Pauli Murray’s Input to the Civil Rights Movement

Pauli Murray’s name is not commonly mentioned alongside many historical figures that have been immortalized in their fight for equality and civil rights for minorities and women alike. However, Murray had a profound impact by introducing ideas and legal concepts which were used to establish the basics of equal treatment...

Factors of Powerlessness Feelings Among Nurses

Speculations on High Turnover Rates The feeling of powerlessness is a common condition among nurses. There are numerous factors, which might foster its emergence. However, the outcome is always the same: nurses fail to provide the patients with high-quality medical treatment and care and ensure their safety, the level of...

Corot’s Orpheus Leading Eurydice From the Underworld

Introduction The painting by Corot is considered as a masterpiece in terms of depicting the skill and mastery of European art culture. Orpheus and Eurydice have been featured in the narration depicted in the painting. The story is based on the underworld where Orpheus embarks on saving his fiancée who...

Blockbuster and Netflix Companies Comparison

Blockbuster and Netflix are two businesses that began operating within the same type of market – the movie rentals. At the same time, the two businesses functioned is completely different niches. Blockbuster worked through an enormous chain of brick-and-mortar stores where the clients could go any minute to choose and...

Outsourcing of Jobs and Services

Introduction Outsourcing is the process through which one business contracts with another business to offer services that can be undertaken by employees in-house. Normally, the outsourced tasks could be executed by the business itself. However, there are advantages that outsourcing can bring to a company (Heric & Singh, 2010). The...

Human Adult Versus Embryonic Stem Cells Study

Moreover, the continuous debate about funding of the research created another obstacle for the progress of the stem cell therapy (Learn.Genetics, n.d.). In order to successfully continue the study of the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD) using stem cell transplantation, scientists would have to address a number of ethical and...

Domestic Violence and Abuse Countermeasures

Domestic violence has always been an ongoing issue in human society. Relationships within family units are complex, and people might have numerous motivations for using physical power to affect their family members. This problem was disregarded for years and even centuries; however, due to the unique features of modern society...

Adolescence and the Social Determinants of Health

What essential elements should be included in a health teaching plan addressing physical, emotional, social, and spiritual challenges in adolescents? Today, adolescents face a number of health risks that could impact their further life. However, most of these health risks are preventable. Therefore, comprehensive health education could help to lower...

The Main Responsibilities of the Manager

Control of personnel is among the essential responsibilities of a manager. To ensure that the workforce is productive, managers have to use their decision-making skills to resolve difficult situations. In the case of Bauer Manufacturing Company, the problem resulted from David Smith’s failure to address the needs of employees sufficiently....

Glycolysis Process and Its Stages

Abstract Glycolysis is a specific process that is known as the first stage of the anaerobic respiration process in plants, during which 6-carbon glucose splits into two molecules of pyruvate, which is 3-carbon, under the impact of enzymes to generate the required energy. This process can be described in two...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sikorsky Aircraft: the Output Variation Rates

Providing high-quality services and products is an essential requirement for a company operating in the global economy environment. Because of increasingly high quality standards in the specified area due to the unceasing technological progress, it is crucial to apply the quality control strategy that will help control the production process...

The Road Back to European Power

The eastern and southern crises mentioned in the article are the threats formed in the Middle East and Russia, respectively. According to the authors, each of these threats poses a significant challenge for European interests. The southern crisis results primarily from increasing political and social turbulence in the Middle East....

Nurse Practitioners’, Educators’, Leaders’ Scopes

Any state organization for registered nurses is supposed to provide a set of standards encompassing all levels of nursing practice that can serve as a template for a professional activity for nurse practitioners, educators, and leaders. Some aspects of professional performance are common for nurse practitioners, educators, and leaders whereas...

Forensic Psychologist’s Role in Death Penalty Trial

Forensic psychologists play critical roles in court cases. They help the judges to investigate the claims from a professional dimension. They can probe the defendant and contribute towards providing critical evidence that can guide the court towards making the right judgment. The Roles of a Forensic Psychologist in a Death...

Environmental Legislation: Clean Water Act

Environmental Legislation Clean Water Act (CWA) is the legislation piece of the United States that determines water quality standards, serves as a basis for the enactment of pollution control programs, and regulates the presence of contaminants in surface water. The law covers both point and non-point pollution sources. The former...

Worker Exploitation in the Social Conflict Theory

The conflict theory suggests that the different social groups within the society are engaged in a constant struggle over the scarce resources and for dominance over each other. These struggles often take the form of wars, politics, negotiations, and many other forms of interest clashes. The major contributors to this...

Employment Precarity and Household Well-Being

Introduction The authors of Its More than Poverty focus on how the state of employment has changed over time (Lewchuk et al. 12). Apparently, employers prefer using contracts that do not work with allowances or any form of benefits besides the basic wages. From the report, employment insecurity has become...

The “Straight White Men” Play by Young Jean Lee

The Plot and Characters One of the most remarkable aspects of the play “Straight White Men” is, of course, the plot. The setting is rather simple as the main characters gather in their father’s house to celebrate Christmas. It seems that it is a story of successful and happy representative...

Cicero’s Views on Citizenship and Ethics

Cicero argued that virtue is at its best when it is applied by the state or by government. He argued that political action is the only way of putting virtue to use and that this comes naturally. In this context, one may be mistaken for believing that such actions would...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research in Evaluation

Abstract The evaluation design is selected depending on the type of research question, set hypotheses, and on expected evaluative outcomes. Measurements used to gather data become determined by the chosen evaluation design. Referring to the research question, the procedures of the evaluation design, the possible access to data, and the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War

Among outstanding political figures, Abraham Lincoln holds a specific place. He was the president of the USA in a very difficult period for the country. The Civil War, which lasted four years, claimed the lives of more than 600 thousand of the Americans. Abraham Lincoln has placed himself on record...

Primary School Demographics and Students’ Needs

The school under analysis is Bane Elementary that is located in Houston, Texas. The primary purpose of the paper is to provide concrete data regarding the demographics of the school and highlight how teachers address the needs of the diverse population in the classroom. According to the reports provided by...

Electronic Health Record in Reducing Patient Falls

Introduction The journal selected for the research project is International Journal of Nursing Studies, which is an international forum for publication. It accepts scholarly papers that reveal scientific excellence, contribute to the field and are focused on the significant issues. The papers should be related to nursing, midwifery, and other...

Economic Advancement and Nationalism Spirit in Europe

The nations that are available today are the result of human interventions. Over the centuries, people have tried to spread nationhood among the citizens of particular geographic regions. Nationalism comprises of shared ideas, common principles and a common purpose (Kagan et al. 630). A nation consists of people coming together...

Chinese and Swiss Healthcare Systems and Status

Healthcare System of China The health status within the framework of the healthcare system of China can be summarized as follows: Life expectancy at birth m/f – 75/78; Probability of dying under 5 (per 1000 live birth) – non-available; Probability of dying between 15 and 60, m/f (per 1000 population)...

Underweight Products and Deontological Ethics

Introduction Business firms have the moral obligation to ensure that they deliver quality and quantity goods to their customers. However, there have been several cases about the operation of firms, where firms sway from this moral duty by way of concentrating on maximizing profits rather than balancing between profits and...

Early Childhood Professional Preparation

Early childhood teaching is a profession that is closely linked to interaction with parents and their involvement in the process of their children’s development. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how important a strong relationship between parents and teaching professionals for early childhood education is. NAEYC Standard Standard...

Concepts and Terms With Different Connotations

Children are inclined to associate new concepts with ideas that they have regarding certain objects and phenomena. Therefore, they can experience difficulties while working with concepts and terms that have different connotations in various situations. For instance, it is often difficult for children to distinguish between objects and materials that...

Myra Walters’ Speech: Benefits of Doing Yoga

Organizational Component The informative speech delivered by Myra Walters aims to demonstrate the physical and psychological benefits of doing yoga. The speech is designed to communicate the advantages of following a yoga regime with support from academic research and verbally explaining how it can be practiced. I believe the speech...

Sikorsky Aircraft Company’s Six Sigma Implementation

Six Sigma Implementation in the Context of the Aircraft Company Setting Promoting consistent quality improvement is an essential element of any company’s functioning (Pyzdek, 2014). Unless the quality standards are regularly updated, the firm is likely to lose its influence and weight in the target market as the customers will...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Iron Deficiency Anemia: Tests and Diagnostics

Introduction There are three possible types of anemia: sideroblastic anemia, iron deficiency anemia, and thalassemia. Thus, in order to treat the patient properly, it is important to identify the type first. Taking all the symptoms that Ann reported into consideration, it is possible to come to the conclusion that she...

The Experience of Advanced and Less-Developed Economies

As different countries design and implement policies that intend to advance their economic standards, the global state of the economy affects the impacts of such policies. Evolutionary economic process depends on factors such as the spatial features, levels of technological awareness, and availability of infrastructure. However, the numerous changes that...

The Book “Responsible Administrator” by Terry Cooper

In chapter three of the book Responsible Administrator, Cooper (2012) looks at how administrative ethics, especially in public administration have transitioned with change in time and among others, modernity and post-modernity and how they have been affected by different aspects of the same. Administrative roles can be interpreted differently in...

Marble Column in Sardis Temple of Artemis

Introduction Ancient architecture has always been famous for its unusual shapes and beauty, and when it comes to Greece, which is the cradle of European civilization, it is possible to find unique art objects of antiquity almost everywhere. By today, not so many buildings and structures have survived, but those...

Early Childhood Development and Its Stages

Introduction In most parts of history, child development – which shows the different stages of the development of a child – was ignored. Children were assumed smaller versions of adults. The details in the development of a child were not keenly looked at previously. These changes are evident during childhood....

Minorities and the 1920 Legal System in the Films

No matter what evidence one might use, the injustice of the legislation of 1920 towards the ethnic minorities in the United States will be obvious. Both the filmmakers of Sacco and Vanzetti and Scottsboro, as well as the authors of the book American Anticommunism, depicting the notorious suppressions of the...

Importance of the Multicultural Competence

Cultural competence involves a great deal of self-examination in relation to inner beliefs, biases, values, and preferences. Throughout this course, we have covered material on how cultural competence is embedded in various professional disciplines. However, it is up to the professionals to be aware of their individual levels of cultural...

Beethoven’s vs. Mozart’s Life and Music

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven rate among the most outstanding composers in the history of classical music. They both died over 150 years ago but their works continue to be studied, performed, and admired all over the world. Although both composers are equally popular, their music still differs...

Strategies in Manufacturing and Service Operations

Introduction Manufacturing and service systems have similarities and differences. To some extent, many organizations mix manufacturing and service operations to meet customer interest, attract new consumers and succeed in the fulfillment of their economic mission and other objectives. For instance, nowadays, an increasing number of manufacturing enterprises recognize the significance...

Value of Vision and Mission Statements in Marketing’s latest article by Colm Hebblethwaite, titled “Can Your Employees Recite Your Organization’s Vision and Mission Values?” reports that half of the marketing professionals in Rungway – a highly successful social and working communications platform, cannot recite the company’s V&M statements. The author states that Runway is not alone in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Net Is a Waste of Time” by William Gibson

Some people claim that the internet is a complete waste of time. Nevertheless, internet users have many experiences on the Web that can be life fulfilling. For example, people work, date, connect, argue, mourn, inform, study, entertain themselves, and so on. In his essay, William Gibson, who criticises the internet,...

Comparison of Arizona and Texas

THESIS: Although Arizona and Texas have differences such as nicknames, different touristic places to visit, economic fact sheets, they also have many things in common; the similarities between Arizona and Texas conclude in their weather which is hot and dry, in their location in the border with Mexico, common historical...

Digital Natives Generation and Culture

There is no doubt that all is in a state of flux this phrase can be used to describe the situation in any period. As for modern society, it can be stated that changes taking place today are even more significant than those related to the past centuries because modern...

Methods of Determining the Voice of the Customer

Eight Methods of Determining the Voice of the Customer: Advantages and Disadvantages Promoting quality in the context of entrepreneurship is a crucial step toward gaining success and becoming a leader in the target industry. For these purposes, an increase in customer satisfaction rates and the subsequent increase in the number...

Chlamydia Transmission, Examination, Treatment

The pathophysiologic instruments of chlamydial contagion are not implicit comprehensively. Chlamydia contaminates columnar epithelial cells that put the pubescent woman at actual danger due to the occurrence of the squamocolumnar intersection on the ectocervix waiting for the premature maturity. The original reaction of epithelial cells to the contagion is a...

Liberal Education Background and Nursing Practice

Abstract Baccalaureate education makes nurses ready to become a part of a complicated healthcare system. The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing shows the steps necessary to achieve this. Today, nurses need not only the knowledge of life sciences but the knowledge of social sciences as well. Having direct contact...

Genes and Its Influence on Personality

Extensive research exists on the topic of genetic makeup and its influence on personality. For example, a study conducted in 2004 found that such character traits as agreeableness and conscientiousness showed a complex genetic architecture, whereas the common pathway model could be used for the explanation of neuroticism and extraversion...

The Treatment of Adolescents with Suicidal Tendencies

PICOT Question The proposed PICOT statement is: “In adolescent patients suffering from suicide ideation, does the implementation of family and professional support, compared with only depression prevention strategies, reduce the suicide ideation and rate of adolescent, in a year period?” To answer this question, one can look at articles that...

Civil Law and Its Impact on Nursing Practice

Civil law presents one of the topics that are connected with all spheres of human activity because it helps to regulate the relationships between individuals. Among other things, the requirements of civil law have an impact on nursing practice. There are many types of inappropriate actions that may be evaluated...

The Warrior Culture in “The Iliad” by Homer

In The Iliad, a culture that portrays bravery, honor and masculinity is highly honored. Men were expected to participate in warfare fully. Therefore, any man that shuns this responsibility or did not take part in the war was later faced with criticism. Individuals who failed to engage in the battles...

“The Earth’s Sixth Extinction” by Elizabeth Kolbert

Elizabeth Kolbert in her book The Earth’s Sixth Extinction aims to discover the reasons and peculiarities of the sixth extinction claiming that human activity plays a significant role in this process. The journalist traveled with the scientists around the world to conduct experiments and measure the hazardous impact of human...

Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Program

The present paper is devoted to the analysis of a form and reports that were created for a database, which is based on the information from SEER, a Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program. The form is made in the split view: it allows us to enter all the data...

Electronic Commerce Definition and Usage

Introduction Electronic Commerce popularly known as e-commerce refers to commercial transactions performed online via electronic means. They involve the use of computers and the internet to serve business entities and customers (Qin, 2009, p. 7). E-commerce has grown tremendously over the years due to the widespread usage of the internet....

Universal Health Care Funding and Free Enterprise System

From an ethical standpoint, it is obvious that universal health care is one of the fundamental human rights. Health is directly associated with the quality of life and at least in some instances can be tied to the right to life. From a broader perspective, it is possible to consider...

Popular Ballad: Bonnie George Campbell

The World of People’s Sorrows It goes without saying that ballads speak to each individual’s heart as they address archetypal points. Thus, Bonny George Campbell focuses on the idea of war and death. People contemplate these two topics at some point of their life. Of course, the balled also speaks...

Elie Wiesel’s Literary Autobiography

In his autobiography, Elie Wiesel describes the destructive influence of the Holocaust on a person’s inner world and his/her attitudes toward others. One of the central themes that the author explores is the relationship between a father and a son under the circumstances when people cannot easily retain their humanity....

Scientific vs. Unconsciously Acquired Knowledge

Although the question above seems to be philosophical or rhetorical, I will try to explain and argue my opposite viewpoint from different perspectives. The process of learning particular information from reading or analyzing appropriate materials is a scientific method. According to this data, it would be proper to claim that...

Regional-Level Challenges: California’s Homelessness

According to statistics, the app. 115,000 people living in California are homeless, 73,000 of whom are unsheltered, and have to sleep in the streets. The problem is pressing indeed since California is still one of the few states with increasing homelessness (which has risen by 3% in 2016). Despite the...

Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care

The above anticipated changes in nursing were presented to several colleagues in my department. Most of the listeners were glad to understand some of the major changes that will be experienced in the future by nurses. The nurses also acknowledged the fact that nursing was a changing field that continued...

“Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach

I perfectly realize the unique mission our newspaper accomplishes, the role it plays in the formation of peoples mentality, and the impact it has on their minds. For this reason, I am sure that only worthy artworks could be published by it. Thus, considering the unique goal and a specific...

Six Sigma Methodology’ Deployment

The article “Deployment of Six Sigma Methodology to Reduce Complications in Intravitreal Injections” reveals how Six Sigma principles can be utilized in the modern healthcare delivery setting. According to the authors, this quality improvement method was initially used in manufacturing processes, but now it has more spheres for use such...

Belo Monte Dam Project Environmental Controversies

Introduction In the city of Para in Brazil where the third largest dam in the world is to be built has run into legal controversies for years now. The Belo Monte dam project was proposed back in 1975 at an estimated cost of US$18.5 billion. The dam lies in the...

Robert Kiyosaki as a Motivational Leader

It could hardly be doubted that success in business profoundly correlates with developed leadership qualities. However, some individuals stand out as more significant influential figures, who inspire and motivate other people to grow as a leader. One of these people is Robert Kiyosaki, a businessman, writer, speaker, and public figure,...

Listening Styles

Listening is important because it provides individuals with the required information about the world around them and other people’s emotions, feelings, and ideas. Four styles that differ in terms of a person’s motivation for listening are task-oriented listening, relational listening, analytical listening, and critical listening (Bodie, Worthington, & Gearhart, 2013)....

Social Time: the Heartbeat of Culture

Time Factor The time difference is a major reason for the versatility in the cultural practices of various communities. Moreover, different perspectives of lateness differ in various communities. Having these differences is the reason for the versatility in the social and corporate world aspects. Introduction The concept of time is...

Genetically Modified Organisms: Position Against

Introduction Genetically modified organisms are organisms that are created after combining DNAs of different species to come up with a transgenic organism (McDonagh 8). Debates on GMOs have persisted since the introduction of genetically engineered foods. Although there is great promise about GM foods addressing the global problem of food...

Nursing Leadership: Plan of Action

Change Theory Change Theory’s Elements Fitting the Scenario Nursing leadership is associated with the need to implement changes. Different change models contain such basic elements as making people aware of the problem, implementing the change, and making a new model a norm (Nilsen, Wallerstedt, Behm, & Ahlström, 2018). These frameworks...

Kristallnacht: Massacre of Jews in Nazi Germany

Kristallnacht was the murder and persecution of Jews, who lived in Germany. The name Kristallnacht owes its origin to the German word ‘crystal night’, which represents broken crystals of glass evident from the burning down and demolishing of Jewish property. Remarkably, the persecution and massacre took place in 1938 after...

Outbreak of World War I

The beginning of the 20th century could be characterized by the great tension in the international relations. The leading states of that period of time had entered the new century with their own goals and intentions, trying to promote the increase of their power and preserve the current position. For...

Teaching Strategies and Classroom Management

Observed teaching strategies Teachers in grade 3 and 5 apply almost similar teaching strategies to assist their learners. To be successful, educators use more than a single strategy as this enables various kinds of learners to grasp the content. The observed teaching strategies in grade 3 and 5 included; demonstration,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Informal Group’s Effect on Organizational Behavior

Informal groups perform a number of crucial functions that can hardly be delivered by formal groups. For example, informal groups have the potential of perpetuating cultural value systems that are cherished by a group. This noble role assists in safeguarding the integrity of the group. It is possible for common...

The University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital

The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Hospital pays great attention to continuous quality and safety improvement, focusing on research, inpatient, and outpatient care. The observation of the official website that presents the recent data related to the hospital performance illustrates that such domains of health care quality as timeliness,...

Contemporary Design: Evolution Queen Wall Bed

Development of society has always influenced development of all other spheres of human activity. New ways of thinking promote evolvement of science which, in its turn, leads to creation of new methods of expressing thoughts. That is why, art has always been changing with society to answer all challenges of...

Heart Disease in American Women: Raising Awareness

Heart disease is a serious health problem that poses a significant danger to the population. In this paper, the issue of heart disease among women in the U.S. is considered, and some ways in which the situation can be improved are discussed. The problem of heart disease among women is...

Lupus, Lyme Disease, Mononucleosis Diagnostics

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) The patient could be suffering from SLE as she reported muscle aches without stiffness and a skin rash with an increased photosensitivity. These symptoms are associated with Lupus, the chronic inflammatory condition that is most commonly found in women of childbearing age (Bartels, 2016). The reasonableness...

Organizational Structure: Project Leadership

Drug to Drug Interactions Drug to drug interactions are among the major causes of medicine-induced harm in patients with various diseases. According to recent statistics, the problem occurs in over 1.9 million of individuals annually and results in up to 220.000 emergency department referrals per year (Scheife et al., 2015)....

“A Jury of Her Peers” a Story by Susan Glaspell

Background The story has an interesting beginning of a wife is asked by the husband to stop baking the bread and accompany him to a crime scene of a family they knew. Thereafter the story of a jury of her peers revolves around these characters one of them being Minnie...

Adolescents’ Health and Life: Sexual History

Taking a Sexual History from an Adolescent Taking a sexual history is a necessary part of a gynecologic examination (Hawkins, Roberto-Nichols, & Stanley-Haney, 2016). It is crucial in case there is a probability of sexually transmitted diseases which are also frequent among adolescents (Neinstein, 2009). Taking a sexual history from...

Managing Change in an Organization

Introduction Change is intertwined into professional and personal components of lives. It has the ability to steadily occur within the environment mankind dwells in and even beyond. This reflective treatise attempts to explicitly review the successful and unsuccessful organizational changes in relation to models and philosophies of change management. Besides,...

Gross Domestic Product Per Capita Growth

GDP growth is a standard economic indicator that is used to measure the economic growth in a country by dividing the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the number of the country’s citizens. The higher the GDP, the better is the country’s economic performance and, presumably, the quality of life in...

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Adults

Type 2 diabetes is a current-day epidemic. Affecting more than 370 million adults worldwide (26 million people in the United States), it is one of the most critical health issues (Pratley, 2013). However, the growing number of those suffering from the disease, as well as people with a pre-diabetic condition,...

Arguments Against Death Penalty

Since ancient times, our societies had used the death penalty as the highest form of capital punishment. The idea behind capital punishment was simple – fear was supposed to keep criminals from committing crimes. In ancient societies, capital punishments were very common – even the acts of simple theft were...

Childbearing and Psychological Well-Being

The research topic of this study addresses the extent to which major decisions females aged between 21 and 55 make concerning childbearing and companionship are affected by their inadequateness and abandonment (or fear of abandonment). This population is chosen as females of this age (in the vast majority of cases)...

Crisis Management: Definition and Relation to Business

In the context of product recalls, crisis management can be defined as the systematic attempt often initiated by the management of the organization to avoid organizational crises or to manage those crisis events that do occur using various crisis management strategies classified into four main categories, namely denial, involuntary recall,...

The Book Desiree’s Baby by Kate Chopin

There is irony in the paper, Desiree’s Baby. It is evident in the reading that there are some instances where the irony comes out clear. It was unheard of to have two people from different races in a sexual relationship. It was common for people to have sexual relationships; this...

Do Photoshopped Images Negatively Affect Self-Esteem?

Introduction The groundbreaking technologies of the late 20th and early 21st century have affected not only the professional lives but also the personal lives of people all over the world. While innovative devices were at first designed strictly for professional use, they soon became so popular that they have begun...

Germany’s Great Influence on the World Politics

Globalization, or the process of strengthening the international bonds between countries in political, economic, and media sectors, is currently one of the major threats to the autonomy of many states. Germany is one of the countries that have a great influence on world politics, yet it has a history of...

The Employees’ Qualitative Work

The employee’s lack of knowledge and skills that are necessary for the successful performance of tasks assigned not only leads to inefficient work but also reduces his or her satisfaction with particular duties. If a person is prepared not well enough, he wastes much energy costs and experiences constant stresses....

Business Regulation by Federal Government

Regulation involves government actions that are used to guide the behavior of businesses and citizens so as to reach social and economic goals. The government’s action of regulating businesses has led to the reduction of discrimination, freed competition, banned dangerous products, reduced workplace accidents, enhanced business competition, protected the environment,...

Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola Companies Performance Management

Coca Cola and PepsiCo are Fortune 500 companies and therefore other companies observe their human resource practices as models. Motivating and managing human capital It is imperative to recognise that both Coca Cola and PepsiCo take pride in their workforce. Pepsi, for instance, acknowledges that employees are its greatest assets...

Sublime and Picturesque in American National Parks

National parks of the United States are truly unique places on the Earth, offering breathtaking sceneries that can touch the most sensitive soul. Driven by the desire to preserve the beauty of national natural landscapes, people started to establish a system of national parks. Even though the motive of national...

Lupus and Perioral Dermatitis in Nursing Care

The first potential diagnosis that can be noted is systematic lupus erythematosus. The patients, as a rule, are concerned about weakness, weight loss, fever without any apparent cause, and pain in the joints as in case of the given patient (Kuhn et al., 2015). There are also other symptoms of...

GPS Technology: How It Works and Who Uses It?

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a technical marvel, which uses satellites positioned such that they transmit appropriate signals that allow the GPS receivers to make calculations and display the speed, location, and the time information to the users (Zahradnik, not dated). GPS is mostly used for tracking objects moving...

Station Night Club Fire Tragedy and Prevention

Introduction The Station Nightclub incident is one of the most tragic episodes in the history of the United States that engulfed the Rhode Island in 2003. The catastrophe stemmed from the pyrotechnics display that appeared in the club during the concert and led to an instant flaming. The incident had...

Temporal Arteritis in Nursing Home Patients

Comprehensive Management of Patient, Client, and Community Care Earlier I used to work as a visiting nurse for some time and care for people with disabilities. Today, I am engaged in the treatment of different patients, including both sedentary and those who are temporarily experiencing some health problems. If I...

Shift Scheduling Models for Registered Nurses

Purpose of the Study The primary goal of the study is the evaluation of the traditional 8-hour and longer 12- and 13-hour shift scheduling models, their potential impacts on RNs’ health and productivity, as well as the overall organizational culture and performance. The research findings will support the development of...

Inclusion and Exclusion in the Global Arena

Synopsis The article under consideration entitled “Introduction: Inclusion and Exclusion in the Global Arena” is a piece of writing by Max Kirsch taken from the book written by the same author. The article was published by Routledge in 2007. The author introduces information about the controversial nature of globalization in...

Eastman’s “Now We Can Begin” in Writing Lesson Plan

Rationale The lesson on writing arguments is developed for students from Grade 9. Although students develop their skills in writing arguments in different grades, it is important to enhance their knowledge and train practical skills. Therefore, the purpose of this lesson is to improve students’ skills in analyzing speeches, formulating...

Using Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Pain Management

What article did you choose? The article chosen for the assignment was Mindfulness meditation for chronic pain: systematic review and meta-analysis by Hilton et al. (2017). Why did you select this article versus the others? There are several reasons why I chose this article. First, the type of study used...

“Orange is the New Black” – Netflix Series’ and Book Comparison

Introduction The book, Orange Is the New Black, and the Netflix series talk about a character who goes to prison for fifteen months. The police arrest her for mistakes she did in the past. There are some differences between the book and the series in terms of characterization, themes, and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Democrats and Republicans in the New York State

The state of New York is characterized by two strong political parties, namely the Democrats and the Republicans. In effect, the people of New York have a high recognition of these two parties with citizens dividing their votes to contestants from either party, depending on their interests. Even though there...

Learning and Memory in Behavioral Neuroscience

Chapter 12, “Learning and Memory,” of Freberg’s “Discovering Behavioral Neuroscience,” provides essential insights on the understanding of brain development and functioning. The key milestones in brain evolution start from those of early animals such as sea anemones. Furthermore, brainy mammals appeared around 360 million years ago, serving as a basis...

Postpartum Patient’s Major Depressive Disorder

Important Elements of the Description The first key element in the description of the patient’s worsening depression and development of various mental illnesses, includes her having had a fifth child while being only 29 years old. The second important element is that she smokes pot twice a day which is...

Problem of the Team Working Process Malfunction

Problems One of the problems presented in the case study is the malfunction of teamworking process that was working accurately back in the day. The problem did not come out of the blue, though, but the reasons are unclear. In perspective, the tensions among workers may lead to decreased performance....

Obese People’s Barriers to Physical Activity

Introduction The journal in question is Journal of Research in Nursing, and it dwells upon a variety of issues related to research in the nursing practice. It includes articles that highlight different aspects of research in nursing. Thus, the journal is a platform for sharing ideas on ways to implement...

Group Projects’ and Incentive Plans’ Similarities

Given the fact that group projects assigned at school are targeted towards creating bonds between students and teaching them how to work in a corporate environment, group projects have a lot in common with group incentive plans. In a corporate setting, an employee incentive plan encourages the workers to work...

Fetal Development and Infant Attachment

Fetal Development The development of a fetus is influenced by a multitude of factors throughout the process. While the exact number of these influences and their relative weight is unclear, they are most commonly divided into two broad categories: biological and environmental determinants. The biological side of the process is...

Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg (embryo) implants in another location other than the uterine cavity (Houry & Salhi, 2009). It’s life-threatening complication and at most times not viable. It poses a great risk of internal hemorrhage secondary to rupture and is considered a medical emergency. Most ectopic...

Specific Illegal Immigration Issues

Introduction Immigration is normally used to refer to the movement of people from their home countries to a foreign country where they are non-citizens. Immigration can either be legal or illegal. Legally, immigration of people is sanctioned by the destination country’s governing authorities (LeMay 36). There are various issues associated...

Humility in Leadership for Americans

Abstract Leadership is a proper practice because it can make any organization or individual successful. According to Americans, an effective leader should possess certain traits and qualities to achieve his or her goals. This paper discusses how Americans view leadership and humility. The discussion goes further to explain the importance...

“The Green Economy” by Mark Wilson

In his article “The Green Economy: The Dangerous Path of Nature Commoditization”, Wilson explores the possible difficulties that can be met on the way to implementation of the ideas described in the paper “Towards a Green Economy – Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication” prepared by the United Nations...

Nursing Legal and Ethical Issues Case

Ethical Discussion Aging is the period of hard decisions, a variety of ethical approaches, and the inabilities to decide what is right or wrong with respect to a particular situation. As a rule, the elderly start planning their old age beforehand discusses their preferences and demands, defines the most appropriate...

UN and the Digital Age

Introduction: The Digital Age and Its Challenges The recent technological breakthrough that has been witnessed over the past few decades has clearly heralded a new epoch. A range of IT innovations, particularly, those that allow for global communication, has become ubiquitous, altering people’s lives on a variety of levels. However,...

Energy Crisis and Climate Change

Why are countries of the world facing an energy crisis? Energy consumption is an important condition for the existence of the society. The availability of energy resources was always a necessity for the fulfillment of human needs and escalating life standards (Ghauri, Awan, & Bashir, 2012). Thus, as countries continued...

Political Activism in Nursing and Healthcare Provision

Political activism is often understood as a series of confrontational actions meant to eliminate existing obstacles (social, political, economic, etc.) in order to achieve activists’ goals. Thus, there is a misconception of activism as a militant public protest. However, nonviolent actions caused by political responsibility of citizens make a more...

Instances to Discuss the Bystander Effect

What Are They Thinking? To understand how the bystander effect, pluralistic ignorance, and diffusion of responsibility can be applied to different real-life situations, it is important to focus on analyzing people’s reactions to emergencies. The first instance to discuss is the situation when a man in a good suit is...

Cybersecurity of Healthcare Technologies

General Aspects of the Technology Topic Science and medicine: rapidly developing technologies; Technological innovations expand healthcare facilities’ potential; Along with opportunities, there are threats; Cybersecurity: one of the greatest dangers; Security threats exist in every sphere; Lost data leads to adverse outcomes. In the world of fast-developing technologies, there are...

Antipsychotic Medications – Psychiatry

A psychotic person is one who is out of touch with what is happening in life. Such individuals have very weird behaviors. For example, Ursula, who is super-hyper, has symptoms of insomnia. She is always anxious and also experiences paranoia. These are symptoms of an illness called schizophrenia. Antipsychotic medications...

Residence and Genetic Predisposition to Diseases

Judging by the results of the study on the genetic predisposition of people to certain diseases based on their residence places, it can be noted that the information obtained quite clearly emphasizes the influence of heredity. For example, when analyzing the data of researchers that the Japanese living in the...

Domestic Violence and Public Awareness

Description of Topic and Research Questions Topic Description The topic I would like to research is domestic violence. Sadly, this issue is widely spread in families in our country and many other countries in the world. Various categories of people suffer from this kind of crime, and there are different...

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Bre-X Minerals Company’s Gold Mining in Indonesia

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Health Promotion Role and Practice

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The Local Activist’s Demonstration

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The Murder in the Play “Hamlet”

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“End This Corporate Welfare” by Chris Rufer

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French and English Colonies Comparison in the North America

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Women at the Highest Levels of the Organizations

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Pender’s Health Model and Parse’s Theory in Nursing

This discussion explains the influence of Pender’s model of health and Parse’s theoretical framework on the advanced practice nurse. It also explains how Pender’s model guides the implementation of AACN Essential VIII by nurses in their daily practice. How Pender’s Model and View of Health Influenced the Practice of the...

Innovate Church: Non-Negotiable Commitments

Which of the non-negotiable commitments to you find most difficult to keep? How do you plan to strengthen your commitment in that area? There are four non-negotiable commitments. Each of them plays an important role in understanding God, human beliefs, and the power of faith. First three commitments are clear,...