Correlation Research Method in the Article about COVID-19

The correlation research method belongs to the group of non-experimental methods, using which the researcher identifies two variables and compares the relationship between them based on statistical data. The study “What does and does not correlate with COVID-19 death rates” by Knittel and Ozaltun (2020) uses this method for establishing...

Why a Home Country Would Promote Foreign Direct Investment in a Host Country

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the purchase of assets like land and equipment in another host nation while running the facility from the home country. In the event of FDI, the foreign investment business must have at least 10% of the voting rights. The primary distinction between FDI and other...

“Childhood” by Mary Ellen Mark: Atmosphere and Content

Introduction The coronavirus pandemic has contributed to the development of the online exhibition industry. Such showcases allow for the promotion of demonstrators’ goods and services without the restriction of place or time and provide direct communication between vendors – exhibitors and potential buyers of the exposition. This paper will discuss...

Willson’s “Fences”: Where Masculinity Is Born

August Wilson’s Fences is a play built on the difficulties of understanding the characters. It concentrates on the characters’ ideas of right and wrong, honor and dignity, and how to live life. Strong male characters are revealed in Troy, the main character, and his son Cory, who transcends the fences...

Octavia E. Butler’s Kindred Book Analysis

Octavia E. Butler’s book Kindred illustrates how significant one’s surroundings can be in molding one’s beliefs and behaviors. One’s environment is made up of situations and connections, and the most important is speech. Dana’s civilization differs substantially from Rufus’s world, and so the approach these individuals use and perceive words...

Involuntary Conversion of a Principal Residence

The article demonstrates the variety of scenarios in which the exclusion under Sec. 121 can be applied. I understood the situation where two unmarried individuals jointly own a home. For example, the homeowners want to sell their house, or their property has been destroyed by a natural disaster or an...

The Fixed-Price Contract: Advantages & Disadvantages

Such contracts are often criticized because they have a little formal incentive for the contractor to control expenses, as they are paid regardless of the final price. Moreover, the final cost of such a contract is not guaranteed. In addition, there is a problem with a limited number of contractors...

Social Stratification in the United States

Social stratification, or the so-called social structure of society, is an apparent hierarchy of the public being separated into superposed classes (OpenStax, 2015). Naturally, the concept poses an unequal work value so that people who have a higher status in society are likely to earn more than those positioned lower...

Black and White Colors in “Othello” by Shakespeare

In Othello, a tragedy written by the outstanding English poet and playwright William Shakespeare, black and white colors are frequently mentioned and attract particular attention. At first sight, they refer to skin colors as Othello is a Moor who marries Desdemona, a young and fair Venetian lady. However, black and...

Lego Company’s Core Values and Ethical Dilemmas

Some of the core values of the Lego company include Imagination, Creativity, Caring, Learning, and Quality. The company’s sustainable competitive advantage is based on its founding principles of transparency, integrity, worker rights, well-being, and caring for the environment. Lego’s marketing strategies include paying close attention to all the Ps of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

International Expansion and Ethical Values

The difference between international and global corporations is essential to consider in the business environment. While an international corporation is defined as a company that operates in at least two different countries, a global corporation is involved in the market of several world countries (Abraham, 2012). In addition, international corporations...

The Death of “Billy Budd” by Herman Melville

Melville’s story “Billy Budde” culminates in the death of the main character – an innocent, inexperienced sailor, who through no fault of his, was hanged. While the captain’s Vere decision about the fate of the young sailor can be justified – he did it to avert a mutiny on his...

Investigatory Stop in the Terry vs. Ohio Case

The Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution emphasizes the legal, investigatory stop under probable cause. Probable cause means that the police should have a search warrant to stop the suspected person and search. In other words, the amendment is designed to protect citizens from unlawful, excessive use of force by...

The Work “The Age of Reason” by Thomas Paine

The initial post states that Thomas Paine, as a deist, criticizes Christianity extensively. Additionally, his views are surprising in the context of the time in which he lived. Indeed, it is extremely daring of him to criticize religion using the publication of The age of reason (Paine, 2014). The post...

Philosophy: “Archetypes of Wisdom” by D. J. Soccio

This chapter highlights the basic components one should expect from the book and the main concepts that one should be aware of to ensure they understand the entire book. Its central themes include defining key terms, what the book is about, different areas of philosophy, and philosophical archetypes. The author...

Aspects of Muscles of Respiration

Breathing is one of the essential processes of the body that sustains life along with the cardiovascular and neural activities. More specifically, it is responsible for the intake and absorption of the oxygen, which, in turn, is supplied into the rest of the organs through blood. When it comes to...

Frankenstein Mythology and Paleontology: Comparison

The thirst for knowledge is universal for many scientific fields, but the novel Frankenstein by Shelley illustrates how it may carry one astray. Paleontology may be characterized by an all-consuming, pure interest in knowledge. The desire for extensive learning first appears in the narrative when Victor Frankenstein describes his fate...

Analysis of the Robert Schuman Plan

Wars are terrifying and devastating, and World War II brought too many challenges and destruction. Since the European countries had to deal with consequences, they could not leave any opportunity for another war to happen. Therefore, on May 9, 1950, French political thinker Robert Schuman proposed his plan, one objective...

Solar Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages

Green technologies are dominating the global community’s discussion of sustainable energy generation. Renewable energy sources, with solar energy being one of the most feasible and affordable, are being supported and invested into by governments to instigate a new environment-friendly technology for sustainable energy (Iravani et al., 2017). One of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The de Stijl Movement: Rethinking Space

The de Stijl movement is a new idea of organizing space, born in the war-isolated Holland. The style was a way of breaking out of the standard framework of art and moving toward neoplasticism (Frampton, 1980). The artist Theo van Doesburg can be called the founder of the movement. However,...

National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics

One must adhere to ethical standards that promote effective work for any organization. Such norms can be both in relation to clients and to colleagues. This affects the work process, as comfortable conditions for employees increase their motivation. Furthermore, the proper attitude toward clients in an ethical aspect will attract...

Pathos, Ethos, and Logos in Steve Jobs’s Speech at Stanford University

Steve Jobs begins his 2005 speech at Stanford University with a rather emotional but short greeting. The main thesis of this speech was that one could achieve the dream at any moment, and it is important to never stop. Jobs presented this idea through three stories that merged into one...

Employment Standards Act About Calling in Sick

Introduction It is hard to disagree that people of all professions sometimes can get sick or just require an additional day off to become productive again or avoid developing a disease. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to ask one’s employer about sick leave in advance. Many workers can inform...

NoSQL Database Types: Advantages and Disadvantages

Nowadays, there is a wide choice of NoSQL databases, which differ in structure and principles of storing information. Based on these characteristics, one can identify four major NoSQL database types: column-oriented database, key-value store, document store, and graph database. Each type has strong and weak points and is suitable for...

Ornithology: Annotated Bibliography

Gammon, D. E., & Tovsky, A. C. (2021). A cross-sectional field study of fall song in Northern Mockingbirds Mimus polyglottos. Journal of Ornithology, 162(2), 461-468. There are several reasons why the current article can be considered a reliable source for my project. First of all, the Journal of Ornithology is...

Constitutional Privacy Rights in the Digital Era

As the world changes and modern paradigms establish, new unprecedented privacy-related cases appear. Privacy rights extend to new areas and fields of implementation, which emerged recently. However, the previous judicial experience has shown that privacy is a broad and ambiguous concept, which may require clarity and a concrete assessment framework...

Analysis of Hamdi v. Rumsfeld Case Study

The result in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld was the decision that enemy combatants had the right to appeal their detention. The court referred to the fact that despite confirming the authorized arrest from Congress, the defendant has the right to challenge this. The Fifth Amendment guarantees a person detained in the...

Earthquake Mitigation Measures for Oregon

Describe observations that tell us the Cascadia subduction zone has (a) had large earthquakes in the past and (b) is building towards an earthquake. The measurements of the Earth’s crust movements show that a strain is building up beneath Oregon. The geologists proved that large-scale earthquakes occurred in the Cascadia...

Analysis of the Bleak Reality of a Slave

Both readings present information regarding the suffering of Africans in the times of slavery. The first article on the PBS website compiles many sources to depict the lives of those enslaved. The destruction of culture that took part during the eighteenth century brought many traditions to an abrupt end (“African...

The Tone of Voice When Giving a Speech

Rate, loudness, pitch, articulation, pronunciation, tone, pausing or silence, breath, and fluency are all aspects of vocal delivery related to one’s voice. The tone of voice is vital when giving a speech since it helps engage and interest the audience. Moreover, a proper tonal variation is essential in vocal delivery...

Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” Critique

Description Edvard Munch created the iconic picture titled “The Scream” in 1893. The author wrote that he gained inspiration during his walk with friends in Oslo. While he was out for a walk at sunset, the light from the setting sun painted the clouds blood red. It created such a...

Type 2 Diabetes: Study Purpose, Design and Results

Purpose Maintaining glucose levels in the blood has proven to help type two diabetic patients control their situational conditions. This investigation, which went for two weeks, was to test if patients who would exercise at moderate intensities ten hours a day could reduce hyperglycemia, which also proved to play a...

Rosetta Stone in Ancient Egyptian Culture

Rosetta Stone is famous because of its role in enabling experts to read Egyptian hieroglyphs. Aside from the hieroglyphs, the stone has demotic and Greek types of writing. The writers inscribed the same message on the stone using these writing styles. Therefore, experts who could read either demotic or Greek...

The Paramount Pictures v. Bill’s Builders Case

Opening Statement Good afternoon your honor, my name is Mark White, and I represent Paramount Pictures in its case vs Bill Builder’s LLC. The legal argument is on breach of contract by the defendant (accused) with an excuse that seems impractical to the accuser. This is not a constitutional case...

Researching of Marriott International Company

Marriott International is a hospitality company with approximately 2,800 Marriott-branded properties located in the United States and other countries. The company is a global operator, franchisor, and licensor of the hotel, residential, and timeshare real estate. Marriott International’s portfolio of hotel property brands is the largest and most attractive in...

Roman Geography and Topography

The geography and topography of Rome had a significant impact on the history of the ancient Roman world since they created preconditions for the later prosperity of the Roman Empire. Italy was a predominantly agricultural country. The nature of the soil and climate made it possible to grow olives and...

Types of Criminal Intent: General, Specific, and Criminal Negligence

In criminology, the identification of mens rea involves analyzing the case with reference to four distinct types of criminal intent. General intent, as the term suggests, involves the presence of the willingness to perform some act, sometimes without understanding its natural and legal consequences. Specific intent refers to acts committed...

Cybersecurity in Healthcare Organizations

Healthcare organizations collect and store a lot of patients’ personal data, including health insurance information, birth dates, Social Security numbers, etc. In case of a data breach, unauthorized individuals may get access to all this information, thus compromising patients’ privacy. For example, in a cybersecurity incident that occurred in 2018,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Religion: Religious, Sociological Principles

Religion is a set of beliefs, attitudes, and practices around what a person considers holy or spiritually meaningful. For me, religion has a certain meaning, as it does for most people. I realize that the principles that religion promotes are a universal language of morality that allows people of different...

Team Management of Arctic Mining Consultants

The case compiled by McShane and Neale (2021) introduces the issue of poor team management caused by internal conflicts in Arctic Mining Consultants, a firm involved in mining activities. Given the current challenges, Tom Parker, as a field technician and coordinator, should do everything possible to create an environment of...

Confucius’s Equivalent for the Golden Rule

In Chapter 5 of The Analects, Confucius formulates an equivalent of the Golden Rule. Through Master’s counsels, Confucius defines the concept of universally appreciated conduct. The Master suggests that in order to be appreciated everywhere, one should approach people with sincerity and truthfulness, and his actions should be honorable and...

Honesty and Engineering: Ethics Reference Guide

Engineers are required to uphold the greatest levels of honesty and integrity since they are responsible for the public’s safety, health, and welfare. Engineers are required to follow and comply with a code of professional ethics, which includes upholding the highest ethical standards of conduct. The main engineering code also...

Pulse Code Modulation and How It Works in Voice Over IP

Speech signals have a significant role in facilitating communication among humans. They travel in the form of a sound wave, which is converted into electric signals for transmission over communication networks. Initially, communication systems conveyed and received electric analog speech signals. As a result, challenges such as the inability to...

How Slaves Were Denied an Identity

Despite the fact that the white people treated slaves as lower creatures and constantly abused them, they also tried to deprive the black people of their identities. The main goal for it was to keep the slaves under control and limit their freedom as much as possible so they would...

Xavier Yarto’s Postmodernist “Ninas Bonitas” Artworks

Xavier Yarto is a bright talent from Mexico, creating his unique works in a post-modernism manner. Yarto’s series of paintings, “Ninas Bonitas”, is dedicated to women intended to fight with beauty stereotypes existing in modern society. Xavier Yarto shares his visions on his personal website, “I started painting women as...

Methods and Purposes of Getting to Know Yourself

Introduction How challenging it is to find yourself and finally be free, but once you do it, everything starts making sense, and life just becomes more straightforward and happier. Every life experience shapes everyone’s personality in some way, leading one to realize life’s purpose, principles, priorities, and inspirations. Therefore, it...

Fredrick Douglass and “Sunday School”

Douglass’ story shows how white slaveholders propagate subjection by keeping their slaves illiterate and unaware of many opportunities. At the time Douglass was composing, many individuals accepted that subjugation was a characteristic condition. They assumed that blacks were intrinsically unequipped for taking part in ordinary society and, accordingly, ought to...

Hofstede’s Framework and Understanding of Cultures

Geert Hofstede designed Hofstede Framework in response to the need to understand communication across various cultures. The framework is essential as it depicts the different effects of a given society’s cultural practices on the values held by the members of that society. The model also helps understand how various people’s...

The Effect of Vaccinated Travel Lanes in Singapore

The recent introduction of Vaccinated Travel Lanes (or VTL) in Singapore allows passengers with recognized vaccination certificates to use airlines on special terms. The key distinctive feature of VTL is the absence of tests and quarantines, which were major impediments to international travel. In response to the new initiative, airlines...

Change Understood by Parmenides and Anaximenes

Introduction It is important to note that the concept of change was interpreted and understood differently by Parmenides and Anaximenes. On the one hand, the former believed in a static framework of the universe, where any apparent change is a mere illusion. On the other hand, the latter claimed that...

Imperial Rome and Literature

From the earliest work of Roman literature to its decline at the introduction of Christianity, the era provided unique forms of poetry, prose, and history. Roman literature is important as it was influenced by prior works and consequently affected the works that came after. To the Romans, it was important...

Malaria: Epidemiology and Burden of a Microbe

Introduction The name of the disease (Malaria) may be simple but its implications are not, especially its economic burden. Children under the age of 5 are more vulnerable. The malaria causing parasite called plasmodium was first discovered by Alphonse Laveran in 1880 in Constantine, a military hospital in Algeria. Sir...

Salvador (Dimension) Dali in History of Art

Salvador (Dimension) Dali is one of the most famous artists of Spain of the twentieth century, who became an integral part of world pop culture. This master is best known for his surrealist paintings, although he worked in different styles, forms, and genres – starting with Impressionism, and Cubism and...

Looting as a Major Problem for the US Citizens

Looting is often associated with natural disasters or emergencies in a state. In 2005, one of the strongest hurricanes, later named “Katrina,” occurred in the United States. The primary damage was caused to the port city of New Orleans, in which, as a result, about 700 thousand people were left...

Chalmers’ Argument on the American Revolution

The American Revolution is a contentious issue that resulted in a factional breakup between two groups, Loyalists and Patriots. I am a shopkeeper in Boston, Massachusetts, and I have seen the situation between Britain and the American colonies escalate to dangerous levels. Chalmers’ argument against rebellion and fighting for American...

The Importance of Right to Protest

Nowadays, many activists accuse common citizens of indifference towards injustice. The classmate’s post provides a specific point of view that nobody should be obliged to protest. Indeed, people are vested with power to stand up for themselves and defy unjust laws, but the cost of this fight may be too...

Climate Change in “The Parable of the Sower” by Butler

Octavia E. Butler wrote a novel in 1993 that has gained popularity in the academic spectrum. It is a post-apocalyptic knowledge literature novel that addresses climate modification and socioeconomic inequalities (Iossifidis, 2020). Several people have ventured into the novel and strived to learn about the Earthseed area she created by...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Lost Letters of Pergamum”: An Evaluation

The Lost Letters of Pergamum genre can be described as an epistolary novel loosely based on historical context. Longenecker claimed that his story explores “what might have happened during the final year in the life of a man named Antipas” and the “dynamics of friendship, goodness, virtue and honor” of...

The Circulatory System and How It Works

The circulatory system pumps blood via a network of arteries every time the heartbeats. These muscular, fluid tubes are responsible for transporting blood to the whole body. The superior vena cava and inferior blood veins transport oxygen-depleted blood from the left ventricle to the right atrium. Just the open tricuspid...

Chinese Punishments in Primary Sources

In China, for every crime committed, there was a particular punishment. Bastinado was a punishment that military officers immediately applied to soldiers sleeping during their shift (du Halde, n.d.). After executing the penalty, the culprit was supposed to kneel as gratitude. The instrument for such punishment was a hard bamboo...

Minnesota Theory of Work Adjustment in Career Counselling

Introduction Career interventions take various forms, such as career assessment, counseling, and group counseling, among others. Essentially, career interventions enable a) an individual to understand their interests and personalities, b) integrate occupational and personal knowledge in true reasoning to achieve a significant career decision, and c) acquire vocational information. Purpose...

Are Genetically Modified Organisms Really That Bad?

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are organisms whose genes were altered in laboratory conditions. The process of creating a GMO involves taking specific DNA sequences out of one organism’s genome and then putting them into another, which can be either related to unrelated to the former. This is mainly done to...

Computer Ethics: Information Technology Ethics

In the field of information technology, one should pay particular attention to professional behavior in order to comply with corresponding regulations. In this situation, personal decisions in the workplace should be examined through the lens of specific principles created to ensure compliance with appropriateness in procedures. Hence, implementing morals, ethics,...

Food Processor Description and How To Use It

A Food Processor A food processor seems like one of those kitchen gadgets that, once owned, makes a person wonder how they ever survived without it. A food processor is one of the most broader ranges of cooking equipment, acting as your own sous chef, cutting, combining, and mixing a...

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet and Mailed Surveys

This study may not reflect the views of the general population. This is because the elderly, who are part of the entire population, do not have access to the Internet as unnecessary. It turns out that in this case, they will not receive e-mails sent by e-mail and also will...

Consciousness and Its Main States

Human beings live their life in varying degrees of awareness of the world around them. The complete lack of awareness is called unconsciousness, while the notion of consciousness is dispersed in nature (Natsoulas, 2018). In some instances, a person could be conscious, but not fully present, which is defined as...

Intention Statement: Abstaining from Shopping

Many psychologists claim that people who shop forget about their problems for a while. Their mood lifts, they become livelier, and they look at the world differently. However, the question of whether this process is a cure or a problem remains to this day. Some doctors consider addiction to shopping...

Scotland’s and Sweden’s Cultural Diversity

Introduction Society is an integral organization in which individuals living together interact and share common values, beliefs, and interpersonal elements, enhancing their ability to share opinions and ideas. For instance, societal expectation entails avital implicates regulations that influence individual actions and beliefs. On the other hand, cultural attitude plays an...

Denver Airport Baggage System Project’s Failure

Causes of Failure at the Denver Airport Baggage Handling System The first crucial reason that led to the failure of the project is inadequate prior planning. At the core of the problem was the managers’ inability to assess the complexity of the task since the initiation of the work. In...

Managing Asthma: Diagnostic of Triggers and Treatment

One of the potential triggers of asthma is animals, such as cats and dogs. They can cause an attack of bronchial asthma, namely their fur, saliva, and epidermis. Dust mites are enemies for a person with bronchial asthma; they thrive in mattresses, carpets, upholstered furniture, bedding, clothing, and soft toys...

The Portrayal of Artificial Intelligence

In the end of the past century, the topic of cyborgs, cybernetics, and technological advancements for the human body and mind became a prominent idea that remains deeply seated in both scientific and novelist communities. Artificial intelligence (AI) seems to be Frankenstein’s monster of the new age. The topic itself...

The Short Stories “The Storm” and “Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Chopin’s Story of an Hour and The Storm highlights critical issues on love matters. Conversely, the husband is regarded as important for a woman to be happy and successful in any love union. Chopin displays how women were despised when it came to love matters in that they fully relied...

Universal Information Security Management Measures

The cloud computing approach has become the dominant technology paradigm across the entire enterprise IT infrastructure. The cloud model has brought a myriad of new and innovative management and operational mechanisms, approaches, and frameworks to nearly every industry. However, it has also created a lot of new and unknown risks...

Arteries, Capillaries, Veins: Structure and Function

Blood and its transportation in the human body are vital for human life, health, and well-being. It provides the cells of the body with oxygen, necessary nutrients, hormones, removes carbon dioxide from cells, and delivers waste to the liver and kidneys. Blood also plays a crucial function in regulating body...

Objectives, Questions, and Hypotheses in Qualitative and Quantitative Research

The purpose of qualitative research is to evaluate a phenomenon and identify the factors that influence it significantly. It often begins with a limited understanding of the situation and the expected outcomes, discovering them through analysis of information collected over the course of the study. As such, qualitative research objectives...

Environment-Oriented Approach in Consumer Decisions

Air pollution, global warming, deforestation, and other environmental issues have become major in modern life due to the rising negative effects of humans’ influence on nature. According to the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), 16 of the 17 warmest years due to the record happened to be from 2001 to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Key Qualities That Make a Good Manager

Melissa Richardson sees a good manager as a person with advanced motivation skills, encouraging steady working relationships within the team of professionals. Richardson’s actions comply with her ideas: she joined training on team motivation and read books on leadership, discussed her team sales performance, and applied her motivational skills to...

An Analysis of the Discourse of Social Networks

The method of research used by the authors is a qualitative analysis of the discourse of social networks, namely Facebook. Using Northrup’s theory of identity in intractable conflict, the authors analyze how users use dehumanizing language and thereby normalize dangerous levels of hatred (Harel et al., 2020). Researchers note negative...

“Women in Sunjata”: The Way Women Were Treated

The epic of Sunjata features stories of adventures and achievements of the Mande people, both male and female. Thus, the stories allow valuable insight into the roles that women played in society when the epic took place. Similar to the way women were treated in other ancient societies, such as...

The Concept of Personal Health Records Privacy

At present, the privacy of personal health records (PHRs) is one of the prioritized objectives of the American healthcare system. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) describes a PHR as “an electronic record of an individual’s health information by which the individual controls access to the information”...

“How to Deal With Difficult People” Talk by Johnson

In his TEDx Talks speech titled “How to deal with difficult people”, Jay Johnson (TEDx Talks, 2018) shares some useful methods on how to talk with people that we do not like very much. He argues that the best way to deal with somebody unpleasant is by changing ourselves and...

Stoicism: Theory on God and Theory on Emotions

The ancient philosophy, Stoicism, suggests people can track down joy by depending on their internal identity by offering security and harmony notwithstanding savagery. Stoics instructed that excellence, the most elevated great, depends on information and that the astute can live in amicability with the heavenly (Tanner 24). The Stoic God...

The Myth of Heracles in the Modern World

Introduction The chosen myth about Heracles and his exploits is the cultural wealth of all humankind. Modern languages are filled with proverbs and phraseological units using the example of Heracles as a strong man. In addition, Heracles became a character in frescoes and sculptural structures. Artists were often inspired by...

Which Belief Was the First: An Eternal Debate

A large part of Abrahamic traditions has similarities with Zoroastrianism, especially within the core texts of these religions. In his study, Akbar extensively compares Islamic and Zoroastrian teachings and points out substantial similarities, especially about the afterlife and the journey of a human soul (91-93). The same paper also found...

The Scientific Revolution of Copernicus, Bruno, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes

Copernicus, Bruno, Kepler, and Galileo made significant contributions to human understanding of the universe. They revolutionized the scientific field of their time by their findings which were primarily concerned with the movement of the sun, planets, and other heavenly bodies. Namely, the common point in their ideas is that the...

Nike and Timm’s Vispac Model

Timm’s abbreviation VISPAC is a guide to exceeding customer expectations, and it contains six categories: value, information, speed, personality, add-ons, and convenience. The personality component in question is essential in achieving customer satisfaction. In this case, an important role is played by individuality. It can be manifested in the appearance...

Interrelationship and Coproduction of Science, Technology and Society

Understanding the nuanced connections between science, technology, and society, as well as the role that coproduction as a phenomenon plays in the specified relationships, is crucial for the further technological and social progress. Sheila Jasanoff’s “The Idiom of co-Production” allows encompassing numerous facets of technological progress and connect it to...

Snake Handling in Churches Myth Spread by Activists

The practice of snake handling in churches is not a new tradition, and its emergence was underpinned by the spread of interpretations of the Bible. They were quite literal as the words “They shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents” were considered...

Altering Traditional Sonata in Mozart’s Symphony #41

The symphony starts with the same measure length as any other Mozart’s creation, but there is a difference that can be spotted right away in the case of Symphony #41, which is the playing time that does not go in hand with measure counting. It would take a soloist 11...

What Is Art? From Antiquity to Today Study by Popova

Art plays a vital role in modern life, touching upon emotional, psychological, social, and financial aspects. It is also a good opportunity to share interests and develop creativity in humans and address the issues that bother communities in their unique way. Today, it is easy to find a number of...

Analysis of Gustav Dore’s View of Satan

Gustav Dore is one of the world’s most famous illustrators who are known for his artworks for such books as Bible, Don Quixote, Divine Comedy, and Paradise Lost, to name a few. In this regard, I would like to mention one of his drawings that had a significant impact on...

The Future of the Meat Industry

Introduction The meat industry concentrates on the production, packing, preservation, and marketing of meat. This sphere of agriculture is fully industrialized now, like many others. Obviously, the meat industry has a big future and will only be developing. There are innovative technologies implemented now that decrease the damage to the...

Christian Perspective on Poverty

Poverty is one of the biggest problems in modern society, which is addressed by economists, international organizations, and politicians. Several Christian interpretations have different ideas about poverty and wealth. In the extreme example of the spectrum, wealth and materialism are portrayed as an evil that must be avoided and even...

“The Need for More Than Justice” by Baier: Key Concepts

Introduction The Need for More Than Justice by Baier primarily distinguishes between Rawls’s and Kantian justice perspectives and the care position that Gilligan outlined in her studies of women’s moral development. Baier argues that the perspective of justice itself is inadequate as a theory of morality since it overlooks the...

Frida Kahlo (de Rivera) in History of Art

Frida Kahlo (de Rivera) is one of the most striking figures in the art of the twentieth century from Mexico, famous, by and large, for her well-known self-portraits and surreal paintings. For the most part, in the works, the master “talks about herself,” her experiences, feelings, and physical and mental...

Hematologists’ Role in Preserving Public Health

People in the contemporary world are exposed to various health conditions that impact their overall wellness. As such, healthcare professionals have a responsibility to ensure that patients, and society as a whole, achieve optimum health status. Fundamentally, hematologists play a significant role in addressing blood disorders, some of which can...

Essential Questions to Ask Your Future Self by Meg Jay

Meg Jay has paid attention to the problem of the empathy gap between present and future selves in her speech “Essential Questions to Ask Your Future Self” ( The video was filmed with the support of media organization “TED” in May 2021, and due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the location...

Fundamentals of Case Management Practice: Skills for the Human Services

Reflecting on the chapter on ethics and other professional responsibilities for human service workers provides valuable insight on how ethics codes are critical to a productive and correction provision of services. It is important to note that ethical behaviors can be manifested in legal, ethical, and moral perspectives (Summers, 2016)....

The Ethics of Purchasing Agents

Every profession is responsible for upholding communal social principles such as justice and fairness. Due to the nature of their job and access to multimillion-dollar funds, purchasing agents are exposed to the temptation to act unethically more than any other group within a company (Monczka et al., 2016). Three rules...

The Problem of Elder Abuse: Relevance and Management

Elder abuse is not an uncommon social issue, although it gets significantly less recognition than aggression between spouses or violence against children. For instance, child negligence or harassment is also exposed to massive discussion, and the case of struggles in orphanages are known for many years of history. However, when...

José Olivarez and Nate Marshall’s Poems

JosĂ© Olivarez and Nate Marshall’s poems and dialogue were very interesting for reading. While discussing opportunities for life in the South, they address complex issues of identity, historical roots, and personal security of members of ethnic minorities and people of color regarding the widespread racism in society. Despite the still...

The Peloponnesian War and Its Key Aspects

The Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC) went down in the history of Ancient Greece as the most significant conflict between Athens and Sparta. There were irreconcilable differences between Sparta and Athens for a long time, mainly due to the various forms of statehood of these large ancient polises. The misunderstandings between...

Nonverbal Communication Norms and Chronemics

Chronemics is the study of time in combination with communication. The way people view and handle time creates nonverbal cues in both verbal and nonverbal communication and affects the communication itself. There are several circumstances requiring one to be on time during some occasions. The first momentous occasion where one...

Whren v. the United States, 517 US 806 – Supreme Court 1996

Facts Whren v. United States is a lawsuit that entered the Supreme Court of the US. The dispute occurred between young African American Michael Whren and the United States. Whren’s motion says that the search of the car in which he was a passenger by officers in an unmarked car...

Abstract Painting: The Use of Software

Today, painters can use computer software to create pieces of art, such as the one demonstrated above. Using the computer does not require knowledge about complicated techniques, such as fresco secco, encaustic painting, or buon fresco. The knowledge about the solvency of substances and mixing paint, wax, or resin is...

Chapter 5 of Research Methods by Maxfield & Babbie

Maxfield, M. G., & Babbie, E. R. (2018). Chapter 5: Concepts, operationalization, and management. In Research Methods for criminal justice and criminology, 8th Ed. Cengage. Web. The chapter is devoted to measuring the characteristics of a neighborhood, which is the primary step to identifying its possible relation to the crime...

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The World’s Need for Transition to Carbon-Free Production

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Archaeopteryx as Famous Feathered Dinosaur

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According to the Planned Change Process, the first step is recognizing that change is necessary. Carlos Ramirez, a social worker at a high school in a midwestern state, should work with four teenagers who were suspended for two weeks for drinking alcoholic beverages at school. He realizes that appropriate actions...

Older Adults Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity

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“Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley

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Data Analytics and Its Application to Management

The role of the collection of data and its subsequent analysis in the industry is as big as ever. Specifically, it pertains to the managerial field – where the quality and nature of a decision can greatly alter the company’s vector of growth and development. The usage of big data...

Crisis Management During Terrorism Threat

Crisis management has become an appreciated device for preventing and dealing with emergencies and adverse situations in business. However, some branches of the economic sectors still consider it unnecessary, such as suppliers in the automobile industry (Burns & Marx, 2014). Unfortunately, such an approach might be destructive not only for...

Responses to Essays of Baker, Schreiner, and Hughes

Response to “The Art of Eating Spaghetti” By Russell Baker “The Art of Eating Spaghetti” demonstrates the essential rule for creating any art, namely, a sincere desire to express oneself. The narrator shows that a simple and most conventional task of writing an essay as homework can produce an effect...

People’s Daily Live After the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution exemplifies the concept of economy of scale. Increasing manufacturing of commodities, according to this idea, enhances overall efficiency. Large-scale production of items such as grains provided fewer options for farmers; the quiet revolution exacerbated the situation (Stearns, 2020). Previously, villages shared common grounds that anyone could enjoy....

The Issues of Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia

Racism, sexism, and homophobia are more evident in white communities and other religious groups that have difficulty drawing the same levels of public disgrace. However, each is increasingly being used in competition with another (Stockdill & Danico, 2016). To most people, any of the three forms of prejudice is an...

Baseball Magic: Baseball’s Rituals and Traditions

In sports and baseball, in particular, rituals and traditions play a role of paramount importance. Many prominent players observe their actions prior to favorable game outcomes and prefer to maintain a similar routine as long as good luck persists. In fact, luck is a major part of athletes’ beliefs, which...

Aspects of IT Project Management

While analyzing this post, there is no doubt that the author successfully described the importance of IT project synergy with overall business aspects, such as strategy or categorization. Moreover, he clearly demonstrated the evolution of project selection methods, such as “focusing on broad organizational needs, categorizing the projects, using a...

Sexual Crimes in the United States Army

Sexual crimes in the military can be effectively overcome by adhering to the basic principles of “This is my squad ” (TIMS). The main task of the activity of army leaders is considered to be the leading solution to the harassment problem that exists in the US Army today. It...

The Affirmative Action Policy as a Debatable Topic

Affirmative Action Policy is designed to provide rights and privileges to groups that have previously been discriminated against based on race, nationality, or gender. The first serious attempt to eliminate all types of social inequality in the U.S was made by John F. Kennedy, who signed “Executive Order No. 10925”...

Facilitating Language Development

There are different strategies that parents can employ to facilitate their children’s language development. The first technique is by being an active conversational partner for the child (Santrock, 2019). Parents should give their children adequate attention, especially when they start to develop capability of intelligible speech. The second technique is...

Restrictions on Media Advertising

Media advertising is an industry with a high level of competition among advertisers. Needless to say that advertisers are ready to use any means of promotion in order to increase product sales. This results in the usage of unfair methods of promotions, and that is why the government must regulate...

The Wind That Shakes the Barley, Directed by Ken Loach

War in various forms is a terrifying event that takes many people’s lives. The Wind That Shakes the Barley film represents one side of the Irish War of Independence and the subsequent Irish Civil War. The plot focuses on the O’Donovan brothers, who initially fight together in the Irish Republican...

Affirmative Action in Sociology

Affirmative action means particular policies intended to give rights and privileges to some groups based on their race, nationality, or gender. It appears as an attempt to eliminate all kinds of inequality, specifically, in Western countries. For example, in the United States, John F. Kennedy signed “Executive Order No. 10925”...

The Shortage of Labor and Inability of European Farmers: Slave Trade

There was a combination of factors that contributed to the growth of the transatlantic slave trade. Among others, religious factors and racial attitudes common for European farmers at the time had a significant impact on this growth. The ability to expand overseas and reach Africa led to the development of...

Code of Ethics in Information Technology Sphere

The Code of Ethics regulates employee behavior, describes the company’s ideology, contains strict rules of conduct at work, and describes the policy regarding co-founders, management, and clients. From the code of ethics, employees learn how to best behave in a company in a given situation, as well as the values...

Virtuoso Performances in Baroque Style

The “Four Seasons” by Vivaldi and the “Winter” concerto movement are one of the most outstanding classical Baroque Style compositions ever written. This is a concerto for a violin soloist and an orchestra of stringed instruments, augmented with basso continuo. The “Winter” and the “Four Seasons” utilize the ritornello principle,...

Fun in “Monty Python and the Holy Grain” Film

The film called Monty Python and the Holy Grail is a classic British comedy. According to the film’s plot, King Arthur, the king of the Britons from Camelot, gathers a team of loyal knights and searches for the Holy Grail. But it’s not the complexity of the plot but the...

Aspects of Criminal Responsibility

Crimes of attempt, conspiracy, and solicitation are known as inchoate or unfinished crimes. Crime commitment is a six-step process; these steps include the idea of committing a crime, its evaluation, decision-making, preparation, initiation, and completion of the crime (Portman, 2021). The first, second, and third stages of the process are...