Fundraising is a complex process that requires several steps and stages. One of the key ones is the preparation of a campaign marketing plan. With many organizations competing for the attention and support of donors, it is essential to find innovative ways to engage the audience and encourage them...

Red Square and Lenin’s Mausoleum

The Red Square is one of the most memorable and impactful pieces of culture and architecture. It features a couple of rather interesting buildings, such as Lenin’s mausoleum and the GUM Department store. Surprisingly, the Red Square managed to preserve its relevance even during and after the Soviet era. Moreover,...

Marriage and Divorce in the Modern World

People are frequently told to make plans as though their marriage will not last. For instance, many significant types of human capital—knowledge and skills—specific to relationships are beneficial if an individual stays with one’s current spouse but would not transfer to the next spouse. According to Mills, acting in a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pinacol Rearrangement: The Chemical Reaction

At its core, pinacol rearrangement is a chemical reaction that converts a 1,2-diol to a carbonyl. During this reaction, the acid is used as a catalyst to dehydrate glycols, converting them to an aldehyde or a ketone. In this case, sulfuric acid was a catalyst with a volume of 3.5mL...

Ethical Behavior During Research Process

Ethical misconduct is a serious issue that continues to affect scientific research. I believe falsification, plagiarism, and other research ethics violations are crimes against world science. Although many programs can recognize borrowing, there are still many aspects of scientific papers in which dishonest researchers can violate ethical standards. It is...

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officers

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is the national police force of Canada. They are responsible for policing in provinces, local communities, municipalities, and international airports. Contrary to the theoretical implications of the name of the force, they ride horses only during ceremonies (Reichel, 2018). They control law and order throughout...

“The Wind-Up Bird and Tuesday’s Women” by Haruki Murakami

Introduction The story’s central themes are the routine and monotony of human life, conveyed through the narrator’s behavior and symbols. The plot does not describe extraordinary events or essential incidents. The story’s primary focus is to describe the thoughts, relationships, and perceptions of the main character’s life. Thus, monotony is...

How Post-Media Literacy Affects Society

Andrea Simionato & Karen A. Donnachie AI Seems to be a Verb (2022), Web. The research attempts to uncover some of the embedded processes and possible biases of A.I. The authors have a large number of published articles and other works on automated reading and the evolution of literature media....

The Discussion of Chinese President Xi Jinping

Introduction Xi Jinping’s hunger is primarily motivated by his desire to increase the country’s influence, power, and presence in the global context. Such could be achieved through his reforms to fully centralize control and make China a great nation (Gueorguiev, 2018). He seeks to facilitate China’s dream of complete independence...

Unveiling Truths in Nursing: A Journey from Perception to Critical Thinking

Why do the prisoners believe the shadows represent the truth? People often accept what they see as truth without questioning it. The prisoners in the cave were limited, and their legs and heads were shackled, so their only way of perceiving reality was to rely on what they saw (Plato,...

Staffing Frameworks in Nursing

The legislation currently being considered plans to establish an accurate staffing distribution for the ratio of nurses to patients. The need to revise the personnel policy was caused by acute problems during the pandemic. On the one hand, nurses are in favor of protecting their interests and setting accurate working...

Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Architectures

Businesses gain from hybrid and multi-cloud deployments because they provide flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and scalability in cloud infrastructure deployment. However, significant problems must be overcome to adopt hybrid cloud infrastructures effectively. This post examines the unsolved difficulties, hurdles encountered while installing hybrid and multi-cloud architecture, and potential solutions to these issues....

Cyber-Bullying and Cyber-Stalking as Crimes

Cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking are rather close in meaning, but there is a slight difference in definition of these terms. Cyber-bullying is explained as the use of cell phones or the Internet with the aim of posting pictures or text messages that may cause mental discomfort to another person (Taylor, Fritsch,...

Performance Management: Employee Performance Documentation

One of the new realities of American companies is linked with the change of their evaluation system. For example, healthcare organizations are accredited not only on the basis of the quality of services that have been provided, but also based on the parameters, which are linked with patient satisfaction. Thus,...

The Problem of Perception and Adaptation of Mental Illness With Families by Wilson

Most of the thematic scientific literature explores the conditions in which a person is forced to care for an adult mentally ill person. In contrast, Wilson’s work has linked the problem of perception and adaptation of mental illness with families: it has shown how parents can be affected by a...

Heineken’s Organization and Strategy: Case Study

The organizational structure of a company is significant, as it may influence the implementation of business solutions. In this study, the example of the Heineken Company will be considered in terms of its structure, corporate culture, and the role of leaders. This corporation has shown outstanding results in its market...

Congnitive Bias Impact on Personal Beliefs

The ability to think critically is quite challenging to obtain, especially when certain beliefs have deeply embedded in one’s psyche. However, to develop as a person and pursue a profession, it is essential to evaluate one’s opinions and decisions seriously. This paper aims to analyze my personal beliefs and see...

Envisioning Recovery in Practice Development

Introduction Healthcare is being continuously reformed, employing innovation, and developing person-oriented strategies. Envisioning recovery in healthcare offers a new type of improvement in the recovery process, which includes innovational strategies, and the use of communication advancements to assess overall well-being and patient-oriented recovery. Effective envisioning recovery needs reforms in healthcare...

“One Today” by Richard Blanco

Introduction Reading the poem One Today, I think that the most important phrases start with the word “one.” One sun, one ground, one sky. These lines mean that all people in the USA live in one state, and they are all united by this fact. The author also refers to...

Action Plan to Improve Innovation Within a Team

Innovative ideas as a set of changes in the organizational practice of the company are the engines of professional and financial development. The oil and gas industry is extremely volatile from product realization: every day, the cost of a barrel of oil is subject to fluctuations. Often, due to the...

Sleep Stages, Brain Waves, and the Neural Mechanisms of Sleep

The human sleep structure includes two phases: non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. During the sleep period, these phases are in rotation and replace each other several times (Hassan & Subasi, 2017). Sleep phases changes primarily are characterized by different brain waves, which are recorded...

Treating Addictions: Harm Reduction in Clinical Care and Prevention

Among scientists, discussions are developing about addiction’s nature, which can affect ways to get rid of it. Some experts express their opinion that addiction is not a disease that needs to be fought with treatment but is a habit. Another part of experts approaches addiction as a chronic disease that...

The Goal-Setting Theory for Addressing a Turnover

Health personnel turnover determines the deteriorated working conditions for employees and the decline in the quality of services. The industry is unique in that the team faces stress and increased responsibility daily. Therefore, creating a motivational strategy should occur by identifying group needs and values ​​and efforts to satisfy them....

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“Black Panther”: Dealing With Real-Life Social Issues

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Nursing Shortage: Reasons, Effects and Management Suggestions

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Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis of Clothing Industry

It is important for every start-up and well-developed business organization in any given industry to undertake a thorough analysis to determine the level of competitiveness of the sector. To obtain an optimal insight into the nature of competition, Porter’s 5 Forces analysis is an effective approach that focuses on various...

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Online Museum Tour: “The Son of Man” by René Magritte

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The Fast Fashion and Related Ethical Problems

In the article “The Truth About Fast Fashion: Can You Tell How Ethical Your Clothing is by Its Price?”, Marriott discusses the ethical problems related to fast fashion and the clothing industry in general. In this regard, the three main issues may be identified from this piece of writing. Firstly,...

The Risk of Using Abbreviations in Modern Healthcare

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Sexual Crimes in the United States Army

Sexual crimes in the military can be effectively overcome by adhering to the basic principles of “This is my squad ” (TIMS). The main task of the activity of army leaders is considered to be the leading solution to the harassment problem that exists in the US Army today. It...

Arteries, Capillaries, Veins: Structure and Function

Blood and its transportation in the human body are vital for human life, health, and well-being. It provides the cells of the body with oxygen, necessary nutrients, hormones, removes carbon dioxide from cells, and delivers waste to the liver and kidneys. Blood also plays a crucial function in regulating body...

Nitroglycerin Transdermal Patch: Brochure

Nitroglycerin Transdermal Patch – is a patch that is applied to prevent angina in people suffering from a specific heart issue called coronary artery disease or CAD. How It Works The patch is put on the skin, which allows it to release medicines named nitrates. Nitrates are able to go...

Jane Ward’s Arguments on Male Sexual Identity Issues

The idea of fixed sexuality is a complex phenomenon that erases bisexual uniqueness. It would seem that heterosexuality should be clear and inviolable, though, in fact, it is more fluid than other identities. It is the central argument of Jane Ward, who focuses her research on the phenomenon of men...

Individual Factors of My Political Participation

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Systematics and Application of Mini-Grids

There is a way to provide networks for more people to improve society. A mini-grid is an assortment of power-producing technologies and systems that collect energy via the link to a web that stores electricity for a limited group of consumers (International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), 2016). This power transfer...

Role of Religious Myths in Society

The stories that are offered by various religions as moral guidelines reflect aspects of the spirituality of a society. In modern society, these myths persist because they are associated with the timeless and permanent features of human nature and life. They perform the function of guidelines, which are designed to...

Cyberbullying Facts and Statistics

One of the most reliable ways to confirm any information is statistics. With it, it is possible to verify the presence or absence of any problem and obtain specific evidence. The use of highly reputable sources also helps to ensure the high validity of the study. That is why well-known...