Media and Communication Technology: The Positive and Negative Impacts

The negative impact of media and communication technology involves aspects such as reduced productivity and depreciating mental health in individuals. However, such technology also has a positive impact on human beings. By channeling their energy into online activities, individuals can become more productive and gain knowledge that could change their...

Double Standard in Sexual Relationships

For the past century, American society has significantly advanced in the issues of racial and gender equality. The feminist and political movements have had a profound impact on how society perceives various social constructs. Nevertheless, there is still a large amount of prejudice concerning the gender gap and sexual orientations....

The Details of the Pregnancy and Birth History

The details of the pregnancy and birth history are instrumental in defining the possible health risks of the child. For instance, the pediatrician or the preschool healthcare professional may understand whether the child is at risk of developing vascular disorders based on the child’s birth weight or previous congenital malformations....

Homeless Veterans: Analysis of Cases

The number of cases of homeless veterans has been on the rise mainly because of poverty, lack of affordable housing, and mental illness as a result of war, drug, and substance abuse. Veterans have undergone specific barriers when seeking healthcare. These barriers include a lack of proper mental healthcare and...

Medicine Is Not a Genetic Supermarket

Together with the development of society, medicine also develops, but some people are not ready to accept everything that science creates. There is an opinion that any intervention in human life to improve it is considered genocide concerning any social group. There are some people disagreeing with this view, however,...

Benefits of Vaccination against Coronavirus

Among the numerous recent healthcare advancements, vaccines occupy a specific place for their unique benefits for individuals and society in general. They constitute a relatively cheap measure which has allowed to prevent the outbreaks of many life-threatening diseases throughout the world. Moreover, they play a critical role in achieving herd...

Enhancing the Competence of Nursing Staff

Research Process The investigators created an exhaustive search methodology that was useful in the identification of articles from specific databases. They collected data on a variety of qualitative and quantitative studies published from 2005 to 2015 (Tölli et al., 2017). The sources of information included PubMed, PsycInfo, Scopus, Cochrane, and...

The Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport

A club’s balance sheet may include a stadium and a training facility, or an 18-figure sum in cash or a bank account, but its main asset is the local community’s support. Corporate social responsibility in sports has a favorable effect on the state of the environment. Valuable and important benefits...

Nurse Turnover as a Crucial Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator

It is exceptionally important for new hires to navigate the intricacies of quality management and improvement, both of which are integral to the operations of any healthcare organization. The National Database of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators is a national database which provides in-depth reports of nursing-sensitive quality indicators in an effort...

Counselor’s Professional and Ethical Responsibilities

Professional and Ethical Responsibilities are the responsibilities of the counselor to follow generally accepted ethical and behavioral standards of conduct and continuing professional development. In other words, these are guidelines and general criteria that determine the behavior of a person depending on his profession. It can also be defined as...

Organizational Culture vs. National Culture

Creating a strong workplace culture that will allow keeping organizational behavior in order and promote corporate values in decision-making practice is paramount for any company. However, when building the required set of values and introducing staff members to them, managers often face the challenge of balancing organizational culture with national...

“Beauty and the Beast”: Similar Fairytales in Europe and Asia

Fairytales are universal human creations that exist not only to amuse children but also to amaze adults and transmit the wisdom of distant generations. Indeed, each fairytale is unique in the matter of its characters and details of the narrative. However, certain themes are common for multiple people around the...

Verbal Processes in Intercultural Communication

The two topics I found most interesting were “Multilingualism” and “High and Low Context Communication Styles.” In the first topic, I discovered that there are numerous ways to learn a new language. For some people, proficiency in more than one language is necessary because of where they live. For instance,...

Buying First or Selling First in Housing Markets

The purchase of a house is associated with a high risk because it requires substantial financial costs. In order not to lose the invested funds, people should be careful about such purchase. The first criterion is the number of rooms in the house, which will directly depend on the family...

Motivation & Negative Contribution Margin

Negative margins are usually a consequence of the inability of the firm to control costs or more global problems: macroeconomic, government, or industry difficulties beyond the control of the company. If we analyze the reasons in more detail, then we can highlight the following. First, a spike in commodity prices...

How to Construct a Mixed Methods Research Design?

A mixed method research design is a research approach that primarily utilizes both quantitative and qualitative methods in order to cover a wide range of data assessment criteria. It is stated that it is comprised of seven main aspects, which include complexity, plan, typology, integration, timing, theory, and purpose (Schoonenboom...

Asking the Right Questions in Strategic Decision-Making

Strategic decision-making requires a leader to possess critical thinking and an ability to see problems from different perspectives. Uncertain environments demand asking compelling questions to sufficiently solve the problem. Exploring the performative role of questions in leadership may disclose a strategy, which identifies a successful leader and ensures future triumph....

Comparison of Hamlet’s Procrastination and Personal Results: Shakespeare

Hamlet can be considered a literary character whose procrastination leads to gruesome consequences. The main hero’s level of procrastination can be considered extremely high, as he is exceptionally likely to delay completing urgent tasks and frequently misses necessary deadlines. Hamlet’s inability to fulfill the responsibility of killing Claudius is an...

Gene Therapy Overview and Advantages

The use of gene therapy is expected to replace or fix mutated genes to cure diseases. The key advantage of this therapy is that it provides the possibility of treating diseases that cannot be cured by traditional approaches. For example, leukemia, hemophilia, or severe immune deficiencies can be potentially treated...

Data Analysis in Design Overview

Data analysis (DA), often combined with artificial intelligence (AI), has found critical applications in the field of design. Whether the subject is medicine, construction, or the user experience of a social networking site, the single most crucial question for design is “what does the customer want”? By tapping into the...

The Six Questions of External Analysis

The six questions of external analysis present a reliable framework which allows companies to correctly determine their position in the industry and assess available options of gaining a competitive advantage, yet it also has weaknesses. This approach’s primary strength manifests itself in the flexibility it provides since almost any business...

Strategic Planning Opportunities in the Area of Hospice Services

The United States of America is experiencing high growth in the elderly population. With the increase in the aging group and the high incidence of chronic diseases, health facilities need to invest in technology to reach as many patients as possible (Fausto et al., 2020). Therefore, healthcare facilities must create...

A Grocery Delivery Business

I have used my skills in economic and entrepreneurship to identify viable business opportunities. From my analysis, I have discovered that there is a high demand for groceries in my neighborhood. As an economics student, I ascertained that the demand for groceries also includes the need for delivery. Most people...

Statistic for Public Health Promotion Interventions

Statistics are directly relevant to the planning of health promotion interventions because they are paramount for identifying the groups that need such interventions in the first place. Learning more about a given group is actually one of the main uses of statistics in public health (Bruce, Pope, & Stanistreet, 2018)....

Sexual Harassment Study Without Probability Sampling

Notes Contrasted with men, women have more worries about using public transportation modes and stations. Also, more women compared with men have safety worries just as a bigger probability of harassment in other public spaces like roads and parks, transport stops, and metro stations. This absence of trust in broad...

Qualitative Data Coding Process and Factors

Research commonly includes various approaches to work with data and the choice of suitable strategy based on a study’s purpose. For qualitative information, coding is one of the most valuable ways to gather coincidences and make detailed observations. As qualitative data is unstructured and non-numerical, coding is utilized to identify...

Queue Management Information Systems: Pros & Cons

Queue management systems have had the most significant impact on business operations, especially in service industries. In banks, restaurants, healthcare facilities, schools, and other service-oriented enterprises, customers have to wait for service (De Vries et al., 2018). Longer queues can have unprecedented negative consequences on several business outcomes, including waiting...

Evaluation of Clients with Intellectual Disabilities

The purpose of this blog is to analyze potential challenges for evaluation and provide personal action plans that might be taken to address evaluation in the field education experience. Evaluation challenges might stem from the client’s unique needs or abilities and insufficient resources to assist in the change process. As...

Greenwashing in Business and Its Influence on the Company

Many businesses in all sectors are increasingly ‘going green’ by offering healthy, environmentally-friendly products to the market. However, many business organizations are providing misleading information in an attempt to create an overly positive image of their brands and environmental practices among stakeholders, particularly consumers (Torelli et al., 2020). Greenwashing has...

Menstruation Practices in India

Menstruation is essential because it plays a crucial role in a women’s reproductive health. Inadequate knowledge and education are the primary causes of adverse issues associated with menstruation. In this case, I would educate the girls about the importance of hygiene during periods. Genital areas’ cleanliness reduces infection incidents by...

Java and JavaScript Vulnerabilities

Java and JavaScript have as many security vulnerabilities as other programming languages. These exposures can redirect sessions, manipulate data, and modify and steal information. The security issues can affect server-side environments even though Java and JavaScript are usually viewed as client-side applications. Since the effects of Java and JavaScript vulnerabilities...

Safety Committees of Kindred Hospital Houston Northwest

Patient and personnel safety is critical for healthcare facilities’ proper functioning, and the committees are a profound solution to regulate hospitals’ risk reduction and security checking activities. In the long-term acute care organizations, welfare providence is administrated via several communities that contain nurses, physicians, and government representatives who meet several...

Presentation of Change Models in Carrying out Indication-Based Training in Nursing

Introduction In nursing, revolutionary concepts have been established to investigate the phenomenon in different administrative backgrounds. Lewin’s three-step variation theory and Lippitt’s Phases and cognitive theory of Transformation model are examples of collective modification theories. This essay scrutinizes the efficiency of two revolution theories, social cognitive theory and Lewin three-step...

Strain Theory Explaining Juvenile Delinquency

Introduction The strain theory investigates the correlation between the stressors of everyday life and the impact they may have on individuals, pushing them to commit a crime. Juvenile delinquency is a sensitive topic, and the strain theory perfectly explains the cause of crimes amongst the youngest members of society (Chen...

Infant Understanding of the World

The first social manifestations of a newborn child are associated with physiological needs (food, drink, thermal comfort, movement, absence of pain, comfortable body position). The human brain begins to learn, explore and adapt to the world around it while still in the womb. With the help of modern technology, scientists...

Hegemony in Culinary: Ethiopian and Scandinavian Cuisine

A symbiosis between two seemingly different culinary worlds does not necessarily mean that the cultural integrity on each of the sides is lost and that one’s traditional food is going to be dominant. While holding a strong traditional power, food is abstract since it relies on the experience factor that...

The Mountain Dew Zero Sugar Ad’s Analysis

Mountain Dew Zero sugar ad is a minute-long video featuring a famous actor Bryan Cranston and actress Tracee Ellis Ross. The ad is a parody of Stanley Kubrick’s movie adaptation of Stephen King’s The Shining. The video shows the iconic “Here’s Johnny!” scene from the movie, with Cranston’s psychopathic character...

The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Servant Leadership Theory

Introduction The servant leadership style is one of the most controversial management practices. This method includes many psychological and practical elements in the context of interacting with people at a professional working level. Like all other management models, servant of leadership has its merits and demerits. They can include the...

Importance of Identity: The Value of Human Being

“As Though a Metaphor Was Tangible”: Baldwin’s Identities article by Aliyah I. Abdur-Rahman (2015) examines the concept of identity in James Baldwin’s “Giovanni’s Room” (1956) and “Going to Meet the Man” (1965). Abdur-Rahman argues that Baldwin politicizes identification by showing that it is not internally coherent. In addition, the article...

Alice Walker’s “We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting for”

In the times when social tension reaches its peak and racism continues to shape relationships within the U.S. community, the need for a voice of reason that could represent the plight of those oppressed is strongly needed. Alice Walker’s “We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting for” represents the...

Social Networks’ Advantages and Disadvantages

It is not easy to imagine the modern world without computers, information technologies, and the Internet because they have already managed to occupy a special place in every person’s life. Networks have given people the opportunity to communicate potential that was not there before (Miller et al., 2016). Social networks...

Digital Inspection for Gas Pipelines and Infrastructure

Gas pipelines and infrastructure need constant inspection as the breakout or failure may lead to significant consequences for a wide range of people, especially in urban areas. However, manual inspections of these types of assets can be expensive and hard to perform. Luckily, with the digital age and improved infrastructure,...

Relationship Between Urbanization, Globalization, and People

The relationship between urbanization, globalization, and people is one of the most interesting and provocative topics in many discussions. On the one hand, humans do everything possible to enhance progress through urbanizing populations, creating more technologically advanced cities, and sharing experiences globally. On the other hand, urbanization and globalization are...

Race Prejudice and Group Position

This paper analyzes the article “Race Prejudice as a Sense of Group Position” By Herbert Blumer. The author of the article on racial prejudice believes, contrary to the established opinion, that they are not taken from various negative feelings but group positions or, in other words, stereotypes (Blumer 3). Working...

Christian Apocalyptic Movements

Christian apocalypticism or millenarianism focuses on believing that the day of world destruction will come and take people to a better world of God. The fascinating aspect which encouraged me to explore this movement is that the apocalypse is treated not as dangerous destruction but as the opportunity to get...

Modern Media as Set of Profitable Businesses

It is not new for the media to use incorrect information and inappropriate interpretations. However, modern media also often use deliberately fictional narratives in addition to intentional distortion. The aim behind this is to profit from a more scandalous event description, which is more popular among the media audience. Yet,...

Child Abuse Problem Overview

According to social statistics presented in 2019 that focus on child abuse and neglect rates in the United States on the basis of victims’ race and ethnicity, it is possible to notice huge disparities. Thus, the highest rate of 14.8 cases per 1,000 children was observed among American Indian or...

Netflix Inc.’s International Strategies

Commercial transactions between organizations of different countries are governed by many factors, among which one of the most important is the chosen international strategy of the company. There are four types of such strategies in total: international, multi-domestic, global, and transitional (Grünig & Morschett, 2017). Each of these strategies shows...

Reconstruction and Factors That Influenced It

Reconstruction is an essential period in US history, beginning in 1865, which started after the finish of the Civil War and ended in 1877. During this period, the abolition of the slave system throughout the country and the reintegration of the southern states took place. It was influenced by many...

Validity and Reliability in Applied Research

Validity and reliability are among the primary concepts used by researchers to assess the quality of research. More specifically, reliability is concerned about the general consistency, while validity emphasizes the accuracy of a given measure (Cohen et al., 2017). An applied research’s validity is regarded as the extent to which...

Leadership Styles in Nursing: Which to Choose?

Leadership styles in the healthcare sphere are an important issue that needs to be thoroughly studied so as healthcare workers to be ready to follow innovations and adapt to various situations. While working with other health personnel and being crucial for patients’ safety and comfort, nurses are considered to be...

People’s Thoughts and Behaviors: Influence of Cultural and Social Factors

People’s thoughts, behaviors, and views of certain things can be impacted not only by their own experiences and priorities but also by specific cultural and social forces. Many of them affect a person during their whole life and can guide most of their decisions. For example, these factors include family,...

Value of Human Creative Expression for Contemporary Culture

The ability to creatively express oneself is rightfully deemed as one of the defining characteristics of humans. Interpreting the objective reality through the lens of a specific culture, value system, and imagination, people have managed to create artworks that serve both aesthetic purposes and the ones of emotional relief for...

Sleep: Non-REM and REM Phases

Sleep has great general biological significance, playing an important role in the function of the brain. During sleep, metabolic rates and muscle tone decrease, contributing to the restoration of physical and psychological resources. Due to the most common sleep disorder — insomnia, there is great exposure to heart diseases such...

Leadership Theories in Nursing Practice

Contingency leadership and transformational leadership theories both focus on investigating components of relative climate, which may impact the productivity of administration. They base on other two hypotheses to broaden the examination of the initiative. Accordingly, they are more unbiased and significant than other leadership theories. In a nutshell, these theories...

“Measuring Inequality in Community Resilience to Natural Disasters” by Hong et al.

The overview of the study The scholars analyzed mobility patterns of mobile devices to determine the movement of people in Houston, Texas after Hurricane Harvey hit it. The research aimed at developing a generalizable method that could predict people’s response and recovery after a natural disaster. It was found that...

Greenpeace International Company Analysis

Greenpeace International is one of the most renowned environmental organizations in the world. Their campaigns aim to change governmental policies about pollution and biodiversity (Luxon & Wong, 2017). Although Greenpeace lacked structure until 1975, its increased global popularity and financial support helped it become a successful non-governmental organization (Zelko, 2019)....

The Forced-Air Prewarming Strategy in Healthcare

The problem of maintaining proper temperature for inpatients has been a concern in the operating room (OR) setting for quite a while due to several challenges. Specifically, due to the impact of anesthesia, patients are unable to maintain their temperature and adjust to the changes in the environment. Therefore, once...

The Main Themes in “Everyday Use” by Walker

The themes of family relations, sister rivalry, traditions, heritage, and the struggle for civil rights intertwine in Alice Walker’s short story. The narrator is an African-American woman and the mother of two daughters. While this woman shows incredible strength in caring for her family, racial oppression has imprinted her not...

Love in “Romeo and Juliet” Play by William Shakespeare

“Romeo and Juliet” was written by William Shakespeare about two young people deeply in love. It is set in Italy during the 16th century, and it has been one of the most debated narratives. Love is an archetype that is evident across the piece. The story relates to my chosen...

How Retailers Deal with Seasonal Demand

It goes without saying that for any retail business, it is highly essential to maintain the balance between demand and supply to hold an appropriate stock that provides the maximization of sales and profit. At the same time, in inventory management, forecasting sales for seasonal products is notoriously challenging as...

Political Crises in 1840s & 1850s in America

The Breakdown of Slavery The sharp contrast between the proslavery states in the South and free states in the North over slavery and free labor fuelled the abolition of enslavement. For example, staunch proslavery propagandists such as George Fitzhugh staged strong defense for slavery by arguing that masters took good...

The Medicinal Herb: Sunflower

Sunflower is a thermophilic plant that grows in the southern regions on fertile soils. The sunflower also needs proper hydration. This medicinal plant has long been used in traditional medicine recipes (Brennan, 2020). A characteristic feature of the plant is a tall woody stem, covered with stiff sparse hairs, with...

Formal Employment for Advanced Practice Nurses

Advanced practice nurses (APNs) are highly qualified professionals in the healthcare field who have high demand. Many positions are available to them, including those of leadership. However, some prefer to be independent practitioners, working as contractors. It allows for flexibility and negotiations, but being formally employed also has its benefits....

Telehealth Adoption: Key Adoption Factors

Telehealth is widely considered to be a revolutionary approach to healthcare services provision. However, it is not as popular as it possibly could, considering its role in improving accessibility and responsiveness. At the same time, businesses have switched to virtual communication as soon as it became available to the public....

Researching the Treaty of Lancaster

In June 1744, a treaty was signed with the Six Nations Indians in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The Lancaster Treaty of 1744 aimed to settle land conflicts between Virginia, Maryland, and the Iroquois, or, in other words, ‘Six Nations.’ With conflict with France approaching, the English colonies worked with the Iroquois Confederacy...

Human Development Theories: The Science of Learning and Development

There are many theories on how human development through different stages of life affects an individual’s life and mental health. From the moment the first human development theory occurred, society took multiple attempts to define the exact stages of progression in human development, enhancing the previous ideas. This essay will...

The Pain Rating Scales in Healthcare

Pain is an indelible part of human life, yet it is almost impossible to communicate its existence or breadth to others. The majority of the healthcare industry is concerned with minimizing pain, but no machine or procedure exists that can quantifiably measure it. Today, three methods are most commonly used...

Green Initiatives of the Toronto-Dominion Bank

The Toronto-Dominion (TD) Bank is a multinational company based in Canada that provides financial services. As a business that can provide a significant influence over other companies, it has a duty to protect the environment. TD Bank has several initiatives that aim to achieve that goal. This paper will assess...

Coca-Cola Inc. Applying Factor Mix’s Principles

The learning activity identifies marginal decision rule as a vital determinant of a firm’s factor mix. Should the marginal gain of an additional business unit surpass its cost, the operation’s sum should be increased. If the profit is below the cost, the sum should be decreased. Net gains are maximized...

Evaluating Evidence in Nursing Research

The evidence-based approach is a central topic of discussion in modern healthcare practice. The benefits of evidence-based practice cannot be overstated because it has significantly improved health outcomes. The best evidence in nursing research is formed through extensive literature analysis and data evaluation from clinical studies (Grove & Gray, 2018)....

Marketing and Use of Emerging Technologies

Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing phenomenon in the online space where technologies are connected to the Internet, providing immense opportunities for businesses. IoT refers to the idea that gadgets can access, store, analyze, and share data as long as they are connected over a network. The concept is...

Child Labor’s Negative Impact on Human Development

Child labor refers to forced work that deprives children of their dignity, potential, and childhood. Ancient America is characterized by decades of abusive child labor that has surpassed several reforms to impact society up to the 21st century. This paper argues that child labor is by far the worst form...

Epatient, Social Networking, Personal Health Record

Caring for health is a lifelong and complicated process that has become diversified with the development of technology. Patients become active participants in treatment, which means balancing the efforts of the provider and the audience. Personal Health Record (PHR) is a promising technology because it combines EHR data and information...

Clinical Practice Guidelines Overview

Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) refer to the analytically established statements that help support the choice of medical practitioners and patients about the proper health care for definite conditions. These guidelines are planned to offer summarized suggestions aimed at providing better healthcare services. A trustworthy CPG relies on a review of...

The War of 1812 as the Conclusion of the American Revolution

For a long time in American historiography, the war of 1812 was considered nothing less than the second war of the United States for independence. Patriotic historians argued that conflict was inevitable between the republican United States and monarchical Britain, which could never forgive declarations of independence. There was no...

“Crazy” Song Performed by Willie Nelson

One of the songs I listen to often is “Crazy,” performed by Willie Nelson. The song was written by Nelson, but it was originally recorded by another singer, Patsy Cline. Nevertheless, I like this version and think that it is a staple of Willie Nelson’s style. The first term I...

The Pre-Raphaelite Movement Representatives

It should be noted that Loreena McKennitt’s music, as well as her personality, embodies a sense of mysticism when it comes to her artistic expression. One of the core elements of her presented values and themes is nature, where the latter acts as a form of unique spirituality. In other...

Tax Law Reforms and Individual Tax Burden

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act nearly doubled the standard deduction and eliminated or restricted many itemized deductions. As its name implies, it cut individual, corporate, and estate tax rates. The lower corporate tax rate is one of the key components of the Act. This cut is said to be...

Seeking Promotion: The Ethical Use of Power, Influence, and Politics

It is important to note that ethical issues usually involve the notions of power, influence, and politics, where one’s rights or obligations are undermined in pursuit of personal goals. However, seeking promotion or other self-interests are not inherently negative if ethical approaches are utilized properly. When one thinks of terms...

The Battle of Thermopylae: Herodotus’ and Miller’s Depiction

The Greek historian Herodotus is one of the main sources of historical narrators of those events that took place many centuries ago. Therefore, the writer was able to describe the Battle of Thermopile, but the reliability of this account is questionable. Research shows that “Herodotus frequently finds the answer to...

Singapore: The Asian Tiger Country

The Asian Tigers is a general term used to describe the economy of Singapore. The Asian Tiger countries are driven by the rapid form of industrialization and exports. In addition, the nations have retained a higher percentage rate of economic growth from the year 1960 hence joining the ranks of...

Discussion of “Dancing” by Jonas

The first chapter primarily discusses the power of dance and its use as a symbol of cultural, religious, personal and group expression. All of the information discussed in this section pertains to two factors: the emotional power of dancing and its societal significance. The Tongan Dance, Ubud Legong Dance and...

The New Religion: Basic Ideas

Nowadays, religion is an integral part of people’s life and includes its many kinds. One can distinguish three main areas, such as Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Although differing, they have some general principles that form their basis (Cohen, 2020). A new religion could be based on the principle of treating...

The Relation Between the Teen Suicide and Bullying

Suicide has been identified as one of the primary sources of death in the adolescent population. The CDC (2019) reports it as the second leading cause among children aged between 10 and 14 years old. While the causes of suicide vary on a case-by-case basis, evidence from Wang (2016) and...

Experience from Baldwin’s “Blues for Mister Charlie”

Reading James Baldwin’s Blues for Mister Charlie has been an exhilarating experience for me. The play encapsulates various tribulations of the Black community in the genesis of the Civil Rights Movement. Specifically, Act II portrays the explicit bigotry of white townspeople against the increasing number of newcomer black families (Baldwin,...

Review of “Othello” by Shakespeare

“Othello” is one of the most unique and outstanding works of the great William Shakespeare. There are actually more profound, complex, thought-provoking topics behind the author’s main idea, which lies on the surface. So, the main characters and their stories of the work are known to everyone, even if they...

Interesting Facts About Ella Deloria

Ella Deloria is a linguistic scholar from South Dakota, precisely the native Lakota people. She has authored several linguistic texts and pioneered language ideas among the Dakota people. Her achievements in the anthropology industry are enviable, having started writing an article in a journal to publish books and even a...

Apple Inc.’s Outsourcing Practice in China

Outsourcing is a requested practice in the modern economy because many companies want to deal with lower material and labor costs. The article by Linden et al. (2011) demonstrates that Apple Inc. also benefited from this phenomenon when it moved its iPod production facilities to China. I think that Apple’s...

Human Negative Impact on the Environment

Farms By farming, people mange agricultural lands to feed the world. It affects ecosystem by releasing carbon to the atmosphere and resulting in a loss of biodiversity. According to the graph provided in the activity, agricultural land use is increasing gradually since the 1950s (Howard Hughes Medical). It suggests that...

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is a program which provides low-income families with the necessary resources to sustain a decent level of life. The policy’s primary concern is promoting welfare among its recipient; yet, the program does not comply with cutting poverty (Policy basics, 2021). The leading solution would be...

The Act of Forgiveness in the Modern World

In today’s world, the act of forgiveness is often associated with weakness or defeat. A strong personality, many believe, defends their innocence to the end. It is easier for people to be angry, curse, and avoid offenders than understand and forgive them. Recently, however, more and more scientific evidence has...

Minnesota Constitutions and the US Constitution

The US constitution and the Minnesota state constitution are structurally similar in terms of having a preamble where an introduction to the document is presented. Moreover, both the MN and US constitutions have a bill of rights where the legal rights of citizens are listed. Furthermore, the two documents have...

“In the Red Room” Short Narrative by Paul Bowles

“In the Red Room” is a short narrative by Paul Bowles that involves a man escorting his elderly parents around Sri Lanka. His mother meets a young man who later invites them to his villa. Nonetheless, they have no idea about the young adult’s intention. They even spent some tense...

Purchase Decision Model: Decision-Making Process

Introduction The complicated decision-making process when buying new items is important for customers. It can be facilitated through the adoption of essential marketing concepts (Kumar et al., 2017). I will explain my own purchase decision of the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2. Problem recognition The first task is to figure...

Discussion of Gender Roles in Modern World

During human history, gender stereotypes have been widespread, and the community has defined the person’s role based on gender. Although in recent periods, culture is more loyal to the fact that women can do work that associates with men according to the standard concept. Thus, today there are no questions...

The Circle Packing Chart on “Kobe Bryant Shoots” Database

This circle packing chart shows values of variables in a hierarchical structure by using circle areas. The shot type variable creates two outer circles which display two types of shots in the database: 2PT Field Goal and 3PT Field Goal. Inside each of them, many other circles represent unique action...

Successful Project Management and Risk Assessment

For a successful project completion with limited delays and mistakes, risk management and project management should be followed. Project management does tasks that are encompassed in a project without faults and are done regularly. Sheets are prepared by the project manager that comprises the scope that defines what is taken...

“Study for the Head of Julius Caesar” by Andrea Del Salto

The drawing Study for the Head of Julius Caesar by Andrea del Salto is a red chalk portrait of Julius Caesar. His face presents a profile but does not appear as angular and rigid as profile images of political figures of the ancient era usually do. The image is based...

Minority Groups During 1880-1914

Women form part of the vulnerable groups of populations because of their susceptibility as soft targets in the predominantly male-dominated society, which in itself is more patriarchal. At the turn of the century in the United States, the role of women was restricted to being wives and mothers, whose main...

Foodservice Industry’s Sustainability Analysis

Sustainability refers to all those activities that are put forward to satisfy the wants of the current generation without endangering the capability of the future generation from achieving their individual stipulated requirements. However, sustainability in the foodservice industry is directly associated the efficiency of water and power, utilization of green...

Reflection on Leadership and Professionalism

Leadership is the achievement of an objective through the direction of human assistance. It is less about a strong individual but more about a group of people working together, to achieve results. Nobody is born a leader, but an individual becomes a leader because one is trustworthy, and people would...

Advocacy in Nursing Leadership

Advocacy for employees is one of the key responsibilities of nurses within a healthcare organization. Advocating on behalf of nursing professionals allows leaders to ensure recognition and respect, fair reimbursement, access to educations, as well an overall safer environment (Blackburn, Johnson & Chaveleh, 2020). Nurse leaders can use advocacy in...

Effective Customer Care

No matter how good of an idea a business is, learning how to attract and maintain clients is solely based on how good the customer service is implemented. I have been a loyal customer of my coffee vendor in the neighborhood for years now. The one thing that gets me...

Profit and Loss Internal Controls

Among the core goals of every organization is to make a profit. Making profit enables an organization to remain in business and be able to transact its operations. Where there are losses, there is a risk of falling out of business and losing its relevance. This is because it runs...

Metformin Medication: Adverse Effects

Metformin is among the front-line medications for type-2 diabetes treatment which is administered to overweight patients. The chemical name of Metformin HCI is 1-Dimethylbiguanide hydrochloride, and its molecular formula is C4H11N5 • HCl (Yu et al., 2018). Metformin was discovered in 1922 by Jean Sterne, a French physician, and the...

Social Media and Associated Mental Health Risks

Social media is an integral part of the life of young people in the modern world. According to statistics, 97% of teenagers from 13 to 17 years old use such platforms, and 45% say that they spend almost all their free time on the Internet (Teens and social media, 2019)....

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a set of principles that advocates for the rights of all humans as a means of ensuring their freedom and justice. These rights help to protect and safeguard the dignity of individuals from barbarous actions. The current paper, thereby, is a reflection of...

Biltmore Manor: Residential Buildings in American Architecture

It is worth noting that when visiting North Carolina and Asheville in particular, one should choose Biltmore as their final destination. Biltmore is a luxurious house built in 1895 and stylized as a 16th-century castle (Sully, 2019). It consists of 250 rooms, and it is the most grandiose, privately owned...

Leadership Theories Chart. Breakthrough Leadership

Leadership Theory Definition Main Concepts Situational leadership A leadership theory that merges both directive and supportive dimensions, which need to be applied correctly in a given situation (Ghazzawi, Shoughari, & Osta, 2017). Situational leadership is based on the relation between the task behavior, listening, support, and value. It claims that...

The Act Codenamed H.R. 4861 for Suicide Victims

The problem of the spread of suicides is one of those that require significant measures and serious attention. Unlike various diseases, the situation cannot be corrected in the case of a successful suicide attempt. It is necessary to develop multiple methods to prevent such issues. Besides, it is essential to...

François Boucher and Madame de Pompadour

One of the most remarkable artists of the Rococo period was François Boucher, and his works represent the paining style typical for the artists of that time. However, his belonging to the most known Rococo painters is conditional not only upon his talent but also upon the outside assistance. The...

The Parasympathetic Nervous System and Blood Pressure

The organs of the body, including the heart, stomach and intestines, liver, and kidneys, as well as gland and muscles, are regulated by the autonomic nervous system (ANS), the branch of the peripheral nervous system. The ANS adjusts the functioning of organs according to both external and internal stimuli; it...

Domestic Abuse Problem Analysis

In the context of present-day developments, domestic abuse appears to be a pressing concern. According to Alshammari et al. (2018), “intimate partner violence (IPV) or domestic violence and abuse refer to the victimization of an individual by an intimate companion” (para. 9). However, domestic abuse may also regard not only...

Brief Description of the Tesla Company

Current Organizational (Model) Design and Features Started in 2003 as Tesla Motors, Inc., but became profitable in 2013, Tesla’s organizational model supports continuous growth development, corporate sustainability and profitability over the seasons under the u-form structure. With the function-based strategy, the company has several offices and units that manage both...

“Fast Food Nation”: The Development of the Food Industry in the USA

In chapters 5-10, Eric Schlosser addresses a range of important issues that surround the development of the food industry in the United States of America. The first central idea revolves around the intense industrialization of the food industry that has led to the creation of large corporations holding the majority...

Grit! By Angela Duckworth: ”The Virtue of Hard Work” by Smith

In her article “Grit! By Angela Duckworth:” The Virtue of Hard Work “, Esfahani Smith discusses the definition of “grit” and reviews the information of the original book. Referring to Duckworth, Smith describes grit as “a combination of passion and perseverance” in order to reach an achievement. Smith cites the...

Environmental Wellness and Problem of Air Pollution

Having passed the environmental assessment located in Unit 6, I got 12 points. Based on the result, I can conclude that I need to pay more attention to conscious energy saving (electricity, heat) and study waste recycling more deeply. In my opinion, it is essential to research and participate in...

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Labor Market

Agrawal, A, Gans, J. S. & Goldfarb, A. (2019). Artificial intelligence: The ambiguous labour market impact of automating prediction. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33(2), 31-50. Web. The article in question considers the impact the spread of artificial intelligence technology may have on the labor market. The authors define their...

Incarceration and Mental Illness

Mental health problems and their relation to prisoners and incarceration slowly became more evident in the last two decades. In an article on incarceration being ineffective in prisoners’ cases that involve mental health problems, Wagner (2000) emphasized how prisons cost more to build for the government and are less effective...

The Use of Force in the Graham v. Connor Case

Facts of the case: Petitioner Graham asked for the assistance of his friend with a purchase of orange juice. The petitioner has diabetes and needed the juice to counter an insulin reaction. They drove to a store, but the lines were too crowded, so they left in a hurry (Graham...

The Great Depression in America’s Narrative History

The Great War played a significant role in developing many countries, including the United States. The consequences of the war turned out to be quite deplorable, as various internal structures of the state were violated. The level of industrial production was significantly reduced, which led to a shortage of multiple...

Immigration Challenges in Selections from The John Harrower Diary

The questions of immigration have stirred people’s minds over decades. The challenges of living in another country have been described in various sources, among which are “Selections from John Harrows’ diary.” In the description of his life in America, Harrow provides valuable information as to the difficulties of immigration and...

An Innovative Entity’s Key Components

Tidd, J. & Bessant, J.R. (2009) suggested seven key components of an innovative entity, three of which are addressed in this essay. They are effective team-working, have a high-involvement environment, and external focus. Teamwork is a crucial part of any organization as it provides cooperation and collective problem-solving. Guchait et...

Freedom in Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried

Generally acknowledged as one of the most preeminent pieces of Vietnam War Literature, Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried portrays the raw and sincere image of war through short linked stories completely refrained from political aspects. Although there is no defined storyline in the book, it is compensated by the...

Interpreting Christopher Columbus’ Personality and Activities

With the recently introduced aspect of perspective in history and the tendency to question the motives and actions of important figures in history, the case of Christopher Columbus requires complex understanding. In general, his input into the history and development of the word is fundamental and has no existing analogs....

International Organizations Battling Human Trafficking

Introduction Not being strictly bound by the political landscape, intergovernmental (IGOs) and non-governmental (NGOs) organizations play a crucial role in alleviating countless transnational issues, including human trafficking. While anti-slavery initiatives began in the 1800s, this global problem remains unresolved and plagues many nations, especially in Asia and Europe (DoCarmo 2020)....

Feminism and Identity Crisis in Politics

Susan Heckman in “Identity Crises: Identity, Identity Politics, and Beyond” borrows from Alcoff’s article to establish the foundation of her writing. In so doing, Heckman identifies politics as a subsidiary issue, with the real issue-defining a new feminism paradigm. With the foundation established, Heckman provides an overview of political identity...

Challenges of Wireless Content Delivery and Its Implications for Sports Broadcasting

Over the last decades, the sales of broadcast rights to sporting activities have become a profitable business. Yet, the increased competition between the broadcasting companies has led to an inflated price for sports translation (Taylor & Thomass, 2017). As a consequence, content delivery networks (CDNs) were the solution since they...

Researching of the Challenges of Free Trade

It is essential to recognize that in the world of serious business, along with opportunities for real economic growth, companies face the potential threat of financial and reputational collapse and decline. This ambiguity of possible outcomes is primarily due to the increase in the number of competitors in the industry,...

Mental Health Challenges and Their Stigmatization

The word ‘crazy’ has been thrown around in casual everyday speech, with not many people thinking twice about its meaning and potential implications. However, if one is to consider the world from the perspective of mental health, some issues come into play. Calling someone or something ‘crazy’ is likely to...

Evaluating Cultural Awareness in Nursing

There is a number of community resources that may assist in the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity. According to the CDC (2020), the initiatives advocating for healthy diets, such as Salad Bars to Schools, may be employed at the community level to tackle obesity/overweight in school-age children. Schools can...

Post-traumatic Stress and Growth

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental condition that arises after a person is exposed to extremely distressing circumstances. In addition to military combat, other events that can cause PTSD among adults and children are sexual assault, domestic abuse, and traffic accidents. The symptoms of PTSD are several and they...

Security for Minorities in the Educational Institutions

Introduction Security for students from all population groups is the principal provision, which should be ensured within educational institutions. However, the recent results of studies conducted by scholars in the context of these facilities reflected their inability to adequately address the racial and ethnic gaps (Cohen, 2015). This outcome is...

Child Abuse and the Minimalist and Maximalist Perspectives

Child abuse is an extremely negative experience that affects most parts of the world. The vice interferes with the juvenile’s growth, and it affects the normal development and well-being of the minor (Sidebotham, 2017). As a society, it becomes imperative to understand the well-being of these young individuals. Therefore, the...

Poetic Themes in the Selma Film Staring D. Oyelowo

Poetry, as likened to art, seems to depict a connection between lives concerning art. As portrayed in movies, fashion, music, dances, architecture, and literature imitate human beings’ real-life experiences. The past and modern art created defines time, meaning that people can differentiate when the art was created. In traditional times,...

Muscle Strength Assessment for Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis

Muscle strength assessment is one of the widespread methods to diagnose multiple sclerosis. According to Jørgensen et al. (2017), muscle strength and force development are abnormal in patients with the mentioned disorder. Since the normal neurological condition implies full control over muscle movements, healthy patients do not demonstrate involuntary contractions,...

Consumer Segments Overview

There is a common belief that Baby Boomers are focused on career development, while generation Y representatives are technologically savvy. I believe that the generalization about different consumer segments is valid and can be used by marketing specialists to make decisions. First and foremost, these generalizations are based on study...

Experimental and Nonexperimental Research Designs

The choice of study design is a crucial stage, during which the quality of research and the accuracy of its findings are determined. Experimental and nonexperimental methods are two popular designs, which are widely used in the modern academic environment. The primary difference between them lies in the presence of...

Prisons in the United States

In the present day, prisons may be regarded as the critical components of the federal criminal justice system. They started their history from the end of the war with Great Britain when Pennsylvania’s legislature revised the penal system and indirectly replaced slavery with disciplinary authority (Manion, 2015). Although original correctional...

Technology-Assisted Reviews of Data in a Document Management System

Introduction The fast development of digital and information technologies has put humanity in front of the issue of processing and classifying vast amounts of data. For this, specialists have developed such software processes as technology-assisted review (TAR) and document management systems (DMS). It is necessary to establish what these programming...

Importance of Petty Cash for Business

All companies make small daily purchases such as office supplies, stamps, transportation, and other items. According to Lessambo (2018), petty cash is a “relatively small amount of cash that businesses keep on hand for the purpose of small transactions such as providing change to customers, postage expenses, highway tolls” (p....

Comparison of “The Birthmark” and “The Fall of the House of Usher”

Both stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe are written in a gothic style which means they keep a reader in tension and fear engaging in a plot full of drama and tragedy. Both writers were finding major issues of the time and disclosed them within their works. One...

The 1990s Decade in the United States of America

The 1990s in the United States of America is also called a golden decade for its relative calmness, welfare, and the rising development of technologies. Various subcultures, art directions, and fashion styles appeared during that time. The end of the Cold War, the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, and the rise of hip-hop...

The Transmission of Dance Techniques

In this discussion post, I would like to provide my understanding of transmission and dance from the provided sources. First of all, the transmission of dance techniques, as discussed within the article by Anthea Kraut, can be summarized as a way of cultivating particular movement patterns through replication (Kraut). Through...

Nature of Evil in “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Despite its shortness, the story “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne contains a number of educative lessons. One of them is the possibility to understand the nature of evil better. On the one hand, all people are free and happy due to many options and choices. On the other hand,...

The Anthropology of Christianity

The anthropology of Christianity is related to human Anthropos concerning God. Anthropology has a vital role in a missionary perspective. Anthropology, theology, and missiology have developed over the years. Anthropology has led to the change into postmodernism which makes it revolutionary. Anthropology has also led to the loss of certainty...

Approach to Bible Study in a Survey of the Old Testament

Studying the Old Testament is a fundamental and complicated task. Bible is an integral part of the ancient Near Eastern civilization, into the languages and culture of which Western students need to dive deeply. In the first chapter of their monograph, Hill and Walton argue that the Bible represents God’s...

The “Christ in Concrete” Novel by Pietro di Donato

The novel Christ in Concrete, written by Pietro di Donato in 1939, tells the story of construction workers. The book shocks the audience with its straightforwardness and leaves a deep imprint. The first chapter of the novel is called Geremio and describes the death of this character and his coworkers...