Merchant’s Perspective of Babylon

As a merchant and representative of the Vaishya varna, I came from Varanasi to the western cities to trade and discover something new. The land I have seen, called Mesopotamia, is not in the best condition, being attacked by warriors who call themselves Persians. The city I’m heading to has...

Quantitative Easing and Carry Trade

Miyakoshi, T., Li, K. W., Shimada, J., & Tsukuda, Y. (2020). The impact of quantitative easing and carry trade on the real estate market in Hong Kong. International Review of Economics & Finance, 69, 958-976. Web. Evaluating trends of the foreign exchange market is a challenging task, which can be...

“The Iron Lady” Movie Review

The 2011 motion picture by Phyllida Lloyd titled The Iron Lady is a biographical film showing the life and career path of one of the most famous politicians in the history of Great Britain. In the opening sequence of the film, Margaret Thatcher is shown as an elderly lady at...

Features of Torts and Their Social Meaning

The main task of the theory of state and law in studying torts in society is to reveal the social essence of this phenomenon. To analyze its social meaning, it is necessary, first of all, to know what a tort is. Torts are inextricably linked with the law, which regulates...

Research of Mental Health Aspects

Introduction Mental health refers to the mental and psychological well-being of an individual. It can manifest in various ways and be caused by factors such as dissatisfaction and others. It is important that one can undergo treatment and make a full recovery. This field research has focused on themes of...

Analysis of “The Damned Human Race” Essay

The Damned Human Race is an essay written by an American writer, Mark Twain. In this satirical paper, the author reveals a very original and peculiar theory, according to which humankind is not the highest point of evolution, but the lowest. Mark Twain provides very convincing arguments to defend his...

Discussion of Review “Little and Lion” Book

The paragraphs I chose for discussion is in chapter nine and twenty-six. In chapter nine, Suzette, Lionel, their mother, and Saul were having dinner together. Saul was in their house and was the one who prepared the meal for that night. They were both asked to join the dining table...

Climate Change and Environmental Anxiety

One of the world’s leading issues has been climate change or global warming. Even though the weather has slowed it, it still has a place in our hearts and minds. Since 1970, temperatures have risen by 1.3 degrees to 1.9 degrees in some parts of the United States. Global warming...

War Through a Man’s Shattered Mind

Introduction The Sorrow of War is a novel about the war in Vietnam and its effect on both soldiers and civilians. The book is centered around Kien, a Vietnamese war veteran who struggles to tie his life back together after horrific events that happened to him and the people around...

Religion: “Canoeing the Mountains” by T. Bolsinger

Once an individual is lost from the dance floor, a balcony offers more space and fresh air when compared to the closed dance room. The balcony provides an ample space that allows a person to look at the people in the room in a bigger picture. The balcony epitomizes the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Islam and Christianity: Comparison

Introduction Islam and Christianity are the world’s two main religions. Many people in the universe belong to either of the two religions, mainly by birth. Christianity is a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth in the 1st century CE, who the believers hold dear as...

Amazon’s Online Marketing Strategy and Brick & Mortar Retail

This paper responds to the questions regarding online firms such as Amazon and brick-and-mortar retail stores. The paper looks at the specific advantages of Amazon over brick-and-mortar retail stores. The answers include brick and mortar retail stores’ responses to the online shopping competitors. The possibility of an “even playing field”...

Business Strategies: Cost Leadership and Differentiation

Cost Leadership and Differentiation Cost leadership entails organizing the firm’s resources in a way that the production of goods and services is achieved at the lowest price possible. It involves being the leader in terms of cost in the firm’s market or industry. By reducing the cost of production, the...

Coronial Practice in Case of Patient Fall

In modern legal practice, numerous perspectives exist regarding coronial functions. The coroner’s functions are diverse, leading to various perceptive roles, which include protective, public health, therapeutic jurisprudence, death investigative, civil liberties, and human rights. In this case, the coroners play a critical role in attaining human rights about the outcomes...

Integrated Theory of Leadership from Theological Perspective

Abstract The paper presents my integrated theory of leadership by explaining how adaptive leadership relates to my theology. Scientific evidence is included to explain the basics of adaptive leadership, while its principles are aligned with my theological beliefs, including God’s love for humanity and the presence of sin in the...

American Patriots: Ethical Concerns and Civic Engagement

Introduction Due to governing-related imperfections in the American colonies, the middle of the 18th century was marked by devoted colonists’ concerns and a desire for respect. The Patriots’ history of advocating for change reveals various responses to financial exploitation. The Patriots were represented by colonial citizens critical of taxation strategies,...

The COVID-19 Infectious Disease Analysis

Talking about infectious diseases, modern people should remember the threat of COVID-19 and the necessity of taking certain precautionary steps. Although the pandemic crisis is not as critical as it was a year ago, neglecting simple preventive steps and protecting personal health will be wrong. COVID-19 is an example of...

The Regional Division of Canada

Since Canada is a tremendously diversified nation, it is impossible to analyze Canada as a whole, including its resources, physical geography, and historical foundation. Geographers can study smaller areas to analyze the efficiency of governmental interventions in the improvement of life within the community. Regions are geographical areas widely separated...

The Quality Control Supervisor Job Duties

Overview The Quality Control Department performs secondary supervision of the actions of other personnel. The supervisor’s job is to coordinate checking the work of other departments for compliance with standards. The supervisor is responsible for organizing training sessions to work on errors and improve subsequent results. All this helps maintain...

Creating a Culture of Empowerment and Accountability

Introduction St. Martin de Porres High School was founded in 2003 to educate underprivileged youth (Mumby & Kuhn, 2019). Students worked on corporate internships to be able to pay for their education. However, the school faced many problems related to administrative management. To be able to address these issues, it...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chemistry: Collision Theory of Reactivity

Introduction It is essential to evaluate what occurs during a reaction on the molecular level to understand the kinetics of chemical reactions and the factors affecting them. Based on the collision theory of reactivity, reactions happen when reactant molecules collide effectively (Felder et al., 2020). However, for this collision to...

The Significance of Sourcing: the Importance of Sourcing for the Company

The supply chain strategy is a critical aspect of a company’s operations since it directly affects the level of costs for purchasing materials and resources. International supply chains in this aspect are crucial because they allow organizing the purchase of resources in different business conditions. In the context of the...

Nursing Education in Sub-Saharan Africa

Introduction In the article, “Nursing education challenges and solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa: an integrative review,” the authors sought to investigate the challenges of nursing education in sub-Saharan Africa and the solutions for improving nursing education. The authors note that the sub-Saharan region continuously reports an increased burden of communicable diseases...

The Afghanistan Strategy: Afghanistan Without Al-Qaeda or the Taliban

The afghan strategy is a United States’ strategy of sending American troops to fight the Taliban and al-Qaeda in order to make a safer world. Obama has started implementing the Afghan strategy by ordering 30000 troops to be sent to there, because America’s security is at stake. He has promised...

The Harm that Good Men Do

Introduction It is not easy to tell the true picture of those people held with high regard in society. These people are usually considered virtuous and held in very high esteem. Russell, in his work, opens the curtain behind which such people hide. Russell sets off the argument by describing...

Puberty and Moral and Cognitive Development

Onset of Puberty The gap between the onset of puberty and the process of cognitive maturation has widened over the years, which has become the reason for alarm among the scholars in several fields, including psychology and social sciences. This importance of this discrepancy becomes evident once we consider the...

BlackBerry Company’ PESTEL Analysis

Introduction BlackBerry Limited is a firm that designs and markets a wide range of wireless handheld devices in many nations across the world. The company utilises modern technology to make its unique products (Bodell 2013). Some of its recent handheld devices are the Z30, Z10 and Passport (BlackBerry 2014). “PESTEL...

Emotion Management in the Workplace

Abstract Emotions are a complex and often challenging part of the everyday life of modern individuals. Emotions are present at all times and in every situation we face. Sometimes they are quite pleasant and relaxing, and sometimes they are confusing and frustrating. Both positive and negative emotions have one important...

Diabetes Patient and Holistic Nursing Intervention

The patient who referred to Sabatia Health Center for medical treatment was diagnosed with diabetes. The clinical assessment of the patient revealed a low insulin level and poor response to the insulin injections which resulted in the constant thirst, feeling of hunger, and urinary incontinence. Along with the physiological problems,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Community Hospital in Ypsilanti: Janice Portfleet Case

Introduction Case Study: Janice Portfleet is a nurse manager of a 12-bed critical care unit (CCU) for a community hospital in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Her superior has just notified her that the productivity level in the CCU has declined. Nurse Portfleet is asked to cost out nursing services for her unit,...

Intensive Care Unit Quality Improvement Checklist

Explain the process that was used to develop the Quality Program To develop the quality program, Simpson, Peterson, and O’Brien-Ladner (2007) utilized “Shewhart and Deming’s plan-do-study-act methodology” (p. 185) to create an initial checklist for screening. The study was given to different doctors and nurses to gain feedback. After the...

Information Sharing to Ensure National Security USA

Information Sharing Information sharing environment among agencies was established by the United States Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act in 2004. The information-sharing information-sharing environment provides the agencies with information on security in the nation to ensure national security. Information sharing weaknesses was the main factor that contributed to the...

Little Red Riding Hood by Dahl and Perrault

Comparison of the Different Versions of LRRH Little Red Cap is a folk text initially written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Today, it is also widely known as Little Red Riding Hood (LRRH). This fairy tale reveals a story about a young girl who goes through the woods to visit...

Doctors’ Treatment and Communication Process

Topic Description The topic chosen for the analysis is the care from doctors, particularly the doctors’ treatment, the communication process, the hospital environment (i.e., the cleanness of the wards, the background noises, etc.). Although often underrated, the identified aspect of healthcare services is essential to the improvement of patient outcomes....

Adolescent Health Care: Factors and Impact

Important Factors of Influence Many factors affect individuals in the stage of adolescent development. People of ages from twelve to eighteen are exposed to multiple spheres of influence, including social, biological, environmental, and cognitive changes. However, the most important factors that impact the development of persons of that age are...

Hurricane Hanna, Aftermath and Community Recovery

In the aftermath of Hurricane Hanna, the region struggles to recover. In particular, the utility companies are proceeding to restore power in the conditions of catastrophic flooding while state governments and the Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA] (n.d.) provide emergency supplies to the survivors. FEMA (n.d.) also reports that the...

Sanergy Waste Management Company: Reverse Logistics

Waste Management Company Operations Sanergy Waste Management Company bills over 10,000 corporate and individual customers in the city it is located. The company utilizes various methods to track its waste bins and trucks as they transport and deposit materials at various designated locations. To manage their inventory and keep track...

Microsoft Corporation Strategies

Is MS’s market share so massive that it can behave like a monopoly? Microsoft Corporation businesses are so massive that the company operates has a monopoly company. Based on the case study, Microsoft Corporation has expanded and diversified in the last few years. In the study, it is noted that...

Leader-Member Exchange and Transformational Theories

My colleague, Erin, managed to create an informative and interesting post about the leader-member exchange (LMX) theory, its peculiar features, strengths, shortages, and relation to another integral leadership theory, known as transformational. One of the first questions that appeared after reading the post was as follows, “Erin, is there your...

Employee Benefits in Today’s Work Environment

What aspects of the Jones Investments benefits program are likely to appeal to Aden? Subsidized meals at the company will be appealing because they provide an immediate cost-saving benefit to the potential employee. The allowance of time off for attending classes will also be most appealing because it gives the...

Romantic Partners’ Responsiveness During Uncertainty

Summary The article by Dooley, Sweeny, Howell, and Reynolds (2018) focuses on the issue of partners’ responsiveness during a period of stressful uncertainty. Scholars remark that in the age of massive data availability, there are pieces of information that people sometimes have to wait for a long time. Such occasions...

Leadership Psychology and Behaviors

Introduction The term leadership refers to an aleatory concept that can take different forms: spiritual, shared, and corporate leadership are some of its most common aspects. However, while leading ability is easy to identify, it is difficult to define (Antonakis & Day, 2018). A broad definition relates leadership to the...

Research and Global Health: Obesity and Overweight

The article “Overweight and Obesity among Children: An Evaluation of a Walking Program” by Zuraikat and Dugan (2015) reveals that indeed obesity is a health issue that needs to be addressed with urgency not only in the U.S. but also globally. The two authors confirm that a walking program may...

Key Attributes for Employees’ Success in Healthcare

Communication is the ultimate key to success, collaboration, efficiency, and best outcomes in practically every industry. It is especially relevant in healthcare which focuses on human interaction and has complex mechanisms of care as well as a number of involved stakeholders and professionals, applying to everything from a simple doctor’s...

Skepticism and Unreliable Knowledge Sources

Skepticism is associated with doubts about knowledge and its reliability. Skeptics stress that it is impossible to make sure that any source of knowledge is reliable enough, so people are likely to be mistaken all the time (Vaughn, 2018). The best illustration of this perspective is Plato’s assumption that the...

Online Computer-Tailored Physical Activity Intervention

Nowadays our life is full of different new discoveries that enable us to facilitate and make it better. With every passing day, almost everything around us undergoes some innovations. I for one firmly believe that not every person knows when exactly Internet has come into our lives, but now it...

Braithwaite’s “English Gentlewoman” and Webster’s “The Duchess of Malfi”

Introduction John Webster’s works give an idea that powerful women were an anomaly in the XVI and XVII centuries. Indeed, during the early modern period, powerful women were not welcome in society, they were considered to be unnatural and dangerous. Female dominance could not be accepted as it symbolized social...

White Privilege and Ethnic Minorities in the USA

Introduction Perceptions of the white privilege have seen somewhat of a decline over the past 60 years but the idea continues to afflict many different types of people in all parts of the country despite any assertions to the contrary. We now have increased representations of ethnic minorities in universities,...

“The Crystal Frontier” Analysis

The story “The Crystal Frontier” of Fuentes is a wonderful narrative about the meeting of two people from different countries with different life situations – the way they found an ideal they imagined in each other and could not overcome the crystal frontier, which was not just a glass but...

Bottled Water Status in the UK

Introduction The economy of the UK has improved drastically over the years. UK is now renowned a conducive area in which to carry out businesses and has risen in areas of food and drink technologies, medical devices and transport technologies for instance rail and aerospace (Gutnik, 1984). The bottled water...

“The Color Landscape” by Kayne

The story of color landscape talks about a photographer who through a process upgraded or developed from taking white and black pictures, to a level of not only taking colored pictures but also being a teacher of photography in several schools and colleges. The story began when the author was...

“In the Heights” by Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center

The given paper will review the theatrical performance of In The Heights, which was produced by Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center. It is a musical performance by an American author and composer Lin-Manuel Miranda based on a book by Chiara Alegria Hodes, which describes the life of the Washington Heights...

Metabolism Aspects for Optimal Athletic Performance

Metabolism is the chemical processes of the body that are aimed at maintaining life in it. Metabolism is usually divided into two stages: catabolism and anabolism. During catabolism, complex organic substances degrade to simpler ones, releasing energy. In the processes of anabolism, more complex substances are synthesized from simpler ones,...

Compare and Contrast the Watergate and the Iran-Contra Scandals

Introduction Historically, several scandals have occurred in the United States of America government. Naturally, some of these incidences are peculiar, hence they call for a high level of attention globally. The two most common types of acts that most Americans have continued to remember are Watergate’s impeccable misconduct and the...

The Muscular System and Skeletal Muscle Types

The Structure and Function of the Three Types of Muscle Tissue The complexity of the muscular system is conditional upon the presence of various kinds of muscle tissue. They include skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles which differ in their structure and function as well as in the way they establish...

Nursing: The Five Stages of Grief

Who is the nurse theorist we associate with the five stages of grief? Elisabeth Kübler-Ross is the nurse scholar identified with the five stages of grief. She intended to learn what the patients were contemplating while they were dying. With her first-hand study, she developed the famous five-stage theory popularly...

The Freedom of Expression

Free speech is one of the fundamental rights existing in democracies, including the United States. The Constitution guarantees one’s unabridged right to express oneself freely, and people often appeal to the First Amendment when accused of crossing the boundaries. However, the concept tends to be misunderstood and abused, leading to...

Greek Drama. “Medea” by Euripides

There are several elements that can outright describe and reflect Greek drama. The play “Medea” by Euripides is a mythical tragedy that was written in 431 BC. One common element in such plays that is also reflected through the drama is the presence of mythical gods. The story gives relevance...

Analysis of Sea Lampreys Problem

Introduction Sea invasion is a common occurrence, for example, Lake Superior and Huron produced more than 7000 tons of fish in 1940 before the collapse of trout population after infestation by sea lampreys in 1962 (“U.S. fish & Wildlife Service n.d.”). In essence, sea lampreys have affected ecology in lakes...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Major Depressive Disorder in Sex Workers

Definitions and Symptoms Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a health issue that can affect anyone given the presence of respective circumstances, yet sex workers are under a particularly high threat. Due to the constant exposure to traumatic experiences and the lack of awareness of and access to healthcare services, the...

New Product Failure Overview and Analysis

Introduction Failed start-ups are not unique to a competitive business environment. However, in case large brands suffer losses due to unreasonably designed projects, this causes significant resonance and serves as an example for other organizations. As such a failure, the case of Coca-Cola in 1985 will be considered, in particular,...

Personal Hygiene: Qualitative Research

Research topic and question This proposed qualitative research study would use the topic “Personal hygiene”. This is a broad topic that would be narrowed down to understand issues in a specific area. Within nursing care, an understanding of the various issues that contribute to disease progression due to poor personal...

“A Clockwork Orange” by Anthony Burgess

Introduction Every book ever published was written for a reason – to convey a specific idea to the readers. However, most published works do not state their central topics on the first page, opting for a more allegorical presentation. This review will examine Anthony Burgess’s most infamous novel, A Clockwork...

Surgical Technology and Equipment

Before a patient arrives, one of the factors of a successful and secure operation is to have the requisite materials and equipment in the working room for a surgeon and his or her team. Getting the correct instruments in hands of a proper surgeon often requires an excellent coordination of...

Google Inc. vs. Chinese Censorship Rules

The Google Company found itself in a tight corner explaining its decision for entering the Chinese market. This was a highly restrictive market as the government monitored and limited the kind of information internet users could access. The company operated on core values of satisfying the user interests and expanding...

Ethical Health Promotion-Related Issue

In HIV treatment and prevention, confidentiality raises an ethical health promotion-related issue by creating the dilemma between safeguarding the privacy of the patient and protecting people who could be at high risk, for example, spouses. Upholding patients’ confidentiality signifies that their positive status should remain secret without being discussed by...

Women in Colonial America: Massachusetts Bay Colony

The development of women’s rights in colonial America is a dramatic period of U.S. history. In particular, the New England Colonies, such as the Massachusetts Bay Colony, were highly patriarchal societies. Likewise, women’s roles in the Southern Colonies, for example, the Province of Georgia, were primarily restricted to household duties...

Benefits of Physical Activity

Physical activity is necessary for a person if he/she wants to maintain a healthy form of his or her body. The main factor influencing the health in our bodies is metabolism. If its runs smoothly and averagely fast, then it ensures our bodies with appropriate protection from diseases. It also...

Unilever and European Law Relations

Introduction The European Union (EU) has strict product liability regulations. The product liability laws entail regulations, which seek to protect the clientele from substandard products. In this act, the word ‘product’ denotes a tangible item. Therefore, the law does not cater for provision of services. The product liability legislation enacted...

Police Selection Process: Metropolitan and New York Police Departments

The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) and the New York Police Department (NYPD) are two of America’s well known, effective and efficient police departments and a person wishing to be recruited into the above departments has to pass through a thorough and competitive selection process. The minimum requirement and selection criteria...

Purpose and Scope of Human Resource Management

There are various definitions of HRM, but most of them are similar in the following: human resource management is a unique combination of philosophy and activities aimed at organizing people within an organization (Sharma 2). To better understand the purpose and scope of HRM, it is advisable to review its...

Voting Rights of Convicted Felons

Convicted felons are individuals found to be guilty of serious offenses, including raping, first-degree murder, and kidnapping, therefore, leaving them no choice but to spend more than one year in prison. According to Whitt, 8% of the US’s current total population represents the number of convicted felons, and, as a...

Cholera Issues in the Developing World

Introduction The bacterium, Vibrio cholerae is the etiological agent, causing acute and a diarrheal illness by infecting the intestine (Daniels & Shafaie, 2000). This illness is called cholera. Severe cholera cases are common with high-dose exposure, blood-group-O and low gastric acidity (Daniels & Shafaie, 2000). Its incubation period ranges between...

“Kiss Me, I’m Illegal”: Reflection

Current US policy is aimed at tightening borders, especially with regard to illegal or undocumented immigrants. Such actions also reflect the sentiments of residents, who often stigmatize visitors from other, often neighboring states. Paul Vitello (2006), in the article “Kiss me, I’m illegal,” discusses the various names suggested for labeling...

Building the American Way: Public Subsidy, Private Space

Redlining was an approach that divided areas with nonwhite residents from others by highlighting them with signs or red lines on maps. The establishment of Home Owners Load Corporation (HOLC) improved real estate and made it more affordable, however, the practice of “redlining” to rate neighborhoods caused issues in the...

For and Against Euthanasia: An Ethical Perspective

Euthanasia is a medical practice of ending the life of a suffering patient with the injection of barbiturate or paralytic. Assisted death is legal in the majority of the European Union countries, Colombia, and several American states. However, the countries where euthanasia is legal are in the minority. Indeed, this...

Necessary Changes in the Family Model

The socio-cultural changes taking place around the world in 2040 are associated with an increase in individual freedom and the expansion of the choice of professions. In addition, the importance of education will increase; all of the above will lead to an increase in the social differentiation of the entire...

How Geography Influenced Colonial Economy in America

Introduction When British colonists came to America, they chose strategic locations they thought were fit to create a stronghold for them over the Native Americans. The British drove the natives out of land that they felt was more valuable and occupied it. The places they chose were either fertile land...

Habitat for Humanity International’s Main Goals

Introduction Habitat for Humanity International (HHI) is a non-profit organization with the vision of a world where all people have decent accommodation. HHI operates in more than 70 countries around the globe and partners with volunteers and low-income families to build or restore their housing. This paper will provide an...

Aspects of Probiotics

Introduction Probiotics refer to the yeasts and bacteria that are considered beneficial for human beings, especially in the digestive system. Usually, germs are known to be infectious micro-organisms, thus, causing the disease in human beings. Consequently, the human body contains bacteria perceived to have a positive and negative impact on...

Focus on Social Media as a Health Advocacy Tool for Adolescents

Social media has emerged among the most transformational and impactful technologies of the 21st century through its increasingly indispensable influences on decision making, education and access to information, and social interactions. Teenagers represent the most active demographic group across social media platforms with conservative estimates indicating at least 51% of...

Media Influence on a Government Official’s Image

Overall, the media play an essential role in shaping collective views and opinions on various issues. Various agents of social construction create the image of any social institution. The idea of the civil service in the media today can be very ambiguous. On the one hand, civil servants are often...

Constructive Eviction and the Implied Warranty of Habitability

Introduction The case scenario includes Steve, who is renting a property from Billy and faces the issue with the non-compliant renting conditions and negligence of the house owner. As such, this situation resulted in a leg injury because of the unfixed stairs, as well as the broken heater, which was...

Renaissance Culture Art: The Meditation on Passion by Vittore Carpaccio

Renaissance means rebirth in French; it has a few historical concepts that resonate with the cultural development of the time. Renaissance is used to describe the rediscovery of Roman culture in the late thirteen centuries. This artistic concept inspired art, architecture, science, music, and philosophy. Renaissance began in the late...

Discussion of the Virtue Ethics

Dr. Christina Sommers draws attention to the problem of moral illiteracy of the generation, which comes from modern methods of teaching ethics. The author notes that teachers mainly analyze social policy, which is only a part of moral life; private morality is rarely considered. Part of the problem stems from...

Stereotypes & Biases and Cultural Competence

Summary Stories unlock cultural heritage, creating misconceptions, perceptions, and certitude about people. However, for the notions to be justified, the stories must be diverse in all aspects and authenticated (Adichie 00:09:17). “The Dangers of a Single Story” is an awakening message by novelist and writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie that explores...

Supply and Demand in the Context of the Fuel Crisis

Background In the contemporary world, the global economy is a sphere that connects multiple sectors, and therefore, depends on different events’ influence. Attack on one of the largest United States pipelines, which carries almost half of the East Coast’s fuel supplies, is severe damage to a well-functioning system. It implies...

Artifacts for Professional Preparation

Artifact 1. Data Collection Instrument Description of the Artifact The first artifact is a table for collecting data. The purpose of the artifact is to evaluate the learners’ grasp of the key concepts and tools of inquiry. It was meant for 5-year old children and was to engage the learners...

United States as the Strongest Country

Introduction Since the Second World War, America has taken the leading position in the world, both militarily and economically. Thus, the Cold War influenced the build-up of defensive systems, as well as nuclear weapons. Moreover, the favorable investment climate and the growth of the largest companies in the world, such...

Ethics: The Idea and Concept of Lying

In this interview, the idea of lying is briefly described, proving the complexity of this issue and the impossibility of choosing one definite position. On the one hand, many people want to remove lies from their lives and enjoy the world based on fair and true relationships, emotions, and attitudes....

Effectiveness of Leadership: The Case Study

In the scenario, Steve is the owner of a small mobile company that has been in the Malaysian market for 10 years. The company produces local-branded phones and consists of 100 employees spread over three divisions, research and development, sales, and production. While the company appears to be working successfully,...

Digestibility, Textural and Sensory Characteristics of Cookies

The article by Li et al. presents a study that reveals many aspects of in-depth research processes behind innovative technologies. The focus of the study is a type of enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction residue (REAE) called okara – a pulp made of soybeans after they are processed (Li et al., 2020)....

Description of Love Defined in 1 Corinthians 13

As defined in 1 Corinthians 13, love is a style of life lived in imitation of Jesus Christ that is centered on the “other” and their sound rather than on oneself. There are various ways in which love is described in each of the tests found in 1 Corinthians 13:...

2008 Economic Crisis in Inside Job Documentary

The Inside Job film elaborates on the economic crises witnessed globally in 2008 because of the unsteady systems. The economic instability affected the atmosphere adversely, triggering the loss of jobs and properties. All the institutions that triggered the crises and the people involved, as well as their deeds, are explicitly...

Discussion of the Case of Jessica Santillon

The incident that happened to Jessica, unfortunately, is not as rare as many believe. Nowadays, medical errors are the most common medical care defect. A medical error is a defect in the provision of medical care associated with the improper actions of medical personnel, characterized by conscientious delusion in the...

The Product Export: Action Plan

The action plan for the product export covers the three initial stages of bringing the product to the new market: research and development, online retail and marketing, and offline retail. The first steps of stages 2 and 3 can overlap with the last steps of previous stages. The progress will...

Primary vs. Secondary Markets Differences

Primary and Secondary Markets When it comes to financial activities, it is necessary to understand the difference between primary and secondary markets. They are distinct phenomena, and traders, investors, and other stakeholders should know how they vary. Primary and secondary markets are different according to their overall purpose, mechanics, and...

Healthcare Disparity in the African American Community

Background In the event of an epidemic, different individuals suffer differently. The prevalence and mortality rates between races have proved that some factors other than access to healthcare are involved. The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the huge disparity in the African American community. While everyone is prone to the disease, medical...

Social Influence on Behaviors: Disadvantages

Social media has recently become the most popular means of communication used by millions of people, especially young adults. However, social media utilizes the incentive to alter the landscape of how we connect with each other by manipulating the data of our previous behaviors to shape our current and future...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Organic vs. Inorganic Chemicals Difference

Introduction The experiment conducted for my lab report consists of two tests: iodine and emulsifiers. The objective of the experiment was to identify the difference between organic and inorganic chemicals. Both positive and negative reactions to the iodine test are included in the analysis as well. Furthermore, the experiment will...

Cinematic Techniques in The Silence of the Lambs Movie

The current paper is devoted to analyzing the cinematic techniques applied in the classic horror movie called The Silence of the Lambs, directed by Jonathan Demme. The film was chosen from the AFI top 100 of 100 years. The movie Silence of the Lambs is a classic horror that has...

Mathematical Problems: Methodologies and Approaches

Background We invited five different students to take up the assignments, and out of the five students, we met three physically while two virtually. The participant’s identities remained unanimous and were labeled as participants 1-5. The students were ages 14 years and above and were neither currently enrolled nor had...

Investing in Doctors Without Borders

Merits Doctors Without Borders is an international non-governmental humanitarian organization that provides emergency medical assistance to populations affected by famine, epidemics, forced migration, natural disasters and armed conflicts. The last decade of the XX century was the time of the real heyday of the organization and its wide international recognition....

Developing Organizational Guidelines for Ethics and IT

Summary Ajax Digital Information (ADI) is a novel business entity in the consulting field, and it faces various market and organizational challenges daily. Recently, its IT management tracked down employees’ abuse of computing privileges. An internal investigation revealed that a significant portion of these unethical and potentially malicious activities are...

Interconnection of Globalization and Culture

Analysis of social processes is governed by the idea of globalization in modern science. Globalization today is the determining factor in political, economic, and cultural development. It encloses the most important economic and social evolution processes that accelerated modernization, cultural change, and economic growth. Moreover, globalization innovates new issues and...

Typewriter by Charles Latham Sholes

Introduction Most of the literature considers Charles Latham Sholes as the main inventor of the typewriter. However, previously, many engineers, such as William Austin, had tried inventing a typing machine but were unsuccessful (Fillipi 5). Sholes-Gideon’s typewriter was the first successful typing machine invented in 1867. With the aid of...

International Expansion Within Netflix Company

Case: International expansion within Netflix Company Key decision maker: Netflix CEO, Reed Hastings Influencing actors: N/A Symptoms Netflix had been seeking aggressive worldwide development, mostly through organic growth efforts, across Europe, Asia-Pacific, and other parts of the world. Hastings was certain that the strategic plan’s originality and the company’s ongoing...

The Fertile Crescent in Egyptian and Hebrew Culture

Originally, the Fertile Crescent was the territory that used to be called the Middle East. Geographically, this area occupies the region of Saudi Arabia along the northern edge of the Syrian Desert. The western edge is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, while the eastern one ends at the Zagros Mountains....

Importance of Informing in Human Interaction

The social aspects of human interaction are due to many factors that are imperceptible to persons. Many people today use social networks and other Internet resources to get the information they need. However, any information in the online space can be created to manipulate people’s opinions and create false beliefs....

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FEMA Assistance to Man-Made and Natural Disasters

Introduction The Federal Emergency Management Agency can provide financial assistance and, if necessary, direct services to eligible individuals and families who, as a result of a large-scale natural disaster, have incurred expenses. FEMA’s programs are focused on meeting the immediate needs of victims and their families and helping them take...

Bound for Glory: Analysis of Book

The book Bound for Glory is an autobiography of the American singer-songwriter Woody Guthrie. The book chronicles Guthrie’s life, beginning with his childhood in Oklahoma and Texas, and ending with his move to California in the late 1940s. In between, the book details Guthrie’s travels across the United States as...

Demystifying the Dynamics of Coaching

Summary The career I am interested in that is significant to the sports industry is coaching. Sports coaches train fanatics to familiarize themselves with a game and participate in professional-level matches. The word coaching was first used in connection with a trainer or instructor in the mid-19th century in England...

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Pathological Perfectionism – Psychology

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The Way of the World by William Congreve

Foible is lady Wishford servant who seems to be closest to her. Mistress uses her to enquire more about what is happening to the servants. She at one point advised her mistress on who should marry her. “Lady Wishford who is encouraged to marry ‘Sir Rowland’ – Mirabel’s supposed uncle...

Nursing: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Nursing Practice The state law Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, adopted in 2010, defines rather significant changes in the American health policy (United States Congress House Committee on Health Care, 2010). Among those changes that occurred as a result of its introduction,...

Bring Your Own Device: Embracing Technology

Introduction Bring Your Own Device is a recent approach adopted by various organizations. Despite being in the early stage of development, it offers several advantages that can be utilized in a nursing setting. The current paper provides a description of the approach as well as an overview of its viability...

College Students and Weight Issues Relations

The one-sentence summary The article provides a study of the concordance of self-assessment of college students regarding their height and weight to their actual body weight and height; it is concluded that such self-assessments are usually rather precise. The one-paragraph summary The authors research the precision of college students’ self-reports...

Game Zone’s Business Model

Abstract The paper provides a discussion of start-up costs related to the Game Zone business. The answer to the question regarding sources of revenues and the profit model related to Game Zone is also presented in the paper. The possible success of the business is discussed with reference to the...

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Adults

Type 2 diabetes is a current-day epidemic. Affecting more than 370 million adults worldwide (26 million people in the United States), it is one of the most critical health issues (Pratley, 2013). However, the growing number of those suffering from the disease, as well as people with a pre-diabetic condition,...

Public Service Theories and Public Interest

Abstract Public interest has been debated at length by great philosophers as well as renowned authors. Scholars argue that it is an academic discipline to be taught in class while philosophers argue that it is an art that can only be learned through observation and practice. This paper seeks to...

Online Shopping: Product and Website Characteristics

This paper summarizes “Exploring the Effects of “What” (Product) and “Where” (Website) Characteristics on Online Shopping Behavior” by Mallapragada, Chandukala and Liu. The article was published in Journal of Marketing in 2016. The aim of the paper is to ascertain the influence of product character (utilitarian or hedonic) and website...

Special Education and Autists’ Social Interactions

Early childhood practitioners meet with a daily challenge of ensuring that all children, including those with special needs, acquire the necessary skills for development. Helping a child with a particular requirement is never easy; one needs unique skills, creativity, and perseverance. In the direction of offering some options to special...

Future Public Sector in North’s Institutional Theory

Introduction New institutional economics which emerged in the 1970s, became a basis for the economic reform and the development of the contemporary economy. It gave birth to diverse theories that outlined the reforms and conditioned the future of the economy. The current paper reviews one of the famous institutional theories,...

“Top Girls” a Play by Caryl Churchill

Women have already made a long way towards the establishment of equality. Caryl Churchill in her play Top Girls highlights the issue regarding the success of the women’s movement of the 1970s and 80s, making us doubt that the female accomplishments in the sphere of career are enough for the...

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Starbucks vs. Dunkin’ Donuts: Menu and Performance

Nowadays, coffee has become so popular that it is no longer served as a simple black beverage. Various syrups, creams, sauces, and alcohol drinks are added to it in order to attract potential customers. Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts are the most popular coffee shops in the country, each with its...

Customer Satisfaction: Determining Essential Concepts

Voice of the Customer As a rule, the Voice of the Customer (VoC) is typically rendered as the process that involves identifying and retrieving the information regarding the target audience’s preferences and dislikes so that the product designed by the company could meet the clients’ expectations. Though rather basic, the...

Language and the Brain: Speech Mechanics Discovering

Brain and Language Production Parts of brain There are four parts of the brain, which are the Broca’s area, the Wernicke’s area, the areas known as “the motor cortex and the accurate fasciculus” (Yule, 2010, p. 139). Localization view The ability of the human brain to correlate different aspects of...

Internet-Based Psychotherapy as an Innovative Tool

Introduction The use of evidence-based innovations in the healthcare sector has significantly improved patients’ access to quality and safe health services (Pedersen & Johansen, 2012). Based on the effects of innovation on the healthcare practice, it is essential for nurse leaders to evaluate them and promote innovations that have a...

Labour Rights in International Trade

Should labor practices in another country be a relevant consideration in international trade? Yes: labor practices in another country should be a relevant consideration in international trade; In an ideal situation, labor laws should be harmonized in all countries to facilitate the movement of factors of production more precisely labor...

Leadership Styles Advantages and Disadvantages

There are many leadership theories that can be applied in an organization in different fields, for example, in business, healthcare, sport, or nursing. If you’re curious about the advantages and disadvantages of leadership styles, you’re at the right place! This essay discusses the advantages of leadership styles, such as democratic,...

Understanding Group Dynamics and Behaviour

Dynamics in the Interactions of the 12 disciples The disciples underwent all the four major stages that small groups normally go through in their development. First, there was the forming stage in which Jesus had to select the right members of the group. He had to exercise extreme care in...

Social Experiment: Informal Norms of Gender Issues

Since we live in a society, we need to adhere to the social norms, and they have long become part of our life. With many years of adhering to the social norms, we stop noticing that we unwillingly and unconsciously obey them. Deviation from the accepted norms and behavior concepts...

Buying a Used Motorcycle: Steps and Factors

Motorcycles are useful two-wheeled motor vehicles used for various purposes such as commuting and racing. People in developed countries often use these machines for recreation purposes. An individual who loves to ride motorcycles will at one point want to buy one. The purchase might be the person’s first motorbike or...

Psychodynamic Approach: Creativity and Bipolar Disorder

Should the board of trustees fire Samuel because of his poor decisions? Are there other options available? Analyzing the given case, we could state that first of all, Samuel is a good worker and leader. He can function in stress and make necessary decisions when he is in remission. It...

Research Problem, Design and Sample

The relevance and validity of data used as evidence depend strongly on the research method used by the research team. Both the research design and the sampling method have a significant influence on the applicability and reliability of the results. The following paper describes the most common research design related...

Douglass’ Rhetorical Strategy: Biblical Allusions

Introduction Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas published in 1845 is a classical autobiographical piece. In the book, Douglas described multiple injustices that American slaves faced on a regular basis and provided arguments against the practice of slavery. He extensively utilized Biblical references and allusions to support his messages....

Wedding: Questions From a Premarital Counselor

Introduction At the stage of relationships before the wedding, couples, as a rule, do not experience significant difficulties in communicating and solving joint issues. However, in the process of marriage, domestic challenges and different views on certain life situations may cause serious conflicts that can lead to quarrels and even...

Walmart’s Strategic Aspiration: Mission, Vision, and Philosophy

Introduction As a large retail company, Walmart established its presence in the American market quite a while ago. The organization has been widely popular ever since, becoming global within a relatively short period (“Our history,” 2018). If exploring the history and philosophy of the organization, one has to admit that...

Managing Diversity in Public Administration and Policy

Diversity becomes an integral part of everyday life as individuals are exposed to communication with various groups daily. Understanding the process is especially crucial for a Public Administration role. Having a clear definition of the diversity and ability to see more global influence it has on society helps to build...

Managers’ Roles in an Organization

Introduction The concept of management is often conflated with the phenomenon of leadership, which makes the role of a manager in an organization quite obscure for an uninitiated person. However, on closer inspection, a manager performs a range of set functions within a corporate environment, ensuring that a company delivers...

Energy-Efficient Area Monitoring for Wireless Sensor Network

In recent years, digital technologies have raised a lot and in a number of fields, they are doing well. With the growth of digital technologies, a number of trends and things are changed now. Wireless technology is one of the upcoming technology in the market which allows portability and connectivity...

“Billy Budd” Novella by Herman Melville

Introduction The novella, Billy Budd depicts a unique character of Billy and his struggle. The form of the narrative is generated by the memory of the narrator. Several features of his narration contradict the closed-form of legal judgment which he tells about. Main body The narrator thereby reveals the dilemma...

Interpretation of Legend in W. S. Merwin’s “Odysseus”

In human life the idea if home occupies one of the leading positions in the hierarchy of traditional values. The famous proverb “There is no place like home” reflects the uniqueness and importance of the place to human heart. The emotional value of home becomes especially apparent in situations when...

Islam in America: Movie Reflection

Today, Islam is one of the largest religions in America. More than 400,000 Muslims live in Chicago alone (Islam in America, 2015). Still, many people are ignorant about the main Muslim traditions, and Islamophobia is widespread. The movie Islam in America introduces Islam to the audience and carries the message...