Adult Education in the “Real World” Classroom

Abstract At the present, demand for higher education has continued to rise especially in the case of adult learners who perceive added credentials in education as a stepping stone towards a better position and a more fulfilling career. Suffice it to say there are many means of continued education that...

Multicultural and Diversity Issues in Education

It has been noted that, with the advancement in technology, the concept of globalization has come to be part of human development. The world has experienced a high rate of free movement of goods, services, capital, and, more importantly, human beings. The world is characterized by interconnectedness and interdependence. According...

College Financial Aid: Reasons to Apply

Entering the educational establishment, most students are sure that they will pay tuition and will successfully graduate from college or University. Still, several different situations may ruin even the strongest plans. The absence of enough money for tuition is not the reason to quit the University. Furthermore, there are situations...

Communities Needs and Wants: Lesson Plan

Lesson plan Content Objective(s) The students should be in a position to identify the jobs done by the members of their communities to earn a living. It is an important lesson in building students’ community appraisal skills. Life has been changing over time, and students of this millennium have to...

Gadgets and Items Useful for College Students

With college costing so much, a student needs to take a hard look at their expenses and pare away the excesses. The money thus saved can be crucial later. The following are some thoughts on more places to save. While a computer is almost always a necessity for a student...

Haircut Benefits for College Students

College is hideously expensive today, and the extra costs mount up swiftly. Lab fees, gym fees, books, equipment for science lab courses, parking fees, and heaven knows what else all add to the truly unbelievable cost of a degree. Students need to be comfortable, safe, well-shod, properly clothed, and decently...

Organizational Studies and Philosophy in Healthcare

Academic journals Journals of Leadership and Organizational Studies This journal collectively incorporates a number of articles. The authors of these articles have attempted to explain different facets of leadership and organizational studies that are applicable to present-day organizations. Among the major areas of concern that are addressed in this publication...

Changes in Higher Education

Introduction Higher learning changes arise from an emerging trend to accessible and open education system in the developing world. Higher learning is attaining education or scholarship at the university or rather the collegiate level. Just as the late 19th century was a development era full of changes and new areas...

Study Method Preferences in Teachers and Students

Introduction Foreign language teaching is a complex process that has to take into the account the perception of the studying process not only by the teachers but by the students as well. If these perceptions do not align, the chances of miscommunication are significantly increased. Ganjabi (2011) found that in...

Effective Strategies for Students With Learning Disabilities

Wheelchair Etiquette Touching a person’s wheelchair is almost always acceptable-false. Make sure not to reach out your hand to shake the person’s hand; they may have physical limitations-false. Rarely speak to the person in the wheelchair; focus on the person assisting him or her-false. Never use expression such as “Let’s...

Teaching Early Childhood: Preschool Curriculum

Introduction This paper presents a weeklong plan that demonstrates my ability to develop a curriculum for a preschool program targeting children between 3 and 4 years. The program designed is half day and is inspired by principles in the National Association for the Education of Young Children (2009) position paper...

Value Philosophy of Education

Education is an important part of any society. It contributes to the development of culture and its achievements. There are different views on educational methods and strategies. However, one of the most popular concepts promotes approachable style. The main goals of this paper are to discuss main educational issues and...

Storytelling with Children: the Art of Imagination

Introduction Story telling is one of the mechanisms through which teachers can interact and impart knowledge to children. For my story telling session, I selected “The hare and the Hyena”. The story is about the relationship between the hare and the Hyena and how they lived in the jungle. I...

Psychology Coursework Ideas: How to Find Them?

Writing coursework is always a small deed since the writer has only to sit down and compose a piece of academic writing. Still, they have to identify the attractive, fresh, and original field of interest first and produce an in-depth analysis thereof. It is not always easy to generate writing...

“Explicit Direct Instruction” by Hollingsworth and Ybarra

Introduction Teaching is a complex and challenging process, and to achieve success, educators need to refer to the experience of experts in the field and use evidence-based strategies and techniques to improve their lessons and contribute to students’ learning. Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI): The Power of the Well-Crafted, Well-Taught Lesson...

Exclusion of Students with Learning Disabilities

Introduction The problem of teaching students with learning disabilities (LD students) is actively discussed in US society. The reason is that theory and practice of working with these students constantly change to provide educators with the most effective methods to teach individuals with special learning needs. Therefore, while focusing on...

Higher Education for African American Women – Research Paper

Literature Review This chapter reviews the existing literature in support of the research study. The literature reviewed presented a discussion on the barriers and success strategies for African American Women to obtain higher education. Besides, a discussion of the Critical Race, Social Learning, and Feminist theories were included that formed...

Teaching Students With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by impulsive actions that are not related proportionally to the age of the affected person (Wender, 2000). It affects children at the age of 6-12 years where the disorder causes a lack of attention and leads to poor performance in...

Alternative Education System by Schopenhauer and Freire

Introduction Schopenhauer’s article focused the spotlight on some of the critical weaknesses of the conventional learning paradigm. His assertions were not only scathing, but they were also accurate, especially when viewed from the perspective of the public education system (Letizia 119). Paulo Freire’s “Banking Concept of Education” framework strengthened certain...

An Ethical Dilemma in Education

Introduction The incidence of academic dishonesty has been on the rise for the last decade (Orosz, Farkas, and Roland-Lévy 1). Unethical behavior is often pursued to obtain passing grades that are regarded as real indicators of success by some students. In an attempt to receive a passing grade on assignments...

Characteristics of Being a Student

Abstract Being a student is a dynamic and interesting stage of development, especially at the college level. At this stage of live, there several development phases, challenges, and achievements that come into play. At the same time, many negative influencers might distract or even make a student drop out of...

Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Self-Efficacy

Classroom teaching is a very complex, challenging, demanding, frightening, and nuanced activity (Shulman, 2004). Notably, teachers receive and teacher education in learning institutions in a specific field, general knowledge, and pedagogical formation (Abell, 2008). As such, pedagogical content knowledge is based on both pedagogical and content knowledge. It incorporates pedagogical...

Special Education for Exceptional Children

“Emotionally disturbed” & “behaviorally disordered” The terms, ‘emotionally disturbed’ and ‘behaviorally disordered’ are associated with emotional impairment, conduct disorder, and behavioral challenges (handicap). Behaviorally handicapped children exhibit adverse behaviors making them considered handicapped. These children thus need special education for personal adjustment. Teachers perceive children who are behaviorally disordered to...

Teachers’ Expectancies: Determinants of Pupils’ IQ Gains

The paper under the investigation is written by Robert Rosenthal and Leonore Jacobson, and it is called Teachers expectancies: Determinants of pupils IQ gains. Despite the fact that the article was written in the middle of the past century, the given issue could still be considered crucial as it gives...

Inclusion and Disability in Education

The purpose of inclusive education. The difference between inclusion and “mainstreaming” School population becomes increasingly diverse, and inclusive education is meant to address such rapid demographic change and adjust and develop teachers’ professional skills to stimulate the academic achievements of diverse students. While mainstream education implies the absence of a...

HIV/AIDS Education and Teaching Plan

There is a lot of evidence that even adolescent students can be involved in risky behavior, and many students are already infected with HIV. The prevention of HIV transmission on the base of schools is considered a tactical step of the health care and educational systems. The formation of skills...

Content Enhancement Strategies and Tools in Teaching

Introduction When teachers work with people who have special needs, they should adapt instructions and provide students with appropriate resources. The focus is usually on adjusting some information and offering certain content enhancements. The problem is in the fact that such enhancements should be of high quality to guarantee that...

Teachers Expectation and Pupil Learning

Teaching as a career has distinct features that make it stand out among other career fields. The uniqueness lies in the reality that the choice made by a student like myself to pursue teaching in the field of education did not begin with a blank mind. It was utterly influenced...

Related Services for Students with Disabilities

In general, the concept of related services presupposes those approaches that are used to meet the needs of students with disabilities. Their purpose is to improve educational outcomes and help learners to achieve those goals set by their individualized education program (IEP). Related services help to participate in the general...

Lesson Plan: Solving Equations and Inequalities

Student Objective The main objective of the lesson is for students to understand what are “linear equations and inequalities in one variable, including equations with coefficients represented by letters” (Engage NY, 2014). In other words, they need to grasp how the linear inequalities appear in a general way, how they...

Assessment Tools in a Language Arts Classroom

Introduction Performance assessment is gaining popularity among educators throughout the world. Therefore, teachers ought to be updated on the most recent and most effective assessment tools. They must learn how to utilize the tools efficiently in assessing student understanding and performance on certain objectives. This paper compares some of the...

Trainer’s Role in the Learning Process

The relationship between the process of learning and the role of the trainer is rather complex. Different theories of learning refer to trainers as to interventionists or facilitators; however, these two sides are not polar, and their compilation provides an opportunity to review the issue more comprehensively. The purpose of...

Tea Party Pre-Reading Strategy in Education

Tea Party Strategy Overview One of the possible strategies that teachers may use for the purpose of involving students into work and improving their reading skills is called “tea party.” This name means that one can behave as if they were at a tea party: talk, discuss various subjects, share...

Differentiation in Education, Its Pros and Cons

Benefits and Drawbacks of Differentiation in a Classroom Differentiation is usually viewed as an approach that is effective to address the problem of heterogeneous classrooms where diverse students learn under the supervision of only one teacher. As a result, a teacher is expected to work as a real professional in...

Peer-Tutoring Instructional Method for Autists

Definition of the research topic The most disturbing question for educationists and trainers concerns the mechanisms used in fostering the learning abilities of children with disabilities. While it is evident that educational institutions have developed classes for children with mental disabilities, it is still challenging to enhance learning among such...

Financial Aid for College Students

Education is probably one of the most significant things in the life of every person. Without proper education, it is not easy to find a good job and earn enough for living. It is known that money is “social embodiment of both form and the content of value” (Smithin, 200),...

Understanding Student Professionalism

It is commonly thought that professionalism can only be discussed or evaluated within the context of work-related responsibilities. While this claim is true to some extent, at least traditionally, the current demonstration of value erosion and breakdown of ethics within the wider society has forced academic institutions to come up...

Education Impact on Life Quality

There is an old axiom which says that good quality education is the key to a successful and fulfilling life. This axiom could never be further from the truth, especially now in the 21st century when competition for existing career positions is increasingly high. The intense competition has triggered a...

Are Anti-smoking Adverts Effective?

Background Information Smoking is responsible for over 440,000 deaths annually in the United States. A similar number of casualties occur in different parts of the world. Smoking is also “associated with different health problems such cancer, respiratory complications, and lung infections” (Ji, Xiong, Gilpin, & Biener, 2007, p. 34). Every...

Technical Writing Ethics

Introduction Ethical considerations in writings are of great importance as they determine the popularity of such writings and their significance to the society or the intended audience. In this regard therefore, writers should always be sensitive on what they portray in their works so as impact positively on the target...

Learning Methods: Online Learning

Introduction At present, there has been a drastic and dramatic change in the overall procedure and system of education. This has been brought by several factors such as advancement in technology as well as improved infrastructure and communication means. Due to technology, online learning has been possible. Online learning takes...

Inclusivity Education for Disabled Students

Introduction The quality of life in children with disability can be marginalizing. Adopting strategies that can meet the learning needs of disabled children in education is challenging, especially for inclusive education, whereby all students are engaged. Inclusive education has been effective in facilitating learning, especially for disabled students. Inclusive education...

Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Academic Progress

Outline The research will be dedicated to the use of stability balls in the classroom for the improvement of disciplinary and academic outcomes of students with ADHD. Its significance is determined by disorder-related difficulties that cannot be properly addressed in classroom settings. When students with ADHD cannot sit at their...

Precis: Mature Adult Learners, Self-Directed Learning Practices, and Quality of Life

In the 2017 article “Mature Adult Learners, Self-Directed Learning Practices, and Quality of Life” by Grover, Miller, and Porter, the authors focus on the rising number of older adult students and their valuing of life. Grover et al. (2017) indicate that the number of adults has been increasing in the...

Learning Approaches, Theory, and Practice

Introduction Vygotsky’s Theory of Sociocultural Development emphasizes the importance of a child’s exposure to both social interaction and culture in developing their cognitive capacities. Some of the theory’s main tenets are as follows: The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is the gap between what a child is capable of doing...

Best Practices for Children With Diverse Abilities

Introduction Children with special needs are usually unique and different from normal ones. These members learn in various ways, and pace and possess varied abilities. This trend implies that they require special approaches to be used while teaching and training them. These mechanisms are special in that they take care...

Principal Instructional Leadership and Its Benefits

Several special issues based on instructional leadership are found within the journal article. First, teachers regularly engaging in collaborative practice is essential for student success (Bellibaş et al., 2022). It happens when instructors routinely engage in activities such as discussing strategies for teaching, visiting one another’s classrooms, and consulting with...

Learning Process in Different Contexts

To solve the psychological and pedagogical problems of interaction of participants in the educational process, the technology of contextual learning is recognized as the main one. Many researchers consider this technology of teaching to be a priority, especially in the context of the transition to the competence-based paradigm of education...

Multicultural Educational Approaches

Teachers should recognize the importance of culture in the classroom and use instructional strategies that are adaptive to students from various cultural backgrounds as the diversity of American schools increases. Little is known about the methods that in-service teachers support and the variables that shape their ideas about such practices,...

The Impact of Residential Schools on Indigenous People

Introduction Colonization had significant effects on numerous indigenous communities worldwide, which is still evident in their lifestyles, culture, mental and physical wellness, and spirituality. One colonial policy that greatly affected the indigenous population was the introduction of residential schools in Canada. The policy involved assimilating indigenous students into Canadian society...

City University of Seattle’s Organizational Performance Improvement

Introduction The City University of Seattle is one of several institutions of higher education in this state that will be considered in this paper. The case is that it is necessary at this University to improve aspects of online learning for foreign and local students as part of the Bachelor...

Aspects of Mozart Effect Theory

Introduction As a matter of fact, theories of learning may be regarded as a basis of modern educational practices. Thus, in order to stay relevant for appropriate results, they undergo continuous testing, scrutiny, and research. At the same time, theories revolutionized as well, and while some of them were initially...

Developing Metacognition in Students

The primary purpose of all levels of education is to prepare students for their future personal and professional lives and become contributing members of society. It is achieved both through the transference of knowledge and the development of various skills and competencies. One such skill is metacognition, which can be...

Academic Performance in Public vs. Private Schools

Introduction People popularly assume private school attendees exceed public school students’ academic performance. Although this statement rings true for an overwhelming majority of countries, there are still unique cases which disapprove this norm. Current literature questions the common belief in the superiority of private education. Researchers still cast doubts on...

Kindergarten Choice for Children

Going to kindergarten is difficult and quite stressful for a three-year-old child. The baby faces a new environment, the absence of parents nearby, and new, unfamiliar people. To ensure the most comfortable process of adaptation and stay in kindergarten, it is necessary to choose an institution based on essential criteria....

Why to Prefer STEAM Over STEM Educational Tool?

Introduction STEM is a consequence of the emergence of education transformation tools; STEAM is a deepening of the method of combining technological and humanitarian disciplines. For the first time, the word ‘STEM’ appeared in response to the need to change math education standards: American children were losing in math competitions...

Traditional Education: Inquiry-Based Learning Pedagogy

The model of traditional education practiced in traditional classrooms has been practiced for an extended period throughout history. However, the rapid development of technology during the last two decades created the internet, an idea with tremendous potential that may be integrated into any sphere. The internet has created an alternative...

Evaluation Approach for Improving Education, Training, and Innovation

There are various aspects that should be considered when developing an evaluation approach. In the case of developing it for the improvement of education, training, and innovation, it is necessary to use basic rules of design while understanding the nuances of the specific area that is going to be evaluated...

Comparison and Contrast of Two Aunts

Introduction To compare is to examine ways in which certain things are similar, while to contrast is to see how things in question can differ. Therefore, this compares and contrasts essay which will look into the similarities and the differences of two objects which in this case are two close...

Skills a Candidate Being Interviewed Should Have

Introduction Whoever said nothing is impossible is a liar; you will attend interviews at an instance in your life. Today we will talk about a very relevant topic at a point in our lifetime. It is about the skills a candidate being interviewed should have. Interview Skills Have you ever...

Mathematics Lesson on Geometric and Number Patterns

To get an idea of the students’ knowledge about geometric patterns, the teacher will assign several heterogeneous groups and offer each group to discuss different patterns. The teacher will ask students to imagine that they are communicating with each other on the phone or Skype and describing to each other...

Is a College Education Necessary?

Porter Stansberry, an American author and monetary publisher, believes that a college education is not essential. According to him, the system has been tailored to produce employees, not employers and entrepreneurs. He believes that the things people do about money and other issues result from their experiences, not what they...

Anti-Bias Curriculum in Early Childhood Classroom

The bias in the early childhood classroom affects the formation of undesirable attitudes towards different social groups, which impacts their general dysfunctional integration into modern society. Adequate socialization in the current realities presupposes the celebration of society’s multicultural nature and the realization of everyone’s equal status. If children are exposed...

Theory Core Nursing Courses, Description, and Sample Syllabus

Abstract Nurse Practitioners (NPs) possess consummate decision-making, leadership, health promotion, and critical thinking skills. However, it is necessary for such nurses to have completed their bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) programmes. This essay identifies and describes the core courses for the BSN programme. The paper goes further to give...

Aspects of Transfer in Education

Transfer in education allows children to apply acquired knowledge in understanding other concepts in different contexts. The main goal of education is to make children be able to use learned information in future situations (Matthews, 2018). Examples of transfer include applying knowledge in solving case problems or in using learning...

Using the Walden Library: CINAHL Database

Walden University Library is a free online library that contains a variety of digital materials such as journals, articles, conference papers, dissertations, books, and videos covering various academic and scientific subjects. Students are encouraged to use it in their academic research to improve their writing skills, explore ideas, and gain...

Community Colleges: Making Education More Affordable

Nowadays, there are many ideas for people to get an education and have a chance to find a good job and earn a living. Among a variety of traditional ways of education, a community college seems to be one of the most preferable and the easiest options for many people....

Douglass’ Learning to Read and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

Frederick Douglass’s Learning to Read and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave share the idea that knowledge is decisive and crucial for the self-awareness of a person. People need to become enlightened to live a good life and contribute to the world’s development. Once the individual realizes his or her place...

Montessori’s Education Theory and Tools

The Montessori Theory is a response to the conventional schooling system that has been the same for many years. Unfortunately, the current approach leads to passivity within the classroom that later transforms into dislike and dissatisfaction with learning in general (Lillard, 2017). On the other hand, the Montessori Theory, developed...

Teaching Special Education in the General Education Classroom

Introduction There are many parallels between a special education teacher and a general education teacher. In fact, they may share the same students, as children with identified special needs do often need to spend a portion of their day in the general education classroom as well as another portion in...

Aspects of Writing the Recipe of the Snack

Recipe of the Snack The recipe for cheese wheatmeal cookies is quite simple and healthy, so we cook them today. First of all, you need to prepare all the ingredients. Sift 100 g wholemeal flour and 50 g self-raising flour, get 100 g butter and 100 g cheese, one egg,...

Education for the Hallway Hangers and the Brothers

Introduction The importance of education is emphasized by the United Nations and other international organizations. However, their efforts in ensuring access to equal opportunities do not necessarily lead to a successful outcome. The provision of this fundamental right is complicated by specific conditions of the present-day world, such as varying...

Book Clubs: Professional Development Among Teachers

Introduction Professional development among teachers is one of the most common expectations because this profession requires regular improvements and new opportunities. The sphere of education is not about teaching or sharing information but the enhancement of skills and knowledge that play a critical role in life or job performance. There...

Theory of Qualitative Research

There are many types of case studies, but mostly, they are often a subtype of the following categories. Illustrative case studies are aimed at providing general knowledge about a subject, and therefore, are comprised of descriptive information (Epler, 2019). These case studies use real-life events to give a more favourable...

Program Planning: Health and Wellness for Senior Citizens

Introduction Older people pay great attention to their health and are much more motivated to be healthy and active. The main principle of longevity is a healthy lifestyle and self-care. An increase in the standard of living is possible with a combination of the right lifestyle, work and rest balance,...

Elementary Education as an Initial Stage of the Formal System of Education

Elementary education involves the initial stages of the formal system of education. It is also commonly referred to as primary education and is designed for pupils aged approximately between five and thirteen years. Notably, this phase of tuition is often preceded by selected learning for children below five years of...

Writing Process Description and Analysis

The question “what is your writing process?” seems straightforward and simple, yet through self-reflection, a comprehensive answer reveals the often complicated process that takes place when texts come into being. Before reading chapter 4 of Writing about Writing: A College Reader, I thought that my writing process did not need...

Planning a Productive Classroom Community

Introduction It is good to understand that, different students respond differently to the teaching technique used by their teachers. Most of the time, teachers do not take their time to analyze the background of knowledge of their students in order to identify the teaching techniques that can work best for...

Educational Discourses and Their Aspects

Education is the most important aspect of human life. It helps to shape the life and future of a person. Education as rightly said is both the producer and also the result of various discourses. Institutions are created only to discriminate between different spheres of education and different types of...

Differentiating Content and Process of History and Geography Lesson

Lesson Summary Human civilization has been a gradual development from the use of simple tools for hunting to complex ones. The hunter-gatherer communities relied on their natural knowledge and systems and availability of resources to make tools and eventually use fire (Fogarty & Pete, 2011). Natural systems were important in...

“The Promotional University” by Andrew Wernick

The problem that Wernick is discussing is the rising competition between universities for private funds (157). There is a shortage of funds and the only way out in this case is fundraising a very common method of attaining funds, but one which is becoming a lot of problems. These are...

Head Start Teacher’s Qualification and Challenges

A head start teacher may be understood as an educator who offers his/ her services under the Head start development program for children from low-income households under the age of five. Teachers in this program usually need to focus on developmental outcomes in addition to other academically oriented goals. What...

Issues With Plagiarism in Education

Introduction Plagiarism is a serious academic violation that has been a center of attention for many universities and colleges. As stated by Smedley, Crawford, and Cloete (2015) nursing is a profession that requires high ethical standards. Therefore, by committing academic misconducts I would compromise my moral standards. This would impact...

“The Courage to Teach” by Parker J. Palmer

Introduction When learning to teach, teachers are required to read a number of books and texts. The aim is to get knowledge on what scholars in their field have to say about teaching as a profession. Different books address varying themes and subjects associated with learning how to teach. Some...

Challenges Faced by Foreign Students in Adapting to University Culture

Introduction Australian’s institutions of higher education have continued to experience an influx of international students who are joining Australian universities to quench their thirst for higher education. International students (I. S.) always find themselves in new environments that are different from what they are used to and these results to...

Summary and Critique of Journal Article

Introduction The paper focuses on students’ learning habits when faced with temptation. The authors portray temptation as anything that would interfere with a student’s concentration levels while learning. Temptation distracts students and makes them stop pursing their activities. Therefore, researchers have implied that temptation hampers the process of learning. Adolescent...

English Medium Education: Multilingual Education

Introduction Hong Kong’s system of education is similar to the system of education of the United Kingdom. Protestant and Catholic missionaries introduced education in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, the Kindergarten level of education takes three years and is not compulsory (Postiglione & Lee, 1997, p. 26). After kindergarten, the...

Curriculum Development in Higher Education

Introduction The rapid changes in society today are largely driven by the shift in resources. One of the aspects in which such changes can be reflected in education. Curriculum, as well as curriculum delivery, is constantly explored, looking for new and effective methods. Accordingly, the rationale for updating the content...

Literature and Composition in Education

Introduction Literature and Composition are formed to enlist students in the careful understanding and essential examination of creative writing. In the course of careful interpretation of a particular genre, learners intensify their perception of the ways an author utilizes words to give both meaning and satisfaction to their readers. As...

Transfer Student Enrollment in Higher Education

Introduction A university’s transfer student enrollment policy plays a great role in determining the number of students enrolled in the university. However, most university stakeholders involved in developing the policy seem to forget that without students, a university becomes inexistent and loses its value to the students and the community...

Classroom Plan For Early Childhood Education

Thesis statement A child-centered, developmentally appropriate classroom plan for early childhood learners of the ages 3-5 (pre-school) enhances faster learning of essential skills. Abstract This paper will look at the child-centered developmentally appropriate classroom plan for early childhood learners of ages 3-5 (pre-school). It is important to note that pre-school...

It Is Important to Go Abroad at a Young Age

Introduction I am male Korean American who moved to America when he was hardly seventeen. I had to struggle to come to terms with issues related to cultural diversity, hitherto hostile climate, language barrier and economic hitches. I had to learn to be independent since it was my first trip...

Social Work Practice: Work Experience and Career Development

Achieving the best in life and a career that is successful is the dream of every career minded person. In social work, however, changing the lives of people gives satisfaction to the worker. This means that properly worked out plans and commitment is necessary whenever any work is being done....

Learning Style and Reading Achievement

Introduction Learning styles are ways of learning which involve methods of educating that are specific to individuals thought to allow individuals to learn best. Through research, it has been identified that some people are favored by some methods of learning while others tend to favor some interactive modes of learning...

Online vs. Traditional Classroom Education

Introduction Technology is nowadays a tool that has turned out to be the topic of many professional seminars, and teachers are today learning to use it in order to add it to their teaching tools. Students should now look at the technology as a comprehensively integrated activity and not the...

Lesson Plan For the Multicultural Learners

Introduction One of the challenges facing many academic institutions is how to design a curriculum that reflects on the dynamics of the classroom; these include cultural diversity and individual differences among the students. Every classroom is a representation of the cultural diversity that exists in many countries and for successful...

Which Country Has Better Education: Australia or USA?

Abstract What comports a quality education? Is it just the first rate grades one gets on paper upon graduating, or is it more holistic? Is a university education worth getting at any price, even if it means the student will have loans to pay for years to come? With these...

Professional Knowledge and Abilities

Business Professional of America (BPA) is an American professional organization that is mainly for American students who are presently pursuing careers in business related fields. In fact, BPA draws members from the students’ fraternities in colleges across the United States of America currently undertaking business professional courses such as business...

Informative Process of Education

Generally, any process is described in the simple bow and arrow format and they represent the totality of the process. But education is one of the most important aspects of human life and one can not describe education in the above-mentioned process. Actually, with the globalization of the World, the...

Post-Compulsory Education and Training: Challenges and Recommendations by the Ministerial Review of Post-Compulsory Education

Introduction According to the Australian National Training Authority (2001), post-compulsory education forms an important component of Australian economic, social and cultural development. Historically, Australia has experienced periods of economic development due to the willingness of the government to adopt policies to fuel development. Some of these were the economic reforms...

Physical Education Teacher: Educational Scenario

Being a physical educations teacher I have had to analyze several situations putting in all my experiences and learning. Once, after I had finished demonstrating a forward roll to my physical education class it was required that my students are distributed on their mats so that they can begin practicing...

Narrative Versus Descriptive Writing

Introduction Narrative element of an essay appeals to a person’s basic instincts and the impact for his/her shared stories. The main focus of the writer could be just to entertain the listeners allowing them to divert from the main business of the story. However, a storyteller could also be aiming...

David Bartholomae’s Criticism in “Inventing the University”

Introduction David Bartholomae in his “Inventing the University” discovers the problem of students’ inappropriate academic language. His criticism is reasonable, because he points out some main difficulties of the “basic writers” in the context of educational writing, gives us examples of the students’ essays with the typical mistakes and explains...

The Growing Popularity of Home Schooling

Introduction There is considerable dissatisfaction with the American public-school scheme, and such censure is not new. Since the 1950s, in reaction to the rising criticism of the public-school system, the educational organization started to begin improvements. Those included a variety of school reforming agendas, teacher responsibility programs, and new supervision...

Plagiarism: Definition and Plagiarism Ethics

The Ethics of Plagiarism This paper discusses a personal unethical experience that is so common these days that this issue is bound to hit many people every day. Due to this high frequency, I’ve decided to write this paper on the issue of ‘plagiarism’. Throughout my high school years, every...

Workers’ Education and Training in New Zealand

Introduction New Zealand has experienced a global economic downturn and recession, and this has led to the loss of jobs. For New Zealand to be successful economically it must ensure that each member of its workforce produces at their maximum. This can only be done by making it easy to...

Franklin University: Plagiarism Issue

This paper will define what plagiarism is and highlight the problems regarding the increasing incidents of the practice which is becoming increasingly difficult to deal with especially in the context of the increasing influence of the World Wide Web is enabling the availability of information that can be easily accessed...

Educational Issues: Fractions and Rational Numbers

Representing Fractions with Standard Notation: A Developmental Analysis In order to deeply understand a given concept or phenomenon, one must carry out an intensive research. This study was aimed at investigating the developmental relationship between how to use fractions notations and their understandings of part-whole relations. It also aimed to...

College-Level Academic Skills Test: A Waste of Time

Introduction CLAST Exam is a waste of time. Testing a student for reading, writing, and maths skills as a requirement for graduation is a waste of time. This is because throughout high school the teachers monitor the ability of the students. The students who have a problem area are identified...

A Short Guide to Writing About History by Marius and Page

Introduction A Short Guide to Writing about History is a book written by Richard Marius and Melvin page. It stresses on thinking and writing like a historian and helps one frame their concepts while telling their story in history. These renowned writers wrote the fourth and fifth editions of this...

Moving from Compliance to Performance Based Schools

Introduction From its inception in 2001, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) federal law, often shortened and pronounced as “nickelbee” has had its fair share of controversies. The law, which received major backing from the outgoing US president George Bush, reauthorized several federal educational programs that aimed at improving the...

Disability and Information Technology Education

Introduction This proposal is about the study of Disability and ICT education. It proposes to study how the disabled can be taught ICT and the benefits of introducing ICT education to the disabled. ICT has no universally accepted definition because the concepts, methods and applications involved constantly evolves every day.ICT...

English Proficiency Tests Comparison

Introduction Standardized language proficiency tests are widely used all over the world to evaluate students’ skills in various languages. Because of the vast number of English language learners, there is a significant variety of English language proficiency tests. When used in the ESL context, these tests can help to assign...

Relational Trust Issues at Schools

Introduction The concept of relational trust within an educational setting has been attributed to positive social interactions within school communities. A growing body of research and case studies shows that social trust established between teachers, school leaders, and students’ parents enhances the quality of routine work and becomes a tool...

Teachers’ Use of Assessment Data to Inform Instruction

Introduction Data-based decision-making at school depends on educators’ regular collection and assessment of different types of data regarding students’ progress to conclude about their strengths and weaknesses in learning. This approach to decision-making allows for utilizing mostly credible sources of information, such as summative assessment results, to draw accurate conclusions...

The Problem of Educational Gap

It is generally accepted that good education is a way to success and prosperity. Still, present-day education system of the United States is characterized by social disparities in opportunities that students of different schools receive. The major cause of these disparities is unequal funding of educational institutions, which leads to...

Stress Tolerance: New Challenges for Millennial College Students

Introduction College with its numerous assignments, hectic schedule, and exams requiring total commitment and concentration is more or less stressful for everyone who enters tertiary education. However, the ways humans react to stress and cope with mentally and emotionally challenging situations may vary considerably. In their article “Stress tolerance: New...

Mission and Philosophy of a Nursing Program

Introduction Every school and even educational program is based on certain principles and beliefs, which shapes its structure and content. Schools always pay specific attention to the articulation of their philosophy and mission in order to ensure the enrollment of students who share similar beliefs. The detailed and concise philosophy...

Indian Boarding Schools and Their Effects

Introduction During the 20th century, boarding schools for Native Americans on the territory of the United States were a common phenomenon. They became a significant part of American Indian history and determined the modern Indian identity. In this essay, the history of Indian boarding schools, in general, and the history...

Senior-Year Students Exploring Career Options

The senior year of high school is an overwhelming time for many students. They have to prepare for going to college, which usually involves leaving their friends and family, as well as for deciding on what they want to study. In addition to that, they still need to attend classes...

Early Childhood Art Education: Personal Position

Introduction Art is an indispensable part of human existence as people explore their creativity through different forms of art. Chen-Hafteck (2007) points at the role music play in people’s lives since their early days. Colbert (2006) mentions children’s storytelling as a type of artmaking and simultaneously a peculiarity of developmental...

Situated and Networked Learning Approaches

Introduction Critics have over the years debated on the benefits and limitations of both situated and networked learning approaches. Some have gone further to argue that the two approaches can complement each other for the benefit of the learner and the educator. This essay seeks to analyze the two approaches...

Personal Leadership Development, Goals and Actions

Introduction Employees with the ambition to become better leaders should focus on self-development. One of the ways to become a high achiever is through training and learning new techniques and acquiring novel ideas. This aspect instills competitiveness and teamwork spirit, and thus someone can work under different environments and deliver...

Plagiarism: Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial

What is one example of plagiarism that was mentioned in the Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial? One of the examples of plagiarism mentioned in the Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial was the word-for-word copying of passages from an original source without using quotation marks and providing credit to the author. This practice...

Social and Emotional Competence for Teachers

Case study- An interrupted Lesson It was on a Friday, November 6 2015 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I had visited the university for a Conference on introduction to statistics. I wanted to learn something about statistics because it would enable me to compute simple data with ease....

David Hume’s Perception of Education

David Hume who is a philosopher believes that nature has a noble role in aiding people to gain some things, which cannot be gained through reason. He does this by deploying empirical philosophical approaches that are enshrined within the scientific methodological rigor in his philosophical approach of reasoning. He argues,...

Emotional Attachment Theory in Childcare Settings

Abstract Emotional attachment is more than a normal feeling in young children. It is vital for the healthy development of children. Robbins and Zacks (2007) define attachment as “a reciprocal relationship formed between a child and a care giver” (p.457). It constitutes the bond that exists between a primary care...

Collaborative Learning in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Collaborative learning is a general term used among education stakeholders. It describes the process of learners and their teachers joining hands in looking for solutions or making efforts to understand concepts and create new ideas. Learners may work in small groups constituting classes, faculties, interfaculty and even inter-schools. The...

College Degree and Its Effects on Career

The cause and effect chain described below begins with earning a college degree. It serves as a primary cause for the subsequent effects, which are interconnected and create a causal chain. Due to the college degree, there are multiple possibilities to explore, both in my professional and personal life. The...

Visual Learning Style and Its Application

According to the test results, I am a visual learner. I knew about it before this self-assessment, but I was surprised to know that my tactile scores were unexpectedly high, 25%. I often relied on my sight and did not notice that my kinesthetic sense was quite important. Since I...

The Need for Lesson Planning and Teaching

Class profile Institution: Private English School in Iran Type of course: The course is intended for students who are yet to join higher learning institutions abroad, as well as those who want to pursue their careers in America. Course duration: 9:30 – 11:00 a.m., three times a week. Group: Ten...

Creating Meaning and Six Facets of Understanding

Introduction For a teacher to attain his goals in teaching or design of lessons it is always important for him to create meaningful activities for the students. Such tasks can be used by the teacher within the lesson duration to overcome the challenges experienced in the course of teaching. The...

Impact of Culture on the Learning

Introduction: Reconciling with the Changes The importance of the cultural and social environment can sometimes be critical when looking at it from the perspective of the educational process. I realize that teaching strategies should be primarily based on respect, understanding, and compassion toward their learners irrespective of their cultural, ethnic,...

Classroom Observation: Children with IEPs

Classroom Description and Observation Focus The object of my observation was a self-contained classroom-based on 8 boys and 1 girl mixed with grades 3rd,4th, and 5th graders. The class included 8 boys and 1 girl; all the students are taught based on the Individualized Education Program (IEP). The ground for...

The Assessment of Children with Reading Disabilities

Title & general information Title: Reading Fluency: Implications for the Assessment of Children with Reading Disabilities Authors: Elizabeth B. Meisinger., Juliana S. Bloom and George W. Hynd Name of journal: Ann. of Dyslexia (Annals of Dyslexia) year of publication 2010, Volume 60, pages 1–17 Introduction Aim of the research: the...

Postgraduate Education in Student Life

There may be a variety of reasons why you are reading this article to comprehend the essence of postgraduate education. It may be your parents who make you believe that a Master’s degree can positively influence your future and your career. It may be your friends who have already decided...

Nobel Prizes in Different Spheres

J.J. Thomson, Albert Einstein, William Butler Yeats, Stanley Prusiner, and Amartya Sen… Do you know what unites all these people? What do you know about these people and their achievements? All of them have only one thing in common: in due time, they were awarded the Nobel Prizes in different...

Students’ Life in College: Classes, Exams, Courses

Analyzing students’ life in college, there are two sides to such life. On the one side, there is the life depicted in movies, which is usually care-free, and with little or no mentioning of the main aspect of college, which is class attendance. On the other side, real-life in college...

School Experience for Students with Disabilities

Prediction of Drop-Out Among Students With Minor Disabilities We all know about the importance of completing at least a high school education about preparing ourselves for financially rewarding jobs in the future. Without the proper educational attainment, it is almost impossible to find a job that will keep a roof...

Educational Institutions Offering Useful Courses

With the price of education rising to ridiculous heights, making sure that the student realizes a return on this huge investment is becoming more and more critical. In an earlier article, we talked about finding practical courses in a liberal arts institution where vocationally oriented courses are scarce. In this...

Factors Affecting Strategic Planning in Universities

Abstract University management processes have evolved in the past 50 years in line with various changes that are sweeping the public sector organizations. Strategic planning was previously thought to be a concept of private sector organizations. While adopting strategic planning, universities face unique problems due to their nature and the...

Education Issues for African American Women

Introduction to the Literature Review This chapter reviews the existing literature in support of the research study. The literature reviewed presented a discussion on the barriers and success strategies for African American women to obtain higher education. Also, a discussion of the Critical Race, Social Learning, and Feminist theories was...

Health and Physical Education Instructor

My Role as an HPE Instructor In my professional practice, I integrate practice and ethical standards to meet the requirements set by the Ontario College of Teachers and provide students with the most effective teaching. In my opinion, teachers should always strive to improve their professionalism to respond to modern...

Higher Education Costs and Worthiness

The increasing cost of a college education has made students, parents, and educationists question the worthiness of college education in modern society. Students and parents view a college education as a future investment aimed at improving their lives, while educationists and instructors perceive it as a tool for equipping learners...

Classroom Discipline and Behaviour’ Management

Introduction Children are often compared to a sponge. They absorb the behavior of the people around them and copy them. When they come to school, a teacher becomes a new model to follow. Thus, the common task of parents and teachers is to lead and direct children to the styles...

Teacher’s Reflection, Liberal Arts and Social Justice

Reflection Research indicates that when we reflect on our individual actions and thoughts, this often enable us to internalize and process information in a more efficient manner. Through reflection, an individual is not only able to take into account the elements of an experience(s), but also how such an experience...

Educational Institutions and Their Rankings

In the contemporary conditions of globalization, the rankings of educational institutions such as colleges and universities have become particularly significant for their status and reputation. The major ranking systems are usually financially supported by magazines and other media (Altbach 27). Rankings influence the choices of their possible consumers, such as...

School Library Management and Organization Plan

Introduction Creating an environment in which a student feels comfortable and inclined to study is essential for the efficiency of the academic process and the further performance of a learner. Of all elements that an academic environment must include, instructions and information resources should be regarded as the most important...

Improving Math Fluency Skills to Enhance Math Score

Introduction The need for teaching math skills is an integral part of any training program, and if it is school education, the initial attention is paid to mathematical score. (Hodges, McIntosh, & Gentry, 2017). One of the possible and affordable ways to increase the ability of students to perform both...