The “Fed Up” Documentary’s Main Idea and Issues

Summary The documentary “Fed Up” focused on the amount of sugar that is in many food products that are available on the market today. In some cases, cereals, juice drinks, and even supposedly healthy granola bars are filled with large amounts of sugar which improve the overall taste but make...

Healthcare Research: Ethical Issues

It is always difficult to deal with patients and their data as the code of ethics should be followed. However, the research is one of the main guarantees of successful treatment in the future. To make sure that the research corresponds to the specific rules and ethical norms, it is...

The Methods of Prevention of Suicide

Suicide is a widespread cause of death in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), approximately 41149 people ended their lives in this way. Furthermore, the number of attempted suicides was even greater. In turn, it is essential to identify at-risk groups and recognize...

Population-Based Care Method Overview

Many physicians used to view healthcare from an individual perspective. However, there has been a recent departure in the individual provision of health care services, and the focus is now on the provision of healthcare to entire populations. The concept tries to come up with techniques to improve the health...

Racial Riots in the United States

The history of the United States is a history of protests and riots due to the objective reasons associated with racism. Such activity has been and remains one of the levers that society uses to show its discontent, even if no long-term results are fixed. This paper compares the Watts...

Alfred Nobel: Man Changed Everything

Explosive substances were not new to people who lived in the nineteenth century. For instance, gunpowder had been known to humanity in the Middle Ages. However, it was quite unsafe to use explosive powders and many accidents were associated with unmanageable explosive substances in the eighteenth century. However, one man...

“Homage to My Hips” by Clifton

If anyone is asked in a small town, two-hour drive away from New Orleans, whether they know Lucie, their faces will be filled with joy as they begin speaking about the young, but already not so young, girl. Lucie is a brave and proud individual – she can make almost...

Recall Bias in Epidemiological Studies

Bias means deviations of outcome or conclusions from the reality or lack of internal authenticity in epidemiological studies. Selection, information and confounding are three types of biases (Recall bias can be a threat to Retrospective and Prospective Research Designs, 2011). Recall bias is a variety of information bias that threatens...

Midlife Crisis and Its Effect on Women’s Stress

Women in their middle years are at a crossroads in their developmental histories and psychological dispensations not only due to lack of an image that represents their position in the society, but also as a result of their own vulnerability to a whole range of unique stressors associated with the...

“Best Practices for Outpatient Procedural Sedation” by Baxter

It is imperative to mention that conscious sedation is a fascinating topic that has been actively discussed by scholars. The most significant problem that needs to be addressed is that this procedure is frequently associated with severe complications, and many authors have tried to get a better understanding of its...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Special Needs Children: Pediatric Dentistry

Dental health care should be available to everyone. The peculiarity consists in the fact that people with special needs have to receive care under certain circumstances. For instance, surgery or other dental services can be problematic to deliver when dealing with people with physical disabilities (Gargiulo & Kilgo, 2014). From...

Epidemiology and Biostatistics in Healthcare

The field of epidemiology and biostatistics is one that requires intensive research, which yields practical results. While epidemiology of public health focuses on an overall improvement of human health, biostatistics tries to ensure that research provides results that are productive in alleviation of diseases. As a result, the field of...

U.S. Healthcare System: The Principal Issue of the Cost

The United States of America is among the few developed countries where a comprehensive system of medical insurance does not exist. Despite having frontline medicine, the American healthcare insurance system appears to be a pressing concern for the US (Covid lessons: Invest in basic healthcare, surveillance and public health, 2020)....

The Importance of Llu’s Spiritual Values

The choice of an educational institution is a responsible and crucial decision that entails an array of short- and long-term implications for students. Enrollment in a university opens a set of opportunities not only for the obtaining of professional knowledge and skills but also for enriching interpersonal, communicational, and spiritual...

Historical Analysis of Washington’s Education System

Although the Civil War granted liberation to the African-Americans in the United States, their place in society has remained uncertain. Booker T. Washington was one of the two prominent figures of that time who advocated for the education of African-Americans without opposing the idea of segregation. This paper will examine...

Education Level and HIV Transmission Among Alcoholics in California

Approach of the Study The proposed study will adopt a quantitative approach. This approach would highlight the objective elements and statistical or numerical information regarding the relationship between education level and HIV transmission among alcoholics in California. The quantitative approach is instrumental to the study because the SPSS data analysis...

Henry Clay’s American System

The issue of participating of the government in the economic life of the country was widely discussed in the 19th century. This tendency was characteristic of American politicians as well. In the 19th century, Henry Clay appeared to be a prominent statesman, whose activity was influential in the context of...

Understanding American History

I am a history student because it provides knowledge of the past and how it shaped America. Through learning about the past, one is able to judge what is right or wrong. History is a type of collective memory consisting of past stories that highlight structures that constitute the present....

Affordable Care Act and Dental Services Delivery

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed by President Obama in 2010. The purpose of the law was to reduce healthcare costs and promote insurance coverage in the country. Although the Act has attracted numerous opinions and oppositions, the outstanding fact is that it has presented specific provision that continue...

Discovery of America: Columbus

In the 1480s, the Portuguese tried to circumnavigate Africa to penetrate India through the Indian Ocean. Columbus suggested that Asia can be reached by moving west across the Atlantic Ocean. His assumption was founded on the doctrine of the sphericity of the planet and incorrect scientists’ calculations. They considered the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

CBPR Vital for Social Change

The assigned case study provides a model for the application of the CBPR approach in improving food security in Bayview Hunters Point Community, San Francisco, by describing a local security policy effort among a local community-based organization, a local health department and an external evaluator (Minkler & Wallerstein, 2008). The...

Aspects of Transportation and Distribution

Introduction Supply chain management and logistics aim to optimize and speed up the transportation and distribution of products from producers to consumers. It leads to lower prices for goods, attracting an existing customer base and new consumers (Addicted to cheap shopping?, 2007). As a result, both parties are satisfied. Companies...

Obesity: Racial and Ethnicity Disparities in West Virginia

Obesity is a complex disorder in the United States affecting most adults. Different states have varying rates of obesity, with West Virginia leading in the proportion of people leaving with the disease compared to other states like Colorado. Numerous social, economic, and environmental factors contribute to racial disparities in obesity....

Investing in Venture Capital: High Return Opportunities

The venture capital (VC) industry has seen tremendous growth over the past years. Most pension funds and government agencies have shied away from VC because of associated risks. However, more and more government agencies and pension funds are investing in VC due to high return opportunities. Pension funds and government...

Use of Potassium and the Potential for Toxic Exposure

Potassium, as a chemical, obeys the principle of “the dose makes the poison”. This hypothesis implies that a chemical may be useful in one type of exposure but toxic in another. Several chemicals comply with the logic. The beneficial and toxic effects of such chemicals are directly proportional to the...

Captain Technology Company in the Market

Company C, Captain Technology, emerges as one of the best performing organizations in its industry. The statistics from year 6 reveal that this company commanded the biggest share in the cameras and drones sectors. For instance, the company led the industry with the highest net revenues at around 501 million...

Privacy Concerns Over DNA Sequences

Introduction The depth of studies increases alongside the technological progress of humanity. Genetics is one of the scientific fields that benefit greatly from these advancements, as many of its aspects rely on the analysis of massive data sets. However, when scientists began working with human DNA, it became apparent that...

Humanity Is One Body: Spiritual Awakening for a Peaceful World

Humans face different serious issues that threaten people’s well-being and welfare in the future. Consequently, it is significant to understand that individuals should solve the problems now when they still have time to cope with the difficulties with the minor losses. Since many global issues result from the activities of...

Just-In-Time Inventory Approach

The Just-In-Time inventory approach, commonly referred to as JIT, has been adopted by a number of successful companies worldwide. It is a somewhat recent development in operations management that ensures labor, goods and raw materials arrive at the premises exactly when needed for the production process. For the purposes of...

Innocence and Responsibility in Humans

It is a common misconception regarding such qualities as innocence and responsibility, which are associated with a specific stage of human development. The former is tied to childhood, whereas the latter stands as a symbol of adulthood. However, they are often misinterpreted and confused with other notions. Hence, it is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Methods of Coping with Mental Health Problems

The 21st century Is characterized by some of the highest numbers of people suffering from mental health issues. According to CDC, 20% of all US citizens are experiencing or have experienced mental health issues during the past year (Guntuku et al., 2020). The mental health environment has been further made...

Breastfeeding in African American Women: Nursing Project

Intervention Plan The intervention plan is based on the purpose of the project, which is the improvement of breastfeeding exclusivity of postpartum women from African American descent. The plan will consist of several steps, each of them aiming at fulfilling a specific goal of the project. Such elements as the...

The Phoenix Hospital’s Workload-Shifting Strategy

Introduction The chosen strategy is to make Phoenix Hospital the preferred hospital in Hanover County by employees and consumers by reducing the workload for the nursing department. This strategy can solve several problems of the hospital at once, since the hospital’s costs have increased significantly recently, which affects the economic...

Clinical and Statistical Significance Differences

It is hard to disagree that evidence-based practice (EBP) projects are of extreme importance for the development of nursing practices and medical interventions. These projects are implemented in a sequence of steps and address a clinical issue with immediate practice implications. However, not all evidence-based practice (EBP) projects lead to...

How Banks Can Use Open Source Software

The financial technology (Fintech) industry has grown tremendously in recent times. In the past, Fintech firms used open source components to run data centers and build products. They have reaped multiple benefits from this, including reducing costs and providing flexibility for their businesses. Banks can also use open source software...

Enhancing Efficiency of Marketing Operations Using Advanced Analytics

In today’s highly technological world, it is vital to utilize the available analytical tools in marketing operations. Using Data Science, Computational Analysis, and Statistics, I would be able to achieve several optimizations resulting in higher sales, a more efficient business, and higher satisfaction from the customers. As a digital marketing...

Police Officer With a Juvenile

Within the context of policing, discretion refers to power, the ability to make decisions that directly affect the life of a subject who is being policed. When a subject in question is underage, naturally the degree of the leeway allowed becomes a topic of ethical debates. Police officers faced with...

Songwriting Process and Its Main Phases

Writing a song does not follow a specific structure, and while some songwriters adhere to a semi-formal or formal process, others tend to work randomly. However, it must be pointed out that using the latter approach to songwriting often results in less predictable outcomes. The lack of or limited success...

Discussion of Recovering From Jet Engine

Background According to the description, an entire jet engine fell on the Computer Center of the ABC campus, with devastating consequences for the building. One can say that this event is similar to the fall of a large meteorite. As Bittner (2021) says, “sometimes, disaster is inevitable” (para. 5). A...

Rutger Bregman’s Statement of Poverty

Rutger Bregman’s TED talk on poverty approaches the global problem to define core reasons why poverty does not limit the intellectual potential of the poor. The speaker focuses his speech on exploring how despite the popular opinion that poor people deliberately make poor choices, their choices are influenced by poor...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Self-Care Importance Overview

Social work requires high commitment and adherence to professional values. The core values of social work include service, dignity, justice, competence, integrity, and the importance of communication (National Association of Social Workers, 2017). Ethical principles behind these values state the importance of the professionalism of social workers, helping people, and...

“How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents” Novel by Alvarez

The novel “How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents” by Julia Alvarez presents the stories of four women from the Dominican Republic and their struggles with culture and identity. Both within their home country and while living in the U.S., the sisters encounter conflicts with family members, acquaintances, and strangers....

Slavery Abolishment and Underlying Reasons

It is essential to announce the opportunity of slaves in the ten Confederate states still in defiance. Most importantly, the current subjection is exceptionally dishonest, harming the entire idea of human character. African Americans are deprived of each component of their characters, such as names and language. Their religions and...

Researching of Enteral Feeding Intolerance

Introduction Enteral Feeding Intolerance is a term that describes vomiting or huge gastric residual volumes connected with enteral feeding caused by late gastric emptying. Existing research reveals that enteral feeding intolerance mainly affects critically ill patients in intensive care units around the globe. However, the effect of enteral feeding intolerance...

Argumentation Essay on J.F. Kennedy’s Inauguration Speech

During the rise of the Cold War, John F. Kennedy vowed to reinforce American military powers and guaranteed an intense position against the Soviet Union and worldwide socialism. It was a challenging period for the United States as a state that fights for freedom. In his introduction discourse, he needs...

“Man Becomes the Image of God…” by John Paul II

The following work illustrates the ways in which the narrative of Genesis defines both the unity and duality of man. The unity is made distinct by the human nature of people, while the duality represents masculinity and femininity. It also depicts that man was created not only with a particular...

College Athletes Should Not Be Paid

The debate concerning actual monetary compensations to college athletes for their participation in diverse competitions, especially when it comes to football or baseball, did not start yesterday. Some note that every kind of effort and achievement should be rewarded accordingly, so college athletes should be paid. Others emphasize that these...

O’Neill vs. Singer: Human Moral Obligations

After having outlined Peter Singer’s and Onora O’Neill’s positions on what human moral obligations are, I will argue in favor of Peter Singer. The first reason for this is that he is less demanding than O’Neill. Singer makes his position clear from the start of the text. It is evident...

Psychological Well-Being of Captive Animals and Types of Enrichment

The psychological well-being of captive animals is essential from a moral point of view and because of the animal’s physical condition. It is well established that animals can be stressed being captivated, and their state depends on the conditions in which they are kept. Enrichment is one of the most...

Secrets to Living a Long Life: Narrated by 109 Years Old Veteran

Everyone in this life is looking forward to having a nice long life where they are happy and full of life. The story of Richard Overton about his secrets to living a long life will have you dazzled. Richard Overton is 109 years old, and he is a war veteran...

Comparing and Contrasting “Casablanca” and “Bicycle Thieves”

Michael Curtiz’s Casablanca (1942) and Vittorio De Sica’s Bicycle Thieves (1948) are great movies with definite objectives. The production years are relevant for both movies, and the themes presented are factual. Vittorio De Sica’s Bicycle Thieves fits Italian Neorealism where through the leading protagonist, Antonio Ricci, the movie depicts the...

The Documentary “F for Fake” by George Orson Welles

The film titled F for Fake is a documentary movie that focuses on the topics of lies, deception, and fakery with real-world implications. The main reason is rooted in the fact that it provides examples that are not fictitious in their nature. In other words, direct observations and assessments are...

The Evolution of Cheese and Cheesemaking

Cheesemaking is an ageless art that has existed for thousands of years in human history. According to Bart Weimer, a professor of microbiology at UC Davis, cheese was discovered as a happy accident that occurred when a shepherd found they could store milk in the preserved stomach of a goat....

Cash Flow Estimation for Sneaker and Persistence Projects

Project Value Sneaker and Persistence are prospective projects that offer a lot to customers and investors. They benefit the customer as new products are released and the investors and owners when they make profits. The aim of this case analysis is to assess the two projects and provide a recommendation...

Recreational Therapy: The Freestyle Arm Stroke

Aquatic therapy is one branch of recreational therapy where individuals are engaged in activities in a swimming pool. I am interested in this area of recreational therapy because I enjoy active sports, and I think that aquatic therapy, in particular, can be very helpful for many patients. One of the...

Popular Culture in “Inglourious Basterds” Film

World War II movies are not usually associated with popular culture. Screenwriters use themes of Nazi oppression, the brutality of war, and the bravery of the allied forces, which have been cultivated for over seventy years. Yet, one of the most well-known and controversial movies about World War II, Inglourious...

Tokyo’s Technological Wonder and Innovation

Background Tokyo is considered to be one of the most innovative places in the world. In 2021, it managed to wrestle the title from its previous holder, Boston (SmartCitiesWorld, 2021). It was accredited for its strong application of technologies, increased digitalization of life, and its performance against the ongoing COVID-19...

Canada’s Global Economy and Its Future

Introduction Canada’s economy is among the most sophisticated and most prominent globally. The country’s overall gross domestic product (GDP) in real USD was $1.64 trillion in 2020. As a result, Canada is now the world’s tenth-biggest economy. Exports and imports of goods and services account for around one-third of the...

Malevich’s Black Square Analysis

Until 1913, the world of art was limited to objectivity and realistic representations. Some critics say that art reached the deepest point of its downfall during this year. However, in 1913, a new art movement, Suprematism, laid a foundation for the liberation of art, leading to the development of modern...

The Juvenile Justice System in the United States

The United States today has a well-developed system of juvenile justice, which has been formed over decades. Juvenile justice as a kind of set of specialized rules has its roots in ancient civilizations. In Roman law, for example, in the Pater family, the head of the family, was initially responsible...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Oklahoma Sustainability Network (OSN) and the Nature Conservancy

Brief Summary of Two Organizations The two organizations were selected in Oklahoma; they create local, sustainable solutions, namely Oklahoma Sustainability Network (OSN) and the Nature Conservancy (TNC). The Oklahoma Sustainability Network connects and educates Oklahoma’s citizens about the various facets of sustainability. This organization serves as a catalyst and platform...

Authoritarian vs. Absolute Monarchy System

Despite the types of relationships people need to develop, governance remains a significant element in organizing communities and making sufficient decisions. Addressing human history and experiences, several forms of government emerged, depending on societies, resources, and other internal and external factors. When ordinary citizens do not govern their countries, it...

Researching of Sojourners Truth

Born and raised as an enslaved African American woman, Sojourners Truth’s life significantly influenced the massive development in the United States. The abolitionist and a strong human rights activist traveled across America denouncing oppressors and slavery and highly advocating for women’s entitlement, their freedom, lady’s suffrage, and temperance. The women,...

The Guarantee of the Right to Health Care

The rights and freedoms of the individual ensure a person’s decent life and security. At the same time, health is one of the essential components of well-being and dignity, and the right to it can be decisive for the quality of life. However, the American healthcare system is quite fragmented,...

The Interpretation of Raphael’s School of Athens

The School of Athens is a masterpiece created by Raphael that is viewed as an outstanding achievement of the high renaissance and an impeccable artwork. This pierce of art shows a lively and exciting atmosphere due to the renaissance environment (Bishop 63). The painting could be considered fascinating because of...

The Pink Tax: Inequality Should Be Outlawed

Inequality can be manifested in different dimensions, ranging from racial prejudices to judgment of personal life partner choices. Whereas any kind of unfair treatment is primarily wrong, there are some types the lack of logic behind which is truly baffling. The so-called pink tax, which involves higher prices for ‘female’...

The Nokia Company’s Strategic Thinking Models

Nokia is a large global company that focuses on information technology, telecommunications, and electronic devices. The mill operation that eventually became Nokia Corporation was established in 1865 (Bhalodiya & Sagotia, 2018). Nokia emphasizes respect, accomplishment, renewal, and taking on new challenges as pillars of the company’s culture. These principles serve...

“The Nature of Virtues” by Alasdair MacIntyre

‘The Nature of the Virtues’ by Alasdair MacIntyre (1981) discusses the concept of virtue as it appears in Western philosophical thought throughout millennia. Analyzing the similarities and differences between the ideas of virtue entertained by different philosophers, the author eventually arrives at the definition of virtues as qualities crucial for...

Workers’ and Managers’ Rights and Responsibilities

A qualified HR manager takes care of employees from different departments, regardless of their status, salary, and education. Every employee needs protection and guarantees in case of unforeseen circumstances. The work should harmoniously fit into employees’ hobbies and personal lives. The HR manager develops an initial plan to support employees...

Adolescence Songs: “A Teenager in Love” by Dion DiMucci

“A Teenager in Love” by Dion DiMucci was a famous song during my adolescent years. Some of the most crucial Lyrics are “Each time we have a quarrel / It almost breaks my heart” (DiMucci, 2017, lines 1-2). Essentially, this was a powerful opening considering this was a love song....

Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory

Introduction Attention to patients’ interests and characteristics is one of the key responsibilities of nursing staff. Among the many theories of care, Virginia Henderson’s concept called the nursing need theory is among the main ones. With its help, junior medical specialists can control and address the targeted needs of patients,...

Adam Werbach’s Associations with Walmart

It has been a recurring theme in environmental activism that businesses must be held accountable for their decisions and use their power wisely in helping the green movement. Adam Werbach’s associations with Walmart and his partnerships with business executives have created a significant contention. Subsequently, “Working with The Enemy” by...

Selling Price and Area Analysis for D.M. Pan National Real Estate Company

Summary This report was commissioned by the D.M. Pan Real Estate Company’s sales team. The report aimed to study the correlations between the area of the real estate objects measured in square feet and the selling price to benchmark. The final deliverable of the model was to create a model...

Parties, Interest Groups, and Elections in the US

Interest groups represent a collective opinion of like-minded people who want to be heard. They differ in their foundation, as some of these groups are created by professionals, by people who share world views, such as environmental protection, or by companies who seek to benefit from changing policies (“Influence &...

Stakeholders in Business: Roles and Responsibilities

This week’s materials focused on the topic of stakeholder relationships in business. The stakeholder term in business includes many external and internal individuals and groups; therefore, learning more about their role is essential for understanding how businesses operate in the modern world. While the role of external stakeholders in business...

The Profession of Arms: An Army White Paper

Introduction The Profession of Arms is a document by the US government that helps explain the American army’s professionalism. The document also states the critical role the US army plays in society, such as being experts in all their responsibilities. The paper is a professional campaign that makes people understand...

Strategic Management of Caterpillar Inc.

Introduction Caterpillar Inc. develops short- and long-term goals to steer its performance, similar to any thriving corporation. Caterpillar’s long-term objective is lucrative prosperity that will allow the organization to fortify its status as a dominant force by developing its products and offerings. Additionally, the company seeks to provide its consumers...

Gender and Sexuality and Their Role in Life

The importance of studying the subjects of gender and sexuality should be discussed with regard to their role in different aspects of people’s lives. Gender is most often associated with the genital structure, reproductive system, and chromosomal set, that is, biological characteristics. At the same time, gender stereotypes in society...

Workplace Ethical Standards Violations

In Wink and Corradino’s article, it is possible to observe how employees may violate ethical standards in pursuing their own interests. In general, the performance of IMA’s members should be based on the principles of fairness, honesty, responsibility, and objectivity. In addition, they should comply with the ethical standards of...

Environmental Health’s Role in Public Health

Introduction Environmental health is defined as a public health sector responsible for researching and minimizing the impact of certain factors of the ecosystem on peoples health. Natural disasters, global and local environmental problems, and the quality of the atmosphere and hydrosphere are all subjects of research in this health sector....

The Lucifer Effect: Case Analysis

One of the questions that has been the focus of public and academic attention was the question of what makes good, ordinary people commit particularly inhumane crimes, and how impenetrable is the boundary between good and evil. Zimbardo, based on the results of the experiment, came to the conclusion that...

The Gender-Based Pay Inequality Factors

This paper focuses on the factors that influence societal engagement on the widespread gender pay gap. The work presents an overview of the problem, its broad consequences for the public and national economy, and the factors such as biases and assumptions that contribute in one way or another to the...

Children’s Skills for the Basketball Sport

Introduction Basketball is considered one of the most fantastic fundamental sports on the planet, to get the ball through the net rim more frequently than the other team. However, the mechanism through which an individual or group accomplishes this activity is significantly more complicated than it seems initially. Some of...

Comparison Between the UCR and the NCVS

Introduction The UCR is a program run by the FBI that collects and disseminates information on crimes reported to law enforcement agencies nationwide whereas the NCVS is a survey that the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) conducts to compile information on crime from the viewpoint of victims. Discussion The Summary...

The Competencies of Nurse Practitioners

Introduction There are specific requirements in the work of nurse practitioners that determine the effectiveness and professionalism of their work. Moreover, they determine the quality and success of the services provided to society. The core competencies become the main components of the activity of any nurse, which these specialists must...

Globalized Economy: China’s Role

In reading Sun Yuan’s The following factory of the world: How Chinese investment is reshaping Africa, one can arrive at ideas about why capitalism continues to work and how society contributes to it. The author draws attention to the problems of the clash between the inner core of Africa and...

Types of Memory and Its Functions

There are certain differences between short-term and long-term types of memory that are based on specifics of the performed functions and processes. It is also important to note that short-term memory and long-term memory can function differently depending on an individual’s age (Windsor, 2015). While discussing other aspects associated with...

Hamlet by William Shakespeare: Summary of the Play

Introduction The play begins with Prince Hamlet going back home for his father’s funeral. The prince feels depressed when he finds out that his uncle, Claudius, had already remarried Gertrude, his mother. Claudius immediately becomes the king after the death of King Hamlet, yet Prince Hamlet is the right heir...

Hewlett-Packard Company’s Global Supply Chain Management

One of the key elements of supply chain management (SCM), the design of the agility strategy remains a major challenge for a range of companies due to the need to embrace a huge number of factors prior to responding to a specific issue properly. Hewlett-Packard is one of the organizations...

ECO-Trans Company Case: Project Management

Locating problems in a project management case is a challenging issue, as it presupposes that the case should be approached from a variety of angles, including the financial, the organizational, and the managerial ones (Grisham, 2011). The case of ECO-Trans and the lack of consistency in the leader’s actions, which...

Analysis of Weather Forecast

The phenomenon of the dew point is truly amazing in its simplicity. It can be observed on a regular basis, and it presupposes a change in the state of water, one of the most common chemical compounds on the Earth – or, to be more exact, the most common one...

Criticism of Arizona’s New Immigration Laws

Illegal immigration is one of the major problems that border states face. Every year, thousands of illegal immigrants enter the border states from Mexico. Illegal immigration places more pressure on existing social facilities. This is despite the fact that illegal immigrants do not pay taxes. Therefore, border states have stringent...

Elie Wiesel’s “Night” – Eliezer’s Faith in God

Introduction This story reminisces Jews’ suffering during the Holocaust. The book reflects what happened in Germany and its colonies during the Nazi era. Wiesel uses Eliezer to express his experiences during the Holocaust. The protagonist (Eliezer) undergoes some of the most terrifying situations in life. At a tender age of...

Amazon Company Performance Evaluation

The main purpose of evaluating a company’s performance is to determine the efficacy of organizational strategies, determine the progress attained with regard to attainment of goals, and provide feedback that can be used to improve performance (Attorney, 2007). Feedback obtained from evaluation is used to improve decision making and streamline...

Social Media Effects: Problems Understanding

Technology has become a part of people’s lives and many individuals cannot imagine a day without their cell phone or computer. I also tend to use technology extensively. For me, a cell phone is a great helper as well as the squeezed world in my hand. I can reach anyone...

Genograms and Relationship Maps as Medical Tools

The purpose of this article is to evaluate the importance of genograms and relationship maps as medical tools. The methodology and when these exercises can be introduced in the medical field, the advantages of the practices from an evaluative viewpoint and how the maps may be applied in treatment are...

The Marble Column From the Temple of Artemis at Sardis

The artifact that was selected for this reflection is the marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis which can be found at the following link. It is originated from the Hellenistic period (300 B.C.). It is an iconic example of the Ionic order column which graced the Ancient...

Foreign Direct Investment in the US in 2016

The article “Foreign Direct Investment in the United States” by Michael Cortez opens with a brief introduction to the report’s contents. It describes how the report is based on the data provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. All of the collected data is separated into three distinct groups, with...

Collaborative Model of Care in Nursing Communication

Proposed Model Nursing unit managers are responsible for choosing nursing care delivery models that will benefit the practice of the team and will ultimately improve patient outcomes. A collaborative model of care can be chosen for enhancing communication between nursing professionals and promotes their responsibilities with regards to making sure...

Utilitarianism and Its Favorable Features

Any human being is characterized by his/her actions. Their character determines the motifs of a person and proves his/her intentions. However, the given approach gives rise to a number of critical issues related to the subjectivity of the evaluation of any action. Numerous philosophers have sought to outline the main...

Type 2 Diabetes: Disease Process and Screening

The Choice of the Topic The disease process selected for this assignment is type 2 diabetes. It was chosen because, among all the cases of diabetic known to modern medicine, this type is the most common. The process of this disease revolves around insulin resistance experienced by the body of...

Electronic Health Record’ Benefits

An electronic health record (EHR) enables healthcare providers to record patient data electronically rather than using a large folder of paperwork (Mitchell, 2013). EHR also has the potential to perform several tasks that can help in healthcare delivery while observing standards of practice. The Health Information Technology for Economic and...

Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: Nursing Care Plan

Presumptive Nursing Diagnosis The accuracy of diagnosis is dependent on various factors. Subjective and objective assessments assist in acquiring the information about the patient’s condition (Rosdalh & Kwalski, 2008). In the context of the presented case, the presumptive nursing diagnosis is Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus. This autoimmune disease has a special...

Ear Infections and Pain

Overview Otitis media is a group of infectious diseases accompanied by inflammation, which affects the middle ear (Qureishi, Lee, Belfield, Birchall, & Daniel, 2014). This condition could be caused by various infection agents: respiratory viruses (rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, bocaviruses, and metapneumoviruses) (Nokso-Koivisto, Marom, & Chonmaitree, 2015). bacteria from the respiratory tract...

Health Reform Strategy in Vermont

Introduction Today, the health care sector passes through the stage of its reforming. Numerous attempts to improve the situation are performed. The fact is that the current state of the sector remains far from perfect. The state of the nation deteriorates every year, and threatening tendencies could be observed. Additionally,...

World War II, The Cold War and New Europe

There are many various examples from the history of humanity which show that force has always been one of the main methods to solve problems at the international level. States and their leaders considered war to be the best way to enlarge the territory, achieve some advantage, or just to...

Robert Frost’s and Virginia Scott’s Poems Comparison

Introduction While at first glance Robert Frost’s Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening and Virginia Scott’s Snow are remarkably different, after careful consideration it becomes clear that there is a striking similarity between the poems’ meanings and messages. This paper aims to compare the poems and discuss rhetorical and...

Eliezer and His Father Relationships in “Night” by Elie Wiesel

Night by Elie Wiesel is a story about the experience of two men, a son and his father who appeared in the Nazi German concentration camps at Auschwitz and Buchenwald in 1944–1945. The story depicts many themes and dwells upon various topics, however, one of the most important themes is...

Quality Interviewing and Case Management in Social Work

The main purpose of case management is to promote the well-being of the client through communication, education, consultancy, and empowerment. It is important to recognize, however, that unlike similar services, quality interviewing aims at facilitating self-sufficiency in the client and reduces dependence on external sources. Thus, the ultimate goal of...

3D Animation in “Ice Age: The Meltdown” Film

The animation movie selected for this analysis is Ice Age: The Meltdown, which was released in the year 2002 (Fretts par. 2). The movie centers on three main characters as they try to make their way away from the melting of the ice that was causing a continental drift. The...

Credibility and Dependability of Research

A researcher carrying out qualitative research has to pay specific attention to credibility and dependability. These two aspects form the validity of the research. It is necessary to note that different scholars have come up with various definitions (Winter, 2000). In simple terms, credibility refers to the accuracy of the...

Economic Ramifications of Brexit

One of the major events of 2016 was Britain’s surprise decision to exit the European Union. Signaling major changes in the British economy, Brexit had immediate consequences for the political and economic stability of the region. However, as the process of Brexit will take quite some time to complete, it...

US Healthcare Sector: ObamaCare and Ethical Problems

The modern healthcare sector is one of the most important aspects that might guarantee societys survival and further evolution. For this reason, it is given such great attention. Besides, the nature of this sector presupposes the close cooperation with patients who should be provided with care and other services to...

Evidence-Based Practice’s Impact on Nursing

Evidence-based practice (EBP) models are the approaches that are used by nurses to solve problems, improve their knowledge, and develop the required number of professional and personal skills. These models are focused on current evidence and the importance to interpret the material properly. Many models can be offered to nurses....

Undergraduate Research Forum for Nurses

Overview Undergraduate Research Forum (URF) is a platform for students of Miami, Florida that aims to promote research academic experience. Students of any major are eligible to participate in this scholarly activity. They may apply online and prepare their presentation in any form: individually, in groups, as a community project,...

Nurse Practitioners’, Educators’, Leaders’ Scopes

Any state organization for registered nurses is supposed to provide a set of standards encompassing all levels of nursing practice that can serve as a template for a professional activity for nurse practitioners, educators, and leaders. Some aspects of professional performance are common for nurse practitioners, educators, and leaders whereas...

Experimental Design to Address Pressure Ulcers

Study Design The current study is going to feature an experimental design. This is necessary to address pressure ulcers extensively and include the information that was already identified by other researchers (Grove, Burns, & Gray, 2014). One of the main benefits of this approach will be the possibility to create...

Quality Improvement in the Construction Industry’ Context

Executive Summary: Improving Quality Through Motivation and Upskilling Focusing on quality improvement is essential in the context of a multicultural corporation. The introduction of the Six Sigma DMAIC framework was tested as a possible tool for carrying out the improvements. The use of the one-sample t-test as the tool for...

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The Coca-Cola’s and Pepsi Co.’s Employee Training

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Nurses in the Process of Quality Improvement

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Health Services Pricing and Its Factors

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Lenovo Company: Dimensions of Culture

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Israeli Border Expansion and Protection Rights

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“Captivating Cultures: The Politics of Exhibiting” by Hall

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Professor Freeman About Ethics and Profits

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Marxism in “Viva la Vida” Poster Interpretation

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Research Components: Proposal, Introduction, Abstract

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Try Painfree: Convincing a Consumer to Buy a Product

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New Vision Statement for “Chester”

Knowing what your business is about will help you achieve success. Developing a vision statement for your organization will enable the employees, customers and you to be aware of why the organization is there and what it wants to achieve. Having a clear vision for the company will enable you...

Business Activities: External and Internal Factors

SWOT and Pestle Analysis SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) deals with the external and internal factors affecting the business activities. The strengths of Ben & Jerry’s business included the experience they have in the operation of the business that helped them to specialize in the business. The business...

How Samsung Gets Innovations to Market?

Article Summary The above article discusses the strategies that the Samsung Company uses to market its various products in the local and international markets. The authors note that the Samsung Company boasts of a strong vertical integration in its industrial organization. From a single location, the company controls its designing,...

AMEX Company’s Managerial Process

After Thomas attempts at expanding the business to Hungary, he immediately faces a variety of issues, the one related to the culture being the primary reason for him to fail so miserably. Thomas has no idea how to motivate the local staff, as most of them either do not meet...

Racism in American Schools: NCLB Problems

The minority students still lag behind The NCLB has attempted to create an enabling environment for all the students. In the process, those from the minority groups still lag as the whites continue to benefit. The NCLB should have been specifically set to cater to the racially segregated. Federal underfunding...

“When a Happy Worker is a Productive Worker” by Wright et al.

Purpose of the article The purpose of the article is to define the contributions of job satisfaction, psychological wellbeing, and dispositional effect on workers’ productivity and happiness. The article also focuses on the factors that influence employees’ motivation to work. All the constructs are tested and analyzed both theoretically and...

Social Mobility in the United States

Social mobility is the process of changing a person’s social status. Concerning the United States and many other countries, this concept implies the movement of individuals or groups from one place to another or from one social class to another, as well as the movement of values ​​and goods. According...

The Movie “Real Life Hannibal Lecters”

Introduction The movie “Real Life Hannibal Lecters” depicts the actions of a serial killer called Hannibal Lecter. The fictional character brings into light the gruesome acts committed by renowned serial killers, such as Jeffery Dahmer, John Wayne, Albert Fish, and Ted Bunny. They chose targets that they considered attractive and...

Aristotle and Aquinas on Happiness

In his most renowned work, Nicomachean Ethics, the philosopher Aristotle explored the idea of a supreme good of people, which was associated with finding ways to live a life with a purpose and thus reaching true happiness. According to Aristotle, happiness lied in seeing an end purpose of an action...

Professional Ethics and Consequentialism

Introduction Humanity has been concerned with the questions of justice and ethics for a very long time. Different schools of philosophy have put forward a number of approaches and theories regarding this subject. These theories can be used as a framework that helps individuals to go about ethical dilemmas that...

“Firm Father Figures” by Klann et al.

Summary In their study, Klann, Joel Wong, and Rydell (2018) investigate the ways that fathers’ perceptions affect sons’ experiences and gender attributes. Scholars remark that the questions of males’ development of gender role conflicts, sexist behaviors, and subjective masculinity stress have not received sufficient attention from researchers. Hence, Klann et...