Leadership vs. Management

Describing cases of management and leadership Being a leader of an Ambulatory Surgery Center, I try to do everything possible to coach and empower my staff. I am always concerned with the future development of our nursing network and all my reforms are directed at innovating, advancing, and improving the...

Innovative Business Models in Contemporary Settings

All the companies strive to acquire the secret of success. In that matter, each particular business has its own secret of success. Thus, businesses require simple models, which will allow understanding and implementing the factors for success. In that regard these models should also be innovative, where models focusing functionality...

The Purchase of Toyama: Project

Introduction In this project, the purchase of TOYAMA – a Japanese restaurant, will require $50000 loan. The loan shall acquire the restaurant at a cost of $40,000, and the remaining $10,000 is for maintenance and recurrent expenditure. The passing on of the owner has opened an investment opportunity that will...

SWOT Analysis of Škoda Company

The key weakness identified by Škoda was that the company is unable to fit into a fragmented and highly competitive market with its current brand perception in the general public. Market shares for Škoda are small, largely due to the fact that their reputation did not grow a sufficient amount...

Heineken Industry Evaluation

Heineken is a global business as it produces beverages for Europe, North and South America, Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe, and the Asia Pacific. Heineken’s main strength is brand diversification, aimed to meet the customer’s tastes (Gaspar and Massa 9). Its main weaknesses include currency fluctuations and poor margins as...

Transitional Leadership Role in Teamwork

Abstract Nurses and clinicians are required to collaborate, engage one another, and solve most of the problems recorded in their clinics or workplaces. The concept of teamwork has gained prominence in the field of healthcare since it allows such professionals to provide timely and personalized services to more patients. This...

Observational Methods to Research the Student Experience

The main idea of the observation method is to watch at the setting, participants, and the situation and to present the results of this in the separate section of the research (Patton, 2002). Creswell (2007) is sure that the main strength of the observation is that watching at the situation...

Risk Management: Various Insurance Types

Introduction The relations between human beings within the society have always been associated with danger and risk irrespective of the fact whether these are social, political, or employment relations. The progress of the mankind has resulted in the progress in the area of fighting the risks arising from these relations...

Planning Process of Human Resource Management

In order to run a successful business, it is vital to take into account human resource planning. The reason for this is that a proper HR strategy provides the means through which companies can guarantee that they employ professional staff capable of completing tasks. Moreover, a good manager should also...

ViaBela: Online Buying Cite Research Proposal

Introduction In the 21st century, there has been an increased use of the Internet to access information, trade, interact and communicate among different classes of people; people have different uses of the Internet, for instance, in modern colleges, the use of the Internet as a learning aid has taken center...

Marketing Plan for 3-D Virtual Scanning

Executive Summary 3-D virtual tours have been around for barely two decades, and during this period, many people have switched from traditional 2-D methods of viewing objects to 3-D virtual tours that are more engaging and detailed. Additionally, virtual tours are a convenient way for an individual to explore a...

Management of Production Costs

The development of the world economy poses new challenges for various manufacturing businesses. In order to avoid financial crises, present-day companies need to elaborate a management plan to adjust their activities to shifting conditions (“7 essential features,” 2018). However, such a complex process implies the change in production costs as...

Aldus Corporation’s Marketing Strategy

Introduction This report examines the marketing strategies as applied in Aldus Corporation. The corporation operates in the computer software development industry since its establishment in 1984. In spite of the successes that the firm initially enjoyed, changes in the business environment led to reduced sales revenues hence need to change...

Capital Budgeting of New Heritage Company

As can be seen from the described cases, New Heritage is continually developing new projects in various areas. This allows the company to develop, interest the audience, and attract new customers. These projects relate to different areas of the company’s activities, such as creating new lines of clothing or the...

Net Present Value, Estimating the Future Net Cash Flows

Net Present Value (NPV) is used for estimating the future net cash flows of the project. For computing NPV, all cash inflows and outflows of the project are projected and then they are discounted back to the present date using a suitable discount rate (Ross, Westerfield, & Jaffe, 2013). The...

Auditing: Sarbanes Oxley Act

Introduction Auditing is an important process that is followed to guarantee that financial statements prepared by any company are accurate, and internal controls have been applied effectively. Therefore, auditors are third parties that need to be impartial to provide fair and appropriate conclusions. The role of auditors is to prevent...

Evaluation and Pricing of Fixed Assets on Phantom Profits for Companies

Introduction This research proposal will examine the impacts of evaluating and pricing of fixed assets on phantom profits for companies. The purpose of investing in business activities is to get profits, expand operations and control markets. However, macro and micro economic factors dictate the success of a business activity and...

Role of the Reinforcement Strategies

Employee productivity and performance rests on motivational approaches and reinforcement strategies towards achieving organizational goals. Extrinsic rewards relate to the positive outcomes of a group or individual’s productivity in a work setting. John and Leavitt (2001) argue that these rewards reinforce the emotional attachment of an individual or group to...

Internal Control Practices in Any Business Organization

Introduction Internal Control is essential for any business organization, as it helps to minimize errors and maximize efficiency when working with financial assets. Some fast-food companies, like Southern Fried Chicken, put a video camera above the cashier to record the details of the operations. Others, like high-tech cybersecurity firms, divide...

Risk Recognition, Measurement, and Management

Context Any multinational firm having exposure to international transactions and investments has to denominate the sales revenue and costs denominated in equivalent home currency. In that case, the firm is bound to be exposed to fluctuations in exchange rates. The calculation of the impact of the changes in the foreign...

Using Big Data and Predictive Analytics to Modernize Government Operations

Introduction At the beginning of the 21st century, the development and global spread of Internet communication technologies in modern states led to the emergence of an independent virtual political communication space with its principles of functioning. The introduction of new types of political communication influences the processes of interaction between...

Base Rewards on Job Performance

Introduction Reward systems are directly associated with job satisfaction and performance at the workplace. Satisfied workers are more committed to their tasks and in achieving organizational objectives. Dissatisfied employees lack the right motivation to task performance. Job satisfaction is exhibited in individuals’ attendance on duty and the motivation to go...

Strategic Management Techniques and Tools in Healthcare

Introduction Strategic quality management plays a fundamental role in the development and implementation of organizational plans. Healthcare leaders have an essential duty to determine crucial tools and techniques that facilitate the progressive execution of projected ideas. In this sense, promoting patient safety is the primary objective of healthcare practice, especially...

Internal System Control in an Organization

There are five different elements of internal system control: control of environment, risk assessment process, information and communication, control of activities, and monitoring. While functioning separately on basic levels, these elements of system control are also interconnected, and this allows better functioning of any system as a whole. Control of...

Best Strategies to Increase College Sports Associated Sales

Sports events play a crucial role in students’ experience in college. Effective marketing planning increases the popularity of sports activities and develops the level of professionalism of players. Unfortunately, there is a downward trend in the attendance of college sports games such as football in the past few years (Abeza...

Electricity Storage Company’s Relevant Cost Information for Decision Making

Introduction The company selected for the study on relevant information for decision making is Electricity Storage Company. Electricity Storage Association is a global trade association established to foster improvement and commercialization of energy storage technologies. The main objective is to encourage the expansion and commercialization of competitive and dependable energy...

Social Media Role in Managing Event Customer Relations

Social media definition Social media is an advanced communication device of the modern century that applies the inclusion of a massive group who share a common sentiment. It has allowed its users to update their events and societal beliefs as they strive to acquire better communication channels. In addition, social...

A Retrospect on Lessons in Accounting: What Has Been Learned

At first glance, the work of a quality assurance team member has little to do with accounting and finances. However, a closer look at the daily routine of a member of the Quality Assurance team at the Sikorsky Aircraft Company will show that my job, in fact, incorporates a range...

HR Management Skill Set in Health Care

It is necessary to note that an HR manager is expected to have an outstanding knowledge of the industry, and some aspects are incredibly valued by employers. The first skill set that should be highlighted is focused on compensation and benefits. Demands of healthcare professionals are always increasing, and one...

Research of the Marketing Mix

Today, the highly competitive market dictates businesses to distinguish themselves to grab customers’ attention and influence their positioning. Differentiation requires brands to invest into developing their marketing mixes. A marketing mix is defined as a totality of factors that a brand can control to influence consumers’ perception and desire to...

Legal Services Outsourcing: Analysis

Introduction Outsourcing legal services in the modern globalized business sphere is no longer a novelty but a reality. However, given the specifics of the field of legal services, outsourcing has its benefits and risks. Since the service fulfills “the supporting role within the businesses,” its outsourcing can significantly affect the...

Henri Bendel’s Closure Overview

Henri Bendel was one of the most successful retailers and set the norms for the luxury retail world, but the trade standards have changed since its first store appeared in New York. According to Les Wexner, Bendel has been closed to improve profitability for the L Brands as a whole...

Critical Reflection on a Reading the Level of User Satisfaction in an ERP System

The title and the abstract This article is about the benefits and the level of user satisfaction in an ERP system. The article’s abstract gives a precise summary of the entire article. Article summary In this article, the authors are trying to find the user benefits of the ERP systems...

Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Financial Management

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 imposed significant changes with regard to the aspects of corporate governance as a responding mechanism to address the increasing cases of corporate mismanagement, managerial issues and cases of misrepresentation by the executive board members (Brigham, & Ehrhardt, 2011). The legislation was passed with high hopes...

Guillermo Scenario: Finance Principles and Concepts

Finance concepts are the basic principles that help us understand the common practices in finance as well as unique and uncommon difficult situations. In the context of the Guillermo scenario, the following finance principles and concepts can be identified: The Principle of Two-Sided Transactions The principle of Two-Sided Transactions recognizes...

Rationale of Sales Compensation Plan

The sales commissions’ compensation plan is used by many business entities like Dasani Water Distribution Company as a method of remuneration and motivation to steer sales performance. This plan is two pronged and is objectively applied to compensation to sales representatives after closing a sale and also rewarding them for...

Club IT: Mission and Primary Clientele

Introduction Club IT is a downtown music venue owned and managed by Lisa and Ruben who started it after graduating with business administration degrees in 2005. The club offers a variety of services to its clients including spacious dancing floor, DJs, live music and refreshments. The mission of the club...

Accrual and Cash Basis Accounting: Comparative Analysis

Financial reporting of an organization depends upon the accounting methods it uses. The most common approach, taken by many leading companies is accrual accounting. It is based on the premise that revenues should be recorded and recognized when the product has been delivered to the customer, and when the collectability...

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Arbitration and Conciliation

Introduction Alternative dispute resolution has been widely used to refer dispute resolution by means other than court adjudication (Staff 231). However, the definition of alternative dispute resolution incorporates a wide range of court oriented initiatives which are designed to facilitate a more effective administration of justice while overcoming delays and...

Organic NZ Balance Issues Analysis

Organic NZ is based in New Zealand. The company intends to enter the China and Middle Eastern markets with its milk powder product. This paper presents the company financial statement and a marketing plan to penetrate the markets in China and the Middle East. Financial statement Opening entries to set...

The Participative Model of Organizational Development

Today’s rapidly growing business segment makes all the enterprises stand out in order to remain relevant in a certain market and keep target audience engaged in the service supply. For this reason, organizational development, which stands for the concept of constant improvement and innovation within the enterprise, has become one...

Wobbly Wheels Distribution Company and the Accurate Financials System

Project Description: The project system that will be integrated in Wobbly Wheels Distribution Company (WW) is the Internal Security system aligned with the Accurate Financials system. The proposed system guarantees the protection of the electronic data in form of orders, finances, and accounting because of prohibiting the unauthorized access to data,...

Conflict Management Issues

Husemann, K., Ladstaetter, F., & Leudicke, M. (2015). Conflict culture and conflict management in consumption companies. Psychology and Marketing, 32(3), 265-284. The selected study focuses on the investigation of conflict culture that emerges in consumption companies. The researchers assume that conflict management is an integral element in the functioning of...

Skills and Traits of Leaders Overview

Abstract Trait theories can identify the personality characteristics that are associated with the success of leaders. Nevertheless, it is necessary to transform these inherent qualities into skills or competencies that should be possessed by these people. By combining these models, students can become more efficient public health administrators. Introduction Several...

Analysis of Enron Company’s Financial Fraud Case

Corporate culture defines communication between employees and leaders and approaches to problem-solving. A corporate culture based on ethical principles ensures open and honest interaction of all parties helps effectively respond to any changes in the internal and external environment. However, the corporate culture’s lack of ethical principles leaves room for...

Handling of Litigation Contingency Disclosure Facing Greater SEC Scrutiny

The following is a summary of an interview conducted by the Journal of Accounting with attorney Michael Young who is the chair of Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP’s Securities Litigation & /enforcement Practice Group (American Institute of Public Accountants para.1). A treaty crafted three decades ago by the American Institute...

Medco International Firm’s Financial Analysis

Financial ratios are used in financial analysis to provide an overall picture of the financial performance of a company. Various categories of ratios show different aspects of the financial performance of a company. These categories are the liquidity ratios, asset turnover ratios, financial leverage ratios, profitability ratios and dividend yield...

A Big Ethical Issue in the IT Company

In the IT company under consideration, a big ethical issue occurred – HR managers, as well as project managers, started to apply gender-biased approach in hiring new employees on the positions of code developers. This is observed continuously during a couple of months after one of the new female employees...

Cash Is King in the Coronavirus Times

Cash is king is a phrase that was used to infer that a company with adequate liquidity will have enough money available to pay its mouths. The term liquidity refers to both an enterprise’s ability to pay short-term compulsions and a company’s capability to sell assets quickly to raise cash....

The Issue of Dysfunction in the Company

Introduction It seems reasonable to claim that sufficient and productive teamwork is affected by a significant number of factors. Each member is to dedicate himself or herself to the needs of a team as a whole, putting personal interests aside. The scholarly dimension provides the important concept of five dysfunctions...

Profitability Issue and Supply Chain Strategy

The best practices of supply chain leaders worldwide are monitored by specific agencies. In the video, the list of the top twenty-five supply chain companies in the United States, was published by Gartner, one of the biggest research and advisory companies in the country (IIBR, 2014). The data from 2013...

Statute of Frauds: Rebecca’s Case

The fraud statute founded in 1677 through an act of parliament and developed through legislative processes over time is now adopted in the judicial systems of many nations in the world. This statute gives provisions governing a contract between two parties. In most of the statutes, the memorandum demands that...

Addressing a Listening Bias Overview

A job interview is one of the communication milestones that are faced by every person. This interview largely identifies the decision of an employer to hire a person and the candidate’s willingness to work for the company (Ted Institute, 2013). It is important to choose proper words to answer the...

When the Wind of Change Blows: The Accounting Rules in the USA

Because of the continuous globalization process, which involves increasingly more countries, a number of states have to reconsider their basic economical and managerial strategies in their main industries, which leads to numerous problems to be solved within the enterprises of the given states. To solve the complexities that arise in...

Clayton County Library System: Enhance Financial Sustainability

Problem Statement Given that public libraries are increasingly becoming important institutions in the 21st century, they are facing challenges in keeping abreast with the ever-increasing needs of millions of library users. One of the major challenges that public libraries experience is the insufficiency of funds, which makes the provision of...

Organizational Communication and Relations Between Employees

Organizational communication refers to the different channels and forms of communication used to pass messages effectively. With companies having a multitude of employees across varying levels of structure, communication plays an essential role in maintaining contact. All employees must understand each other within the shortest period to improve efficiency and...

Blue Ocean Strategy Is a Marketing Theory

Blue Ocean Strategy is a marketing theory that stems from the title of a 2004 book authored by Kim and Mauborgne. In their book, Kim and Mauborgne explain why striking a balance between cost leadership and differentiation can help a digital company create a leap in its value on the...

How to Leverage the McDonald’s Performance

Fast food has become a separate segment in the service sector, experiencing rapid development and financial growth. McDonald’s is a flagship enterprise in the industry with innovative solutions for standardization, delivery, and service diversification. Upgrading current systems is a potential way to improve efficiency, drive-thru, and mobile ordering. Processing panels,...

DeVry Educational Group: Corporate Financial Analysis

Abstract DeVry Educational Group Inc. is a publicly held company that is based in North America. The company provides higher education services across the world (DeVry Education Group Inc., 2014). Carrying out financial analysis using ratios is necessary because it provides a better view of the financial position of a...

Bragg Apple Vinegar Cider Purchase

Buying Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar was not a spontaneous decision. Before the purchase, a thorough investigation of its benefits was conducted by the whole family. It turned out that the vinegar is not only tasty but useful as well. Most people advise using it for cooking, making salads, non-sweet sauces,...

The Development of Company “Pound by Pound”

Pound by Pound (PP) has been progressive since it begun. A new plant to be used for food processing and additional production of herbal supplements may enable the company to further its growth. This memo addresses feasibility of expansion through analysis of capital asset purchases, sales, income, cash flows, value...

Call-Center Service Performance During COVID-19 Recession

The COVID-19 crisis has been hitting the world economy hard. With borders closing, airlines grounded, and offices of major organizations closed down for quarantine, many companies have been downsizing or even going out of business. For some areas of the economy, however, the crisis presented an opportunity for expansion and...

On the Efficiency of the c3 Subsystem Model

Subsystems are evidence-based models for ensuring that competent individuals complete specific functions in a timely manner. In the identified organization, the proposed command, control, and communications (C3) framework will transform operations and guide leaders to identify new or initial technologies that have the potential to deliver positive results. The C3...

The DeVry Educational Group.: Corporate Financial Analysis

Abstract DeVry Educational Group Inc. is a publicly held company that is based in North America. The company provides higher education services across the world (DeVry Education Group Inc., 2014). Carrying out financial analysis using ratios is necessary because it provides a better view of the financial position of a...

Consumer Complaining Behavior in the Service Industry

Complaints in general and consumers’ behavior about expressing their complaints are of vital importance to the improvement procedures aimed at performance excellence in the service industry. The article by Patwary and Hamimi (2016) provides an extensive overview of the key factors influencing consumer complaining behavior and the channels they use...

The Agile Approach in Terms of Encouraging Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration

Introduction The senior leadership decision, after three months of a waterfall approach, to now pivot the entire program and wider organization that it sits within to an Agile methodology of design and delivery is driven by three specific issues, namely: the need for the newly formed organization, resourced with a...

The Importance of Vision and Failures for an Entrepreneur

It is evident that to attain a particular goal and run a business successfully, every businessman should possess distinctive entrepreneurial traits and profound knowledge in the field they operate. Moreover, an entrepreneur should have a ground-breaking vision, the outcomes of which can bring real and valuable benefit for many people,...

Financial Management. Some Important Generalizations

Kepner, K. and Wysocki, A. (2008). Financial Management: Some Important Generalizations. University of Florida IFAS Extension, FRE343. This article focuses on two important aspects of financial management, first, providing an overview of the importance of professional management to the corporate/ business world operations and secondly to analyze financial management points...

Concepts of Brandt Company: Canada

Introduction Brandt Company is a group of industries primarily dealing with manufacture of engineering products. In the past the company was called Brandt electric, but to due to innovations and expansion of its manufacturing sector, it has gradually adopted the new logo “Brandt industries limited.” The company’s headquarter is in...

The Data-Driven Decisions in Business

The companies’ leaders are expected not only to be the professionals in their area but also to have the necessary characteristics to solve difficult situations and make data-driven decisions. For example, recently, my manager was making a decision about which of two employees to promote. The first worker, Mary, was...

Enron and Risk Analysis Theory

“Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” is considered to be a documentary film about the collapse of the greatest world corporation; it was presented to the public in 2005, demonstrating a closer look at the criminal traits of the company’s executives and depicting one of the greatest business scandals...

Successful Marketing Recommendations for Company

Relationship marketing values client loyalty and lasting engagement instead of short-term objectives such as consumer acquisition and direct sales. The most important goal of the community college should be getting prospective clients for the athletics program and converting them to loyal customers. This will be a good indicator as to...

Knowledge Sharing In Global Business

Introduction In the contemporary world, technology and business management have become inseparable. Technological advancements especially in the development of various software programmes have made business collaborations possible, convenient and more widespread. This has especially been facilitated by social media applications, which have given the users the freedom to control and...

The Methods of Managing a Team’s Resources

The given deadline change poses a major challenge in terms of a team’s resource management. There are five people within the group, where two people are analysts, two other people are responsible for interacting with clients, and one is the team leader, who also represents the key interests. Analysts are...

The Purpose of the International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation

The Purpose of the IFRS Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of the Financial Statements The framework laid down by the IFRS describes the most basic concepts, which represent the entire preparation of financial statements as well as their presentation for the different types of external users. According to Finch...

Government Accounting Article by Bergman & Weinberg

The article explores the concepts of budget, expenses, and expenditures, compares them, and explains how math can be applied to politics. Moreover, the author states the difference between expenses and costs, pointing out that the latter one is also responsible for managing finances. Multiple governments create budgets based on funds...

Postal Acceptance Rule or the Mailbox Rule

Brief statement of facts In this question, there are three parties, Perry, Athena and Dion. Athena has a house in Templestowe that she has agreed to sell to Perry for $800,000, an offer which is open until 30th January. However, Dion, who had previously bought property from Athena, offers $600,000...

Analysis of Port Phillip Organization

Overview of the organization The city of Port Phillip is a combination of the former cities of port Melbourne, St. Kilds and South Melbourne. The city was formed in 1994 as one of the European settlement areas in Melbourne. It is well known for its dynamic urban villages, richness of...

Coercive Power in the Workplace

During chaotic situations, with numerous unknowns emerging, the proposition of coercing employees and pressuring them to conform to the leader’s vision may appear highly attractive. It would enable the team to work toward the same goal together as a unified body, at least temporarily, until the chaos passed. However, this...

Dell Computers: Executive PC Launch

The Perceptor Model The position of a company in the industry, relative to its competitors, can be determined by the use of various market analysis models. The preceptor model, which involves a structured trial and repeat process used to estimate market share for a new product, can be utilized to...

The Case of Nutrition Food Inc

Introduction Following a widespread claim of food poisoning in Southern California and Seattle, Nutritional Foods Inc, contracted me as a consultant. My role is to discuss “The case of the Nutritional Foods”. In the foregoing consultancy, I will give a brief breakdown of the case, underline facts, issues involved, ethical...

Boards of Directors in Strategic Management

Strategic management is a critical aspect of any company which helps an organization develop and implement the policies and plans to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals. In Fortune, Walmart is leading the charts in the 2020 rankings once again as the most admired company, while other notable U.S....

Data Mining Approaches in Logistics and SCM

The efficiency of data mining in Supply Chain Management (SCM) is becoming increasingly prominent and crucial for business success. SCM involves coordinating production, distribution, and transportation processes both within and outside the company to improve its performance (Sener et al. 2019). Generally, these activities entail a considerable amount of data,...

Relationship Between the Stock Price of a Company and Its Benefit to Society

There is an interesting relationship between a company’s stock price and its benefit to society. Fundamentally, money is a reflection of how others value a given thing, be it a new smartphone, a bag of groceries, or medical services. Thus, since a firm’s value is primarily acquired by providing high-quality...

Planning with Limiting Factors: Smithton Inc.

Companies are faced with various constraints of production and they are forced to plan accordingly. The limiting constraints may include limited demand, limited skilled labor and other factors of production, and limited finance that forces companies to work under situations of capital rationing. Planning with limiting factors forces companies to...

Corporate Governance and Ethics: Evaluation of Real World Ethical Problems

Introduction The proper functioning of an organization requires control and monitoring. Corporate governance comprises one of the ways of controlling and enhancing the monitoring of organizational operations (Caldwell & Karri 2005). At the heart of corporate governance is the need to mitigate or implement mechanisms of controlling and preventing conflicts...

KitchenAid Artisan KSM150 Stand Mixer Review

Introduction The purpose of this report is to describe and analyze consumer behavior while purchasing KitchenAid Artisan KSM150 Stand Mixer. The consumer is female, 21 years old. With the passion for cooking and the high expectation of gaining popular image on social media, the consumer is heavily involved in all...

Scarcity Principle: Important Tool in Marketing

Introduction The scarcity principle is an important tool in marketing and negotiations involving rival parties. The principle relies on the motivation generated out of fear of losing something which makes people to act. Scarcity can arise because of limitation in supply of a commodity or lack of time, prompting individuals...

Team Collaboration: Processes and Expectations for Communication

“Effective collaboration requires early involvement and the availability of appropriate resources” (Crow, 2002; Maddux, 2003). To achieve our objectives in the development of an extremely clean, professional, clear and easy to navigate and a dynamic institution’s website, our team members share ideas and information in the most explicit communication channels....

Corvette Stingray Product Analysis

Validity of contract A contract is defined a legally binding agreement between two parties to do or not to do something. Generally, different parties enter into contracts for various reasons. Most of the contracts usually involve the sales or purchase of a certain product; that is it involves the exchange...

The Company Analysis: Wal-Mart

Introduction Wal-Mart is an American company that runs a chain of departmental stores. It is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and is the world’s largest corporation in terms of revenue base (Forbes, 2010). It has extended its operations to India, the United Kingdom, Mexico, and other parts...

Organizational Change in the Concord Bookshop

Introduction The current trends in the healthcare industry call for the implementation of several changes to achieve the organization’s mission and goals while satisfying patients and workers in general. These changes are triggered by both external and internal factors, which affect the organizations, employees, and the patients (Buchbinder & Shank,...

Business Innovation and Skill (BIS) Data Analysis

Introduction The present report was commissioned by the Chief Research Analyst. It presents the analysis of data provided by the Department for Business Innovation and Skill (BIS). The purpose of the present report is to compare the South East region with the North West region in terms of similarities and...

The Creation of an Effective Team

Introduction The creation of an effective team within an organization requires considerations of the mission, vision, and strategies of growth within a particular setting. The goal of the plan is to create a team that would work together over a period of nine months and reach the objectives of the...

Information Has Always Been Important in Warfare and Commerce

Introduction Different times in history has seen Information playing an important role in the lives of millions across the globe to either facilitate or complicate their daily activities, which are now demanding in nature. Such occurrences are perceptible in the contemporary Information warfare, and also as a way of doing...

Ports in the Eastern and Western Deep-Sea

SWOT analysis Strengths A strong habour management team Impeccable safety credentials Experience in handling cruise vessels Recreational facilities available at the port Naturally deep waters favouring cost effective berth construction Weaknesses Few cruise vessel handling berths Absence of a prior strategic plan for port expansion Inadequate project management capacity for...

Estimation of Dividend Growth Rate: Wal-Mart Stores Inc

In the last few years, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. paid dividends on a consistent basis. Therefore, it was appropriate to calculate its dividend growth rate based on the last year financial results. The dividend growth rate was calculated by using the following formula: ROE = g x (1-p) g = ROE...

ITS-UK Company: Management Planning and Control

Introduction In the recent years, there have been significant changes in management planning and control. For instance, entities prefer to have several small organizational units that operate as profit centers. This has replaced the common hierarchical system of control. Integrated Technology Services (ITS-UK) has a number of departments that act...

Annual Marketing Reports: Organization’s Financial Performance

Introduction Annual reports aim to give information about the organization’s financial performance and other activities throughout the previous year. This document is important because it allows managers to determine trends and understand what should be done to make a company’s performance better. In order to make a report clear and...

Offshoring Strategies Implementation

The increased competition from developing countries of Asia and Eastern Europe caused firms to implement offshoring strategies – moving the production abroad. Relocation has been an ongoing trend in the business area to achieve better results on global marketplaces (Lin et al., 2017). Such methods aid obtains these businesses several...

Human Resource Recruitment Strategy

Recruiting New Talented Employees Human resource (HR) units are typically tasked with overseeing the recruitment process, designing employee benefits, performance appraisal procedures, reward management, and training and development. HR professionals are generally required to make significant decisions during the enlistment procedure (“The Role of HR”). Some of these decisions include...

Workers’ Compensation: Articles Review

FindLaw. (2016). Workers’ compensation overview. Small Business Law.  This article refers to workers’ compensation as a set of laws that provide guidelines for protecting injured employees by offering them health benefits. Although some states have unique insurance programs for workers, the Federal government outlines distinct compensation laws for specific industries....

Leadership Styles: An Effective Leader’s Critical Skill

Even if the leader is not aware of what kind of management style is typical for them, they still have an established behavior model. My former CEO is a striking example of a charismatic leader. He always had innovative ideas and endless optimism: employees rushed to work enthusiastically after his...

The Idea of Green Supply Chains

The proposed article revolves around the idea of green supply chains that can be built using enterprise resource planning (ERP) as the primary tool that can help to achieve the desired goal. The author admits that today, green ideas are topical as they focus on the environmental impacts of a...

Improving the American International Bank Situation

Overview The American International Bank is a multinational corporation specializing in wholesale banking services. The bank has numerous of its subsidiaries in many parts of the world. Its core business is to meet the requirements of its customers overseas by offering a full range of banking and investment banking services....

Gender-Related Barriers to E-commerce Adoption in the UAE

Abstract In recent years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has emerged as one of the world’s leading hubs of electronic commerce (E-Commerce). Despite the rapid growth in E-Commerce in the country, there are still a number of factors that are hindering broader adoption of E-Commerce in the country. One of...

Corporate Governance of Big Business

Remuneration is the payment made to an individual for the services that he or she provided to the organisation. Director’s remuneration is a most energetic issue in the today’s business world. The range Director’s remuneration seriously varies in different organisation. All aspects of remuneration level, performance measures, yearly bonus design...

Competitive Advantage in a Firm’s Operations

A focus on the best of the three sources of competitive advantages to a firm ought to be the foundation for the others. For instance, concentrating on extra business advantages means ability to capture attention of more audience, thus the possibility to have more customers. Ensuring strict commitment to one...

Recommendations for Follow-Up After the Retraining Program

Now that the layoffs and retraining program are completed, the company restructuring process must be continued to ensure the implementation of skills to practice with the priority set on employee motivation and accomplishment. Maintaining workforce morale is imperative to develop a favorable workplace for our employees, where company goals and...

Mentoring in Healthcare Industry

It is worth noting that any healthcare organization should strive for the harmonious development of employees and help them manage their careers. This should be done regardless of whether a person stays with the current organization or decides to move to another one (Woolnough & Fielden, 2017). For these purposes,...

Sindle v. New York City Transit Authority Analysis

Introduction Justification defenses are commonly used in our courts by defense attorneys to justify the crime that was committed by their clients. Herring (2012) defines justification defenses as a situation where “The defendants admit they were responsible for their acts but claim that what they did was right (justified) under...

Koch Industries: Influence Tactics and Source of Power

Introduction The Koch brothers utilized different power sources and persuasion tactics in their long-running sibling rivalry for the control of Koch Industries. The company started in the 1900s by Fred, who spent most of his time fending off other established oil firms intending to drive him out of business due...

New Technologies Corp. Launching a New Product

Product In our era of constantly changing technologies, it is very important to monitor the current situation in the world thoroughly (Kumar 519). New Technologies Corp. is ready to launch an absolutely unique product – a heated towel rail with a built-in ultraviolet light sensor for towel disinfection and a...

Double-Entry Accounting: Debits and Credits

The double-entry system of accounting is a concept underlying modern accounting processes. It implies that each financial transaction that is being carried out has an equal but opposite impact on at least two different accounts. The double-entry system is used for satisfying the Assets = Liabilities + Equity equation. Therefore,...

Slotting Fees: The War for Shelf Space

Supermarkets often demand thousands of dollars from manufacturers only to agree to trade their goods. For the products to get to a competitive place, they require even more. Characteristics of the goods’ placement affect the profits of retailers and suppliers that are confirmed by practice and well learned by manufacturers...

Leadership Coaching Program in Healthcare

Medical organizations are complex institutions that need strong, collaborative, and comprehensive leadership; that is why I regard leadership training as highly important for health care professionals. Effective leadership skills play a central role in their ability to deliver high-quality care and improve both clinical outcomes and patients’ satisfaction. The purpose...

Exploring How Motivation Impacts Performance

Employee motivation has been detrimental to organizational success because of its impact on the level of commitment, drive, and energy that the workers of a company bring to their roles on a regular basis (Robbins & Judge, 2019). Therefore, without motivation, companies experience reduced productivity, lower output levels, as well...

Debt As A Very Important Part of Commercial Life

Introduction Debt forms a very important part of commercial life. While, some may say that borrowing is not a prudent practice, it is often the only way for an individual or company to stay afloat in business or to pay for expenses incurred that threaten to bring business to a...

The Federal Trade Commission

The funeral services industry is essential since it allows grieving people to bury their dead ones in style. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposes and implements specific guidelines to meet the demands of both the professionals in the industry and the consumers. However, there are specific issues that affect the...

Opening a Bank Office in Lithuania

Introduction Opening a new office usually involves many risks, especially if the new area is not researched properly. Various aspects need thorough consideration, including the short-term and long-term investments, the profitability, the type of presence, and others. If a new office is to open in a country with no previous...

Zero Trust Architecture in the Workplace

The issue of protecting digital data in conditions of corporate secrecy and free access to Internet services explains the need to develop effective security algorithms. The use of adequate mechanisms to prevent cyberattacks and other threats entailing information leakage is relevant to companies of various profiles, including large corporations and...

Effects of Organizational Culture on Communication

Introduction One of my family members once worked for a subsidiary of a famous Japanese manufacturer in the U.S., where the majority of the staff were from Japan. The company had a presence in different spheres ranging from automotive to industrial infrastructure, and I had a chance to witness their...

The Link Between of Communication and Organizational Change

Everyone strives to be understood, but with this desire, not everyone does everything necessary for the meaning of their speech to be clear. In case of misunderstanding, both parties of any communication are most often to blame. In particular, such problems can occur during changes in an organization. People do...

Bitcoins and Their System: Payment Option for Business

Introduction Bitcoins appear to be the most well-known cryptocurrency in the world, which implies an electronic user payment system by analogy to digital wallets and bank accounts. Unlike traditional monetary resources, digital coins are not dependent on the economics of a particular country or central bank. All the operations regarding...

Finance: Financial Intermediaries, Financial Assets & Investments

Role of Financial Intermediaries in a Developed Economy Financial intermediaries, also known as financial institutions, are organizations that issue financial claims against themselves and use the proceeds from the issuance to purchase primarily the financial assets issued by individuals, corporations, government entities as well as other financial intermediaries. Financial claims...

Business Process & Information Technology: Supply Chain Management

The advent of Information Technology, internet and World Wide Web has brought down an era in which computer based technologies have minor or major role on almost all aspects of society, business and industry. The competitive environment of business and corporations has seen the most drastic changes like ecommerce, online...

Corporate Financial Analysis of Gap, Inc

Industry: Apparel Stores Gap, Inc. Date: 01/09/14 Ticker Symbol: GPS – NYSE Recommendation: Hold Current price: $46.15 Price Target: $46.03 Earnings per share Ratio 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Earnings per share 1.58 1.88 1.56 2.33 2.74 Price/earnings ratio 14.8 12.3 10.7 15.2 14.0 Highlights The company reported an increase...

Leadership Perspectives: Indian Creek Foundation Case Study

Leaders have the ability to do right things and help others do right things. They choose a direction, build an inspiring image of what they want to achieve, and create something new. The main function of leadership is to choose the direction that a leader and his followers need to...

Benefits and Demerits of Investment Types

Introduction Basically, the banking firm offers a number of secure investments. In this paper, someone intends to invest 1000 dollars. The types of bank investments may encompass: Checking account; Money-market account; Passbook-savings account; and Certificate-of-Deposit (Bluman, 2005). The objective here is for the investor to receive the utmost probable interests...

Full Range Model of Leadership

Two Purposes of Leadership The concept of leadership is directly connected to the initiatives of companies to ensure the overall effectiveness of their business operations. It implies the presence of two primary purposes, which are direction and coordination and safety and hope. They correspond to the principles of the full...

Google vs. Oracle Executive Summary

Google v. Oracle case is the current federal trial in the United States. About six years ago, Oracle, namely Oracle America, sued Google for “patent and copyright infringement … over Google’s use of Java Application Programming Interfaces (“APIs”) in its Android Operating System” (Alam, 2019, p. 39). The case was...

Advise to Start a Small Business in Australia

Australia has different business opportunities that can be explored to generate maximum income. There are different kinds of business structures available in Australia and they include; sole trader, partnership, trust and company. Before you choose the one that is most suitable you need to consider the following factors; the kind...

Influence of Participation in Strategic Change

The article under consideration, “Influence of participation in strategic change: Resistance, organizational commitment and change goal achievement,” written by Rune Lines, examines strategic change implementation. It highlights the importance of participation in the process for a positive outcome and reflects the possible adverse effects of employees’ failure to contribute to...

Innovation and People Management in Business Processes

Innovation Activities Innovation is one of the most essential factors in the sustainable and efficient development of the company. The company’s executives might choose among different solutions and innovation activities, depending on the selected process. In the case of Nike, it was identified that sustainable manufacturing is vital for the...

Social Justice and Sustainable Business Practices

Climate change and environmental degradation have become evident problems around the world, stemming from waste and emissions produced by human activity. Large businesses play a significant role in contributing to global emissions with practices ranging from manufacturing to transportation and overuse of certain materials such water, plastics, and others, creating...

Nike Inc.’s Marketing and Manufacturing Principles

Nike is a worldwide leader in manufacturing, marketing, and sales of sportswear, footwear, accessories, and equipment. According to Childs and Jin (2018), its “sales exceed $21 billion in 2016, more than half of which is attributed to international markets,” and it is “an innovation leader in product development, marketing, and...

The Disney Difference: Making Magic Happen

Magic is something that everyone around the world loves to get no matter how. Hence, Walt Disney Corporation (Disney) aims at doing it for society everywhere. Therefore, this essay will provide information about the Disney Difference and its effects on its corporate, competitive, and functional strategies. It will then highlight...

Best All Round Roofing Firm’s Technical Proposal and Mission Capability

Using the approach of the best value putting into consideration the technical understanding and the approach BEST ALL ROUND ROOFING does depict an understanding of the requirements that are there of offering a heavily sound technical solution. Has put the expected risks under check and hence has put a mitigation...

Marketing Strategy for the Cloud-Based Platform “Swiftly”

Market Description The transportation market in the United States is evaluated at $1.6 trillion in 2018 by the International Trade Organization. Product Review Swiftly is a cloud-based platform for collecting and analyzing transportation data and managing the logistics of a business. Review of Competition Public transportation data can be found...

The Source of National Rifle Association Power

The article by Eric Lipton and Alexander Burns analyzes the true reason for the success of such an organization as the National Rifle Association (NRA). It is considered to be one of the most prosperous and influential non-profit companies in the US. It brings together the supporters of the Second...

Helping Professions: Social and Human Services Assistants

These are professionals within the human social welfare field who undertake various tasks to help clients in departments such as rehabilitation, psychology, and social work. They help experts, for instance, school counselors, social workers, marriage and family therapists, and psychologists to deliver essential services to individuals (“Social and human services...

Coaching Impact on Organization’s Performance

Organizations often take advantage of effective coaching benefits. Coaching is used for different purposes of strengthening the organization’s operating, and medical structures are no exception. The purpose of this paper is to determine how coaching contributes to improved outcomes of the organization and the patient outcomes in particular. Additionally, it...

Teevo Corporation Case Study

Executive Summary Internet technology is by far the most important innovation in the world of communication. The evolution of communication from mere transfer of data to transfer of data, videos and pictures is the latest technology being used by many companies that desire to capitalize on the advantages of internet...

Cash Budget: Plan and Aspects

Introduction A budget is a set of combined plans that describes the organizations forecasted future operations quantitatively. Budgets are often used by organizations as a yardstick to measure actual operations, allocate funds and also plan for future operations. Overtime, it has proved to be an excellent management tool since on...

Sainsbury’s Market: Its History and Evolution

Sainsbury’s was founded in 1869 by John James Sainsbury as a small shop in Drury Lane, London. However, in 1922, the company became the largest retailer of groceries, and now it is the second-largest chain of supermarkets in the UK and the third by market share. It possesses a sixteen...

Nevus Laser Removal: Mini Business Plan

Executive summary Working with Cosmetic and Breast Reconstruction patients, I deal with surgical procedures that often make patients feel depressed because of the risk they should undertake. Though our company adheres to the principles of safety and quality of healthcare delivery, our nurse personnel is constantly striving to introduce innovative...

Supply Chain Network Article Review

The article under consideration reviews the facility’s location and supply chain management as a crucial part of its strategic design. The paper proposes a literature review of the existing models of location facilities, determining the fundamental characteristics of the discussed models. This helps the decision-making process necessary for successful strategic...

GE Healthcare: Innovating for Emerging Markets

Abstract GE Healthcare is a division of GE that has headquarters in Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom. Initially, the firm was known as GE Medical Systems, but it changed its name in 2004. The firm specialises in unique medical technologies and services that help patients to improve their health care outcomes across...

Motivation and Manufacturing Jobs

I do not think that the loss of traditional manufacturing was inevitable, but a temporary reduction in manufacturing jobs is a reasonable option to demonstrate all fixable flaws in the U.S. economy. Modern jobs are more challenging and require more skills, therefore, they require more qualified employees. As can be...