Interventions to Address the Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea

Introduction Cancer is one of the most severe and dangerous diseases in the contemporary world, and oncologic patients suffer not only from numerous adverse consequences of this condition but also from various side effects of the treatments for this disease. In particular, chemotherapy, among other side effects, induces nausea, and...

Multiple Learning Styles and Strategies

Introduction Available literature demonstrates that students use different styles, strategies, and preferences to receive and process information in learning contexts (Chen, Jones, & Moreland, 2014). The differences in learning style and preference have continued to attract increasing attention as scholars attempt to develop ways that could be used to align...

Oman Oil and Shell Companies’ Customer Service

Introduction Achieving competitiveness in the market requires the establishment of appropriate strategies in the supply chain process. The amount of revenue generated by a company determines the competitiveness and long term survival of the company in the market. In the modern economic environment, competition has intensified in all sectors around...

Human Services and Professional Competencies

Introduction Human beings are the most complex things on earth as agreed by most of the philosophers and socialists. Not only the human body, rather human nature is difficult to predict and understand in various situations. Since human psychology is difficult to understand at times, this generates social issues and...

Racism and Its Definition Challenge

As far as the author is concerned, just like bacteria, the definition of the word race has been changing as time goes by. This is much faster than what many academicians can be understood to define it. There are various implications of this argument and statement from the author but...

History of the Affordable Care Act and Ethics

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, was adopted in 2010, and the purpose of the law was to provide proper health care services to more people in the United States who had been deprived of access to such services. Although the legislation was approved by many...

Health Systems Global Organization’s Project and Partnership

Identified Organization The targeted organization for this discussion is the Health Systems Global (HSG). This global organization attracts members from different parts of the world. The agency focuses on new ideas to promote global health systems (“History,” 2017). The organization’s actions include: promoting the acquisition of new information in health,...

Melbourne Manufacturing Company’s Hedging Options

As the CFO of Melbourne Manufacturing, Shiela Forbes needs to draw a conclusion on whether to hedge while realizing the sale of a turbine generator. The deal between the US-based Melbourne Manufacturing and the UK-based Crown involves ÂŁ5,000,000. The sale is organized in February, and the payment will be completed...

Should Athletes Be Held to a Higher Moral Standard?

Introduction The debate about athletes and higher moral standards sparks whenever there is an ethical scandal involving athletes. It happened after Lance Armstrong was found using drugs to increase his performance rates and win Tour de France seven times in a row (Ingle); it was brought up after many members...

Psoriasis Diagnosis and Evaluation

Psoriasis Psoriasis is a disease characterized by red itchy patches on such places of one’s body as elbows, knees, back, face, head, feet, and palms (MedlinePlus, 2017b). Patches of thick red skin can appear in other areas of the body as well. According to Lowes, Suárez-Fariñas, and Krueger (2014), psoriasis...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Jules Ferry’s Speech “On Colonial Expansion”

Introduction Jules Ferry’s speech on “On Colonial Expansion” from 1884 addresses his thoughts on the need for imperial expansion of France. His speech covers a variety of arguments for expansion from economic to military ones. It outlines the issues that he believes need to be solved through imperial expansion and...

Engineering: Luggage Spring Balance

What is the luggage spring balance? The Salter brothers invented the spring balance in Bilston in 1760 (British history online 2013). There are several kinds of spring balances that are used for different purposes. This report seeks to discuss a luggage spring balance. A simple definition of a luggage spring...

The Hispanic Population’s Health in the USA

Population identification and the rationale During this course, I would like to study the Hispanic population in the USA. This group is targeted as it is one of the largest national groups in the USA that currently comprises more than 55 million people according to the official data (Hispanic Americans...

Class Sizes and Student Performance Research Methodology

Research Methodology Research Problem Due to the economic downturn, the State of Georgia’s legislature passed a bill that eliminated size limits for the class, including both regular and special education students. In addition to the state’s change, Henry County has made a new policy that affects social studies and science...

Patient Case: Donald Suicidal Behaviors

Questions to Consider What symptoms of psychosis does Donald display, and how long have these symptoms been evident? In the case study, Donald displays delusions and hallucinations, as he perceives himself as being demon possessed. He also displays dramatic mood changes such as depressed moods, lack of self-awareness resulting to...

Clinical Systems Informatics Solutions

The three clinical systems I did not know existed in our organization are the computer-based online patient record (CPR), telemedicine system (TMS), and the health information system (HIS). CPR: Computer-Based Online Patient Record Description The system makes health records of both the outpatient and inpatient clients available online in a...

B. F. Skinner’s Behaviorism and Biography

Abstract B. F. Skinner was a distinguished psychologist renowned for advancing various theories on human behavior. His works received critical reviews from numerous scholars. This paper analyses three journals, each providing a different point of view on behaviorism as suggested by Skinner. Delprato and Midgley’s “Some Fundamentals of B. F....

Gray Construction Company’s Business Communication

Current Status of Organization Gray Construction is a family-owned construction company that has offices in multiple American and Canadian cities as well as a branch in Tokyo, Japan. This company offers services in engineering, construction, and architecture to its customers (Gray Construction, 2017a). The company has a developed approach to...

The US Common Core Curriculum

Summary of the main points discussed in the article The author of this article looks at the debate surrounding the US common core curriculum about the common core curriculum standards. The author narrates the concerns raised about the pace at which the new common core curriculum is being implemented. The...

Gnosticism as the Dualist Concept of Religion

Introduction Modern mainstream religions such as Christianity cannot be clearly understood without examining their historical past. Gnosticism is an ancient religious faith that is believed to have influenced people’s beliefs for many years. Many scholars of theology and historians acknowledge that Gnosticism has led to numerous philosophical concepts, religious ideologies,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Integration of Theory into Nursing Practice

The integration of theory into nursing practice can be discussed as a challenging process because many nurses do not understand the role of theory in their work, and they are more focused on completing patient-oriented tasks. In their article, Tracy and DiNapoli (2012) discussed how it is possible to apply...

The Law and Business Activity Aspects

Introduction At the center of liberated communities and civilizations is the presence of an autonomous economy, constituting of businesses authorized to carry out their actions without any meddling from weighty policies and demands from legal authorities. We also have to consider that business cannot be carried in the absence of...

Toyota Company’s Management and International Relations

Provided that I had to represent a multinational corporation such as Toyota in negations over building a factory in a foreign country, I would ask the host government for several concessions. First of all, I would ask for tax concessions that should be offered to Toyota for at least two...

The First Amendment’s Relevance

The First Amendment to the US Constitution is an important initiative that regulates not only the life of American society but also the functioning of state bodies (Stone et al. 21). According to this document, residents of the country have the right to confess any religion that they want, and...

“Adolescent Alcoholism and Drug Addiction” by Choate

Clarity of Article in the Abstract, Introduction, and Its Title The article under review revolves around the issue of drug addiction among teenagers and its effects on their respective families. Remarkably, drug addiction is a problem that continues to affect several contemporary families (Campa, Martinez, & Baum, 2017; Knudsen, 2018;...

Sears Company’s Economic Improvement

Sears change the total reflection In any organization that is customer-oriented and goal-oriented, changing is an inevitable strategy to be incorporated into the strategies of the organization in order to achieve the missions and the visions of the organization. It is therefore worth mentioning that the changes incorporate by Sears...

Gabrielle Douglas – An American Beauty

Introduction Globally, American beauty has been very exceptional. The American people define beauty. American’s normally accomplished greater things in diverse engagements. The exceptional accomplishments in areas such as TV shows, media, music, sports, and politics define beauty. Most importantly, great achievers in America are normally lauded by everyone. Evidently, some...

Advocacy and Nurse-Patient Ratios

Introduction Healthcare system in the US has many flaws that require legislative change. Nurses, being the primary and most numerous practitioners of medicine, are intimately aware of the problems that get in the way of proper healthcare. This is why nurses are urged to share their experience and step into...

Sarah DeLappe’s Play “The Wolves”

There are different ways of getting acquainted with writers’ works, such as reading a book, watching a film, or attending a theatrical performance. Out of these three, the latter seems to have the greatest impact on the audience. A play is different from a book in that it presents characters...

Pressure Ulcer Treatment in Emergency Department

The risk of developing pressure ulcers both in intensive care units and in usual hospital settings predetermined the need to find solutions to this nursing problem. The possibilities of modern medicine make it possible to competently approach the struggle against ulcers, and in many hospitals, new modern protocols have been...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Economic Efficiency and Principles

How economics would approach the problem of alcohol abuse Drug abuse is a problem that faces most countries. Various groups of people have suggested a number of ways to resolve the problem. Examples of ways that can be used to solve the problem of alcohol abuse are scientific, social, medical,...

Pulling the Trigger: Evaluating Criminal Gun Laws

The current issues of the world are centered on peace and proper conditions for the life of people. One of the controversial and problematic arguments of the present day is gun control laws. There are those who are convinced that allowing more guns to be in production and usage will...

The Unethical Issue at Work: Case Analysis

Introduction Ethical behavior is something good since it empowers human beings to demonstrate desirable attributes such as dignity, fairness, integrity, honesty, and equality. The concept of ethics guides individuals to act by their social values, norms, and practices. The principle is also applicable in different settings such as learning institutions...

Group Counseling for Children and Disabled People

What are some concerns about doing groups with children? Working with children is always a complicated process as no matter how long one works with this category and how much experience one has, each time work is a hard affair with a great many difficulties. Working with children, one is...

Ranking Systems: FIFA and US College Football

Introduction Sport championships and leagues all over the world revolve around the spirit of competition that is maintained through the application of systems of ranking. Such systems determine how points are assigned to teams or individual competitors in order to identify the strongest ones and assign trophies fairly. It goes...

Undergraduate Research Forum for Nurses

Overview Undergraduate Research Forum (URF) is a platform for students of Miami, Florida that aims to promote research academic experience. Students of any major are eligible to participate in this scholarly activity. They may apply online and prepare their presentation in any form: individually, in groups, as a community project,...

“In re Gault”: Due Process Rights of Juveniles

Before the 1960s, children and adolescents had no clearly stated due process rights set according to the standards of the juvenile justice system. The situation changed in 1967 with reference to the case of Gerald Gault when the U.S. Supreme Court formulated the due process rights of juveniles (Wills, 2017)....

“A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Jarvis Thomson

Introduction The modern society is concerned about the increased number of abortions. Some people consider such medical interventions to be a murder, whereas other theorists promote the opposite point of view that seems to be unacceptable at first. The following paper will discuss and summarize the main aspects of the...

Personal and Formal Writing: Letters Analysis

A Letter to a Friend Hi, Paul! I’m sorry I haven’t been writing for a while, but I was really up to my neck in work. But what happened today made me so upset that I just need someone to see me through this crisis. I know you’ll have some...

Human Progress in Renaissance and Modern Society

Introduction The Renaissance is one of the turning points in the history of the development of the world. This era changed the direction and pace of human progress. Such processes significantly affected European countries. Life of regular people, as well as of aristocracy, became different and more resembling the life...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Attachment Theory and Its Perspectives

What does the Theory Study? Attachment theory is a psychological model that tries to describe the work of interpersonal relationships mechanism. The theory cannot be regarded as general because it attempts at researching topics that are more specific. For instance, it touches upon the types of reactions that people show...

Advanced Nursing Practitioner’s Roles and Goals

Advanced Practice Nursing Role South University provides consistent training to prepare high-quality nursing specialists. The university offers a wide range of study areas including educational programs for Nursing Practitioners. The role of this specialist is critical for medical practice. Thus, an Advanced Nursing Practitioner is a nurse that provides primary...

Pay Systems in American Private Organizations

Abstract Employees’ compensation is an important factor that management of firms must take into consideration when coming up with strategic plans. Cornerstone CafĂ©’s compensation system is poor and will need to be reviewed to match that of other similar firms within the region. Introduction Employee compensation is one of the...

Globalization Effect on Small and Medium Size Business

Introduction This section will introduce the paper based on the concept that globalization and development of SMEs may not be separated from each other. The two aforementioned variables will form the core conceptual frameworks that will be deliberated through the paper. However, other sub-variables such as those related to socio-economic...

Employee Unionization and Recruitment Process

Why the Nursing Staff May Want To Unionize The quest to unionize could be informed by the desire to get better pay. In support of this statement, some nurses in The Saga of Truly Good Hospital were complaining about low salary increments. The desire to get proper remuneration is highlighted...

Drug Test on Welfare Recipients

Article Analysis The article by Schoenbach and Mitchell (2013) discusses various factors that are against drug tests on welfare applicants and recipients. The authors state that compulsory drug tests, according to Senate Bill 594, inserts excessive financial problems on stressed families and to the country. The drug test on welfare...

The Yvonne Learning Center Health Literacy Program

Introduction Being a health literate is one of the essential characteristics any individual should have. Nevertheless, people, and especially minors living in low-income urban areas are not aware enough of the need to be self-sufficient in terms of their health (Marks, 2012). Thus, community nurses must take an important role...

Florida Legislature on Primary Care in 2017

Florida Legislature The Florida Legislature consists of two houses, namely, the House of Representatives and the Senate. The legislature is situated in Tallahassee at the Florida State Capitol. Currently, the legislature consists of 160 legislators, 120 of them belong to the House of Representatives and 40 – to the Senate....

Disturbed Sensory Perception as Nursing Diagnosis

Introduction A nurse should determine the presumptive nursing diagnosis that furnishes details of the concrete symptoms of the illness and defines the patient’s problems. It is defined after collecting the essential information about the health condition and the personal data of the patient. The suppositional nursing diagnosis is required to...

Carnival Cruise Lines: Business Level Strategy

Introduction The carnival cruises marketing plan is considered the most successful company. It controls up to 44% of the cruise industry worldwide. It runs ten different cruise lines, and it boasts to be the world’s largest night cruise company. The company operates in the Bahamas, Caribbean, Alaska, Hawaii, Europe, Mexican...

Inheritance in Capitalism and Ethical Grid

Background In their book “Moral issues in business,” the authors William H. Shaw seeks to demystify the notion that inheritance is justified by capitalism by examining the works of D.W Haslett. He explores this concept from a wealthy point of view rather than an income point of view where he...

Relationship Education Program and Its Evaluation

The United States of America is one of the world’s largest countries with the third biggest population; this country is also one of the most diverse in terms of population composition and the presence of different communities, cultures, and ethnicities. This mixture of different population groups works both as a...

Organizational Culture Importance: Disney and Fox Companies

Introduction Organizational culture is a very important aspect for any company. It promotes the company’s values and fosters the performance of employees. The Walt Disney Company and Fox Broadcasting Company are two entertainment giants that are famous for their unique methods of business dealing. The main goal of this paper...

Five Principles of the US Politics

Introduction The governance and politics of US are extensively complex. The American law partitions state authorities and errands amongst the executive, legislative, and lawful components in order to segregate power and bestow various authorities to varying arms of government. According to the authors of this chapter, the move was to...

Restraint and Seclusion Evidence-Based Project’s Variables

Introduction Restraint and seclusion are considered some of the more inhumane practices in modern medicine. The presented evidence-based project is designed to address this issue by reducing the instances of restraint and seclusion in hospitals through higher quality of care being provided to the patients, patient-focused interventions, and even introduction...

Biomedical Legislation and Euthanasia

National Legislation Legitimizing Mercy Killing Mercy killing can be regarded as an option in various settings as people often have no strength or patience to endure pain. Supporters of the legitimization of euthanasia emphasized this matter (Leming & Dickinson, 2015). Furthermore, many people believe that euthanasia is closely related to...

Responsibility in the Nursing Workplace

Background Although the concept of responsibility might not seem like a difficult one to grasp, it often eludes members of healthcare (DĂĽchting 11). The specified phenomenon can be attributed to the fact that following a set of rigid ethical standards in the environment that can be described as extremely challenging...

Information Technology Professional in Healthcare

Information technology (IT) has become an essential aspect of any healthcare organization, which results in the necessity to have IT specialists in these establishments. According to Wager, Frances, and Glaser (2017) the roles of them differ, as they can be engaged in activities “from customizing a software application to setting...

Health Information Exchange: Definition and Components

Definition The phenomenon of Health Information Exchange (HIE) is typically rendered as the process of gathering, processing, and distributing health-related data by the corresponding facilities within a specific community (Hoyt & Yoshihashi, 2014). To put it simply, HIE implies the design of a proper data management strategy in the healthcare...

Islamic State and Values of Human Rights

Introduction Muslims worship a God known as Allah. The believers acknowledge that there are numerous similarities between religion and Christianity. This paper gives a reflection and analysis of Islamic culture using the ideas gained from the movie “Islam in America”. The essay seeks to explain how an Islamic state can...

Language Testing: Criteria and Techniques

Criteria of a good test Content validity is one of the criteria used to determine a good test. A test is said to be good if its content represents a representative part of language skilfulness and construction among others with which it should deal with. Content validity in grammar is...

Master’s Education in Nursing and Its Essentials

Abstract The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) identified nine expected outcomes of master’s-level education in nursing. It is recognized that master’s-prepared nurses are expected to be able to translate their academic and scientific knowledge into clinical practice, to integrate scholarly findings of topical research into the operation of...

Ancient Greek Marble Column from Artemesium

The Chosen Example The craftsmanship of architects from ancient Greece is so outstanding that it still influences the current architectural designs. The Met (2018) presents some pieces of classical Greek architecture. One of these sculptures is the “marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis” (The Met, 2018, para....

SmarTrans Product’s Quality and Performance

Value Proposition The primary value of SmarTrans as a company product is to create an efficient and optimized parking service within an urban environment. It addresses one of the critical issues of finding parking in a city setting which may be caused due to inefficiency, poor urban planning, or overcrowding....

Animals Usage in Laboratory Research

Introduction Modern technology has allowed scientists to make a considerable step ahead in many spheres of medicine. While the results of the research suggest beneficial outcomes for the present and future of mankind, not all of the methods employed in such studies are humane enough. Apart from special equipment, scientists...

Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology

Difference between generalized and focal brain disorders Basically, general brain disorders are those that affect the entire part of the brain. Focal brain disorder affects a specific part of the brain due to minor injuries. For instance, when one is injured with a bullet, the damage may be confined in...

IPhone 6 Description and Its Complexity Factors

Introduction Lodorfos, Mulvana, and Temperley (2006) argue that the term complexity is extremely hard to define. However, researchers believe that the term focuses on a phenomenon that arises from different interacting forces or factors. That being the case, there are numerous complexity factors involved whenever describing a given product. The...

Ayurvedic Medicine in “Second Opinion with T. R. Reid”

Introduction Ayurveda is a comprehensive system of medical knowledge integrating the information on disease prevention and management, human temperaments and physiology, as well as healthy lifestyles. The given school of medicine has existed in India for over several thousand years and influenced the development of many other traditional healthcare schools,...

Managerial Work, Functions and Challenges

Typical activity patterns in managerial work It has been revealed that managers usually do not have definite patterns of their activities in their managerial work. Sometimes, managers may spend their free time alone in their offices, interact with their juniors/ subordinates, or attend scheduled and unscheduled meetings. Importantly, some consistency...

Weaknesses and Strengths of Reasoning Types

Abstract There are several merits and demerits of different types of human reasoning. To begin with, reasoning can be empirical, ideological, or comparative. This paper focuses on the weaknesses and strengths, of these types of reasoning. Introduction The process of interpretation and making inferences about a certain subject, which is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Perceptual Foundations of Language Development

Explain how the interactive practices between adults and young children promote language development. Why is the approach you chose better than the other approaches? The nativist interpretation is the most logical of all psychological approaches to childhood language development. This is because each human being is endowed with an innate...

Starbucks Company’s Information Technology Approaches

Introduction Starbucks Corporation uses a powerful business model to produce and market its products to many customers across the globe. With over 182,000 employees, the company remains a leading roaster and retailer of quality coffee. It also has numerous brands that support its business image such as Starbucks VIA, Seattle’s...

Maternal Health Nursing

Definition of Nursing In the Maternal Role-Attainment Theory, Ramona Mercer fails to give a clear definition of the nursing meta-paradigm. However, the theory goes further to argue that nursing is “a science that emerges from the turbulent transition from adolescence to adulthood” (Thomas & Zimmer-Gembeck, 2012, p. 256). The scientific...

Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources

Is airline travel safer in terms of terrorism today than before 9/11? Why or why not? Airline travel is safer now in terms of terrorism than it was before the events of 9/11. This is because prior to the attack, there had been intelligence reports that Osama bin Laden would...

Referral Reasons for Dietary Nutrition Assessment

What Are Some Initial Areas for Concern? The primary things to worry about are the patient’s body weight and a request for pills. The problem with concentration is most likely associated with these issues. Medical considerations involve anemia, thyroid disease, vitamin deficiency, and substance abuse. It is necessary to calculate...

Musical for Kids: “Seussical”

Seussical is a spectacular musical for kids, which is based on the books of Dr. Seuss. The plots of several stories intricately intertwine in order to create a totally unprecedented magical world full of fantastic creatures and breathtaking adventures of the Cat, Horton the Elephant, and his small friend Jojo....

Fabulous Cosmetics Company: Marketing Management

Marketing mix According to Stone (2001) the marketing mix comprises four components commonly referred to the 4ps. They include the price, product, promotion and distribution (place). The marketing mix of the Fabulous Cosmetics was formulated using the SMART principles. Marketing objectives and goals The following are the specific marketing objectives...

Policy Process in Nursing: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Policies The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2018) works towards improving the state of healthcare in the United States. The foundation explores many spheres of healthcare, including nursing. In its initiative, called “Charting Nursing’s Future,” the foundation examines and prioritizes a number of issues. First of...

Emaar Properties Company’s Entry into Astana

Company Description Emaar Properties is a company from the United Arab Emirates that provides real estate management and development services. Founded in 1997, it quickly reached the status of the leader in the local market through diversification of activities to hospitality, residential, and commercial property segments. Following a successful IPO...

Field Trip to the Golden Dragon Parade

Introduction In my perception, Chinese Ney Year is inseparably linked to rich symbolic imagery, ancient superstitions, delicious foods, and colorful festivals. It is possible to say that the Golden Dragon Parade, which takes place in the Chinatown of Los Angeles every year since the very beginning of the 20th century...

Communicative Approach for Project Delay

Introduction Project managers are cognizant of the fact that project completion can be jeopardized by a variety of factors that include, but are not limited to the absence of key project members, change in project specifications, and technical problems. All projects are susceptible to the unavoidable risk of delays; therefore,...

Online Education Courses for Starting a Business

Introduction Although successful as an entrepreneur may depend largely on energy, luck, timing, and a great idea, there are skills and knowledge that are also crucial to launching a business. Although some folks are blessed naturally with the ability to effectively sell their concept or product, as well as an...

London Olympic Games’ Public Art Program

Introduction The best way to enjoy an unforgettable view of London is by visiting the observation deck of ArcelorMittal Orbit in the former Olympic Park. ArcelorMittal Orbit is a unique synthesis of art, architecture, and engineering. The construction was designed by Kapoor and Balmond and is an iconic image of...

College Benefits and Lack of Guaranties

Introduction College is a costly endeavor that is considered almost mandatory in the modern society. However, is it necessary for every person to attend college? Isabel Sawhill and Stephanie Owen argue that college is not the best option for everyone. They provide both qualitative and quantitative arguments to support their...

Medicine: CDS Organization Leadership Model

Abstract The advantage of transformational leadership if compared to the transactional one is that, instead of maintaining status-quo, it allows a leader to adjust the performance of the staff to the requirements of a complicated situation. Therefore, transformational leadership is a number one choice for a CDC director. Having accepted...

“Soldier’s Home and Out of Season” by Ernest Hemingway

The themes of alienation and isolation frequently occur in the short stories by Hemingway. The writer focuses on the separation of the protagonists from the outer world by creating circumstances and situations that prevent him/her from establishing relations with other people. Soldier’s Home and Out of Season are among the...

Restraint and Seclusion in Healthcare

Introduction Restraint and seclusion (RS) are some of the controversial methods that are commonly used in healthcare. Restraint stands for the physical restriction of patients’ ability to move freely with the help of chemical, mechanical, or physical means (Muir-Cochrane, Baird, & McCann, 2015). Seclusion represents the confinement of patients in...

Lesson Plan: Growing Sunflower

Category Sets Ambitious and Measurable Achievement Goals aligned to the IN Math & Science standards This lesson plan is meant for first-grade learners. The lesson aims at elaborating the understanding of different features of a mature sunflower and relating these scientific concepts such as factors that support its growth, colors,...

The McMartin Preschool and Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology Judy Johnson reported to the police about her child’s sexual molestation. It led to the arrest of Ray Buckey. There was a need to involve forensic experts in child psychology to determine the severity of the allegations (Bertel, 2012). The prosecutor, the defense, and the jury would rely...

Nurse Practitioners’ Work Features

Should an NP who is educationally prepared as an acute care NP work in an adult primary care setting? A nurse practitioner (NP) who is educationally prepared as an acute care NP should not work in an adult primary setting because of several reasons. All NPs have to be certified...

Guidance and Coaching in Nursing Care

Guidance and coaching are essential components of work for an advanced practice nurse (APN). Dossey and Hess (2013) state that the purpose of coaching in nursing is “to advocate, identify, and focus on factors that promote health, healthy people, and healthy communities” (p. 10). Thus, a nurse engaged in coaching...

Human or Humankind: “Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles

The Sphinx had asked Oedipus to crack a riddle, and if he succeeded, she promised to take her own life. The riddle went like this “What goes on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon and three in the evening?” (Dawe 130). Oedipus responded by saying that the...

John Hopkins Hospital’s Systems and Structures

Analysis of Systems and Structures of the Johns Hopkins Hospital In this part of the study, the reporting structure of John Hopkins Hospital is analyzed. A Board of Governors oversees the organization’s activities. It has authority over the hospital’s administration, which is the second-tier of management. Within this structure, the...

Six Sigma Tools and Decision-Making Models

DMADV The DMADV framework is typically viewed as the auxiliary tool used along with the DMAIC approach as a part of the Six Sigma philosophy. DMADV involves the following stages: Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Modify (Kubiak & Benbow, 2009a). As shown above, the framework does not have the control- and...

“Let’s Move” Intervention for Childhood Obesity

Introduction During the last several years the United States faced a new health issue that was not so critical before. Childhood obesity turned out to be a crucial problem, as the number of persons who suffer from it has quadrupled over the last thirty years (Dawes, 2014). With the development...

“Second Meditation” a Work by Descartes

In the “Second Meditation”, Descartes operates on concepts the core of which seems impossible to doubt. At the beginning of this meditation, he claims that there are no thoughts since he has convinced himself that there is nothing in the world. However, he further comes to a conclusion that he...

Transgender-Associated Stigma in Healthcare

Introduction Transgender individuals are people who assume a gender definition of identity that differs from gender assigned to them at birth. This social group experiences a diverse range of hardships that originate from social stigma caused by social transphobia. The results of the said stigma include social isolation, economic challenges,...

Physical Activity and Sedentary Lifestyle Issue

In the contemporary western world where people’s lives do not require much physical activity on a daily basis, sedentary lifestyles and jobs are starting to grow into a serious public health problem. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of risks that can be brought about by physical inactivity. As a...

Printing Equipment Purchase and Decision-Making

Introduction The owner of a printing company faces a choice between buying new equipment to expand her business and purchase withdrawal. The main elements and the consequences of both scenarios are represented in the table. Potential Profits of the Printing Company High sales Low sales With new equipment $90,000 $40,000...

Revenge as a Form of Ensuring Justice

Introduction In general, revenge is an action that involves harming someone in return for being harmed by them. Usually, all people can feel this urge to punish somebody for the actions they did. Psychologists consider that revenge is a form of providing justice. The threat of revenge can keep people...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Qualified Nurses Shortage in the United States

Population/Patient Problem The healthcare system of the United States experiences a shortage of qualified nurses. The situation will only worsen with time. By 2020, the country’s health care industry will lack about 1 million of the qualified nursing personnel (Krans, 2015). Intervention The situation requires immediate intervention as the shortage...

Human Subjects in Consumer Research

Introduction Human subjects are utilized in many fields of research. The primary sciences that are focused on studying human reaction and behavior are psychology and sociology. Consumer research is connected with either in equal measure, as its primary objective is to model and understand consumer behavior. The purpose of this...

Native Americans and Nursing Care Strategies

Discussion The older population in the United States has become more diverse than it was decades ago. Thus, nurses need to learn more about backgrounds, experiences, values, and visions of different cultural groups with the focus on the specifics of working with older people. Native Americans, including American Indians and...

Health Insurance for Children With Special Needs

There are gaps in State Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP), which affect the health of Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) because they are vulnerable to chronic conditions and require continuous care (Hollar, 2012). However, few studies have investigated how these health gaps affect access to health care for this...

Nurses-Physicians Communication and Collaboration

Introduction Various studies focus on the effect the collaboration between nurses and other healthcare professionals has on patient health outcomes. It has been found that ineffective collaboration is the “root cause” of more than 70% of medical errors (Fewster-Thuente, 2015). Nurses and physicians fail to share information properly, which leads...

Tartars, Their History and Leaders

Introduction Pope Innocent IV wanted to find out more about the Mongols. The church also had intentions of spreading Christianity to the East. The church, therefore, sent some emissaries for that task. When John of Plano Carpini got there, he found them to be a people who hold firmly to...

RedBalloon Company’s Strategies and Goals

RedBalloon is a company based in Australia and is concerned with changing the manner in which people give gifts. The company also ensures that it enhances people’s feelings about receiving gifts. This means that they work hard to ensure that they change consumers’ perception about presents. RedBalloon works with all...

Walmart Company’s Mission Statement Development

Introduction The Mission statement is crucial for both the customers and the firm. This is because it enables the customers to determine the firm’s purpose or goal in the market. Also, a company can communicate its purpose to the consumers through its mission statement. The following discussion develops and analyzes...

Sampling Strategies for Social Sciences Study

The Organizational Assessment Study leader should implement sampling strategies which Iwamoto, Crews, & Coe Company could use to collect the data they require. The data sampling strategies include the following: Probability Based Sampling Strategies Simple Random Sampling Methods In simple random sampling techniques, each component of the population is given...

Lloyd’s Company Solvency: Unique Insurance Strategy

Among the key fields, which the British market has been known for in the global market, the insurance sector deserves to be mentioned first. Landing on the third position in the list of the world’s largest insurance sectors, the British one makes 26% of the total net worth of the...

The Concept of Human Needs Theory in Nursing

Human Needs Theory: Description In 1943, the Theory of Human Needs was created by Abraham H. Maslow (Cao et al., 2013). Known as Maslow’s Hierarchy (of Needs), the framework allows determining the role of specific factors on the personal development of an individual. According to the theorist, there are six...

Translational Biomedical Informatics and Public Health

Introduction Over the last decade, there has been significant development of biomedical research in the field of genomics, the cellular basis of the pathogenesis of diseases, and the definition of methods for their drug correction. Nevertheless, the gap between practical health care and traditional methods of diagnosis and theoretical information...

Evidence-Based Practice Strategies in Nursing

Introduction New findings can help nurses to advance their practice and make the quality of healthcare better than before. However, every improvement should have a strong foundation to be implemented because baseless suggestions should not be used to address such a delicate part of humans’ life as their health. For...

End-Of-Life Decisions: DNR and DNH Options

Introduction Facing death is regarded to be a serious challenge for people, resulting in a natural wish to control their last days. Still, sometimes patients might become unconscious or incompetent to make decisions at their last life stage. Therefore, health care institutions are working towards improving care for patients at...

Social Psychology Influences on Personal Life

Generally, science is a field that organizes and puts knowledge into provable experiments in real-life situations. Science is comprised of several areas of study, amongst them being psychology. Psychology is a field in science that deals with the thinking capability of an individual and his actions and activities. A human...

Horror Movie Analysis and Its Approaches

Refraining from discussing the merits of horror as a genre, the choice of the most optimal analysis method appears complicated. To regard horror movies analytically, it is worth considering that they are, at large, a projection of fear or anxiety, which are the main target of their appeal. Adult audience...

Crime Types and Their Harm to Society

In consideration of Herbert L. Packer’s crime control and due process models, why would anyone object to randomly having their car searched by a police officer if they have nothing to hide? In many developed countries, members of the public are protected by the constitution against illicit search and arrests...

Grand Theft Auto V Game as a Threat to Society

Introduction Imaginary worlds created by the movie and game industry are fascinating. Modern technologies allow creating masterpieces of science fiction, fantasy, historical movies, and others as well as real video games that can give much more than movies can. Video games are interactive; they provide a gamer with an opportunity...

School Uniform and Ethical Issues

One of the ethical issues that are particularly relevant to young people all around the world today is the presence of uniforms in schools. At first, my school did not set any rules with regards to school uniforms or school clothes for students. However, when I moved to 8th grade,...

Empathy Care Home Health Center’s Nursing Shortage

Introduction Nurse-to-patient ratio is a rather important factor that contributes to the overall performance of a healthcare facility or institution, and that determines the quality of work and patient safety (Cimiotti, Barton, Gorman, Sloane, & Aiken, 2014). In addition, this ratio is also tightly connected to the level of job...

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General Materials and Fabrication Corporation’s Union

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Smart Electric Grids: Definition and Advantages

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Healthcare Marketing Communication and Strategies

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Family and Society in Tartuffe by Molière

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John Stuart Mill’s Political Hierarchy

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The Soup Spoon Company’s Marketing Management

The company presented in the case study is The Soup Spoon, which has 21 outlets in Singapore. Although its menu mostly consists of soups, the customers can also purchase salads, sandwiches, and wraps. The company’s ambitions are strong, and the founders of the company aim to become “the Starbucks of...