Management Functions and External & Internal Factors

Internal and External Factors that Impact the Functions of Management Several internal and external factors impact the functions of management. Among them are the buyers, suppliers, competitors, local government, unions, employee groups, the financial community, owners and shareholders, and trade associations. Globalization, Technology, Innovation, diversity, and ethics are common factors...

Cultural Differences in Management

Introduction Today, the working world is changing and becoming more demanding, especially where the environmental factors have contributed to globalization, intense competition, and speed. (Cameron 2005) As firms expand globally, professionals who operate internationally should understand how cultural differences affect management style. The understanding of the impact of IHRM on...

Hybrid Cell Phones Affect on People’s Lives

The cell phone is the most effective and widespread piece of technology in the world today. This is despite the slow growth in the first years when it was introduced. It is a must-have gadget that keeps people connected to what is happening outside their environment all the time. Cell...

Textual Differences and Children’s Processing Strategies

The author of this study has provided interesting contributions in reinforcing the literature on students learning and comprehension process. The authors investigated the effect of textual differences on the children’s learning process by analyzing Turkish primary school student’s comprehension strategies, by employing the ‘think aloud’ methodology (72). Specifically, the author...

Linguistics in Education Process

According to Callella, Williams and Rous (2004) research recommends teaching students the parts of the words since increasing and developing a students’ terminology will improve his or her general reading comprehension. The national ethics necessitate that students use their knowledge of prefixes and suffixes to resolve the significance of words...

Women Position in America

Introduction In the United States of America, women in general constitute a larger population of approximately 144 million as compared to men who constitute a population of 138 million as per the year 2002. Despite the fact that female population is slightly higher that that of males, women do not...

A Mini-Economic Forecast of the Recent Drop of the Euro Currency

Introduction In the recent past the euro has witnessed a relentless decline in value to the lowest point in four years. The decline is associated bailout that was undertaken by governments in the euro zone during the financial crisis. The countries borrowed heavily from their banks to safeguard them from...

Ethical Theories for Decision-Making

There are several ethical theories that provide guidelines that should be followed in the process of decision-making. The most popular ethical theories are utilitarianism, casuist, right, and deontology. All the ethical theories make demands on human beings but the nature of the demands varies. The utilitarianism theory makes the hardest...

Colonial Division of Labor: Rich and Poor Nations

The problem of social inequality is deeply historically rooted. People’s being divided into poor and rich is primarily connected with the appearance of propriety and labor division. Labor division from the very beginning includes the division of working conditions – of the instruments of labor and materials, and therefore, breaking...

Russia’s Influence on the European Neighborhood Policy

Marred by a history of warfare and suspicion from its neighbors, Russia has been a major player in the European geopolitical landscape. This has been mainly because Russia, being one of the largest economies in their region, has many interests that it needs to protect, foremost being the national security,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Peer Review in Oncology Patient Falls

As the senior editor, I find the ‘Fall prevention program’ to be vital in creating awareness of existing patient falls. The proposal should be published because it contains a lot of information that is beneficial to all the readers whether they are in the health care industry or not. It...

The Main Risks of the Utilitarianism

The term utilitarianism can also be known as utilism. This idea correlates with the term utility to maximize its usefulness and on the other hand minimize the negative aspect of utility. Before we define utility lets understand the term utility first. Utility can be defined as the pleasurable satisfaction in...

Regional Economic and Social Development Focus

Introduction Economic and social developments are policies which improve living standards of people through numerous developments and promote social equalities. It is a desire for every country to improve and develop economically. Globally, economic change and development has necessitated more countries to work harder. This is however not the case...

E-Portfolio. Language Fluency Improvement Methods

The child under this report is a grade D pupil named John* with profound difficulty in fluency in reading. Having been in this school for the last two terms of study, I realized John had general difficulty in fluency with particular reference to Meaning, Structure, and Visual information of words....

Memorandum: New Policies on How to Use the Office Refrigerator

FROM: Secretary-General. TO: Members of staff. DATE: 14th Oct 2010. SUBJECT: New policies on how to use the office refrigerator. Following the complaints raised by a few members of staff on using the office refrigerator, the secretary-general has found it necessary to shortlist policies that will guide staff members on...

Some of the Problems that Parents Face Today

Parenting is an onerous responsibility that requires resilience, commitment and above all optimum dedication. Contemporary parenting is even more challenging owing to the changing civilization alongside the new emerging trends on family values and practices. To refer parenting role as merely providing for the material needs is an understatement. On...

The Research of the Hellenistic Period

Introduction Whereas there is a clash in the exact period that would be defined as Hellenistic period, there is abidance in the general knowledge that it is a period in the Mediterranean region that begins with the death of Alexander the Great and ends with the defeat of Cleopatra. This...

The History of Mongols, the Black Death

Human society can be compared with a living organism that is the constant process of development. Certain external factors determine the directions of this development. The same pattern occurs in human society as well, the changes are determined by several major currents, the value of which is unquestionable due to...

Collaboration Between C-Commerce and Corporate Portal

In this week we discussed two different topics. The first one is a discussion regarding the relationship between C-commerce and Corporate Portal. I, being the managing director of the Thai-Lay Garment Manufacturing Company in Hong Kong, am really benefited from the discussion. I realized the modifications that are to be...

Public Law and Private Law Implications

Abstract Using the telephone as well as World Wide Web services by minors has never been discussed properly. Children tend to use the telephone for making paid calls and their parents refuse to pay the bills afterward. The question is whether these bills are the responsibility of parents who overlooked...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Dell and Wal-Mart: Supply Chain Optimization and Outsourcing

According to Mentzer, supply chain management is the follow-up process that an organization has regarding the production to the marketing of a product or service (Mentzer 2001). This process revolves around the transformation, movement, and storage of inputs and outputs in the production process. The overall aim of supply chain...

What Kind of Thing Is the Mind?

The concept of mind is obscure, controversial, and impossible to define perfectly. Philosophical analysis, researches on the brain, and remarkable advances in the field of neuroscience prove to be futile with regard to defining the concept of the mind. Most philosophers have the opinion that the mind is an entity...

Mercury Shoes Company’s New Opportunity in China

Mercury International Ltd is an important company in the world, which is the frontrunner in the shoe manufacturing market. This has become the topmost player in the market by their specific brand names. This worldwide giant in the industry achieved a major share in the global footwear market. It is...

New York State Domestic Violence Statics

Introduction Domestic violence refers to the frequent harassments of a family by one of their members resulting into serious quarrels among the parties involved; which may result into a fight. Order protection on the other hand refers to the order from the court of law that provides protection for an...

“Making Time: Clocking Social Relations” Review

In the chapter “Making Time: Clocking Social Relations”, Alan Sears explorers time as a “social construction.” The author estimates that life of a modern society depends greatly on time and that social structure is subordinate to Clock-Time. He raises the questions of individual perception of the time, influence of time...

The Social Role of Women Today

The role of women as members of society changed during the history of mankind. It is a fact that many years ago the system of organization of human society was a matriarchy. Since that time many things changed and nowadays we live in a period of patriarchy. Nevertheless, some experts...

Democracy and de Facto Powers

Title of the proposed thesis The chosen title for the proposed thesis is to strengthen the understanding of the challenges and consequences of the Mexican state to secure the essential conditions of responsibility towards the citizens. The main objective is to examine the challenges and results in order to make...

Managers Financial and Non-Financial Performance Indicators

Balance Scorecard Developed in the 1990s, the balanced scorecard technique emerged as a holistic strategic management tool for reviewing organizational performance (Jeffs, Merkley, Richardson, Eli, & McAllister, 2011). It encouraged managers to avoid using a narrow assessment of corporate behavior, which is based on financial metrics, and instead develop one...

Implementing Change Despite Resistance

In order to improve the condition of those patients who suffer from pressure ulcers, healthcare systems should consider the necessity to change the way they provide care to those individuals who are at risk of having this issue. Moreover, treatment options should be improved. In particular, enhancement is expected from...

Gas Emissions Standard Policies

Introduction Emissions are part of externalities because they have both positive and negative impacts that can be interpreted in monetary value. Two policies that can be adopted to curb emissions include reducing the emission of greenhouse gases by giving incentives to firms and institutions that have cut emissions. In addition,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Political Obstacles of The European Union

Introduction The formation of the European Union is considered a remarkable achievement that has far-reaching consequences in world politics, economy, and balance of global power. The emergence of two superpowers, namely the erstwhile Soviet Union and the USA, had resulted in an imbalance of power with regard to European nations....

Regulating Violent Video Games

Video games are used to entertain children but the quality of the game should be taken care of so that they do not make children become violent. Parents need to take care of their children by choosing the video games they purchase with great care because; if the games have...

American Literature in the Past 50 Years

Introduction In exploring American literature over the past 50 years, it seems relatively clear that the literature has progressively become more optimistic in general, perhaps because of the many voices it is now able to incorporate, even as it retains high literary standards. While literature in the earlier periods was...

Cultural Diversity in Barbara Bowman’s Monograph

Introduction In writing this monograph, Barbara Bowman takes the bull by the horn in spelling out controversial cultural issues affecting academic achievement in United States. The article is likely to generate mixed emotions depending on which side the reader decides to take. Nevertheless, the writer has done a great work...

Global Warming: Do Human Activities Threaten to Change Climate?

This is a debate that has been there since time immemorial given the fact that change of global climate has continued to be experienced in different parts of the globe. Controversy has always occurred when scientists carry out research on global climate change and establish that it has been caused...

Language Barriers for American Immigrants

America has been at crossroads on the issue of a national language since time immemorial. It should be noted that many legal documents of the primordial ages were written in various languages, most notably German. It should also be remembered that the populace in post-independence America conversed in 20 different...

Novels by Shelley, Achebe and Golding Review

Perhaps, fear is one the most widely spread vices of society, as it provokes intense and negative emotions. The fear and horror is usually generated when people face the Ugly as a social and aesthetic opposition to the Beautiful. Provoked by social prejudices and vices, social fears are revealed and...

Developing States-World Trade Organization Conflict

Description of the conflict The latest conflict between developing countries and World Trade Organization (WTO) is concerns international patent laws. This conflict has come up due to the establishment of an agreement with respect to Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS). Under this agreement, all member countries agreed to...

Leadership Challenges in 2020: Meeting Future Goals

Leadership is not just a word, it is a quality. It is one of the most important qualities of success in both organizational aspect and situational progress (Kuhn 2007). In other words, leadership can be defined as the process or the social influence that comes for one person who tries...

Human Sexuality and Fulfillment of Basic Human Needs

Introduction Most of the information about sexuality today tends to focus on the negative aspects of sex which includes diseases like HIV/ AIDS and sexual crimes such as rape; this portrays sex more risky than it is fulfilling (Miracle, Miracle and Baumester p.3).This paper explores human sexuality and how it’s...

Current Role of U.N. in World Affairs

Introduction The United Nations has a great role to play in current world affairs despite the few perspectives of its failure. The role of the United Nations goes beyond political and security matters. At the same time, the organization has been successful in a number of ways. It can thus...

Experiment: Bacteria vs Antibiotics

Hypothesis and objectives The experiment aimed to test the reaction of bacteria towards some antibiotics and determine effectiveness of those antibiotics in treating some diseases. The effectiveness of the antibiotic was determined by carrying an experiment on three bacteria under the same temperature. The hypothesis of the experiment was: Ho:...

Morphological Rule in the Samoan Language

Samoan language can said to be a deleting or a separating language. It uses various supplementary morphemes in tenses and sentence constructions. For example, to denote present continuous tense – ‘olo’o is used. Although Samoan language uses the isolation rule, the morphological process of reduplication is also used to repeat...

Critique of the Website

The Site The site’s communication goals are not easy to tell as the home page lacks the basics like icons and taskbars that would act as a guide to the sections and subsection one wish to access. The information on the home page is irrelevant to the visitor as it...

Jones Blair Company’s Sales Growth Issues

Introduction Jones Blair Company is a privately owned firm that manufactures and sells architectural paints under the Jones Blair brand name. On this basis, the American paint industry is segmented into three parts which include; architectural coatings, original equipment manufacturing, and special-purpose coating. In this case, the architectural coatings consist...

Smartphone Operating Systems: Feature Writing

In today’s world of innovation, a consumer is faced with the overwhelming task of identifying the best product to meet his needs. This dilemma is magnified in the cell phone manufacturing industry where innovations are the norm, cell phone companies are competing against each other for control of the lion’s...

Canadian Cinematography’s National Content

It is doubtless, that some historic facts can be adequately valued only years later. And at the moment looking back at the development of the Canadian cinematography one may admit that its way was not an easy one. At the moment cinema production is an integral part of the popular...

Charlemagne Royalty: Germanic or Roman Type

Charlemagne also referred to as Charles the Great or Charles 1, became King of the Franks at the age of twenty six in 1768. This was after succeeding his father Pippin III. He also became King of the Lombard’s by conquering it1. He left a legacy of which to date,...

Language of “Everyday Use” Story by Alice Walker

The short story Everyday Use (1974) by Alice Walker is a representation of earlier works by the author. In fact, the story is about the hardships of African American women in everyday life. It is about the milestones of heritage and ancestry that is implied in terms of African American...

Pogues’ “If I Should Fall From the Grace of God” Review

Britain has always been a complex entity of four distinct unique national identities with individual peculiarities, customs and traditions. As far as Ireland is concerned, it has its own separate identity that is embodied in Irish music which is an inseparable part of Irish culture. One of the representatives of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Bonny George Campbell Ballade Review

Bonnie George Campbell is a very good child ballade that you actually do not understand when at childhood so deeply and thoroughly as you do when being a grown-up. Partially, because there are those words you do not understand and partially because adults apply more personal life experience. Overall, it...

Emergency: Responding to an Explosive Attack

Terrorism is a methodical use of terror particularly as a method of compulsion. No unanimously approved, lawfully binding, criminal laws of the explanation of terrorism exist at present. Terrorism is commonly defined according to the violent actions done with the intention of creating fear/terror. These are committed for religious reasons,...

Signs’ Movie Analytical Critique

Introduction Signs is one of the most exemplary movies of how people lose and regain faith in God. This movie “uses the threat of alien invasion as a means of eliciting its protagonist’s personal crisis of faith” (Deangelis, 2006, p. 27). Signs presents Graham’s loss and regaining of faith in...

Art in Renaissance Period

The age of new awakenings in Europe is called the Renaissance, and everything was changing in this period. This was one of the greatest periods of human history and it contributed many great minds to the society. The Renaissance Art was sometimes termed as the rebirth of the Classical traditions....

Financial Intermediation and Its Importance

These days financial intermediaries are quite widespread because people prefer using them instead of entering financial markets directly. A commercial bank is a typical example of a financial intermediary, though not the only one. Among others are pension funds, loan associations, numerous insurance companies, mutual funds, and credit unions. Financial...

Migration Health and Internet Use in Organizations

Migration is a social change whereby a person moves from one place to another to have a new settlement either for a given period or permanently. All over the world there is international migration which leads to much concern about the health of the migrants, and how they can access...

Business Communication: Values and Ethics

Introduction Values are personality or particular behaviors that are taken as sensible; they commonly represent the person’s uppermost priorities. Values include our thoughts, opinions and also beliefs. Whether the individual is aware or unaware, the person operates according to the coordination of the values. All the things that you do,...

Reasons for Plagiarism Avoiding, Ways of Fighting Plagiarism

‘Plagiarism’ is translated from Latin as ‘kidnapping’; in simple words, this notion defines the attempts of stealing the author’s ideas in writing. It is necessary to stress, that the notion ‘plagiarism’ is referred to serious mistakes in the academic system leading to severe punishment for students. According to the dictionary,...

The Qualities I Look For in a Mate

Choosing a mate whether for along term commitment or dating can be a very difficult decision to make. One has to carefully ask him/herself, what is it they really are looking for, for instance is it just to date for fun? Are you looking for a life time mate? Are...

Autonomy and Adequate Theory of Medical Ethics

Introduction The medical field has been in the recent past advanced in its technological sector. This has in turn led to saving lives of injured casualties. Thus, it has led to most heated debates that encase medical ethics of termination life care and quality of life. The church in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Andra Rush: Skills That Managers Need to Be Successful

Behaviors and skills that managers need to exhibit for an organization to be successful A leader is very important in any organization and must be careful on how he/she acts as many people look at their actions and tend to follow them. Some of the behaviors and skills that managers...

Yellowstone National Park: Trip Experiences

The most breathtaking experience I have ever had is associated with the Yellowstone National Park. Last year, my father took my family to Yellowstone, as we wanted to explore its beauties and mysteries. This trip made me realize that the park is full of unspeakable views, unique nature, and fearless...

Smartphone Market Statistics in the United States

A Smartphone is multi-purpose mobile phones which is smarter than a normal cell phone. There can also get additional features from Smartphone mobile other than phone calls total working structure software among PC-like functionality. Smart phones are truly PDAs (personal digital assistant) with color screens, audio capabilities, web browsers, or...

Personal Leadership Brand for Women

Introduction Every leader has a unique leadership style that defines his/her style of governing the juniors with each style depending on the situation, organization policy and the leader himself. This leadership method is often associated with the leader and is frequently branded with the leader. These styles are so many...

Recession and the American Dream for Education

Introduction The current shape of the U.S. economy and the great economic slowdown has negatively impacted numerous families, children and students who dreamed of a bright future, particularly through education and academic. The recession has been so severe that most of the future plans with regard to education and other...

Effects of Automobility Analysis

Loren Lomasky is a well-known author in the field of the criticism of the modern way of life. Accordingly, her essay on the balance between the positive and negative effects of the wide use of automobiles in the modern society is a valuable source of knowledge in this topic. Thus,...

Ethical Practices in Wal-Mart

Outline Ethics practices by employers towards people who work for them is an extremely important issue. This paper reviews ethical practices in Wal-Mart with regard to safety in the workplace. It is seen that the company does not have any jobs that can be considered very dangerous. But certain jobs...

Homeland Security, Race and Crime in the US

Introduction Homeland security has become a significant part of the American republic security sector especially in this age of industrialization. The country has come up with national policies that have national security as its priority. The federal government has the responsibility to protect the community from villain activities propagated both...

Global Integration: Developments and Implications for Organizations

Introduction The Global Integrated Enterprise is indeed a recent development emanating from the evolution phase that the Multinational Corporations (MNCs) have gone through. It is also imperative to note that the process of globalization has been necessitated by MNCs as the primary catalyst. Hence, MNCs are better acknowledged as global...

Approaches on the Study of History

Introduction According to one sociologist, the totality of history does not exist in itself, but for us. We compose it of the fragments collected and organized retrospectively by the unity of our interest or the unity we attribute to periods or cultures (Davis, 46). This paper compares this view with...

Philippe Starck. Designer’s Interview and Response

Philip Patrick Starck is, probably, one of the best of the best designers known for his mastership in patterning and reshaping everything, from a toothbrush to a spaceship. In this respect the interview given by Philip Stark to the Die Zeit newspaper catches an eye of a mature observer. The...

Obesity: Is It a Disease?

It is without a doubt that Americans are gaining more weight despite more than a third of adult Americans struggling to lose weight. More than thirty billion dollars are spent every year in attempts to lose weight. Despite the huge amount of money spent on promotions and weight loss products,...

Management Skills Research Papers: The Process of Researching

Introduction Management skills research papers are generally regarded from the perspective of the strict structure requirements and the thorough preliminary background researches. Considering the necessity to provide detailed information on the matters of the required managerial skills in the context of the corporate culture and the values of the marketing...

Land Supply and Real Estate Development in Hong Kong

Hong Kong for some time now has been under the land supply limitation policy adopted by the government. The limitation of land sully has had a great influence on the real estate industry and the economy of Hong Kong as a whole. This paper examines empirically the effect of land...

English as a Second Language Phenomenon

For many people, learning a second language is a very difficult phenomenon. This problem does not only affect learners but it also affects teachers who deal with teaching them. For one to effectively learn a second language, it calls for the teacher responsible of teaching him or her to come...

Georgia State Capitol as a Public Agency

Georgia has a total of 158 public agencies all over itself. One of the very important public agencies of Georgia is “Georgia Department of Family and Children’s Services” (Russell 2006). This is a federal level industry and it has undergone a sea of change in the last 25 years. Most...

Theory & Practice of Group Psychotherapy

Introduction Psychotherapy refers to the counseling done by a psychotherapist to assist the patient in different problem-solving skills. It mainly focuses on the individual’s well-being. Group psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy where a group of patients is treated by one or more therapists. This is usually done in a...

“Pan’s Labyrinth” by Guillermo del Toro

A Spanish language fantasy film set in post Civil-War Spain (1944) during the Franquist repression, Pan’s Labyrinth was written and directed by acclaimed Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, who, along with fellow Mexican filmmakers Alfonso Cuaron and Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, is known as the Three Amigos of Mexican/Spanish Cinema. The...

Review of the Journal of the Use of Milk Thistle

The introductory part should try to give clear and precise informative ideas which are related to the topic of discussion. This will enable the person reading to have a clear perspective of what the paper is all about hence enabling him to understand more clearly. In regard to this, the...

Blood Diamond Film by Edward Zwick

Blood Diamond is an adventure drama film directed by Edward Zwick. The film was nominated for Academy Awards for the Best Actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Djimon Hounsou. The film goes back to the event of 1996-1998 when Sierra Leone Civil War took place. In that period, the country experienced the...

Moore’s Proof Presented in Hume’s Theory

Hume’s Theory in Brief Hume’s theory is a theory of based on how we can be able to make inductive references and knowledge. This theory revolves around skepticism which is the belief that people cannot have full knowledge on the nature because perception reveals things not as they are, but...

How Do We Know Things: Discussion

People can be completely mistaken concerning many things we are surrounded by; this fact can be explained by human memory lapses and delusion. The investigation of human thoughts and knowledge is considered to be the basic principle of epistemology study. The science is focused on the issue of people’s differentiation...

The Time Traveler’s Wife: Movie Review

Snow in August is written by Pete Hamill and the plot of the story is set in a primarily working class neighborhood of Brooklyn. The story is narrated very emotionally in revolving around two very appealing characters that have very rarely been witnessed in recent works of fiction. The story...

Dynamics Suggested by Messick and Bazerman

Do you think that people are susceptible to these dynamics as Messick and Bazerman suggest? Do you have any examples from personal experience? If they are correct, what should we do about it? Are there any systems an institution could put in place to check decision-making? Decision-making is a crucial...

The Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technology

Hybrid electric vehicle is a vehicle which uses a mixture of power or fuel source. It was not until 1997 that hybrid electric vehicles became popular with the introduction of Toyota Prius in Japan and then followed closely by Honda Insight which was released in 1999. At first, this new...

Inclusive Education for Students With Disabilities

Introduction In the modern world education is one of the basic needs of a child. All children whether mentally or physically challenged have the right to education. The question is whether educational institutions should be all inclusive to accommodate children with or without disabilities or specialised to separate them. If...

The Acceptance of Santeria in Modern Day Society

Freedom of religion and spiritual practices is one of the main issues granted by the Constitution. Santoria is a unique authentic form of religion that causes criticism and controversies because of its cruel practices and animal killing. Thus, the Constitution grants rights and freedoms to all citizens in spite of...

Loyalists in the Canadian History

Loyalists are the colonists living in the English colonies of North America. During the American War of Independence 1775 – 1783, loyalists were affirmative supporters of the English monarchy who left the territory of the newly formed United States and moved to the sparsely populated English colonies. Being one of...

Product Launch of Lenovo 3000 Family Series PCs

Introduction Lenovo’s fundamental point of differentiation is innovativeness and creativity. As the Company began to make preparedness for global expansion, it borrowed its new name from the amalgam of part of its existing name- the Le in Legend, and ‘novo’ meaning new and ingenious. The combination of these two syllables,...

Improving the Performance of the CRM Department

I understand that our company, Estee Lauder/Clinique Division, has already approved the needs-analysis stage of a forthcoming enterprise resource planning program. This is laudable because sooner or later, those who need to plan and make decisions can see where we stand in real-time: scheduled shipments of raw materials and packaging,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Educational Approach Inclusion

Inclusion is a pedagogical practice where the learners with specific academic needs learn in the same context and environment as those who do not have special academic needs. Inclusion, therefore, grants the special needs student the right to participate in normal educational activities (Ainscow, 2003). This practice does not recognize...

France: Domestic Responses to Global Challenges

France democratic regime France struggled for a long to take hold of a democratic regime because its national sovereignty had been lost to two democratic regimes that are the United States and the British. These were very strong countries and fighting them was a big task. To add to that...

Veteran Pharmaceutical: Cause and Effect

Veteran Pharmaceutical is a dispensing chemist that deals in distributing human drugs in both retail and wholesale to the surrounding community. Its main clients consist of the local residents and the small chemists around it. Located at the heart of Chicago, the veteran has been having good returns in the...

Fiscal Policy: The Role and Mechanisms

Fiscal policy is a set of tools used to leverage the changes occurring in aggregate supply and demand of a given commodity in an economy. In some fiscal policy, constitute measures taken by governments to correct situations of shortages and excess resulting from revenue-expenditure imbalances. As in the case of...

Black Women Filmmakers. The Black Diasporas’ Corporeality

The black diasporas’ corporeality is the mise-en-scĕne of filmmaking for most black women filmmakers. As they constantly challenge the limits that narratives and films make through the ethnographic cinematic creativity that they do, they call on the imperialist cinematic discussions that are all true in racist relationships (Bobo 25). Since...

Ambrose Bierce and Henry James Works Comparison

“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce is rather a short story originally published in 1890. The primary characteristic of the story is irregular time spacing and unclear ending. By the end of the story, the reader does not have an understanding of what has really happened with...

Pitching for a T.V. Show “And Here’s the Pitch”

Cincinnati is Midwest America, and what is big here is baseball. I do not remember ever seeing a series on baseball. So I thought about an angle using the triple-A team for the Cincinnati Reds. It could be a situation comedy with serious cultural issues to deal with, such as...

Public Interest/Non Profit Advertisement

Introduction Advertisements by individuals/corporations about their products are to generate more income for the business through persuasive ways. In this essay, we shall look at advertisements that target benefiting the consumers rather than the advertising body. Analysis of different advertisements Advertisement one This is an advert used to encourage the...

Performative Acts and Gender Constitution

Introduction Butler argues that gender is not a static identity but can be constituted and constructed through the acts and performances, hence, gender depiction is arbitrary and biased depending on cultural, political, and theatrical perceptions. She views sex and gender as quite different entities of self that have been constructed...

Decision Making Influence in Business

Introduction There are very many things that influence decision-making in a business scenario. Ethics is one of the things that affect it widely. These are the rules and regulations that govern the ordering and values of a certain group of people or an organization. Alex has established a business that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chris Ward’s “Stalin’s Russia” Book Summary

Ward’s work on Stalin’s Russia has seven chapters. Chapter 1 tries to explain the rise of Stalin. Chapter 2 focuses on the assessment of the industrialization campaign that happened between the years 1924 and 1941. Chapter 3 tries to capture the reasons for the collectivization drive that happened between the...

Strategic Management and Strategic Planning Roles in Business Development

Introduction Starting any business project, one should be aware of the specificity of the business world, its rules and laws, and its peculiarities. Knowing beforehand, what will happen to your business, how it will develop, and what challenges it might face are all the tasks for a business person that...

Philips Company: Product Lines Case

Introduction Philips Company specializes in the production of household appliances. Its markets stretch across the globe with a market presence in over 200 countries. The company is among the leading corporations in the manufacture of household appliances with major competition from Asian producers (Philips, 2010). This essay will analyze five...

“A Moment’s Decision” by Glynn Sharpe Review

A setting is a very important element of any literature work. Not only does it describe a place where the action occurs, but it also helps the author to describe his emotions, vision of the action described and his attitude to it. It is interesting to analyze how in A...

Empathy Exercise in the American Workplace

Introduction In many workplaces, some people are mistreated for the same gender, race, or even cultural differences. This mistreatment results from some senior people discriminating against their juniors by denying them some genuine rights and freedom at work. Devah and Lincoln (2005) defined discrimination as “discrimination involves formally or informally...

Prescriptive Versus Descriptive Grammar Rules

The way we speak in informal settings is different from the way we talk or write in formal settings and there are some times I say something and someone corrects me saying that I am not observing the rules of grammar. Sometimes I start a sentence using a conjunction and...

Discrimination in Prison Problem

Introduction Though affirmative actions were intended to stop social injustice and compensate for differences in sex, gender, race, etc., the main functions of these measures were a temporal phenomenon. They had to keep our society from criminal acts committed and protect vulnerable social groups, including females, from oppression. Though, even...

Pattern Searches in Computerized Data

Computerized data advantages surpass manually kept data since digital data is difficult, even impossible, to destroy, particularly if it gets its way into the network system. This happens due to its ability to retrieve data deleted due to the multi-storage where the same data is stored in different drives. The...

Various Issues of Integration Related to B2B Exchanges

The term B2B or business-to-business refers to commercial interactions between businesses “conducted electronically over the internet.” (Electronic Commerce: A Managerial perspective. 2008). This could be in terms of sales made to: Small businesses. Medium and large size businesses. Institutional, government, health care, educational organisations, etc. B2B could be seen in...

Revenue Growth and EBITA: Mercury International

Introduction The growth rates envisaged for Mercury shoes had been targeted at 10-15% in revenues, EBITA, and stock prices for the coming four years. However, when this is compared with actual dismal performance during the last few fiscals and the fact that the targeted figures may not be achievable, due...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Evaluation Thailand as a Tourist Destination

Introduction This paper is going to discuss Thailand as a tourist destination. This paper aims to give a description and evaluation of Thailand and how in my view it is one of the best tourist destinations that I have ever visited. This paper will discuss Thailand in terms of the...

Positive Behavior Support for Young Children

Introduction This is a research that studied the results yielded from the execution of evaluation-based behavior support plans on the participation and problem behavior of three young children with behavioral difficulties in a community early childhood program. The research relied on recent studies on the early involvement to young children...

The Cold War in the 1950’s

Introduction The cold war was mainly a continuing state of conflict that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union and their allies, this occurred during the 1940s to the 1990s. The cold war involved military coalitions, attacks, arms development and spirited technological growth. During World War II, the...

Phonemic Awareness for Children

Children at a very young age need to be taught strategies that will help them be able to understand various practices in academics. These strategies of learning mold them into being able to self learn without any supervision. These learning procedures need to be emphasized at all levels of learning...

Films and Television: Visual Techniques

After engaging in Internet-based research on the relationships between the technical, visual and production aspects of film and television I have found that many similarities between techniques used in contemporary films and television. It is a well-known fact that the film industry appeared first and only then followed the era...

Climate of San Francisko’s Region

Introduction San Francisco’s region has a Mediterranean type of a climate and is characterized by moderate temperature which rarely ranges between the high of 35 degrees and the low of 10 degrees. With this ideal type of climate sometimes it is called, “the-conditioned city”. The weather in the region is...

“Washington Square” Book by Henry James

This story commences in Manhattan at the beginning of the 17th century but it is written from Paris. It is a very interesting story talking about an American setting with American characters. It has several themes including family betrayal, deception, truth, and imagination, and family domesticity among others. However, the...

Cross-Cultural Management and Challenges It Faces

Cross-cultural management describes how an organization operates across its cultural context and the difficulties it encounters such as diversity in terms of values and beliefs of different cultural groups. These diversities have a bearing on the modes of management from leadership, motivation and negotiation (McCaughey & De Cieri 2002, p....

Reframing Organizations: US Marine

The public opinion on the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy can be mainly assessed from the position of discrimination. In that regard, taking the US marine as an organization, such policy can be seen as a crisis that changes the original definition of such organization, and thus, require a certain...

Physical Activity and Relationship Characteristics

One is said to be engaged in physical activity if he or she makes use of energy (Donatelle2009, p.3221). Lifting weights, walking, jumping, and stretching are all forms of physical activity. Other forms of physical activity include doing household chores such as cooking and sweeping. Other activities such as carrying...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Buddha’s Four Noble Truths

Life is all about suffering Life symbolizes suffering. Human nature is imperfect, just like the world in which we live. Every human being has to endure some sort of suffering in their lives. Suffering includes physical affliction such as pain, exhaustion, injury, old age, and even death in the end....

Executive Board Members of SMB: Team and Relationship

For an organization to record any good performance in meeting laid down objectives and strategies, teamwork is essential. Managers must have skills and qualities of good leadership especially in team building and motivation of the workforce. This ensures improved communication between team members leading to productivity and great profits for...

The Alan Louis General: Case Study

In the Alan Louis case study, the analysis of research data indicates a serious need for marketing. This is indicated by the fact that people who have received services from Alan Louis General and people who have never enjoyed their services have very different opinions of their services. The need...

Graham Allison’s Rational Actor Model

In writing Essence of decision making, Allison had the notion that rational expectation theories from economics had been borrowed largely by fields of political science and international relations. He assumed that states, after considering all they had, acted rationally to maximize their usefulness. In this, he proposed that analysts must...

Inconsistency of Socrates’ Arguments

It is often the case that philosophical judgments are self-contradictory. This can especially be seen from the arguments that Socrates makes in Crito and Apology. In Apology, for instance, he tells how he refused to take part in the unjust killing thus going against the Thirty Commissioners’ order. In Crito,...

Comparison of Gifted and Talented

Everybody knows that all people in the world differ in their abilities and potential. It is often the case that what is easy for one person, may turn out to be extremely difficult for another, which can be vividly traced in the learning experience of different students. Some students find...

Holocaust and the United States

How could it have happened? I think there is a good reason for people to ask how the holocaust could have happened. The tragedy seems unrealistic when one thinks about it, and others still think it never was. The latter are more of antisemitists. Considering that World War II was...

Research Through Design in Architecture

Author – The natural environment inevitably acts upon the buildings surfaces, destroying the materials. The impact of the natural forces and weathering is not always negative. It is possible to take advantages from the visual effects using staining, the aesthetic deterioration to make the buildings sightly. The theory is that...

Helen Lansdowne Resor, Great Mind in Advertising

Introduction Helen Lansdowne Resor represents one of the greatest minds in advertising career and copywriting. She is a role model to emulate. Resor was born from a family of nine siblings and emerges out as a great mind in advertising industry. She eventually holds a position few women have attained...

National Security Council Susceptibility to Interest Groups

The role of interest groups cannot be underestimated in shaping the policy in the United States. In that regard, such a role can be extended to national security issues and the decision–making process within the National Security Council. In that regard, the present paper argues that the National Security Council...

The Benefits & Drawbacks of the Internet

Introduction The Internet provides immense possibilities for education and knowledge gaining and sharing for children. It provides a stepping-stone for the children to look into the world on their own, and find new information. However, this tool is often misused as a medium for transferring information and content to children...

US invasion of Vietnam in 1955

The war began in 1955 between the communist Northern Vietnam, its allies and the non-communist southern Vietnam along with the USA and the rest of SEATO as its allies. The conflict went on until April 30th, 1975 during which millions of people died from both regions of Vietnam and between...

The Paradoxes of the ‘Standard Account’

Describe one of the paradoxes of the ‘standard account’ of whistleblowing described by Davis. Explain why he thinks it is a paradox and how he thinks his account remedies the paradox. Say whether or not you think he is correct by reference to a real example. This paper by Michael...

American World War I Propaganda

Introduction World War I (WWI) was a conflict between 1914 and 1918 of the world’s powers’ militaries caused mainly by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary on 28 June, 1914. According to Goldstein and Maihafer (2004, Para.9), t he United States of America...

Racial Diversity and Educability Relationship

Introduction Being educable simply means to the willingness to accept the fact that it is not possible to have all the wisdom in the world concentrated in one head. With this acceptance, one proceeds to take the crucial step of listening and learning from others as opposed to making blanket...

Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Facilities?

The news has been reporting more and more lately about the intentions of the US and/or Israel to attack Iran. Categorizing the reason for such attack, the issue can be seen two-fold. On the one hand, there are the nuclear program of Iran, which regardless of it its true purpose...

United Nations Role in World Affairs

Since the world has become vastly more complicated, there is the likelihood of conflicts, international crimes, and other kinds of felonies that individual governments cannot adequately cope with. There is therefore a dire need for international interventions to solve these issues when they arise and prevent their occurrence in the...

Discoveries of Other Characters in Three Novels

Introduction Microserfs,a novel by Douglas Coupland is full of interesting characters. These characters have different traits but they are connected by their fascination with the computing world. Daniel Underwood, who is arguably the lead character in the novel, comes to the conclusion that there is life beyond computers. He therefore...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Glass Ceiling: Term Definition

Glass ceiling is a term that has been used to refer to the discrimination that is practiced against some genders or races with a sole intention of preventing them achieve high job profiles within the work place. It is a form of limitation that limits the minorities from getting the...

Global Political Economy: Haiti Emergency Reconstruction

Introduction As the boss of USAID, I herein recommend how the crisis in Haiti would be solved by establishing how to channel development aid to the country for both medium and long-run strategies. Haiti is among the poorest countries in the world and ranks as the sixth poorest country. Currently,...

Accommodation Policies for Special Education: Philippines, Ukraine and China

Educational Policy for Students with Disabilities in the Philippines A fourth of the parents of disabled children in the Philippines are not satisfied with the quality of the education that their children receive, and the Philippines are not known for encouraging complaints. There is a definite divide between the treatment...

Proper Methods of Collecting, Organizing, and Referencing Information

Introduction Carrying out the collection of the right data and making sure they are recorded most appropriately is quite important in coming up with a successful business report. Several methods can help in this process at the time of collecting primary data as well as secondary data (Lehman, 315). When...

Management Skills: Literature Review

The current literature review describes the main qualities and skills possessed by modern managers. Gillard and Price (2005) state that critical thinking is one of the main concepts and practices used by managers to grow and develop their strategic position. Good managers do much more than make good decisions, a...

Young Adults: Exploring Public Service Careers

Introduction McCullough graduated in the year 2007 from the Waterloo University. She decided to take a job in the Public Service Commission. She later transferred to Ottawa to take a position that was offered to her by the Public Service Commission of Canada. There were several things that she found...

The Security Management & Consultant Course

When I first joined the Security Management & Consultant Course, I expected to find it challenging, but what I had not given much thought to was that people from all over the world would be in it with me. It began slowly, with a few minor tasks. The class began...

Futuristic and Real World in the Gattaca Film

The film Gattaca has a futuristic setting; it involves issues that are happening in the world today. Such a case can be depicted in the form of the new DNA programming where children can be tested to know what they will be in future, their strength and weaknesses. This in...

Critical Thinking: Examples From Literature

Introduction Thinking is a complex process that takes place in the human mind and, therefore, is weakly studied by scholars. The ability to think critically, at the same time, is an obvious phenomenon that is manifested in the judgments a person makes and the bases he/she has for those judgments....

The Ireland’s Economic Crisis

Background The “Celtic Tiger” has bowed to the pressure of the global economic crisis. Ireland had gotten this name in the early 1990 when it had become the fastest growing economy and most wealthy nation in Western Europe. One reason for this impressive growth was the low taxes and government...