Mission and Vision as Planning Fundamentals

Abstract Mission and vision are important aspects of the company’s corporate image. However, their role is not limited to communicating the company’s intentions. When accompanied by sound planning, mission and vision improve the performance of the organization on several levels and increase the effectiveness of managerial practices. Fundamentals of Planning...

Chronic Heart Failure, Care and Teaching Plan

Introduction Chronic heart failure (CHF) is among the leading causes of hospitalization for elderly patients. Approximately 50% of hospital re-admissions are attributed to co-morbidities connected to CHF (Azad & Lemay, 2014). This paper examines the case study of Mr. P, a 76-year-old patient with CHF and cardiomyopathy, and proposes an...

Digital Consumer Involvement and Innovation Dynamics

Eleonora Paolocci’s article “Digital Strategies of Consumer Involvement and Innovation Dynamics: A Cross-Sector Explorative Study” (2014) is devoted to the investigation of the collaborative process between consumers and providers through digital technologies. The nature of this study can be examined with the help of the research onion suggested by Saunders,...

The Current Information Management System Improvement

Previous analysis has shown that Company X needs a substantial improvement of its information management strategy. The changes in the way, in which data is processed in the company, as well as the ways, in which the staff members interact, is bound to have a significant effect on the quality...

“Fairy Tales and Stories” by Hans Christian Andersen

About Hans Christian Andersen Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was born in Denmark in a poor family. Interestingly, his father loved books and encouraged Hans Christian to compose fairy tales. At an early age, the author had to start working at a factory to support his family, but then his poetry...

Gulf States, International Trade and Security

Introduction World security is closely linked to international commerce. One commodity that greatly affects trends in international politics and commercial relations is oil. The gulf holds the majority of the world’s proven oil reserves. For a long time however, the region has experienced security challenges mainly from unstable political regimes...

Education Theory for Online Learning

Reflection of Learning Journey Teach and learn online is an emerging concept that has led to an increase in the size of classrooms by incorporating ICT in teaching and learning. Teaching online entails the development of instructions for students and delivering them through technological gadgets. Teaching and learning online has...

The HIV Risk for Older Hispanic Women

Was there a clear statement of the purpose and aims of the research? The authors of the article Unique Factors that Place Older Hispanic Women at Risk for HIV: Intimate Partner Violence, Machismo, and Marianismo clearly state the primary purpose of the research (Cianelli et al., 2013). The experts aim...

Transitional Care Model and Its Phases

Introduction Identifying productive ways to improve transitional care for older adults with chronic diseases in complex with other risk factors such as social barriers or issues of managing their care needs is essential for increasing the productivity, and for decreasing the costs of healthcare. One model that proved to be...

Encrypted Viruses as the Plague of the New Millennium

The Internet has never been safe enough – browsing online has always meant putting oneself under the threat of contracting a virus. However, as viruses become more difficult to deal with, Internet safety software is getting more complex and sophisticated (Brafford para. 1). As a result, the XXI century viruses...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Clinical Activity: Informatics Systems

A topical US report acknowledged health information system interoperability as the main factor having an impact on patient security and this statement additionally dwelled on the probable risks of implementing health information technologies (Hovenga & Grain, 2013). For this exact cause, an analogous report on medicine mistakes demands for the...

Interpersonal Relations Theory in Nursing

Introduction As a profession, nursing has long ago extended in meaning from simple caring about patients. Nowadays, it is also about providing advanced help and creating a partnership with a patient. This approach correlates with the Theory of Interpersonal Relations and Essential IX, which is a crucial part of a...

Automaten Technik Baumann Company in the Parking Industry

The present case discusses the company Automaten Technik Baumann (ATB), which is a medium-sized manufacturer and distributor of parking meters for on-street parking. Due to the popularization of mobile parking and ticketing solutions, the company’s CEO Peter Bauer is worried that the demand for ATB’s products will drop significantly. Therefore,...

Website Health Insurance in Florida

What does the Website reveal about health insurance in the state? The website reveals that the Florida health insurance market has a number of options that are available to the state’s residents. For instance, employer-sponsored coverage is available for people working in the majority of companies; those who are not...

Conjunctivitis: Identification and Medical Treatment

Problem Identification The clinical problem is redness, burning, and itching in both eyes of an 11-year-old male. The patient was diagnosed with bilateral bacterial conjunctivitis that needs to be cured. Clinical goals are as follows: to cure conjunctivitis and relieve the patient from its symptoms, eliminate the possibility of complications,...

Readmission Rates: Heart Failure

Abstract This study is concerned with the rate of readmissions for patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), which happens within 30 days after one’s discharge from the hospital. The author examines whether an intervention of self-care education performed by nurses of the hospital before patients’ discharge can improve the outcomes...

Sexual Assault in Juli Bovard’s “The Red Chevy”

The Red Chevy by Juli Bovard is an emotional piece that describes the author’s experience with sexual assault and is an example of a remembering event essay. In her essay, Bovard successfully conveys the feeling of fear and hopelessness experienced by the victims of rape. The essay starts very abruptly...

Mountainarious Sporting Shop’s Leasing Decision

This paper analyzes the case of Mountainarious Sporting, a shop selling sports supplies in the town of Barron. After discussing the information required for a more thorough analysis, this paper will examine the owner’s plans to stop leasing retail space for an additional location, discuss several ways to improve the...

How E-Commerce Can Help Reduce Production Cycle Times?

Evidently, one of the most significant effects of the internet revolution is its impact on business. Nowadays, individuals and organizations are increasingly using internet technology to enhance their business under the contemporary context of e-commerce. Electronic commerce is increasingly helping individuals and organizations retain consumer attention and expand their markets...

Nurse’s Interview on Roles in Health Care Delivery

The ongoing changes in the healthcare delivery system have significantly influenced the workforce in the system of healthcare. The interviewee is Mr. Jones who has been working as a nurse for fifteen years at the California Hospital Medical Center in Los Angeles. Mr. Jones, can you please outline the role...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Problem of Rising Healthcare Costs in the US

Introduction Rising costs are a growing problem in the US healthcare systems. Looking for solutions to this issue is a crucial element for the government and health practitioners. Reducing health expenditures will have beneficial outcomes for the government, healthcare establishments, and patients. Many current studies discuss the issue of rising...

Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning

Introduction The further evolution of any society is conditioned by several concerns resulting in the creation of a certain environment. These are moral, ethical norms, appreciated values, education. technological progress, etc. For this reason, the sphere of children’s education becomes crucial as it impacts the knowledge transfer and promotes the...

Child Psychology: Toy Design and Elderly Visit

Toy Design Even though babies do not have sufficient motor ability, they enjoy investigating the world, and toys are the most helpful tools in this process of exploration (Foley & Matlin, 2016). Since they bear the aim of developing infants’ senses of perception, such toys should correspond to several requirements....

Capitalism and Gay Identity by D’Emilio and Berube

Introduction Capitalism plays a major role in the separation of people according to class and status. Gay identity puts individuals into a different social class. In this paper, the author will review the link between gay identity and capitalism from the perspective of two essays. The two are written by...

Disaster Management: Terrorism and Emergency Situations

What role does the healthcare facility play preparing for the possibility of WMD use by terrorists? It is truly horrifying to realize that weapons of mass destruction, or WMD, can be used by terrorists to achieve their end goals. However, recognizing the problem means being able to face and prevent...

Adolescent Brain Development and Its Peculiarities

The prevailing opinion of many researchers has always been connected with the fact that the primary process of brain development is in the first years of life (TED, 2012). However, the emergence of new technologies, in particular, MRI, has made a significant contribution to the study of neurophysiological features of...

Congestive Heart Failure: Patient Education Plan

Introduction Congestive heart failure (CHF) is considered to be a “leading cause of hospitalization for those over the age of 65” (Azad & Lemay, 2014, p. 329). The condition represents a serious economic burden for patients and hospitals. Moreover, it may adversely affect the quality of life and become a...

Nano Robotics in Hospitals

Nanotechnology refers to the study of tiny structures that have a size of less than 0.1 nm. This technology is believed to be extremely useful in health care to deliver medication through blood or treat various types of tumors. Therefore, it is important to research the capabilities of the application...

Hispanic Elderly Patients and Their Caregivers

Introduction The modern health care sector faces numerous problems that come from the peculiarities of the environment and peoples mentality. Besides, the alteration of food habits, usage of numerous substitutes combined with the high paces of life resulted in the appearance and evolution of chronic diseases which became one of...

Qualitative vs Quantitative Research in Humanities

The choice of the research approach depends on the goals set and the questions to be answered. The two approaches are based on two quite different philosophical paradigms. In terms of the qualitative philosophical view, it is believed that there are multiple realities, which creates various contexts that should be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Scientific Evidence and Clinical Practice

In his article entitled “Closing the Time Lag between Evidence and Clinical Practice”, Thomas Sharon (2015) pointed out that there exists a lag between the time when scientific evidence is reported and its practical implementation in clinical settings; and this time lag is as long as 17 years. This issue...

Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers Minimization

EBP Prevention of Pressure Ulcers Essential Ideas Hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (HAPU) development is listed among the crucial concerns of contemporary health care; Seven stages of HAPU (stages I-IV, unstageable, deep tissue injury, and Kennedy terminal ulcer) are typically identified; As a rule, the assessment of the entire skin area is...

Mississippi’ Disaster: Hurricane Katrina Crisis Strategy

Introduction The primary strength of the crisis plan adopted by the authorities in Mississippi is the commitment of the authorities to safeguard public infrastructure, build temporary and permanent homes, provide emergency health care, and respond faster than they did during Hurricane Katrina. The primary limitation of the crisis plan is...

Teixobactin: The New Antibiotic

The research study under consideration is a report focusing on teixobactin – a new cell wall inhibitor that is obtained from a screen of uncultured bacteria that grow in diffusion chambers (Ling et al. 455). The authors have chosen to study the potential and efficacy of the new compound because...

The Teamwork Approach and the Customers Satisfaction

Introduction Creating the environment, in which the improvement of product quality becomes a possibility, requires a substantive amount of effort. In their study, Foster, Howard, and Shaninon (2002) make it quite clear that the variables are tightly connected to each other in a case. Particularly, by linking the strong leadership...

The Social Interaction in an Online Learning Community

Online education by Nagel and Kotze The main purpose of the research by Nagel and Kotze (2010) was to see the efficiency of the available teaching strategies for the online classes of large size to address the issue of the limited personal exposure of the learners to the tutor. The...

QR Codes as a Physical Marketing Technology

Introduction A quick response (QR) code is a type of a two-dimensional barcode that relies on a visual representation of data. While the core concept is not new, the effectiveness of its current iteration combined with the mass adoption of mobile devices with web connectivity raised the usability of the...

Helping Children with Obesity and Health Risks

Introduction of population and health risk Nowadays, such a topic as child obesity is frequently discussed by several researchers, doctors, social workers, etc. More than 170 million children who are not even 18-years-old are classified as obese or overweight (Swinburn et al., 2011). The USA is one of the countries...

An Observable Experiment: Control Over the Variables

Introduction Setting an experiment is a crucial step toward a better understanding of a specific phenomenon (Groebner, Shannon, & Fry, 2014). An observable experiment, in its turn, is defined as the experiment in which the independent variables cannot possibly be controlled by the person or person setting the test. In...

Same-Sex Marriage as a Moral Controversy

Commonly same-sex marriages were considered to be immoral and were not supported by society. However, recently they became legal in some countries and several states of America. Thus, it can be seen that today people tend to be more loyal than their forbears. Same-sex marriages are mainly not accepted by...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Affordable Care Act and Medical Communications

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a federal statute that aimed to become the biggest overhaul to the health care system of the United States since Medicare and Medicaid. The purpose of the statute was to improve health care outcomes, lower expenses, and make health care more...

Cardiomyopathy Treatment and Patient Education

Approach to Care First, it is important to discuss Mr. P’s diagnosis in brief. Cardiomyopathy is a health condition characterized by abnormal heart muscle (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015). Congestive heart failure takes place in patients whose heart muscle is unable to pump blood efficiently. It is recommended that the approach...

Corruption in “Motives and Thoughts” by Lauren Hill

The poem “Motives and Thoughts” by Lauren Hill, discloses a distinctive way of life in many societies at present. It is evident that corruption is a significant meaning of the poem. The poet explains that corruption is a vice with deep roots in every human life, “While vice and corruption...

Treatment of Anxiety: Therapies and Methods

Introduction The efficacies of psychotherapies differ according to the type of psychotherapy employed. Hence, this assessment seeks to establish if psychoanalysis therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy have different efficacies in the treatment of anxiety. Research Question Does psychoanalysis therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy have different efficacies in alleviating anxiety among...

Iron Deficiency Anemia and Other Types

Introduction Anemia is known as one of the most frequent blood disorders: it is the condition characterized by the lack of circulating red blood cells (Carcio & Secor, 2014). Because of the lack of red blood cells that carry oxygen, an individual often feels fatigued and looks pale. Women, children,...

5-V Perspective in Health Needs Assessment

Introduction Meeting the health needs of a diverse population has become a challenging task due to the wide variety of factors that must be considered carefully for each member of the target population. The introduction of the principles of 5Vs (patient volumes, a variety of sources, the velocity of data...

1st and 4th Tenets in the Nursing Code of Ethics

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that the nursing profession is closely connected with various ethical questions and dilemmas. Therefore, the American Nurses Association (ANA), which is the leading policy developer in the sphere of advanced nursing practice, implemented the Code of Ethics for Nurses, which was recently renewed in...

Conflict Situations in Healthcare

Introduction First of all, one should accept the fact that the healthcare sector depends on human relations greatly. The fact that human factor conditions the success of the recovery process and the efficiency of various procedures is also obvious. In this regard, the mutual understanding between workers and patients becomes...

Social Class, Life Chances and Goals Achievement

Introduction A society is not a homogeneous formation: people tend to constitute unequal subgroups known as classes. Whether a person belongs to the upper strata or comes from the lower ones determines their success or failure to a certain extent. Equipped with a corresponding set of values, norms, and preferences,...

Clerks in the Workplace and Information Technology

Fearfull, A. (2005) ‘Using Interpretive Sociology to Explore Workplace Skill and Knowledge’, International Journal of Social Research Methodology 8(2): 137-150. Theoretical Knowledge: Key Issues in the Article Fearfull states that the existing research literature lacks qualitative studies exploring the experiences of clerks at work, primarily viewing clerks via the connection to...

Nola J. Pender’s Health Promotion Model in Nursing

Introduction Nola Pender is a nursing theorist who is famous for the Health Promotion Model. Pender does not describe health as the absence of different illnesses and diseases. Her model considers health as a positive dynamic condition. Pender’s model is the promotion of healthy lifestyle in order to increase a...

Evaluation as Part of a Disaster Management Plan

Response to Kimberly’s Post Using the case of the Indonesian earthquake of 2004, the student has presented meaningful recommendations that can be used after a disaster. The idea of using adequate planning after a disaster can minimize wastes and promote recovery efforts (Reiss-Brennan et al., 2016). The decision of different...

Patient Monitoring Technology in Miami Hospitals

Focus on Monitoring and Quality Improvement as the Means of Integrating Smart Technology into the Hospital Setting Patient monitoring is one of the essential steps toward the enhancement of the quality of care and the promotion of improved patient outcomes in the hospital setting. Therefore, using the strategies that allow...

Premier One Company’s Business Outcomes

Enhanced competitiveness in the business environment requires entities to adopt a customer-focus in their operations. Increased competition, for instance, presents a challenge for entities to acquire new customers. This challenge enhances the role that processes that aim to retain existing customers play in driving and sustaining an entity’s performance (Baird...

Stein, Bodello & Associates Company’s Management

Key Lessons The case study of the company Stein, Bodello & Associates, Inc. can produce some lessons, including those related to top-down and bottom-up management. The first lesson that appears to be singularly relevant to authoritative management is the one that instructs managers to avoid neglecting the needs and interests...

Online Shopping: Product and Website Characteristics

This paper summarizes “Exploring the Effects of “What” (Product) and “Where” (Website) Characteristics on Online Shopping Behavior” by Mallapragada, Chandukala and Liu. The article was published in Journal of Marketing in 2016. The aim of the paper is to ascertain the influence of product character (utilitarian or hedonic) and website...

The Effects of Climate on the Ways of Life

The current state of the environment is classified as disturbing. Various pieces of evidence prove that the climate change is a real problem facing the today’s society. While some officials still deny the existence of this problem, various weather disasters become more frequent each year, causing changes in people’s lives....

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Use

Introduction The article “Posttraumatic stress disorder and co-occurring substance use disorders: Advances in assessment and treatment” was composed by a group of researchers in 2012, September 1. The authors are McCauley, Killeen, Gros, Brady, and Back (2012). Notably, it is a peer-reviewed article; therefore, it comes from a scholarly journal,...

Armand Vallin Feigenbaum’s Contribution to Quality

Introduction Promoting quality in the context of an organization or a particular team of employees is an essential step toward building a thriving company with several loyal customers. The approaches to enhancing quality management, however, are very numerous, with a variety of frameworks having been developed over the past few...

Identity Politics as a Response to Globalization

Despite numerous positive outcomes that it promises, the concept of globalization as the basis for multicultural communication and learning is not fully devoid of certain controversial issues. The lack of control over the influence that some cultures will have on others and, particularly, the impact that dominant cultures can have...

Employee Compensation Program Effectiveness

Introduction The dramatic change in the workforce structure in corporations has ushered changes in organizational culture and the human resource system. Increase in nonstandard employees such as temporary, part-time, short-term, independent contractors, freelancers, and contingent workers have enhanced the need for different organizational policy. The literature on nonstandard employment relations...

Impulsive and Compulsive Buying Behaviour

The methodology chosen for this research is the case study that is associated with the focus on a particular problem (Creswell, 2012). The problem under analysis is the compulsive buying disorder in women in their late 30s, and the focus is on the way these females see their conditions, its...

Heart Failure Readmission and Preventive Measures

Introduction Congestive heart failure (CHF) afflicts more than 5 million people in the United States (Garcia & Bradford, 2017). Advancements in health research have availed different CHF therapies. However, the incidence and prevalence of the disorder continue to trouble the healthcare system as indicated by increased hospitalizations and healthcare spending....

Diabetes 2 Complications: Neuropathy and Retinopathy

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases impacting world population. Apart from being a serious illness and having many adverse outcomes, it may present further danger to the patients’ health condition by various complications. Neuropathy and retinopathy are dangerous complications of Type 2 Diabetes, and the providers need to...

Engineering Ethics, Patent and Legal Issues

The issue of Engineer Z failing to communicate with his employer about the legal implications of patent rights does not create favorable conditions for his efforts. According to United States v. Dubilier Condenser Corp., an employee who has a contract that includes information about his or her rights to inventions...

Is Euthanasia Morally Acceptable?

Introduction Euthanasia is the act of purposely ending an individual’s life to help him or she get rid of pain and suffering. For instance, a medical worker who gives a patient with incurable cancer an excessive dose of relaxants to terminate their life would be well-thought-out to have performed euthanasia....

F Statistics as a Part of the Anova Test Results

The phenomenon of the F statistics is typically referred to as the value retrieved in the course of carrying out an ANOVA test (Hahs-Vaughn & Lomax, 2013). Similarly, the F-statistics-related data can be acquired when running a regression analysis. Seeing that the two tests mentioned above are aimed primarily at...

OAPIL Company’s Operations Analysis

Nature of operations Aluminum rods, overhead line conductors, and drawn wire manufacturing Company name Oman Aluminum Industries LLC (OAPIL) Company introduction Oman Aluminum Industries LLC, otherwise known as OAPIL is a major manufacturer of aluminum rods, overhead line conductors, and drawn wire. The company is a major contributor to Oman...

Whistle-Blowing and Organisational Well-Being

Frequently, to gain more organizational benefits, companies act in a way that could be potentially harmful to the society or some of its members and, in this way, could be considered unethical. When practicing this kind of behavior, organizations usually close information about their activities so it can be accessed...

Nature vs. Nurture in Mental Development

Nature vs. Nurture It is worth noting that the intelligence and abilities of an individual can be inherited and developed, but the identification of the system of ethical values is the outcome of social interactions. Even if mental capacity is largely determined by genes, it is still vulnerable to external...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The US Declaration of Independence and Modern Trends

Introduction The example that I have selected to describe is one of the most significant American documents, the Declaration of Independence. The US Declaration of Independence is a historical document in which the British colonies in North America declared independence from Great Britain. This paper served as the beginning of...

Preoperative Screening vs Comprehensive Assessment

Carrying out a preoperative assessment of geriatric patients is crucial to the outcomes of the surgery and the opportunities for further recovery (Kim, Brooks, & Groban, 2015). However, it is also important to bear in mind that geriatric patients are under the influence of a variety of negative factors and...

Renewable Energy Sources: Popularity and Benefits

Energy is provided in many forms by nature (Luo and Hong, 2016). We need the energy to perform work and operate other tools. Energy helps us to maintain life in the cities. The sources of energy we rely upon are fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) and solar, wind, tidal,...

Microsoft Company’s Competitive Strategy

A firm’s competitive strategy aims to enhance its ability to modify the rules of competition to its favor. According to Porter (1985), for a firm to remain competitive, it needs to influence the threat that new entrants pose, the threat presented by substitutes, the bargaining power of buyers, suppliers’ bargaining...

Hillary Clinton’s and Donald Trump’s Elections

The elections of the new president in the United States have never been more interesting and controversial as the current opposition of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The peculiarity of the current presidential campaign is the presence of the person whose business achievements are indisputable. Donald Trump is an extraordinary...

Vision for North and South Korean Leadership

Vision is one of the important concepts of strategic management and every leader ought to have the vision to run a business successfully. Managers in both North and South Korea have well-defined visions that guide the day-to-day operations coupled with specifying future goals. The Confucianism culture is common in the...

Change and Conflict Theories in Healthcare Leadership

Lewin’s Three-Step Change Theory Kurt Lewis examined behavior as an intricate balance of forces that work in opposite directions. Such driving forces encourage change because they push the organization’s workers in the needed direction. However, restraining forces curtail change since they push workers in opposing directions. Lewin states that the...

Patient Safety and Risk Management Plan Development

Introduction The issue of patient safety plays a paramount role in contemporary health care as it defines the quality of services, prescribed medication, relationships between a nurse and a patient, nutrition, and so on. In this connection, it is important to ensure continuous improvement of patient safety, thus meeting the...

Personal Nursing Philosophy: Concept Synthesis

Two Practice-Specific Concepts A concept is a highly complex mental image reflecting one’s idea about a particular entity. Concept formation helps classify life situations and thereby understand them. In the nursing profession, it is highly important to identify practice-specific concepts to have a clear vision of one’s scope of responsibilities,...

Justice and Happiness in Plato’s “Republic”

Plato’s Republic focuses on the discussion of the meaning of justice and explores a connection between the just man and his happiness providing evidence that supports the notion that inability to do “one’s own business” disrupts a person’s capacity to maintain “the unity of their souls” thereby breaking the link...

Aging and Health Promotion

Biological Theory of Aging The first case concerns a 65-year-old woman who has had a heart attack five days previously and also has a history of diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis. She is confused, scared of the changes in her body, and does not understand why...

Fetus Formation and Development: “In the Womb” Video

Video Summary The video called “In the Womb” presents an amazing discovery of the development of a newborn since the moment of the conception to the birth. Using computer imagery techniques, it is possible to observe the fetus in the mother’s womb and understand its complex nature. The video reflects...

Voltaire’s Vision of Religion and Enlightenment

Philosophers and thinkers have always been the main contributors to the evolution of scientific thought and promoted the further evolution of our society. It is impossible to imagine the modern world without the discoveries made by outstanding people. They changed the image of the world and promoted the blistering development...

Joe Hinrichs’ Successful Management in General Motors

Crucial lessons about successful management Behind any successful organization, there is an outstanding manager. Just like Elon Musk made a change for Tesla, Joe Hinrichs became a symbol of success in General Motors. Hinrichs had to take a path of trials and mistakes, but in the end, it became apparent...

Youth Unemployment Rates in Canadian Society

The problem under investigation is the fact that “the unemployment rate among people in the 18-25 age group is higher than any other age group in Canadian society.” This issue proves that there is a necessity to consider some ways to make the discussed population work and improve their socioeconomic...

Bloom’s Taxonomy as a Learning Tool

In 1956, Benjamin Bloom created a framework that would help educators focus on the intellectual comprehension of their students. The taxonomy provides a hierarchy of perception levels and is used for creating performance assignments and ensuring feedback from students (Churches, 2009). The taxonomy features three domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor,...

Hospital Services Amalgamation and Its Outcomes

The process of hospital merging has some benefits and drawbacks. While the benefits of developing such a plan may help health care providers to save money and devote their financial and material resources towards a more profitable business structure, political and social ramifications of this decision may negatively affect the...

“The Wizard of Oz”: Movie Analysis

Analysis The Scarecrow is a character that shows his optimism even in situations with minimum available information about possible outcomes. For example, he is optimistic about two roads that he has never put his foot on and believes that “it’s pleasant down that way, too” (The Wizard of Oz, 1939)....

Diversity Training for Student Leaders

It is worth noting that with a highly globalized world all sectors including institutions of learning are highly characterized with diversity. People from different cultural backgrounds have found themselves studying together. It is important for institutions of learning to put in place a mechanism that will address the discontent as...

Crime Scene Investigation in Media and Real Life

The common belief rests on a premise that forensic sciences are very exact and cannot be doubted. Facts relating to fingerprinting, DNA analysis and other particle matching were thought to be undeniable for a long time, but there are cases where seemingly factual information turns out to be wrong. The...

Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment in Nursing

Introduction The role of nurses in the current institutions of healthcare is changing very rapidly and they need to adapt to these changes. Nurses are currently expected to make critical decisions when it comes to managing patients. This requires that they have proper clinical judgment skills that will ensure that...

Quacquarelli Symonds World Nursing University Ranking

Introduction The new development discussed in this paper is the recently published list of the QS World University Rankings in the field of nursing. The list of the best institutions has been made public in March of 2016. It covers educational programs and universities all around the globe. This year,...

Nursing Community Practice and Its Objectives

Goals and Objectives A nurse must consider community practice as an important tool for building the necessary experience. Therefore, the practice in question must be viewed as an opportunity for developing a better understanding of how to meet the unique needs of the target population. A set of goals listed...

Professional Development and Nursing Education

Introduction The nursing profession is the largest part of the health care personnel. Today, it comprises about 3 million members. Working directly with patients, nurses play a major role in helping to understand the objectives of the 2010 Affordable Care Act and improving the health care system of the United...

Professional Nursing Organization and Identity

What Is a Professional Nursing Organization? How Have You Seen the Organization Enhance Professional Practice? A professional nursing organization can be defined as the entity that affects the development of healthcare policies, promotes a consistent rise in positive patient outcomes in a community, encourages an increase in nurses’ professionalism and...

Healthcare Technology’s Integration and Interoperability

Introduction The modern healthcare sector benefits from the wide implementation of diverse IT technologies that have already become an internal component of the functioning of numerous facilities and units. The primary aim of these innovations is the facilitation of the interaction between workers and significant improvement of their activities due...

Autism Syndrome Psychosocial Characteristics

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder refers to a clinical disorder whereby children mainly from two years of age start exhibiting unique behavioral characteristics comprising of difficulty in speech, low social interaction, high concentration on specific hobbies, habits or objects. Affected children hardly initiate conversations, friendship, exhibit little or no participation in...

Treaty of Versailles: the German Delegation Comments

Introduction Treaty of Versailles is often cited as one of the reasons behind the rise of nationalism in the post-World War One Germany. The treaty crippled their economy, removed a large portion of their lands, and prevented the country from rebuilding. Many of these points were objected to by the...

Mindfullness and Professional Burnout Among Nurses

Introduction The article “Rekindling the Flame: Using mindfulness to end nursing burnout” is devoted to the issue of professional burnout among nurses. It has presented the symptoms, constituents, and stages of the disorder. Besides, it suggests some ways how to avoid the problem. Symptoms, Constituents, and Stages of Nursing Burnout...

Senescence and Older Parenthood

Introduction With age, people develop various diseases and become less active. However, nowadays, more and more families decide to have children later in life. The main goals of this paper are to discuss senescence and its effects and reasoning for having children at a more mature age. Senescence Aging is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Exchange Rate Regimes: Is the Bipolar View Correct?

This paper is a summary of the Distinguished Lecture on Economics in Government: Exchange Rate Regimes: Is the Bipolar View Correct? article published in The Journal of Economic Perspectives in 2001. The article by Stanley Fischer describes the problems of reforming the global financial system. Precisely speaking, he notes that...

Successful Online Learner: Skills and Requirements

Being an online learner is not easy because he/she is expected to organize almost all activities personally with minimal guidance from educators. To become successful in this area, students should pay enormous attention to the peculiarities of online learning, especially those that differ greatly from their usual education. For instance,...

Evolution Psychology: “Is Anatomy Destiny?”

Although evolution psychology underscores the importance of sex differences in sexuality, it is increasingly becoming clear that some social psychologists view this allegation as an exaggeration that is not rooted in science (Stewart-Williams & Thomas, 2013). Indeed, the binary classification of categorizing species is being put to question due to...

Google’s Project Oxygen: Do Managers Matter?

The View of Managers Prior to Project Oxygen The organizational culture largely predetermined the employees’ view of management before the implementation of the Project Oxygen. Garvin, Wagonfeld, and Kind (2013) write, “Page and Brin established an informal culture from the very beginning: exercise balls and dogs were permitted at work…The...

Social Media in Nursing Practice

Introduction It is evident that social media became one of the most powerful instruments used by numerous specialists from a variety of professions (Hood, 2014). People use social networks to find out about the latest news and exchange information. It is interesting how the current state of the social media...

Artemisia Gentileschi’ Contribution to Feminist Movement

Background of the Study Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1656) was one of the most outstanding Italian Baroque artists of the post-Renaissance period. Despite the fact that she is often referred to the so-called “Caravaggio followers”, her contribution is much more considerable: In the era when women painters were allowed to enter the...

Standardization Role in Quality Health Care

Examples of Standardization: Summary The first strategy used to standardize products, experiences, and service lines to enhance efficiency is personalization. This approach focuses on the ability to offer specific services or products that can address the diverse needs of individuals. The method ensures more clients receive suitable products. The second...

Organizational Theories’ and Principles Understanding

Understanding the basics of organizational behavior (OB), as well as the principles that the staff members are guided by when choosing a specific behavioral pattern, is essential for managers, as the skill in question enables them to not only coordinate the performance of the staff, thus, increasing the overall productivity...

Transgender Patients and Nursing Health Management

There is a growing recognition today among health care providers and researchers that patients’ transgenderism may become a factor in their care (Chapman, Watkins, Zappia, Nicol, & Shields, 2012). Therefore, it should be taken into consideration when organizing and managing the way care is provided. Nursing care plays a particularly...

Apple Inc.’s Creativity and Management Balance

Apple has become one of the iconic companies that have changed the way people think of computers and mobile devices. Steve Jobs was an inspirational leader who valued creativity above all (Whetten and Cameron 174). The company removed any boundaries or limits when it introduced such products as the iPad,...

Negotiable Instruments

Negotiable instruments are written legal documents that emerged in the thirteenth century in England (Ellinger, Lomnicka, & Hare, 2011). The documents function as unconditional orders for a transfer of a specific monetary amount. Negotiable instruments can take the form of checks, promissory notes, and certificates of deposit among others (Miller,...

Empathic Responses to Clients’ Feelings in Human Services

Professionals must listen to their clients appropriately so that they can understand their thoughts and feelings with no mistakes. This is a crucial aspect of effective communication, and its value is undeniable. However, being a good listener is not easy. One is to be able to summarize the obtained information...

Learning Activities for Early Language Skills

Introduction At the kindergarten level, a student is expected to develop oral language skills, including phonology and phonetics. In addition, the student is expected to learn reading, writing, and listening skills. Increased vocabulary and use of words to describe people, objects, and events should also be exhibited. To achieve these,...

Moral Philosophy: Goals and Concepts

Preliminary steps to appreciate the rightness of an action Before people can intuitively appreciate the rightness of a certain action, they may need to take two preliminary steps. In particular, they may consider potential consequences of an action. For instance, a policy-maker may need to think about the impact of...

Under Armour Company’s Management Strategy

Under Armour became one of the most promising prospects when it came to the production of sporting goods. The company sees itself as a rival for such companies as Nike and Adidas. The strategy of Under Armour can be described as flexible and well-adjusted to the real-life market, but it...

Type 2 Diabetes: Disease Process and Screening

The Choice of the Topic The disease process selected for this assignment is type 2 diabetes. It was chosen because, among all the cases of diabetic known to modern medicine, this type is the most common. The process of this disease revolves around insulin resistance experienced by the body of...

Transitional Nursing Strategies in Oncology

Transitional nursing or transitional care is a model that was developed to address the set of practices that are needed when patients have to transit from one place (e.g. hospital) to another (home). This model of nursing care is especially relevant to patients with chronic illnesses that have to change...

Florida National University’s Textbook Costs

College Textbooks Rising costs of college textbooks is a significant problem for students of Florida National University that has to be addressed to reduce the financial pressures that can damage academic performance. The question of ever-increasing costs of tuition has been discussed ad nauseam in media over the last decade;...

Language Development and iPads for Kindergarteners

Introduction Language knowledge develops during the preschool years to prepare students for success in kindergarten and beyond. Preschool and kindergarten education is normally the base that ought to be firm to ensure that a child gets the best in terms of education and that the child is well prepared for...

Corporate Communications and Public Relations

Corporate Communications (PR) Identification and Research Significance Corporate Communications involve both internal and external information that the company’s management addresses to its employees, target audiences, and partners. This system of information flow is aimed at creating the image of the company in order to achieve the consistency of its actions,...

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Cosmopolitan Corporations and Maslow’s Theory

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Communication and Clinical Interview – Nursing

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Eliezer and His Father in Elie Wiesel’s Night

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The United Nations’ Digital Media Connection

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Mega Energy Projects: China’s Solar Generator

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History of the Ku Klux Klan

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Challenges to Transgender Patients

Despite the recent attention to the issues of transgender people, the level of discrimination against them is still incredibly high. This discrimination manifests in all facets of life, from employment to housing and even healthcare. This paper will provide an outlook on the discrimination that transgender people face in the...

Affordable Care Act and Mental Health Illness

Introduction According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 20% of adults in the United States have a mental health problem (Croft & Parish, 2013). Examples of commonly diagnosed disorders include depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment. For many years, the United States’ health policies have neglected the needs...

Acute Ankle Sprain and Pain-Relieving Medications

The relief of pain in the joint after an unpleasant fall or another similar injury is usually accompanied by the use of appropriate analgesics that should be taken as prescribed by the doctor. However, there are cases when NSAIDs cannot be used for certain reasons. Since the 26-year-old patient denies...

Mike Roth at Education Pension Investment Company

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Emotion Perception and Gender Factor in Stress

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Door-to-Balloon Time Project and Dissemination Plan

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Population Health Analytics: Technology and Healthcare

With the rise of digital devices and the Internet, many industries crucial for humanity and the quality of human living have also begun to transform. One of the recent approaches that combine IT, remote monitoring, and other technologies (i.e., electronic devices, the Internet) is the population health analytics that becomes...

The PICOT Framework in Healthcare

Introduction The PICOT framework provides a convenient method of developing researchable questions in nursing. It is important because to research and address a problematic issue, it is needed to set up boundaries, i.e. to identify exactly the types of cases that are to be studied and examined and to define...

Dietary Education Program’s Goal and Variables

Extraneous Variables Extraneous variables can affect the relationships between the independent (education) and dependent variables of the study (the BMI and body fat percentage) (Schmidt & Brown, 2014). To increase the internal validity of the study, it is necessary to effectively control the following variables: intelligence, pre-education, and socio-economic status....

Information Sharing to Ensure National Security USA

Information Sharing Information sharing environment among agencies was established by the United States Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act in 2004. The information-sharing information-sharing environment provides the agencies with information on security in the nation to ensure national security. Information sharing weaknesses was the main factor that contributed to the...

US Homeland Security: Strategies and Expenses

In her article Homeland Security: Building a National Strategy, Ruth David (2002, p 1) argues that for a very long time the government of the United States overlooked or even ignores the increasing risks of terrorist attacks on the American population. This attitude made the country more vulnerable to external...

Psychosocial Interventions in Family Nursing Practice

Peer-reviewed scholarly articles are regarded as an important instrument to expand the knowledge of researchers and inform scientists about the recent events. It is stated that the quality of articles is an important factor in evaluating knowledge generation at the global level (Ahmadi, & Soori, 2015). The following paper deals...

Prevalence of Childhood and Adult Obesity in the US

For the last decades, obesity became a serious medical concern in Miami. According to the recent investigations, a significant part of the American population has problems with excessive weight. It is scientifically proved that obesity may lead to severe health problems and increase the risk of a stroke or diabetes....

Nursing’s Informatics and Patient Safety

Addressing Patient Safety Issues The article “To err is human,” published by the Institute of Medicine indicates that medical errors and mistakes have continued to affect the quality of medical services available to more clients. Medical practitioners or nurses might not cause some of these errors. Ineffective conditions and faulty...

Master of Science in Nursing and Further Career

Changes in the intricacy of health care and a reduction in the number of primary care physicians have increased demand for family nurse practitioners. The professionals assist patients in dealing with severe and unremitting diseases. They examine patients physically and run diagnostic procedures and tests. Family nurse practitioners treat individual...

Patient with Lacerations: Detailed Examination

L.M., an 18-year-old construction worker, has arrived at the ER with three lacerations to his inner thigh which resulted from a recent fall at a construction site. The lacerations (5, 3, and 2 inches in length) are bleeding profusely, and the largest one is located close to the patient’s groin....

Childrens’ Misconceptions about Seasons and Days

Students’ misconceptions about seasons, days, and nights Students often have many misconceptions regarding changes of seasons or changes in days and nights. The researchers who study these misconceptions usually pay attention to the following ideas declared by children: the Earth is viewed as becoming closer to the Sun when summer...