Baghdad as the Islamic World in 8th-11th centuries

Islam, which emerged in the 622 Current Era when Prophet Muhammad and his disciples migrated from Mecca to Medina is the youngest religion in the world. Later, the Islamic Empire extended its territory from northern Spain to the Pyrenees, Northern Africa to western parts of Egypt, and Syria to the...

The Colonization Process of New France

In the 17th century, France attempted to colonize new regions in the world in order to expand their influence. Jacques Cartier was the force behind the expeditions in 1534; he claimed the Chaleur Bay for his country, France. Further, the prominent sailor in his several trips conquered St. Lawrence River....

Marijuana Rules and Regulations in Colorado

Introduction: What Must Be Learned about Legal Cannabis Selling Marijuana legalization has been a major issue in the U.S. for quite a while. The arguments of both proponents and those opposed are very legitimate. As a result, running a shop in the states where cannabis retail is allowed, such as...

Victimology and Traditional Justice System Alternatives

Introduction Victimology, as defined, is a “branch of criminology that studies the relationship between an injured party and an offender by examining the causes and the nature of the consequent suffering” (Victimology, 2008). It basically focuses on identifying whether the delinquents were complete strangers, plain acquaintances, a friend or family...

Crime Prevention Programs and Criminal Rehabilitation

Introduction The success of the human civilization is largely attributed to the establishment of laws and the subsequent following of these laws by all the members of the society. However, it can be expected that not everyone will choose to follow the set laws out of their own free will....

Government: Parliamentary vs. Presidential Systems

Introduction Government types are determined and defined by the way the state’s executive, judicial, and legislative institutions are organized. In present times, the majority of governments are democratic, which means that they “permit nation’s citizens to manage their government either directly or through elected representatives” (Faraji, 2015, p. 269). There...

Asian Studies: The Vietnam War’s Key Points

Vietnam War is amongst other grim reminders about people’s cruelty, fears, and disrespect towards fellow human beings. All recent wars have the same thing in common, those who are being colonized and the colonizers. The excuses are also the same, as those with more power and weapons believe themselves superior...

Eco-Friendly Packaging and Its Issues

Sustainability has recently become a new trend in doing business. As the overall green consciousness grows and consumers worldwide prefer buying eco-friendly products, companies tend to become more environmentally friendly reducing their impact on the environment. In most cases, the areas for influence reductions are minimizing the level of greenhouse...

Hurricane Katrina and the US Emergency Management

Hurricane Katrina was a storm that struck the Gulf Coast of the United States in 2005, and that caused massive damages that affected the social and economic lifestyles of the affected areas extensively. Government statistics indicate that the Hurricane caused more than 1,836 deaths, displacement of hundreds of thousands of...

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Transnational Population of Tamils in Sri Lanka

The Transnational Tamils in Sri Lanka are a section of Tamilians pushing for the creation of an independent Tamil-dominated nation in the north and east of the country. They have been agitating for autonomy and secession since Sri Lanka obtained its independence from The British Empire. Significant part of the...

A Letter to Rosaline from Romeo in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

A Letter to Rosaline from Romeo. Romeo is expressing his heart-ache, pledges his devotion, begs for a meeting. Dear Rosaline, This letter I write to request thee to give me a place in thy heart. Written hath I many a love poem to express my love to thee to reply...

Buffalo Re Use as a Social Entrepreneurship Endeavour

Social entrepreneurship is an innovative process that responds to market failures through the use of transformations so as to provide solutions to social problems. By use of transformations so as to provide solutions to social problems. This paper focuses on Buffalo Reuse as one of the endeavors in America towards...

Gamification in Education Practice

Abstract Gamification is actively used today in the area of corporate training because this approach leads to high results, and it is associated with the employees’ increased motivation to acquire the new knowledge. Gamification related to the corporate training and learning can be discussed as a process advantageous for organizations...

Traditional and Alternative Education in America

Education is considered to be necessary in bringing up an individual, a personality. Alongside with commonly accepted traditional education, there exists nontraditional one. Surely, their conceptions and methods are different. Both are trying to make its system as effective, as possible, but there can be no perfect educational system. One...

The World Problem: Famine

Famine is a global problem affected developing countries. The main causes of famine are low income and low developed economies. It is known that among the developed countries, increases in per-capita food production since the 1950s have generally moved upward in tandem with increases in total food production. Among the...

The Case for Torture, or the Ways we Lie

One of the reasons why America got involved in WW2, was because Jewish Media magnates had succeeded in convincing the majority of Americans that Germans were nothing but brutes, who took a particular pleasure in torturing innocent civilians. During the course of this historical period, not a single day would...

Contemporary Nursing Knowledge Components

Introduction Extensive research that is being carried out in the field of nursing has led to the expansion of knowledge in this field. The time when practitioners had to memorize only a few items for them to be ready for nursing is long gone. Each day comes with a new...

Teenage Pregnancy Problem

Teenage pregnancy has become a major problem both in the developing and the developed world alike. It is both a social and health problem that every government is trying to address. Some worlds’ governments have allocated financial support to the relevant ministries and departments in their national budgets. The government...

Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a renowned professor of psychology and the author of the book “Flow and Psychology of Discovery and Invention” and is the latest book by the professor. In this book, creativity is closely examined by the author and clearly brought out in the chapters though some people believe...

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Organization Conflicts and Bullying

A Study Of The Individual Who Bully’s In The Work Place Bullying at workplaces has received increased attention from the media (Beckford, 2008; Parker-Pope, 2008; Klein, 2008; Said, 2007). A recent survey in the UK showed that 56 percent of employees believe that they face serious problems in the workplace...

Media’s Influence on Body Image and the Affect it has on Girls/Woman

Introduction Role models portrayed in the media are revealed to be all appearance and too often, no substance. Girls are very slim and tall with flawless complexions. The idea of the ‘Barbie complex’ is not new, but the importance placed on being blonde, slim and young has created a culture...

The Evolution of Business Ethics

Abstract The case study contains the answers to the questions based on the book of Daniel Terris. In his book, Terris deliberates the history of commercial ethics in the United States since the late 1800s with admiration “to anti-competitive practices, seeking unfair advantage through immoral arrangements with suppliers and public...

Certified Nurse Assistant Preparatory School: Business Plan

School Objectives and Rationale The opening of CNA Preparatory School is supported by the necessity to effectively prepare applicants for state examination that has to be passed in order to obtain the license of the Certified Nurse Assistant. The major objectives of the school include: to give students the idea...

Cell Phones During Driving: Threats and Solutions

Driving involves a complex interaction of mental, physical, cognitive, and sensory skills, all of which draw the driver’s attention. However, even with these complexities of driving, drivers still engage in other tasks which divert their attention away from driving increases the risk of a crash, thus endangering his and others...

Fire in Terms of Chemistry and Thermodynamics

A fire has formed an important ingredient of societal cultures and religions, from historic times to our present world, and has played a key role in the advancement towards civilization. The fire has taken different trends all through the history of our world. For thousands of years, people have used...

Education for Students with Autism in Saudi Arabia

Introduction to Autism among Students in Saudi Arabia Students who suffer from autism in Saudi Arabia are secluded from the mainstream learning institutions because teachers and staff members in the institutions lack the knowledge, awareness, and understanding of matters related to the condition. They fail to understand the kind of...

Representative Democracy and Its Crisis in Europe

Introduction In the contemporary world, representative democracy is believed to be an elementary principal. In fact, the ideal of democracy in Europe, for instance, is based on the representative democracy. The model of democracy is designed in line with reverence to human civil liberties and the tenets of a bylaw....

Japan as a Technological Leader of the World

The technological integration of the world is changing, and different countries are adopting new and modernized methods of adapting to these changing scenarios. The past depicts that countries like United States, United Kingdom, and certain European countries were considered as the technological giants, but in the current scenario, countries like...

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Isaac Newton Scientific Contributions

Isaac Newton is considered a champion of scientific modernity in several aspects. His inventions have not only been historical but have influenced the development in modern life. The historical introductions of scientific methodologies have been used to transform ancient methodology to a new phase of natural intellectual development. Scholars attribute...

Human Rights in Contemporary World

Introduction to Human Rights According to Pereira (2007), human rights are universally inalienable. All human beings are entitled to these rights at birth. Also, they are said to be egalitarian and wide-ranging. In this paper, the author analyses an example of human rights abuse in the contemporary world. The human...

Karl Marx and International Relations Theories

Marxism is one of the fundamental theories of international relations. According to Marxists, both liberalism and realism are merely expedient theories started by capitalist regimes to protect and validate universal inequality. However, Marx disagrees that class is the basic unit of analysis of international relations (IR) and the global system...