Personal Networks and Communication System

Introduction Technology has shaped the life of a contemporary individual. People find their live much easier than it used to be as technology enables them to do more within less time. Communication has also become affected. Many people are even worried that they have become “too immersed in the digital...

Public Relations and Photography

Contemporary public relations specialists are opposed to more problems and encounter material rapidity, and globalization modifies the stride and scenery of the occupation. The contemporary industry, categorized by globalization, entails administrations to comprehend the intercultural and intercontinental features of public relations during the operation in a worldwide marketplace. The internationalization...

Social Networking: Privacy and Surveillance

Internet sites and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Whatsapp, LinkedIn, among others, have created new revolutionary ways to communicate, socialize, and interact. Other powerful mobile and web-based applications have also been developed for almost every social aspect of human life: From Uber, which helps users to get...

The Role of Social Media in Activism and Revolution

Introduction The recent technological advancement has made communication a lot easier. More than 50% of the world population are now using cell phones and other wireless devices to transmit voice and text messages across the globe (Howard 6). According to Howard (7), social media makes it possible to transmit information...

The Role of Social Networks in the Political and Social Activism of Citizens

Introduction In the era of information technology, social media has reached a new stage of its development, where the speed of message delivery and the possibility to reach even remote corners of the Earth created a platform for global communication with no limits whatsoever. The fact that major political changes...

The Changing Media Industry in Bahrain

Executive Summary Changes in media presentation and information delivery is a 21st-century issue that people embrace from different parts of the world. Pitiably, some parts of the world still strive to integrate such structures into existing systems. Besides giving an overview of the ethnic and socio-political environment of Bahrain, the...

Media Power and Post Modernity

Analysis of print advertisements for similar products using semiotic methods This is a semiotic analysis of two print advertisements whose similarity lies in the fact that all of them refer to fragrance, but of different sexes. Semiotics study focuses on signs, sign systems, and their resultant meanings. People use this...

Human Interactions in the Form of Communication

Introduction Human interactions appear in the form of communication, and this communication can either be in terms of spoken or written discourse. Discourse is a word derived from a Latin word, discursus, and it means conversation or speech. Therefore, in any communicative event, discourse is the dominant feature. In fact,...

Mitsubishi Motors’ Automobile Advertising

The goal of captivating the readers’ attention was successfully achieved by the designers of an advertisement for Mitsubishi Motors auto which was printed in MensHealth in February, 2011. Appealing to the viewers’ desire to feel safety through protection from the surrounding, on the one hand, and the audience’s fear of...

Social Media’s Influence Role in Activism

Introduction The so-called Arab Spring has shown that people are ready to struggle for their rights and seek for a better life without resorting to violence. For instance, people in the Arab region found ways to organize a variety of demonstrations and other gatherings to make a difference. Notably, there...

“Solitary Nation” – Documentary Film Analysis

Introduction This paper is aimed at discussing the documentary film called Solitary Nation which throws light on the way in which segregation and isolation can affect convicted people. The central purpose of this movie is to increase viewers’ awareness about the use of solitary confinement in prisons and demonstrate that...

Michael Reagan’s Role in Social Media

Politics, business, and media are the connected spheres, and the life of Michael Reagan supports this idea, serving as an effective illustration. Michael Reagan is a famous American author, columnist, political consultant and strategist, and the former American radio host. Reagan became known in the United States because of his...

Ecological Problems in “the Human Footprint” Documentary

The Main Problem The main problem the filmmaker addresses is the impact of human activities on their environment. The environment includes the external physical environment and the internal environment: the human body. The various parts of the movie show how different actions that human beings do on daily basis impact...

Revolutionary Press: Arguments of Different Historians

The press involves various materials that include the media, machines and other printed items. The main aim of the press is ideally to inform the masses. History has it because most of the information we get is from the press. The press has undergone a revolution which in many aspects...

The Folgers Commercial Narrative

Summary of the source text In his essay “On reading video text,” Robert Scholes explains how videos use the visual sense to relay powerful messages to us. As a significant segment of multimedia, video texts are constantly running on television sets and currently, account for a significant part of the...

Women and Men TV Roles

The roles of men and women in society have always been different to a large degree, and it would seem that women’s movement would change the way women were treated in society, but television and media brought about new problems that are evident in the modern day and age. For...

Oprah Winfrey and Network TV

Introduction Modern technology has enabled people to communicate effectively and this aspect has revolutionized how they conduct their daily activities. The entertainment industry has benefited from improved technology and television stations have earned public recognition through their programs. Media personalities have advanced their careers and this move has created room...

Effective Business Communication: The Importance of Messages

Effective communication is one of the most important prerequisites for business success. This is because, not only does it help to pass on important messages from top organs in an organization, but also in some instances, it can help to solve organizational problems, which may arise because of ineffective communication...

New Content Marketing Ideas

Content marketing is a booming activity right now, with thousands of websites and blogs posting tens of thousands of pieces of new content daily. This competitive market of ideas can challenge a business/website owner seeking novel content to attract and retain customers. This task is complicated by rapid changes in...

TV Script: Populist Movement and Its Relation to The Wizard Oz

My greetings to everyone, who decide to spend some time near own TV-sets and watch our program! Today, we will talk about our history, our past that has an unbelievable impact on our present and certainly on our future. At the end of the 19th century, lots of American farmers...

Media Exposure and Its Influence on Adolescents

One of the most critical and vulnerable stages of human development is adolescence. This period is true for any boy or girl and, factually, is the most susceptible to changes, broadly affecting the psychological level of the human being (Craig & Baucum, 2001). In the modern culture, both audio and...

Auto Magazine Advertisement Analysis

Introduction There is a well known marketing cliché that even if you have invented the best mouse trap in the world, people will not beat a path to your house to buy it. In other words, the product has to be marketed well for it to be successful. This paper...

Human Trafficking and Public Service Announcements

Public Service Announcements (PSAs) are powerful social issue ads targeting a great variety of problems, including human trafficking. To increase the effectiveness of an advertisement campaign and address the issues more efficiently, it is important to understand what the project’s target audience is and select the appropriate communication means which...

Value of Advertising and Branding

Introduction Marketing, advertising, branding, and marketing directors play a significant role in a business. These departments influence a business’s image to the public, accessibility of its products, brand image, customer loyalty, sales volumes, and the products’ strength against competition. Depending on the size of a business and its budget, these...

Public Speaking Experience and Recommendations for Improvement

Introduction Public speaking refers to the act of speaking to a group of people. Although the thought of speaking in public creates anxiety and discomfort, it does not have to be scary (Thomas, 2009). In general, excellent public speakers are men and women who tend to focus on having a...