Child Development in Rogoff’s “Thinking With the Tools and Institutions of Culture”

Introduction Barbara Rogoff’s book The Cultural Nature of Human Development makes numerous topical points on how cultural conceptions influence people and society. The chapter “Thinking with Tools and Institutions of Culture” deals with how people, more specifically children, apperceive mental and social skills from sociocultural intercommunication and how these interactions...

The Arabian Nights: The Story Continues

Introduction The Arabian Nights take its readers on an exciting, even though slightly morbid, journey of an endless tale that serves as the main salvation for a woman who faces the threat of constant impending doom. The cunning and resourcefulness of the main character, who also doubles as the narrator,...

The Advantages of Business Combinations

Reasons to Consider Different Types of Business Combinations Company mergers are a rather common occurrence in the contemporary realm of the global economy. The concept of a merger implies that two organizations join to create a single entity (Hill, n.d.). The specified phenomenon has several explanations, the opportunities for increasing...

“The Wife of His Youth” by Charles Chesnutt

The construct of class and race can have a considerable impact on the life choices of individuals. In “The Wife of his Youth,” Charles Chesnutt describes the story of Mr. Ryder, a prosperous African American with light skin which meets his wife, Liza Jane, after a long period of being...

Silverman’s Wager in “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”

There are many different arguments for the existence of God and against it, most of which have been criticized heavily and logically deconstructed since their inception. Blaise Pascale, a famous scientist, and philosopher proposed a model for faith that is based on rationality. He claimed that belief has a higher...

Document Conflict: Alternative Dispute Resolution

Summary of Dispute The source of the dispute is an insufficiently precise document, which was incorrectly interpreted by one of the parties that signed the corresponding agreement. As a result of the misunderstanding, both contract participants refused to accept each other’s demands. In particular, Dazzling Dough Co. believes that the...

Stating the Problem of Pressure Ulceration

Pressure ulceration, which is also known as pressure ulcers, pressure sores, or bedsores, is a widespread condition, affecting more than 3 million people in the United States, that needs significant consideration from healthcare professionals and researchers (Santamaria et al., 2015). Even though this disorder is well-recognized in the medical academic...

Motivational Strategies for Nurses

Motivation in the workplace can be understood as a process that impacts employees’ behaviors and attitudes towards their responsibilities. In the nursing area, motivation morale is significant since the actions of nurses largely determine patients’ health outcomes and their overall well-being. The failure to achieve the standards set leads to...

Communication Principles in Professional Nursing

Introduction Communication is equally important in personal and professional life. However, in health care, improper information exchange could lead to adverse or even lethal patient outcomes (Hood, 2018). Due to this factor, communication as an aspect of the nursing profession can be considered vital and worthy of discussion. In this...

End-of-Life Care and Florida’s State Strategies

Rationale for the Reform The process of providing healthcare services has been filled with internal issues in Florida due to financial, resource-related, and other types of constraints. However, the problem of addressing the needs of patients facing terminal diseases has been recently added to the state’s healthcare agenda (Wachterman et...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Drug Monitoring and Florida’s State Strategies

Rationale for the Monitoring Program The quality of care in Florida hospitals has been a contentious issue for several decades, mostly due to insufficient staffing and the associated issues. However, a new problem has emerged recently as the issue of administering prescribed drugs to patients in the hospital setting became...

The Development of Sexuality Overview

Introduction I was born in a household that was mostly managed by my father. While my mother occasionally visited, she had a strained relationship with him due to what I would later learn was opioid addiction. My father is an old-fashioned, masculine man who wanted to raise my brother and...

Nursing Challenges and Evidence-Based Policies

Introduction Nurses should monitor the major issues their patients face and consider appropriate procedures to empower them. The paper below outlines my challenges as a nurse and the best strategies to tackle them. It also describes my future objectives and how I will transform my community. The final part categorizes...

“Rwanda” Data-Based News Article by Provost

The genocide in Rwanda, which took place in 1994, was the mass extermination of hundreds of thousands of people. In her article written in 2014, Provost analyzes the significant changes that occurred in Rwanda twenty years after the genocide. The author notes that while, in general, Rwandans live longer and...

Hospital Contact Associations and Private Organizations

Hospital Contact Associations, government agencies, and private organizations have influenced the development of healthcare and hospital through additional financing, philanthropy, and technological support. The role of Hospital Contact Associations is to support hospitals and help them to solve daily problems. It is not to “run the place” but to support...

Preschool Education Versus Tertiary Education

Introduction Preschool is where children especially between the ages of two and five are provided with education to prepare them to join ordinary level. Some of the terms commonly used to refer to preschool are; kindergarten, baby care or nursery school. On the other hand, tertiary education is provided when...

The History of Guarani

Although the history of Guarani before 1511 has not been thoroughly explored, it is widely believed by many historians that these people have lived in South America since prehistoric times. Guarani cannot be called a tribe, it would be better to say that they are people, who have common cultural...

Effective Leadership and Ethical Approach

The problems of the world should be evaluated and resolved on the world level. When this approach touches upon the danger of famine and its existence in some countries, the significance of leadership within the world’s leadership plays a great role. In other words, the necessity of making effective actions...

Eastern Religion Elements Matrix

HINDUISM BUDDHISM CONFUCIANISM TAOISM SHINTO COUNTRIES Many people in India, NEPAL, Bangladesh, AND SriLanka belive the ideologies of hinduism. the countries are china, india, japan, korea, taiwan, and thailand. Confucianism is found in china, japan, taiwan and korea. taois is a life philosophy mainly found in china. shinto is a...

“The Wild Swans at Coole” by William Butler Yeats

The poem “The Wild Swans at Coole” is a poem written about the scenery at a place called Coole. The poem is a dramatic lyric poem because of its musicality in the rhyme scheme and its direct expression of feelings. All five of the six-line stanzas are built upon the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Information Systems and Organizational Departments

Introduction Numerous software applications and information systems that are currently available to all business organizations largely facilitate the employees’ work and improve organizational performance. The use of modern technologies speeds up the processes in which the employees of different departments have to participate, which improves the work of separate departments...

Freedom From Beliefs Native Americans

In the United States, the people who are called Native Americans are those who came from North America. They are from different racial groups and statuses. Native Americans are known by different names viz. Indians, Red Indians, African Americans, American Indians, and so on. Here in these three essays writer...

American Family’ Changes Since the 1950s

American families are better off than they were 100 years ago because of the positive changes that have taken place in society for this period. Reportedly, more children experienced child labor in the 1900 than they do today, by working full time in mines, mills and sweatshops. In addition, people...

Socially Responsible Leadership in Education

The article “Discerning Professional Identity” discusses socially responsible leadership in education and teaching profession. The author claims that education represents a unique educational environment for children and teens. In this case, the philosophy of education endorses both the intrinsic value and the importance of knowledge. Strict moral and ethical principles...

Photography’s Effects on Modern Art

Since its invention, photography has been hailed by the masses as one of the best means of bringing the rest of the world to the public, affording them views of far-away places and peoples they would never have known about otherwise. The public appearance of the photographic process in 1839...

Liberal and Conservative Views

Introduction A conservative person believes in personal responsibilities and conserves his/her existing cultural or traditional norms. A conservative person preserves his/her social norms and is reluctant to any kind of change. A liberal person on the other hand welcomes and implements new changes even if they are unrealistic. A conservative...

“The Secret Life of Bees” by Kidd and the “Feast of Love” by Baxter

Two novels under analysis are peculiar for their plot and main ideas. It is no secret that both The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd and The Feast of Love by Charles Baxter fuel the problem of love. However, there is a question to be answered: is love...

Ethical Theories for Decision-Making

There are several ethical theories that provide guidelines that should be followed in the process of decision-making. The most popular ethical theories are utilitarianism, casuist, right, and deontology. All the ethical theories make demands on human beings but the nature of the demands varies. The utilitarianism theory makes the hardest...

Teacher-Based Assessment of Literacy Learning

Introduction Teachers are meant to use their experience and professional training to connect with the assessments during classes. At times, the teacher may make these assessments unconsciously not being aware of the judgment they bring and the impact it has on learners’ behaviors. Frey and Hiebert say traditional practitioners characterized...

Remedies for Marijuana Addiction

Introduction Every community has a given limit of tolerance that is accorded to the behavior and conduct of its people and this is guided by moral, spiritual and legal principles. When an individual behaves in a manner that contravenes these set guidelines he is said to be deviant because he...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Teaching Chemistry in Secondary Schools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The implementation of technology in different areas of education is becoming widespread worldwide. According to Vision 2020, education should strive to meet labor market demands (“National Transformation Program 2020” 60). In the secondary schools of Saudi Arabia, chemistry teaching can be characterized by the use of various methods and learning...

The Importance of the American Literature Course

I: Since the beginning of this term, I have known that things would be different for students taking the American literature course in their final year. My sentiments are not meant to nullify the importance of other courses offered in the school, but to highlight the significance of this course...

The Importance of Moral Courage in the Healthcare

Introduction Moral courage is a significant trait for all healthcare professionals as they often face ethical issues that need to be addressed correctly. However, moral courage is critical for administrators because they inspire and guide their subordinates and create a supportive work environment by their example. However, medical institutions often...

Youth and Adulthood: A Comparative Analysis

Poems “We Old Dudes” by Joan Murray and “We Real Cool” by Gwendolyn Brooks are going to be the primary focus of this essay. It might be easy to draw comparisons between the pieces as the poem by Murray derives its leading themes and literary elements from “We Real Cool.”...

Staffing and Personnel Issues

Criminal justice officials hire personnel and protect their rights under the civil service rules. They both can be released from some civil rights laws depending on their location. However, before Woodrow Wilson presented this approach, all the decisions considering new employees were based on patronage appointments (Kania & Davis, 2011)....

“The History of Development” by Gilbert Rist

Chapter 11 of the book The history of development: from western origins to global faith by Gilbert Rist provides a scope of the author’s opinions on the development of the South since the very beginning of the 1990s. The whole discussion in the chapter is dedicated to the development of...

The Sun as an Ultimate Source of Energy

The sun is known to be a very big ball of hydrogen gas atoms compressed together by the force of gravity to cause fusion. This fusion results in two hydrogen atoms forming a helium atom and in this process, photon light is produced. The helium particle is seven percent less...

The Flower Fairy Tale: Flower Shop Automation

The Flower Fairy Tale focuses on supplying custom and designer bouquets, which means that there is additional stress on the importance of the product being assembled by hand. This eliminates the option which would imply using robots or any other form of mechanical assistance in the production process. However, business...

Food Festival Event for Westboro Residents

Introduction Westboro is an area located on the west end of Ottawa, which local folk often calls Westboro Village. Located along the Ottawa River, the neighborhood formed in the nineteenth century and quickly became one of the most unique and diverse areas in Ontario. The Westboro community has undergone several...

The Morality of Nursing Decisions

Introduction Nursing decisions are often debatable from the moral point of view. The patient’s wish and the medical necessity or a nurse’s morality may contradict each other and lead to negative consequences for both sides. Nurses’ decisions often have an irreversible impact on the patients’ health or lives and their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Held to Maturity Accounting Investment

Accounting processes demand that companies categorize any investments or funds in equity securities or liability when they are acquired. These investments bought particularly equity securities can be put into custody until they mature, held also for buying and selling, or accessible for the transaction. Held to Maturity is the ability...

Social Movements and Protest in the Roach and Roach’s Book

The purpose of the two articles by Roach and Roach (1978; 1979) is to discuss the arguments presented by Piven and Cloward on the reasons, mechanics, and outcomes of social movements. Roach and Roach’s (1978) main argument consists in claiming that independent and uncontrolled poor people’s movement will fail, and...

Toyota Company: Car Brand Analysis

Toyota has strategically made its way to become the world’s biggest car company. Toyota’s grip especially firm grip of the US and world car market came through capitalizing on rival’s weaknesses e.g. GM and expansion programs in China and other emerging markets around the world (Maynard and Tabuchi, 2010, p.1)....

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Shakespeare

One of the most famous Shakespeare’s plays is “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, written in 1565/1596. The plot is an incredible combination of ancient mythology and English folklore. The folklore characters Shakespeare interpreted in his play became the canon and material for the creation of future plays. This play has impressed...

The Process of Public Policy Formulation’ Article by Freed et al.

The Process of Public Policy Formulation: The Case of Thimerosal in Vaccines is a Journal article written by Freed et al. The article discusses the emergence of Thimerosal as a concern in vaccination programs in the US. Successful immunization programs have significantly reduced cases of vaccine-preventable ailments. Thus, the article...

Leadership and Followership in Nursing

My results of the Followership Style Test are described as mixed (2.9) that is somewhere between very autocratic and very democratic style. I think that these results are rather predictable because I cannot still define what is closer to me and my skills: be a follower, who is constantly waiting...

“What’s Wrong – and What’s Right – with Stakeholder Management” by Boatright

What’s Wrong—and What’s Right— with Stakeholder Management What’s Wrong—and What’s Right— with Stakeholder Management What’s Wrong—and What’s Right— with Stakeholder Management What’s Wrong—and What’s Right— with Stakeholder Management In the article In What’s Wrong – and What’s Right – with Stakeholder Management, John Boatright (2006) presents a stakeholder management concept...

Leadership Perspectives: Indian Creek Foundation Case Study

Leaders have the ability to do right things and help others do right things. They choose a direction, build an inspiring image of what they want to achieve, and create something new. The main function of leadership is to choose the direction that a leader and his followers need to...

Gender Effect on the Growth of Nursing as a Knowledge-Based Profession

Introduction In today’s society, nursing is perceived as an excellent career of choice. How nurses are currently educated has contributed greatly towards nurses’ autonomy within their area of expertise. But despite these changes, many barriers surround the development of a knowledge base in nursing. Most of these barriers are related...

The American Health Care Bill

Rapidly increasing medical costs have created barriers on the endeavors to provide affordable health care to the low and middle class citizens. Deteriorating economies and high levels of unemployment have led to many hardships in life, thus the inability of many citizens to meet their health care bills. More so,...

Moral, Ethical & Legal Issues: Caring for the Mentally Ill Patient

The nursing profession is an ever-changing profession that has a responsibility of responding to complex and many different issues concerning protecting a patient by ensuring they are safe, human rights, as well as maintaining their dignity. Professional nurses should work as advocates of the patients without regard of the setting...

Survey of Medical Institution Personnel Regarding the MAGNET Program

The quality of health care in the United States is a big concern for the public. Many times, you find people asking questions about the cost of the health services offered in hospitals, the quality and how it is affected by staff shortage, especially shortage in nursing staff (Lewis &...

Guidelines Protecting Nursing Research Participants

Introduction Protection of research participants has evidently emerged as one of those potential areas that require close monitoring and control. In doing this, there has been a recent development and establishment of several legal and scientific agencies that operate to enhance the ethical standards of research initiatives (Ferderman, Hanna, &...

Friendship of Gilgamesh and Enkidu

In the ancient Mesopotamian poem, The Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the most important elements of the story is the friendship between the protagonist Gilgamesh and Enkidu. The formed friendship was unlikely given the opposite nature of the characters, but the two supernatural men forge the bond based on their...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Software Suites

Software Suites Computer software refers to programs that direct the activities of the computer systems. These programs are written by programmers who use specific programming languages to generate instructions that the computer understands through the use of language translators. Thus, computer software consists of the detailed preprogrammed instructions that control...

HIV Among Adolescents: Nurse Practitioners Intervention

Statistics on HIV among adolescents According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), people who are aged between 13 and 24, account for approximately 26 percent of newly-acquired HIV infections in America (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). Yet, one should mention that teenagers make only 17...

Sources of Literature in Nursing Problems

Nursing problems have greatly affected most health care systems in various countries. This is evident in both high-income countries and low-income countries. This paper seeks to find out whether the 15 articles have done the following: clearly identified and stated the problem, the nature of the issue of concern and...

Tooth Decay Problem in the United States

Selection of topic The topic selected is tooth decay in the US. Selection of the topic is based on the fact that it resonates with my field of study. Besides, it is an area of public concern because over the years, there has been growth in cases of untreated tooth...

“Aging Well” by Vaillant Review

Discussing generativity and aging, Vaillant (2002) states, “If the task of young adults is to create biological heirs, the task of old age is to create social heirs” (p. 114). Hence, the statement describes the tasks of adult life by Vaillant. When presenting his six adult life tasks, Vaillant placed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Preventing the Flu During Winter

The flu is an infectious respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses. The outcomes of the illness can be mild to severe, mostly depending on people’s age and health conditions. The symptoms may include muscle pain, fever, runny nose, fatigue, sore throat, and cough, subsiding within a week. However, influenza can...

Type I Hypersensitivity as Self-Defense Mechanism

The case presented with a 24-year-old man, RT, who got a bee sting and had adverse consequences, has several essential points to discuss. When an individual interacts with an allergen, it can immediately respond to the immune system. It is defined as an allergy and is most likely associated with...

Transportation Developments and Subsequent Economic Growth From 1865 to 1900

Technological advancements in the field of transportation are essential to consider when discussing the subject of economics. Several researchers state that the period from 1865 to 1900 manifests a significant rise in nationwide profits in the United States, spurred by the transport system changes (Rosenberg 50). In this essay, the...

Legal Theory and Procedure: Discovery

The concept of discovery can be perceived as a mutual process of trading information in court. In this case, the parties that are involved provide their best effort to find the most relevant evidence to present it in court. The long-term objective of discovery is to showcase the evidence that...

Observation of Wrong Delegation of a Task in the Clinical Practice

Wrong Delegation of a Task In the department where l was working, the certified nursing assistant (CNA) reported to a registered nurse (RN) about a patient whose nasogastric tube had come out. The RN informed the CNA that the patient should be screened and the nasogastric tube inserted. The CNA...

Disclosure of Traumatic Events

“Disclosure of Traumatic Events” is a chapter written by Denise M. Sloan and Blairo R. Wisco in a research anthology “Facilitating Resilience and Recovery Following Trauma”. This piece is dedicated to studying the importance of retelling the damaging experiences to other people. The authors delve into the essence of maintaining...

Analyzing Modern Art: Works Comparison

The standards for art changed over the centuries from strict and proportionate to daring and distorted. Today people choose what to accept as a masterpiece based on the work’s originality, presentation, and cost. Most viewers would feel uncomfortable in the art gallery if they could voice their personal opinion. Others...

Healthcare Documentation: Standards and Regulations

Health care facilities manage patients’ life and health daily; quality medical care relies on ably trained nurses and doctors, high facility equipment, and good record keeping. Health care documentation records the facts about a patient’s health involving both past and most recent examinations, tests, illnesses, treatments, medical records. Medical patient...

Aspects of Digital Marketing

Marketing is among the crucial constituents of a business as it possesses the power to impact clients’ opinions regarding a product or brand even without their notice. My passion for marketing began at an early age after encountering numerous ads on Television. However, my curiosity for digital marketing developed in...

“SiCKO”: Advocating for Socialized Medicine in America

Introduction Michael Moore, in his film SiCKO, advocates for socialized medicine in America. Michael believes that socialized medicine helps in the delivery of medical care to everyone who needs it. Moore highlights some of the issues related to healthcare in the United States, including the inequality in healthcare insurance coverage...

Congestive Heart Failure Patients Who Travel

PICOT Problem Description PICOT Question: In patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) who travel frequently (P), does education about the management of their condition (I) compared to the absence of such education (C) reduce the incidence rate of exacerbations (O) within a year of having undergone the intervention (T)? Evidence-Based...

Christian Business Operation in Capitalism

In the world of capitalism, companies strive to be profitable as they can while providing their products or services. However, this ideology does not always align with the Christian beliefs and principles that do not place profitability as their primary interest. Although some Christians agree with the fundamentals of capitalism,...

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Studies in Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

Introduction Qualitative studies differ from quantitative studies in numerous ways. For instance, qualitative studies are usually aimed at explaining nursing issues. In this regard, qualitative studies focus on a range of ideas that talk about the same topic. Moreover, qualitative studies focus on literature that is based on previously conducted...

Progressivism and Its Role in American Social Construction

Progressivism arose as a political development because of critical financial, social, and political disparities. Its center thought was that administration played a significant part in monetary guidelines and colonial government assistance. President Roosevelt portrays the three critical components of the thought as companies, insurance of buyers, and preservation of nature...

Kant’s Theory of Categorical Imperative in Sports

The ethical dilemma is a choice between two possibilities that will inevitably lead to violations of certain moral principles. In this sense, Coach Rob is faced with a dilemma where he needs to decide the fate of his two top starters. Students were caught cheating on an exam, which led...

The Chicanos in the Vietnam War

In the history of humankind, the most destructive times are related to wars. Wars are not typically reflected with justice or freedom of choice. An explicit example of it in recent history is the Vietnam War which caused the draft of hundreds of thousands of men (García). There were dissatisfactions...

The Importance of Home in O’Connor’s Literary Works

Flannery O’Connor is one of the most contradictory authors in the history of American literature. The topics of her works vary from racism and disability to the old-fashioned religious narratives (Mambrol). Despite such a variety of directions, she successfully managed to develop a number of characteristics attributed solely to her...

BOK Matrix Summary for Emerging Technology on Logistics

In the course, LGMT 685 Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, the assigned exercise, Module 8.5 Research Paper, was aimed at studying the contribution of the new and emerging technology on logistics and supply chain management. Technologies are crucial in creating strategic opportunities, and it was important to research how...

The Internet of Things in Transportation Management

Summary In the course LGMT 636 Transportation Management, the final activity is the Research paper which describes the importance and peculiarities of the IoT as an emerging technology impacting transportation and logistics. I researched the current area of ​​knowledge regarding the IoT in transportation and logistics. The objective of this...

The Volkswagen AG Stocks Analysis

This paper examines the valuation of Volkswagen AG to determine the adequacy of the stock valuation. The company currently has a P / E ratio of 5.78 as of August 2021 (YCharts, 2021). The automotive industry currently has an average of around 10, but many companies in the same sector...

Hamlet’s Relationship With Gertrude

Introduction As a targeted literary work to analyze, the world-famous play The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare will be considered. For the first time, the tragedy was published in 1603, and to this day, this is one of the outstanding works of the genius of classic...

Becoming a Gendered Body: Practices of Preschools

The article “Becoming a Gendered Body: Practices of Preschools,” written by Karin A. Martin, narrates about the dependency of one’s gendered perceptions on social constructions instilled in schools. The scholar’s observations serve for determining the link between these two phenomena while discussing them in detail by the sphere of influence...

WarnerMedia Vision and Mission Statements

In this essay shortcomings and effective elements of WarnerMedia News would be reviewed and discussed. The mission of WarnerMedia (2020) is to “deliver the world’s best stories and most engaging content from talented storytellers and journalists to audiences around the globe.” (line 6) It is effective as it clearly depicts...

“All Summer in a Day” and “Eveline”: Desire to Return to the Past

The contrasts between the past and the current settings are of special interest to numerous writers, who explored the emotional significance of nostalgia in their works. As the surrounding environment changes with time, many individuals perceive a development in their psychological well-being, which might be drastically impacted by a considerable...

Parents Should Limit the Usage of Screen Time for Their Children

Background Teenagers spend a lot of time staring at devices, which might conflict with getting proper exercise, finishing homework, and spending time with friends. Teens are more self-sufficient, but parents must still monitor how their children use technology (Ashton and Beattie). Teens may need to devote more time to completing...

Plot and Main Idea of “Back to the Future” Film

Introduction There are movies that not only do not age but also continue to carry philosophical and ethical thoughts through the decades. One of these films is Back to the Future, which was released in 1985 and still does not lose the relevance of its theme. Considering the film nowadays,...

Trustee of Columbia University and Local 2110 International Union

The collective bargaining between the Trustee of Columbia University and Local 2110 International Union is like a contract between management and labor. Collective bargaining is a negotiation of work and employment terms in writing between the employer and the trade union regarding pay rate, working hours, and other work conditions....

Movie Music: Soundtracks That Make the Movie

As soon as the first films appeared, it seemed incredible because the picture on the screen was changing. But after a short time, the pioneers of cinema – the Lumiere brothers, Thomas Edison, and Georges Méliès – realized that there was nowhere without sound (Haider, 2020). Loud projectors make it...

“Beyond the Polite Smile” by Janice Pang

In “Beyond the Polite Smile,” Janice Pang compares the Cantonese dialect of Chinese and English and her experiences with them. The essay takes a look at the author’s experience with both: one language is native to her family, while the other is the language of the public. The difference is...

Optimization and Improvement of the Namibian Electricity Sector

Introduction In developing countries like Namibia, power supply is a key issue. Namibia’s local electrical supply has failed to keep pace with its expanding energy demands since it only generates less than half of the energy it consumes, according to ITA (2020). The current peak energy demand exceeds 600 MW,...

Alexander the Great vs. Diogenes

The legends that have developed around famous personalities show how little humanity there is in the world. Alexander the Great, the conqueror of the ancient world, and the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes of Sinope were contemporaries who lived simultaneously (Bryan Lueck). One wanted to rule the world and conquered it;...

Motifs of Home and Family in “Munich”

Introduction The film Munich explores the historical events at the 1972 summer Olympics, where a Palestinian terrorist group attacked members of the Israeli Olympic team. The film is partially based on Vengeance, a book written by George Jonas that describes the assassination campaign, also known as the operation “Wrath of...

Kin Support and Elderly Care in the United States

It is important to note that various nations and cultures care differently about their elderly members of society. Some, more individualistic and westernized ones, rely on nursing homes to provide the necessary elderly care for the older groups. Whereas others, more collectivist and conservative ones, consider it as a child’s...

Expanding Access to Food Interview Plan

To increase the availability of food, given the lack of time, resources, and finances, it is necessary to conduct a survey among the unprotected part of the population using the services of food banks. This is how the maximum amount of information will be obtained with the minimum intervention. The...

Environmental Health and Biodiversity

Understanding the effects of environmental and artificial risks, as well as safeguarding people’s health and ecological processes from these hazards, is what environmental health entails. The Open University presents a list of the most critical environmental hazards. In summary, the four types of hazards are physical, biological, chemical, and cultural...

Switching to Electric Cars: Impact

Introduction Multiple industries that have been known offenders of environmental premises are willing to make a switch to more sustainable ways. The automotive industry, in particular, has been heavily preoccupied with offering more mindful consumers options that would be less damaging for the environment. Hence, the electric car market has...

The Athenaeum Club in Canadian Labor History

Summary Today, Canada is one of a small number of states with a reasonably high standard of living, and it is reasonable to assume that this is due to the country’s lengthy labor heritage. Given the fact that the attractiveness of Canadian localities is culturally relevant, the mentioned area of...

Greenland Ice and Global Tour Precipitation

The first video by SomeoneSmol, “May 11, 2022 (a).” provides an overview of the methods of studying the Greenland ice sheet, revealing how exactly the age of the ice and the conditions it existed in can be determined. For example, one of the most recent ways of researching Greenland ice...

Aliens Preeminent Literary: Character Review

The preeminent literary, Alien, sets the tone for other television phenomena in terms of creating rich plots with dynamic yet complex characters that leave the audience entertained and with powerful insights about life. With the original series comprising four films between 1979 and 1997, Alien focuses on Ellen Ripley’s struggle...

A Police Officer’s Education and Duties

A police officer’s duties are preventing and detecting crime and overall upholding public order. Police officers reply to security alerts, make arrests, patrol streets and communities, and uphold public safety. Every police officer has a jurisdiction given to them where they work. The duties can vary because there are several...

Film Summary: “The Patriot” Directed by Dean Semler

Nationalism is one factor that enables the citizens to protect the sovereignty of a given nation. The movie The Patriot has proven to be one of America’s most beloved films by loyal American citizens. The movie aims at bringing a sense of hope and a deeper understanding to the people...

Information Gain and Entropy Methods in Banking

Introduction The paper reviews the methods of information gain and entropy used by banking companies and critically analyzes some alternatives that are possible to use. Discussion The most common method in economics is called information acquisition, and it is based on a measure of purity called entropy (Provost and Fawcett,...

Social Inequality in Poems, Songs, and Films

Social inequality is the unfair distribution of goods, burdens, and wealth in the society. Social inequality results in various challenges, including underrepresentation, marginalization, substance abuse, and criminality in society. People who are less equal in the societies are neglected in cultural inclusivity, economic growth, and social engagement. Social stratification in...

Globalization and its Impact on the World

A phenomenon that gathered speed after World War II, globalization has tremendously impacted the international economy, society, and culture by enabling greater interconnectedness and cross-border exchange of people and ideas. Globalization is a complex phenomenon that has benefited developed countries economically while unfairly distributing wealth to underdeveloped nations and disenfranchising...

Christianity in the Discussion of the US Parties

Introduction In the article “In both parties, fewer say now being Christian or being born in the U.S. is important to being ‘truly American’” by Aidan Connaughton, the author provides statistics of statements by the Republican Party of the United States and the Democratic Party. This data concerns critical philosophical...

“The Price of Sugar” by Documentary Bill Haney

“The Price of Sugar” is a documentary on the lives of Haitian sugarcane cutters in the Dominican Republic and the local priest Father Christopher Hartley. The documentary touches on multiple subjects, but the ones I found most interesting were the moral price of consuming sugar from such farms and Father...

Cheesecake Factory: The Company Information

The company is traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (NASDAQ Global Select Market). The share price at the fiscal year end (December 28, 2021) was $39.66 per share. During fiscal 2021, the price of our common stock fluctuated between $34.64 and $65.81 per share. The common stock par value...

Occupational Work Accident at Dauma

Dauma is a facility that produces a variety of construction materials, including bricks, cement, clay, and concrete, using concrete block machines, cement making machines, and other potentially hazardous equipment. Incidents that may result in injuries or even death occur on the Dauma premises (Odenigbo et al., 2019). This article aims...

The Brooklyn Brewery’s Options in the US Market

If an organization is going to run a business in the US brewery industry, it should be aware of the three-tier alcohol distribution system. The system was created in 1933 “as a result of an amendment to the US Constitution” (Meier & Wang, 2021, p. 3). According to this legislation...

Impact of Sociocultural Factors on the Development of the LGBTQ Identity

LGBTQ identity is influenced by different sources, family, peers, culture, and community all play their roles in identity development. Although throughout their journey they have to worry not only about accepting themselves but whether the community would accept them as well. That is why sociocultural factors play a vital role...

Details of the Brand Positioning

Introduction Brand positioning is placing a brand in the customer’s mind and strategies to ensure the business is set apart from the other businesses. Brand positioning has clarified who to serve and why it is the best organization for the customers. For a brand to be successful, loyalty, value, and...

Education Under Impact of Globalization

Introduction The most serious identified negative impact of globalization is the widening gap in access to education. Globalization has made English the primary language of education, which can lead to discrimination. For further analysis of the topic, it is necessary to identify the factors influencing the process of globalization in...

The Aspects of the Critical Psychology

Introduction Psychology has several important tasks that contribute to the goal of making the world a better place. Firstly, psychology strives to describe the behavior and feelings of people; furthermore, the collected information is processed to explain why people behave in a certain way. A detailed explanation of people’s behavior...

The “Anna in the Tropics” Play by Nilo Cruz

Anna in the Tropics is a play written by Cuban-American writer Nilo Cruz, which was created in 2001 and premiered in 2002 in Miami. Cruz claimed that his intention in creating the play was to offer a testament to the distinct Latino-American experiences through the eyes of the Spanish and...

Analysis of “Beyond False Positives” by Taylor

The article “Beyond false positives” by Taylor analyses one of the errors occurring in the US criminal justice system. The key question the author is addressing is the nature and probable typology of officer-involved shootings. The main theoretical point of view presented in the article is that of Kahneman, who...

Mortgage Lending Violations in 2022

Introduction The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) publishes a report every six months on violations of the law that were identified during inspections. The Bureau vetted companies and suppliers for compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The CFPB found multiple violations, especially inaccurate information in credit reporting and...

Plato’s View of Art: Philosophies of Art and Beauty

Plato was known for being concerned about society and its morals. He knew that art had a great influence on the youths, which is why he expressed some concerns. The philosopher feared that certain negative influences depicted in it could have a negative impact on people. This is why the...

History: Civil War Experiences

Did the experiences of British citizens differ from Americans during World War II? The experiences of the British citizens were similar to those of the Americans during World War II. In America, a majority of the nationals sacrificed themselves to ensure their country emerged victoriously. The nationals accepted to operate...

Ethical Issues in Animal Research

Animal research has always been a topic of ethical consideration in the scientific community. With experiments on humans being largely barred by numerous ethical and legal rulings put into place, using animals for potentially dangerous and invasive experiments remained the only way of testing various medical and chemical components that...

The Issue of Police Brutality in Community

Our group comprised three females and one male. We learnt a lot regarding police brutality. Each one of us had strong opinions and reflections on the information that we gathered. It was a great experience to work in a group as we learned from each other and everyone made a...

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Nursing Philosophy and Occupational Sustainability

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Evidence-Based Research in Healthcare

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Florida HB 423 and Health Coverage in the State of Florida

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Fire Code Violations: Cost-Benefit Analysis

Fire codes are specific legal acts determining the provisions and requirements necessary for guaranteeing the safety of a particular area and its citizens. They are developed and adopted by each state on a separate basis with regard to special safety or building needs. Furthermore, cities across the states are free...