Benefits of the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM)

The DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) is American legislation that gives youths whose parents do not have proper documentation of the opportunity to complete their studies. Also, the legislation creates a pathway for the youths to obtain citizenship. However, the applicants must adhere to several guidelines...

American Education System and Social Stratification

Equality and the American Education System The equality in education presupposes the implication that people of different background living in the same country have the same extent of the access to education. The question of the equality in education goes beyond just the political and economic situation in a certain...

Better Academic Performance Working Conditions

The place of study, building, and facilities impact the motivational level and the involvement of the students in the studying process. Numerous schools and colleges across the globe are in an unacceptable condition, which influences not only the way students are motivated; however, it may impact their health and safety....

Blogs’ Potential for Research in Higher Education

Technology has changed the way people do things in numerous ways. It has turned the world into a global village where people can communicate and share information from different geographical locations. A number of communication platforms have emerged over the years as a result of technological advancements. They have resulted...

The Florida National University: the Lack of Ample Parking

Introduction Every year, several undergraduates join the American universities to begin their fresh undergraduate courses or to proceed with their courses (Schmidt and Wesley 2). Florida National University receives several students for different course purposes. The university has several students and employees who possess personal cars. Roen, Glau, and Maid...

The Development of Communicative Skills

Abstract Problem-solving and creative activities are critical for improving the communicative skills of ESL students. These tasks prompt learners to develop such cognitive abilities as critical thinking, analysis, and formulating conclusions on the basis of evidence; in turn, these abilities enable learners to communicate more effectively. Furthermore, problem-solving and creative...

Gun Control and School Shootings

Abstract The adoption of stricter gun control laws can be useful for reducing the risk of shootings in various educational organizations. In particular, this policy can prevent students from taking firearms without proper authorization. Additionally, this approach can ensure that a person with firearms cannot enter schools or colleges. It...

Empirical Research of Different GPS Capabilities

Introduction to article This is a critical analysis of the research article ‘GPS can now measure ice melt, change in Greenland over months rather than years’ in comparison to the steps in scientific investigation (Facione, 2011). This paper will attempt to evaluate the conformity of this research article in relation...

Pedagogic Article “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” by Amy Chua

Introduction The article “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” by Amy Chua sets out to demonstrate that the parenting technique employed by Chinese mothers is superior to that used by Western Mothers. The author, Amy Chua, is a Chinese by birth and a mother to two daughters and is therefore in...

“Will Universal Preschool Increase Achievement Gap?”: Summary, Review, and Evaluation

Introduction Improving student success has been a major concern in educational research. Educational research seeks to address the behavioral model in students, teachers, and other players in the learning sector. Many researchers have come up with findings and conclusions that can be implemented in educational institutions to realize fair achievement...

Simulation Concept in Nursing Programs

Introduction Today, more than ever before, educators are increasingly employing simulators such as specialized manikins and other technologies to provide students with the opportunity to practice a multiplicity of clinical nursing skills as they complete their education programs (Comer, 2005). This paper aims to discuss the topic of simulation in...

Flipped Classroom in Nursing Schools

Abstract This paper aims to review available scholarship on the flipped classroom model with the view to demonstrating how it can be effectively used in associate degree nursing schools. The results demonstrate that the flipped classroom supports a sound pedagogical model that can be used to develop highly competent nurses...

Learning Disabilities: Speech and Language Disorders

When is a child’s communication considered delayed? When a child has trouble in the generation of speech, it amounts to a serious communication problem in the end. In addition, a child should be fluent in communication after attaining five years. However, there are cases when a learner may lag behind...

The Art of Writing and Storytelling

Introduction Composition writing is an integral part of learning the art of writing and storytelling in different aspects. Also, apart from enabling students to move from one academic level to another, composition writing is important for students because it allows them to learn how to present ideas and real-life events...

Education Issues: Differentiation and Technology

Differentiated teaching requires instructors to present content that is customized correctly for the range of children in each category, to instruct utilizing flexible methods that provide varying means for learners to interact with the content and with one another, and to offer learners a choice of techniques to document their...

Teaching Communication Skills for Students with Autism

Introduction In recent years, peer tutoring has been widely adopted as a method of helping children with autism disorders to develop basic communication skills. As the name suggests, in peer-tutoring, use is made of peer mates to help a targeted learner develop necessary skills. Therefore, through games and other forms...

The Concept of Audience in Writing

The concept of audience in writing is one way for students express themselves and also to reflect on their experiences in schools. However, in most cases, students rarely entrench or write with their audience on their mind (VanderMey, Meyer, Rys, & Sebranek, 2014). A good number of students especially international...

Evidence-Based Model and Solving Problems with School Funding

The epic with the Ohio school funding system has been lasting about 20 years. At first, to make the Ohio school funding system constitutional, the cost-based model was offered: it implied calculating an average per-pupil amount and providing schools with corresponding funding (Endicott). Thus, funding was supposed to be equal...

Data-Based Decision Making in Assessment

Introduction The IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004) and NCLB (No Child Left Behind of 2001) have been added to the US Federal Laws to provide ample support to schoolchildren through evidence-based general and special education (VanDerHeyden and Burns, 2010). General education is sufficient for most of the...

Gerald Graff and Michiko Kakutani

It does not present a particular challenge to outline the main idea, promoted in Gerald Graff’s article. According to Graff, it is methodologically inappropriate to refer to what he defines as ‘street-smart’ activities (sports, games, fights, dating) and intellectual activities as conceptually incompatible, because just as it is the case...

Strategies for Addressing Individual Needs in Special Education

Risk Factors Alice is a four-year-old girl. She has appeared in a risky position, and the symptoms of intellectual disability may be developed for a number of reasons. Alice is raised in a family with two parents. From the very beginning, she was in a risky group. Alice’s mother is...

Teaching Literacy and Reading Lesson Plan

Education is an important part of a human’s life. People want to get a good education in order to get a good job in the future. It is not a secret today that the earlier people start their learning, the bigger account of knowledge they can get. From the very...

Classroom Management and Techniques to Incorporate in Student’s Reinforcement Plan

Managing a classroom is a very complicated affair in modern times. Teachers are faced with many challenges in the course of handling students in classrooms. The modern student is more rebellious towards authority either as a result of lifestyle differences, the influence of drug and substance abuse, or social pressure...

Common Core State Standards Mathematics

Common Core State Standards Mathematics-Grade 4 Learning Trajectories The learning trajectories for this Grade in reference to algebraic and mathematical calculations require that the student understands some basic rules regarding mathematics. There has been intensive input into this area from the state and as a standard requirement. Some of them...

The Most Advanced Best Practices in Adult ESL Instruction

Overview of practices in adult ESL instruction Language teaching has emerged as an independent professional discipline in recent times with unique concept methods that outline a systematic teaching methodology for acquisition of language theories and practices. Language learning constitutes the concept of applied linguistics with relevant formulation and methodologies. Methods...

Assessing Students with Learning Problems

Bennie earned a stanine of 3 on an intelligence test. To what standard score (on an IQ scale) and percentile score would that stanine correspond? A stanine of 3 represents one of the lowest scores at the scale of 9 that is below average. This test score can be discussed...

Education: Qualitative Research Study Roles

Steps Involved in Conducting a Qualitative Research Study The first step is to identify the topic of interest. This is then followed by developing a research problem that will be investigated through the research and to state the purpose of investigating that particular problem. In order to carry out the...

Education: Peer Evaluation System

Introduction Teamwork is an imperative practice that establishes strong strategies for decision-making and development of ideas. In this regard, the assessment of the performances and directions taken by group members as well as their cooperation and participation when reaching a mutual target is critical. The aims of creating a peer...

College Student Life: Participation, Perceptions and Satisfaction

Introduction Global technological development increases the acceptability of education. Education significantly contributes to the growth of human capital and is directly related to the general comfort of individuals (Barfield 281). Education guarantees the achievement of information and expertise that helps people to become more productive. People’s productivity consequently has a...

Liberal Arts: Otis College of Arts and Design

Private school education has been one of the major topics for serious discussions these days. There are many significant issues concerning private education that deserve close scrutiny today. Otis College of Arts and Design, the most distinguished institutes of the kind in the state, has involved in one such discussion...

School Sex Education and Teenage Pregnancy in the United States

Abstract This essay provides an overview of school sex education and teenage pregnancy in the United States. The United States government has heavily invested in the abstinence-only education program in a bid to alleviate teenage pregnancy. Nonetheless, United States is one of the leading countries in the developed world that...

School Uniform in Learning Institutions

Most learning institutions in areas like the United Kingdom, South America, and Africa have endorsed uniforms or specified attires, which is mandatory to all students. School uniforms identify pupils with a given institution. On the other hand, institutions in countries like France and USA rarely endorse the use of school...

Online Courses Interaction: Types and Effects

Introduction Introduction to the Problem Online course offerings at community colleges are growing at a rapid rate. By 2008, an estimated 4.6 million students in the United States alone had already enrolled in higher education through online learning programs (Allen & Seaman, 2010). This constituted a 17% increase over 2007....

Education for Students with Autism in Saudi Arabia

Introduction to Autism among Students in Saudi Arabia Students who suffer from autism in Saudi Arabia are secluded from the mainstream learning institutions because teachers and staff members in the institutions lack the knowledge, awareness, and understanding of matters related to the condition. They fail to understand the kind of...

Education: Financial Aid for College Students

Education is probably one of the most significant things in the life of every person. Without proper education, it is not easy to find a good job and earn enough for living. It is known that money is “social embodiment of both form and the content of value” (Smithin, 200),...