How Education in Prisons Help Inmates Rehabilitate

Criminal justice presupposes punishments for committing offenses, which include isolation of recidivists from society. However, the more time people spend in places with minimal contact with the outside world and access to resources, the less they will be able to adapt back to normal lawful life. Many ex-prisoners struggle with...

Osteoporosis: The Metabolic Bone Disease

The post discusses such metabolic bone disease as osteoporosis. Generally, older adults are at high risk of suffering from osteoporosis. Nonetheless, in rare cases, young people might also have this disease. The occurrence of osteoporosis at a young age is mainly associated with chronic diseases and the prescribed medications (Choong,...

Ketogenic Diet Case Study: A Review

The study under review explores the practical aspect of the ketogenic diet implementation in the context of athletesā€™ performance. According to Zinn et al. (2017), it represents the extreme form of a high-fat and low-carbohydrate diet (LCHF). As such, such diets are theorized to have a positive effect on the...

Training Crucial for Hotels

Introduction Lately, hotel management around the world has recognized the critical importance of hotel training. They have ascertained that customers can be retained through effective service more than the attractive prices, which is only possible when staff is trained appropriately. Strategic and Performance Consulting Approach in Training Grand resorts and...

Blue Team Con: Cybersecurity Conference

Blue Team Con is a conference performed yearly for cybersecurity specialists, working with companies directly to ensure the safety of their assets, students, and entrepreneurs. The gatherings are aimed at filling gaps in investigation and information transmission for blue team workers. The main themes of the conference are thread detection...

The Need for Lowering Insulin Costs in the USA

The disproportionate and rapid increase in insulin costs, also known as insulin inflation, is a well-known problem in the American medical community. The affordability of insulin is a source of great concern for patients with diabetes, their families, healthcare providers, insurers, and employers. The price for insulin has nearly tripled...

The Missional Church and Its Impact on Ecclesiology

Missional church is a community of Word, Sacrament, and Prayer, which involves certain religious activities to convert non-believers or apologists of other religions to their faith. Mission in a religious context and similar activities, especially in Christianity, are prevalent. The missionary church represents the various movements and denominations that shape...

How to Cite Sources for Informative Speech

Why and How to Cite Sources The concept of informative speech presupposes gathering, analyzing, and presenting data on a certain topic, which is actually the main purpose of such writing or speaking. In order to be persuasive, it is critical to tell the audience where the information originates from, simply...

European Colonization of the African Continent

As a process of gaining control over a foreign land and its people, colonization is a uniquely European phenomenon. The technological development of European countries in the nineteenth century allowed it a substantial advantage over less advanced countries, including those on the African continent. This process became known as new...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Consistent Messaging Across All Forms of Promotion

Large companies are associated with high-quality products and services that can meet the demands of the targeted customers. Unfortunately, such attributes will do nothing to change organizational performance if the targeted buyers are unaware of the existing items. The concept of promotion is critical since it makes it possible for...

Psychodiagnostics: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Biopsychosocial History, Presenting Problems, and Symptoms The client of this case is Francisco, a 45-year-old Latino man, married to a Caucasian man. He was raised in a traditional Catholic family, the members of which became shocked after his sexuality acceptance at the age of late 30s. After three-month depression and...

Human Resources: Job Analysis and Description

Introduction Roberts (1997) asserts that Human resource management is an organizationā€™s function that entails all aspects that are associated with the human resource or work force in a particular organization, company or institution. It entails aspects like recruitment, coordination and control of the people working in an organization. Some of...

Tennessee During the American Revolution

The Discovery of the New World by the Europeans started a long history of colonizing modern US territory. This process involved Great Britain, France, Spain, those who decided to permanently move to the American continent, and the local Indian tribes. After protecting its colonies from the French, Great Britain was...

African American Students in Special Education

This article discusses the disproportionality of African American students in special education. The author notes that African American students are more likely to be identified as being mentally retarded, labeled as having learning disabilities, and having behavioral or emotional disorders as compared to their white counterparts. Therefore, African Americans are...

G7 During COVID-19 Condition

G7 During COVID-19 Condition The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic led to economic stress throughout the world. The collaboration of economic blocks and management of trading activities were lessened by the pandemic. However, the G7 summits were less affected, the coordination of various activities such as those related to reviving the...

Ministry of the Prophets, Bible Prophets and Their Prophecies

Prophetic ministry at its core is the act of leading and guiding the church based on revelations from God and gift of the prophesy. The Scriptures present multiple examples of prophetic ministry. The Old Testament has a significant number of prophets. There are the central ones who directly communicated with...

Socety’s Problem: Family and Racism

Azouz, Samy. ā€œExistence in Black and White: Theatrical Representation of the Varieties of Racism in Amiri Barakaā€™s Select Plays.ā€ Journal of African American Studies, vol. 23, no. 3, 2019, pp. 147ā€“161. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s12111-019-09430-0 The study in question will be particularly useful in determining the effects that racism has had on...

The Types of Research Methods

Introduction Not all types of data analysis help determine how one variable impact the other. In some cases, the researchers use methods suitable for showing that there is a correlation between variables or that there is none. However, this does not provide insight into understanding how one issue may be...

Restrictions on Gifts and Perks

Despite the seemingly innocent practice of a business lunch, it has become one of the central means of influence that pharmaceutical representatives have over physicians. Before the early 2000s, the situation was much worse when doctors were offered expensive things, vacations, and experiences. It was not money, but it was...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analyzing Disease Frequency What Impact on Mortality

Introduction In quantification of disease frequency, epidemiologists investigate the occurrence and dominance of an ailment. Disease occurrence is the figure of the recent illness in a population within an instance (Ibrahim, Alexander, Shy & Farr, 1999). It is significant in deciding if a given population is at risk of contracting...

ā€œFordson: Faith, Fasting, Footballā€ Documentary

Fordson: Faith, Fasting, Football is a documentary film about a tight-knit community of Muslim Americans in Dearborn, Michigan, who are focused on their passion and support for the Fordson High School football team. The story begins at Fordson High School, a public school that was once attended by only white...

Validity, Reliability, and Triangulated Strategies

The book chapter explores the subject of measurement, with a specific interest in operations procedures for analyzing validity and reliability challenges in research. The author uses the opportunity to outline the triangulation process of analysis in the first section of the paper. Secondly, in qualitative testing paradigms, the researcher explores...

The Whale Rider Film Directed by Niki Caro

The Whale Rider is a dramatic movie based on the Witi Ihimaeraā€™s 1987 book with the same title, which describes the adventurous events of a girlā€™s life in a New Zealand tribe. The film includes various settings of the ancient lands of the continent and represents the lives, culture, and...

The Green Belt Effects on Urban Development

With the deterioration of the environmental situation in cities, especially in metropolises, the preservation and improvement of the Green Belt play an essential role from the ecological, sanitary-hygienic, and aesthetic sides. The Green Belt is an area of forests, agricultural and unused land, specially preserved in the cities’ territories. In...

“Shelter in a Time of Storm” Book by Paul David Tripp

In writing the book Shelter in a Time of Storm, Paul David Tripp delves into Psalm 27 in the fifty-two meditations. In it, the author pairs concern with adoration, difficulty with magnificence, and wicked people with the mercy of God. Paul David acknowledges how Psalm 27 fills peopleā€™s hearts with...

Billings Mistakes and Measures to Address Them

The billing error is any possible mistake in the invoice resulting from a vendor error. For instance, the company could incorrectly add a debt amount or overlook a credit it should have included by accident. In such a case, the consumer does not have to pay for the company’s mistakes...

Shell Company Operations in Nigeria Controversy

Shell: Controversy and Criticism Controversy and criticism regarding Shellā€™s operations in Nigeria became the publicā€™s response to the companyā€™s actions toward addressing or non-addressing the interests of the Ogoni people located near the Niger Delta. Economic and environmental issues associated with the activities of Shell in this region provoked the...

Entrepreneurship and Macroeconomics

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a severe challenge to the business sphere, with many companies having to downsize or operate within a new environment with changing consumer needs. Due to the restructuring and shifting expectations surrounding business, there has been a spike in entrepreneurship, especially with workers being laid off...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Persistence of White Racism in the United States

The chapter’s content is based on the history of slavery, the end of segregation, and acceptance of Native American citizenship. In the present day, white Americans consider White racism a thing of the past that is no longer in existence. On the contrary, the population of color America comprising of...

The Movie ā€Crashā€ by Paul Haggis Review

Section I There are two main characters in the movie Crash whose behavior can be considered to be a result of their acculturation. These are: Cameron Thayer (the black television director), and the Persian manā€™s daughter, Dorri. The TV director works in a white-dominated environment and he is so acculturated...

Trichoderma Reesei as a Mesophilic Fungus

Introduction Trichoderma Reesei is a mesophilic fungus which is usually known for its high ability to secrete cellulotytic enzymes (Hi138, 2006). It is majorly used in many industrial processes especially in the conversion of cellulose to glucose, large scale fermentation, down strain process engineering and the process of developing genetically...

Motivating Factors for Long Service

Company leaders often face the problem of employee motivation because this factor has numerous variables. Competition between companies heads to the invariable need to enhance employee productivity, which entails personal and professional development (Diamantidis and Chatzoglou, 2018). The four main motivation methods are remuneration, job achievement, job security, and job...

Apple Inc.’s iPhone Marketing Mix

iPhone is a brand of cutting-edge smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc., which has traditionally targeted the high-end market segment through premium pricing and direct selling. Since the launch of the first iPhone generation, Apple Inc. has consistently released innovative and revolutionary models, which are available to consumers through...

“Why Don’t You Dance?” Book by Raymond Carver

In ā€œWhy Donā€™t You Dance?ā€, Raymond Carver tells a story about a man who puts most of his belongings for sale. As he takes the furniture out of the house, cars pass by until one of them stops. A boy and a girl exit the vehicle and start examining the...

Asthma Case Study: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Treatment

Asthma is a very widespread disease that affects the airways and prevents normal breathing. Every 1 in 12 people in the USA suffers from some form of asthma (ā€œAsthma statistics,ā€ 2017). The degrees of severity vary from person to person ā€“ it can be a minor inconvenience to some and...

Philosophy and Science in Practice Discipline on Nursing

Influence of Philosophy of science on nursing Philosophy of science has contributed a lot to nursing. It has acted to bridge the gap between theory and practice of Nursing. Just like all other professionals, nurses seek knowledge to improve service provision and also to define their role in society. Philosophy...

Contingency Plan for Environmental Awareness

Introduction As a student of this University and as a resident of Mother Earth, I must propose measures for environment preservation, and be one of the leading environmentalists. Itā€™s time schools, universities, communities, and everyone is concerned about the worsening condition in the world. We have to adopt a most...

Healthcare for Underserved Communities During Covid-19 Pandemic

The pandemic has revealed many weak points of the healthcare system. One of the pressing issues is the access to care resources the underserved communities. The three articles included in this paper analyze the effect of the hindered access on the health of the underserved populations. The authors offer policy...

How Significant are the Symbols? in “Barn Burning” by William Faulkner

ā€œBarn Burningā€ is a story that revolves majorly between a father and a son. Snopes tends to burn his landlord’s barns down, and the son had to testify in court. Having to choose between staying true to oneself and betraying the person one cares about is one of the hardest...

Bias and Confounding as Sources of Lack of Statistical Precision

Introduction In epidemiology, statistical precision and information exactness are extremely vital. As such, accuracy on the associations between outcomes of interest and exposure should be free from any form of distortion. However, different factors may hinder information validity resulting in distorted exposure/outcome associations. This essay discusses bias and confounding as...

Prabhavananda on the Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount found its response not only in Christian culture but also in Hinduism. In the text, Swami Prabhavananda presents his vision of the eight beatitudes, presenting them as stages of a person’s path to God and not as a classification (Clooney & Francis, 2018, p. 120)....

Importance of Vitamin D for Human Body

Vitamin D is important for the human body as it fulfills many functions. One of the most significant roles of this component is contributing to the absorption of calcium and phosphor. This element strengthens bones and helps the brain functioning which is especially important for children during their growth period....

Heating Oil Fraud in New York City

The article ā€œProsecutors allege persistent heating oil fraud in New York Cityā€ by Benjamin Mueller established illegal activities by nine companies within the city, which defrauded customer’s money and destroyed both buildings and the environment. The authorities revealed that nine companies dealing in oil pumped air in fuel tanks and...

Juvenile Violence Sanctions: Boot Camps and How They Affect Children

Introduction The following paper will discuss the problem of sending juveniles, who commit minor violence crimes, to serve at least one month in boot camps. Unfortunately, politicians are obliged to deal with this problem as the crime rate among adolescents and children is increasing rapidly in particular states. Therefore, the...

KIA Motor Company’s Promotion Management

Introduction The print advertisement for this paper introduces the KIA Motor Companyā€™s new car ā€œForteā€ to its potential customers. The advert attracts and encourages the viewer to make the right decision towards purchasing this car. This advertisement is appealing to the consumer. The print advertisement is also interesting and good...

An Overview of Meningococcal Meningitis

Abstract Meningococcal meningitis is a serious health condition. It is characterized by inflammation of the brain and spinal cord membranes. The two form the central nervous system. As such, the disease causes serious neurological problems. The condition is caused by a bacterium commonly known as meningococcus. In most cases, it...

Hard Problems and Arithmetical Problem Solving

Hard problems are problems without functional explanation as opposed to easy problems which involve explanation in the form of what mechanism can perform what function. The problem becomes hard when our consciousness can not figure out the mechanism through which we can solve the problem. The problem also becomes hard...

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Theory: Practice Gap

Introduction Evidence-based practice is significant in nursing practice. Evidence-based practice provides the base for acquisition of best practices. For instance, advanced practice nurses (APNs) are tasked with the responsibility of analysing research materials to come up with the best nursing practices. In this regard, APNs needs to explore best practices...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Car Seatbelt Legislation for Teenagers in Maryland

The epidemiology of injuries in the society, both occupational and not, are conditioned by way of life of the citizens. That is why the lifestyle approach is suggested to analyze the epidemiology (Krieger, 2011). The lifestyle means the choice of behavior strategies by a person. In the context of health...

Significance and Changes of Communities in Modern Society

Abstract This paper dwells upon the way communities change and the way individual can affect the change. Such communities as church, work, soccer game are considered. The change involving implementation (or rather support of) of the program aimed at informing young people on STD is provided as an example. Introduction...

Sherman Alexieā€™s Book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Review

Sherman Alexieā€™s book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is a narration about a 14-year-old Arnold Spirit Jr., called Junior in his family and community. The subject of the book is interesting and edifying because it focuses on the coming-of-age story and the feeling of belonging and community....

Congressional Defense Budget Process

The process of approval of a budget size for the next fiscal year is a compound, long, and nuanced one. Everything starts with the President’s budget request, a lengthy bill of all the discretionary programs that he suggests to be financed. Soon after that, the Houses of Senate and Congress...

The Dignity of Ushers by Al Maginnes Analysis

The poem ā€œThe Dignity of Ushersā€ by Al Maginnes discusses the effects of modernity on the eponymous profession. In this context, the term means people who stand at a churchā€™s doors and open them for people who attend sermons. They also direct visitors to seats to minimize confusion and ensure...

Amazon Company’s Financial Statement Analysis

Amazon is one of the largest companies in the world, with a net worth of over $1 billion. Operating in a number of countries, it serves as a marketplace where goods are sold and delivered both directly and via third-party sellers. The company was started relatively recently, and its rapid...

Sexually Transmitted Disease: Chlamydia Trachomatis

Description of Project Among black women aged 15-24 years in Illinois (P), does health education and counseling (I) compared to no information (C) lead to increased use of condoms (O) over a period of six months (T)? Clinical Question Planned Intervention: This project aims to determine the effect of health...

Ford Motor Company’s Project Budget and Management

Introduction Ford has been a renowned motor vehicle company since June 16, 1903. When undertaking a capital project, a company needs to evaluate its chances of success. Ford motor limited, in line with its environmental conservation policy, would like to invest in a solar charged motor vehicles plant. This paper...

Public Safety and Individual Rights

Introduction Statutory authority is usually practiced in almost every federal government under the various state departments especially under department of defense and security. In this case, this statutory authority is practiced in correspondence with the existing laws and acts of parliament; where in this case this statutory authority is meant...

American and French Revolutions’ Goals and Progression

The eighteenth century was marked by revolutionary movements, which fought to expand their political rights under the influence of Enlightenment ideas. During 1765-1783, the American Revolution took place, and a little later, in 1789-1799 – the French. During both revolutions, citizens fought for their freedom against the full power of...

An Overview of the Royā€™s Nursing Framework

Introduction Roy nursing framework is a concept to healthcare established by Callista Roy while undertaking her pediatric course in Los Angeles. Motivated by the psychological flexibility of children under medication, Roy proposed the objective of medical care was to aid a patient cope emotionally and psychologically with his/her condition. From...

Helios Airways Flight 522 and Asiana Airlines Flight 214 Crises

Helios Airways Flight 522 and Asiana Airlines Flight 214 are among the well-known airplane crashes that were the result of human mismanagement and poor plane systems design. In the case of the latter, the Korean airline, Boeing, and pilots were responsible parties. Helios crash also involved Boeing as a poor...

Red Cross and International Humanitarian Law

The following document will look at Red Cross as an international body its date of formation as well as the requirements that one has to have before joining. The purpose and the organization will also be discussed in this document. Structure and achievements will also be looked at in this...

Public Key Infrastructure and Encryption at Work

In today’s Internet environment, where not only free access to materials is central but also ensures data privacy, it is essential to look for ways to protect corporate protocols and servers. This rule is particularly relevant for companies in the healthcare sector, where patient data must be securely encrypted, as...

Eating Habits, Brainā€™s Role and Advertising Impact Analysis

Over the recent years, peopleā€™s consciousness about their eating habits has significantly raised. There has been a lot of research on neural and psychological processes that occur while consuming food. Those examinations are intended to discover the causes and consequences of obesity and other related eating disorders. With the commonly...

Bullying: A Serious Social Problem

Introduction Bullying is an undesirable word commonly encountered in schools and at workplaces. Bullying is associated with the abusive behavior of an enlightened person. Bullies fear being publicly summoned to account for their actions. Hence, this demonstrates that a person who bullies aims at hiding his/her inadequacy. Despite the bravery...

Creating New Markets and Products

The global trading relationship has become much more in-depth and faster as a result of globalization, which has contributed to the exchange of technology and information. Some people say that there are no new markets left to develop. I am afraid I have to disagree with this statement because businesses...

Issue of Aging Population: The Healthcare Challenge

Currently, the population of the United States is swiftly aging which poses challenges to healthcare system. It is estimated that approximately 20% of American people will reach the age of 65 within a decade (Rowe et al., 2016). It implies that they will excessively use medical services due to chronic...

How to Manage a Diverse Team of International Managers

According to Dowling and Welch 2007, there are 4 Multinational entity approaches, namely ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric, and egocentric. The ethnocentric approach indicates that the decisions are made by the PCN, and the key positions can be held by the personnel from the headquarters. It has many advantages, like it makes...

Distribution of Oral Diseases

Introduction According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is a significant difference in the prevalence of oral diseases between the developing and developed countries (WHO, 2016b). Despite the substantial progress or advanced programs aimed at periodontal disease treatment, there is still a lack of preventive measures that would lead...

Kantā€™s Theory of Categorical Imperative in Sports

The ethical dilemma is a choice between two possibilities that will inevitably lead to violations of certain moral principles. In this sense, Coach Rob is faced with a dilemma where he needs to decide the fate of his two top starters. Students were caught cheating on an exam, which led...

Multinational Enterprises’ Choice of Modes of Entry

Why MNEs Struggle with MOE There is no “one shirt fits all” strategy when it comes to figuring out the best mode of entry (MOE) into foreign markets by multinational enterprises (MNEs). MNEs have to take into consideration various variances to come up with an effective entry strategy. Most of...

The Depiction of Divine Grace in ā€œA Good Man Is Hard to Findā€ by Flannery Oā€™Connor

A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery Oā€™Connor presents controversial themes and topics that are quite unusual to the reader. The short story is dark and mystical at times, with a variety of symbolic elements, which subsequently create various interpretations. Oā€™Connor creatively uses debilitating and morose leitmotifs in...

Combat Edentulism Among Adults

A Management Program Edentulism is an oral health condition associated with partial or complete loss of teeth. According to medical experts, the problem is most prevalent among older adults from poor populations. As of 2010, over 158 million people suffered from edentulism in the world (Research in action, n.d). In...

Lavinia Dock: The Voice of the Era

High (epithet) intelligence, remarkable (epithet) talent in medicine, and unshakable (epithet) firmness of character have repeatedly helped Lavinia Dock make the right decisions that led to success. Her life’s destiny was the most necessary and challenging; she was a woman who faced the most critical task ā€” the fight for...

Target Corporation’s Management and Its Special Features

Target Corporation is currently the eighth-largest retailer company in the U.S. The retail format of the corporation currently includes discount stores under the Target name, SuperTarget hypermarkets, and a number of other small-format stores. A number of external environments affect the operations of Target across the country. Economically, Target is...

Review Baseline Magazineā€™s Website

Summary The website,, primarily showcases information that relates to new business developments in the IT industry. This can range from what is currently trending in the industry today, what policies are currently being developed and finally it also showcases articles giving advice to businesses about current trends in employment,...

Discussion of Communication Strategies

Almost every person has information in digital format in the modern world, and the information can fall into the wrong hands without proper protection strategy. Establishing communication processes among employees is a key to minimizing the possibility of the loss of data and privacy (Zhang & Borden, 2020). To spread...

ā€œThe Plagueā€ by Albert Camus

In Albert Camusā€™s The Plague, a classical masterpiece, a deadly outbreak begins with rats and spreads to humans, decimating half of Oranā€™s population but sparing the least likely: Joseph Grand. Readers meet Joseph early in the novel, just about the same time news breaks about rats supposedly having an epidemic,...

Inventory Carrying and Transportation Costs Factors

Geographical specialization, dissociating, balancing demand and supply, and uncertainty are the prime functions of inventory. Geographical specialization is a function that allows distribution in the company according to manufacturing, preserving the places, stages of the process, and creation, allowing the creation of value in the specialization they make (Hensel, 2016)....

Standard Costing in Management Accounting

Variance Report Standard Actual Variance Sales 12.71 11.67 1.04(F) Direct materials 4.89 5.02 0.13(A) Direct labor 4.45 3.50 0.95(F) Production indirect costs 0.99 1.05 0.06(A) Non production indirect costs 0.72 0.72 0.00 Total cost 11.05 10.29 0.76(F) Profit 1.66 1.38 0.28(F) Explanation of Variance The direct material cost variance was...

Innovation in the Cybersecurity Industry

In the contemporary world, organizations have been subjected to new threats emanating from advancements in technologies. Cybersecurity is essential for safeguarding computer systems and networks in an online space. As new computer crimes continue to emerge, cybersecurity innovation is required to counteract vulnerabilities in the Information Technology (IT) environment (Lezzi...

DNA for Identifying Convicts: Article Response

Ensuring safety and security for all citizens is the key priority of state authorities, which is why preventing crime remains a crucial item on the political agenda. However, the recent suggestion concerning DNA-based identification of convicts may spark controversy due to its possible ethical ramifications. In his 2006 article, Danny...

Flat vs. Tall Organizational Communication

Before discussing the current organization and the type of communication that is most characteristic of it, it may be crucial to gain more insight into the essential differences between tall and flat organizational communication variations. When an organization is defined as “tall,” communication is rarely established directly, as there are...

Review of ā€œHope Works: Moving From Darkness Into Your Dreamsā€

Relationships with family members play one of the essential roles in the life of any person. Children take an example from their parents and try to be like them. In addition, parents ensure the safety of the child, which no one else can provide. When relationships change in the family...

Childhood Asthma: Definition, Epidemiology, Diagnosis

Introduction Several severe medical conditions are considered very serious and can cause concern for doctors. What is more, some diseases are not extremely dangerous in adults, but when they occur in children and adolescents, additional measures and treatments are required since the kidsā€™ bodies are much weaker. One such condition...

ā€œBoys and Girls Club of Boston: Guitarā€ Campaign

Social advertisements have become common in the last decades; it helps people worldwide solve their problems and be heard. The fact of its commonness starts the developing process of making such creatives, inspiring people to change their lives in a better way. It inspires people and gives them a description...

Comforta Bed Company’s Promotion Management

Comforta The advert for this essay introduces the famous Comforta Bed to the audience. The advertisement encourages the targeted audience to purchase this quality bed. The advert is appealing and interesting to the customer. Advertisers should use the best aspects to make their products more appealing to their viewers (Advertising...

Carnegieā€™s Approach to Public Speaking

People often struggle to master the art of public speaking and become nervous, anxious, and even angry when presenting their projects in front of an audience. Personally, I also did not have any clear understanding of the correct way of behaving when speaking publicly, especially during major events. Yet, after...

Progressivism and Its Role in American Social Construction

Progressivism arose as a political development because of critical financial, social, and political disparities. Its center thought was that administration played a significant part in monetary guidelines and colonial government assistance. President Roosevelt portrays the three critical components of the thought as companies, insurance of buyers, and preservation of nature...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Trial on Rape Accusations and Motions

This case study is based on rape accusations against three men, Jones, Walsh, and Bert. Not all defendants were involved in this illegal action, which requires them to file motions. These motions will allow Bert and Wallace to dismiss the case or ask the judge to review their offense separate...

Sherian Grace Cadoria: The U.S. Army

African Americans participated in all the wars of the United States, serving their country and people. Military service offered them promotions in the economic, social, political, and military spheres. Thus, the participation of African-Americans must be understood in the context of the importance of racial issues that arose in the...

Why Customers Refuse to Buy Businessā€™s Products?

To evaluate a firmā€™s marketing success, it is critical to explore why customers do not purchase the companyā€™s products. This can help analyze the possible errors in the firmā€™s marketing strategy and plan future approaches to increase sales. Consumers can have multiple causes for not buying specific goods. This paper...

Effective Teaching Methods to Use with a Brain-Injured Individual

Introduction Over the last few years, military personnel who were employed in Iraq, as well as Afghanistan, have experienced traumatic brain injury (TBI) and posttraumatic stress disorder. As stipulated by Caperhart and Bass (2012), IED (the improvised explosive device) is one of the commonly utilized weapons in both Afghanistan and...

Black History in America Until the Present Day

More than 400 years ago, an important event took place in the history of America, which affected the fate of the entire country. The institution of slavery has existed in the country for over two centuries. From 1525 to 1866, 12.5 million people were taken to America from Africa (Dagbovie...

Fertility Rate as Population Dynamics Measurement

The selected measure of morbidity, mortality, or natality The Natality index, or as some scientists claim fertility rate, is the indicator showing the number of children is to be born theoretically by one woman until she reaches a specific age when she cannot give birth to any child (OECD Data,...

Johnson & Easton Company’s Technology Application

Purpose Johnson & Easton is a manufacturer of personal care products and it is strongly dependent on the efficiency of its supply chain and its ability to meet the demand of the customers. The successful performance of this business requires the use of the most advanced applications supporting supply and...

A Windshield Survey of the Hammocks Community, Miami

Health Resources Although there is no evidence of a health department within the community, there are several public, proprietary and non-profit private hospitals that are easily accessible to the population of 51,003 as per the 2010 estimates (, 2013). These health institutions provide in-patient and mental health services to the...

Treatment Without Consent of the Patient

Informed consent is an authorized guideline, which safeguards a clientā€™s right to recognize the possible threats, benefits, and options for an anticipated health care practice (De-Lusignan, 2008). Every patient should be consent before receiving therapy. Similarly, patients have a right to expect the doctors to abide by their wishes. Informed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Horror Films: Role of Women

Youngerā€™s article highlights horror films as the medium where women have a more pronounced role and an agenda. She bemoans insufficient and inadequate female representation in cinema and the genreā€™s past but tries to convince the audience that recent works manage to avoid the issue (Younger). The author appeals to...

Study Designs, the Role of Primary and Secondary Data in a Research

Introduction It is accepted that the collection of research data should have a definite purpose. It is important to develop a research question matching the data to provide a meaningful result. A good research question is not just interesting but should be grounded in the analysis of evidence (Lipowski, 2008)....

The “Hidden Figures” Movie by Ted Melfi

Hidden Figures is a 2016 American drama film based on actual events. It tells the story of three African-American women who played a significant role in developing the American space program. The film shows the problems they were facing in segregation in the 1960s and how they fought for their...

Key Filters in the Process of Understanding the World by Myers and Noebel

The worldview of each individual varies depending on the occasion, personal beliefs, and life experiences. However, Myers and Noebel (2015) ten key filters in the process of understanding the world. Those filters are biology, ethics, economics, history, law, philosophy, politics, psychology, sociology, and theology. These lenses help a person to...

Turning Information Technology Department into Chief Information Officer Organization

Introduction I am writing this proposal to inform you of the need to change the IT department into a CIO organisation. The proposed modification will improve the efficiency of the department. Besides, it will be easy to track data and other information from a central location. Leadership philosophy The leadership...

Disney Company Potential Acquisition of Pixar Inc

Disney is a worldwide entertainment company; the CEO of Walt Disney Company, Robert Iger, has expressed interest in acquiring Pixar Inc. At the same time, Pixar is the most famous animation studio in the world. The two companies had worked together before and attained great success. In 1991, they had...

The Risk Factors of Breast Cancer

Introduction ā€œAccording to the American Cancer Society, Breast Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women after lung cancer.ā€ (4) (Medical Assisting, 28 December 2008). Any form of cancer is deadly be it lung, mouth or for that matter breast cancer. The cancer starts in the breast...

Knowledge Management and Social Capital in COVID-19

Knowledge exists in two different forms; tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is inherent in a personā€™s mind. It constitutes the individualā€™s competence and is hard to transfer to another person. Such information gives people and institutions a competitive edge if managed well, given that it cannot be copied....

Crisis at ChassisCoā€™s Athens Plant

Causes ChassisCo was Toyotaā€™s suspension cradle supplier and they worked successfully in two projects until 2004. After successful launches of Suprima in 1997 and Responsa in 1999, Toyota decided to engage the company with another project, Suprima 2003. However, this project did not achieve expected success as it registered poor...

Discussion of Marijuana Legalization

There are two different opinions about the legalization of marijuana. Many people believe that the legalization of this plant will have extremely negative consequences. Abuse of this drug can lead to an increase in crime, dangerous situations on the roads, and mortality growth. Also, there is an opposition opinion that...

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Benefits of Using Social Media

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ā€œA Brief History of Twin Studiesā€ Article Analysis

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DunkinDonuts Twitter Analysis: Social Interaction Network Properties

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Balancing Work and Family Life

There has been a shift in the usual gender roles; a man or a woman is not only a biological being but also a sample of particular features. The search for social harmony, acceptance of one’s strengths and weaknesses are acute global problems. Nowadays, people’s problems are caused by imposed...

Jersey City: The Last Stop on the Underground Railroad

0Jersey City is one of the cities that has high cultural diversity in America. It has an underground rail that passes through, and it helped the slaves escape to Canada and the North that had banned slavery. The term ā€œUnderground railā€ does not mean the actual railway system, but it...

Accountant (AICPA) Code of Professional Conduct

Introduction AICPA Code of Professional Conduct consists of rules, interpretations and ethical rulings and principles issued by American Institute of certified public accountant to govern ethical and professional responsibilities of CPA members. It is divided into, six unenforceable principles which express ideal ethical guidelines and form the framework for which...

Figurative Language and Its Usefulness in a Piece of Writing

Figurative language refers to the way a description is used to create a specific image and to elevate a personā€™s emotions. It seems essential to note that there are different kinds of this phenomenon. The latter may be considered as a vital part of writing, as well as of public...

Media Workplace Diversity: An Argument in Favor

Successful organizations that emphasize having a diverse work environment can prove that people learn to unite their differences to make the close-neat team. In mixed groups, people still retain their values and mutual respect as unique variables, even if they are brought from different backgrounds or functions of the organization....

ā€œA Canary for Oneā€ by Hemingway: Topic Proposal and Bibliography

Topic Proposal: The Illusion of Ideal Family Ties and Blind Prejudice in Hemingwayā€™s Story Ernest Hemingway is an internationally renowned American novelist and short-story writer whose works are particularly striking for the peculiar moral imperatives. Therefore, the topic proposal argues that limited knowledge and interest in native and foreign cultural...

Sociological Perspectives on Racism

Functionalist Perspective of Racism The functionalist perspective perceives society as a composite system whose parts labor together to uphold harmony and steadiness. According to functionalism, racism and discrimination have had a significant role to play in altering humanity. The approach, however, is problematic since the vices mentioned above cannot have...

Coca-Cola Amatil Limited: Analysis of Financial Performance

Introduction Financial performance of an entity changes from one period to another period depending on a number of factors. Some of the factors are economic (such as fluctuations in exchange rate, stiff competition and recession), social (such as peopleā€™s perception about the product), and climatic factors (adverse weather changes such...

Pope Urban II Speech at Council of Clermont, 1095

According to Halshall in his Medieval Sourcebook, he represents the Popeā€™s speech in 1095 at Clermont; Urban had an appeal to a crusade where he addressed to the Christians; the Church leaders and members from all walks of life. During his speech, Urban addressed his audience as he delivered what...

Requirements and Expectations for Directors and Administrators in Maryland

Directors and Administrators in Maryland have to follow the rules and comply with the standards written out in the official documents like “Child Care Center Standards.” Such standards create a framework that determines the role and responsibilities of Directors and Administrators. They are critical since it is necessary for everyone...

Differences in Organizational Structures

The organizational structures that form an institution, its processes, and policies shape its corporate structure frame. Specific operations of the institution, like its working schemes, services, and staffing, are entirely influenced by the pattern of the institution’s framework. However, due to unclear responsibilities of the employees, working relationships between the...

Ethical Theory in a Healthcare Scenario

Introduction Ethical theories are visions of our ethical responsibilities and guidance to a personā€™s decision-making. Ethical theories set standard rules to make people behave reasonably and discreetly when trying to clarify what is right and what is wrong. There are many types of ethical theories that affect every person differently....

Social Construction of Gender and Sexual Dichotomy

Gender is usually divided into two sexes, namely male and female, in modern society. Traditionally, gender is determined by various physiological features, such as genitalia. Being a member of a definite gender implements specific societal roles. These roles may vary in different cultures, but they are precisely determined in most...

ā€œIn Americaā€: Family and Immigration in Movie

Over the years of observing its negative social, economic, and political effects on migrant communities, immigration, in general, and immigration to the United States, in particular, has lost a substantial part of its appeal. Disclosing the troubling underbelly of sociocultural challenges and economic struggles that immigrant families often face in...

Coca-Cola Firmā€™s Improved Strategy for Enhanced Business, Revenue, and Market Share

It goes without saying that being a large multinational corporation, the Coca-Cola company should constantly improve its strategies for stable development in the future. The Coca-Cola Company may be regarded as one of the largest and most renowned and successful beverage corporations across the globe. Taking leading positions in relation...

The COVID-19 Vaccination: Side Effects

The COVID-19 vaccine can protect people from getting infected by the virus. However, the scientific examinations of the vaccine side effects show that many dangerous conditions could cause severe illnesses among the vaccinated people (Kleine-Tebbe et al., 2021). The author of the practical research points out that the most significant...

Combating Racial Discrimination in Public Institutions

Racial discrimination is a social challenge to development in modern communities. Individuals from different cultural, ethnic, or racial minorities have encountered social injustices in public institutions. The U.S. history indicates vital milestones regarding administrative policies aimed at eliminating discrimination (Nigro & Kellough, 2014). Most importantly, chapter nine has been critical...

Poverty and Social Causation Hypothesis

There are two identified approaches to poverty on cultural and individual levels as formulated by Turner and Lehning (2007). The premier theory advocates for the idea that an individualā€™s psychological situation provokes tendencies towards penury behavior (Goldstein, 1973). Therefore, because people possess hereditary psychoses, mood disorders, and depressive illnesses, they...

Canopic Jars and Egyptian Mummification

Ancient Egyptians used canopic jars mostly during the mummification period to contain and protect their owners’ viscera for the hereafter. They were usually either crafted from granite or produced from pottery. The jars were essential in both the Old Kingdom and the Late Ptolemaic era when the viscera were packed...

Ethical Arguments in the ā€œAMA Journal of Ethics Caseā€

End-of-life controversies exist in modern American society because not all people are ready to accept their beloved onesā€™ deaths, relying on their cultural and religious beliefs. In the case under analysis, NK is a 32-year-old patient who remains comatose with no brain activity during the next 24 hours after losing...