The most promising technological innovation to help promote global food security is providing farmers with networking opportunities through mobile technologies. For example, alerting agricultural workers to changes in weather conditions or outbreaks of disease will help them adapt to changes and protect crops and livestock. This can be done through...
Topic: Food
Words: 329
Pages: 1
Viennese Classical period was the time that introduced the greatest compositors in classical music. Unified by the patronage system and its consequences, Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven have different career development scenarios. Starting with Mozart, it is commonly known that his career started exceptionally early on tour throughout Europe (Tommasini, n.d.)....
Topic: Beethoven
Words: 299
Pages: 1
In the modern world, the commitment to sports is actively gaining momentum. Now, even religious organizations are interested in sports, and some even promote sports for every person. There was a time in the past when the church was categorically against sports and any sporting events. I agree with my...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 341
Pages: 1
The Teen Support Centre has various weaknesses in its internal control systems. Any organizationâs cash receipt procedures are implicit in several flaws that may negatively impact its accounts portfolio (Adhikari et al., 2020). These weaknesses may compromise the level of precision and assurance in matters regarding financial controls. One of...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 344
Pages: 1
The role of a community health nurse in providing essential care for the elderly at home cannot be underestimated. They help provide a patient with necessary services and medications following the treatment plan (NĂŠss et al., 2017). In addition, nurses are capable of monitoring the health condition of an elderly...
Topic: Home
Words: 283
Pages: 1
Regardless of the position held, every employee wants to be heard as well as their ideas and suggestions to be treated with respect. Trust and mutual understanding must be established in any work team, which is the supervisorâs responsibility. The ability to listen attentively, actively and analytically to the ideas...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 308
Pages: 1
The Fountain is a 2006 film by Darren Aronofsky. In the film’s plot, oncologist Tom Creo tries to save his wife, Izzy, neglecting the last hours of communication with her. Izzy writes the book “The Fountain,” which she does not have time to finish, and asks her husband to finish...
Topic: Literature
Words: 340
Pages: 1
Asian Americans have constantly been experiencing socio-economic and political problems. However, over the last several years, the number of issues faced by Asian Americans has significantly increased. Namely, with the COVID-19 pandemic, Asian Americans’ already dire situation has been exacerbated. Currently, Asian Americans encounter three significant issues in terms of...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 398
Pages: 1
There are many different negative features that are common for people of all times, be it the eighteenth or the twenty-first century. Greed, indifference, anger, corruption, immorality, and the readiness to sin for one’s own benefit destroy humans and everything good in society. To show the full horror of the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 295
Pages: 1
At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a toxic enchantment with the West in Japan, which transmitted an extremely negative imprint on women who got influenced by it. Junichiro Tanizaki investigated Japan’s fascination with the West for many years and documented his observations in numerous writings. The central...
Topic: Literature
Words: 374
Pages: 1
One of the strongest points of the side for payment for sex is that the illegalization of prostitution will only increase criminal and underground business. The commotion is caused because of poor regulation during ‘work.’ Many people get into an arranged marriage, and in some cultures the husband’s side pays...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 343
Pages: 1
The term âorientalâ remains disputable because of the historical context and numerous cases of mistreatment. In some contexts, it is used to speak about violent and discriminative policies related to Asian people or culture. At the same time, it demonstrates that Asians were not integrated into U.S. society and were...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 206
Pages: 1
Encyclopedia Britannica. Julius Caesar | Biography, conquests, facts, & death. Encyclopedia Britannica. Julius Caesar possesses a noble stature and represents the patrician roots of his parents. Gaius Julius Caesar and Aurelia helped their son become a great general (Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d.). Being named a dictator, Julius Caesar refuses at first,...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 368
Pages: 1
The article âEmotional intelligence in professional nursing practice: A concept review using Rodgers’s evolutionary analysis approachâ is written by the Canadian scientist Angelina E.Raghubir and published in the International Journal of Nursing Sciences in 2018. The work explores how emotional intelligence (EI) impacts the nursing professionalsâ careers, their methods of...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 280
Pages: 1
It is possible to state that non-verbal communication is a significant part of all interactions, and it is especially vital to encode the messages appropriately to ensure that the receiver obtains exact information. Sometimes, non-verbal communication is not deprived of noises that make the meaning of a message unclear, deteriorating...
Topic: Communication
Words: 351
Pages: 1
Customer experience is essential for consumers and owners of businesses. It is assumed that if people come to the place to receive service or buy a product, they will get high-quality treatment from personnel. In this case, it is not necessary whether the business is small or large; as customers,...
Topic: Cosmetics
Words: 296
Pages: 1
The Corporation is a documentary movie revolving around giant companies becoming increasingly influential in the current world. Cogitating on the functioning and development of these entities, the authors attempt to compare them to specific psychological patterns found in people (Encore+, n.d.). For instance, modern corporations focus on earning money as...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 275
Pages: 1
In the story “In the Grove,” written by RyĆ«nosuke Akutagawa, there are several pieces of evidence of the murder of Kanazawa no Takehiro presented by different characters. Despite their seeming credibility, the testimony given by Tajomaru is more likely to be accurate than the stories of other people. This conclusion...
Topic: Literature
Words: 282
Pages: 1
A cake shop, although a small organization, nonetheless illustrates the materials management process. The owner of the shop, Priya, opened the shop in the center of her city. It can be assumed that all essential ingredients for cakes she buys from local supermarkets. At first, she would accumulate all products...
Topic: Management
Words: 287
Pages: 1
The current project will incorporate the Grounded Theory (GT) framework as the theoretical basis for conducting guided nursing research. GT is a prominent model used in the nursing sphere, especially in domains where significant knowledge gaps are present. Initially introduced by Glaser and Strauss, GT focuses on the systematic collection...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 378
Pages: 1
NAEYC is an international membership organization overseeing the promotion of high-quality early childhood education services. Thus, the present agency is highly relevant and relevant to social agendas, and therefore the issue of technology use is of fundamental importance in NAEYC policy. Consequently, the organization recognizes the dynamism of the times...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 344
Pages: 1
In the United States, the legal system is much more evolved and has seen the implementation of laws that have ensured the protection of workers from human rights and labor laws violations. However, the same does not apply to many other countries where human rights and labor law violations are...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 381
Pages: 1
A disability can strike a person at any age, young or old. Some people are born with it, and others get it later in life. Living with a disability can be challenging to explain to adults and even more so to children. Books made with this subject in mind can...
Topic: Literature
Words: 304
Pages: 1
Abortion has been a controversial topic globally for many decades. The side of the argument an individual chooses to support depends on many factors, one of them being whether he or she considers the unborn fetus a human being or merely a collection of cells. Many of the people that...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 310
Pages: 1
The two parties present for all presentations According to Boyd (2016), there are always two parties considered during the presentation: the presenter and the audience. Each of these parties have their perceptions and requirements regarding presentation. The aim of the presenter is to introduce an idea, product or service to...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 549
Pages: 1
The American War for Independence marks one of the most important points in the history of the modern world. In addition to originating the American independence from Britain, the war significantly impacted the revolutionary movement across different countries and positively influenced the countryâs economic development. In order to summarize thoughts...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 296
Pages: 1
The Important Scene One of the most significant scenes in the first act was the conversation between Lyle, his wife Jo, and Parnell. Jo is worried that her husband Lyle may be sentenced for committing transgression long ago. She considers it an unfortunate mistake that Richard was dead, and Lyle...
Topic: Literature
Words: 313
Pages: 1
The 1961 Milgram experiment can be considered a non-experimental design. It is essential to first differentiate between an experimental and non-experimental research designs. In the former, a controlled factor is subjected to some type of treatment and then compared with another factor that was kept constant. It also entails allocating...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 295
Pages: 1
Researchers have identified four parenting styles that influence childrenâs’ growth and development. According to Myers and DeWall (2019), parentings styles include authoritative, permissive, negligent, and authoritarian (p. 592). First, the authoritarian parenting style is characterized by its strict and directive rules and regulations asserted by the parents onto children. The...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 282
Pages: 1
Cognition of the human essence is one of the most complex philosophical issues that has been regularly raised and is being raised by various scholars. To understand what a person is, philosophers have resorted to a variety of techniques, using comparisons. René Descartes (1996), in his work Meditations on first...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 346
Pages: 1
Hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder. The leading cause of this disease is a mutation of the X chromosome, which disrupts blood coagulation processes. A thrombus does not form when the vessels are damaged, making it impossible to stop bleeding on time. Depending on which blood coagulation factors are impaired,...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 302
Pages: 1
Slavery is one of the significant events in world history. Most historians and professionals studying slavery define it as a practice of owning human beings as personal property, therefore, having the right to decide on their fate and well-being. This essay looks at some of the significant events leading to...
Topic: Slavery
Words: 394
Pages: 1
Universal health care (UHC) refers to a national health system in which the government guarantees that a person will receive health care services regardless of whether he or she is able to pay for them. UHC is considered an ideal that every country should strive to achieve. Yet, upon reviewing...
Topic: Health
Words: 405
Pages: 1
Often, investigators rely on the testimony of eyewitnesses, and they give compelling testimony from a legal point of view. There are cases when eyewitnesses attribute details, events, and actions that did not happen at all. Here, the human factor plays an important role; that is, sometimes it happens that eyewitnesses...
Topic: Law
Words: 406
Pages: 1
Through the book titled Trash, author Dorothy Allison features the struggles of a violent survivor from a poverty-stricken family. Although Dorothy’s story is not a biography, it certainly portrays the life of a working-class lesbian through a reinvented and condensed experience. The girl is depicted as addicted to violence but...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 278
Pages: 1
The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house is Audre Lorde’s provocative admonishment, and it is a warning that Black and other academics of color should heed. Lorde uses dismantling the master’s house as a metaphor for intersectional systems and structures of oppression that produced and perpetuated health inequality...
Topic: Literature
Words: 276
Pages: 1
In the first chapter of âThe House of the Spirits,â Isabel Allende introduces the two main characters, Clara and Esteban Trueba. Notably, the reader learns about Claraâs superpower to move items as well as Estebanâs depression after the death of his beloved, Rosa, who was actually Claraâs sister. The second...
Topic: Literature
Words: 277
Pages: 1
The vertebrate jaw is one of the essential developmental features associated with the crest cellsâ changes. The history of jaws’ evolution in vertebrates can be traced to early fish species known as placoderms. Placoderms dominated the oceans, lakes, and rivers and lived for 80 million years before their extinction. However,...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 275
Pages: 1
Workplace conflict is a substantial danger to employee well-being, according to numerous researches. However, such conclusions are based on a broad measure of conflict or its specific type. When looking at the different sorts of workplace conflicts, the existing literature divides them into three categories. Firstly, task conflict, then process...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Variable Pricing (VP) and Dynamic Pricing (DP) Similarities Both VP and DP are pricing strategies that are used in sporting ticketing on a game-based, rather than season-based approach. The pricing strategies deviate from the traditional sports ticketing approach where ticket prices were set based on the location of the seats...
Topic: Business
Words: 333
Pages: 1
NSPE is The National Society of Professional Engineers; nowadays, this organization is the crucial national entity that aims to address various professional issues associated with licensed PEs within the scope of all disciplines. Then, ASME is The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; this organization is dedicated to promoting art, sciences,...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 283
Pages: 1
Social Audio refers to social media products that utilize audio as their principal mode of communication. Social audio can include voice messaging, podcasts, editing tools, live conversation rooms, and audio creation, among others (Simo 1). Clubhouse, Twitter spaces, Spotify Greenroom, and Facebook Live Audio Rooms are the most popular audio-based...
Topic: Facebook
Words: 281
Pages: 1
In the article âAre Neanderthals Humanâ written on September 20, 2012, Carl Zimmer suggests that there were numerous various species of human in the past, including Neanderthals, which helps modern scientists determine the nature of other species. The author reveals the story of anthropologic discoveries and describes the ideas of...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 133
Pages: 1
The documentary demonstrated the most substantial issue of today in a way that was appealing to a great audience and informative. The problem of misinformation and manipulation from the social media platforms was shown brilliantly via the subplot unfolding behind the interviews, which encompass the main part of the documentary....
Topic: Social Media
Words: 321
Pages: 1
Eternal love is the main point of Shakespearean sonnet 116. The great poet states that, âAdmit impediments. Love is not love/Which alters when it alteration findsâ (Shakespeare 251, lines 2-3). Shakespeare also believes that love cannot be shaken or destroyed, and it should serve as the guiding star for the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 279
Pages: 1
There are a number of healthcare quality issues affecting the performance of various caregiving centers. The improvement in medical insurance coverage has enabled individuals to embrace and access primary care services in modern societies. Concurrently, patient experience is a paramount concern that often shapes the operational culture in many of...
Topic: Health
Words: 296
Pages: 1
The prevalence of cardiovascular conditions in todayâs environment has become a pressing concern. Millions of people suffer from them, as the contemporary lifestyle leaves fewer opportunities to maintain cardiac health. Under such circumstances, it is vital to research and promote relevant practices that will contribute to the cardiovascular disease prevention...
Topic: Disease
Words: 338
Pages: 1
The Civil War between the Union and the Confederacy was a pivotal series of events that had profound consequences on the history in the United States and abroad. Among others, it yielded one of the most critical documents in the history of the country, the Emancipation Proclamation. Although the Proclamation...
Topic: History
Words: 279
Pages: 1
Emotions are an integral and significant phenomenon of everyday and professional life. That is why people should be able to understand and control their emotions, and Emotional Intelligence (EI) helps individuals cope with this task. EI is an essential ability for every person irrespective of their profession or gender because...
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Words: 289
Pages: 1
The story of The Bath by Raymond Carver is short. It begins with a woman, Ann Weiss, ordering a cake from a baker on a Saturday afternoon for her son’s eighth birthday. On Monday morning, when the boy was walking to school, a car hit him. The husband arrives at...
Topic: Symbolism
Words: 384
Pages: 1
Survey Questions Do you know about the impact of the fashion industry on the environment? Have you considered using a vintage style? Do you consider material eco-safety as an essential factor when purchasing your clothes? Do you throw your old clothes away or try to repurpose them? Have you ever...
Topic: Design
Words: 397
Pages: 1
The delicate and important role that the senior-ranking leader must balance within the organization to achieve success is to be the one who influences the behavior of employees. The senior-ranking leader influences the employees in various ways. The first way through which the senior-ranking leader can affect employeeâs behavior is...
Topic: Business
Words: 310
Pages: 1
The concept of social capital has dramatically impacted many lives because it established the relations in the society so that it functions effectively. The majority of daily communication is realized via social networks, which simplifies life in general. I have never used social media platforms to build friendships solely because...
Topic: Communication
Words: 283
Pages: 1
Maintaining job satisfaction in the workplace is well known to be one of the main factors in keeping a company running. Specifically, once employees are content, they tend to develop loyalty toward the company and perform with greater diligence (Siruri & Cheche, 2021). In turn, the environment in which staff...
Topic: Business
Words: 282
Pages: 1
Companies mainly opt for implementing benchmarking to improve and optimize the existing operational processes. Benchmarking is defined as a replication strategy focused on investigating, collecting, and adapting the techniques from the different organizations to advance performance and strategy (RamĂrez Canales, 2021). In other words, benchmarking is designed to solve the...
Topic: Business
Words: 336
Pages: 1
Clinical research is essential for discovering new treatments and vaccines for a wide variety of conditions and diseases. As medical research often involves human subjects, it is imperative to acquire their informed consent and ensure their safety and well-being during the study. This critique will consider three articles on the...
Topic: Developing Countries
Words: 401
Pages: 1
Depending on the type of assessment one needs to conduct, there are different characteristics and variables to base the evidence evaluation upon. For the purposes of this discussion, the relevance-based assessment and the representativeness-based assessment were chosen. Since these characteristics are essential to any scientifically valuable research, both types are...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 287
Pages: 1
An article written by Zeynep Isik-Ercan in 2017 for YC Young Children magazine and published in issue 1 of volume 72 on pages 15-22 is titled “Culturally appropriate positive guidance with young children.” This work is devoted to the interpretation and adjustment of teachers’ work, taking into account the cultural...
Topic: Culture
Words: 373
Pages: 1
However, there are five distinct but mutually related reasons why companies decide to enter foreign markets, which is intended to result in an increase in income. These motives are: to gain access to new customers, to achieve lower costs through economies of scale, experience, and increased purchasing power, to gain...
Topic: International Marketing
Words: 277
Pages: 1
Although each community in different parts of the world is unique, a lot of those communities share some common features. In a TedxTalks video, Martha Stone, an executive director of a shelter, provides some insight into homelessness, one of the common features of various areas. Stone presents some statistics of...
Topic: Homelessness
Words: 289
Pages: 1
Professional nursing organizations and associations are essential for generating the energy, flow of ideas, and diligent work required to maintain a good profession in nursing. The latter organization’s primary purpose is to advocate for nursing activities and other professional and ethical considerations (Veenema et al., 2019). The purpose of this...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 397
Pages: 1
Satire can be summarised as a literary technique that employs humor, exaggeration, and irony to expose and scrutinize issues within current society. It can be present in texts that criticize components of political, social, philosophical, or even everyday life. Satire is extremely powerful, though not in an obvious way. It...
Topic: Satire
Words: 289
Pages: 1
The audit process of a company usually includes a review of financial statements and control systems. This process is carried out to identify the noted deviations from the established accounting procedure and significant violations in the preparation of documentation and reporting by the Alaska communications system. It is worth adopting...
Topic: Auditing
Words: 320
Pages: 1
The selection of the new members of the Court is a complicated process that includes confirmation procedures from the President and the Senate. Usually, the President nominates candidates for these positions, and both Executive and Legislative Branches of the federal government participate in the vote. Consequently, the candidates who obtained...
Topic: Court
Words: 291
Pages: 1
Everyone watches television every day, thinking that it helps them to relieve stress after a hard day. It applies to all ages since children are similarly prone to the habit of watching cartoons on television. As they get older, everyone finds a show or hobby program that keeps people coming...
Topic: Television
Words: 333
Pages: 1
According to Anzaldua, the Chicanas who have grown up speaking Spanish Chicano have concluded that other people spoke Spanish poorly. According to other people, the language has been used by the dominant culture for marginalization. Therefore, it resulted in language differences between the two groups (2950)â. From the above quote,...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 282
Pages: 1
There are many valuable techniques and tactics that markets widely accept when deciding how to charge prices for their goods or services. One such tool is known as price segmentation, and it is the second most powerful and used pricing tactic that, however, is not considered entirely fair by some...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 335
Pages: 1
Knowledge/Application Area Internet of things falls within enterprise integration of Body of Knowledge (BoK) Matrix since it involves the technologies, processes as well as structures that link data, applications multiple gadgets. IoT is one of the significant developments in the realm of information technology, as well as transportation and logistics...
Topic: Internet
Words: 345
Pages: 1
J.D. Salingerâs short story Slight Rebellion Off Madison is a beautiful portrayal of youthful rebellion and nonconforming nature. Holden Caulfield is overpowered with thoughts of leaving everything behind and getting married to Sally in a new city. Hoverer, neither Sally nor the other friends take Holden seriously. The rest of...
Topic: Literature
Words: 297
Pages: 1
Many people tend to claim that the modern United States is equal and democratic, and it is an example of colorblind life when individuals ignore racist issues. However, I think that it is impossible to be racially colorblind because representatives of different minority groups face many challenges today. Criminal justice...
Topic: Color Blindness
Words: 301
Pages: 1
All living beings, including humans, evolved to live in changing external environments and interact with them. Sensory reception, which consists of five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, is a complete system that enables one to survive effectively (Pfaffmann, 2017). Pain is usually attributed to touch, as it is...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 291
Pages: 1
The coloring of the iris that environs the minor black hole in the middle of the eye and pupil controls the amount of light entering the eye, controlling an individualâs eye color. The color of the iris differs from extremely pale blue to natural shady brown. The most common eye...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 358
Pages: 1
The court case Lucy v. Zehmer, ruled by Judge Buchanan, reviewed the legality of the Ferguson Farm selling contract between Mr. Lucy and Mr. Zehmer. In the court, Zehmer contended that an important contractual element was missing â his mental assent due to the inebriation of both parties. During the...
Topic: Court
Words: 403
Pages: 1
The articles by Hynek and Condon are both dedicated to the topic of UFOs and their public perception. Despite the ten-year gap between the publications of both pieces, the general idea of the authors is the same â subjective experiences ought to be considered with caution. However, the implications of...
Topic: Aliens
Words: 279
Pages: 1
A team is an organization of two or more individuals aimed at performing a particular activity. The tasks are shared amongst the team members or can be handled by all the individuals. A team-based approach does not work well for all companies because teams encourage bureaucracy by prioritizing opinions and...
Topic: Business
Words: 308
Pages: 1
In a âRose for Emilyâ (1970), Faulkner addresses the topics of obsession and unwillingness to accept the natural changes that come with the time. The main character of the story, Emily Grierson, is a very reserved person who lives a secret life. People in town judge her and watch her...
Topic: A Rose for Emily
Words: 278
Pages: 1
Science and philosophy are strongly correlated because modern science has grown directly from philosophy. According to Ramchandani (2017), science means âknowledgeâ and stems from philosophy, which means âlove of wisdom.â Therefore, people in former times considered philosophy as a method to express their love for wisdom, and the purpose of...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 274
Pages: 1
America is a diverse and multinational country with a versatile culture. However, it is difficult to deny the uniting role of Christianity, and in particular, the Ten Commandments. According to Marsden (2018), the Commandments present the common values of the American population. The author confirms that despite ethnic diversities, people...
Topic: Religion
Words: 308
Pages: 1
Recovery from addiction leads to lifestyle change. Individuals whose loved ones undergo the recovery process may feel long when they have doubtful expectations. Six stages of change, also known as the trans-theoretical model, explain how treatment works and how recovery is eventually attained. The six stages of change follow a...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 274
Pages: 1
The documentary film The Interrupters reveals the importance of fighting against violence in communities where the criminality rates are above the average. Chicago’s South Side, the movieâs setting, is an example of a troubled area where drug trafficking, murders, and illegal gangs activities disrupt the residentsâ well-being (James, 2012). The...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 329
Pages: 1
What is Stylistic Evidence? To examine a masterpiece, historians may use specific methodologies on particular artâs features basis. Stylistic evidence is one of the approaches to recognize the age of an example of art. It applies to a distinctive way of artifact production that may be common to a certain...
Topic: Modern Art
Words: 374
Pages: 1
Modern researchers make considerable efforts to comply with basic ethical guidelines when implementing their studies. For instance, the Belmont Report released in 1979 highlights the major principles of conducting a study (autonomy, beneficence, and justice) (Forister & Blessing, 2016). However, ethical concerns were often neglected in the past. One of...
Topic: History
Words: 298
Pages: 1
Strategic planning has a significant role to play in non-profit organizations. It helps to anticipate and skillfully manage changes and effectively address problems that may arise (Poister, 2010). Bryson (2018) defines it as a set of concepts, processes, and tools for determining what an organization does and why it engages...
Topic: Goals
Words: 283
Pages: 1
The playbook titled Romeo and Juliet is my favourite, and William Shakespeare is the author of this romantic narrative which later ended tragically. The story is so exciting and after reading it, I was interested in watching its movie on the big theatre screen. This essay will first evaluate the...
Topic: Romeo and Juliet
Words: 403
Pages: 1
The Volvo commercials outlined in the chapter achieve the Attention, Interest, and Desire steps of the marketing tool AIDA process. According to the AIDA framework, after seeing the advertisement, the customer will first pay attention to the product, then spark interest in it, followed by a desire to buy the...
Topic: Communication
Words: 307
Pages: 1
The literary canon concept is used to describe the most valuable and influential texts of a particular time. The current paper argues that a short story âA Man of the Peopleâ written by a Nigerian novelist, Chinua Achebe, should be included in the literary canon to be taught as part...
Topic: Literature
Words: 283
Pages: 1
I agree with James’ definition and formula of incremental cash flow. However, in my opinion, more information could be given on the structure of the incremental cash flow, such that it consists of three components: initial investments, operating cash flow, and terminal year cash flow. I believe that it is...
Topic: Cash Flow
Words: 285
Pages: 1
Crime is a dynamic phenomenon that evolves over time and through cultures. Biological theories of crime assume that certain people are biologically different from non-criminals and are thus “born criminals.” Criminals and non-criminals are said to have inherent variations, according to trait theories (Walter & Ilan, 2017). These distinctions can...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 293
Pages: 1
I was the most impressed by the moment when the Shenandoah Valley tilted the election to Lincoln and, therefore, changed the course of history in Episode 7. What was especially remarkable to me is the role that the geography of the Shenandoah Valley played in the military actions. Apparently, the...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 303
Pages: 1
I believe that the conflict between the Europeans and the Native Americans was inevitable due to a number of reasons. First, one of the main objectives that the Spaniards had was to expand their empire. Columbusâs probands de mĂ©ritos had caused them to think of the Native Americans as gentle...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 335
Pages: 1
The movie Armageddon by Michael Bay depicts the American culture of patriotism. In the film, a group of deep core drillers is commissioned by NASA to help stop a humanity-threatening asteroid before it collides with earth. Patriotism can be defined as a feeling of devotion, love, and attachment to a...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 297
Pages: 1
A healthcare manager is a person who facilitates, administrates, and influences the healthcare system as a manager is an indispensable part of the medical system, aimed at peopleâs well-being enhancement. To perform their duties well, a manager might possess and demonstrate a particular set of skills, such as the conceptual,...
Topic: Health
Words: 448
Pages: 1
For the past several decades, scholars in queer studies have made significant progress in understanding the interpersonal relationships of queer people with their gender. Many transgender and non-binary people tend to experience gender dysphoria. According to Zucker et al. (2016), gender dysphoria is a disorder that describes the personâs dissatisfaction...
Topic: Gender
Words: 351
Pages: 1
The problem of registered nurses (RN) shortage is predicted to escalate in the near future due to the aging population. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015), by 2024, the demand for new medical assistants would reach 1.09 million people due to sector growth and the need for...
Topic: Management
Words: 391
Pages: 1
Peopleâs bias and prejudice might be considerably affected by social situations and personal learning histories. Banaji (2001) suggests that unconscious social cognition assessments often result in the participants’ feelings of surprise and rejection at the unexpected outcomes. Group membership activates social groupsâ knowledge that automatically defines a personâs bias and...
Topic: Free Will
Words: 343
Pages: 1
Michael Levin is a philosophy professor and writer who argues that using torture is necessary when saving innocent peopleâs lives from a terrorist threat in his essay âThe Case for Tortureâ (301). He argues that it is dangerous to value the life of a terrorist over hundreds, thousands, and millions...
Topic: Torture
Words: 193
Pages: 1
American Revolution in 1775 was the result of prolonged tensions with British Empire that lasted over a decade before ultimately resulting in the revolution. The Seven Years war of 1756-1763, resulted in acquisition of new territories by the crown. However, the prolonged conflict caused extreme exhaustion of national resources and...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 357
Pages: 1
If the simulation were based on the real world, numerous opportunities and challenges would be encountered. The fact that the simulation does not include many ethnic factors would invoke a comparatively easy operational model. For instance, it does not include language barriers, cultural differences, exchange rates, and mode of entry...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 331
Pages: 1
Rock is one of the most outstanding movements in the music industry, which began to develop actively in the 1960s and is still present in music today. Historically, this genre has evolved from jazz with elements of blues and other genres (Kot, 2020). Combined with widespread social and political themes...
Topic: Rock Music
Words: 396
Pages: 1
There is a close link between history and an individual, which Charles Mills has suggested. He defined the sociological imagination as a particular state of mind of a researcher that allows us to understand people’s social structures and behavior (Corrigall-Brown, 2019). This is the ability to look at familiar things...
Topic: Sociological Imagination
Words: 295
Pages: 1
Claudia Rankine is a writer, poet, dramatist, and anthology editor from the United States of America. The author published five collections of poems, two plays, and several articles. The two works of hers that were proposed for the analysis are Citizen: An American Lyric and the poem Stop and Frisk....
Topic: Literature
Words: 321
Pages: 1
The Elkhart Four case has become a cause celebre and gathered national attention. In 2012, Jose Quiroz, Levi Sparks, Anthony Sharp, and Blake Layman were charged with felony murder. This all happened after they decided to break into an Elkhart house and had their accomplice, twenty-one-year-old Danzele Johnson, shot and...
Topic: Law
Words: 358
Pages: 1
The relationship between irony and sarcasm is a matter of active discussion in the linguistic society. These forms of literary expressions have much in common, making it challenging to define and differentiate them accurately. In addition, scientists argue about the types of behavior that should be identified as ironic and...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 299
Pages: 1
Evidence-based practice implies the idea that treatment should be based on specific scientific evidence, and this approach is gaining popularity in the field of medicine today. American Organization for Nursing Leadership is among the setting, which attempts to implement this method (Evidence-based practices, n. d.). It involves âthe national professional...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 290
Pages: 1
The logo design procedure is characterized by the need for precise forethought, critical evaluation, and validity of each decision made. To make a brand logo, whether personal or company, ordinary, similar to the others, means to lose the competitive battle in advance because customers remember only the ones that stand...
Topic: Business
Words: 270
Pages: 1
Ellis Island is one of the most important historic sites in the United States. It is known for its role in immigration since it was the place where people from other countries arrived. Therefore, its significance is explained by the meaning of the location for the newcomers as it was...
Topic: History
Words: 288
Pages: 1
Practice in rural areas with diverse patients creates an additional challenge for nurses because many individuals might not speak English or have a unique cultural background. Consequently, specific interpersonal connection-related skills must be developed by the professionals to deliver healthcare effectively. In working with non-English-speaking patients, nurses need to integrate...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 369
Pages: 1
Although food allergies are most common in children, they may appear at any age. Allergies may even be developed into products a person has consumed for years without any issues. The foods most associated with food allergy in children are milk, eggs, and peanuts. Some products might be outgrown, such...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 318
Pages: 1
The concept of justice is complicated and nebulous, and its exact nature has been the subject of numerous debates throughout millennia. In general, it is considered to be an impartial decision-making agency that can make and enforce decisions that are regarded as virtuous. One of its most important aspects is...
Topic: Justice
Words: 299
Pages: 1
Definition of the Bureaucracy and its Main Functions Bureaucracy is a considerable part of contemporary democratic society. Most organizations should be regulated by specific services to maintain uniformity because of their complexity. The term bureaucracy implies a complex, multilayered system and a group of nonelected officials who perform series of...
Topic: Bureaucracy
Words: 311
Pages: 1
As described by Jana Lauderdale, cultural competence is a continuum with extreme humility on one end and extreme openness on another end. It implies keeping close to one’s own beliefs and concepts and being open to what patients may tell you if you ask. In other words, in terms of...
Topic: Culture
Words: 314
Pages: 1
The article by Watson (2010) is dedicated to never events, which are also called serious reportable events. These are the cases that should never occur during medical operations. The article also describes the actions of the National Quality Forum (NQF) aimed at preventing the never events. NQF has confirmed a...
Topic: Health
Words: 316
Pages: 1
The First World War is the prologue to the most significant geopolitical change. As a result of it, the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire, and the German Empire collapsed. The world political community was in crisis since the war was filled with dramatic events. The number of participating countries was...
Topic: War
Words: 353
Pages: 1
Art produces its values through artistic activity and artistic assimilation of reality. The task of art and music is the cognition of the aesthetic, the artistic interpretation of the phenomena of the surrounding world by the author. Art enriches culture with spiritual values through artistic production, the creation of subjective...
Topic: Culture
Words: 299
Pages: 1
People nowadays can enjoy numerous benefits that were not available to their ancestors. That includes living in warm houses, constant access to high-quality food and clean water, new technologies, and better healthcare service, to name a few. Additionally, with the continuously growing quality of life, its duration also increases. However,...
Topic: Health
Words: 394
Pages: 1
It goes without saying that as the majority of existing religions, Christianity includes the elements of both “this-worldliness” and “other-worldliness.” However, from a personal perspective, the statement that Christianity is a predominantly other-worldly religion reflects its core to the fullest extent. First of all, despite the existence of differences between...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 299
Pages: 1
The Bachelor is a widely popular reality TV show revolving around a single bachelor who is presented with a pool of potential romantic interests, of whom one is expected to become his wife. As the season goes on, the bachelor has to eliminate candidates, with the succession of eliminations leading...
Topic: Television
Words: 282
Pages: 1
The poem Theodore Roethke is a retrospective look of the poet himself on his childhood and evokes ambiguous emotions. While there are clear indications of somewhat rude behavior, the end lines indicate that the boy was still clinging to him (Roethke, 1942). Thus, the question for discussion is how exactly...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 307
Pages: 1
The New York Times article “Google’s Backpedaling Shows Why It’s Hard Not to Be Evil” argues that famous tech companies disregard consumer demand and specific governmental regulations. The author, Greg Bensinger, suggests that Big Tech corporations are willing to engage in unethical behavior that compromises their reputation and the customers’...
Topic: Google
Words: 191
Pages: 1
Financial analysis is a process of evaluating the financial strengths and weaknesses of the company by establishing an efficient relationship between the financial statements’ items. As Ravinder and Anitha (2013) discuss in their article, knowing the operational efficiency “will enable the management to locate weak spots of the business and...
Topic: Business
Words: 295
Pages: 1
Today, there is only a small number of Native Americans that remain on the continent. However, many stories are still related by mouth and written word. They talk of the heroism, nature, and the people that once walked the land on which the US is based now. One of the...
Topic: Native American
Words: 298
Pages: 1
The majority of the people in their 40s and 50s belong to the sandwich generation. These young adults struggle with raising their families and caring for their elderly parents (Noor & Isa, 2020). What happens is that these individuals experience much stress due to overwhelming responsibilities and the involved financial...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 328
Pages: 1
Since China is the most significant exporter globally, any changes in its currency have a substantial effect on the international marketâs situation and macroeconomic landscape overall. In particular, the recent unexpected devaluation of the Chinese yuan renminbi (CNY) to boost exports provoked controversial reactions and had varied implications for many...
Topic: Economics
Words: 327
Pages: 1
Being a female leader is not easy, but being an African-American female leader in the 19th century was almost impossible. Despite this, the world knows such women, one of whom is Harriet Tubman. She was born in slavery, but from childhood dreamed of being free and subsequently was able to...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 316
Pages: 1
Samantha Gerson is a twenty-six-year-old founder and CEO of UnBroken, which is a non-profit organization offering legal, vocational, and therapeutic services to individuals who survived institutional abuse and conversion therapy. The importance of Gerson’s current entrepreneurship lies in servicing as many young people as possible and offering innovative research on...
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The problem of effective human organization for task-realization purposes has long attracted the attention of researchers, managers, and government officials. People have been searching for the best practices that would lead to the most favorable outcome of the group activity. In this regard, the question of effective administration is at...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 394
Pages: 1
In this article, the authors write about the evolving environmental concerns of present-day companies related to their transport and the effects of safe practices on customer retention. They claim that this area is significant for creating a competitive advantage in the current market conditions (LammgÄrd & Andersson, 2014). Thus, LammgÄrd...
Topic: Environment
Words: 306
Pages: 1
Apple Inc. is a technology company, which sells electronic equipment, online services, and computer software. It practices different business models, especially B2C, which is the most common. However, Kim notes that the organization should also be regarded as B2C brand (2017). Both models, which are highly effective for the company,...
Topic: Apple
Words: 272
Pages: 1
This essay reviews Claire Steve’s presentation on TED Talks which discusses healthy living. Claire is a Geriatrician consultant and senior lecturer at Kings College London. In this video, Claire talks about healthy aging and factors that determine an individual’s lifespan and rate of aging. According to Claire, the most significant...
Topic: Aging
Words: 317
Pages: 1
This essay analyzes the nature of the relationship between Eveny, also known as the âReindeer Peopleâ, and their spiritual doubles. The connection between these people and the reindeer that live alongside them is almost magical (Vitebsky). While the primary cause for this bond is purely practical, over time, it expanded...
Topic: Spirituality
Words: 150
Pages: 1
The film supports the idea that religion in politics and the social life of America is vital nowadays just as much as it was centuries ago when first settlers arrived in America, seeking a safe place far from Englandâs surveillance. According to the idea of the film, religion is a...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 305
Pages: 1
The story’s beginning is devoted to the central themes, portraying a scene of pervasive attempts of scientists to control nature via scientific discoveries. Aylmer is the protagonist who cannot decide whether to immerse himself in the scientific world or keep being slightly aloof. He is obsessed with science, but he...
Topic: Literature
Words: 296
Pages: 1
Globally, the covid-19 pandemic has caused devastating social disruption where millions of individuals have fallen into extreme poverty. In this case, many enterprises have faced an existential threat, therefore, making persons lose their jobs. Thus, without means of income, people are unable to feed themselves and their families. As such,...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 300
Pages: 1
The greatest takeaways from the course are all related to the importance of tailoring any organizational behavior interventions to the specific organization. An example from the latest reading, formalization, guides employees, an excessive level of formalization can unnecessarily complicate the decision-making process or prevent employees from resolving customersâ issues (Bauer...
Topic: Communication
Words: 330
Pages: 1
Crime is widely considered a failure in the social system and therefore is to be addressed from the perspective of the social construct operation and the trends existing there. Hence, along with solving crimes, the goal of specialists is to identify and hijack the risks associated with such movements and...
Topic: Crime
Words: 350
Pages: 1
The analysis of various expenses of publicly traded companies provides the chance to understand that the factor of issue type may influence the organization’s choices. The flotation costs can be defined as the expenses of the company aiming to become publicly traded related to issuing new securities. When an organization...
Topic: Economics
Words: 278
Pages: 1
It is no secret that capital punishment has always been a topic surrounded by controversies in many humanitarian disciplines such as philosophy, law, and sociology. It is mainly due to its relation to other paramount social themes such as the sacredness of human life and its cost, the power of...
Topic: Death
Words: 286
Pages: 1
Dyson Limited is an enterprise that specializes in technology-related services and products. In 1978, James Dyson, the founder of the company, was inspired to develop efficient and reliable vacuum cleaners after using one which proved to be ineffective after a short period. However, it was not until 1991 that he...
Topic: Business
Words: 335
Pages: 1
The Emancipation Proclamation forced the new chapter in the United Statesâ history that led the citizens to change their perception of slavery. Lincoln (1863) stated that âI declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States shall be free and that the Executive government will recognize and maintain...
Topic: Slaves
Words: 315
Pages: 1
Introduction Teen pregnancy is common in the United States as teens are increasingly having sex before 16. Notably, since the responsibility lies equally with teen mothers and teen fathers, there is a need to develop government programs to inform and support father teens. Besides, to reduce the incidence of unwanted...
Topic: Pregnancy
Words: 411
Pages: 1
A flood is a disaster during which usually dry land is submerged underwater, leading to a major issue for agriculture, infrastructure, and public health. According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a preparedness plan for such threats is divided into multiple steps that meet a national preparedness goal (Department...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 302
Pages: 1
Based on the legal principle of “separate but equal,” the Jim Crow laws disseminated institutional discrimination across all socio-economic aspects of black people’s lives. The US legal system institutionalized racial segregation against African-Americans in transportation, education, housing, public facilities, and more. Although currently, such laws do not exist, black communities...
Topic: Jim Crow
Words: 401
Pages: 1
Tax-payers face multiple regulations and rules that subject them to inevitable consequences or benefits, constructive receipt doctrine being one of them. Constructive receipt is responsible for reporting taxable income, more specifically under the cash-basis system of accounting. The most crucial distinction of constructive receipt is that it is solely applicable...
Topic: Economics
Words: 339
Pages: 1
The crisis or the housing bubble of the United States was a real estate problem that negatively and significantly affected more than half of America. It had severe consequences, including the most serious economic recession in the U.S. since the 1930s Great Depression. The purpose of this paper is to...
Topic: Recession
Words: 388
Pages: 1
Maybelline is a leading skin-care, cosmetics, and personal care products company based in New York. The company sells makeup products, including mascara known as âMaybelline Great Lash Mascara.â The company advertises this product in Teen Vogue as âAmericaâs Favorite Mascara.â This is an example of an advertisement that employs the...
Topic: Business
Words: 288
Pages: 1
Henry David Thoreau is an American writer living in the 18th century and writing about the social issues of that time. âCivil Disobedienceâ written by Henry David Thoreau (1980) was first published in 1849. The essay of Thoreau, âCivil Disobedienceâ challenges the American social institutions and policies, mainly slavery and...
Topic: Civil Disobedience
Words: 382
Pages: 1
Representing a peculiar thought experiment, the concept of the Ship of Theseus might seem fairly simple. However, further contemplations reveal that the notion in question, as well as the dilemma that it provides, are exceptionally nuanced. Implying a question of whether replacing every part of an object (specifically, a ship)...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 322
Pages: 1
Nutrition Labels Due to urbanization and globalization, the role of nutrition has been taken seriously. These changes have caused a shift in the eating patterns of individuals across the nations. There has been an increase in the eating of packaged food as individuals find it convenient to use. Moreover, this...
Topic: Food
Words: 362
Pages: 1
The significance of Polis resides in the structure of the ancient Greek world. Polis was a structure of community, or territory of the land. It means a community of people living together. Research indicates that Polis is the birthplace of culture (Oniszczuk 33). Thus, an individual Polis was different from...
Topic: Ancient Civilizations
Words: 327
Pages: 1
McDonald’s is among the largest fast-food chains in the world. The global organization is present in about 120 countries all over the planet. Even though its leaders take proactive steps to create decent working conditions for their employees at all levels, labor issues often arise. The company has recently faced...
Topic: McDonald's
Words: 280
Pages: 1