European Trade Goods for Native Americans

The Effect of European Trade Goods on Native Americans Native Americans’ trade relations with Europeans significantly influenced their way of living. Thus, it is possible to state that American Indians, who were traditionally focused on a handicraft, received access to steel knives, metal pots, hatchets, and guns (Gallay 244). As...

What It Takes to Be a Great Leader

Leadership The modern world is experiencing drastic changes in all spheres of activity. Numerous aspects are triggering these alterations, such as the emergence and rapid development of technologies, their growing importance, increasing demands for diversity and effectiveness, and a tendency towards further sophistication of various processes. All these factors are...

Photography: Hobby of Millions Unique for Everyone

Numerous breakthroughs in technology have allowed people to live better, travel faster, and experience more genuinely. The art of photography has become a hobby and a profession for millions of people all over the world, allowing them to capture unique moments, share their images, and inspire others. With a smartphone...

The Influence of Family, Peer and Economic Factors on Juvenile Delinquents

Introduction The engagement in crime by children whether in schools or communities has a negative influence on safety, the well-being of others, and the academic performance of such learners. In modern times, young children from as early as 10 years are forming school gangs that are notorious for interrupting serenity...

Kant’s Philosophy in the Movie “Gone Baby Gone” by Ben Affleck

Introduction In the contemporary world, people have to deal with moral dilemmas especially when deciding what is ultimately good. Philosophically, the definition of a good act varies depending on the different schools of thought. Immanuel Kant came up with the categorical imperative on moral philosophy, which defines what is right...

Support for Balanced Juvenile Justice

Introduction Juvenile delinquency is not only a public vice but also a significant legislative problem. Issues related to the prosecution of adolescents and the imposition of punishment are often actively discussed in the press and cause a public outcry, thereby forcing the authorities to monitor compliance with all the nuances...

Perioperative Nurse Leaders and Professionalism

Introduction Individuals in formal leadership positions should develop adequate skills to empower others and deliver positive results. This paper presents a summary of the responses obtained after interviewing a manager in a leading hospital in Miami. The respondent was a male nurse leader (NL) with over ten years of managerial...

Emerging Technologies in Commercial Aviation: SWOT Analysis

Introduction Emerging technologies in commercial aviation Strengths Weaknesses Significantly increase the accuracy of all measurements and processes Contribute to the more effective use of funds Help to save time and money Improve data collection techniques Provide up-to-date data about critical processes and states of aircraft Generate knowledge base vial for...

Sense and Sensibility” the Novel by Jane Austen

Introduction Sense and Sensibility is a novel by Jane Austen, a bright and original writer, who lived at the turn of the XVIII and XIX centuries. The largest representative of the late English Enlightenment, Austen, is well-known as a subtle master of realistic and classic fiction. Although this novel emphasizes...

Rayovac Corporation’s Strategy Analysis

Rayovac is a large producer of consumer batteries and lighting goods, which operates in the international market. Its history dates back to over one century ago, and extensive business experiences helped the company to achieve one of the leading positions in the American and global markets. Rayovac commenced a rapid...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Business & Reconciliation Call to Action in Canada

The selected Call to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRCC) is #92, focusing on the business and reconciliation category. It encourages the corporate sector to adopt the reconciliation framework in its values and operations. This includes building relationships and consulting indigenous people, ensuring equitable access to...

Core Competencies for Nurses

According to the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) website, this organization is willing to enhance the quality and safety of healthcare through the improved education of future nurses. To make this goal easier to achieve, QSEN created a range of six competencies that focus on “the knowledge, skills,...

Raeburn’s Painting in the Kimbell Art Museum

It is always interesting and challenging to visit museum exhibitions and examine works created during different epochs. Each collection presents a unique chance to learn about history and the people who inhabited various periods, including their style of life and their interests. Every painting possesses its own intrinsic meaning to...

Theory of Human Caring in Practice

Introduction Ensuring that the relationships among nurses and patients are friendly and confidential is one of the priorities of junior medical personnel involved in the care process. The use of various methods and practices aimed at providing qualified medical assistance allows finding a unique approach to almost any case, and...

The Leadership Model in Nursing

Introduction Nurses play an important role in the provision of care and tend to be the healthcare professionals who are in the closest contact with patients. The delivery of patient-centered care is one of the primary values in the clinical setting. Nursing practitioners are now encouraged to employ this approach...

Chapter 13 of “American Government” by Jillson

Introduction The author touched upon various aspects of this theme, including the role of human rights, governmental activities, and the establishment of civil liberties and rights in politics. An understanding of the value of civil liberties in terms of imprisonment and the death penalty is also a crucial task for...

Willy Loman Death of a Salesman: Character Analysis

Introduction The Death of a Salesman vividly portrays a life of a middle-class salesman who tries to achieve the American dream and realize his life hopes. Miller writes that, in Loman, he has attempted to personify certain values which civilized men, in the twentieth century, share. In Death of a...

Three Technological Inventions Altered American Society

Technological innovations have influenced society since ancient times. They changed modes of production and the ways people interpreted the world. The main technological innovations which altered society and changed the lives of all Americans completely are airplanes, automobiles, and the Internet. At the beginning of the 20th century, Wilbur and...

John Hunter in “The Knife Man” by Wendy Moore

Introduction The book, “The Knife Man”, is an effort put forth by Wendy Moore, to state the outstanding efforts of John Hunter, who was one of the innovators of medicinal practices. It is a collection of what Hunter had done to solve many medical issues of patients related to surgery,...

Health Liberties of People With Disabilities

The ethical dilemma discussed in the article by Bannerman, Sheldon, Sherman, and Harchik (1990) focuses on people with disabilities and their liberties associated with their health conditions. On the one hand, the exercise of personal choices by patients seems to be their inherent right. In its turn, the option of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Barrelmaker Brimful of Love” by Ihara Saikaku

“The Barrelmaker Brimful of Love” is a short story written by a famous Japanese poet Ihara Saikaku. In this work, the author addresses several issues: first, the relationships between love and religion, in particular Buddhism. Secondly, he explores the conflict between individual happiness and general welfare within the context of...

Aesthetics. “The Bacchae” Tragedy by Euripides

The tragedy “the Bacchae” is part of Iphigenia at Aulia. The tragedy tells a story of the divine nature of Dionysiac and punishment. Following Aristotle’s view of tragedy, it is possible to say that this play meets the canon and is based on the main steps of classical tragedy. The...

Mass Communication: Term Definition

In the modern society, mass media acquire greater and greater importance with every year. The influence that mass media of different kinds have in the modern human community is difficult to overestimate as far as even the most serious political and social events are not only reported but often decided...

India: Country Studies. Internet Data Collection

The country chosen for discussion is India. Geographic Location: The country is located in the southeastern part of Asia. The southern part of the country forms a peninsula enclosed by the Arabian Sea in the west, the Indian Ocean in the south, and the Bay of Bengal in the east (Figure...

Combat Fatigue or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Soldiers

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD is an anxiety disorder and an emotional illness after developing receiving some traumatic injury, frightening, threatening life event, and/or serious physical assault. It’s a psychiatric condition that occurs after catastrophic life events. PTSD is mostly diagnosed in soldiers after traumatic events in war. Combat in war...

Corporate Governance: Boeing Firm Infrastructure

The modern world is abounding with different companies and firms. These companies, firms, and factories produce different goods which they supply the markets with to please the consumers. These firms are also different in their infrastructure and the way they run business, what company politics they lead and how they...

Censorship in Cuba and Trends for Change

The Republic of Cuba is an island in the Caribbean, located between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean (CIA, 2009). Among many facts about Cuba, such as the militaristic regime, communism, Fidel Castro, cigars, etc, with which Cuba can be associated, there are a prominent historical issue that...

The No Child Left Behind Policy

The No Child Left behind Policy or NCLB came into being because of ex-president, George W. Bush in 2001. It reauthorized various federal programs that aimed to develop the functioning of the secondary and primary schools in United States by providing the parents with more adaptability of being able to...

Richard Nixon and the Watergate Scandal

Introduction Perhaps no President of the United States have ever been as unpopular as Richard Nixon who to date has been the only President to have resigned under disgrace. However Nixon did have some remarkable foreign policy achievements. Nixon inherited the disastrous Vietnam War involvement from the previous administration. Nixon...

Cyber-Science, Fiction or Modern Reality?

In their article From Cyborgs to Cyberbodies: The Evolution of the Concept of Techno-Body in Modern Medicine, Andrea Gaggioli et al. strived to provide readers with the insight into the fact that, due to the recent revolutionary breakthroughs in the field of informational technology and biomedicine, the very concept of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

United States Trade Deficit Trends

Introduction Trade balance refers to an ideal situation where a country’s imports and export are equal. In real life situations, it is difficult to attain this balance, resulting into either a deficit or a surplus. In cases where a country’s imports are higher than its exports, a situation of trade...

Multicultural Approaches: Multicultural Education

Introduction There are six approaches to multicultural education. These approaches have differences especially in how they are implemented in classrooms. York, S. (2001) points out that these approaches include human relations, single-group decisions, multicultural education, anti-bias education, culturally specific education, culturally relevant anti-bias education. The choice in this paper is...

The US Voting System: History of Changes

Original voting procedures The constitution had outlined clear procedures of determining the president in the United States but that system only worked for some time. By the 1800s, the Americans had begun to explore other options to achieve the same goal. This was triggered by the flaws that were found...

“Gender Roles and Infant/Toddler Care: Male and Female Professors on the Tenure Track” by Steven Rhoads Article Review

The article “Gender roles and infant/toddler care: Male and female professors on the tenure track” by Steven Rhoads and Christine Rhoads relates important information with regards to the differences in child care strategies between male and female professors during their post-birth parental leave. Generally, the article argues that females are...

Washington National Cathedral Architecture

Cathedral’s west facade The west façade of the National Cathedral is represented by a gallery, a rose window and two towers – the tower of St. Peter on the north and the tower of St. Paul on the south. The Pilgrim Observation Gallery is lined with a long row of...

Patient’s Medical History to Make a Correct Diagnosis

My primary diagnosis is that the patient is suffering from the depressive disorder due to hyperthyroidism based on the available information. According to DSM, a patient’s history should be examined to make a final judgment (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). It is paramount to mention that the current condition may be...

“The Clock” by Christian Marclay

Introduction Christian Marclay’s famous The Clock (2010) is a 24-hour video that can be discussed as looped in its structure. The video consists of a variety of clips that represent clocks, and the time a viewer can notice in the film is synchronized with the real time. From this perspective,...

Job Satisfaction in High School Athletic Administrators

The research performed by Gregory Green and Shirley Reese reported on the level of job satisfaction experienced by the athletic administrators in high schools. The authors assessed researches on the feeling of teachers in regard to the combination of teaching and administering the responsibilities that athletics demanded after noting various...

The Newport Jazz Festival

Newport Jazz Festival is a grand musical occasion held every summer in Rhode Island. It was initially established as the first annual American jazz festival starting to attract notable jazz musicians, including Billie Holiday, Dave Brubeck, and Ella Fitzgerald. The line-up for the 1998 Newport Jazz Festival included Diana Krall,...

Understanding Radiography: Instructional Brochure

Radiography (including mammography and cardiovascular interventional technology) Radiology technologists use X-ray techniques to make visible the internal parts of the body. X-ray technique implies x-ray beams that are passed through the body showing its internal structure (presence or absence of a particular disease). Besides, radiography can be employed to plan...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Norms: Ethical Behavior

The study of history is essential for society to understand the risks and benefits of a particular vector of development. Cultural diversity and inclusiveness are some of the goals to achieve, which were analyzed in the course. Inevitably, social justice and ethical behavior influenced my daily life, as they forced...

Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”: Gatsby’s Impossible Dream

Introduction In The Great Gatsby, the story concerns a mysterious character named Jay Gatsby. He is exceptionally wealthy, hosting parties at his manor attended by many people, “few [of whom were] actually invited” (Fitzgerald, 1925, p. 45). No one seems to know how he came to be that rich, and...

Nursing Evolution Analysis: Challenges and Changes in Nursing Practice

Nursing is a multifaceted profession that requires commitment and constant personal development from anyone who makes the decision to follow this professional path. Education is the first step toward excellence in the nursing field. Modern educational systems draw on liberal education concepts that highlight the empowerment of individuals with broad...

“The Devil’s Playground” by Lucy Walker

The Devil’s Playground represents a significant detail in life of Amish youth who reach the age of 16. This documentary by Lucy Walker describes the choices that are proposed to Amish youngsters in terms of Rumspringa, a so-called rite of a passage (Walker). The film provides the picture of the...

Google in China: Global Technology Concerns

Introduction Transcultural global ethics is a subject that raises several heated discussions in the field of business. The situation with Google quitting China contributes to that topic since it raises a conversation about how global companies should conduct their business while respecting human rights. After all, Google is a worldwide...

The United States Concept of Containment

Introduction After the end of the Second World War, many countries in the world had undergone a dramatic twist in their policies and structures due to the influence extended to them by their superpowers and former colonizers. The term containment was initially derived from the word contain and it was...

Adding Yoga to Your Life: Benefits of Yoga

Imagine yourself being healthy, active, and flexible at the age of 80. Is it possible for you to play with your grandkids outdoors at 90? You can answer these questions by yourself if you add yoga to your life. I am sure that this practice is one of the critical...

The Confessions of Saint Augustine

The Confessions is the general title for thirteen autobiographic stories of Saint Augustine, dated 397-398 A.D. They contain the narrative about Saint Augustine’s life and his way of conversion to Christianity. Being the first detailed autobiographic in European literature, the book has served as a literary example for Christian writers...

Location-based Marketing on e-Commerce

Introduction Technological advancement has made business activities convenient and efficient, and the globe has been reduced to a village. The introduction of smartphones has enabled smooth and straightforward connectivity of people across the world. A buyer in the U.S can review and purchase an item from China and get it...

Aspects of Culture in Criminal Justice

Criminal justice professionals should take into account race, class and national origin of defendants and victims. Various national factors are recognized by criminologists as contributing to and prompting the decision to commit a crime. Some suggest that the choice is influenced by the behavior, opinions, and attitudes of people who...

Genetics or New Pharmaceutical Article Within the Last Year

Introduction Copy number variations (CNVs) have more impacts on DNA sequence within the human genome than single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). CNVs have gained a lot of importance which are widely accepted even if there are no fully evaluated optimal methods of identifying the disparities between the two. CNV has functional...

“The Awakening Conscience” by William Holman Hunt

Art Creation and Reflection There are many types of art, and each person perceives them differently. Personally, I prefer portraits and still lives to other kinds of painting since these genres best represent the true shades of images and objects portrayed by artists. In this respect, the works of William...

Liberal Stance on Child Care for Working Parents

The prosperity of the country in the future is inextricably linked to young generations and their personal success. When working parents do not have an opportunity to send their children to day-care centers or preschools, they are forced to limit their time at the job to spend it on children...

The Dilemma of Telling the Diagnosis to Terminal ill Patients

One of the difficulties of the doctor’s work, not to mention the technical part, is telling the patients and their loved ones about the diagnosis. The matter gets even worse when the patient has a severe disorder and is terminally ill. People in Asian culture believe that it is better...

Salvation Moment in the Story by Flannery O’Connor

Flannery O’Connor created a significant piece of writing that might be considered as one of her most famous works. A Good Man is Hard to Find is a short story that aims to address the never-ending issue of redemption – what it takes to become a good person. O’Connor might...

Analysis of Hispanic American Literature

The story Nilda by Nicholasa Mohr is focused on a Puerto Rican household in the Bronx in 1904s through the eyes of the daughter named Nilda (Mohr, 1973). The central conflict of the story is racism, an issue that follows Nilda and her family throughout her public life. Thus, instead...

Information Technology Utilization in Nursing

Introduction The use of innovative technologies is inevitable in the modern world. At the same time, it is practically impossible to state that they are harmful if used properly. Being the Director of Nursing for an outpatient (ambulatory) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Center, we use Macpractice software for keeping and...

Issue of Stress in Nursing Practice

The issues of stress caused by workplace violence in nursing practice require special consideration because of their direct relation to the effectiveness of employees’ efforts and the quality of health care services. The main sources of nurses’ professional hazards include both internal (patients and co-workers) and external (robbers or terrorists)...

Board Leadership in Nursing, Personal Experience

Nursing organizations play a significant in revolutionizing the quality of care available to different patients. They collaborate with like-minded institutions and non-governmental agencies to engage in advocacy and present new concepts to transform practice. Practitioners should make appropriate preparations before being involved in such civic organizations. This paper describes how...

Alzheimer’s Disease – Diagnostic Picture and Treatment

Definition Alzheimer’s disease is commonly referred to as a neurological disorder for the old-aged. A malfunction of the brain is mostly evidenced through loss of memory among the middle-aged and the elderly (Selkoe, 2002). In most cases, the disease is referred to as a mental deterioration process as it happens...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Nude Descending a Staircase (No. 3)” by Marcel Duchamp

The work under consideration in the following paper named “Nude Descending a Staircase (No. 3)” is completed by Marcel Duchamp in 1916 (“Nude Descending a Staircase” par. 1). It is accomplished in pen, black paint, black ink, graphite, blue wash, and colored crayon on gelatin silver photograph with dimensions of...

Digital Technologies’ Impact on Human Reflection

The prevalence of digital technologies impacts the ways in which people think. Numerous digital devices, such as cell phones, provide easy distractions that adversely affect the capacity for meaningful contemplation. Overall, technologies have a negative effect on attention span and the ability for prolonged reflection. There is a growing concern...

The History of Violence in the United States

Introduction The history of violence in the United States is quite complex and continues to cast its shadow today. Several events took place that reshaped people’s experiences and the policies different leaders made. The late-19th century stands out as one of the bloodiest periods in this country’s history. This paper...

Accounting Terminology in Modern Media

Accounting is one of the fields that are often discussed in media despite their complexity and abundance of terminology that only the specialist are capable of recognizing and placing in the context of the narration. In a recent article “Survey Finds Audit Flaws by the Big Accounting Firms” published by...

Professionalism and Professional Values in Nursing Practice

Professionalism and professional values lie at the core of the nursing practice ever since Florence Nightingale realized in the nineteenth century that nursing should not be just scientific comprehension and technical proficiency, but a profession established on explicit human values (Rassin, 2008). Professionalism and professional values not only guide and...

The Death of Mothers as Healthcare Challenge

Being one of the greatest miracles of the world, the issue of birth nowadays obtains some other meaning. Unfortunately, very often women die during the period of pregnancy because of a great number of different issues. The given video Birth in Nepal is also connected with this theme. It states...

The Essence of T-Tests in Osteoporosis Treatment

About 1 in 2 of women and 1 in 4 of men over the age of 50 years are reportedly at a risk of developing osteoporosis (American Bone Health, 2014). Further, the American Bone Health Organization reports that about 52 million people of the American population have or are at...

An Inguinal Hernia and Testicular Pain

According to Grossman (2013), an absence of cremasteric reflex and apresence of testicular pain are likely indications of inguinal hernia. An inguinal hernia is a swelling that occurs in the groins due to the weakness in the surrounding muscles. Testicular pain is mainly attributable to the reddening and swelling of...

Resistance Training and a Diet-Induced Weight Loss

The objective of this article is to determine whether resistance training can conserve fat-free mass and resting energy expenditure under a diet-induced weight loss. In normal circumstances, fat-free mass is known to decrease under diet-induced weight loss of approximately 7kg or so. The decrease of fat-free mass is normally accompanied...

Risk of Fall Evaluation

Problem or Hypothesis There is a rising alarm that the quality of care requires being enhanced and assessed methodically in health institutions across the globe. As Cruz, Carvalho, Lamas, and Barbosa (2014) affirm in the article, the excellence of monitoring is anchored in the pointers that determine the function of...

Violence in the Humanitarian Professions – Patient Violence Management

The health care profession and other humanitarian services are focused on providing the best healthcare and treatment to the patients. But violence and abusive treatment of medical professionals has been growing in the recent years. The most current goal is to better the safety even more through uniting the staff,...

The Great Explanation of the Notions of Bourdieu

There are four basic concepts introduced by a popular French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu in the video item “Pierre Bourdieu: Introduction”. These basic concepts are Capital, Field, Habitus, and Symbolic Violence. These concepts help to explain the structure of the world and the nature of power. There are four kinds of...

Comforta Bed Company’s Promotion Management

Comforta The advert for this essay introduces the famous Comforta Bed to the audience. The advertisement encourages the targeted audience to purchase this quality bed. The advert is appealing and interesting to the customer. Advertisers should use the best aspects to make their products more appealing to their viewers (Advertising...

Quantitative Nursing Education Research Article

This article is based on a study of how methodology quality and scientific activity affect the quality of nursing in educational research. It is a challenge to nursing as a professional community. This is owing to the fact that the nurses have the responsibility of improving the level of the...

Multidisciplinary Team Meeting: A Social Workers’ Role

A social worker Social workers are involved in activities that are geared towards helping people who have different problems. They work with members of other professions. These include physicians, nurses, teachers, counselors, and police officers, among others. Social workers help people with various problems with the aim of enabling them...

Importance of Glocalization

The opinion of the CEO is correct in my opinion. The world is segmented into various countries and countries into cities not just because of their geographic meaning but due to the differences within these locations. Each country is made up of different languages, dialects, cultures, religions, etc. Furthermore, the...

Ethics of Smoke-Free Legislation and Abortion Laws

These days, there are laws that are clear for the population, and their importance and usefulness are undeniable. An illustrative example of such an occasion is smoke-free legislation, which is crucial for the health of non-smokers. However, there are numerous topics, which cause multiple debates, especially concerning legislative incentives connected...

Apple Case Study – Core Competencies

Important Core Competences Innovation constitutes a necessary competence at Apple, Inc., as evidenced in the business period ending 2008. Ideally, the firm was incorporated in 1976, and its profitability has grown substantially. The firm operates in a competitive technology industry with rival firms providing similar products as Apple. However, innovation...

Breast Cancer and Exercise. Article Summary

Type of Study The article is a primary research study focusing on the impact of supervised exercise on cancer survivors after treatment. It focuses on how exercise can be used to deal with various side effects experienced by cancer survivors after treatment. The research study draws conclusions from its findings...

Long-Term Care and Managed Care: Meaning of ACTION

The Falls Management Program: A Quality Improvement Initiative for Nursing Facilities First of all, it must be noted that the program is considered to be extremely important in order to reduce the common causes of falls. The authors of the article highlight the importance of person-centered care and clarify how...

Clinical and Translational Research Center

The system and subsystem constraint is linked to the coronavirus-related restrictive measures, where social distancing and accommodation limitations severely lower the number of patients taken. The system possesses both external and internal constraints, where the market one is caused by an artificial reduction in maximum demand. In other words, the...

Robert Rauschenberg’s Monogram and Claus Oldenburg’s The Store Comparison

Robert Rauschenberg’s Monogram is a combination of painting and sculpture. The central element of Rauschenberg’s combination is a taxidermied Angora goat with paint on its face placed in the rubber tire. A black ping pong ball is placed behind the goat, meaning that the animal is defecated on the paintings...

Nonlinear and Integer Optimization

In the article by Ware, Singh, and Banwet (2014), the authors are using the mixed-integer non-linear optimization technique (MINLP) to model the dynamic supplier selection problem. This problem arises whenever there is a need for an organization to secure high-volume supply delivery using different suppliers’ services. This problem is complicated...

Decision Making: Make or Buy Decisions

Today, companies have to make multiple decisions to demonstrate high-quality performance, choose appropriate resources, and achieve a competitive advantage. Chief procurement officers (CPOs) have to study what customers want and how to increase service level by choosing effective outsourcing and avoiding organizational failures. According to Schwartingm and Weissbarth, manufacturing units...

Hurst, Brook, and Solana: The Case Study

Hurst and Brook were two people in NewPort Beach, Orange County, California, who robbed a First National Bank. Later, the two men went to Arizona and divided the money. Hurst met his friend, Solana, in Arizona, and Brook was crossing the Mexican border. Hurst and Solana were both arrested because...

The Business Process: Description of Outsourcing

Business process reengineering involves redesigning the business processes and the process is also called business process change management. It also involves the analysis and design of workflows and processes in a firm and it cannot be studied without defining the term business process. A business process is a set of...

Billy Wilder’s Movies Overview

Billy Wilder is a prominent director and producer who made a great contribution to the development of American cinematography. He is the outstanding filmmaker who managed to give more than 50 years to the film industry. It should be stressed that Billy Wilder won six Academy Awards recognized as one...

Analyzing Body Language

Speeches by Dr. Martin Luther King and Alicia Garza share the same message. Each speaker’s speech revolves around the rights of African Americans, their deprivation, discrimination, and structural and national racism. Dr. King speaks slowly, more figuratively, mentioning various states where the problem is serious – Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama. Alicia...

Managing Organizational Behavior: Group Decision-Making

Group decision-making can improve the quality of decisions, provide a variety of perspectives, and assist in developing the skills of the members. Based on the recent meetings I attended, I will describe four problems related to group decision-making. Firstly, I might conclude that I rarely hear the opinions and proposals...

History of Childbearing – Trends in the Cesarean Section

Tina Cassidy provides a historical account on the issue of childbearing. The author offers lively, informative, and well-researched cultural history of childbearing. While the childbearing practice is present in every culture, each culture has adopted unique ideas on the best way to give birth. Central issues present in her discussion...

Symbolic Interactionism and Siblings

Introduction Human beings are social in nature and embrace relationships depending on their personal goals. Symbolic interactionism is a powerful theory that examines the nature of such connections between people in a specific community. They will apply the relevant symbols and language that can guide them to formulate meanings of...

Music at Mary Baldwin: Seung-Hye Kim

The performance under consideration is the virtual concert of Seung-Hye Kim. She is not only a pianist but also a successful composer. During the event, she presented several works of contemporary musicians, thereby providing the audience with an opportunity to learn more about recent works (“Music at Mary Baldwin,” n.d.)....

White-Collar Crime and the Whistleblower Protection Program

Actions of crime occur in all environments, including workplaces; it is wrongdoing that statutes community punishment and accusation. Offenses tremendously affect both an individual and the public and are condemned by either the state or relevant authorities. The types of crimes are; violent crimes, consensual crimes, white-collar crimes, organized crimes,...

Cantos XXXII of “The Divine Comedy” by Dante

While walking in a deep dark forest, Dante falls into trance and wakes up in a grand vision of hell. In this vision, he meets Virgil, an ancient Roman poet who becomes his guide. The two take a trip through the abyss, going through all the nine circles of hell....

Ethical Theory in a Healthcare Scenario

Introduction Ethical theories are visions of our ethical responsibilities and guidance to a person’s decision-making. Ethical theories set standard rules to make people behave reasonably and discreetly when trying to clarify what is right and what is wrong. There are many types of ethical theories that affect every person differently....

Statement of Purpose Example

In this personal statement, I would like to explain why I qualify to be accepted into the Slavic languages and literature program at Stanford University. To begin with, I understand that there are several factors that impact an applicant’s chances of being admitted to the M.A. program, including their skills,...

Unfair Labor Practice Charge Against Delphi Golf

Collective bargaining is the process aiming to solve workplace issues and gain influence to address concerns regarding terms of employment, such as pay, hours, leave, benefits, safety policies, and other essential aspects. A collective bargaining agreement (CBA) refers to a labor contract signed by an employer and a union that...

Terrorism Prevention: Operation Geronimo

Operation Geronimo was carried out by the US military on May 1-2, 2011, in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad. As a result of the actions of the special forces, the head of al-Qaeda was killed. The leader of the terrorists was identified by his appearance, and his identity was confirmed...

The Importance of Valuing Nature

In her work Krimmerer shows the need for humans to advance their language and devise words that can show their gratitude for nature. Kimmerer argues that humans adopt different pronouns to refer to other species “ki” and “ki.” The ecological compassion that exists in people’s indigenous languages has also been...

Research in Creativity Applied to Design

Research is an essential part of any creative process, as it can enhance individual or team efficiency and performance. Conducting well-balanced research of a problem allows designers to develop new products or improve the features of the existing ones instead of copying outdated ideas or technologies. The following essay will...

Exploring Primate Evolution: Evolution Patterns

The natural advancements made by various species are an essential topic of scientific discussion in multiple fields of study. The development of the order primates, which currently includes a large number of animals, has been thoroughly discussed by numerous researchers interested in animal and human species’ progression. From the first...

United States Constitutional Amendments

The US Constitution is a revolutionary law with elaborate procedures on its amendment. The two most commonly followed routes when amending the US Constitution are described in Article V. The first route requires an amendment to be endorsed by a vote by two-thirds of the members of Congress and ratified...

Rawls’ Social Contract Theory and Software Engineering Ethics

Introduction John Rawls defined the characteristics of a just society through his social contract theory. In his theory, four conditions characterize a stable society: equal and free individuals, justice being open to public scrutiny, just sharing of surplus, and a responsibility to the social contract to ensure continued cooperation. Rawls’...

Discussion of Posthumous Reproduction

The issue of posthumous reproduction is controversial and oftentimes meets double-sided ethical and legal questions. In the case study, Mary, a wife of a diseased man expresses the will to harvest her husband’s sperm. The first difficulty with sperm usage is the legal ambiguity as the United States do not...

Finding Intelligent Genomes in People’s Brain

Nowadays, the significant progress of health and medicine science leads to the disclosure of the new “chapter” of humans’ knowledge about themselves. However, some advancements are so unbelievable that scientists do not know how to interpret the information and implement it into future studies. In this case, the authors of...

Guiding a New Brand of Hiking Boots Through the Growth Stage

When a new product enters a market, it is vital to make sure that its growth stage is managed professionally and a proper and effective strategy is selected. Regardless of this product’s uniqueness and quality, it usually takes a lot of effort to advertise and market it, and this process...

Army Leadership and Command Authority

Introduction Leadership and discipline are the most critical qualities necessary for army service. The Department of the Army (2019, p. 13) defines leadership as “the activity of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization”. These aspects are essential to army service...

Symbols and Romanticism of Twain’s “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”

Introduction Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the most prominent works written by Mark Twain. The novel addresses one of the most crucial issues of the society of Twains times – slavery and describes the life of people living along the Mississippi River. Undoubtedly, on one side, the Mississippi...

Post-COVID Recovery and Government Intervention

The unprecedented outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has been long-lasting and has caused substantial economic recovery challenges. Due to this, the U.S. government has to actively design and enforce policies that will handle different issues that cannot be addressed by pure market forces, like the unavailability of market risks and...

Aspects of Database Normalization

Database normalization is a database design technique that eliminates undesirable characteristics such as Insertion, Update, and Deletion Anomalies and reduces data redundancy. Normalization rules divide larger tables into smaller tables and use relationships to connect them. SQL normalization aims to eliminate redundant (repetitive) data and ensure logical data storage. This...

Social Stratification in Ancient Civilizations

One of the characteristic features of the emerging civilization is social stratification or social classes. This trait represents the emergence and division of social categories according to wealth, profession, or birth group criteria. Groups formed in the society that worked and performed new essential functions. Professional warriors were now protecting...

Striving to Overcome Difficulties

Introduction In a world where competition is constantly growing, it is necessary to learn and apply new knowledge in work. Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford University, found that people demonstrate two attitudes to their learning opportunities (21). These attitudes are fixed and growth mindsets. As a high...

Off-Site Catering Business and Important Numbers

A medium-sized off-site catering business is not easy to sustain. The owner should always account for all the things that happen during working hours. Apart from managing the employees, the kitchen facility, food delivery, and servings preparation, there is also the financial part of the catering business. To ensure the...

The Dominican Republic: Reasons to Visit

Attention step Nowadays, due to the recent lockdown, young people have become more prone to stress and anxiety (Salari 3). Traveling to the Dominican Republic can provide a life-changing experience to help you forget about day-to-day hardships. A simple fact: the Dominican Republic is the most visited destination in the...

Taxation Without Representation

“Taxation without representation” is when a whole population is taxed but has no say in spending money or implementing policies. The colonists of the United States said to their British overlords that “taxation without representation is tyranny.” Because of the adoption of the English Bill of Rights in 1689, it...

Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque: Mosaics of Byzantine Art

Introduction The given formal analysis will primarily focus on Byzantine Art, where the emphasis is put on more abstract elements rather than a naturalistic one. The image is a mosaic, where it brings distinctive features to the imagery, such as depth. The depiction, as a part of Byzantine Art, consists...

Behavioral Economics: The Proposal

Initial Situation and Motivation The topic of behavioral economics is interesting and relevant because it outlines the possibility of deploying mechanisms that could affect a number of essential business variables, such as labor markets, private finance, and personal health. Knowing that financial regulations and healthcare provisions are being developed at...

Imperialism in the Context of World History

Introduction Several civilizations, mainly European nations, championed imperialism. It allowed the civilized nations to dominate and exploit vulnerable countries across the globe (Hobson, 2018). In the 18th century, western European nations such as Germany and France embraced the ideology and expanded their influence to other parts of the world (Hobson,...

General Electric Capital and the 2008 Financial Crisis

Introduction General Electric (GE) is a multinational corporation that operates in multiple industries including energy, home and business solutions, financial services, and technology infrastructure. Formed in 1878 as an electricity company, the corporation has since expanded its operation into various sectors spanning over a hundred countries (Hoffman, 2013). Its profitability...

Caring for Patients With Diabetes

Most people with diabetes cannot take care of themselves, so they need outside help. In the presence of a complicated form of the disease, professional care is required. The main tasks of care are the systematization of medication intake, preparing a competent diet, providing moderate physical activity, and monitoring the...

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The Project Management Standards

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“The Politics of Theorizing African American Families” by Shirley Hill

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Childhood Obesity in the US from Economic Perspective

Childhood obesity is a complex issue that requires consideration from the perspective of several areas, including economics. Looking at the problem of childhood obesity from an economic point of view offers an understanding of a wider range of causes and consequences and the definition of government intervention in solving this...

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What Are PET and SPECT Scans, and Their Basic Principles?

Emission tomography, a type of nuclear imaging, is extremely sensitive and may be used to study a wide range of physiological and pathological processes. The basis for nuclear imaging is the detection of gamma rays generated by radionuclides introduced into the organism. A PET/CT scan is a combination of a...

Learning to Become an Emergency Manager

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The Value of Systems Thinking in Developing Corporate Strategy

Introduction Systems thinking in company management can significantly affect the organization’s success. This approach is of great value in developing a company’s strategy. First of all, it allows to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current affairs and prospects of the organization and to take measures to improve the situation....

Inequality in the Mayan Civilization

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False Information and Its Spread

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Food-Borne Salmonella Epidemiologic Triad

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On Ugliness and Beauty Following Umberto Eco

St. Michael by Raphael (1504-1505) In Raphael’s artwork, St. Michael, the archangel is depicted as a young man defeating a monster. The painting provides a striking contrast between the handsome, powerful, youthful archangel and his hideous adversary. Michael’s body is adorned with a halo and wings, encircled by Hell’s gloomy...

Problems of Democratic Consolidation in Developing Countries

Introduction Developing countries pursuing economic and political heights should strive to consolidate democratic forces. It is democratic regimes that receive significant investments, a high reputation, and a level of trust among international businesses. Therefore, as researchers state, consolidation is considered a vital transitional aspect from one state organization to another....

Development and Productivity of Communication

The company aims to attain effective communications by aligning the firm’s delivery decisions with the organization’s vision, mission, and goal statements. Implementing change management principles in developing productive communication within the organization incorporates internal delivery decisions that prioritize the company’s mission. The firm anticipates tracking its communication systems to promote...

Cyberstalking: Victimization and Perpetration

One of the modern generation’s core challenges is seeking protection against bullying. The study comparing victimization and perpetration as a consequence of cyberstalking renders a profound insight concerning the influence of technological advancement on social relations. As experimental-based research, the outcomes pose dynamic gaps and opportunities for the intense investigative...

Ethical Awareness in American Public Administration

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The Expectancy Model of Motivation in Business

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Focus Groups: The Best Practice

Focus group discussion is a technique that is used to obtain data from selected groups to make an understanding of social issues. A method is a qualitative approach that can be used in conservation science to understand various human perspectives. A researcher assembles data and draws conclusions based on perceptions,...

“Ordinary Men” by Christopher R. Browning: Analysis

Introduction Ordinary Men, written by Christopher R. Browning, is a book about actual past events. It is a story about Reserve Police Battalion 101 of the German Order Police, responsible for round-ups and mass extermination of Jewish people. Peer pressure and obedience to authority are the most well-known reasons for...

The Low-Cost Provider Strategy: Pros and Cons

It is hard to disagree that one of the primary goals of most businesses is to maintain high competitiveness and be the main choice of numerous clients. In order to achieve these objectives, it is of vital importance for companies to select appropriate and effective strategies that would help them...

“The Natural Bridge/Rogue River Canyon” Poem by Paul Halupa

Introduction The Natural Bridge/Rogue River Canyon poem by Paul Halupa is an excellent example of metaphor-filled modernist work. The negative tone, jagged narrative, and unconventional tact parallel the profoundly personal experiences or reflections the author has put into the lines. However, the essence of the work has not been turned...

Doctorow’s Writing in the Age of Distraction

Informational technologies and the Internet seem to oversaturate people’s daily routines, leaving almost time for meaningful and productive activities. In his article Writing in the Age of Distraction, Cory Doctorow describes the most apparent but hardly avoidable distracting factors that bother many individuals who are more or less connected with...

The United Nations Scaling Up Zero-Deforestation

The United Nations (UN) is widely regarded as a vital institution addressing global issues. UN’s inception dates back to October 24, 1945, after the conclusion of World War II (Model United Nations, n.d.). The idea for the UN was initially put forth in a joint declaration by President Franklin D....

Cultural Intelligence and Diversity in the Workplace

Introduction Cultural intelligence (CQ) is understanding, appreciating, and effectively interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds. In today’s globalized world, cultural intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the workplace, where individuals from diverse backgrounds often work together. According to Alexandra et al., (2021), high CQ individuals are skilled at adjusting...

The Innovation Diffusion in Healthcare

Choice of the Model The selected model for implementing a practice change in a healthcare system is the theory of diffusion of innovation proposed by Everett Rogers. According to the author, this framework categorizes all relevant stakeholders into innovators, early adopters, early and late majorities, and laggards, each of which...

Abortion’s Physical and Psychological Effects

In regards to the article by Payne (1991), there are no images, tables, or figures used. It is merely a collection of letters to the editor, and therefore, the content is not scholarly at all. Although some information presented in the articles is worth reading, the credibility of the content...

The Internet of Things: Perspectives and Challenges

The Internet of Things (IoT) implies the increasing people-people, people-devices, and devices-devices interconnectedness that is facilitated by the Internet (Gubbi, Buyya, Marusic, & Palaniswami, 2013). According to Jing, Vasilakos, Wan, and Qiu (2014), while IoT is an emerging issue, it is going to have a major impact on how people...

History: Malcolm X as Civil Rights Activist

Abstract Malcolm X was a renowned African American nationalist who contributed heavily to the final freedom of blacks from discrimination and racism. He demonstrated that freedom and inclusivity are the gifts that mankind must realize to enjoy life. Despite the troubled youth, Malcolm X’s contribution as an adult climaxed in...

Landscape and the Changes That It Goes Through

The angle of repose is related directly to the phenomenon of mass wasting. Seeing that the former is defined as the most obtuse angle, at which the slope remains stable, the relation between the two phenomena can be defined in the following way: the steeper the angle of repose is,...

Four Stages of Life in Hinduism

First stage The first writings about the main stages of life in Hinduism appeared thousands of years ago, and they are closely connected with the Vedic tradition. The opportunity to follow four life stages is significantly based on the caste system, and it is associated with people’s completing definite duties...