War for the West in America After the Civil War

Introduction The war for the West in America after the civil war assumes greater significance as the Western inhabitants had to endure years of hardships and misery due to its bad effects. American troop’s war on Lakota (Sioux), a tribal western part of the United States, destroyed the normal life...

Global Production, Outsourcing and Logistics: Hot Topic

Introduction This paper is about the recent news article that appeared in Fox Business, titled ‘Mitsubishi Motors announces Production, Sales and Export Figures for January 2008 (dated February 26th, 2008). The news article gives detailed figures for the company’s performance for January 2008. Figures include its global production, domestic and...

World War I: Wilson Woodrow and League of Nations

Introduction This is an essay that generally talks about some of the events as it appertains to world war I. In it, there is a discussion about Wilson Woodrow and his fight for the League of Nations. Also, the issues that dragged America into the war and the aftermath of...

Gender Stereotyping in the “Pretty Woman” Movie

Introduction Back in the 1990s, the movie Pretty Woman, starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere with Gary Marshal in the director’s chair, created quite a bit of stirring among the feminist supporters of the country. This is because the movie effectively stereotyped women’s roles via its depiction of prostitutes, sexual...

Criminal Justice System: Concepts and Practice

Introduction Policing is one of the three main departments of the Criminal Justice system, other departments include courts and correction. Each department works independently from the other. The main purpose of policing is to investigate suspected criminal activities and refer the results to the courts. Besides investigation, the police department...

Science Fiction: Wells’ “The War of the Worlds”

Science fiction and fantastic literature has been fascinating the readers since its very appearing. It is quite natural for people to dream, and imagine either alternative ways of history, or far future. As the discovering of the secrets which are concealed in space and far galaxies, and also the possibility...

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy as a Pedagogical Tool to Improve Literature Reviews

Without a doubt, one of the most fundamental expectations of any student within a university setting is the ability to read and comprehend empirical research. When a student enters into a graduate setting, he/she is expected to be able to extend a basic understanding of empirical research to a more...

Marketing and Research & Development in India

The article tilted Dow Chem to Turn Pune Unit into R&D Hub provided by the India Supply Chain Council reports about “Dow Chemicals plans to develop its Pune unit into a global research and development centre.” (India Supply Chain Council) The would-be center will focus on a wide range of...

Three Technological Inventions Altered American Society

Technological innovations have influenced society since ancient times. They changed modes of production and the ways people interpreted the world. The main technological innovations which altered society and changed the lives of all Americans completely are airplanes, automobiles, and the Internet. At the beginning of the 20th century, Wilbur and...

Death Explanation in Christian Religion

Human death has been explained in many different ways by the different religions existing in this global world. Death explanation has taken a variety of pathways depending based on the founders of the particular religions. The Christian religion is founded on the divine almighty God, who is believed to have...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hellenistic Period After the Death of Alexander the Great

Hellenistic period (330-30 BCE) covers the death of the Great Alexander in 323 BCE up to the death of Cleopatra and also annexation of Egypt in 30 BCE by the Romans. This period was the age for many kings who were former generals of the great Alexander. Fight for wealth,...

The Threat of Chinese Espionage on the US

The latest report indicating that a Pentagon Official, Gregg William Bergersen has been handing highly classified National Defense information to Chinese operatives in the US comes at a time when there is a growing concern on Chinese Espionages in the United States. This follows an earlier report which indicated that...

Master of Business Administration in Changing World

Globalization and technologies are rapidly changing the world of business. This change of technology leading to globalization is greatly affecting many sectors and departments of organizations as well as governments. Thus the education sector in most developing and developed countries is not spared by these transitions. Many schools are being...

Ibsen’s A Doll’s House: Plot Analysis Essay

Introduction The play A Doll’s House by Henry Ibsen depicts a class conflict and accumulation of wealth, family relations, and the role of marriage. The events reflect the economic and social problems of society and the role of money in the life of the characters. From the very beginning, A...

Beowulf, The National Epic of the Anglo-Saxons

Introducion An epic is a long, narrative poem written in a noble, dignified style and telling of exploits perfumed by great heroes. It differs from other narrative poems in that it has greater dignity and sweep and presents more lifelike characters, Beowulf, the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons, relates how...

Willy Loman Death of a Salesman: Character Analysis

Introduction The Death of a Salesman vividly portrays a life of a middle-class salesman who tries to achieve the American dream and realize his life hopes. Miller writes that, in Loman, he has attempted to personify certain values which civilized men, in the twentieth century, share. In Death of a...

Homelessness and Its Primary Reasons

Introduction Every country in the world, no matter how abundant or easy to live in, will have some proportion of homeless people. These citizens do not have a permanent residence for one reason or another and have to spend their nights in the streets or specialized shelters when any are...

Abner Snopes and Major de Spain as Figures of Authority in Faulkner’s Barn Burning

In Barn Burning, Faulkner manages to explore different themes related to family, authority, violence, and justice. Told from the perspective of a child conflicted by his moral obligations, “Barn Burning” illustrates the dichotomy between two exertions of power – Abner Snopes and Major de Spain. Even though Abner as the...

Sarty Snopes Character Analysis

Faulkner’s Barn Burning is a story reflecting such crucial issues as class conflict and loyalty. The main one is an internal conflict in the mind of the child-protagonist. Despite the conditions in which the character finds himself, he embodies truly noble features, such as sympathy and compassion. He is eager...

The Symbolism of Blood in Barn Burning by William Faulkner

It is generally agreed that different symbols tend to be used as the way of the author’s ideas’ interpretation. In case of Faulkner’s “Barn Burning”, blood might be one of the metaphors which is reclaimed as a reference for either genetic relationships or committed crimes and their consequences. That is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Theme of Deception in The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant

Despite Guy de Maupassant’s ‘The Necklace’ being written in the late XIXth century, this story successfully transports its moral lessons to modern life. The author engages symbolism around the main object of the story, the diamond necklace, and the deep character portrayal of two heroines to reveal the common deceptiveness...

Apple Inc.’s Managerial Accounting Conceptual Model

The purpose of the give memo is to describe the decision-making process for the innovation to be implemented in Apple. The proposed change for the company is releasing a new iPhone lineup with an OLED feature, improved water resistance, better shatter resistance, and a wide-angle camera. Devices will be presented...

Answering Freedom’s Call: Life After Emancipation

Introduction Any social change may become a decisive factor in people’s lives. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 granted rights to people enslaved in seceded areas and created a precedent for the advancement of democratic freedom (Faragher, Buhle, Czitrom, & Armitage, 2016). However, the northern and southern attitudes regarding this process...

Writing Forms and Communication

Over the years man has developed various forms of writing to convey information or messages. The forms include pictographic, ideographic, logographic, phonographic and alphabetic. Pictographic form of writing is where drawings or symbols are used for illustration. Drawings are used to express or transmit ideas. This form of writing has...

Krzysztof Kieslowski’s Trilogy: The “Blue” Film

Blue, white and red are colors that stand for the French people’s revolutionary slogan LibertĂ©, egalitĂ©, fraternitĂ© (liberty, equality and fraternity or brotherhood). Blue, red and white also refers to the powerhouse film trilogy of Polish director, Krzysztof Kieƛlowski. Collectively known as “Trois Colueurs”, this powerhouse trilogy which might have...

Reconstruction: Tackling the Confederacy’s Roots

Introduction The reunited US after the civil war may be described as fascinating melange between completely different worldviews on crucial social issues that permeated all aspects of life, from economic to political. Faragher, Buhle, Czitrom, and Armitage (2012) outline the Reconstruction era as a way for the US to strengthen...

Global Stratification and Local Economies

Global stratification is an inevitable process that has both positive and negative impacts on the local cultures. One of the key benefits of globalization is providing citizens with career opportunities. By creating jobs for the people, especially for those living in Third World Countries, multinational corporations establish a competitive job...

Apple Inc.’s Stockholders’ Equity Analysis

Apple Incorporated has a common stock that is traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC. In 2018, the company had 12,600,000 shares authorized, 4,754,986 shares are issued, and 5,126,201 shares are outstanding (Apple Inc., 2018, p. 40). Apple’s treasury stock for the year 2018 is equal to $0, so it...

Analysis of “The Miller’s Tale” from The Canterbury Tales

Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales exemplify a precious immersion opportunity into not only the Middle Age’s world but into the nature of human redundancy as well. The customs, surrounding realia, and occasional mishaps of various strata of society living in the 14th century are presented in a facetious manner: in the form...

The Emancipation Proclamation in Context

Introduction The 19th century proved to be a definitive period in American history, with the rise of abolitionist, suffrage, and temperance movements, some of which came to fruition promptly, while others became prerequisites for future changes. Of the three mentioned social movements, abolitionism may be one of the most pivotal...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Comparison of the Doctor of Philosophy Degree and the Doctor of Nursing Science Degree

Nursing education gains popularity in the modern world and the United States, in particular, which results in the development of multiple doctoral programs and training courses. In general, there are two basic types of education: research-focused and practice-focused (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, n.d.a). Both of them have a...

Nurse Practitioner: Scope of Practice

Introduction An understanding of the scope of practice is an essential step in the professional development of a nurse practitioner (NP). As a rule, nurses are involved in different procedures, actions, decisions, and procedures, cooperate with other healthcare workers, patients, and their families, and continue improving their skills and knowledge...

Nurse Informaticist’s Role, Requirements and Tasks

Introduction The field of nurse informatics incorporates nursing and information science into a specific area of expertise that requires professionals’ understanding of their role in the process of information systems development. The model called the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) includes six steps that an informaticist needs to follow for...

Microeconomic Tools: Cost-Benefit Analysis

Introduction Microeconomics is a branch of economics that studies how individuals, households, and firms make decisions to allocate limited resources typically in markets where goods and services are being bought and sold. It examines how this decision behavior affects the supply and demand for goods and services, which determine prices,...

Nursing Education Policy and Nephrostomy Care

Introduction The current nursing practice regarding nephrostomy is sufficient to produce positive outcomes for the majority of the patients. However, there is limited evidence to support that existing practice is the best possible one. Adopting an evidence-based Quality Initiative has the potential to produce better outcomes with less expense. Quality...

Car Emissions and Global Warming

Introduction Personal and commercial vehicles that people drive every day represent a significant cause for many environmental problems, including global warming. Together, cars and trucks make up around a fifth of all emissions in the US only, emitting up to 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases Transportation,...

History of Aviation in World War I and World War II

Introduction Aviation history has various periods that crafted its unique story. It began before the seventeenth century and is known for several momentous events that led to its development, such as World War I and World War II. Various events, great minds, and brave pilots contributed to the development of...

The Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention

Introduction The chapter “The Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention” of “The Lexus and The Olive Tree” by Thomas Friedman is devoted to a unique and rather insightful finding. This finding is exclusively the author’s own and has been challenged by some. While McDonald’s is one of the restaurants around...

Madécasse: Business Model Analysis

Introduction A strong competitive advantage is an absolute must in an environment filled with a plethora of companies and where the production costs are comparatively cheap. Madécasse has been long known for its locally produced chocolate of the finest quality, yet the firm may have stumbled upon a problem. Due...

Issues and Controversies in Policing Today

Introduction Policing organizations are the cornerstone of homeland security in all countries, and as comes big responsibility, come many problematic issues that require new approaches and solutions. Out of dozens of issues that 21st-century policing faces, this paper will focus on the damaging narratives regarding police as an institution that...

Veterans’ Civilian Employment Experiences

Introduction The article used for this essay discusses the experience of veterans of the Second Gulf War in their attempts to enter the workforce. The researchers employ four focus groups that consist of employed and unemployed study subjects to gain an experiential understanding of their experience. Keeling, Ozuna, Kintzle, and...

Change Management in Education

Change management in education plays a crucial role determining the main objectives and strategies. Michael Fullan underlines that change in schools and educational establishments should be based on careful analysis of the current situation and future goals of the organization. The author identifies the main issues which influence educational process...

Giac Duyen in “The Tale of Kieu” Poem by Nguyen Du

Introduction The Tale of Kieu is a Vietnamese epic poem written by Nguyen Du in the early 19th century. The work has become a crucial part of Vietnamese literature, with many people believing that it holds great significance to the development of Vietnamese arts and poetry. The story is focused...

Analysis of McDonald’s Corporate Culture

Introduction Any reliable organization is characterized by its unique corporate culture that may be regarded as a combination of particular elements, such as the organization’s values and symbols. Corporate values and beliefs are the core of the organizational culture that forms the fundamental standards of the company’s goals achievement (Gagliardi,...

Nurse Education Design and Planning of Learning

In his Teaching For Quality Learning at University J. Beggs claims: “Through reflective practice, teachers can create an improved teaching environment suited to their own context.” (Beggs 2) Sharing his position the accuracy of which my practice has shown now I will focus on my teaching activities making a reflection...

Aversive Punitive-Based Intervention Strategy: Ethical Scenario

The presented case of the child who bangs his head to attract the attention of parents and other adults is closely related to the behavioral aspects of child psychology. The ethical dilemma is whether an aversive punitive-based intervention strategy is an appropriate way of solving the problem. As the objective...

Care of Nephrostomy Catheter on Renal Compromised Patients

Introduction A nephrostomy is a form of a catheter that is used to prevent the buildup of urine in kidneys thereby protecting against kidney damage. It is usually inserted through the skin on the back to the kidney. Urine from the kidney drains into a bag that can be emptied...

High-Quality Nursing Practice and Needed Skills

Nurses need to facilitate their clients and benefit them that is why it is vital for them to have enough knowledge and well-developed skills (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2016). All patients are different that each of them requires appropriate and unique care (Manley, Hills, & Marriot, 2011). Being a student...

Sustainable Supply Chain Management Article Critique

Introduction The circular economy is a theoretical concept that aims at creating an industrial system. Businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of this concept and see it as a mechanism for generating competitive advantage. This article’s main idea is to address the implications of the supply chain in...

New Framework of Software Reliability Measurement Article Critique

Introduction As a part of computer science, software engineering is responsible for the in-depth study of the design, development, and technical support of software. It aims to meet the challenge of low-quality software development projects. With that said, measuring software reliability is regarded as a crucial concern for software engineers...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Florence Nightingale’s and Personal Nursing Philosophy

Introduction My philosophy of nursing is associated with the assistance to people aimed at improving their health outcomes by providing treatment and also preventative measures. I believe that nursing is the sphere that requires the constant enhancement and evidence-based practices. The rapidly changing environment, innovations in treatment, development of new...

Justin Trudeau in India: Textual Analysis of a Photo

Justin Trudeau is the Prime Minister of Canada and recently a controversial figure in media. He has a habit of wearing the national clothing of the host nation when visiting. This is often seen as insensitive or offensive by commenters. However, multiple photographs of him are available from such visits,...

Mindfulness Practicing: Personal Experience

Introduction It goes without saying that mindfulness cannot be regarded as the solution to all problems. However, the practice of mindfulness-based intervention may have a positive impact on stress reduction and improve life quality. This paper describes my personal experience in mindfulness practicing and explains why I consider mindfulness highly...

Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War

Introduction Thucydides tells a detailed account of the Peloponnesian War, a major military conflict between Greek Powers. At the source of this war lies the conflict around Corcyra, an emerging naval power. After defeating Corinth’s fleet in a dispute over their shared colony of Epidamnus, it established itself as a...

Training Presentation Methods: Lecture vs. PowerPoint

Introduction There is no shortage of debate on which training presentation method is the most effective. In my opinion, the majority of them can be successfully delivered if thoughtfully used and planned ahead. Thus, the method of training I chose is a lecture with a PowerPoint. This essay aims to...

Prison Reform: Rethinking and Improving

Introduction Prison reform should be implemented through ensuring public safety, improve the circumstances of incarceration to create a constructive culture, and develop a model to incentivize behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles conducive to personal self-control and responsibility. First Step Toward Prison Reform The topic of prison reform has been highly debated...

Charlotte Gilman’s Authorial Vision of Women

Most of the stories written by modern female writers reveal their intolerance against the oppressed life of women. Male domination, for several centuries, made them mere domestic animals, denying mobility and individual freedom. The urge to free themselves from this situation, from their domestic prison, is the main thrust of...

Authorial Vision of Women in Gilman’s Short Stories

Charlotte Perkins Gilman The Yellow Paper in The Yellow Paper and Other Stories. Oxford University Press, USA, 1996. This short story portrays oppression of women and negligence her husband which lead the main character to psychological distress and madness. Gilman underlines that women have no freedom limited by false social...

Marina Bay Sands Singapore Hotel’s Marketing

Introduction Marina Bay Sands Singapore Hotel is a luxury hotel and casino on the shores of Marina Bay in Singapore. It is famous for its rooftop Infinity Pool and panoramic views of the whole of Singapore (“Singapore Luxury Hotel”, n. d.). The complex has everything for recreation and entertainment, including...

Performance Appraisal System: Case Study

Introduction In 1985, the chief executive officer (CEO) of Merck established a new committee aimed at analyzing and reviewing personnel practices and policies. The case reveals that the biggest challenge affecting this pharmaceutical company was the best way to reward and identify exceptional and talented workers. The absence of an...

Imperial China. Han vs. Qing Dynasty

The Qin gained power in 221 BC; they existed during the Warring State Period and were the first to unify China. Shi Huangdi, the First Emperor, set the tradition for having emperors as rulers in China. Notably, the Qin was militarily the strongest, but not culturally advanced. They introduced new...

Soccer and Sport as a New Medium of Communication

All form of sports has been of Ritual importance in the community especially when the character of sportsmen/women is based on social attribute. In this case, the athletes become a perfect figure who exemplify the moral value of the community and hence serves as a symbol of those values. Again,...

What Is Healthcare Informatics

The application of information engineering in the field of health is making it possible for practitioners and physicians to improve patient outcomes. Such systems reduce medication errors, transform care delivery, and minimize costs. This discussion gives a detailed analysis of health information technologies (HITs) and their importance in medical practice....

The Harm of High Sugar Intake to Human Health

Introduction Sugar is essential for energy balance and can be found practically in all plants and animal products. However, in modern supermarkets, people buy dozens of varieties of goods with added sugar and consume large quantities of them, which causes various diseases associated with metabolic disorders, cardiovascular problems, and caries....

The Relationship Between Executive Functioning and Weight Loss

Introduction Large-scale work on the topic of childhood obesity conducted in the last eight weeks allows making valuable conclusions regarding this problem and proposing relevant solutions. Skills acquired make it possible to continue research on public health issues and describe new areas that deserve attention. In order to evaluate the...

Researching Childhood Obesity Issues

Childhood obesity is a persistent problem that poses a threat not only to the US but to the global system of health care. Researchers that studied the issue have all reached a consensus that the condition has reached the levels of an epidemic in both developed and developing countries (Koyuncuoğlu...

Telomere Theory of Aging

Telomere Theory Classification The telomere theory of aging completely changed the way researchers approach the process of aging. In studies of different populations, it has been found that as people get old, they have shorter telomeres, which eventually leads to the inability of cells to replicate. As a result, fewer...

Prevalence of Obesity and Severe Obesity in U.S. Children

Introduction The problem of childhood obesity is viewed today as an epidemic that is typical of many developed countries. The reason for concentrating on this issue is that “obesity affects 34% of children in the USA, and is considered a top public health concern due to the high level of...

Collaborative Decision-Making Through Shared Governance

The process of joint decision-making is characterized by different features, including the distribution of roles in a particular team. As a target committee to analyze the interaction of participants, the meeting in the nursing community to help people with disabilities will be considered. The representatives of different medical institutions took...

Patient Safety in the Healthcare Workplace Culture

The provision of quality healthcare services is one of the primary goals of nursing practice. The establishment of a healthcare environment that upholds the essence of patient safety is crucial to fostering the realization of the nursing goal. Patient safety culture in the healthcare environment acknowledges the high-risk characteristic of...

The Tempest and the Contemporary Arts

Introduction No one would deny the fact that Shakespearean works are timeless. They have survived during the centuries and continue to ask readers various questions the answers to which help them to understand the mysteries of life. Drawing parallels between the works of the great poet and playwright helps the...

Sophocles’ Antigone: Critical Analysis Essay

The classic Antigone by Sophocles is one of three plays about Oedipus and his family. It tells of the daughter of Oedipus Antigone, who fights to bring her brother’s corpse home to a proper burial when the new king, Creon, rules against it for his “betrayal” of Thebes. Sophocles uses...

Sophocles’ Antigone: Cause & Effect Essay

There are many instances in the novel “Antigone” that shows the relationship of cause and effect. It is particularly important to recognize such causes and effects for they are simply the highlights of the novel itself. Theses causes and effects are what makes up the novel and without them, the...

The Song of Roland as an Epic Poem

The Song of Roland is considered one of the great epic memorials of medieval French literature. An insignificant historical fact served as basis for this heroic poem, and later on having enriched itself by several later events it had integrated the story of Roland into many literatures throughout the world....

Achilles and Hector in The Iliad by Homer: Comparison

Achilles and Hector are two heroic characters in Homer’s classic Iliad and both these fearless warriors display honour and virtue in their characters. The personal resolve, decisions, behaviour, valour and the commitment shown by these two act as the key to the development of the plot of the book. Both...

Grendel Character in “Beowulf”: An Analysis of Story

The Prentice Hall Literature’s The British Tradition is a volume that chronicles the various timeless themes and classics that have been a part and parcel of the journey of British literature. Used as a textbook, it has a number of stories that help the learner understand the nuances attached with...

Voltaire’s Use of Satire in ‘Candide’

The purpose of Candide according to Voltaire was to “bring amusement to a small number of men of wit”. (Aldridge 1975, p. 251–254) Voltaire’s biographer, Ian Davidson, describes Candide as “short, light, rapid and humorous”. (Davidson 2005, p. 54 52) Voltaire is positioned with Jonathan Swift as one of the...

American Reality vs. American Dream: Death of a Salesman Theme Analysis

Introduction Arthur Miller dramatizes not only the longings and disappointments of a little man in America and the inhuman attitude of the business world towards a man not useful to the organization, but he focuses readers’ attention on the gap between the American dream and the American reality. One of...

Money & Wealth in The Great Gatsby

In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby has set his sights on winning back the only girl he ever felt he loved. Because Daisy is already married to Tom when Gatsby returns from the war and because she has always been a child of privilege, Gatsby reasons that the best way...

Benjamin Franklin vs. Jay Gatsby: Character Comparison

The Great Gatsby deal with contradictions present in a romantic figure, certain troubling discrepancies between appearance and reality which that figure reveals under critical scrutiny. The main character can be compared with Ben Franklin as he possesses the same qualities and virtues. Similar to Ben Franklin, Gatsby value knowledge and...

Character Comparison: “Odyssey”, “Scarlett Latter,” “Troy,” “Hamlet”

The topic of this essay is the comparison of different characters from the masterpieces of world literature and movie-making. The heroes from Homer’s “Odyssey”, Hawthorne’s “Scarlett Latter” and movie characters from Hollywood hits “Troy” and “Hamlet” present a real interest for anybody as they display vividly basic features of a...

Human Issues in Chaucer’s ‘Canterbury Tales’

The Parson and the Plowman The story of Parson can be described as the sermon on virtuous living. Parson may be regarded as the only member of the clergy in Chaucer’s cycle who is depicted in a positive light. Parson, asked by the host Harry Bailly to tell the fable...

Commission on Social Determinants of Health

The Commission on Social Determinants of Health was created in 2005 by the World Health Organization. Its function is to provide support for countries as well as global health partners in managing social determinants that cause health inequities. The Commission is expected to attract attention of governmental bodies and social...

Community Work Mandate in High Schools

Introduction There is no shortage of debate on whether community service must be compulsory for high school students in order to graduate. Educational institutions across the country require students to complete a particular number of hours of volunteer work. On the one hand, compulsory community service supporter claim that it...

Sexual Health: Teaching Plan for Students

Teaching Plan The topic of the class is sexual health. During this class, students will be presented an opportunity to improve their understanding of central challenges in sexual health promotion, racial and socioeconomic disparities in sexual health, and fundamental principles of health promotion. The class is suitable for first-year students...

Person-Centered Type of Care Analysis

Introduction In recent years, reflective practice and person-centered care became highly essential in contemporary nursing. Social care and health budgets are currently under substantial pressure, while the number of senior citizens and patients with disabilities and long-term conditions are continuously growing. For instance, the person-centered approach is especially significant for...

What is the Value of a Master’s Degree in Nursing?

Introduction In the modern competitive job market, advanced knowledge and skills in particular spheres of activities are immeasurably required, and highly qualified workers are more attractive to employers in comparison with mediocre ones. That is why a master’s degree may significantly benefit a person’s career. It will provide the development...

Hepatitis C Intervention in Wynwood Community

Introduction In order to promote the change among the community members living in Wynwood (Miami, Florida) and educate them regarding Hepatitis C, it is necessary to implement the intervention according to the MAPIT model. The components of this model developed in the context of the Healthy People 2020 program are...

Factors Influencing Breast Cancer Screening in Low-Income African Americans in Tennessee

Introduction This article focuses on understanding the factors that are associated with the decision and obstacles to breast cancer screening in African-American women living in Tennessee. In particular, the lifestyle and demographic factors are assessed based on the Meharry Community Networks Program (CNP) survey. Access to healthcare services for breast...

The Approach to the Care of Cancer

Introduction Cancer is considered to be the leading cause of death worldwide. The most common cancers are breast cancer, lung and bronchus cancer, and colorectal cancer. In 2018, the cancer incidence rate was 439 per 100,000 males and females, and the cancer mortality rate was 163 per 100,000 males and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Clostridium Difficile: Methods and Analysis Section of EBP Proposal

Research Design for the Project As the project is based mainly on the evidence-based practice proposal, it will focus primarily on reducing and preventing Clostridium difficile (C. diff) infection incidence among health care workers through the implementation of hand hygiene practices (Dubberke et al., 2014). The variables that could be...

Collection Methods in a SIEM

Introduction SIEM is referred to as the process of grouping data from multiple sources, including databases, network security devices, operating systems and applications, for security management (Amoroso, 2012). The SIEM technology performs a myriad of operations; nevertheless, the collection functionality is the most critical. The modern SIEM technology has been...

Discussion of Ethical Considerations

Introduction Business ethics is fundamental to management as it affects organizational culture and long-term success. Ethical decision-making is also essential for organizations to maintain the transparency and trust of their clients. Still, in making ethical decisions, managers must consider the consequences of various actions and alternatives. In the case provided,...

Epidemiology and Clinical Presentation of Pressure Ulcers

Introduction The present project aims to identify the epidemiology and clinical presentation of pressure ulcers as one of the most disturbing issues that may develop in patients staying in bed for a long time. The definition of pressure ulcer, as well as its complications and diagnosing procedures, will be presented....

Nursing Challenges and Evidence-Based Policies

Introduction Nurses should monitor the major issues their patients face and consider appropriate procedures to empower them. The paper below outlines my challenges as a nurse and the best strategies to tackle them. It also describes my future objectives and how I will transform my community. The final part categorizes...

Clinical Judgment and Nursing Education

The nursing profession suffers from a shortage of well-educated, experienced professionals that can fill a variety of roles. The question of improving teaching and learning methods becomes relevant, as nursing education is still developing. This essay discusses appropriate theoretical and practical approaches for the situation in the present and future....

American vs. British Healthcare Framework

Introduction The goal of healthcare frameworks in all countries is to ensure that citizens and non-citizens receive quality and affordable medical services. Many countries, including the U.S., have established systems that are meant to help in achieving this objective. Hence, it is crucial to examine the structure of the U.S....

Martha Rogers – Science of Unitary Human Beings

Introduction Nursing is an evolving field since it borrows a lot from modern researchers and medical practitioners. The videos viewed in class present some of the leading theorists who managed to influence the quality of care available to many patients. The discussion below focuses on the video “Martha Rogers –...

Giltinane’s “Leadership Styles and Theories” Review

Introduction The assigned topic seeks to examine the role of effective leadership in nursing practice. The discussion is a case study focusing on the article “Leadership Styles and Theories” by Charlotte Giltinane. The purpose of this paper is to offer a succinct summary of the selected article and how the...

Kentucky’s State Strategies for Improving Medicaid

Rationale Expanding access to qualified healthcare was the key condition of the state Medicaid program, and Kentucky was among the first country’s states to implement the terms of this reform (Benitez, Creel, & Jennings, 2016). One of the basic provisions was to provide freer access to health insurance services since...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sunflower Inc.: Company Case Analysis

Loretta Williams was hired by Sunflower Inc., a large distribution company of alcohol and snack products, as the director of Pricing and Purchasing. She identified the problems with Sunflower and made a plan to counter them. The plans were: To standardize the pricing and purchasing decision in the short-run. In...

Leadership Styles and Theories in Healthcare

Introduction Leadership is a very important subject in nursing and healthcare. This process includes interacting and coordinating the efforts of various groups as well as serving as part of a coordinated effort. Knowing and understanding leadership theories is key for successful healthcare management. The article by Giltinane (2013) provides an...

Giltinane’s “Leadership Styles and Theories” Article

Introduction Numerous theories try to explain why leaders deploy different strategies for managing healthcare institutions. Leadership styles are classified based on qualities that managers exhibit. The objective of this paper is to provide a summary of a study by Charlotte Louise Giltinane titled “Leadership Styles and Theories.” The goal entails...

‘Beauty is Skin Deep’: Empty Words for Women

Society puts way too much emphasis on outward physical appearance. Women especially are impacted by this societal flaw. Women throughout history have dealt with significant barriers to their well-being and restrictions on their abilities. Although society has come a long way in terms of providing women with chances to express...

Leadership Styles and Theories in Nursing

Introduction The aim of the paper is the review the article “Leadership Styles and Theories” by Giltinane (2013). Firstly, the scholar’s main observations regarding leadership qualities and their possible effects on employee performance in clinical settings will be summarized. In addition, considering the evidence provided by Giltinane (2013), it will...

Giltinane’s “Leadership Styles and Theories” in Healthcare

Introduction Leadership is a complex concept that may refer to a plethora of skills, qualities, and competencies simultaneously. According to Giltinane (2013), it comprises the provision of support to team members, motivation, communication, emotional intelligence, and so forth. At the same time, different leader qualities and skills are associated with...

Care and Critical Transitions: Planning a Nursing Study

Introduction While often overlooked, transitional nursing (TN) plays a crucial role in providing proper care. The phenomenon of TN involves the set of strategies and approaches used to make the process of transferring a patient from one setting to another as carefully and seamlessly as possible (Brumm, Theisen, & Falciglia,...

Research Evidence Appraisal Tool

During the perioperative period, many health care professionals use the recommendations and instructions detailed in scientific studies. Because there are many scientific and unscientific ideas on how to care for patients, it is necessary to be able to determine the level of evidence for a particular method, as not all...

Istanbul’s Economy and Demographics

Economy of Istanbul Istanbul is an economically developed city that combines the industry, tourism, and transportation sectors. Its GDP in 2017 amounted to one-third of Turkey’s GDP, or 970 billion Turkish liras (Kistak, 2018). The beneficial geographical location of Istanbul, as well as the history of its economic development and...

Nursing: Rosemarie Parse’s Human Becoming Theory

Introduction The work of Rosemarie Parse has affected the modern perception of patient-nurse relations and expanded the role that nurses play in the healthcare system. She developed the theory of human becoming – a depiction of an ideal dynamic that nurses were to upkeep with their patients. The chosen video...

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Dominican Republic Developing a Democracy

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Augustine’s Legacy: “City of Gods” as the Main Aspects of His Work

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Conductor’s Preparation for Rehearsal

One of the essential attributes of a good conductor is not so much a conductor’s wand as a highly developed musical ear. The conductor should be able to separate the individual tones and chords in the polyphony of sounds, as well as be able to summarize them all together when...

Organizational Culture in Healthcare

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Big Data and Data Mining in Healthcare Education

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Employment Law: Unfair Dismissal in the UK

In the UK, one of the main conditions for recognizing termination as legal is the criterion of reasonableness. For instance, an employment tribunal may consider that, despite the absence of a requirement for mandatory notification of dismissal in the law and the contract with the employee, the employer should nevertheless...

Spiritual Wellness: A Journey Toward Wholeness by Hrabe

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Major Components of Medicaid and Medicare

Introduction Government-sponsored insurance is a critical source of medical costs covered in the United States. Medicare and Medicaid are two main types of insurance available from the U.S. government, and each of them applies to different patient populations. Together with the Social Security program, they provide assistance to vulnerable populations...

Bullying Among Nursing Staff

Issue and Solution The problem discussed in the present paper is workplace bullying in the nursing field. In this day and age employers and policymakers are starting to consider the wellbeing of the workforce as one of the major contributing factors to performance efficiency. It is unfortunate that bullying in...

Philosophical Approach to Addictions

Introduction For a medical professional, philosophical approaches, especially to various health conditions, should be based on evidence. The latter can come from peer-reviewed research, as well as the recommendations of relevant organizations, including the American Psychiatric Association [APA] (2013) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse [NIDA] (2018b). However, philosophical...

Opportunities in Logistics Outsourcing

Expediency of Transition to Logistics Outsourcing in the Manufacturing Industry Today, many enterprises involved in the manufacturing industry transfer the authority to perform their key logistics functions to outsourcing firms. According to Cortinhal, Lopes, and Melo (2015), this trend is due to the fact that such companies are ready to...

Understanding the Financial Language of the Practicum Site

Along with the competence in motivating employees and ensuring high-quality care, leader nurses are expected to be conversant in financial issues related to health concerns. As proposed by the American Nurses Association (ANA), financial awareness promotes a greater understanding of the ways to improve care and reduce costs (Halladay, 2015)....