Ownership and Capital Implications of the Second Industrial Revolution

Introduction The rapid transformation of the social and economic order and the advancement of the manufacturing means toward more automated processes emerged on the verge of the nineteenth century. This period was called the Industrial Revolution due to the inception of the industrial economy. However, between 1880 and 1920, new...

Art Therapy in Social Sciences

Psychology Psychology evaluates the workings of the human mind and its ability to explore various behaviors and emotions. Art therapy evaluates the impact of art on these mental processes, intersecting with psychology. Mood and emotional reactions to various art during therapy are crucial pointers to the psychological aspects of a...

Islam: The Rise and Spread Around the World

Islam is the youngest of the world religions, and the modern popularity of the doctrine speaks of its rapid spread. In 2015, there were over 1.8 million Muslims in the world, which is about 24% of the global population (Lipka, 2017). However, coercion or forced imposition is often cited as...

Lemon Coffee Trend on TikTok Shouldn’t Be Done Health Experts

The author’s goal of the analyzed news article Lemon coffee trend on TikTok shouldn’t be done, health experts say, is to convey information to readers that refute the viral trend on the social network. The article cites expert nutritionist opinions to boost audience confidence and open their eyes to the...

The Advice for the Development as a Writer

Before reading these articles, the status of my writing was unconventional; however, the ideas presented in the three reminiscences have inspired me to consider applying rhetorical strategies in writing, including pathos, logos, and ethos appeals. For instance, Lahiri’s article begins with an attention grabber “In college, I used to underline...

Jefferson’s Inaugural Address

When Jefferson was reelected for a second term of presidency, he said, “In a time of war, if injustice by ourselves or others must sometimes produce war, increased as the same revenue will be by increased population and consumption, and aided by other resources reserved for that crisis, it may...

Discussion of International Trade

Introduction Many nations have benefited much from international commerce, and the globe has benefited more than not. International commerce enables countries to extend their markets and access commodities and services that might otherwise be unavailable in their own country. According to Borkakoti, “the pure theory of international trade attempts to...

Creating a Website for a Hospital

In today’s world, the Internet is a vital source of information and interaction with society. Medicine is not considered an exception but has a specific character due to its uniqueness. It is necessary to consider this issue from the programmer who creates a site for the clinic. A specialist must...

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Biometric Security

In the modern world, innovative technologies are spreading in all spheres of people’s lives. One of the most effective and, at the same time, controversial technologies is biometrics. Due to its great popularity and implementation by various organizations, the question arises of the advantages and disadvantages of this innovation. Therefore,...

Researching of Decision-Making Models

Comparison of Models There are two models that can be utilized to make a decision, for instance, the hiring one. The first one is the rational decision-making model, which consists of eight steps. These stages are: identification of the problem, the establishment of decision criteria, decision criteria weighting, generation of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Largest Epidemiological Study of COVID-19

The research that is believed to be the largest epidemiological study of Covid-19 was conducted in two Indian states, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, and has revealed several important findings. Although it did involve a large number of confirmed Covid-19 cases, the study only examined cases and traced contacts in...

W. Szymborska, A. Sexton, A. Bradstreet and W. Shakespeare: Love Poems

People from different backgrounds have diverse perspectives on many things. This assertion is exemplified in the poems such as Wislawa Szymborska’s True Love, Anne Sexton’s Conte, Anne Bradstreet’s To My Dear and Loving Husband, and William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116. The four authors explored the theme of love, but each had...

Is Herbalife a Pyramid Scheme?

Accusations why Herbalife’s Multilevel Compensation Model is Pyramid Scheme Three accusations led to the Herbalife multilevel compensation model being accused of being a pyramid scheme. One of them has been argued to be how most contractors lose money while investing in Herbalife inventory. The other accusation is that Herbalife tends...

Research on Human Trafficking in Arkansas

Human trafficking remains a serious problem even in developed countries. Currently, there are at least 40 million slaves in the world, a quarter of whom are children, and 77% of cases involving sexual abuse (SOS International, 2020, para. 4). In Arkansas, 60 cases of underage sex trafficking have been reported...

An Effective Immigration Support Framework in Canada

Modern trends in world development are associated with cardinal changes in the socio-political landscape, which marked a new era in the development of the world, a distinctive feature of which is the processes of globalization, which are acquiring a planetary scale at the turn of the millennium. The world is...

Modifications of the Nomi Move

The recent concerns of people about a healthy lifestyle have significantly influenced their physical activity and fitness needs. Nevertheless, the reconciliation of work and exercising in the present-day world remains a challenging task. Given this, the tendency of various facilities to develop programs that everyone can join for free seems...

Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) in Protecting Consumers

The Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) is sloppy in handling environmental pollutants. The agency allows many toxic chemicals into the economy with little effort to ensure that the chemicals are safe. The chemicals are left unsecured to the benefit of the manufacturing company because of the revenue that is generated...

Smart Pacifier for Infants: A Marketing Plan

The global market of smart pacifiers demonstrates significant growth, which is motivated by higher income rates, as well as the need to work remotely in terms of the current pandemic. The introduction of a Little Tikes Smart Pacifier will fill the gap by providing a technological solution for monitoring the...

Selflessness in Islamic Belief and Practice

The Five Pillars of Islam are faith, prayer, alms, fasting, and pilgrimage. The selected pillar for exemplifying the selflessness of the given religion is alms or zakat. All Muslims are obliged to allocate some of their wealth to charity to improve the community and support the people in need. It...

Mass Incarceration and Race

The United States has the highest incidence of incarceration of its residents. Almost 2.5 million US citizens are in detention centers, and this is about one percent of the grown-up population at any particular time (Williams & Battle, 2017). African Americans form more than 30% of the imprisoned population despite...

Popular Research Paper Topics

How a Personal Narrative Limits Your Future by Peek

According to the speech by Andrew Peek How a personal narrative limits your future, it is commonly believed that an idea is something that keeps changing and can be influenced, but the story is a fixed scenario written once. Additionally, it is often thought that the opportunity to create a...

Texas Judiciary During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The main issues faced by the Texas justice system and state judges are caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. These problems include a high degree of burden on judicial officials and an incessant, growing number of new, pending cases. Nathan Hecht, notes that it will take at least three years to...

Sikhism: History and Practices

There are various religions globally, each with a unique history of origin. However, there are controversies on how some religions came into existence. Sikhism has had so many theories said about how it came to exist. The most common thought about the religion is that it has long been thought...

Cardi B’s Hair Controversy in Mixed People

Cardi B is an American rapper who rose to fame in 2017 and has been known for sharing a lot of her personal life on social media platforms. On November 14th, 2021, she posted a mirror selfie on Twitter, showcasing her grown-out hair, saying it is the result of being...

Cayou’s Africanist Characteristics

Summary The Africanist characteristics seen in Katherine Dunham’s Barrelhouse Blues include polyrhythms in the body, the individualism of stylishness within the set style, raising/using the foot as a whole, and bent laps with the figure near the earth. Polyrhythms body movements originate and activate more than one movement. Individualism of...

Changing Internal Atmosphere in Medicine Institutions

These days internal interconnection plays a pivotal role in nursing. The pandemic situation forced people to communicate with the help of different channels, such as social media or internet-calling applications. Moreover, when trying to cope with an unstoppable stream of patients, nurses need help at some moments so that mutual...

Enzymes and Chemical Reaction They Catalyze

An enzyme is a protein that speeds up or slows down cell chemical reactions. Enzymes perform various functions in cellular metabolisms, such as food digestion in animals and the process of respiration, and also aid in muscle and nerve function. Enzymes are affected by temperature changes; an increase in temperature...

Early Signs of an Insider Threat

Insider threats are security breaches that originate from an individual affiliated with a target organization. Many insider threats include frustrated employees, individuals seeking financial gain from the data they leak, and workers who accidentally expose company data in untrustworthy environments. In the United States, the Department of Defense (DoD) faces...

A Racial Trauma and Related Health Disorders

Racial trauma is quite similar to stress disorders while having unique and distinct features. An example is the historical trauma of American Indians who suffered a lot from the White people in the United States (Comas-Díaz et al., 2019). The history of deportations, open aggression, microaggressions in everyday life, limited...

Relational Dialectics and Conflict Management

Relational dialectics can be described as a concept of communication theories that analyses contradictions and tensions that exist in relationships. It was developed by Leslie Baxter who prescribes three primary relational dialectics including Autonomy connection, novelty-predictability, and openness-closeness. Autonomy connection is the desire to be bonded physically and mentally in...

How Identity Can Influence One’s Business Performance

Identity is formed during life as an individual faces challenges or learns from new experiences. It influences all aspects of a person’s life. Personal identity can be a defining factor for business goals and objectives and tie it back to a broader society. Larger-than-life figures led many successful enterprises with...

Sindbad the Seaman from “One Thousand and One Night”

If one looks for the stories that became famous in the West thanks to “One Thousand and One Night,” there is no need to look further than the seven tales of Sindbad the Seaman. They became widely popular in the West after the publication of the first translated editions in...

“Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment” by Kabeer

Gender inequality is an issue that has led to endless debates with different people proposing diverse solutions to ensure equality is exercised. The article shows that many people are advocating for women’s empowerment to ensure that females are given various opportunities in the community. Moreover, it reveals that people are...

Introduction to Total Rewards Meanings

It is important to note that total rewards are a set of both non-monetary and monetary rewards, which serve the purpose of retaining, motivating, and attracting employees (GreggU, 2018). The first key takeaway is to design the reward system in such a way, where workers are encouraged to exhibit the...

Religion’s Impact on Mass Media

It seems reasonable to state that religion significantly impacts many spheres of life in today’s world. When it comes to mass media, this phenomenon should be taken into account. In another case, the desired outcome of a particular film, book, or TV series might not be achieved. Hence, the scholarly...

Culture and Communication in Business

The process of organizing and successfully running a business in a culturally diverse setting – especially carrying out serious projects – is quite complex in terms of cross-cultural management. According to Drucker and Maciariello (2015), managing leads must create an entrepreneurial culture in the organization if it does not exist...

Research Steps in Sociology

Technology has come to be part of human existence. It plays a key role in enabling and facilitating the manner in which people conduct their daily activities. Also, it has the effect of influencing people’s spending habits because, at the touch of a button, a person can access various items...

Methods in “Remembering, Imagining, False Memories, and Personal Meanings” Study

Study Summary According to the study, memories are closely linked with the imagining system. When a person tries to imagine something, memories are used as a source of data. When a person tries to memorize an event, imagination may have a significant influence on the final perception of the past....

Social Media and Pursuit of Social Change

Social media has reconfigured numerous aspects of society and particularly enhanced people’s communicative power through the platforms which facilitate the expression of uncensored reality. Consequently, it has become the ideal tool for amplifying voices, raising awareness, and calling for social change. The networks have created expansive online communities where people...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Religious Writings: Praise the Lord. Psalm 148

Psalm 148 is mainly based on the one aim: encourage people to admire the one above them for all one’s doings and gifts. Basically, the command to praise the Lord is repeated twelve times throughout the whole piece, which, as a matter of fact, includes only thirty-three lines, meaning it...

Coronavirus Vaccine Development

The genomic evolution of the virus presumes that the novel SARS-CoV-2 has altered its genetic structure and now has different implications on people’s health. The SARS virus did not have such virulence and the ability to be transferred from person to person. Earlier, the infected population suffered from severe pneumonia;...

The Risks Associated with Using Credit to Purchase an Automobile or a Major Appliance

Credit occurs where the payment method is progressive or in instalments with an agreed specified time between the seller and the buyer. In business, risks, as Amankwah-Amoah and Wang (2019) stipulate, are the possible dangers to and unwelcome repercussions on a company’s performances, renowned capital, customer base, and income. On...

NASA: Its Purposes and Projects

Space exploration has always been a highly challenging and interesting subject. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an independent government agency, which focuses on studying the Earth, space, Solar system, and astrophysics (“What is NASA,” 2020). NASA was initially created as a response to the ever-growing Soviet Union’s advancement...

The Importation of Drugs into the United States

In the U.S., prescription drug costs are increasing considerably, and this issue continues to be a hot topic, particularly in the political arena. The importation of drugs into America became a possible strategy for addressing the problem of high prescription drug prices. Still, there are those people who disagree with...

COVID-19: Overweight as Risk Factor

Potential Hypothesis Body mass index directly correlates with human survival in infectious and chronic diseases, including infection with a new coronavirus type. The higher the index, there are more chances of getting cardiovascular pathologies or type 2 diabetes. As a result, obese people will be less tolerant of COVID-19, as...

“Exposure to Sexually Explicit Media” Review

Early exposure of adolescents to sexually explicit media is likely to result in the former engaging in risky sexual behavior both now and later in life. Although the developed nations are more affected by sexually explicit media, the developing countries are also influenced negatively due to technological development. Risky sexual...

HIV and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

HIV is a virus that infects and destroys T-helper cells. These cells coordinate T-cell and B-cell activity in the body. HIV/AIDS patients have increased chances of developing a wide range of microbial infections. This outcome is possible since the destroyed cells are unable to fight microorganisms. The body immunity reduces...

Safety Management System (SMS) in Aviation

First, Safety Management System (SMS) is directly related to the provision of safety to the staff that is largely founded on the adherence to and advocating of the established standards by the personnel themselves. Hence, the human factor will be integrated by the related activities of your workers who –...

The Evolution of Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice

The impact of evidence-based practice (EBP) The impact of evidence-based practice (EBP) on the development and constant improvement of modern health care cannot be overestimated. EBP enables healthcare professionals to standardize their work by scientific evidence, which results in eliminating adverse health outcomes. In this respect, it is viable to...

Newborn Screening Program – Blood Spot Collection

Taking care of newborns is always challenging since infants are especially vulnerable during the first moments of their life. Moreover, children’s health remains fragile even when they grow up and start another stage of their development. Watching the videos made me feel the responsibility that nurses and other medical specialists...

Lack of Social Tolerance as the Cause of Discriminatory Behavior: The Solutions

People exhibit bigoted behavior when they do not tolerate or feel enabled to hurt certain groups based on a particular characteristic. It can be gender, race, religion, or another basis, but regardless of the reason, some society members will feel inferior. Such phenomena as sexism and racism are widespread, meaning...

Genetics: A Frameshift Mutation in Human mc4r

The Summary In 1998 French researchers Christian Vaisse, Karine Clement, Bernard Guy-Grand & Philippe Froguel published an article A frameshift mutation in human MC4R is associated with the dominant form of obesity in the scientific journal Nature genetics. The article implies exploring the human melanocortin-4 receptor and its relation to...

Rube Goldberg Machine Review

Introduction A Rube Goldberg machine is a device that performs an effortless action in a highly complex way — usually through a long sequence of domino interactions. A competition organized by the Purdue PSPE Society of Professional Engineers is being held among the designers of these machines. The 2018 winner...

The Importance of Teaching in Nursing

Introduction Nursing can be considered as one of the most important parts of medicine since the representatives of this profession are closely connected with both patients and doctors. The lack of nurses is now a vast problem globally, and enough knowledge to teach others is one of the key strengths....

Racial Self-Identification in Children of Immigrants

Modern immigration practices and the complications related to permanent residence in a foreign country are significant topics for scholars worldwide. Ethnic and racial differences that often become evident during immigration can considerably impact the individuals involved, resulting in changes connected to self-awareness and cultural belonging (Fozdar and Volet 52). In...

The Importance of Persia on the World Stage

Persia is one of the oldest states and empires, now called Iran. In the best “heyday period,” the Persian Empire became one of the most significant states in history. From its origin to the conquest by Alexander the Great, Persia occupied a dominant position in the ancient world for two...

The Importance of Aaron Beck’s Researches for Therapy

Aaron Beck spent his entire life proving that psychotherapy works. By his example, the psychiatrist showed how from a poor, fearful and nervous boy from an emigrant family, he turned into one of the most influential psychotherapists in the country and even in the world. Beck is rightfully called “father...

Earthquakes: Effects on People’s Health

Earthquakes are one of the global environmental health issues that hugely impact people’s lives in certain geographical areas and communities. This is one of the physical hazards that basically represent the impact of natural disasters on people’s health and mental wellbeing. Due to the earthquakes’ difference in strength, their effects...

Vaccination of Healthcare Workers

Vaccination is the most effective way of protection against COVID-19: a highly contagious disease often followed by a set of serious complications. The effectiveness of this measure directly depends on the number of people vaccinated, since together, they generate a collective immunity for their sector of society. Health professionals around...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Grady College’s Internship Program Advertisement

The advertisement chosen for this assignment is posted at the website of Grady College, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. The ad features the College’s Internship Program, developed for international students (The advertisement, 2021). The advertisement itself is a picture of students from different countries who are happy to take...

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

The beginning of the 21st century is characterized by rapid digital transformation and technological enhancement. Innovative changes that affect business and manufacturing are defined as Industry 4.0 or the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Frank et al. 23). This concept incorporates a new production approach based on the massive introduction of information...

The Reformation: A Brief Survey of Events

Protestantism as an ideology and historical force emerged as a result of a critique of the spiritual monopoly of Catholicism. Martin Luther was a theologian and monk who lectured in theology, but when he looked at the situation in Rome from a different angle, his worldview changed, and in 1517...

The Third-Culture Kids Phenomenon

The following summary reviews four significant articles that are dedicated to the theme of third-culture kids. Bonebright provides an article can be viewed as a significant insight into the topic. The author exhaustively explores this phenomenon appealing to the related reliable literature on the mentioned individuals. It is claimed that...

The Sense of Smell: Primary Threat Detector

Researchers recently found out that the sense of smell is the most reliable threat detector. A person’s olfactory capacities are unconscious and more effective than eyesight and hearing, which suggest this sense is most proficient in detecting danger. Several recent researchers have studied smell in terms of identifying potential endangerment...

Gittens and Dill: Main Arguments and Social Forces

Family life is one of the essential conditions for people’s wellbeing, which correlates with happiness. However, the societal circumstances frequently suggest that success in this area can be unattainable for some population groups. In this regard, Diana Gittens and Bonnie Thorton Dill discuss the obstacles to having healthy relationships for...

Approaches to Psychology. Discrimination of the Islamic Religion

There has been growing discrimination of the Islamic religion and its relation to terrorism. According to the behavioral approach, such a stereotype arises due to the interactions people have with their environment through conditioning and observational learning. This discrimination develops from people constantly seeing and hearing individuals from this religion...

Gossip and Exclusion in Social Media

It is assumed that gossip and rumors spreading are immoral and tend only to harm the people and those surrounding them. However, they can be viewed from a different perspective: gossips also contribute to yielding beneficial outcomes. Sometimes, when people are confronted for their dreadful actions, it leads to them...

Robert Edward Lee’s Figure in Confederate Army

Robert Edward Lee was one of the most famous American military and Confederate army generals. Historically, the figure of Robert Lee should be seen in the context of the nineteenth-century Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. This general is associated with the efforts of the Southern forces...

Language: Purpose and Implications for Society

Language serves to transmit information and to store people’s cumulative experience – a cumulative function. At the same time, individuals use language in different ways depending on the situation. Thus, teenagers often communicate through text messages where they use slang, jargon, and bilingualism. Additionally, when people try to convey information...

Schizophrenia: Causes and Symptoms

The leading causes of the development of schizophrenia include heredity, an unfavorable environment, and negative social conditions. Many scientists are of the opinion that schizophrenia develops as a result of the impaired metabolism of neurotransmitters, particularly dopamine, in the brain (McCutcheon et al., 2019). Neurotransmitters are biologically active substances that...

“The Person Who Bled Hearts”: A Unique Tale of a Captain

‘The Person who Bled Hearts’ is a unique tale of a captain who encountered a strange woman described as having an uncertain age, old and dusty, yet with a “childish Flutter” (Chamoiseau, 1997). In my opinion, the old woman represented the end of slavery. Before being thrown overboard, she pointed...

Activist Advice From the Example of Populists and Progressives

Throughout history, there have been many different of activist groups and movements that have had varying success. In class, the examples of the Populists and the Progressives were discussed, with the former being a failure. Nevertheless, it is possible to learn from both, either not to repeat the mistakes made...

Sociological Issues of Life Stages from 20 to 70

People aged from 20 to 30 years usually begin to explore their professional talents and desires. While people of this age usually have income, spending increases due to lack of estate and the need to pay for rent and make other payments. Depending on occupations, making savings is hard, and...

Importance of Studying History

People should attract attention to the importance of studying history and developing historical thinking skills. The study of the past extends our understanding of how people and societies behave in various social settings (Stearns). This understanding of human behavior features allows managing people’s lives in the present. Moreover, historical knowledge...

The Influence of Catholic Upbringing

The history of the religious education of the person I interviewed confirmed that every believer has their own path to faith. My neighbor and I often meet on the street and in the church that I have attended since childhood, so I have always been interested in the reasons why...

How to Be Able to Compete With Amazon Company

Amazon opened a 4-star store (‘Amazon to open,’ 2018). There is a need to analyze what features a company should have to compete with Amazon. To be able to compete with Amazon company, the company should know how to manage its resources and create an exceptional ideas. Resources and capabilities...

The Sadler Report: Child Labor in the United Kingdom

The Industrial Revolution was a period of incredible advancement. Huge industrial facilities arose that could mass-produce merchandise at a low cost. Individuals ran from their ranches to the urban communities to work in industrial facilities, factories, and mines. In spite of such advancement, life was difficult and stressful as a...

Researching of SWOT in Project Management

SWOT analysis is a highly powerful tool for decision-making since it illuminates one’s both external and internal elements. In the case of project management, the usefulness of SWOT can be high or low on the basis of a situation, whereas SWOT is universally useful in other managerial endeavors. Projects differ...

Sickle Cell Anemia as a Gene Mutation Disease

DNA mutations modify a genetic code’s meaning, leading to many congenital and acquired malformations. These genetic aberrations are multifactorial, and their effects range from mild to fatal. This discussion post reviews sickle cell anemia, an autosomal recessive disorder that emanates from substitution mutations in the DNA. In this condition, the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Abstracting and Persuasive Discussion of “The Green Knight” Movie

The Green Knight is an aesthetically pleasing movie that managed to intrigue and mesmerizes the audience with its visual presentation. I have watched the film recently and came out of it thinking that the cinematic aspects of its presentation were the strongest, far outshining the story or the characters themselves....

Progressives: Individuals Aspiring for Change

Between Native and Mexican Americans being pressured, child labor, women inequality, and political corruption, American society of the late 1800s and early 1900s were desperate for change. Furthermore, industrialization, urbanization, and immigration were well underway, bringing countless benefits and a similar number of challenging social problems. Without concerned American citizens...

Division of Labor and Traditional Gender Roles

Labor within the family was traditionally divided along gender lines, with the male and female genders being assigned specific responsibilities. Men were assigned the tedious tasks that involved the use of immense power, and this was attributed to their general physical strength (Andersen & Witham, 2011). The labor men performed...

An Analysis of Panera’s $8.99 Coffee Subscription

It is not unusual to see marketing strategies and distinct marketing ploys that are extremely provocative to the consumer, to the point of when they consider declining the order to be nearly impossible. The case of Panera’s coffee subscription offer is similar. Although, what the consumer must always keep in...

Human Aging: Age-Related Changes in the Brain

The brain is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body under the influence of time. Age-related changes in the brain are a gradual decrease in mental performance due to violations of the structure of nerve cells, intercellular connections, and a decrease in the volume of gray matter....

Witch Hunt: Islamophobia After 11 September

Almost immediately after the devastating 9/11 attacks, society in the U.S. would experience fear-mongering, racism, and witch hunts against individuals and groups practicing Islam. Not only would this affect people on a day-to-day basis such as with incidences of discrimination, abuse, and even violence, but also through federal systems as...

Language Wars: Descriptive and Prescriptive Grammar

Language is a subtle and multifaceted thing, which many specialists are studying. Grammar can be studied in many different ways. One can distinguish two types of grammar: descriptive and prescriptive. While descriptive grammar describes how the language is used, prescriptive grammar defines how the language should be used by native...

Hadrocodium as Example of Mammalian Beginnings

General Information One of the first mammals of the Mesozoic era was Hadrocodium, whose external structure may remind modern rodents of the rat, squirrel, or weasel type. Fossils of this animal were found in Early China; it is thought that Hadrocodium lived about 195-200 million years ago. Literally, the Latin...

Population Control Discussion

The thing that I did not suspect before is the thoughts about forced birth control. The question of the morality of having children is quite strange from the point of view of humanity. On the one hand, the authors push us to think about the future, the planet, and climate...

Characters in “Pawn Shop” by Alexie

Character development is vital in literature as it helps readers to understand their various aspects. One of the characters used by Alexie in Pawn Shop is Jackson. He is homeless, which limits his chances of being an active member of society. Jackson said, “one day you have a home and...

Transforming and Improving Health Care in Hawaii

Upon reading Chin and Sakuda’s (2012) article, various aspects of electronic health records (EHRs) critical in improving health care have become clear. The study elucidates current and potential interventions in EHRs that can help enhance Hawaii’s healthcare. The authors feel that meaningful use of data may take three forms: e-prescribing,...

Bill Blass: Rebranding Case

Bill Blass was once one of the most valuable brands in the fashion industry; however, it failed to adapt to the new trends in customer preferences after its founder’s retirement. The initial Bill Blass peaked in the early 80s, catching the customers’ attention with urban, colorful silhouettes and innovative designs....

DNA Profiling: Genetic Variation in DNA Sequences

Introduction DNA profiling is an odd identification genetic passport that carries information about several dozen genome regions belonging to one person. DNA profiling analyzes the number of repeating elements in a selected area of the genome. The repeating part is called a tandem repeat, and the amount is variable. The...

Why Is It Important to Study Bible?

Introduction The Bible as the repository of wisdom and God’s written word is often taken for granted. However, it needs to be examined as the source of essential insights into the nature of human relationships and the use of ethical and moral standards based on which one should build relationships...

Fake News, the First Amendment, and Fighting Propaganda

Today, “fake news” is becoming more prevalent, especially in online sources. Many readers are willing to believe the information posted online is true without conducting any research themselves. Facebook has a significant number of posts containing “fake news” published every day without the information in them being fact-checked. This case...

COVID-19: Vaccine Statistical Testing

The development of vaccines against pathogenic infections, especially if the disease has acquired the status of a pandemic, is a challenge not only for scientific-applied laboratories but also for the department of statistical research engaged in clinical trials. It is known that the standard development of a drug antidote against...

Strategizing as a Perpetual Business Process Now

Although organizations have used to develop business strategies to direct their operations and processes for years, this trend has changed significantly. Developing a plan for a company is a continuous undertaking requiring sustained modifications, redesigns, the adoption of new ideas, and the dropping of others. The previously sensible strategies are...

The Lifespan Theories by Erikson

This discussion deals with Erikson’s psychosocial development theory and its application to social work practice. According to Gross (2020), it is viewed as one of the most significant lifespan theories focusing primarily on social interactions. Erickson’s framework allows one to look at development throughout life and study the role of...

Social Groups Essential to Who I Am

A huge part of social identification is the process of determining the social groups an individual belongs to. Respectively, those are the five groups I identify myself the most with. Age group – Millennials I was born in the end of the twentieth century, and that makes me a millennial....

Boys & Girls Club of America Organization’s Analysis

Boys & Girls Club of America is a national voluntary organization aimed at helping young people reach their full potential regardless of their background and circumstances. The organization’s headquarters is located in Atlanta, but numerous regional offices are administrating thousands of local clubs throughout the country. BGCA was founded in...

The Planned Happenstance Theory

The moments that define an individual’s future adherence to one of the career paths do not always happen as a part of a plan. John Krumboltz developed the Planned Happenstance theory at the beginning of the 2000s based on the same principle of taking an unexpected chance and new opportunities...

Information Technology Implementation in Healthcare

The coronavirus pandemic has shown how fragile the global healthcare system is. During sustained waves, several patients were often in serious condition, per one nurse. In this context, it would be reasonable to introduce an adaptive system based on the work of the artificial intellect. The main task is to...

Covid-19 Effects and Leadership Challenges

After the emergence of Covid-2019, leadership has faced many challenges where each challenge requires a different tactic to address them. The disease has been spreading at an unprecedented rate, and it has become more difficult than ever to provide a high quality of care and manage the hospital work. The...

The Iconic Moments in the Film “Gold Rush 1925”

The most iconic moment in the movie is when Charlie Chaplin prepares and eats his shoe not to starve from hunger. He serves the shoe on a dish with shoelaces as spaghetti, which puts the viewer in laughter. The funniest thing about the moment in the movie is the face...

The Ship of Theseus Concept Overview

The discussion of the identity of a whole often includes the paradox called “The ship of Theseus.” In this example, a ship has all of its parts gradually replaced, while the disassembled parts are used in the creation of its copy. This creates an issue of the origin of an...

Hacktivism & Cyberterrorism vs Government Response

Description Hacktivism is the use of technology or computer system for social or political motivations or to promote a certain agenda. One prominent example of hacktivism was Aaron Swartz who broke into the MITs computer system in 2013 and downloaded thousands of academic journals and articles, later published online as...

Terminal Illness Perception Overview

Terminal Illness Terminal illness refers to a human condition that can never be cured and may ultimately lead to death. The most common type of terminal illness is advanced colon cancer. The disease refers to the abnormal growth of the colon cells (Epstein et al., 2016). Presently, the main causes...

E-Leadership Job Description and Competencies

Goal setting. E-leadership goals are designed to provide employees with directions that are implemented electronically. E-leader uses information technology (IT) to change the attitudes, behavior, and performance of an organization and its virtual teams (Van Wart et al., 2019). In the digital workplace, the focus of the decision-making shifts from...

Path Planning for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

Depending on the objective, two types of path planning and simulation of unmanned underwater device trajectories should be allocated. These are the path from one point to the other and the complete grid coverage of the space (Panda et al., 2020). The initial analysis of both scenarios gives a vivid...

Transit Authority Financial Report

The formation of the transit authority to create and manage the City of Artichoke, WV transportation system was a significant step toward the city’s sustainability and enhancement. The ongoing financial reporting should reveal the transit authority’s performance, achievements, and challenges for officials to take an appropriate intervention. The review of...

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James Baldwin’s Essays on Racism and Slavery

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Abigail Adams and Her Impact on the American Revolution

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Are Social Media Ruining Our Culture?

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How Shakespeare Presents Macbeth as Being Influenced by His Lady Macbeth?

Shakespeare portrays Macbeth as a lady who influences her husband’s decision-making negatively because she is stronger, ruthless, decisive, and ambitious than the husband. In the entire play, the theme of ambition is demonstrated well and the character with a lot of determination comes out as the wife. The husband proves...

Hard Questions About Living in Poverty or Slavery

Living in conditions where one’s life and death do not depend on oneself is one of the most challenging events in life. Examples of those conditions are poverty and slavery: they can lead to the total demolition of personality. They can make the one a vile or just a broken...

“The Song of Roland”: Heroic Medieval Poem

After the death of Roland, Charlemagne and his warriors arrive on the battlefield, and all they discover are corpses. The pagans have fled, but the Franks are on their tail, driving them into the Ebro River, where they all perish. Meanwhile, Baligant, Babylon’s formidable emir, has come to Spain to...

Women in Newsrooms: Barriers and Challenges

The history of women in newsrooms and journalism began in the 1890-s during a series of economic and social protests. Although this movement had made a huge improvement in men’s and women’s equal position, in the 1970-s female newscasters were still facing some challenges. For example, the two main barriers...

Researching of Flat Organizations

In recent years, the changes in the business landscape instilled the evolution of companies’ organizational structures. Traditionally, most firms relied on hierarchical frameworks that prevailed in most industries. Within this format, an organization resembles a pyramid with front-line employees at its foundation and the CEO on top. Between them, there...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Universal Basic Income

Introduction Automation and the spread of AI-based technologies have raised significant concerns over the future of the labor market or humanity as a species. Whether AI would be friendly or hostile to humans is uncertain; however, this technology already affects society, especially in economic and social spheres. One of the...

Napoleon Bonaparte: Autocratic and Charismatic Leadership

Napoleon Bonaparte is often referred to as one of the most effective military leaders. According to researchers, the French leader was operating based on the techniques used within the autocratic style (Weiss, 2020). At the same time, current knowledge refers to soldiers as focused on the overall environment within the...

“The Godfather” as Traditional and Untraditional Gangster Film

The film “The Godfather”, directed by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola, is a wonderful conjecture that invites us to contemplate the Mafia fully on its terms. That is why we have sympathy for characters who are inherently evil. Don Vito Corleone is a sympathetic and rather adorable character; throughout...

History of Atomic Structure: Dalton’s Atomic Theory

Dalton’s Atomic Theory (DAT) was a major contribution to the field of chemistry. DAT is based on five assumptions regarding the nature of the world’s smallest molecules. The first hypothesis of this theory suggests that all matter consists of atoms, invisible particles that cannot be observed due to their minuscule...

The Great Depression and Contributing Reasons

Several post-World War I events triggered the 1930s Great Depression. Wall Street went into a panic after the October 1929 stock market crash, resulting in millions of investors’ losses. The beginning of a new age, the Roaring Twenties, and the Great Depression were significant events in history. Many social and...

Ethics Education in Daily Life

In The Significance of Ethics and Ethics Education in Daily Life, Michael D. Burroughs talks about the implications of ethics on everyday life and the importance of developing skills necessary to make ethical decisions. Burroughs challenges the differences between theoretical ethical values and principles and the way we act in...

A Restaurant Menu: Case Analysis

When managing a restaurant, it is always important to plan the menu in a way which both has a set of staple items, as well as a share of dishes which can bring a sense of novelty. The restaurant in the case study has a challenge concerning customers who are...

British History: Automation and Techniques

Modern automation can only partially recreate the architecture of the Middle Ages. So, it is possible to make almost exact copies of individual elements, such as, for example, the construction of the western apse (the projection of the building, semicircular, faceted or rectangular, covered with a semi-dome or a closed...

The 3rd Angle Projection Analysis

The 3rd Angle Projection refers to a technique of drawing an object or an image from differing directions; these are normally the front, side, and plan view drawn in order to make all the essential sides or faces visible. In this form of projection, every view of the diagram is...

Assigning IP (Internet Protocol) Addresses to People

Despite the fact that almost all people use their computers, tablets, and smartphones every day for numerous purposes, not everyone is aware of some basic principles and concepts of the processes’ work. Nevertheless, in the modern world, there are some similarities between computers and humans, and some features may be...

Alcoholism and Edgar Allan Poe’s Death

Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer known for his mysterious and grim short stories. As well, most of his works are characterized by uncertainty, unpredictability, and ambiguity; his death continues to provoke many concerns, questions, and debates. Poe died on October 7, 1849, and no medical records or death...